#(A game theory)
zeeinkzquill · 3 days
Zooble Headcannon / Theory I Have Now (Leave a comment on my thoughts if you want)
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I had to make a post about Zobble therapy chair clip therapy because honestly SAME.
But I feel like this episode is going to be one of the only times that we cracked Zooble open as a person.
I'ma put my 2 cents into what I think bc they scratch my in a way that I can't explain. And though I'm going through my mental health struggles and such I am in no way am I professional so take what I say with a grain of salt (or just ignore it if you hates it).
When I first saw their design I was like "Woah I don't know where to look at!" then ep 2 came out with their design changed and I was like "Hmmm that's interesting"
this led me to think about many things, especially how they view themselves identity-wise. Bc about a week ago I was talking to someone about the identity that Carvial Jax may have. I learned something new that day and I took that idea and looked back at Zooble.
And part of me feels like that's why Zooble may change how they look bc of how they view themselves identity-wise. And Part of me feels like that why their designed that way. Like a jumbled mess. Mayber Bc that how they view themselves??? (If you explain this well OR disagree with me leave a comment. I wanna learn more about this and what others in the community think!)
And part of me thinks Caine might take an interest in this and try to help them (or at least try to bc he's a computer lol)
IK this lil thought dump of mine is messy and weird but if you guys understand what I'm saying give me your thoughts. I find each character interesting in their own lil way so I might do more of these but what do you guys think about Zooble as a character.
Have a nice day yall💫
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The reason Vriska had such a hard time against Katya (goncharov) in the 2023 tumblrwoman polls was due to the fact that Katya, as an entirely nonexistent character in the unreality phenomenon Goncharov, is fundamentally tied to the aspect of Void, the opposite to Vriska’s ties to Light. In this essay I will
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aitadraws · 7 months
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Curtains up, the stage is yours.
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artistyuri · 7 months
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Thank you MatPat, for all the theories. Goodnight sweet prince.
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blackkatdraws2 · 9 months
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Goodbye, Matpat. Thank you for looking after us.
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southduhcodeuh · 9 months
Thank you, Matpat.
Thank you, Matpat. Thank you for being such a big part of my life, for being a huge part of my childhood, because, ultimately, you and Steph are the theorists that I grew up with. And I am so, so glad that you're continuing with your life, but not leaving us behind. Because, as much as I'll miss seeing you in the videos, I'm happy that you're gonna be behind the scenes.
I'm happy that you can hand it off to other people. And I love Amy, I love Tom, I love Santi, and I love Lee, they're gonna be amazing hosts on the channels, but I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss seeing you, gonna miss hearing you say "That's just a theory.". I know, I can just watch the older videos, but it's not gonna be the same without you.
And I'm going to be sitting in my room on March 9th, and cry. I'm going to be crying my eyes out, because you were such an incredibly huge part of me growing up. And if this ever reaches you, I'm proud of you. I'm so incredibly proud of all that you've done. I'm happy for you, Matpat. I'm gonna miss you, but hey.
It's just a theory. A Matpat theory. Thank you for reading.
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art-from-within · 2 months
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Is it just me or are ppl sleeping on the potential implications of this last line from sir goatsback (cuz he always got my back)?
Like, here is a commander of the pureblood knights who is undeniably being used by From as a narrative tool to speak for Luminary Mohg. Sir Ansbach is someone who we know for sure followed Mohg before Miquella's enchantment, as a loyal knight. And what do loyal knights do? Fight for/defend their lord's interests. And to think that a Knight of Mohg, his primary commander no less, espousing such views...
Tldr I think the line may have inadvertently been a way to hint at Mohg's original goal i.e. become a lord of men not gods (mirroring a broken marika/tarnished ending) Formless mother is conveniently, formless. Perhaps he thought miquella was a lil smol baby that he could prop up as a "this dynasty is totally valid" certificate and easily ground away, so he may do the real politicking...
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jacks347 · 5 months
Do you think the reason Angel stole David's jacket when he came home and found them asleep on the couch wasn't because of Angel being Angel but because they were scared?
David was working late that night, the weather was bad, what if Angel started having flashbacks to the Inversion? What if they started panicking thinking things had gone wrong and no one had told them? What if the only way they could calm themselves down was to wrap themselves up in his jacket like they did during the Inversion, hoping they'd have the same outcome? Hoping that holding themselves in his jacket would bring him home again.
The TV wasn't on because they were watching, it was background noise so they wouldn't be stuck in a quiet house with nothing but their bad thoughts to fill the silence. Just sleep, he'll be back when you wake up. He has to be. They weren't clingy because they were trying to be cute, they were reassuring themselves that he was alive and okay, that he had come home again and everything was alright.
But they didn't want to worry David by saying why they were acting the way they were so they hid it under teasing and jokes, hoping he wouldn't be able to feel how their hands were shaking. Hoping he'd think their fluttering heart was from love instead of anxiety.
His cologne wouldn't be enough. A pillow wouldn't be his warmth around them. It wouldn't he his natural scent from a hard day's work. It wouldn't be him. And in that state of panic, they need him.
But who knows, maybe I'm just overthinking again. That's kinda what I'm known for.
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scally-wiggles716 · 7 months
But hey! That's just a theory...
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Thank you....for everything, Matpat...
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uraharastephfiction · 6 months
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I'm all for the headcanon that Anastacha is Francis' daughter. There's even the famous phrase 'The Milkman's Daughter'.
However, it's because of this phrase and the story behind it that I'm just not on board with the idea that Francis and Nacha were married and now divorced. Francis is THE MILKMAN! It's a long time joke (and it stems from many, many true stories) that housewives have affairs with the milkman while he does his rounds. When a child looks nothing like the rest of their family, people might jokingly refer to them as 'the milkman's kid', implying they're an affair child. My thoughts on all this? Nacha and our milk boy, Francis, did some homemade milk shaking while Nacha's actual husband was either at work or getting eaten by Doppelgangers. Or maybe Mr Husband noped out of the marriage when he figured Anastacha wasn't his.
Maybe there was never a husband and Nacha just found herself knocked up with the Milkman's kid. Either way, I don't think they had a relationship that stemmed more than just sating each other's needs during the milk round. I don't think Francis even knows he has a daughter unless Nacha would have told him. But hey; there's room for them to grow close together and bond if that's your kind of thing. I just don't think they were ever married or in an actual, dating, relationship.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
James would pray to Regulus he'd get even a little stressed and he's like "oh regulus give me the strength" and also every night before bed he gets down on his knees and worships him in one way or another
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sangoqueenkoko · 7 months
today is the day, everyone
thank you matpat
“ruining your childhood since 2011” to 2024
may you, ollie, catpat and steph have the best going forward
edit to after watching the finale video:
fuck you google, not fair
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no, i will not get over it
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fruttymoment · 2 months
Do you think only Rue is a robot or is Cedric secretly a robot too in that one theory?
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When Niko asks the question, Cedric answers too!
Unsure if this is a theory at this point; but it is HEAVILY suggested that both Rue and Cedric are robots as well, just like Proto. Pretty sure it's also confirmed by Nightmargin herself, in somewhere! I just forgor
I do, however, have another theory. Based in this interaction :
Since the entire world is just a simulation, is EVERYONE there technically is a robot?
Are Proto, Cedric and Rue specifically robots because they are The Author's children?
It's hard to say a certain thing because first of all we have no idea what exactly makes a robot, well, 'robot', in the universe of OneShot.
A robot is an entity with computing power, specifically designed to do a certain task. We see nurse robots, rowbots, guardian robots etc. in the game. All of them surely are robots, but they have different missions and are built for different tasks.
However, just like other people, robots are NPCs. NPCs in OneShot are basically simulated people, and are not real. Well, they WERE real in the Old World. Now it's not really them but their digital version of themselves, built by complex coding from The Author that 'lives' inside of The World Machine's simulation.
Imagine the Earth we know today is about to be destroyed tomorrow. In horror, scientists somehow figure out how to turn you into a code to simulate yourself in a computer. Forever, perhaps. It's still you with your emotions, habits, thoughts and stuff! It's just that you are not real anymore, but just powered by electricity inside of a computer. You just dont know it.
This of course creates something.. rather interesting.
What is real? What isn't?
WELL WE HAVE NO IDEA BOUT THAT IRL. In the universe of OneShot though; anyone that is living in this simulated environment is an NPC. NPCs don't remember anything when you reset the game for Solstice run, because they are a part of the simulation. They ARE the simulation. And when you reset the game, so the simulation is formatted. No one remembers Niko and anything.
Niko is the messiah because they are a real person. They do not belong this simulation, they have their own world and life. They came to this simulated environment from somewhere else; they never belonged here and they were never a part of the Old World.
This is the difference between real people and NPCs in OneShot, basically. I hope??
Now, one has to ask. The Author has left the world in his 'own terms'. He is probably alive though. But, what about their children? Why are they.. seperated?
I don't think we have any official explanation. A thing I found is apparently Author, Cedric, Rue and Proto all lived in the Real World. So, they existed there. Pay attention to this because it will be... relevant.
Rue, Cedric and Proto are The Author's children. Altho, the wiki sometimes say 'creations' which I am very unsure. In any way, they lived together. They all do call him their "Father". It may not be the word 'father' we think, but maybe a creator too.
Now, this makes me wonder. The Author left, but why their children remains in the simulation? Maybe an accident happened?
Here is a very super weird fact.
Because technically they are bound to the simulation, all three siblings are considered as NPCs.
Wait um
Are they.. NPCs? If i remember correctly, Proto said that they themselves arent regular NPCs. He even knows what NPC is, and why they dont remember anything.
So...? Why three of them are special in this way? Maybe Author just made them so. Everyone else is from the Real World too, but the three siblings are somehow special in a matter.
So! The siblings are robots but arent just NPCs.
But. Then, what the fuck??
WERE THEY ALWAYS ROBOTS OR LIKE?? Why other people arent robots, but Cedric and Rue are?? They do NOT look like robots!
Did three of them fucking DIED irl and Author pulled a William Afton and made them robots??? WHAT
Dont worry it gets worse :)
Remember just when i said Proto, Cedric and Rue arent NPCs but real people, riight?
Prepare to lose your shit because i am going to tell you somrthing.
"When Rue, Cedric, and Proto must be placed in the portal near the end of the Solstice run, Rue is the only one who doesn't have the "NPC" tag on her spritesheet."
- OneShot Wiki , a fact
Rue, that fuckinf fox that i love completely destroys something we thought.
Rue :3
She fucking. Causes a HUGE problem.
According to the game files ITSELF, Rue is the ONLY ONE that does NOT have NPC tag.
This could mean two things. Lets see.
This is only a technical game thing. Rue does not have a NPC tag, because she is the only one that meets you before Solstice. She then remembers and knows you in Solstice. Proto and Cedric are not met before Solstice, thus they technically count as NPCs in not lore but technical game way. In short : Because Rue is the only one that remembers you afterwards, the devs themselves could removed the NPC tag to note themselves that Rue is different. Maybe thats how game code works too? Maybe if you give a NPC tag to a character, it means the character will be resetted after the save file gimmick is deleted. Rue not having an NPC tag could maaybe mean she is supposed to be not affected by a reset, and remembers, so has special interactions
Something malicious is brewing. Oh my fucking god
Tbh, both seem... weak? First of all I dont think the devs simply forgor the name tag for Rue. As a dev NAMING files and confirming everything, that doesnt seem normal. Maybe they really did forgot?? But it could easily be changed by an update or something afterwards?
Another thing is : its just a name in her spritesheets. A name of a spritesheet surely can change some stuff in game engine specifically, but um. I am very unsure.
Anyways. Lets see.
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Screenshots from OneShot TWM Edition.
... well! She STILL has no NPC tag !!
Is it somehow a technical thing???
Or. Something rather funny is going on.
Well um. We literally need direct answer from Nightmargin if its a lore thing; or perhaps GIR & Eliza if its a technical coding reason. Who knows??
I actually will ask this to Nightmargin in her Tumblr Q&A. Who knows, maybe she will answer!!!
If its a technical reason, then there isnt much stuff to discuss here. All three of them are possibly something else than just a simple NPC.
...if not, Rue is. Someone special perhaps. There may be a whole stuff we dont know about Rue and the siblings.
Rue always felt slightly different. Who knows.
Anyway TLDR ; Cedric is a robot too lol
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any-n-everything · 4 days
You know, when Zayne was introduced, I always wondered what he meant by, "When you and the world wake up... I hope we do not meet again."
And then Dawnbreaker Zayne was revealed. Zayne dreams of Dawnbreaker. His dreams consist of killing people. He fears becoming a serial killer. It seems to be why he's so desperate to save lives as a doctor.
But the incident with William at Mt. Eternal raised an ethical dilemma: When something cannot be cured, can killing a person be considered as saving them?
Dawnbreaker Zayne has decided yes. But our Doctor Zayne is still staunchly no. However, within Zayne lies the potential to be exactly like Dawnbreaker.
The recently uploaded video on Love and Deepspace's YouTube channel basically confirms this.
"When that day comes... When I can't wake up..."
Zayne dreams of being Dawnbreaker. The day Zayne "can't wake up" is the day when he becomes Dawnbreaker in reality.
And this might be why Zayne would one day hope that he and MC will never meet again. I don't think he wants MC to ever meet Dawnbreaker. He wants to be the good Dr. Zayne for MC, the one who always saves people.
He never wants to face her as a murderer.
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polina-kov · 8 months
The Magnus Protocol spoilers!!!
I like how the statement about red canary mirrors statement about anglerfish . Both of them are in the first episode of TMA and TMagP , but their role in the story is complete opposite of each other.
Anglerfish lures its prey to its self — lures us as listeners and John further to the Fears.
Red Canary was used to detect dangerous carbon monoxide fumes in the mines and is a metaphor for warning signs. So it warns us and Sam (new protagonist) about incoming danger.
I also think that those statements did not appear as the first at random. With anglerfish I think it was planted by the Web .
But what about red canary? Was it planted by John or/and Martin to warn about danger in the ruins of the institute ? Or in general? How much can they influence real world?
Or was it planted by the Web using there voices ? Then what is it hiding there ??
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kiiwukiiwu · 5 months
jshk 113 spoilers
i feel like this chapter just solidified more to me that the akane that teru likes is not ao-chan
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like he does not gaf and he’s just using it to torment akane more and to me that screams true love ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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