#(DOES the rising or if it helps yeast do the rising.)
whilomm · 4 months
customer asking about the sourdough we have and if it has preservatives, reading the part about malt flour: "whats this "dextrose' stuff?"
me: "oh well I think its a type of sugar and sugars are often used in bread to help the yeast rise :)"
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
mc cant make bread at the house of lamentation. unless its one with a very short resting time and while beel is away at a game/other time consuming activity bc otherwise he just. eats the raw dough. and likes it like a sweet lil weirdo. and of course he gets rly guilty abt it seeing mcs face when they come outta the kitchen like 'does anyone know what happened to my bread 🥺'
sometimes if he knows mc wants to make bread hell make a point to stay out for most of the day so hes not tempted. otherwise mc has to go to the demon lords castle (fancy and prolly has a proof box, but availability can be spotty) or purgatory hall (risk of solomon)
also, since the devildom tends to be much warmer than the human world i bet rising/rest times are cut much shorter. but it begs the question of if yeasts native to the devildom need higher temperatures to activate. probably i feel thatd make sense.
also mild fluff headcanon: barbatos sees mc's interest in the differences between human world and devildom yeasts and helps them build a lil sourdough starter experiment where they make ones from the different types and see how they compare :) And since starters can become specialized to the bacteria of the person who made it (when its mixed by hand) they obvs have to each do a set of human world and devildom starters (barb likes to give them bread made from the starters specialized to him cuz it feels like a way of marking mc :3 )
do i know how to be concise? no. is bread science sick as hell? yes. -🥐
YO I love all of this!!
Okay okay, Beel eating bread dough, though. And deliberately making sure he's not home when MC wants to bake bread, that is so so CUTE. Poor baby Beel can't keep himself away from the bread dough and has to leave the house entirely so MC can bake some bread in peace, please that's adorable.
I definitely think the castle is probably the best option for alternative baking locations. As you pointed out, Purgatory Hall is too risky.
I know nothing about yeast. The only bread I've ever baked has been bread that's actually cake. You know, like pumpkin bread and zucchini bread. They're really cake, right? They taste like cake. I think it's the loaf formation that causes people to call them bread. All of this is to say that I feel I have learned some new facts about yeast. It never ever would have crossed my mind that the Devildom temperature would impact the rate at which yeast rises. And I LOVE the idea of native Devildom yeast!
You killed me with that fluffy Barb headcanon... BARB give me all your bread made from your specialized starters lasdfkjldfkj. Everyone must know whose bread I'm eating!! Please that's such a cute way of being possessive and so totally his style. It's like this one is mine, but I'm not going to be loud about it or anything. I'm indicating it with my bread. I love it. I love him.
Once again, I know nothing of bread baking, but I would give my soul to have a sourdough starter experiment with Barbatos. It's such a cute little scenario, I absolutely love it.
Ahhh what would I do without you bringing all the baking knowledge to my ask box, 🥐 anon?? I'm really in love with all of these ideas!
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surrealisticduvet · 2 months
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Tantamount to Treason, Vol. 1 liner notes
transcription via morethanweimagine.com
I assume that anyone who listens to any album does not need liner notes to tell them whether or not the music made them feel something ... so that's that. Therefore, I would like to use this space to tell you how to make home-brewed beer.
THE PAPA NES HOME-BREW RECIPE INGREDIENTS: BARLEY MALT ... ABOUT THREE POUNDS WATER ... ABOUT FIVE GALLONS HOPS ... ABOUT A CUP (Washington hops, if available) CORN ... TO TASTE (PILGRIMS THREW IN ARTICHOKE) RICE ... TO TASTE (It has to be processed rice) BREWER'S YEAST ... ONE BLOCK (It must be fresh and non-flocculant*) Now then, you're gonna need a bunch of big pots (obviously big enough to hold five gallons of home brew.) In the first pot make a porridge-like mash of the water and the barley malt. (The water has to be between one-hundred-and-fifty and one-hundred-and seventy degrees Fahrenheit before adding it to the barley malt.) O.J. "Red" Rhodes: Pedal Steel Guitar. Stir the mixture well for about twenty minutes. (If you get tired, sometimes friends will help you if you tell 'em what you're doing.) Michael Cohen: Keyboards and Moog Synthesizer. Strain this mixture into another kettle; add the corn, rice and hops; slow boil for about two hours. (It really smells good at this stage.) Jack Panelli: Drums. Strain slow-boiled mixture into another pot and allow to cool to room temperature. Add the block of yeast. Johnny Meeks: Bass. Put it in the refrigerator. Do not allow the temperature of the mixture to rise over sixty degrees from this point on, because if you do ... you got the world's worst soup. You are now in attendance at a miracle of nature in the capacity of midwife. José Feliciano: Congas. The first day some white stuff will appear at the top; by the second day it will really start bubbling and forming lots of that white stuff. As midwife your job is to constantly scrape that off the top of the brew. At the end of the third day, it will stop. You now have green beer -- a potent potable drunk by maniacs and people from Farmers Branch, Texas. Assuming that you are neither, I suggest we go to the bottling stage. In bottling, make sure you use only those bottles designed especially for carbonated beverages. These can be purchased at any Sears or Montgomery Ward. (If you don't, I would like to remind you of the great natural explosion that took place near Tempe, Arizona in 1927.) You also need a crown capper which is also available from the above-named stores. Pour the brew into the bottles. Cap the bottles. Keep those bottles at thirty-two degrees until you can't stand it anymore and you got BEER. There will probably be some sediment at the bottom of each of the bottles; that shouldn't bother you, but at the same time don't drink it ... IT TASTES TERRIBLE. This recipe misses as often as it hits ... if it hits, your popularity will be assured ... if it misses, it makes sensational fertilizer ... or hair spray. Good luck.... *Non-flocculant ... that means it doesn't get lumpy. Producer: M. Nesmith who also played guitar and sang. Warning: Michael Nesmith's Home-Brewed Beer may be hazardous to your health. _______________________________________ Autoclaving turns this line brown.
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scribefindegil · 2 years
Low-Spoons Bread Recipe
Hallo friends! Yesterday I was singing the praises of bread-baking, which I know is something a lot of people find scary and intimidating. But fear not! I promise it’s easier than you think, and with this Bread Lore you too can bake delicious loaves whenever you want! If you are confused or have questions, please let me know and I will try to help!
I love this recipe/method, which comes from the book “Artisan Bread In Five Minutes A Day” by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. Does it sound kind of gimmicky? Yes! Does it work? Friend, this recipe is a solid 30% of how I fed myself during grad school. It’s also one of the few things I can consistently make since I got cursed with ME/CFS in February. If I can stagger into the kitchen and use a measuring cup, I can make bread.
This is a no-knead dough that keeps in the fridge for up to a week. Over the course of the week, whenever you want bread you can tear off a hunk of dough and bake it! I find this recipe makes approximately two big loaves, a cookie sheet’s worth of focaccia, four personal pizzas, or eight dinner rolls.
You Will Need:
Flour (all-purpose)
Active Dry Yeast (available in jars and packets in the baking aisle)
Salt (table salt is fine)
Measuring cups & spoons
A big mixing bowl
A lid for the mixing bowl, or some aluminum foil to cover it
To Make The Dough
Get out your big mixing bowl.
Add 3 cups of lukewarm water. It should feel warm, not hot, if you put a drop on the inside of your wrist. If you use very hot water, you could kill the yeast. If you use cold/cool water, the recipe will work but it will take longer to rise.
Stir in 1 tablespoon of table salt OR 1 1/2 tablespoons of sea or kosher salt. Table salt has much finer grains, so you get a lot more salt per spoon than you do with coarse-grained salts.
Stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons (2 packets) of yeast.
Now add 6 1/2 cups of flour. To measure the flour, use a big spoon to scoop in into the cup and then level off the top with the flat side of a bread knife. This keeps the flour from being too tightly packed, which will throw off your measurements.
Mix it all up with a wooden spoon until all the flour is incorporated.
Congrats! You have made dough!
Now cover the bowl with its lid or with a lid of aluminum foil. At this point, you can put it in the fridge until you’re ready to bake! If you want to bake imminently, you can also let it rise at room temperature for two hours (though it is easier to work with if it’s cold).
(Instructions for turning this dough into various Breads under the cut!)
To Bake a Focaccia (easiest & extremely delicious)
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees
Use olive oil to grease a cookie sheet or a large cast-iron skillet
Oil your hands. Tear off a chunk of dough. About 1/3 of the recipe will fill a 12-inch skillet; when making it on a cookie sheet I usually use about half the dough, though you can use the whole thing if you’re baking for a crowd.
(This will make the bread Prettier but tbh it’s fine if you don’t do it) Fold the dough in on itself and stroke the surface like you are petting a small animal until it forms a smooth ball.
Press the dough into a sheet of relatively even thickness in your pan.
Let the dough rise for about 20 minutes while you wait for the oven to finish preheating.
When the oven is hot, poke the dough all over with clean fingers to make little dimpled hollows. Drizzle it with olive oil and sprinkle on some coarse salt, black pepper, and any herbs you want (I love rosemary and oregano!)
Bake for 20-30 minutes until golden brown
To Bake A Pizza
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees
Oil your hands. Tear off a chunk of dough (about 1/4 of the dough is a good size for a personal pizza).
Put the dough on an oiled countertop and use a rolling pin or empty bottle to roll it out as thinly as you can. If you feel like the dough is fighting you, let it relax for five minutes and then try again.
Transfer the round of dough to an oiled cookie sheet (you can use your hands to help stretch it out more thinly when you pick it up if you want)
Add your toppings of choice
Once the oven is hot, bake for 15-25 minutes until the crust is golden brown and cooked through and the toppings are bubbly
To Bake A Big Beautiful Boule (with steam!)
Note: For various Science Reasons, bread cooks much better when there is steam in the oven. A lot of recipes encourage you to bake inside a closed Dutch oven, but I find it difficult & scary to get the dough in there since you have to preheat the Dutch Oven as well. Another method (described here) is to have a roasting pan or skillet in the bottom of the oven and throw ice cubes (probably safest) or water (what I do) in there right as you put the bread in the oven. If you don’t do this your bread will still be fine! But you won’t get as nice a crust and your loaf may not expand as well. It’s up to you. Follow your heart.
Place a roasting pan, cookie sheet, or cast-iron skillet on the bottom rack of the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
Dust your hands with flour. Tear off a chunk of dough (whatever size you want; I usually go with about half the recipe)
(This will make the bread Prettier but don’t stress about it) Continuing to dust with flour if things get sticky, fold the dough in on itself and stroke the surface like you are petting a small animal until it forms a smooth ball.
Place your Dough Orb onto a cookie sheet dusted with flour or cornmeal. Let it rise for 45 minutes.
When the oven is hot, dust your orb with more flour. Then use a bread knife to cut several deep slashes through the loaf. This will help it expand as it cooks! Plus it looks beautiful.
To use steam: Get about half a dozen ice cubes and put them in a measuring cup. Put your bread in the oven, then immediately pour the ice cubes onto the roasting pan you put on the lowest rack and shut the door. Don’t peek at the bread until at least 15 minutes have passed to keep the steam inside the oven.
Bake for about 30-40 minutes, until the crust is nice and dark and the loaf sounds hollow if you rap on the bottom
To Bake Dinner Rolls
Place a roasting pan, cookie sheet, or cast-iron skillet on the bottom rack of the oven. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
Dust your hands with flour. Divide the dough into eight equal portions.
For each portion of dough: Continuing to dust with flour if things get sticky, fold the dough in on itself and stroke the surface like you are petting a small animal until if forms a smooth ball. Place the roll onto a cookie sheet dusted with flour or cornmeal.
Let them rise for about 30 minutes.
When the oven is hot, dust your rolls with more flour. Then use a bread knife to make a deep slash through each roll.
To use steam: Get about half a dozen ice cubes and put them in a measuring cup. Put your bread in the oven, then immediately pour the ice cubes onto the roasting pan you put on the lowest rack and shut the door. Don’t peek at the bread until at least 15 minutes have passed to keep the steam inside the oven.
Bake for about 20 minutes, until the crust is nice and dark and a roll sounds hollow if you rap on the bottom
For extra deliciousness, brush the rolls with melted butter as soon as you take them out of the oven.
More Ideas
Try adding a handful of fresh or dried herbs when making the dough
Roll out small amounts of dough very thin and cook them in a hot skillet on the stovetop to make pitas
Make a filled bread by rolling dough out into a sheet and adding cheese, pesto, or another filling of your choice, then rolling the dough up in a spiral
Knead cheese, olives, or diced ham into the dough before shaping
Once you have a recipe that you’re comfortable with, bread is infinitely adaptable!
Happy baking!
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iceycube · 9 months
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Morning buns/rolls, one recipe yields 24 fluffy morning buns or 12 burger buns. Dry out in three days if in a plastic bag, within the day if not. I suppose you can use them for tea time, too
550 g flour
50 g sugar
10 g salt
13 g fiber (i use a potato fiber from semper)*
50 g fresh yeast
1 egg
100 g butter/ 82 g oil
100 mL milk or water (if you do this by hand only use 50 mL)
100 g non-flavored yogurt/skýr/Creme fraiche/kefir/other sour milk product
250 g cold oat meal porridge (recipe under cut)
(for chocolate buns add 240 g chocolate chips when dough has been kneaded)
* fiber helps keep the buns feel soft for longer and helps digestion. Is optional, though, if you can't find it. Then just use 13 g of flour or oats.
How to:
Stand mixer with dough hook attachment or bid bowl and wooden spoon
All ingredients in the mixing bowl
Mix on slowest speed until all is combined or stir until everything is combined
Turn to speed 2 for 5-ish minutes until dough does no longer stick to the hook. Or knead vigorously for 10-15 minutes until it doesn't stick to your hands. If it keeps sticking you may want to wash your hands and change your kneading technique :b push the dough away from yourself with the ball of your hand and snap it back with your fingers. Do not stick your fingers into the dough. It is a very good workout, so you may want to only wear a t-shirt ;]
Do the gluten test. With clean warm hands take a small ball of dough and carefully stretch it into a thin rectangle just using your fingers. If it doesn't tear your dough is kneaded. If it does tear, you give it 1-2 minutes more on speed 2. If it tears at your fingers, but not in the middle, it is also done.
If you want to freeze the dough, weigh clumps of ca 200 g, make balls, and wrap in plastic wrap. When placing in freezer make sure they do not touch or they will keep each other warm and explode out of the wrap. Dough keeps for 3 months in freezer
If you don't freeze it: out of bowl unto a floured surface and knead into a big ball. Cover with a dish towel for 30-45 minutes
After it has risen you punch it down and weigh the buns out at 50 g. For burger buns you weigh 100 g.
Form buns and place on baking sheet. 12 per sheet for normal buns, 6 for burger buns. Press burger buns flatttt
Cover and let rise until doubled in size, usually takes 45-60 minutes. Or if your oven can heat to 35 C/100 F you boil some water and pour in a baking dish and set on the bottom of your oven and place your buns in the oven for 25 minutes. Take everything out of oven before next step
Preheat oven to 210 C convection
Paint buns with water or milk. Make sure they are completely covered
Bake at 195 C for 8 minutes, change placement of baking sheets and turn them around and bake for another 2-3 minutes
If you froze the dough:
Remove from freezer evening before you need it and put it in the fridge
Two hours before you want to work with it you put it on the counter
Cut clump into 4 roughly equally big pieces and form buns
Do as points 9-14 above
Oat meal porridge
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1 dL finely rolled oats
2 dL milk or water (1.75 dL if you make the buns by hand)
1/2 teaspoon salt
How to:
Put ingredients in a microwave safe container
Microwave at 100% for 1:30 minutes
Microwave again at 100% for 30 seconds
Stir and put in fridge for at least 1 hour
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clatterbane · 11 months
Dough is now mixed, and rising!
A lot of GF bread doughs are just going to be soft and tar pit sticky, but I did decide to add a little more flour in after this video.
This is another batch of what seems to have turned into my new standard oat bread adapted as usual to use my saved cider yeast quasi-sourdough starter for extra flavor plus some dry yeast to help speed things up. It's good, relatively cheap to make with the oatmeal standing in for part of the overpriced GF flours, and I know how it's supposed to behave by now. I really do need to find some better sources here for more affordable flours, btw. Indian brands were a real lifesaver back in the UK, and easy to find for pretty obvious reasons. Yay other immigrants!
Otherwise, I really don't know what the hell I'm doing here, so I left it on a pretty low speed as shown here because that looked about like how a bread machine would knead it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The motor on this thing does indeed seem pretty powerful.
I did consider getting another bread machine, but what I'm really looking for is mixing/kneading help. And this fits the bill even better that way.
I already had the dough partly underway when I went to set the mixer up, so I actually sucked it up and asked Mr. C to help figure out how to get the necessary pieces onto it.
Neither one of us had used this kind of setup before, but he is at least less of a spatial dunce when it comes to deciphering what he's supposed to do from diagrams. The manual did include rather IKEA-style diagrams showing how to attach all the accessories, at least. I watched him do it, so now I know how to get the dough hook and bowl scraper paddle combo set up, at any rate. The regular mixer blades look simpler.
But yeah, now it's rising downtime, and I am posting this instead of getting the bowl and mixer attachments cleaned up. After I do that, time to settle in with a game while it finishes rising.
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akhuna · 2 years
Headcanon: Eskel baking
OKay, so I apparently needed this to be quiet and domestic, too, so here’s some little jumbled-up writing. It got quite long so I put it under the cut!
Eskel got a little jar of yeast from an old woman in a small village he travelled through on his way to the Kaer.
She needed help with something easy, not even monster-related, maybe she needs firewood chopped or a hole in the roof fixed. She’s all alone and can’t see very well and since she’s sometimes struggles to remember faces and names and forgets where she is, people are keeping away from her.
Eskel chops firefood for her and fixes the roof; it takes him like two days and by the time he’s ready, little snowflakes have started to fall. She doesn’t have any money, but she still bakes her own bread and so Eskel does ask for a little bit of her yeast dough, which she happily shares with him.
She also gives him some sweets she keeps for the children of the village who never want them.
Eskel puts the yeast jar under his shirt, carrying it close to his body, so that the yeast won’t spoil (it has become quite cold at night).
When he comes to the Kaer, he scrubs part of the kitchens and gets to work on the yeast, feeding it and helping it grow.
During his first days at the Kaer, he makes one or to additional trips to the next village to buy supplies and food for everyone; he buys some extra sugar and spices for the yeast (also raisins, in case he'd like to have a sweet treat).
On his way back, he starts singing softly to himself - he loves yeast bread but he never has the time to make it himself while being on the path, so he is really looking forward to his baking day.
The next day, he wakes up early and goes to the kitchen when nobody else is up yet.
He gets a fire going and warms a few stones by it so they are warm, but not hot and gets the pots and bowls out.
He starts the dough and lets it rise for a bit, while he goes to milk Lil’Bleater.
When he returns with the milk, the dough has risen a lot, so he takes off his jacket and gloves, washes his hands thoroughly one more time, turns up his sleeves and then gets to kneading.
The yeast smell creeps up his nose and he feels happy and content inside; he sometimes buys bread at bakeries, it’s so much better to knead the yeast dough himself, being able to inhaling it in full instead of catching a whiff from the bakery.
The dough turns from wet and sticky into silky and smooth and warm under his hands after a while. He loves the changes in the texture.
He’s humming to himself while he is working, relishing the muscles in his arms and shoulders getting a light workout.
As the morning grows older, the others are up, but no one is bothing him; they get into the kitchen, get their breakfast and then leave him to his baking, not wanting to break his focus. They know that this is special for him.
he loves how the kitchen’s warmth wraps around him - occasionally, he catches a cold draught from somewhere, bringing in the smell of snow, but that makes kneading all the more comforting.
He forms his bread and lets it rise again for a bit - while the dough is doing its thing, he starts tidying up the kitchen and heats up the oven properly.
when the time is up, he sets his knife to the dough, carving a symbol for a spell for peace and comfort into the dough and then puts it in the oven.
He stretches himself like a big cat, his arms and shoulders feeling pleasantly tired.
He makes sure the rest of yeast in the jar is well cared-for and sits in a warm place that doesn’t catch draught and won’t get too warm
then he waits patiently for the loaf of bread to done, already looking forward to the first bite and the next time he can get to baking again.
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Freedom, Spiritual Fruit and Works of the Flesh
1 Christ has made us really free. So, stay free! Do not let yourselves be made slaves again.
2 I, Paul, say to you again that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ is no help to you at all.
3 Again I say to every man who is circumcised, he must obey all the law.
4 Some of you are trying to obey the law, so that God will call you good. If you do this, you have been cut off from Christ. You have lost the blessing of God.
5 But we hope to be made right by believing in Christ. The Spirit helps us to do this.
6 So if a man belongs to Christ Jesus, it does not matter if he is circumcised or not. He must show by his love that he believes.
7 You were doing well. Who stopped you from doing what is right?
8 God calls you but he is not the one who made you change your minds.
9 Even a little yeast makes all the bread rise.
10 The Lord makes me sure that you will not think any other way. But the teacher who is troubling your minds will be punished. It does not matter who he is.
11 My brothers, am I still telling people to be circumcised? If I am, why are people still troubling me? If it were true, the cross of Christ, which they do not like, has lost its power.
12 These teachers are troubling your minds. How I wish they would cut themselves off!
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not take that to mean that you can do as you please. But work for each other because you love each other.
14 This one law is the whole law: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself.'
15 But if you bite and chew each other, be careful, or you will be killed by each other.
16 So I say, let the Spirit tell you what you should do. Then you will not do the wrong things you yourselves want to do.
17 People want to do wrong things that the Spirit does not want them to do. And the Spirit wants people to do things they do not want to do. The Spirit and the wrong things you want to do are against each other, so that you do not do what you yourself want to do.
18 If you do what the Spirit wants you to do, then you will be free from the law.
19 It is easy to see the wrong things people want to do. Both married people and those who are not married commit adultery. People make themselves unclean because of their wrong use of sex. They do things they should be ashamed of doing.
20 They worship idols. They use witch-power. They hate. They quarrel. They are jealous. They get angry. They want their own way. They do not agree together and they join different groups against each other.
21 They want what other people have. They even kill. They drink too much strong drink. They like to take part in loud drinking and dancing. They do other things like these. I have told you before and I tell you again. Those who do these things will not be in the kingdom of God. 22,
22 But these are the things which the Spirit wants you to show: love, joy, peace, patience, being kind, being good, being true, being gentle, and keeping the body under control. There is no law that says, `These things are wrong.'
23 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have stopped doing the wrong things they want to do. They have stopped them just as if they were killed on a cross. And they have even stopped wanting to do them.
24 The Spirit gives us life. And so we should do what the Spirit wants us to do.
25 We must not be proud of ourselves. We must not make one another angry. We must not want what other people have. — Galatians 5 | Worldwide English New Testament (WENT) The Worldwide English New Testament Bible © 1969, 1971, 1996, 1998 by SOON Educational Publications. Cross References: Genesis 6:3; Leviticus 19:18; Ecclesiastes 7:8; Jeremiah 33:6; Matthew 13:33; Matthew 15:19; Luke 16:28; John 8:32; Acts 15:1; Acts 15:24; Romans 6:6; Romans 7:15; Romans 8:4; Romans 8:23; Romans 9:31; 1 Corinthians 8:9; Galatians 1:6; Galatians 2:2; Galatians 2:4; Galatians 6:12; Galatians 6:15; Philippians 3:2-3; Philippians 4:15; 1 Timothy 1:9; James 3:14; Hebrews 13:4
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nihilityart · 2 years
ALGG AU incorrect quotes 1.5
Life: Why does Chaos always do the laundry so loudly?
Death: So everyone knows that no one helps them out in the house.
Rimuru, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut*
Rimuru: Death doesn’t look very happy.
Life: That's their happy. They're just a shitbag
Rimuru: Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults!
Death: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Rimuru: Obviously. Now, Life, pass the shovel.
Rimuru: What do we say when making bread?
Life, glumly: That's the dough rising.
Rimuru: And what do we NOT say?
Death, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
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childofchrist1983 · 2 years
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And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread. And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened? Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? - Mark 8:15-18 KJV
A few days ago, we thought about how Jesus told us that we were the salt of the Earth and how we are placed into the world to flavor it with the love of Jesus Christ. In today's Bible passage, He is warning the disciples about the influence of the world. Yeast is what we use to make baked goods rise. In this warning, Jesus lets us know how even our leaders can be used by Satan to make evil rise.
The Pharisees were always working to lure people away from Jesus saying that He was leading them away from the Law of Moses. Herod, of course, had other reasons for wanting Jesus to be discredited. After all, he knew that many of the people wanted Jesus to be king. He also knew that he needed to keep Pilate on his side, and Jesus posed an additional threat there. If we hear a lie often enough, we might start to believe it. We know that this happened during the Holocaust to make people believe that the Jews were the enemies. Today, it happens in more subtle ways, but it still happens. We hear all the time about the "other' that we need to fear. We need to think about how our attitudes are influenced. Do we listen when we are told whom to hate or fear? Do we believe the yeast of the world, or the voice of God, the voice of Jesus Christ? I believe in and trust in God's, in Jesus Christ's! What about you?
May we always listen to God and follow His guidance and avoid the yeast of hate and fear that the world would like us to believe. May we also be a voice that speaks against untruths that would lead others away from God Almighty and Jesus Christ and His Holy Word in any way. May God Almighty and Jesus Christ help us to walk in obedience to His Holy Word and Spirit, so that we love Him not only with our words and our feelings, but also with our actions. May He give us peace knowing He is with us and that He a plan for our lives. May our belief in Him and His Holy Word and in His endless power and possibilities draw us and others to Him daily. May He and His Holy Word and Spirit continue to guide us and strengthen us and fill us with peace and wisdom and more everyday.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time daily to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in the Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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robbybirdy · 2 years
37. Baking therapy on a budget Ft. Genshin Characters: Fischl - Fruit Cake with Yeast
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Hello, every birdie. Today we are going to be looking at a recipe that would be fit for a princess to eat. 
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Fischl is a electro character that comes from Mondanst. She is the stereotypical chuunibyou, which means basically a middle school aged person who doesn’t really want to grow up and who has a very elaborate imagination. And it is not always a bad thing. Fishcl fights with her companion who is a bird, named Oz. And she is a self proclaimed Princess. 
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So I had to find a recipe that was fit for a princess to eat. And I found a recipe from my German Cookbook called “Fruit cake with yeast.”
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You don’t want to preheat your oven yet. Because it needs to double in size. 
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The recipe and measurements will be in the description down below. Feel free to check it out for your self. 
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The ingredients you will need are:
Fresh yeast
3 tbsp Tepid milk
Plain flour
Oetker baking essence, bitter almond flour (i used vanilla)
A little salt
Butter, margarine or lard, or oil 
⅓ pint Tepid milk 
A little sugar
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The first thing you want to do is cream the yeast with the 1 tsp of sugar and the 3 tbsp of milk. 
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In a large bowl you are going to sieve ⅔ of your flour, make a well into the center, pour in the dissolved yeast and cover with about ¼ inch of flour. 
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Put the sugar, the flavoring and the fat or oil around the edge of the bowl onto of the flour. 
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The recipe states that they should not come into contact with the yeast yet.
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As soon as the flour covering the yeast starts showing large cracks is when you are going to start stirring all the ingredients together, however you are going to mix from the middle to the outside. And yes, it does feel weird to do this but it does work. 
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Gradually add the ⅓ pint of tepid milk. With a large wooden spoon beat the dough till bubbles rise. 
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Now you are going to knead in the rest of the flour, and add a little bit more flour if it is sticky. However you don’t want too much flour because the dough is meant to be soft, 
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Shape your dough so it can sit comfortably on a 9x13 baking sheet. Let it sit under a damp cloth long enough for it to double in size. This usually takes somewhere between 1 to 2 hours. 
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While it is doubling in size you are going to cut up your plums. And once you cut them up and the cake has doubled, you are going to place the plum's skin facing the dough. And then cover them once again for about 30 minutes. 
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You are going to put it in the oven at 375F for 20 to 25 minutes. 
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When it comes out of the oven, you can sprinkle it with a little bit of sugar.
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This recipe was delicious. We had it for breakfast and tasted really good. It didn’t taste like we were eating anything but sugar for breakfast. It honestly just tasted like a plum pizza. Maybe that was my fault for not letting it rise enough. But overly it tasted good. 
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I hope that you liked this recipe. Feel free to check out the recipe in the description down below. Thank you. See you in the next recipe.
Pinterest: Here
Recipe: Here
Fruit cake with yeast by Dr, Oetker “German Home Cooking”
(I have been using grams instead of cups and it helps control the amount of ingredients.)
¾ oz fresh yeast
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp tepid milk
1 ⅛ lb. (500 g) plain flour
3 oz (85g)  sugar
3 drops oekter baking essence, bitter almond flavor
A little salt 
2 oz (55 g) butter, margarine, or larg, or 3 tbsp. Oil 
⅓ pint (200 ccm) tepid Milk
2 ¼-3 ¼ lb. (1 -1 ½ ) apples or plums 
For the dough
Cream the yeast with the 1 tsp. Sugar and the 3 tbsp milk. Sieve ⅔ of the flour into a large bowl, make a well in the center, pour in the dissolved yeast and cover with about ¼ inch flour. Put the sugar, the flavouring and the melted tepid fat or oil round the edge of the bowl on top of the flour. They must not come into contact with the yeast yet. As soon as the flour covering the yeast shows large cracks, stir all the ingredients together, starting with the yeast and flour and working from the middle. Gradually ad the ⅓ pint (200 ccm) milk. Using a large wooden spoon, beat the dough till bubbles rise. Now knead in the remaining flour. If the dough is sticky, add a little flour, but not too much, the dough is meant to be soft. 
For the topping:
Peel the apples and slice fairly thickly. If plums are used wash and stone. Arrange the fruit evenly on the top of the dough (always put plums with the skin to the dough). Leave the dough in a warm place to prove until it doubles in size then place in the oven to bake. 
Oven: preheat your oven for 5 minutes to very hot, bake at moderately hot. According to this cookbook: “ Hot is 390-440” and “Moderately hot is 340-390.” I just preheated the oven to 375F, and it worked out well. 
Baking time: 20-25 minutes
When it is done, take it from the oven and leave it to cool slightly. Then remove it from the baking sheet and sprinkle it with sugar. 
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Is The Grain Offering Relevant for Us Today?
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The New Covenant no longer requires a grain offering or an animal sacrifice as mandated in the Old Covenant. Because of what Jesus accomplished they each have a significant spiritual relevance for us. In Leviticus 2 we find instructions on how the Lord expected the administration of the grain offering. It began with the flour. When you present grain as an offering to the Lord, the offering must consist of choice flour. You are to pour olive oil on it, sprinkle it with frankincense. Leviticus 2:1 “Choice flour?” In my mind that would be the difference between a generic brand and one with a name brand. So since I don’t know much about the quality of flour, I took a crash course on it. I found out that the quality changes because flour may contain different parts of the grain. Also, the milling process determines whether the finished product will turn out coarse or fine. So the grain offering began with choice grain. Before anyone had accepted Christ into their life they were anything but choice grain. We were all just weeds in the sea of humanity. Jesus said the following in a parable; The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. Matthew 13:38 The Lord went on to give us the application of the parable and what it means to us. About the weeds He said the following; And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father’s Kingdom. Matthew 13:42-43
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How the Grain Offering Relates to Us
This chapter described three methods of presenting the grain offering and it made no difference which one they used. They could bake it in an oven, cook it on a griddle, or prepare it in a pan. Here’s how we can relate to this. In life, we can enjoy cultural differences, a variety of jobs, and prefer one lifestyle over another. But through Jesus, He made us all choice flour. In the grain offering the flour was mixed with olive oil and sprinkled with frankincense. But it could not contain any yeast whatsoever. Olive oil has the potential to saturate or mix into the flour. It helped to give the flour body and flavor. For us, olive oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit who Christ sent to us. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. John 14:16-17 The Holy Spirit also comforts, teaches, and guides us. He helps us grow in the Fruit of the Spirit. And we receive gifts from the Spirit to do the work of the ministry. So how does frankincense relate to our Christian lives? It was an expensive fragrant incense used many times in the Old Testament. It often pointed to the holiness of God. As frankincense was sprinkled on the grain offering so holiness should be sprinkled in our lives. Others will see it through our love for others and our Christ-like actions. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Ephesians 5:2 The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 2 that our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God.
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What’s Wrong with Yeast?
Verse 12 said that yeast could be added to an offering of the first crops of the harvest. But the Lord gave instructions that the grain offering could contain no yeast. I wonder why? Do not use yeast in preparing any of the grain offerings you present to the Lord, because no yeast or honey may be burned as a special gift presented to the Lord. Leviticus 2:11 Yeast represents sin. Therefore adding it to an offering of choice flour would only contaminate it. Thus making the offering unacceptable to God. And yeast quickly spreads through flour. Don’t you realize that this sin is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough? 1 Corinthians 5:6 The fact is that all sin is like yeast and can easily spread throughout our being. Unlike yeast in flour, our bodies can be cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 1 John 1:9
The Added Seasoning
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God gave the final instruction concerning the grain offering as a reminder to all His people. Season all your grain offerings with salt to remind you of God’s eternal covenant. Never forget to add salt to your grain offerings. Leviticus 2:13 Keep in mind when we have Jesus in our lives we are like choice flour. Like oil, the Holy Spirit is mixed into us and we are sprinkled with His holiness. But it doesn’t stop there. Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. Think about it, you are seasoned by God Himself. The grain offering, even though we’ve never offered one, what it represents is relevant to each of us. Lord, purify us, mix in the Holy Spirit, and sprinkle us with holiness. Beginning today and forever, we offer ourselves to you as living sacrifices. Check out these other posts written on verses in Leviticus - Unintentional Sin, What Happens When I Commit One? - Focus Your Life On The Requirements Of God - May The Blessings Of The Lord Be Upon You - The Feast Of Unleavened Bread Read the full article
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mtnikolle · 21 days
Favourite Places
This is the fourth (and final) story for @kakairu-rocks 2024 Maze Challenge. Bakers AU! Kakashi has finally cleared the final roadblock and caught up to Iruka!
This story was also inspired by a drabble I wrote for the forum's June DDN.
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Summary: Iruka is in his favourite place in the whole world.
Iruka was content. He was in one of his favourite places, the kitchen of the café he ran with Kakashi, making one of his favourite treats. No matter that he'd been here before dawn, or that it was a gigantic batch—the largest he'd ever put together at once—the kitchen was his happy place.
His first batch of dough was just about through its second rising, several others were at various stages, and the latest batch was ready for mixing. The yeast mixture looked good, so he tipped eggs, butter, vanilla, lemon zest, and flour into the mixing bowl and started the stand mixer to knead the dough.
He heard the door open and close just as he was transferring the dough to a larger bowl for it to start the rising process. Once it was covered and moved off to the side to rise, he smiled and waved at Sai, the first of those he was expecting today.
“Good morning, Sai. How is the day looking?”
“Good morning, Iruka. My walk here was nice—the sun is out.”
“Good, good! Hopefully, it will be like that the next few days, too.” The next few days being the annual food festival in the Konoha's largest park. “The first batch of lemon rolls are about to go into the oven, so if you could get started on the cream cheese icing…?”
“Of course.”
Iruka grabbed the first trays filled with rolls ready for baking and placed them into the oven. He set the timer and went to get the bowl with the dough that was ready for rolling. He added some more flour to that already on the counter from previous batches and went to work. He hummed as he rolled, and the sound of the electric beater was soothing background noise.
He had just finished spreading the lemon-sugar mixture onto the rolled out dough when the oven timer went off, so he put in his oven mitts and opened the oven. The smell of sweet lemon wafted out and filled the kitchen.
Iruka heard the back door open and close again just as he was pulling his head—and the tray of lemon rolls—out.
“Kakashi!” He hoped Kakashi could hear the excitement in his voice. “How does the stall look?” He turned and set the tray on the counter to cool, then felt arms snake around his waist, and a kiss on his neck.
“It looks great. A warmer, a cooler, and all the hookups we need for our equipment. I left Sakura in charge of decorating. Naruto's stocking our supplies.”
Iruka grinned and rolled his eyes. “And did you leave Yamato to supervise? Or are the two of them on their own?”
“Yamato is supervising. He'll bring them back here to help when they're done over there.”
“Good. Can you get started on the cookies?”
Kakashi nodded and left to change and wash. Iruka went back to roll and cut his current batch of rolls, and Sai came in to spoon the icing over the just baked ones. Another waft of sweet lemon filled the kitchen as the icing melted over and into the rolls.
The morning passed quickly in a rhythm of mixing, rising, rolling, shaping, baking, and icing. Iruka barely noticed when the café opened for the day, except when his missing three employees came in—Naruto could never be ignored. Their customers loved his loud, cheerful attitude. Sakura, he knew, was helping out front while Sai and Yamato packed and stored the fresh treats for transport to the festival site. And they'd get to do it all again tomorrow—and the day after if tomorrow went well.
His rhythm was only broken when Kakashi waved a plate of food in front of his face.
“Is it lunch already?”
Kakashi gave him a peck on the nose.
“The lunch rush should be starting in 30 minutes. You've just enough time to eat and change, and for the last batches of rolls and cookies to finish baking.”
Iruka returned Kakashi's peck.
“Thanks. Has everyone else eaten?”
“Sai and Naruto have. Sakura and Yamato will after we do.” Kakashi held up his own food, then herded Iruka to the break room.
They sat side-by-side at the small breakroom table enjoying the lunches Kakashi had made. Iruka savoured the flavours of ginger and apricot on his tongue as he ate last night's leftovers. He listened as Kakashi went into more detail describing the festival site. They were placed between restaurants specialising in Greek and Iranian cuisines.
“I hope there's enough down time to try some of the other foods.”
“The workers at the Iranian stand proposed a trade in the morning before the festival opens.”
Iruka leaned against Kakashi now that they were finished eating and let his whole body relax, trusting Kakashi to take his weight.
“That sounds perfect.”
Kakashi leaned in, too, wrapping his arm around Iruka. They spent the rest of their time in perfect, comforting, restful silence—in Iruka's favourite place in the whole world.
🐬 🐺
This is the recipe I referenced. Disclaimer: I have not actually baked it. But I love lemon desserts and love to go browsing.
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sendhildental · 26 days
What causes Black Spots on Gums?
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In general, maintaining healthy gums is essential to good oral hygiene. Even in the absence of obvious symptoms, such black spots on gum tissue, one may be naturally worried. Although the majority of individuals are aware of typical issues like cavities and gum disease, black stains on their gums are unusual and may pose a health risk. Knowing the exact origin of these spots can allow you to receive the correct therapy and find some piece of mind.
Melanin Hyperpigmentation Melanin hyperpigmentation is a prevalent and benign cause of gum disease black patches. The common pigment that gives skin, hair, and eyes their colour is called melanin. Dark spots on gums can result from elevated melanin synthesis, particularly in those with darker skin tones. This condition poses no health danger and has nothing pathological about it. Hyperpigmentation due to melanin happens spontaneously and doesn't need to be treated.
Symptoms Usually, symmetrical dark areas on the gums show up on both sides. With changes in hormone levels, such as those experienced during pregnancy and as a side effect of some drugs, they evolve over time. Even if the aforementioned spots are indicative of a benign illness, it is important to always see a dentist to rule out the possibility that what you are seeing is indeed melanin hyper-pigmentation.
Amalgam Tattoos Amalgam tattoos are another prevalent source of black spots on the gums. During some dental operations, these tiny fragments of dental amalgam—which are used for fillings—can become embedded in the gum tissue. Even though amalgam tattoos are not harmful in and of themselves, they could be misinterpreted for other, more serious illnesses when left untreated.
How Does It Happen? Miniscule amalgam particles have the potential to break off and become buried in the soft gum tissue during dental treatments like cavity fillings. These particles oxidise over time, giving rise to a darker or black colouration. It normally hurts no more than the location where the filling or other dental procedure was performed.
Should You Be Concerned? Despite being safe, amalgam tattoos are permanent. While the majority of individuals are fine with them being there, others may want to have them removed with laser therapy if they become unattractive. Before doing so, though, one should see a dentist to be sure that the tattoo is actually an amalgam and not something more serious.
Oral Melanoma Even though the majority of black patches on gums are benign, oral melanoma and other serious disorders must be checked out. An unusual but extremely aggressive type of cancer known as oral melanoma can start off as a dark patch on the inside of the cheeks or gums, but it can also spread to other parts of the mouth. Unlike benign disorders, oral melanoma spreads quickly and requires immediate medical attention.
Symptoms These oral melanoma lesions may be blue, brown, or black and shape. They might also bleed, ulcerate, or fluctuate in size. When oral melanoma progresses, it produces pain and suffering, unlike amalgam tattoos or melanin hyperpigmentation.
When to Seek Help A new black spot over the gums, primarily in terms of appearance, or any related symptoms, like discomfort, bleeding, or swelling, should be noticed right once, and the person should speak with an oral expert or dentist. The secret to an effective oral melanoma treatment plan is early identification.
Fungal Infections Other fungal diseases, such thrush, can also leave black stains on gums and produce discolouration in the mouth. While thrush is typically white, depending on the pathogen strain and response, other fungal infections may show up as dark patches.
How Do Fungal Infections Develop? Candida overgrowth, a more common form of yeast, is the usual cause of fungal infections in the mouth. Fungal infections can arise from a number of factors, including diabetes, wearing dentures, weakening immunity, and extended antibiotic usage. These infections can occasionally result in brown stains on the gums, especially if treatment is not administered.
Treatment and Prevention The most common forms of treatment for fungal infections are oral antifungal medications or topical ointments. Fungus-related infections can be avoided by practising good oral hygiene, limiting sugar in the diet, washing dentures frequently, and making sure appliances fit properly. Consult a professional for assistance on how to treat any fungal infection that may be the cause of your gum black patch.
Bruising or Hematomas Physical damage to the mouth can also result in the development of black or dark patches on the gums. It can happen as a result of forceful cleaning, dental operations, or even unintentional biting. Trauma may result in the gums' tiny blood vessels rupturing, which could result in a haematoma or bruise.
How to Identify Trauma-Induced Spots On the other hand, a traumatic area appears rapidly and may cause discomfort or swelling. These bruises, in contrast to the black areas noted earlier, are known to heal on their own when the body repairs damaged tissue.
When to Seek Help One should see a dentist if it does not eventually become white or if it is accompanied by additional symptoms like ongoing pain. Chronic issues that require medical attention can also be brought on by frequent biting or persistent gum irritation from an ill-fitting dental appliance.
Medication Side Effects Gum discolouration may be brought on by some drugs, especially those that affect immune response and blood coagulation. Some instances are as follows:
It has been reported that certain antimalarial medications alter pigmentation, which results in black spots on the gums.
Drugs that fight infections.
Certain autoimmune illnesses are treated with certain drugs.
Should You Be Concerned? Get in touch with your doctor if you notice a black patch on your gums after starting a new medicine. They will be in a great position to determine whether a change in therapy is necessary and whether it is the cause. Even while discolouration is frequently completely innocuous, you must rule out other possible reasons.
Oral Hemangiomas Benign vascular lesions known as oral haemangiomas, which can develop anywhere in the mouth, including the gums, are caused by an aberrant proliferation of arteries. These seem like black, purple, or dark red dots.
How Are They Treated? Treatment is not necessary for the majority of benign oral haemangiomas unless there is bleeding or discomfort. In more symptomatic cases or when the lesion is regularly injured, surgical excision or laser therapy may be used.
Conclusion There are several possible causes for these black patches on the gums, ranging from mild pigmentation to serious diseases like oral melanoma. Changes within the mouth cavity should be monitored, even though the majority of the causes of these spots are benign and don't require treatment. Frequent dental examinations are necessary because they enable early problem detection. It's essential to speak with a dental expert about any new black spots on your gums or other changes in your mouth that look out of the ordinary to ensure everything is still in order.
To know more, visit - https://www.sendhildental.com/what-causes-black-spots-on-gums/
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Frequently Asked Questions About Bread Machines
In recent years, bread machines have become increasingly popular among home bakers. These small kitchen appliances make it easy to bake fresh, homemade bread without all the time and effort of traditional methods. But with this rise in popularity comes a rise in questions from those who are new to using bread machines. In this post, we will address some of the most frequently asked questions about bread machines to help you become a more informed and confident baker.
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What exactly is a bread machine?
A bread machine, also known as a bread maker, is an electric kitchen appliance designed specifically for making bread. It typically consists of a mixing bowl, kneading paddle(s), and heating element. The user adds the ingredients into the bread pan, selects the desired settings, and the machine takes care of the mixing, kneading, rising, and baking process.
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Can I use a bread machine to make other types of baked goods?
While its primary purpose is for making bread, many modern bread machines come equipped with settings for making dough or even jam. This allows you to easily make homemade pizza dough, rolls, bagels, and more. Some machines even have a gluten-free setting for those with dietary restrictions.
Is it worth investing in a bread machine?
This is a common question among those new to using bread machines. The answer really depends on your personal preferences and baking habits. If you enjoy making fresh, homemade bread but don't have the time or energy to do it by hand, then a bread machine is definitely worth the investment. It also allows you to control the ingredients and customize your bread to suit your taste.
Can I use regular flour in a bread machine?
Yes, you can use all-purpose or bread flour in a bread machine. However, it's important to note that different types of flour have different protein contents which affect how the dough rises and the texture of the final product. Bread flour typically has a higher protein content and is better for making bread in a bread machine, but all-purpose flour can also be used with good results.
Do I have to use yeast in a bread machine?
Yes, yeast is an essential ingredient in making bread. It's what causes the dough to rise and gives bread its airy texture. Most bread machines come with a recipe book that includes instructions on how to use yeast, so even if you've never used it before, the machine will guide you through the process.
How long does it take to make bread in a bread machine?
The time varies depending on the type of bread you are making, but most recipes take anywhere from 2-4 hours. Some machines also have a delay timer option, allowing you to set it up in the evening and wake up to fresh bread in the morning. It's important to note that the overall time includes rising and baking, so you don't have to actively be involved in every step.
Do I need any special ingredients for making bread in a bread machine?
No, most bread machine recipes use common pantry staples such as flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Some recipes may call for additional ingredients like milk or butter, but these can easily be substituted with dairy-free options if needed.
Can I make different sizes and types of bread in a bread machine?
Most bread machines come with multiple size options to choose from. You can typically make a 1-pound, 1.5-pound, or  2-pound loaf depending on your needs. You can also experiment with different types of bread, such as whole wheat, sourdough, or even cinnamon raisin. The possibilities are endless!
Using a bread machine may seem intimidating at first, but with the right information and practice, it can become a valuable tool in your kitchen. We hope this post helped answer some of your burning questions about bread machines.
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nekokaicafe · 8 months
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I'm just gonna skip straight to the OOC rambling on this one because Hiroshi Aoyagi would not put this pale thing out for sale even if it does taste fucking amazing.
This is my first ever attempt at focaccia (specifically King Arthur's Small Batch Cheesy Focaccia) and I think it actually turned out pretty good despite not being a very photogenic bake! It bakes in a loaf pan and is just enough for one very hungry human person to eat while it's still nice and fresh.
I definitely should have left it in the oven another minute or two both before and after the cheese went on to brown it up some more but I was concerned about the bottom, which turned out beautiful and golden and crunchy, burning. Maybe next time I'll put it under the broiler for a bit. Also, the recipe calls for a baking stone or steel and I have neither so I just hummed it in the oven at 450 and hoped for the best. And... I grabbed the fat free mozzarella at the store by mistake but figured it would be fine. It's... not bad, but I'm not getting it again.
But it puffed up beautifully! Look at those bubbles! And as I said, it tastes great! I ate about half of it right after this photo was taken.
Now, what Aoyagi would do is snark at some of the comments on the recipe and so I ask that you indulge me for a few minutes because hoo boy.
Most of the commenters read the recipe, looked at the photo at the top of the recipe showing off the length-width-height ratio of the focaccia, have some idea what fucking focaccia even IS, can follow written and/or video instructions, and can infer that the words "small batch" mean this recipe will make a SMALL FUCKING BATCH.
Most of the commenters. Except this one.
I was suspicious of a loaf of bread that only used 1 cup of flour …Don't waste your time. All the time wasted…didn't rise more than 1 inch in the pan.
And this one.
These baking directions are very confusing. It reads about shaping the loaf in a loaf pan, like a focaccia, but then it directs to cook the loaf on the stone, so I take the bread out of the pan onto the stone. I'm wondering why I'm dirtying a pan just to shape? There's nothing about using oil on the stone or parchment, flour or cornmeal to help transfer it to the stone and keep from sticking. Then it refers to putting the cheese up the side of the pan, pressing it in….so now I'm putting the loaf back in the pan? once yeast hits heat, it's going to expand, right? and not fit back in? Then it says to press the cheese on top into the sides of the pan, so Now I think no, the bread was in the pan all along…but my loaf pans are pyrex and there's no way to press cheese into a hot pan without getting seriously, badly burned!! So that can't be right, it's got to be a cold pan. But either way, cheese is going to stick all over the place on the pan, so why am I not putting the cheese on the bread where I have a better chance of being able to eat it? Has anyone out there ever "cheesed" a pan to prep it?? Do I put the bread back in the pan first or put the cheese in the pan first and the partly cooked bread back on top? Haven't baked this yet. Anyone have any suggestions? My head is spinning!
And this one, which... my fellow traveler on Spaceship Earth, it's literally right there in the TITLE OF THE RECIPE:
Overall this recipe is fine. But it makes what to me is basically a one-person, snack-sized mini focaccia.
Anyway. Shit's good. I'll make it again.
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