#(Actual thread that occurred on this blog?)
red-hemlock · 6 months
"You did WHAT?" (because this meme sounds hilarious, and Khare would be so interested like gurl)
send me a “you did WHAT?” for my character to share an awkward sex story. @oculusxcaro
"Shh-...!" The hush was a soft command, yet delivered with one beguiling gleam of amusement in her eyes; but one needs to be careful with these sordid sorts of... Discussions. Luckily the diner wasn't too crowded tonight, but who knows who's sensitive little ears could be glued to their conversation. River would hate for Khare to find herself flung into any hot water because of it.
Still, who was she to deny a 'fan' her request, as she leans-in.
"Like I said. I fucked his knife. When I say knife-play's a passionate kink of mine, I'm quite serious! I mean-... It's no sub for the real thing, but this lover of mine was a stone wall. You always had to twist and turn him, to get what you wanted; because he loved to watch you squirm." Memory serves one hefty helping, and River rolls her eyes at it. Not that it stops the avid smirk from spreading across her face.
"So I did. I twisted and turned my pretty little hips on that cold, hard imitation of what he denied; because I knew it wouldn't be long until he gave me what I wanted. That blade was his extension... And I know how to find a good rhythm." Shameless. So shameless. A break is made as River scoops a helping of chocolate ice cream into her mouth, before the smudged end is pointed at Khare with a wink.
"He couldn't watch forever. If my sounds didn't tickle his pride? Then seeing me get that handle all slick and shiny instead of him sure would."
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"Mnh. Of course it wasn't so much fun later, when we found-out the thing was possessed by a Mesoamerican, blood-sucking vampire-snake demon from the underworld, but-... Well, that's a tale for another night, I think."
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thevoidcannotbefilled · 8 months
It's interesting. Both of Chester's cases had of course, been beholding related, but also strangely open internet format. The reddit thread in the first episode and now the blog. These little forgotten parts of the internet, likely unable to be found, but they still exist. Anyone could technically find it if they searched hard enough. For all the internet feels like they you're talking into a void sometimes, anyone can see what you're saying. It's an illusion of privacy.
That is, with one important exception. Both statements also had one other detail, information being deleted. The canary. The other reviews. The deletions have an implication to them, but only that. Implication. They're horrific in context. Something happened in the photo and also to the blogger after the screening. We will never know what actually occurred, only glimpses of an aftermath.
The truth is not for us to know. Either to help or to behold.
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This was sent to my main but I didn't want this putrid shit on my aesthetic blog. @trudgemank99, I'm going to try to explain this as best I can without insulting you.
Zionism is not a fascist ideology, and it is not responsible for an "ongoing genocide".
You don't even know what Zionism is. Seriously, you and others like you straight up don't even know what it means. You don't know its history, you don't know its cultural and religious significance, you don't know its politics, you don't know how it has saved so many Jewish peoples' lives over the 20th century. How dare you apply your own made-up interpretation of it to give you an excuse to go around harassing Jewish people on the internet?
You know how I see you? I see you as a Nazi. Because you have replaced "Jew" with "Zionist" in your vocabulary, so that you can get away with the same hatred of Jews that has festered within society for thousands of years.
You claimed in that other thread that you cared about the Palestinians. But you don't, because instead of, oh, I don't know, donating to charities or uplifting Palestinian voices, or even supporting joint Israeli-Palestinian peace movements like Standing Together, Women Wage Peace and A Land For All, you chose to desecrate the images of dead and grieving Palestinians who are victims of the tragedy of the conflict to "prove" it was a genocide (it's not; the ICJ ruled that Israel must take steps to prevent actions that could be considered genocidal. War and civilian death is horrific enough on its own; you gain nothing by misrepresenting what it is.)
You couldn't even name a single person in those pictures when I pressed you. I don't even know if those photos were of the conflict, because you didn't link to any reputable sources or date the images or name the photographer. For all I know they could have been pictures of the devastating war in Syria, which have taken on a second life with people attributing them to Gaza. Either way: how dare you use the dead as props. They were real people with real families and friends left behind to suffer - they are not your "gotcha" gore card to play on the internet.
Despite all of that, I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone. I don't want anyone to die. I want the conflict to end but I am realistic about why it occurred and why there is no ceasefire yet (hint: it's because Hamas keeps refusing ceasefires, because they want to send as many Gazan civilians to their deaths as they can). There is nothing I can say or do on my blog that will work towards an end to the conflict, and nothing I can do or say in my real life that will end the conflict - because I don't have a direct line to Netanyahu's office, and calling my local politicians here in Australia will accomplish fuck all. Because Australia doesn't influence Israel, just as Israel doesn't influence Australia.
So how does ranting incoherently at Jewish people on Tumblr save Palestinians? Go on, answer how screaming at me demanding I call it a genocide helps anyone.
I'm not defending Israel. I don't need to. What I do talk about is fighting Antisemitism and anti-Zionism - because there is no difference between them anymore. You and people like you might keep using the word "anti-Zionist" (something that I consider to be grossly inappropriate and culturally appropriative, actually) but we all know that, deep down, you're just Jew-haters.
If you can't admit to yourself that you are operating on a basis of incoherent hatred for Zionists (aka Jewish people who believe in the existence of a Jewish homeland in our ancestral land of Judea; something, by the way, that is fully compatible with the existence of a Palestinian state) then I'll do it for you: you are a Jew-hater.
Oh, wait! You did admit it:
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Thank you for this mask-off moment. Truly.
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trashlie · 12 days
hello there! I recently read I Love Yoo for the first time and first off, wow what a series. as I've been diving into the fandom I found your blog (your analysis posts are absolutely amazing) and since you've been around the fandom a long time I was hoping you could help clarify a few things for me. obviously there's seven years of fandom and meta context I'm missing out on, but I keep seeing references to two planned time skips and seasons that I'm a little confused about. everything that's out now I think is still the first season? but I'm wondering what exactly the author has shared over the years of the planned timeline, time skips, etc. thank you in advance for any clarification you can provide! very excited to dive into more of your analysis in the future
Oh wow! I feel like getting to jump in and just binge ILY from this point is SO amazing - having this much of the story already out, so many episodes and being able to see how those threads connect and where they go! 🤩 The dream! (Also thank you!!!! I really appreciate that! Esp since I haven't made any ILY posts lately; they're in my head, I just haven't gotten around to finishing typing them out lol)
But to answer your question, quimchee has told us there will be two timeskips. The first is a short timeskip that will bring us to graduation, and the second is a much bigger timeskip of around 4 years or so. 👀 I have a little write up in the ILY Discord server about this that I should finally add to my blog today after work about how I think the timeskips coincide with Yujing's article - that is, I think she's likely working on two articles.
Now, this part is speculation and not from quimchee - she's only told us when the timeskips are and how long they'll jump us. But Nol's sentence is 120 days (less if he's good, as Yujing noted) and 120 days takes us to April. What else is in April? Shinae's birthday! Timing-wise, it depends on if quimchee is using a Korean calendar for school; after all, she did use the college entrance exams that Korean school systems utilize. In this case, graduation happens in February, but given that ILY doesn't strictly add to Korean or U.S. culture rules (quimchee refers to the setting as The United States of Asia lol) we might see this budged to adhere to a more U.S.-centric graduation era where Nol's release times up with Shinae's birthday (no way are we skipping over that!) and graduation. This is likely when Yujing will drop her first article about Nol, possibly exposing that he was framed for a crime he didn't take, made to take the fall, and most certainly exposing that he's the true legitimate heir of the Hirahara family by Mukoyoshi law. Yujing noted that Nol pleading guilty actually helps them/their case, and I think this is so because it isn't the first time he's taken the fall for someone else because he's the "other son"; it's heavily implied that the altercation that occurred between him and Kousuke was not Nol's fault/doing.
Now, the other timeskip will likely see our cast reuniting after Shinae finishes college. I think she will end up taking Yui's offer - whether because she's backed into a corner or because makes the choice we're yet to see - and I think we might actually see her come back as Kousuke's assistant to finish off her contract (or perhaps as part of the Yui trap). Nol will likely go to college abroad and Kousuke... well. I think we can see where he's headed 😭 This is also when I think Yujjng will REALLY go after Yui and Gun, what all those articles she was researching are leafing to.
Something quimchee mentioned on a patreon stream is that during the timeskip (and it wasn't specified which), she'd like to show the passage of time by showing the characters keeping in touch via letters, emails, texts, etc which I'm REALLY looking forward to!
In the past, we were told ILY would be divided into 2 seasons, and that season 2 would start after the big timeskip, but quimchee has said before that's not going to happen? However, sometimes a lot of us still refer to season 2 as "post-big-time-skip" for brevity lol. Maybe we'll still see it as s2 in the future but last I heard it won't be broken up into seasons.
I know this was more than what you asked but I always get so excited talking about the timeskips, I can't wait for them!!! I know the first one is SO close! I think quimchee was trying her best to get to it before her birth so she could do a little break before the first timeskip but alas. But we are SO close, I can almost taste it, AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
I'm so glad you found ILY and are enjoying it!!! It really is not what it first appears and the way it subverts those expectations will always be one of my favorite aspects of this series. Seeing nre readers find it at this time, when there's so much of the series to consume and feed on is so exciting! 🥺 Happy reading! Please let me know if you have more questions!
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adelaidedrubman · 1 year
it’s serving absolute wednesday
i was tagged on this particular wednesday by my dears @nightbloodbix @cassietrn @deputyash @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat to share a wip! (and by folks last week too i think but scrolling through notifs hard so apologies for any double tags for those who just posted and obviously no pressure).
unfortunately have not been able to write much this week due to the Week of it all, so fished up (haha) a hl&s chapter 4 excerpt i have already posted a little bit of before (if you saw it pretend i didn’t).
And she wore the wide, toothy grin of a bear with a fresh caught salmon between her paws as she shucked off her shirt, single auburn brow quirked up as she held it out to him as if offering food to a cub. “Think you can get dressed all by yourself like a big boy, too?” When he didn’t immediately respond, she thrust a hand against his chest to push him back flat against the fence again, shoving the collar over his head herself.  “I’ve got it from here,” he bit out, elbowing her away. “Thank you for all the unrequested manhandling.”
“Funny way of saying ‘emergency medical care,’” she grunted, crossing her arms over her barely covered chest. “And a fine of job of it, too, you could fucking add. You’ll still need to find a real doctor eventually to pluck out the fishing line and super glue everything back together, but I’m sure you can manage a few more weeks of not buying a new boat to afford the co-pay on glorified Elmer’s. So long as you’re up to date on your tetanus shots, everything’ll heal up just fine. I did good stitchwork.” “Go to a real doctor, you say?” he replied, forcing a hint of condescension back into his tone as he poked shaking arms through sleeves. “Does that mean you fancy yourself something of an amateur? A would-be? Perhaps a failed ambition, before you chose to cast your lot amongst trout and speeding tickets?” She flashed him a sweet, dimple framed smile clearly meant to exaggerate the straining of a patience she’d never actually once exercised.  “It means I’m someone who usually has to settle for doing my own first aid,” she chimed brightly, swinging her head away from him. “My fuckin’ condolences. I understand that must be a scary new experience for you.”  “So I shouldn’t use the satellite phone I’ve been hiding this entire time to summon the private jet I keep on retainer to fly me straight to the Mayo Clinic over this?” he hummed, sparing a brief, belated glance to the freshly-tended wound as he pulled the borrowed shirt down over his chest. She wasn’t wrong — she did well enough. The skin had the sheen of thorough cleaning, her stitchwork tight but precise in its binding. There had certainly been far worse done by his own immature hand in its day, faded silken webs of scarring memorializing unsteady job of a sewing needle and thread in the dark of his childhood bedroom forking out and framing the fresh set of stitches.  Mementos she’d also seen, it occurred to him in retrospect as he tugged the hem of the shirt down, stopping just below his navel to leave a small sliver of stomach exposed above his waistband. And perhaps that was the source of her arrogance about her own work — heartless, smug little thing she was.  Yes, he knew the likes of her, knew that every little act of seeming kindness was merely an opportunity to cruelly poke and prod for her own amusement. Right down to the shirt given off her back — still smelling of her, he noted, tilting his head down as he rubbed the fabric of the collar between his fingers to stir up the scent. 
sending tags out to @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @theresaruggedroad @just-another-wasteland-merc @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @belorage @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @ladyofedens-blog @miyabilicious @simplegenius042 @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @nuclearstorms @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @8bitpizzacoupons @strangefable @shallow-gravy @roofgeese @corvosattano + opt in here to be tagged + again, no pressure!
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theofficersacademy · 4 months
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This year, in order to study Pasithee's mysterious illusion magic, the bishops of the church have set up a magical ballroom separate from the main party, where you can don a mask and dance with other masked strangers to your heart's content.
Welcome to the Masquerade!
The masquerade is an optional side-event within the Ethereal Ball. The Ethereal Ball has its own event conditions, so whether or not you participate in the masquerade will have no bearing on whether or not you can claim your prizes at the end.
Off in the corner of the ballroom is a mysterious illusory portal maintained by the bishops of the church. In order to enter, you must be wearing a mask, but once inside, you will witness an opulence you could only ever dream of. Inside is a beautiful, extravagant room of marble floors and chiseled columns, crystal chandeliers, and diamond chalices. A fine mist swirls about, lending an even more mysterious ambiance to the masquerade.
Inside, as long as you are wearing your mask, all other identifying features will be hidden from your partners via magic. Your partners can uncover who your muse is based on behavior or if you choose to reveal it yourself, but otherwise you must suspend your disbelief about how much the mask can actually conceal your identity.
How to Play
1. Everyone who submitted a mask last week can participate. If you did not submit a mask and would like to participate, DM Mod N directly for one. However, do be aware that making Mod N create new masks after we set up 10 days for you to submit earlier will detract from the amount of time Mod N can enjoy the event himself. We don't recommend this.
2. Follow the TOA Masquerade blog: @toa-masquerade
3. Submit a starter to the blog's submission box or pursue the starters that have been posted already. When you submit a starter, the mods will add your mask to the post and tag it with a unique thread number so that you can add it to your stats page later. For the sake of the game, try to remain as anonymous as you can, so we recommend not formatting your posts.
4. When you find a post that you want to respond to, submit your reply to the masquerade blog via the submission box. Be sure to include the LINK to the post that you're responding to so that the mod team can reblog the correct one. We will add your mask and the unique thread tag to the post.
5a. You may reveal your muse's identity at any time, after which you can continue reblogging the thread from your muse's own blog.
5b. Keeping in mind that the name of the game, prior to unmasking, is the idea of going incognito: you are still allowed to exchange brooch decorations while masked, but you will, until the end of event OR until said muse has revealed themselves if they should choose to do so, be unaware of exactly which decoration you have received.
6. To best keep the game flowing, the mod team highly encourages keeping posts short (ideally < 200 words)!
7. In the event that multiple people attempt to reply to the same starter, the first person to reply to it will be posted. All other parties will be DM'd by a moderator to let them know of what occurred and will be given the opportunity to repurpose their reply into an open starter instead if they so choose.
8. All posts will be tagged by the mod team with #toamasquerade2024
And that’s it! If you have any questions or concerns, please let the mods know!
- The House Leaders
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
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A brand new town (sort of) feels like a new beginning, so I decided to make some changes.
This is a looooooong (text)post, but here's the short version:
TL/DR: I'm going give my story a title (below you can vote for what you think the better title is) and I'm going to start posting my updates to Tumblr in full. Want to know more? ⬇️
1. A story needs a title
Those of you who've been following me for years know that I've undergone some style changes. KimmiesSimmies, both on WordPress and on Tumblr, started out as a gameplay blog. I visited my Sims, played for a  bit, took pictures, added a few lines, and that was my (non-)story. Pretty soon, a shift started to occur. Even though gameplay remained my main focus, there was usually a theme, a story-like idea which played out. While my Sims led lives that ran as a thread through the tales I created, these could also easily be read as standalone stories about a prom, an athletic festival or a summer camp (I do miss Windiwell 😢). This shifted further when I wanted to write out more significant ideas, such as the story of a runaway girl (Go, Martha, go!) and what would happen to her. I couldn't possibly fit all that in one story update, so it became more extensive. Characters evolved, and my mind started working overtime, constantly coming up with new ideas. After a five-year pause (life got in the way) during which my mind never stopped coming up with new ideas, I decided to write my stories down and then go in game to take the pictures to support my story. And with that I had gone from "gameplay-based" to "story-based". Now, the stuff I write aren't standalone stories anymore; it's all part of one big story about the Sims of Honeycomb Valley (and The Hills), where everything is connected somehow and always ongoing. And a story needs a title. Which is why I decided "KimmiesSimmies" is just not fitting anymore. This will remain my username (because that's my public identity) and the address to my WordPress blog, but the story in itself will get an official title. After a loooooot of thinking, discussing and web searching, I've narrowed it down to two possible titles, and I would like you to give your opinion (yes, you, one of the six people who are actually reading this entire essay).
The options are "A Taste of Honey" and "Life with a Drop of Honey". The honey bit is important because I will never stray from my bee/honey theme. That's everywhere, so it should be in the title as well. "A Taste of Honey" is, in my personal opinion, more catchy. However, it's not unique. It's the title of a Beatles song and a movie from 1961. Now, I haven't seen this movie, but I looked it up, and the genre description was "drama, LGBT", which did make me chuckle, but with the current state of my story, those keywords are pretty fitting. "Life with a Drop of Honey" is unique but makes less of a statement and isn't as memorable, I think. So, please let me know which you prefer! I'm not promising this will be a democratic choice; I might go against the grain and pick the one with the least votes because it feels better, but I'd still like to know what you think.
2. Bringing the story to Tumblr
(Are you still here, reading this? Wow, I'm impressed! 😄)
Until now, I've posted my story on my WordPress blog only and made a post containing some pictures and a link to my WordPress blog here. Now, some people actually click through to my WordPress blog to read the full story (and if you're still here reading this much-too-long post, you're probably one of those people, so thank you for that ❤️), but many click like and move on, which is fine. However, someone I've come to consider as quite my closest friend (and therefore wouldn't lie to me) and who's a very excellent storyteller herself (and therefore knows what she's talking about) recently convinced me my story deserves to be read. So, after going back and forth on this, I've decided to start posting my story updates (since it's all part of one story, I will refer to them as either updates or chapters instead of stories) on Tumblr as well as on my WordPress blog. I haven't quite figured out the details yet, but I think I'll post a link to the full post for all those who want to read the whole update in one go (like I did up until now) and post the story in parts over the following days for those who'd rather read on Tumblr. My WordPress blog will remain "home base" where story updates, sim bios, and town tours live together.
So, that's it! Changes! Couldn't I tell that using fewer words? Probably. But I've never been one to keep things brief...
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nectaric · 2 months
@miramilocamimira asked: Hi! How are you? So this is really just cause I need thoughts on the subject, you don't have to answer it if you don't want- but What would it take for Zeus to leave? As in he abdicated or whatever and just disappeared. How would the others react? And then this is not just to question but actually just curious: Each of the big six’s favorite nice/nephew?
rubs my greedy little hands together, i'm glad you asked! i actually have a lot of thoughts about this, and was actually exploring this a little on this blog because of a series of roleplay threads i did with a friend, in which zeus "dies" and spends a while in tartarus.
i think zeus is quite a bit closer to that precipice than some people might believe. he clings to his throne pretty tightly, and would verbally tell anyone that he has no intentions of letting it go. the throne is a safety net for zeus, a thing that, despite all the trouble it has caused him, is also the one thing keeping him and his family safe. he doesn't want to release it because he fears what will happen to them, and himself, if he does.
but zeus is tired. he's ruled for a long time, and worked hard. he's suffered relentlessly as the king, and the years and experiences have bogged him down. stepping down would be the best thing for him, and a small part of him knows that. in order to step down, though, he would have to admit this to himself and he would have to accept that he can be safe without it. that he deserves a break, that whoever fills his shoes will do just as good of a job. in my roleplay world, zeus dying and another war breaking out were the catalyst for his desire to abdicate upon his return from tartarus - the experience too haunting and exhausting for him to continue.
so i think zeus is almost ready to do it. with a few reassurances that his family and kingdom will be safe after he leaves, i think zeus would be far more inclined to do so. while i don't think him leaving would necessarily mean he'd be uninvolved with olympus, it would be in a much smaller, more honorary role than anything else. tbh, i feel like the olympians would embrace the council system a little more, favouring a real democracy than a faux one. i could see hera choosing to continue to rule for a little while, but ultimately, her and zeus were such a team as rulers that if he left, she would follow shortly thereafter. there is a potential for another king or queen - apollo or athena, perhaps, but ultimately i think, if this occurred in modern day, the system would shift significantly.
as for reactions... i think there would be mixed opinions. some might be shocked, others relieved, others annoyed that it took this long, others happy for him. i think some like hestia or hades would be pleased for zeus, because they are among the ones who understand the burden best / have seen what being king has done to him. athena would be surprised, a little nervous of what this means for her, but ultimately pleased. i think, generally speaking, its the kind of decision that would shock olympus at first, until everyone actually had a chance to speak to zeus directly - and they would see that the signs have always been there and that this was always the path zeus was going to walk eventually. it would be a chance for them to truly know and bond with zeus, too, without the burden of leadership. it would be a great thing for everyone, even if it was a bit of a difficult transition.
as for your final question!!
generally speaking this is kind of how i imagine it.
hestia: she doesn't pick favourites... but if she did, i think she's quite fond of athena, ares, and persephone, and has grown close to makaria and melinoe as well.
hades: hermes, easily. he works closely with him, and has grown quite fond of the guy.
hera: zagreus or rhode. they're both far too sweet for their own good, and she tends to get motherly.
poseidon: he and apollo have some shared trauma so maybe him, orrr dionysus.
demeter: any of hades' children, which feels a little like cheating since those are also her grandbabies, but she can't be stopped.
zeus: i think, of all his nieces and nephews, zeus likely sees triton the most, so maybe him by default lol. i think he and makaria would get along very well, if they interacted more.
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OK I have a question and I'd ask it in comments on relevant blogs but it's likely only to be deleted. So, in the spirit of open discussion I swear I will not delete any comment on this thread. The only exception would be if it included threats. I believe we all are entitled to our opinions but equally others are entitled to challenge them.
So here goes.
I read yet another post today where someone stated they believed Sam to have an over inflated ego. It occurred to me that they must have some reason to believe that, and I genuinely can't even begin to fathom what it might be. So, I'm asking, what have I missed?
My totally opposite opinion that he actually has far less of an ego a person might expect of a successful actor is based on:
Charity fundraising, not just MPC but others as well.
When being interviewed with others, how often he defers to them to take the lead.
When awarded a personal award, he gives a speech about the whole Outlander production and Scotland.
Have never ever heard him say anything about himself that is not self-deprecating.
He gave back to those who supported his career, such as the RCS scholarships and writing award.
Never heard another actor or other person who has met or worked with him, say a bad word. In fact, the word generous is used an awful lot.
So, those are just a few reasons that first pop into my mind that have shaped my personal opinion. If yours is different, without judgement, I am genuinely curious what it is that has made you feel that way. Please, enlighten me.
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uefb · 2 years
Why do you think there’s a pattern of Theseus being abusive/overly aggressive in Fantastic Beasts fanfic? It’s been driving me up the wall trying to find Newt and Theseus fanfic that doesn’t make them OOC especially Theseus, and idk, in the context of Newt being Autistic I find it disturbing. Like sure, Theseus is hot-headed and loses his temper, he doesn’t always understand Newt, but those traits seem overtly exaggerated in a lot of fandom content.
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Obsessed with this ask. I have been thinking about it all day, and am just now getting to write it up! Thinking about it in the background of my statistics class almost singularly got me through its sensory and anxiety hell. /sweat-laugh emoji/ So thank you!
Please remember, all of this is based on my own perspectives, knowledge, and headcanons, as well as canon clues. Nothing here is definitive and is open for respectful conversation! (Not directed specifically at you, salamander, just since this is a public blog I like to cover my bases. ^_^)
Buckle up: major autistic info dump incoming
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Alright, so, my initial thoughts are that...
Obviously, there was a decent chunk of Newt fic written between 2016 and 2018 before CoG came out, that first film where we really got to see Theseus as a character, for who he really is (especially since they cut that letter from him to Newt at beginning of FBWTFT, that starts with "little brother," which is just pretty endearing). IMHO, this two-year gap means people had a wide open playing field to build the character themselves. Here's a few thoughts on that:
The framework for the entire Wizarding World, narratively, is the Harry Potter series. Boy wizard, shunned by family, isolated from socialization -- Outcasts have always been the backbone of She-who-must-not-be-named's stories. It's compelling. We love it, we lap it up. With only one FB film out before 2018 and Newt being such a unique protagonist, I think it's likely people fell back on the more typical Harry-Dudley trope to create a compelling backstory for Newt, using that tried-and-true fantasy Cinderella-type trope.
Second, from what I can tell, there was a lot less serious consideration of Newt actually being autistic in the early years of the fandom. (I only "joined" relatively recently myself, despite going to the first 2 movies on opening day, but I'm nothing if not fastidious in consuming every scrap of historical content when I develop a new interest, lol.) I've read pages of threads and plenty of "think pieces" attributing Newt's behavior to trauma-related social anxiety and/or his profession as a magizoologist. I absolutely buy the latter (adjusting body language for one's profession), but not entirely the former. (Personally, Newt doesn't strike me as an inherently anxious person--he strikes me as an inherently autistic one who also sometimes experiences anxiety. Discomfort and anxiety aren't the same thing, but people often conflate them, imho.) Anyway, THAT BEING SAID, I've noticed in quite a few fics that people write Theseus as being part of that implied social trauma, via sibling bullying that rises beyond typical sibling harassment. People perhaps tried to explain Newt's behavior by making him, at the very least, overshadowed by Theseus (and ashamed of it) or, at the very worst, abused and/or neglected by his family.
Also, quite simply: people process their own family trauma via fic. I think it's highly likely Theseus just served a sibling or parental role for some people in stories. (The abundance of abusive!Thranduil fic in the LotR fandom in the early 00s is another example of this.) Nothing wrong with using fic to process feelings and life experiences (god knows I do, it's horrifically obvious and always has been lmao), but this bulletpoint is still one explanation for the pre-CoG "Theseus being a dick in fic" phenomenon.
Plus, fanfic doesn't occur in a vacuum. Even when new canon info comes out, existing fic and whatever the going/contemporary fanon is often impact how new writers write their characters, even post-CoG. (And how those characterizations are received by the larger fandom--that reception may subsequently impact how writers maintain or change their characters in the future, imho.)
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As for the current reasons Theseus is often OOC in post-CoG fic...
Well, I have my theories, but I am also not entirely sure. However, I feel pretty confident it has to do, primarily, with points 1 and 4.
Leta Lestrange and the Scamander Brothers - Honestly, I think people likely are pretty offended on Newt's behalf for the Leta/Theseus marriage. In mainstream media, we're kind of trained to think that dating your friend's ex is ultimate betrayal--it's difficult for people to imagine a world in which a person who marries their brother's ex is a good person. (...I was once in a friend group where we had all dated the same girl at some point, but we were all either ridiculously honest or autistic so we just--wait for it--talked about it and moved on.) That being said, I never read Leta & Newt as overtly romantic (then again, I also didn't know Bunty liked Newt until the 4th time I watched CoG), so I don't entirely get this one to the degree that I think some people viscerally feel this. But I expect some people see that and assume it says something much larger about Theseus' character than it does. (I do think it says a lot about Theseus that he loves Leta, but I don't think it says the same things about him that some other people do -- I think it speaks more to his similarities to Newt [compassion and positive outlook] than it does to stealing Newt's Hogwarts sweetheart. But I digress.)
Something Did Happen at Some Point - Now, there is undeniably a distance between the brothers that we, as viewers, don't necessarily know the origin of. (So I think I may have mentioned in my letters that [my brother & I] have quite a complicated relationship. // Does he want to kill you? // Frequently.) Have they always been like that? Is it new? Is it because of the age difference? Because they have different personalities? (Though I will argue until I'm blue in the face that they're actually extraordinarily similar people, at their cores.) Is it because Newt got expelled, or because Theseus scooped up Leta, or because Theseus expresses emotion through touch & Newt jerks away from touch he doesn't initiate himself, or because because because because because? I don't know. But there is something there and, based on the "complicated relationship" comment, it sounds like it is something that likely developed over time. So imho - I think some people see that and just lean in way too hard. Like, pedal to the medal, 0 to 60 too hard.
Theseus is Snarky to Newt on Multiple Occasions - Mostly based around how Newt directs his life, carries himself, etc etc. For example, it would be easy to take that whole scene before and after Newt's travel hearing in CoG and assume Theseus is an overprotective, condescending, and ableist prick. But if we look below the surface (and the stage directions in the screenplay help, too. When he says "maybe a little less... / like me. / well, it can't hurt" the instructions say 'not without fondness', or something like that), it's pretty glaringly obvious he doesn't mean to be that way. Even condescending behaviors usually have causal correlates, even if we can't see them on the surface. (Believe me -- and this is something we both touched on in DMs, salamander, I'm just repeating for the sake of the ask -- well-meaning pep talks and encouragement can still drip with condescension when loved ones think you need guidance because they "love you and know better " and you're just too autistic or too idealistic or too naive or whatever.) Ultimately, whether due to a failure to approach these snarky exchanges with grace and nuance, or because it can make a good fic to put brothers at odds, IDK -- but I expect this particular point plays into some people's decisions to interpret Theseus in a way I view as OOC.
Ease of Narrative ~ Nuance is hard - I mean, this one explains itself. Writing characters in a nuanced manner that allows digging into the messy horrible confusion of relationships--embedded as they are within families and societies and personal & general history--is not easy. It takes not only patience and significant effort as a writer, but it also takes a degree of self-awareness and maturity that we all reach at different points. I'm not there yet myself (there's no real arrival -- life's not a perfect graph), but still: My fic writing is very different now at 32 (with 14 years of 'adulthood' and 12 years of therapy under my belt) than it was when I was writing about adults when I was 15. (And, yes, I still have my first posted HP fic up on MuggleNet and FFnet, so you don't just have to take my word for it lmao.) To be very clear, this isn't me being ageist or whatever: I'm just saying that I often get the sense while reading fic where Theseus is reallllly overly aggressive that the writer is sometimes either very new to creative writing (and good for them! we love new writers! keep writing, lovelies!), or else quite young, and thus still acquiring life experience that is going to improve their work as they age, every single day.**
Sibling Experience - Not having personal or narrative experience with an age gap like Newt and Theseus have. I'm an older sibling by 7.5 years, which is close to Theseus & Newt's age difference. I basically half-raised my younger brother, so I have a real soft spot for that kind of sibling relationship, which comes across in most of my fics (LotR & FB). It's hard to imagine the sort of borderline sibling-parental love, responsibility, and anxiety that can permeate those kind of relationships if you haven't experienced or seen it represented in media yourself. This is just a theory, of course---I have no actual data on this being actually related to his OOCness.
What else? What do you or others think?
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Final very random thought
I also think a lot of people forget that autism runs in families. So yes, Theseus doesn't always "get" Newt (god, no, lol) and he doesn't have guidance on what to do when he doesn't, but it is highly unlikely he hasn't seen behavior similar to Newt's before, whether in a parent or cousins, an aunt/uncle or something else. People *also* tend to forget, IMHO, that subclinical traits are often present in direct family members of an autistic person--Theseus' rigid thinking, for example, isn't necessarily "autistic", but he may get Newt better than people think for certain reasons we never have an opportunity to see in the script. (Not that the movies are paying *that* much attention to the actual research or autism presentations lmao, but I'm just saying it is a possibility). Being able to relate to a smaller version of someone's struggles can simultaneously make one both a better support and a worse one in a lot of ways. (And certain autistic traits can even rub up against each other poorly in different people--I have a few acquaintances that rub me the wrong way because our "symptoms" manifest in very different ways and their natural behavior triggers some of my own sensory issues or overdeveloped sense of justice or whatever. Conversely, my ADHD tendency to be 20 minutes late to every hang gives one of my autistic friends a panic attack every time -- I feel terrible, but all we can both do is try to adjust the behavior around our symptoms. And sometimes the same traits--firmly held beliefs, for example--bump into each other explosively, which I have experienced in fandom myself: two autistic people w diametrically opposing views interacting, but because we process information in similar ways even with very different perspectives, no progress can be made before someone shuts down.) BUT I BRING THIS UP BECAUSE, I do think it's possible to headcanon that some of Newt and Theseus' conflict (which does exist) could even be rooted in differing forms of neurodivergence or presentation of subclinical symptoms.
The world is a big place and there's so many possibilities. These are just some of my thoughts on why Theseus is often portrayed in a way I find to be OOC!
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Asterisked footnote under cut -
**I'm trying to convey what Sandra Cisneros does much better in her short story "Eleven." That we, all of us, carry our entire lives and what we have seen inside of us at all times, and I think that's what we bring to our writing.
What they don’t understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you’re eleven, you’re also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one. And when you wake up on your eleventh birthday you expect to feel eleven, but you don’t. You open your eyes and everything’s just like yesterday, only it’s today. And you don’t feel eleven at all. You feel like you’re still ten. And you are—underneath the year that makes you eleven. Like some days you might say something stupid, and that’s the part of you that’s still ten. Or maybe some days you might need to sit on your mama’s lap because you’re scared, and that’s the part of you that’s five. And maybe one day when you’re all grown up maybe you will need to cry like if you’re three, and that’s okay. That’s what I tell Mama when she’s sad and needs to cry. Maybe she’s feeling three. Because the way you grow old is kind of like an onion or like the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little wooden dolls that fit one inside the other, each year inside the next one. That’s how being eleven years old is.
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malumae · 1 month
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.ᐟ.ᐟ  ⸺   #𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐄 is a private writing blog scripted by shieda. orbiting a canon divergent & headcanon based REN / YINGXING from honkai star rail. highly selective, rarely follows first, mutuals only. oc, multi and crossover friendly. personal blogs and minors dni. prone to medium-high activity. a whispered memoir of: sacrifice, grief, compromise and the unyielding desire for retribution & eternal rest. heavy trigger warnings listed below.
                                   read carrd before you follow‎‎‎   /   inbox : open!ㅤ
⊹.  i won't write with anyone under the age of 20, this is for my own comfort. i, myself, am 25.
⊹.  this muse is canon-divergent meaning he heavily relies on personal headcanons. you don't have to read all the headcanons but it will help you better understand how i portray him. goes by the name REN.
⊹.  my general writing style leans towards paragraphs/novella. i do not do one-liners & i rarely spice up my replies with intricate formatting. you may format as you please, however i cannot promise that i will match it. multiple verses & multimuse blogs are okay. duplicates and ocs depend on whether i can see them actually interacting. i do not follow just to follow.
⊹.  the best way to start an interaction is to send a prompt in the ask box. send as many as you want and feel free to reply to them / turn them into threads.
⊹.  please do not follow me back/first if you are in no way interested in interacting. it is okay to softblock me if i follow you first and you do not see us interacting.
⊹.  i tend to ship where i sense there is chemistry or the chances of me getting bored are huge. note that ren is complicated to be romantically involved with and i enjoy a slow burn with angst more than fluffy slice of life connections. i am somewhat picky with ships because i want there to be real/good development. chemistry is all i ask for. ren is pansexual and demiromantic, no specific lean. this blog is brand new so i haven't explored mains/exclusives yet.
⊹.  communicate any issue you have with me. acting petty or passive aggressive will be ignored. i am too tired to entertain that kind of behavior, please just talk to me if something is bothering you.
⊹.  it is highly unlikely i ever jump straight into smut scenes and/or reblog smutty prompts. smut can be a fun addition to write for ships, that's it. dirty/flirtatious jokes and innuendos may occur.
⊹.  do not in any way pressure me for replies. please do write with me but keep in mind that replies may occasionally be sparse due to work, personal life and sometimes even timezones. thank you for reading!
⊹.  heavy trigger warning for: suicide, self harm, body horror, blood, violence, death & gore. i try to tag accordingly but if you choose to follow it is at your own risk. a LOT of the content (mostly in writing) on this blog will touch these topics. i usually tag as such: "blood tw" / "blood cw. smut will be under 'read mores' if it ever does happen but i prefer to write such content on discord in a private server & only with developed ships and writing partners i am comfortable with.
⊹. dni & drama: keep me out of it. i understand that we can't all get along and there are some really shitty people out there but i will not be blocking people left and right because of a vague post made about them or a dni added after we follow each other and interact. if we are writing and you want to softblock me because i am talking to someone you don't want to see that is more than okay. i will never hold it against you nor will i be petty or take the other person's side. please tell me though to avoid misunderstandings or me accidentally re-following you. curate your space as you see fit, i encourage it.
⊹.  credits: carrd made by me, pictures on carrd are official hsr media. pinned psd made by calisources, image in pinned drawn by deciqm. simple divider & icons made by me.
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iniziare · 2 months
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Before leaving that evening, they sat on a bench in the Executive Plaza as Seele stared at the restaurant opposite them. "Was the Overworld fun, Seele? Wanna come back again later?" ... "Can I ask you something? Those Overworlders are only eating half their meal, and threw the rest away. Do they know that people down below haven't got enough food to eat?" Oleg saw how a look of gloom passed over her tender face. "Let's go back, Oleg. I don't want to come back here again."
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Muse Navigation: All | Threads | Meta | Little Notes | Wishlist | Previous Blog / Archive Affiliated: inominati (Sampo: ship exclusive), daybreakrising (Natasha)
Important Meta: — TBA.
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Some tidbits that are incredibly important for my portrayal of Seele: (I will be adding to this list over-time and editing these! Last edited: July 30th, 2024)
Honkai Impact 3rd. Out of the duo of elephants in the room, I think that this one is the first one to address. As much as there are connections between it and HSR that I will not deny for multiple characters, I want to approach this topic of 'expy', and how I think it's just— quite frankly, not an ideal descriptor for Seele (at present). Let me specify though, I think that calling her one outright without specifying, will simply have people make wrong assumptions about her, and that's something I need to avoid on this blog. So let me specify that what you can keep in mind, at most, when reading my portrayal of Seele on here, are the callbacks to the butterfly imagery, the commonalities of Quantum phasing (manipulation of quantum energy and access to different dimensions), and the inspiration of her scythe. Don't worry, I'll touch on each of these as time passes, and I do also expect them to elaborate on her more when we do eventually (likely?) return to Belobog, as Seele is quite... unique within its context.
Bronya/Seele. Elephant number two. Now, I need to iterate: I am not against this ship at its foundation. But guys, I need them to be written in a way that actually works without reigning in their respective characters (Seele, more so), as to force this dynamic to work. Seele in HSR is written to have a very troublesome childhood, having grown up despising everything about the Overworld, and for very good reason. Her initial reactions to Bronya were exemplary and incredibly fitting for her character, and this sudden 'softening' that occurs once she realizes that Bronya is an orphan, much like herself, takes away from that entirely. Not only that but to me, Seele would likely have a bit of a logical and yet irrational (additional) bitterness towards Bronya for having been 'chosen' out of all other children— not because she wished to have been chosen, god no, but others that she sees suffering every day. In essence, yes, I make the argument that Seele's character veers very strongly into 'out of character' to turn this dynamic into a workable ship, and I will oppose something like that, always. Character first, dynamic second, and ship third. Any way, all of this to say: please do not expect an auto-ship, and if you do wish to write it with me, especially without plotting, please know that Seele will not have an immediately positive reaction towards Bronya, because ultimately, she still represents the Overworld, which is something that Seele harbors very strong dislike towards— and yes, that remains true even post-Trailblazing mission. If curious, I spoke a bit more on it here.
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drippingheart · 10 months
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howdy, worms and germs. this is an indie rp blog dedicated to Getō Suguru and Fushiguro Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen. my portrayal is both anime and manga based. manga events will not be spoiled.
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! ! ! themes present but are not limited to: violence, gore, abandonment issues, childhood trauma, depression, mass murder, child soldiers. this is not to say all my threads and headcanons will be violent or solemn. I do enjoy the light hearted side of friendship and bonding, but the trauma of being a jujutsu sorcerer is very important in my portrayals.
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also important : I do not condone Suguru's actions. this is fiction. I love delving into his psychology and motivation. I try to understand it to a point, but his actions and mentality are not a reflection of mine. I am pro villains; their accurate portrayals are interesting.
𝟎𝟎 details on megumi. 𝟎𝟎 details on suguru. 𝟎𝟏 promo. 𝟎𝟐 megumi visuals. 𝟎𝟐 suguru visuals. 𝟎𝟑 plotting call. 𝟎𝟒 memes. 𝟎𝟒 meme call. 𝟎𝟓 character study. 𝟎𝟔 alternate verses. 𝟎𝟕 introspection.
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Rules are below the cut.
I’ll spare you anything long winded though these are definitely subject to change and certainly up for lengthening in the future!
—   𝟎𝟏   I run a mutuals only blog. If I follow you, I want to WRITE with you. I don’t collect followers and like to keep a tidy blog of people who interact with me. Since you’re reading this, that means you care enough to do so. I won’t bite your head off; please feel free to send memes or hit me up for a thread idea. I often clean up my follow list through soft blocks.
—  𝟎𝟐   I don’t write one liners or semis. The more you write, the more I’m inclined to reply rapidly. Quality and quantity fuel my motivation! I truly enjoy world building and scene progression, so novella length threads are sought. Plotting and winging things are equally enjoyed, however for lengthy and detailed threads ( esp crossovers ), plotting is preferred. I have a plotting call linked above.
—   𝟎𝟑  This is an 18+ blog as I am nearing my thirties. I don’t foresee posting NSFW images, but I write heavily graphic scenes thus don’t feel comfortable writing with minors. Any suggestive aesthetics or sinday memes will be tagged as " after dark .".  I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I don’t want to make any of my followers uncomfortable. More regarding potential smut is below.
—  𝟎𝟒  I don’t have any triggers and don’t tag any triggers. Threads are generally rated M, but I can go PG-13 depending on who I am writing with. I do not shy away from violent and graphic scenes fyi; I really enjoy writing them actually! I encourage you to message me if you would like to write out something extremely graphic. Violence aside, smut may make an appearance. It is not the goal of my writing. If there's chemistry in the thread and between the writers, well ... who am I to say no. In the case of potential smut, aging up characters is fine; I know some people are sensitive about this. Smut will only occur with male characters as I am gay in real life and choose to depict Suguru and Megumi as gay, albeit not openly.
—   𝟎𝟓  When it comes to ages, I think it's vital to keep character ages canon. Yeah, JJk is great with all the lore and action, but the ages of the characters and the soul crushing and life threatening lives they live is the heart of the series. What everyone goes through as a child and as a teenager is incredibly vital. The only time I think aging up is alright is in terms of smut. Having said that, I'm not opposed to writing crushes or romances during their teens. 
—  𝟎𝟔  I do moderate edits and formatting. Formatting isn’t a deal breaker with me honestly. I prefer length over pretty aesthetics. I do ask that you cut posts; I won’t be following if you don’t cut your posts or fail to tag your posts — all of your posts especially your ooc and negativity posts.
—  𝟎𝟕 Crossovers are loooooved to other animes/mangas, video games, to shows and movies. Do not be afraid to reach out with crossover ideas. I am also very much interested in AU threads especially involving Suguru since there is a lot of potential with him. So far, I have FFVII verses written up for both of the dudes. Provided interest, I will write up verses for Bleach, Castlevania, and the Witcher among other things. 
—  𝟎𝟖   As stated earlier, currently I am all caught up with the manga. For those who are only watching the anime, I will not incorporate any manga elements in our threads. I do not openly discuss spoilers for the sake of other people. If I do discuss anything that may be considered a spoiler, it will be tagged as "jjk spoilers ." Headcanons and drabbles including the events of the manga will be tagged with the aforementioned tag.
—  𝟎𝟗   Regarding Suguru, it is my preference to write him just as Suguru not as Kenjaku, however I am not opposed to it for the sake of an interesting thread. On that similar note, I am happy to write Suguru as a teenager and Megumi as a little kid for any relevant threads.
—  𝟏𝟎   I encourage you to like the content you see. If you like the images, headcanons, songs I post, you are more than welcome to like them. Do not reblog my personal edits, headcanons, and even images I find and post ( still tag with art credit ) unless I have tagged you in the post. You are also welcome to tag me in posts; that would make me very happy! When it comes to memes, please reblog from the source. PLEASE.
—  𝟏𝟏   When it comes to asks/memes, I treat them as independent little snippets. Sort of like insights with some or no background information. Sometimes I write them intentionally vague because it's what comes to me at the moment. I do not treat ask responses as starters, however you are more than welcome to continue a response of mine if you like it enough! Also, I have an ask box call linked above, and you are always welcome to like and comment it whenever you want to be sent things. Seriously. You'll never pester me. You can like request ask box things 24/7.
—  𝟏𝟐   IMPORTANT — I am a firm supporter of people being able to write whatever the fuck they want. This is all fiction; people tend to forget that. I will never judge someone nor post anything to harm/bash someone for their choices. Let people write what they want just as famous writers do. There's really no difference except famous writers get paid to do so. This is a creative journey, bruh. Images used in my banner were found on an ai image website. Don't like that? Do not interact.
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absolutebl · 1 year
I love your blog and your recommendations! I've recently watched seven days because of it (it's perfect thank you so much) and on my way to put it on the list of my favourites near semantic error and kieta hatsukoi I noticed a common thread among those three!! That being, none of the them have one of my most beloathed tropes, that I've nicknamed "newsflash asshole".
Yknow, when you're just watching a thing then suddenly newsflash asshole!! This guy actually has secretly been in love for a ridiculous amount of offscreen time!! Sarawat's been down since a year prior! Kaneda and Mu Yeong are their crushes' #1 fans since forever! Kurosawa and Togawa were pining for years! Shin from minato's laundromat even managed to fall in love before leaving diapers! Here, have a flashback to really drive it home.
Alright, I'm being needlessly mean here for the sake of trying to be funny; I DID like some of these actually, and i don't think there's anything wrong with the trope itself; sometimes finding each other again is part of the premise (our dating sim, kabe koji), sometimes guy 1 already being in love is what gets the whole thing moving (cherry magic, old fashion cupcake, both also my faves <3) which is fine!! It's just that it feels like this trope is in EVERYTHING and it's really wearing me out. Maybe it's not even the majority, and I'm just looking at the wrong places.
Soooo here's my plea: do you have any recommendations of shows where the people involved have no previous history?
Oooo, what a good question and I have never done this one before. First off here's what to avoid:
On to your ask!
Seven Days FTW! Yay!
You're talking about LTP & Child Hood crushes. "Here, have a flashback to really drive it home." Actually this is a hallmark of a lot of Asian romance in particular not just BL.
Finding each other again is part of the premise (our dating sim, kabe koji) - this is technically 2nd Chance or Reunion romance
Guy 1 already being in love is what gets the whole thing moving (cherry magic, old fashion cupcake) - I think you're probubly more into these because the occur during adulthood?
Soooo here's my plea: do you have any recommendations of shows where the people involved have no previous history?
I will make a post just for you! & tag you in it
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unladielike · 3 months
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Every once in a while, I'd remember @spiritpyro's Hayate mentioning in his internal monologue that he likes everything about Vivian, including even her personality and her speech patterns, which to this day, makes me emotional, because as a character, Vivian has gone through a lot... from characters getting pissed off at her for saying the wrong thing (thereby ending a thread prematurely) to characters outright not getting her humour and claiming she's unkind, even though it hadn't been her intention to offend them.
Granted, I don't really treat those as canon occurrences, because I'm not really a single verse blog, so any interactions from partners who have broken mutuals with me/deactivated/didn't follow me on my remade blog are null and void (meaning as far as Vivian is concerned, they have never occurred and will no longer be referenced in any threads/headcanon posts except for this one), but at the same time, I will lay in bed at night sometimes... and have this startling revelation that the way Vivian had been treated remarkably mirrors the experiences of most autistic people I've read about/heard from. Honestly, it's astounding to me how many on Reddit would describe similar struggles/feelings she also has, to the point where even though the RPC has a general distaste for slice-of-life muses, I still take comfort in the fact she is at least relatable.
Like, yeah, I might not be the most descriptive/poetic writer on this godforsaken site, but in my opinion, my characterization is where my writing truly shines best... and so, Hayate catching feelings for Vivian (despite me portraying both her flawed and endearing sides as a young, neurodivergent woman in her early twenties) is such a memorable thing to me, that I would find myself occasionally thinking about it even while I'm at work. I mean, granted, Vivian is nowhere near as dysfunctional as the main female lead from Asper Kanojo (That's My Atypical Girl), but it cannot be denied she is still very hard to love... to the point where Hayate pretty much fell out of love with her in an alternate universe.
Either way, it honestly hurt me on a deep, visceral level when Hayate was like, 'Fucking think before you speak', when they fought that one time, because autistic people will commonly be told that at some point in their lives... furthermore, Vivian had to hear that from someone she loves, so I can only imagine how betrayed she must have felt, especially since she already tries super hard when it comes to explaining things from her point of view and can only process her thoughts when speaking them due in part to her disability.
At the same time, though, it also makes me think that in the event Vivian and Hayate would romantically be together, this would realistically be a reoccurring issue within their relationship, where every time they would argue, she'd utter out stuff that would potentially annoy him, because according to Hayate, Vivian probably doesn't put a lot of thought into her words... so there would be instances where she would view him as an absolute alien. Still, knowing Vivian, I could also see the aftermath of their fights being one of those rare, few moments where she would wish she was more normal; after all, if she happened to be less difficult, Hayate might actually become less frustrated with her.
Since this is Hayate we're talking about, however, I could also see him potentially researching autism a bit more and slowly reaching a point where he would better understand Vivian, but either way, their relationship is one I always have fun, psycho-analyzing, because it's between an unpredictable, misanthrophic man and a manic, neurodivergent woman.
#║▌ ⧼ ⸢ ʚɞ ⸣︳h̲e̲a̲d̲c̲a̲n̲o̲n̲s̲. ⧽ ― LET’S PRETEND I AM A FICTIONAL CHARACTER.#⸾ ❖︎ ⸾ ( ABOUT ) ⤹ •• 𝕧𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕤𝕞𝕤.#⸾ ❖︎ ⸾ ( QUEUED ) ⤹ •• 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕪.#[ you should all read asper kanojo tbh because not only does it have amazing autistic rep it's also a beautiful love story between ]#[ two autistic individuals that is a true roller coaster of emotions from start to finish ]#[ but yeah every time i look back on some of the interactions vivian has had ]#[ i end up realizing that even when i don't consciously try to i still somehow write her as very autistic ]#[ and it's during times like these that i'd remember a former mutual of mine criticizing me for apparently making autism my whole ]#[ entire personality that it would bleed through my writing and the way i talk to others ooc ]#[ but the more i think about it... the more i realize that autism is an integral part of vivian's character ]#[ that removing it or not referencing it in replies when applicable would be a major disservice to her ]#[ but it also kinda stung hearing that because i write non-autistic characters too and knowing i potentially ruined them or accidentally ]#[ made them autistic-coded did admittedly affect my confidence as a writer ]#[ however i would rarely seek out validation from my mutuals on my dash (even though i do secretly crave it) ]#[ because i'm aware many people consider that to be a major pet peeve ]
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 1 year
This is an rp blog for my OC Butch, a character from one of my comic series’.
My name is Dee and I’m 28 y/o! I will not ship with anyone under 18.
Mun does not equal muse.
I am semi-selective when it comes to interactions and may occasionally drop threads when I lose interest. Nothing personal, I just can’t come up with my best responses when my muse is no longer feeling an interaction.
Writing styles that pertain to this blog are literate and ic blogging (blogging from the characters perspective). Feel free to reply to any posts I’ve made ic!! So long as I haven’t tagged someone else for a specific interaction, of course.
I will RP with those outside of my fandom.
This blog will contain many and consistent adult themes such as mentions of sex, drugs, violence, and the like. If that’s something that bothers you, I’d advise against following. However, I will try my best to tag everything appropriately.
I reserve the right to delete asks that I don’t feel comfortable answering, drop threads, and unfollow/soft block someone should discourse occur. It takes ALOT for me to be pushed to the limit of unfollowing/blocking someone but I want to establish this now. I will not put myself through something mentally draining around toxic individuals on a platform made for people to interact and get along and have fun. That’s what we’re all here for and hopefully that’s the way it will stay.
As much fun as I have in the rpc, I have a life outside of it. Please be patient with my replies. They can range from being slow as hell to sporadic and consistent, it all depends on my mood and since I don’t know how I’ll be feeling day to day, I can’t determine how consistent I will be. Interest may dwindle but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to continue a thread; I just may take a little longer to get to it. Please do not pester me about replies, this makes me want not want to get to them at all—I promise I haven’t forgotten, more than likely it’s drafted and I plan to get to it when I’m able to produce a response I feel is good enough/I’m proud of.
I’m also always down for shipping whether it’s plotted or it just so happens that our characters have chemistry (in fact I actually prefer chemistry more than anything). This blog is multiship. Though I’d appreciate it if it wasn’t forced onto me and you don’t take to guilting me when I don’t wish to ship with you; it’s happened before and it’s super rude but I trust that everyone will respect my boundaries when it comes to this.
If I ever do anything that bothers you in my responses in writing or otherwise ooc, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Reach out to me and inform me so i can keep it from happening again in the future.
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