#(But the short gist of it was)
theosphobia · 3 months
hc tht simmons was left handed and developed ambidexterity while he improved function w his cyborg parts but still favours his left.
n he'd frequently get grif's hair caught in the little bolts and sockets which ofc pissed him off
so whenever grif senses tht simmons is abt to try and run his hand thru his hair when they 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 he takes hold of his hand instead and laces their fingers
n its like symbolic or whatever bc cyborg hand and the grafted hand w simmons' skin
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
Soap being kinda bratty to bear!reader and bear!reader being stern and putting Soap in his place? 👀
You're stern, but you never raise your voice. While you're someone who lets some things slide, you're not going to let Soap walk all over you. There are rules and he knows it.
So whenever he misbehaves in a way that you can't let slide, you're quick to scold him and tell him why what he did wasn't necessarily okay. And if the scolding doesn't work... Well, you've experience in disciplining since you've had kids at one point. I'm sure you can figure something out.
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angheling · 3 months
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Here’s a little doodle dump of Tonis I put together because I love him
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nohomie · 6 months
Hey what are the relationship/how the characters feel about each other in the hunt vs. hunted au ? I love your au by the way :)
I think I can answer this properly now.
Info below the cut
Basically the main characters are separated into two groups:
There's the Hunter's side: Howdy, Eddie, Barnaby, Home, and sliding my own oc, Dolly here.
They all have a more professional relationship with each other if not having met each other at all.
• Howdy and Dolly are close friends that gradually grew apart after they both started focusing on their professions more.
• Eddie is Howdy's assigned work partner for the week™.
• Dolly is Home's direct affiliate, acting as Home's direct assistant and spokes person when it comes to work stuff.
• Barnaby hasn't even talked to any of them yet except for Home and by extension Dolly.
And there's the Hunted: Frank, Julie, Sally, Poppy, and Wally
Their relationship is more of a found family situation.
• Poppy is like the mother figure to all of them.
• Wally is like the angsty kid that would keep himself locked in his room and sleep for years, occasionally going to Frank for mental and physical check ups.
• Frank acts like the tired private physician/older brother, he's closest to Julie because she pesters him often about his work.
• Sally is the second most energetic person in the group that would give unsolicited advice to people and set up plays to entertain everyone in their shared space, she's closest with Poppy, who she confides in with her own troubles and secrets.
• Julie is the last person to join their little group, hyper excited to just hang out with everyone. She just immediately tried to be everyone's best friend.
And then there's Y/N who initially has no connection to any of them. They're just a fella that got tangled in the middle of a crossfire
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byhees · 3 months
upcoming ꒰՞⸝⸝⊃ ·̫ <՞꒱
boyfriend heeseung, touch . . . thought
high school boyfriend jungwon, jerseys . . . thought
boyfriend jungwon, sleeveless shirts . . . thought
boyfriend sunghoon, the little things he’d do . . . thought
boyfriend jake, petname “princess” . . . thought
streamer boyfriend jungwon, blushing . . . thought
boyfriend heeseung, petnames . . . thought
boyfriend jake, lipstick . . . thought
hyung line, languages . . . headcanon
ot7, noises . . . reaction
ot7, pranks . . . reaction
ot7, kisses . . . reaction
ot7, piercings . . . reaction
ot7, ending fairy . . . reaction
ot7, necklace . . . reaction
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puppyeared · 6 months
Been LOVING your lil magician folks recently please continue they're beautiful and very cute and cool and also very well-designed!! 🥺❤️
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thank you for the kind words !!! im not much of a writer, but i do have some sort of story in mind for them.. theyre bitter rivals who end up as roommates bc of their scatterbrained elderly landlord lol
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hedawanheda · 11 months
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secret recipe- prologue
Clarke has been given six months to find a serious and genuine relationship or else her father will hand over the company to Cage Wallace. Lexa just wants to cook.
Lexa is the Griffin’s personal chef.
Clarke Griffin is a leader. She’s a girl who knows what she wants and she doesn’t care how she gets it. When she talks, people listen. When she walks by, people stare. She exudes a confidence and energy that makes everyone who knows her respect her, while also fearing her a little. Her life is dedicated to her work, the Fortune 500 company her family had built from the ground up.
So when her father announces at his retirement party (that she flew all the way from California to attend and moved back home for this promotion) that his temporary successor would be Cage Wallace, she is understandably pissed.
“Don’t cause a scene,” her mother whispered harshly to her as she watched Cage walk up and shake her father’s hand. Clarke was in utter disbelief, waiting for her to wake up from her nightmare or for Ashton Kutcher to come out and say she was punk’d.
Cage caught her eye, sending her a gloating smile as he posed for the papers. Clarke felt the heat rise to her cheeks as her anger began to take over, clenching her glass so tightly that she was surprised it didn’t break. That should be her up there.
As the applause for Cage continued, Clarke downed the rest of her drink. Then the rest of her mom’s. Then she flagged down a waiter who was passing out shots to celebrate Cage’s promotion and Jake’s retirement.
And then she doesn’t remember the rest of her night.
She wakes up in her childhood bedroom which she miraculously got to somehow in her drunken state. The sun shines into her eyes way too early, rousing her from her deep slumber. Her rumbling stomach, pounding head, and dry mouth are too much to ignore, so she dragged herself out of her bed and trudged her way down to the kitchen in search of a greasy breakfast and some aspirin.
She opened the refrigerator and let the cold air hit her, taking a deep sigh and rubbing her forehead before searching for the orange juice. When she found it, she took a swig from the bottle, letting the citrusy flavor cost her parched tongue.
“Good morning, Miss Clarke,”
Clarke dropped the bottle of juice, startled by the other presence in the room. She was so hungover that she didn’t realize that she wasn’t alone.
“Holy shit- Lexa?!” she gaped. Clarke hadn’t seen Lexa since the girl went off to culinary school in Paris a decade ago.
“Welcome home,” Lexa smiled, ignoring the blonde’s disheveled appearance. Clarke was grateful for that, considering she was in a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and an old oversized college sweatshirt. Her hair was piled into a messy bun, and she undoubtedly had bags under her eyes from her late night. “Can I get something started for you?” Lexa asked politely.
“Huh?” Clarke was so shocked from seeing her old friend that she didn’t take in her appearance. Lexa was wearing a white chef’s coat and black pants, her hair tied back in braids. She was standing behind the kitchen counter, hands folded behind her back with an array of skillets and knives laid out in front of her.
“For breakfast,” Lexa explained patiently. “What would you like?”
“What are you doing here?” Clarke asked, answering Lexa’s question with one of her own. “The last time I heard you were at some Michelin star restaurant in the French Riviera.”
Lexa pretended that she didn’t hear that. “There’s pancakes or waffles, I could also do crepes if you wanted those. Omelets, eggs Benedict, frittata-“
“Wait, hold on-“
“Oatmeal, French toast, bagels-“
“Can you just stop for a minute-“
“Your dad has me hide his sugary cereal from your mom, I can dig that out-“
“Lexa! Stop listing breakfast food!” Clarke said, exasperated. “What are you doing in my house?”
Lexa paused, looked down and avoiding Clarke’s eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? I work here,”
“But… why?” Clarke was genuinely confused. Why would someone give up a great and promising career to cook for her parents?
She didn’t get her answer, because her father entered the kitchen with a bright and cheery smile on his face. Clarke instantly scowled. She may not have remembered how most of her night had gone, but she remembered being burned by the person she called her father.
“Good morning, sweetie. Good morning, Lexa,” he said gleefully. He walked over and kissed the top of Clarke’s head, ignoring his daughter’s sour face. “Isn’t today a glorious day?”
“I see you’re enjoying your first day of retirement, sir,” Lexa grinned at him. “Shall I prepare your usual?”
“Please. But add extra bacon, I feel like celebrating,”
“Didn’t you and your bestie Cage do enough of that last night?” Clarke grumbled. Jake turned to her, smiling, and placed his hands on both sides of her face.
“Lighten up, sweetie. I’m sure once you have some food in you, you’ll be happier,”
“Food won’t make me happy,” Clarke said through squished cheeks. She removed her father’s hands from her face, angrily crossing her arms. Jake chuckled at his daughter’s death glare.
“You’ve haven’t had Lexa’s cooking in a long while. She’s like a food Midas, anything she makes turns to gold,”
“What happened to Alie?” Jake’s smile fell while Lexa looked down at her hands. “What?” Clarke asked again, looking between her father and Lexa. It was weird seeing Lexa at the house and not having her mom there, the chef the Griffins had since before Clarke was born.“What are you not telling me?”
“My mother passed away last year,” Lexa said quietly, not meeting Clarke’s eye. “Cancer,”
This morning has turned out to be quite the surprising event for the blonde.
“Excuse me?!” Clarke said angrily, turning to her father. “You didn’t think of mentioning this to me over the past year? That the woman I’ve known for as long as I’ve known you died?”
“In his defense, she wanted to keep her illness private,” Lexa explained calmly. When Clarke looked at her, her gaze softened. She wasn’t the one Clarke was rightfully angry towards. “The funeral was a small affair. Just family,”
Clarke frowned. Wasn’t she considered family? “That still doesn’t mean it was okay not to mention it to me,”
“You’re right,” Jake sighed, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, that was wrong of me. Why don’t we sit down and have Lexa make us a nice breakfast. I’m sure there’s something on your mind,”
“Why did you pass over me for the promotion?” Clarke asked as Lexa slid plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her and Jake. “Why did you choose Cage of all people?”
“I know what you think of him, but he’s actually a brilliant man,” Jake started digging into his meal, talking with his mouth full. “Difficult, but brilliant,”
“But I don’t understand. You’ve been preparing me to take over for you since I started at the company. And I actually worked my way up from the bottom,”
“Cage is only a temporary solution,” Jake explained. “He will be interim CEO for the next six months before I decide if you’re fit enough to take over,”
“And what do you consider that to be?”
“How do I say this?” Jake rubbed his chin. “Clarke, you need a life,”
Clarke looked and felt offended. “What are you talking about? I have a life,”
“You’re a twenty eight year old workaholic who’s never had a serious partner before. Your mother and I are worried about you,”
“And where’s Mom now? Work.” Clarke snapped. “And the partner thing? A little misogynistic, don’t you think?”
Jake sighed. “Honey, don’t start. If I gave you the position right away, you would never find time to settle down,”
“So what are you saying? I can’t get the position I earned until I get hitched?”
“Not exactly,”
”Not exactly?”
“Well, not married per say, but a relationship, yes,”
Clarke stared at her father, eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re serious,”
“I am,” Jake nodded. “You need to get out there and actually live in the world, Clarke. There’s so much more to life than an office.”
“I do yoga,” Clarke pointed out. “Work’s not my entire life,”
“Honey, I don’t think you realize how sad that sounds,”
Clarke slumped down in her chair. “I could just hire someone, you know,”
“I know. But I’m using the honor code here. I just want you to be happy, to settle down,”
“I can be happy and not be in a relationship,”
“But you’re not,” Jake folded his hands on the table, pushing his empty plate away. “Just try. Put yourself out there. As long as I see you’re at least making an effort, the gig is yours.” This made Clarke sit up straighter in her chair.
“Really?” she asked. “So I have to just go on a few dates?”
“Emphasis on the effort, Clarke. And besides, six months is a long time, who knows? Maybe you’ll find your person,” Jake smiled warmly at his daughter, who rolled her eyes. “You’re a little too old for that now,”
“And I’m also a little too old for you to be telling me what to do,”
Jake sighed. “This isn’t a punishment. I really do want what’s best for you Clarke. Six months. That’s all I’m asking for,”
“Fine,” Clarke huffed, throwing down her fork on her partially eaten plate. She had lost her appetite, no matter how good it looked. “I’ll agree to this, no matter how dumb it is. It’s not like I’m actually going to fall in love just because you gave me a deadline.” Jake smiled, doing a little happy dance in his chair.
“I think this is going to be good for you, Clarke,” he said. Lexa came in and began clearing away the dishes as quietly as she could, trying to go unnoticed. Clarke watched her, not wanting to look at her father’s triumphant grin. She didn’t realize her eyes were trailing the girl until Lexa left and her father cleared his throat. When she turned back to him, his grin was faint, but there was a twinkle in his eye as he looked between Clarke and the doorway where his chef exited.
“Something amusing?” Clarke asked.
Jake chuckled. “No, nothing at all,”
read on ao3!
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girlfox · 12 days
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ah the eternal battle of appreciating riot's world building & lore surrounding ahri, or yoinking her straight out and writing a general fantasy main verse for her . . .
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yourdeepestfathoms · 10 months
why wouldn’t you want to play the original 2005 English translation of Pathologic 1?
it’s got all the good shit, such as…
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Georgiy’s nephew, Maria
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this atrocious spelling of naive, which is misspelled EVERY SINGLE TIME the word appears
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Hump Man
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this fucking guy
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the way every single model is absolutely fried to the point where you can count every single pixel
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and i didn’t get a picture of it, but the game’s weird obsession with using the word “penetrate”
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mejomonster · 7 months
So Im feeling like... the book title Little Mushroom gave me as widely incorrect a first impression as Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun did...
(For context: I avoided reading 2ha at first because I feared it would be extremely fluffy. Im not into fluff. It was only once I saw how angsty and heavy and dark it was by friends who'd read it that I was like oh perhaps Ill give it a chance.)
(Also related: i suspect, because i keep misjudging certain titles as Too Fluffy for me, that Mistakenly Saving the Villain is probably deeply emotional and developed and angsty and I probably dont need to avoid it from fear itll be fluff city).
Anyway I got Little Mushroom a while ago because any time Peach Flower House releases print english copies of danmei I at least consider getting them, and Little Mushroom is sci fi so of course I fucking got it. ToT but i still fear just a tiny bit, oh man cute title, what if this is too cute for my tastes.
Well im glad my guess was wrong. Ive only started reading, but I love the opening and the writing style, i AM SUPER into sci fi right now (im reading star trek Fanfic Observations by janon and The Expanse series i am in DEEP to sci fi right now mindset wise), and im thrilled by the blurb on the back of Little Mushrooms and the potential im about to get into.
The author blurb mentioned Shisi wrote C Language Cultivation. My head spinned.
I have belated realized ive actually been a fan of this author a WHILE. Ive been reading C Language Cultivation in chinese for like the past year, and the authors novel The Cats Rose is one I was eyeing to buy for a while. I cant believe I didnt connect that the writer of C Language Cultivation also wrote Little Mushroom. I suspect I probably would love all this authors books at this rate.
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ashmp3 · 4 days
GODSD my mind is a prison i just woke up so sorry about spelling but i had a dream girl posted a screenshot of jeonghan paying for her only fans and being down BAD and buying her gifts and communicating just the way he speaks english and i was sick to my stomach i had to gather everyone around me to make an announcement and i went and Met the girl and she didn’t look anything like me she had hugeee ass and i was like of course h likes u he is a libra sun venus and scorpio mars and then i was suicidal but it was so terrible and now i woke up and i’m pissedmslalsldlfkmfmfn. This is nanas fault bc she sent me jay parks only fans. 1000%
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must4rds33d · 6 months
temptation strikes. i want to watch persuasion (2022) just to see how bad it is. mind you i haven’t read the book nor have watched any adaptation
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fidgetspringer · 11 months
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- Marten & Nohren -
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khizuo · 6 months
i'm trying to get more news/updates about sudan out on tumblr, but i can't read arabic and a lot of tweets directly from people on the ground are in arabic. would any arabic speakers who follow me like to help translate when i post arabic tweets?
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#okay i did not have to edit this one. score#shiftry#anyway i really don't like this pokémon or anything about it. SORRY but it's true it's really ugly and its mouth and the nose#and it has the same things i don't like about it that i talked about with nuzleaf. i just don't get it but this time it wasn't in psmd#so i'm not attached to it just by virtue of that. and well. that contributes to me not really liking it i suppose#ahh well. better luck next time TPC you can make a good grass/dark-type eventually (it's meowscarada) (it took 6 generations)#hi it's me from two weeks later like the actual day this post is going to post. i came back to edit the tags so i could respond to some#comments. crazy‚ i know! but i saw the tags on this one were a bit short so let's beef 'em up. the nuzleaf post got some comments#about the whole prosthetic memory thing. where i set reminders on my phone to do shit or else i will not do the shit#i literally have a reminder set for 2:30 PM today to eat food. or else i won't even do that i bet#and folks are saying it's a common ADHD experience and that i'm not a fail and i do appreciate it. i think i was joking a bit#i was probably just frustrated i had to edit the image after taking it but the gist is. i don't *think* i have ADHD? i do have autism#which i suspected for a loooooong while until i finally up and got diagnosed when i was fucking 21 years old. which is insane. so i wonder#if that's an experience that overlaps. i imagine it is bc they proooobably would've been able to tell me if i had ADHD‚ too#okay. i moved these tags over here from nosepass‚ actually‚ which is the pokémon i just queued up. so i'm gonna go remove them from there#see you in street fighter five everybody
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