#(3rd singular and 3rd plural)
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anglerflsh · 2 years ago
Italian's regular formal "lei" versus the problématique formal "voi"
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perceremade · 2 years ago
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al-mayriti · 1 year ago
learning italian as a spanish speaker is fun cause every new thing you learn you go 'oooh that's why argentinians speak like that'
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snapcracklepop-myjoints · 27 days ago
i feel like im losing it because polish conjugation CANNOT be that easy. but it is. you have all been lying to me this whole time. i was scared and for what
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randomnerd737 · 10 months ago
reblog for larger sample size
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snissel613 · 2 months ago
Adding a single gender neutral pronoun: 😊🤗🤗🤗🥰💖💖💖💖
Adding 84 new forms for every verb in the language:
The moment when the non-binary Israeli kid needs to decide if they are א-בינארי or א-בינארית in a beautiful demonstration of irony
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incognitopolls · 8 months ago
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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spanishskulduggery · 2 months ago
How does one talk about themselves in the 3rd person in Spanish?
Okay so this is a long time ago but I remember stumbling upon this and getting really confused but the word is servidor(a) which is like "servant" - and I thought we were talking about actual servants but it's the way Spanish can be used to talk about oneself in the 3rd person
Basically - when you say un servidor / una servidora it comes out like "yours truly"
As an example - es el consejo de un servidor which reads like "that's the advice of yours truly" i.e. "that's my advice" but phrased in a way that feels fancy and distancing
This was common in previous centuries, particularly from servants and in very fancy conversations, but it still gets used in some contexts - usually older ones, butler situations, or when someone just decides to talk about themselves in the 3rd person
[which can be a quirk, or it can be a translation choice regarding certain other languages - like I've seen this as the translated for something like Japanese, or languages when people can speak about themselves in the 3rd person, either for deference or ambiguity of the language]
Note: There's also some times when un servidor/una servidora come up in specific historical settings and I can't totally get into all of that, but just for frame of reference keep in mind that Spain was a feudal and aristocratic society once, it's still a monarchy today, but the Spanish Empire was colonial and there were specific ranks of society so language during that period will reflect that
Variations you might see include tu seguro servidor / tu segura servidora which is like "your faithful servant" [lit. "your sure/trusted servant"], or tu humilde servidor(a) "your humble servant"
This also uses tu "your" (informal), but you can see su for formal situations, or plural; and in older contexts (and possibly in Spain in the right contexts) you might see vuestro/a - these are just the possessives; typically it's tu as "your" which is singular and informal
I only mention that because today the formality is less important but Spanish was more formal and put more emphasis on proper formality and addressing people - it's less so today, but there are times when it comes up
Also: This was also a way some people would end letters, although today it's typically atentamente [lit. "attentively", but it is often translated as "yours truly" or "sincerely" in letters as the goodbye]
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hello-vampire-kitty · 1 year ago
Servamp chapter 133 translation "One"
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Read the chapter on MangaDex!
Oh boy, while this chapter doesn't have as much dialogue like the rest that I have to work on, I had some lines that gave me trouble, like you will see in the TL notes, so please look over them. Translation notes
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Although it's trivial and I'll be going over something from an early chapter but hey, you'll see just how bad the English translation is, especially with the early volumes.
Some time ago I asked on Twitter if people recalled the nickname Kuro had for Sakuya, because I had the impression he had one for him in the early chapters, similar to how Kuro calls Misono "kisama-chan", which I translate as little bastard xD Kuro refers to Sakuya as 外ハネ "soto hane" which I translated simply as "curly hair", rather than "flipped hair" which is what you'll see if you google the term. I looked into the anime subs and it was translated as "side flare." I could have used that, but to quote Mahiru, "Simple is best" xD
IIn the official localization of the manga it's not even translated T_T
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The 2nd and 3rd panel are poorly translated, like the "grungy" joker part, Kuro just calls him "joker" and that's where he also calls him "soto hane. Oh boy but the last two lines in the 3rd panel are soo bad. What Kuro said originally was "I don't think little bastard and him would get along", to which Mahiru replies "Little bastard...you mean Misono?!" Yeah, so it's quite different. Okay, so let's move on to the other notes I have for this chapter.
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Tsubaki's last line had me like "What?" Hopefully I haven't misunderstood it. So, Tsubaki uses the word 貯蔵庫 which means storehouse which sounds weird...The way it's written in Japanese, his line could also be translated as "Put away the "prototype" used for storage", but that doesn't make sense, right? Also, I can't say if it's singular or plural regarding the word prototype. I used the plural only because he said "siblings", cause I think it refers to them. So yeah, it's weird, what does he mean regarding storage? We'll have to see if it's brought up in other chapters.
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While most of the characters' abilities have two different readings to them, in this case, the furigana reading which is the intended reading is actually used to show the pronunciation of the kanji.
Tanaka-sensei used different kanji with the same pronunciation to spell the words "shura" that is written as 修羅 and "sousou" (funeral) which is written as 葬送 Shura (or Asura), has been brought up before by Tsubaki, but with another meaning, such as fighting; carnage.
Tsubaki's ability in Japanese is written as 朱羅葬想
So instead of the usual kanji 修羅葬送 (shura sousou) in this case, the first and 4th kanji were replaced like I showed above, both having the same pronunciation and you can't exactly get a translation for the words, so I will just breakdown each kanji to see what they represent.
The first kanji 朱 means "red; vermilion; cinnabar; scarlet". This one is probably used to make a reference to blood in my opinion.
The fourth kanji 想 means "thoughts, emotions, feelings".
So yeah, written like this 朱羅葬想 it can't be translated and the kanji that were used are most likely meant to be representative for Tsubaki. That's my opinion.
He also says the word 迎え (mukae) which means "meeting; greeting; welcome". I can't say how it relates to "shura sousou", but I thought that maybe his ability has styles? Perhaps the "welcome" is one style like from what we see, he makes some kind of barrier and when he's attacked, he vanishes and appears behind Kuro Maybe he has other fighting styles used for close combat.
Oh my God, like maybe it sounds dumb but I legit didn't know how else I could adapt what Kuro says about the counter-attack, because there were hardly any examples of how some of the words in Japanese were used, like one of them was from what I gathered, a term used in sports that translates as "take the field first" and another one basically meant ""going second" and there was another example that basically meant "going second", then there was another word that I only found in a single example...It was awful.
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Cleaning the speech bubble was tough and I think it looks decent.
As you might have seen, I added this page again at the end of the chapter on Mangadex to show the other reading of the ability, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" because I couldn't add it because there wasn't enough space in the speech bubble. So, when I looked up the word, it was interesting that Wiedergänger share similarities to strigoi from my country's folklore. I think others might have brought this up regarding inner Kuro, but the fact that he uses a stake to pierce himself and uses it as a weapon that takes the form of the thing that was used to kill Kuro, a stake is used to kill a strigoi to keep them in their coffins.
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Regarding inner Kuro's last line, the intended reading is "let's talk" but the other reading says "let's fight".
Also, he uses the verb 引きこもる "hikikomoru" and when you make it into a noun, you get hikikomori which is how Kuro is described. I had to chose a word that would fit both character's lines, because I couldn't have inner Kuro says "hey come on, don't be a shut-in", "or "don't seclude yourself from me", it would have sounded weird.
I think it's clever how Tanaka used that specific verb instead of just saying something like "Hey, don't stand so far away" So yeah, hopefully my insights were helpful :)
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 5 months ago
(Vague spoilers for Bound lore on 9/12/24, Rune and Vast, "Bound Together")
Latin for the magnesia crystal-
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"Quaerite Potestatem" - "Seek the Power"
Technically, Quaerite can mean "Search", "ask", or "research"- which is interesting, considering the context! It's in the imperative form, but funnily enough, the plural imperative form (I believe the singular imperative would be Quaer!) Potestatem is straightforward, most of the definitions I could find agreed on the most common translation being "Power"! (it's in the accusitive direct object!)
"Abscondere Ab Iniuria" - "Conceal from harm"
So- the forms are a lil wonky? Abscondere is in the infinitive mood, so technically this sentence means "To conceal from harm" or "To hide from harm". Additionally, the preposition "Ab" ("a/ab" technically) means "from", but more specifically "Away from", so this could technically also mean "To hide away from harm"! (assuming Iniuria is in the ablative origin)
"Amator Meus Protegat" - "Protect My Lover"
I believe Protegat is a lil mis-spelled, closest is Proteget (just that change in the e there, which effects the conjugation and all) additionally, this is actually a future tense verb- it's 3rd person singular future. So roughly "He(also she/it) will protect". Meus is also a masculine version of the word for "my"! (Fem = Mea, Neu = Meum). Amator is straightforward again, meaning "Love"/"Lover" (one did include "Boyfriend" as a translation, which leads me to believe that there's probably a feminine version, which I'd guess would be something like "Amata"). Interestingly enough, it's in the Nominative case, which I believe is for Subject and Predicates only... so technically, this sentence could be read as "my lover will protect"! Amatorem is the correct bit for "Protect my lover" (So it'd be "Protegete meus amatorem"! switched the verb to imperative as well)
Okay sorry I like Latin off I go!
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willowbilly · 7 months ago
INU 211 Final Project | The Terror (2018) + Iñupiatun Commentary
Umiaqpaŋmi atqaqtuq mayuaġautitigun Harry Goodsir.
Payukkaa Silna anaqapak.
Misigiŋitkaa Des Voeux.
Des Voeux taiguaġuktuq, aglaan apiqsruġaa aasiiñ ikayuġiaqtuq.
Des Voeux-m upkuiġaa, aasiiḷi Goodsir isiqtuq inimun.
Silnam qiñiġaik.
Des Voeux-m utiġai qattaġlu maqpiġaallu qanikun.
Goodsa-m iḷigaa puggutaq natiġmun.
Tavraasiiñ Silna aquvittuq suli qiñiqtuq Goodsir-mik.
Goodsa-m uqautigaa Silna Taniktun, aasiiḷi Silnam kaŋiqsiḷḷaŋitkaa.
Iḷuligauramun tivvukkaa niqi.
Goodsa-m iglaŋagaalu niaqulagaalu Silna.
In the ship Harry Goodsir descends by ladder.
He’s bringing food to Silna this evening.
He’s not expecting Des Voeux.
Des Voeux wants to read, but he asks him then goes to help.
Des Voeux opens the door, and then Goodsir enters the room.
Silna watches them-(dual).
Des Voeux returns to the barrel and book nearby.
Goodsir sets the platter onto the floor.
Consequently Silna sits down, furthermore watching Goodsir.
Goodsir speaks to Silna in English, and Silna cannot understand him.
She spits out the food into the bowl.
Goodsir smiles and shakes his head at Silna.
+morpheme[GRAMMATICAL TERM]English.gloss:
umiaqpak[NOUN]ship÷mI[SINGULAR LOCATIVE CASE]in/at/on(singular) atqaq[VERB ROOT]to.descend+tuq[INTRANSITIVE INDICATIVE MOOD 3RD PERSON SINGULAR VERB ENDING]they(singular) mayuaġaun[NOUN]step÷tigun[PLURAL VIALIS CASE]via(plural) Harry Goodsir[ABSOLUTIVE CASE NOUN].
payuk[VERB ROOT]to.bring.food+kaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD PERSON-TO-3RD P. SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.) Silna[ABSOLUTIVE CASE N.] anaqapak[TIME NOUN]tonight/this.evening.
misigi[V. ROOT]to.expect±ŋit[POSTBASE]not+kaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.) Des Voeux[ABSOLUTIVE CASE N.].
DesVoeux[ABSOLUTIVE CASE N.] taiguaq[V. ROOT]to.read+[s]uk[POSTBASE]want+tuq[INTRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD P.V. ENDING]they(sg.), aglaan[CONJUNCTION]however apiqsruq[V. ROOT]to.ask+kaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.) aasiiñ[CONJUNCTION]and.then ikayuġiaq[V. ROOT]to.go.and.help+tuq[INTRANSITIVE INDICATIVE V. ENDING]they(sg.).
Des Voeux[NOUN]-m[SG. RELATIVE CASE] upkuiq[V. ROOT]to.open..door+kaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…it, aasii[CONJUNCTION]and/therefore+ḷi[ENCLITIC]CHANGE.OF.SUBJECT/ACTIVITY Goodsir[ABSOLUTIVE NOUN] isiq[V. ROOT]to.enter+tuq[INTRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.) ini[NOUN]room÷mun[SG. TERMINALIS CASE]into/toward.
Silna[NOUN]-m[RELATIVE CASE] qiñiq[V. ROOT]to.watch/look.at+kaik[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-DUAL V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(dual).
Des Voeux-m[RELATIVE CASE] utiq[V. ROOT]to.return+kaI[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-PLURAL V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(plural) qattaq[SG. ABSOLUTIVE NOUN]barrel+lu[ENCLITIC]and papers(pl.)[PLURAL ABSOLUTIVE NOUN+lu[ENCLITIC]and qani[NOUN]nearby-kun[SG. VIALIS CASE]via.
Goodsir[NOUN]-m[RELATIVE CASE] iḷi[V. ROOT]to.place/set+gaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…it puggutaq[SG. ABSOLUTIVE NOUN]platter/tray natiQ[NOUN]floor÷mun[TERMINALIS CASE]at/toward.
tavraasIIñ[CONJUNCTION]consequently Silna[ABSOLUTIVE NOUN] aquvit[V. ROOT]to.sit.up/down+tuq[INTRANSITIVE INDICATIVE SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.) aasIIñ[CONJUNCTION]and/furthermore/also qiñiq[V. ROOT]to.watch+tuq[INTRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.) Goodsir[NOUN]÷mik[MODALIS CASE].
Goodsir[NOUN]-m[RELATIVE CASE] uqauti[V. ROOT]to.speak/talk.to+gaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.) Silna[NOUN] Tanik[NOUN]white.person÷tun[SG. SIMILARIS CASE], aasii[CONJUNCTION]and/therefore+ḷi[ENCLITIC]CHANGE.OF.SUBJECT/ACTIVITY Silna[NOUN]-m[RELATIVE CASE] kaŋiqsI[V. ROOT]to.understand-ḷḷa[POSTBASE]is.able.to/can±ŋit[POSTBASE]not+kaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.).
iḷuligauraq[NOUN]bowl÷mun[TERMINALIS CASE]toward/into tivvuk[V. ROOT]to.spit+kaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…it niqi[SG. ABSOLUTIVE NOUN]food.
Goodsir[NOUN]-m[RELATIVE CASE] iglaŋa[V. ROOT]to.smile.at+gaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.)+lu[ENCLITIC]and niaqula[V. ROOT]to.shake.head+gaa[TRANSITIVE INDICATIVE 3RD-3RD SG.-SG. V. ENDING]they(sg.)…them(sg.)+lu[ENCLITIC]and.
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randyortonofficial · 6 months ago
title: you can't lie (when your eyes are talking for you) [ click here for ao3 version ] pairing: roman reigns/cody rhodes with past rolleigns and past candy word count: 5824 important tags: hurt/comfort, anal sex, blowjobs description: After Roman interferes in the main event, thus allowing Cody to retain his title, Cody has a lot of questions. When he arrives to his tour bus after the press conference, Roman is there to answer any questions he might have.
August 3rd, 2024
Cody’s eyes widen as Roman cages him against the wall. Big, tattooed arms pinning him at either sides and the heat of his massive body radiating against Cody’s, so much smaller in comparison.
Roman looks Cody up and down before allowing his gaze to flicker into Cody’s eyes. “I’ll meet you at your tour bus after the press conference,” he murmurs just inches away from his lips.
And just like that, he’s leaving as quick as he came.
Cody blinks a few times and watches Roman continue down the hall. He didn’t even have a chance to ask Roman what for, or try to protest, and at this point, Roman is disappearing down the other hall.
Even throughout the press conference, Cody’s mind still played the events of his match with Solo over and over. Not even events, plural, but rather one singular event in Roman returning just to save him.
That’s what Cody thought at first, but once the adrenaline of it all wore off, he knew it was just a coincidence he was saved. Roman was only trying to get one over on Solo and come after him for trying to drag his name through the mud ever since he left, but then if that was truly the case, why did Roman look at him the way he did before he turned to head to the back?
He had stared Cody down with those dark brown eyes and even winked at him. Are those the actions of a man who is solely serving his own needs?
Cody isn’t surprised to see Roman leaning against the entrance to his tour bus. Roman had told him he’d be there, after all, but he’s keeping his guard up. Ever since Cody won the Royal Rumble, he hasn’t fully trusted Roman, and that tryst they had was just that - a fun night solely to get off with no intentions of more. Roman’s hot and so is he.
It was a no brainer for them to fuck. Not anymore, however.
Cody hitches the title higher on his shoulder as he looks Roman over. “Have you been waiting long?”
Roman shakes his head. “Nah, just a few minutes.”
Cody nods and presses his lips together before looking over the area. He doesn’t want people to see them entering a tour bus together, just for the sake of him not wanting to hear rumors and the annoyance of having to disprove them. When you’re the champion, everyone is looking for a reason to take you down and Cody is being extra careful to stay vigilant.
Of course, if he really was being careful, he wouldn’t have easily walked into two Bloodline beatings in a row. Just blame it on the macho need to prove himself and show how strong he is.
“We’re good, man.” Roman nods his head to the door. “C’mon.”
“Making yourself at home already,” Cody mumbles loud enough for Roman to hear on the way to his bus.
“They’re all the same,” Roman tells him as he watches Cody open the door. “Figured you’d want things to speed along. I know you don’t wanna deal with me anymore than you have to.”
Cody frowns a little. “I wouldn’t say that,” he argues quietly. “You first, by the way.”
“Think I’m gonna stab you in the back?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
Roman huffs a chuckle and nods. “Smart. Alright.”
And Roman goes first then, Cody following close behind.
“It’s not that I don’t wanna deal with you, per say,” Cody begins as he locks the door behind him. “I just don’t know what we'd talk about.”
“Oh, I bet you do.”
“Oh yeah?”
“You’re wondering why I did what I did out there.” Roman smiles up at Cody as he easily plops down onto the couch of his bus, a muscular arm resting across the back. “I know you haven’t stopped thinking about it since it happened.”
A grin hangs at the corner of Cody’s lips. He raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement and sets his title on the table across before sitting next to Roman, though he puts a bit of space between them. “Maybe so,” he admits. “Like, I know why you did it, but for some reason, I feel like there’s more-”
“And why do you think I did it?”
“Why else? To get back at Solo for trying to take your place as the Tribal Chief. By the way,” Cody chuckles, “he absolutely fucking sucks. Like, big time.”
Roman chuckles. “Yeah, he really does, don’t he? Like a little boy trying to act like his daddy.”
Heat rises to Cody’s cheeks as he looks out the window blinds, fingers fiddling with the sleeves of his zipped hoodie. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “That’s uh, that’s an apt comparison.”
“But what makes you so confident I did it just for that?”
“That’s it though, I’m not so confident.”
“Then why else did you think I did it?”
“Because… because…” Cody takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh as he shrugs. “I don’t know, to save me? I know it sounds silly, but-”
“Does it?”
“Yeah, I fucking stole your title at the biggest stage of them all,” Cody scoffs and rolls his eyes before looking over to Roman. “Not just that, but the 40th anniversary of the biggest stage of them all, and it was a world record title reign. It’d take me a long time to get over that.”
“That’s what makes us different, bro. Wasn’t a thing to me at all.”
Cody raises his eyebrows. “It wasn’t a thing to you at all? Why do I doubt that?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I was - I was definitely all up in my head about it, but it wasn’t you I was that upset about. You proved yourself to me, Cody, you beat me. I was - I was mad at everyone else. Mad at myself for letting it happen, like, I was so close to beating you, man. I really was, I could’ve had it and then…” Roman blinks and bites at his lip before looking down to his lap. His hand curls into a fist and he twists and turns it before dropping it into his lap. “Fucking Seth,” he says quietly. “He just - he got to me. After all of this time,” he chuckles bitterly, “and he still got to me. He banked on the fact that I would ignore you and go after him and…” Roman sticks his tongue out before slowly letting it roll across his bottom lip, and Cody’s eyes follow the action before he quickly reminds himself what the vibe of the conversation is.
This isn’t the time for that, and that door is closed. It’s not, as he would say, apropos.
The silence hangs heavy between them but surprisingly, it’s not uncomfortable. Cody can only look at Roman and try to get a read on what he’s feeling. He wonders if anyone else has seen him like this, almost vulnerable and even admitting to his failures. The Roman that everyone else gets to see doesn’t admit to mistakes. Nothing he does is wrong and he’s always the victim. There’s still shades of it here when he says he was mad at everyone else, but then he goes on to say he’s mainly mad at himself.
Cody proved himself to Roman. Those were the words that came direct out of Roman’s mouth, and he doesn’t think Roman has ever said that about anyone.
“I loved him,” Roman breathes out. He still hasn’t looked up at Cody. “I… I would have done anything for him. God, I did everything for him - everything he asked, everything he wanted, everything I did, all of it, I did it for Seth. Always him, and I wanted to do that, because I loved him. And he…” He intakes a sharp breath and closes his eyes. “He was everything to me and we did everything together, we went to bed together a-and woke up together, traveled the world, rode together, made love together, all of that, and for what?” Roman scoffs and shakes his head as he opens his eyes. “So he could sell me out and go be Hunter’s fucking lap dog? And look where that got him!” he laughs. “Cause Hunter sold out his ass too! So he sold me out for fucking nothing and…” Roman blinks and looks up to Cody, who has nothing but sympathy playing out across his face.
Cody is frowning heavily, eyebrows furrowed in concern and blue eyes twinkling with the need to take all that pain away. It’s in his nature to want to make people feel better, even his greatest enemies. He has sympathy, sometimes too much of it, and his heart aches heavily to hear this confident man like Roman Reigns absolutely lose it over someone like Seth Rollins.
And he and Seth have made up. They’re friends now, and Seth has changed, but Cody knows all too well how complicated relationships can be.
Relationships bring out the best and worst in people. You’ll do and say things you never thought you would. The absolute depths of humanity on every side of the spectrum comes out in relationships, and every single one will change a person. Nobody leaves a relationship the same way they entered.
  Roman presses his lips together and swallows heavily. His eyes dart around before he proceeds to look out the window blinds too. “Look, uh,” he clears his throat, “I let my need for revenge… take over. It felt fucking good in the moment though.” He whistles and shakes his head. “Felt like the best fucking thing in the world but after I lost the title and I was sitting all alone in my bus, I was thinking about shit, shit I didn’t even wanna think about and… I’ve been letting him run my life this whole time.” He shakes his head. “I’ve made everything about him without even knowing. And… there was a whole lot of shit I had to sit on, and I’m still sitting on it but I wouldn’t have got there without you.”
He looks back to Cody then but their eye contact isn’t long as Roman’s gaze dips to Cody’s lips. It’s only for a second, but Cody catches it, and that’s when the aura of the tour bus really begins to shift.
  “I’m not asking for vulnerability here, Roman,” Cody tells him. “I’m just asking to be pounded into your bed. You don’t need to tell me your life story, don’t need to tell me all about the intricacies of what makes you who you are, don’t even need to keep talking to me afterwards. You can fuck me and we can go back down our own paths and act like this never happened.”
  That was what Cody told Roman the last, and only, time they fucked, immediately after the Royal Rumble 2023 press conference, but maybe he should have pushed Roman into being vulnerable with him. Probably would have done Roman some good, because it seems like he has years of shit to unload. Has to be hell keeping all that inside all this time, and for what? Just to show everyone he's this confident manly man that doesn't have emotions or feelings? That no one can ever hurt him? That's an act that gets old fast, and it's not an act that's sustainable.
  Cody swallows and quirks a weird grin before chuckling and shaking his head. “You - it wasn’t because of me. I mean - yeah, m-maybe I like, help inspired it-”
“You’re the only one that’s ever been real to me,” Roman tells him. “You’ve never lied to me. Everyone else has, they’ve always sucked up to me, but you didn’t.”
Cody’s upturned lips fall into a pressed line then. “Come on,” he almost whispers, “you can’t give me that much credit-”
“I wanted to save you tonight,” Roman admits to him with firm conviction. “You’re right, I did wanna put Solo in his place, but I wanted to save the one person that hadn’t done me dirty like everyone else did. I owed you that, especially after the shit I pulled on you.”
Cody snorts. “So you admit you were doing me dirty?”
“Wanted to keep my place at the top,” Roman tells him. “I was gonna do everything it took to stay there.”
“As someone who was aligned with Randy Orton for awhile,” Cody sighs and looks up at the ceiling as the memories pour through, “I understand that. Once you’re on top, you don’t wanna lose that place. It’s intoxicating to have that power of being number one, and I understand how that power gets to people, and how that power can…” Cody bites at his lip before looking down to his own lap. “Well, I get how that power can change someone. For the best, but… for the worst,” he sighs.
Randy hadn’t betrayed him quite the same way Seth did, In actuality, it was Cody, but that was after almost 2 years of verbal abuse and physical attacks. Their relationship was explosive, but with that came a lot of passion and what they had was the most intense experience of Cody’s life.
That said, he doesn’t want that again. He and Randy came a long way since then. They’ve seen each other at their best and worst and he’s glad they’re to a point they can actually count on each other.
Randy may turn on him one day. In fact, Cody is expecting it, but in the meantime, he’s trying to enjoy the friendship as much as he can.
“I don’t hold any hard feelings against you, Roman.” Cody looks back to Roman. “I never did. For me, it’s always just been business… except for the time it wasn’t.” He winks, knowing that Roman will understand.
The smirk that spreads across Roman’s lips definitely prove that.
“Yeah, uh… that was a fun time, wasn’t it?” Roman hums and lets his dark eyes go over Cody’s outfit, his tights and ring boots with a shirt and jacket. “You know something?”
“What’s that?”
“I guess you do owe me a little.”
Cody swipes his tongue across his lip before raising his eyebrows. “Oh, is that so?”
Roman stands up with a sigh. “Yeah, why don’t we uh, discuss it in your bedroom?”
As Cody unzips his jacket, he replies with, “yeah. Why don’t we?”
And after shedding the jacket off, he’s following Roman to the back of the bus where the bedroom is.
The moment that door is closed, Roman is pushing Cody up against it, hand gripping his shoulder and other gripping his chin, to smash his lips against his.
Considering how the last time went, Cody was expecting to be pushed down onto the bed so they could go at it quickly, but he has a sneaking suspicion that this is going to go a little bit different.
Maybe a lot a bit different. Who knows, but Cody certainly wants to find out.
  Cody is instantly moaning at the strength of Roman’s mouth, and he’s clinging to Roman’s biceps for purchase. He’s always loved to be dominated, he did their first time and he does now. Roman’s fingers are digging into his chin, not painfully but definitely with applied pressure, and his tongue pilfers Cody’s mouth with a desperate yearning to explore and Cody just lets him. He lets Roman take whatever he wants because he wants to see how much of him Roman wants.
A soft breath exhales out of Roman’s nose to hit Cody’s upper lip before he lets go of his chin entirely to instead frame one side of his face. His thumb is brushing back and forth against Cody’s jawline as he tilts his head, pulling away just enough to bite at Cody’s lip and drag it out with his teeth before licking up his chin and back into his mouth, the obscenity of it causing Cody to moan out again and Roman is groaning out at the noise of approval.
The hand Roman has on Cody’s shoulder moves down over his chest, fingers curling the fabric tight between his fingers. Cody’s hands drag up those big biceps and up Roman’s neck to hold his face in his hands, and he’s sucking Roman’s lips with his before sliding his tongue along the bottom to savor his taste - so sweet, and he detects a hint of alcohol, just the faintness of beer - and after locking the taste in his mind, their lips meld once more.
Their kiss is strong and passionate, ignited by a burning flame that Cody hasn’t felt in a long, long time. To say Roman is an amazing kisser is an understatement, because he’s kissing Cody like he’s done it for years, but after hearing everything he’s spilled about Seth, it makes sense that he’s amazing. Roman is a man with a lot of passion, and he’s probably been holding that in for a long time. That passion was transferred to the protection of his belt but now he no longer has that and with nowhere else for the passion to go, it makes sense for it to spill out right now.
Thank fuck Cody is the willing recipient.
Their lips are slow to drag apart, neither of them wanting to end it but knowing they have to or it’s all they’re gonna do. They’re panting hotly against each other’s lips as they lid their eyes open to drink upon each other’s hungry gaze, the unspoken agreement shared between them that this is only the start to, what most likely, be a long night.
“You know what I didn’t get to do last time?” Cody murmurs against Roman’s lips. “That I really wanted to do?”
“What’s that?”
“I really wanted to get my mouth on you,” he admits in a low tone. “And just choke on you.”
“Shit,” Roman groans and brings his hand up to gently push down at Cody’s head. “Say less and get down there then.”
And Cody does, sinking onto his knees before the bigger man but not without stealing one more kiss. His hands run down Roman’s body along the way to his belt, which he’s quickly undoing and slipping through the loops to drop to the ground. The button is undone next, followed by the zipper, and then he’s grabbing his pants, along with his briefs, to pull them down enough for that thick cock to present itself right in front of his face.
Natural instincts from long ago take over as Cody whines before leaning forward to immediately lick all the way up Roman’s length to take him in all the way. He’s not wasting anytime sucking him off, eagerly moving down and up, his fingers gripping at the open flaps of Roman’s pants as he happily sucks away.
“Damn, baby,” Roman chuckles through a moan as he rests a hand on the back of Cody’s head. “You really fucking love this shit, huh?”
The moan Cody gives around his length is all the answer Roman needs, and the extra vibration causes him to moan out in pleasure.
“Fuck, your mouth is amazing,” he sighs and lulls his head back just to savor in the moment. A few moments later, he’s humming and dropping his head forward, eyes lidding open to watch Cody work his magic. “You look like you were made for this. So fucking pretty, you’re sucking me so damn good, baby…”
His pretty pink lips are stretched wide around him, cheeks hollowed out and eyelashes looking so heavy until Cody is opening his eyes to stare right up at Roman, with the brightest blue eyes he’s ever seen. It’s mesmerizing, honestly, such an innocent looking color on such a filthy man like him, but filthy in the best way, filthy in a way that Roman is currently benefiting from.
Cody pulls off to suckle at the head, letting his tongue trail all over it inside his mouth and dip into the slit before letting go to trail a stripe down Roman’s shaft. It licks all the way down and then he’s breathing him in deeply to inhale his manly musk, let it fill his senses before his lips rub back up. As he does so, he lets the spit build back up in his mouth and after mouthing his way back to the tip, his tongue rolls out for the spot to drop off onto Roman’s length.
“God, that’s so hot,” Roman breathes out.
Cody’s gaze flickers up to Roman with a moan before cutting the tether of spit with his tongue, and Roman is groaning as he harshly tugs Cody back by his hair.
“You’re gonna make me come if you keep doing that,” he warns.
“Wouldn’t be so bad,” Cody tells him. “You don’t wanna make a mess over my pretty face? You don’t wanna cover me in you?”
Roman takes a deep breath and looks up to the ceiling in thought to mull over the image. Biting hard at his lip, he looks down to Cody and says, “don’t tempt me. Get your ass on that bed.”
With a grin, Cody tells him, “can do.”
  It’s not without undressing first, though he goes slow so Roman has time to appreciate his body. He can feel Roman’s gaze burning with each inch of him that’s shown and even as he climbs onto the bed. He’s settling himself on his elbows and knees before looking back at Roman over his shoulder. “Like last time?”
Roman’s tongue pokes around the inside of his cheek as he continues to look Cody over. While the back of him is certainly nice, it’s something they’ve done before. He shakes his head and says, “nah. Roll onto your back.”
After Cody rolls onto his back, he sees Roman removing his boots, pants, and briefs, though the shirt stays on. He wants Roman to take it off, after all, Cody’s already seen him shirtless in the ring, but there has to be a reason Roman is keeping that on specifically, so Cody doesn’t say a word.
The bed dips with Roman’s weight as he stalks up towards Cody. Strong hands force Cody’s legs apart so Roman can get in between and Cody has to bite back the moan that wants to push past his lips at the sight of his massive body between his legs.
Like, yeah, he’s so much bigger now, but men like Roman always make him feel like that starry eyed twink all over again.
Roman’s voice breaks him out of his trance when he asks, “you keep lube anywhere in here?”
“Oh, um…” Cody looks over to his nightstand. “Should be a bottle in there.” As Roman reaches to grab it from within, Cody chuckles. “I didn' remember this last time.”
“Last time was different,” Roman tells him as he sets the lube down on top.
“How so?”
Roman rolls his lips back between his teeth while he settles himself on his stomach between Cody’s legs. “Just is.”
Cody would argue, but Roman’s skillful fucking tongue is lapping at his hole like a delicacy and it tears any thought out of Cody’s head as he whines out loud and throws his head back.
Roman’s wrapping his arms around Cody’s thighs, hands clutching tight at them as he opens Cody up - and properly this time, unlike the last. He’s really taking his time, sticking his tongue inside and moving it around all over where he can. He’s sucking at his hole, tracing the rim with his tongue and running it up the seam of his balls before spitting on his hole and sticking his tongue back inside.
Cody is trying hard to lay flat but it’s not working all that well. Nor is he keeping his noises in check, because he’s whining and keening and thrashing his body all over the place to the point Roman has to tighten his grip (because somehow, it could get tighter) to keep him firmly on the bed and fuck, is that so hot. Fuck, Roman is so strong and Cody doesn’t wanna fight back, doesn’t wanna overpower him, he wants to just lay here and let Roman do whatever he wants.
And now that he’s the undisputed champion, he kind of can.
Roman is adding a finger, after a point. And another, and another after that, and each one pulls a louder moan out of Cody each time. He’s still tonguing Cody open with all those fingers too, and he didn’t fucking do this before. He just ate Cody out then shoved himself inside and that was it, but this, this is…
Fuck, is he getting Roman at his best right now? And he thought their last tryst was great, but this is already better and Roman hasn’t even got his dick in him yet.
Oh shit, Roman hasn’t even got his dick in him yet, how the fuck is Cody going to react when that happens?
When Cody has been thoroughly opened up and broken down, Roman is sitting up between his knees with a rather triumphant grin. He knows he did well, and he knows he’s going to keep doing well too. Kind of reminds Cody of someone else in his life, but that door is closed forever. It was an agreement he and Randy made a few years ago, an agreement for the best.
Roman pops the cap of the lube to drizzle it along his length. He’s stroking his cock to fully apply it before easily pulling Cody forward by his thighs, lubed up cock bobbing down against Cody’s. “You think you can take me or-”
“Yes, fuck yes, I can take you, fucking give it to me already,” Cody whines out and doesn’t even care for how it sounds.
“You gonna keep up that begging for me when I get inside you, baby?”
“I’ll do whatever the fuck you want when you get inside me, so please.”
A hum rises from low in Roman’s throat as he uses an arm to push both of Cody’s legs back from behind his knees. “I got you, sweetheart. Stay real still and be a good boy for me.”
Good boy is all it takes to settle Cody once and for all. He relaxes totally and stares at Roman with a renewed softness in his eyes before his gaze dips to watch Roman line himself up. The head of Roman’s cock smacks against Cody’s hole a few times before he pushes inside.
And it’s slow when he pushes in, but he’s determined to give Cody every single inch and he feels it.
Cody’s eyes are fluttering shut in pure bliss as a long, drawn out moan slips past his lips to enter the warmly lit room. His head is rolling over to the side, hand coming up to grab tightly at the pillow and other hand dragging through the sheets to keep himself grounded with how many of his senses are lighting up.
It’s so much in the best way and he hasn’t had that kind of overwhelming sensation in awhile. Fuck, probably not since the last time they fucked.
“Theeere we go,” Roman shushes as he bottoms out inside. “Just like that, baby, doing so good. Look so good like this bent in half underneath me, and I’m gonna give it to you so good too, you just wait.”
“Don’t wanna,” Cody whimpers and opens his eyes just enough to send Roman a pleading look. “Please, Roman, give it to me, I can take it, I swear I can-”
“Oh, I know you can,” Roman chuckles and throws Cody’s legs over his shoulders so he can lean in real close. “Just relax and lemme take care of you tonight, alright?”
Cody’s eyes fall back shut as their lips meet again, much softer than the last. While their lips move against each other, Roman begins with slow thrust, but each one packs a punch. He pulls out slow, just to slam back in, and Cody is moaning into his mouth each time it happens. Cody feels it so deep, literally, as the inches drag along his tight, inner walls. Roman is really taking his time with him and ensuring Cody feels good, unlike the last time - fucking for the sake of it, to size each other up in a way that would benefit the both of them.
Their tongues swirl around each other before their lips meet again, still in that soft, but passionate manner. Cody’s hands come up to thread through Roman’s luxurious black locks, and Roman has his hands planted firmly on either side of Cody. His thrusts are steadily beginning to speed up and their kissing is becoming quicker, hell, sometimes they stop kissing just to chase each other’s lips, get each other desperate before allowing them to meet again, up until the point where Roman’s thrusts get so fast that Cody can’t even concentrate on kissing.
“Oh fuck me, you feel so good,” Cody moans out. “Fuck, give it all to me.”
“Yeah, you want more?” Roman asks with a grin as he tilts his head to kiss Cody’s ankle. “You gonna be a good boy and take everything I give you?”
“Even if it hurts, fuck yes, Roman, yes, I’ll be a good boy and take everything you give me.”
“Hey, you asked for it.”
Yup, Cody certainly did, and he is so glad for it when Roman does, indeed, give him exactly what he asked for.
It’s hot, fast, and intense. Nothing better than to get fucked stupid and not think of a damn thing beyond letting himself get wrecked. Cody’s had so much responsibility to uphold lately with being the top guy that it feels good to let someone else take the reins. He’s always enjoyed it even before he had the responsibilities, but now it’s like a need for someone else to take charge, a burning need that’s been increasingly harder to satiate.
  Roman is grunting, breathing heavy as he pounds into Cody with every iota of strength he has. The bed is shaking, rocking against the wall and Cody’s mouth hangs open as he cries out with each thrust, moans becoming higher pitched, body writhing, and he’s practically sobbing with how good it feels, but Roman can barely contain himself either with the slew of curses he’s spouting off.
“Fucking - fuck, god damn, Cody, so fucking tight around me. You know I couldn’t stop thinking about this last time we did it? I hated it, hated thinking about it because I didn’t want to, I didn’t wanna like it, but you were good, you were amazing and you better keep fucking coming back for this dick, you understand?”
“Yes, Roman, I-I’ll keep coming back, keep letting you fuck me and use me, I promise,” he gasps. “Whatever you want, j-just keep fucking me good like this, keep making me feel good, please-”
Cody’s cut off when Roman kisses him again, but it doesn’t go for long. It’s a hard kiss that only lasts a few seconds before Roman pulls away with a loud groan, teeth gritting together as his thrusts begin to lose their rhythm. Cody’s legs drop from his shoulders and Roman wraps an arm tightly around them to keep them both pressed against his chest, other hand pressing down hard on the bed to anchor himself.
“Take it,” Roman breathes out. “Be a good boy and take my come, alright?”
Cody is so far gone that he doesn’t even realize it when he moans out, “yes, daddy, give it to me!”
That name, that fucking name is all it takes for Roman to finish inside him with a primal moan as he throws his head back with pleasure. The feeling of being pumped full with hot come sends bouts of pleasure through Cody’s body and he’s immediately slipping a hand down to quickly start jerking himself off, moans bubbling up his throat as his climax nears in and then it happens and he’s finishing all over himself with a loud cry as his body shakes, his extremities heating up as he pleasure crashes through him in constant, overwhelming waves.
And by the end of it, Cody is a shell of a man. He can’t stop whimpering because he can still feel the pleasure, long after it subsides, and his body is buzzing. His ears are ringing and he feels like he’s floating.
Maybe he really is floating. Maybe he’s floating off high into the clouds to the heavens above. Maybe he was fucked so good he died.
Okay, he isn’t dead, but fuck, this would have been a lovely way to go.
  Roman lets out a shaky breath as he runs a hand back through his hair. He stares down at Cody, still whimpering, and his eyes continue down until he sees the mess on Cody’s stomach.
“Wait here,” Roman tells him.
Cody is groaning out in frustration as Roman pulls out, hand reaching down to feel at his ass in an attempt to replicate the full feeling. He knows it’s futile, but placebo and what have you.
Roman comes back momentarily with a wet, warm rag to help clean Cody’s abs. He even wipes his thighs before setting the rag aside on the nightstand with the lube. Afterwards, he sits up and looks back to his clothes, sans the shirt, lying on the floor.
He places his hands on his hips and bites at his lip. “I uh, guess I should probably head out-”
Roman looks back at Cody’s protest and then looks down when he notices a hand clutching - weakly - at his wrist. He raises an eyebrow and looks up to Cody. “You want me to stay?” he asks.
Cody swallows heavily before letting out a gasp of air. “I mean - you don’t - you don’t have to like, stay for hours but if you wanna stick around for a bit, you can.”
“Nah, it’s cool.” Roman grins. “I can stay for a bit. Or… a lot a bit. Whatever you want.”
Cody manages a grin. “Yeah?”
Roman shrugs and climbs up to the headboard of the bed. “Yeah, I don’t got any place to be.” He rests an arm over his chest and then closes his eyes. “I’d rather be in bed with a pretty blonde than sleep by myself anyways.”
Cody’s grin grows wider as he looks over to Roman. He bites at his lip just so his happiness isn’t that obvious, and pulls himself up to properly lay his head on the pillow. “Yeah, I’d rather be in bed with a super hot, super strong Samoan than sleep by myself.”
Roman huffs a chuckle through his nose. “Looks like our desires are mutual.”
He’s right - and maybe a few other things could be mutual too.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 8 months ago
Pronoun and Verb Tenses With Charts and Example Sentences
I was doing a lesson from my Freshman Composition course and after seeing these charts, decided that it would be best to save them for later personal use, i.e. on Tumblr. So, I thought, why not just share these charts with you all so that you can review them and potentially improve your future writing? I hope that these are useful to whoever needs them, let me know if you want any more of these kinds of posts in the future, and I guess I'll regurgitate stuff from the course. You all have no idea how long this shit took me to finish, so you better be grateful. —Benny🐰
Pronoun Tenses
with example sentences from me~ (since they didn't accompany the chart)
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1st Person Singular:
Subject Pronouns: "Creative writing is something I enjoy the most." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing makes me feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "Creative writing is my passion." Possessive Pronouns: "An escape of mine is creative writing." Reflexive Pronouns: "Usually, I enjoy creative writing myself."
2nd Person Singular:
Subject Pronouns: "Creative writing is something you enjoy the most." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing makes you feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "Creative writing is your passion." Possessive Pronouns: "An escape of yours is creative writing." Reflexive Pronouns: "Usually, you enjoy creative writing yourself."
3rd Person Singular (Male & Female):
Subject Pronouns: "Creative writing is something he/she enjoys the most." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing makes him/her feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "Creative writing is his/her passion." Possessive Pronouns: "An escape of his/hers is creative writing." Reflexive Pronouns: "Usually, he/she enjoys creative writing himself/herself."
3rd Person:
Subject Pronouns: "In the case of creative writing, it is something most people enjoy." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing is well-liked because it makes people feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "As for creative writing, the author's passion is captured in its words." Possessive Pronouns: "Creative writing allows the author to be adventurous, that is its purpose." Reflexive Pronouns: "Creative writing itself, can be considered art."
1st Person Plural:
Subject Pronouns: "Creative writing is something we enjoy the most." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing makes us feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "Creative writing is our passion." Possessive Pronouns: "An escape of ours is creative writing." Reflexive Pronouns: "Usually, we enjoy creative writing ourselves."
2nd Person Plural:
Subject Pronouns: "Creative writing is something you enjoy the most." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing makes you feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "Creative writing is your passion." Possessive Pronouns: "An escape of yours is creative writing." Reflexive Pronouns: "Usually, you enjoy creative writing yourselves."
3rd Person Plural:
Subject Pronouns: "Creative writing is something they enjoy." Object Pronouns: "Creative writing makes them feel happy." Possessive Adjectives: "Creative writing is their passion." Possessive Pronouns: "An escape of theirs is creative writing." Reflexive Pronouns: "Usually, they enjoy creative writing themselves."
Verb Tenses
with example sentences (+ extra sentences from me, using the different pronoun tenses from above.)
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2nd Person Singular:
Simple Present: "You exercise every day." Present Progressive: "You are exercising right now." Simple Past: "You exercised yesterday." Past Progressive: "You were exercising all morning." Present Perfect: "You have just exercised." Present Perfect Progressive: "You have been exercising for years." Past Perfect: "You had exercised before going to work." Past Perfect Progressive: "You had been exercising when she called you." Future - Will: "You will exercise tomorrow." Future - Going To: "You are going to exercise tomorrow." Future Progressive: "You will be exercising by 10 today." Future Perfect: "You will have exercised by noon." Conditional Simple: "You would exercise if someone could do it with you." Conditional Progressive: "You would be exercising now if someone could have done it with you." Conditional Perfect: "You would have exercised already if someone could have done it with you." Conditional Perfect Progressive: "You would have been exercising all morning if someone had been able to do it with you."
3rd Person Singular (Male & Female):
Simple Present: "He/she visits family every day." Present Progressive: "He/she is visiting family right now." Simple Past: "He/she visited his/her family yesterday." Past Progressive: "He/she was visiting family all morning." Present Perfect: "He/she has just visited his/her family." Present Perfect Progressive: "He/she has been visiting his/her family for years." Past Perfect: "He/she had visited his/her family before going to work." Past Perfect Progressive: "He/she had been visiting family when someone called him/her." Future - Will: "He/she will visit his/her family tomorrow." Future - Going To: "He/she is going to visit family tomorrow." Future Progressive: "He/she will be visiting his/her family at 10 today." Future Perfect: "He/she will have visited his/her family by noon." Conditional Simple: "He/she would visit his/her family if he/she had the time." Conditional Progressive: "He/she would be visiting his/her family if he/she could have had the time." Conditional Perfect: "He/she would have visited his/her family already if she had had the time." Conditional Perfect Progressive: "He/she would have been visiting family all morning if she had been able to spare some time."
1st Person Plural:
Simple Present: "We talk every day." Present Progressive: "We are talking right now." Simple Past: "We talked yesterday." Past Progressive: "We were talking all morning." Present Perfect: "We have just talked." Present Perfect Progressive: "We have been talking for years." Past Perfect: "We had talked before going to work." Past Perfect Progressive: "We had been talking when she called me." Future - Will: "We will talk tomorrow." Future - Going To: "We are going to talk tomorrow." Future Progressive: "We will be talking at 10 today." Future Perfect: "We will have talked by noon." Conditional Simple: "We would talk if we wanted to." Conditional Progressive: "We would be talking now if we could have wanted to." Conditional Perfect: "We would have talked already if we wanted to." Conditional Perfect Progressive: "We would have been talking all morning if we wanted to."
2nd Person Plural:
Simple Present: "You all exercised every day." Present Progressive: "You girls are exercising right now." Simple Past: "You lot exercised yesterday." Past Progressive: "You guys were exercising all morning." Present Perfect: "You both have just exercised." Present Perfect Progressive: "You kids have been exercising for years." Past Perfect: "You boys had exercised before going to work." Past Perfect Progressive: "You people had been exercising when she called you." Future - Will: "You all will make dinner tomorrow." Future - Going To: "You girls are going to make dinner tomorrow." Future Progressive: "You lot will be making dinner by 10 today." Future Perfect: "You guys will have made dinner by noon." Conditional Simple: "You both would make dinner if you had help." Conditional Progressive: "You kids would be making dinner now if someone could have had help." Conditional Perfect: "You boys would have made dinner already if you had help." Conditional Perfect Progressive: "You people would have been making dinner all night if no one helped you."
3rd Person Plural:
Simple Present: "They garden every day." Present Progressive: "They are gardening right now." Simple Past: "They gardened yesterday." Past Progressive: "They were gardening all morning." Present Perfect: "They have just gardened." Present Perfect Progressive: "They have been gardening for years." Past Perfect: "They had gardened before going to work." Past Perfect Progressive: "They had been gardening when she called them." Future - Will: "They will garden tomorrow." Future - Going To: "They are going to garden tomorrow." Future Progressive: "They will be gardening by 10 today." Future Perfect: "They will have gardened by noon." Conditional Simple: "They would garden if the rain stopped." Conditional Progressive: "They would be gardening if the rain stopped." Conditional Perfect: "They would have gardened already if the rain stopped." Conditional Perfect Progressive: "They would have been gardening all day if the rain had stopped."
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ukfrislandembassy · 4 months ago
I'm annoyed a little that I can't link to the particular entry directly, but there's a fascinating discussion in here about the development in Tamashek of person agreement in a formerly adjectival subsystem of verbs, which is schematised in the table below (you can find the entry in the database for more comprehensive context).
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It's probably not entirely clear from the table, but stage I is entirely adjectival agreement, without distinctive person marking: zero suffixation for singular masculines, an overt -yæt for feminine singulars and an overt -æt for plurals. Person agreement is then successively imported from elsewhere in the verbal paradigm into this, as represented in the various stages which are also reflected in other Berber languages.
The most interesting aspect for me is that the the actual features is not relevant for the extension, but merely the form of the inflection, namely that the imported inflection is suffixal. There's a good formal analogical basis for this; the verbs in this class formerly only hosted suffixes and so you just take the suffixes from other paradigms and put them into the slot.
But here's where it gets funky. You can note from the left-hand column that not all of the person-number values in the normal set of verb inflections are marked suffixally; in particular, the 3SG forms and the 1PL are expressed using prefixes. As a result, the existing adjectival exponents end up acquiring person values due to there not being a suffixal exponent to extend. So you end up with these suffixes becoming 3rd person exponents in the singular, but 1st person in the plural (the reason this is in a database on defectiveness is because in Tamashek the original adjectival suffixes are then lost, leading to some varieties having defective paradigms in these verbs which lack a 1PL form).
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mareastrorum · 9 months ago
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djuvlipen · 2 years ago
Difference between "Romani"/"Roma" and "Romanian"
I decided to make this post because a lot of people get Romanians and Roma mixed up. It's something that's pretty common, even among Europeans who are more familiar with Roma than Americans are.
"Romanian" comes from latin "romanus", meaning "Roman", inhabitant of the city of Rome (Italy). Romanians are a white people indigenous to (Eastern) Europe living in Romania.
"Roma" (noun) and "Romani" (adjective) mean "people" in Romani language. It probably comes from Sanskrit "ḍoma", which refers to a traveling caste of musicians. Roma are a South Asian diaspora that traveled through the MENA region for about two centuries before arriving in Europe in the Middle Ages.
Many people get Romanian and Romani confused because of the following reasons:
the names are similar: this is true but coincidental, as "Romanian" comes from Latin and "Romani" comes from Sanskrit, and both words have very different meanings
Romania has the largest Romani community in Europe: this is true. The reason is that, upon entering Europe in the Middle Ages, the Roma that arrived in Romania were enslaved and couldn't move out of the country. The slavery of Roma in Romania lasted 500 years. After it ended, in the mid. 19th century, the majority of those Roma remained in Romania, though a few of them migrated to America and to Western Europe.
The Romanians are indigenous to Europe. The Roma are indigenous to India.
Romanians are usually Orthodox Christians. Roma can be of any religion, typically converting to the dominant religion of the region we settled in.
Romanian culture (singular) is a unique culture that was influenced by its proximity to Slavic, Greek, Hungarian, German cultures. Romani cultures (plural) are of South Asian origin and were shaped over the centuries by our travelling through the Middle East and Europe.
Romanians live in Romania. Roma don't have a particular country.
The reason many Roma live in Romania is because Romania has a long history of anti-Romani racism and slavery.
Romanians often suffer from xenophobia when living abroad because they are (white) Eastern Europeans. Roma suffer from racism and xenophobia: we are a brown people whose cultures are very identifiable as non-European. As such, we have suffered and still suffer segregation, police brutality, ghettoization, slavery, pogroms, slaughters, discrimination in the workplace and in education. Anti-Romani racism is still the most widespread form of racism in all European countries to this day.
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The majority of Roma, especially those living in Eastern Europe, ie around 2/3rds of Roma, are visibly brown, because of our mixed ancestry (South Asian + MENA), though some groups can be lighter due to interracial marriages with white people. It's the case of the British Roma, in particular.
Our traditions, culture and belief system evolved with us from India through the Middle East to Europe. It is thus pretty recognizable as "non-European" and has been used to identify us as "others/foreigners" over the centuries. FYI, there is not one single and unique Romani culture, because cultural beliefs and practices, as well as religion and Romani language dialect can vary a lot between each Romani group. To make it more intelligible, I invite you to think of the larger Romani diaspora as one race that is composed of a manifold of Romani ethnic groups.
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Romani (adjective) / Roma (noun)
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(I have more of these in my "Roma" tag)
Roma =/= Romanian. Romanians are European while Roma are a South Asian diaspora. While Romanians do suffer xenophobia when living in Western Europe and America, anti-Romani sentiment is a type of racism widespread in all of Europe and America. It's particularly important to know the difference between Roma and Romanian, as Romania has a very long history of racism against Roma: slavery, segregation, ghettos, genocide.
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