#(I keep thinking it’s 72 but it’s not)
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#got her last night :)#I don’t usually masuda hunt#but when I do :)#I forget exactly how many eggs she took but she was super fast#I THINK only 72 eggs? I didn’t keep an exact count but I think that’s where I was?#I’m surprised with how streamlined masuda is in swsh#it doesn’t make me want to pull out my hair!#anyways say hi to Ella Woo Woo. yes that’s her name#you can call her WooWoo#Pokémon#shiny hunting#masuda method#shiny Pokémon#The Kiwi Shines
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how the turns have tabled
#enstars#rinky#rinniki#sana#72#swap au request from insta (bean's already done one of these tho)#i think they'd keep part of their original hairstyle (like tied up or headband) but make it a little different#also dyou like niki's shirt
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Mom picked up a cold the second to the last day of our trip. I did everything I could not to get it, but here we are. So compound jetlag with a head cold. I am so tired and so sick. Today is gonna be a great day.
#at least i don't have to keep wearing a mask#i think i was in a face mask for like 72 hours#good thing i scheduled myself out for today#gonna order some matzah ball soup#and spend the day in bed
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What happened with stitches? How’d he go from a scarecrow to A Man
Also how did everyone feel about it? (Including stitches) Especially Farimor, how did he feel about it?
ALRIGHT sorry about the delay in answering this. this is the big one. one of my favorite arcs. so i had to take the time to answer it properly LOL. for the sake of brevity i won't be going into CRAZY detail so feel free to ask followup questions on anything if you'd like! (my evil plan)
SO. somewhat of a tldr of the events leading up to this. aylith, the deity inside stitches, starts kind of slowly corrupting/influencing the members of his adventuring party. he has no control over this obviously, and is worried about his friends since her influence seems to be pretty negative.
worried that aylith will hurt his friends further, particularly farimor (though he's concerned about everyone, he's a good noodle) stitches tries to trick her by pretending to cede to her will. he then overloads himself with magic power, and knowingly destroys himself, hoping it will kill her as well. this is in the middle of battle, and in the confusion no one realizes what he's doing fast enough to try to stop him (though it may not have worked anyway).
obviously, this is very traumatic for farimor. for most of his life he's made a point to keep his distance from others, for fear of getting close with someone and losing them or being betrayed. he finally let his guard down with stitches, perhaps a little unintentionally, but it was going well enough before this, so he's almost blindsided by the exact thing he feared this entire time finally happening the MOMENT it has the opportunity to. i won't get into it too much, but he's severely impacted by this and spirals. doubles down on his (already pretty bad) alcoholism, pushes away any other connections… just completely reclusive and depressed. he still takes work, kind of falling back in his old habit of surviving just for the sake of surviving with no real goals.

MEANWHILE stitches is kind of in a weird limbo death state. he can see what's happening still, and he's somewhat like a ghost, but because of the nature of his soul he can't really go anywhere. he stays like this for a while, unsure of how to solve this issue for himself. sadder still, he CAN see what fari's up to, so unfortunately he has to watch his decline.
after a while, aylith returns in her true form, to try to kill the remaining members of stitches' party. stitches obviously realizes that his sacrifice didn't work, and is reasonably freaking out. despite his distrust for deities, he ends up taking a deal with another different god in order to save his friends, WITH the exception that he owes the god nothing. all that is asked of him is that he kills aylith for good.
he's given a new form when he is returned to life to save his party, since the scarecrow form he took before was destroyed. he's an aasimar thanks to the the intervention of the god he's dealt with. his appearance is made in the image of his "ideal" self– an almost entirely stereotypical "hero" type. a handsome, golden god looking paladin with shining armor, that type of thing. this is how he always visualized himself in his mind LOL

obviously this is a huge change for stitches. he can't remember a lot of his past as a scarecow (though he retains memory in the form of his feelings- just his memory of specific events is hazy). it's scary at first, since he can actually feel pain now, and he's also capable of feeling a full human range of emotions, which is very overwhelming. like if your brain emotionally developed all at once LOL. he DOES get used to it eventually, though he IS still pretty naive and trusting and QUITE socially inept (and maybe kinda pretty dumb. but in his defense he just grew a brain 2 days ago).
farimor is initially just completely overwhelmed by the idea that stitches is back, since he thought he had lost him forever. he's already emotionally stunted as hell to begin with, so it's A LOT for him as you can imagine. his first reaction is to be angry with stitches for everything, but he quickly comes to his senses and realizes that it really wasn't his fault. they make up easily, stitches isn't the type to get angry, especially with farimor, and forgives him a lot faster than fari thinks he deserves.
their relationship gets back to normal pretty quickly after this. obviously fari is glad to have him back more than anything, and kind of gets a better grasp on identifying and managing his own emotions in the process of trying to help stitches understand HIS newly formed nuanced emotions. they also get back to their usual lifestyle/adventuring work, stitches is eager to get back to hero-ing as you can imagine LOL. they travel a lot to work, but they're based in willowdale when they aren't. an actual house, rather than staying at the inn.

i fear i am yapping for too long about this so i will end off on this. trust it gets gay. LOL
stitches' newly unlocked emotions got him realizing he's in love with fari romantically, and of course fari has been feeling the same and burying/denying it much longer (in typical fashion for him). anyway i could elaborate on much of this but this writeup is already nearly two whole google doc pages long so i have to restrain myself, for this post at least. HOPE U ENJOY !!

#stitches tag#farimor tag#basically i think about them constantly#sorry about the can of worms u have opened with this ask LOL#but also thank you so much#i know a lot of this is kinda vague but i had to control myself and not write a 72 page novel LMFAO#trying to keep up answering with relative quickness but the holidays was kicking my ass but we are soooo back
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wow so watcher just singlehandedly killed their channel
#i get wanting to ensure your company is profitable but moving everything onto a streaming service aint it chief#we are in a cost of living crisis and you want people to pay for another service?#when most are cancelling the ones they already have?#what are they thinking#‘we wanted to keep the price low enough to make it affordable for everyone’ whos everyone? i cant afford 60-72 dollars a year#and thats in usd#for me thats 93-112 bucks a year and thats not happening#how they didnt just start with a channel membership is beyond me#this was such a short sighted and out of touch idea#and theyve already started archiving their videos which makes the whole thing feel so disingenuous#and moving everything off youtube will mean theyll have no subscriber growth bc how are people supposed to discover them?#the comments on the video are so cordial everyone is saying this stuff by the hundreds#so heres hoping they roll it back#even their reasons for it being they cant do bigger production shows bc of their budget#people dont watch you for the production#i for one was a little put out when they started overproducing their shows it felt like they were trying to hard#its always been about their personalities#i just cant believe they didnt think this through#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#hey there demons it’s me ya boy#watcher#buzzfeed unsolved#shane madej#ryan bergara#steven lim#ghoul boys#ghost files
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thinking about john's multitude of short-lived, often quickly-abandoned apartments for some reason, so a couple details:
although you might expect to find a very wizard-y interior to any place he's currently living at — you know, grimoires, skulls, dust, clutter, etc. — his flats actually tend to be fairly spartan in terms of decor; they've even been accused of looking modern, here and there. he just moves too frequently to really settle in & accrue Things, and has so often had to simply up & leave everything he currently owned behind (with very little chance of getting any of it back) that he no longer attaches much meaning to household objects.
besides the consistent presence of at least one bookshelf with at least 12 books on it, and a sad sprig of garden sage that miraculously hasn't died yet, the one exception to his lack of personal touch is his extensive collection of records + tapes, all of which he has repeatedly & methodically tracked down and bought / bid / traded / stolen / threatened for / blackmailed for / simply taken back whenever an enterprising landlord or new tenant left him the opportunity to do so. his record player itself has never needed to be taken back, since it has always mysteriously vanished from whatever flat he's leaving and mysteriously appeared wherever he's staying; it's convenient like that. his 10th anniversary walkman, however, frequently goes missing, only to turn up again later in a place he KNOWS he checked when he's least expecting it.
lack of home decor isn't to say he doesn't own much, mind: the bulk of his personal possessions — assorted occult paraphernalia, blackmail documentation, miscellaneous crap from his mucous membrane days, and anything he is able to take with him from past flats — are usually stored off-site, in a secure location that can't easily be tied back to him. this guy's been accused of being a satanic killer on multiple occasions, he knows better than to keep all the real shit out where anyone can just swan in and see it.
currently, this storage location (which i lovingly call occult shit central) is an abandoned inner london storefront + adjoining flat that was formerly his old friend ray monde's shop and home, called brick-a-brac antiques. it's decidedly cozier than the last place, (in that there are chairs, plural,) and has fewer bear traps laid out in anticipation of unlucky thieves; in fact, if a person were to visit without already knowing where constantine actually lives, it'd be easy to mistake it as his expectedly-wizardy flat. it's not an ideal location for an occult shit central, too close to the heart of the city and too close to people to avoid drumming up suspicion should constantine attempt any sort of ritual inside, but until chas finally quits ducking the paperwork and signs over his storage lot (which he may or may not be dragging his feet on out of pure resentment for having to do it at all) ray's place is the best option there is.
constantine's previous (and future) storage location was a lock-up in streatham that chas had been letting him use (see: all but surrendered to him entirely) since he got out of ravenscar, but after constantine's sister died, john decided he was done with magic and, in a spontaneous fit of rage, burnt the place down with everything but a few necessities still inside. he regretted this later, when he inevitably returned to the occult scene after just over a year away, and spent a lot of time calling in favors / hypnotizing arson inspectors to try and put together an inventory of everything he'd lost.
in the nearly 20 years since the fire, he's managed to replace or find substitutes for about 2/3 of what he had (occult-wise), and gather enough fresh dirt / do enough favors / orchestrate enough compromising situations to accumulate a little over 1/4 of the political / interpersonal power he once maintained. ( the lack of success in the latter being, in part, because people now in power aren't as familiar with his name & reputation as they once were; in part because people just don't believe in magic as much as they used to, or were otherwise bought by hell / heaven / other parties a LONG time ago; and in part because he's come to absolutely fucking despise most politicians / people in power more than he is willing to work with them, or more than he is able to plausibly believe they won't try to drop him at the first opportunity. )
you would be hard-pressed to find a landlady/landlord that speaks kindly of this man. if he wasn't kicked out for suspicious smells / disturbing noises / sudden infestations / suspected satanic activity, then it's likely that he abruptly up and disappeared in the middle of the night, with no warning and no rent. (on a few occasions, this vanishing act also coincided conspicuously with a gruesome death on the premises, sometimes of the landlady/landlord themselves, although no one's ever been able to prove anything.) frankly it's . . . magic, that people still rent to him.
due to these aforementioned bad ends, he's incredibly lucky if he gets enough time or leeway to take any sort of furniture with him from one place to the next. however, there is one incredibly comfy, wing-backed, sapphire-blue armchair that's miraculously managed to survive every move in the last ten or so years without being reported stolen — even though it has survived every move because it has, in fact, been stolen in the dead of night nearly every single time, by john and at least one of his buddies.
#( ooc. ) OUT OF CIGS.#the extent to which i think about constantine's personal storage unit should frankly be concerning to medical professionals. but i digress#it's the rust cohle instinct to make yourself a secret lair i fear. i too would like a private little cubbyhole that no one knows about#where i go to plot my little plots and draw my little pepe silvia webs and occasionally live and sleep out of#anyway this man trades apartments like fleas trade barn cats. bc people and creatures just keep fuckin SHOWING UP and RUINING THINGS#he just wants a HOME GODDAMMIT!! STOP SLOPPING DEMON MUCOUS ALL OVER THE CARPET AND ENTICING HIM TO SOLVE PROBLEMS!!!!#i do think i will return custody of the streatham lockup to john when he turns 72. but i like the challenge of a tiny lil change#it's my way of acknowledging that he is getting older and the world is changing around him. and chas is still pissed about the fire#and i think john would Hate to see ray's store just lying empty after all these years. that was a sanctuary for both of them for a long tim#( headcanons. ) I'M JUST LIKE THE BASTARDS I'VE HATED ALL ME LIFE.
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it's warframe rewind! time for the rewind 😜
#warframe#leoframe#warframe2024#just posting 4 keeping track#i think 72 warframes crafted is nuts#i'm missing maybe 3 left to subsume.........
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#i have humidifiers i have water pans (but you gotta keep on top of them so they dont mold and they WILL mold)#I AM BOILING A SIMMER POT ON THE STOVE FOR. SOMETHING#EVERYTHING IS DRY. MOTHER OF GOD.#my brother whose 300 sq ft apartment hoyse is built on CONCRETE and constantly battles HIGH humidity is ALSO dealing with#SEVERELY LOW HUMIDITY so we think it's just january weather but like. oh my goddddddddd#i had to switch nose gels (i got an email about the one i used that went 'please contact us to find out the problem with our stuff' and i#went 'uhhhh ill just throw it away and switch brands.' got regular saline#IVE BEEN HAVING TEA WITH LUNCH!!!!!#AND YET THE HOUSE IS BONE DRY AND SO AM I!!!!!!!!!!#heat is on 72 during the day 68 at night i will NOT go lower during the day. i cannot.
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i was reading up on ars goetia for solomon reasons, and i noticed something that piqued my interest. most if not all his pact demons are said to command legions of demons themselves (notably eligos with 60 legions, belial with 80 legions, and paimon with 200 legions). a lot of them even have a whole host of abilities comparable to barbatos’ time-related powers (in fact many are listed to be able to speak past and future, or to manipulate it, much like barbatos).
all this to say i think it would be neat if in canon part of the reason solomon is considered so powerful is not only because he has powerful magic in his own right, but also because he commands an army of 72 demons, most of which have entire armies of their own and special abilities to boot.
#legions by definition are said to be 3000-6000 men#this is of course in reference to roman armies but i mean it’s applicable#which would mean by controlling 72 demons solomon actually has power over thousands if not hundreds of thousands of demons#maybe they are ‘lesser demons’ as referred to in the game but i mean most of his pactmates are referred to as lords dukes kings and princes#in ars goetia#and i don’t think he’d go around making pacts with any weak demons#imagine being diavolo and some dude shows up the devildom and is like hiii :3 i control half your nobility and their personal armies btw#and ur butler too#and he’s not even evil abt it he’s just like sooo can i see the royal library now :>#this is actually so funny to think about#the only thing keeping lucifer from smiting him into oblivion for his wizard shenanigans is the fact that#400000 demons would descend upon him at once like come outside lucifer we just want to talk#solomon obey me#obey me solomon#obey me#txt
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if lucanis is appalled by the way neve makes coffee, the way red makes coffee would fucking kill him outright
#saint.txt#//food#oc: red#she brews it exclusively to keep her awake for the next 48 - 72 hours straight taste is the most distant concern to her#he gets morbidly curious one time and red makes the infamous coffee and it’s probably a legendary incident#I think neve drinks it just fine and lucanis is like what is WRONG with you.
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1. For the incident and the episode one, when it gets to have too many answers, I shall get rid of the ones that no one’s picking and/or that don’t correlate to results very well. (I’ll have an “how dare you not include [insert episode]” like for the TMA episode question as well, and will add back in any that people ask for a lot)
2. Fellow fatigue fan!!! I love that episode so much!!! Whoever you are, reach out, we should be friends, I am also conflict-avoidant and drink too much coffee
#you have no idea how happy I am to see someone mention that episode#I am OBSESSED with it#one of the few episodes that really scares me to the point I need to be careful with it#tma#tmagp#tmagp quiz#mag 74#(I keep thinking it’s 72 but it’s not)
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ive watched 51 movies this year so far i think if i commit i can make it to 100...
#october itself is 31 right there#between november and december to finish it off?#i think we can do this#last year i watched 72#yes i keep track of my film watching experience via letterboxd lists im normal
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grhhh i cant wait til the baby ages up so i can dress her up
#i havent played with infant syet im so excited but since im playing on my crazy bitch long lifespan. sigh#i will say i am seeing whyyyyyy the lifespans arent this long normally.#LOL. but im having fun#^for reference i have newborns as newborns for 14 days ( i thought it was 7 but 14 apparently curses)#i do umm. 7 day seasons so 28 day years#and then each age is like. based on human ages so i like. yk. i multiply each year by 28#so like toddlers i think i have them as like 3-6 so theyd be 72 ? if my maths not wrong. 54 +28.. my math was wrong. 82. my math was wrong#again itd be 56+28. so 84... yes.#which will be hell. i might have 2 switch to normal lifespans bc. SKULL#it just bothers me and i like them at least keeping the same birthseason...
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A code status is what you want the hospital to do if your heart or breathing stops, and we've got two basic options: full code which means we do EVERYTHING and Do Not Resuscitate or DNR which means we do less than everything. There's like little add-ons like intubated or not intubated, or blood products or no blood products, but that's basic gist of it. Do you want us to try everything we can to save your life or if your heart stops, is that it? And then we take that information and put it in your chart and make it very prominent in case we need to find it quickly in an emergency. Jane Doe, 72 years old, DNR. John Whatsisname, 49 years old, full code. Like that.
Anyway I'd like to propose a third code status that we'll call "DNR!!!" This is when you not only don't want heroic measures to extend your life, you are so excited to die. I thought of this recently when getting report on a patient, and the day nurse talking to me was like, "Alice Smith, 80 years old, DNR and she will tell you that herself." And I was like, "I don't think code status is gonna come up organically," and the nurse was like, "It won't, but she'll tell you anyway." And then I introduced myself to the patient, and like three minutes in as we're talking about pain meds, she goes, "and by the way, when I'm dead, I'm DEAD. Don't be bringing me back! Every woman in my family has lived past 90, and I'm here to break that tradition! NO one needs to live that long, and I certainly don't, and frankly it's indecent for me to have made it this far. God willing the reaper will come for me any day now. I would never take actions to make him come sooner, but I'm not moving that fast and he is DAWDLING. Disgusting. No work ethic these days. And don't bother with a grave, just chuck me out the window and let the birds at me."
And I'm like "so is that a no to the tylenol"
And she was like "oh no, I'd love some tylenol and a warm blanket too. Now look at me. I've done everything I could possibly want to do in this world and quite a few things I didn't want to do, and personally I don't think I should have to keep doing things. I'd also love a cranberry juice."
Anyway. DNR!! I'm sorry to say she made it through the night completely unscathed.
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Okay, officially broke 20k in dr1 end rewrite fic as of yesterday, so probably going to try and hit up WIP asks...later?
I kind of want to pay attention to this month's 4-Sided Dive, so idk how much writing I'll get done while listening to that.
#musings#bandit writes fic#dr1 end rewrite fic#i did skip a chapter#because i know i want another remnants chapter between the last one i finished and the one i just started#and i think i'll probably add another chapter before that too#give kyoko three chapters of increasing hallucinations before she collapses#(i found out that apparently you start hallucinating after 48hrs no sleep instead of 72 so either#she's really cognizant or she hasn’t been awake 72hrs or#she's already been hallucinating some stuff and just hasn't noticed)#((why do i keep writing characters with hallucination problems#me staring at 1) jess 2) luisa alver 3) diana goodman))#NOT THE POINT#the chapter i'm currently in /looks like/ chapter ten#but in reality it's probably chapter twelve
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idk if someone asked you this but i’m a new reader and I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOUR WORKS!!!
can you please make wonwoo, the nerdy president who u thought was innocent and sweet but he’s the one behind ur fave nsfw audio creator???? AND HE’S A HARDFUCKER.. not what u expected tho..
i don’t know if i make sense but please pretty please 😭☝️
Synopsis: where you discover that the nerdy class president is the one man who creates the most nasty NSFW audios that you spend long nights listening to. WC: 2.8k WARNINGS: smut, audio porn, masturbation, hard fuck, dirty talk (obviously), bad sleeping habits (because of wonwoo), fingering, spanking, dirty talk, pussy eating, penetrative sex, protected sex, wonwoo whining, a lil invasion of privacy.
you’ve been running on fumes all day, the hazy buzz of sleep deprivation clinging to your brain like static. it’s no surprise, really. your night had gone the way it always does: you got home, flopped into your chair, threw on your headphones, and let onyx_lens—your favorite nsfw asmr creator—drag you under with that stupidly deep voice of his.
it was kind of pathetic, actually. you barely remember what the script was about—something about obedience or whatever—but you do remember the sound of his voice sinking into your brain like warm honey, making you cum so hard that you blacked the fuck out right after. now here you were, bleary-eyed and trying to stay upright in literature class, the regret of last night’s poor choices catching up with you.
wonwoo, the class president who was somehow both effortlessly chill and annoyingly observant, had been glancing at you every few minutes. you could feel his eyes on you as your head dipped forward for the third time, only to snap back up like a busted bobblehead.
but, in true wonwoo fashion, he didn’t say anything. no scolding, no judgmental sighs—just quiet observation.
when class finally ended, you were ready to yeet yourself into a nap for a solid 72 hours. you were shoving your stuff into your bag when wonwoo’s voice cut through the noise.
“you good?”
you froze. his voice wasn’t the same as onyx_lens’s, obviously, but it had that same deep, smooth timbre that made your brain short-circuit for a second. it didn’t help that his question sounded so much like something out of an nsfw script. you turned to face him, hoping your face wasn’t giving away how flustered you suddenly were. “uh—yeah,” you said, shaking your head a little too quickly. “just tired.”
wonwoo raised an eyebrow. “not sleeping well?”
your brain screamed. your tired, half-horny brain screamed louder. the overlap of his voice and onyx_lens in your head was un-fucking-bearable. you managed to nod, muttering something about late nights and deadlines, hoping he wouldn’t pry.
he didn’t, but his next question wasn’t much better.
“think you could help me with the sci-fi project? your last lit analysis was good, and i could use the extra pair of hands.”
you blinked at him. “me?”
he nodded, adjusting his glasses. “you. unless you’re too busy with...whatever’s keeping you up.”
oh, you mean my nightly sessions with onyx_lens and my vibrator?
you swallowed hard and tried to play it cool. “nah, i can help.”
and that’s how you found yourself standing outside wonwoo’s apartment later that evening, clutching your bag. his place was exactly what you’d expect from him—minimalist, neat, and smelling faintly of coffee.
“come in,” he said, holding the door open for you. “make yourself comfortable.”
easier said than done. you perched awkwardly on his couch as he set up his laptop on the coffee table, your eyes darting around the room in an attempt to ignore how nice his voice sounded in person.
“so,” he began, sitting across from you, “any ideas for the project?”
you cleared your throat, trying to focus. “uh, maybe something about robots and humanity? like, exploring ethical dilemmas or something.”
wonwoo nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on you in a way that made your skin heat. “good idea. we could tie that into the main themes from class.”
he leaned forward slightly, scrolling through a document on his laptop, and you couldn’t help but notice how his glasses slipped down his nose. you were so not prepared for this level of proximity or his stupidly deep voice.
“you okay?” he asked again, glancing at you.
you blinked, realizing you’d been staring. “yeah, just...thinking.”
his lips twitched into a small, knowing smile. “good. let me know if you need a break or...anything.”
the way he said anything sent a shiver down your spine. you weren’t sure if it was exhaustion, residual arousal from last night, or the sheer presence of wonwoo in his element, but your brain was a mess.
you were supposed to be helping him with this project, but all you could think about was the way his voice would sound whispering in your ear, saying things that would make onyx_lens blush.
you were so close to winning the “most pathetic college student of the year” award it wasn’t even funny. after much back-and-forth with wonwoo, class president of your downfall, you somehow convinced him to let you walk home alone. except the man still went all soft and paid for a taxi anyway, which, like… thanks? but also stop being so nice, what the hell.
it was nearing 11 p.m. when you got home, and as if on cue, your phone pinged with a notification: onyx_lens’s weekly live is starting.
you stared at it for a second, blinking in disbelief. today’s theme? "neon circuits and orgasm denial (a cyberpunk experience) 8d audio"
sci-fi-themed. of fucking course.
you almost laughed at the audacity of the universe for this one. was this some sort of cosmic joke? was wonwoo onyx_lens?! no way. no goddamn way. you shook off the thought as delulu nonsense and dragged yourself to the bathroom for a quick sponge bath.
by the time you flopped into your chair, headphones on, the live was already in full swing. that voice—that stupidly deep, velvety voice—flooded your ears as the chat buzzed with unhinged comments. onyx purred, and you were done for.
you couldn’t even focus on the sci-fi plot he was spinning, something about rogue androids, monster cock, neon vibrators and human experimentation. his voice wrapped around you like a silk chokehold, and you were gone—just a vibrating mess in your chair, coming undone embarrassingly fast.
fast forward to the next morning: you woke up feeling like a used dishrag. again. headphones still on, your phone dead, and the memory of last night’s live replaying in your brain like a broken record.
by the time you dragged yourself to class, you were running on fumes and vibes. your hoodie was scrunched up around your face, making you look like a cross between a gremlin and an overgrown baby.
wonwoo noticed. you could feel his eyes boring into you as you tried—and failed—to stay upright. you were so close to just giving in and laying flat on the floor. honestly, it might’ve been comfier than your chair at that point.
wonwoo, sitting two rows away, looked like he was internally debating whether to intervene or let you rot in peace. when the bell rang, you startled awake like you’d been electrocuted, nearly knocking your stuff off your desk in the process.
“you okay?” he asked, falling into step beside you as you shuffled out of the classroom like a zombie.
“i’m fine,” you mumbled, voice muffled by your hoodie. “just need food. like, now.”
you detoured to the convenience store on the way to his apartment, snagging an entire kimbap roll and tearing into it like a starving animal. wonwoo followed behind, holding your water bottle with a look that was equal parts judgment and amusement.
“you couldn’t wait?” he asked, watching as you ate half the roll in one bite.
“bro,” you said around a mouthful of rice, “if i didn’t eat this, i was gonna pass out on the cold asphalt. your problem now, mr. class president.”
he rolled his eyes but didn’t argue, just handed you your water like the reluctant babysitter he was.
this was going to be a long afternoon.
you couldn’t help yourself. the suspicion had been eating away at you for weeks now, ever since you first heard his voice in class and that nagging sense of déjà vu set in. wonwoo had escaped to the bathroom, and you had the perfect opportunity to snoop.
your fingers hovered over his notebook, but then your gaze darted back to your own screen. back and forth, back and forth. his notebook. yours. the coincidences were piling up like a conspiracy wall in your head. the voice, the specific vocabulary choices, even the cadence—how did i not notice this earlier?!
“fuck it,” you whispered to yourself, grabbing his notebook and quickly pulling up the site where you normally streamed your favorite asmr creator. just to check. just to confirm your theory.
your heart pounded as the site loaded, every second dragging like molasses. the channel page opened, and at first, it seemed normal. too normal. you almost clicked away, feeling stupid for even suspecting anything.
but then you saw it: edit profile. analytics.
your breath caught, and a sharp scoff escaped you as you crossed your arms. oh, my god. the realization hit you like a freight train. it’s him. wonwoo. class president. sci-fi nerd. “how the fuck did i not notice?” you muttered, half impressed by his audacity.
you were so lost in your spiraling thoughts that you didn’t hear him return—until his voice, practically kissed your earlobe.
“what. do. you. think. you. are. doing?”
you jumped so hard your knee slammed into the underside of the desk. whipping around, you found wonwoo standing over you, his expression unreadable but his jaw tight.
“uh—nothing?” you stammered, trying to slam your laptop shut, but his hand darted out and stopped you.
“‘nothing’ doesn’t look like you snooping through my computer,” he said, his voice dangerously calm.
your cheeks burned. “okay, fine, maybe i was curious—”
“you were curious?” his tone sharpened. “curious enough to invade my privacy?”
“invade your—bro, you’re literally whispering dirty robot sex fantasies to the entire internet. how is that private?”
“that’s different!” his ears flushed a deep red, and you couldn’t tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. “that’s content. this—this is personal.”
you rolled your eyes, leaning back in your chair. “oh, please. you’re mad i figured it out. admit it.”
he leaned closer, towering over you now, his hand pressing down on the desk beside you. “what do you want, huh? blackmail? are you gonna tell everyone?”
you laughed, loud and incredulous. “tell everyone?! dude, relax. i’m not gonna expose your little side hustle. besides…” you smirked, tilting your head to look up at him. “you should be thanking me. clearly, i’m a fan.”
wonwoo’s eyes darkened, and his lips parted as if to say something, but no words came out.
“you’re a what?” he asks, your pulse skyrocketing as he stepped even closer, crowding you against the chair.
“did i stutter?” you whispered, the challenge clear in your tone.
his mouth crashed onto yours, teeth and tongue and frustration. you barely had time to process it before he was yanking you out of the chair, his hands rough as they gripped your hips and spun you around.
“you want to act like a brat,” he growled into your ear, his voice so reminiscent of his asmr persona that it made you roll your eyes back slighty, “then you’re gonna get treated like one.”
he bent you over the desk, the cold surface pressing against your chest as he yanked down your college skirt and underwear at once. his fingers slid through your folds, already slick just from being around him.
“so fucking wet,” he muttered, almost to himself. “you get off on this, don’t you? knowing it’s me.”
“shut your mouth,” you gasped, but it came out more like a moan as he pushed two fingers inside you, curling them and pressing them hard on your front wall.
“make me,” he challenged, his other hand coming down sharply on your ass. the sting made you gasp, your hips jerking against his hand as you tense on the desk.
the pace of his fingers was relentless, his thumb circling your clit in time with the thrusts. every part of your body was starting to be feveirsh, and you hated—hated—how easily he was unraveling you. you spent nights thinking about how it would be if onyx fucked you, and here you are. of course you would be a mess in a second.
“sorry” he mocked you. “am i too much for you?”
you clenched around his fingers, your nails digging into the desk as you tried to hold back a moan. “you talk too fucking much actually wonwoo,” you hissed.
“yeah, that's what's paying me at nights” wonwoo chuckled darkly, pulling his fingers out and flipping you onto your back with his big arms. before you could protest, he was kneeling between your legs, his mouth suddenly hot and insistent against your core, better than any other vibrator you insisted on using at night.
the sounds—the wet, obscene sounds of his tongue—mixed with your whimpers as he devoured you like a man starved. his hands gripped your thighs, holding you open as you tried to squirm away from the overwhelming sensation.
“stop?” he looked up, his chin glistening. “not until you admit i’m your favorite.”
you glared down at him, breathless and defiant. “you’re such an asshole.”
“and yet…” he smirked, diving back in and flicking his tongue against your clit until your head fell back, a broken moan spilling from your lips.
it didn’t take long before you were coming undone, your body shaking as his mouth pulled your clit. wonwoo didn’t stop, didn’t even slow down, dragging out your orgasm until you were a trembling, incoherent chaos beneath him.
wonwoo doesn’t waste a second after pulling back, his hands flipping you over again so you’re bent over the desk, your cheek pressed to the cool surface as he grinds against you. the thick outline of his cock rubs against your dripping folds, still covered by the soft fabric of his grey sweatpants. you gasp, your hips jerking back involuntarily, and his pearly-white smile flashes above you.
“look at that,” he murmurs, almost smug, as a dark spot begins to spread on his sweatpants from your slick. “you’re soaking me through.”
the way he emphasizes the word makes your back contort in shivers, but you’re too far gone to care. your fingers claw at the desk as he keeps humping against you, his pace quickening. when he finally pulls back, you hear the shuffle of fabric as he yanks down his sweatpants and briefs. the soft clink of a drawer opening catches your attention, and you crane your neck to see him sliding on a condom.
“you’re still melting all over my desk,” he rubs a hand over the curve of your ass. “can’t even wait for me, huh?”
before you can respond, his hand comes down sharply on your ass, the sting making you gasp. he doesn’t stop, spanking you again and again until your skin is flushed and burning.
“you look so pretty like this,” he says, his hand smoothing over the heated skin before gripping your waist and lining himself up. “all messy and desperate for me.”
when he pushes in, stretching you inch by inch until you’re full and breathless, pussy trying to clench at his big grith to adjust. wonwoo groans, his head falling forward as he sinks in to the hilt.
your walls flutter around him, and he moans at the feeling, the sound so real and raw that it sends a jolt straight to your core.
“talk to me,” you manage to gasp, your voice muffled against the desk.
he chuckles, his pace picking up as he leans down to whisper in your ear. “you want me to talk dirty? you want me to tell you how tight you are? how good you’re taking me?”
you moan in response, your hips bucking back against him as his words send you curling.
“yeah, you like that, don’t you?” he continues, his voice thick with lust. your moans grow louder, and he suddenly remembers the videos you must’ve listened to—the whining, the moaning. the thought makes his stomach flip, and he decides to give you exactly what you want.
he starts letting out soft whimpers, his voice breaking with each thrust, the sounds spilling out almost involuntarily. “fuck, babe, you’re gonna make me cum—”
the genuine desperation in his voice drives you wild, and your body clenches around him, pulling him deeper. he groans, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you’re sure they’ll leave marks, but you don’t care.
“please,” he moans, his voice high and strained. “let me cum for you. let me—fuck—”
you push back against him, meeting his thrusts as your own climax builds, your breaths coming in short, broken gasps. the room is filled with the wet, obscene sounds of your bodies moving together, and the tension snaps all at once.
you come hard, your body shaking as you cry out, and wonwoo isn’t far behind. his hips stutter, a guttural moan escaping him as he spills into the condom, his body trembling with the force of it.
he collapses over you, his chest heaving against your back as you both try to catch your breath. after a moment, he presses a soft kiss to the back of your neck, his voice still hoarse as he murmurs, “guess i’m a little better live, hm?”
you just let out a defeated moan, the coldness of the table soothing your hot cheeks.
“keep quiet about this, and i'll keep giving you more.” well, it's just an excuse that wonwoo said to fuck you over again.
#seventeen imagines#seventeen reactions#seventeen x reader#seventeen scenarios#seventeen headcanons#svt imagines#seventeen#seventeen smut#svt smut#wonwoo smut#wonwoo x reader#wonwoo fanfic#wonwoo drabbles#wonwoo scenarios#wonwoo seventeen#wonwoo imagines#wonwoo reactions#jeon wonwoo#wonwoo x you#wonwoo x y/n#wonwoo x oc#jeon wonwoo fanfic#jeon wonwoo seventeen#seventeen x you#seventeen x oc#seventeen x y/n#seventeen fanfic
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