campbyler · 1 year
re: derek and will
we see a lot of people screaming crying and throwing up over these two since the timeline went up, and while we don’t want to spoil anything too heavily, we do think it’s important to clarify the following:
derek is older than will by 10 months and a grade above him. there’s nothing predatory or skeevey or inappropriate about their relationship. they meet in a shared art class in high school. they start dating when will is 16 and derek is 17, will turns 17 during their relationship, and derek turns 18 before they ultimately break up. we promise there’s no power imbalance and will is completely fine outside of being upset that a relationship he was in ended. he won’t appear in acswy and will is doing good 💛
we love seeing y’all make theories and we love to mess with y’all, but it was important to nip this one in the bud before it got too out of hand. we have a whole universe we’ve built and it’s important to make references to their past — that said, the companion fics are not our priority, and ultimately, the derek/will drama is not important to acswy, our current focus. all will be revealed eventually, but please be patient, because we’d rather you learn the story from ao3 than our askbox on tumblr :)
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abbey-rae · 7 months
another sneak peek spoilerrrr (kinda)
if this is gonna be an anthology of the couples ‘first valentine’s day together’ do you think that mean we’re gonna get ESPECIALLY grumpy (pre-character development) David?🤭because this was early on in the relationship before he became more gentle with Angel?
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softpine · 1 year
⏱️⏱️⏱️⏱️😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Brandee now that you are under my hypnotic gaze you willlll post a spoilerrrr under a read more ⏱️⏱️⏱️⏱️😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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sjkdsjds i have to give it to you, i've never seen anyone spell my name that way!
finn isn't the only person with parallel versions of himself... just because we haven't seen anyone else's AU versions doesn't mean they're not out there...
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saibugslegacy · 9 days
Idris Ask Game
We have finally reached the last piece of the price of committing to the bit. I'll add these to my Masterlist eventually but for now here it is. Questions by @rypnami
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
This is gonna sound pick me but i genuinely think Idris’ would be a lion
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
I dont think theyd be picky but theyd be super excited its a lion
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
Gold! No particular reason, just gold and teal
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
PINTEREST. Idris would be on Pinterest and Instagram literally 24/7
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
I did! Idris has a yew wand with thestral hair core because the wand is rumored to have power over life and death
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? Why?
Not really a specific outfit, they will literally eat pretty much anything
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Idris (and Percival) didnt go to Hogwarts because their father kept sending the letters back with the reply saying his children would not be attending. Then he died and the twins were stuck in an orphanage. Professor Fig personally showed up to tell them about Hogwarts and magic and they decided to go 5th year
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house?
Gryffindor because they are a brave, noble, bold, and self-sacrifing fool and have an impulsive/recklessness problem
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc?
Not from media, but Idris is inspire by another older character of mine named Castor
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
Nothing except the Ancient Magic and some light necromancy
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
They're both half-bloods but it doesn't affect them that much. The most it does is that they were raised muggles and have to try and uncover their father's legacy
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not?
They did not because they knew they didn't want that much power
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Idris has a lot of blind faith in the Keepers and has a habit of defending them, even thought they're manipulating them and talk down to them all the time. Think Harry and Dumbledore
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
No Spoilerrrrs
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
Idris learned all three. They didnt like it but they had other things to worry about and were going down a path where the unforgivables may be necessary
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
They did not. For….reasons :)
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
They had two parents who were amazing parents and a little sister Annabelle but all three were killed by Ranrok and their father did lie to them their whole lives
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
Amit! Amit is so sweet and so smart and cute and that is EXACTLY Idris’ type. Amit infodumped about the astronomy tables and Idris was making heart eyes the whole time
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
Probably protego, it's their strongest spell
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
I wish we could unlock like, new AM powers. They can hardly do anything outside of the finishers but we see Isidora and the Keepers doing all kinds of cool shit
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
Idris gets an owl over the summer so they can stay in touch with people, specifically a snowy owl. They also get particularly attached to a pink Puffskein they rescue so they name her Flower
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
I cant explain it but its like they came to me in a vision. I had such a clear image of what i wanted them to look like
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
Their father is from Scotland and their mother is from South Africa
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Spring, because its so colorful and they love the sound of rain
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
Does the first day of term count-
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
They were a six minute hat stall between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. For this they ended up in Slytherin the same reason Ambrose did, their willingness to do anything, ANYTHING, it takes if they feel they need to. Everyone else be damned.
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
They have a little wooden doll they like to use as a figure model that their dad hand made them
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
RIP Idris Valley you wouldve loved Chappell Roan
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc!
I love love love that they're a fashion designer, also that they do not conform to gender at all with their style, they will wear dresses and skirts and such if they look good
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puphee · 1 year
hehehehe I really hope it's good enough for u cus i feel like my writing has gotten worse :( but it's probably just because I've been gone so long hehe. ANYWAYS TEEHEE HERE YOU GO
Soon enough, the two of you can’t stand the pressure anymore, he helps you get his sweats off of you, letting you remove your final undergarment yourself as he rids himself of his jeans, pulling a condom out of his back pocket and rolling it on. Everything feels so easy with him. Maybe it’s because you’re both drunk, or maybe it’s because you’ve always felt safe with him. xxxx pulls away one last time to meet your eyes, slurring out one last question for you. “Do you really wanna do this?”
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twyam-if · 2 years
If you don't mind, can you add Muzik's and ???'s response to any of the old asks about RO's reaction?
Of course, this isn't meant to pressure you, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I'm merely curious about their responses.
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Sure, I don't mind at all! But, there are a lot of asks that didn't include them both, so if there's any that you specifically want of them, I can go ahead and do it! Just lemme know~
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voidsteffy · 3 years
Where have I seen this before?
(About Nancy Drew Finale Promo)
Okay, so I saw the promo and my first thought was OMG THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD I'M GOING TO DIE AND GO TO NACE HEAVEN
But then, I realised that the writers were essentially writing a dark Nancy x real Nancy plotline for the next episode.
Where have we seen this concept before?
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That's right. We first saw it in Wizards of Waverly Place years ago and then recently we saw Josie Saltzman have a dark alter ego plague her.
I agree that the writers of Nancy Drew have built up to the dark moments of Nancy's subconscious with justified plotlines but this was an observation.
Ps: if any of you want me to react/explain/decipher anything else, pls do type away in the ask box.
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mrwinterwonderland · 2 years
i think donna tartt killed Henry out of love, the way god left the moon abandoned in the dark away from the sun to let it's divinity thrive. mortality looked dirty on Henry, simply because his soul was too heavy for a body to hold and his mind too mad to stay in it. birth was the murder of him.
i mean, well. it did break me. it hurt so much in the beginning. i remember still, it was page 605.
god, a terrible pain sat in my chest for a whole solid week. i knew i was allowed to be angry at tartt, which i was. initially. so angry, so frustrated, SO upset, even confused. but with time and with re-reading, i realised there was no other no better way of closing Henry's chapter. a boy like him, with a foot firmly planted outside the realm of reality, could only, simply, refuse to abide by the ways of the world. that was his understanding.
the mundaneness of civilisation drove him crazy. his perception of it was relative; everyone and everything seemed stale in comparison to him. and this i don't say in a derogatory manner. simply because he was different. genuinely different. an individual too opposed to feel and think how others felt and thought. he wasn't insensitive, in fact i personally believe he felt too much and all too violently. i imagine it to have been so turbulent within him, he had to switch it off. which is why he was so obsessed with the idea of a bacchanal, getting rid of conscience and the confinements of mortality.
how could he have possibly made it through another day. to him, the world was 'rubbish'. i mean, to see and feel love, it must also come from within. which it didn't for him. he saw what he could see & felt what he could feel.
donna tartt went berserk creating a boy like him. barbaric. i absolutely fear and admire the woman.
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
for the ask meme: 50, 55, 67, and 84 for aja, cooper, and zeke :D (i know, i know, i ask about them almost every time...but i love them...)
Aw but I love that they're your faves!
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Aja: It depends on the apology...she tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, but stuff like that really does impress or win her over. Like with Darion, she appreciated and accepted the apology but didn't forgive him.
Cooper: He's forgiving to a fault, that would work on him for sure.
Zeke: Like Aja gifts don't really work on him for apology purposes, but he's has a little more give than she does and tries to be forgiving unless it's a huge transgression.
55. Share a relationship story.
Aja: Aja is bi but is really nervous around women, so she's only dated one woman. It was only a ~summer girlfriend~ from an internship in college, but it taught Aja a lot about herself (and they still watch each other's stories on IG)
Cooper: what I wanna say is a spoilerrrr so I'm skipping him for now 😅
Zeke: Zeke is approached quite a bit but doesn't date a lot. He did agree to a date with someone who takes his yoga class (which he had some ethical qualms about...it's not like it's school or something but it's still a student/teacher thing technically) she seemed interesting, but wound up wanting him to talk philosophy and spirituality the whole time which was actually super boring. That's part of why he agreed to be on the show - it's forcing him out of his zone a little bit and letting him meet someone who normally wouldn't be in any of his social circles.
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Aja: Aja's adventurous - she loves to try something new! She thinks doing something new or exciting lets your guard down a little during a date, so you get to be into the Thing instead of thinking too much about the Date. It's a good way to really get to know someone.
Cooper: As we have learned he's NOT great at planning dates lmao. Ideally he just wants to be cozy and like sit by a fire together 🥺
Zeke: This is similar to Aja's lol but he wants to learn past the basics on a date, so doing something together that isn't really "romantic" is ideal. Taking Aja to his yoga studio was perfect for him because the whole time Aja was really focusing more on herself and what she was doing than on him, so he got her to be focused on just being in the moment, not being on a date.
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
Aja: She got bored. Aja was dating a promoter that she'd worked on a couple really big events with. He was really cool and popular and had an In at literally any event or venue you can think of, but he's the kind of person she's surrounded by constantly and lately she feels like she's growing out of the whole "influencer" thing and is looking for something deeper and less superficial.
Cooper: issa spoilerrrr sorry
Zeke: They grew apart. Zeke's last girlfriend started to feel like he was more focused on his personal/spiritual journey than he was on the relationship - which is true, he was. For him that just makes sense - you are literally the center of your own universe. Love is simple and shouldn't be work, while improving yourself is hard so that's where the work should go. But for her it made her feel like she was having too much trouble connecting with him.
More! More! More!
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shinicxiro · 3 years
but did you see the chap 216 leaks tho because they,, they,,, they,,, MAN IDEK WHATS GOING OOOON
NOOO I DIDN'T ☹️☹️ TELL ME ‼️ is it like a major spoilerrrr ⁉️ like .... death?!?
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castielartandcomics · 4 years
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@isibun​ | i’m accepting suggestions for avi, but please follow these guidelines.
Ohoho WELL. :3c I might not be able to give it out for now, because it’s spoilerrrr. >:3c I published the first drawing of Avi thinking that I wouldn’t have had a story for him, and like, two days later I had one already, SDFGGK. So some things about him are now things of the story. >:3c
BUT! I can talk a bit about his true form and give hints. ;3c
So, you guys remember the very first post of Avi I made? He grew an arm out of his body, all goopy and with red eyes. That is partially his real body.
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Yeah, that thing. Avi’s real body is a very goopy, very malformed... thing that is stuffed really tightly inside the mannequin he’s possessing. He can contract a whole lot, motive why he manages to remain inside it despite being in reality very, very big, and it’s also the reason why, when he loses temporarily a limb or his body gets out in another way, it tends to expand and stretch. It’s like staying in a car for a long time, and then finally getting out and stretching yourself.
Plus, consider his true body very much like slime. It’s just like that, and you can literally get your hand inside of it and make it pop on the other side, if Avi manages to keep his body together. You’d better not do it in general, as if the tension that keeps his body together gets loose, your hand might suddenly begin to, uhm. Let’s say burn. It’s also very sticky, which lets him keep a hold of the mannequin’s parts if he tears them out on purpose, or taking them back if they’re thrown away or he loses them. Rarely the mannequin gets sewed back together, too: he just keeps it together by himself by holding the parts with his body, from inside.
Also, you see eyes, but he can happen to also have mouth going through his body, too. They’re just less, because... he doesn’t exactly need them...
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parkerverse · 4 years
i’ve seen that there are some people who watched criminal minds on netflix and thought season 12 was the last season because the last 3 seasons aren’t on there.
i can’t imagine what was going through their head when *SPOILERRRR* that truck crashed into the cars at the end of s12 and they saw there were no more episodes 😭😭
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justauthoring · 6 years
Terror - Loki Laufeyson
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Request: SPOILERRRR loki x reader and the reader is there when loki is killed by thanos. so like the whole beginning of the movie and she can’t do anything because of thanos minion people are keeping her away from him. thanks i hope this makes it!! + Maybe one where the reader was there when Loki died (?) and he tried protecting them? + Loki x Reader? When Thanos is killing Loki the reader volunteers herself to Thanos to protect him. But as she does something bad happens and the reader gets hurt and Loki attacks Thanos.. but they both get seriously hurt.. (ending up to you)..
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Requests are CLOSED!
No matter how hard you tried to break free, to move, you couldn’t. Cull Obsidian had trapped multiple pieces of metal around you, much like he’d done with Thor - only your mouth was still free.
But you needed to break free. Loki was going to get himself killed and you couldn’t... you just couldn’t have him died.
You felt your entire body still the moment you saw the reflection off of Loki’s knife, which he stealthy held in a position that no one but you could see, given where you were placed. It felt like your breath was caught in your throat, watching as Loki spouted some lies about being internally loyal to Thanos - watching as he grew closer and closer to the looming threat that stood before him with nothing more than a knife.
And then Loki was moving, swinging the knife before him and aiming for Thanos’s throat but, of course, it didn’t work. Because Thanos wouldn’t die because of some knife, and Loki knew that, so why...?
“Undying, huh?” 
You felt like you were going to throw up. One moment Loki was on his own two feet and then the next he was floating, Thanos’s hand wrapped tightly around his throat as Loki tried to claw his grip away. But it was useless. Everything was useless.
You held your breath, perfectly still as Thanos’s grip grew tighter and tighter. And suddenly, despite what Loki had said to you before, you couldn’t stay quiet anymore. Not now. So your lips parted and suddenly you were screaming; “wait!” And all eyes were suddenly on you. “Wait, please. Please...” You paused, trying to find your words. It was obvious Thanos was out to kill something, if not everything.
There was no way either of you, Thor included, would get out of this without one person dying. You wouldn’t let Thor die, not after everything and under no circumstances could you lose Loki. So your decision was made for you.
“I’ll take his place,” you cried, watching as Cull moved to shut your mouth. “Please just let me take his place.”
“I’m tired of hearing you-”
“Wait.” Thanos interrupted, silencing Cull. “Her proposal is interesting.”
Twisting to the best of your ability within your barrier, you nodded; “i’ll take his place. No tricks. Just let them go.”
“N-No...” Loki rasped, clawing at the hand that held his throat. You avoided his gaze, because if you met it, then you were done. “Don-” His words were cut short as Thanos tossed him aside, marching towards you. With one wave of his hand, the barrier that had held you in place disappeared and you collapsed to the ground with a grunt.
You weren’t given any time to catch your breath before you were tugged upwards, similar to Loki, by your throat. It was then that fear truly gripped at your heart, and you were forced to stare into the eyes of the man that would kill you.
“Bravery.” Thanos mumbled, a smirk falling on his lips. “What a waste.”
And then his grip was tightening and you were clawing at your throat, kicking your feet. But you reminded yourself - this was for Thor. This was for Loki, who you would die for any da-
“No matter what happens - do not, under any circumstances, risk your life to save mine. I will not let you die because of my mistakes.”
A cry left your lips as you were suddenly dropped the ground, your body smacking against the crumpled ship. You blinked, utterly confused before you heard his voice...
“I would never let you touch her.”
Staring at the ground, you felt your heart race - what you felt before was nothing compared to the terror you felt in that moment. You didn’t want to even look up, in fear of what you’d find.
Breath quickening, you finally tore your gaze off the ground and forced yourself to look at Loki. It seemed Thanos had waited for you to be looking because the moment you met his eyes, he stabbed the knife Loki had used on him twice in Loki’s gut, a gurgled cry leaving Loki’s lips.
“You will never be... a God...”
Thanos laughed, turning to his children but you didn’t hear what he said because you were too busy crawling over to Loki. Ignoring the threat that loomed over you, you reached Loki, grabbing his hands as you cried. “Loki, come on, Loki. Don’t do this. Please, don’t do this-!”
Loki’s head lolled to the side and his lips parted to say something but he fell silent, his eyes going blank. A choked gasp left your lips, your head jerking forward as you gripped Loki’s limp hand. “Hey...” You whispered, cupping his cheek. “Hey, come on. Loki... Loki? Loki!”
Your eyes turned to Thor who’d crawled over to Loki, tears in his eyes.
“Loki, wake up! Please, this... this isn’t the time for jokes...” You tried to joke, but Loki’s dull eyes only stared back at you. “Loki?”
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
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dangermousie · 7 years
Welcome to my newest and shiniest obsession - an American show for once!
Psych! Sort of. It’s produced in the US but it’s a Spanish language telenovela called Queen of Hearts aka Reina de Corazones. You can find at least first couple of eps subbed in English on youtube and I am sure there are some elsewhere.
It has everything I love! Lovers seeking revenge but rediscovering they still love each other! The mob and agents! Amnesia! Guns! Cute secret kids! Hurt/comfort! Make-outs!
So, what is it about, ask you?
When the show starts, our heroine Reina is marrying a very rich, quite distinguished-looking and evil (spoilerrrr :P) dude named Victor cheered on by her adorable small daughter. Unfortunately, she is hit by a car on the day of her wedding (running after first love who crashed her wedding, no less) and when she wakes up, she has forgotten the last 8 years of her life - she has no idea how she married Victor or anything else. In fact, as far as she is concerned, she is still a poor seamstress in love with an equally poor but dashing man named Nicholas. Ooops. 
Meanwhile Nicholas now has a new identity, is also a federal agent assigned to track Reina because of her creepy husband’s connections, and oh yeah, wrongly blames Reina for putting him in jail years ago. 
The funny thing, Eugenio Siller’s looks are not truly my thing (he is objectively good-looking, it’s just he makes me think of a hipster buying a $6 coffee) but I am digging him in the role. And Paola Nunez is gorgeous. 
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calum-hood-could · 7 years
(2/2) and when Jane and Hopper fought I cried because I kinda assumed he was saying all those hateful words more to himself than to her and he was just taking his anger out on her but I knew he loved her deep down like his own daughter. And now that she is legally his daughter I can't wait for season 3 because their relationship is honestly adorable because you can tell they really care about each other. Also they're going to be the badass father/daughter pair that defeats the monster lol
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