#(FOR NOW Though)
onse-chill · 2 months
The only reason I don’t post as horny as I would like is because I don’t wanna get shut down and lose all my mutuals.
You all mean more to me than seeing how far I can push things here 🫶🏻
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haunted-doodles · 10 months
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flymbo gulloping you are real to me
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hurdy-girly · 3 months
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tothesolarium · 4 months
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My indulgent magical old man
He’s not Asra
He’s an actor
And it’s not a cigarette ! It’s a bundle of herbs In a cone for more discreet transport. He tries not to breath it in when burning, but as is. It’s sort of what a plague docs bird nose was for
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Hi Goose! I hope you’re doing well!! I just saw your Ask in my ask box and I wanted to ask if it’s alright with you for me to draw Jodie:D? Also I’m not quite sure if I’m allowed to interact with you because I just saw that you have ‘mdni’ and I don’t want to push any of your boundaries, or make you uncomfortable;m; P.S sorry if interacting with you was overstepping a boundary;_;
Hello lovely! Ok, firstly we'll sort out the MDNI (I will put my hands up and say that I intended to put more of an explanation of what that means for my blog, I just forgot, and I really appreciate that you have noticed and taken the time to speak with me about it! So thank you!)
The MDNI for my blog means not to interact with anything of mine that might be NSFW. It is there for people to understand that some of my content may not be appropriate for younger ages. Being 25 myself, I feel like I need to make sure I am trying to conduct myself in a protective manner for younger audiences, if that makes sense! And that was the simplest way of getting that across for me.
It's there to protect both of us given that it can be really hard to micromanage every aspect of my blog, my posts, and what people might see!
Now, I would normally find it very rude for me to just hop in and ask people what their ages are, but I think that can often clarify whether you class as a minor etc (I am in England and so 18 is when someone is legally classed as an adult, so I would class someone younger than that as a minor).
Also, I would like to make it extremely clear that you have not overstepped a boundary by opening up this conversation and it is alright to ask for clarification; if you don't know or understand something, it is always ok to ask for it. So please do not worry in the slightest about that. You haven't made me uncomfortable, you haven't overstepped a boundary ^u^
With this in mind and with much sadness, I think the best course of action from here on is probably for you to delete the ask that I sent in and then just to keep in mind that some of my content might not appropriate for you, if you continue to follow me.
It really sucks that this is how it has to be because our interactions, for me, haven't made me uncomfortable. However, knowing now that you're a minor I have to make sure I keep to the standard that I've set for my blog, to keep us both safe. This does not mean that, in future when you no longer class as a minor, that we can't interact again. But I feel that it would be wrong of me to have one rule for one person, and then another for everyone else.
I hope this is helpful and that you have an absolutely wonderful day. You deserve good things and I am sending good energy your way.
Again, thank you for opening up this conversation and I appreciate your bravery to ask :)
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yuesya · 1 year
I feel like I'm reading an SCP article with the amount of redacted information on here lmao. One of these days we're going to be able to look back on these posts and go "so that's what THAT meant."
LOL one day. One day!! Everything will make sense and there will be no need for [REDACTED]s flying around everywhere haha.
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revenantghost · 9 months
If I want to post a poem tomorrow I'm gonna have to actually edit and format it huh
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tripleyeeet · 3 months
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click here to read her story and here to listen to her tunes
age: twenty-seven pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual likes: competitive sports, drinking, cold weather, tabletop/video games. dislikes: horror movies, small talk, technology, early mornings. fears: losing touch of what's real; hallucinating. also, being isolated. desires: to be appreciated. whether that's through her friends or her job, she just wants to know she's doing a good job.
love interest: nanami kento friends: nanami kento, gojo satoru, kiryu tsukiko (@gunslingerorchid's oc), ichiro yoshida (male oc) family: sato chiyo (mother), sato botan (father), sato minoru (grandfather), sato haru (brother), sato ren (brother)
born on may 7th, 1990 in the bunkyo ward in tokyo.
grew up with her parents and two younger brothers in the heart of the city.
was kind of a shy kid up until her father offered her a "job" helping him coach the tokyo university's baseball team. then she became a lot more sociable.
at around age seven though, she started hallucinating monsters, unaware that they were actually curses until about six months after when she was sent to her grandfather's house.
once there, she began to learn about their family history and how some members were, quote, "destined for greater things."
at first, she wasn't keen on the idea of being different. but, as she got older and started taking on more responsibilities, she discovered that she genuinely enjoyed helping people and began to dream of becoming a proper sorcerer.
because of this, she started combat training around twelve alongside lessons in energy manipulation with her grandfather. both of which ultimately led to her further developing her allocation technique, which she can use to collect and redistribute cursed energy.
during this time, she also discovered her love for competitive sports. specifically wrestling and boxing which she started taking lessons for until inevitably enrolling for school at the tokyo technical college.
— ALLOCATION; after making physical contact, hitomi can manipulate the output of her target's cursed energy by adding or subtracting a small percentage inside her own body.
—APPENDAGE; hitomi has the ability to extend her technique into whatever objects she touches. meaning, if the target is hit by said object the effects of her curse are still valid.
—ASSIGN; after subtracting a portion of a targets cursed energy, hitomi can reassign it to an ally through touch.
—ADMINISTER; when injured, if enough excess energy still remains, hitomi can use it to temporarily heal herself.
—REVEALING ONE'S HAND; by divulging how her cursed technique works, hitomi can maximize the output of cursed energy into her next attack.
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hattiestgal · 10 months
Along with appreciating today's fen of the day, you all should send in asks about me!
I'm about to take a nap, but after I wake up, I need an excuse to draw my truesona more so I can get consistent with them, so I'll doodle a response!
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 months
everything looks so WEIRD on my new computer omg. its 17 whole inches so its. pretty big lol especially in comparison to my chromebook holy shit.
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miodiodavinci · 2 years
Blog Redesign Complete!
Howdy once again, y'all ! ! !
I went ahead and spent the last two days cleaning up my blog in preparation to be a bit more active over here should twitter implode, so everything should be in working order!
All old posts have been tagged, old vents have been deleted, some context has been provided to old posts, so with any luck, I won't need to do another deep dive anytime soon w.
I've also gone ahead and gotten a new theme running courtesy of xuethems. It honestly really refreshes the vibe and helps wash away the lingering psychic damage of reading posts of mine from 2015 w
Hope you all enjoy! Here's to another year on this hell site!
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ciircex-old · 7 months
hey mutuals, get a load of this.
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gailynovelry · 1 year
If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?
Unsurprisingly, I'm actually planning lots of prequels, short stories, and weird in-universe documents for Heralds of Rhimn. Two big ones center around specific side characters from the main series.
The first is Children of Snow, a Frostbiters-centered prequel. Gildhe is the main PoV character, but other Frostbiter kids like Karah, Delise Merlie, and Alevar are liable to get a few chapters. Mostly, it's about Lonnie's disappearance, how poorly Gildhe deals with it, and also about how Gildhe ends up pushing Mep out of the family. Funny enough, Mep will not be a PoV character.
(He's had enough time to bias the narrative through the main series!)
The second idea is a presently-untitled novel about how Inky got kicked out of his noble house. Features some of the older characters, like Atevia and Ainzel, plus Iriah and Lucketh back when they were alive. I've had this idea for longer, but it's not quite as fleshed-out as Children of Snow.
Other extremely undeveloped ideas for stories with side characters include;
Courtfather Snow and Charlan's relationship and breakup.
Tincre's life. Oh Tincre . . .
Evain becomes the first guy to become a wyfwolf after the war dies down, and I'm sure that'd be a fun tale to tell.
Maybe how Morekai met Silamir? Eh. Maybe.
Short story about Crislie's Ma and Da meeting each other.
Something to do with the other courts, especially the Mirthful Ones. I love inventing their jestercore puritan names.
In short; brain go brrrrrrr faster than the pen can. Rip.
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gummie-shark · 2 years
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saw this on the page of someone i follow- probably gonna do a couple for funsies, but if you maybe have some requests in mind, feel free to ask (*/ω\*)
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calronhunt · 1 year
I keep needing to talk about my ocs here casually and i keep forgetting to.
Anyway I've been thinking about sage and Fable more and oh god. My heart. My chest. Ive been trying to beef up their playlist more because i want it to be sorta beefed up when i show people but like. My brain is like "no. Only the best songs that fit them 100% can go on it" so you understand my struggle. The song rhat gets me the most upset is "for the best-gregort and the hawk" and also "mystery of love-sufjan stevens" if tou want the vibes
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soleillunne · 1 year
I wrote Stella’s angst much longer than I had originally planned so you’re safe, I have no intentions of writing more angst right now my love. I can’t promise what your next gift from will be though.
- 🍡
im saved omg
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