#((they are sort of like his parents he's got a point))
yuri-is-online · 3 days
Jade desperately googling and reading threads about mer x human pregnancies before he even dates yuu.
It differs from species to species, usually fem mer x male human results in viable pregnancies, there are a two articles about eels and humans, but none about morays.
His hope is dwindling, and the general consensus about deep sea folk relationships with humans isn't very good.
I HC that male mer x female human pregnancies don't last very long. After the sperm makes contact with an egg, it'll need a few months of growth before it's expelled from the body and put into the sea. Those kinds of couples usually have one child at a time, it depends on the number of available eggs.
Modern day people in twst have aquariums that are made to hold the clutches in a safe environment away from predators. The aquariums can be used both underwater and on land. After 'hatching' the babies are translucent, they are kept in the aquariums until they gain colour. Once they have enough colour they are let out.
The smallest aquariums need to hold at least one human adult, so that a parent can interact and communicate with their clutch during the growing process.
I think I read a post/fic with a similar headcannon to this? Long long ago, perhaps even before I even downloaded Twisted Wonderland. I don't fully remember... but it is something I have been thinking about a decent bit ever since you sent this ask because it raises so many questions.
I think it makes the most sense in human x mer relationships for one or the other to take a transformation potion and move onto the land/into the sea. In these cases pregnancy/egg laying would go as it would "normally" but what you're suggesting made me think about what would happen if a couple got it on raw in their normal forms and not transformed. Would that result in a viable pregnancy? If it did would it produce the sorts of offspring you are suggesting or would it result in some sort of hybrid child, barely held together by their own magic?
The aquariums are a good idea, the story seems to suggest that Jade and Floyd had other siblings once but they didn't make it. Their mother's obsession with checking up on them and teaching self defense makes a lot of sense if you think of that... she lost most of her babies, she wants the two she has to remain safe (i bet she's going feral rn, let Mama Leech into the enclosure S.T.Y.X. she'll put Malleus in his place ٩(๑`^´๑)۶) My question is whether or not that would interfere with the development of the eggs, especially on land. The deep ocean is very cold, recreating that on land could be problematic. With how few merfolk seem to bother with land (Azul mentions not many people bother with the free program in Book 6) there likely wouldn't be much of anyone thinking up a solution to this problem so few people have.
But Jade has that problem. Or will, he's sure of it but that's a minor detail- point is this is a problem he's actively thinking about. It keeps him awake at night, Jade strikes me as someone who would do a lot of research about this. It's part of how he loves, pouring through a pile of scientific articles that was slim to begin with but feel irrelevant now. None of these help him understand his chances because he is from the deep sea, Jade might be hardened towards the death of his siblings but he thinks of his own children and a rage unlike any he's ever known begins to stir in the pit of his stomach. Later, much later when he is explaining this all to you he will brush it off as him considering your human sensibilities, but the truth is written plain on his face. This little aquarium he has made was a solution painstakingly crafted with help from his own obsessions. It's the most important terrarium he has ever made because it will contain the most precious of all life forms, ones he watches grow in awe as he coos softly. These children were wanted long before they were ever born, their parents loved them to the point of invention and every second up until they hatch and forever after.
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another theme between spop and gravity falls that i want to point out is one of the characters being shelved for most of the series, and revealed to be alive towards the end. Micah and Ford.
only difference being:
1. Foreshadowing
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from the first episode, we see that Stan has some sort of a secret and that he's working towards something.
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and throughout the series, we get hints that indicate the existence of a twin brother, one episode even straight up SHOWS Ford (but viewers were led to believe it was Stan).
Micah, on the other hand? the only scene that could be proof of him being alive is during the fake reality in s3 finale.
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Micah: Angie, Angella wait! I'm not-
people assume that Micah was trying to tell Angella that he's not dead, but we have no way of knowing for sure. it could have been anything.
so basically, there's no foreshadowing that Micah was alive and i'm pretty darn sure that the writers only wrote him in so that the viewers would forget about Catra killing Angella. Glimmer just needs one of her parents, it's not important which one.
but that's just before. what about after? do these characters have any importance after they are finally revealed to be alive?
2. Plot Relevance
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even before the big reveal, Ford was a very important part of the plot. he was the mysterious author of the journals, he was the missing puzzle piece in Stan's life, his connection with Bill was clearly seen in the structure of Mystery Shack.
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and after he emerges from the rift, he is even more relevant to the plot. especially because of his history with Bill and his knowledge about the supernatural. even though Stan is the one who defeats Bill in the end, it could not have been done without Ford.
not to mention, his relationship with Stan is essential to the plot. they are a direct parallel to Mabel and Dipper, and the entire series is about familial relationships.
the show just wouldn't be the same without Ford, because he was always one of the main characters, even before he was officially introduced as a character.
and how about Micah? he literally plays no role in the narrative after he is introduced.
one similarity between Ford and Micah is that they were both stranded in an unfamiliar place for years, with no connection to humanity.
but the difference is that while this is used for comedic purposes with Ford, it is also given enough emotional importance, especially when it came to his trust issues and his relationship with Stan.
whereas with Micah, it is solely used for comedic purposes and we never see how being forced to survive on a deserted deadly island has affected Micah's psyche or his relationship with people.
coming back to my point, Micah doesn't even seem all that bothered after learning that Angella is dead. he is shocked and sad for a moment, and then that is completely forgotten.
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reconnecting with Glimmer? everything is settled with just one generic emotional speech and a hug.
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reconnecting with his sister, Castaspella? barely touched upon.
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like Ford, Micah had history with a master manipulator - Shadow Weaver. they could have expanded on this, shown us how Shadow Weaver's treatment of Micah had an impact on him.
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but no, apart from him being all "you can't trust Shadow Weaver!" he provides no new insight. if anything, he just got in the way of Shadow Weaver trying to do something good for once.
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other than that, he's just a silly goofy dad who wants to bond with his daughter. that's it. he has absolutely no relevance to the plot other than making a fool out of himself, and kind of forming a connection with Frosta.
we're supposed to believe that Micah was this powerful sorcerer and the king of Brightmoon, when even the writers don't give him the respect that he deserves.
newsflash: you can make a character funny and important to the plot. Ford had his fair share of comedic bits, but that didn't take away from his emotional moments and his role in the narrative.
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x-gabrielle-x · 2 days
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Withered Cards | III
Pairings: Jason Todd x Reader.
Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, murder, swearing, major and minor injuries, death.
Summary: Despite the many different problems you overcome with Jason Todd, you always eventually make it back to each other. Even after his death, how could you still love a man who changed so much? Even when you made a turn for the worst.
Series Masterlist
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Jason Todd 5:48am
"Mistakes are not something you can afford to make, Jason," Bruce commented, though his gaze was trained on the screen before him. "I told you this was an intel mission. You should have waited for my queue."
I adjusted my position on the chair I was currently sat on, my gaze burning into Bruce's back the longer he continued to stare at the projective computer before him. The tape that he had collected from the mission played on repeat, and truthfully, it was becoming painful having to rewatch it over and over.
Yes, I had been given strict orders to merely stay hidden within the shadows and report back to Batman with the intel I was instructed to gather, but I wanted to do more than be a sidekick to gather information.
“How was that a mistake?” I retorted, pointing to the screen. “If I hadn’t gone, you would have never known what was happening down there.”
Finally, Bruce turned in his chair, his voice just as deep as always. Like a parent scolding his child - which was true to an extent.
"You're telling me that you found out what that whole ordeal was about?" He questioned, gesturing a hand to the screen. "Because it sure doesn't look like you do."
It angered me more than I would have liked to admit that he was mostly right. The most I knew was that the Joker was up to something, but when was he not? The best possible answer I got was that he has an alliance of some sort. The girl seemed to be around my age, possibly younger, and yet she was one of the most skilled fighters I've fought. She was experienced, and no doubt deadly.
My nose ached from the harsh punch she had thrown, the wet rag that was now soaked with crimson blood was discarded beside me.
When Bruce noticed my silence, he continued to ignore me from then on. His fingers dancing along the computer and leaving an uncomfortable silence I wished to break.
Alfred walked in with a tray of coffee; something Bruce had waved him off to go and grab whilst he worked. Whilst the silence lingered, Alfred's gaze flickered up to the screen of the masked girl.
"I do not recognize this criminal," Alfred spoke as he settled the tray down. "Have we seen this girl before?"
Bruce shook his head, a frown etched on his features. "No, but there have been witnesses. Apparently, she's only showed up around Gotham the past two months."
Alfred hummed. “And what does this criminal do, exactly?”
Bruce pushed his body away from the desk with a long sigh, his brows still pinched into a deep frown as his hand dragged down his face. “Jason’s body cam just managed to pick up a little of their conversation before she ran off. The Joker is in on this, too. She knows him, and well.”
My curiosity was piqued. What was the Joker's intentions, now? Surely it was another scheme to lure Batman into a trap.
“Perhaps another laughing gas?” Alfred suggested as he glanced over at me, gesturing toward the tea as he offered to pour some, but I shook my head.
"Not a laughing gas," I concluded, digging into the suit that I still wore. I pulled out the familiar vial that I had managed to snatch from the masked girl, holding it up for everybody's view. "I'm thinking maybe a drug, or maybe some sort of crazy mutation serum!" I looked between the two, a satisfied smirk on my face.
Bruce remained silent for a moment, his gaze never leaving the vial in my hand. I was expecting praise, a congratulations, maybe even a pat on the back and allowed more freedom whilst on patrol. But Bruce's face remained stoic.
"Jason," he started, tone very far from what I had expected. Was it anger? Disappointment? Shock?
He was quick to saunter over and take the vial from my hand, analyzing it carefully as he twisted it in his grasp.
With a shake of his head, his frown deepened. If that were even possible. He placed the vial carefully onto the desk beside the computer.
"You're too reckless," he began. "Not only did you go against my orders, but now you are involved with a crime much deeper than what you can handle. You've put yourself in danger. And not only yourself," he pointed to the screen again. "But you got her in danger, too.
I felt my anger boil, ready to spill over any second. Could Bruce not see my success for once? Could he not give me the approval I desperately wished for? It was risky, but I got the job done.
"I did what I had to," I defended, the anger evident in my voice as I took a step closer.
Bruce quickly snapped back. "And what you did was wrong."
A pause.
"Next time something like this happens, you follow my order... otherwise the title of Robin goes to somebody else."
In the heat of my rage, I stormed past both Bruce and Alfred and made my way out of the Batcave, cape flowing behind me with every long stride. Before the door had slammed shut behind me, I just managed to hear a little of Alfred's voice.
"They're both just children, Master Wayne," he tried. "Much like you once were."
"I cant have him making more mistakes."
Y/N Y/L/N 5:27am
A harsh slap landed against my cheek, my head snapping to the side from the force. The burning sensation left behind caused for my eyes to sting with tears, my vision blurred.
His maniacal laughter was all i could hear despite the ringing in my ears, and I didn't fail to notice the very evident annoyance behind each deep inhale of laughter.
"I cant believe it!" Joker paced. "You really let that little rodent slip past your fingers, just like that? My, my, I might have placed just a little too much faith in you."
He crouched down before me, masking a frown as his thumb came up to swipe the blood from my lip. My tongue darted out to swipe at the cut he had left, the metallic taste lingering in my mouth.
"I must say I am very disappointed," Joker hummed, but oddly enough his hand came to rest on my shoulder, like an odd way of comforting. "But that's why there's always room to learn from mistakes!"
The vial that I was sent to retrieve merely a few hours ago was no longer tucked away safely in my pocket.
I had only realized once I was in front of Joker's latest warehouse that he used as a current hideout, my hands searching every pocket, each shoe in search for the vial. Robin had managed to slip it out without me noticing, and it enraged me.
He was fast, skilled, and very obviously sly. Although it was a tough fight, it brought some adrenaline and excitement into my night. Something I had craved for a while.
Joker clicked his tongue in thought, now sat on a torn couch across from me with his leg propped up on his knee.
"You'll make it up to me, right, my little clown?" his tone was almost mocking. "Perhaps next time you might run into the little birdy again, oh, that would spice things up!"
I inhaled a shaky breath. "I'll get it back," I said, but he waved me off.
"Nah, I'll just get the doc to make me a new one. Although, we cant afford any more mistakes now, can we, Y/N?"
He looked at me expectingly, dread washing over me the longer his gaze pierced my own.
"No, we cant."
"That's my girl!" He clapped his hands. "Harley! Come get the poor girl cleaned up, will ya? She looks like she's been through hell!" He let out a loud cackle at what he considered a joke, slapping his knee.
Harley's head popped from around the corner of the cracked wall, pigtails swinging with every movement she made. With one look at me, she was rushing over.
"Puddin, what happened?" She practically squealed, ushering me to stand up, though the small smile never left her lips. "Oh dear, lets get you all nice and cleaned up!"
The bathroom that she had practically dragged me into smelt of urine and had broken tiles scattered across the floor. Mold was growing along the ceiling and puddles of water crowded at the base of the sink. I had to hold back the look of disgust when Harley took a small rag and wet it under some water.
It wasn't long until Harley was finally finished with dabbing my split lip with the cold water and tending to the few cuts I had littered over my flesh. It was a poorly done job, but the moment I got to step into my own small room - a storage space that barely managed to fit the worn mattress I used to sleep on, I was instantly flopping down.
It was quiet and dark, but nothing I wasn't already used to. I enjoyed having some time away from the two clowns, after all.
Looking over, I reached for the same small bear that I've kept over the years, only now it wasn't as soft as it used to be, and the familiar smell of my old home was gone from the fur. Instead, it was now covered in dirt and grime. A button had been sewn on poorly as an eye after the last had fallen off, and its right arm was barely hanging on by a thread. Still, I carefully held it against my body as I laid on my side, alone and tense.
My mind refused to settle, thoughts swarming with the Robin boy who had managed to make my night go from alright to horrific in only a few hours.
He had outplayed me - tricked me - and still somehow, he had managed to get my mind swimming. Our fight was oddly thrilling, and it confused me with his cocky comments. Batman was nowhere to be seen, meaning that Robin had let me go. Why?
My knuckles had tightened their hold on the bear, a reminder of my life before any of this had happened. I didn't dwell on it, knowing that there was no way back. But the sadness lingered once I buried my face into the soft fur, allowing for the sleep to catch up to me. As usual it was never a peaceful one, but instead filled with nightmares and an all too familiar wide grin.
@annabellelee @stormz369
©x-gabrielle-x. Do not steal, copy or translate my works.
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shirayuricky · 2 days
heated tension | murata fuma
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(dividers by @cafekitsune) (requested by anon)
- apart of shirayuricky's 100 followers event -
pairing: murata fuma x fem! reader
genre: smut
warnings: strong language, dry humping, fingering, squirting
prompts used: 27 - "already? do i really have that much of an effect on you?, 31 - "behave.", 32 - " what did you just say?"
word count: 1k
a/n: hope you like it, anon! i internally screamed while writing this.
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you and fuma have been in a relationship for four years. and your relationship with him mostly consists of you teasing him and vice versa. you decided to invite fuma to your place since your parents are away for a week. you're alone and you need someone to accompany you for at least a day or two.
you just got back from grocery shopping, fuma immediately got up from the sofa and went towards the kitchen counter, wanting to help you sort the groceries. "thanks for the help, i appreciate it." you said.
"you don't usually do this?" he asked. "rarely. it's just the times like this i would at least become a bit independent." you answered. "it's a sign you should rely on yourself more." he said. "yeah, right." you said, finishing the few bits of arranging the groceries. "but honestly speaking, don't you think our relationship has to be a little serious sometimes?" you asked. there was a moment of silence between the two of you. "a little serious and a little real." he said, voice dropping down an octave.
your eyes widened in shock, "what did you just say?". "i'm saying i'm done with just teasing you. i want to show you how much i love you and how you mean to me. all these teasing just makes me want you more." he explained.
you deeply inhaled, his words sending into your mind. "you're done? with your own teasing? you just tease me and nothing else. do you really want me that badly..?" you asked.
"yes." he said. your pulse quickens,  his words sinking in your heart. "why is that so?" you asked him back. "some of your teasing crossed the line." he said, his gaze darkening, "and you know it."
as he said it, you felt the air thickening with tension. "so you have reached your breaking point." you said. "i have. and now there's nothing you can do about it." he said, pulling you closer to him. "i'll take you, right here and now. is this what you want?" he asked. you hesitated for a moment, before nodding. "yes." you said. "go on."
"good. fucking. girl." he said, pressing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. you never had such a hot kiss before, it's leaving your cheeks red. your lips moved against his in a slow, languid rhythm that he could follow.
moments later, he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against your forehead. "get ready, baby." he said, unbuttoning a button of his collared shirt. he then continues to unbutton the rest of the buttons on his shirt, before taking them off.
you internally cursed at yourself when you saw his body. and you haven't even saw his cock yet. the sight of his toned body sent your sanity to outer space. you're a blushing mess. "already? do i really have that much of an effect on you?" he said, smirking.
"yeah. you really do." you nodded, trying to make the blush fade. but it gets redder. "damn it." you cursed under your breath. "sit down on the sofa." he instructed. you sat down on the sofa, waiting for him. he sat beside you and pulled you closer to him. "so, what do you want to do?" you asked him. but before you could get a response, he gently pushed you backwards, making you lay down on the sofa. he's now on top of you. "you don't realise the magnetic attraction between us, do you?" he asked, pulling your shirt up.
you continued pulling it up, eventually taking it off. "i didn't..." you admitted. "now you do realise it, right?" he asked you again. "yes, now i do." you answered. he sighs and sharply inhales, bringing his face closer to your neck.
one of his hands went to your thighs, prying your legs apart and positioned his now growing hard erection against your covered pussy. "fuma...?" a gasp left your lips. "shh, baby. just feel." he said, grinding his hips against yours.
your gasps now sound like moans, you felt a bit uncomfortable on your lower half now. fuma saw the discomfort on your eyes and hooked his fingers into the waistband of your shorts. he pulled them down along with your panties, revealing your now soaked pussy. "fuck, y/n..you're so soaked for me.." he whispered, rubbing his fingers aginst your wet folds.
he then slid his fingers into your pussy, slowly thrusting them in and out. soft moans escaped your lips when you feel the tip of his fingers rub against your sensitive spot. "ah fuck..." you cursed out.
he slowly picks up the pace, your moans now growing louder and your cheeks went red again. his pace is now fast and rough, which made you squirm.
"behave." he said, fastening the pace and intensitiy of his fingers thrusting into you, as he held you down with his other arm. you couldn't move or shy away from his touch, you are totally trapped.
"fuck, fuma! i wanna cum!" your orgasm is coming faster than you expected. "then cum for me, baby." he said, intensifying his movements. as the knots of pleasure in your stomach snap, you momentarily closed your eyes. it felt so intense.
a few seconds later, you opened your eyes and saw a clear puddle on the sofa. and that's when you realised you squirted from his fingers. "did i just...?" you asked. "you did, y/n. that was...insane. you even soaked my pants" fuma answered, shock written on his face before a shaky laugh escaped his lips.
"you're lucky the sofa is made out of leather." you said, rolling your eyes. "we'll clean the mess up later. let's get cleaned up." he said, carrying you bridal style upstairs to the bathroom.
and the denial in your heart is no more. you are truly in love with him.
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fate-defiant · 7 months
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These four wormed their way into my head last night and would not leave me until I spat something out so here's some assorted headcanons, a comic that I'm not sure I understand the punchline of myself and the youngest inn-bling(ba dum tss) in ten to fifteen years.
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because charmy's so young its fairly easy to come up with similar headcanons for why and how he found vector but i wanna hear thoughts about espio
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itwoodbeprefect · 7 months
flashbacks to dialogue that happened less than a minute ago are annoying and a little insulting for obvious reasons, unless it's in bad buddy episode 5 [2/4] and pat is having entirely serious sepia toned flashbacks to fifty seconds ago while almost shoving a set of drumsticks he hasn't even paid for yet up his nose. then it's brilliant and world changing
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#don't mind me i'm just chewing glass today#when the architecture band starts playing at freshy day and ink says to pat hey isn't that the song you two played that christmas?#it's like yeah... but that's a maddeningly casual way to refer to an event that in the context of the series wide metaphor#is really more like their parents caught them making out in a closet. and then pran got sent to boarding school over it#and NOW pran is up there on stage playing that same song again. looking right at pat when he announces it. but plaYING IT with WAI#and not intentionally. not in a mean sort of way. because pran doesn't know#he doesn't KNOW that pat's been shoving drumsticks up his nose while being struck cold by Love Signs#because how could he. all he knows is that very recently pat was sighing in relief that pran isn't his rival for ink. because pat likes ink#pran does NOT know that in the (very short. more than fifty seconds but still very short) meantime#pat has tried to figure out if ink might like him back. pat has in the process accidentally figured out that HE might like pran#AND pat has tried to confess his feelings to ink only for her to go. very kindly. are you sure you like me that way? i don't think you do#(because he's the wrONG SIBLING. she likes the OTHER SIBLING. which is hilarious but a different thing to go insane over)#and it's like. pran doesn't know!!! pran is just having a day like any other. pran has Known forever#he doesn't KNOW that when they're standing there surrounded by guitars (it's essentially a gay bar. don't even get me started)#(because that's a joke but it's also not. not really. it is but it's not. you know)#!! that when they're standing there surrounded by guitars. pat is suddenly going OH. in sepia toned flashbacks to fifty seconds ago#when they were ALSO standing there surrounded by guitars btw. which is the point. nothing has changed but maybe everything has#it's the same thing it was fifty seconds ago but maybe it's not. maybe pat suddenly hears the music that's been playing forever#and maybe this is way too many fucking tags. i don't even think this is the glass i was chewing originally#*#bad buddy#bad buddy the series
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lighthouseborn · 7 months
⭐️⭐️⭐️ <3
Every ⭐️ exchanges for a headcanon (or we-haven't-plotted-yet theory / plot bunny) about our characters' (potential) dynamic.
I think I'm committing to the timeline shenanigans for this verse which is only relevant here to contextualize why Henry did not have any ties whatsoever to camp until post- the Battle of Manhattan. And I think it would be fun if Elle was the person who got saddled with giving him the welcome tour, in all the madness of the post-battle climate of camp and the flood of new demigods. And I think it would be very fitting if, on this tour, she got into some kind of mischief, and that more than anything else going on is what ultimately sold him on sticking around. And, of course, immediately put her on his people-I-like radar.
Kind of a uncanny duo, ever-after Henry's first day, and a bunch of people don't really get why they hang out. And it's not just about this but actually it kind of... makes more sense than people notice, because of his weird sensitivity to magic and ability to see through mist illusions ('son of a god of passages' might not give you any big elemental abilities but it sure does some other weird shit) Henry would be very fascinated with Elle (and her sibling)'s magic -is it wrapped up in the specific words used? the items? or the ritual? the intent? or all of the above? what happens if you change those things, can you still make it work?- and I think they would absolutely have hours-long conversations that verge on debates about it. Obviously the rest is just, why wouldn't they hang out? And people's biases make them think that Henry is a weird pseudo-mascot for Hecate Cabin to have, but. Crossroads. Crossing over. Kids don't have to follow the exact likeness of their godly parents, obviously, but it makes sense for them to draw toward each other, in a way.
Someone in Hermes Cabin got the wise idea to start a prank war. Henry & Elle become a nightmare duo answering it. Eventually, the whole thing escalates so badly between the thefts and the magical itching powders and the entire-inside-of-Hermes-cabin-gets-turned-upside-down, Chiron has to step in and put an end to it.
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4arconinoma · 1 year
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By the way Trish was hoping the entire time to hear some sort of comfort from Bruno and felt upset by his cold and detached demeanor because he's the only person who served as some sort of familial figure and offered her any amount kindness or protection And he did want to say those things to her and when he finally DID offer words of comfort it wasn't ACTUALLY Trish and he only Thought it was Trish and she never got to hear him say those things to her and he has no idea he never got to tell her. Just so you know
#jjba#txt#When i was rewatching Vento Aureo and realized this it made my stomach drop#So you will have to know too#im so normal about this im so normal#Listen i hate mommy bruno characterization like i really really do but#Not only does this disprove it (He shows a cold demeanor to the gang members to try and avoid attachment and provide stability in times of#emotional desperation and not some sort of motherly figure like the fandom tries to say he is instead of a MAFIA GANG LEADER)#I also do think the one familial sort of attachment present is him and Trish. This is not the mom thing#Its just quite literally she has no one else to rely on. The elevator scene she was so scared of meeting a father who's intentions she does#t even know And Bruno is so young but he is the only adult figure she can rely on there. Perhaps its not parental but familial in other way#Either way hes the only person that can support her in that situation and shes frustrated that hes acting cold#But the thing is he has to act cold because he has to keep it together and i bet he didnt want her to become attached to him at first in th#t way PROBABLY mirroring his childhood as well he wanted to keep her away from this sort of lifestyle and not have her be associated with#him or the gang so that she could live a safe life#But i imagine he realized at some point that she has no one else BUT WHEN HE FINALLY TOLD 'HER' THINGS TO MAKE HER FEEL BETTER#IT WASN'T HER HE THOUGHT IT WAS BUT IT WASN'T AND THEY'RE NOT GOING TO SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN#This connection never got to grow They don't know this about the other. He never got to say these things and she never got to either#im so sad Im so sad#So like i said this is the only familial thing I think Bruno has going on.#I see Bruno as more of a cool uncle or brother though. I cant see him as a parent. He is so young. Everyone forgets this#But either way he would be the only caretaker that she has. But they didnt get to have that chance#Its just heartbreaking#Im so sad#YOUVE HAD NOTHING BUT HORRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO YOU. BUT YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO ENJOY A NEW LIFE. HEAD IN HANDS
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yeonban · 7 months
Thinking about how scared Nikolai must've been as a child after he first decided to go against God considering the Viy was a part of his childhood and the only way people ever escaped from it was through God's help... which he was guaranteed he'd never receive after committing to that path
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reineyday · 2 years
imagining a billy & max role reversal au where billy is max's feral little brother who only loves one (1) person and it is his older sister who stepped in when no one else would
#rei rambles#stranger things#billy hargrove#max mayfield#like im thinking she didnt know at first but since billy's younger it's harder for him to hide it#when max gets confirmation in front of her one day--neil shoving him against the wall by his neck#for hanging with the wrong sorts of people--max steps in right away and ends up taking the beating.#they run away but eventually get caught and this is why neil moves them out to hawkins.#at first all they did was argue and yell at each other even as they were running away but billy saw that she not only cared#but unlike his mother she wasnt going to leave. in fact she was leaving her *own* mother for *billy*.#(the plan was to try to get the both of them to max's dad but they never got there.)#their road trip to hawkins is fraught but also has this tense sort of understanding of respect#and there exists a ride-or-die vibe to them that didnt exist before.#(btw max has a camaro bc she needed a car and took billy as some sort of parent-mandated bonding trip and billy chose the car.)#by the time all the upside down stuff happens billy's gotten to the point where he'd step in front of his dad's fists for max if he had to#like he used to do for his mother before she left. because he's starting to trust that max wont leave.#(also yes this is an au where the party is all teenagers and steve & co are the kids lol. el escapes as a teen and she's MUCH angrier.)#anyways this all leads to max with a baseball bat with nails in it in a junkyard and her tiny brother trying to get in between her and#a demodog lol. they yell at each other about it. billy is also the type to step in front of her when he doesnt trust someone and growl.#max is exasperated and annoyed and always berates him for it bc seriously she doesnt need protecting ESPECIALLY from tiny shitheads#but she's secretly a little fond about it too. just a little.#at one point they have a fight bc billy's like 'youre not my MOTHER you cant REPLACE HER' and max is like#'GOOD I DONT WANT TO BE YOUR MOM IM YOUR FUCKING SISTER' but billy will admit years and years later that she raised him.#she also clocks billy pulling steve's pigtails right away in the junkyard haha.#btw i imagine she's actually just borrowing the nail bat from lucas. mike is the one that shoots guns.#jonathan is the one that gets lost in the upside down with will trying to find him.#steve and nancy still date and break up but it's less angsty and more funny bc they're middle schoolers lol.#max to steve (secretly rooting for billt's crush): and she wouldnt stop talking about jonathan?? dump her ass!#also steve grows up less of a shithead too bc he ends up sideways involvwd through nancy through mike when nance gets nosy and finds a#superpowered teenager hiding in her basement. this somehow ends with dustin adopting steve haha.
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
re: my seemingly fringe "I don't think we're meant to think Odin was a dreadful cunt" take, when was Thor 1 actually made? Like... 2010/2011? Because I think Odin is (presumably based on comics canon) meant to be "a bit distant but overall good as a parent" but 2010ish is well after the recent (historically recent, by which I mean since maybe the 1980s) shift in our culture's ideas about fatherhood and what make "a good dad" as well as similarly radical shifts in how we approach disciplining children. MCU!Odin is therefore odd because he's a couple of generations out if he's meant to convince the audience that he's A Good Dad or even an acceptable one. Even the people making the film can't have (all) thought he was any good so with this in mind I'm more open to the idea that Odin is meant to be fairly shit. (But not entirely, and certainly not to the point of him being evil - he's doing his best and arguably the issue isn't him but the culture they've all been born into.)
IDK how old the writer was but there could be an intentional generation-gap thing going on there? An "everyone thinks this is acceptable and even good parenting, but it isn't and everyone involved is getting messed up by it." You don't have to go that far back historically before failing to show regular affection to your kids wouldn't be seen as a significant flaw in a father (whereas it absolutely would be in a mother - v interesting that as the status of women in our society has increased our idea of a good dad has shifted significantly towards an ideal that would previously have been considered "maternal" and thus "unmanly." Oh hey, looks like patriarchy is bad for men too!)
I still think a lot of fanon and fanfic overstates it (which is fine until we're at the point of inventing obviously abusive behaviour and then seemingly forgetting that we made that up), and that Odin is at least meant to be 'doing his best' but yeah Them Thor Films must surely be aware that his best is nowhere near Actually Good, yeah? I mean unless they were written by a man who lives in the 1950s, which they probably weren't. (There is absolutely some generational variation in how far the social change has taken hold but you'd have to look for a long time before you'd find a man of any age who'd say "I really wish my father had been more reserved and had spent less quality time with me" rather than wistfully expressing the opposite of that.)
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padfootastic · 2 years
J/egulus’s dynamic is very funny for me if they both just hate each other, and for the exact same reason: they both despise that Sirius loves this other person so much. Sirius loves his little brother, and James hates that Regulus can hurt Sirius so easily, and that Regulus has the audacity to think that Sirius doesn’t adore him; James knows what path Regulus is headed on but so does Sirius, and it hurts James to watch Sirius get his heart broken as time goes on and Regulus gets in deeper and deeper with the Death Eaters. Regulus hates James for taking his brother away and making Sirius quit loving him, Sirius would’ve gone to Slytherin if not for him and Sirius would still be at home. It’s very interesting to me if James and Regulus utterly despise each other, and the root of this is Sirius and their contradicting views of who Sirius is
no but i think about this way too often for someone who doesn’t rly give a shit about reg and is mostly indifferent or annoyed by him. i’m so much more interested by james and regulus’ dynamic the way you described—there’s a lot of potential for angst, as well as a toxic relationship sort of a deal, ykno?
i do wonder how they navigate it. tbh. because i’m me, i think james’ reasons are much more valid (logically/morally speaking) but ofc, from an emotional standpoint, u can’t negate reg either. and that’s tough, right, because both of them firmly believe they’re in the right. james has the added complication of having to navigate complicated blood-familial ties whereas reg has to come to terms with the fact that chosen family is just as (if not more) important for sirius and he has to both acknowledge and accept them before doing anything else.
sirius is just so—central to both of their lives and identities? and the way they perceive him is so different that they might never reconcile it, ykno? and idk, i feel like in a canon universe, they might just go their whole lives being quietly disdainful but tolerant of each others presence, only so they do not hurt sirius. and i’m sure that peace is hard won—there would’ve been times when they came to blows (or wands?) and both of them had to be on the other of an angry/disappointed sirius and they realised, quick, that they’d rather shut up and deal with it than go through that again.
of course, the only time they manage to put their dislike away is when someone/thing is threatening sirius and they realise he’s more important than their feelings. but that’s a given.
#james potter#sirius black#regulus black#i think that last point—we’ve talked about it before yeah?#i’m pretty sure i got an ask like that#around the black family speculations time#it’s just—fascinating how sirius evokes these kind of protective intense feelings from both r and j#but on completely different ends of the spectrum#james comes from a protector angle—he wants to keep sirius shielded from undesirable hurtful elements#whereas reg is more selfish—bc this is his big brother and he’s the protected and he wants that again#and he probably doesn’t realise. for a long time. that the real enemy is their parents and family not sirius#(and i can see like. maybe. an older reg who’s gone thru shit and had to grow up realising this#and maybe even thanking james/apologising to him in a very stilted sort of a way#for looking out for sirius)#but that’s a bit far fetched and depends on ur conception of reg i think#also interesting to think about is where sirius falls in the middle of this dynamic#is he aware? does he turn a blind eye? does he threaten both of them? is he secretly touched?#personally i think he doesn’t realise the extent of animosity#and considers the matter closed once he confronts both of them#and i don’t think he ever quite realise the depth of devotion he inspires in both of them#bc that would realise him to have a strong firm hold on his own self worth#which we know is decimated by the conditional love of the blacks#but that’s another tangent lol#pen’s asks
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dbphantom · 1 year
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I figured it out
You haven't done shit
I figured it out
#Ignore the chimney. Please.#Originally was just going to put Lewis's room above the garage but I figured it either has skylights or a seperate attic room so that's#definitely Lawrence and Laura's room [the parents' room]#In my layout for the cartoon I had the kitchen on the other side so the garage door was in the kitchen. I make a lot of reference to this#I am going to go back and fix them I swear... Lol#Also I put Lenny's room on the first floor in the back there bc the garden is basically his#I figure he works with plants he likes that sort of thing#I think Lenny is the black sheep of the family in that he hates going out into the ocean and would rather stay on land#Which you know >w> might come into play later#Luke's room is basically a second guest room since he is a history professor at the college in the next town over#But they still keep it furnished and stuff in case he happens to stop by. Which he never does but still#I know the girls houses don't match the og show's designs (except mostly Rikki's) but like... We have 0 idea what his house looks like#This is the best we got! I'm using it!!#We saw Charlotte's house which is so weird to me. Not because I dislike her. I love Charlotte. But because Lewis has been here since s1#We've seen Zane's and Miriam's houses. But specifically we never see Lewis's. It is weird to me#It's just like Bella. How tf do we see Will's boat shed but not Bella's house????#It just feels off to me. Bella is already an underdeveloped character. Seeing her room even once wouldve really helped establish who she is#Maybe that was the point. They didn't even know who she was meant to be outside the plot :/#Like she could've left some stuff in moving boxes and we could've been like 'she doesn't expect to stay here long no point in unpacking'#She could have photos of all the different places she's been but none of any friends or herself smiling. Just landscapes.#Cutting back to Cleo's room where she has all her photos of her friends framed and stuff#But no! We just see Will's stupid boat shed instead#Smh#Okay I'm sorry I'm not gonna rant abt how they did Bella a huge disservice this time I'm sorry I will NOT#Cruddy rambles
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cxnscience · 2 years
the fact that jiminy talks about his family so frequently (well, some of his family more than others) but they literally never show up except for like. one cousin in 1 single comic. really makes me wonder what happened to them, like did he just take off and never go back or?? it doesn't seem like he's on bad terms with them, just that they aren't in the picture anymore or aren't a factor he takes into consideration. and given jiminy becomes someone who is so attachment-oriented it's very interesting to me that he'd just be chill with that and seemingly never think on the matter
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inbabylontheywept · 15 days
the house i grew up in was a little bit of a fixer upper. for the first 19 years, my dad just sort of slowly fixed it, but pretty early on in college, he came into a large amount of cash and decided to just do the whole thing at once. so he rented a different house for like, 2 months that was just a block down from us, and then got a bunch of contractors to fix original house ASAP. it was kind of crazy, but it compressed many years of work into like, three months.
the sitting in a new house for three months was actually pretty fun. and i shouldnt really complain at all (staying at home while in college is a sweet deal)
but. my parents are fairly hard of hearing, and their bedroom in the old house was in the furthest possible annex from everyone else. wheras in the rental it was just in the middle of the house. so without going into details, i was extremely aware that my parents were having sex like, eight times a day. my dad had just retired and i guess they were celebrating, which is great i guess, having parents that really like each other is way better than the alternative, but also, it did make me envy their deafness. i kept headphones on for so long that year i got literal ear calluses.
at the same time, the house my buddy from the shoe incident grew up in flooded. turbo flooded. they burst like, two pipes at once and the damage was so severe they had to redo all the flooring and all the drywall. his family actually had homeowners insurance, which is either incredible or suspicious for a family that used the drained pool in their backyard to store rusty scrap metal. so insurance was handling the work, but in the meantime, they were crammed into a very small hotel room space. we did the math on it then, it averaged about 80 square feet a person.
so one day i got home, and i was chilling, and then six rolled around, and apparently six o'clock was sex o'clock because my parents decided to flex their cardio. i grabbed my headphones and prayed that god would do for me what he did for beethoven, but that failed to work, and then seven rolled around and my parents were still at it, which again, very impressive, but was pushing me to swap out judas for mozart in those prayers. there's a definitive point where you stop praying to be deaf and instead pray that god could take you to a nice field and pop you like a gore-balloon.
i was about five minutes away from that point when my friend called me and basically said i have been stuck in a 500 square foot space with 6 people and i didn't have many marbles to start but what few i had are gone. please. if we are friends, if we were ever friends, take me out of here just for a moment.
and i was still pretty mad at him, but i had pity on the poor guy. also helped that i was desperate to leave the house. so i drove the chickenshitmobile to the hotel and i picked him up, and then we did our normal hangout activity, which was go to food city and buy produce. his normal house was, on a good day, nasty, and his backyard was, as i stated before, mostly used to store mosquito larvae and rusty metal, so what we'd always done before was just walk to the grocery store a half block away and leer at vegetables.
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so we did that and it was like old times again. they had some radishes that were expired, so i could buy like, literally an entire grocery bag of them for about $5. so i did. i really like radishes. he got a coconut because he liked fruit and beating things with hammers.
which probably would've been great except we didn't have a hammer, so instead we spent about 30 minutes stomping itike it owed us money. when it finally cracked we cheered like we just got the winning touchball at the superdome and then he ate some of the flesh, and i ate some of the radishes, and we admired the black, starless sky of the city before i took him back to his hotel room.
and then we got pulled over.
i forgot to turn my lights on because the street all around the food city was ludicrously well lit. so it went from being pretty bright, to pretty bright and flashy, then i pulled into a parking lot and a cop came to ask us for IDs which is where everything went to shit:
i’d forgotten my license at home. 
the cop was was actually kind of chill about it - he said he could get by with just an address. except i did not know my address. i hadn't memorized the new one yet. so i told the cop, my house is getting remodeled, i don't know my address right now. and then he went to my friend, and my friend said the exact same thing. house getting remodeled, staying somewhere else, no address, sowwwwwwy.
now the cop genuinely didn't know what to do. he went back to his car, and i was stressed that i was about to get into HUGE trouble so i started eating the radishes and my buddy started eating more of his coconut, and we actually managed to eat like a quarter of both before the cop came back. we ate enough produce that he could smell something weird in the air, and he asked what the smell was, and i said radishes, and my buddy said coconut, and the cop said which, and then we produced a large bag of droopy radishes and an absolutely brutalized coconut, and the cop was just like
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so my buddy tried explaining how he was sharing a 500 square foot apartment with 6 people and wanted a fruit he could fight with power tools, and i tried explaining how i'd actually tried buying my parents like, board games and puzzles and stuff but nothing worked - the only thing my parents seemed to like doing right now was each other, and we both went on long enough and pathetically enough that the cop eventually went:
ok. stop.
and we stopped.
and he said do you know why i pulled you over?
and i said, because of my headlights, and my friend (who is hispanic) and the cop both looked at me like like i was the dumbest person in the entire world. and then the cop said no. that's why i'm allowed to pull you over. i checked your car because this neighborhood has a terrible sex trafficking problem, and i pull over every car i can to make sure no one is buying or selling sex. and you two are obviously doing neither. now i could give you, like, four tickets right now, but that would do nothing to make this area safer, so just turn your lights on, go home, drive safe, and try to be less stupid in the future.
and i said okay but i was thinking, you know, damn, this is just how i live man, i don't have a hidden third gear i can shift into. people can't just get smarter because it would be convenient. it's always convenient to be smart. i am literally trying my best.
but i didn't say anything because i was, slowly, learning how to filter what i said. instead i nodded and the cop left then i dropped my buddy off, and the last thing he said was said he owed me for responding to his SOS. I said he owed me for a lot of things, and he agreed that was true. then i drove home with my lights on, 5 under the speed limit, and arrived to a peaceful quiet home. I could’ve wept with relief but instead I went to bed.
the relief was short lived. i was woken up at 6 am by my parents. i swore, and then i prayed, and when i did not explode, i swore again. then i got up to make breakfast before my first class.
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