#(But I love my golden retriever farmer)
spongek-squidge · 9 months
As much as I love all the farmer x bachelor(ette) dynamics I’ve seen, there is one true dynamic for Sam
Top!Fem!Farmer that’s mature but loves Sam’s golden retriever energy and also has black cat energy themself thankyouverymuch
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frontiermemories · 2 months
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Independent & headcanon-based Raguna roleplay blog from the Rune Factory franchise. Multiverse & Crossover-friendly. Pokémon & Genshin Impact verses available!
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Written by Remo.
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Can I request some Bachelor/Bachelorett's of your choice asking the farmer to be their partner at the flower dance? It'd be cute if they could ask us instead of the farmer always taking the initiative
Bachelors/ettes of my choice? Hmm, since it's my choice here, I've chosen.... All SDV marriage candidate :D
Thanks for the ask, dear anon! Enjoy! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors/ettes asking Farmer to be their dance partner at the Flower Dance:
SDV bachelors:
Alex tries to make Farmer's question sound casual.
Something like, "Hey, I'd like to ask you to be my dance partner, but if you say no, that's okay, it won't hurt me in any way."
(He can't fool himself, It will make him sad if Farmer says no).
So the athlete almost jumped up on the spot with joy when Farmer agreed. But he tried to play it cool.
"So, shall we go and take our place on the dance floor?"
Alex was so happy, and started to get a little nervous not to mess it up.
"Farmer, my friend! I've been preparing for this celebration for a couple of days now, and I would be immensely happy if you would honoring me of agreeing to be my dance partner."
Elliott hopes the invitation wasn't too pompous. Otherwise, the writer was already worried he'd ruined everything.
Maybe Farmer already had a partner and Elliott with his speech made them feel pressured and awkward?
But Farmer's smile and nod of agreement said otherwise.
"Really? Oh, delightful! Then let's go rehearse our moves before the festival starts." Words can't describe how happy Elliott is.
Because Sebastian doesn't really like dancing in public, asking someone to dance is a big step for him.
No, for real. Farmer must be a very dear friend to him (or maybe something more), if the local emo stepped out of his comfort zone to ask them to dance.
And his efforts paid off - Farmer agreed without delay.
Now, even the spring sun and heat will not spoil Sebby's mood.
Sam and Abigail start teasing Sebastian a little bit (affectionate) that he'll now have a silly smile on his face all day long.
Sam is simply the epitome of a golden retriever who can get anything he wants with his charm alone. (Sam doesn't realise it himself, but still).
And even though he's a little nervous, it doesn't hurt his charm at all.
"Hey, Farmer. I've been thinking... Would you be interested in becoming my dance partner? If you don't mind."
Look at his puppy dog eyes, warm smile and slightly pink cheeks. How could you say no to him?
Here, Farmer didn't refuse either.
"Super! Thanks a lot! Let's take our positions then, we're about to dance!"
It took Harvey about fifteen or twenty minutes to gather the will to dare to ask Farmer to dance.
It seemed like an easy task for a doctor, but his throat was immediately dry and his heart was pounding frantically in his chest.
"Farmer, I was wondering if you'd like-" "To dance with you? Sure thing, Harvey!"
Well, that was easier than he thought. And why was Harvey getting worried over nothing?
Now, the only thing left for him to do was to wait for the dance to start and hope Harvey didn't step on Farmer's foot out of excitement.
To be honest, Shane didn't dare ask Farmer for fear of rejection.
But eventually Jas intervened, telling Farmer that "uncle Shane wants to talk to you" ("Jas!").
Well, since the conversation is already inevitable, Shane has to ask them.
"Do you want to be my dance partner?" "Of course, Shane, I'd love to!"
The heck, what... Why was it so easy?
Now they're both dancing, he can't believe it! Shane is pleased.
(In the background, Jas smiles at her uncle and Farmer as they both walk to the dance floor).
SDV bachelorettes:
Probably, of all the candidates present, Leah is the calmest. Why make something up when you can just ask them straight out?
"Hey, Farmer. If you don't have a dance partner, we can dance together."
The artist was quite okay to take no for an answer.
Still, glad that Farmer agreed to her request.
"Cool. I'll get us a good spot so we don't bake directly in the sun while dancing."
Honesty and calmness are key to her success.
Yoba, give her strength and courage...
Penny was embarrassed to even look in Farmer's direction, let alone start a conversation with them.
Someone she knows should help nudge her to ask Farmer (Emily or Maru).
The young teacher was so nervous, she didn't even notice that Farmer smilingly agreed to her offer to be a dance partner.
Wait, what? She heard everything right? They said yes?
Oh well... then Penny went to get prepared (get prepared mentally not to faint from happiness).
"Ugh, stupid Flower dance... Mum made me wear this dumb dress again..." *notices Farmer* "Hey, Farmer~ Do you have a dance partner already?"
Abigail isn't really shy, to be honest.
Won't ask Farmer directly about dancing, but her hints are impossible not to recognise.
She was terribly relieved that Farmer agreed and immediately grabbed their hand, dragging them towards the dance floor.
Abby hopes her mother wouldn't think that she liked dancing now, or Caroline would want to take her to aerobics later.
Maru was still practising her speech to Farmer from a day ago. She was really hoping that they would agree to dance with her at the festival.
That doesn't change the fact that even though she was prepared, Maru was a little nervous for fear of rejection.
Still, until you ask them, you won't know, right?
When Farmer approached her on their own, Maru finally asked them.
The young inventor's fears were in vain: the Farmer said yes immediately!
Oh, she couldn't wait to take her place to dance with Farmer!
Emily is just overjoyed! A beautiful day, a beautiful atmosphere, a beautiful forest... The spirits are favouring them today.
Oh, there's the Farmer! She immediately ran up to them to ask them to dance.
The blue-haired girl was too excited to even think about the fact that Farmer might refuse her....
But that wouldn't happen, because Farmer agreed without hesitation!
Emily, even more overjoyed, immediately took them to the dance floor, letting them rehearse the dance together before festival starts.
"Farmer. I'm you want, I might dance with you~"
Haley doesn't know if her charm will work, since last year she refused to dance with them. Yeah, awkward...
So she won't be surprised if they turn her down. But will be surprised when Farmer immediately agrees.
"Great! Then we need to rehearse to make everything perfect. I've already been Flowers Queen for a few years, I don't want to give up the title."
Haley doesn't care about the title anymore, she's dancing with Farmer! Hee hee~
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shakespeareanwannabe · 3 months
As You Wish, Chapter 14
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst, drinking, sadness, reference to divorce, kids doing sneaky things, swearing, references to the loss of a parent or parents, reference to past bedroom activities
Seresin Ranch, Clifton, Texas, Now
The ride home was spent in silence. The girls had quickly packed their things and mounted their horses after Savannah had shrieked at their father that she wanted to go home, right that second. Jake had nodded at them that they were going home, and they were all fully packed within a half an hour.
Savannah hadn’t made a peep since, only hissing at their father that his ‘chances’ with her father were now impossible before plopping herself onto a boulder and ignoring them all. Jake had only huffed a sigh and packed both of their bags up before tacking up the horses.
They had taken the short trail back to the ranch and took no stops, so they ended up back at the ranch just before dinner time, their mother peeking her head out of the curtains and frowning at them.
Savannah clumsily dismounted, Angel stomping her foot in discomfort until the petite blond had her designer cowgirl boots on solid ground. With a huff, Savannah whipped her hair as she turned towards their father and hurled her engagement ring at his chest.
“You could’ve been so much more than this,” she hissed at him, jerking her chin at his girls. “We could’ve sent them to a boarding school or to live with their mother, and you could’ve joined the Navy again like you wanted to! Instead, you’ll never be anything but some…some…farmer!”
Jake shook his head slowly at her, his eyes locked on her with a look that Charlie was very happy she had never seen directed at her.
“I would never have let you send my girls to boarding school. Being their father is the best thing I have ever done. And if you can’t see that, then it’s your fault,” Jake’s voice was calm and cool, but Rooster recognized it as he and Buttercup emerged from the house, trying and failing to look nonchalant as they rushed towards the tense looking confrontation. It was Jake’s mission voice. His Hangman voice. The same voice he had used when he had confronted Rooster about the Uranium Mission, about him not having what it takes to fly, about how he was only there because Maverick had flown with Rooster’s old man. Hangman was pure arrogance and jet fuel, with none of Jake’s tenderness and homespun, golden boy manners.
“Or is it your fault for not telling me there were two of those little demons?” Savannah sneered.
“Watch it,” Buttercup stepped forward. “Nobody gets to talk about my girls that way.”
Savannah rolled her eyes. “You can have him,” she scoffed as she turned her back on them all and strolled towards the big, black SUV that was thundering up the drive. “Nobody will want him now anyway.”
Rooster moved to stand next to Jake as Savannah clambered up into the SUV that her father was driving, offering the retired Air Force Colonel a sarcastic salute before crouching and retrieving the fallen diamond ring.
They watched in silence as the SUV roared away, a collective sigh of relief rippling through them all as it disappeared into the distance.
“I feel like I should burn this thing,” Rooster mused, staring down at the platinum band. “Y’know, douse it in holy water and set it on fire so it doesn’t attract any more hell spawn.”
Jake groaned, running a hand through his hair. “Shut up, man. Hey! Slow your roll, you two!”
Rooster peered over his shoulder at the twins, who were trying to make a sneaky exit into the house. Rooster chuckled as they glanced at each other and slowed their footsteps but didn’t stop.
“Freeze, ladies!” Buttercup barked, striding towards them. “You know what your father meant.”
With a sigh that heaved their shoulders, Abby and Charlie halted on the porch and turned towards their parents.
Jake crouched in front of them and scanned their faces with his pilot’s precision.
“Someone better start talking…” he murmured into the still air.
“Well, you see—”
“We didn’t actually do anything wrong—”
“It’s only that—”
“Nothing dangerous—”
Jake held up a hand and the air went still again.
“Chipmunks don’t just miraculously appear in a closed saddlebag,” he started, staring between them. “They have to be placed there. And I don’t know anyone better at handling rodents than my daughter Charlie, who has been helping remove chipmunks and squirrels from the hay loft since she was a toddler.” Charlie flushed, kicking at a stone beneath her boot. “And while I appreciate the concern you both had about Savannah having an allergic reaction, that doesn’t explain this.” He pulled the open packet of itching powder out of his jeans pocket. Abby gulped. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the hay around the tent spikes of Savannah’s tent either.” He looked between them. “All I want to know is why?”
He stared at them for a long moment, green clashing with green, until Abby groaned and crumbled. “I’m sorry, Dad, but Savannah was awful. She bragged about being a champion rider, but anyone with eyes could tell she had never been on a horse! And she was always hanging off you like she couldn’t do anything by herself. And…”
“And her vibe was way off, Dad,” Charlie added, stepping forward. “And I think you knew that. That’s why you didn’t introduce us until after you proposed.”
“I didn’t introduce you because you were off at camp,” Jake argued, biting back a groan as he stretched back to his full height. “And I’ll admit that I should’ve told her that you’re twins, but at the time, I thought you didn’t know about each other.”
“So, you kept Abby a secret from me, and I kept my feelings about Savannah a secret from you,” Charlie grinned slyly. “Sounds like we both did the wrong thing, old man.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Maybe…but I’m the adult here. Which means I’m the one who gets to dole out any punishment for unnecessary pranks pulled on the trail ride.”
Charlie gulped. “You’re not going to make Mom and Abby go home early are you?”
Jake’s eyes softened. “I would never do that, Charlie-girl. But you and your sister are going to be doing extra chores around here. You’re going to have to muck out all the stalls in the morning, feed the horses, and polish the tack.”
Abby and Charlie grinned at each other. “Is that it?”
“Restricted phone time,” Buttercup shot them a stern look. “You can have your phones for an hour in the morning and an hour at night. But that’s it. I have no doubt you used your phones to help coordinate these schemes of yours, so this is just a natural consequence.”
“Can Abby still sleep in my room?”
Jake met Buttercup’s eyes and nodded. “We’re okay with that.”
“And we can still go to Uncle Javy’s football game?”
Buttercup grinned at Jake and rolled her eyes fondly. “I suppose that’s alright.”
The girls cheered and hugged each other. “We’re okay with that!”
They grabbed their backpacks and ran into the house, chattering away, and Buttercup sighed before following along behind them.
“Not so fast.”
She blinked and turned to him. “What did I do?”
Jake folded his arms across his broad chest and cocked an eyebrow at her. “You know what you did.”
Buttercup’s hands met her hips as she shifted her weight to jut a hip out. “Do I?”
Jake rolled his eyes as a smile played on his lips. “What exactly did Savannah say to you to make you bail on the trail ride? I know you. Spending time with Abby, getting to know Charlie, the opportunity to see me potentially make an ass of myself? You were ready and willing to go on the ride until I went outside to get the horses ready. So, what did my ex-fiancée say to my ex-wife to scare her off the ride?”
Buttercup scoffed. “I wasn’t scared. I figured it was a good opportunity for the girls to get to know their stepmother.”
“And if their stepmother got the chance to get to know them, and didn’t like what she saw?” Jake’s grin was sharp with challenge.
“Then that would be her loss, just like you said.” Buttercup tossed her hair over her shoulder and raised her eyebrows at him. “I don’t know what you’re implying here, Hangman.”
Jake’s answering chuckle sent a small thrill through her. “I’m implying that I spent three months with Savannah, and the only way she would get near a horse would be if there was a risk of her losing face. And the only person who would be willing to put her in that situation is you. But you wouldn’t do that without reason, so c’mon, darlin’. Out with it.”
Buttercup sighed lightly. “She asked me to write her wedding vows for her. Her vows to you.” She could’ve giggled at the way Jake’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, but the whole situation had left her with an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. “It was a power play, plain and simple. So, yeah. Maybe I got the feeling that the girls didn’t like her and would probably make her life hell on the ride, so I might have suggested to Savannah that she should go on the ride because it would make you happy and she would be able to bond with the girls.”
Jake chuckled in spite of himself. “You’re just as diabolical as they are, you know.”
Buttercup shrugged delicately. “They had to get it from somewhere. Too bad for you, I’m an adult too and you can’t dole out any punishment to me.”
Jake shifted on his feet, his quiet chuckle sending tingles through her body as the air around them spiked with…something.
“Not like I haven’t before,” he breathed, mostly to himself.
Buttercup folded her arms across her chest, almost as though she were afraid that her heart would beat right out of her chest. The memories of them, the things they had done together, surged through her brain, her bloodstream, lighting her up like a firefly. But he was still Jake, and any fire between her and Jake had been doused a long time ago, and it had to stay that way. For the good of everyone involved.
“Um,” she swallowed. “Rooster made chili. He said it was some sort of post-trail ride tradition. We were just setting the table when we heard the commotion.”
Jake nodded and patted Firewall’s flank. “Let me just take care of these guys, and I’ll be right in. Make sure you save me a bowl, alright? Charlie would eat the entire pot if we let her.”
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Jake groaned as he pushed his bowl away.
“That was your best batch yet, Uncle Roo,” Charlie grinned a sleepy smile, inching towards food coma territory.
“I’m still pissed you couldn’t cook like this when we lived together,” Natasha grumbled, though the smile on her face stole any bite the words might have held.
Bob nodded in agreement. “The whole squadron would be shocked that Mr. Ramen and Burnt Toast has a degree from culinary school.”
Rooster grunted at them. “I only burnt my toast once. You two just won’t let me forget it.”
“More than once,” Javy grinned at him, leaning back in his chair, and Jake smiled. It seemed like, for tonight at least, Javy and Nat had called a truce. They hadn’t glared or shot thinly veiled remarks at each other all night. Of course, they hadn’t spoken or looked at each other either, but Jake found himself grateful for the lack of anything between them.
“Alright, well maybe I should prove my badass kitchen skills then, huh?” Rooster leaned forward, a smirk tugging on his lips. “I think it’s high time for a Daggers Reunion. What do you say? We can celebrate the fact that Jake isn’t gonna marry that absolute pain in the ass he called a fiancée.”
“Rooster!” Buttercup looked shocked. “I know you didn’t like her, but Jake wouldn’t have asked her to marry him if he didn’t have feelings for her.”
Javy scoffed. “More like feelings about his future. Your boy here didn’t want to have an empty nest when Charlie grows up, so he was gonna—ow, shit!” Javy winced as Jake’s foot connected with his knee. “Dude, what the hell?”
Buttercup felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “It’s alright, Jake. I get it. They’re almost 12. In six years or so, they’ll be off and we’ll be left on our own. I don’t know what the future holds for me either, and it’s a scary thought.”
“Don’t worry, Mum,” Abby yawned, leaning against her sister. “We’re not going anywhere.”
Buttercup grinned. “Thank you, baby. But I do think maybe you two should go upstairs to bed. You’ve had a busy day.”
Abby nodded and tugged Charlie off her chair before hugging her mother, then her father.
Charlie followed suit but stilled at the landing of the staircase. “I like Uncle Roo’s idea. A Dagger’s reunion sounds like a lot of fun.”
“Alright, kiddo. We’ll see if we can make it happen,” Jake smiled softly at the girls as they ascended the staircase.
“Can we also go out to dinner tomorrow?” Abby paused a few steps from the top. “Just the four of us? As a family?”
Jake nodded. “Sure, baby. Whatever you want.”
“Okay. Night, Dad. Night, Mum. Love you.”
“Love you, too,” their parents chorused.
“Dude, you’re such a softie now,” Natasha smirked at him over the lip of her wine glass. “They just cost you your fiancée, Bagman. And you’re letting them call the shots.”
Jake fixed her with a look. “I’m not soft, Phoenix.” He grinned. “In fact, everyone else on this ranch have been pulling their weight, except you two. So, I’d really appreciate it if you and Baby On Board would do the dishes while Javy and I go make sure everything is locked up tight.”
Natasha gaped at him. “What about Buttercup? Or Rooster?”
“Rooster cooked,” Jake shrugged. “And Buttercup’s been working on her novel. What have you and Bob been up to? Other than drinking my wine, eating my food, and eating up my Wi-Fi?” Natasha glared and he grinned. “Enjoy. C’mon, Javy.”
The two men rose from their seats and left the room, clearly headed to make sure the ranch was locked up for the night. Rooster rose with a groan and mumbled something about watching the football game in his room, leaving after patting Buttercup on the head.
Natasha looked around at all the dirty dishes and grumbled. “Your husband is such an asshole.”
“Ex,” Buttercup clarified quietly, running her finger over the lip of her glass. “Besides, you shouldn’t have shot your mouth off with the softie comment. You had to have known he’d retaliate.”
“Yeah, but did he have to bring me into it?” Bob sighed, already gathering dishes and taking them into the kitchen.
Buttercup giggled as her family disappeared into the kitchen, the soft sounds of their bickering carrying through the archway as she stared at the darkened front door, waiting for Jake to return.
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The next day passed smoothly, and the four occupants of the main house (plus the grumpy uncle living in the attic) fell into a rhythm of sorts. Jake and the girls were out of the house by the time Buttercup woke up, jetlag and a sleepless night weighing on her mind. However, she found a breakfast of cinnamon oatmeal and fruit salad waiting for her on the stove and a box of her favourite tea sitting next to the kettle. Buttercup settled into the desk in her bedroom and cranked out a few more pages of her book, the characters finally deciding to play along and follow the plot, though the plot wasn’t turning out exactly the way she had imagined it. By the time noon came around, she had wandered down into the kitchen, where she helped Rooster prepare barbecue chicken Ceasar wraps for everyone before going out into the ranch and calling her family home to eat. After their meal, Jake stole them all away to the local high school, where he assisted Javy with coaching their football team. Even when they had been together, Buttercup hadn’t been much of a football fan, but she found herself enjoying the time spent in the bleachers, especially when Jake would demonstrate a play for the rookie quarterback (though she would deny that last part to the ends of the earth and back).
By the time they got back to the ranch, the girls were hustling their parents into their bedrooms to change for their family dinner.
“Babe, we didn’t even make a reservation,” Buttercup sighed as Abby shoved her make up bag into her hands and pushed her towards the ensuite bathroom.
“Any place that would dress code me for not wearing a suit would be booked up months in advance, kiddo,” Jake protested as Charlie tossed his navy-blue suit onto his bed.
“Don’t worry about it,” both girls had reassured their parents. “Our aunt and uncles took care of everything.”
The statement had been less than reassuring, but both parents were determined to play ball. Buttercup had conceded to wearing her aqua coloured midi dress (a dress Charlie had insisted she pack once she had seen it in her mother’s closet back in London) and had even put on the diamond necklace that had been a joint Christmas present from her family last year. Jake had begrudgingly put on his navy suit and the silver and blue aviator watch he had bought on a whim a few years back. The girls had dressed up in matching black dresses (no doubt a gift from their Uncle Bob) and ushered them out of the house before they could say goodbye to Bob, Rooster or Natasha. 
“Alright, ladies,” Jake grinned, spinning his car keys around his finger. “Ready to tell me exactly where we’re going?” He started as Charlie clamped onto his wrist, dragging him down the dirt path towards the dude ranch.
“Right this way, old man.”
Jake craned his neck back just in time to see Abby take a much gentler grip on her mother’s arm, steadying her as the heels of her shoes sunk into the dirt.
“Charlie, your mother is going to break her neck out here without much light.” In truth, the sun would be going down in a few hours, but the way it hung low in the sky had shadows painting the path in darkness. Charlie blinked up at him, a challenge gleaming there, and Jake sighed. “Let me go, kid.”
He shook off his daughter’s grip and strode backwards until he could offer Buttercup his elbow. “C’mon, darlin’,” he murmured. “Can’t have you breaking an ankle out here. Don’t want a lawsuit on my hands.”
Buttercup chuckled as she wrapped her arm around his. “Thank you…” she whispered as Abby pranced up the path to join her sister. “Honestly, I don’t know how they come up with so many harebrained schemes.”
“You think they’re scheming?”
She shot Jake a knowing look. “Do you know any family friendly restaurants where the diners dress up like this?” She gestured to their semi-formal clothing. “And if you do know any, are any of them located down this dirt path?”
Jake nodded his head towards her, conceding her point. “They’re your daughters, alright.”
She elbowed him lightly in the ribs. “I’m not the scheming parent, thank you very much.”
“Seriously? Wasn’t eloping in Vegas your idea?”
She bit her lip to hide her grin. “That wasn’t a scheme. That was taking advantage of the air show in Vegas and the fact that everyone we loved was there. Besides, that didn’t run the risk of potential bodily harm.”
Jake shook off the zing of pain that ran through him at the memory and forced the smile to remain on his face. “Maybe for you, but I have only the haziest memory of the morning after our wedding. Rooster and Fanboy kept pouring marga-beers down my throat even though you told them to stop.”
Buttercup giggled, and something warm flared in Jake’s chest. “Maybe they get it from them then. Rooster, Javy, and Natasha are all pretty heavy handed with the schemes, aren’t they?”
“Oh, more than you know,” Jake laughed as they approached the gazebo that overlooked the manmade pond. They’d put both features in a few years previous, trying to make the dude ranch more attractive for people who wanted more of a vacation than a chance to prove themselves on a ranch.
“Girls?” Buttercup called as they jumped up onto the gazebo before ducking out of sight. Within seconds, the whole structure was lit up, the tiny fairy lights glittering off the water.
“Speaking of schemes…” Jake muttered, guiding Buttercup over the rocky terrain and up onto the gazebo.
In the center, a small, round table for two sat invitingly, a vase of fresh wildflowers pushed to one side to make room for the plates, cutlery, and linen napkins that waited to be used.
“Hoo boy,” Buttercup whispered as he pulled out one of the wrought iron chairs and helped her sit comfortably.
“Girls, what are you doing?” Jake turned to find them standing by the stairs of the gazebo.
“We…wanted to thank you!” Charlie grinned. “Y’know, for being so nice about us switching places.”
“And blackmailing you,” Abby added.
“And blackmailing you,” Charlie nodded her agreement. “Oh! And we wanted to apologize for chasing off Savannah.”
“And you decided that a romantic dinner for two was the best way to do that?” Buttercup’s face was filled with such bemusement that Jake had to laugh.
“Well, if you’re going to coparent, you need to be able to get along,” Abby chirped cheerfully. “Consider this our way of trying to make that happen!”
“We’re going to leave you to eat,” Charlie grinned. “I really hope you can make it through a simple dinner without arguing. That would bode really well for all of us.”
Jake groaned as the girls skipped away, then groaned again when a shadowy figure stepped into the gazebo, carrying two serving trays.
“Hey man, don’t groan at me. Those two little demons are your spawn,” Javy muttered as he set the two trays of food on the table. “They’re better at finding information and using it to their advantage than the freakin’ Navy.”
Natasha scoffed as she stepped up beside Javy, brandishing a bottle of wine in each hand. “If they weren’t so damn cute, I’d want to kill them.”
Buttercup blinked at them. “You got sucked into another one of their schemes?”
Natasha shrugged. “Apparently, I need to watch what I say when Abby and I are watching trashy TV and eating junk food. The kid’s got Fort Knox as a memory. Don’t know what his excuse is though,” she added, jerking her head at Javy. “Now, do you want red or white? Because Rooster said either will work with the food, but Abby will throw a hissy fit if I don’t play along.”
“They got Bradshaw into this too?” Jake turned to Javy, who shrugged.
“You two somehow managed to raise two extremely intelligent blackmailers, with zero input from the other person and an ocean between you. It’d be impressive if it wasn’t kinda terrifying.” Javy sighed. “Natasha and I will be watching from the cabin. Buttercup, as much as you may want to, please don’t drown him in the lake.”
Buttercup stifled a giggle as their friends strolled away. “Well, at least they’re not arguing anymore,” she mused before lifting the lid off her meal and smiling. “Penne a la vodka with a side salad. How did they know?”
Jake gulped and hoped the dim lighting did enough to hide the redness in his cheeks. They had gone for Italian food for their first date, and that’s what they had both ordered. Buttercup because it was her favourite, and Jake because he’d been so taken with her that he had just said “Same” so that they could get back to their conversation without the waiter being present.
“I might’ve mentioned it once, I guess,” he murmured, taking the lid off his dish and picking up his fork.
“Should we toast or something?”
Jake smiled softly and picked up his glass of red wine. “To…fresh starts?”
Buttercup smiled so sweetly at him that his chest ached with it. “Yeah, fresh starts sound good.”
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Buttercup couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so hard. Her sides ached and her cheeks hurt and she desperately hoped that she had put on waterproof mascara because, otherwise, she would have racoon eyes from the tears of laughter she had shed.
She had to keep reminding herself that it wasn’t real. This was the part of her relationship with Jake that had been easy. Falling in love with him had been as easy as breathing. He could make her laugh until she cried, and he would hold her while she cried until he could make her laugh. He made her want to pull her hair out, but one look at those bright green eyes and that sinful smile, and she would forget all about why he frustrated her. She always counted herself lucky that he was there to frustrate her. It hadn’t taken her long to realize that she would rather run the gamut of emotions with Jake Seresin than risk not feeling anything so strongly with another person.
Loving him was easy. Making it work with him was another story. And now, they had two young daughters who were depending on them. She wasn’t about to risk letting them down again. Still, she found she couldn’t quite keep her guard all the way up around him.
“…and that is why I will never take Charlie to another baseball game,” Jake finished his story to Buttercup’s peals of laughter.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you two,” she giggled breathlessly.
“Hey, she’s half you. She doesn’t get those nerves of steel from me.”
Buttercup rolled her eyes. “Oh please. How many confirmed air-to-air kills do you have under your belt?”
“Hey! That’s totally different. Having nerves of steel in the air while facing down enemy aircraft is completely different from having your six-year-old daughter try to beat the shit out of the opposing team’s mascot because it kinda looked like a monster from her nightmare.”
Buttercup snorted. “I don’t know about that. Sounds like you were both protecting yourselves with those nerves of steel.”
“You were too,” Jake said quietly, taking a sip of his wine.
“When you left…” Buttercup froze, and Jake almost regretted saying anything. Almost. “It took guts to leave. I didn’t want to admit it at the time, but you were doing what was right for you.”
“I…” Buttercup took a fortifying sip of wine. “I hope you know I didn’t leave just because of you. I mean, I hope you know that I didn’t leave to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.”
Emboldened by the wine, Jake reached out and took her hand. “C’mon, darlin’. Of course I know that. I know you never wanted to hurt me, and I know it felt like you were ripping your own heart out to leave Charlie behind.” He gave her hand a firm squeeze and something squeezed in his heart when she returned the gesture.
“I wish the pandemic had never happened,” Buttercup sighed. “It would’ve been so much easier to keep to the custody schedule if air travel hadn’t become so dangerous.”
Jake nodded. “I wish the court lady hadn’t transcribed our phone numbers wrong.”
Jake had called his lawyer earlier in the day and found that both of their numbers had been written wrong in the paperwork. It had happened to a few other clients, and that’s how they had come to realize that the court stenographer had been drinking on the job.
Buttercup scoffed. “Yeah…the odds were stacked against us at every turn.”
“You really think so?”
Buttercup blinked at him. “You don’t think so? Your deployments, my diagnosis, the pandemic, the clerical error? You don’t think that was fate stamping a big red X on our family?”
Jake leaned forward, close enough to her that she could smell the sharp tang of his cologne and the deep woodsy undertones that were pure Jake. “I think we had a hell of a lot going for us but neither of us knew how to handle the bumps in the road and we fell apart. Tell me, Buttercup. If we knew then what we know now, would we have made it?”
The question made her pause, made everything inside of her freeze. If her past self had all of her present knowledge, would they have made it? Would they have been able to dig through the tunnel of bullshit and make it out clean on the other side? She could imagine it. The open communication, the therapy, the fights they’d have, but together, not against each other.
She shivered at that imaging and met his green gaze. “I’m getting cold,” she whispered. “I think it’s time we go inside.”
Jake sighed but nodded, taking off his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”
Knowing that Javy and Nat were on dish duty, he offered Buttercup his elbow and slowly guided her down the path, the silvery light of the moon illuminating mere feet in front of them. She leaned against him more now than she had when they had initially walked the path, but Jake knew that was the jetlag and wine working against her.
“We’ll have to thank Rooster for dinner,” she mumbled as they strolled. “That was probably the best penne I’ve had since—shit!” Her heel caught on a rock in the path and she pitched forward. Quick as a flash of lightning, Jake had her secure against him, one arm wrapped around her waist and one pressing between her shoulder blades.
“I’ve got you, you’re okay,” he murmured into her hair, only realizing how close they were when the scent of Hawaiian orchid wafted over him.
“S-sorry,” she whispered, leaning into his chest more as she steadied herself. She looked up and met his gaze, their noses almost brushing. All it would take was a tilt of her head, and they would be—
Buttercup abruptly pulled away from him, leaning down to take off her shoes and dangling them between her fingers.
“Sorry,” she murmured again. “I didn’t mean to…I can’t…”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Jake’s hand warmed the middle of her back. “No harm done, right?”
Buttercup gulped back the knot in her throat as she nodded. “Yeah…no harm done.”
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Tags List: @jessicab1991
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: You had no idea it was meant to feel good...
The ceremony had been lovely, the reception had lasted into the early hours of the morning, and through it all, Nikolai hadn’t left your side once.  Nikolai Lantsov, your new husband, the man you’d fallen hard and fast for, the man who had proved his love and devotion to you dozens of times over.  Your marriage was a love match, a true fairy tale: you, the daughter of a Count, presented to court to make a good marriage, had caught the eye of the King, sealing your and your family’s positions forevermore.
And you loved him, oh, how you loved him!  Of course you’d have said yes to his proposal, what fool would reject marriage to a King?  But when Nikolai asked for your hand, you said yes not because of the rise in station, not because of the boon it would grant your family, but because you were irrevocably in love with Nikolai Lantsov.  And now you were Queen, elevated above all others, but you would have said “yes” if he were a simple farmer.
Your husband kept your hand clasped in his as he led you from the ballroom, a giddy smile on his face.  When the two of you were sequestered in your chambers, Nikolai pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply, your body pressed flush to his.  “I love you,” he said against your lips.  “My Y/N, my Queen, my bride, I love you.”  It was all you could do to remain upright as he kissed you, dizzy from his affections.
As Nikolai’s hands traveled to the lacings of your gown, you began to feel warm, and when his lips tracked down to your jaw and neck, you felt your stomach twist.  All Saints, please don’t let me be sick on my wedding night, you thought.  You were an educated lady, you knew what was to happen tonight, but that didn’t mean you weren’t nervous.  And the advice your mother had given you had been… less than helpful.
“You must lie back and endure it,” she’d said.  “But do not worry.  Your Nikolai is a good man, I do not think he will drag it out longer than he must.”  Her words filled your head, but you did your best to focus on the man in your arms, the man who was kissing his way down your neck and tugging at your dress.  “Can I take this off, lovely?” Nikolai asked, and you whispered a “yes.”
Your gown soon laid on the floor in a heap of golden silk and tulle, and Nikolai groaned at the sight before him.  You’d been dressed in a sheer slip beneath your wedding dress, your body plainly visible beneath.  “Saints, look at you,” your husband said, raking his gaze over you.  “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”  You felt your face flush, and Nikolai hurriedly stripped himself.  When he was naked, he took you in his arms once more, gently leading you to the bed.
He continued to kiss you, and the odd warm, tingling feeling in your belly continued to grow.  “Can I touch you?” Nikolai asked, and you nodded.  It was expected of you, that’s what your mother had said, it will be over soon.  Your husband trailed a hand down your side, and it felt like fire was left in the wake of his hand.  His lips were still on your neck, and slowly, Nikolai brought a hand between your legs.  When his fingers made contact, you let out a moan, a shuddering, breathy moan, and your eyes went wide.
“W-what was that?”  Immediately, Nikolai pulled away, looking at you with slight confusion.  “What was what, darling?”  “That feeling?  What was that?”  “When I touched you?”  “Yes!”  You were breathing hard, but your husband saw that you weren’t aroused, no, you were frightened.  Clearly, you’d been misinformed about tonight, or worse, not informed at all.  Nikolai rose from the bed and retrieved a dressing gown–his dressing gown–and draped it over your shoulders, sitting at your side and covering himself with the sheets.
“Y/N, sweetheart,” he said, reaching out to take your hand.  “What…did anyone tell you what would happen tonight?”  Nikolai knew that your family held more conservative views, that you likely hadn’t been taught what sex was until just before your wedding, and he needed to be absolutely certain of what you knew.  You shook your head.  “No…well, not really.”  He squeezed your hand, encouraging you to continue.
“Most of what I know about sex, I taught myself.  I snuck into my father’s library and found books on anatomy.  My mother certainly never told me anything.  I know what sex is, and I know that it's how women have children, but when my mother pulled me aside tonight, she told me…”  You hesitated, and Nikolai squeezed your hand again.  “She told me that I must ‘lie back and endure it’.  That you’re a good man and won’t drag it out.  But Nikolai, when you kissed me, when you touched me, I felt…Saints, I felt hot, and when you touched me…there, it felt…”
You were blushing fiercely, and your husband leaned to kiss your cheek.  “Did it feel good, darling?” he asked, and you nodded.  “It’s supposed to, my love.  Sex, making love, it’s supposed to feel good.  Yes, it’s primary purpose is to have children, but people do it because it’s enjoyable.”  When you looked at your husband, your brows were raised.  “It is?”  “Yes, sweet love, it is.  And, if you want me to, I will show you just how good a man can make his wife feel.”
For a moment you were silent, and Nikolai didn’t press.  “When I felt warm earlier…”  “You were aroused, my love.  And that’s perfectly normal.”  Rather than say anything, you rose to your knees and pressed your lips to his, wrapping your arms around his neck.  “I want you to show me,” you whispered, letting his dressing gown slide from your shoulders.  “You do?”  “Yes.  I trust you, Nikolai.”  Your husband smiled and deepened the kiss, gently pushing you back to lay down.
“If you want to stop, just tell me,” he whispered, and resumed his kissing down your body.  The warm, tingly feeling was back, but you let it wash over you, knowing it was your beloved causing it.  “I don’t want you holding back those pretty noises,” Nikolai said, coming to lie at your side, one arm around you.  “Let me hear you.”  This time, when he touched you, you didn’t bite back the moan that left your lips, and Nikolai smiled.
“That’s it, lovely,” he praised, gently rubbing at your clit.  “Just feel it.”  In mere minutes, you were breathless, and Nikolai was kissing you, whispering praises of your beauty against your skin.  “I’m going to put my fingers inside you,” he said.  “Tell me if anything hurts.”  You nodded, and your husband slowly pressed a finger into you, thrusting it shallowly.  After several minutes, he added a second, and when he bent his fingers, you let out a loud moan, bucking your hips against his palm.
“There it is,” he said, lowering his lips to yours, kissing you deeply.  Pure bliss filled your body, pleasure that you’d never imagined, and soon, that pleasure was building into a wave that demanded to crest.   “Nikolai,” you panted.  “Nikolai, I… Saints, I–”  “Shh, I know, honey.  Just let it happen.  Come for me.”  His words were punctuated with a press of his fingers against your clit, and the wave crested.  You were moaning your husband’s name, your eyes rolling back in your head, and when you opened them, he was smiling softly at you.
“Did that feel good, angel?”  You nodded, and Nikolai slowly withdrew his fingers from your body and moved to kneel between your still spread legs.  His cock was hard and aching, and your eyes went wide.  “It won’t hurt for too long,” he vowed.  “And just for a moment.  Do you want to keep going?”  “Yes,” you breathed, reaching out for him.  “Nikolai, please, I need you.”
Your husband chuckled as he took himself in hand, aligning the head of his cock with your cunt.  “It’s alright, darling.  You don’t have to beg.  Not this time, anyway.”  Nikolai pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead as he slowly entered you, pausing when you whimpered.  “I know, darling, I’m sorry.  It won’t hurt like this every time, just the first time, I promise.”  You nodded, keeping your eyes on his hazel ones, focusing on the love there.
Slowly, Nikolai pressed forward until he was completely within you, and he let out a shaking breath. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he said, and you tilted your chin to kiss him.  When you were ready, he began thrusting gently, keeping his motions slow and shallow, not wanting to overwhelm you.  “Nikolai,” you sighed, threading your hands through his hair.  “Nikolai, I…”  “Tell me, sweetheart.”
“It feels so good!”  He couldn’t help the smug pride that washed over him; he was the only man who had ever, who would ever, make you feel this way.  “I know, Y/N, I can feel you squeezing around me.”  Your husband sped up, just a bit, pulling a bit further out of you with each thrust.  He kept one hand cupping your cheek, the other trailing over your body, squeezing your breasts and kneading at your hips.  When he rubbed your clit, you bucked against him, causing him to moan.
“I love you, Y/N,” Nikolai managed, already close.  “I love you so much, my perfect wife.”  His thrusts had sped up a bit more, but you felt no discomfort.  No, you felt more pleasure than you ever could have imagined.  “Nikolai, Kolya, I…I’m…”  “I know, sweetheart.  I’m close too.  Come when you’re ready, darling.”  It didn’t take much longer, and when you came with a cry of your husband’s name, that was more than enough to push him over the edge too.
Nikolai pulled out of you, making you whine, and rolled onto his side, tugging you greedily into his arms.  “I love you,” he said, pulling the sheets over the two of you.  “I love you, I love you, I love you, I–oh.”  Your husband rolled over, reaching for something on his nightstand, and you furrowed a brow.  “Here,” he said, handing you a corked vial.  “Alkemi contraceptive.  If you don’t want any little Lantsovs just yet.”
You laughed softly and drank the contraceptive, handing the empty vial to Nikolai.  “Not quite yet,” you said, snuggling back into his arms.  “As my Queen commands.”  For a while, the two of you laid in silence, trading lazy kisses and soft smiles.  “I had no idea,” you said after a few minutes.  “That it could be so good.”  Nikolai smiled, kissing you sweetly.  “I will always make you feel good, my love.  I have so much to show you.”  The remainder of the night was spent with your darling husband showing you just how pleasurable love making should be, and when the servants entered to find their Queen seated on their King’s face, they kindly informed the rest of the staff to avoid the royal chambers for the day.
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stardewrotsession · 4 months
Note: I have a few new drafts in the works right now but it’s taking longer than expected to get them out. So for now, here’s my takes on our favorite bachelors. Some controversial, some not.
Personal Headcanons (and Opinions) I have about the Bachelors
- So before I threw him under the “golden retriever” skater boy trope and moved on. Yeah he definitely comes off as it at first, HOWEVER.
- I like to think Sam’s hella observant when he wants to be. Sorta like a “selective observer” if you will.
- I mean, his mom seems to wish to run away from the family at times, and his dad’s off at war. Taking care of Vincent and trying his best to be there when his dad wasn’t makes you pick up a bunch of stuff along the way.
- And I think he’s observant enough to notice that Jodi doesn’t really like where’s she’s at in her life.
- He’s a very caring person, I think to the point where he wouldn’t really mind if he gets hurt from it.
- You have to do something really bad for him to hate you or for him to not care, honestly.
- He loves his family, so he’ll take care of Vincent when his dad’s away, or he’ll begrudgingly get a job because his mom told him to.
- That’s not to say he’s grown though. I full on believe his mom baby’s the hell outta him.
- She seems like a very controlling mom with how she acted after Sam dropped the egg on the floor, but she seems like she needs to done her way. Can you tell I don’t like Jodi very much?
- I think once Sam gets married to you and moves out, he takes on a lot more responsibility and learns how to take care of himself more. While still having that “kid at heart” mindset with his hobbies.
- So, I’m not gonna lie, I was one of the girlies that dismissed Sebastian as the resident emo boy at first.
- But now, I think he’s, shocker, more complicated than that.
- So I think Demetrius definitely has a whole favoritism complex going on between Maru and Sebastian, which is nothing new.
- I think it leads Demetrius to spit out verbal abuse, and heavy on verbal cause I don’t think Demetrius is the type to physically abuse, to Sebastian whenever he doesn’t like what he’s doing.
- But, I actually think Sebastian and Maru find ways to be friendly or decent with each other, despite everything that’s happened.
- And I really don’t think Robin’s being dismissive about the whole situation either, I really do think she’s trying her best to get the two to ease up with each other.
- I mean, there’s books in her room about stepdads and second families, I think she’s making an attempt.
- But for Sebastian sometimes it isn’t good enough, making him feel like he’s trapped and that he wants to leave this town.
- I think when you marry him, and he ends up staying in Pelican Town, that’s not crushing his dream.
- I truly believe he just wanted to get away from his family, from Demetrius’ constant complaining and comparisons and favoritism.
- But he still has friends here, Sam and Abigail. And you.
- I think now that he’s moved out, he feels more at peace, spending time with someone he loves and still being able to hang out with friends.
- So, we know Harvey’s hobbies, his job as a doctor, and that he comes off as really shy.
- But he actually comes off as really closed off when you first meet him.
- It’s almost as if he’s straight away drawing a boundary saying, “Oh this is the new farmer. Okay, strictly doctor, patient relationship.”
- But as you start hanging out with him more, his facade starts to break a little.
- He opens up more, about experiences, hobbies, his past.
- And personally? I think he has a huge past with mental health issues.
- Like he relates to Shane when he talks about mental health and getting him a therapist. That could be just a doctor thing, but I think Harvey’s had his own struggles. Even if they were different.
- Out of everyone in Pelican Town (other than Shane) I think Harvey definitely has a therapist.
- Although he still mentions having patients’ lives in his hand, I’m sure he was completely broken about it the first time it happened.
- Not to mention that he had to overcome the fact that he wasn’t going to get his dream job.
- He had to settle, and I think talking to a therapist helps tremendously with not only acknowledging that, but full on accepting it, both the good and bad.
- Harvey is a caring guy, and even if he still has extreme fears and insecurities, he’s willing to overcome them if he thinks it’ll make him a better person. If it’ll give him a better life.
- So the fact that he overcomes his fear of heights for you means he cares a lot about you, and his life with you.
- So, my opinion of Alex changes as his heart events go on.
- So for zero hearts, I full on believe he’s an ass to girls. Like that cliche popular sporty guy that has a big ego.
- If he doesn’t know you and he sees you doing something weird, I bet you he’ll judge super hard.
- I think he’s the type to talk first, think later.
- And not in a sense like Sam where he just kinda… keeps talking. But he’ll say stupid remarks like “Wanna go to the beach? Do you have a bikini?” Or “Did you get new pants?”
- Why are you looking at the farmer’s pants Alex?
- Anyways towards guys I don’t think he’d be that different, only he’d talk about girls to you.
- I wholeheartedly believe George is kinda homophobic, but Evelyn’s like “Love who you love, you don’t live long enough to not.”
- So Alex at first would have George’s beliefs. Cause the guy kinda raised Alex, he’s the only father figure he really knew and liked.
- But as time goes on Alex would realize “Hey I’m spending a lot more time with the farmer now.”
- Like he looks forward to seeing you everyday.
- And I think you influence him, whether you’re a girl or a guy.
- You open his eyes, making him think along the lines of “Maybe I shouldn’t judge so much. Something just feels right when I’m with them.”
- So I think we’ve been knowing how shitty he was in the beginning, before having any hearts with him.
- He’s closed off, depressed, doubting his life choices.
- The farmer literally has to push their way into his heart for him to actually notice and be nice to you.
- So I’ll spend more time focusing on after his heart events, since a lot of people are on the same page about his struggles with alcoholism.
- So like a lotta other people, I think Shane has a great friendship arc, but as a marriage candidate all of that development gets kinda nerfed.
- After everything that happens, he becomes VERY dependent on the farmer.
- Probably to the point where it’s unhealthy
- Like if he heard that you’ve passed out in there mines or something he’d start freaking out, not knowing what else to do if you were suddenly gone.
- But, he’s also one of the only bachelors confirmed to be seeing a therapist, so even if the farmer slowly stops talking to him, he will still be in a better spot than he was in his 6 heart event.
- In the end, he’s very thankful for you coming into his life.
- Just, try not to let him depend on you too much, okay?
- Same with Alex, my opinion and my headcanons of Elliot change depending on how many hearts I have with him.
- But low key I find him very out there when below 4 hearts.
- He has a different kind of ego than Alex, but it does still come off as “I’m better than you” kind of ego.
- For example, when he says he wishes he could “Throw it all away and become a farmer like you”.
- What’s that supposed to mean Elliot?
- Only I don’t think he realizes it, I think at this time he’s more closed minded and never really thought of people being content and success in different ways.
- He does give Wattpad vibes…
- By the way he treats Gus too in his 2 heart event?? Yeah I’m not sure if that seems to change that much lol.
- However as you get to know him more, he realizes how much time and work you put into your farm, and then, starts thinking about how everyone else lives their life.
- I think even as a writer, the dude doesn’t really understand people think differently until you show him.
- Which is why I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s had writer’s block for a while.
- Yeah give him a pencil and paper and he’ll go at it, he’ll write some beautiful poetry and short stories.
- But throw in a consistent protagonist that isn’t like him, and I think he’d struggle big time before he met you.
- After you two become friends, or even after you start dating, he’ll definitely have a different perspective on his art and on other people.
- It’s like you change his perspective on life. And it may not happen overnight, but I truly believe it does happen, and you make him a better person because of it.
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lakesparkles · 4 months
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Alright, you guys wanted to see more of my OCs and I wanted to do more of these short comics, so here you you! :D I don't post about my characters often, but most of you probably know Taylor (Golden Retriever) already. However, I decided to focus on a character I didn't before: Chayene (Jack Russell Terrier/Dalmatian)! This isn't much, but my plan was to show a bit more of her relationship with Taylor (I just LOVE when characters are exes) and sexuality.
But PLEASE, this isn't me trying to say that every aroace person feels or thinks this way. Everybody is different and this is just how Chayene feel about herself - that is also inspired by how I feel (even that I'm not sure if I'm aroace, idk, I didn't think much about this yet).
Now, if you're curious about what they're doing in the first page and want more worldbuiding lore, I'll translate a message I sent to my friend:
Fish are like "fishermen" in their world. Taylor and Chayene are going to the lake to deliver agricultural products to them in exchange for money (as Taylor is unemployed, his dads' farmer friends call him for services like this). These coins that the fish are giving them have a much greater value in the land environment, it's as if they were receiving them in dollars so they have to exchange them for their currency. Taylor gets, like, one of those coins.
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matamisin · 2 years
I am absolutely living for the Stardew art. I love that game so much and have over 600 hours of playtime in it. I did have a little bit of a request but feel free to ignore! Could you rate all of the potential spouses based on your personal interpretations?
Hiii!! Yes yes yes thank you for this ask- I planned to do quick portraits anyways! <3 <3
But let's start!!
[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, reblogs welcome! >:3c)
Harvey: 10/10
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Handsome yes yes
Very sweet and loyal like bro LETS GO that's all I need
Doctor?? AKA he fixes up love interest who regularly gets into trouble? Endless possibilities BRO this is my favorite trope to write/draw about
HOWEVER HARVEY DOESN'T ACCEPT ANY INSURANCE HE JUST CHARGES OUR ASSES bro I'm trying to have a tender moment of almost dying and him worrying and then BOOM hands me my bill like "see you at home honey ily"
Overall he would treat us right yes
Animals LOVE his ass but he's awkward with them LOL
He's often a tired man due the clinic but he'll pull through to do things with the farmer when they're dating (like outings)
In the beginning when farmer is frequently getting hurt in the mines and being brought in hurt, he buys them a walkie-talkie. He's said multiple times that he doesn't recommend going in those dangerous places but learns that farmer's determined to keep going so he'll do what he can to make sure they can relay when they need help
He'll chime in on the walkie when he sees farmer going towards the mines and has them check things off a mental list (hi, this is Harvery- going to the mines? Do you have your weapon? How about food? You have your first-aid kit on you too right?)
This man will be TENSE the whole day when he knows farmer is in the mines. He'll only ease up once he knows they're not in there anymore
Disclaimer: from here on most of what I write will be 100% from my head because I haven't married anyone else yet LMFAO
Sam: 10/10
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I interpret him as the golden retriever type- very hyper and friendly
That just makes him 1000% more loveable
Very good with kids cause of Vincent which is like YES
A little blunt sometimes but that's wassup
Doesn't eat the best (AKA I give him two pizzas every week. Hmm. So maybe that means I'M the problem lol)
Also doesn't really know a lot of cooking, but when he moves in farmer finds new-looking cookbooks tucked away in his spaces
I feel like he'd be the type to have a switch in attitude- he's v friendly UNTIL he has reason to distrust/not like someone and then he'll flip from bright to cold (especially if the person has bad intentions about somebody he cares about)
Doesn't realize farmer and him are dating he just thinks they’re hanging out a lot and just kissing as really good friends
When he does realize they’re dating he gets all flustered and red
Would let you win at Mario-Kart
Despite his goofiness, he knows how to be a gentleman. He's always keeping an eye on farmer and making sure they're okay. If they're out together, the moment the sun goes down his jacket is on farmer's shoulders. When it's raining and he wakes up late and sees that farmer has gone out of the house for the day, he'll get up quick and run around with an umbrella and a thermos of hot coffee until he finds farmer. He'll follow farmer around with the umbrella covering mostly farmer, so he gets pretty drenched.
Very vocal about his love
Shane: 10/10
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Ah the chicken man himself
ALSO GREAT WITH KIDS but in a different light- he's way more protective about them whereas Sam is more the laid-back and playful parent-figure (he throws his children into the air)
Recovering from his alcoholism and the habits that came with it (messiness and cluttery) but he's trying his best aww
Will rub his stubble on your face when he comes in for a hug ouchie
Even though he is not a dad- he just comes with dad stuff (dad outfits, dad jokes, EVERYTHING)
His chickens are protective of him so you must prove yourself worthy
(In my headcanons, Joja is kinda twisted) Will start to distance himself from Joja after farmer tells him of how they're trying to hurt the Junimos. He may eventually quit to work elsewhere, even though he doesn’t really know what Junimos are but something about farmer telling him about them seems sincere
He's very cuddly after getting to know him and dating. His love language happens to be physical touch and every touch makes him fall harder
This also means he gets a little sad when it's summer and too hot to cuddle that farmer turns around in their sleep. He gets pouty in the morning after until he gets a kiss LMAO
He'll frequently realize how messy he leaves his spaces, and will clean up. He tries to upkeep the cleanliness and manages it for a few days before it starts to get messy again. Sometimes it lasts a while, but sometimes it just slips his mind due to bad habits
Farmer pops into mind every time he has an urge to drink, and he'll shake it off and go do something else for them. He's DETERMINED to be the best person he can be for farmer
Alex: 10/10
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A little rough at first lol- his attitude is very icky in the beginning BUT he's cute 
Once you get through that exterior he practically does a 180- HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING and no longer uhhh icky
He would tackle things for you (can he help farmer out of the mines when they pass out in the game? If he does I'd like to think he just picks them up and BOOKS it for the exit knocking anything in his path down LMFAO)
Becomes pouty when he gets a little jealous
Again he's very sweet- he kisses Evelyn and George on the cheeks every morning before he leaves the house, he often thinks about his late mom and visits her grave with flowers from Pierre's and has a small picnic there
I feel he would be prone to dreams about his mom, waking up in a cold sweat and tears. After the 8-heart event he gets up and does something sweet like making a whole breakfast for Evelyn & George or giving Dusty some quality time with walks, playing, and a good treat
Will be extremely protective over farmer. Farmer gives him a heart attack every time they go to the mines or the skull cavern or even in the sewer like baby what are you doing WHY ARE YOU GOING INTO THE MANHOLE
The caves he can't follow farmer with because he knows he isn't trained to fight monsters like farmer is and might hold them back instead, but he'll wait outside or tell Harvey that farmer's in the mines instead
Doesn't come out with it but he needs a lot of reassurance due to abandonment issues. He gets a little clingy and touchy but a little shy. (reaching for farmer’s hand/just pinching onto a part of the farmer’s clothes and holding on)
Sebastian: 10/10
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This one might be rough cause I've never really felt much for him IM SORRY
Once farmer asks him out he's very unsure how to proceed. He'll call them things like dude and bro *with love*
It's literally like pulling teeth for him to call farmer honey just cause he's never been the affectionate type till now hehehe he'll try to say it and then drop to his knees like OTL and curl up (He'll get it eventually tho- this is just like the first few months LMFAO)
He has frogs right? He'll show you his frogs 
Your void chickens will love this emo boy they just vibe y'know?
He shows his love through acts of service and gifts, finding out the things you love and bringing them to you
As awkward as he is, his true intentions are very evident when he starts to really try to reconnect with Robin and asking her for advice on most anything he hasn't much a clue about.
He wants to be able to properly feel like part of his family, because farmer tells him that he deserves to feel loved there too. He’ll have a difficult heart-to-heart with Robin, Demetrius, and Maru and over time the family dynamic starts to heal. Sebastian is eternally grateful for farmer and tells them about the relationship and they’re all overjoyed to have farmer as part of the family too
He WILL stop smoking if farmer ever raises concern for his well-being
He starts to come out of his shell more (in general) as he and farmer progress their relationship. He tries his best to be a great partner, and everyone can sense that his demeanor is a little bit brighter than before. He starts to not be as shy about PDA too
He has many hoodies for farmer to steal HOWEVER they're all the exact same pair HAHAHA
Elliott: 10/10
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I may also struggle with Elliott for similar reasons
Handsome right off the bat bro
But you'll never be able to be the one with the great hair in the relationship cause man he dominates in that
I see him as a gentle lover- very old-school romantic
He writes farmer love poems and songs often HE WILL SERENADE FARMER EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY MOVED IN
Has pictures of farmer EVERYWHERE like his desk, in his books and notebooks, and has one of those accordion picture holders in his wallet of farmer and himself (and their child(ren) when time comes) He shows them off to the other villagers at the Saloon even tho they literally know farmer LMAOO
Has a very comforting vibe to him- he knows how to coddle farmer after they take a visit to the clinic
He'd let farmer use his favorite pen, trusting that it would return to him
Romantic gestures are EVERYWHERE. Songs, poems, so many pretty flowers in farmer's hair. 
I think he'd be the best cook out of everyone. Farmer wants to go out on a fancy date out of the village?? S'NOT GOOD ENOUGH- Elliott will change the whole decor of the kitchen and spend hours cooking and preparing for farmer to come home and then he plays all the roles (waiter, bus person, lover, etc) through the entire meal. But if farmer really actually wants to go out he'll go with it
Bachelorettes will be done in part 2 soon!
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wooahaes · 11 months
on the house
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pairing: non-idol!seungmin x gn!reader
genre: fluff.
word count: 0.8k~
warnings: food mentions. reader has a golden retriever. reader and seungmin crushing on each other like idiots btw.
daisy's notes: also hi isa @sseastar thank u for help on this one as well!! <3
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Seungmin liked the familiarity of the farmers market. The faces he saw regularly, both in terms of customers and other vendors, and the fact he could always find something interesting when his grandfather gave him a small break to explore. It wasn’t monotonous in the slightest (that’s where the interesting things helped), but… if there was one constant he could count on, it was you.
See, Seungmin barely remembered when you started coming here. All he knew was that you did, because you’d always walk your golden retriever through, and you’d always stop by this stall to see what jams and whatnot his grandfather bought this time. Your pup (Juniper, you once told him, like the berry? You can call her Junie, though) was always so well-behaved, even though she always knew Seungmin was carrying treats in his pockets (mainly for her). He’d chat you up as you looked through the selection, sometimes kneeling down to give Junie her treats and attention. He liked the cute bandanas you had loosely tied around her, just barely hiding her collar, and the way she sat dutifully by your side. You’d always told him that Juniper loved seeing him.
But Seungmin, thankfully, was not an idiot. It was you. You liked seeing him. You had a crush on him. And, no, it did not take someone else pointing it out to him for him to realize.
(He didn’t realize it until his grandfather let it slip that you’d come by twice until he told you Seungmin was too busy with exams to be there. That he would be back on Saturday, though, and sure enough… There you were, casually strolling past.)
For a while, Seungmin had just assumed you really liked jam. Or that you were a fan of fruit, since you sometimes bought some from their stand as well. The jam was the showstopper of it all, though: it was what people always loved the most, and you’d always complimented it when you came by. Yet figuring out that it was him you were coming for made a lot more sense. Sure, he liked the jam, too, but he couldn’t imagine himself stopping by constantly to survey the different kinds. Learning that you were crushing on him made him a little more smug, though: you were cute, and he liked you enough from your talks…
So when you came by later that week, Seungmin had a plan. His grandpa always ended up helping other customers, sending Seungmin over to you to help you make your selection and pay. Conversation always came easy to the two of you: he’d ask you about college, you’d ask him about college, and then you’d start talking about something silly that happened. Sometimes about Felix (he’s just my friend!) or Hyunjin (also just a friend–I’m single, haha) and something that they said…
“You know,” Seungmin was picking up a jar of strawberry jam, carefully wrapping it to keep it secure. “You don’t have to keep buying so much jam. I know you want to see me.”
“What?” Your eyes went wide, and for a moment, Seungmin wondered if he fucked up. Yet he saw the way you averted your gaze, pouting a little as you grew more flustered. Oh. He caught you outright. “Junie wants to see you. Not me.” 
He chuckled. “Right… Just Juniper.”
“I’m here for the jam,” you said, still not meeting his gaze. The moment your eyes flickered back to him (just to his hands), you tore them away immediately, too embarrassed to even look at him now. “Nothing else. It’s not like I like you like that—”
Ah. He’d have to never mention that to anyone. Jeongin would tease him and say something about you ‘stealing his line’ since Seungmin… wasn’t always the most up front with his feelings. This time had been different: one of you needed to make a move, and Seungmin didn’t want your wallet to hurt any further than it already did. 
“Grandpa said you came by when I was busy with exams,” he said, “and that you suddenly didn’t come back until Saturday since he told you that’s when I’d be back.”
“That means literally nothing. You carry treats for Juniper. Why would I subject her to expecting to see you?” You finally gathered your nerves enough to meet Seungmin’s gaze for a minute. “Maybe if your grandparents didn’t make good jam—”
He chuckled, picking up one of the mini jars while his grandfather wasn’t looking. He jotted down his number on a sticky note, placing it into the bag.
“Wait, I didn’t—”
“It’s on the house,” he said. “Just call me later. I’ll be mad if you don’t.” 
You snatched the sticky note off the top of it, shoving it into your pocket for safekeeping. “Then pick up when I do… or I’ll be mad if you don’t.”
He’d make sure to answer on the first ring if it meant seeing your flustered face again soon… outside of the farmers market.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm
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inkedreverie · 1 year
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒓
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓❜𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: I've been wanting to write some of my own hc's for this guy. So here you go. He's officially my new comfort character.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none. just fluff and sfw.
I get golden retriever boyfriend vibes from this man. He’s constantly getting you whatever you need and likes to follow you around your house/apartment in the morning when you finally get out of bed.
If he’s at your place, he tends to surprise you with breakfast in bed. He adores you and always jumps at the chance to spoil you every chance he can get.
Lots and lots of cuddles. I feel like his love language is physical touch so he’s definitely going to want to cuddle on the couch or snuggle in bed. And he definitely insists on being the big spoon. But you don't mind because you love resting your head on his chest and the feeling of his big arms wrapped around your waist.
On your anniversary or Valentine’s Day he’s always surprising you with your favorite flowers and chocolates.
I feel with him growing up on the farm, he’d be a really good cook. So if you had a tough day at work or you hadn’t gotten to be with each in a while he’d surprise you one evening by cooking one of your favorite dishes.
The man is a bit clingy. We already know this. So he’s definitely going to be checking in on you every once and while and during the early stages of your relationship he would always remind you to let him know when you got back home. Just to know you got back home safe.
After a few months of dating, he would definitely bring you to see his family and invite you over for a nice dinner party. His sister would probably tease him about finally finding a steady partner or something but other than that his family definitely warms up to you almost immediately.
Whenever you get home he loves to greet you with warm bear hugs. His embrace is so warm and you can’t help but hum happily, your face pressed against his shoulder as you feel his big, strong arms wrap around you. And soon, he’s kissing the top of your head, then all over your face and you can’t help but laugh at how affectionate he is.
With him being a farmer, he is definitely a morning person so he’s usually the first one out of bed, unless you have to get up early for work. But he never forgets to lean down and press a soft kiss to your forehead, before tucking you in bed before he gets up to get dressed.
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divider cred: @/saradika
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theeccentricraven · 1 month
Gail Carson Levine’s Character Profile Tag Game
Hey everyone 😊😎
Lately I've been reading Gail Carson Levine's "Writing Magic" a hugely helpful resource for aspiring authors. I especially liked her character sheet template.
Rules: Copy and paste the template, fill it out for one or more of your OC's, then post your OC's and the blank template for others to copy and paste.
Kind of being:
Family Members:
Best friend:
Describe his/her room:
Way of Speaking:
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): 
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse:
Favorite sports:
Talents, abilities, or powers:
Relationships (how he/she is with other people):
Good points:
What he/she wants more than anything else:
Here's the profiles of some of my MC's:
The Blood Cleaners
Name: Justin South 4th Tunnel
Nickname: Jus
Kind of being: Human tunneler
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Appearance: Light brown skin, dark spikey hair, long jaw, short chin
Occupation: Street Cleaner, becomes a Blood Cleaner
Family Members: Elena, Miriam, the late Deirdre, his deceased birth mother and birth father
Pets: Feral orange cats Cameo and Lucky who hunt the mice
Best friend: None until Joselyn
Describe his/her room: metal frame bed, cotton and wool sheets and blankets, hand-me down wooden desk, childhood drawings, closet of work clothes, dresser of work clothes, DVD player
Way of Speaking: Standard tenor sounding voice, sarcastic, jokester 
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): stands upright, lounges when sitting or lying down, walks around with a tough attitude look, looks hostile toward others
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse: a knife
Hobbies: hanging out at public places, wrestling, reading, watching movies, lifting weights
Favorite sports: Wrestling, racing
Talents, abilities, or powers: Able to speak to objects and move them, also obtains the blood cleaner powers
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): He gets on well with his mother and sister, though they have strong disagreements. He’s nicer with Joselyn than he is with most anyone else. He feels his peers are against him and distances himself from them. 
Fears: Being poor, losing his family, losing dignity
Faults: Temper, self-centered
Good points: Selfless, motivational, compassionate
What he/she wants more than anything else: To be a blood cleaner and own a house on the Mount
Name: Joselyn East Second Quarter
Nickname: Jos
Kind of being: Human surfacer
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Appearance: Long flowing black hair, dark brown eyes, light brown skin, tall, long chin
Occupation: Farmer, Blood Cleaner
Family Members: Papá Jorge, Mamá Jennifer, Sisters Esperanza, Selena, and Alina
Pets: Pancho the Golden Retriever
Best friend: None but Justin
Describe his/her room: Colors of orange, red, and yellow; shelves of colorful rocks, desk with flowers in vases
Way of Speaking: Speaks English and Spanish, primarily Spanish, low toned voice
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): strands straight, likes to touch, fluctuates from tough girl to meek girl
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse: Her doll Gatita, spare clothes, letters from her Abuelita
Hobbies: Played with dolls as a little girl, wading in water or swimming, reading, watching movies
Favorite sports: Baseball
Talents, abilities, or powers: Talented in cooking, strong in emotions, learns blood cleaner powers
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): Avoids her parents, loving to her sisters, closest to Justin, tries to be welcoming with peers
Fears: Losing her sisters, falling victim to abuse
Faults: Lacking self-confidence, overly emotional, stubborn
Good points: Brave, kind, caring, compassionate, more competent than she realizes
What he/she wants more than anything else: Be competent and free
Sanctuary Calling
Name: Nari Choi
Nickname: none
Kind of being: human, Korean from 758th District on Mars
Age: 14
Sex: female
Appearance: She wears clothes made from the futuristic synthetic material called reponere pallio created in Marian labs; she stands 5’4’’, her clothes are blue and styles after the style of traditional Korean clothes
Occupation: Student about to graduate early 
Family Members: Her mother Gyeong and father Dae-Jung
Pets: betta fish named Po
Best friend: Soo (but they’ve grown apart)
Describe his/her room: twin sized bed neatly made, sheets with patterns of shapes, blankets with Korean art, a desk with a reponere pallio chair, a nightstand with her smart watch, a computer on her desk, lights on the ceiling, Korean art decorating her room, white carpet
Way of Speaking: not too fast, not too slow, pronounces cleanly, medium tone, speaks Korean and English 
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): She keeps upright while spending time on her work, but is loose and relaxed when she’s free, she uses many Korean gestures such as the thank you symbol by snapping fingers
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse: Backpack contains booklet on handcraft airplane building and operating, her studentware - a computer for everything that students need including thousands of textbooks, her apron for when she's in the shop, backup clothes
Hobbies: Making handcrafted airplanes, fixing things, carpentry, solving math equations 
Favorite sports: soccer
Talents, abilities, or powers: High IQ
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): Nari loves her mother and father, but they constantly pressure her to follow the path they believe is best for her, Soo was her best friend until Soo didn’t like the things that Nari liked and they grew too different
Fears: She will be forced to follow the path her parents want, she will lose her future
Faults: Too much of a perfectionist, overconfident, too dependent on tech
Good points: humble, kind, always wants to improve
What he/she wants more than anything else: Work fulltime building things and fixing things
Name: Abraham Miller
Nickname: Abe
Kind of being: Human, Amish from Ohio
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Appearance: 5’5’’, has blue eyes, short brown hair, long chin, long nose, wears big straw hat, blue shirt, trousers and suspenders
Occupation: farmboy
Family Members: Father Obadiah, Mother Anna, sister Rebecca, sister Rachel, brother Ezekial, brother Jeremiah, sister Ruth
Pets: horses, dogs, cats, cattle
Best friend: John Schumaker 
Describe his/her room: two beds for him and his brothers, chamber pot in a corner, bowl and vase for cleaning on one desk, closet with clothes for a farmboy
Way of Speaking: Has a lisp, he speaks Amish, slow with words, sweet tenor voice
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): gentle, meek, passive, a little clumsy with his long legs and growing hands
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse: coins for buying candy
Hobbies: ride horses, play softball, do things with best friend, hunt in the woods
Favorite sports: Softball
Talents, abilities, or powers: calms animals 
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): gets along well with his parents and sisters, but tension arises when he wants a different life than them, his friend John is his comrade
Fears: Dying young from disease or animals, losing family, never fulfilling dreams 
Faults: He can be too emotional and insecure
Good points: He is kind to everyone
What he/she wants more than anything else: Live an adventure
Tagging (no pressure): @kaylinalexanderbooks @buffythevampirelover @willtheweaver @poethill @tilldeathdousart @rickie-the-storyteller @somethingclevermahogony @selenekallanwriter @winterandwords @happypup-kitcat24 and open!
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retroaria · 18 days
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nineteen. disheveled. writing, loving, frolicking, yearning, being a tad silly, and all other teenage girl things !!
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I love making new pals!!! so feel free to message me or send me an ask and we can chat it up <3
I currently work part-time as a receptionist and am (sort of) a student, taking a gap year (or more) bc i realized i don’t really know what i want to do with my life (shoutout to all my confused mfs out there)
heres a list of all my favorite things in life: cats, strawberry shortcake, obnoxious literature, bad movies, reality tv, youtube commentary, fight videos on twitter, funk music, golden retriever boys, manic pixie dream girls, the queer influence on modern society, all things strange and unusual, knickknacks, farmers markets, psychic shops, new jersey, cocktail scented candles, newport 100’s, ugly cats, big dogs, cantaloupe, the color pink, touching grass, eggplant parmesan, wet dreams, big stickers, brick walls, big mac (extra mac sauce)
the list of things I dislike might be too long to put on here. i’m a professional hater, full-time, contracted to the FHD (federal haters department). I take my job very seriously.
this is a multi-fandom acc so obviously i have to put my kinnies 😁
Osamu Dazai (married, divorced, married again but i make him take his meds now)
Meguru Bachira (side hoe #1, he knows and he’s ok with it)
Sae Itoshi (side hoe #2, if i told him he was second place he’d break my neck)
Chuuya Nakahara (crazy ex, i still have a soft spot for him) (dazai thinks i need a restraining order but i couldn’t do that to him)
That’s all for now! maybe i’ll think of more to add another time :P
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sleppy-gorl · 8 months
I don't think people appreciate Sam as a spouse in SDV enough. On my first save I decided "why not. I'll romance the goku looking rockstar" and wow my perspectives on every other bachelor changed. Here's the thing, I get the appeal for every other bachelor/bachelorette and I'm currently in the process of making a new save and romancing someone new in each save (I can't divorce em it'd break my heart) but Sam keeps coming back as my favorite!!! He's kind, has a fun sense of humor, he'll actively compliment you (the farmer) when you're married - "wow you look great today, and the specks of mud add some extra charm" and despite the fact that he cannot cook for his life he still goes and makes you pancakes!!! A fantastic gift for his mother I will add.
I personally, don't want kids. That being said one of the main reasons why he warms my heart so much is how he interacts with Vincent, and when becoming a father how that mentally matures him a bit. The cutscene in year 1 when Vincent asks him if Kent is ever going to come home made me tear up, he just cares for his little brother so much. His love for music also really drew me in, as someone who's actively been involved with music in some shape or form. Sam is also so easy to gift too, constantly giving him pizzas will boost your hearts so quickly. I view him as a happy-go-lucky golden retriever who just loves to rock out with his friends. I gotta get me someone like Sam. Shoutout to the fan-artists out there who draw him so beautifully <3
... the only downside to me is his hair though, what's up with that CA?
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spicysix · 1 year
now i don't hate California after all
“They arrived at the beginning of fall, and yet California was sunny, hot, and colorful. Jonathan saw it all gray. He hated the sun, the heat, the dryness. Hated how he was always sweating, bothered about the weather, about the place, about the people. Everyone was so nice, and cheerful, and happy. He hated it. He was miserable. Argyle was nice and cheerful and happy. He was sunny and warm and colorful. Jonathan hated him at first.”
rating: T
warnings/tags: it's a Jargyle fic, friends - there's weed. jonathan's POV, bisexual king johnny-boy byers, black cat VS golden retriever energy. he's just a lil grumpy guy :)
word count: 4k
author's note: HAPPY JARGYLE JURSDAY! and happy pride! 💛🏳️‍🌈 this is the first of a few fics i have planned to write and post this month, all with queer relationships. absolutely random note: I based Lenora Hills off of Barstow-California, based losely on the location shown on Murray's computer and the overview of the town. fic based on a song of the same name by my queen of queens, Carly Rae Jepsen. hope y'all like this, and hope i made justice by my dearly beloved stoners! 💛
↳ ao3
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Jonathan hated it at first.
Of course he hated it. How could he not? It was his whole world changed from night to day. Seventeen years of his life packed in a single morning into a few boxes into a truck across the whole country. Away from the few friends he had, away from the girlfriend he loved, away from all of the only things he ever really knew.
Jonathan feared it at first.
Of course he feared it. How could he not? His mother was alone, no husband, no boyfriend, no friends. His sister was alone, no boyfriend, no friends, no father. His brother was alone. He was alone. All they had was each other. What if it wasn’t enough? What if they were alone forever, thousands of miles away, and each others’ companies didn’t suffice?
But he also understood. How could he not? It was safer. A fresh new start, away from the dangers that haunted them, the ones that found them and the ones still lurking. Far away enough, hidden enough that they wouldn’t be found again. His mom would figure it out, Joyce always did. They could adapt, they could find new friends, they could still call and send letters to the old ones. They could go back for spring break, or for summer, or the ones left behind could come visit. It could work.
Doesn’t mean Jonathan liked it. Jonathan hated it, actually.
They arrived at the beginning of fall, and yet California was sunny, hot, and colorful.
Jonathan saw it all gray.
He hated the sun, the heat, the dryness. Hated how he was always sweating, bothered about the weather, about the place, about the people. Everyone was so nice, and cheerful, and happy. He hated it. He was miserable.
Argyle was nice and cheerful and happy. He was sunny and warm and colorful.
Jonathan hated him at first.
Saw that guy, first day of school, wearing a ridiculous shirt with more colors than the human eye can capture. The baggiest shorts Jonathan had ever seen, and they had a different psychedelic print on each leg. Fucking rainbow socks with hideous square-print Vans. He attracted all the attention around and yet, somehow, people didn’t seem to care about him one bit.
He was everywhere, too. Not just at Jonathan’s Math, Science, English and History classes, but at his woodworking elective as well. He shopped at the same grocery store that sold the snacks El loved, at the same farmers’ market Joyce got the best fruits, at the same craft store with Will’s favorite items, he worked at the best pizza place in town. Jonathan couldn’t escape him if he tried.
It took them a while to share their first words. Woodwork elective, Argyle needed someone to help him with a big project he had — it didn’t work, at the end, and he cut the huge wood plank into smaller pieces and made smaller things. For some reason, he saw Jonathan with a scowl on his face, pure disdain of how colorful and cheerful Argyle was, and decided to ask for his help.
Jonathan might’ve hated the guy, but he was raised well and polite. There was no actual reason for him to hate the guy too, so he helped. And hoped to never have to talk to Argyle again after that.
Of course that didn’t go as he hoped.
Argyle, who was once just a dude in the background of every scenario Jonathan walked into, was now purposefully centering himself in front of Jonathan’s lenses (his metaphorical lenses, because his actual cameras were kept in his bedroom. He couldn’t find it in himself the desire to take pictures of Lenora, its dry hot deserts and cheerful colorful people). Argyle talked to him, constantly, sat by Jonathan’s side at every Math, Science, English and History class, chose Jonathan as his woodworking partner from then on. Was Jonathan’s shopping buddy at the grocery, called out to Jonathan at the farmers’ market, gave Jonathan tips on what to buy for Will, delivered the Byers’ pizzas personally every time they ordered.
As they reached the end of the year, the weather cooled down a little — nothing compared to what they had back home in Hawkins, of course. But it was easier for Jonathan. It rained a little too, which helped with the dryness. People went for neutral tones and colors, and the sun didn’t bother his skin as much.
Argyle was still just as colorful, warm and sunny. Jonathan hated him. No one else seemed to notice him.
Will and El still didn’t seemed to have find friends too, which didn’t help with Jonathan’s anxiety and hatred. He was worried all of the time. About himself, about his siblings. His mom was doing fine at least, it’s been a while since Jonathan had to worry about her, thankfully.
“My man, you gotta chill a little,” Argyle said one day as they were leaving their woodwork elective, somehow noticing Jonathan’s tension.
Jonathan didn’t talk a lot, Argyle did most of the talking. He didn’t seem to mind.
“Have you ever tried smoking?” he asked.
“How would nicotine help besides getting me an addiction?” Jonathan countered.
Argyle clicked his tongue, “Not regular smokes, man. Nature’s goodies,”
“The devil’s lettuce?” Jonathan asked, and Argyle cackled loudly. Jonathan had never seen him laugh so hard. It wasn’t even that funny. Jonathan smiled just a little at the sound anyway.
“That’s right, man! Have you?” Jonathan only shook his head. “You wanna try? I bet it’ll do you some good, you look so pent up all the time, man.”
Jonathan didn’t know how Argyle knew that. Not like he had seen Jonathan in any other state if not pent up to know the difference. Jonathan’s small, rare joyful moments always happened at home. When Will was excited about something at school, when El was excited about a letter from Mike, when his mom was excited about a sell. When he was excited about a letter from Nancy. Those have been scarce.
Jonathan shrugged as an answer to Argyle’s offer.
“Well, if you ever feel like it, I can set you up.” Jonathan liked that Argyle didn’t pressured him.
They parted ways at the parking lot. Argyle was always driving the Surfer Boy pizza van. Jonathan’s car was dying a slow agonizing death, and he had been fearing the day the car would stop working.
That day had arrived.
Jonathan tried to ignite the car while waiting for his siblings to show up from wherever they were. But it wasn’t working, the car wasn’t starting and Jonathan hit his head on the steering wheel a few times with all that pent up anger inside him.
“Jonathan, you’re gonna get a hole on your forehead,” Will spoke as he knocked at Jonathan’s window.
“The car won’t start,” Jonathan complained, leaving the vehicle and checking his wristwatch. “Mom might be able to come pick us in between calls, maybe. This piece of shit.” He turned around and kicked the front tire. El giggled behind Will, Jonathan didn’t think it was funny.
“Hey man, I can get you and the younglings back home. I know where you live,” Argyle showed up from somewhere, Jonathan hadn’t noticed he was still in the parking lot.
“You know that sounds creepy, right?” Will asked. “Who the hell are you?”
Jonathan almost laughed, “He’s the pizza delivery guy, and he’s also in my year. Argyle, these are Will and Jane, my younger siblings.”
“You don’t look like a surfer boy,” El commented, noticing Argyle’s Surfer Boy visor. He’d probably head to work after school.
“And I am not one, little friend. Couldn’t hold myself standing up on a board, not even for a miracle. Maybe sitting down, on a pool, not on the ocean with the waves. But then it wouldn’t be surfing, now, would it?” Argyle said, that cheerful happy huge smile of his. Jonathan huffed, El seemed amused by the answer. “Shall we?” he asked, already heading for the pizza van.
“I should get the car towed first. I’ll call from the public phone over there,” Jonathan said and did as he said.
Argyle entertained Will and El as Jonathan called and waited for the towing, and as he talked to the towing guy when he arrived. He asked for the car to be taken to his house instead of the garage, because Jonathan didn’t have the money to pay for a fix. He’d have to save up, or try and do the fixing himself.
 He sat at the front with Argyle in the Surfer Boy’s van, Will and El went in the back and asked Argyle all of the possible questions to ask someone who works at a pizza place. He didn’t seem to mind answering them all. They also asked a lot about his hair, and Argyle told El he’d give her tips to grow her hair long and pretty like his. She looked radiant at the promise.
Jonathan kept it to himself all of the way back, but all of the rambling from his siblings and his colleague didn’t annoy him. They seemed to like Argyle, and that made the dude ease his way a little further into Jonathan’s own heart. That’s how it worked, isn’t it? The way into Jonathan’s heart was always going through his family first.
When Argyle stopped in front of the Byers’ house, Jonathan’s old Ford was already there, and he paid the towing people as Will and El entered the house.
“I can come pick you guys up tomorrow if you want,” Argyle offered when Jonathan went back to the passenger window to thank him for the ride.
“I don’t wanna bother,” he said.
“Nah, man, don’t worry, it’s all good. I’ll be here tomorrow then. See ya, dude,” he said and just took off.
Jonathan stayed there a little while longer, staring at the street where the van had rode by, confusion all over his face. That guy was the weirdest guy he had ever met. But he wasn’t so bad after all.
And then began their new routine. Argyle would always pick them up — most days on the brink of being late — and they would have all their classes together, and Argyle would drop them off after school. He kept easing his way in, and at some point Jonathan started easing his way out of the cave he had dug for himself, and Argyle wasn’t the one talking all of the time anymore. He didn’t seem to mind listening.
Jonathan talked about Nancy, and how she wasn’t sending letters that much anymore. Their plans to go to college together, and how Jonathan wasn’t feeling it as of lately.
Jonathan talked about his dad, and how he was an asshole.
Jonathan talked about his mom, and how she was working all the time, and how he had to be a responsible figure for his siblings.
“They’re twins, are they?” Argyle asked once.
“No, Jane’s my… well, sort of half sister. Her dad was a close family friend, and my mom adopted her when he passed, it’s… a long story.”
Jonathan didn’t talk about the Upside Down.
“They kinda look like twins, though. Wonder twins.” Argyle said, smiling. He didn’t ask. Jonathan was thankful for it.
Jonathan took Argyle’s offer for some weed one day, and after that it was… well, conservatives would call it ‘downhill from there’, but Jonathan finally felt at ease. He liked getting high, liked how his mind wandered away, how his fingers felt a little numb, how the bright colors didn’t bother him for once. How he started seeing some beauty in them.
Argyle’s clothes were still just as colorful, and he was just as warm and sunny. They smoked together, they laughed together, he talked to Jonathan and most important, he listened to him.
The worst of it all?
Jonathan didn’t hate him anymore.
Well, maybe not the worst. Maybe it was for the best.
Nancy and Jonathan broke up through the phone late November.
They didn’t call each other a lot. There were a bunch of reasons. Joyce worked on the phone, so it was busy most of the time. When it was free, either El or Will wanted to talk to Mike, and they could go on for hours. Bills could get expensive. And Nancy preferred the letters anyway. Jonathan thought the letters suited her well.
But they broke up through the phone. Maybe it was for the best. Not to taint the beauty of their past love letters.
Jonathan could hear the frown in her voice, and the tears. She could probably hear it just the same in his voice. He loved her, he did. But long distance was hard. And she wanted to go to Emerson, and Jonathan didn’t. His dream has always been NYU, and that dream might be all the way across the country very far away from him, but he could still dream about it. And Lenora Community wasn’t that bad, and Argyle would be there, and so would Joyce and Will and El. And god knows Jonathan couldn’t leave them, his family. Not even for the girl he loved. Not even for his dreams, much less for hers.
Argyle took him to an old junkyard and they smoked more weed that they ever had and they played ‘golf’, aiming the tiny balls into the old cars’ windows and whoever shattered more glass would win. Jonathan had a feeling Argyle let him win on purpose.
Argyle took him to Surfer Boy’s and baked a pie just for him and paid for it with his employee discount and sat across Jonathan on the table and told him insane stories about the kitchen staff and Jonathan had to hold his laughter or he would choke around a slice of pepperoni.
Argyle took him home in the van — Jonathan hadn’t fixed the car, because he didn’t have the money and because he didn’t have to, because Argyle picked them up and dropped them off and the kids liked him and Jonathan didn’t hate him either. As Argyle parked by the Byers’ house, he placed his hand on Jonathan’s shoulder, looked him straight in the eye and said:
“Plenty of other midwestern fish in the midwestern sea, man.”
Jonathan wasn’t so sure what to answer to that, so he just chuckled, left the van and went inside the house. Peered through the window as the Surfer Boy’s van took off, some weird dancy reggae loud coming from the stereo. He smiled to himself.
Christmas came, no colorful lights hung up on the Byers’ house.
Argyle gave him a coupon for a month’s worth of Surfer Boy’s pizza. Jonathan didn’t think they’d exchange gifts, but he ran as soon as he could to the little shop he knew Argyle got all his weed items from and brought him a new bong. Argyle loved it and they debuted it together on the back of the van, looking down on the town from the desert.
Some pine trees were decorated and the colorful lights on them weren’t as scary as they would be at Jonathan’s house. He didn’t hate them as much there. Argyle’s shoulder was pressed to his as they shared the bong, and his skin was warm and Jonathan tried not to think too much about how his lips were touching the same place as Argyle’s lips did when pulling in the smoke.
New Years Eve came, and Joyce wasn’t too mad about Jonathan not spending it with the family, not once he told her his plans. Him and Argyle traveled to Santa Barbara, to a New Years Eve Luau, of all things. Argyle had a bunch of friends there — Jonathan was his only friend back at Lenora. He wasn’t bothered by that. He could use some other friends too — Argyle was his only friend back at Lenora.
They smoked, of course, and they listened to music and Argyle even danced with a few other guys. He wasn’t too terrible. He tried to make Jonathan dance too, of course that didn’t happen, but Jonathan was content to just watch. It took him by surprise, that realization: he was content. The moon was in her full glory, it was weirdly cold for a night in California, the sound of the waves were soothing, Argyle’s dark brown hair flew around him and his dark brown eyes twinkled by the fire, and Jonathan was content to just watch him.
Some friend of Argyle lived there and he and Jonathan crashed at the dude’s living room pull-out, heater on blast and Argyle’s back pressed to Jonathan’s back helped too, because the guy was always so damn warm.
Argyle let Jonathan put on some of his cassettes on the ride back to Lenora, and Jonathan sang out loud along with The Clash and the Sex Pistols, and Argyle bobbed his head to the rhythm even though he didn’t seem to like that genre of music, and he said: “These dudes are kinda pissed at stuff, man. They suit you, and all that pent up anger of yours.”
Jonathan reassured him: he wasn’t as pent up, or as angry anymore. Argyle smiled wide at that.
School started again and even their woodworking teacher noticed Jonathan’s change of demeanor and came to tell him how happy he was that Jonathan was finally adapted to the move. The teacher kinda hated Argyle — well he was a menace in class, and his projects were always terrible ideas — and Jonathan wanted to tell the teacher he should thank Argyle for that. He kept his quiet, though, but Argyle seemed to understand the funny look Jonathan threw his way after the pep talk.
Jonathan took his camera — that same one Nancy had given to him on Christmas of ‘83 — out of its box for the first time mid January. Some biology project, and he decided to take pictures to illustrate his work about the local low desert shrubs. Lenora High also had a photography room, and it was better funded than the one in Hawkins High, and once Jonathan revealed his photos and showed them to Argyle, he looked incredibly admired, and asked Jonathan to take some pictures of his mushrooms — of course his project was about mushrooms. He payed Jonathan back in pizzas, of course. Jonathan didn’t mind.
Apparently Argyle gushed about Jonathan’s photos at work because later that month he had a gig with Surfer Boy Pizza’s marketing team. He was also booked for the opening of that roller skate rink downtown. And some early-thinking students hired him to take graduation pictures for them when the time came. Word ran through school and he joined the Yearbook staff, and oh god the school paid well. He could even fix his car if he wanted to — but he didn’t. He liked the van.
He used the money to buy more film, and he used the film to take pictures for himself like he used to. His passion was back, and suddenly he saw so much beauty in the California sun, deserts, colors. He saw beauty in the junkyard, broken, abandoned cars with windows crashed. He saw beauty downtown, the colorful storefronts and the busy colorful people passing by. He saw beauty in the suburbs, kids with their bikes reminding him of home but in a nostalgic way instead of the heartbreaking way he used to miss Hawkins when they had just arrived in Lenora.
Argyle, who was once just a dude in the background of every scenario Jonathan walked into, was now purposefully centered in front of Jonathan’s lenses — his actual camera lenses, and Jonathan was the one centering him there.
He saw beauty in the way Argyle chose his ice cream flavors by which one looked more colorful that day. He saw beauty in the way Argyle’s body would twist when he made a powerful throw with the gold club, strong enough to hit the furthest car in the junkyard. He saw beauty in the way the sun would hit Argyle’s long hair as El braided it for him when they went on a picnic for Joyce’s birthday. He saw beauty in Argyle’s wide laugh when Will said something snarky about a teacher, and he saw beauty in Argyle's soft smile when he noticed Jonathan was taking a picture of him.
“Gonna want to see that one, man,” he said and Jonathan only nodded. Argyle didn’t seem bothered to be his muse, and Jonathan somehow didn’t feel embarrassed to be caught on the act.
He did show Argyle the picture later when he reveled it. He showed all of them, and Argyle looked at them with fondness and looked at Jonathan with even more softness and something warm was happening inside Jonathan’s body that he could name if he wanted to — but he didn’t. He just let himself feel it.
Jonathan took couples' pictures on Valentine’s day, and with the money he and Argyle went to Santa Barbara again on the weekend, and Jonathan took pictures of Argyle sitting in the sand, of Argyle with only his feet dipped in the ice cold sea, of Argyle pointing at something beyond the horizon line from the pier, of Argyle lit and glowing by another luau’s fire.
They slept on the beach that time, because that other dude’s pull-out was booked already, but someone lent them a tent and theirs was just one of many, like a big beach sleepover, and Jonathan never felt hippier, and he never felt happier. He laid on his side and faced Argyle’s profile as he snored softly laying on his back, and Jonathan wanted his eyes to be a camera so he could picture Argyle’s face as he slept peacefully. And Jonathan never felt sappier, and he never felt happier.
As Jonathan woke up the next day he was the one being stared at.
“I’ve seen you taking pictures of me, man, but I have none of you,” Argyle said before even bidding good morning.
“I’m more of a behind the cameras kind of guy.”
“Well that has to change at least for once, because if you’re gonna keep a loving portrait of me in your wallet I want the same honor.” Argyle was smirking, which wasn’t common, and Jonathan laughed loudly, which wasn’t common. He felt high, and he hadn’t smoked since yesterday afternoon.
“I don’t keep a loving portrait of you in my wallet, Argyle.”
“Now I’m just offended. You gotta.” They both laughed again before settling.
The sun was high in the sky already, its light peering through the tent fabric and illuminating the inside, but it was like a refrigerator lamp because it was still too damn cold. Argyle’s body heat was comfortable, though. Jonathan was content.
“I’m not reading wrong into this, am I, man?” Argyle asked after a while.
Jonathan could lie or pretend not to understand the question if he wanted to — but he didn’t.
“You’re not,” he answered. “I’ll let you take a picture of me when I look more presentable.”
“You look pretty enough,” Argyle said, and that warm feeling inside Jonathan’s body creeped up to blush his cheeks, but he was still smiling. “You’ll let me keep it in my wallet?”
Jonathan could answer with actual words if he wanted to — but he didn’t. He just reached forward, leaned forward, and pressed his lips against Argyle’s.
He was warm, and sunny, and even his pajamas were colorful, and all that color bled into Jonathan’s life and painted his gray off. Jonathan hated it at first. Of course he hated it. How could he not? Pack all his belongings into a few boxes in just a few hours, take him out of his comfort zone, change his entire view of the world.
But as Argyle’s hand cupped Jonathan’s face, he was warm. He made Jonathan warm, from the outside and from the inside. Jonathan didn’t see it all gray anymore, no, he had an explosion of colors and he didn’t hate them.
Jonathan loved it. Of course he loved it. How could he not?
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edsheerankinnie · 2 months
favourite less common mlp ship? also if you want to rant about them please do!!!!
ooh this is a tuff one bc i dont have a FAVORITE favorite per say. but there are a couple i do enjoy!
soarburn: ok so i actually wrote a fic on this! Ik theres absolutely no basis for this in or outside of the show, but part of what makes it so fun is imagining all the interactions they COULD have. I mean, think about it, Braeburn's super extroverted, charming, and hospitable; Soarin's an accomplished athlete, plus hes friendly and simplistic--kind of reminds me of their female counterpart (appledash). Like guys imagine Soarin in his suit and Braeburn ~flirting~ w him.. ouhhh imagine their banter !!
lunajack: ok ive actually seen some rlly good takes that got me on this ship! If i didnt hc Luna as aroace it'd 1000% be one of my top ships of all time. They could have such a good princess x pauper dynamic, a high society royal x simpleton farmer union. Plus like others have said, Applejack is one of the most people ponies ever and has this inherent, idk kindness?? and Luna meanwhile has this huge distance from others because of her years of exile, her particular role as a princess, and all of the walls shes built up from the guilt of nightmare moon. She was one of the first ponies to try and connect to luna in the most welcoming way possible despite her aura that one time she visited ponyville. Hell even luna called her "fair Applejack" at some point😭 like u cannot tell me aj's heart didnt at LEAST skip a beat😭. imagine being a farmgirl just hangin out in a scarecrow fit on nightmare night and the literal goddess of the moon calls you "fair" in return for some of your help, im weakkhjghfhgjfg
sugarmacbra: So actually im (sort of) writing a fic on this. The only reason it exists is bc i recently found out big mac is canonically bi and polyamorous (at least according to his VA), and im a sucker for a good polycule. That added with sugarmac (which i adore) and the fact that King Sombra is literally also bi, i was like, hey, what if we combined these elements, right?? Anyways, im not so much a fan of the dynamic that exists so far as i am of the idea of big mac in the most bisexual polycule ever, but who knows? maybe ill continue the fic and create the most life-changing heart-wrenching three-way pony love story
Cadance x Shining Armor x King Sombra (their ship names suck😭): Speaking of polycules, this one has a lot of potential. Sure, shining Armor is the straightest guy alive, but if we could pretend hes bisexual for a minute, i think him and Sombra in particular could have a LOT of chemistry. Plus given how hes basically smitten w his wife, i love the idea of him being in love w BOTH of them, like, more love for the golden retriever himbo !! Ik its not a super fleshed out especially on cadance's end, but the potential is there. Also, this ship has nothing to do w *that* ao3 fic (and if u dont know what im talking about i promise u dont need to see it. its gross).
somburn: I think we can all agree on braeburn giving massive fruit vibes, plus his overall personality. I was actually really inspired by this one post. I kind of need this to be real now. I love the idea of this evil fuckin guy having a sweet spot for plain ol Braeburn, who in contrast chooses not to see sombra as an evil threat but instead a smexy hot hunk. And to top it off, he "tames" Sombra/Sombra sort of changes for the better to be w him? Honestly its so cute.
anddd thats all i can think of atm lol. this took me way longer than i expected to answer
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honey-crypt · 3 months
Can you do bachelor/ettes with gender neutral farmer that has vitiligo?
your vlog aesthetic is cute btw 🫶🏻
a/n: a request that has been in my inbox before my write-a-thon but i'm making this as request #1 for it LOL enjoy <3 sorry if it's not the best, y'know? (also thx for the compliment, hon!!!)
★ the sdv bachelor/ettes with a farmer who has vitiligo ★
★ she's simply in awe of your vitiligo
★ she literally went :O when she saw you for the first time
★ always there to hype you up when you express insecurity about your vitiligo
★ "cool costume, dude!" "oh, uhm, this is my skin" "oh.... OHHHH"
★ looks into vitiligo so he can be more sensitive and supportive, bro may look like a dick/can be a dick sometimes but he's all about supporting folks he loves
★ will beat up anyone who pokes fun at you for your vitiligo (such as the time he "accidentally" pelted mayor lewis with his gridball)
★ bro can’t stop singing your praises
★ writes little notes about how lovely you are whenever you’re having a bad day or when you feel self conscious
★ “a being as vibrant as the sun and as soft as the moon, you’re the best of both worlds”
★ similar to abigail, she went :OO when she saw you for the first time
★ she's a bit ditzy and some things go over her head, especially if you express any insecurity about your vitiligo to you
★ likes to put stickers and bedazzle your spots if you consent
★ to everyone's surprise, she doesn't criticize your vitiligo when she saw you for the first time
★ she definitely criticizes your muddy clothes but she draws the line at stuff people can't change
★ like harvey, her death stare is by far the most potent and has sent shockwaves into the hearts of those who dare to comment negatively on your vitiligo
★ very diligent about you having sunblock on, not only because you have vitiligo but also because you’re constantly exposed to the sun for your job (“skin cancer is one of the biggest killers out there!!!”)
★ tries not to go all doctor mode on you but it’s a struggle to switch out of it
★ has one of the scariest death stares, which he uses on people who are assholes to you about your vitiligo
★ sees your vitiligo as a blank canvas full of beauty and potential
★ will outline your vitiligo spots or paint on them if you request it
★ paints you a whole ass portrait of yourself when you confine in her that you feel self conscious about your vitiligo
★ her nickname for you is galaxy because your spots remind her of the vast and infinite universe
★ reminds you to keep sunscreen on you so you don't get burned
★ makes sure that she's in the know about any vitiligo-related news and such, as well as reprimanding her dad if he gets too science-y about your vitiligo
★ "oh wow! i didn't know people's skin could have two colors!" golden retriever dumbass moment
★ researches vitiligo after you call him out on being a somewhat insensitive dumbass and ends up writing an apology song about it
★ makes sure that his family is respectful towards you and not repeat the mistake he did when he first met you
★ man just gives you a thumbs up when you give (what you seen as obligated) your "i have vitiligo" speech
★ one of those non-disabled people who don't really gawk or get confused at the sight of someone's disability or condition, which is a breath of fresh air for you
★ "you're you and you deserve to be treated like everyone else, regardless of your vitiligo or not, you know?"
★ accidentally blurted out that you reminded him of marnie's cows because of your skin when he met you for the first time
★ repents to this day for that comment, often buying you a drink at the saloon or gifting you some sorta trinket (usually a flower outside marnie's ranch)
★ "i know that i was an asshole when we first met, i still am a bit of an asshole now, but i want you to know... you are beautiful, you're one of a kind, and i'm sorry for any hurt i caused you with my words…”
★ the educator in her comes out when you two start hanging out and you tell her about your journey with vitiligo
★ like maru, she keeps herself up to date on vitiligo-related news
★ makes sure that vincent and jas are educated on vitiligo so they don't make any weird comments towards you
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