#(Frey is fine don't worry)
phoenixiancrystallist · 6 months
Today in brand new sentences:
"I am this close to finding a camp, killing some zombies, and taking their wheelbarrow."
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morpheus-somnium · 2 months
pieces of media i would make skyrim characters watch
i would totally make the characters watch these. no getting up from the couch. no getting up to get more popcorn.
i assign a few movies, series, or franchises to each character, because i spent most of my day on letterboxd
i haven't seen all of these media, but don't worry, i swear i can assign those to them based on the vibes
also i don't have caryalind, khash, remiel, nebarra and xelzaz downloaded (no storage on my pc:( ) so i went purely on the vibes and what i could find about them on nexus ToT but also, i am making them watch these, so ig it's kinda fine if they aren't that corresponding?
basic skyrim characters
babette: interview with the vampire, 1995 + eternals, 2021
brynjolf: the oceans's franchise + tangled, 2010
cicero: terrifier, 2016
delvin mallory: the pink panther franchise + the man from u.n.c.l.e, 2015 + breaking bad
enthir: the goldfinch, 2019
faralda: i'm giving her the winx franchise 🧚✨
farkas: the twilight franchise
j'zargo: whiplash, 2014
mercer frey: gladiator, 2000 + reservoir dogs, 1992
maven black-briar: the devils wears prada, 2006 + the godfather franchise
miraak: annihilation, 2018 + the call of cthulhu, 2005
nazir: the saw franchise 💕
neloth: house md
ondolemar: pride & prejudice, 2005 + anna karenina, 2012 + mean girls, 2004
runil: the conjuring franchise
serana: underworld, 2003 + the monster high franchise + the twilight franchise
teldryn sero: scream franchise + john wick, 2014
tolfdir: harry potter franchise + the lord of the rings franchise
tullius: gladiator, 2000 + the asterix & obelix franchise (especially the olympics one because i love that one)
ulfric stromcloak: the hobbit franchise
urag gro shub: the da vinci code, 2006
vex: the handmaiden, 2016 + gone girl, 2014
vilkas: fight club, 1999
modded followers
auri: the avatar franchise (she would enjoy those huge trees, omg)
caryalind: emma, 2020
gore: the scary movie franchise + the fight club, 1999 + the resident evil franchise
inigo, the brave + lucien flavius (these two come in a pair, i can't even separete them anymore): atlantis, 2001 + road to el dorado, 2000 + the indiana jones franchise
kaidan: kwaidan, 1964 LMAO
khash: the barbie franchise + hungarian folk tales + hello kitty stump village, 2004
nebarra: blade runner 2045, 2017
remiel: lara croft franchise + the martian, 2015
taliesin: the devil wears prada, 2006 + zoolander franchise (lmao)
xelzaz: ratatouille, 2007
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nekoooooo-p · 3 months
Hello! May i can ask 4 frei or charles (hello charlotte) like ur partner?, sorry my english is bad t_t
A/N: My English is not perfect either, haha, and of course you can! If your native language is Russian, I can translate, but only if Russian is the only other language I know... Also sorry for disappearing, I'm a little burned out.
Okay, let's go!
Warn: I cover up the holes in my ignorance of the canon with slight romance and OOC. I played Charlotte not so long ago, but I almost forgot some of the characters, and unfortunately Charlie n Frei is one of those characters...Please forgive me for this...
Hello Charlotte! Headcanons: Charles and Frei - your partners.
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~Charles Eyler~
× Charles worries about you when you do something sloppy.
× He loves spending time with you.
× You communicate mainly on the Internet, but in reality you also know each other.
× He tries to protect you as much as possible if something happens, and if it doesn’t work out, he helps you psychologically and physically after the incident and apologizes very long and sadly.
× Perhaps he will write about you in his fanfic.
× Charles is a good listener.
× If he falls in love with you, he will try to do everything to make you feel good... even if he doesn’t succeed, know that he tried very hard.
× He will also torment himself for a long time about his failure, turning it over in his head and thinking about where he's fucked up. Please support him.
× In the same case of falling in love, he will be the first to suggest you run away. Anri will also receive an offer, but after you. But accepting his offer or refusing, like Anri, is your choice.
× He will reveal himself to you completely sooner or later.
× The tulpa treats you with aggression. Charles is incredibly irritated by this. Scarlett thinks that you are preventing Charles from concentrating on his studies and Mother.
× And frankly, she's right.
× Charlie is very shy to kiss you. Therefore, you will have to take the first step.
× He trusts you.
× He appreciates you.
× Please trust and appreciate him in return.
× You (don’t) want everything to be fine =), do you?
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Dark lace dividers: prayr on Tumblr
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pic from Tumblr: albedoxkeo
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× If you mean Frei, then keep in mind that your subconscious itself gives the appearance of the Parasite.
× Who knows what he might look like in your head?
× Frei - a reflection of you from the inside. He is the truth. Horrible and rude in places.
× Parasites are basically sarcastic companions, aren't they? But if you were in harmony with yourself, it would be easier for you to bear it.
× Well.
× Frei.
× Your partner.
× Partner or partner?
× "I cleaned up your Library. Isn't your head clearer?"
× He doesn't care if the library suddenly looks creepy. This is your mind. It was important to him to clean up the mess, and if he exposed old wounds in your head... it's just you. You. The host of the parasite.
× "I came up with a new melody. Will you listen?"
× He started playing without your decision. As you can see, he doesn't care a bit.
× He often gives wise advice. It's worth listening to him. Now he is your subconscious.
× However, you don't have to listen to him. His job is to voice advice.
× He loves to play with your hair. If they are long. If it's short, he just combs your hair sometimes with a small comb. If they are very short, then he obviously doesn't do it. But he can pat you on the head.
× The more you communicate, the more you grow together and become one. Rotting.
× Speaking of how you could work as partners....
× He gives you advice and puts order in your head, dispelling fog and anxiety. And you follow his advice.
× By the way, having someone like Frei in your head is also very convenient because if you have an exam ahead, he will have time to sort out the memories you need. Convenient, isn't it?
× ...as ...partner.
× He's very tactile.
× Honestly, this is self-cest. Don't you think? Especially if he didn’t love you right away, having gotten into your head.
× However, he cares and appreciates you from the very beginning. Albeit from one’s own needs and benefits.
× He's cruel, but he does it for you. Revealing the rotten truth is better than always getting dust in your eyes, right?
× Despite his tactility, he only kissed you once or twice at best.
× You may have started to feel sleepy. How strange.
× He doesn't like being ignored. He will force you to pay attention to him.
× For example, he will scatter your thoughts so that your head is a mess, he will slip in incorrect memories and do all sorts of mischief, until you attack him in your sleep shouting “stop it!”
× He's not a Yandere. He simply hates being ignored. Therefore he will do it.
× ...Yandere Frei is a topic for a separate, albeit not large, post. (almost not a hint:D)
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w2soneshots · 6 months
We’re done -Miniminter
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words: 0.7k+
warnings: cheating, angst with sad ending.
summary: you catch Simon cheating.
notes: this was requested on wattpad and I actually really enjoyed making it since it’s something I haven’t really done before! (Who doesn’t love some good old angst?💔)
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I've been with Simon for almost two years. We got together after just a few dates and were super happy. Recently he's been really distant and been acting weird. When I asked him about it he told me that he was 'fine' and that I had nothing to worry about.
This morning I woke up to a message from him telling me that he had to go to a last minute side cast. I brushed it off and got out of bed. I got ready for the day and had some breakfast. Then I left the apartment and headed to the shops to get some food since our kitchen was practically empty.
When I got there I grabbed a basket and began walking through the isles, looking at the food. Just as I was grabbing some pasta I heard my name. Me and Simon are very private in our relationship and I don't have any public social media platforms so I knew it wasn't a fan. "Hey y/n! What are you doing here?" Freezy exclaimed. Freezy... it's just Cal, phew. "hey, long time no see!" I smiled "I'm just doing the food shop." "Ah ok. Where's Simon, I thought he had the day off?" He asked. "Oh, he said he had to go to a last minute side cast." I replied. His brows furrowed. "What?" I asked seriously. "Oh uh nothing." I raised my eyebrows "no. What is it?" He sighed "I um- it's just that- Harry told me they were filming the side cast on Thursday." He stated quietly. "But it's Monday." I said. "Well I could be wrong! Maybe they moved it to today?" He said quickly. "mhm" I mumbled.
I said a quick goodbye to Cal, grabbed the last things I needed to get, payed and made my way home. I unpacked the shopping then headed into the bedroom. I would never usually snoop around, search through anyone's phone or anything intrusive like that but I felt I had a big enough reason to, since he’s been acting so strange. I went into his section of our wardrobe and opened one of the many shoe boxes. My face dropped and my heart sank when I saw the small note hidden at the bottom.
just posting this because I lost my phone, oops! can't wait to see you, I miss you so much. Lana xx
Why on earth would anyone post something like this if you’re trying to hide a relationship? I thought. Then the realisation sunk in that I'd just caught him cheating... well what other explanation would there be.
I put the note back, packed my bags and waited till Simon got home. "Hey! I'm home!" He shouted through the apartment. "y/n?" He walked into the bedroom. I sat on the end of the bed with tear stained cheeks. "Where have you been?" I asked quietly. "What?" "Don't play dumb!" I stood form the bed. He looked startled "I- I-" he stumbled. My face twitched in anger "you fucking twat! You thought you'd never get caught! You basted! I hate you so fucking much!" I screamed as tears spilled from my eyes. "I'm sorry." He said dropping his head. "So you admit it. You cheated on me." He nodded. "Wow." Was all I said then I turned towards the bathroom, grabbed the suitcase I'd packed just 20 minutes ago and left without another word.
I called Freya in floods of tears as I drove through London, barely able to see the road. "Woah woah, what happened?" She asked quickly. "He- he cheated Frey, he actually cheated." I sobbed. "Oh my god," She whispered "are you in the car?" She asked. "Yea." I replied through sniffles. "Ok drive to my apartment, I'll see you in a bit. Be careful." She said before I could protest.
I arrived outside her and Josh's apartment approximately 10 minutes later. I knocked and the door swung open just seconds later. "Come here." She said with her arms out. I immediately fell into the hug. "It's going to be ok, I've got you." She tried to comfort me as I cried. "He doesn't deserve you."
Once I calmed down, I told her about the note. “It sounds like she doesn’t know you exist… maybe he didn’t tell her he had a girlfriend?” She said calmly. “What a dick.” I said.
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flyingwide · 9 months
phoenixiancrystallist asked:
Drabble prompt: Frey teaching Olevia how to ice skate :)
we're doing full-on Olevia Lives!AU because i said so. Frey rushed off to deal with Sila and only thought Olevia was gone, came back to find her healed and healthy. i love playing God in this way. this one got a little bit away from me
Olevia watched Frey, doubt twisting her features adorably. Frey felt a little like she was looking at herself as she had been at that age. She held out her hand to the girl, careful not to slip on the ice. "Would you just trust me?" she asked. She had been cajoling, wheedling, all but begging for damn near 20 minutes and all she had to show for it was Olevia standing at the very edge of the frozen pond.
"What if I fall in?" Olevia asked for the tenth time.
"I'll rescue you."
"What if you fall in?"
"Then I guess you'll need a new Tanta," she teased, laughing outright when Olevia put her fists on her hips.
"Stop tormenting the child," Cuff chided but sounded amused himself.
Frey reached out her hand again. Olevia, her mouth still pursed with anxiety, reached back. She closed her eyes when her skates hit ice, clinging fiercely to Frey's fingers. "Well, you didn't fall immediately so you're doing better than I did at first," Frey told her and Olevia hesitantly opened her eyes. "Look at you, standing on frozen water with knives on your feet. Brave girl."
"I'm not brave, I'm still scared," she said, flinging her arms out for Frey's shoulders when her feet slipped further apart.
"Being brave doesn't mean not being scared. Hell, I'm terrified all the time. But you can always know that I've got your back. I'm here for when you get scared. I can't do everything for you but I can make it just a little bit easier."
"Ok…" Olevia took a deep breath. "Can I try moving? But slow."
Frey wasn't particularly good at skating backwards so slow was fine with her as Olevia got used to sliding her feet over the ice. As they moved, she told Olevia how she had learned to skate, though she didn't really bother to explain YMCA or Big Brothers Big Sisters, only that she had learned from an older girl who had held her hands just like this. "I started with a chair," she said. "First time I fell, I tried to catch myself on the chair and just pulled it down on top of me. Ended up with a bruise on my hip from the ice and another one on my arm from the chair." Olevia giggled, looking as relaxed as Frey had seen her all day.
"My ankles hurt," she said eventually. "Can we sit down?"
Frey led her over to the snow-covered shore, both of them sitting down heavily. "When we get home, you'll need dry clothes. Auden will murder me if you get pneumonia on my watch."
"I can help you be brave against Auden," Olevia said, grinning at her. "I know you're scared of her."
"Oh, ha ha. You're so funny."
Frey looked over the pale expanse of ice. It likely wouldn't last and she would be leaving in a few days to head back to Visoria, looking for a needle in the stack of needles that was Olas's library. There had to be some way to fix the Break. There had to be some way she could let Olevia see life outside of Cipal.
She startled when Olevia slipped freezing fingers into her own.
"Who helps you be brave?" the girl asked quietly. "When you're out there alone? When you're in the Corruption?"
That was both a difficult question and a very easy one. "I…" Frey started and then sighed. "I don't feel alone out there. I always feel like… like someone has my back like I have yours. And I know that you and Auden are here, safe, and taking care of each other so I don't have to worry about you."
"Who has your back?" Olevia looked up at her with guileless eyes. "Someone keeps you safe?"
It was getting harder and harder to keep this secret from her, especially since the girl had moved in with her and both of them had relocated to an actual home, not a hole-studded room above the tavern. Frey was building a life now and the secrets were starting to get to her. But once she let this particular cat out of the bag, she wasn't sure where it would jump. "It's complicated. I'm not sure how to explain it to you yet."
"But you will?"
"I promise. I'm not going anywhere. I'll figure it out."
"Good." Olevia flung an arm around Frey's middle. "Can I take these off now?"
Frey laughed, something she had been doing more and more of lately. "Yeah, kiddo. Let's get you home."
Later that night, after Olevia had fallen asleep at the table and Frey had carried her to bed, Cuff nudged her, light tripping over his surface in a way that she still found deeply beautiful. "You're going to tell her about me, aren't you?"
"I don't think I can avoid it for much longer."
"Do you think that's a good idea?"
Frey sighed heavily, leaning back in her chair. "I don't know. All I know is that it's getting harder to keep them separate, the life I have with you out there and the life I have with her here. They're crashing together and there's not a whole lot I can do to stop it."
"And you think that telling her will limit the fallout?"
"I don't know. I don't have any answers for you."
"What if she tells people?"
"I don't know," Frey said, running agitated hands through her hair. "Fuck. I don't know how to do this." She shook her head. "I keep thinking about my mom. About her sending me away to keep me safe. There's nowhere for me to send Olevia."
"To keep her safe from me, you mean," Cuff said simply, flatly, but something in his tone caught her.
"You're a threat to all Athia, remember? That's what you keep telling me. Why should one girl stop you?"
She felt a bolt of something, as sudden and painful as a lightning strike, through the bond and then it was gone, the connection between them slammed firmly shut.
"You're right. What's one girl in the face of duty and responsibility?"
"Everything," Frey told him and something in him answered in kind.
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Mercer Frey NSFW headcanons. Long post below, 18+ only. Reader is gender neutral and no actual genital descriptions are used, just vague things.
Trigger warnings for: Vague mentions of trauma, sex things, kinky stuff, knives, singular mention of watersports
Mirrored on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45678733
-If you've managed to get Mercer Frey to bed you, you're doing something right. Don't worry, he's not going to kill you- he has many more methods that aren't as... vulnerable.
-Most of the time, Mercer repulsed by sex and affection. Something about it doesn't sit right with him. On his good days, be plain in asking if he wants to have sex. He hates beating around the bush, and it's the easiest way to get consent. As your relationship develops, he'll be a bit more, ah, kind about his rejections. They'll turn into "not right now" instead of snapping about how he doesn't "have time for these shenanigans!"
-His experiences are limited. Most of the action Mercer has gotten has been from sex workers, but it's few and far between. Not quite his taste, he does just fine with his hand. However, he's a quick learner. Be straightforward in what feels good, what you like, what you don't like, and so on. He hates guessing games.
-Presuming it’s early in your relationship, please be gentle. Nothing hardcore- for now. Don’t be surprised if he needs to take a minute every once in a while to take a few deep breaths. Sex, and furthermore, a relationship, is new for him, and can easily be overwhelming. Don’t pressure him into doing something, don’t take his “no”s personal, and be patient.
-Now, to the juicy bits! Mercer may be an ‘old man’, but he’s still got it in him. He’s strong, and has no problem pinning you to something or tossing you onto a bed. He has impeccable self-control, and can last for quite a while. Mercer’s refractory period is a bit longer due to age, but if you need more, teach him how to get more use out of his fingers and tongue. Lock picking and fancy words aren’t the only things this thief is capable of.
-His penis is nicely sized, good to fill you up but nothing over-the-top. His girth only makes a little trouble, but lubricating oils will make the process easier.
-At first, he’s awful at aftercare. He’s not an asshole about it, it’s just that he doesn’t know what to do. Help him by guiding him on what you need, and suggest to get some advice from Brynjolf. You’ll always remember the face he pulled when you said that…
-After building up trust, he’ll slowly ease into harder, kinkier things. He’ll start simple- a hand around your throat, slapping your ass, biting. Then he gets to explore more of his kinks with you. What fun! He’s a dominant type who prefers to top. He doesn’t want to be penetrated, but that’s not the only fun there’s to be had!
-Here’s some ideas of what he’s into: marking/claiming, impact, knife play (refer to point 1), oil play, light BDSM, pet play, power exchange, dacryphilia, praise, degredation, edging, overstimulation, slight humiliation, begging. 
-As is his lifestyle, he’s rough. He can’t really help it- his life has been shitty and he’s not used to softness. However, despite what he says, he’ll do what makes you happy. If he’s got you over his lap and your ass is quite raw, and you whimper about it hurting, he’ll snap “It’s supposed to hurt!” but ease his slaps into gentle caresses. If you complain about his thrusts being too rough, he’ll growl out “too damn bad” but slow down. This is the only time where Mercer will not say what he means- hypocrite. But don’t say anything about it!
-Eventually, he can learn to be soft. Early in the relationship, he was still quite rough, even if it wasn’t anything hardcore. He’ll murmur praise into your ear, only you can hear it. You’re so good for him, so sweet, so nice to let him do these things to you and still have the guts to ask for more.
-Yes, he likes seeing you flustered from his praise, but he needs it, too. Tell him how big he is, how his cock fills you up just right, like he was made to fuck you. Tell him how strong he is, how much you love it when he manhandles you. When you’re in the relationship for a decent while, moan out how much you love him and he’ll do whatever you want. Mercer is starved for words of affirmation.
-Mercer will definitely be interested in BDSM protocols. Nothing major, you’re both busy people, but little things. Kneel for him when he gets home, offer to cockwarm him when he brings home paperwork, things like that. 
-Building on that, he’s into petplay. In Riftweald Manor (not the guild, for fuck’s sake!), be good puppy and lay at his feet while he works on paperwork. Let him clip on a leash and walk you to the kitchen where he’ll have you sit at his side and beg for your food. He’ll feed you bits of his meal from his hands, until you’re full. Then he’ll walk you back upstairs and give you a good fuck for being his good puppy. His praise kink is definitely shown here, he’ll almost constantly be calling you his good puppy and his good boy/girl (depending on your preference).
-The Guildmaster, despite slinging insults like rocks, isn’t too much into degradation. It’s more like mean praise. “My slut” and “good whore” is more his speed.
-However, Mercer very much enjoys humiliation. He’ll mock your whines when he edges you, he talks about fucking you in front of the Guild (just dirty talk, he’s a private man), he’ll laugh if you struggle to get out of any bonds he puts you in. If you’re into any sort of watersports, that’s the prime time to get him to humiliate you.
-Mercer greatly enjoys seeing tears run down your face. Whether from fucking your throat or giving you so many orgasms you can’t stand it, he’ll gently wipe them from your eyes and tell you to get over it. He may be mean, but he’ll never be so mean that you cry… unless the overstimulation makes him mean to you.
-Mercer will make you beg for what you want and then not give it to you… not at first, at least. He loves hearing how much you need him and responding with “But I’m right here, love.” as he expertly avoids sticking his cock in your needy hole. Going back to the praise kink, he wants to feel wanted. Talk about how you need his big cock and him to hold you down and he’ll be more accepting of your requests.
-With marking you up, he’s an expert. He loves seeing the results of a play session on you afterwards, especially if it’s on you for a week or so. Not to dip into any angst in a smut post, but he needs that reassurance that something is *his*, just as equally as he is yours.
-Knife play doesn’t get too rough. He likes you shuddering as he runs it over your skin, or when you gasp as he cuts clothing off of you. He’s more hesitant with marking you, but enough talking about it can get him to warm up to it. Any marks will be light, only on you for a few days. Mercer always has healing supplies at the ready.
-After a play session, once he’s taken care of you, he likes it when you rub his back and shoulders. His posture is horrible from his brooding and any massaging you do helps ease the pain. Grab some massage oil if you want another round.
-Once he’s had a nice ‘what is aftercare’ chat with Brynjolf, Mercer is a master of cleaning up the mess he’s made you into. Healing potions, water tankards, and snacks are prepared beforehand. Everything in his house is expensive so you don’t have to worry about the quality of his furs when you get cold. He’ll run a bath for you if that’s what you need. Don’t worry, this guy takes care of you.
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cruelfeline · 10 months
I'm thinking of like... the immediate day or so after ITWT. Once Frey and Cuff make it back to a refuge, or to Cipal. And like... the enormity of what they just experienced - namely, Frey consenting to and actively dying - sinks in.
Specifically in terms of Cuff asking her not to. And ultimately being forced to sit by while it happened anyway, both unable to help her and unable to save himself from whatever the consequences for him might be.
And like... initially Frey takes his agitation and anger with a sense of humor. With dismissal. Like "psh, c'mon, obviously we were going to be fine. Don't tell me you were actually worried." But as the moments go by, she starts to realize that yup, he was actually quite scared. And distressed. And she doesn't know how to handle that.
Like, it's a whole thing for her to examine how she feels about being so ready to legitimately lay down her life... and about kinda-sorta having just lived through doing so. But it's a whole separate thing to consider her decision's effect on him. That there even was an effect, y'know? Because she's not used to him actually being truly upset in such a vulnerable manner.
And like... he's an asshole hands down, so she shouldn't feel badly about causing him distress, but she does? She didn't mean to frighten him, and she didn't mean to potentially condemn him to sitting in a corpse. She didn't mean to ignore what it might mean for him. She just like... wasn't thinking about it. Or, when push came to shove, didn't really believe it would happen. Because while she would lay her life down for Athia, doing so as Thalia doesn't help current-Athia. It doesn't fix the Break, yeah?
So while she's getting used to the idea of what she just did - something that ultimately ended up okay - she also has to get used to the idea that she doesn't feel good about how it affected him, and how it might affect trust between them in the future.
And she doesn't really know what to do about it? Does she apologize to him? Promise it won't happen again? She can't really do that, can she? Not truthfully. But at the same time, she wants to do something.
Maybe just acknowledging his feelings about it is something.
Bah. I don't know. I'm having Feelings, is all. Ignore me.
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misssimreno · 1 year
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Finnan: Shacking up with the Dean, huh?! Former Dean, my bad. Frey, that's great! To San Myshuno? Wait, doesn't he have a studio?
Freya: Finny--I, yeah he asked me awhile ago. I told him I'd think about it, we haven't really talked about the details.
Finnan: Why don't you seem excited about it? You lovebirds deserve this.
Freya: I'm just--I don't want you or Flora to feel abandoned. I love raising her with you and it was such a big adjustment and--
Finnan: Frey, I'll be fine. LOL. Don't worry about me, I'm a big boy. But I've also got Lin. And most importantly, I've got Flora. We're a team, we've got this. And you know what, I've wanted to talk to you about finding a new place soon anyway. Think we're outgrowing this condo and we aren't broke artists anymore.
Freya: I'll miss seeing you both every day, but thanks Finny. I want to do it. It feels right! And I know the Watcher was trying to figure out how to play twin heirs, so maybe she's thought of a way to keep tabs on us both.
Finnan: Takes her awhile sometimes.
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howlofhades · 1 year
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀(I misunderstood the assignment 🥲💙)
Lore for possibly all my ocs I don't know, there's a lot. Some are headcanons because yes
Barks- most of the time he chooses not to sleep, he's too busy thinking of lives he could've possibly saved but couldn't. It eats him alive. Barks actually has a stutter, but he's really good at keeping it hidden he'd prefer if you didn't mention it, he's kinda insecure about it.
Erix- oh yes the flirt. Erix has a bullet in a necklace given by Skunker the first time they met, the other clone jokingly said "Next time you annoy me this is gonna go in your forehead" and Erix kept it just to annoy him, fun fact this is when Barks immediately decided he disliked Skunker. On the first meeting.
Storm- a literal menace to society. Falls on his feet frequently, like buddy you good? Constantly pranks the commanders like his life depends on it, if he misses a day he claims he'll get organ failure or some shit, Irais is ten seconds away from throwing him literally he's not even joking.
Skunker- oh yes, Mr. I threatened Erix and now his batchmate wants to murder me but I also want to murder him. Yes, he actually hates Barks it's not a joke, Crimson drags him away all the time.
Irais- oh yes the closed off commander whipee. Officially apart of the "I lost an eye club." His whole batch has problems, they are problematic but won't admit it. Irais jokes that his whole batch are failures, insert plasma throwing something at Irais here. If storm pranks him again he's gonna flip.
Dipper- has only been pranked by storm once, he's super likable. Very ori'vod coded. Drags Irais away like a lil kitten. Loves space, him and Bear talk about space together.
Lazarus- oh look it's another asshole, well he wasn't always an asshole but trauma loves him. Blames himself for the death of his batchmates, feels guilty for what happened to Phoenix.
Phoenix- feels guilty for what happened to his batchmates, definitely feels like he failed. His death is a well kept secret. Actually growls, no one knows why. Phoenix is, morbidly, a medic- and he himself has died for a few minutes before Laz restarted his heart.
Frey- looks up to all of the commanders, he has a favourite okay but yeah I'm not gonna mention who. "Crimson you can't bite them, Pluto stop climbing on everyone." Tired.
Pluto- climbs on whoever he can, mainly the 104th specifically. Did this Laz once and uh he got punched in the face- Laz didn't mean to do that but uh it happened
Crimson- has no self control, it's a problem. Does everything Frey tells him not to do.
Bear- BABY BABY BABY BOY. severe abandonment issues, terrified of being alone, hates saying goodbyes. Clings onto others, good luck getting him off of you :) tired, barely sleeps. "Glowstick if you do that again I'm going to personally revoke your glowstick privileges." "Bear is normal" have you seen his batchmates? Has daily breakdowns, sir are you okay? Comforts everyone, puts everyone first but he never takes care of himself. Actually kinda shy, glowstick is trying to get him to come out of his shell. A nervous wreck. Has a love hate relationship because of his batchmate Teddy, usually Joystick calls their name right another another "Teddy Bear come here!" They hate this.
Glowstick- actually eats glowsticks, got dared to eat one by Vixen don't worry he's fine and has done this before. Loves scaring Bear, probably the reason Bear barely sleeps. Rumour has it if you try hard enough he might glow in the dark, give it a try.
Joystick- the other unhinged feral guy. joystick is a pilot, and a very wild one at that, so they call him that because of the way he handles the throttle. He is the less unhinged out of glowstick and obviously himself still unhinged though. Absolutely feral.
Ginger- will fight you on the fact that he's the best cook.
Dainty- keeps Ryder in check or is supposed to.
Ryder- honestly what the fuck is he doing? Nobody knows
Unknown- does anyone really like him? Tragedy complains he's too negative.
Tragedy- unknown complains he's too tragic. He's the opposite of Peace kinda, likes conflict/is okay with conflict, talkative ish you get the idea.
Peace- Bear's little shadow and would do anything to help him, was abandoned by his batchmates no matter how many times Ryder denies it, Unknown claims he chose to leave this was not the case. Conflict makes him uncomfortable, barely speaks. Bear learnt sign language to help him. Constantly shakes. He's scared okay?
Beau- nothing to say here
Plasma- the asshole, the beloved. Has a dark sense of humour, it's kinda fucked up. "Fuck around and find out." Is such a tease. You're always safe with him. Throws rocks and anything at Irais. Once screamed in Mist's ears to see what would happen, Mist fucking decked him on the spot.
Fuze- the baby, he likes nature okay? Um what else, I don't know. Squish. He's also a corrie. Could tell you random facts about anything, August and Muffin fall asleep to this. I wanna put Fuze in my pocket, he's just a guy. He enjoys learning new things. He once got his hands on fireworks, glowstick helped.
August- I don't know what I'm doing with him but he's a guy.
Teddy- him and Bear matching names kinda happened, actually the opposite of Bear though. No more on him yet.
Lavender- thinks glowstick and joystick are insane, but where's the lie?
Muffin- I think people will like him when I introduce him in my big oc post
Mist- I don't wanna say anything until my big oc post
Slush- he baby
Bubbles- he best boy
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heromaker-if · 2 years
HELLO! HI!!! It's me again the one who said about grammar error on Freyr pronouns! I also want to congratulations you!👏✨ Please continue creating such a beautiful story! I'll reveal when I have guts too.. haha. Oh btw I'm gonna admit my tongue is twisted when its comes pronouncing names, how to pronounce Pachypoda "Ranunculaceae" surname? Thank you!
HIIII!! Hello again! I did my best in finding any wrong pronouns when it comes to Frey so hopefully, next update it will be fine. Although if you find any more after that, please let me know again, I'd appreciate it!
And thank youuuu so muchhh! 💞💗🥰 So glad you enjoyed it! And don't worry about revealing yourself, I respect you as anonymous and as a user regardless. Unless you're talking about revealing something else? Maybe a story? I'm not sure which one are you referring to. If it's a story then I will wait patiently to see what you are creating!
As you can see, English isn't my first language, so sometimes I get confused. I'm also really slow in understanding things.
Your tongue is fine anon, that name is hard to pronounce. I had to search it up as well. But here is how you say it: "Run-no-q-lacey". Hopefully that's understandable? Please continue to be kind as you have been, and thank you for sending this ask! 💕
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling (Amelia and Aiden)
❤️ first kiss / realization (Freya and Media)
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out (Geoffrey and Julian)
Kiss prompts
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling
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The dim dawn daylight made him rub his eyes to get the dust out of it... as he tried to lift his body he felt some weight on his arm, looking to it and seeing Amelia cling onto it... right she had a nightmare and asked if she could stay over at his room... yet still he kinda felt bad cause the kisses he gave her yesterday left some small hickeys on her neck, so his hand drifted over her face eyeing it lovingly... as if she would know her arms slung over to him cuddling him tight as he held her close to his heartbeat... slowly however her eyes opened and she grew red in panic.
"Ahh... Aiden... sorry if I awoke you."
"Its fine... I was awake anyways, did you sleep better?"
She avoided her gaze and blushed heavily.
"It felt like hugging a fluffy wolf who would protect you."
Amused by this answer Aiden brused her hair out of her face to give her a soft kiss on her lips... long and tenderly... his hands rested on her hips for comfort untill he was done.
"Don't worry... I will protect you no matter what... but for now you probably likely need to slowly get up, let me make us some food."
Even if his eyes seemed sleepy he marched on to his mini kitchen and started to prepare some things.
"I love you so much and... I-I wish we could spend such mornings more in the future."
He was surprised by what she said but hid away his face.
"You are fine with the danger?"
"I am in much danger myself... you don't have to worry."
He walked past the kitchen and took her hand going on his knees.
"Then I will promise you to stick by your side... for as long as I draw breathe."
"A-aiden you know what that sounds like?"
He teasingly chuckled as he saw her grow red as a tomato.
"You heard me."
❤️ first kiss / realization
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The second year began, Medias hair was longer and even if he didn't grow much, he was still determined to support Aiden well as vice leader. However moreso he couldn't wait for Freya to come back out of summer vacation and see her again... its been some weeks since he didn't see her so he made his way to wait at the train station for her to arrive. This first year was a lot for her, especially with what happened with each dormitory and how she had to handle as dorm leader, so Media thought it be best to greet her back with a smile...
Even if he did confess to her before she left, they couldn't really be boyfriend and girlfriend officially, only wrote each other via distance and kept contact...
Yet as she stepped out of the train he quickly walked up to her and pulled her in a close hug.
"I missed you so much..."
She accepted the hug with a small smile.
"You grown..."
"Hehe, you think so, I think I stayed mostly the same."
As they seemed happy to see another Media suddenly had a thought... something he wanted to do for a while.
"Um, Freya... would you mind... to celebrate that we can be together to together... that I might be able to kiss you."
She shyly looked away red as a tomato but gave a small hesitant nod... given he was small she had to lean down a little to reach his head, he held on a little to her hoodie to keep balance and placing one kiss on her lips... the brightest smile once he withdrew... both of them had a heavy blush as they looked at another, before Frey mumbled.
"Guess t-that makes it official."
He held her hand with a smile. "Right, how about we just let you arrive and get something to eat together, so we can chat about the vacation."
She gave a nod and followed after him, away from the train station.
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out
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Piercing was the look Geoffrey had to value Julians dance that day, even if it was moreso the group, Julian lavished that his eyes were mainly on him... He did his all to impress and keep his eye on him alone untill eventually.
"Thats enough everyone... you practise enough, get a little break and we continue in a few hours."
The students scattered around and packed their stuff yet with all of them leaving the practise room, Julian stayed behind, a heavy smirk looking up and down at Geoffrey.
"You did this on purpose, did you?"
"What do you mean?" Julian leaned off the walls and approached him trying to show an innocent smile, but quickly his arm was grabbed and he was dragged to the nearby closet room.
"You can do the dance perfectly but made one misstep at the end to make me want to scold you."
"Oh that... you think I would be that cunning. Maybe I did an oopsie."
He pulled Julian by his collar and looked down at him...
"God that stare of yours makes me hot and bothered..."
"I can't stand you like this sometimes..."
"You know you love me.. otherwise you wouldn't allow me to mark you up that much...I also know enough what makes you tick."
With a whisper in his ear of Julians wrists and pushed him to the wall. He leaned forward to press a kiss on him in hopes to make him shut up... bitting his lip and pressing his tongue in roughly, Julians leg slung over him pressing against him... as if begging for more... the air in the room was hard to breath... and still they didn't let up from another for a second... Julian clinging onto Geoffrey with his nails while he got pushed by his hips closer.
"Say Boss... want to spend the break with me here.. fooling around further like this?"
"Only if you clean up the mess."
"That can be arranged."
Julian licked his lips, unbuttoning Geoffreys shirt... ready to mark him up and let the fun begin.
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phoenixiancrystallist · 11 months
It is WIP Wednesday you say? How fortunate, as I have a WIPpet I desire to share :D
...under the cut because it's, um, long >.> 511 words long, to be exact.
"She looks more Athian than you do," Cuff said, a hint of smug satisfaction in his voice. He'd had some input on the cloak's design, and dubbed it Echt. Frey didn't mind that name, so she let him have it.  "That's because she's wearing more Athian clothes than I do," Frey pointed out. Bobbi gave her a quizzical look, fiddling with the cloak's clasp. Frey shrugged and relayed what Cuff said; Bobbi's confusion melted into a grin. "Thanks, Cuff, that's sweet," she said, then frowned. "I think." Cuff sighed. "Please tell her it was meant as a compliment." At least he'd given up on trying to get Bobbi to call him Vambrace. Frey was not gonna let him have that one.  "Cuff said he meant it as a compliment and totally not a dig at me," she said, adding some extra truth on the end purely to fuck with him. "It was both," Cuff grumbled. "You could stand to embrace the fashion of your own people, you know." "Not happening. They haven't invented jeans yet." "Why do I bother." "I do miss my pockets," Bobbi said with a sigh. "This is nice, though." "It's got pockets," Frey pointed out. Bobbi lifted an edge and studied the inner lining, stuck her hand in the pocket, and grinned. "Aw, hell yes! Muthafukkin' pockets! Frey, you're the best." The purple heart emoji at the end of her sentence was audible. She found the three other pockets Frey had sewn in, and in the third one found one of the other presents Frey'd left her. "What's this?" "Healing draught. Wish I'd had one on me when you first walked in. That shit would've fixed you up no problem." "Is it magic?" Bobbi asked, holding the bottle up to the sun. Knell rippled, and Bobbi's eyebrows raised. "No shit. Yeah, really wish I'd had one of these puppies. Gearing me up for what, Frey?" She didn't let shit go, did she? "I want to take a trip out of Cipal. Figured I could use your help." "With what?" "Ever heard of the Cognoscents?" "Cognizants?" Bobbi asked with another of those puzzled frowns. Frey grinned, and Cuff heaved a long-suffering, exasperated sigh. "Cognoscents," Frey corrected, and tried not to laugh. "They studied pretty much everything. There's a guild a couple days away, figured we could hit it up and see if any of the research made it. Bring a few books back if they did. Bet that'd make Jo happy." "Have I met Jo?" Bobbi asked with another frown, this one thoughtful as she searched her memory—and her new pockets. There weren't any more gifts in them, though. Bobbi'd admitted awhile ago that she struggled with names and faces. Frey shook her head and Knell rippled with light again. "She's the Archivist," Frey explained. "We haven't been there yet. Figured if you showed up with a present she might like you, so I've been saving it until we had something." "I highly doubt Johedy responds to bribery," Cuff grumbled.  "It's not bribery, it's a present," Frey snipped. 
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rosietrace · 2 years
Oneshot translation- The moon is beautiful isn't it?
Event: Rosie's valentines day special 💌❣️/Rosie's birthday specials 🎂
Ocs featured: Frisk De La Rose, Freyah De La Rose
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, Rollo Flamme
Ship(s): Frisk x Rollo, Frisk x Cater(one-sided)
Summary: Cater loved her. He truly did. But someone else saw her as more beautiful than any moon.
Warning(s): Rollo /j, Riddle being a bit discouraging of Cater's feelings, unrequited love, one-sided feelings, rejected confession, potential ooc moments
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
[ Reblogs are recommended/encouraged ]
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Cater was upset. More than he could ever imagine.
He sat on the couch, his head hung low and his hands lazily clasped together. Something so out of character for Cater that it felt unnerving to his fellow dorm mates.
The fact that it was Frisk's birthday didn't even help him at all.
Freyah approached her upperclassman curiously, gently poking his back. When he turned his head to face her, she tilted her head and had a hand resting on her hip.
"Cater-senpai. You look gloomier than a croquet loser…" Freyah commented quietly, trying to silently figure out what had upset Cater.
Cater faked a smile, and laughed. Or at least tried to."Haha! Whatever do ya mean, Frey-chan? I think you're just hallucinating because of Trey's food!"
She rolled her eyes with an unsatisfied pout. Freyah wasn't incredibly observant, but she was curious. And that curiosity equaled nosiness.
"Don't lie, Cater-senpai." She began continuously poking his cheek, "And don't be so gloomy today! It's my chess sister's birthday and I want it to be fun, not depressing!"
Riddle walked up to them, a gift for Frisk in his hands, and sighed."Freyah, do try not to bother Cater too much. Even if you're rightfully curious." He urged.
The ginger-headed girl pouted and eventually rolled her eyes.
"Fine," she crossed her arms, sitting on the couch, "But Cater-senpai can't be so gloomy during Frisk's birthday, Riddle!"
He put the present down and patted his younger cousin on the shoulder, an uncharacteristically soft smile spreading across his face.
"We needn't worry over something as trivial as Cater's feelings at the moment, Freyah," Riddle said, "I think we should be focusing on Frisk's special day. Yes?"
Freyah beamed, grinning from ear to ear."Yes!! I simply cannot wait for the fantastical festivities for the celebration of my beloved sister's birth!"
She ran out of the lounge, leaving to accompany Ace and Deuce to assist them with completing their tasks. Even if she did find them annoying.
Riddle chuckled in amusement."That's the Freyah I know…" his sentence trailed off when he glanced at Cater for a moment before he picked up his present and walked away.
Cater huffed, covering his face with his head hung low all over again.
Until he heard the sound of heels clicking. And they weren't Riddles. And when Cater looked up, he frowned.
Rollo Flamme.
Rollo, composed as ever, raised an eyebrow at the gloomy green-eyed ginger in front of him. Sure, he's heard of Cater from Frisk, but he's yet to meet the man in person.
And he wasn't impressed in the slightest.
"I see you're unrealistically unhappy." He noted, "You shouldn't be frowning in such an event."
Just before Cater was about to respond, Frisk let out a gasp and pulled Rollo into a hug.
Cater felt his breath hitch.
"Rollo-san! I didn't expect you to sh-show up!" Frisk exclaimed, "I-I hope the journey to night raven college wasn't too jarring for you…"
A small smile was on Rollo's face."Not at all, miss De La Rose." He replied. Albeit in a tone that was a little too flirtatious for Cater's liking.
"I'm assuming that your sister's out having chaotic fun?"
Frisk giggled, "You would be correct, Rollo-san."
It was the way she smiled so beautifully that softened Cater's eyes. But it was the way he smiled back at her that kept the frown on his face.
But the party was Cater's priority. Frisk's happiness was his priority.
Besides, he already had a plan in mind. One that would allow Frisk to know how he truly felt about her.
The party was a blast. Though it was too chaotic for Rollo's liking, he definitely seemed to enjoy it thanks to Frisk and Freyah's presence.
But that didn't particularly matter for Cater.
Now, he and Frisk were walking at night, in the rose maze as the moon was their only source of light.
And Frisk?
Cater couldn't deny that she looked stunning, no matter how messy her hair was due to the wind.
"The party was incredible…" Frisk praised, a smile on her face as she and Cater walked further into the maze.
Cater chuckled, "Good to know that you enjoyed it, Frisk-chan! I put in a lot of effort into making sure it was enjoyable, y'know!"
Frisk quietly snickered."You aren't the only one who put in effort, Cater-senpai…" she responded.
He pouted, crossing his arms childishly, and harrumphed."Frisk-chan doesn't appreciate my efforts…"
Her smile was soft, as well as her giggle. It gave Cater too many butterflies in his stomach.
Then, after some time, Cater thought it was time to finally tell her.
And so he looked up, eyeing the moon with deep intent. Upon noticing that, Frisk tilted her head, genuinely confused.
Frisk flinched a little when he called her, but she immediately responded, "Yes, Cater-senpai?"
"..... The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
The way confusion immediately transitioned to shock, and then to genuine regret.
And that confused and scared Cater.
Cater. Not Cater-senpai.
He tried to reach for her, but she swatted his hand away. Uncharacteristic for someone like Frisk, especially since she had her head hung low.
"Cater, I'm sorry…."
"Sorry? For what-"
"I don't feel the same way. At least not anymore."
Everything fell silent, and Cater's whole world came crashing down on him.
His heart dropped.
"You….. You don't?" He asked gently, shock and confusion in his eyes. Frisk nodded slowly, lips pursed, before looking away.
"I-I'm sorry, Cater. I-I did like you! A lot! B-But…."
Frisk fell silent, eyes wide, surprised that Cater was able to figure it all out so quickly. Had her feelings for Rollo been so obvious?
"I'm sorry, Cater. But… I can't see you as anything but a friend now."
Before she walked away, before he could try and reach out, Frisk turned around to say one more thing.
"Thank you for your honesty, Cater-senpai. But I'm sorry that I can't return the feeling."
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Taglist: [ I would like to hear your thoughts if possible! ]
@starry-night-rose @windbornearchon @nem0-nee @authoruio @fumikomiyasaki @geminiiviolets @sakuramidnight15 @oseathepebble @twsted-princess
Note: Pls be happy that 🤢Trey🤢 was never mentioned once in this oneshot ^^
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 6 months
My Unwanted Mate - Chapter 23 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Calvin Frey
"Would you like to press charges?"
"Robert," Torin spun on the Alpha, giving a hard glare.
"I'd say getting punched by your own mate is enough of a punishment."
"We need to address this as their Alphas, babe, not family."
Robby ran his fingers through his hair in distress, clearly unsure of how to proceed.
It wasn't everyday that pups were taken.
Looking up from where I had been staring at my bruised knuckles, I met my best friends eyes.
He was upset, I could tell by the way his eyebrows pinched together but aside from that he kept his expression blank.
"You dislocated his jaw," Torin butted in, reminding everyone.
Not that I needed the reminder... I couldn't forget.
The stench of their fear, the snap of Nathan's jaw, Tatum unable to even look at me.
Despite my rejection of them, my most primal part, my wolf still claimed them.
And I hurt him... I had always known I would, it was only a matter of time.
"No, I won't be pressing charges."
I cleared my throat, eyes shifting away from the Alpha staring me down.
Benjamin was fine... he spent the day being pampered while I worried.
I had no way of telling what they'd do to him, if they wanted revenge for being rejected.
At the end of the day, I didn't know them.
They were my destined mates but aside from that they were strangers and my family refused to look at it from my point of view.
My pup was fine though... they hadn't hurt him and I knew deep down that they would never dream of hurting him.
Torin was right... the twins had been punished for what they'd done, I had made sure of it.
"Okay," Robby exhaled.
Torin crossed his arms over his chest.
"In case you've all forgotten, we're not human," the little male shouted, stomping his foot.
"You're not dead, they'll never get a second chance with a mate."
"Enough, Torin. We will talk about this later, privately."
"I said enough, now go," Robby growled.
Alpha pheromones filled the office as he stared down my little brother.
Torin stared for a second, as if unable to believe Robby had dismissed him.
Even I was a little surprised.
Robby was a pushover when it came to Torin.
My brother's head dropped in defeat, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment.
It wasn't my place to say anything.
Torin slammed the door behind him and Robby took a deep breath, releasing it in a long sigh.
"What a shit show," he murmured, finally looking away from the door and back towards me.
"I can't say I'm okay with what happened. You and your mates are fucking nuts."
"This would have never happened if they'd left the first time I rejected them."
"Or if you had given them a chance."
I laughed but there was no humor behind it.
Robby would never understand, he had always wanted a mate.
"I can't just send them back home," Robby changed the course of the conversation, knowing we'd get nowhere.
"Their father... he wasn't all that happy when he found out they were mates."
That confused me.
The twins had never really talked much about their pack or their family.
Then again, we never really talked much at all.
"They're from an old pack. A traditional one. The pack didn't take well to two submissive wolves being mates," Robby stated, shaking his head.
"They were sent here to give their father the time needed to find a dominant mate for them."
"Are you fucking with me?" I asked, refusing to believe what he was saying.
Things weren't how they use to be, times were changing, evolving and so were the packs.
"You wouldn't imagine the shit I have seen passing through packs."
Robby shook his head as if in disbelief himself.
"I believe the Moon Goddess has a plan for all of us and you're a fucking idiot for rejecting them but that's your prerogative."
He chuckled under his breath with a sneer.
"It's best if you stay out of the house for a while, we don't need anymore incidents."
I stood as he did, giving a single nod to show I agreed.
As much as I hated what I have done, it was deserved.
At least I thought so.
There was no boundary I wouldn't cross when Benjamin was involved.
"Now, I have to go and apologize to my mate."
Robby's shoulders slumped as he left his office and I had the suspicion that he was scared of my little brother.
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andrews-garfussy · 2 years
Baby Blue
TW: cussing, breaking the rules, prejudice against muggleborns, crying, mention of a missing girl, drinking, being at a bar, and mention of throw up
Word Count: 1.8k
Table of Contents
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"Are you positive there isn't another way to travel to Diagon Alley?" Jackie asked Vera and Freyja as they approached the Three Broomsticks. Jackie, being muggle-born and all, had never traveled using the floo network. Jackie also worried too much for her own good.
"Brooms and trains would take far too long and none of us know how to apparate. Not well at least," Vera replied, laughing as she remembered Freyja's weak attempt to apparate over the summer.
"We have the time to use our brooms. Don't you know all the things that could go wrong using the Floo Network? Surely you've heard of what happened to Violet Tillyman," Jackie continued to worry.
"Well if your incident is going to be anything like hers, you'll end up in a very handsome man's fireplace," Freyja laughed. Jackie did not seem amused and maintained her distressed expression. Vera noticed and immediately attempted to ease her friend of her anxiety.
"Look, Freyja will go first, and then you can go. Nothing is going to go wrong; I promise."
"You owe me a handsome man if I go missing for twenty years," Jackie quipped, and they all giggled as they entered the pub. It was warm inside, contrasting the cold snowy air outside. It smelled of alcohol and smoke. However, this only made the pub feel cozier. They strode over to the bar towards Madam Rosmerta, who was taking a very large man's order. Her eyes flickered over to Freyja, rolling her eyes as she did so.
"Absolutely not," she scolded them, not even having to be told what they needed. She continued making whatever drink had been ordered and moved around to the other side of the bar, refusing to pay them any more attention.
"Please, Rosmerta. Just this once," Freyja pleaded, following her as she moved. She knew if she begged well enough, she would get what she wanted.
"Why in Merlin's beard do you need to go to Diagon Alley in the middle of the school year?" Madam Rosmerta asked as she looked up. She could never ignore Freyja. Hell, half the time she couldn't even say no to her.
"We must get dresses for the Yule Ball. You of all people should know that Hogsmeade doesn't exactly have the best selection to choose from," Freyja continued to beg. Madam Rosmerta huffed, contemplating whether or not she should let the girls through. She begrudgingly stuck out the keys to the room with the fireplace.
"You best be back before dark," she told Freyja as she latched onto the keys that Madam Rosmerta still had a strong grip on. After a very stern glare, she let go of the keys. "And don't act like bloody lunatics!"
"I know; I know! Thank you, Ro!" Freyja yelled back as she and her friends ran up the staircase to the room with the fireplace.
"Those damn girls," Madam Rosmerta muttered under her breath with a faint smile.
"See! We told you you'd be alright," Freyja said as she wrapped her arm around Jackie. They smiled at each other for a brief moment before walking out of the Leaky Cauldron and starting down the Alley, which, despite the season, was crowded.
Vera dug into her jacket pocket and pulled out a map that somehow remained unfolded. Freyja laughed at this, having been down Diagon Alley many times. She had even been to Horizont Alley and Carkitt Market a time or two. Her dad never let her go with him to Knockturn Alley, though. Most times he went there were for work anyway.
She plucked the map out of Vera's hands and tossed it into the garbage. They had no need for it. Freyja knew the alley like the back of her hand.
"What the hell! I was using that," Vera scolded.
"Oh, let up. I'll get us where we need to go just fine," Freyja smirked. Soon, they were at Madam Malkin's  Robes for All Occasions, but she kept going past the shop.
"Frey, aren't we going to go into Madam Malkin's?" Vera asked, confused as to what other clothing shop they could possibly go to.
"I was thinking we could go to Twilfitt and Tattings instead."
"Twilfitt and Tattings?" Jackie asked, astonished by Freyja's lack of regard for money. "That posh shop on the south side?"
"Why not? We'll never get to experience another Yule Ball. We probably won't get to experience another ball at all," Freyja tried to convince them. It was working. Vera already looked sold. Jackie simply just didn't want to walk that far.
"I suppose you're right," Vera smiled, excited to buy a dress from an upscale store. Jackie huffed, following her friends to the south side of Diagon Alley.
"My legs are going to be aching."
"I still feel nauseous," Michael whined as he entered Madam Malkin's with Cedric. He was glad Cedric offered to take him shopping. He didn't want to go alone, or worse, with Freyja and her friends. He'd be in Diagon Alley for hours if he had gone with them.
"Your sister actually threw up the first time she apparated with me," Cedric laughed, remembering how pissed he was about his converse and how long it took to scrub the substance out of his shoes.
"Speaking of my sister, what are you two?" Michael questioned. He had seen her come back from their date with sopping wet hair, meaning they most definitely showered together. The thought of Cedric sleeping with his sister made him want to puke, even more so than he already did.
"To be honest, I'm not quite sure. Why do you care?" Cedric chuckled, sensing that Michael might be asking for a friend.
"Because, if you two get in a fight or... whatever, I would still want to hang out with you and not have you dislike me as well," Michael admitted. That was not at all what Cedric thought he was going to say. He turned to the smaller boy and did his best to reassure him that he did not need to worry about such a thing.
"Goose, you're the little brother I never got to have. I'm not going anywhere, even if you and Freyja wanted me to. I promise I'll always be here to hang out with you," Cedric smiled. Water began to well in Michael's eyes. Cedric wrapped his right arm around the boy, rubbing his hair aggressively with his knuckles to cheer him up or elicit any other reaction besides the tears that wanted to fall from his eyes. Just as he planned, Michael began to laugh and huff in annoyance.
"I hate when you do that. It's humiliating," Michael whined, still giggling as he tried to be mad at Cedric.
"That's exactly why I do it," he replied.
Freyja scanned Twilfitt and Tattings for their blue dresses, hoping to find one that would take Cedric's breath away, which was quite common for her to do anyway. Holding up an off-white dress, Vera inspected it closely, admiring how the silk felt in her fingers.
"Do you think George would fancy me in this dress?" Vera asked Jackie. Following her question, Jackie released a surprised gasp and nearly dropped the dresses she was holding.
"You're going to the Yule Ball with George Weasley?" She practically yelled.
“Merlin, lower your voice! And yes, I am. Why do you sound so surprised?”
Jackie finally collected herself and began looking again. It wasn’t that Jackie was surprised that George would want Vera; she was just surprised that Vera would want him.
“Because, he never takes anything seriously, especially his schoolwork. You don’t seem like the type to be into that is all,” Jackie replied, hoping Vera wouldn’t take it the wrong way.
“I think that’s what I like about him,” Vera smiled. “He reminds me that it’s okay to have a little fun. I like to think I keep George in check too.”
“Blimey, you’re going out with George?” Freyja joined in on the conversation. Rolling her eyes, Vera nodded. “He doesn’t seem like your type.”
Jackie laughed, having already told Vera the same thing. Giggling about Vera’s choice of men, they all headed to the dressing rooms in the back of the store, but not without receiving what seemed to be nasty stares from other customers. Jackie could sense their eyes solely on her, a sinking feeling telling her why.
“What business does a mudblood have in a store like this?” Jackie overheard one woman whisper. She wanted to turn around and give the group of older women a piece of her mind, but she refrained. They probably didn’t have half a brain anyways, and they weren’t worth her energy. With fists clenched, she continued walking with the other two to the dressing rooms.
Excitedly, the girls got changed and quickly darted out of the room to see how they looked in their dresses. Occupying three of the five mirrors, each of them was disappointed to see that the first set of dresses they tried on were not the ones for them.
This cycle continued until Jackie found what she thought was the most beautiful green dress. The straps were made of rhinestones that trailed down to the v-neck of the dress. The rest of the dress was plain green silk, but Jackie loved it.
Almost immediately after was Vera, who was more than ecstatic about her silk white dress. It was plain and vintage. She added long gloves to it with the reasoning of “adding some flavor.”
Finally, Freyja tried on the very last dress she had picked out. She was beginning to grow impatient, upset that she couldn’t find a dress that suited her. This one was a beautiful baby blue, and it was tight at the top and flowy at the bottom. Freyja emerged from the dressing room, and upon hearing her footsteps, Vera and Jackie looked up from the jewelry case and nearly choked.
Even the women on the other side of the store caught a glimpse of Freyja and gasped. She looked stunning, and almost everyone in eye view of her was immediately enamored by her presence.
“Do you think I look alright?” Freyja sheepishly asked, noticing all the heads turned toward her.
“Alright? Freyja, darling, you look like a doll!” Jackie reassured her. She got closer to Freyja and rested her head on her shoulder, admiring her beautiful friend. Freyja could wait to illicit a similar reaction from Cedric, and Cedric couldn’t wait to ogle her as he always did.
See their dresses here
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veiliisms · 2 years
❛ if you take care of everyone, who takes care of you? ❜ you know exactly who this is from and who its for. suffer
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short ship starters. / @partloss (acc.)
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they're honest, at least..
no one... no one's ever really asked him that. doktor frei has alluded to it, but no one has been so direct, so blunt about it. no one has sat them down in front of the mirror and really put it out in front of them like that.
they pause. charming grin goes stiff, they stop pouring the coffee. why'd this even start? it was a joke. a playful way to shrug off the stress, the anxiety, so why did she take it so seriously?
"... no one," he finally answers, honestly, continuing to pour the coffee he put so much effort into roasting himself. "i don't ask anyone to take care of me."
they're honest, at least.
"... hasn't really been an issue for me," they shrug, they ignore the hurt, put on a show once more. it doesn't take long, they're sure, for coco to see through the bullshit, anyway.
"s'just what i do," they admit, hand shaking a bit as they pour a splash of cream. "... i take care of my family, keep it together, and keep pushing."
he's staring down into the swirl of ivory and espresso beneath him. he's being honest, at least, and that's what she deserved. "... maybe it isn't fair," he begins, ignoring the feeling of guilt in his chest, the stinging of salt and moisture at the corner of his eyes, "... but someone's gotta. my sister, my cousin... can't afford to do anything else."
he clears his throat, wipes at his eyes and stands upright again.
"i know i sound stupid, but. it's fine. it's been like this long as i can remember, so. who cares, y'know? bigger problems, other things to worry about.
c'mon, just try my coffee already, huh? i made it myself. wanted you to be the first to try it."
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