#(I can't just forget that and turn on this series and trash it after all this time)
lizzieisright · 5 months
Moon peppers (4)
(1) (2) (3)
Palestine: what can you do
were!Abby x witch!reader
Summary: Abby runs away from her (former) pack and into your forest. You're not happy with your new (woods?)mate.
Tags: fantasy au, sloppy worldbuilding (fuck it we ball), fem!reader, alpha!abby, witch!reader (so not an omega), sentient forest, stubborn idiots in love who annoy each other.
Notes: how do I keep hating the witch after she saved my life asking for a friend
Taglist: @abbysbae @poxismind @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @pjmispunk @herdelreydear @lmaoo-spiderman @littletinyladybugs (if you want me to tag/untag you for the whole series dm me please)
Your morning is.. odd. You expected yourself to forget how to control so much magic, but instead it feels better than the last ten years you spent being weak. You really couldn't live like this: it made you feel vulnerable and helpless, and now that your power is back, you feel like yourself again.
In a way it terrifies you. Because you were a completely different person ten years ago, and now you don't want your old habits back. You don't like seeing your tattoos and runes, especially the ones on your forearms, but you try your best to make peace with it. Your tattoos have almost nothing to do with your power - they're just channels for your magic, a spellbook engraved in your skin. They were faint before yesterday, fading away as your powers grew weaker, but they were still there, and they will not disappear until you die. You have to accept it, and maybe, if you don't make stupid decisions this time, you'll change your heart about them. 
You meditate before breakfast to manage your flow of magic exactly like Caitlyn showed you, even though you expect the wolf to wake up at any moment and trash your still room. But the wolf is asleep - you can feel it through the bond, which is annoying: you don't like having your space disturbed like this. You're sure the wolf won't like it too. You concentrate on the bond between you to see how well the healing is happening and it makes you groan - fat chance it will be finished by the evening, with this pace it will take a whole damn week. The thought of spending more than a day with the wolf makes you depressed.
Abby wakes up. This fact alone shakes her to her core: she is not dead. She is supposed to be dead, what the fuck? More than that, she feels almost okay - she is not supposed to feel mostly okay, she fucking died! She knows this, because no way in hell she hallucinated having her throat ripped out. 
Then Abby opens her eyes, tries to move - and goes into survival mode. She is in a still room and she is restrained. All her paws are chained and she can't move. This is worse than death. Oh god, this is so much worse. 
Abby tugs on her chains with all her power, but they down even bulge. Abby growls and coils and tries again, but she only hits the wall with her back. Abby starts to panic: she can't stay here - the fucking witch bound her! She is in debt to the witch! She needs to leave before you come and order her to do something horrible. 
Abby tries again, but this time the door to the still room opens and Abby sees the creepy glowing eyes of yours. Abby starts to move around even more violently - she doesn't want you anywhere near her. You're one of the rare monsters of this world and she needs to either get away from you or to kill you, but she is not staying here. The moment she is free she will rip you to shreds. 
At least you look scared when you enter the room and you keep the biggest distance possible from her. Abby growls and snarls, clasping her jaws around the air, eager to kill you. 
“It's not what it looks like.” You blurt, your arm in the air as if you want to tell her you came in peace. 
Abby growls louder. 
“Listen, I'll free you if you calm the fuck down and turn into human form so we can talk.”
Abby is so angry she doesn't even consider the possibility of calming down or pretending to calm down. 
“Or I can force you to turn into a human.” You say in a shaky voice, as if you're yourself scared of this possibility. 
This actually makes Abby stop. She doesn't want you near her, so she needs to pick the least of two evils. Abby growls and starts to change, her fur disappears and her bones rearrange. The chains tighten around her human wrists and now she is sitting on your floor, glaring at you, her shirt ripped on her sides and her pants dirty.  
“Thank you. I will explain everything and then I'll free you, okay?” Abby just growls at you again. 
You swallow hard: the wolf is even scarier as a human. The woman is big and strong and her claws are out still, her arms are bulging with muscles, and the way she looks at you doesn't help you calm your nerves. Her shirt is red from blood and it only makes her look scarier. You clear your throat and start speaking.
“Yesterday I found you dead, and the woods wanted me to save you. So I did. Right now you're still in the process of healing and if you go too far away from me, the energy will stop coming and you will die. This is why I brought you here. I also knew you would want to kill me or you'd run away, so I chained you. Now, please make peace with the fact that you're stuck with me for a while and then I will release you. Good? Good.”
Abby growls, humbled. She doesn't want to make peace with it, but you do sound logical. And you're still scared of her, which is a good sign: maybe you won't have the guts to hurt her. 
“Am I blood bound to you?” Abby growls and you look offended and angry, which confuses Abby. And also amuses. 
“Fuck you.” You spit. “Not all witches are like this, you ungrateful beast. The only bound you have is the energy one that heals you. After that you're free to leave and please don't ever see me again. Jerk.”
You flick your fingers for the chains to disappear and stomp out of the still room. You knew this werewolf was an asshole, but holy fuck! 
The wolf stomps after you.
“It would not have happened if you didn't take all the moon peppers!” The woman argues and follows you to the kitchen. You turn around and stare at this ungrateful, entitled shit of a wolf. 
“First of all, as if a bunch of moon peppers would have saved you from getting your throat ripped out!” You snap back and get into her face, angry and stubborn. “Second of all, maybe if you didn't fucking attack me and talked to me instead I would have shared some of them!” You flip your arms around in frustration.
“Because witches are famous for being helpful and kind.” The wolf snarls at you and you can't believe the audacity of her. 
But she is also right. She did have all the reasons to attack you and not trust you. You calm down a bit and take a step back. 
“It's still idiotic to attack a witch. I might've not been so nice.”
“You were shitting your pants in fear.” The wolf deadpans.
“As if I wouldn’t find a way to get my revenge without a direct attack. You're exceptionally stupid.” You huff and the wolf growls. “You took my friend's den, covered it in blood and attacked me. Do you comprehend what I could have done if I wanted to? You know why witches use blood binding? Because it  makes us stronger.” You hiss sadistically into the blonde's face.
For a second there's fear in the wolf's eyes, and some part of you feel satisfied. The other part, though, feels disgusted with you. You take a breath. 
“I'm sorry. You just really pissed me off being so stubborn about your own safety.” You sigh and rub your face. 
The silence falls and you go to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for yourself and for this stupid wolf: after all, you will be stuck together and if someone will be nasty and poison the shared time, it won't be you. 
Abby blinks. She feels lost. She expected you to be some kind of creep or a sadist, even if you were afraid of her; and she knew you could've bound her - that's exactly what she thought happened. But she didn't expect you to actually be nice. Well, relatively nice: you chained her for her own good, then threatened her and now you just apologised to her, and Abby feels like a fool if she continues being mean to you. She really doesn't have any ground to mistreat you except some rumours and her awful, but limited experience. She only met one witch before. 
Well. She can play nice too. 
“I'm Abby.” Abby says grumpily, still not ready to believe you: you just threatened to bind her, for god's sake!
You hum and tell her your name as well while you cut vegetables with aggressive vigour. Abby assumes you're imagining cutting her into pieces. 
It's awkward. It is really, really awkward. You're obviously still frustrated and Abby doesn't burn with desire to talk to you either. Plus she is in your home and she definitely doesn't know where to put herself. She settles for a stool near you. Abby stares at your back and your arms silently, and then she is hit with the realisation. 
“You didn't have tattoos before.” 
You smirk sadly. 
“Yeah, well. Before that I didn't have to revive a whole werewolf.”
“Why did you do it?”
“Ask the forest. They made a deal with me.”
How calculating, Abby thinks. Also: how the fuck do you deal with a forest?
“So you still do deals.” 
“It's different.” You say sharply. “I don't blood bind.”
“I get it.” Abby huffs and backs off: a witch who doesn't like blood binding, might be a goddamn oxymoron. “So for how long am I stuck with you?”
“Three days, probably. Maybe more, depending how fast you'll heal.”
“I heal fast.”
“Don't compare your usual healing with coming back from the dead. Who knows how much of your brain died. That's why you can't be far away from me. You go away, you break the bond, your brain dies. Got it?”
Abby hums. She has never heard of anyone being able to revive someone. She thinks you know some old forbidden magic if you can bring people back, and it just doesn't match with what she sees: a scaredy cat who lives in the woods and has to spend hours fishing to get three fish. Your home is cosy and warm, with a lot of natural light and Abby doesn't understand how you could have saved her life: you’re soft and weak and live in a house suited for some kind old lady, not a witch who could bring people from the dead. How much fucking power a witch would need to even do that?
“How far is too far?” 
“If I stay here and you go beyond my shields, you're dead.”
Abby sighs, annoyed. She doesn't want to stay next to you for three days. She is somewhat grateful for being alive, but it's weird. It's very weird to be in one space with you. 
You place two plates and sit opposite of Abby. Abby looks at her plate and wants to hesitate, to think, but she is so fucking hungry she starts eating right away. 
It's not…bad. Edible. (God she will have to eat like this for three more days?)
You watch the wolf- Abby's face and can't help your smile. Unfortunately you're very familiar with the fact you can't cook - Cait and Vi tried it once and since then you don't host dinners anymore; sometimes Cait sends you back with food - but you didn't expect the wolf to be so sensitive to your food. You eat it just fine after all. 
“It's bad.” You laugh. 
“It is.” Abby agrees. “Did you do it on purpose?”
“What? No. My taste senses are just fucked up by a lot of potions.”
You see how Abby tenses and you sigh: it's strange to have your everyday life being seen as some kind of horror story. There's a lot of rumours about witches that are mostly true, but you don't think of Abby as a mindless, uncivilised beast even though she is a were, so there should be room to believe that some witches are not that bad. 
(You think of your past and feel ashamed: it's not like you were “not that bad” all your life). 
“Don't tell me you've never drunk a potion.” You try to appeal to Abby's own experience, but you know she might have a bad one. “From coughing? Pain killers? Never?”
“Are you saying witches brew them?” Abby smirks like you're ridiculous. 
“Well, yes. We sell them for money, that's how everyone gets them.” 
Abby is silent as she chews your food that you think is quite edible, actually - but she drinks her flower milk with every spoon and you take a wild guess she can't stomach it. 
“Okay, listen. Are you a good cook?”
“Yes, actually. Everyone with enhanced senses makes a good cook.” Abby says with pride and you see her blue eyes sparkle. She also has freckles. Which is kinda cute. 
“Then you can cook whatever you want and not suffer.” You offer. 
Abby frowns at you like she expects some kind of trickery. You sigh again and raise your hands in defeat. You tried. 
“Do you have any meat?”
“And I can't hunt.” Abby explains to you like you're stupid. You roll your eyes. 
“There's fish in the freezer. It should be fine.” 
That's how Abby spends her afternoon: cooking fish. She has to ask you for other ingredients and you send her to your still room, which makes her shiver. It's creepy - just like you are with your eyes and tattoos and potion drinking or whatever - and Abby thinks of people trapped in these still rooms and being experimented on. She is happy she doesn't see any kind of animal parts on your shelves. You're out of the house for the most part: when Abby looks out of the window, she sees you sitting on the ground, absolutely still. Weirdo. 
“At least this weirdo is harmless compared to her kin.” Abby says to herself while she cuts the fish.  
You also saved her life and didn't ask for anything in return - not counting leaving you alone after - and Abby really struggles to keep thinking of you as a monster. You don't seem half-bad. And she should make friends here, now that she doesn't have a pack. The thought of being friends with a witch actually makes Abby laugh out loud.
After lunch, which is spent mostly in silence except for your praise on Abby's cooking, you tell her you'll be in the still room and that she can find something to be busy with. You point at books and yarn. Abby rolls her eyes. 
She has absolutely nothing to do. Her instincts are going crazy as well: your home looks like it needs an alpha. You're not an omega, and you don't need Abby's help, but she feels like she'll go insane if she doesn't fix something. She fights her urges, but after an hour she gives up and sharpens your knives. It makes her feel easier and she can read in peace now. 
You come back in a few hours and sit on the opposite end of your sofa, exhausted. Abby doesn't look at you. 
“Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to the village for my check ups. You'll have to come with me.”
Abby frowns. She doesn't want to show her face in the village - what if some of her former packmates are still around and will notice her? 
“Can your deals wait?” You sigh loudly, annoyed: can this wolf be nice for one fucking minute or is Abby trying to establish some kind of hierarchy in your house?
“I am a healer.” You deadpan, tired of dealing with Abby’s shit. “People need me.” 
“It's not safe for me to show up like this.” Abby scrunches her nose.
“I guess it’s connected to the fact that you were dead yesterday.” You say and Abby can only nod. “I can hide you, if you want. There's a spell that will not let people recognise you if they mean harm.”
Abby coils back. She doesn't want any fucking spells to be put on her! But in a second she clears her head and thinks about it: she clearly doesn’t have a choice if she wants to survive. And you offer her help, so maybe it’s not too bad. 
“How can I know you're not fucking with me?” You blink and Abby tries not to look you in the eyes: you look like an owl. And not in a cute way. 
“Can't you smell if I lie? I know weres can smell emotions. Also, the bond we have can make you feel awful if I try to harm you.”
Abby hums, thinking it over.
“Okay. But if you try any funny business, you're dead.”
“You'll be dead too, idiot.” You roll your eyes at Abby and she rolls hers in return. 
The wolf is kinda annoying. You can understand her distrust, but her threats are getting ridiculous. 
The last step of this strange and mostly unpleasant day is getting ready for bed. You look at your small sofa and try to think how Abby will fit, but the other option is the floor, which you assume she won't appreciate. You give her the choice anyway, Abby looks between the sofa and the floor like it's a hard choice, like she thinks the floor is a valid option. Then she agrees to sleep on the sofa. (I'll turn back if I'm uncomfortable, she tells you.) You bring her a pillow and a few blankets: the nights are getting cold and you usually use your magic to keep the hut warm, but you can slip up when you sleep, and wake up to a freezing house. 
“Why don't you use wood like normal people?” 
“It's too much work. I can find a tree that fell, but you need to chop it, bring it here, chop more, store the logs. Nah. Magic is easier.” 
Abby huffs. 
“So you rely on your magic all the time.”
“And you rely on your senses and strength.” You deadpan. 
Abby doesn't say anything in return, having no valid arguments. You sigh and make a circle with your hand, turning all lights off, and then you show Abby where the candle is in case she needs some light for her reading. Abby nods and you wish each other good night. 
You both can’t fall asleep for a long time, too bothered by each other: you don’t like having Abby in your home after she has been so nasty to you for the reason of “the witch”, and Abby doesn’t like being in your home for the reason of, well, “the witch”. She is alive, and she should be happy, but your presence is a constant threat and she can’t let herself fall asleep. You can’t fall asleep because you feel Abby, her life energy like a giant bright light in your living room and it’s hard to ignore it. You try to meditate but it seems to make you even more energised. 
You fall asleep when it’s so dark you can’t see anything beyond your windows. Abby falls asleep five minutes later.
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Weak Hero thoughts, rants, and spoilers for chapters 263 to current.
Sorry if this gets lengthy, but I got some feelings to express.
So, I gave myself a few days to process my thoughts and emotions on the conclusion of Weak Hero. To try and make sense of the direction the author decided to take his story on. And honestly, I'm still left feeling let down and disappointed.
In my opinion, one of the greatest slights an author can do to their fanbase and to their work, especially if it's a lengthy story, is to end the story abruptly. To me that is the equivalent to a slap in the face. A big slap to all the fans who have invested their time, energy, and possibly even money to the story the author has been creating. Years of tuning in and refreshing pages, only for the ending to feel so damn rushed.
I was really holding out for a small sliver of hope, I wanted to "trust the process." Maybe there would be an introduction to an amazing plot twist, or a great revelation to understand and explain why the storyline turned into what it did. But at this point, with only the epilogue left, none of that is gonna probably happen, and I'm left wondering why?
I've even wondered if the kdrama had any influence on how Weak Hero ended. Would it have been different if the kdrama never existed? Did Seopass just get tired of his story and the characters, maybe he wanted to move on to something else already? Cuz any which way that I try to look at it, I just can't comprehend why he chose that ending. Especially for Donald. One of the most charismatic characters in the series. The final boss, who possessed both brains and unmatched brute strength. A master strategist who managed to unite a whole district. A literal unbeatable character.... who he gets done in by a wayward truck!?! Right after the biggest fight in the series!?! Like, are you for fucking real? That's how his demise happens?!!?
I'm not even a Donald fan! He was never my fave (that honor always went to Jimmy ❤️), but even I expected more for him. Donald didn't even go down swinging, kicking, barely hanging on by the skin of his teeth. His death happening in the same way he lived his life, like some sort of poetic justice. No. We got none of that. Instead, we get a self defeated Donald, who was reaching out to the universe for someone to stop him, and who purposefully? didn't avoid the truck???
AND THEN, we get thrown some pity crumbs at the end with Stephen. Which to me was just another rushed ending. We get some half assed reunion. No backstory on what Stephen had to go through. No idea what his thoughts were while recovering from his near fatal drop. Did he ever think of Gray? Did he ever try looking for him?
Was I the only one that expected more from Stephen and Gray's reunion??? I can't be the only one completely disappointed, or am I?
I am however grateful we got to see Stephen again, I really am, and that we got a conclusion for him. Since it didn't happen with some of the other plotlines.
For instance, what happened to the Mapo guys, and Changhui saying they were going to wait for an opportunity to strike back? Am I the only one that remembers this?
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And where the capital F was Wolf's backstory? He's a fan favorites and we get nothing? No idea on why he's a such a psycho or the reasoning behind his 3 second rule? Or even why he has it out for Grape so much?
And let's not forget about this guy! He never even got a name!
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There's more, but I'm not gonna go into all of that right now since I don't want to just trash this series. I fell in love with it for a reason, and now I want to talk about the parts that I enjoyed, and that made me remember why I  loved this series so much in the first place.
The fact that Jimmy wanted Donald's recognition. Even after talking crap about him every chance he got~ lol. He still valued him as a capable leader and cared about how Donald perceived him.
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And how Jimmy's signature wrist swish was influenced by Donald!!! I would have never in a million years thought that Donald was the reason and inspiration for it.
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And I absolutely loved how Jimmy and Wolf were bickering at the end. It completely reminded me of siblings arguing with each other at any and every opportunity! I know there's gotta be some underlying respect and friendship for each other there, waaay deep inside, somewhere in a dark crevice of their little crazy hearts. 😆
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And cuz I want to gloat too, I'm gonna add Jimmy whooping Gerard's butt. Take that shuttle patch!
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I was also pretty surprised by how distraught Phillip became after Donald's death. Especially considering that the last time Phillip had any real interaction with him, Donald pretty much blew him off. Phillip not being important enough for even a backwards glance. For Phillip to still remember what it was like standing next to someone like Donald, and to have all those emotions come out of him just broke my heart.
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And I am not about to forget my lovely Colton! Our very first villain. Pervy villain at that! And how much growth he's had, even as a secondary character. I went from feeling disgusted at him to wanting to give him all the hugs and support in the world.
I love you Colton you big doof! 🫶
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And with that last thought I end this. Because as much as I hate the ending, I can go on and on about the things that I did like.
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little-firestar · 8 months
Major Crimes Fanfic- One More Day
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It had been a bad day, a bad case; Sharon, having finished writing the latest reports, had returned home to what had become their love nest for two years now. Andy, on the other hand, had not been in the mood: wasted young lives always had that effect on him, threatening to plunge him back into the abyss of drinking. He had gone to an AA meeting; normally, he never shared details of his work, merely talking about how drinking had ruined his family, but this time it had been different. No names, ranks, descriptions. a simple sentence. 
Hi, I'm Andy and I've been sober for almost 30 years. It's been a good half of my life now that I don't drink, but as I once told a good friend of mine, you can't change who and what you are, only the way you approach life. Sometimes I drank not because I was a jerk, but because I wanted to delude myself that I could forget what sucks in the world. I'm a cop, and-and I had a very bad case. A guy killed a teenager, a girl his age, and threw her in the trash, just like that, because she was nothing to him and she didn't deserve anything different. Fifteen years old. Those two kids were only fifteen years old....
When the meeting was over, he had stayed a while to talk; he had sought out his sponsor, and vented a little to him-with Randy, they had known each other all their lives, he could even go into a little more detail-and then, finally, he had gone home.
The apartment was completely shrouded in darkness and silence; Andy tried to flick the light switch, but nothing happened, and he was filled with a feeling of dread. It felt to him as if he were inside some movie, or crime TV series, where the protagonist came home and once he managed to turn on the light found the dead body of his own wife.  He moved slowly, bringing his hand to the holster he carried at his side; circumspect, he flattened himself against the wall, crawling along the walls until he reached the kitchen. He heard a noise, something falling to the ground, shattering into dozens, perhaps hundreds of pieces, and pointed his weapon in the direction of the noise.  The light suddenly returned, and Andy heard a female voice scream - squeak - as soon as he moved, pointing his weapon at what he was sure was an intruder, ready to shoot.  Andy blinked, in disbelief; in front of him, amid the shards of a cup, wearing a Japanese silk kimono like a robe, was Sharon, without glasses and with her hair completely disheveled. 
"What the hell -- Sharon, I almost shot you!" He rebuked her, slipping the gun into its holster.He dropped down on one of the dining room chairs, and brought a hand to his heart, which was beating wildly. "What were you going to do, give me another heart attack?"
She smiled at him, sweet, motherly, and Andy remembered all the times she had taken care of him-including the time he had been beaten up on the street and ended up in the hospital, and she had gotten into the ambulance with him after the attack, never leaving him alone, not even for a moment. 
The woman gave him a glass of water, and put her fingers on his carotid artery, trying to see if his heart rate was returning to normal; Andy closed his eyes, sighed, and began to purr, as if he had been a big gray cat. Sharon burst out laughing, her eyes watering with joy, and she clutched Andy's head to her chest, studding that flowing silver hair with kisses.Andy moved the kimono's neckline slightly and kissed the long pink scar that started from her sternum and ran almost all the way across her rib cage in its entirety, and rested his ear against it, eyes closed. 
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom....
A regular, perfect rhythm, his favorite sound, the one he set to listen to every night before falling asleep, the one he heard every morning as soon as he woke up-that of Sharon's heart. He didn't know who donated that organ, but not a day went by that he didn't thank God for that gift, because after Julio had managed to revive her, the doctors had been able to stabilize her long enough until a donor came along-and that, in the end, she had agreed to undergo the transplant: even one more day with her, to him, was a miracle. 
"Mom, Eddie fixed the fuse that blew and..." Rusty and his boyfriend, a dashing Texas-born firefighter, Eduardo, entered the house by slamming the front door; Andy and Sharon didn't even bother to separate, they just stayed cuddled in their little bubble. "What are you two doing?"
"Come on, aren't they sweet?" Eddie elbowed him in the arm, and Rusty rolled his eyes as his boyfriend grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him away. "Come on, come on, let's leave them alone, they're so cute! Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn!"
The young men walked out of the apartment, and from inside the house, Andy and Sharon heard the elevator going up to their floor. They burst out laughing, and exchanged a long, tender kiss, still cuddling for a long time. 
Every day was a gift to them.
you can also check the story @ One more day - Little_Firestar84 - Major Crimes (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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amxliasxgarbxby · 11 months
However unpopular an opinion this may be, I had to come out and say it. NBC Hannibal is a plotless, senseless, brainless pile of trash. The plotline is boring at best and the dialogues are so strange and complicated that they are completely impossible to understand.
Also, the way the police force and FBI are depicted is completely inaccurate and quite frankly, offensive! How can they be so fucking oblivious to hannibal being the killer the entire time? Completely unrealistic if you ask me. All the signs were there! Hannibal the Cannibal?? Were these people blinded by Hannibal's overwhelming hotness or something? cause I can't find any other plausible explanation for how incompetent the entire force was in catching this homicidal homosexual.
Second of all, what the fuck is with the weird gay telepathy shit all throughout this show?? Take Will's therapy sessions, for example. Not a moment goes by without one of them finishing the other one's overly elaborate sentence that is usually a gay metaphor about the gay sex that they always seem to be a second away from having!!
And god forbid that Hannibal should even try to tear his gaze away from Will's fat ass!! I can't blame him either, with Will posing in front of him like a school girl in front of her crush while venting about his trauma... It's all so unnecessarily homoerotic!! If Hannibal did decide to stop cannibalising Will's ass with his eyes, the Intense eye-sex between them would never stop!! "Not fond of eye contact!!" "Eyes are distracting" MY ASS!!! you guys can't even draw the line at staring at each other and flirting in your gay metaphor language at crime scenes!! With poor Jack to witness it all!!
And another thing, what is it with the fucking cooking scenes?? Why do they have to make the fucking human body parts look so fucking delicious?? This is propaganda to turn us all into cannibals!! GAY cannibals!! I've never been more inclined to eat a human fucking calf in my fucking life! What is this sin of a television series...
Even without preparation, Will's ass was making me almost give in to those cannibalistic tendencies this sinful show inflicted on me!
On the same topic of glorifying cannibalism, let's mention the scene where Will brings Hannibal human meat GIFT WRAPPED and they stare at each other some more, hands grazing each other. What is this blatantly gay murderous shit?? Then they cook together. Well forget "cooking" you might as well call that COCKING cause they were ready to do just that all over the worktop, human meat in fact exposed. Not to mention that this happens not too long after Will fantasizes about straddling Hannibal and beating the shit out of him in one form or another. THESE MURDEROUS GAYS HAVE TO BE STOPPED.
And DON'T get me started on the scene at Mason Verger's where hannibal is NAKED in a CAGE wearing a COLLAR. again with the obscene encouragements. Do you WANT us to chain up hot old men? Be tied up ourselves? He had no business looking so good taking that shit off. This is devilish temptation. A sin above all others. Stop it.
Also? Why give the Wendigo Hannibal's face?? Do you WANT us to find that shit hot as well?? We know Will sure did, given that he thought about it during... A particular moment of pleasure....
The most offensive part of this all, however, is that I had to endure all of this constant eye-sex,, gay metaphors about caterpillars, hallucinatory wet dreams and various different penetrations of each other with weapons for them only to NOT KISS ON THE FINALE???
For that, I say, fuck you Bryan Fuller.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I hate NBC Hannibal!!!
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deathandthesoul · 1 year
A series of interconnected snippets from the mortal life of the Volgirre now known as Aidan Evans, leading to his embrace, circa age 25-30.
Setting: Vampire the Masquerade, in my chronicle City of Lost Angels Rating: Mature Genre/themes: Personal horror, college academia, detective, serial killer Content warnings: Accusations of/Schrodinger's necrophilia, suicide ideation, alcoholism, brief description of a murder victim, brief vampire sex, death
October 1972. My wife thinks I'm at the Yankees game with friends. I hate the Yankees and I don't have friends. I'm down in the morgue doin', let's say, extracurricular activities.
It's after hours, after sundown. The staff's cleared out already, havin' dinner with their families. I'm not. I'd rather be here. It's just me, my camera, and sketchbook.
The room's locked when I get there but the lock's not too hard to beat. I try not to think about how many hail Marys I'm gonna have to do on Sunday and sneak inside as quietly as possible. The coast is clear. No one here 'cept the dead guy on the slab. Really? They just left him out there in the open. My goodboy ass is gonna be in so much trouble. This is exhilarating.
I wipe down the doorknob on the outside 'cause I'm a fuckin' forensics student and I know better. Swallow my nerves and shut the door, lock it up nice n' tight. Wipe it down on the inside too. My palms are sweaty but I get my camera ready and start.
I turn over in bed. 3am? What happened last night? I don't remember. The hangover's killin' me but I don't remember drinkin'. I have class in the morning and two papers due in three days. Guess I'll make some coffee…
I waddle out to the kitchen in the clothes I wore yesterday and slept in for some reason, quietly to not wake my wife. Guess I was just that tired… I go through the motions, put the grounds in, pour the water, push the button. That's when my phone rings, at 3 in the fuckin' morning.
I answer it, like a dumbass. It's my dean. What the hell is going on? He accuses me of doin' some real sketchy shit in the morgue I'm goin' to Hell for. I tell him I don't remember goin' there 'cause I don't. He has me on security camera footage, goin' inside, committin' sins. Says I didn't come out for two hours and left some things behind. I hang up on him, like a dumbass. Is this real? Am I dreaming? Am I dead?
I panic and dig through my stuff. There's no new empty bottles in my trash and my film's missing. So's my sketchbook. This is bad. I'm so fucked. I don't remember a goddamn thing. I pray to God my dean's wrong, get on my knees and cry like I always do. Please don't tell my parents. I can't afford to lose my future. I wanna wake up already. This is a nightmare.
My professor tells me to sit out in photography class cause my hands are shakin' too much. I've gone through so many cigarette packs already. My mind is numb and I haven't been sleepin'. I keep thinkin' about that phone call but nothing happens. I wait a goddamn week like I'm on the chopping block and nothing fuckin' happens. Is someone fuckin' with me?
A couple years later I graduate. I settle down eventually but I don't forget. I can't. And nobody says anything. Did I hallucinate?
May 1977. My wife and son aren't up yet so I'm readin' the morning paper. There's a murder on the front page and I'm almost jealous it wasn't me. Victim hung upside-down, Spider-Man style, completely exsanguinated, no external wounds. I wanna see the body up close. Professional curiosity… But I got a day off 'cause my boss forced it on me, just my luck. Says I'm too much of a workaholic. I think it's just 'cause he doesn't like me. I think he knows I'm bi. My whiskey glass is almost empty and I haven't touched my cereal. Haven't gone shopping in a while 'cause I'm always so busy…
I flip through my film rolls for the billionth time. Maybe one day I'll develop these. Crime scenes upon crime scenes and my coworkers gettin' up to all sortsa shit… My precinct has no clue these exist and I'm happy to keep 'em in the dark forever. I have so much dirt on everybody it's insane. This is my hobby.
October 1977. Somethin' weighs in the back of my mind but it's my day off again so I might as well have some fun. I go to a gay bar 'cause I can. Thought it couldn't hurt. Everything else does. I love-hate my job but I hate hidin' more. Work has me swamped tryina find this Hangman guy and every lead's a dead end. Swear he's playin' with us like a cat n' mouse. Took a lotta photos but so many days with those bastards in the office wears me down. Just need some stress relief…
I put on a wig and change my features with a little makeup before I leave so my ex-friends won't recognize me and get me kicked to the curb. Would be cool if I could just Play-Doh all this. My wife asks where I'm goin' and I lie to her. Gimme a break. Please…
Out at the bar I'm sittin' alone and this smokin' hot guy hits on me. Tells me he likes my art but I don't know what he means. I never show anyone that stuff. He buys me a drink, my third of the night. I think he's been watchin' me since I stepped in. He looks familiar but I chalk it up to bein' drunk. It's kinda creepy to be honest but I'm desperate.
We hit it off like the Yankees at that game I didn't go to. Apparently they won. His skin's cold and his heartbeat's faint but I'm too depressed and horny to care. He gives it to me rough like I ask and bites my throat. I die happy.
I am the final victim of the Hangman.
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fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
some Kagepro 'fan': BUT NO ONE WANTS THIS---------
ppl who have actually stuck with the series this entire time for reasons as simple as 'I enjoy Jin's music' or 'I enjoy Jin's way of expressing himself through said music' or 'I enjoy Sidu's PVs/art/animation' or 'I enjoy trying to solve the mysteries Jin laid throughout the plot SINCE THE BEGINNING as he stated multiple times over the years' or 'I want certain characters to get more screentime [and Jin's already mentioned some of these certain characters will appear more because he couldn't write those things before]' or 'I want that other random plot point at least partly resolved in canon or at the very least even REFERRED TO again' or 'I just love the characters' or 'I ACTUALLY AM INTERESTED in what sort of side stories Jin may come up with' among a MULTITUDE OF OTHER REASONS someone may have to still enjoy Kagepro, probably:
#fyeahkgpr chat vents#fyeahkgpr commentary#fyeahkgpr chat commentary#fyeahkgpr tag rambles#fyeahkgpr rambles#(legit seriously this fanbase forgets THE WESTERN US FANBASE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS)#(DO YOU ALL FORGET THERE'S AN ENTIRE JAPANESE FANBASE SIDE TOO THAT JIN RECOGNIZES AND APPRECIATES BESIDES US)#(AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL FANBASES BESIDES OURS AS WELL JUST)#(WHY DO SOME PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND HOW TO DROP A SERIES AND MOVE ON......)#(just venting bc of a tag I saw earlier aaaaagh)#(hey wanna know what MY REASON for still following Kagepro is??? i've mentioned it before but ANYWAY)#(let's just say losing two close grandparents on opposite sides of the family in the span of not even five years is HARD)#(and Jin's music was helping me through all that)#(I can't just forget that and turn on this series and trash it after all this time)#(for some people here it's as simple a reason as that)#(I know the bad fans will never listen to reason but seriously)#(please learn to drop a series if it's no longer satisfying to you and let the fans who still enjoy it ACTUALLY ENJOY IT thank you)#(ok but seriously the Western fanbase NEEDS to stop with the entitlement)#(it'll NEVER HAPPEN no matter how much I or other fans comment on it but you know)#(but yeah seriously sometimes it's as simple a reason as 'I like Jin's music' or 'I actually do have fun trying to figure out this plot')#(Jin referred to this in one of the recent interviews iirc as 'directions' i.e. 'writing the directions' for the plot and YEAH)#(he's also commented multiple times INCLUDING RECENTLY that he had the ending planned SINCE THE BEGINNING so you know but ppl sure love to f#(*FORGET about that fact YEAH)
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cybersvoid · 3 years
So, if you don't like this idea feel free to ignore it BUT
If memory serves me right, Touya, ends up in some kind of accident during some kind of special training session and is proclaimed dead. Now, imagine, Touya's dear little sibling from your Big Brother series is absolutely devastated when everyone comes back and Touya is nowhere to be seen. I'm not sure exactly how old you imagine the reader to be, but let's say they're a late bloomer in terms of quirk, late enough that Endeavor thinks they might be quirk less. After they come home and Big Brother Touya is missing, reader ends up having a mental breakdown. Sobbing, crying, the works. And in the middle of all this, their quirk manifests. Low and behold, it is the same quirk as Big Brother Touya. Reader is so distraught and unable to control the quirk they have to get Eraser to shut it off so it'll stop before they end up burning down the neighborhood.
Obviously because Endeavour is trash, this is going to interest him and then starts the torture. All unbeknownst to Big Brother Touya because he can't exactly go back. Fast forward a few years later, Shouto has gotten accepted into UA and the training camp is coming up. Endeavour knows about it, and pays a hefty sum and/or pulls some strings and has reader sent there to train their quirk as well. Flash forward to the actual training camp, and Touya ends up seeing reader and stopping dead in his tracks. He wasn't surprised to see Shouto, but reader? (I'm just assuming that reader is a couple years younger than Shouto so they're probably supposed to be in middle school.) Reader definitely shouldn't be there. They're not even in highschool yet, and he hadn't planned on running into them so soon, especially not here. Imagine his surprise doubled when he goes to shoot flames at some of 1A and reader blocks them with flames of similar power. His heart practically stops beating, because he knows that if reader has his quirk, Endeavour would show interest in them and put them through the same hell he went through.
Okay I'm sorry that's so long I just wanna know your thoughts, again if you aren't interested don't feel a need to reply I mostly just wanted to let this out to you, and if you end up using this at some point I would be ecstatic
Referencing: Big Brother
I like this spin on it, and the moral dilemma I'm sure it causes your poor big brother. He would have hated to be separated from you for so long, it would tear him apart. Every day he'd be on edge wondering where you were, how you were doing, if you were well, or if something was wrong then who was taking care of you. All the unknowns would tear his mind to shreds.
When you reunite in that way, I'm sure all his emotions would flood forward and on impulse, he'll have this overwhelming urge to 'save you'. WIth his quirk, you're a walking target. You can't go through all the training that he went through if you haven't already. He wouldn't let it happen, and would definitely have to have compress take you with Bakugo to keep you safe, but of course, would keep you separate when it was recruiting time.
He doesn't want to freak you out. With everyone surrounding you, you could very easily get overwhelmed, and what a lot of people forget that he's hyperaware of is that you're still a child. A kid. He'll do his best to talk to you one on one, try to get you to remember him, and explain to you why it's so dangerous to go back home, so you're going to need to stay with him.
React however you want, but you're not leaving his side. He'll even have a quirk cancellation device ready to make sure you can't hurt yourself like he has. The last thing he wants is for you to turn out like him, which is why it's so important that he keeps you by his side. No one knows his quirk like he does, so you should consider yourself lucky he's here to help you. He'll definitely get more strict the more you try to fight his 'help', and even without the quirk he still overpowers you so if you know what's good for you, you'll just let him help you.
He'd never hurt you, but there are other ways to get you to cooperate.
Anywaaay, I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind with this, but I liked the idea, and thanks for sharing anon.
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kurisus · 2 years
Chapter 101-2 thoughts
A bit late with this since I've had plans the past few days! (In a shocking turn of events, I daylight as a functioning adult.) Let's get this show on the road~
I said last month no way was it going to be as simple as Take destroys the sorcerer's grave and ends it all, but my speculations as to how were wrong (? haven't ruled out a booby trap quite yet). Instead, it looks like he will live as long as the people on this island worship him, so Take and Ebisu will have to find another way. Rather than killing, perhaps they can cut his ties with these people. However, Yato is the only character we've seen to cut ties in the manga thus far (because he's the most skilled at it, idk if he's the only one who can). Plus, they're without their shinki.
There's also the matter of this island existing out of the normal realm of spacetime/whatever this is. If the humans forget what they're doing there, they're going to pretty quickly realize there's no way off--not without knowing the poem.
I'm not ready to talk about Hiyori quite yet but I do want to say I just really hope she and Yuka do hang out at Haru's grave sometime. But god. Another emotional scene at a cherry tree in this manga, huh?
Instead, I'm going to talk about how much I want to beat Father's ass. I really felt for Yato this chapter--not a whole lot happened, but you can see very clearly the fear and disgust in his face at trash dad's fake nice act, even before he thinks "I'm scared." In fact, his eyes on page 11 remind me a lot of his eyes when he first recognized Hagusa:
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The face of "shit, dad, not AGAIN"
Trash dad being like "ohh my poor son :( how did we end up like this? :(" sir you lichrally set your ayakashi on him between chapters. What the hell are you talking about. Ah, the classic abusive parent dynamic of shifting the blame and pretending the problem is anything but yourself. This time with crocodile tears. I'll punch a hole in my laptop screen if it means I can end him idgaf.
Okay I guess I can't put it off any longer. Time to talk about Hiyori. There's been some strange panels with her recently, but I wasn't too concerned since she was staying in her body. Now, though...
Can we talk about how she so badly wanted Nora to see that her father is bad for her she put her life in danger? It harkens back to one of the first actions she takes in the whole manga--jumping in front of a bus to save a boy she doesn't know. Cinematic parallels. We gotta get this girl a self-preservation instinct.
It really doesn't make narrative sense to kill off Hiyori, as she's the POV character of the manga, and the only major human character as well. Rather, I'm worried (since we're in the final arc) something is going to happen where she's forced to cut ties with Yato, or lose her memories of him or something, before she reunites with him. So if they ever meet again, she wouldn't remember him. It's hard to explain my thought process, but I'm worried we're not going to get the trio reunion I was thinking was surely imminent for a couple pages there.
Rotating the thought of Yato's "We shall meet again" and they do meet, but the next time is after she's lost her memories of him. It's not a pleasant thought I don't know why I did this.
So for 102? I hope Nora decides to stay with Hiyori and look after her, and get her back in her body safely. But considering the last page depicting her body sprawled in front of the shrine, it's looking likely they're going to go back to the fight together, where Hiyori will be in even more danger with a ripped cord.
I really don't know what could happen, even though I figured Hiyori would leap out of her body at some point again. Gah, the way things come back up in this series is always so PAINFUL. I'm going to sleep now and think of this all night.
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Double Trouble
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Request: Yes or No
Couldn't think of a better title lmao. This is gonna be real shitty but the intro to series are either amazing or pure shit. Gonna give (Y/N)'s mom and fam a name cause I don't wanna keep writing (M/N) or (L/N). (Y/N) isn't related to any of the characters fyi. Spot the very obvious accidental reference
"Why California? Out of all the places in America, California was choice you went with? Not Washington, Oregon, or fuck, I don't know, North Dakota?" (Y/N) rested his head against the window, watching the houses pass by. His mother, Tanya, glanced at him with a small frown.
"Baby, aren't you tired of Alaska? Same old cold weather?" Tanya asked, staring forward at the empty road. (Y/N) scoffed, sitting up and looking at her with a raised brow.
"You can escape the cold. You can't escape the heat." (Y/N) pointed out, leaning back and picking up his phone with a frown. He looked at the texts from his friend, sighing softly.
U already in cali??
It sucks
New school new u bby
Whats the time difference?
It's 4 here
"Baby, could you look at me?" Tanya asked, pulling into the school parking lot and parking the car. (Y/N) turned his head to look at her.
"I'm sorry I suddenly dragged us out of Alaska. I just felt like we could use a change. Alaska feels suffocating as an adult. I want you to have new experiences." Tanya explained softly. (Y/N) nodded, glancing at the students walking into school.
"Listen, if you get anxious or feel sick, text me, okay?" Tanya gave him a comforting smile, running a hand through his hair. (Y/N) nodded, opening the car door. He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car.
"Have a good day, sweetie!"
"You too." (Y/N) closed the door, walking towards the school. He had lived in Seward his whole life. He was used to the cold, the sound of boats, the cold immediately hitting his face the moment he stepped outside. (Y/N) knew it wasn't about experiences. His mom just didn't want him to have the same boring life she did. (Y/N) looked at his phone, opening the group chat again. He looked through the texts, smiling at the pictures his friend sent him. (Y/N) looked at his email, sighing as he searched for his locker. He found it, opening it and glancing at the guy beside him.
"Uh, hey, I'm Ethan. You're new, right?" Ethan gave an awkward smile, clearing his throat. (Y/N) licked his lips, nodding. Ethan seemed like the typical nerdy loner.
"Yeah, I'm (Y/N)."
"Cool, cool. Where are you coming from?" Ethan tilted his head, closing his locker and leaning against it. (Y/N) didn't feel like making friends but Ethan could probably help him get familiar with everyone and everything.
"Alaska." (Y/N) replied, closing his locker and giving him a tight smile. Ethan's brows raised, letting out a small chuckle.
"Really? That's cool, I've never really left California. What's it like?"
"Cold." (Y/N) chuckled softly. Ethan laughed and nodded, licking his lips as he stuck his hands in his pockets. (Y/N) looked him over. He was small, skinny, seemed nervous and awkward. Probably a good guy.
"So, are you a junior?" Ethan asked. (Y/N) nodded, going into his phone gallery and pressing on the saved picture of his schedule. He showed him the screen, watching him lean in and smile.
"We have 1st, 3rd, and 6th together." Ethan said, motioning down the hall. "Come on, I'll show you around."
"Thanks." (Y/N) gave him a small smile, following him. His gaze flickered from student to student. Some glanced at him, knowing he was new. (Y/N) didn't like attention. He didn't like the spotlight. He hated when people stared or payed too much attention to him. He hated the way a pit formed in his stomach and he became nauseous when he was called on and people stared at him in class. (Y/N) entered the class, taking a seat beside Ethan and sighing softly.
"Thanks, by the way. I didn't expect to make a friend until like my second week here."
"No problem. I know it can feel shitty to be the new kid." (Y/N) gave Ethan a small smile, looking forward.
(Y/N) set down his lunch tray, sitting down across from Ethan. He glanced around the courtyard, picking up a french fry. Ethan finished drinking his water, humming softly.
"By the way, whatever you do, don't mess with Maddy Perez." Ethan said, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. (Y/N) furrowed his brows.
"Right, you don't know them." Ethan chuckled, turning his head. He looked around, searching for the girls.
"There, the girl with black hair besides the blonde and the girl in a jeresy." Ethan motioned towards them. Maddy seemed like your typical popular. Makeup done perfectly, perfect body, her hair was done perfectly.
"She's a cheerleader and probably the most popular girl in school. She's been with Nate Jacobs for a while. Nate is a football player and his dad has a lot of power. He's.. Terrifying. The girls beside her are her best friends. Cassie and Barbara." Ethan picked up his burger. "There's Kat too and Kat is.."
"Your crush?" (Y/N) cocked a brow, chuckling. Ethan's tone had changed the moment this 'Kat' girl had been mentioned. His eyes had softened and a smile had appeared on his face.
"U-Uhm, n-no. She's a friend, like, just a friend." Ethan gave a nervous fake smile. (Y/N) hummed, shaking his head as he chuckled softly. He looked down at his tray, poking at the wrapped burger.
"Anyways, Cassie's nudes and some videos of her got leaked by her exes. It was real shitty." Ethan told him, finishing his burger. "There's Rue and Jules. Rue overdosed over the summer and Jules is new here."
"What?" (Y/N) furrowed his brows, staring at Ethan. The biggest thing that ever happened at his school was two teachers fighting. Drugs were an issue everywhere. He just didn't expect a teenger to OD and everyone to know. Ethan looked back at him.
"Do you wanna.. Hang out?"
"I have to unpack." (Y/N) replied, picking up his phone and scrolling through his instagram.
"Oh, shit, that's the new kid." Barbara pointed out, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. Cassie and Maddy turned to look.
"Oh.. Where's he from?" Cassie asked as she twirled a strand of her blonde hair around her finger. She wanted to forget all about McKay after their argument and breakup. The new boy seemed like a good distraction.
"He seems sweet." Cassie said with a small smile. Maddy scoffed, rolling her eyes as she looked at her.
"That's what you say about every guy, Cassie." Maddy opened her backpack, taking out her makeup bag. She took out some gloss, turning when she spotted Nate. She scowled when Nate very obviously flirted with some girl. Maddy took in a deep breath, turning toward her friends.
"Is there a party tonight? I need to fuck with Nate. He's such a dick." Maddy tapped her nails against her phone case. Cassie gave her a comforting smile, shaking her head.
"You can come over and we'll have a photo shoot. You can post it and make him regret everything." Cassie grinned as Maddy's eyes lit up, nodding.
"This is why I love you, Cass." The two giggled as Maddy wrapped her arms around her.
"But, back to that new guy.. If he hangs with Ethan, he's probably a loser." Barbara said, watching the two boys. Cassie gasped softly, shooting her a look.
"BB! Ethan's actually a really sweet guy. We did a project together last year." Cassie said. Maddy nodded, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, BB, don't be a bitch. You do got a point though. He gives major school shooter vibes." Maddy said, leaning forward to look around Cassie. She watched as the two stood and threw away their trash.
"Hey, they're staring at you." Ethan said, nudging (Y/N). (Y/N) turned towards the girls, catching their eyes before he shrugged and turned away.
"Let's go to History."
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effielumiere · 2 years
The Companion 5
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre:Romance, Idol AU, Drama, Comedy, Angst, Soulmate AU (Begins on this chapter), Slow burn (ends here)
Chapter Warning(s): Crying. Secrets unveiled. Little Jimin :D UNEDITED!
"English words that are said as is and or/ translated from English to Korean"
Word count: 3.4k maybe 4k (?)
A/N: Hello! I've returned! The slow burn ends here! As the reader, you'll now know why Jimin gets jelly and is very protective of her. Just a quick reminder that this has Soulmate AU included in the genre. I tried to make this a little bit more longer than the usual itty bitty chapters since it's not only gonna be in the MC or Jimin's POV because there's a part that's in Third Person POV from now on, butttt I keep getting the alert of 4096 word block limit on my pc so, Im posting this using my phone. sooooo I'll update soon to make up for the cliffhanger sorry, y'all. (squint in tiny, there's angst in there somewhere lol) I hope you'll enjoy this one💜 Please don't forget to reply here or send an ask (you can be anonymous <3) on what you think about this chapter or the series, like and reblog!
< fourpointfive | masterlist | fivepointfive >
"Good morning," Namjoon grins as he drinks his coffee, the other members were grinning as well and just like that I knew I was in for a treat [insert sarcasm].
"You look great!" Jungkook says a bit too enthusiastically which had me shaking my head as I told him "And here I thought you two had my back,"
"Y/n-ssi," I heard my name being yelled from another room, surely by a certain Park Jimin, "Help... please"
"Does this man know any other word aside from help and please?" I mutter to myself as I walk towards the dressing room, all of the stylists were outside talking about today's set for the performance video. I chug the last bit of my coffee into my mouth as if drinking a shot of alcohol and threw the paper cup into the trash bin before entering the room to my surprise was empty except for Jimin and I.
"Could you help me with my cuff links?" he asks curiously eyeing my movements as I move to the table to remove the cuff links from its box and walking up to him. Reaching for his wrist, I hold it lightly as I put his cuff links in place. I look up and catch him staring at me.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him quietly.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he talks back in a quiet tone, I sigh and look away from his face and look down, holding his other wrist and mirroring what I'd done to the other one.
"I'm not avoiding you, Jimin-ah," I say as I struggle a little with his cuff links "I'm busy"
He scoffs, "With what?"
"I actually help around, you know"
"I'm pretty sure Sejin-nim knows you're my... personal assistant, meaning you're not meant to be moving around much unless I say so," he says looking towards the door then back down at me. I turn his hand upward as I struggle with the last cufflink, the tips of his fingers gently touch my wrist before lightly wrapping holding it in his hands. I stare at his hand on me before slowly looking back up at him finding his eyes on me. It's been weeks since the music video for Butter was released and I avoided him like the plague on the second day of filming the music video. After that, he kept his distance from me which made me slightly relieved but also unsure. His hair was growing out, rainbow highlights gone and his dark has grow out a bit under the platinum blonde hair.
"I can't just sit around and wait for you to tell me what to do,"
"The staff have plenty of help, Y/n-ssi" he says in a low quiet voice "I thought Moni-hyung told you you're job is to be an emotional companion; next to me most of the time."
"Jesus Christ, Jimin!" I huff in frustration "I need air and space just like any other person!" I drop his hand as I stomp out of the room and walk the empty seat behind Sejin.
"You look like you're about to wring someone's neck." Namjoon says as he stands next to my sitting form "Is that 'someone' Jimin?" Taehyung walks up next to him straightening his shirt a little.
"What did he do now?"
"He doesn't like me walking around helping the staff," I tell them "It's suffocating"
"He just doesn't want to getting tired?" Namjoon says in a questioning tone, unsure with what he just said
"Don't cover for him, Joon" I softly scold him "I don't care if you're siding with his 'good reasoning', y'all are being strange."
"He just cares a lot about , Y/n. Don't question his actions too much, " he says almost dismissively as he straightens his posture next to we when Jimin watches us like a hawk while a stylists fixes his hair.
"Stop questioning everything he does or say," he mutters beside me looking at his phone "He's protective of you for a reason, you'll understand soon. Just give him time and be patient,"
"I don't think I could say before the two year contract ends, Joon" I confess looking around the room as the production team makes sure that everything is all set and ready, "I don't exactly know when, but I'm resigning earlier than what you guys expect." I stood up from my chair and turned around to find Namjoon looking like a goldfish jaw moving, stuttering to say something but I cut him off before he could even say something.
"Don't worry, it's not today or tomorrow, the day after, the weekend or the end of the month or the month after, but it's gonna be sooner than expected if this keeps going" I smile at him as I walk backstage to grab my bag and headed for the exit, hauling a taxi to drive me back to the apartment. Sending Jimin a text saying that I was headed home, not bothering to check my phone when there were notifications that vibrated one after the other.
I was passed out on the couch after eating a lot of popcorn with two bottles of soda when the chime of the doorbell woke me up. It was repeatedly chiming signaling that whoever was on the other side of the door was very impatient and probably deserved a bat to the head they Steve Harrington crushed a demogorgon's skull into a very unpleasant pancake. I got up slowly cradling my head in my hands, squinting at the bright light of the apartment.
"Calm the fuck down!" I groaned, yelling at whoever was at the door.
"'The fuck you want?!" I exclaimed, pissed as I pulled the door open revealing pillowy lips, puffy cheeks and a pair of dark brown puppy eyes staring back at me, I groaned for the second time resting my forehead on the doorframe "It's late, Jimin-ah! Isn't my job supposed to be over hours ago, besides it's the weekend."
"This isn't work related. I promise." he smiles a little "get dressed, wear something warm and hurry,"
"why?" I croaked
"Because it's gonna be a bit chilly where we're headed, hurry!" he pushes me back inside gently as he enters the apartment with me. I was about to point out that it was rude of him to invite himself in but then I remembered that this was his apartment. I caught him looking around a little bit when I came back after changing my clothes and grabbing a short trench coat from my closet. I was at the doorway putting my shoes on when he slowly walks up to me and waits for me to step out of the apartment before putting his shoes on and locking the apartment door behind him. It felt somewhat like a routine, me putting my shoes on and waiting for him to put on his shoes as he locks the door behind him. It was very couple-like. It was... strange.
"Deja vu"
"Hmm?" he turns towards me "Did you say something?"
"Deja vu," I stare at my feet "It feels like I've been here before,"
"We all get those moments," he says after a little while "You probably experienced it in a different life. It sounds like something Jungkook or Moni-hyung would say."
"It does," I smile as we put our masks on as enter the elevator, heading to the lobby.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he drives, light posts passing by, two cars were behind us I guessed it was security. They were always around and I've grown accustomed to it, "Where are we gonna go?"
"Be patient, Y/n-ssi," he smiles as we drive uphill.
"I can't really be patient or calm for that matter when you're driving uphill in the dark," I chuckle "It's past 8pm, we should be in our own beds asleep,"
"This is more fun than sleep," he smiles reaching over to hold my hand, threading his fingers through mine "Let's call it a tourist spot by Park Jimin," he pulls up on an overviewing parking lot of the city. the city light almost covering the entire city. Yellow, white, bits of blue, green and rights in the distance covering buildings making it look like it was a Christmas Village without the snow. He locks the doors and opens the sunroof of the Palisade, pushing his seat back to give him more leg space before reaching behind us where a bag I didn't notice appears. Placing it on his lap he opens it, pulling out a bottle of Soju placing it on the cup holder on the console and pulling out a cylindrical food covered in tin foil then handing it to me. I stare at it then at him as if he was ridiculous.
"What?" he asks, eyes wide
"What are we doing?" I ask carefully
"We're on a midnight picnic," he motions for the tin foil covered food on his hand and I take it from him. Carefully undoing and unrolling the foil I was met with a thin sheet of seaweed wrapper and rice underneath it.
"Did you prepare this?" I ask him as I take a slice of the Gimpab and put the slice in my mouth as I open the packaging at his direction and he grabs a slice
"No," he chuckles "I mean I did, but Yoongi hyung sliced it. I sliced the first one that Jungkook ended up eating, it was all wonky"
"Thank God for Yoongi then,"
"Hey!" He exclaims laughing "I prepared almost everything in this bag for us," He reaches in and pulls out two two-layered bento boxes handing one to me before reaching in again and producing a tiny bag consisting of our utensils
"You can drink the Soju if you want, I could too, but I need to drive us home," He smiles reaching for another slice. Turning behind us again he takes two water bottles and and hands one my way. I look at the windshield again at the city when I noticed a few stars twinkling in the night sky. Remembering that he opened the sun roof, I look up again,
"Woah," I gasp in awe "Now would you look at that..."
Jimin couldn't bother about the bento box on his lap and the empty insulated lunch bag in between them. He stared at Y/n, watching her wide eyed staring at the clear stars in the night sky. She gasps as she forgets her food momentarily, mesmerized by the constellations above. He initially planned to show off his Astronomy knowledge by stargazing with her while they sat in the SUV, enjoying late dinner. But the tables turned for a second when he saw how her eyes widened as she looks at the view before them then hurriedly shuffling the get in a good position to look at the constellations above them. Stargazing was his plan, dinner was a last minute idea since he knew that she didn't have enough food left in her pantry, except for the abundance of rameyeon which he now disapproved of because she was losing weight from the looks of it. So he made dinner, two varieties of kimchi, a few slices of samgyeopsal, three medium sides chunks of hanwoo beef that Yoongi taught him to prepare among other things. But everything was momentarily forgotten when he was very close to her. Almost so close that their shoulders were touching. Y/n was oblivious to what she was doing while Jimin was between a rock and a hard place in his head, deciding on whether or not he's going to admit too early the truth of why she was there. Why he really hired her despite how mad and confused the other members where with why he was so adamant that he needed to hire her. The truth.
The truth being out of all of the people in the world and how rare their situation was - rare because not everyone experiences what they did even though she didn't have any knowledge about it - that said situation being soulmates.
Jimin was around seven or eight years old when he dreamed of being at an unfamiliar house. But it seemed so real that as a child, he was convinced it was real. Thinking that he was on a family vacation with his family, he calls for his dad, nothing. He tries calling out to his mom, nothing again. His little brother maybe?
"Eomma!" he tries again "Appa!" feeling a little scared that his parents weren't with him in an unfamiliar house he's never been in before, he heads towards the living room couch sitting atop it. He waits a few more minutes hoping his parents will arrive soon for him to get him.
After what feels like hours, the sun was close to setting and he knew it was going to get dark soon, he gets up from the couch to switch the lights open only to be surprised when the lights didn't open, he ran around the house panic setting in as he tries to open the lights to no avail. He opens a door to a bedroom, getting inside he closes the door behind him and climbs the bed hiding under the covers. Soon the sun disappears and it was very dark with only the moonlight from the window being his light.
Jimin bites his quivering lip, 'I'm brave,' he thinks, convincing himself 'I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of the dark.', he repeats his mantra. He tries to call out for his parents again when no one answers, a tear falls from his eyes followed by more his previous mantra of not being afraid of the dark long forgotten. He sobs quietly under the covers, arms around his legs, forehead on his knees, lightly rocking himself back and forth, he calls out for his parents again. For what feels like a long time he feels his back a bit cold and when he looks up he watches the sheets being pulled back for a second his lifts thinking it's his mom pulling back the sheets only to find a little girl around his age, on top of the covers looking back at him wide-eyed. His eyebrows furrow as he looks at her with tears in my eyes, he decides to ask her if she has seen his parents, but before he could ask she reaches forward speaking in a language he's never heard of before.
"Hello... Don't cry," she says every once in a while after reaches forward wiping his tears with her tiny hands. When most of the tears were wiped from his face, he stares at her face wondering if she was an angel, his guardian angel. She smiles at him and she speaks again "Don't cry, okay? What's your name?" She asks as she wraps him in a hug, he was reluctant at first but once he felt her warmth, he immediately hugs her back holding on to her, scared she might disappear and he'll he alone again, so in that moment at a young age, he made the decision to fully trust her and at that moment the room was filled with light, the question of what his name was forgotten.
Opening his eyes, he looks behind the little girl where the door was open revealing the entire house. From where he was, he was able to see the couch where he was at earlier the entire house was filled with light and when he looked back at the little girl, he finally gets to see how she looked like in the light. He hair was down, lips just as pouty as his are, eyes wandering around the room in bewilderment. She was just as surprised as he was when the light came on, when her eyes landed back on the little boy with pouty lips and chubby cheeks, she gasps. Carefully holding his face she noticed a purple bruising on his right eye where there were tiny lines, not it was her who had watery eyes as she looked at his eye. Jimin finally realizes she was staring at the stitches on his eye that he got a few days ago after slipping in the bathroom.
"Oh this?" he points at his eye, he was about to touch but he remembers his mom telling him not to touch it so he drops his hand "I'm okay," he tells the girl who was now very much sobbing, he points at himself "Okay!" He wasn't entirely sure what it meant but in school the teacher would say it often and he knew it was a good, happy thing. As long as it was happy, she'll probably not cry over it. Jimin gently wipes a few tears that escaped the girl's eyes. He realizes she looked angelic but she also looked as adorable as other babies, he grabs her face gently in between his hands "Baby-ah" he calls her
"Huh? What did you say? I don't understand you," she says, wiping her face.
"I don't understand you," he tells her, she huffs in confusion quickly realizing that he doesn't speak the words she was speaking.
"Hmm... It's okay," she smiles "You and me should stay together," she makes a motion of putting her to index fingers side by side. Jimin nods, understanding the little sign she made. Getting off of the bed together, he grabs her hand and she lets him as he walks ahead of her looking around the house as they made their way to the fridge to find food. After Jimin was doing the extreme stuff for his new found friend; grabbing a nearby chair and climbing it to open the freezer, he grabs the tub of vanilla ice cream and one spoon from the table top (they didn't know where the cutlery was and no one was around to ask), they hold hands again as she leads them to the back yard as she carried the tub and Jimin was holding on to the spoon. When she opens the door to the backyard Jimin sees the ocean and a few coconut trees. They sit on the swing next to each other, eating the ice cream and when Jimin looked up he saw countless stars above him, he tried counting them all with the little girl but they fell asleep next to each other, before he fell asleep he smiled through his one swollen eye at her "I'll stay here with you, I'll never leave you. I promise," Y/n looked at him in confusion but seeing him with his pinky out she quickly wraps her pinky around his and smiles "I'll see you again when we go to sleep, I guess. Now I don't have to be alone here".
When he did wake up, he was back in his room in Busan and for the first time in years, the first thing he did that morning was cry his eyes out startling his parents and his little brother. When his parents asked him why he was crying and kept repeating that he left 'her' when he promised not to, it just made him cry more and when he finally calmed down, he explained to them his dream. His parents look at each other with a look and they smile at him proudly "Jimin-ah," his dad says happily but also sympathetically at his crying first born "You met your soulmate,"
"What is that, dad?"
"It means she's the one you're going to spend your whole life with, someone who is going to love you forever. Kind of like how your dad and I ended up," his mom tells him
"Did she tell you where she's from?" his dad asks to which he shakes his head
"She didn't speak Korean. She knows what Okay means."
"Ah..." his dad nods before looking at his mom who was giggling who said "He's going to have a hard time finding her but at least he knows how to somehow find her,"
"I had a hard time looking for you and you were just a few districts over," he laughs "he might end up going around the globe to look for a soulmate."
Jimin's dad then turns back to him and says "You'll see her again, Jimin-ah. As long as wherever she is, she's asleep. You'll see her again. You'll remember her, but she won't remember you when she wakes up."
"How come she won't remember me?" Jimin asked his dad feeling sad
"Because it's how soulmates work, my son" he smiles at Jimin "We are supposed to find them; they're the other half that will complete us and we, in return , complete them, but we are supposed to find them not the other way around.
She'll remember you when she's asleep, but not while she's awake. So ask her everything you can to find her. Just remember to be kind to her Jimin-ah, and love her unconditionally"
Jimin watches his parents, thinking about what his parents said if what they said was true then he was going to see her again tonight when he goes to sleep. But she didn't show up that evening, and he patiently waited for her until he fell asleep and woke up in his bed again crying to his parents that she wasn't there leading to them comforting a very confused Jimin.
The little girl was there however, but when she fell asleep and arrived in the house at the beach Jimin was already fading meaning he was already waking up soon and she sat there on his spot watching the sunrise crying that she didn't see her new friend at the beach house all because she flew on a plane with her parents to a place called Seoul.
< fourpointfive | masterlist | fivepointfive >
A/N: Reply down below if you sat the Do You - RM, I think he knows - Taylor Swift and Promise - Park Jimin references💜
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51 notes · View notes
softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 9 (Bucky Barnes au)
"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world ?"
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"Can I come in?"
It was Bucky's voice – of course it was. You tried wiping your tears away before speaking. A part of you didn't care if he saw you crying, but you still hated when you couldn't hold back the tears.
"Yes." Your voice was husky from the crying and you weren't sure he'd heard you until he opened the door. You were still on your knee, unable to even look at him.  Bucky seemed to understand talking wasn't really what you wanted at the moment. Instead, he kneeled next to you and unexpectedly wrapped his arms around your shaking body. You'd noticed how rare it was for him to touch people ; even tapping Steve's shoulder seemed to hardly ever occur to him. Your shaking stopped instantly as you gave into his embrace, leaning against his chest.
"He was about to call me a whore, wasn't he?"
Had it been Steve, he would've told you no in an effort to comfort you. But Bucky radiated blatant honesty when he talked to you, which you appreciated more than you would say.
"It doesn't mean he's right," he said.
"Maybe not. But that's still the word he wanted to call his wife. How did I even- fuck." You shook your head. "How did I ever fell for his tricks? I knew his friends were trash but...I thought he was the exception. I never thought he'd act like this with me."
"Act how? Rude?" Bucky asked, unsure about what you exactly meant.
"Yeah. The neglect has been going on for years, you know." You looked up at him and got out of his arms to sit properly. It didn't take him long to take a seat next to you, leaning his back against your bed. "I just put it all on his job." You grabbed Bucky's hand : you'd never needed to touch him as much as you did now. Something in the controlled way he breathed and the warmth of his skin helped you think straight and prevented you from spiralling.
"Is it the first time he insults you?"
"Openly? Yeah." You sighed. "He's been petty before but calling me names...never."
"I'm afraid to ask this, but I have to." He looked you in the eyes, searching for...what, exactly? "He was pretty violent when he grabbed your shirt. Was that the first time as well?"
The question made you look away once more. Inexplicable guilt flooded your body as you tried to think of some lie. You leaned your head back on the mattress and closed your eyes, opting for honesty.
You could almost hear Bucky's jaw clenching ;  his other hand formed a fist, whereas the one holding yours remained gentle.
"He's never been violent intentionally," you quickly explained. "It's just... We've had our fights, alright? And when we start yelling at each other, I always tell him we both need to calm down but that doesn't suit me so he tries to stop me from leaving the apartment and...well. It goes from grabbing my arm a little too hard or just locking the door and hiding the keys. He even threw them out the window once."
Recalling those fights didn't help your tears stop rolling on your cheeks but damn, it felt good to actually say it to someone. Wanda never needed you tell her things : she could just read them when she felt like you were lying. With Bucky, it was different. You actually wanted to tell him what had happened.
"What did you do when he did those things to you?"
"Not much. It only made me angrier so I would sit on the couch or even in my room and stop talking to him until he opened the door."
"You do realise how that's...far from right, yeah?"
"I'm starting to." You shrugged. "This might be stupid but, seeing how everyone here treats me, how you treat me, it's making me realise Darren is not this perfect husband I imagined him to be. He was the easy way, you know? We met, we liked each other and he had a good situation and I could already see the white-fence family every American movie depicts. I just didn't know it would turn into a soap opera." You laughed bitterly at your own not-so-funny joke.
Bucky suddenly got up, keeping your hand in his to help you stand as well.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
"It's still your birthday and I don't want it to be ruined by that guy," he let out in one breath. "C'mon."
He took a right turn after your bedroom door, walking you further away from where the party was supposed to be. You didn't walk for long before he opened an other door, walking you into his own room.
"What's the plan, exactly?" you asked again, more than confused. "I thought you meant we'd go back to the others, and..."
"Damn, I didn't realise how this looks." He let out a nervous laugh and you mentally slapped yourself for going blank over how cute it was. "Nobody even asked you to a proper dance on your own birthday and I want to fix that, if you'll allow me."
He looked back at you through his eyelashes, looking all anxious about your answer.
"What music choice do we have?"
His face lit up and he went through a box of vinyls on the floor. "I only have old stuff, I'm sorry. I believe this should do it, though," he said as he picked out one of the pockets. "It's from 1956, but it actually came out first in the 30's. Most people know the most recent, so..."
"I didn't know you were a music nerd," you said with a smile.  "How very cute of you."
He shrugged as he placed the disk on the record player. Piano notes started rising through the air and you recognised Louis Armstrong's voice.
"May I?" Bucky held out his hand and he waited for you to nod before grabbing yours, placing his left hand on your hip. Your instinct was to inch closer to him as you both started swinging slowly in the middle of his room. His blue eyes were sounding  you out.
"This was indeed a wonderful idea," you whispered, not wanting to break the moment as Ella Fitzgerald started singing her own chorus of Cheek to cheek. Bucky beamed and you enjoyed the view, returning  his smile before resting your head on his chest. His heartbeat became another rhythm to follow and be lulled to. "I can't explain how you make me feel and that scares me, Buck. And yet, it's the best feeling I've ever experienced."  The use of his nickname did something to him : you felt his heart skip, causing you to smile discreetly. "Talking to you is ridiculously easy," you continued, "and I'm not that muck of a talker. Just ask Wanda."
He laughed softly and you tilted  your head up as his chest shook from the movement.
"I know what you mean," he confided. "I don't feel all of the guilt I carry when I'm with you. It's refreshing. I don't feel like I'm being judged at every second."
"I couldn't possibly do that," you explained. "I know a little more about the things they made you do, now, and I'm more impressed at how you came out of this. You're still there whenever someone needs help, like when that fire alarm rang for no reason the other day. And when that thing went off in the lab, you took time to help me. How could anyone judge you negatively?" Your frowned. "Sorry, I interrupted you."
"It's fine," he assured you as the next song on the vinyl started playing (not that you were paying much attention to the music, even though Dream a little dream of me was an all time favourite of yours).
Your eyes scanned his face and when you noticed his own gaze lingering on your lips, you moved  your hand from his shoulder to his neck. You were still slow dancing effortlessly, and you could feel his breath slightly picking up.
"I want to do something," you muttered. "But if you don't want me to, I won't feel bad if you stop me." The last thing you wanted was him to let you do anything out of pity ; you didn't think that was the type of thing he'd do, but there was no harm in making sure. Your fingers fiddled with the short hair on the back of his head and you extended your neck a bit. You felt Bucky's breath on your nose and lips as you got even closer to him, closer than you'd ever been until now.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked in a whisper. "Trust me, I do, but last thing I want-"
Those were the only words you needed. You pressed your lips against his and a whole firework show started in your belly. His hand on your hip pulled you into an even closer embrace as you kept playing  with his air. When you broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his, you couldn't get rid  of your smile. So it was true, what books said about butterflies.
--- I'm so happy to finally post this part!! This was definitely my favourite to write so far, even though it's a tie with the stars scene. :) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.
P.S. : the tag list is still growing and damn that makes me so happy!! Your support means everything.
P.S. 2 : I feel like this story will be wrapped soon. If you have any request/idea you'd like to see for a next one (short one shots or series), I will gladly hear it!
Tag list :
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3
41 notes · View notes
whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Unrequited (Atsumu x Reader)
A/N: The first one of the series. I'm actually pretty proud of this one for it being the first one on the blog. It went under heavy editing and I think I cut out a whole two pages of pointless dialog. And it still ended up longer than intended. Anyways enjoy!
WARNINGS: Angst. Just angst that's it. And blood mentioned nothing too explicit. One sided love
DATE: Thursday October 22nd, 2020
Details: 4.8 pages 1,792 words
Theme: Hanahaki Disease- The victim begins to have flowers grow in their lungs leading to them coughing up flowers petals this continues getting worse until it causes their death. There's a surgery option to get rid of the flowers but it comes at the price of never feeling love again.
Angst masterlist
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I stared at the ceiling of my room debating on if I was healthy enough for school. As I sat up my eyes drifted to the yellow petals overflowing from the trash can in the corner.
"Sunflowers," I mumbled as I looked at the petals.
They were supposed to represent happiness but as I looked at the blood flecked petals all I felt was overwhelming sadness. Summer break ended today so maybe I could get away with an I forgot.
"Yeah that sounds good," I said as I got out of bed and stretched.
I felt a cough bubble in my throat as I rushed to the bathroom I placed my hand over my mouth coughing into it. Blood seeped between my fingers as I felt the soft touch of flower petals in my palm. I sighed as the coughing subsided I put the petals on the sink counter. I cleaned the blood on my hands and face before heading back to my room. My limbs already felt weak as I walked it was a struggle to make the ten steps to my room.
"No school today," I sighed out as I laid down on my mattress. I let my eyes slowly slide closed as I fell asleep.
"Y/n," In my sleepy haze I could hear someone saying my name.
"Hey y/n wake up," I slowly opened my eyes and looked to the side. My eyes caught sight of grey hair and eyes looking at me in concern.
"Samu? What are you doin here?" My voice was thick with sleep and my speech was slightly slurred.
"What am I doing here? You haven't answered anyone's calls or texts! I was worried so I left practice to check on you," I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You left practice? Kita's gonna be mad at you," I sat up which caused Osamu to put a hand infront of me and push me back down.
"He's the one who let me go. If anything Tsumu was mad he also didn't get to come," I coughed at that which Osamu sighed at. "Are you sick?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No I'm fi-" "Don't lie to me," I snapped my head towards him and he was staring back at me.
"I-I'm not lying," he shook his head and lifted his palm. Staring back at me was a single yellow petal dotted with red "Yes, you are," I flinched as I realized he'd figured it out.
"How long?" Osamu was quieter now as he spoke. "A year but it didn't get bad until the beginning of summer break," I whispered back as he placed the petal down on the ground.
"Who is it?" I felt everything I'd kept bottled up break down and tears fill my eyes "You already know," my voice cracked as Osamu sighed and pulled me towards him.
He wrapped both arms around me and pushed my face into the crook of his neck. "I know," he mumbled it as confirmation to my previous statement.
I started coughing again pulling back I covered my mouth with my hand. Osamu's eyes widened when he noticed more blood on the petals as they slipped through my fingers. I started heaving as more petals came up. Osamu left the room coming back with a cup of water and a rag. I put my hands down and watched the petals cover my bedsheets there was a thin red layer covering the petals making them look a reddish orange. I didn't need to look in a mirror to know there was a trail of blood leaking down the side of my mouth.
"Jesus...," Osamu spoke as he looked at me. He took the rag and cleaned my face and hands before giving me the glass of water.
"You let it get this bad?" I could see the concern laced in his grey eyes eyebrows furrowed downwards and mouth pulled down in a frown.
"I didn't realize it was this bad," my throat was scratchy as I spoke taking huge glups of water to sooth the ache the petals left behind.
"What are you going to do?" He asked "The same thing I've been doing. Try to forget about it," He blinked at my response "Is that why you've been ignoring Tsumu?" I nodded slowly. "It hasn't worked though,"
Before we could continue Osamu's phone rang. He answered it slowly "yeah?"
"Don't yeah me Samu! You've been gone for an hour! Get back here!" I could hear Atsumu's yelling through the phone. I got up and heading to the hallway with the glass tucked into my hand.
Suddenly the petals came back in my throat and I started coughing. The glass slipped from my fingers as I collapsed to the ground. It shattered next to me and a few shards cut my hands as I placed them on the floor. The petals came out red instead of the normal bright yellow causing small pools of blood to form around them.
I couldn't breath as I heard my bedroom door get thrown open Osamu stood there wide eyed with terror lacing his features. "Y/n! Hey stay with me!" He dropped to my level ignoring the glass that dug into his uniform pants and probably cut his legs. I saw the fear in his eyes deepen when he saw the amount of blood on the ground.
"Y/n!? What's happening! What's going on with y/n!?" I could still hear Atsumu's yelling despite my coughing. Osamu rapidly hung up and dialed someone else.
"Hello? My friend started coughing up blood and petals and I'm think she's dying please send help!" I could hear the panic in his voice as my eyes started to close. I finally stopped coughing and took deep wheezing breaths. Black spots covered my vision as a wave of exhaustion hit my body.
Osamu took my hand "Hey y/n no. Stay awake," I slowly shook my head in response. "Can't. I'm tired Samu," I mumbled at him. "You have to," Was the last thing he said before darkness over took my vision.
"Remove them!" "Sir, she has to make that decision not you," I let out a light groan as I slowly opened my eyes. Atsumu stood next to my bedside clearly yelling at a doctor.
He looked at me giving the doctor a chance to slip out of the room. "Osamu told me. Who is it?" I flinched at the anger in his voice.
A sense of relief filled me when I realized Osamu hadn't told him everything. "I- I can't tell you," I whispered. "No! No bullshit! Tell me!" I shook my head at him. "Is it Kita? Or Suna? No its Ojiro isn't it or-" I cut him off before he could continue. "It's you!" I yelled back at him.
"Me?" He asked slowly. I nodded in response "You can't love me," I sighed looking down "But I do," I felt those flowers again in my lungs clawing their way up to my throat.
"Well stop loving me!" I balled my fists together as a flash of anger struck me. "I ALREADY TRIED!" my throat burned in protest of the yelling. "I TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED!" "AND IT NEVER WORKED!" tears rolled down my face as I looked at him. His eyes narrowed at me "I can't love you. So get them removed," Atsumu left the room after that leaving me sobbing into my hands.
Osamu walked in soon after "y/n," he whispered my name as he got closer to me. The doctor came in and looked at me sadly. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. All I could manage was a weak nod as I looked at the hospital bed.
"Do either of you know someone who's gone through this procedure before?" Before I could answer Osamu had said something. "Yes...My brother," I looked at Osamu in shock but he was looking away from me.
"Right well I'm going to go check the x-rays and come back and we can schedule the surgery then," I nodded at the doctor as he handed me a glass of water before leaving the room again.
"Atsumu...had Hanahaki Disease?" Osamu finally looked back at me slowly nodding. "He never told me who caused it and he got it removed before telling anyone," I sighed as I looked away.
"You know Samu I used to like sunflowers," I whispered staring out the window. "They were never your favorite flower though," He responded back to me. "You remember?" I turned to him as I asked to discover he was already looking at me. "Yep. Buttercups," I laughed as I nudged him with my shoulder "You only remember because it has butter in the name," He chuckled back at me "You caught me," we smiled at eachother as the doctor came back.
The doctor had a sad look in his eyes as he looked at me. "I don't have good news for you," The smile on my face fell as I looked at the doctor. "The disease has progressed too far for us to remove it," I gasped "W-what?" The doctor looked at me as I felt tears slip down my cheeks "I'm sorry but there's no way we could remove them without killing you," I turned and buried my face into Osamu's chest to hide my tears.
The doctor left as Osamu ran his fingers through my hair and down my back. "Samu...," I whispered and he hummed at me "I just wanted to say thank you for being there and I love you," I mumbled as I began drifting off to sleep the last thing I registered was Osamu responding to me. "...Love you too y/n,"
*third person p.o.v*
"You know Samu this is my fault," Osamu's eyes glanced to his twin who was sadly looking down.
"If I hadn't been a coward and told her...She would still be here and I could still love," He watched Atsumu set a bouquet of buttercups against the cool marble infront of him.
"Her favorite...Maybe that'll comfort her," Atsumu walked away while Osamu looked back at the grave.
Y/n l/n DOB: (b/d) 'She loved until the end'
Osamu felt a cough in his throat as a small yellow flower landed in his palm. It was covered in blood as he stared at it. It matched the ones in the bouquet and a sad laugh left Osamu throat.
"Buttercups huh...," He let the flower leave his palm with the wind as he followed his brother a small sad smile on his face as he whispered one last thing to the wind.
"I love you y/n,"
TAG LIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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harrysbbby · 4 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong - JJ Maybank x Reader - Part Five
-Thank you guys so much for all the support on this series! I’ve gotten so many messages and comments with such nice feedback and I haven't had a chance to respond to them all so thank you! Also I think I got everyone on the tag list but if not let me know and if possible please ask to be added via my inbox just because it’s easier to keep a track of. anyway, please enjoy xx
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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The five of you sat on John B’s front porch. You had gathered there that morning after the discovery of his father’s compass, which John B and JJ had taken to Lana Grubbs for investagtion
“Her husband just die guys, give her at least a moment,” you had protested by the boys didn’t listen as they go in John B’s van and driven off.
They had now returned, and Pope and Kie had arrived, all somewhat engrossed in JJ’s dramatic retelling of what was had happened
“And we were right outside like this, and all we hear is just, "Bam! Bam! Bam!" Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside! All right? And I'm just looking at him, like…” JJ stopped mid sentence and he moved forward shaking his hair over the top off you,
“Wait, first off, look at this shit,” he ran his hands through his hair, white specks falling off on to your lap.
“That's dandruff, disgusting,” Kie said, mouth downturned in a look of repulsion.
“Ugh, JJ,” you scoffed, wiping your thighs as he stood back up looking around at all of you.
“That's paint,” he said, a look of dramatic seriousness on his face, “At that point, I was just, like... I'm waiting for death,” he finished.
“Wow, you’re not dramatic at all, JJ,” you said to him sarcastically. He shot you a look as if to say ‘it’s all true.’
“Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot at us, right?” Pope asked him, to which he nodded, “Did you get a good description of them?”
“Yeah, literally anything,” you added.
“Anything we can bring to a police report?” Pope asked.
“Burly,” JJ said curtly, turning back around to the group.
“Burly, that’s all you got?” you asked him.
“Yeah, you know like…”
“That’s not very helpful,” Kie cut him off.
“Okay, well, no, like the type of guy at my dad's garage,” he explained, “I mean, you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers.
You and Kie spoke at the same time,
“Yeah. Yes. No, we know.
“We are, in fact, aware of this, JJ.”
He looked between the two of you before continuing. He leant back against the wall as he spoke, taking a melodramatic swig of his vape, “I can tell you with full confidence, these boys, these killers,” he exhaled, smoke emitting from his mouth, “they're square groupers.” He finished.
“They're square groupers,” Pope started, a very unimpressed look across his face, “like narco square grouper? Like Pablo Escobar square grouper?”
“Yeah, man.” JJ confirmed. You shook your head at the boy as you slumped further into your seat.
“You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie,” Kie deadpanned.
“What does this square grouper look like, specifically?” Pope asked again, still not convinced.
“You were’t there,” JJ defended
“You don’t know what to look for!” Pope fired back.
“Dude!” JJ exclaimed, “I wasn't taking little mental Polaroids the entire time. Man, I was under duress, okay?”
A puff of air left your nose as a long air laugh left the back of your throat. This boy, you swore to god…
JJ a playful glared at you before turning back to Pope, “But I can tell you... I can tell you by the way that Ms. Lana was screaming... that these guys are serious, serious hombres, man.” You caught John B looking down at the compass. “It's a heavy vibe right now, okay? I'm not liking this very much.”
“Okay, well we’ll let you calm down sweetheart,” you said to him in a sarcastic tone that was laced with actual concern. “Jesus Christ,” you whispered shaking your head as you turned to the group, specifically John B who had now turned his back o the group and continued to stare at the object,
“Why do they want the compass?” you asked.
“It’s a piece of shit,” Pope said insensitively, “You could pawn it off for 5 bucks if you wanted to.”
“Pope,” you started but he continued.
“No offense. I know it's in your family—”
“The office.” John B said, speaking for the first time.
“What?” Pope asked him.
“My dad’s office. He always kept the office locked because he was worried about his competitors stealing his Royal Merchant research,” you followed John B through his house and to the door of the locked room, “We used to laugh at him like he was gonna find it. But now that he's gone, I've just kinda... I just left it as he kept it.”
You could see the way he was staring at the door, a look of deep sadness and melancholy swimming through his eyes.
“For when he gets back.” You said, rubbing your hand along his arm.
“Yeah, for when he gets back,” Kie echoed your words immediately. You leant around John B’s body and shot a look at Pope and JJ. They looked at each other and back to you, almost as if they were confused. You rolled your eyes as John B unlocked the door.
You entered the room and took in all of the stuff in the room. Maps, files, all of it.
“I've slept over here like 600 times, and I've never seen this door opened.”
“Here,” John B said grabbing a cork board which showed the lifetime of the compass. He explained who each person was and how they all died in possession of the compass.
“You have a death compass,” Pope stated, looking directly at John B.
“I do not,” he defended, holding the object tighter in his hand. He looked around at the group for support but you scrunched up your face and shrugged- it did seem cursed.
“You have a death compass,” Pope repeated.
“Get rid of it,” JJ ordered.
“It’s cursed, and it’s made its way back to you,” Pope and JJ continued to jeer and John B moved away from you all and sat down. He flicked the compass over in his hands.
“Look, my dad used to talk about this compartment in here,” you all gathered around to watch what he was doing. “Soldiers used it to hide secret notes.”
Something fell out and revealed writing across the inside of the compass.
“What’s that?” Kie asked, you and her both leaning forward over John B’s shoulder to get a better look. JJ’s head came close to yours as he bent his neck around to have a look.
“That wasn't there before,” John B stated, looking at the word, “This is my dad's handwriting.”
“How can you know that?” Pope asked sceptically.
“Because he does these weird Rs. See?”
“Can I see it?” JJ asked, placing a hand on your back to move further around to read the word. He hair obstructed your view as he leaned across you. “"Red—Rout—”
You moved his hair to the side, popping in below him to look up at him, “it says Redfield.” You clarified, ruffling his hair as you sat moved back out of his hair.
“Right,” he said sheepishly.
“Okay, well, what's Redfield?” Kie asked.
Answers were thrown around about what the common word could mean. Everyone began talking over one another, coupled with the rooster crowing very loudly. Pope was trying to work when he said,
“How can you concentrate with that thing crowing at you?”
“Awww,” you cooed sticking your bottom lip out, “JJ loves the rooster.” You smiled up at him as you leaned in closer. He smiled down at you as he laughed, leaning his head down closer to yours.
“I love the rooster,” Kie echoed.
“Let me think.” Pope cut all of you off, growing frustrated. He kept throwing around random before John B’s frantic voice cut him off.
He drew your attention to the black car that had pulled into the drive, and the two men that exited it.
“Guys, guys, is that them?” Kie started freaking out.
“Shit,” You mumbled.
“No, no!” JJ started to freak out running his hands through his hair. You grabbed his wrists trying to calm him down.
“This is suboptimal,” Pope commented.
“John B I told you,” JJ continued to pace, you moving along with him trying to get him to compose himself.
“JJ, look at me,” you said. He immediately swivelled and looked at you, before John B’s arm covered your face from hi vision, stepping forward to talk to him.
“Where's the gun?”
“Gun? I, uh, I can't—” JJ spluttered, mind running a million miles an hour.
“Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?” Kie’s shrill voice came from behind you.
You reached your arm out to JJ who was still stressfully heaving.
“Just think, JJ” you said calmly. At your words he took a deep breath.
“It was in my backpack, and then I— on the porch,” he realised looking up at John B.
“On the porch,” John B confirmed pushing him towards the door. You brough your arms up to your chest as you felt anxiety corse through your veins as JJ stepped outside.
“John Routledge!” a booming voice came from outside. JJ skidded to a halt and turn around hastily, running back to the rom and slamming the door behind him.
“They’re on the front porch, guys,” he said.
You let out an involuntary whimper as you and Kie huddled together in fear. You could hear the two men trashing the palce.
“We have to leave.” Kie said.
“Window,” you said, pointing to the only window in the room. Pope and JJ rushed to try and prise it open.
“Hurry,” Kie urged them, she moved over to them as you and John B had your backs pressed against the door, holding it in place,
“what’s taking so long?” Kie asked them.
“It’s painted shut, okay,” JJ said aggressively as Kie moved to find something to slice through the paint. She got the letter opener and began to saw around the edge. Pope moved with you and John B to stand as a shield with the door.
“Come on,” JJ said frantically,”
“I’m going as fast as I can!” Kie exclaimed, fingers moving qucikly.
You and John B shushed them. You felt a harsh force on your back and you and John B pushed against the door as the man banged on it.
“You better not be in there!”
Kie finally got the window opeed and started to climb out. JJ grabbed your hand and dragged you with him. He climbed out of the window first before helping you down, hands around your waist. John B and Pope came after you as you all followed Kie into the oly hiding spot you could find: the chicken coop.  
The five of you sat inside, makig the chickens and rooster cluck loudly. You could feel your chest rising heavily as you struggled to catch you breath. John B was watching through the cracks and you could tell the men had exited the house as he tensed.
The chickens clucking rose louder and louder.
“Do something, Pope,” Kie said as he was the closest to the crowing rooster. “Shut him up.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Pet it, or talk to it,” she said frantically, tears streaming down her face, “I don't know.”
You could hear footsteps near the car. Tears welled in your eyes as you could feel your heart beating. JJ was next to you, and grabbed your hand. You looked at him and he nodded. A reassurance. You’d be okay. You nodded back.
The rooster only continued to get louder. John B sat back as he tried to hide after he heard the truck boot slam shut and one of the men start to walk over towards the coop.
You held bated breath. The rooster fluttered its wings and flew towards you and JJ.
JJ grabbed it and held it to the ground. It continued to crow loudly. Until you heard a sickening crack. The rooster went limp as JJ hurriedly let go.
You let out a quivering breath. Kie was sobbing quietly. JJ leant back and looked at you, only to see tears running down each side of your face. His eyes started to rim red as his breath became shaky. There was almost silence until you heard the men yell, their car start and drive away.
None of you moved for a moment, letting the adrenaline settle down.
You all crawled out of the chicken coop and JJ immediately made a beeline away from all of you. The four of you all looked at each other, before their eyes turned to you. You nodded, following JJ to where he stood in John B’s backyard, kicking stones.
You stood in front of him for a while. He looked up at you.
“What?” he asked forcefully, kicking another rock with your shoe.
“Just making sure you’re alright.” You said, crossing your arms across your chest, watching him.
“M fine,” he mumbled.
“JJ, you started.
“I saw the way you looked at me,” he said strongly ceasing his movements to look at you.
You sighed.
“I’m a bad person,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets, refusing to meet your eyes.
You slowly moved towards him. You wrapped your arms slowly around his shoulders, until he relaxed and allowed you to fully envelope yourself around him.
“You’re not a bad person, J,” you said quietly, rubbing his back. “You’re a person who gets put into terrible situations without right or wrong,” you said pulling back and holding him at arm’s length. “Was what just happened horrible? Yes.” You told him truthfully, “but it doesn’t make me think any less of you.”
His eyebrows raised as you spoke, looking at you incredulously.
“Just shows me you would do anything to save your friends.”
He nodded at your words, wiping his nose and sniffing before rolling his shoulders back.
“Are you ready to go back to the rest of the group?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, relatively confidently. You smiled as he began walking next to you, returning slowly to himself.
You skipped along next to him, “you owe John B a rooster, you know.”
“Y/N,” he said sternly, but the sides of his mouths twitched as he suppressed a smile.
You spoke coyly, bringing a single finger to the side of your mouth as you teased him, “What? Too soon?”
Tag List:
I'm sorry it wouldn't let me tag some of you
@downbytheouterbanks @thesailbells @sexualparkour @bestfriendmagic @mileven-reddie @nikki082489 @treestarrrrrrrr @mynamessusan @kristinaxilliano @love-bean @lauraxwndrlnd @jjsthumbring @imsad05 @lovelymaybankk @http-cherries @belledutchess @queen1054 @wicked-laugh @dist-urbia @jjswhore​ @sspidermanss​ @fandomobsessedlife @dolanfivsosxox​ @whenyouregrungeaff​ @poguestyleskye​ @iknowrocknroll567​ @kingdomheartsfan109​ @ilikebrowniess @dangerouswhispersblog​ @hopelesswritingxd​ 
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noszkass · 3 years
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ashley tempest winthrope.
thirty six. defense attorney. jai courtney.
“You're supposed to grow out of your horridness, aren't you? I don't think I ever grew out of mine. Sometimes I think it's still inside me, like something nasty I swallowed, that got stuck...”
content warning: mentions toxic, co-dependent relationships; abuse; death of a peer/family member (via murder).
dominant traits. logical, charismatic, gentleman, stoic, focused, patient, selectively affectionate, charming, observant, cautious, possessive, unpredictable, self-preserving, forceful, obsessive, demanding, melancholic, aggressive, irritable, distrusting, unrelenting, loyal, easily jealous, less hair-trigger more berserk button, no-nonsense, quick thinking, dishonest.
fictional parallels. elijah mikaelson (the originals); geralt of rivia (the witcher); henry winter (the secret history); pope cody (animal kingdom); richie gecko (fdtd the series).
○ born into the winthorpe family; known for their successful generational family law practice, as councilmen from neighboring townships, and good for nothin' criminals who latched onto the teat of a community that's long-since given up on them like leaches─depending on what side of miriam's well it is you live in. ashley's particular branch is the former. estate house in rosebush hill drive, debutant turned matron belle mother who just can't seem to find her way around or out of other people's business (including, if not almost invariably, that of all three of her children), and a certain amount of respectability he was brought up to live by.
○ on the surface ashley winthorpe is a deliciously handsome man. wealthy and put together. takes pride in his appearance and family name. he's also well-mannered and polite, and thoughtful in such infinitesimal ways that you never really think much of until after the fact. and there is something so very not right about him. he has a kind smile that never quite reaches the edges of his eyes and though it doesn't necessarily look disingenuous, there's something about it that doesn't exactly leave you with a sense of ease. like an unfamiliar gesture that's been practiced over and over, so many times that it's lost meaning. like it takes the muscles in his face a moment to pull before they settle in the correct spots. he'll have a conversation with you and while at times it seems he's looking right through you, others will have his attention so intensely undivided it feels as if you've been bared naked and left in a cold room. like you've just been caught lying about something and he knows. somehow, he's known all along. because he listens intently when you speak to him and you suspect somehow he never forgets a single thing he's heard.
○ there's no mistaking his booming voice, jarring, even at a whisper sending shockwaves through your core that has you on high alert. even when it's soft and lulling (in an attempt to offer comfort or catching him melt into the woman he's declared the love of his goddamn life from the corner of your eye through the crack in his office door), there's something threatening that looms. less like hard blunt force and more like a living, breathing fog that blankets you with strong arms, settles deep into your gut, coils itself around your innards, and wrings you dry. the confusing part? you know, without a doubt, he would protect you with no hesitation and ask for nothing in return. and, most of the time, you'd be right. because ashley winthorpe is a good man. no matter how your instincts thrash, screaming at you otherwise.
plot hooks.
i apologize, some of these are all very specific to a singular plot and i could've just included them in a legit request 😬🙃
○ sandbox love never dies. a very specific and imperfect friend group cast in the roles of bastard, bleeding heart, damaged, golden, grim, ingénue, temptress, and wild card. they've been together since any of them can remember. spent their whole lives dreaming about trying to get out of miriam's well, but instead only found tragedies that bind them to each other. tragedies, usually, of their own making. you'll be able to read a little more about these characters in the sandbox love request, which i promise is coming!! there is a doc in the works with more information + a plot server, so expect to be part of those things if you take one of these babes!
○ his secretary. in the past he's helped her out with something legally and she's kind of in his debt, though he insists time and time again she owes him nothing of the sort. i figured it'd be something along the lines of strong holding an ex-boyfriend or husband who wouldn't leave her alone (making her miserable, or something like refusing to pay child support he'd been ordered to pay, dragging her name through the mud, etc. general nuisances to nip in the bud/bad behavior in need of correcting before they became worse as they usually do. you get the idea), because that's notoriously right up his alley. likely using non-legal means to get there; intimidation is sort of his thing. and while he may not be the type of boss or co-worker who meets you for drinks after you clock out, he does have an affection for every single one of his employees and seeing as how she works with him the most, she'd be near the top of that list. maybe she was intimidated by him in the beginning and now she knows he's not everything he appears to be. and they have an understanding.
○ the weight of his guilt. [cw: murder. this will come much later in the plot!] the winthorpes are a family on two very extremes of a type of people. [the bastard] is his cousin on his father's side, a wayward little sister who got knocked up by someone unbefitting of the family and then marrying someone worse by their standards when the father got himself put away over an affair or something just as unbecoming. ashley was always raised closely with [the bastard], his father's hope to sway the boy of many wasted talents to the right side of the family, to make something of himself. but he's a product of his lineage. and only ever finds situations for ash to get him out of. eventually, [the bastard] who he will murder, cold and bloody and bury at the base of an old oak tree will disappear. and ashley's guilt will cause him to reach out. as far as anyone knew, they were the best of friends. always together (even if that relationship was practically handwrought by his father, and he had little-to-no patience for his cousin's antics). it'll be only natural that he come by every now and again to check on them, show care, help fix up things around the house that [the bastard] would have if he were still around. because it'll ultimately be ash's fault he's gone. partially. [the bastard] will deserve what he gets and no one who'll know will be able to convince him anything otherwise, but his family didn't deserve the fallout that came after. maybe a parent or sibling or someone [the bastard] claimed to love while making his way through the female population of miriam's well.
○ the other two winthrope children. they're expected to be upstanding citizens to combat the trash reputation the other winthrope side creates. father is one of a long line of lawyers (with a main practice just outside of town, ashley's secondary office in mw because he prefers it here) and mother is a homemaker whose extracurriculars might as well be solid, paying jobs. they have three children together; ashley (being the oldest son), a daughter magnolia (and the only girl -- taken by sage), and the youngest son, credence (who is very likely expected to join the family business, like ashley). i don't expect anyone to make the parents even though that would be incredible? but they all still have rooms at their home in rosebush hill drive to use at their leisure. it wouldn't at all be out of the question that some of the children still live there -- especially the daughter if she's unwed. they're very old fashioned southern that way. they do these big family events where everyone is expected to participate, go on vacations and holidays together, and church on sundays regardless of your personal beliefs on the matter (that you had very well better keep to yourself if they don't align, ashley has learned). their grandfather also lives in the family house after losing grandma a few years back.
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How about that WandaVision finale?
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I have been MCU trash pretty much since 2008's "Iron Man," and it's currently a great time to be MCU trash. "WandaVision" is one of the few series that not only kept me coming back week after week, but actually amounted to much more than just a gimmicky twist (I'm looking at you, "Behind Her Eyes." Seriously, that show is soap opera drivel with a shocking double twist as its only captivating trait...and the double twist wasn't handled very well anyway)
In the end "WandaVision" was about overcoming grief and accepting reality.
Spoilers ahead!
The "WandaVision" finale was quite good overall, but there were a few disappointments. I'll address the latter first:
We never found out who was in witness protection. At the beginning of the series, Jimmy Woo stated there was someone trapped in West View who was in the witness protection program, and it seemed like it would be a key subplot but ultimately, it didn't lead anywhere. Perhaps it wasn't meant to be seen as anything more than some...random bit of information, but it is odd that they put such a specific detail into the story in the first place if it wasn't going to lead anywhere. Then again, supposedly we may get more questions answered in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," so this subplot may not have been wasted after all.
There were so many theories floating around hinting at who the true villain was behind the scenes, including Mephisto, Nightmare, Grim Reaper, and Chthon. All seemed like valid enemy choices, especially Mephisto as many clues appeared to lead to him, and Grim Reaper due to his helmet making an appearance in the opening credits of episode two. However, there wasn't a big baddie hiding in the shadows, and Agatha Harkness and Tyler Hayward were the only villains. Then again, that doesn't mean there isn't an ultimate villain lurking out there who could appear in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," but it kind of sucks we have to wait until 2022 to find out.
I wanted White Vision to go to Wanda and get together with her since Hex Vision restored his memories. But White Vision just flew off and wasn't seen again for the rest of the episode. I guess he needed time to process all the memories that had just flooded his high advanced robot mind, which is understandable because it was a lot to take in. I would have liked to see him make another appearance in the episode, though, even if it was at the very end with Wanda in her secluded cabin. I just want them to be happy together, ok?
Evan Peters wasn't actually Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff from the "X-Men" movies but someone named Ralph Bohner. This must be the Ralph Agatha referred to numerous times throughout the series but was never shown (not until the later episodes, that is). It does seem a bit weird -- off-putting, really -- that Evan wasn't Quicksilver from an alternate timeline. It would have made sense, and would have been a nice sampling of the "Multiverse of Madness," but in the end, he was just...Ralph. I honestly, don't get it, though: Why choose Evan Peters for such a random role when he was Quicksilver in the "X-Men" movies, and we are getting into the Multiverse part of the MCU storyline? Also, what happened to him in the end? After Monica freed him from Agatha's magic, we never saw him again. So....? What gives?
Although this is more of a personal gripe than anything, I was seriously hoping Doctor Strange would appear in the finale, even if it was in a post-credits scene. It would have been an excellent lead in for "Multiverse of Madness," and I just really love Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal of the character. But again, this isn't really a flaw with the "WandaVision" series and is more of a pet peeve.
Also another peeve: What happened to Señor Scratchy?
I can't even say that there was a lot to be disappointed in with the finale, though. The lack of an "ultimate big bad meanie" isn't so bad. The series was more focused on Wanda running from her grief, having it smother her, and then earning her acceptance. Agatha and Hayward were sufficient as "true villains" of the series.
The only big issues are Evan Peters being a random dude named Ralph, and the weird subplot of a missing witness that ended up leading nowhere (for now?)
There was plenty of good in the "WandaVision" finale!
Wanda finally donning a scarlet outfit and crow reminiscent of what she wears in the comics was totally bad ass. It looked fantastic, and it shows she's now understanding herself and her powers much more. She isn't naïve about any of it, and is ready to learn how to control and enhance her abilities. Initially, she didn't want to be seen as a witch but ultimately, it is her destiny, and she chose to accept it without fear.
The second and final post-credits scene with Wanda making tea in her secret cabin in the mountains was interesting to say the least. Physical(?) Wanda was doing daily task while her astral projection -- which featured her in her costume -- was studying the book of dark spells (or "Book of the Damned," as Agatha called it). This is a funny nod to 2016's "Doctor Strange" considering Doctor Strange's physical form would sleep while his astral form would study magic. The difference, though, is Wanda is reading from the Book of the Damned, which can't be a good thing. Also, it almost indicates she has two personalities: Wanda Maximoff and Scarlet Witch, and I like that idea. She may have to wrestle with herself internally in the near future.
I was so glad that White Vision was able to regain his memories of his past -- and true? -- self thanks to Hex Vision. I hope White Vision will go to Wanda and reunite with her, but I'm not sure when that will happen. Paul Bettany isn't listed in the cast for "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" so...I'm really confused. White Vision still exists and is somewhere but...where? When? How? The cast list for "Multiverse of Madness" is very short, though, and Paul's upcoming films and series list ends in 2020 so...maybe it's meant to be a secret? The movie isn't due out until next year so it COULD be the case. Otherwise, it seems like a huge oversight on the MCU's part to just forget about White Vision. It would be a pleasant surprise if he shows up in "Multiverse of Madness" to help Wanda from doing bad things, losing control, or whatever?
Scarlet Witch is supposedly stronger than the Sorcerer Supreme, which is kind of awesome but kind of troubling because Doctor Strange may not have the best time in "Multiverse of Madness" is he is to confront her. This is why I hold on to the theory that White Vision may appear in the movie to aid Doctor Strange by calming Wanda down. Either way, knowing she is so powerful and at the same time, a very emotional person, hints at an epic fight in the near future.
I really liked how Wanda tricked Agatha into stealing her chaos magic. I was wondering why Wanda was missing with some of her chaos magic spheres, but assumed she was just growing tired and weak and was losing focus. Then it's revealed that she wasn't missing her shots -- she was placing large runes on the Hex's walls to prevent Agatha from using her magic. Then this allowed Wanda to take back her powers and steal some of Agatha's, which, in turn, made her accept her role as the Scarlet Witch. Agatha is punished by being trapped as nosy neighbor Agnes in West View, but I don't think it's the last we'll see of her.
I'm glad Wanda was able to finally accept Vision's death as that was what had caused all this mess in the first place. Despite what she did, she was a sympathetic "villain," if you can even consider her one. She was overwhelmed by grief and found a way to cope...she just happened to drag a small town into her world. Oops.
Monica's powers continuing to evolve was amazing, like how she managed to stop the bullets Hayward attempted to fire at Billy and Tommy. I really like Monica's character and the actress, Teyonah Parris, is very talented, so I'm excited to see more of her in Phase Four.
While it was expected, it was ultimately the right decision to let the people of West View go free. Even if they still resent Wanda for trapping them previously, they are given the chance to return to their normal lives without any harm done to them (well, maybe some mental and emotional trauma but, hey, who doesn't deal with these things in life, right?)
Some things I want to make note of:
Paul Bettany is a fucking troll and I love it! He had hinted at a surprise cameo later in the "WandaVision" series, which would involve working with an actor he's always wanted to work with. This caused a lot of speculation as to who it would be, although, Benedict Cumberbatch was the top choice since Doctor Strange and Vision never had screen time together, and Benedict is a great actor (then again, so is Paul, although, he's underrated, I think). Then there were rumors of Al Pacino being the surprise cameo since he was a major influence on Paul, and there were theories Al would show up as a secret villain like Nightmare. Turns out the secret surprise cameo was Paul Bettany himself since he played both Hex Vision and White Vision, and the two did fight for a bit before having a philosophical chat which led to White Vision regaining his memories. So, yeah, Paul Bettany is Troll of the Year. I guess I was initially disappointed that the big reveal wasn't really a big reveal, but I quickly realized how hilarious it was that Paul played us all so well. He's probably laughing his ass off right now at everyone's "WTFFF?" reactions.
I know Elizabeth Olsen was criticized for her poor Russian accent, but I think she's a very good actress and love her portrayal of Wanda. I mean, accents can be a bitch to master, I get it, and sometimes, I think if the performance is still impressive, we can learn to be unbothered if the accent is off.
I noticed that Chiwetel Ejiofor is returning as Karl Mordo in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," so perhaps he will be the main villain or a secondary villain? He has to be a villain since he is hunting down sorcerers to take their powers. Maybe he wants to take Wanda's powers, too? I mean, she's a sorcerer of sorts, so...maybe that is going to be a plot point? Although, Mordo is probably way out of his depth against her but we shall see.
I kind of still want Mephisto or Nightmare to appear in Phase Four since they have been hyped so much due to clues in "WandaVision." I don't think Wanda will be the big baddie for Phase Four, I just don't see it. Also, I don't see Mordo as being the big baddie, either. Both are very single-minded in their goals, and yeah, Thanos was, too, but he dragged the entire universe into his insane and devastating goal. I don't think Wanda or Mordo have such grand and deadly intentions. Wanda just wants her kids back and Mordo wants to get rid of sorcerers as...revenge against the Ancient One's "betrayal?" I don't know...but I don't think he wants to take over the universe. I never read the comics, though, so I could be wrong.
In the second post-credits scene of the "WandaVision" finale," we see Wanda's astral self studying dark magic from the Book of the Damned, and Billy and Tommy suddenly call out to her. I am guessing she could have been studying spells to see if there was anything that could bring them back since, unlike Vision, they were a creation unique to her from the start. Vision was initially a new, more powerful, more durable body for Ultron, then he was given Jarvis' AI and became, uh, the Vision, so, he never "belonged" to her. Getting her kids back, however, may prove to be a problem for the universe because it could lead to multiverse madness. I'm so funny, I know.
As disappointing as it was for Evan Peters to presumably be some dude named Ralph Bohner and not the "X-Men" movieverse Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff, maybe it makes sense when you really think about it. Marvel owns the rights to the X-Men now because Disney owns Marvel and Disney purchased the rights through their merger with 21st Century Fox. Marvel plans to reboot the X-Men with "The Mutants" movie sometime soon, and that means characters will be recast. They kind of have to because the current cast's movie series has hit a dead end with "Apocalypse" and "Dark Phoenix" proving to be underwhelming. I do wonder how Marvel will breathe fresh life into the X-Men in the movieverse because I feel like there is X-Men fatigue right now? Or maybe it's just me. I've grown disappointed with the franchise and am sort of annoyed at a reboot because it may be too soon. But, hey, hopefully I'm proven wrong!
Marvel also has rights to the Fantastic Four, which means we may actually finally get a good Fantastic Four movie! Three attempts have been made so far (yes, three), and they all failed to impress with the last attempt being an embarrassment. I mean, it was a disaster as nearly everyone hated how boring and bland and choppy it was, and that is reflected in its pitiful earnings. On a budge of $120-155 million, the 2015 "Fantastic Four" movie only grossed $167.9 million globally. OOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFF.
Phew, that was a huge post, but got all my thoughts out. Considering how shitty things have been since the abomination of 2020 was born, and with little hope for things to improve anytime soon (I have my own problems as well, which aren't going away anytime soon, either, hahaha T__T), it's refreshing to have some stuff to be happy about. Some people hate the MCU, some people have lost interest, and some people may just be indifferent, but I'm definitely and MCU fan and it makes me feel excited and giddy, two things I don't experience often anymore :\
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or in a reblog, but no hate and no "cancel culture" talk. I want to keep this post positive.
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morimallow · 4 years
Dive With Me
⚠ : slight (?) NSFW in the beginning.
pairing: Hoshiumi Korai x reader because he be second to my Morisuke.
“K-Korai..!” you called out his name as you tightened around his dick. “Slow down.. a-ahh..” You grabbed the edge of the headboard to gather some strength because he was pounding into you real good. He was filling you to the brim, hitting the exact same spot over and over again.
He leaned closer to you with his mouth dangerously near your ear. Hearing his soft grunts and heavy breathing just turns you on even more than before. “If you want me to slow down, you have to beg,” he pulls out his thick cock until only the tip is in, he continued, “louder, for my name,” he thrusts in you in one swift harsh move, “and harder, my darling.” You clenched your dripping pussy upon hearing that endearment he only uses in bed.
You moaned and screamed his name as he thrusted in and out of you harder and faster. “Fuck, baby. Are you trying to milk me, huh? You feel so fucking good.” Without a word, you squeezed him inside you as you ride out your orgasm prolonged by your boyfriend's hot groans and marks by sucking your neck. Korai followed you and came inside, his thick cum filling up the condom haha u thought practice safe sex.
After resting for a bit, he stood up in all his crowning glory I mean dude he's seriously hot threw the condom in the trash bin and went back to the bed spooning you.
He placed soft open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder and nape, secretly trying to look at your phone screen.
“Korai, love,” you started and he hummed in response, his all attention on you. “Can we adopt?”
He moved his hand from your waist down and started drawing soothing circles on your stomach. “Why? Is one of us infertile or something? We can just make one. You should've told me to stop using con—” You cut him of by your hysterical laughter.
“Fuck!” You continued laughing, grabbing his hand tightly around your stomach as it starts to hurt. Then finally, you said, “But we can't make a whale, babe. I want a whale.”
Right then, you were now laying on your back and you see in your peripheral vision that your boyfriend is staring at you— blankly. After a while, he said breathlessly, “Are you serious right now? You're unbelievable.”
“But I really want a whale. Midnight is so cute!” you tried to reason out to him. You had your obsession with whales when you were in junior high. These large mammals roam in vast and calm oceans that you just wanna swim with them forever. You were a professional diver even before you started college and graduated from a prestigious school, earning your bachelor's degree in Marine Biology and now you're taking up Cetology for further studies.
Seeing that your boyfriend is still not convinced, you straddled his stomach, completely forgetting that you're butt-naked. Placing one of your gentle hands on his hard and toned chest, you gave him your puppy eyes, “Just look at him!” you exclaimed as you held out your phone to him, picture of Midnight's tail above the water.
And with that, Korai almost gave in to your charms like he always does. He placed his rough and calloused hands on your hips, “Baby, we can't possibly home a huge ass whale here—” and you snapped. You know Korai doesn't share the same love for whales as you do but he should at least know it's illegal to take whales from their natural habitat.
You got up and stood by the bed and said with such disappointment, “Home a whale? That's what's impossible. It's an adoption! It's just a certificate but the staff would take care of him. They'd just send us pictures and videos of our baby and that's it.” You stomped towards the bathroom, with your back facing him, you said, “You should've at least known that I'd never adopt a whale to live in our house but to help them,” entered the room and slammed the door at his gaping face.
Feeling irritated at your actions, Korai decided to share this to his team and get their opinions.
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“Even you, Kageyama? Seriously,” he scoffed and went out for his early morning run. You usually go together but you're both irritated so Korai decided to just ignore you.
Walking out of the bathroom, you saw that Korai was no where to be found. Maybe I hurt him..? You tend to not think of someone's feelings when it comes to whales. Guessing that he won't be back until lunch or probably until dinner, you went to your university to continue your lab research. If he'll ignore you then might as well ignore him too.
You couldn't concentrate on your research and your professor suggested you go home early and come back when you feel better. You agreed, thinking that your boyfriend was waiting for you to come home and you'd make your dinner together but when you got home, it was empty. It was cold and just.. dull. He's not here. It's just a house.
Trying to be optimistic, you started to make dinner. Since your boyfriend is an athlete, you made him something which is low in carbs and high in protein. You were always thoughtful and observant — keeping tabs on every little detail about him. Like how he crunches his nose when he blushes, how he kisses your forehead when he has early morning practice, the way he moves making the smallest sounds possible because he doesn't want to wake you up..
An hour passed. Two, three, four..
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You lost count and fell asleep in the dining room.
You've had enough. Alright, Y/N, you're going to the university, finish Chapter 4, pass it to professor, continue your experimentation, go for an evening jog and don't think of Korai. Who cares if you're getting busy the day before your birthday? Not like your boyfriend will throw an unexpected party or at least come home, right? You're pathetic. And you did just that.
Sun shining through the window, you slowly opened your eyes. You looked at the clock and it was already 11AM. Maybe he's home. You ran towards the door, with the biggest smile on your face, to see if his shoes are there. And they weren't.
You came home at around 21:32 and you're beat, so, you took a quick shower and went to bed, not bothered by the fact that he didn't come back.
The soft mattress of the bed left your back and was replaced by two strong and muscled arms. It was warm. It was home. It was Korai. You didn't believe that he was here carrying you to who-knows-where. But even so, guilt was eating you up and you said to the dream Korai, “I'm so sorry, love,” and you sniffled a cry. The dream Korai kissed your forehead and then a peck to your lips. “I'm sorry too, my love, but I need you to go back to sleep, okay?” He's not real but you muttered an okay back anyway.
When you dream, you always end up waking up on the floor not unless Korai is holding you in your sleep but you didn't expect that you'd wake up in a different.. soft bed. You slowly sat up because you were kinda dizzy. Maybe you did fall off the bed but the small window inside the room said otherwise. It was still dark out, probably dawn. Your boyfriend's Adlers jacket caught your eyes. It was hung beside the window with a pair track pants and your favorite shirt from Korai's closet. Feeling a little chilly, you wore the given clothes and tucked your hands inside the pocket of the jacket. You felt a paper and took it out. It read: Come to the upper deck, baby. There are signs so you won't get lost. I'll be waiting.
You saw him leaning slightly over the railings. With the strong wind and waves crashing against the ship, he couldn't hear you walking towards him. You placed your arms around his torso, placing your hands against his rock-hard abs to keep it warm. “You weren't a dream after all,” you whispered more to yourself as you tightened your grip around him.
“I'm always real,” he replied as he took one of your hands and putting it up to his lips to kiss it. It was warm. It was real. Clenching your hand to a fist, you pressed your forehead against his back and held back the tears. “You're here. You came back..”
He turned around and held your chin with his thumb and index finger to look into your eyes. His features softened even more as he saw your tears. He cupped your cheek and held you by your waist, pulling you closer to him and pressed his lips against yours. You missed this. You missed him. The kiss was slow and passionate. You pulled for a brief moment to tilt your heads and came back to each other's lips. Eyes closed, bodies in one big bubble, and hearts connected. He pulled away and you chased his lips and slowly opened your eyes. He has this mischievous glint in his eyes. You know he saw you wanting for more and you blushed looking down.
“Fuck this,” you muttered. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tip-toes, and kissed him again. This time, longer.
He snaked his arms around your waist and backed you up against the railing. He bit and nibbled on your plump lower lip as he pulled away, out of breath. He placed an open-mouthed kiss on your exposed neck and you moaned at the warmth.
“Let's go back to our room, yeah? It's quite cold,” he stated as he ran his hands through your hair.
“Carry me? You're warm,” you showed him your puppy eyes and super pouty lips, result of your intense kiss.
He shook his head and smiled at your cuteness. He spread his arms and said, “Jump,” and you did. He immediately supported your body as your wrapped your arms and legs around him, burying your head in the crook of his neck and dozed off.
You woke up again in a moving vehicle but this time, you were blindfolded.
“Korai! Are you fucking serious?!” you shouted because you have no idea where your boyfriend is seated or whether he is in the vehicle.
Series of laughters and uh-oh's erupted as someone chuckled beside you and kissed your cheek. “Don't worry, love. We're close. I just hope you're ready for this.” You scoffed, said fine, and squeezed his hand.
After a while, the vehicle stopped. The door was opened and Korai tugged your hand. As soon as you were outside, you asked, “The ocean..?”
Korai guided you to an office. You heard him say, “Mr. Hoshiumi. Yes.. yes. Thank you.”
“Ko-chaaaaaan, tell me what's happening. Take of—” And he really did take off your blindfold. He handed you a paper bag and instructed, “Go change into that. The changing room is up ahead to the right. I'll wait for you here.”
In less than 3 minutes, you came back to the spot and screamed, “I'M GOING DIVING?!” with so much excitement that the staff started to laugh quietly. You eyed your boyfriend. The wetsuit hugging his toned body and it occurred to you.. “YOU'RE DIVING WITH ME?”
Double-checking whether your gears are properly secured, your eyes caught a whale, leaping out of the water. You're frozen in the spot. “Korai..”
“Hmm?” he replied, busy with the equipment.
“I saw Midnight,” you said to him. Then, you turned to the staff who was with you and asked, “The whale who just leapt. That was Midnight, right? Tell me I'm right.”
As she was about to answer, the sound of a whale diving back into the water entered your ears. You whipped your head and just saw the tail. Your eyes widened. “Holy fucking shit, Korai! It really is Midnight!” you whisper-shouted to him.
His eyebrows furrowed and confusion was clear on his handsome features, “How do you know? You just saw it's tail.”
“What? Don't whales all look the same?”
You can't help but roll your eyes at his question. “Of course not. Whales are identified and and named by their tails. His name is Midnight because his whole tail is a dark shade of blue.”
“Oh, good. Now I can identify my son as well,” he said to you smiling. You melted at the sight but then you realized..
“Son?! You adopted Midnight?!” you whisper-shouted at him again.
“Yes, and why are you whisper-shouting? You can just voice out your excitement, you know?”
You glared at him, “Excuse me, Hoshiumi Korai. You must know that whales could be gravely affected by noise pollution.”
After diving into the water with Korai and the staff, who is holding a camera, maybe for documentation of something, you quickly searched for Midnight.
With your keen eye, you spotted him and quickly swam towards him, Korai and the staff followed behind, so you could bond with him.
While swimming with the adopted whale with so much joy, Korai grabbed your hand and made you face him.
You gave him a questioning look and it was answered the time he pulled out a small box and opened it. You were shocked.
You pulled the him upwards, heads now above the water. You quickly took off his mouthpiece and goggles. As you locked eyes with him, he knew the answer.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, he held the box tightly in his hand and you wrapped yours around his neck.
Your lips met. The saltwater or probably tears joining in your mouth. He pulled away, pressed his forehead against yours and held your left hand. As he slipped the ring and kissed you once again, Midnight leapt just behind you. And the staff captured this perfect moments.
After getting the certificate of adoption and the whale brochure, you were now in the upper deck with Korai by your side, enjoying the full-blown formal engagement party planned by your fiance's rivals and now friends back in his highschool days.
With a drink in his hand, a light brown-haired man approached you. You recognized him as one of Korai's teammates in the Japanese National Team.
“Congrats, man. I was gonna let you pay double for the rent if Y/N-san here didn't accept your marriage proposal,” Yaku-san said and laughed lightly. He acknowledged you by bringing his cup of wine lightly towards you and you did the same.
“Thanks and as if I'd pay double. Go away. Shoo!”
“Oh, you're dissing the owner of the ship now? How bold, Hoshiumi-san,” then Yaku started to walk away. When he was near the door, he shouted, “Pay triple, you fucktard!”
As Korai was babbling incoherent words, probably insults, you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the side of the deck where no one can see you. Looking down and pinching his blazer, “Give it me.”
“Give to you what?”
“Your coat! Let me wear it.. ”
He hugged you tight and placed his chin on top of your head, “Why, my fiancee? Want to show your possessio—”
“My nipples are hard, goddamn it, Korai!” you said it directly at his chest. He pulled away looked at your body. You looked extra ravishing tonight as you wore a red silk dress—low cut to show enough cleavage, a slit up just below your hip, spaghetti straps and your lower back fully exposed.
“You're so perfect I want to pound into you until you can't attend university for your degree but I'll deal with you later,” he said as he took of his coat and draped it over your shoulders.
“Let's go greet some more guests,” he said and started to walk towards the crowd.
Feeling a little bolder, you grabbed his tie and pulled him towards you, nose touching.
Maintaining eye contact, you licked his upper lip and said seductively, “Can later be now, darling?”
He groaned into the crook of your neck and replied, “I'm gonna give you the best birthday present yet.”
M. List
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