#((me @ hellie πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€))
hellishgayliath Β· 8 months
The knowledge I gained today is quite useful. This operation was a success for me… phase 2 will commence. I mean wuah?
I must return to the shadows for the night dear Helli, and I hope you enjoyed the questions everyone has asked you :]
Make sure not to overdo it with the typing or thinking, especially the thinking as these kinds of things could make your mind wonder and distract you. Have a good day Helli!!!
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Tried to find an opossum hugging gif but found this racoon and cat instead-
I GOT MY EYES ON YOU MOON πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ always up to some sneaky deaky business when I least expect it
But I did have a lovely time answering questions from all, it was quite fun and hope to do some more again, my inbox is always open uwu
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writingsofwesteros Β· 8 months
Had to do a group chat of his siblings finding out about Aegon beefing with the fan accounts lol: Aem: www.instagram.com/we-love-targs/post/aegon-targaryen-beefing-with-haters/
Aem: Aegon...did you seriously just comment this shit
Aeg: πŸ‘€
Hel: not again Aeg πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
targsister: lol it's kinda funny
targsister: don't be too hard on him guys he was defending me hehe
Aeg: thank you mommy <3
targsister: Aegon pls- 😭
Hel: why are you like this lmao
Aem: why do you get to call her mommy
Aeg: look if people are gonna comment shit like that how can I not say something
Aem: again why does he get to call her mommy
Hel: Aeg uk mom's gonna make us all sit down with the publicist again
targsister: also not them saying I'm homie hopping to Daemon like-
Aem: I mean we all know Uncle Daemon's kinda...
Hel: uncle daemon literally told me my ass looked good in my swimsuit when we took that family trip to Pentos so I mean I think he'll fuck anything
Aeg: your ass did look good tho
targsister: true
Aem: sounds like him tbh
Aem: also your tits looked great too
Hel: 🀭🀭🀭
Aeg: sorry guys
Aeg: Mom called me we do in fact have to all meet with the publicist again tomorrow
Aem: πŸ™„
targsister: 😐
Hel: πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
The publicist is living off this family hehe ;)
Daemon would literally fuck anything thank you very much !
Helly is beautiful and hot , droolworthy !!
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vibing-lizard-nose Β· 3 months
Can you do the Allergy bingo for i/neffable h/usbands? Or the Cold one, just any of the bingos πŸ‘€
OH I'D LOVE TO! I'm going all the ones I have~
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I think C/rowley would be the kind to beg no one to come and take care of him, but he deeply wants to be taken cared for!
I also think that C/rowley's serpent nature would make him more susceptible to get sick on certain times of the year! Ain't that lovely?
About A/zira, I think he is one to admit when he gets sick, he probably calls C/rowley to tell him to move their plans to another day (yk like a responsable husband NKDNSJF), and every single time, his demon will come to the bookshop to take care of him!
Also YES A/zira prefers handkerchiefs over tissues, it suits him. And C/rowley would be the opposite lol
I also do think both would be hesitant to take meds, they would be like "ugh but I'm a(n) angel/demon, I'm sure I can heal on my own" and then get a really bad fever and accept their fate lmao
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C/rowley is ABSOLUTELY allergic to christmas shit and you can't take that away from me (mostly the tree and some candles btw I want him to have a nice xmas after all NKDSJF)
I also do think spending so much time with yelling at plants would cause him to have a disagreement with one of them and get fucked by pollen. So I think that how most of his plant allergies work, expect by the flower one. I think he would be allergic to Angel Tears (type of flower) because..... wouldn't it be funny?
Something similar goes for A/zira, I think he would not have as much problems with plants because he's nice, but he would be allergic to Devil Flowers (type of flower) because WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY?
For the unusual allergy, of course, both for of them it would be either holy or cursed things. They would have a visceral reaction to be near or touch/smell them, this purely makes sense. Also the whole "Bless you" and "Damn/Fuck you" situation 😭 this counts!
On the same note, the dog allergy for A/zira would be more directed to the hell-hounds because they're..... helly? This is self-explanatory i'm out NKJFDKJ
Same as before, I don't think meds would work a lot with them because their corporations work a bit differently than regular human bodies, but yada-yada you get this part.
In both of their cases I suppose they developed them when they went to earth, before that... I don't think angel were allergic to anything... I don't even think there were allergens in heaven πŸ•΄ anyway
Also, both would be slightly allergic to dust, but C/rowley would be more sensitive to it, in my opinion >:3c I thought of this because we see him sniffle in two specific situations, outside (on cold or cloudy weather) and in the bookshop. So this is very ironic and I love it!
Oh! and C/rowley being sensitive to light is entirely my own thing, I just think it suits the snz aesthetic I have for him in my brain JFDNKJF
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I love the idea of C/rowley being ashamed of sneezing, because it CAN cause him to involuntarily turn into his snake form. So he tries to keep them in. I also think he would have like- little airy stifles in a way, like if you've hear a snake sneeze you know what I mean LOL So I like to think he has soft sneezes, the kind that barely have a sound to them, polite and quiet, but he makes a whole deal out of it <33 and because he tries to keep them quiet and discrete, he doesn't really bother covering, he just- kind of turns his head to the side and lets them out πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–
A/zira on the other hand, would be the complete opposite. He would have loud sneezes with long build-ups. He would be very expressive about them, form the pre-sneeze face to the little "Sorry I have to-" calls when he has to sneeze. He also probably loves the relief they give him, and also likes the silly little thing humans have grown to say whenever someone sneezes, he like the little nice attention! And ofc he has to be old-fashioned about it and use a hankie <33
Anyway those are my thoughts, I had fun doing this! Thank you for the ask, Anon <3
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beefrobeefcal Β· 6 months
Beefy!!! list five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you (no pressure) πŸ‘€πŸ’›
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You got it, Helly!
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Bluetooth headphones built into sleep masks - give who ever mashed those two things together a cookie bc damn.
Vine (RIP) - I still look up Vine compilations on YouTube and lose my everloving shit when I see the "Judas! No!" one.
Frankie Fridays - as if I needed another reason for Fridays to be good, the fact that I can open this app and be met with that face, those eyes? Hell to the fuckin' yeah.
Dill Pickle Salad - hear me out: the bagged dill pickle salad from Costco (comes in a two pack in Canada!) fuckin' slaps. Every time it's in stock, I buy enough for my lunches at work. Add a hard boiled egg and BAM! happy beef.
This community - even with the drama and bs floating around, we can still take the time to toss some fun into each other's asks & make moodboards that reflect the friendships that have been forged. My fellow writers, my fellow readers - you're all just top shelf booze in my books.
Yours in sin,
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sibelin Β· 1 year
i was tagged by both @thesunhungfomastring and @music-for-them-asses to list ten songs i've been listening to lately, thank you! (and also thank you Visi for the reminder, i did this after seeing your top 10 on the dash πŸ‘€)
Heartbeat - Nuevo Testamento Iris - TR/ST No Miracles - SDH Der Unweise - NNHMN Slices - Spike Hellis Speak to Me - Depeche Mode Talk about the Weather - Red Lorry Yellow Lorry I Give to You - Nitzer Ebb Green Grass - Tom Waits
i'll tag @testure-1988 @rodimussrajm and @c1nnamonsp1d3rΒ if you want to do this!!
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laufire Β· 1 year
πŸ‘€ severance
I genuinely don't know if I have one? I haven't interacted a lot with the fandom; it seems small, but I have found people who clearly share what, in other shows, might be my most contested opinions. Plenty of people seem to love Helly; plenty of people seem to be wary of Helly/Mark; plenty of people seem to find Cobel fascinating (& hot. Maybe xDD)... idk.
Hmm... maybe that I don't care about Irving's romance as a romance? I like the role it played in the story, and I like how it affected him, but I'm hardly interested in the couple tbh.
Also, although I haven't talked about it here, I'm TRULY at the edge of my seat regarding Milchick. TELL ME MOAR ABOUT THAT MAN.
Also also: people, do check out this super short official companion piece to the show.
send me πŸ‘€ + a fandom and I’ll give you an unpopular opinion
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sibella Β· 2 years
πŸ”₯ severance? πŸ‘€
i stay being the shipper of all straights on main BUT i don’t think there’s anything wrong with mark/helly 😌 do i think it’s fucked we got a mark/helly kiss before a burving kiss yes could we have gotten more mark/helly lead up before the kiss yes HOWEVER their romance (?) is not the point of the show and i actually think it makes sense that helly kissed him hello she’s an innie she’s been alive for weeks she has never had a kiss in her life SHE MIGHT DIE like literally she knows she could be killed for what she + the other innies are about to do if she wants to have a lil kiss then she’s allowed to have a lil kiss! season 2 WILL have to address it and if they do choose to go down the mark/helly path (which we don’t even know if they will considering gemmas alive) i expect some mark/helly relationship development obviously but i’m not Against it as a concept like yeah we didn’t see a lot of it but they were too busy trying to break out of hell sorry they didn’t get to go on dinner dates??????? think a lot of folks r like that came out of nowhere well yeah it did but helly is WEEKS OLD she doesn’t know how to fucking act normally none of them do and like i said THEY WERE SO AWARE THEY COULD DIE for waking up their innies outside like!!!! anyway mark/helly not an automatic no for me in fact could even be a yes for me depending on how s2 treats them 😌😌😌
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