izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure [Taichi/Koushiro / Taishiro] Fic(let) (Preview) [??]
* preview of a MAYBE something longer for Repeatverse * PLEASE NOTE ALL WARNINGS/NOTES FOR THAT VERSE BEFOREHAND * Warnings: mostly safe very basic preview thing here but A N G S T MAYBE * the actual thing might not be posted for ..... a while we’ll see * main pairing is Taichi/Koushiro otp but this preview is pretty general * main pairing is still Taichi/Koushiro otp ok * OTHERS MAY APPEAR IN THE SPINOFF ... THINGS BUT YEAH * basically a feel I got from THE NEW TRAILER FOR THE ADVENTURE MOVIE in written form * I’m sorry for formatting IT’S FOR SUSPENSE * (preview) word count: 114 (w/fancy formatting) [more of a drabble thing] ***
“Taichi ….. ”
Taichi keeps walking.
… For a bit .
“ Taichi ,
when you GROW UP ,
– in his tracks.
“ Hey, TAICHI ---- ”
Wide-eyed, mouth opening —–
— closes his mouth.
— Keeps walking.
Agumon follows.
“   Hey, Taichi
Why are you                                  R U N N I N G  A W A Y ?    ”
He doesn’t have his goggles with him
[2???] Koushiro’s soft voice drifts out from the headset
“ … Taichi-san
Taichi stares, blinks —
“ Don’t you realize
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ukulelekatie · 2 years
Hi I’m back with another concert recap and this time I’m gonna yell about Lights
First of all wow??? I’ve seen Lights before and already knew she’s an incredible performer but I’d only gone to the Skin & Earth acoustic tour before so this was my first time at a regular gig and holy cow her energy and stage presence were through the roof. All the dancing around and standing on the barriers and jumping into the pit. I’m exhausted and all I did was stand in the audience
tiLLie was a delightful opener, it was really cool to see her again since she last opened for Lights in 2019 and I love that she’s making music that’s more authentic to herself
Something I always really enjoy about seeing artists who have been around for a long time is how the audience is usually full of longtime fans. It’s such a unique vibe and you could tell that everyone was hyped for every song. Also loved the commitment to the PEP color scheme-inspired outfits in the audience
On a related note I think the setlist was a perfect balance of old and new songs. The seamless transition from Prodigal Daughter to Ice was *chef kiss*
Not gonna lie I got a little teary eyed during some of the older songs. Lights was the soundtrack to my college years and I’ve changed a lot as a person since then and it felt like I got to visit with a little part of my younger self in those moments
Loved the backdrops too!! Especially the ones that featured her own art from Skin & Earth. We stan a multi talented queen
Aaaaand as the grand finale Lights injured her ankle broke her foot during the encore?! [Insert bad joke about the irony of starting your show with the lyric “Take me to the doctor” here.] In all seriousness I hope she heals quickly!!
Overall the show was an amazing experience and I’m so glad I went 💛❤️💙
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[Image Description: a photo of Lights performing on stage, surrounded by rays of yellow light. She is wearing a red top and yellow pants, and has a yellow electric guitar. She is singing into the microphone and holding one hand up in the air.]
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sillydg · 3 years
Unexpected partners in crime
Book: Open Heart, book 2 (Chapter 8, baseball game.)
Ratings : 18+
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Elisabeth Sarah Hughes (Liz))
Word count: 1700
Summary: During the break of the baseball game, Liz decides it’s time to play a bit dirty and teams up with Tobias while doing so.
A/N: I always loved this scene! But i thought it was missing something. I love the dynamics between Tobias and Liz (My MC) and I hope I did it some justice.
A/N: I'm sorry in advantage for my dirty mind! You will probably see it in al my writings.
A/N: First time ever sharing some fanfiction with the world, so super nervous and if you might read this. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! You're the best and please share your thoughts.
A/N: So English is NOT my first language. I did the best I could do and used some grammar programs. So forgive me. I’m still learning! Please feedback is always welcome!
A/N: Special thanks to @jerzwriter who inspired me to start writing again. Thanks for all the tips and for being patient with answering my many questions and weird thoughts. Thank you for being such an amazing writer. You are such an inspiration and such a warm soul.
A/N: Please keep in mind that Ethan and Liz know each other's likes and dislikes. Neither of them feels obligated or is afraid to speak his/her mind.
Warnings for this short: Some dirty words, flirting with implied sexual motivations, it gets just a bit rough at the end, a bit implied smut, (Please, if I forget a warning, please do warn me! I’m not really familiar with all the terms yet). Do not read this if you’re under 18.
A/N: Characters and some dialogue owned by Pixelberry.
Unexpected partners in crime.
The Umpire blows her whistle. “Well time for a break, everyone! We’ll start again in thirty minutes.”
Elisabeth walks towards the coolers, stalled out at the edge of the field. They are filled with some cold beers and bottles of water. Even though she definitely could use a cold one right now, she decides to play it safe.
She grabs a bottle of water and gulps it down, before grabbing seconds. Opening her bottle she sits down onto one of the benches in the dug-out and relaxes a bit.
She let her gaze drift over the field and thought about how happy she was that she was able to practice a little bit last night with the guys, because, damn she just pitched the shit out of Kenmore.
Her gaze drifts off to Ethan, who is talking to Naveen and she feels a pang in her chest. The fact that he was here to play, just because she asked, gave her heart a sparkle of hope. She sighs. Maybe she was reading into it too much, though.
“Keeping your head in the game, huh? I can get behind that.”
Elisabeth snaps out of her thoughts and looks straight into the eyes of Tobias.
“Huh, what?”
Tobias bumps his waterbottle into hers. ‘Cheers, dear. So, may I sit down, Liz? Or should I leave you and you’re thoughts alone?”
She starts to chuckle “Since when do you need my permission to do anything, Carrick?”
He moves his hand to his heart. “Ooh, just my last name. That stings a little. So severe.”
“Well, I’m not making the mistake of getting cocky or sloppy around you again, Carrick. So you’re surname and water it is.”
“Well, then it is a good thing that I’m open for suggestions when it comes to other mistakes you could make around me. Or with me. Or under me. Or..”
Liz lets out a snort. “I get the idea, Carrick. Wasn’t that position already filled in by June, anyway?”
A surprising look appears on Tobias's face. “She told you about that?”
Liz shrugs casually. “Nah, I suspected it. But it's good to know that my observant skills are spot on as usual. Which means you need to up you’re game if you want to hide things from me, Carrick.”
And she gives his leg a playful smack.
Tobias starts to laughs; “Ouch" He rubs his hand dramatically over his leg.
"I thought this was merely a mental fight, Liz. Don't get me wrong, I love a good spank, but maybe we should do that in a more private setting next time. So, you getting psychical with me is strike two. Strike three is out.”
Liz cocks up an eyebrow and she laughs.
“Well, you know better than anyone else what happens when you reach strike three right? It was about thirty minutes ago when I heard a certain umpire say 'Three strikes, you're out', followed by a pissed-off look on that handsome face of yours. God, I kicked your ass so hard."
Tobias bounces his shoulder into hers. “Aaaaand that’s strike three, miss. Kicking a man when he is down. Damn, that’s low. Though I like the fact that you just called me handsome. I wonder what Ethan would think of that.”
Liz frowns her brow. “Ethan?” And she follows Tobias's gaze towards the field. Ethan was still talking to Naveen but was clearly distracted at the sight of them sitting together. Even from this distance, she could see the annoyance on his face.
Tobias smirks and moves his head back towards Liz “So, I guess the position of making mistakes with you, is also taken?”
Liz starts to laugh. A little bit surprised by her own reaction, she bumps her shoulder into Tobias's.
“That wasn’t an answer to my question, dear.”
“Well, maybe I’m the smart one of the two of us, Carrick. I like to play my cards close to my chest.”
Tobias starts laughing. “That might be so, dear, but I don’t think Ethan is going to be that smart when he looks all flustered like that.” He nods towards the field and she sees Ethan stomping towards them.
Liz, not sure what to do, stands up and Tobias follows her example with the biggest smirk she has ever seen. She takes a good look at him, captivated by his smile as she notices a mischief twinkle in his eyes. He leans forward and whispers in her ear. “Let’s see how far we can take this, shall we?”
Liz starts smiling. This was such a bad idea. But was it that bad though? When Ethan returned from the Amazon, he made it very clear that they could never be anything more than a boss and his employee.
But his pushing and pulling over the past few months showed otherwise. He is not fighting fair, so why should she? This could be her chance to stir things up a little. And Tobias might be just the right person to push his buttons with.
Ethan's pace was quick and firm as he was clearly not amused.
Tobias puts on a broad smile. “Ethan, how nice of you to join us.” He drapes his arm casually overLiz's shoulders. "We were just talking about you."
Ethan moves his attention directly to Liz. “Are you all right? Is this man bothering you? Because I’m happy to show him the door.”
His gaze flickers between her face and the arm of Tobias still resting on her shoulders.
Liz feels her heart pounding. Is she really going to do this?
“Actually, I think I just showed everyone, including Tobias here, that I can kick his ass very well myself. So,no need to rescue me, Dr. Ramsey.”
Tobias grins at her words. “Still ouch, Liz.”
Liz gives him a shove with her elbow.
Ethan was clearly not pleased with this little gesture of teasing and she sees his fists clenching.
Gaining some confidence, she looks him straight in the eye and bats her eyelashes innocently at him.
“Actually, Tobias and I were just talking about a position that’s going to be available very soon. And to be honest, it sounds very appealing.”
Tobias tries to keep a straight face, but it's getting harder and harder as the look on Ethan's face grows sterner with every word she says. Where has this woman been all his life?
Ethan eyes both of them suspiciously. “Right. A position? Rookie. Are you thinking about leaving Edenbrook?”
She felt a shiver running down her spine at the strict tone of his voice. She recognizes it as a clear warning. One she usually listens to. Usually.
“Well, no. It’s not the kind of position that would compromise my work at Edenbrook. It going to be easy to combine with the diagnostic team. So, as my boss, and only my boss, there is nothing to worry about.”
His brow furrowed, head-turning even more red, when the real meaning of her words downs on him.
Ethan deepens his voice. “So I see, Elisabeth, it’s going to be some late-night research. At Kenmore's.”
Tobias is still eying both oft hem. He smirks and enjoys the show. Damn, this woman got some balls.
Liz catches Ethan’s eyesand she sees his jaw tighten. He never calls her by her full first name. This was clearly his last warning.
She tries to ignore the weak feeling in her knees. It’s too late to back out now. She straightens her back and tries to answer as casually as possible.
“Well yeah, you know how these things work. It might take a few all-nighters to figure out what kind of techniques we can use for the best results, maybe some adjusting here and there. Later on, maybe extend the research a little bit to other areas. Fine-tuning is important, but it’s always exciting to experiment a bit, you know? But let's not get ahead of ourselves, right Tobias?”
She keeps ahold of Ethan's gaze. Doctor 'always calm and collected' is clearly having a hard time keeping his actual cool.
Is he jealous?
Is he seriously jealous right now?
Tobias, who also notices the struggle on Ethan’s face, decides to give the last push. He pulls Liz close and moves her face towards his with a finger. “Actually, Liz, if you got the time, I would like to discuss some terms with you. We have still twenty minutes before the game starts and I know a quiet place where we can..”
At that moment Liz feels a hand tighten around her wrist, pulling her out of the embrace of Tobias. Her eyes meet Ethans again and she can see a fire burning.
“Not going to happen,Carrick.” His voice is low and strict.
He now grabs Liz’s hand and drags her away from the duck-out.
“Ehm, Ethan?”
“You’re not listening to me, Elisabeth Sarah Hughes.”
Oh, I’m in trouble alright.
She looks back at Tobias whose smirking and sticking up his thumb.
Ethan leads her towards the clubhouse, which is practically abandoned until the game is over, and moves her towards the dressing room.
He starts to undress and even though Liz enjoys the show, she is still not sure what’s going on.
He pulls his shirt over his head and throws it in the corner.
“Uhm Ethan?”
He drops his pants onto the floor.
“Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey.”
Ethan freezes with his hands on his underwear, ready to take them off.
His eyes snap up and he drops his boxer. Then he turns around disappears into the shower area.
“You coming, Rookie? We only have ten minutes left and I believe I have a position to apply for. "
Liz is stunned.
What just happened?
The sound of running water breaks the silence.
Liz snaps out of her thoughts and she starts to undress.
“I hope you’ve came prepared, I’m known for my high demands.”
“Rookie. I can only show you if you get in here! And believe me. I have no intention of leaving you unsatisfied.”
Her head snaps up at his last comment.
And with a smirk, she disappears into the shower.
Permatag: @jerzwriter @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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carmenxjulia · 4 years
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I put together a transcript of the 1 hour Q&A Interview the Carmen Sandiego Discord did with Abby Trott (Ivy) and Rafael Petardi (Chase Devineaux). All of the questions were submitted by server members. You can read everything below the break!
Hello everyone! Please welcome Abby Trott and Rafael Petardi to our Q&A today.
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
Hello Bonjour!
Let's get started. How did you get started as a voice actor? Was there anything that inspired you to pursue it as a career?
Abby Trott:
Oh MAN. Long story.
Rafael Petardi:
Mine is very short. I'm an actor and my agent started sending me on voice auditions and eventually I booked some!
Abby Trott:
This is a novel so I started typing it ahead of time, haha. I was an acting/theater major, and when I graduated from college I moved to Japan on the JET program to teach English because I wanted to travel so freakin' badly. I had never even been on an airplane. I was placed in rural Akita, (inaka), and absolutely LOVED it. The only problem was I wanted to be and actor/singer… womp womp. At that time, I also started to mess around with characters and voices - I would record voice memos and conversations with myself while driving around. One day, a friend was in the car and my phone was on shuffle and one of my "scenes" started playing - I was absolutely MORTIFIED. But that moment solidified for me that I need to move to the big ole city if I wanted to really pursue acting. I ended up heading to Tokyo, where I performed in children's musicals, and did other gigs here and there. That's where I started doing VO professionally! I was able to do some character voices for the shows I was in, and some other side projects. I realized how much I loved VO, and eventually decided to move back to the States to pursue it, since most English VO for games and animation is produced here.
When I moved back, I started searching online for VoiceOver opportunities, and stumbled across a contest hosted by Bang Zoom! Entertainment. I BARELY got my entry in on time. The contest took place over several months, and in the meantime, I moved to NYC and started taking VO classes. For the finale of the contest, they flew me to LA. I ended up winning! Still can't believe it. (O-O) I got to dub my first anime "Miss Monochrome," and realized that if I wanted to work in games and animation, I should probably move to LA… and the I DID.
What do you think are the best and worst things about being a voice actor?
Abby Trott:
Oooh. The worst things? Job insecurity... constant rejection...
Rafael Petardi:
The incredibly talented and cool people you meet and work with.
What Abby said
Abby Trott:
The best things? Working with amazing people, AND it's so much fun - even auditioning is fun!
How did you land your role on the show?
Rafael Petardi:
I auditioned
Got the job
pretty boring I know
Abby Trott:
I auditioned through my agency, and got a callback. I went to the callback and their note was "more Boston." Then I had a second callback and their note was "even MORE Boston." So I went WICKED BOSTON and got the job
What was your favorite/the most fun thing to record (episode/scene/line)? Any least favorites?
Rafael Petardi:
For me, the funnest scenes to record are the ones I got to play opposte the incredibly talented cast.
The least favorite... did not have enough scenes with the Wonderful Abby Trott
Abby Trott:
Awww Rafe! Singing was the MOST FUN! The Karaoke Ep, and the choose-your-own adventure one, where we got to sing the theme! Mikey (Zack) was cracking me up constantly.
Least favorite was the last ep because I didn't want it to eeeeeend
Were you allowed to suggest lines to be said by your character, or improvise the script at all if you thought something would add to the scene?
Abby Trott:
YUP! And Mikey and I definitely did, hahaa. It was encouraged. Always fun to see what they keep...
Rafael Petardi:
Yes we were. I improvised mostly sounds and noises. Words once in a while but not very often. Thank God for Duane
What was the hardest part of voicing your character on Carmen Sandiego? Was there a particular episode that was difficult to record?
Rafael Petardi:
Keeping the consistency episode to episode of the Chase's accent, pitch and energy
I did not want hime to sound different ever
Abby Trott:
I think the hardest part was keeping up the EXTREME Boston accent. But it was also SUPER fun...
What traits do you share or have in common with the character you play?
Rafael Petardi:
I am like Chase in the sense of a Dog with a Bone. If I get pasionate about something, I go to extremes. Abby Trott has scene this for example in my bread making endeavors
Also, I'm an idiot in life too sometimes
Abby Trott:
Ivy and I are both... from Mass! we both have brothers who we argue with but really do love when it comes down to it. We love chocolate, aaaaand... I think we're both brave. (brag?)
Can confirm Rafe is v. passionate about bread. And and idiot.
Rafael Petardi:
All True
What character on the show would you voice if you had the chance?
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
I would love Maelstrom
Abby Trott:
Jk... Coach Brunt seems SUPER fun
If you could meet a character from Carmen Sandiego in real life, who would it be and why?
Abby Trott:
Carmen! she is the coooooleeest. I'd ask her to teach me some tricks
Rafael Petardi:
Julie Argent. She's cute
Which character do you think you are most like or that you most identify with?
Rafael Petardi:
I think that's partly why we're doing the roles we do
Abby Trott:
I think Ivy, for real! Casting was ON IT. I can be serious when I need to be, but I'm a giant goofball (if you couldn't tell from my latest tweet/insta post...)
Who is your favorite character, other than your own?
Abby Trott:
Mime. Bomb.
Rafael Petardi:
Other than my own? Hmmm... uuuh... mmmm. tough...
Abby Trott:
Seriously, I think Mime bomb is hilarious.
Rafael Petardi:
Yes Mime Bomb!
Do you wish your character had more interactions with another character in particular?
Rafael Petardi:
Yes, I would love to interact with Ivy and Maelstrom
I think the interaction would be odd and awkward and funny
Abby Trott:
Yes. I would love to see how Ivy handles the specific VILE members... I would love to see IVY try to go to VILE academy...
Are there any themes or lessons from the series that you would want people to remember?
Rafael Petardi:
yes, don't jump to conclusions and be an idiot
Abby Trott:
Yes! That! also, don't be evil. ALSO also, be loyal to your friends.
Do you ever look at fan content?
Rafael Petardi:
yes all the time. It helps when I'm tagged rafaelPetardi on Instagram
Abby Trott:
Yes! I look at fanart sometimes, and see what cosplays are happenin'
Rafael Petardi:
I've posted many as well
Abby Trott:
Haven't read much fanfic... but I know it's out there.
What did you think about your character's development and arc throughout the series?
Rafael Petardi:
I absolutely loooooooved Chase's arc
Love redemption stuff
he was just misguided
just was alway his thing
Abby Trott:
I love Ivy's journey - she really grew up, from a troubled kid to an adult, accepting responsibility and accepting new challenges. Donning the hat, if you will.
Rafael Petardi:
*justice as always his thing
How do you feel now that Carmen Sandiego is at its end?
Rafael Petardi:
sad. miss evrybody so much
we will have to have a cast reunion when this pandemic thing is over
Abby Trott:
SAD! But grateful. It was THE MOST fun to record, and I wish it could continue forever.
Rafael Petardi:
I'm grateful too. yes
Abby Trott:
and YES reunion!
Yesss can't wait for that group photo to pop up on social media!
Were there any moments in the series that had you legitimately emotional?
Rafael Petardi:
yes ofcourse
losing Julia was tough
Abby Trott:
A lot. But one that stands out for me is after Carmen gets stuck out in the snow, and is reunited with her crew. (:_;). Also the stuff with Shadowsan and his brother... and anything with baby Carmen...
Gah. So many...
Did you enjoy how the show ended? Is there anything you would have changed or would have liked to see more of?
Rafael Petardi:
I loved the way the show ended! I think Duane did a fantastic job tying loose ends and bring the story to a satisfactory close for all characters
I do hope for an ACME Ivy, Zak, Julia and Chase spin-off
Abby Trott:
I love how it ends. I think it wrapped so well considering the number of eps - the writers really got it done. I WISH Ivy and Zack could follow Carmen forever, but she has her own story to unravel it would seem.
And Ivy does look good in that suit let me tell ya
Can you share a favorite behind the scenes moment?
Abby Trott:
Mikey. Is. So. Funny. Hard to choose one moment - he would make me laugh harder than anything. Especially when we were singing. Or any time he had to gag...
Rafael Petardi:
That singing stuff we had to do together was hilarious
we could not stop laughinh
What, in your opinion, are the best pizza toppings?
Abby Trott:
Cheese. Caramelized onions. Roasted garlic. Spinach. Mushrooms.
Rafael Petardi:
buffala mozzarella and tomatos period
oooooo fancy Abby
Abby Trott:
Rafe why aren't you as obsessed with pizza as you are with bread? And can you be?
Rafael Petardi:
I am
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
I just don;t like to share pizza
Here's a specific question for Rafael. Did you sometimes get mad at your own character for the way he behaved towards Julia earlier on in the Series?
And one for Abby. As a Massachusetts native, how did you feel about voicing a character from Boston with the iconic accent?
Rafael Petardi:
I did not. I always felt, however misguided Chase was, he was always on the path of turth and justice no matter what was in his way. It's the same principals that led hin to see the truth about Julia
Abby Trott:
I think it's so cool, and kind of an honor, in a way. I was worried about it being too much, and people saying it's over the top. Turns out comedy wins, haha.
Were you familiar with the older animated series when you started work on the Netflix original?
Rafael Petardi:
I never heard of Carmen Sandiego before I did this series
Abby Trott:
Yes! I had seen a bit. I also remember watching my brother play the game. Someone gifted me a mini arcade version of the game this year, and I'm excited to play :slight_smile:
Rafael Petardi:
Which I think helped when I had to say the iconic line
"Where in th world..." there was no pressure
Abby Trott:
Okay, last question. Do you have a favorite quote from the show?
Abby Trott:
"La Femme Rouge!"
or Mime Bomb's classic "..."
Rafael Petardi:
"the game is over!"
Abby Trott:
Thank you so much Rafael Petardi and Abby Trott for joining us today! I hope everybody had a wicked awesome time.
Abby Trott:
Thanks for having us! What a pleasure.
Rafael Petardi:
It was great! Thank you to all the great questions.
Abby Trott:
Thanks for watching the show! Great questions. I'm sure I'm going to think of more quotes as soon as I log off... haha.
Rafael Petardi:
See you all soon!
Abby Trott:
Stay safe, take care, and see you all on various social media platforms!
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yixxes · 4 years
Brown Eyes | p.p.
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Summary: After a fight with Peter, you decide to get away to your parents’ house and reflect on your relationship.
Warnings: a bit of angst?
Word count: 1519
“Honey, whatever it is, whatever he said, I’m sure he didn’t mean it, why don’t you give him a chance to explain-”
“No,” you grumbled. “he doesn’t get to explain anything, I don’t wanna hear from him, I don’t care if I ever see his face again!” 
You both knew that wasn’t true and if you were skilled at nothing else, you were an expert at saying things that you definitely did not mean in the heat of the moment, but you couldn’t help it. You were so damn angry and your mom, the one you inherited the short fuse from, knew better than to continue preaching to deaf ears. You would calm down, you would get your thoughts sorted, you just needed time to catch your breath and your bearings. 
“Okay.” She said, looking to the door. She was more than ready to give you the space that you needed. “I just want you to know that everything you’re feeling right now is okay. You have a right to feel all that you’re feeling, but just... try to give it a little more thought. I don’t know what all happened, but I do know that he’s a sweet kid. ‘N he loves you, probably more than you think.” 
You were laid up in the guest bed at your parents’ house for hours after your mom left the room. Not a single minute spent sleeping. As much as you didn’t want to think of him and his stupid face, it was all that you could think about.
 ‘He loves you, probably more than you know.’ At the time, you thought you were only half listening to what your mother was saying, but her last words of the night were really sticking with you. You really planned on sleeping, but instead, you found yourself laying in the dark thinking of Peter. He did love you, just like she said. You weren’t angry enough to write that fact off as false and there was nobody else in the room or in your head that would hear you losing your ‘I can’t stand Peter Parker’ resolve.
Private and undisturbed, you allowed your mind to wander. 
Remember the first day when I saw your face
Remember the first day when you smiled at me
You stood on your tiptoes reaching for that last can of Arizona tea on the shelf. It was pushed back way too far, but you were determined. You weren’t leaving without that tea. 
So, so close... just reach a little further aaaaand...
An arm shot out passed you to your left. They secured their hand around the can and brought it down. 
So far.
Except, that can better have been retrieved for you, or you’d have serious words for that person. You got off the tips of your toes and turned to face the stranger. A brunette, a brown eyed boy stood there, holding the last can out to you with a kind smile on his face. 
“Oh. Thank you!” Good thing for him, he did the right thing and didn’t have to get got in his throat. And good thing for you, you wouldn’t have to hurt this gentleman who was definitely taller than you. 
“Yeah, no problem. I hate when they push it all the way back.”
He didn’t tell you right then and there (it might’ve been a little creepy) but you were easily the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 
“Me too. I climb shelves, but my mom’s here and she says I should stop embarrassing her like that in public.” It was a definite overshare of info and while you were regretting it, Peter seemed to get a kick out of it. When he finished laughing, there was a big smile left on his face that you knew you’d be stuck thinking about for days on end. “I’m Y/n.” You said with a shy smile. 
Remember the first day when you took me out
We had butterflies, although we tried to hide it
And we both had a beautiful night
“Hey! - No, that’s too loud.” he cleared his throat and tried again. “Hey, Y/n, how’s it goin’?” His voice dropped a few octaves and he figured that he would sound cooler that way, but it still wasn’t right. “No, you gotta compliment her, what are you-”
He froze up and turned to look at you, closely resembling a timid puppy. His face paled and his eyes were wide. “Y/n! What are you doing out here?”
“What are you doing out here, why didn’t you tell me you were here?”
After weeks of talking, he finally asked you on a date, but when he got off the car to knock on your door, he realized he had no clue what to say when he saw you, so naturally he hung back by his car to practice. It was coming along nicely... and then you caught him.
Peter gave a nervous laugh. “Oh. I was just making a phone call - hey, do you wanna go? We should get going.”
He was a perfect gentleman. He opened your door for you, waited for you to get in and said, “You look beautiful tonight. You always do.” 
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” Your plan was to play it cool but his compliment was so sweet and sounded so genuine, your heart was doing cartwheels. In the car, you went from smitten to snickers with the cheesy jokes he kept cracking to avoid awkward silence. 
“What did the nut say when it was chasing the other nut? Imma cashew!” “Ducks have feathers to cover their butt quacks!” The dad jokes knew no bounds inside of that car and thankfully you learned before the jokes came to an end that he did a pretty inventive Darth Vader impression: “What did the cow say to the gallon of milk? I am your father.”
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
One of the things that you loved about being with Peter was that you never had cause to question whether he loved you or not. He was constantly reminding you of it no matter what the situation was and no matter what terms the two of you were on. Your loving boyfriend adored you so much, he had to make sure you knew. 
“...so Patch becomes Marcie’s new guardian which is so problematic because Marcie hates Nora and tries to make it seem like-”
“I love you so much.” He told you almost dreamily. 
You stopped short and an instant smile melted your serious expression. “Wh... I love you too.”
“I’m sorry, babe, you’re so cute I couldn’t just not tell you, but finish, I won’t interrupt again.” Peter loved when you told him all about the books that you were reading. You spoke with such passion and excitement and (at times) such seriousness. You could go on forever about the things you’ve read and he loved that you thought to share it with him. He always made it clear that the things that you were interested in were equally as interesting to him and you always loved that about him.
Three firm raps at the door at the guest bedroom door brought your montage of memories to an abrupt halt. The clock on the bedside table read 11:44 and you figured it was your mom again offering dinner - your father tended to avoid emotional situations because he wasn’t the best at handling them and usually ended up saying the wrong thing. He let you know that he loved you and and that he’d be around if you needed him and that was the extent of his communication about the issue at hand. 
You stayed laying down and kept an arm over your eyes. “Come in, mom.” She had a habit of turning on lights when she walked into a room. Something about the importance of being able to see the person that you were speaking with. You listened to the sound of the door opening and saw the lights turn on around the shade of your arm. 
Her voice was cautious. Careful. It got your attention straight away and you sat up to try to catch onto the bad thing that may have been occurring but all that you saw was your dear mother standing in front of Peter. 
Peter looked rough, to say the least. Wrecked was more like it, actually. He had puffy cry eyes that looked like they were starting to tear up again. His lips were in a pouty grimace and his brows were pulled in like he was physically hurting. As mad as you were, seeing him that way made you wanna reach out and hold him but you stayed right where you were. He had some serious talking and apologizing to do before you gave him any kind of mushy treatment.
“There’s somebody that wants to speak with you.”
He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul.
A/n: thank you sm for reading! Just wanted to put out there that the book mentioned in this imagine is Crescendo, it’s the second book of the Hush Hush series and it’s such a good series, if any of you were looking for something good to read! Also the song that inspired the imagine is Brown Eyes by Destiny’s Child (: Much love.
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piratejct · 4 years
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* 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐢, 𝐜𝐢𝐬-𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 + 𝐬𝐡𝐞 /𝐡𝐞𝐫 | you know 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢, right? they’re 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐟? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝟑𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 by 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡 like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐬, 𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐮𝐦 thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is 𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡, so they’re a 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
NAME: shirin rostami NICKNAME(S): rin  D.O.B: october 29th, 1995  AGE: 25 BIRTH PLACE: delaware county, pennsylvania  CURRENTLY RESIDING: irving, north carolina SEXUALITY: pansexual OCCUPATION: clerk at the palm motel / sailing instructor 
tw: mentions of racism, arson, stroke, disability. 
born delco gorl but the family moved to irving when she was around ten after her parents’ shop was vandalized and set on fire by some disgusting racists. essentially, that’s all she remembers from back in pennsylvania: racism, nasty looks from the neighbors and that one time this kid, travis, said she was the ugliest girl in the world. look again, travis. 
after the family business went up in flames (literally), the parents collected all insurance money and pretty much fled. irving greeted them with open arms and now, fifteen years later, they’re still living in the same house on orion avenue and even have a local business going! great times for the rostami fam. 
high school fr shirin was ... a whirlwind of emotions. started the first two years off as one of the cool kidz, big bitch and a gretchen wieners wannabe but then she had a feud with her clique and they . kicked her out of the circle </3 tragic. spent the remaining years hanging out with the less-cool kids and having a blast. 
watched her peers pursuing their passions, genuinely thinking she’d never find anything in life that she’d fully enjoy/want to commit to, but then she discovered filmmaking and . boom . after graduating, she moved to boston to study jst that.
finished, got a degree, moved back home just in time for her mother to have a near-fatal stroke and end up in a wheelchair. she’ll likely never be able to walk again but deals with it like a champ. honestly, her mother is simply unbreakable and a big inspiration to rin. 
even though she doesn’t live with her parents anymore, she still visits more often than they expect her to and helps around the house. she might be a questionable person sometimes but at least she’s a good daughter, y’know? 
the queen of speaking her mind even when literally nobody asked. 
ceo of dumb humor. sometimes takes the joke so far that u begin to wonder whether it even was a joke to begin with .. 
reliable as fuck, especially when it comes to working on a set. like . she gets shit done. i won’t say she’s professional bc ... she acts like she rarely takes anything seriously but .. she’s v dedicated when it comes to the stuff she cares abt. 
takes absolutely no shit. sorry. 
idk sometimes ... she might come across a lil offensive but its usually jst for comedy purposes so don’t ... punch her. or do! she might not be the most physically strong but she’d find her way in a combat (threat) 
she’s vegan. haha.
has had like 5678656 different hairstyles n piercings but currently she’s rockin a septum.
proud owner of two pet lizards. their names r elbow and timothy and they’re the sweetest <3 
wannabe film-person, motel clerk by day, sailing instructor in the summers, dj when she feels like it. 
is also in a band. 
has two brothers. she’s the middle child.
aaaaand ... cut . i’ll probably add more to this as we go since she’s still ... relatively new bt ... fr now .. 
that’s all, folks. 
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barchie-fanfiction · 4 years
in case you missed it...
hello from your barchie-fanfiction admins! thanks for following us - over the next few days we’ll be posting some author masterlists of some heavy hitters in the fandom (think 5+ fics!), but until then... we thought everyone needed some more season five in their lives.
so, in case you missed them... a collection of completed fics (as of march 5th) that take place somewhere in season five canon (or not canon)!
pre time jump
(stop fighting) and know our love is real Author: Littlebarchie07 Rating: General Length: 2,019 Summary: 3 times Archie starts coming to terms with potentially losing Betty and the 1 time he realises they will always be connected. Notes: Part 2/2 of The Truth series. 
(stop pretending) and let our love begin Author: Littlebarchie07 Rating: General Length: 1,244 Summary: 3 times Betty lies, and the 1 time she finally admits the truth. Notes: Part 1/2 of The Truth series.
but we were something, don’t you think so? Author: societysgot Rating: General Length: 1,718 Summary: "Why didn't you tell me?" She tries to look him in the eye but finds that she can't, "That you were leaving." "Well I—" "Why Arch?" Notes: An alternate take on the bus scene, and before.
closing walls and ticking clocks Author: inthehallway Rating: Teen Length: 3,365 Summary: Maybe you need to consider why you’re really so terrified of him finding out. Is it only because you know you’ll lose him? Or is it also because you’re scared of the feelings you’ll be forced to face once he’s gone? After prom, Betty can't hide from the truth anymore. Notes: An alternate take on prom. AKA, everyone finds out.
Dancing is a dangerous game Author: Littlebarchie07 Rating: General Length: 1,081 Summary: Based on the lyrics from “you’re a cowboy like me”. Betty-Barchie centric of an AU prom scene. Notes: AKA Archie and Betty actually dance like they should have.
for what it’s worth it was worth all the while Author: bettycooopers Rating: General Length: 1,030 Summary: Betty slips into the back door of the Andrews house the way she has a thousand times before, but this morning it feels different...despite the fact that it still, somehow, feels like the most natural thing in the world. Notes: Takes place the last day of school. Aaaaand we’re sad again.
i’ve been looking sad in all the nicest places Author: societysgot Rating: Teen Length: 1,399 Summary: "It's not that simple," She went to place a hand on his arm, but he felt himself pulling away before she made contact. His voice was hoarse when he spoke. "Well, it shouldn't be this hard." Notes: They talk!! They discuss things!! Betty actually knows that Veronica knows!! A gift.
If This Was A Movie Author: booksnshows Rating: General Length: 3,228 Summary: Betty Cooper has been dreaming of prom since she was a little girl. The truth is...she always pictured going with Archie Andrews. Notes: An alternate take on prom. Written early post S4.
so give me tonight Author: bettycooopers Rating: General Length: 2,392 Summary: They (whoever they are, exactly,) say that prom night is supposed to be one of the best nights of your life. Archie Andrews would like to go on record saying that is absolute bullshit. Notes: Did someone say prom porch parallel?
there’s no warning when everything changes Author: bettycooopers Rating: General Length: 1,525 Summary: The song sounds different coming from Veronica, so it doesn’t occur to Betty until she hears it: he’s not made for this world, and neither am I. Notes: A look is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, 1500 of them.
valentine Author: spideychoni Rating: Not Rated Length: 2,333 Summary: when things fall apart in archie and betty’s relationships, will they find each other again? a graduation after party changes everything for the blonde haired girl and the redheaded boy. Noted: A graduation after party?? Eyes emoji.
You Were The Someone Waiting For Me Author: darlingfilms Rating: Teen Length: 1,123 Summary: Picture this, it’s the senior prom in Riverdale and Betty and Archie go with their partners, but it’s clear who they’d rather be with. Notes: The author mentions there’s another chapter, but it’s marked as completed, so! Enjoy!
time jump
'tis the damn season Author: bettycooopers Rating: Mature Length: 13,878 Summary: you could call me babe for the weekend 'tis the damn season A Taylor Swift inspired "we're dating, but only during the holidays" AU told in five parts. Notes: Liberties taken - namely, they do talk within those years, and Archie doesn’t get deployed - but otherwise follows canon. Also, it’s epic.
all i want for christmas Author: bettycooopers Rating: General Length: 3,527 Summary: Archie’s heard of an orphan Christmas before, but he didn’t actually think he’d have one...at least, not yet. Notes: Written pre-S5, so FP doesn’t leave! 
come home to my heart Author: inthehallway Rating: Mature Length: 9,248 Summary: He’s only been here for a few hours, and she already feels like a piece of her that’s been missing for too long is shifting back into place. But he's going to leave in a few days, and they'll have to say goodbye to each other all over again. She wonders if this will even be worth the pain it's going to cause them both in the end. Two years after graduation, Archie visits Betty at Yale. Notes: Sequel to didn’t know you were golden ‘til i tore your heart open. Written after S4, so Archie goes to the navy, not the army!   
post time jump
all the bad dreams that you hide Author: bettycooopers Rating: General Length: 2,708 Summary: Betty has control of the nightmares. At least, that's what she tells herself. Notes: Based off of that Roommates Theory we all fell prey to. What happened in Albany, Cher?! Tell us!!!
Honey Author: JemmaLynn13 Rating: Mature Length: 6,755 Summary: A post shower fic where Betty finds herself wearing Archie's bathrobe with no other clothes to change into. Notes: Seriously, how did this girl get home? Alice is gonna find out by 5x07, at this rate.
Hush, I’m Here Author: NewObsessed Rating: Teen Length: 1,350 Summary: He stares up at the ceiling. Everytime he closes his eyes, all he sees is the battlefield and his fellow soldiers laying motionless across the grounds. Still he tries to let sleep come. After what feels like mere seconds, his eyes pop open again. Only this time, it isn’t because of his nightmare. It's because of someone else’s. Her scream slices through the silence of the house. Notes: We may have lost roommates in canon, but not in fic!!! The potential, friends.
i am your secret, baby, watch me unfold Author: bettycooopers Rating: Explicit Length: 3,151 Summary: Betty turns on her stereo and pours herself a drink, smiling – the idea of parading around her empty house in lingerie with her makeup done and a highball glass of gin while she waits for Archie is appealing, to say the least. Notes: You know what we didn’t lose, though? Friends with benefits. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 
“If I kissed you right now, what would you do?” Author: bettycooopers Rating: Not Rated Length: 765 Summary: It’s past midnight when Betty texts him and tells him to meet her outside the auto shop. He shrugs on a sweatshirt and texts her back (for any particular reason, betts?) as he’s making his way out of the house, not bothering to wait for her to answer. He knows he’s going to end up there, anyway. Notes: A fun mini ‘verse where Betty pretends for all of five seconds that 5x05 was a one time thing. Whatever you say, Cooper!
jump into the heat Author: MaiaSpeedster Rating: Teen Length: 444 Summary: As they kissed and undressed each other, Betty couldn’t help but to think how dumb she had been to waste all of these years. She already knew how good Archie was at kissing, but the way he ran his hands over her figure and pressed his body to hers… God, she had never felt anything like it. Notes: Betty’s thoughts during 5x05. Y’know. About that scene. We think you know the one.
just for now Author: staryu Rating: General Length: 713 Summary: where Betty leaves but Archie is sad and really wants her to stay. Notes: Everyone, including Archie, wanted him to ask Betty to stay during 5x06, right? It’s okay, Arch, fic’s got you covered.
let’s go somewhere they might discover us Author: bettycooopers Rating: Explicit Length: 3,670 Summary: Archie’s synapses are clearly slower than usual, but he manages to look over at her subtly enough and raise his brow in a want to get out of here sort of way and Betty smiles, looking over to Kevin. “I think I’m going to let,” she pats Archie on the shoulder and raises her brows, “Sergeant Andrews here walk me home.” Notes: Based off of 5x06 stills. Drunk Archie! Exhibionist Barchie! A Betty who is terrible at friends with benefits! Yeah!
light my fire  Author: bettycooopers Rating: Explicit Length: 2,797 Summary: Betty wakes up frustrated. She goes to bed frustrated. Riverdale is frustrating, in general – but the fact that she’s living in her childhood bedroom with Archie Andrews only a few hundred yards away, looking frustrating all the time is making it worse. Much worse. Notes: Based off of that still Roberto posted of Archie in firefighter gear. Yeah, you know the one. 
lock the door (and throw out the key) Author: bettycooopers Rating: Explicit Length: 8,269 Summary: Cheryl’s always been one for chaos, and this key party seems like the kind of thing that will cause it no matter who winds up together. Notes: What’s going to be more chaotic, the actual key party (if it happens), or the events of this fic? Place your bets! 
Love’s under a lock and key Author: creative_soul Rating: Mature Length: 3,306 Summary: Seven years have past since Betty left Riverdale behind. Seven years have passed since she last saw Jughead, Veronica and Archie... but now here she is seven years later on the steps of Thistle House. Notes: So... you’ve heard about the key party theory by now, right?
Our place, we make the rules Author: Littlebarchie07 Rating: Teen Length: 1,816 Summary: Betty goes over to Archie’s house for a *not* midnight hookup the night of the shower scene but is surprised when Jughead answers the door. Post 5x05. Notes: Betty is the least subtle she’s ever been, and also made us laugh out loud with one line in particular.
tell me you love me on the bathroom floor Author: soldierwitch Rating: Mature Length: 804 Summary: It’s been seven years since Betty’s had Archie. Though in hindsight she realizes that what she had back then was just a taste. A chaste kiss on the lips, a slip of the tongue. Underneath the stream of water coming from his shower head, she wonders what she really knew of him physically. Notes: Set during the shower scene.
That Shower Scene Author: ThisCalmsMe Rating: Explicit Length: 3,420 Summary: Barchie shower scene, that's it. That's the summary. NOT for underage viewing. Notes: The author said it themselves, but you know what scene this is. Can you believe we get to tag this as canon? Us neither!
The Small Hours Author: network_connectivity_issues Rating: Teen Length: 2,632 Summary: Just a little angsty bonding between Betty and Archie based on some of the snippets and speculation coming out of the Time Jump trailer. Notes: This fic is god tier. End of.
Through Fire and Rain Author: Littlebarchie07 Rating: Teen Length: 1,218 Summary: The aftermath of the fire at Archie’s house, Betty asks him to stay with her. Takes place after 5x06 Notes: The 5x07 subplot we deserve!
Who’s That at the Door? Author: CanaryWidow Rating: Teen Length: 1,853 Summary: A 5x07 speculation fic where Betty and Archie are tiptoeing around their true feelings for each other in a FWB relationship. Reality, in the form of Glen, comes knocking at their door--literally. Notes: Give us jealous Archie, we’re here for jealous Archie!
“You didn’t have to do this, you know.” Author: staryu Rating: Not Rated Length: 473 Summary: here have jealous betty at a bar! Notes: Give us jealous Betty, we want jealous Betty!
“You didn’t have to scare me like that.” Author: bettycooopers Rating: Not Rated Length: 485 Summary: Betty wakes from the nightmare (the nightmare, the one she always has) gasping for air and presses her hand to her face. She sucks in a long breath, the way Dr. Starling had instructed – why she had even mentioned the nightmares to her mandatory therapist, she’s not sure, but the only thing that’s even come close to useful from their sessions has been the deep breathing. Notes: Okay, but we all had at least considered that Betty could’ve been pointing that gun at Archie, right?
you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon Author: bettycooopers Rating: Explicit Length: 4,037 Summary: “We’re getting that fucking house back,” Betty says, her voice low. “There’s no other option.” Notes: We’re still yelling about this one.
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heamarvel · 5 years
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Human disasters, unite! That seems to be the running theme for Bucky Barnes and Clint Barton, both together and separately (the growth is exponential), but in this event another theme was being loved. 
These four authors pulled off that theme and wrote a combined 58k words! Holy cow. Good work! WinterHawk is our third most popular ship by word count and fifth by number of works. These two chaotic bundles also managed to rope in other people to love, and the count includes more than one poly fic! 
We’re pretty sure we’ve fallen more in love with this ship over this event, but seriously: who wouldn’t? ;)
Click on the read more to see a list of the Hoopla’s WinterHawk fics!
Harlequin 2020 Masterpost | AO3 Collection
Big secret, small package | @hopelessly-me | 2,228 words | T
For three months, Bucky has been dodging his relationship with Clint, and Clint is confused as to why. When he finally goes to confront him about it, he is taken by surprise.
Daddy duty | @hopelessly-me​ | 1,776 words | G
Clint got home from a mission and is greeted by an upset toddler, a fussy one year old, and a tired Bucky.
I Want Something Just Like This | @hopelessly-me​​ | 18,604 words | T
Clint is used to running into celebrities, especially since his best friend is one. But that doesn't mean he was prepared to live with James Barnes, his favorite celeb crush, for a few days while Steve and Natasha are out of town.
Pride Ain’t a Sunday Picnic | @flawedamythyst | 5,273 words | T
Bucky's second Pride parade goes even better than his first one, for both him and Clint.
The Amber of This Moment | @kangofu-cb​​ | 4,569 words | E
When Clint needs a date to Kate's wedding, Natasha 'knows a guy'. The guy isn't anything like what Clint expected, but he might just be everything he didn't know he needed. ** Bucky's got a lot of side hustles - everything from dog walking to document translating - but his most lucrative is also his least advertised. He occasionally hires himself out as arm candy for anyone willing to shell out the cash. He was never counting on Hawkeye as a client.
The Space Between | @flawedamythyst | 6,239 words | T
Clint and Bucky have spent the last few months pretending that finding your soulmate doesn't change anything, even if they do have to make sure they touch often enough to avoid soulbond deprivation. It's just a medical condition, right? It doesn't have to mean anything unless they want it to. And then Clint gets kidnapped.
This Feels Right | @kangofu-cb​​ | 8,539 words | E
“Show-off,” James muttered, turning to punch the latest in a series of nameless bad guys right in the face. “It’s a lot easier to put people down when you don’t have to get up close and personal with them.” “I’ll get up close and personal with you,” Clint assured him, breathless as he once again released an arrow. In the distance there was an explosion. “There’s a no flirting rule on the comms,” Tony butted in, soaring over all of them with a blast of repulsors that could only have been purposeful. “Cap said, ‘no flirting, propositioning, or otherwise inappropriate behavior on official communications’. He put it in writing and everything.” “I never saw that,” James grunted, bending to avoid a punch and simultaneously uppercutting his assailant. “And I can’t read,” Clint chimed in. “Can we focus?” Steve demanded, and then grunted like the wind had been punched out of him. “Aaaaand that’s Cap taking a bullet to the thigh, for those who like to keep count of such things,” Clint said nonchalantly. ** Or: Clint and James join the Avengers. It's not exactly a smooth ride.
+ plus +
don’t you put on a nice show? | @glazed-sun​​​ | Bucky x Clint x Sam | WinterFalconHawk | 3,741 words | E
There was nothing quite like the parties at the local buffet flats. Sure, Sam has been to one or two of Madame Walker’s parties. The rich opulence was an experience, and rubbing elbows with some of Harlem’s best poets, writers, and artists was truly inspirational. However, the buffet flats were quite a unique experience.
Space is for the birds | @hopelessly-me​ | Steve x Bucky x Clint | AmeriWinterHawk | 3,939 words | T
Clint gets elected by Tony to travel to space with him to repair a spaceship, and all Clint wants to do is get back home to Bucky and Steve.
Surprise Anniversary Plans | @hopelessly-me​ | Steve x Bucky x Clint | AmeriWinterHawk | 1,227 words | T
On their third anniversary, Clint, Bucky, and Steve are forced to aid in a AIM base take down, which ruined all of Steve's plans. But Clint might have a surprise up his sleeve to surprise his boyfriends.
The Missing Soulmark | @hopelessly-me​​ | Steve x Bucky x Clint | AmeriWinterHawk | 1,535 words | T
Bucky is trying to put distance between himself and Steve because he no longer has Steve's matching soulmark - but Clint does. But despite trying to find new hiding places in the Tower, Clint finds him and attempts to fix what's been broken.
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kittymaverick · 4 years
That Time of the Year Again (tm): Get ready for MCF 21: the Harbinger commentary!
It’s that time of the year yet again! Mystery Case Files 21: The Harbinger commentary. If anyone has been waiting for the hilarity that is my commentaries, I’m sorry I’m late this year. I actually started working as a freelance writer, and projects are coming in hot. Plus a recent family matter (not COVID-related. I’m thankfully in one of the safest places from it.) meant I had to put this on a back-burner. And then I guess I left it there for too long and triggered the smoke alarm, and people entered my inbox going “Are you okay???” So without further ado, let’s get this started. *cracks fingers* I have DUAL MONITORS NOW which means I can see my commentary AND watch the playthrough at the same time. (Yet, I still DON’T have a credit card. This is the new running joke.) I’m going to be watching YouGib’s playthough. Pazu also has his playthrough up. Spoilers below the cut as usual!
First, Grandma? A new studio? (A quick google shows they have done quite a bit of HOP titles and series.) Welcome to the MCF family! I hope you’re ready for the roasting that’s ahead. 8D MD: You mean the roasting they’ll let me do, right? I don’t know if they would be so nice as to grant you such catharsis right away. MD: Damn… It’s Grandma though. There’ll at least be cookies, right?
I like how “The” is in a place where you can almost read it as “The Mystery Case Files”, which MCF honestly deserves at this point. 21 years! That’s old enough to drink in the US!
(MD: Hm, old fashion building and clothes? Are we having some anachronistic adventure again--) CAT. Black cat. This is Isis. (MD: Not all black cats are Isis…) Yes they are. They are to me--
Captions: (Otherworldly scream) Why yes, yes game, thank you for describing my exact reaction to seeing that darn crystal ball. I love this self-awareness and I hope it stays.
Oh nooooo, green beam of light… (Green was the color of souls used in old Ravenhearst games, and also the type of light that the Archivist from Moths to a Flame evaporated into, iirc.)
MD: Hm, a harbinger usually means something worse is coming up. So who’s harbinger to whom I wonder? Well you could say Emma, Madame Fate, or Victor was the harbinger to Charles, and then Charles himself was a harbinger to Alistair, who apparently was harbinger to the twins, who were also harbinger to Alistair again-- MD: Yes, I know, thank you, please stop. --and then he was harbinger to a Lord Ravenhearst who we never saw again, and then we picked it up again somehow to Phineas Crown though that was much earlier and the pirate was a harbinger of himself in a sense. In fact, I guess in a metasense, you could say each MCF game is a harbinger of the next-- MD: You haven’t even gotten past the opening so PLEASE STOP.
Hm, game difficulty settings-- no Master Detective level. Ten marks off. :( MD: Okay that’s unfair. Also Hardcore is one word. MD: Hey, I’m the pyromaniac, okay? Chill! (Me at recording: pick helpful messages, pick it! PICK IT!)
OH, a CHOICE?! Oh, wait, it’s just the main game and extra content.
THEY GAVE YOU YOUR BUGGY BACK. THEY GAVE IT BAAAAACK. AAAAAHHH. MD: Interior’s a little different, but yes, I HAVE MY CAR BACK AND NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW. MWAHAHAHA-- Queen: Something strange is happening in Darkmoor. MD: *Does a 180 and goes back home* [The end.] Just kidding. :P I love how all the names of the places we’re going to immediately screams DANGER. MD: If I turned back every time I heard a name like that, I would be a very different person today. Probably saner, less salty, and generally happier.
It took me a while to see clearly, but the bobblehead looks like default MD (the costume seems to be inspired by the Fate Carnival collectibles)! We can now safely assume that MD is either really afraid of the cold, or very, very desperately trying to hide their identity. MD: Don’t tell anyone… but the getup is like a security blanket. ...One that you wear?! MD: Shhhhhh not so loud…….
Queen: Several keywords related to your previous cases-- What keywords? What are they? MD: Ravenhearst? Souls? Pirates? Skulls? Crystal Ball? Madame Fate? Dire Grove? Death herself? Queen: I’m not revealing this mystery… it’ll give the whole plot away! ...Okay, I’m putting ten on Victor, twenty on Charlotte, thirty on Alistar, and a hundred on Charles-- MD: You CHEATER you were spoiled while GOOGLING. --actually, I should do a bingo board instead. Yeah, I’m gonna do that. (And then she spends ten minutes wasting time on that, before giving up. We are at… 2 minutes in of the playthrough. This is normal.)
Queen: We’ve detected a possible energy anomaly-- MD: I’m sorry, we have DONE WHAT?! You guys have technology for that??? MD: Where was this technology for like…. The past ten cases? I really could have used some of that before heading in! (Somewhere in the world, the Mystery Tracker detective hides his gadgets…) (Post video edit: Speaking off, he seems to have gone UFO now.)
*Radio fizzes out* MD: That’s not good. Um… UP AHEAD. MD: THAT’S REALLY NOT GOOD. DETECTIVE TAKE THE WHEEL!!!! MD: THIS BUGGY IS STILL ON MORTGAGE NO. (And the MD, the bobblehead, literally lost their head, lol.)
Gibs is definitely feeling the stylistic difference. I personally don’t think it detracts from the game right now, and if anything, it can open new avenues for MCF to explore. Also, awwww it’s not our old buggy, but hey, I like the red!
MD: Okay… agency device. Better use this to scan for creepy crawly energies. I’m so sad it’s not something you can get attached to… MD: I’m pretty damn attached to my new car, thank you very much. Well, the windshield is already broken, so I think it’s been marked as “readily expendable” emotionally. :P (Machine sort of reminds me of the old machine from Huntsville, actually… which did appear again in… Rewind?)
Wow, that royal decree is like… a permission slip from mom. XD MD: Enough to get people’s attention, but not enough for them to treat me seriously. You would think with lives at stake, they would send something more official? MD: If they did, I might just be out of a job, because half of my job seems to involve waiting for people to get in trouble. Also, marking this officer Davis down as “guy who might get into trouble later and need rescuing”.
...Okay, you know what the device could have been? A portable TV head. MD: I will PUNT that metal box so hard if they handed me one! Missed moment of creepy, honestly.
“The agency never ceases to amaze me”??? MD: I meant that in both the “wow, I can’t believe this is what you used our money on!” and the “wow, I can’t believe this is where you used our money instead of that other really important thing we could have had” sense. Never cease to amaze you in how disappointed you are at them, then. MD: After our last security breach, yes.
Solved Case Files, omg. And you carry it on your car.XD MD: The therapist said I needed to “express my outrage” more healthily than arson. And you made the WORLD NEWS???? Whatever happened to being the most secretive person in the world?! MD: Shhhhh let them keep guessing… (Also, Bobblehead isn’t our MD, it seems. A case of mistaken identity. Awww….)
Guy in purple: I didn’t do anything wrong! Hm, this guy is sus… also, we’re in the UK, confirmed? MD: ...As if the name didn't’ give it already. Also, SIR, SIR, YOU DROPPED YOUR purse……. Well I guess it’s my purse now.
Tarot cards as collectibles! More Madame Fate coming up?
Wow, that police station entrance was a time machine. We’re back in modern-day old town England! MD: ….pattern on floor, sus… Aaaaand power outage. Cue bars. Policeman trapped. Oops. MD: Number of people that needed rescuing is now one, and is exactly as I predicted.
Police: Um, can you come closer? I dunno man, you behind bars, pretty sus. Maybe you’re not a real police. Police: Oh please. We talking real? How about your prove you’re the real Master Detective-- MD: *Hands Queen’s note* Police: Right that’ll work. (We didn’t get to flash our badge?!)
Wait, you’re in a ROYAL AGENCY??? Did you.... change agencies or something??? MD: After the last game, can you really blame me if a headhunter came asking? Me: No but… you work for the CROWN???? MD: Hey, if me collecting stories for Grandma Queen wasn’t obvious enough, I don’t know what else to say.
Wow, an ACTUAL FLASH DRIVE. We’re actually in modern day society. XD Albeit one with really industrial looking computers. (Now I need to go and check if the old games used floppy disks…)
Witness 1: It’s not like she has a crystal ball! Suspect purple: Yeah, I’m a fair owner. Girl Aisling is a fortune reader. ...Madame Fate, Madame FATE, MADAME FATE. MD: Okay, maybe that cat WAS Isis after all. Guy: She likes watching ravens. MD and I, simultaneously: FUCK.
I have to say, the puzzles are quite refreshingly different from ones that have appeared in the past. Me likey.
Gibs sees victim photo on autopsy table: What a handsome devil he is! Me: *Dies laughing and fails to make comments for a while*
Oh wow, you can write coherently again! Actual journals! Clear sketches! (Actual cutscene replay???? TWENTY POINTS.) MD: Therapy can be a wonderful thing sometimes. ...Please tell me you’re talking actual therapy and not “I got to explode a ship and the pirates on it” therapy. MD: Well, that counts as therapy still, right?
Okay Madame Fate, if you have a daughter, or this is your granddaughter, please just descend from heaven and let us know right now. (...wait, didn’t Madame Fate have a son? The really big eater guy? Franco!) That said, it says the veil of time, which might be an allusion to the Dark Veil too.
Davis: Right, good luck heading into town to the victim’s home! MD: Yep! Thanks for being a rare competent soul in this universe! Really appreciate the help-- [Rose street.] MD: ...Is it too late to turn back? Yes, yes it is entirely too late. 8D Let’s gooooooooo! MD: *sighs*.
SHADOW IN JAMES’ HOUSE! SHADOW! MD: Probably Nigel. He was sneaking around already.
MENTION Of CAT. CAT. MD: ...are you broken? ...Yes. (It’s nearing 1 am. So Kitty commentary might be retroactive below.)
Huh, HOP has sections that unlock objects like in Dark Parables. Neat!
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Small town drama as usual. MD: The predictable disappointment of human nature. Why can’t I just have cases that deal with that? No supernatural stuff, just little town murder mysteries. Little Town Mystery Case Files, coming to a store near you soon! (I’ll be honest, Grandma, I would play that once, just to have MD be completely paranoid over nothing actually supernatural.)
Santa Claus Beard Guy: I hope I didn’t scare you. MD: I’ve had undead grip me through the window. A little shadow doesn’t spook me. A family whose last name begins with a D though rattles them. MD: Please don’t give away my weaknesses so quickly...
Santa Guy: So the cat kicked my ass. Can you get me some medicine? MD: Sure thing. BTW, where is this cat, and how can I recruit it to kick the asses of my enemies?
Eeeeehhhh complex door puzzles are back! Except they are now complex cupboard puzzles.
WOOOOOOOOOW that’s a LYNX if I ever saw one! MD: Hey, remember how I say I’m not good with animals? Too bad, grab the pet carrier, you’ll need it. MD: ...please don’t scratch me. Cat: *Roars* MD: *flips shit, runs and hides*
James has visited the Museum of Mysteries… And what’s with the MCF crest in his diary??? MD: Wait… Allison? ALLISON THE REPORTER??? Omg, James is her BROTHER. THEY HAVE THE SAME LAST TIME EVEN OMG. MD: ……….. I’m NOT going to be the deliverer of this bad news. Hey MD, does that curse that surrounds people associated with you extend to their families? MD: Thank you for going where my brain didn’t want to, now kindly proceed no further. Just morbidly wondering…...
MD: They… they visited all the places that my cases took place. EVEN A HOUSE I REPORTED BURNED DOWN AND EXPLODED. AND THEN CAMPED OUT IN DIRE GROVE. MY GODS ALMIGHTY YOU TWO!!!! ...These siblings don’t have a lot of self-preservation sense, huh? MD: There are some things that should NOT run in the family. This is one of them. (I’ll be honest. Just… HOW can the MD process this kind of guilt??? Kudos to you, Grandma Studios. This is possibly the most evil story choice ever, and you went there. Slow, claps. Seriously. That said there is a small plothole here with James saying he was there when MD rescued Allison. I think that might be a translation/grammar error though.)
Journal: Oh btw John worked on the Ravenhearst manor restoration. MD: *grabs John* WHY. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME AND TO THE WORLD?! John: Um….. it was work? MD: SOME PLACES ARE BETTER OFF GONE. Hey, look on the bright side. You can burn it down again as therapy! John: Oh btw, I made the elaborate locks-- MD: *Begins to strangle John* NO HOMICIDES MASTER DETECTIVE! You investigate them, not commit them! MD: TELL ME THAT AFTER I’M DONE.
MD: Okay, John. Let me be clear on one thing. You are now number one sus on my list of “The person that’s gonna betray me in the end” right now, and probably staying there. If you turn out to be one of the Dalimars or their crony in disguise, I will END YOU. Are we clear? John: ………… MD: What? John: You’re more terrifying than James’ cat--
*Another prevention of homicide later…* MD: Alright, fine. Containers, opened. Toy, fixed. “Cat”, got. Now take it and get out. John: Thanks, here is the final piece to that closet door that I totally have been keeping from you this whole time. ….Seriously???? MD: ….Like I said, top of my shitlist. *Reads the closet puzzle poem* On second thought GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE I HAVE QUESTIONS!
James is the greatest dork. He locked his special diary entries with a lock. I’m so sad we didn’t get to meet him in person. Though that said... MD: My gods, some common sense is really missing from this family’s mind. Seeds from the carnival?! A cube from probably dire grove??? How does it feel knowing you contributed indirectly to his demise? 8D MD: ...It’s like seeing someone win the Darwin award and feeling bad that you are the one handing the trophy to them.
Davis: Oh hey, a cassette? Let me go and get the camera for it. We’ll meet later! MD: Wait a second, you’re gonna end up dead if you do that! Davis: No, I’m gonna be fine! Here’s a ticket to the night market! Have fun! MD: …… ...More Darwin award nominations? MD: No. Awww….
Marge: Oh hi detective! Thank you for saving me and my daughter so many years ago! MD: …. Who are you again? *Goes to google* Oh, she’s that woman from Reverant’s Hunt…. MD: Ah, the gossip hen. My gods what’s with this town and its inhabitants… It’s like all the people connected to you which fate has yet to kill are all showing up again for a chance of going to the afterlife! 8Db MD: That would be the worst lottery ever. All in the life of being Master Detective’s friend! Forecast for percent of death: high! MD: *curls up in a corner to be depressed*
Nigel: What do you want? MD: Here are your seeds. Nigel: Okay I’m gone! MD: Right, now Aisling-- WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. Crow: Caw-caw! MD: You, you’re not Crowlister, but if you are responsible, I will make you one very bald bird.
Okay, soooooo what do we do? MD: Removed what the device can. Guess we’re down to brewing this… tea... ...I think you need this tea more than her, honestly.
“I expect these MCF references now.” XD I think the 4th wall has just been shattered into oblivion.
Aisling: I see death all around you Master Detective! MD: Thank you for stating the obvious that has been made abundantly clear by the past hour and a half of plot. Davis: Hey waddap? MD: ….*breaks down sobbing* YOU’RE STILL ALIVE THANK GOODNESS! *hugs Davis* Davis: Um… what’s going… anyway, you should look at the video.
MD: Nigel! This video here suggests something. Want to talk before I make you? Nigel: This proves nothing! Now go away, I have preparations to-- Noooooooooo! *Nigel is swallowed by the earth* ……...MD? MD: NOT IT. WASN’T ME. DEFINITELY NOT ME! You saw that right, Davis? Davis: Oh no, he’s dead! Guess we’ll need to exhume him. MD: Now hold on, that reaction is just WAAAAAY TO BLAND.
(Watched a little bit ahead. I have some theories on who Aisling might be, since Gib’s thumbnail does appear to hint at it. We’ll see where it goes!)
(Aaaaand I was right!)
[Here ends entry one. Part two is going to be even more retroactive...]
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insanelycooljk · 4 years
IF UR STILL DOIN THESE can i ask about your roleswap au? oR the evan is a compulsive liar one, whichever! @bandtrees
send me the title of one of my deh wips and I’ll share an excerpt/tell you a bit about it  
(you can read my reply about the “maybe evan really IS a compulsive liar” one here)
Oh boy the roleswap au... honestly this is an idea I’ve had for a really long time that I kind of forgot about, but then Kayla’s jared dies! au inspired me to revisit it. In a suprise to absolutely no one lmao, there’s a whole lot of angst. Like, I’d kind of forgotten what the plot was, and when I went back and read over my notes for it the other day I made MYSELF cry. So uhhh, yeah, this one’s gonna hurt
The concept is very simple, and I’m sure has been done before, but basically Evan and Connor (and Jared and Zoe to an extent) swap roles. So Evan dies, and Connor writes a therapy letter which gets mistaken for Evan’s suicide note. On that, obviously trigger warning for suicide.
Alright so this wip still needs a lot of work because I’m still trying to narrow it down to a single cohesive plot and figure out how to keep it in character (for instance I just can’t see Connor forming the equivalent of The Connor Project and dragging out the lie to that extent) But, here’s what I’ve got at the moment!
The first day of school is almost identical to canon, so I won’t get into that, but Evan still had his attempt over the summer and hence has his broken arm. I mean yeah, maybe Evan’s dialogue is a little different because he’s struggling more with his depression, but I don’t see his second attempt as necessarily being planned. It’s more of an impromptu “finish what I started” decision he makes after having an awful first day back at school
The only real change from canon at this point is the letter. It’s a therapy assignment for Connor rather than Evan.
The scene where Evan prints his letter and Connor signs his cast is essentially the same as canon too, except obviously Connor is the one writing the letter. Evan is just in the library to print out some homework or something for school.
After they talk/Connor signs his cast, Evan goes over to the printer to grab his own thing, and sees the page underneath has “Dear Connor Murphy” written at the top. Evan assumes it’s Connor’s, so in an attempt to be nice, grabs it as well.
Aaaaand here’s where the angst really starts. Originally I was going to do a whole kleinphy thing by fully switching Zoe and Jared. But then I had an excellent (aka horrible) idea.
So Connor’s finished letter still follows the same format of Evan’s as [today was NOT an amazing day] [talking about Zoe/Jared] [sad shit].
Except here’s the thing. The morning was essentially the same as canon, which means Jared still made the awful school shooter joke. So sure, Connor mentions Jared in his letter, but he’s got nothing nice to say. As he’s venting about how today wasn’t an amazing day, he writes a few lines about how Jared is a fucking asshole and he can’t believe he ever thought that they could actually be friends.
... Yeah. I’m sure you can already guess how that is going to turn out :(
But the angst doesn’t stop there. Evan clearly isn’t going to see Jared’s name in Connor’s letter and freak out because he thinks Connor has a crush on him. That just... makes zero sense lmao. But you know what Evan might think when he sees Jared’s name? Especially after Jared was a dick to Evan at the start of the day?
That they’re making fun of him.
“D-did Jared put you up to this?”
“… What?”
“He… you’re making fun of me. Both of you.”
Connor can see Evan’s spiralling into some sort of panic attack, knows he probably shouldn’t push but he’s got no clue what the fuck Evan is talking about.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That’s why you came to apologise and-, and why you signed my cast, you two are making fun of me.”
“What? I wasn’t-“
Evan’s not even listening, he just keeps talking like he can’t hear Connor at all.
“I can’t believe I thought you were being nice to me.” He chokes out a bitter laugh that sounds more like sob. “But no, it’s just one of Jared’s stupid jokes.”
Connor’s speechless. Has no clue what to say because this just makes no fucking sense at all.
Evan’s full-on hyperventilating now, taking these huge shuddering breaths. Connor’s kind of worried Evan might pass out on him if he doesn’t do something
“Evan hey, just breathe.”
“I’m sorry,” he gasps, finally making eye contact. “I-I have to, have to go.”
And then Evan runs out of the room because he’s definitely having a panic attack and he needs to get away.
Connor is just kind of standing there staring at the door, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Feels like shit because he was actually enjoying talking to Evan, but no somehow he managed to ruin it. 
It takes Connor a minute before he realises Evan still has his letter. He calls out after Evan but he’s long gone.
Then we switch to Heidi’s POV. She gets a phone call while at work from Evan’s therapist’s office saying he never showed up to his appointment after school.
Heidi never forgives herself for this after the fact, but her first reaction is to feel kind of annoyed. She knew Evan didn’t want to go to his session today when she booked it, but she was just trying to do the right thing because she knows Evan always struggles starting back at school. Plus therapy costs money, they don’t exactly give you a refund/cancellation fee for not showing up, and they just can’t afford to be paying for therapy sessions Evan isn’t even attending right now.
She is a little concerned though. It’s not the first time Evan’s skipped an appointment, but he usually only does it if he’s had a particularly bad panic attack that day. But she isn’t worried enough to leave work early, which kills her later. Heidi wonders if she had of gone straight home if she could’ve been there quick enough.
I don’t want to go into this in too much detail, but I’m thinking Evan ODs. The tree thing didn’t work out last time so he figures he better try something else. He feels bad that this definitely couldn’t be interpretted as an accident like his fall was, but he just... doesn’t care anymore.
And god, Heidi finds him when she gets home from work, and somehow her being a nurse makes it so much worse because she knows it’s too late. Of course she still tries everything she can, and she kind of dissociates into work mode so she can put some of her panic aside, but she knows.
But... I don’t really want to write that because it’s too sad even for me lol. So the scene will probably just end with Heidi coming home and getting a bad feeling when she calls out to Evan and he doesn’t reply. It’s not the most out of character thing, because Heidi’s assuming he must have had a really bad panic attack since he ditched therapy, so he’s probably exhausted and having a sleep. But when she goes to Evan’s room to check on him her heart stops.
The next couple of days Connor mirrors Evan in canon. He’s getting antsy that Evan stole his letter and now hasn’t been at school.
I haven’t quite worked out what Zoe’s role will be yet, so I’m not sure if she’ll act as Connor’s sole confidant (like Jared is for Evan) or not. It’d make sense since Jared is kind of taking Zoe’s place, but I just don’t think it will work given the current state of her and Connor’s relationship. Either way, whether he told Zoe or not, Connor is getting really paranoid about Evan/the letter.
It’s been 3 days now since Evan took his letter and he’s still not at school.
Jared’s been away too, but he’s back today and is acting really fucking weird. He’s wearing like... a plain hoodie or something which is very unlike Jared, and he just looks really exhausted and has none of his usual arrogance. Plus he keeps staring at Connor and giving him these weird looks.
Connor’s so stressed about this stupid letter that he’s contemplating asking Jared where the hell Evan is, but he’s seriously freaking Connor out right now.
Before Connor has a chance to make up his mind about whether he should try to talk to Jared, he gets called to the principal’s office. And so the lie begins lmao.
But god... the amount of extra angst of NOT going the kleinphy route and instead having Connor write bad things about Jared in the letter is just... pure evil genius if I do say so myself
Like, imagine Jared’s parents going to see Heidi and do whatever they can to be there for her and make sure she’s ok, and Jared kind of numbly getting ready to go with them, only for his parents to explain that Heidi doesn’t exactly want to see him right now because of what Evan wrote in his note... ouch.
And god that just makes Jared sick to his stomach because what the hell did Evan say about him? And once he gets to actually read the “note” himself he really is sick.
And since his family is obviously very close with Heidi it really puts a strain on Jared’s relationship with his parents too, because they’re clearly extremely disappointed in him for doing whatever it was that made Evan write THAT
Just the whole Kleinman/Hansen dynamic would be so complicated. (but it will be fun to write!)
And oh boy... remember the amount of horrific hate Zoe recieved when Alana posted Evan’s letter online? Connor’s letter outright says something along of the lines of Jared is a fucking asshole/why did I ever think we could possibly be friends/etc. I haven’t worked out the exact wording yet because getting the letter right is just... so critical to the fic lol, but yeah if it gets posted online? yikes.
So anyway, that’s the roleswap au. I’m still working out the more specific plot details of this one, but I think it’s got some alright potential. There’s going to be a lot of tension between Jared and Connor as Jared struggles to decide whether or not he believes Connor, and as Connor finds it increasingly difficult to lie to Jared. Hmm you know on second thought maybe a kleinphy subplot doesn’t sound so bad 🤔 but just more of a slowburn angle which doesn’t start until after Evan dies... much to think about hahaha
I like to think Jared works out the truth on his own eventually, which leads to a gfy-esque fight. And whilst Zoe might take on Jared’s role in a way, Alana will be pretty much the same as she is in canon. Because for her it was always more about the message of the project than the actual person.
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faejilly · 4 years
Fic Writer Game
I was not technically tagged by @firstaudrina but I’m blaming her anyways
tagging: uh... anyone who hasn’t done this yet? @alxndrlightwoods, @beamirang @elfyourmother @gingersnapwolves @janoda (I randomly picked letters and let tumblr mention people on its own, PLEASe don’t take this too seriously... 🙃😅) PLEASE DO THIS IF YOU’RE REMOTELY SO INCLINED, even if I haven’t tagged you, AND THEN BLAME ME, I love seeing these things.
Fandoms: BioWare, historically, a pretty even mix in my head of Dragon Age & Mass Effect but clearly I mostly managed to write for DA2. Currently, mostly Shadowhunters, though I’m working on an Inception crossover and I dabble in a lot of things... mostly still video games tho, there’s just something about the framework of a good RPG protagonist just waiting to be filled in. #7kpp and Code: Realize and Cinders! Some day maybe I’ll finally do something with Jade Empire since it’s my favorite...
I write a lot of random prompt-fills & yuletide randomness, just a few little stories for fandoms I never really got lost it but still enjoy, like a Georgette Heyer regency epilogue and a Firefly/Serenity thing because I will apparently never be over Zoe/Wash ever.
Number of fics: A lot of my fic is ficlet collections, so I’m not sure how you want to count this, (and I’ve lost a decent number of things over the years too, whoops), especially since a couple of my “fics” on AO3 are actually fanmixes that I put on there so they’d link properly to the fics they accompany, and there’s a collab that’s not just me, but uh... depending on the math, anywhere from 145 to 500-ish? (AO3 says I have 152 published.)
Fic I spent more time on: I start a lot of fic and then may literally let it lay dormant for years... I’m not necessarily working on it all that time though. SO uh. Cruel Intentions sat for five years between the kink-meme prompt that started it all and me finally writing a conclusion? *shrugs* IDK.
Fic I spent less time on: A lot of the ficlets are just sort of dashed off whenever I managed to get inspiration. In terms of a proper fic I’d have to say Impossible kind of wrote itself in one or two sittings. (priest!kink is clearly something I should indulge in more often 😅)
Longest fic: The 3-Shepards Collab (on borderline permanent hiatus? we may get back to it some day) Persephone Rising at almost 200k words. In terms of “I actually wrote the whole damn thing” we’ve got Lost for Words at just over 62k. (Yay Mass Effect?)
Shortest: erm. I write a lot of like, 3sentence prompt fic and everything? But in terms of: stands alone as posted, it is apparently... Fools, about Brosca & Leske in DA:O. 😭
Most hits/Most kudos/Most bookmarks: ALL FOR i am for you  (14871, 868, and 282, respectively)
In second place for hits is I like the thrill of under me you (because porn usually does get more hits and less of everything else), for kudos & bookmarks it’s two are halves of one. Because SH fandom likes fluff to counteract the melodrama of canon? Only maybe not since next is the one where I kill Alec and everyone’s sad... SH fandom likes fluff and Magnus whump disguised as torturing Alec? We’re apparently all terrible people.
Total words combined: published, I have 1,088,995 words on AO3!
Which obviously doesn’t count all the bits and bobs that never made it there and all the WIPs that I’m trying to finish before I start posting again. I don’t have the faintest idea how to figure that number out tho 😅
Fic you want to rewrite or expand: Generally, if it made it to AO3 I at least enjoyed writing it, and even if I wouldn’t write it the same way now, I had fun then, so I seldom re-do things. (With a notable exception of the one introducing Theia Hawke (and killing her) which I rewrote to have less sex and more manipulation to fit all the stuff I wrote later... and retitled to fit all the rest of it better, too. I didn’t think she’d get so much fic when I started with her dying. Shows what I know.)
That said! If we’re expanding, I would really like to write sequels/continuations to several things, most notably Regency/Persuasion Malec, mer!alec, The Forest That (sometimes) Eats People (but is mostly very nice once you get to know it) & how do you recover from dying aka the s3 canon divergence fic for Shadowhunters.
Fav fic you wrote: erm. That’s an impossible question, and I’d give you a different answer almost every day.
Today uh... warm as silk because the #7kpp discord was talking about Code: Realize yesterday, and it’s very soft and pretty and I almost didn’t write it but then I finally managed it, and that’s always an excellent feeling.
Share a bit of your WIP or idea if you have anything planned: I have like 14 which one should I share?
I may actually post some more of that top hits/kudos/bookmarks/comments fic i am for you with a Catarina POV chapter:
Alec Lightwood is a revelation.
She's seen Magnus fall too hard and too fast before, but she's never seen him like this, never seen him look lighter for it rather than just more intense, never seen the person he'd fallen for look just as far gone just as fast. Alec's expression when he looks at Magnus is sublime, it's like he's smiling all the way to his fingertips, and she has to look away.
OR, I may even finish that one lingering DA2 WIP from a million years ago...
Adelaide woke, held in place by the comforting weight of Sebastian's arm draped over her. She kept her eyes closed and breathed in the faint whisper of incense that never quite faded from his skin and hair, and settled herself just the tiniest bit closer, felt his arm tighten a little, even in his sleep, to keep her there.
aaaaand, it just gets sappier from there 🤣
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! ❤️ If you were to write a mythology or fairytale AU, what would it be like? @chauceryfairytales
Bahaha you have no idea of what gremlin you’ve just unleased... @chauceryfairytales
Welcome to the gremlin that is the Fates Above AU. 
To clarify, I run all my universes on Kingdom Hearts logic; if Aerith gets her reprieve in Kingdom Hearts, Sil and co get a nice life, as humans, in Fates. 
Soooo of course I had to go dismantling the plot and shove my favourite idiots in there. Ena is a former Chosen candidate, specifically taken on by Novasco State Orphanage when they “scouted,” him. Aka this 11 year old got picked up for stealing, mother was happy to be shot of him, and handed him over to the monks, who all loved him until he failed the final, luck based, test for the Chosen trials. 
He fudged the paperwork and lied about his age to get a job down West, and adopted the two kids that wouldn’t shut up and leave him alone (sometimes Merin too if I’m feeling particularly kind). Trin gets the extra dose of tragic backstory with his biological family all killed by some crazy faerie plague when he’s 11, so is rescued and put into the orphanage because he has nowhere to go. 
His ethnicity is Ancient Permacien, so aka really isolated fisherfolk who speak an entirely different dialect to the rest of the country, and he’s more than a little confused. The motivation to go West as well is so that a) he can get a job in the Arcascen army making potions, since he has pretty exclusive knowledge of the Northern plants, and b) get him the psychiatric treatment that he desperately needs. He does really, really well, actually, and I’m proud of him. 
Sil is my hot anime bishie so is a half human/quarter siren/quarter fey kid who’s been living at Novaso State since he was three. Never knew his parents and doesn’t care to. Considerably less rough around the edges than canon Sil. Gets objectified and paraded around as a trophy boyfriend quite a bit, which causes problems later on down the line. 
The wonderful @auroradrawing actually drew me some art of him here:
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(seriously go check her stuff out, it’s amazing and she’s been so wonderful to work with, 100% recommend her)
This is also the pic crew I did for Sil a little while back and ruined my hands spraypainting all the colours in
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And for the hell of it, here’s Ena:
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(a birthmark, not a burn scar, yes heavily inspired by my love for Zuko)
and Trin:
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(the knife amused me so it stays).
Aaaaand Merin doesn’t have a AU!Pic Crew but here’s the gorgeous art that @tracle0 drew for me. In the AU where I decide to yank Merin along, he attracts the attention of military recruiters when he’s very young, like just about 10, who want to train him to be what is essentially a spy. He has a very good command of glamour and shapeshifting, which is rare outside fullblood fey (Merin and Os are both half fey, half human) and he’s not a chance to be passed up. He gets considerably healthier, more smart mouthed, and much more fashionable without Os there. He’s also very good for Trin because he can also speak Trin’s native language at it helps him heal. 
Here’s his canon Pic Crew:
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So the first thing with the tiny Hat Kid/Borrowers AU that I came up with was that originally it was based off of the visual of a mod level I was playing where there was a lantern the size of Hat Kid. I didn’t start it thinking about the Borrowers as “humans but tiny” I was thinking of them as like Hat Kid’s species. 
So when I later decided Mu was also tiny that resulted in having Mu be also distinctly not just a tiny human and it had ripple effects on the borrower species design
So, background details: Most of the characters are still the same. However, the locations are different. Mafia Town isn’t on a little island, it’s on a larger one with both underground-undersea Metro tunnels and shipping routes. There is a large forest- Subcon- and some mountains, the Alpine Skyline, which then have a desert in their rainshadow. 
So that’s all the chapters except Arctic Cruise on one reasonably sized landmass, instead of scattered all over the planet, much more accessable to tiny Hat Kid
I’m gonna put a ‘read more’ right here for the sake of people’s dashboards. I hope that’s okay.
Borrower biology notes: inspired a little bit by ruffs and also my attempts to work out having Hat Kid, Bow Kid, and Mu as members of the same species
3 or 4 sexes in a similar way to ruffs or white-throated sparrows; about all I have pinned down is that Mu’s facial-hair-no-ponytail-and-long-bangs/tendrils/flaps combo is associated with one of them, bow kid’s no-ponytail, no-hair-flaps, no-facial-hair combo is another, and hat kid’s ponytail-and-flaps-but-no-facial-hair is a third (yes this means two of them are trans)
The Borrowers, as they sometimes call themselves, are the result of an incredibly powerful spell a few centuries back. They used to be about the size of humans, before the spell; and pretty much all of them lived on two islands.
The Mafia wanted to move to those islands, so they gathered up all the Time Pieces they could get into one spot on the island and had a sacrificial Mafia member do A Thing involving the time pieces and a great deal of other magical items to remove the islanders; faking a wild magic surge. The result was that as far as the rest of the world was concerned the entire species simply vanished, turned into these tiny little echoes,and also this was much less scary than it should have been. There is still a spot on the island Hat Kid is from that will likely have nothing grow there for thousands of years.
The Time Pieces exploded into much smaller fragments, time shards, which scattered all over the world, and the shrunken islanders started to try to adjust to their new lives. 
Which was made a lot harder by the Mafia moving in; they spread false information claiming that the tiny post-transformation islanders weren’t sapient anymore and were pests, like large mice, to be dealt with with poison and rat traps. 
Some Borrowers start using time shards to power things; others do the dangerous thing of tapping electricity from wires; others use tiny candles and other pre-electric style technology or magic.
Their society adjusts to a world where “eaten by a seagull” is a plausible cause of death, everyone can double-jump, most people can carry more than their own weight, and an umbrella is easily enough to completely stop all fall damage. Square-cube law! Luckily the magic helps keep them warm, but Borrowers still have a faster metabolism than they did pre-spell and need to eat more often. 
Amongst other details, it’s common for a Borrower to end up on their own due to being separated from their clan or having the rest of their clan die. Solitary borrowers don’t tend to last long, so they generally try to get adopted by the first clan they come across, basically just showing up and starting to pitch in; there’s always something to be done.
Also Borrowers are a little more scent-focused than humans, most noteably being more able to notice the scent of borrowers than a human is able to notice the scent of other humans; this is really helpful for lost borrowers finding other clans.
Hat Kid is the kid of someone relatively important in a borrower community on the other island. They treated her poorly/were neglectful, so she ended up falling in with, basically, the local borrower criminals. (Not many places have enough clans living closely enough together to really have borrowers that are criminals by borrower standards; stealing from the taller folk is not considered a crime but rather just survivial, and attacking the taller folk is basically considered lunacy.)
Eventually Hat Kid, at age 11 (okay actually older, like 16 or so, but she maps to a human 11 year old), decided to fake her death and entirely leave her old clan. Due to various shenanigans including her not being out to her old clan, the fake murder, a real murder done by Hat Kid, and paranoia she managed to be accused of murdering herself and got exiled which is a Big Deal. She stole the one local aircraft (that she had helped build) and fled, exploring far beyond her family’s reach (especially now they didn’t have a timeshard-powered aircraft).
In between her ‘ship’, her skills with an umbrella and movement, audacity, and sheer dumb luck Hat Kid managed to live alone for quite some time, eventually landing in Mafia Town due to an incident involving a Mafia with a bugnet, losing the time shards that powered her ship in the process. She meets up with Mu and is like. FRIEND! Sure, I’ll join up with you!
…aaaaand then Mu wants to use the time shards that powered Hat Kid’s airship thingy to hurt the Mafia more. And Hat Kid is like, no, no I need those. Result: Mu leaves in a huff, Hat Kid is alone again. 
Hat Kid’s ship, by this point, has been repaired enough and has enough time shards to fly a little, so she goes and recklessly lands on the local above-ground train and hitches a ride, ending up at Dead Bird Studio. Grooves finds her and is like, this borrower-mouse is wearing decent clothing and a hat. Whose escaped pet is this.
Hat Kid is semiverbal but definitely literate and manages to get her hands on a writing implement and explains that she is nobody’s pet. The Conductor and Grooves decide to hire her for movies.
Directors: a sapient borrower-mouse who wants to be an actress and is actually good at it just when we need a new actor and fresh movie ideas! Perfect!
Hat Kid: This weird clan has lots of infighting and mostly trades in movies? I get to be adopted and to use my skill in acting for things that aren’t lying to people? Perfect!
So that’s a good month or so for Hat Kid, with the culture clash never being clarified, whoops. Both the Directors think Hat Kid is going home to her family when really she’s doing stuff like looking for that time shard she thinks might be present or fixing up her ship more or getting food that isn’t provided by the Directors. (At least they recognize that providing lots of snacks to the tiny child is a good idea.)
Then the movies (both of them) are finished, and the directors are like. Thanks for working with us. There’s no more movies for you, kid, stop showing up to filming there’s no more filming involving you. (Grooves never really started seeing Hat Kid as fully a person and is pretty cruel about kicking her out from his side of the studio, too.)
In the Director’s culture: “Seriously kid contract is done, the movies you starred in have no more filming, wouldn’t mind working with you again later but uh we are not currently working on a movie right now why are you here?”
In Hat Kid’s culture: “We’re exiling you. Again.“ 
So she goes to Subcon Forest. Yes, this is stupid and risky. Hat Kid does not care.
Snatcher sees this absolutely tiny person and is like. You’re too small to be a threat. Also too small to have a soul worth the effort of eating it. 
So he hires her to do stuff like detail work on repainting the Subconites’ houses and other stuff a tiny person can do. 
He proceeds to assume she’s being cuttingly sarcastic when she calls him "dad” or “dadcher”. Instead of 100% serious. (Her perception of this as an adoption is helped by Snatcher making an effort to dig out old books and old memories on what of the local flora and fauna is edible and provide Hat Kid with fresh local food, which is a Special Effort as, well, subconites and dwellers feed off of ambient magic and abstract stuff while Snatcher eats souls.)
After maybe about two weeks he’s out of work for Hat Kid and tells her so, like, “No more work for you, kiddo. You’re free to leave.” Then is mystified when Hat Kid leaves in tears. Like what did he do wrong??
I have no clue what Hat Kid would be up to in the Alpine Skyline. Something. Probably trying to impress random nomads and goats and not understanding why they’re impressed but still leave her. 
Eventually she finds out that Mu has gotten her hands on time shards and is managing to use them to set places on fire. Hat Kid goes to stop her because no!! You do not just indiscriminately set Mafia Town on fire! Even aside from all the tall folk living there you don’t know how many borrowers are living in the walls! 
So she stops Mu, then realizes that pretty much everyone watching her has either ‘exiled’ her or has been known to hunt borrowers before (eg the Mafia) so she flees down a subway tunnel and lives in the Metro for a few days before meeting the Empress. By this point Mu’s very public yelling about how the Mafia were killing her people has gotten on the news, so she’s aware that at least some borrowers are sapient and people, and is like. You work for me now.
Hat Kid is like, my greatest fifth chance!
Eventually, though, Hat Kid manages to annoy the Empress. By this point she’s gotten used to the idea that something is wrong with her, people really don’t care about her, and at any point she could be abruptly betrayed and exiled, so she panics, assumes she’s going to be kicked out very soon, and ends up deciding to preemptively betray Empress by stealing her time shard. Empress is throughly baffled and also very upset and puts out a bounty of a few thousand or so on Hat Kid’s head; time shards are valuable damn it but also…only one?? she’d been known to bring back five or six at once? 
(Time shards aren’t very tangible to most people by default. Borrowers can interact with them always and make them solid to everyone. Hat Kid could’ve easily reversed that and forced Empress to use magically charged tongs to pick up her time shards and hire another borrower to fix them but she didn’t. The longer Empress thinks on this, the more confused she gets.)
At some point during Hat Kid’s time in the nyakuza Mu ends up adopted by Cooking Cat. She shows up on TV sometimes, joining in an episode with stuff like running commentary while perched on CC’s shoulder or butting in to help frost cakes or whatever. 
Hat Kid’s confused upset post-nyakuza wandering ends up leading her to where the Conductor is just coming back from a cruise. Conductor is like LASSIE I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER! Hat Kid is like ??? and then decides that maybe…maybe kicking her out was entirely Groove’s idea and Conductor still likes her? Maybe?
And then in the ensuring confused discussion Conductor begins to realize the culture clash. Conductor ends up adopting Hat Kid, and later takes in Bow Kid as well because she was separated from her family and saw Hat Kid riding on Conductor’s shoulders and just sort of. Jumped on his other shoulder, startling him, and was like “HI”.
At some point Hat Kid and Bow Kid end up guest starring alongside Mu (they made up) on Cooking Cat’s show. Possibly several times. Hat and Bow are adorable and while they don’t really say much unscripted and it’s usually sentence fragments they’re still popular for a mixture of Adorable and their sense of humour eg Bow Kid insisting that duck is actually “quackers” in a dish involving duck and cheese to set CC up for a terrible “cheese and quackers” pun. 
Mu, Hat Kid, Bow Kid, and the TV Trio end up working together a lot to try to change things for the better for the Borrowers. Meanwhile Snatcher is off doing his own thing, having heard of the culture clash (Mu explained it on TV at some point) he works out a schedule for when Hat and Bow are staying with the Conductor and when one or the other or both are staying with him. He ends up with a few borrower clans living in his forest (they followed Hat Kid) and is just like, sure this works. 
I greatly admire people who can just come up with AU ideas and build on them and then come up with a whole story for the AU. I love that it has a happy ending too. :)
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Survey #237
just a warning beforehand this survey has some probably tmi stuff.
Which is better: good 'ole southern food or sea food? Despite coming from and still living in, I legitimately enjoy almost NO southern food. Absolute garbage. I don't enjoy much sea food either though, save for shrimp, so I guess that. Have you ever had a very strong spiritual experience? I dunno. What do you think you want to major in at college? I'm an Art & Design major right now. Minor in? English is my minor currently. What song do you have on repeat lately? Quite a lot, actually. What’s something important you could be doing now? I could be working on finishing the draft to my Writing paper and this week's Art History chapter, but... yeah. I procrastinate all to hell, but I "justify" it with me having SO much extra time in the library while Mom takes her classes that I have a great deal of time to just do everything in there. How do you feel about Circuit City going out of business? I have zero clue what that is. About how often do you go on cleaning sprees? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what're those? What’s the best story you’ve gone over in an English class? The Outsiders. Is your house haunted? Don't think so. What kind of tissues do you prefer? At least thicker as a single sheet of wet paper and soft. But ultimately it's nota a big deal. What face wash do you use? I prefer the Biore charcoal scrub, but I've been out of that for like... ever, and it's pricey, so we haven't bought any more. So now I use this peach scrub stuff Mom gets. I don't like it much because it's kinda abrasive, so probably bad for my skin, but it at least makes it feel cleaner. Do you reject Satan? I don't even know if a head demonic entity exists. Got no opinion on him. Are you violent? Far from it. Do you use google search or yahoo? Google. Was your step mother terrible? Her political views are fucking trash, but she herself is a wonderful person. Do you know anyone who doesn’t care about anything but themselves? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Are you single? If no who are you dating and for how long? I'm single for now. I don't believe prayer or "good vibes" have any power, but nevertheless, I almost DO pray Sara and I will come back together once she figures herself out and one of us is brave enough to move. Do you enjoy going for walks? Nowadays, no, but only because I'm still recovering from muscle atrophy in my legs, so it hurts quiiite a bit. But in a way, yes, I do enjoy walking as I know it's good for my legs, but it's still painful - but improving immensely. Before it started to get real bad, I fucking loved going on walks down the path by Sara's. When it wasn't cOLD AND WINDY AS A MOTHERFUCKER What are your favorite accessories? Do piercings count? If yes, totally those. And spiked chokers are fucking hot. I'll wear mine again someday, just fkn watch me. Do you wear makeup on a regular basics? Not at all. I am asking for *genuinely* black eye shadow and also quality black lipstick for Christmas, though, for when I do wear makeup. Ours suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. When was the last time you really established your favorite TV show? Oh, idk. It's been years. Write one lyric that really explains the way your life is going as of now? HAHA I'm actually listening to NSP's "Danny Don't You Know" right now and if "you're just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29" aIN'T ME- Do you ever have any fantasies that involve certain celebrities? Who? Yes. Take an. idk. Wild guess. You can read like one or two of my surveys and already be absolutely sure lmao What is your favorite brand of shoe? Where can you buy these shoes? Converse, and... multiple places?? Does anyone ever judge you for something you naturally cannot help? Oh, I'm sure. Do you support homosexuality in general? Why do you or why don't you? Of fucking course I do. It's natural, and especially after realizing I was bi and experiencing a genuinely loving female-female relationship, I've only grown more ferocious in standing for gay rights. Fuckin try to tell me I can't love her without some sky demon firing me into Hell for it. I'll bring sunscreen. If you had your own personal dance crew, what would you name it and why? I dunno??? Has anyone ever called you an exact replica of one of your parents? Agree? No. Have you ever claimed to be in love when you knew you really weren’t? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't joke around with that shit. If you had the chance to meet an annoying celebrity, would you still do it? No?????? Why would I want that??????????? Do you ever lie in the grass during summer or are you afraid of ticks? 1.) That sounds boring and too hot and 2.) I'm fucking terrified of all parasites, so ticks are zero exception. Does it bother you when you see slutty girls getting all the cute guys? *chaotic eye twitching* In winter, would you rather wear jacket or hoodies? Why is this? HOODIES! Mega cozy. Would you consider yourself a good singer or are you tone deaf? Depends on the song, but generally, I don't think I'm real good. My voice isn't stable. Do you think regrets are better left unspoken or should they be out loud? Y'know, a real good question for once. I think maybe... it depends, I guess? Some things are just better unsaid, sometimes vice-versa. I suppose it depends on who you're telling, too. What color is your remote? Does it have any special/interesting features? Uh I know it's black, but that's it. I never use the TV. Name a time when you cried the most: The night of the breakup when Mom drove out to get me (I was walking to his house to talk bc she wouldn't take me), and she had to physically hold me down when we got in the house because I dashed and she knew I was about to do something stupid. I just fucking collapsed. That night is so blurry, but I'll never forget the crying. Fucking NOBODY deserves to go through that goddamn night. What color is your keyboard? It's black, though the keys are rimmed with red light. Have you ever thought about suicide? Too many times. Please please please please seek help if you have even a moment's consideration about it. How do you feel about Obama? I don't know much about him politically, but he was funny as fuck, I do know that. Seems like a chill dude. What was the last lie you told? I dunno, something little. Name 3 things in your purse (or wallet): My Harley Quinn wallet, hand sanitizer, aaaaand my keys. What time does your favorite TV show come on? *shrug* Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? I haven't been to many seriously "scary" places, honestly... so idk, really. Do you like string cheese? NO. What color was the coolest insect you’ve seen? No clue. Probably some butterfly or moth. Do you own any pink clothing? ... How do I not know this. How do you usually style your hair? It's directed to the right with no part through it and swoops over/close to my right eye. Do you use anything to whiten your teeth? I'm also asking for whitening strips for Christmas. .-. Ah, how gift desires change as you grow. I took awful care of my teeth during the worst of my depression, so yeah, I need them. I'm honestly stunned they're in a decent condition now. Have you ever collaborated with anyone on a project (not for school)? Hmm, don't believe so. What is (going to be) your career? I refuse to drop my career aspiration of a photographer. Not giving up on that no matter what. What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Crocodiles' teeth protrude both upwards and downwards over their lips while alligators' only show downwards; crocs have a more tapering snout, alligators' are more rounded; and crocs are generally bigger. I didn't obsessively watch Animal Planet for nothing, y'all. :^) Were you breastfed as a baby? Yeah. That woman had five goddamn kids with no epidural or anything. She ain't afraid of no pain, and she's also like, MEGA into child health, safety, etc., and while formula-feeding is completely fine and valid, it's factual breast milk is a lot healthier for babies. What does your favorite shirt look like? Man, that's hard to pick. My most comfortable and well-fitting one is a Metallica "King Nothing"-inspired design, which is black and just has some gnarly skull designs 'n shit on it. HA HA WAIT, found it! This is it. Just a few days ago though, my mom's coworker went to the NSP 10th anniversary show in Chicago AND SHE GOT ME A FUCKING SHIRT BC SHE KNOWS I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH I SQUEALED SO LOUD AND SMILED MY FACE IN HALF. What is the cutest breed of puppy in your opinion? Do not EVEN with this, omfg I couldn't even try. What is the cutest baby animal in general? Have you, like, SEEN baby meerkats????????????? They're not the cutest for the first, like, two weeks (BUT still cute!!), but once they're outside the burrow? Jesus fuckin CHRIST they are the cutest creatures known to the galaxy and beyond. If we're talkin' like, cutest from birth, maybe cats. I adore kittens. Do you have some sort of odd fascination with anything? Perhaps my "strangest" is what's referred to as "vulture culture," which is essentially using naturally-deceased (usually wild) animals for art, such as those popular crystal-covered skulls, necklaces, creative use of wet specimens, stuff like that. I find some odd beauty and respect in creating art of the dead - it's like... making death beautiful and honoring the creature by immortalizing it in an art form. I personally photograph roadkill (that shit's confused the fuck outta drivers lmao) with the goal of forcing the brutality of it onto viewers and just make you think "okay yeah I need to drive more carefully." I don't know if that technically qualifies as vulture culture as I don't really... use the corpses, but nevertheless, I really enjoy doing it. I do kinda question the morality of it, like you can't ask an animal "hey do you wanna be art when ur dead?", so you're left to decide for it, but I think I lean ever so slightly more towards it being respectful, showing the beauty of its life. I WANT TO SAY HOWEVER, I DO FUCKING NOT support hunting trophies. I even question taxidermy outside of being from hunting considering you're not really making art, something new, some sort of message, out of it. There's no creative purpose other than to show "hey look at this dead animal!!", and besides that, it kinda creeps me out. Wow sorry for the ramble, I'm just into this stuff. Who was the last person to text you? Sara. What did they say? Paraphrased, that life has been a serious cunt to her lately. Which is true. have you ever broken someones heart? He fuckin acted like it after two goddamn weeks. I suppose maybe Jason, though I can't really tell you that since he fucked off after the breakup, so it's not like I was around him. I'll admit his health and general demeanor was withering as time led up to it (I knew something was wrong, he'd just never tell me), so he was obviously suffering. I feel awful for that shit, seeing I was apparently that goddamn stress-inducing. Had yours broken? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO I think the whole Internet knows, oops. Do you consider past relationships a waste of time? No. Well, maybe just one. I kinda wanna say Tyler was, but then again, as I was healing, it showed exactly what I would not tolerate. So I guess it had a silver lining. Do you think you’ll be around to see the world end? I wanna say no, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's gonna be climate change (reason #1 for me), the super volcano finally blowing, or nuclear war. Scientifically, we are far, far, far from overdue for another mass extinction anyway. Do you believe in second chances? Yeah, sometimes. Depends. Do you swear? Way more than needed. Swearing a lot just became part of my normal vernacular through exposure to Jason and his family lmao. I was just about always there, and whew does his mom swear like a sailor. Italian New Yorker to the core. To me, "swear words" are just normal vocabulary. What is the nearest photo to you of? A family of meerkats on my wall. Are you good at being quiet? Sure? Who has your heart? I'm guessing you mean romantically? Two people are tearing at it, then. One that's fuckin stupid and needs to stop. Do you like it that way? No. No. Sara is, realistically, the best match for me and a very healthy partner for me. But now that for whatever goddamn reason Jason sneaked back into the picture (metaphorically; he hasn't reached out or anything), hints of obsession/addiction are coming back. I know it's fucking creepy, but I was legitimately obsessed with him. I sent him a perfectly polite and genuine email of ME apologizing to HIM, and I guess that just shot my feelings back up. God, typing this makes me realize to a fuller degree that this is an awful idea. Where is this person? Sara's probably at home; hell if I know where the other is. When was the last time you saw them? I saw Sara this past February. Jason, not since February of '17. Do you prefer desktops or laptops? Laptops because of portability. Sunrise, or sunset? I think maybe sunrise, considering the colors tend to be more pastel. But both are gorgeous. What kind of mood are you in? A confused as hell one. The Jason thing is driving me insane, and TMI WARNING I've been dealing with a fucking ginormous libido that I'm guessing sprouts from my new birth control, and it led me to doing to thing I said I'd never ever do because I only want to share that experience with my partner. Y'know, the "m" word. Saying it feels too weird and dirty. That's the problem: it's so instilled in my head that masturbation is lustful and just "wrong" that my brain is still trying to process that it's okay and natural and, as I found, relieving. I had to look it up and everything to convince my shameful ass I wasn't being "dirty." Hey, on that note: Planned Parenthood offers way goddamn more than abortion, friends. I swear it's beyond wild what I used to believe. But yeah ANYWAY, I'm just feeling weird and still kinda "tail between my legs" today. Do you like fans that blow directly on you or oscillate? Depends on how hot I am. What is one thing you worry about most in long-term goals? "not having enough money to get there.." <<<< YUP this. Right before you fall asleep, what is your usual position? It's hard to tell considering you're falling into unconsciousness... but I THINK on my left side, hugging an edge of the blanket to me. When you have sex, do you keep your eyes closed or open when finishing? I wouldn't know; I've only ever been on the brim before freaking out and we stopped because I was literally scared of how overwhelming the feeling was. That and my family was home and I was having trouble staying quiet lmao. When you have mail do you open the biggest one first, or doesn’t matter? Uhhhh. I honestly don't get mail enough to answer this. I'd probably go for the smallest? When you wake up what is the first thing you usually look for? My phone. Think of the last habit/addiction you quit. What replaced it? Hm. I really don't know. Your phone rings but you don’t know the number, would you answer it? No sir-ree. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I didn't always back then. Do you let your girl/boyfriend drive, or do you prefer to? 1.) I don't drive and 2.) I'm single. The last time you had sex was it in the morning, afternoon or night? Hell if I remember.
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komatsunana · 6 years
So the other day I binged THG movies and, naturally, a Hunger Games AU popped into my dreams - strangely mostly centered around Marion lmao. But, like, I thought up other deets about everyone else’s circumstances??
So just to set a couple things: Exandrian Hunger Games have a wider net of ages who can enter THG, just since fantasy races are still a thing which means sometimes young adults of human (and similarly aging races) end up in the games.
Aaaand just because of plot stuff - Districts can ‘trade’ their HG-eligible children to other districts in exchange for rations and stuff. These children often end up with lotsss of slips in the reaping ball, because they either end up homeless or a family ‘adopts’ them into their house in exchange for them buying plenty of rations. Trading can only go from a higher district to a lower district - they cannot go higher.
Also, just for giggles, Wildemont and Tal’Dorei both have their own separate Hunger Games so like....................... yes, Vex definitely volunteers herself in Velora’s place Katniss style (Of course Vax, subsequently, volunteers himself with the intention of sacrificing himself for Vex).
But this post isn’t about the VM Hunger Games, but the M9 sooooooo...........
(spoilers about Caleb’s past and some details about Jester’s mom)
Caleb is from the equivalent of the ‘2nd’ district - a career district and the district where peacekeepers are made. He’s been training for the Hunger Games along with his 2 friends under Trent Ikathon for, a Mentor in The Hunger Games, since before he was of age to be in the Hunger Games. 
Much as in canon, Trent tests his student’s loyalties and, in a similar set of circumstances, has them kill their parents for disloyalty to the Empire. Caleb does so but has regerts, which Trent senses.  Trent decides it’ll be Astrid and Eodwulf who volunteer for this years’ games - because in this district that’s decided before hand I guess??? idk. 
Anyway, Caleb ends up volunteering before Eodwulf can and Trent is piiiiiiiiiiiissed. The whole district is piiiiiiiiissed. Caleb don’t care. Caleb has plans. I’m not even sure what they are, but I’m sure they are drastic.
Meanwhile, over in the equivalent of District 4, the fishing district, Jester’s mother Marion is a previous victor of The Hunger Games - her nickname naturally being “The Ruby of the Sea”. After the horrors of the games, and the later horrors that the Capitol gave to her as a victor, she has agoraphobia and stays inside her living space much of the time. Her daughter, Jester, stays inside with her for the most part. Only the day of the reaping does Marion leave her house, because luckily there are three other victors in their District - one being Vandren though he had unfortunately recently died in a mysterious accident a few weeks before the reaping.
Jester has her name in the reaping ball only the minimum amount of times, so Marion is horrified when Jester’s name is picked. Without even needing to be asked, one of the other mentors immediately allows Marion to take her place as one of the two mentors for the games. Fjord volunteers himself soon after - not at all for Jester’s sake but to uncover the truth of Vandren’s death - the only clues he has being the names Uk’otoa and Avantika. 
Marion asks that Fjord promise to stay close to Jester and protect her, to which he promises he’ll protect “her little girl” as best he can - but he also reminds her that he wants to live as well and that if it comes down to the two of them... well. Marion promises that it won’t come to that, plans of rebellion in her mind. She doesn’t just want to save her daughter from the horror of the games, but the horror of survival and what the Capitol does to it’s victors as well.
Jester promises her mother that she’ll be okay and win for her mama, though meanwhile Jester has made friends with a man named the Traveler, who no one else can see, but who encourages her to break the games. Jester is also a huge hit with the audience, winning everyone’s heart quickly.
Beau was born in the luxury district “1″ but after proving too difficult to even train as a career, she is a rare ration trade from District 1 (career districts generally aren’t pushed to the brink of needing to give away their children for measly rations) to 7 - the lumber and paper district.  A previous victor Dairon takes an interest in Beau, however, and trains her for The Hunger Games.  However she does not train Beau to win, but to destroy the games and even the country if she must.
Beau doesn’t really give a fuck about the mission that Dairon wants her to undertake (though she volunteers when asked) until she meets the rest of the tributes - by which I mean the M9 - and starts taking her mission more seriously. She is absolutely not beloved by the Empire’s Capitol audience.
Molly woke up in District 8 (Textiles!!) with no memories. He’s not even really sure he always lived there, because no one seems to recognize him, but no one can give him answers. Not that Molly looks for them, of course. When his name is picked from the reaping ball... Molly decides to dedicate the rest of his life making everyone deal with him and make it hell for those that put him there. He basically accepts he’s going to die in the games, but would like to die saving someone else if he can manage that.
Caduceus is from District 10 (livestock).  When his name is called, Caduceus calmly accepts it as a trial the Wildmother has given him.  Cad is completely unprepared when the Hunger Games actually begins and is pretty much traumatized by the violence in the Blood Bath.
Aaaaand then there is Nott, from the District 12 equivalent - mining.  This District has all of the Empire’s Goblins and the non-Goblins of the District take advantage of that - every year 2 Goblins are chosen as sacrifices in which they are forced to trade for enough extra rations for the entire District, so many times that they are pretty much guaranteed to be chosen for the reaping.  Nott is one of this year’s sacrifices and she really has no say in it.
There aren’t even any victors from District 12 for Nott to be mentored by - which really just cements how bleak things are for Nott. During training, Caleb helps Nott out of a scrap with some other tributes and she vows to dedicate herself to making sure he survives.
Meanwhile, Yasha was a trade-in switch from 5 to 9 (Grain)..... Or so the story goes. Another child who’d been traded from 5 to 9 was kidnapped and swapped out with Yasha. That was frankly to the kidnapped child’s fortune as she went back to District 13, which secretly still exists, from where Yasha originally came. 
Yasha was switched out so she could volunteer herself for the Hunger Games under orders from The Storm Lord. She isn’t sure what she’s meant to be doing there, but she follows the signs as best as she can. While training at the Capitol of the Empire, Molly and Yasha make quick friends much to Yasha’s befuddlement. Receives a score of 11 in training.
Also I guess Shakäste is from District 13 and works with Marion?? To stop The Hunger Games????
Idk, maybe Kiri is a tribute from District 11 (Agriculture) that the M9 is desperately trying to save.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAand that’s pretty much it???? Or at least that’s all I got. Though I guess with that set up the M9 gotta form to destroy the fuck out of the Hunger Games????  Right??? Nobody dies ok lmao
If anyone is ~inspired~ by any of this, feel free to take it further and/or change w/e you want lmao.
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trickeyarchangel · 6 years
Reaction to Ep 1 of RWBY Volume 6
I’m late to the RWBY party because college is kicking my ass like how Yang kicked that manticore grimm’s ass but hey! Better late than never, I always say.
So before I start going into the details, this is a general summary of my reaction to both episodes:
Okay. Now on to my thoughts on the episode [WARNING: It’s a long post because I have a lot to share]
((Spoilers for Episode 1 of Volume 6 of RWBY below!))
RWBY Volume 6, Chapter 1: Argus Limited
So before I start, let me just start with just...
Guys. The fight scene was A-MA-ZING! 
Compared to the fight scenes of Vol. 5, it has improved so much. And also, the narrative flow and overall pacing of the episode was very nice. So mad props to everyone in the CRWBY - the animators and the writers! I’m so proud!
Also... the new opening theme? Love it. LOve it. LOVE IT! I legit can’t wait for the full song to be released, guys. Also, the animation of the new opening sequence? So good. It gave me the WhiteRose cuties and RenNora being sweeties on a bench. I am a simple woman - that made me grin so wide. Although I am very worried about Qrow now. Those Grimm arms grabbing him and pulling him into the dark??? Bad luck druncle may be in danger this volume OR HE COULD DIE AND I’M NOT READY FOR THAT  and I am just...bracing myself for the worst. The story is getting darker and with that comes the reality that characters will die and I’ve made the mistake of becoming super attached to Qrow and he’s literally one of the top characters that could die very soon. I am not ready.
Now to the actual episode content (bullet-ed this part to organize everything since I tend to scatter my thoughts when it comes to reactions):
I like how they started with a snippet of the train fight. It really drew me in and got my heart pumping. Literally after that, I was just glued to the screen of my laptop. It’s a fine way to capture the audience’s attention and drag them back into the world of Remnant.
Premium Team RWBY and JNR dynamic content. Literally, it made my heart soar to see everyone just...being happy and interacting with each other.It gave me the Vol. 1 + 2 vibes. Especially Yang and Ruby’s little moment. After all the dark emotions that Yang was flooded with last volume, it is such a nice breath of air to see her being so bombastic and energetic with Ruby, who I am sure is very VERY happy to see her sister happy again.
Speaking of Yang, while it is nice to see her act all gung-ho a la early RWBY volumes again, I am also very pleased with the writers’ choice to keep the hurt she still has over Blake leaving after Beacon’s fall. Them showing that she and Blake’s relationship isn’t automatically “back to normal” really keeps the relationships believable. After the trauma Yang’s been through (losing her arm, Blake leaving, the crap with Raven), it makes sense that she’s become more cautious socially. Obviously, she’s (somewhat) forgiven Blake, but their bond is still healing and I am very interested to see that play out.
Another thing I loved was seeing Blake’s development as a character. Her scene with Sun, in particular, is a highlight for me. Sun and her’s relationship the past volume was one that I didn’t quite enjoy, mainly because Sun was sort of Blake’s emotional punching bag. So this moment, with Sun willing to let her go now since she doesn’t “need him” to continue on now because she has her team with her (AND BLAKE APPRECIATING HIS HELP and kissing his cheek [BLACKSUN - HELL YEAH] ), god, I loved it.
And Neptune. Good to see him again. A little disappointed that he didn’t have a moment with Weiss (and very disappointed that he flirted with Ilia). Are he and Weiss even still a thing? RWBY writers, please tell me. I would like that cleared up please.
Honorable mention: Ilia. Hearing that Ghira is starting a new Faunus movement and that she will be joining it (and just getting a second chance) made me smile so wide.
Her and Blake hugging was literally cavities inducing.
 I already mentioned the fighting scene and its amazing-ness. So I will gloss over that. But I will mention:
BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONMENT (The snow. The trees. Hell, even the G R I M M)
Also, Ozpin being super secretive even though he promised the group that there wouldn’t be anymore “half-truths” and “secrets”? I love you, Ozpin. You are cool as ice. But, it’s not exactly a good idea to keep things from the people that you want on your side to save the world. 
I’m fully expecting the next episode to be the one where he gets called out on his secretive nature. (I’ve seen clips of what goes down *because spoilers are sometimes untagged in the rwby tag :( * so I’m pretty sure that’s what’ll happen.
Double also: M A R I A     C A L A V E R A
WHO are you!? 
What is with your eyes? Why are they mechanical?
My current theory is that she had silver eyes  but she lost them (or she’s hiding them?). This is based on that segment in the new opening sequence where the camera zooms in on one of her mech-eyes and then fading into Ruby where the camera then zooms into one of her eyes - pretty much placing a central focus on her mysterious OP GRIMM SLAYING silver eyes. It kind of gives off that feeling that Maria and Ruby have that in common.
Also I love that her design is of Mexican inspiration. She’s amazing. I love her. I can’t wait to find out more about her!
Aaaaand that’s about it...
In summary:
Seriously, I am so proud of Miles, Kerry, and the CRWBY. The animation, the story pacing - it’s improved so much. I just want to shower them all with praise, because they’ve done such a phenomenal job.
I’m not a FIRST member (I’m a broke Filipino college student), so I’ll have to wait until Episode 2 is made available to the public to find out what awaits Team RWBY.
I’m sad that they had to separate from Jaune, Ren and Nora, but, god, I know that we’ll see them again... I’ll still miss them though. I’ve gotten really attached to the them the past few volumes. They’ve grown so much (especially Jaune) and I am just...so proud of these guys. And I’m sure Pyrrha is proud of them too (especially Jaune).
So far my predictions/expectations for this volume are:
We will definitely be learning more about Ozpin’s past this volume. The new opening sequence literally shows off some mysterious blonde lady (who kind of looks like Glynda) standing in front of a huge statue that looks a lot like Ozpin (or at least one of his past selves - which, some, were also shown in the opening sequence). So I am E X C I T E D to learn more lore behind Mr. Body Hopper.
I also am expecting a majority of the conflict being between Oz and Team RWBY and JNR. I also have a feeling that Oscar and Ozpin will be fighting with each other too. This is mostly based on the one scene all the way back in Volume 1 with Blake and her “Man with Two Souls” book where she literally mentioned that the two souls “fought for control”.
We already saw a hint, or at least a possibility, to this with Oscar emphasizing to Ozpin that he’s staying in control before joining the Manticore Grimm fight on the train.
Also based on the opening (The hooded figure with Roman’s bowler hat flying past them with a background of people holding pink umbrellas in the background - that segment, specifically):
Cinder’s alive. I am willing to bet my life on it. I doubt Miles and Kerry are just going to kill her off after she had so much build up from regaining her strength after the “Silver Eyes Encounter” with Ruby back during the Fall of Beacon. She’s alive and she’s gonna hunt down Ruby. 
N E O possibly may appear. (God I hope she does.) I really hope she does. I want to see her. Especially to see how she is dealing with the aftermath of losing Roman.
I also have a theory that she is probably going her own path at this point and that she is hunting down Cinder. From how Neo and Roman fought together ( how seamless and fluid their battle dynamic was), she and him were close. If anything, I believe she would blame Cinder for Roman’s death - after all it was very much obvious that Roman was practically forced into working alongside Cinder (sort of like how Adam was when he and Cinder first crossed paths).
I also believe Neo blames Ruby too for Roman’s demise. If Ruby hadn’t hit the button that opened Neo’s parasol that sent her flying away, Neo could’ve stayed with Roman and pretty much act as his escape route (as she has done before); she could’ve protected him. And had Ruby not done that, Roman probably wouldn’t have been so angry that he attracted one Griffon Grimm to, well, eat him...
I am so excited for what’s ahead for the rest of Volume 6. 10/10 CRWBY! Rooster Teeth, you really impressed me this time. (Now let’s see if this hype will last for the entire duration of the volume...)
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