#((jimmy-san im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
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stormyoceans · 2 years ago
OH MY GOD MONICA DID YOU SEE THAT??!! ARE WE REALLY GOING TO GET SEA IN OF????? What do you think it could be? Is Sea paired with Lookjun? Or a trio with KhaoFest? Or will he be third from the left in the seventh row? And will he cross paths with his hia gang??? I feel like I'm dying!! I need to dig a dying pit!!!!!
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im not sure if jimmy is gonna be in it as well since we don’t have any interaction on his side, but honestly im already incredibly happy as it is: sea is a PHENOMENAL ACTOR and im so happy his talent is getting recognized more and more (tho i still think it's pretty sus that jimmy was the one to tweet about things happening on set the day p'jojo showed up, maybe he's just being supportive or maybe we're also getting jimmysea + p'jojo in GMMTV 2024 👀)
as for what role sea's gonna play IF YOU ASK ME PERSONALLY AS A PERSON I HAVE THE VISION
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LIKE!!!!!!! sea playing san's ex boyfriend who comes back into the picture and makes ray realize that maybe he cares about san more than he originally planned would be SO PERFECT!!!!!!! rn my best bet is either this or lookjun's ex: i think i've read somewhere that only friends is gonna have a lesbian character and i kinda assumed it was her, but even if she is, that doesn't mean she couldn't have been with a man before figuring out her sexuality (i personally hate the term 'gold star' when it comes to the queer community and i think it would be interesting to tackle that notion)
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darrys-laundry · 10 months ago
Hi!! Just wanted to say again how much i loved the fic i see you’re referring to as “the boat fic” hehe!
Re: our convo in the comments section about this lol, you make a good point about lafd air ops being stationed elsewhere!! Im pretty sure harbor station itself is near san pedro, so that’s what my mind has been going to, but considering tommy’s a pilot, maybe he flies there while on shift?? Not like the show cares about timelines or commutes anyway, so we may never know haha.
Also— i forgot to mention in my comment, i love larchmont village!! It’s so cute and one of my fave stationery shops (shorthand) just opened a location there, so i was really happy to see you mention bricks and scones. 💖 confession: ive walked past that place so many times, but im a creature of habit and I usually get coffee at GGET whenever im in the area. But i will visit soon!!
ahh!! thank you!! yes, the boat fic was the unofficial google docs name lol — it started as one file named ‘something ‘bout a boat’ after a trip to margaritaville, and then a second file named ‘[insert jimmy buffett lyric here]’ and then a third ‘boat fic’ and finally i got frustrated and created file four ‘boat x4’ where everything finally came together 😭😭😭
i was truly going through it with this one, we were beefing for a while until i finally found my momentum.
also! i did just look it up ‘cause i was like maybe i did miss something. and…there definitely are helicopters there? but it’s also 3AM where i am on vacation rn and i am confused about exactly what it is they have going on down there, lol.
when tommy was explaining his work to buck, it sounded a lot like the fleet they have at the van nyus station, but i could be misremembering, or perhaps that’s standard.
(tim if you need someone to work script continuity call me, i’m anal about research and timelines and i have a degree in tv writing 🙏)
and ughh, i miss LA so much (i also miss burger lounge 😢) but it’s sosososo expensive, so, it’s gonna take me a hot minute to get back. i love catching glimpses of the places i do know in the show, last season i was like HEY! THAT’S AN AERIAL SHOT OF MY CVS! 😂
(i also fear i have to say, i never went to bricks and scones, but the reviews said the caramel lattes were really good! so, for that i am a fraud, but larchmont village is very cute and felt midwestern-y enough to feel like home.)
thanks again for reading!! <3
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wewerebornsextuplets · 1 year ago
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@nenchuu i am so happy you said this because i really wanted an excuse to list them but was too nervous. so thank you! this ended up being VERY very long. as such it's under the cut so this post doesnt take 7 years to scroll by, but ill be listing off my assignments here!!
before we jump in id like to preface that when i say "muppet" in this context im referring to the broader umbrella of muppets, not just the disney-owned property of The Muppets and the characters therein. strange distinction to make but its important i swear! so we'll be considering and including Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street here as well :3 also a couple of the brothers have more than one assignment, and some are MUCH better thought out than others. this is because i am nothing if not indecisive! hope this helps <3 OSOMATSU: Rowlf The Dog
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this is by far the longest blurb of the bunch that im gonna write. im so sorry
lazy is probably one of the first words to come to mind when i think about either rowlf Or osomatsu. since this is an osomatsu-san blog, im gonna assume anyone here won't need a briefer for him. but in rowlf's case we get a sense for his laziness through his general laid-back, down to earth lifestyle as well as his proclivity for napping as seen in The Muppets (2011) when he all but sleeps through the montage of Kermit getting everyone back together. and speaking of his lifestyle, while rowlf is certainly less outwardly salacious than oso when it comes to women, thats not to say hes without his moments [theres literally an entire song in The Muppet Movie (1979) called "I hope that somethin' better comes along", which is about rowlf and kermit's lady troubles, throughout which they lament that they can't stay away from women no matter how they try]. he's also one of the muppets most commonly seen drinking or otherwise associated with alcohol; in the aforementioned 1979 movie, rowlf mentions that his daily schedule is as follows: "go to work, come home, read a book, have a couple of beers, take [himself] for a walk and go to bed." of course, osomatsu doesnt have a job, and probably hasnt read a full book in years, but im sure we can look past that in favor of the other glaring similarities. In addition to this, in The Muppets ABC show from 2015 [you know, the office-style comedy that got canned after one season?], rowlf runs a tavern. so clearly hes stayed a fan of alcohol throughout the years! their general personalities are also quite similar, being a somewhat stock comedic lazybones with a heart of gold [although both characters have more depth than this, its the general perception they receive]
past all this, though, there are some aspects of each characters' history which causes me to associate them with one another. namely, rowlf's early stardom; he was actually the first muppet to really achieve national stardom [kermit was quite popular on Sam and Friends in the 50's, yes, but that wasn't on the same national scale], being that he was a regular on the Jimmy Dean Show and gained fame for his Purina dog chow commercials in the 60's. he was also one of the first muppets for whom merchandise was made, such as the hand puppet created by Ideal Toys in 1966. and boy, isnt that a familiar year? moving on now, though! KARAMATSU: JOHNNY FIAMA / LINK
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i was fairly indecisive with these guys since theyre actually somewhat similar in a lot of ways, but considering the hell i went through in narrowing my options for choromatsu, i figured it would be fine to put both of them down. pepe the king prawn was also up for consideration here but seeing as he actually gets pussy it felt disingenuous.
Johnny Fiama, despite being a comparatively newer character, takes precedence here because I feel that he better encapsulates the reality of kara's situation and attitude as a whole. hes a pastiche of the crooner-style singers of yore, like frank sinatra and tony bennett. while karamatsu's singing isnt quite the same as that of a typical crooner, their inspirations do both occupy a similar time period, hence the association in my head. Johnny also thinks very highly of himself, to the point of hiring a monkey bodyguard [sal minella] and has made many [failed] attempts to woo women throughout his run as a character. He also lives with his mother and has a very particular style of dress, so. yknow.
As for Link, my reasonings for his inclusion are very similar to the ones i have for Johnny, so i won't repeat myself. but i Will mention that his sense of machismo and confidence appears to be much more outwardly false than that of johnny, which seems to coincide with karamatsu's "fake it or make it" personality [though by this point we all know he has, to some extent, made it, much to the collective dismay of those around him]. this is highlighted by link's proclivity to call out for his mommy when scared, as well as the fact that he wears a toupee. while karamatsu isnt quite at toupee levels of faking it yet [although his season 3 promo art would suggest so], we've all seen him call matsuyo mommy multiple times by now. dont worry mr matsuno. i saw your chanel boots.
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this was hell to me.
there are quite a few characters in the henson repertoire that fill in the tsukkomi niche that choromatsu at least Tries to portray. as such it was very difficult for me to pick out the ones that fit best, but i think i have it here.
scooter is much more a fit for 18!choro specifically, given his people-pleasing attitude and awkwardness, not to mention the glasses. in the early muppet show days, it was actually implied scooter was a teenager, as theres a few references to him being a "kid", as well as a joke about him "selling magazine subscriptions so [he] can win a skateboard at school". he greatly idolizes kermit and does his best to do right by him, but also isnt immune to a bit of smugness now and then; this mostly manifests as him holding his position as the theater owner's nephew over kermit's head to get what he wants. in later interpretations, particularly after richard hunt's passing, hes seen more as an awkward 20-something who happens to be somewhat anxious and has difficulty in social situations, such as him loudly declaring "you are all naked" when performing a speech in order to calm himself down. not to speculate but thats some shit choro would do on accident, i think.
as for kermit, this one seems to be pretty widely agreed upon since kermit is so popular, so i don't think it bears much explaining. i will however add that when i say that choro is a lot like kermit, im referring rather specifically to henson's kermit performances; both steve whitmire and matt vogel have done incredible jobs filling jim henson's shoes, but jim henson's kermit was always written to be a bit more angry and snarky than either whitmire or vogel's kermits have gotten the chance to be. this snarkiness and overall exasperation fit choro's tone pretty well, particularly in season 1.
bert falls into the same sort of space as kermit in that i think his alignment with choro is fairly obvious, so i wont waste much time here, either, but i'd like to point out that their interests in particular are what i find so compelling about this matchup; more specifically, how each interest is treated. choro's otaku tendencies are of course made fun of by his brothers, but are overall accepted to a certain extent being that theres no real fuss put up about him having his figures around the house and such. with bert, hes obviously accepted much more readily [mostly because this is sesame street. the message is to accept people who are different from you], but its still pretty clear his loved ones dont really understand why his interests are so important to him. hell, theres an entire song about it!
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i admittedly have much more for boober here than i do oscar, but it felt... sacrilegious to not include him. so! we move! boober in particular really encapsulates the more pessimistic, paranoid nature of ichimatsu. where the other fraggles enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle of play and great excitement, having parties any time they can find an excuse to throw one, boober prefers a much quieter lifestyle without as much excitement, to the point where he literally moves to a place called "the caves of boredom" in one episode. he busies himself with menial tasks like laundry and cooking in the meantime, finding them to be his biggest sources of joy; ichi seems to place great care in a sense of normalcy or hygiene in the house, if the "we're brothers, so let's be more considerate from now on" campaign is anything to go by, not to mention his scolding osomatsu over the groceries.
boober also happens to be very superstitious and a hypochondriac, placing great importance in specific objects and beliefs to keep himself calm [i.e the lucky bottlecap, which he says he "fears nothing" when he has with him]. there are hints to ichimatsu's superstitious beliefs throughout the later seasons, such as the balance skit with jyushimatsu and his number betting for the horse races. both characters also find a sense of peace and comradery with people much more lively than them; in ichi's case this is his brothers, and in boober's its the other main fraggles. in addition to this, boober has a second personality/alter ego named "sidebottom", who is a much livelier and social person than the normal boober. the parallels here aren't quite as strong but conceptually it reminds me very strongly of ichi's high school years.
oscar encapsulates the more callous, rude side of ichimatsu, not to mention his less personable attributes. oscar regularly tells people to "scram" and leave them alone, and insults others liberally; there's an entire article on the muppet wiki dedicated to the nicknames he's given other characters throughout sesame street's runtime. and its long as hell. oscar also cursed out big bird that one time, which was kinda fucked up of him, but again, we move.
his callous nature aside he does seem to have a soft spot for a few characters and Is capable of genuine kindness, in particular elmo, one of very few characters he's ever actually referred to as a friend. this, to me, is reminiscent of ichi's push-and-pull nature with those around him, not wanting to admit that he needs people around him or that he enjoys others' company as much as he does JYUSHIMATSU: ANIMAL
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by FAR the easiest conclusion to come to. both are complete forces of chaos, driven by their own desires and lust for life more than anything else [except, perhaps, their own stupidity]. they differ only in that jyushimatsu has a baseline of normalcy he can return to when necessary, which animal seems to lack.
theyre both incredibly high-energy and have mantras which they repeat rather frequently [for jyushi, this was the "muscle muscle! hustle hustle!", and for animal its a more simple "bang drums! bang drums!"], and both are very athletic. we all know about jyushimatsu's affinity for baseball! in animal's case, he was actually the mascot for the U.S. snowboarding team in 1998, and is featured as playing various sports throughout promotional material very frequently. ...and, of course, if im to discuss this anime, i would be remiss to not point out that both of them are very horny. in animal's case this has been toned town VERY heavily since the disney purchase in favor of a more infantilized, family-friendly image of him. however, he used to literally chant "woman! woman! woman!" whenever a woman was nearby and is implied to have had quite a few affairs in the past. you all know about jyushimatsu, so i need not elaborate on his side of things here. TODOMATSU: BEAN BUNNY / RED FRAGGLE
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i'll admit, i was sorely tempted to put miss piggy here, but seeing as totoko is essentially a 1:1 for miss piggy [and the fact that i've drawn totoko as miss piggy before], it felt markedly Wrong to me. so here we are! bean bunny as a character was quite literally created to be "the cute one" in order to take the onus away from other characters being perceived as cute, both in-universe and just in general. within the Muppets universe, this has usually manifested as other muppets insulting or admonishing him for his "cute" routine, sometimes with physical violence, usually in a very similar style to how the older brothers treat todomatsu when they're present for his attempts to charm the people around him. hes much more of a parallel to the image totty wants to portray than his actual self, but i think it was still worth noting the parallels to red are a bit less apparent, since red is much more outwardly rowdy than todomatsu is. even still, her competitive, hot-headed nature leads to a lot of conflict in her life; this in particular reminds me of the movie, wherein totty was ready to fucking Brawl with atsushi after his smug remark about the brothers during the reunion, as well as a few other moments im honestly too tired to recall specifically here. ive been writing for a while. in addition, red has a particular style of sarcasm which is very reminiscent of totty to me; more specifically, her barely-hidden animosity towards uncle traveling matt, coldly remarking her distaste for his letters whenever one is read aloud [one example of this that i enjoy most + find most relatable to totty as a character, is when she actually goads gobo into reading one of his letters saying "oh, go ahead and read it! i love fiction!", insinuating she doesn't believe a word that traveling matt says]. totty's open distaste for things that annoy him, usually only very thinly veiled with a sweet tone of voice assuming he isn't going full scorched-earth, reminds me of these catty moments that red has when she's agitated.
and thats it! i hope you enjoyed this, or at least tolerated it 👍 again sorry that some comparisons are shakier than others, i did write this all in one go so i lost a bit of steam. some brothers also dont really have very good 1:1 comparisons so it was tough to narrow down TT_TT
the funny thing about being an ososan fan while Also having the muppets as my special interest is that i keep seeing the brothers compared to muppets and, even though ive been a fan since 2015, it still hits me in the face like a frying pan every time
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joanpuckinsucks · 2 years ago
30. San Jose Sharks - Get Ready For This by 2 Unlimited
this is so incredibly boring. when i went to leafs v. sharks earlier this year it was a great experience, but the goal song just didnt stick out. the sharks fans didnt even do shit when they scored goal until they scored during overtime. its not a good song im sorry it just isnt. p.s fuck the sharks
29. Florida Panthers - Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World
obviously Panthers fans seem to like this but its kinda boring. its not what id like to hear when my team scores. its not something id be screaming to. its kinda sad if im being honest. i will put it above the Sharks out of spite tho. sorry Panthers fans
28. Montreal Canadiens - stupid hey hey song
boooo tomato tomato tomato . HABS YOU SUCK !
27. Washington Capitals - random song accompanied by ambulance noises
makes my head hurt
26. Edmonton Oilers - Hell Yeah by Rev Theory
25. St Louis Blues - song i dont know the name of
take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowdddd
24. Carolina Hurricanes - Raise Up by Petey Pablo
no. it sounds like that song that goes like "welcome to the reddddddd kingdom"
23. Vegas Golden Knights - Vegas Lights by Panic! at the Disco
i dont like Panic! i dont like the song. i dont like the team. and the goal song is drowned out by the crowd chant ("Go Knights Go!")
22. Columbus Blue Jackets - For Those About to Rock by AC/DC / The Whip by Locksley
this one is so strange to me. if youre gonna start with a bangin song like for those about to rock, why change halfway through and mash it up with a song with such a large contrast? its such a big switch up like what??????? i think that the audience participation on this one is nice ("Woah oh oh, oh oh, oh oh ohohoh"). kinda lame ngl
21. Detroit Red Wings - no clue what this is called
eh good enough
20. Phildadephia Flyers - Feel the Shake by Jetboy
its an ehhhh song, but its higher than some of the others one because the Flyers make up with their mid ass goal song with Gritty
19. Winnipeg Jets - Gonna Celebrate by The Phantoms
one mid ass goal song, brought to you by your Winnipeg Jets! i wonder what Jesse from BarDown thinks about this. the title of the song reminds me of the video where its that like nursery rhyme that goes like "weve got to celebrate our differences!"
18. Anaheim Ducks - Bro Hymn by Pennywise
ehhhhh its fine.
17. Colorado Avalanche - Chase the Sun by Planet Fun
its fine. not much to say about it. audience participation is mediocre but its there ("Hey! Hey! Hey!").
16. Dallas Stars - Puck Off by Pantera
wowww so edgy and metal! i guess its fine. the chanting of "Dallas...Stars!" kind of makes it a bit better, but i just cant get behind it. crowd seems happy tho, so i guess thats good.
15. LA Kings - song that supposably has no name
its not bad, its just kinda forgettable... it has nice audience participation ("Hey! Hey! HeyHeyHey!"). songs i think wouldve been better/more memorable: Party in the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus, Valley Girl by Frank Zappa, California Girls by Katy Perry
14. New Jersey Devils - Howl by The Gaslight Anthem
i have a strong dislike for the devils and new jersey but this is an ok song. i cant tell if the crowd is shouting "Here we go!" or "YOU SUCK!"
13, Vancouver Canucks - Aint Talkin Bout Love by Van Halen
i like Van Halen, but do ya know what i like more? Greenday. do you know why Quinn Hughes looks so sad all the time? its because he remembered the Canucks goal song isnt Holiday anymore! bring back Holiday!
12. Tampa Bay Lightning - Goons by Mona
catchy, good crowd chant.
11. Nashville Preadtors - I Like It, I Love It by Tim McGraw / Gold on The Ceiling by The Black Keys
nashville is music city, so i expected something better, but the crowd chant ("YOU SUCK!") is good. i love me a good "YOU SUCK!"
10. Calgary Flames - TNT by AC/DC
its a good song. would make for good crowd chants ("TNT! Hey! Hey! TNT!").
9. New York Islanders AND Minnesota Wild - Crowd Chant by Joe Satriani
come on guys! could you be any more unoriginal? shameful. still a good song.
7. Arizona Coyotes - Howlin For You by The Black Keys
i like it. coyote themed. good audience participation ("da da dada da, da da dada da")
7. New York Rangers - Slaphot by Ray Castoldi
i dont have much to say about it, but its good!
6. Boston Bruins - Kernkraft 400
i actually quite like this one. its not bad at all. its easy for fans to chant the melody, its fun to listen to (haha funny beep boop music), and its a Bruins tradition! as a leafs fan, i am absolutely shaking in my boots, im terrified, i really am. great song.
5. Buffalo Sabres - Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool
i know i was talkin some serious shit about the Sabres earlier tonight but their goal song is great ! it makes for good crowd chants ("here we go now! here we go now!")
4. Ottawa Senators - Song 2 by Blur
i love Song 2, i love Blur, and this is a great goal song. its great to pump the crowd up when a goal is scored and would make for some great crowd chants. ("woo hoo!")
3. Toronto Maple Leafs - You Make My Dreams by Hall + Oates
i may be a bit biased as a leafs fan, but i love this song and its just so great. hearing it is always so nice and makes me feel so good and its just an all around catchy song. its the best sound in the world for a Leafs fan.
2. Pittsburgh Penguins - Jump Around by House of Pain
i love this one !! its just so perfect and its sure to pump up pens fans and non pens fans alike.
Chicago Blackhawks - Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis.
now, do i absolutely hate the Blackhawks? yes. i hope that the Blackhawks association cant sleep at night, i hope everytime they look in the mirror it says "WHORE" in big red lipstick letters because they deserve it. what were they thinking having such an offensive logo and letting dylan strome play for them. i hate dylan strome. their only redeeming quality is their goal song. i LOVE Chelsea Dagger. its so catchy i just have to sing along. its great, it makes for great audience participation and its just a great goal song to pump up the fans!
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confusion-doodle · 3 years ago
Ghibli! Empires SMP
Bunny is back with ANOTHER AU assignment list haha, im putting my ghibli special interest to good use haha, time to assign each emperor a ghibli character
Shrub - San from Princess Mononoke, she is friends with the wolves! She is also just friends with the land and its spirits, she uses natural magics, she fought against corruption and is just in general very linked to nature Katherine - Nausicaa from Nausicaa Valley of the Wind She works with the plants, she has a green house we're she purified corruption and protects her plants like omgosh the connections! Scott - her me out, flower husbands fanatics, prince Lune from The Cat's Return, only thing they do NOT have the same morals at all, maybe
Joey -
Lizzie - Ponyo's mother, Granmamare, absolute power house massive sea goddess love her
Joel -
Fwhip - Realised his tinkering vibes is very Kamaji from Spirited Away, it doesnt capture his whole person but it funny
Sausage - haru from spirited away? because of the curse and working for the villain, idk i dont watch too much sausage so i dont really know?
Gem - the obvious answer is Kiki but they really dont have much in common other than being wizard/witches, i think she has much more of a mixture of Sophie Hatter and Howl and Howl's Moving Castle vibe
Jimmy - my man has strong tombo vibes i SWEAR (from Kiki's delivery Service)
Pixl -
Pearl -
yh this is totally a work in progress haha
I wanna pit sheeta somewhere because of her lost royalty background but idk whereee, maybe shrub but San fits here lore so well
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bakatenshii · 4 years ago
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Oikawa Tooru x reader (haikyuu!!)
word count: 2.3k
TW: 18+, lemon, wattpad, crack
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A/N: I’m so sorry. This is actually a joke, a parody, I promise, it’s written like this on purpose for the collab. Terrible (or lack entirely of) grammar, dialogue so cheesy I threw up multiple times in my mouth, too many specifications of shades of the colour pink. For @undermattsun’s whorehouse wattpad garbage fire collab. I’m so sorry.
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In the world of fandom (check out fan fiction, fanfics, or fics), a grapefruit is a story which consists of sexual explicit themes in bizarre situations.
An orange-twinged pink, almost coral.
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haikyuu series!! :3
disclaimer: haikyuu does NOT belong 2 me. Or else I would make XXXX go w/ XXXX ;)
𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑎𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
“hurry up y/n!!!” - i remove my skullcandies out my ears, hearing my best friend sunnie(with an ie! not y!) shout to me from down the hall.
flipping my baby pink (NOT cotton candy pink! god there’s a difference, get it right. last week ash-lee with her stupid bleach blonde hair called it cotton candy pink and I wanted to kill her) hair behind my shoulder, i skipped down the lockers.
i was in my best outfit, checkered pink and white (bubblegum pink, this time) leg warmers with my matching pink + white skirt and white denim jacket with a pink butterfly bedazzled on the back. i saw paris hilton in it on her myspace too, so you could say im pretty trendy.
not like the other girls, like brittney (with her dark hair with a blue streak with a puppy shaped purse she swears is designer.) or ash-lee with her stupid ugly blonde hair that’s deffo fake. oh i already said that
it’s just an average tuesday morning, and i’m just your not-so-average girl. my name’s (y/n) (l/n) and im (age) years old. my best friends are sunnie, rachelle, and meeky. oh, and lindt, sometimes, when she’s not too busy with trying to save the world from global warming.
i’m on my way to p.e. which UGH is my least fav class, who even came up with it? but at least there’s the hottie oikawa tooru-sama in my class (ha! eat that ash-lee + brittney) and all the girls luuuuurv him. he’s soooo hot i bet he has abs
(brianna with the ugly hair who wears green shoes with red socks said she saw him change once and she totally saw his 8pack but she’s a liar so i dont believe her)
(even tho he tooootally has one)
i was on way just skipping down the hall to go to p.e. when someone crashes into me from behind.
‘-u-GH!’ i fall.
‘hey!!!!’ i turned around to yell at who’s bumping into me-
it was oikawa tooru-sama!! the most popular boy in school!!! i felt like i was in a dream i pinched my hand but... it hurts!!! this isn’t a dream!!! the oikawa tooru-sama just crashed into me!!! with his body!!! his shoulder touched me!!!!!
he turn and looks at me and... my heart stops. i think im dying omgomgomg
‘a-are you okay (y/n)-chan?’ he asks me and holds his hand out.
i cant believe it. the oikawa tooru-sama is giving me his hand to hold?!?! is this heaven???
‘i-i-‘ i stammer. i’m so shocked i swear my face is beat red. ‘i-i’m ok.’
i was too scared to hold his hands because mine were so sweaty from seeing him this upclose. i stand up and dust my knees because i want him to think i’m tough. that’s right. oikawa tooru-sama is a professional vball player! (v for volley-ball) he’s not going to like some dumb average weak normal crybaby girl.
‘ok. see ya in class!’ he smiles and waves at me before walking down the hall, shooting me his signature smile. the one that makes flowers bloom around him and glitters around his whole body.
h-how did he know? did he just say in class??? the oikawa tooru-sama knows who i am???
i take out my phone to frantically text my bffs (sunnie, rachelle, meeky and lindt) and see the group chat had some unread new messages. i click open it.
𝚋𝚕@𝚑𝚔𝚞𝚐𝟶𝟶: omgzzzz i juss saw tsukki-sama xDDD
𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕖𝕖𝕖𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠: STDU XDD wut wuzz he wearin?!? hes sooooo hawt oh em geez
tsukki-sama, aka tsukishima kei-sama, is the hot blondie in the other class’s vball team. rachelle and sunnie are sooo in love with him, but i don’t blame them. he’s soooo tall, taller than oikawa tooru-sama even. (but that doesn’t matter because oikawa tooru-sama has the prettiest smile in the world and no one’s seen tsukki-sama smile like... since he came outta the womb)
i quickly type out my txt because this is more important than what the blonde vball star is wearing.
𝖗𝖆𝖜𝖗𝖇4𝖐4: guizzzzz guizzzz GUIZE!!!! GUEZZ WUT JUSS HAPPND!!
𝖗𝖆𝖜𝖗𝖇4𝖐4: u’ll nv beliv it!!!!! omGZZZZZ IM LAIK DYINN XDDDDDDD TT_TT
sk8erg1rl: omgawd wuuuut
sk8erg1rl: w8 kita-sama jus sk8dd by me i fink he haz a new b04rd!!!!! be are be
before i have the chance to tell them about my fateful encounter with the oikawa tooru-sama someone snatches my phone away. i turn around, maybe it’s oikawa tooru-sama again?
‘no phones in the hall (y/n) (l/n)-san!’ he yells at me. his breath stinks, yuck.
he takes my phone and puts it in his pocket and i realize that he’s putting it in his pocket and taking it away.
‘b-but-‘ jimmy i protest. not my flip phone with my pink bedazzled hello kitty charm on the end!
‘no buts!!!! see you after lecture missy!!’
god, this is just like, the worst day ever.
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑙𝑒𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑤𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
p.e. is the same as always: im sitting on the side, not doing sports because girls like me can’t risk breaking my perfectly painted pink (hot pink, not baby pink) nail with diamonds on it. i tell my bffs about the encounter and they all agree that it’s deffo fate.
‘i know right??’ i giggle staring down at the man of my dreams, at his chocolate brown locks, thinking back at his dreamy brown orbs staring into my dark black ones offering me his hand.
‘you should totes ask him out!’ giggles sunnie.
‘oh em gee, never!!! that’s sooo embarrassing, he’s totally gonna say no!’ i said.
‘seriously, (y/n)-chan, what do you have to lose?’ rachelle said.
‘just like, my dignity and self respect.’ i reply sassily.
at that we three burst into laughter, and the fat p.e. prof turns and tells us shhhhhhh.
i love my friends.
i tell them about our bald principal taking my pink flip phone with the hello kitty charm on it away.
‘oh no!’ rachelle exclaimed.
‘what are you going to do?’ sunnie asked.
i shrug, feeling at a loss without it.
‘it’s like, seriously dangerous without a phone.’ the blonde said.
‘what if you get like, kidnapped or something?!’ the purplenette said, clasping her hand over her mouth in a show of shock. (ps. bluette vs. blunette?)
‘kidnapped?!?’ i laugh. ‘who’s gonna kidnap me?!!’ we all burst into laughter again, causing our p.e. prof (still fat and annoying) to shhh us again.
little did i know that the brunette vball star was staring up at me, plotting.
i had no idea what was about to come.
𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦, 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑦𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦
𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑤𝑎𝑦
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛, 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑒
𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒, 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
when i open my eyes, my eyes are heavy, staring up at a bright light above my head. i squint my eyes because the light hurts my eyes.
‘well, well, well’ i hear a voice behind me. ‘(y/n)-himesama’s awake, i see.’
i know that voice-
that’s the oikawa tooru-sama’s voice!
‘w-what?’ i stuttered, surprised but feeling a warm rush going down my body at the sound of his voice. ‘what’s going on?’
he chuckles. ‘can’t you tell?’
i look around and see my arms taped up behind me on a chair and my legs tied together by... something. rope maybe?
‘where am i?’ i ask, even more bewildered.
‘tsk tsk tsk, silly (y/n)-himesama. i’ve kidnapped you, my dear.’ he said. ‘we’re in my mansion right now’
my eyes pop out of their sockets. am i hearing him right?
‘no,’ he corrects himself. ‘we’re in our mansion.’
i can’t help but blush at that suggestion. our mansion?
that’s right, i must be crazy, i think to myself. this is all just a dream, i’m still in school, on the bleachers with my bffs and i fell asleep in our class.
‘this isn’t a dream, darling’ he singsongs, and i feel more warmth flood downwards. god what is wrong with me? turned on in this situation? but can you blame me? who wouldn’t get turned on when the oikawa tooru-sama is standing in front (or behind) them and calling them ‘darling’?
‘w-what- h-h-how?’ i ask him. ‘i was just at school, staring at you play vball in the gym- i mean n-not staring at you- and-‘
he chuckles darkly.
‘i know you were, (y/n)-himesama. that’s why i kidnapped you, because you’re so cute.’
i blush at his words. m-me? cute??? did the oikawa tooru just call me cute?
i suddenly remember what rachelle and sunnie said in p.e. today about being kidnapped, and shudder. god, h-her mind! they’re totally gonna tell me i told you so! when i tell them.
‘b-but, h-how?’ i bit my lip looking at him beneath my lashes, or however anastasia steele did it in too many shades of grey. (it wasn’t actually that bad, but ill never admit it. it’s sorta kinda hot. also pantone says theres only like 37 diff shades so.)
‘i saw you with your friends, and i served a ball at your head knocking you out.’ he explained. suddenly i feel a pang on my head reinforcing what he’s saying.
‘ow...’ i say quietly.
the brunette man built like a god walks into my frame of vision for the first time after waking up and i notice he’s shirtless, all 8pack exposed for me to look at.
(i guess brianna was right, but she’s still a liar that wears green shoes with red socks.)
he comes up to me and kneels in front of me until he’s kneeling in front of me. he carresses my cheek with his hand (the same one he reached out to me earlier that day, pre-kidnapping) and i sigh.
if this is a dream never wake me up. i think to myself.
‘wh-‘ before i can get the words out asking him why me?, he presses a finger to my lips, shushing me.
he looks at me with his brown chocolate orbs, and i get lost in them, counting the stars and constellations in those glowing beautiful orbs that i never thought i could look at so up close. (except in photos i secretly took)
‘i love you, (y/n) (l/n)’ he says.
i fainted.
𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑟𝑦, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑢𝑝 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
i wake up (for the second time that day, god what is up with today?), my eyes still heavy.
‘good morning, darling,’ i hear a voice say, and suddenly i remember everything that’s transpired so far.
(for reference: i crashed into the oikawa tooru-sama this morning, had my phone taken away, and now kidnapped by none other than the oikawa tooru-sama, now in his- no, our mansion.)
‘o-oikawa tooru-sama?’ i stutter out weakly, still groggy.
‘just tooru, my hime-sama.’ he says and i feel my body heating up again.
suddenly, i’m filled with an overwhelming emotion, and the worlds spill out before i can stop them.
‘i love you, t-tooru.’ i stutter on the foreign name, biting my lips (for good measure).
he looks at me, chocolate orbs piercing right into my super dark black pupils, and he starts to cry. i cry too, because he just looks so beautiful, even when he’s crying.
he holds me in his arm and i nuzzle my nose into his neck, smelling his deep chocolatey velvety sweet minty musky scent. he smells so good i could just stay here forever, bathing in the chocolatey velvety sweet minty musk.
‘u-um...’ i start, and he nuzzles his face into my neck some more. i can feel his wet tears on my shoulder... is he still crying??
i try again. ‘u-ummmm...’
he finally looks up at me and i peer into his deep chocolate orbs, feeling him stare intently into my dark block orbs. i wiggle my arms to show him i want him to release them, because if you remember they’re still taped up by like, tape or rope or whatever.
‘o-oh!’ he exclaims and unties them.
i don’t know what came over me but suddenly we’re kissing, our tongues are battling for dominance within our hot wet cavernous mouths, and it’s soooo hot.
he grips my legs and spreads them apart, tongues still fighting a mighty battle, and i see him take out his big massive rock hard member in his hands.
i wrap my legs around him, thankful for the pink (bubblegum pink) and white checkered skirt im wearing today for easy access, and he pushes his hot shaft into my core. i can feel his member in my wet gushy wushy pussy and it feels so good i came.
he cums too.
‘w-will you marry me?’ he looks up at me, his member still inside. i feel tears brimming in my eyes again as I nod.
‘i do.’
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑠
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦’𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒’𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑜 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒
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a/n: ta-dah!! the end!!! tankzz 4 readin guyzzzz lawl im thinking of making dis a series so... ;))) tell me who u wana be kidnapped by next! xD
a/n #2: speshull tankz 2 uwucatgirlprincess99 4 da line (u kno da one ;))) + sk8erg0rl666 4 havin me in da collab! + also cummin up wiv da title!! lawlzz rawr x)))
a/n #3: OH WOW . erhm. Longest chappy thing ive written. Hope you liked it. so uhm. ENJOY ! [btw, I'm considering doing the NEXT CHAP; sneak peek thing. Should I? :3 Comment?] plz R&R!! :]]] kudoz 4 u <333
p.s. da colour i used 4 da lyriczzz is fuschia pink! :3
p.p.s. comment below if u reconize dee song!! ur a kool kat if u do ;))
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emma-ofnormandy · 4 years ago
Walk Away: Chapter 11 (SP x Reader)
Summary: Staying had never been in your families nature and leaving Riverdale had been unavoidable. Years later unfinished family business brings you back to a town and to people you had never planned on seeing again. Despite your best efforts, you are sucked back into the world of the Southside where trouble is waiting for you and old flames and feelings are determined to pick up where you had left them.
Pairing: SP x Reader
Word Count: 3.5K+
Warnings: Angsty, Swearing, Alcohol, Mention for Drugs,
A/N: Picking this bad boy back up. It’ll probably take me a bit to get into the flow of this story again. Updates will be on Fridays, but Im not going to commit to a time frame because well... life. Enjoy folks!
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Feet kicked up on a fancy looking kitchen bar stool and a cookie in hand, you watched yet another couple say their goodbyes to Toni before heading out the door. There had been a steady flow of people in and out of the little house for the past few hours; couples looking for their first starter homes, small families hoping to update to something better, a couple singles looking for an investment and none of them seemed all that phased by the home’s location. It seemed weird to you, knowing what you did about the under workings of the town, that people weren’t fazed in the slightest that they could be moving in next to crack dens and drug dealers. They bought into the revitalization speech Toni gave and hell, it worked in the big cities so you suspected it could work here too. For a while anyways.
Despite your previous plans having been waylaid, you’d been greatly enjoying watching Toni work. There was a stark change from the friend you’d left behind. Leather jacket long gone and motorcycle boots traded up for a stunning pair of Jimmy Choos, it was amazing to see someone who had been so rooted in where she came from to overcome the obstacles this ridiculous town put in front of her and to rise above. In your absence, she had become a person who was more than just where she lived and who she affiliated with. The same could be said for Sweet Pea and Fangs too. All of them had become more than just Serpents, more than just southsiders; they’d beat the odds that had been set against them and became members of a community, added to the community and it was a respectable feat.
“Those are supposed to be for the potential buyers.”
Pulled from your musings, attention drawn back to the pink haired realtor, you couldn’t help but smile at the look Toni gave you. It was one you’d seen disapproving mothers give their children when they misbehaved in the grocery store.
Defiantly, you took another bite from the baked good. “You promised me food and since this is all that there seems to be in this house-”
“As soon as the open house is done,” she groaned as she slapped your feet from the stool before taking the spot for herself. “I feel like I’m talking to a toddler.”
The smile on your face grew broader. “I have been told I can act like one at times.”
It was Toni’s turn to smile, the laugh that bubbled from her carrying through the empty house. “I want to meet the person that got away with telling you that.”
“It was one of my regulars when I was a bartender,” your features softened as you thought back. “He was a damn good tipper, so I let it slide.”
His name had been Carl, probably easily into his eighties, and no teeth sans the dentures he liked to leave on the bar now and again, but he’d been good fun. One of those old cowboy types, the ones with tales so long you couldn’t figure out if they were true or not, but on more than one occasion it had been thanks to his tips that you’d managed to pay rent. He had been a good man, one of the few you kept the lights on for.
“Can’t lose your best customer, I suppose,” she agreed, helping herself to one of her own cookies.
“In that little cow town? I was lucky for the few I had.” Your smile faltered.
Carl had died peacefully in his sleep, at home, and you’d packed up and left town right after that. Working at the bar after he had died had left you with an uneasy feeling; it hadn’t seemed right to keep slinging beers when he wasn’t there to have one so you did what you did best, walked away.
No matter how subtle it was, Toni didn’t miss the way your brows furrowed and your eyes got a distant look in them. She moved to reach for your hand, but faltered, afraid that you’d close up like a clam and the nice conversation you were having would be shut down.
Doing her best to keep the conversation light, she moved to a slightly safer topic. “Where was the worst place you’ve lived so far?”
“Minot, North Dakota. Hands down,” you admitted.
There had been no hesitation in your answer, no pondering. Your stay in North Dakota had been hell start to finish and no amount of money could get you back there.
Toni did a mental search of the states, a grimace crossing her features when she realized the location. “What were you doing there?”
“Driving around railroad employees to trains during shift changes. Miserable place.”
Coming out of the southside there were few places and people that scared you and you’d always prided yourself on being able to take care of yourself, but Minot had been an experience. Most railroad guys were harmless, the majority of them not interested in causing  any problems, but when you mixed farm country and railroad with an oil boom and the roughnecks that came with it, disaster ensued. The communities and the people that governed the areas were not equipped to handle the mass influx of people and the less savory aspects they brought with them. It was the closest thing you’d ever been in that resembled a war zone and you didn’t stick around long enough to see if it ever got better.
“How many places have you lived?” Toni asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.
You took a mental tally. “Eight. I think?”
There were other states you’d spent some time in, but you hadn’t stayed long enough to justify it as living.
“And now you call New Orleans home.” Leaning against the back of the stool, Toni considered her next move. “Think you’ll stay there long term?”
Tension settled at the base of the neck and your stomach flopped over as Toni’s question hovered between the two of you. Did you like New Orleans? Yeah. Were you going to stay and try and have a go at real life? You didn’t know. Hell, you couldn’t say you were going to make it out of Riverdale alive at the moment, let alone what your plans for the next year were.
You wouldn’t think beyond settling the debts your mother left, you couldn’t. The second you started making plans was when shit hit the fan and you were standing in enough shit as it was, there was no point in adding more to the pile.
Toying with a napkin you’d stacked cookies on earlier, you watched the girl beside you out of the corner of your eye. “So, what about you? Besides the real estate thing, anyways.”
The muscles in Toni’s jaw jumped in frustration at your obvious evasion of her question, but she didn’t press further. She knew times had changed, that the close familiarity that you’d once shared was no longer there, but it stung that you didn’t want to share more about what you had been up to or what you were planning for the future. There was no way to go back and rectify the past, mistakes were made, but Toni was hoping that things would change for the future.
Whether you stayed in Riverdale or not was neither here nor there, but now that you had come back, Toni to, at least, stay in touch, try and maintain a friendship that she had thought to be gone forever, but you were not making it easy on her. Or yourself.
“The real estate thing,” Toni said nonchalantly, doing her best to keep her frustrations at bay.
You raised a single brow in her direction, unconvinced. “Just eat, sleep and breathe the housing market, then?”
Two could play the secret game, Toni thought. “Pretty much.”
“I have a hard time believing that your life solely revolves around selling houses and babysitting Fangs and Sweet Pea.”
The front door hinges squeaked and both of you turned in your chair, expecting some last minute open house guests, and you were relieved to see Sweet Pea and Fangs saunter through the door. Toni seemed to be too if her sigh of relief was any indication.
“She doesn’t babysit us,” Sweet Pea interrupted.
“And she’s just not telling you about the lady friend she has in the city,” Fangs added as he shut the door behind them.
If looks could kill, the two boys would have been dead the moment Toni set eyes on them and you couldn’t help but laugh. The dynamic of the past was still going strong amongst the trio, despite all they had accomplished, not everything had changed.
“She’s a colleague I met at a seminar,” Toni ground out in frustration. “We’ve only gone out a few times, it’s nothing serious.”
Fangs scoffed. “Nothing serious? Please Topaz. You two are planning a Christmas away.”
Helping himself to the plate of cookies, Fangs skirted around to the other side of the island and pocketed a few of the fresh treats, his antics drawing a giggle which you did your best to stifle when you caught Toni’s glare.  
“Who invited you to this open house, anyways?” She snapped.
Mouth full, Fangs gave her his best chipmunk smile. “I wanted to see if anyone had bit yet.”
“And figured we’d treat you two to Pops. For old times’ sake,” Sweet Pea added from somewhere behind you.
The closeness of his voice had the hair on the back of your neck standing on edge. Turning slightly on your stool, you all but bumped into his towering frame; hands resting on the back of your seat, Sweet Pea had positioned himself to prevent a quick exit if you so felt the need.
Whether he realized it or not was another matter, but your bet was on the former.
“The two of us?” Irritated with his proximity, you met his gaze with a leveled look. “How’d you know I’d be here.”
Though you knew he could feel your irritation, Sweet Pea simply grinned as he held your gaze. “Toni said something about picking you up.”
Determined not to let him see your feathers ruffled, you turned back to look at Fangs and Toni. “I could eat.”
“You ate half a plate of cookies!” Toni exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I had like two,” you countered.
Or four, but who was counting. You hadn’t had anything of substance to eat all day and the tar like coffee you’d had at Lonnie’s was fading fast. A Pops burger and shake was just the answer.
Chuckling, Fangs flipped the switch in the kitchen and maneuvered Toni towards the front door, you and Sweet Pea falling in line behind him. “Come on, the dinner rush should be mostly done.”
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Nothing much had changed in the diner since the last time you saw it, same old vinal seats, same neon lights and same dirty linoleum floor; it brought a smile to your face the moment you walked through the door. You’d driven by the diner a few times since you’d been in town, always meaning to stop in and grab food to go, but you had yet to make it in.
Pop’s had always been the go to spot for the four of you, whether it was right after school or in search of food after a few too many beers and sitting here again with everyone shot a wave of nostalgia through your system. There were a lot of memories that went along with the diner, and despite the initial unease you’d felt about falling back into old ways, you decided to let yourself have this one night. One night reminiscing with people you grew up with, one night free of searching and planning your next step; a night just to be, especially since it was a luxury you weren’t sure you would get again.
Stuffed on the inside of a booth beside Sweet Pea, with Fangs and Toni in a similar arrangement across the table, you shoved away the half eaten burger and unfinished fries. You had forgotten how filling the food at Pop’s was, and apparently those four cookies from earlier took up more space in your stomach than you realized.
“You gonna eat those?”
Pushing the meal farther across the table, you gave a nod. “Have at it, Fogarty.”
A little astonished, you watched Fangs devour what was left of your meal. It’d been accepted early on that Jughead was the bottomless pit amongst the Serpents, but you were pretty sure Fangs was a close second and may even surpass the master.
“What, did you fill up on cookies and now have no room for dinner?” Toni teased, shoving her own leftover fries towards the two guys.
“No,” was your quick retort. “I just forgot how much food Pops gave you. And I’m making sure I have room to finish my milkshake.”
The man beside you gave a snort. “They don’t have milkshakes in New Orleans?”
“Not ones like these.” Your brows furrowed, “Or hell, just a good burger dive.”
For all the good eating you’d had over the last couple of years, you had yet to find a place that hit home like Pop’s did. Something about the diner was special, something that couldn’t be replicated and even when you’d found a place similar, it never felt as good as the original.
Appalled, Fangs scoffed and shoved a few more fries in his mouth. “No good burger dive? Cross New Orleans off my places to visit list.”
The corner of your mouth lifted, amused. Fangs would love New Orleans with its exciting nightlife and eclectic people, he would just have to adjust his pallet a bit. “Visit for the beignets and the gumbo and save the burger cravings for here. Though, a beignet never got me through a hangover like a Pops burger.”
An easy smile spread across Sweet Pea’s features as he stretched his long legs underneath the table, arming coming to rest on the back of the booth behind you; Pop’s was the fix all for anything that ailed you in Riverdale. “There is no better hangover cure.”
Fangs raised his milkshake in agreement, taking a celebratory sip before adding, “And the only answer for the two in the morning drunken hunger pangs.”
“How are we not all dead from cardiac arrest.” Toni chuckled, disgusted as she thought back of what everyone had eaten back then.
Idly, you reached for the necklace that rested just under your shirt, fingers grazing over the diamond studded serpent as a wave of memories played through your mind. Anyone on the outside looking at what the four of you had done in your youth would be appalled at what a bunch of teenagers had been allowed to get away with, but there wasn’t much you’d change out those teen years. There had been some wild times to be had and you couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across your lips.  
“I distinctly remember puking up Pops after a bad night and then ordering the same shit when I finally woke up the next day.”
Sweet Pea watched your movements out of the corner of his eye. A shimmering of silver and diamonds caught his attention and he could feel his stomach lurch. After all this time, after how things had ended and the life you were living, he would have thought that the necklace would have found a pawn shop counter a long time ago and yet, you’d managed to hold onto it.
Racking his brain, Sweet Pea couldn’t recall seeing the necklace on you the night you’d come to the Wyrm, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t been wearing it; he had been so preoccupied with you being back in the bar and then chasing you down after hightailing it out so suddenly that he wouldn’t have noticed much of what you were wearing.
He had chalked the feelings that stirred the other night as leftover attraction, the remnants that still lingered because he had never gotten closure, but now, seeing the necklace, Sweet Pea was beginning to think that he had been wrong. Whatever this was between the two of you, whatever these feelings were that were simmering, it was more than history; they couldn’t be ignored this time, wouldn’t be ignored this time, and he’d be damned if he let you run off again without at least acknowledging what the two of you had.
Steeling himself against the wave of emotion the realization brought on, Sweet Pea did his best to keep his voice level, his tone light. “That’s because you couldn’t hold your alcohol,” he teased.
Eyes wide, you gave the man beside you a playful slap, the necklace falling back to its resting place. “Excuse you, yes I could.”
“At least she wasn’t the emotional drunk,” Fangs quipped, his coffee colored gaze darting to the woman beside him.
“That was one time!” Toni exclaimed.
Fangs’s groaned when Toni aimed a well placed punch to his arm, but the grin on his face didn’t falter. “We should do that again,” he mentioned after a moment.
Sweet Pea watched the dynamic across the table, idly picking at the fries Toni had pushed his way before he added fuel to the fire. “Make Toni cry in her beer?”
You cursed under your breath as a sudden pain shot through your shin. “Ow, Toni!”
“Sorry, wrong leg,” she apologized,her fiery gaze not leaving Sweet Pea’s amused one.
Ignoring the antics of his two best friends, Fangs pushed forward with his plan. “No, have one of those wild nights out like we used to down the quarry and then drag our drunk asses in here for two am burgers.”
Toni gave a snort. “I’ll pass.”
There had been enough years spent drinking and eating like idiots and Toni had no interest in reliving those times of her life.
Considering for a moment, Sweet Pea gave a shrug. “I haven’t had a wild hair in a while,” mischief danced in his dark eyes and he grinned widely over at Fangs. “I’m down.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. They may be responsible members of the community and old enough to know better, but if you didn’t know better, you’d think the two of them shared the same braincell.
“You in Y/N?”
As irresponsible and entertaining as Fangs’s idea sounded, your heart sank knowing it wasn’t an adventure you’d be able to join them in. You had allowed yourself this one night, this piece of childhood, but you couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow yourself to get in any further. You were in Riverdale to do business and when that business was concluded, you would disappear out of their lives once again.
“I’m not really in a spot to be making plans right now, Fangs,” you lamented.
Undeterred, Fangs waved off your worry. “That’s alright. We’ll plan it for the next time you come to town.”
A side smile slid across your features. You knew there was no truth behind your words, but the idea had trilled Fangs and freed you of any more badgering on the subject. You had no idea what was in store over the coming weeks, but there was no point in upsetting the apple cart when so much was still up in the air.
The beeping of a phone drew everyone’s attention from the conversation at hand to check their devices, Toni’s brow furrowing at the communication that came across the screen. “Alright, I gotta go. I’ve got adult things to deal with.”
Taking the hint, Fangs slid from the booth and Sweet Pea followed suit. While it wasn’t late by any stretch of the imagination, everyone had eaten their fill and work would come early tomorrow. Despite Fangs’s desire to relive their youth, nights of staying out till dawn were long gone. In their place came a steady paycheck and responsibilities to more than just the Serpents.
“Ooo, like a super sexy hot date with that lady colleague?” Fangs teased, eyes alight with humor when Toni rolled her eyes.
“No. More like an inspection coming up and closing I have to prepare for tomorrow.” Shrugging off Fangs’s teasing, Toni turned her attention on you as you slid from the booth right behind the guys. “I’ll drop you off at your car.”
“I can take her.”
Your blood ran cold at Sweet Pea’s offer. As much as you’d enjoyed the evening, you had no interest in being left alone with him, not after the last scene you’d had at the motel. Though it may not be as bright as it once was, the flame that was between the two of you still flickered and you worried that any amount of time spent together would only strengthen it, making it harder to leave when your time in Riverdale was up. Because you were leaving when this was done; you had another life waiting for you and being dragged back into what used to be was not an option. Not anymore.
“No, that’s ok. I rode over with Toni, she can-”
“It’s kind of out of your way, Topaz.” Sweet Pea interrupted, cutting off any excuse you could have fired back.
Fangs gave a wide smile and swung an arm over your shoulder, pulling you tight against his side. “Besides, you got all the time with her earlier today. Share the love.”
“Alright fine.” Ignoring the pleading look you gave her, Toni turned on her heel and clicked her way towards the main door. “Don’t forget Fangs, we need to check on that new flip tomorrow night.”
“Yeah yeah, I know,” he muttered, waving off Toni’s concern. Hands on your shoulder, as if he was afraid to let go in case you made a run for it, Fangs expertly maneuvered you towards the main door.  “This will be just like old times! Hope you still like to ride bitch.”
“Do I have an option?” You all but seethed.
Heart thumping heavy in your chest, you were unable to stop the butterflies in your stomach from fluttering. Sweet Pea’s willingness to give you a ride set alarm bells off in your system; you had hopped after the pushback he kept getting from you, first at the Wyrm and later that night at your motel, he’d let sleeping dogs lie, but the man seemed to be a glutton for punishment and unable to mind his own business where you were concerned.
From somewhere behind you, Sweet Pea gave a deep chuckle. “You could always ride in the bed of the truck.”
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marcazoshop · 4 years ago
I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt
This photo is from way back in ’98 at my first headline nyc show at tramp’s before the start of this very wild ride with the slim shady lp with jimmy and dr dre definitely a I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt special time I looked back on after watching the premiere of thedefiantones in la the series starts on hbo tomorrow night also be on the lookout for this limited merch to celebrate the premiere. ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ no one has to know your age unless you want to share says fan linda about her eye lift pro experience what else gives you a lift our vote goes to chocolate chip cookies comment below your avon representative is ready to come 2therescue with your eye lift pro. Playing the super bowl last year was indescribable it changed my life so excited to see what justin s going to do I know it will be amazing sb52 superbowl superbowl52
Source: I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt
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So this is going to be a bit long but bear with me I had what I believe to be a pointless and incredibly frustrating experience with the assistant manager jamie at your auburn hills great lakes crossing location today I have been coming here for three years I frequent your orlando san marcos and new jersey locations as well at least once a year when we stop we usually spend 5 to 10 thousand dollars on your products the system is simple I go in park in a corner and bring bins to my corner sort them bag them move them to the front register and repeat today I brought a personal duffel bag as it holds about 8 to 12 of your bags worth of stuff I get told that i’m not allowed to use it because it’s policy not a big deal at all I say okay i’ll do that for the rest rather than rebag all of this i’ll just go up in line and pay for it and it can sit behind the counter seems pretty reasonable to me nope I got obstructed suggested that I might be stealing something and not allowed to pass stating if I don’t want to follow the system I can leave he then takes my entire duffel dumps it onto the floor and then rebags it into victoria secret bags then moves it to the front counter so it can be rang in I thought this was a little odd but hey he was doing all the work rebagging it so whatever i’m like dude i’m going to be spending about 8k today all I want to do is come in spend some money get out without any drama what’s the problem whoevers in charge should be thrilled with a sale like this we’re spending 8k keep in mind that I told him that I would do what he wanted and it wasnt’ a big deal and the response was to the effect of stop being lippy and just listen I told him what do you want from me I just agreed with you and said I would use your bags i’m not being lippy at all I know this because I said okay dude not a problem i’ll use your bags his response was maybe if you get to buy it i’m like what are you suggesting that an 8 000 order is something you guys don’t want he’s like yeah if you buy it i’m like dude we are spending 8k today why would I bag up a bunch of stuff and spend 2 3 hours picking our your fabulous product to not buy it anyway so I had 4 credit cards one card had 2 000 one had 3500 one had 2000 and one had 1000 because I am buying for multiple people I had 4 different cards all in my name I wanted one receipt for each card not a big deal to me right wrong again he cited some policy and said if the order is more than 750 items that they aren’t allowed to ring in under 750 items on any one receipt id like to point out that that amount is higher than your employees said they could take as a cash payment I asked him to please show me that I would understand better if I could just read it he was willing to do so he brought out the policy book and to my surprise what it actually said was words to the afffect of cash payments cannot be split up or over 750 items I forget the second half my immediate reply was so what’s the big deal im using credit not cash he snatched the policy book away from me at that point and said you know what you can just listen to me or I don’t have to let you buy anything it’s up to my discretion I then called your orlando outlet and your new jersey outlet and talked to the store managers and cited your policy I was given I asked them to confirm if that was accurate and both said if it was a policy it was news to them I then asked if they would let me buy my order using 4 cards and 4 receipts the woman at orlando said oh my gosh yes we do that every single day I asked if I went to her store if I would have any trouble with this in the future and was told no then she said you can always come down here if you’re in the area and i’ll be happy to take your order after that phone call I tried again here’s the video of that attempt I said listen I have 4 credit cards your register girl said you told her she can’t ring up an order under 750 items that’s 3500 if it’s 5 items not all of my cards have that much I have done multiple receipts every time I came here heck I can even supply them to show it he tells me that because I am order so many items that I can’t have less tan 750 items per receipt so I point around to everyone else and ask what about everyone else you aren’t forcing them to spend a minimum of 750 items what about the final charge i’ll have 750 items for two tickets but the leftover isn’t going to be 750 items you’re not going to let me buy them he shrugged his shoulders to say no at this point I haven’t yelled ive been a bit snarky and sarcastic because I know he’s just giving me a hard time two people ring in our order almost every time I am up there and we were there 3 times in the last 6 months spent a bunch each time so at 730 8pm or so we are done shopping assuming that two people could ring us up ended up being a fantasy he forced one employee only to ring us up later on he comes up when its now close to 9pm and says hey you mind if we ring you up on both registers I chuckle and say no I don’t but you do you don’t want to be breaking that 750 rule do you he glared at me and then sent the employee away and walked off after blinking a few times I laugh because after telling me over and over he couldn’t do it he just got caught trying to do what should have been done to begin with a short while later after 9 I find out that everyone is standing uip front except for the one girl and another associate because none of the rest of them are allowed to help her ring us up the only two people left in the store with about 700 more items to be rang in if that’s not enough since it was a holidy all of these employees are apparently being paid overtime to stand around and wait at a bit after 10 all but two girls leave and one girl is waiting to count cash while the other girl sits and keeps ringing stuff in we apologize profusely we expected two employees to ring us up like always and timed our visit to be out around 9 if this had happened instead of having one literally stand there and watch her for 1 hour and 47 minutes after close we would have all been out on time and no overtime or extra hours spent so finally at 10 47 pm our orders are done we thank the lovely girl lauren and jasmine who got stuck staying 2 hours past close because a manager made up some random policy and had to double down when I pointed out he really needed to follow that 750 rule when he was going to toss another girl on the register if this is policy fine it doesn’t seem to be no manager at your other outlets knew what he was talking about the orlando one insisted that the only restrictions are on cash payments and verified I was paying cash or credit it’s a pretty humiliating experience to get hassled trying to buy panties and bras by someone who’s on some type of power trip the only thing I said sideways to him was that I flat out didn’t believe his policy and that credit absolutely is not the same as cash I didnt call him any names scream at him or did anything to disrupt the store beyond what you see in the videos if this is not policy i’d like an apology from that manager in person or over the phone admitting he was mistaken I would hope that the next time I go there I am not hassled but if not I guess there’s always orlando or new jersey who seem to be quite friendly I also want to give recognition to jasmine and lauren lauren is the poor soul who got stuck ringing everything in alone because of the manager’s silly rule and not allowing anyone to help because it would be in violation of the 750 item rule jasmine was the cash counter who had to wait until we were out of the store to count cash even more interesting is that I had a former employee with me helping me buy and she said she never heard of this policy either but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t added since she left she was just as confused because the manager spent over 30 minutes trying to explain and defend this when that time certainly would have been more efficiently spent doing productive things instead of hassling someone who literally sits in a corner and speaks to no one while sorting through your products one bin at a time id love a call back about this or to find out what exactly is going on ive never been hassled like this before and it was a little frustrating and very trying to keep my cool joe rossetti alexandria gunn See Other related products: I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt
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igazikutya · 5 years ago
Zajok a nappaliból – Grand Traxelektor 2019 / 1. Main
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Kétezertizenkilenc elektronikus zenei undergroundjának legtöbbet hallgatott és legérdekesebbnek ítélt művei hármas tematika szerint rendezve. (első rész)
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Spotify playlist:
808 State – Skylon [Transmission Suite, LP, Self-Released] 808 State - Spiral Arms [Transmission Suite, LP, Self-Released] 808 State - Tokyo Tokyo [Transmission Suite, LP, Self-Released] Acronym & Kali Malone - Legs of the Fly [The Torrid Eye, Stilla Ton] Anthony Rother - Research A [Mistress 12, EP, Mistress] Anthony Rother - The Message [We Are The Future, EP, Stranger In The Night] Anthony Rother - The World Needs You [Mistress 12.5, EP, Mistress] Antoine Kogut - Sphere Of Existence (Chateau Flight Mix) [Sphere Of Existence, LP, Versatile] Aril Brikha - Pattern Recognition [Pattern Recognition, EP, Mule Musiq] ASC - Magnetic Discharge [Chaos Theory, EP, Arts Transparent] ASC – Nocturne [Realm Of The Infinite, LP, Auxiliary] Betonkust & Innershades - Abandoned Chat Room [Benelux Connection, EP, Clone Jack For Daze] Betonkust & Palmbomen II - Bart Is Alone Again [Parallel B, EP, Dekmantel] Black Light Smoke - The Right Way [Nothing Makes Me Feel (Good Anymore), EP, Scissor and Thread] Black Lung - The Great Manipulator [The Great Manipulator, LP, Metropolis] Black Merlin - MM5 [Kode, EP, Die Orakel] Claro Intelecto – Sirens [Forgotten Wasteland, EP, Delsin] Clouds - Fantazia 2003 [Sharp Like A Razor, EP, Headstrong] Cooper Saver - Hidden Springs [Pacifico, EP, Biologic] Cooper Saver feat. Indra Dunis - The Search [Coastal Breeze, EP, Permanenet Vacation] Cosmo Vitelli - Groupe Surdose [Holiday In Panikstrasse Part 1, EP, Malka Tuti] Cosmo Vitelli feat. Sebastian Lee Philipp - Die Alraune  [Holiday In Panikstrasse Part 1, EP, Malka Tuti] Dadub – Nusuth [Nusuth, S, Holotone] Die Orangen - The Island (Back to Me)[Zwei Orangen, LP, Malka Tuti] Die Orangen - Yaranabe (Full Circle Goa Way Remix)[Saft 2, EP, Malka Tuti] Djedjotronic feat. Lokier - Are Friends Electric [Are Friends Electric, EP, Boysnoise] Download - check the Closet [Unknown Room, LP, Sub-Conscious Communications] Download – Gaslighter [Unknown Room, LP, Sub-Conscious Communications] Edit Select - In Range [Edit Select Presents Club Tracks Vol #1, EP, Edit Select] Edit Select - VSN-2 [EDIT SELECT 44, EP, Edit Select] Edit Select & Antonio Ruscito - Passing Glance [Prominence, EP, Edit Select] Front Line Assembly feat. Jimmy Urine - Rock Me Amadeus [Wake Up The Coma, LP, Metropolis] Function - Distant Paradise [Existenz, LP, Tresor] Function - Interdimensional Interferenc [Existenz, LP, Tresor] Funki Porcini - I Want My Brain Reversed [Studio 59, LP, Self-released] Gusgus feat. Sisely Treasure - Came Back to Life (Extended) [Remixes Are More Flexible, Pt. 1, EP, Oroom] Holly Herndon – Alienation [Proto, LP, 4AD] Ian Pooley - Puzzled (Original Mix) [Puzzled, S, Suol] Inigo Kennedy & Samuli Kemppi – 404 [Catalogue Of Errors, EP, Blacklabel Distillery] J Majik and Sense - Escape from Lando [Full Circle, LP, Infrared] Jay Glass Dubs – Reckless [Epitaph, LP, Bokeh Versions] Jeans - Aquatic Lifefrms Alien Hybrd Evolvd [SAFE, EP, Who's Susan] Jeff Mills - Stabilising The Spin [Moon (The Area Of Influence), LP, Axis] Jeff Mills - The Drive Home (Directors Cut, 2019) [Sight Sound And Space, LP, Axis] Jimi Tenor, Freestyle Man - Are We It?(Alone In The Universe) [Are We It?, EP, Studio Barnhus] Jimi Tenor, Freestyle Man - Jori's House (Original Mix) [Are We It?, EP, Studio Barnhus] John Talabot - Immediate Crash Alert [HVN C/D, S, Hivern Discs] Jonas Kopp - Solar Minimus [Solar Maximus, EP, Tremsix] Kangding Ray - 22 Halo [Azores, EP, Figure] Konx-Om-Pax feat Nightwave - Im For Real [Ways Of Seeing, LP, Planet Mu] Kris Baha - Life, Lust & Death (Original Mix) [Palais, LP, CockTail d'Amore Music] Krokakai - Ardu 1009 (Extended Mix) [Burning Pleasures, EP, Invisible Inc.] Lee Scratch Perry - Let It Rain [Rainford, LP, On-U-Sound] Legowelt - Prophet Vector Synth Dazzling In The Sun [Unconditional Contours, LP, Smem] Lucy - Dyscamupia (Forward) [Dyscamupia, EP, Stroboscopic Artefacts] Luke Slater - Love (Planetary Assault Systems Low Blow Remix) [Love Remixes, EP, Mote-Evolver] Luke Vibert -  Sharon's Tone [Valvable, LP, I Love Acid] Machine Woman - Carin & Dean [When A Machine Cries, You Get Petrol, EP, Take Away Jazz] Masalo feat. Doussou Koulibaly – Yera [Amandla: Music To The People, LP, Soundway] Meat Beat Manifesto – Bolinas [Opaque Couché, LP, Flexidisc] Move D – Cycles [Building Bridges, LP, Aus Music] Mr TC - Depth Gauge (Original Mix) [The Depths Of Haze, EP, Hard Fist] Mr TC - Gay Haze (Khidja Remix) [The Depths Of Haze, EP, Hard Fist] Mr TC - Gay Haze (Original Mix) [The Depths Of Haze, EP, Hard Fist] Mr TC - Zeuglodon (Original Mix) [Zeug, EP, Against Fascism Trax] Nautiluss - WiFi Oasis (Original Mix) [Angels & Daemons, EP, Seilscheibenpfeiler] Nocturnal Sunshine - U&ME [Full Circle, LP, I/AM/ME] Odd Nosdam - Flippy Rock 19 [Flippies Rock Tape, MC, Home Assembly] Off and Gone – Pax [Dali's Pillow Geiger's Toilet, LP, Map Music] Om Unit & Kid Drama - Untitled 2 [Untitled Works, EP, Apollo] Patricia - Too Many Takes [Heavy Merging, EP, Black Opal] Plaid – Ops [Polymer, LP, Warp] Planetary Assault Systems – Red [Plantae, EP, Ostgut Ton] Pye Corner Audio - Solar Waves [Dark Phase, EP, Analogical Force] Recondite – Pour [Silk, EP, Hotflush Recordings] Redshape – Shapes [RISE, EP, Running Back] Rod Modell – Jade [Captagon, LP, Tresor] Roisin Murphy – Incapable [Incapable, S, Skint] Soundwalk Collective feat. Patti Smith – Eternity [Mummer Love, LP, Bella Union] Subjective - Rift Valley [Act1: Music For Inanimate Objects, LP, Subjective] Tapan - Ghana (Front De Cadeaux Remix) [Ghana, EP, Malka Tuti] Tapan feat Jan Nemecek - The Beast [Ghana, EP, Malka Tuti] The Future Sound of London - Yage 2019 [Yage 2019, LP, fsoldigital.com] The Young Gods - Figure Sans Nom [Data Mirage Tangram, LP, Two Gentlemen] The Young Gods - Tear Up the Red Sky [Data Mirage Tangram, LP, Two Gentlemen] Thom Yorke - Impossible Knots [Anima, LP, XL Recordings] Tom Of England - In Your Town [Sex Monk Blues, LP, L.I.E.S.] UVB76 – Citizen [Session Extend, EP, Tabernacle]
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drywallcandy · 6 years ago
Journalist Vs Journalist
A Eddie brock/Venom X Photo Journalist Reader story
A/n note: i want to test it out. I think there will be parts but i don't know it depends my mood
Warning: Language and mentioning Masturbation.
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) is a photo Journalist that is willing to take risks for an amazing big break. When she heard about the San Francisco monster craze, she went crazy and decided to go to hunt that big fish. But what would happen if that big fish hunts her down instead?
"I'm going to San Francisco." Those are the words (Y/n) said that made her brother spit out his drink. "What?! Why!? " (B/n) looks at his sister like she is crazy. And she is.
"I'm going to get photos of the San Francisco monster. Its everywhere, kids put this so call "sightings" on YouTube and I want to see it myself."
(Y/n) walks to her room and start packing while (B/n) is watching her in disbelief.
"You just came back from Korea and now you are heading to San Francisco?! Do you ever rest?" (B/n) shakes his head. (Y/n) looks at him and gave him a small smile. "No actually. I'm always hustling (B/n), I've always been doing this. "
After packing her clothes, now she starts packing her equipment. Cameras,lens,note pads, pens and pencils, two computers. "What else..." (Y/n) looks around to see if anything is missing.
(B/n) smirks. "Mom is not gonna like this." "So what?! I'm an adult." "Yeah but mom wants you to have a boyfriend." He chuckled. "You know, to at least take a vacation and plus mom wants grandkids." (Y/n) grabs her pillow and chucks it at (B/n) "Then why isn't she asking you for grandkids?!" "Hey! I'm not a father material!" "Yes you are!" "No I'm not"
This continued all night.
*Ding* please take off seat belt and grab your bags from above.
Welcome to San Francisco.
(Y/n) got her bag and her two luggages, she called a uber to drive her to a cheap apartment complex for her to stay. She doesn't trust hotels with her equipment and evidence out in the open.
"Thank you Jimmy." (Y/n) thanks the driver, gather her stuff and head inside. The owner gives her the keys and tells that a guy that used to lived there mysteriously disappeared. (Y/n) shrugs it off and head to where she will be staying. Its on the end of the hallway with a window and two doors between it.
"okay this is mine" (Y/n) tries to reach the key from her back pocket, probably regretting that, but she drop her bag which causes the luggage to tip over. It made a loud thud. Making (Y/n) cringe at the sound. "Oh no.."
A door opened behind her. "Oh you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine-oh you're Eddie Brock." When (Y/n) turned around she wasn't expecting Eddie Frickin Brock to be her temporary neighbor.
Eddie gave her a small smile. "Woah I have a fan." He chuckled. He picked up her luggage for her. "Here ya go." "T-thanks." (Y/n) is low key losing it. She didn't notice that she is blushing. He noticed. "Ermm.. you okay you look like you're burning." He pointed out making (Y/n) snap back to reality. "Oh its just that I'm a little tired from flying. " "Where you fly from?" Eddie asked. "Oh I'm from (Your state and hometown)" [sorry if you are from San Francisco]
"Nice." "Y-yeah.. well i better go. " (Y/n) turned around to put her key in the door. "No!" Eddie yelled, making (Y/n) jump and turned around. Eddie saw her and holds his hand out. "No not you! I mean!- gotta go!" He quickly went back inside. "Oookaaayyy." (Y/n) got herself and her stuff in, close and lock the door.
With Eddie and Venom
Eddie has his hands covering his face in embarrassment. "Why?!"
"She smelled good. We should eat her."
"No! She is not a bad guy. And- SHIT i didn't even ask her name. Arrg!" Eddie hit the back of his head on the wall. "You made me look like I'm crazy." "But you are crazy Eddie."
"Shut up!" Eddie gets up and goes to get himself a beer from the fridge. He takes a sip and smiled. "She is a fan of me." "Careful maybe a stalker." "I thought I told you to shut up." He hears Venom growls. Then silence, leaving Eddie enough space to think. "She looks familiar but i don't know what..." he mumbled and takes another sip.
"Probably one of the models you masturbated to-" "STOP!"
Meanwhile with (Y/n)
She checked to see if any of her cameras are broken from the fall. Good thing none is broken. She gets a call and answers it.
"This is (Y/n)."
"(Y/n) it's me."
"Oh hi ma."
"How was the flight?"
"Its good but turbulence still scares me."
"Haha good. Good that you are safe and in a safe space."
"Uhhh..."(Y/n) looks out her window and see a Raccoon and a cat fighting for a bagel. "Yeah! Its completely safe."
"Good now what are you doing in San Francisco exactly?"
"I'm doing a full on essay and pictures about the Monster that roams here an-"
"Ah (Y/n) still doing that picture news thing. I thought South Korea got the energy out of you."
"First its Photo Journalism. And also South Korea made me more hungry for storys of people and Hoaxes."
She can hear her mother sighs and shaking her head just like (B/n).
"But you've been all over the world, taking scary risk that everytime I see your story, it gives me a mini heart attack. Do you ever drain out?"
"Nope and I will never stop."
"Oh trust me honey, you will be drained. Now when will you be coming home."
"Uh i think in about a month. Because I think its a hoax and should be giving my time for this. So its debunking and home time."
"Good good. Get rest up and be careful. Text me in the morning and before you go to bed or I'll come after you."
"Hehe alright mom."
"I love you (Y/n)"
"I love you too mom"
( Y/n) hangs up and looks out the window to see who is getting the bagel. Spoiler alert the homeless man got it. Making is a draw.
She looks at the stars, couldn't sleep due to excitement taking over. "This better not be a waste of my time."
Yeah im tired of writing the rest. Maybe ill do a part two soon.
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trippz2ill2ace8itout · 6 years ago
🥀🥀||21% Of My Life Storyyx||Stay Alive||🥀🥀
🥀🥀Mental Physcotic Breakdown/Episode . This is one of my least explicit ones. Meet Tyler Alvaro x🥀🥀
😔😞W3lc0m3 T0 Th3 W0rld 0f I33y Magdalinoz-Martinez/Br0k3n R0z3z/Sara Pi3rce/Tyl3r Fiaskko-Alvaro. This is my life. 0r 21% 0f It. TRIGGER WARNING!!!
●21%0F.MY.LIFE UDATED VERSION: ... 🥀Itz Izzy Magdalinoz-Martinez,Asexual. I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, on Step One &1MonthClean (used every drug except shrooms, Molly and Bathsalts) .I use to forget about my pain, I went to rehabs,(CHYC as mental health and drugNAlcohol Treatment for a year, went to NA and AA?meetings once a week) I’m 21 years old, my dad died In 2011 (of a reported heart attack, but I thought I killed him, I tried to kill him in his sleep multiple times), but he abused me since I was 4 (I fought back at age 9, when the torture got worse, when he hit my mom I started going on a rampage) (beenThruTraumaSince4till2monthsAgo) but I couldn’t tell my mom he was abusing me and torturing me  (on multiple occasions on our "father-daughter trips" or when we were alone) or he would sell me or kill me, so I had mixed feelings he injection me with Meth and Heroin (inside a parked car at Carl's Jr, he also made me go to the bathroom && strip for him, he would shoot me up and laugh),, i was out on the streets at first in 2012 (I want insane and lost it in May of 2011), now I’m homeless 13 times (witnessed a lot of crimes, did crimes, a lot happened to me also I did a lot as well) ,getting arrested, in fights, almost been killed, I rose a 9 year old kid (now 13 years old) named Anthony Castillo-Martinez, he was I an abusive foster home, so me and my motel roommate and ex girlfriend of One Year. Kimberly Marie-Olivarez took him in, I was mentally unstable and unfit so CPS took him away,after acar accident&igot framed for giving him drugs,&Inever seen him since,Kimberly and i adopted him from an abusive foster home, after me and Kimberly broke up cuz she was cheating on me with my friend Jeremy and b4 Anthony got taken we went 2 court and Kim got all parental rights and i had to pay child support and got superviszed visits, Jeremy Baraz later told me that Kimberly and him were engaged, I got heated and flipped out and he raped me and we got into an altercation, he helped me on the streets&&was my partner in crime , he bailed me out at the police station (after I got put on temporary probation for continually committing crimes and trashing a strangers car cuz there was drugs in there and they were going to go after my son with that car and drug him up, later they cut the probation if I went to long term rehab) , Ishmael Baraz (Jeremys brother, also guided me and later on got into a shooting scene, so i had to bail him out, only fair u know, we went crazy and i almost got killed and so did he, i pointed the gun towards the officer and stated "if you don't let my friend go, I will shoot u and all of ur officers", and they tazed me (and on multiple other occasions went crazy on police, grabbed the gun , gotten tazed, got the cops called on me for no reason but sometimes 4A reason, im known for police, fire department, AMR, sherriffs etc.) he was a convicted felon, && We were all in a cop chase, we made it to OC with Jeremy, and later on Jeremy &Ismhael myBuddyzGotSh0t isaw the entire thing , and I almost got killed as well, &iwasProstituting/got sold, got drugged up and abused 4 money4us (To raise Anthony, and have a hotel for me Kim and him to live), after that incident of Anthony getting taken Kimberly tried to kill me in my sleep with Ambien.a meth needle and vodka.i woke up in an ER, and she killed herself (right in front of me and I tried 2 st0p her, but I was 2latee ,been raped by my drug dealers which also drugged me up.people on the streets,&by sum1 Idon’t wanna talk about (now I'm coming clean, it was Kimberly) I was in Foster Care a couple times, the 2nd time i was in abusive/Drugaddicts, Angela and Jimmy Miller (they tortured, force fed, raped, abused, but me, drugged me up, had multiple people (over 40 a day) come in an rape me one by one, Angela and Jimmy had a meth lab in there house and I slept in the middle of the attic, they locked me up in there) , first a foster called GHS with staff instead of parents, and with Lisa (who was like a grandma to me but she passed away later on so I moved , later finding out that she attempted suicide) I’ve been in 215 mental hospitals (ETS, Loma Linda, Arrowhead, Cedars Cienai, San Bernardino Community, Delamo, The Willows "CRC", Auoura Charter Oaks, Auoura Las Encinas, UCI, Canyon Ridge, Kaiser, Kaiser Sunset, College Hospital, lock down treatment centers,1in Utah called Copper Hills Youth Center, multiple treatment centers, crisis centers (Crisis Stabelization Unit a 24 hour crisis center [CSU] over 80 times), 2 week mental health and drug/alcohol programs (STAY Program (2x), Jumpstreet, Excelsior House, Rancho West, and Telecare Lagos...2x each) group homes (Rancho Domocitas), Boarding Cares (Golden Girls, a SSI paid house of all girls) rehabs (Cedar House 2x, CHYC, and multiple others), shelters (House of Miracles, Lutheran Mission, Set Free Ranch, Path Of Life, and many otherz), the streets (13 times homeless/on the streets, LA, OC, Menifee, Riverside, Murrietta, Mission Viejo, Corona, irvine and San Bernardino), been in car accidents (over 10 times),I’ve been arrested and detained by a lot of cops in Corona (know mostly all of them, a lot of other people know me in Riverside), I have anger issues (extremely bad), been kicked out of multiple schools since 7th grade, I’ve attempted suicide over 50 timesXI’ve self harmed on multiple occasions (in all kinds of different methods) Ihave bipolar (manic depressive disorder type 1 mixed episode), pre diabetes (got rid of).depression (major depressive disorder).paranioa.anxiety.Buliemia.insomnia.Dissociative Identity Fued.skitzoaffective (extreme skitzophrenia && bipolar mixed) ptsd,ocd,attachment disorder.Autism.borderlinepersonality.amnesia.multiple personality disorder,used to have anorexia, && im deaf in my right ear, near sighted, motion sickness, social anxiety,  gastridous, && lastly, chronic body pain .....i helped the homeless and people In hospitals (I help everyone way toooo much) been0nallmentalHealthmedication (I mean ALL, including narcotics and Benzos, and any pill u can use to get high) ppl TriedToSend Me2 MetropolitanStateHospital(highestLevelOfCare), IMD (Institution For The Mentally Diseased) on multiple occasions, ive been to many therapists, physciatrists, ER's, and been on 51/50, 52/50 holds , concervertaship, and lastly ive got taken away from my mom on 4 occasions (personal reasons) I’ve never had a stable home since 2011,now on Augest of 2018 I’m finally home,ihelp others cus im used to people not caring about me, I have trust issues,im always there2help to care to make sure thereok and I don’t stop.StayStronq.It's Izzy Here Again. I Have 22 different voices/demons/visions  in my head. Johnny Garcia, Lily, Elizabeth "Liz" Ramos , Charlotte McMann, Wesley Garcia, Constance McMann, Dancing Fire (demon like archangel misunderstood in the form of fire, might be another world trying 2 contact me), Chandy/Gladdis/Leon/Charlene/Raul/Ralphie/George/Michaela aka Michael(all characters from my movie etc.), Erin Ramos. DANCING Squares, Duplicates of People, Bad Mommy/Good Mommy, Bad Daddy/Good Daddy, Visions&Hallucinations of Past/Future, Cones, Red Dots, Flyerway, Veronica/Victoria Enxxellia, Objects Having Force On Me, Flying Objects, Demons Posessing Me. SatanslashGod (can't tell the difference), Richard Enxxellia, Three 7's, Seventy Three 6's, Puppoi (A Duplicate Of My Puppy Raskcal), Mr.OutOfDate, NXSP (0ne Of The Alter Worlds I Live In As Liz Ramos, as I raise hell with Johnny "JJ" Garcia (I try to kill him on multiple occasions but I pulled the Red Wire && he got worse), The Ends (The End Of NXSP it's worse than hell itself times infinity 100 percent), Jonathan Maqranga, TwentyStepsForward, Edgar "Eddie" Alejandria, Dancing Rooms, UglyBitterSky, TheFuckAllTheWayUpInTheSky, Chillwax Alejandria, People From My Past, A Vivid Movie Like Form Of My Whole Past From Beginning To End Flashing By In My Head (Random Times, Coordinated by Dancing Fire Themself), ClosedOptions, Paid2Kill Hernandez,   etc.. I Got Chocked, Raped, Tortured, Tied Up, Shot At, Tied To A Tree, Slept In Bathrooms && In Cars (Having Blake Follow Me Into Everywhere I Go && Went into the bathroom , shoving knives, pins, needles, food, guns, sticks, and other shit inside me and he would rape me and if i talked he would kill me. I met Blake at a gas station 3 times to give me my drugs and alcohol paid by for sex with him), I Had 3 Drug Dealers, Juan Torres, Blake Vandiego, Luis Alexander (last name unknown, all of these people didn't give me there real last names, they Identified as what they told me to call them) Blake did the worst torture (playing cakes with me, roleplaying, video taping the torture, I woke up in my bed and he woke me up with 12 meth needles, and we played Pin The Donkey. he would cut me, slice me, bang my body parts on brick walls, put 2 guns in my mouth, 1 gun in each ear, and beat me, burned me, shoved a lighter turned on in my pussy and my butt, he would light me up, and so much much much more torture, all for drugs and money when I became poor), Luis did the 2nd worse torture (he would put a gun to my head at every meal time , beat me, had rough uncosensual sex, played games with me chasing me naked in the hotel room but while playing my sex tapes on the TV, and he would make me sleep outside, all 4 drugs/money when I needed it), and Juan did no torture except  (rape me and made me do crimes like the other two did, but he was the sweetest) me and Juan dated for about 4 months, then he perposed, I SAID yes, 4 weeks later he asked me to marry him, and I said no, he said it was fine but 4 weeks later he killed himself with 5 whole bottles of Gabapentin. I Got tortured by more than all 3 of these people. I was a BAD bad bad kid at 12, I was criminally and critically insane, and I did insane things, my behaviors were extremely dangerous/violent/brutal/physcotic/homoscidally insane. 0n 0ne occasion I tried to kill my mom and brother (to take them to Heaven with me), my dad, People on the streets and many many others. I've almost been to Juvenial Hall/Jail on multiple occasions. In the dark Kimberly tried to kill me after she got high on Spice. she reenacted a scene from Criminal Minds that she saw. I was being chased with a knife around my motel room with Anthony watching (he's my son, not by blood but by heart cuz blood doesn't make family),  Lisa 0ne Of My Foster Parents would treat me well but on one occasion and one occasion only, she put a gun to my head and told me to shoot her first and than me . so we could escape from this world. I refused and she started drinking heavily , I was her only friend, she had a BAD past as well. her behaviors changed drastically and I would have 2 watch her hurt herself, drink, walk around naked singing Kill Me Kill Me Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead, and What Is Love, I watched her self harm and I tried 2 stop her, but whenever I tried to she would scream and give the gun to me again, she is currently (she's dead but awhile later) was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, Autism, Skitzophrenia, and PTSD. She killed herself later on. When I was a patient in multiple of the placements/hospitals/lockdown treatment centers/rehabs/crisis centers/stabilization units etc etc. I would misbehave really badly, I would have protected sex, get in fights, extreme physcotic episodes, do drugs  when it was not permitted, I'm used to doing worse crimes on the streets anyways.I got bullied 4 the 1st time inside of CHYC, last but yes least, DAMGEROUSLY CRAZY ME wants to tell u one more thing, when I was homeless, A boy named Timothy Sagaste (not real last name) lead me on and we got engaged after 6 months of dating cuz we were so close, I trusted him, we had a connection, but after leading me on for so long I thought things were TOO perfect, and I was right, after I got engaged to him, we had a romantic dinner &; he told me that he was seeing someone else, that he pretendedthat he liked me, pretended our whole relationship everything about it, he told me he was breaking up with me and I Got heated and beat him up and tried to kill him but he finally grabbed the shotgun and knife out of my hands, Tied me to the bed and told me to "Go Kill Yourself Sara, You DON'T DESERVE LOVE, U DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE, YOUR A MISTAKE , THAT'S WHY NO-ONE EVER LOVED YOU, YOUR AN UGLY SLUT TRASHY WHORE AND U NEED TO GO 2 HELL, UR A SHITTY MOM PAYING CHILD SUPPORT. I'M GOING TO BE THE ONLY ONE AT UR FUNERAL AND GUESS WHAT HOE, IM GONNA LAUGH" He went on and on , he us3d my life story and my past against me, after he was done , he took out his phone and video taped me afterward. and he shouted "How Do U Like Me Now" I Got up and grabbed my Medication bottles (Lithium, Adavan, Gabalentin, Abilify, Welbuitren, Zoloft, Vicodin, Seroquel, Norcos, Xanex, Rhresperdol, Atarax, Ambien, My Meth Needle, My Knifes, Guns, Cigarrette Lighters, and My Xprexa and ran into the bathroom, I took a whole bottle of each medication, I made slits in my arm, wrist, neck, I burned myself in the pussy and in my legs (just like how Blake did it) but I hurt myself 20 times worse than anybody ever had, I went physco and I shot myself up in both my arms with meth and heroin, I did the worst torture to myself worse than anybody ever had. I reenacted Blake, Luis ,and Juans torture , plus everyone who has ever tortured me, I did it worse. I put the gun to my head, I added more bullets and i pulled the trigger, I woke up in an ER, and they said I passed out before the bullet hit my head, so now I realize that I was lucky. God Bless everyone and everything, this is the FULL 20% of my 100% of my life story. Fuck Love, Trust N0B0DY && Stay Strong, btw it feels like somethings crawling all over me/or I'm crawling out of my skin , it happens a lot, take care I'm here. ~IzzyMagdalinozMartinez]🥀
-Who I Am Is Darkness- 8/5/14 MY.STORY. xc
hey, I know my dad may have died, after that, I went crazy, physco mental in the head I lost myself I built an emotional wall around myself, I lost my mind and went insane, did dangerous shit that I regr...et, I grew a dark side, I started having hallucinations, different personalities I got possessed, I have REALLY bad anger issues, 34 suicide attempts 50 mental hospital visits a level 14 residential treatment center in Utah and went to a group home called Rancho Domacitas. people were scared of me, I felt numb weak and empty rages and rages of explosive anger and violence, I abused myself to death, I grew worse and worse I ran away anxiety skitzophrenia depression anger violence drugs self harm suicide homoscide there's more things that no one knows about but I was a crazy bitch, I wanted to die, my hallucinations grew worse and worse I smoked my problems away "Johnny" my main hallucination abused me physically and mentally, tbh I don't know who I was I saw my deceased dad, I got the cops called on me, Johnny took full control and I went physco, I had mental episodes bad mental breakdowns ran away everyday got in reastraints started fighting, I wanted to die, I wrote a suicide letter, plenty of times I attempted but I busted my moms door down and started taking pills, I abused myself by cutting punching slamming any self harm possible my anger became to violent I mean I was a mental fucking mess, finally I lost myself so hard so bad I couldn't feel or breathe or think, I just went black, I had blackouts and then I realized I did some really dangerous stupid shit. my life was hard and I still wanted to die and take my family with me I had no touch with reality and my medication wasn't helping, I was done I thought my mom was verbally attacking me but she wasn't, I was pretty messed up, I had a dark side I had so much pain and hurt inside me I was broken and shattered I hated myself because I was a fucking mentally Ill fuck up, I had nightmares about abuse. I wanted my daddy back, I didn't believe he was dead, everyday I grew crazier to the point where I couldn't control it. and I was lost and very very sick you don't even know most of the shit I've done, I was so crazy so I got sent away for a year I got help even when I acted out, I went to a step down group home and all the hospitals. I finally could feel again, and now I'm getting better and back on track. and I find myself again thanks to all you amazing beautiful people I love to call family I don't and can't even put into words how much I love you, all of you, your my family and my mom she's amazing, you all can do this I'm here for you guys I care, you guys I just fucking love you, and thanks, stay strong. that's part of my life story sense I know you all I posted it on here. love you guys I am out of reality in a dark state not mentally there, I'm scared and in pain emotionally desturbed, it's killing me eating me alive and I can't take it the monster inside me fighting to get out. so what I might be autistic so what I have issues so what I'm retarded I still stayed strong through all my issues for 4 years if I get off my meds I get physco and crazy and "not there" I'm asbergers but I'm smart and I'm learning to stay strong and control myself, it's killing me it's tearing me apart the monster inside me, feel trapped in my body I need to get out, no people with suits my mom is not gonna die, I love my mom so much I'd die for you, for her birthday I'm writing and singing her a song I love you best mother in the world I'd die for you. sometimes it just stops, and then starts up again, his body cold on the couch, I need you I need you, but he's gone. I love my mom so much, she might need to go to the emergency room and I'll be with her right by her side the whole time, cuz I love her so much I'd do anything for her. anyways I love her I'd die for her, the most amazing person I know I'll be there for her all my life she was there for me through all my struggles, that's right no one fucks with my family. no one understands what would it be like if I was gone, I'm getting worse I need help fuck I feel numb and sick in the head, my brain is malfunctioning I don't know what's real anymore I'm done no one gets me like my mom, I'm scared full of pain I feel blank I'm going crazier I have nothing in me but a trapped girl wanting to get out of her cage, I hate this life I'm never happy, I fake I'm ok so my mom can be happy inside me is a monster inside me is someone else and depression and a no one I don't no what to say anymore what to do I cry myself to sleep all night I really do wanna die, but no inside me is full of mixed emotions a girl scared and full of rage and pain, I'm going numb insane it's killing me I am scared, I could cry for forever I love you mom, I'm so anxious I don't know what's going on, filling the empty hole inside me my moms gonna change, I fake it all it all if you new what goes on in my head u would be crying its scary it's bad I could beat myself till I bleed I hate this I'm not safe everyone is getting sick of me, I'm fucking mental and crazy, I'm the craziest girl you'll meet I was bad gone and really really sick in the head I did all the crazy things you can think, Ive done unsafe and crazy mental things I was a physcopathic, by now it's getting better slowly, my moms my life my reason to live I've had problems and struggles I want to be happy but I'm fighting the fight to get better, I'm here for all of you I might have a dark side I've been abused and I abuse myself but I'm staying strong I'm here for all of you, I love you as family and I love my mom to death and I love my mom I feel so numbed like no one knows how I feel and my problems got so bad my dark old self grew stronger than weaker, I wasn't in reality, and who I am? darkness... I've had out of body experiences out of it mentally, emotionally I was controlled by my dark side I went all out I might be crazy but I'm fighting, I'm gonna be happy i love you mom forever I've changed for the worst my mom is gonna change for the worse I just know it. darkness is taking control of me I can't control it. but I love you I love you I'm sorry I SORRY don't take me away, I've tried suicide nope not successful, I'm done but I want to make everybody proud, cuz I love you all with all my heart even tho I feel invisible like a nobody a fighter very violent I'm strong and you guys can stay strong to I'll help you every step of the way, don't you even try calling me weak I'm strong IM STRONG!!!! I don't get feelings, I'm feeling feelings I'm worried and paranoid , no one messes with my mom or I'll beat there bitch ass no one cares or understands me cuz I'm like a puzzle very complicated and crazy but I'm blessed with my family and I can stay strong through my troubles I'm sorry to everybody for being a failure a freak a mentally ill sick child I haven't pleased anyone what if I disappeared left fade away I hate this my crazy ass can end up in another institution, but I'm staying with my mom and I'm mentally 7 in the head my brain is messed up there's something wrong but what the fuck ever I LOVE MY MOM WITH MY LIFE ! I can stay strong. no more crazy me he he xP "Let's go crazy don't be fine go be sane and lose ur mind don't be fraid to lose your mind, nothing's the same, tears I shed but no words can describe the pain I feel, numb.. I LOVE YOU xx I'm losing my mind no sense scared trying to crawl out of my own skin, trapped, full of rage feeling numb, his body was moving he's not dead he's alive. why am I the only one going crazy why aren't I happy ? what if I was just an illusion I don't wanna go insane again or back to the hospital... this is how it is, welcome to the ends welcome to my life, I love you my family listen I've had a hard shitty life, lots of issues lots of treatment, I don't know what's real or what's fake I don't have touch with reality I wanna get help I wanna get better, I have faith in God he can help me turn around my life and my behaviors, I can do this, fuck you haters, I love myself again. NO MORE CRAZYNESS, I may be sick in the head I may be depressed and have problems, I care for you all and I'm learning to love my life. if I could get better in my head and my mental state even though I'm not in a good place or mentally in darkness you don't know what goes on in my head. I'm scared I don't know what's going on what's happening welcome to the ends, I'm sorry for becoming darkness, if you knew how crazy I was, you would know how far I've come through all my treatment my brain is messed up I might have a brain tumor a clot in my brain I'm not myself I'm dark I'm crazy I'm mental I have problems but I can make it through, I love you all who have always stuck by my side, I haven't been the hospital for a month I haven't done all that dangerous crazy shit in three months, I'm always sticking by your side I love you as family , I still have unresolved issues but I can do this I CAN BE STRONG ITZs NOT OVER YET! I may be out of it crazy on medication but guess what I CAN MAKE IT x.x Dont worry bout me i might not be stable but im staying strong...
●2% MoreOf My Life Story TRIGGER WARNING!!! So here is my story. I’ve been thru hell all my life and I have attachment issues cuz of my past torture hell and trauma . I usually have an estimate of 5,6,7 breakdowns a day. I’m used to everything that it’s sickening. I’ve always acted out dangerously and unsafely. Later on after my ex girlfriend Kimberly died I realized that she was the one that framed me for giving my illegally adopted son Anthony drugs and after the car accident , I saw Kim laughing and pointing at Me and later  on before she hung herself... she said Anthony was never mine he was hers , and I would never be a mother, and that’s why my mom always was a bitch to me. My mom NEVER would kick me out, or so I thought, after I came home from Foster Care she acted strange , not as bad as before. And she kicked me out then took me back in then kicked me out and so on and so forth. I was in LA getting fucked up and on one occasion 2 guys got me really drunk and I woke up In the bathroom and my pants were down and I was on my cycle and everyone saw, I went to the ER, and they said I got raped (again) in the period of my 12th time being homeless. I got raped over 20 times . I almost got killed multiple times, on one occasion I was walking and a van pulled up to the curb and they pointed a gun towards me and told me to get in, I did and they raped me in the back seat and they force fed me, gave me some meth and pointed the gun towards my head the whole way towards there house... they were master bating and would shove there dirty hands down my throat they forced me to have oral. When we got to there house they had a knife up to my throat and I screamed and then the rest was a blackout and I ended up on some strangers lawn . I go to Journey Tay in Spruce street in Corona, I constantly go to CSU and I have a physciatrist and a therapist, but I’m closed off and very touchy with everyone cus my social anxiety trust issues and past trauma. I know I’m broken damaged and helpless but I have a strong faith in God!!!! Anyways on 12/25/2018.. there was this boy approached me during Christmas Eve, and he acted completely fine and normal and caring and sweet and kind hearted and usually I can tell when somethings off. He led me into his trap, I gave him a kiss, and we laughed and. Hung out and we were texting over FaceBook messenger, he constantly asked where I lived and I started to connect with him. On Christmas Day after we opened Christmas gifts we went to Starbucks and he texted me and told me he was at Starbucks, I noticed him getting weird, he didn’t look good at all.. he kept telling me about getting liquor , I mentioned it first , but I changed my mind and he wouldn’t stop . We went to a Walmart where there was nobody there cus Of Christmas. We hung out . We were heading out and he spotted a soda machine, he asked me for a dollar and he put it in the soda machine and I asked where’s mine, he said he had a dollar and I was putting mine back in my purse, I was recording with my iPod touch , and in a split of a second he grabbed my I touch and my wallet with over 400 dollars in it. pushed me and ran, it scared me cus it was out of nowhere. And I gave him my all. And I was hurt. And I still can’t believe it’s true , that all of that was an act, I thought it was for my movie cus we were making a movie , I got up and nobody cared, some people laughed, and I called the cops, not even the security or the costumers care, nobody cares. The cops showed up and she asked me questions, and I’m going to court and there doing an investigation . After that my PTSD got 20 times worse and I started acting out having more episodes and I felt alone. I had another physcotic break . I’ve been to court many times for many reasons : I spend most my holidays away, I spent mine at CSU, and I got worse, I started smoking hookah and I started cutting and popping my meds again, trying to overdose once again . And my behaviors and mental state of mind and insanity and physcotic episodes got worse. They still are. And I know I have support. I’m here for you all , stay strong. May God Be With You!!!!!
●Angelique/Ezxekyal "Izzy" Magdalinoz-Martinez /Sara Nicole Pierce /Br0k3n R0z3z /Tyler Fiaskko-Alvaro
●MY INFO: ||WATTPAD (WHERE I'M WORKING ON WRITING MY LIFE STORY) Ms_SweetInsanityyx ||MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: TwistedMetal411 ||MY INSTAGRAM: Izzy Magdalinoz-Martinez😔😔
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lowsodiumfreaks67 · 6 years ago
Comic Con Chris Evans
Word Count : 1520 
Warnings : Absolutely none
Requested by @midgardiansstuff
“ Hey I just saw that your requests were open!I just found your blog and i already love it! Can I do a request with Chris Evans? The reader is married and she is an actress, too. Maybe the reader is at the tonight show and they show a video in which the reader wears a costume so no one recognize her and she surprises Chris at the Comic Con and he doesn’t recognize her, too until she pulls down her wig? “ 
A/N : I loved the story idea, hope I did it justice :) 
“ Our first guest this evening is one of the stars of the Avengers movies and the wife of fellow Avenger Chris Evans, everyone please welcome back the one and only Y/n Evans ” the audiences cheers hit you like a wall when the curtain was lifted revealing you standing there in an emerald green dress with matching heels, you grinned wide as you made your way over to Jimmy’s couch. Hugging Jimmy tightly you both said your hellos before taking a seat as the cheers from the audience finally calmed enough that you could hear yourselves again.
“ Hey everyone ” you said with a wave to the audience which made them go absolutely wild again “ Oh my gosh Y/N it is so amazing to have you here again, now I know you’ve been very busy filming and doing conventions and press so thank you for taking the time to come here tonight” , “ Oh Jimmy I wouldn’t miss this for the world, although it is weird being here by myself and not with Chris or another cast member “, Jimmy reaches below the desk and pulls out a photo of the last time you were on the show sat beside your husband Chris “ Ah yes your husband fellow avenger Chris Evans, how long have you guys been married now ? “, thinking back fondly to the day you married your best friend you smiled softly “ Um it’ll be our 5 year anniversary next week actually “ the crowd cheered and clapped, Jimmy had a cheeky look in his eyes “ 5 years wow that’s amazing it feels just like yesterday you guys announced you were engaged, no sign of any kids yet? “ your cheeks burned hot, you chuckled quietly “ Uh no not yet, we’ve both been super busy with stuff and the Avengers movies, we just haven’t found the right time yet”, “ Ah yes the Avengers, how did you manage to convince them to let you join the cast when they already had one Evans on set “ “ well Jimmy don’t tell Chris I said this but the Russo brothers said they wanted to have the better Evans on set as well “ the audience erupted into laughter at your statement, the interview then continued on for a little with a few questions about the avengers and upcoming projects.
“ Alright so you mentioned that you flew to San Diego last weekend to see your husband but he didn’t know that you were doing that did he ? “ you chuckled to yourself because you knew where this was going “ Yeah I did, we hadn’t seen each other face to face in a few weeks and I was getting pretty lonely so I decided to fly out and surprise him at Comic Con and got a friend of mine to film the whole trip “ “ Oh yeah you definitely surprised him alright “ Jimmy laughed as he turned to the camera “ Here we have the video of Y/N surprising her husband Captain America himself Chris Evans at San Diego Comic Con “ he gestured to the screen behind him as the studio got slightly darker to let everyone see the screen clearly, your face popped up on the screen behind you as the video began with you standing in your living room at yours and Chris shared home addressing the camera.
“ Hey guys, so I've been apart from my husband Chris for a few weeks now because of work and iv started to get a little lonely” walking over to your suitcase you pulled your messenger bag over your shoulder “ So I've decided what’s better than face time and calls ? well how about travelling to San Diego Comic Con to surprise him “ the video then showed you walking towards your front door before you turned back “ Oh and get ready Chris cause i’m going to be coming for ya when you least expect it “ the video cut to a montage of the airport, the flight and car journey to the hotel.
The next shot is of you in a hotel room with a Captain America Civil War costume on, it was one of Chris on screen costumes that had been kindly given to you and altered by the Marvel wardrobe department, “ Okay so we’re almost ready to go Y/N how are you feeling now ? “ your friend asked from behind the camera as you pulled on your boots “ Umm yeah i’m getting a little nervous cause I don’t know how this is gonna pan out but I hope it works “ pulling your helmet over your head you grabbed grabbing your shield you turned to the camera “ How do I look guys, think i’ll get recognized ?” the next shot was of you standing outside the convention center getting ready to go in “ Before anyone says anything because I know someone will, I do have this slightly planned, only Chris assistant knows i’m here cause I obviously have to let them know when im coming, let’s not waste anymore time and get in there “ you practically ran towards the entrance whooping and cheering as you went, showing your pass you were allowed into the convention center quickly without any trouble. There was a short montage of you walking around the convention floor looking at all the stalls and pointing out pictures and figurines of yourself and the Avengers, you didn’t usually get to do this at events so it was amazing to get out there amongst the fans even though they had no clue that it was you down there walking amongst them.
The video finally cut to you standing behind a blue curtain “ Ahh i’m so excited, so i’m stood behind the curtain of Chris photo op, he’s literally right there and has no idea what’s going on “ you pointed to the curtain behind you where you could see the faint shadow of Chris posing for photos with fans, with a large grin on your face you pulled your helmet back down over your face “ Lets go get into line and surprise him “ the camera followed you as you joined the line for a photo, after a while waiting you were finally next, Chris assistant came over to get your photo op ticket, when they realized it was you they gave you a small nod and sent you over to Chris.
“ Wow dude that costume is absolutely incredible “ he said happily as you walked towards him, honestly your hands were sweating so bad you were glad you had the finger less gloves on “ Uh yeah damn thing cost quite a bit “ you said quickly with a chuck which made Chris laugh too, you made sure to change your voice a little as to not give anything away just yet, he was about to say something else when his assistant called his name “ Chris sorry buddy but can you come over here for just a second “ I’m so sorry about this i’ll be 2 seconds “, “ Its alright i understand “ the second his back was turned you looked over at the few fans who could see you and gestured at them to stay quiet before removing the helmet, “ Sorry about that, what you say we get this photo done, got any poses in mind ? “ Chris asked as he began turning back around but he froze on the spot when he saw you in front of him “ Well i was thinking you could give me a big hug Cap “ you grinned as he finally stepped towards you and pulled you into him and lifted you off the ground in a tight bear hug, the fans at the side cheered and awed when he set you back down but quickly pulled you into a sweet kiss, you heard the camera go off as the photographer caught the moment for you guys.
The video then ended and the lights in the studio brightened again as the audience cheered, clapped and awed “ Wow Y/N you really did surprise him, that costume was amazing I hope you gotta keep it “ you were about to answer when you felt someone's hands on your shoulders “ Yeah Jimmy she did keep it, it’s right next to my cap costume in the closet “ you whipped your head around quickly to see Chris standing behind you, within seconds you were on your feet rounding the sofa to hug him, as you greeted him Jimmy sent the show to commercial break “ okay I think it’s about time for a break, thank you to the wonderful Y/N for coming on and talking to us and for sharing the video and thank you to Chris for coming by to say Hello, we’ll see you back here in a few minutes “ the audience cheered as you and Chris said your goodbyes and headed towards your dressing room “ Well i guess you can say we’re even with the surprises now “ Chris chuckled as he pulled you into his side when you flopped down on the small couch “ Yeah i guess you could say that “ you whispered with a smile as you snuggled into him, it was hard being apart from each other but it was like heaven when you were together.
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blxebxy-spxcemxn · 7 years ago
SO HERE’S THE IDEA’S THAT ME AND @stcrmclcud got done
Some sort of game,, idk yet,,, doesn’t know their inside one
Different problems for each character (Missing parts, glitching parts, + parts they don’t need ect )
Idk why but. Stan as some kind of stitched Frankenstein’s Monster-esque furry.
Just. a fucking DOG with different parts. And it’s Stan.
Kenny has,,, skeleton bits MAybe,,
Cartman cld have like. An error or glitch on one of his eyes, kind of in reference to the many theories that he has Kenny’s eye??
Sobs idc if my girl heidi isnt in the au but. If she is. Flowers. She’s just covered in flowers. Any blemishes she has. Flowers.
Craig possibly is rather glitches out around the eye and a few other spots around his body
Frozen @ some point in the game and can not pass that said part
Missing File.exe
Missing background in some places, that and or rather glitched up and hard to see
Moments of g l itching,,,
Are. Are we allowed to let Ken pull a sans and know they’re in a fucking game bc his file keeps getting more and more corrupted (hence his body having skeleton bits; he rots more and more after it gets corrupted). He warns everyone so they cld do something abt it bc eventually he will fade away or disappear.
Tweek’s voice is fucked up, possibly has a third eye behind all his hair
RANDY IS NOT IN THIS AU,, His file was deleted a whole while back due to him knowing too much and yada yada, No randy
Kyle probably doesn’t have a mouth lol,, Its more glitched than anything
Butters missing his eye’s, blind boy
Creek? In my au?? NO THANK YOU
Token probably doesn’t exist sorry,,
Jimmy has no legs sadly,, Missing in his files
Very tempted to make eric behind the whole thing
He probably is honestly,,
Tbh i really like the idea of Eric having alters, and since this is more of a glitch kinda game? He cld shapeshift into them. Mitch Conner, the more prominent one, is just a bald guy with the SAME eye glitch as eric.
Gotta add scott tenorman to the game because I love him, Possibly half human half robot type shit
Clyde ….. Died, more than likely, Possibly before the glitched happen, causing Craig to be more bumbbed out then usual...Craig probably wears his Jacket
I want Jimmy,,,, to wear Token’s sweater around his waist. Bc now that you mention it, the same thing cld happen to Token too :0
Fuck I think the idea of the characters all looking super surreal pre-corruption, kinda like the npcs of Yume Nikki- i just. Gfdnmmbhfbhghg pls. hOLD ON LEMME JUST-
KINDA LIKE THEM. wait im gonna send a clearer version to you in dms
Lots of secrets, lots of secrets,,,
What if, like in ddlc, Cartman cld put shit in ur game files. Or the characters cld.
A lot of it is just. Cries for help.
Insert a drawing kenny made of himself (skeleton with a fucking 2 foot dong) and the rest is just. Crass handwriting saying “PLEASE HELP ME I’LL DIE AT THIS RATE” or smth.
The game has a dark sense to it, not having very much lighting, the ora around the whole place is dark and mostly everyone isn’t so happy
Cartman thought the place was a little TOO happy so that’s why he probably did it, wanting full control over the whole place and by that he’d need to make the town dark and shit so they’d throw out the mayor and that.
Most of the girl’s files are missing, but everyone knows them….you just can’t see them
Oof to reference Heidi’s “quitting [twitter]”,,, whenever Heidi’s mentioned the words ‘Quitter’ appear so it’s a rule that no one talks about her.
What im trying to say is she voluntarily deleted her own file.
Craig is more emotionless than ever
Everyones just DEAD MAN.
Idk how it happened theyre just gone.
Eric ‘ the hacker ‘ Cartman
Cartman you Big Blubbery Bitch
Sometimes really high pitched screaming happens but everyones used to it so its okay
Part of why theyre used to it is because tweek screams at the same pitch as the other ringing screams so they cant tell
What if at
Eric probably got Heidi to help him delete everyone’s Files, Possibly blackmailing her with someone of some sorts ( idk rn ) and forced her to delete files and that’s when she also deleted herself not going to be able to stand knowing she did it
If craig or kenny or either one says her name enough the writing “please don’t. I don’t wanna come back” will be written among a bunch of “quitters” overlapping and making this big fucking patch of whatevers. A conversation can probably be initiated from there.
Only Craig and kenny remember Heidi
The game probably disappears after a while because of so many files being deleted the game won’t run properly and will be forced to shut down...aka ALL FILES are deleted. So MC or NEW KID has to fix that?? And stop Cartman bringing everyone back ( But clyde cause he died before the glitch )
It all looks like peaches and cream at first (the scenery), esp while new kid roams through, and then they meet the first character and their monstrous appearances.
Wld this game be in FIRST person or third like the south park games,,
Third person
clyde glitches in and out of the world but since his file is gone. dead. destroyed for good and it really fucks with craig's mind bc he shouldn't even be here
But you CANT be normal looking.
So like. Theres animal bits ummmmmm glitches,,,, your SKIn can be like. Really fucky.
Some characters don’t even have color to them, their just bland gray’s whites and blacks
If by chance bebe is in there,,, she probably has eyes all over her. In reference to people looking at her. Looking at her for too long results in a jumpscare of her shaking in tears and the words “PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT ME” appearing for like a split second. This is more likely to happen if you’re not engaging in conversation with her. (FUCK YES)
Kenny’s a filthy BODY PART THIEF
He steals ppls limbs so like he has his own skeleton-ish arms and then like four other ones
New kid having the option to hurt the people they meet
And Craig’s just like ‘ Nope ‘,, You choose the wrong people to hurt and Criag’s gonna get cha
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adriennescomingbacktolife · 4 years ago
(VIII½ )
   In the stillness of the night, Adrienne was restless. Her mind was running at a million miles per hour thinking about the possibilities. Career perspectives, her friends, her situation, whatever - it flittered all over the place with no rhyme or reason. For every happy thought towards her first every championship opportunity, her mind wandered into how Zane King tore into Matthew Knox after everything should have been over. How Silvio was able to stop it. How the match should have never happened in the first place.    Her eyes glazed over as she hopped from Wiki to Wiki on various topics. From dead rockstars to the origins of Jello, the recent birthday girl consumed it all with a casual interest while bundled up in a blanket on her friend’s couch.    Kohaku’s couch didn’t smell like cat urine. Or have a spring that poked her in the back. It was all rather nice. He was rather nice. They all have been. Adrienne struggled mightily with the concept that she was rather pathetic. The choice had been made and there was no going back. Not that she wanted to.    The phone buzzed and a text notification from Discord popped up. GlitterBombGold Hey. :waves: Been a minute but remembered it was your birthday.    Strange.    Adrienne clicked on the window and the chat filled the screen. She didn’t make a habit of speculating on about the whereabouts of casual internet acquaintances. “GlitterBombGold” had been someone she had chatted with heavily through the empty spaces of the day. Starting as mutual members of a server that primarily discussed wrestling, they progressed to talking about Disney or their respective cats.    Oh, poor Jimmy.    And then around May, right around the time Adrienne had bottomed out, GlitterBombGold had left every group they were both a part of and had just disappeared. Adrienne had just explained what she’d been training for the last year and before she could mention that at that time no one was really interested - GlitterBombGold had stopped replying. Had seemingly signed off for good.    That happened all the time on the internet. LemonAde It has been. And yeah, yesterday. GlitterBombGold Happy belated b-day, hope it was fun.  Yeah, sorry I ghosted like that. I should have at least told you I was going, it's just... been a thing. LemonAde You said you were in the hospital end of January for a while. I dunno. You were gone a while then, too so I figured it may have been something like that. I haven't been on much myself. Chats just got toxic without you in there. GlitterBombGold I'm sorry LemonAde its ok. just wondered what happened is all. I thought I made you mad tbh. GlitterBombGold No no nonononoooooo. Not at all. I... mmph. I can tell you what happened if you want. I kinda owe you that much after vanishing without a word. LemonAde up to you. GlitterBombGold The truth is... okay I didn't lie, I've been a wrestling fan since approximately age fetus, but... I guess what I didn't tell you is that I was a wrestler myself. LemonAde you're saying "was". GlitterBombGold Yeah.  A few months ago I hurt my leg real bad during a match and the dr. said I couldn't do it anymore. It was all I ever wanted to do and i couldn't do it anymore. And without that i couldn't afford my apartment, had to move back home, and now i'm a secretary and i hate it. ...sorry to dump all that on you.    Adrienne’s breath caught as she read the reply. Considering what the last week had been like, it sent shivers down her spine. With this having her full attention, Adrienne sat up with the phone held tightly with both hands. LemonAde its okay, so bad timing on my part. i'm sorry this happened to you. GlitterBombGold Thanks. But yeah that's why I left, i didn't feel like I'd be the most cheerful person to talk with and I didn't feel like talking much anyway. I might come back to the Disney chat and stuff soon but... I don't think I could come back to the wrestling chat. Too painful. LemonAde thats up to you. so you told me about you a little. unless you'd rather not i could trade you. it could help... GlitterBombGold Oh, I'd like that. I mean i've talked about myself way too much. :oP LemonAde so uh, i mean i guess i'm doing what you did. im not trying to brag or anything but i mean, I've been in the industry so to speak since I was 19. never got a chance to do >that< until was 32 tho. GlitterBombGold Oh! Were you a manager or something? LemonAde kind of. valet was the "official" term. but i handled all of the behind the scenes stuff. GlitterBombGold Is it okay if I ask who you were working with? You don't have to tell me if you don't want, I'm just being nosey. LemonAde just with my ex husband in Clearwater. we weren't ever on TV or anything like that. We were in San Jose for a hiccup but didn't work out. GlitterBombGold Aw, I'm sorry. LemonAde its ok. i'm glad for that. GlitterBombGold I guess actually getting to play is a lot more rewarding than sitting on the sidelines. I... I worked for the big guys, but for their indie division. I wasn't there a whole ton of time. Long enough to make friends, least I thought so. LemonAde funny how that sort of thing works out. look gimmie a second but I wanna get this all out here. it might be a stretch so ..i mean cut me off if its too much. GlitterBombGold No, I wordbarfed on you already, by all means return the favor :0P LemonAde so we are both in the brotherhood... or whatever. was or is, you always are. GlitterBombGold Or sisterhood :oP Sorry, continue LemonAde oh, me too. so i got hired to this place in Baltimore. they get some play on local channels and i'm pretty sure fans record the shows and put them on youtube. they're the only place that didn't laugh at my audition tape. the trainer left in the part where I tripping trying to do a dropkick. GlitterBombGold Oooh owch >.o But I'm glad someone listened.    Adrienne had been talking to well, her and a few others as a recommendation. Not that particular but it was said that she should make friends. There were no friends in Clearwater. Everyone knew her for her previous association and she was certainly guilty for it.        There was this comfortable barrier here. She could GlitterBombGold at arm’s length. Something she couldn’t do with the myriad of issues confronting her about Knox. Or Ko. Or Silvio. Despite their warm attitudes - there were things that she couldn’t even share. So she reached out. LemonAde not many do. so this is going to sound weird. so i should like introduce myself like for real. I'm Adrienne. and if you would like, i have one comp ticket to a show my company is putting on October 12th. Carnage Wrestling. So if you'd like to sit in the crowd for a night. You'd have to arrange your own travel and stuff but you can use my discounts...or something. i don't know who i was going to give this to. probably just give it back so ... i mean if this is just weird or out of place, forget it. GlitterBombGold ...wow... I... O////O I've been trying to avoid wrestling since the accident. Like I put all my toys and posters and stuff into a box and the box is in the attic. I haven't watched anything and this is the first I've really talked about it at length. But... ...yeah. My name is Silvie and I think I'd really like to come. LemonAde Silvie, its like 3 am here so I need to get some sleep but lets do a video call tomorrow..or later today, if thats ok? Share some info. Make sure we're both cool, you know what I mean? GlitterBombGold Sounds super duper. I'm pretty beat myself. But I'm really glad we talked LemonAde i am too. maybe we can watch Tangled if you'd like. its been forever since we watched that. or ... chatted while watching...you know what I mean. GlitterBombGold I'D LOVE THAT OwO LemonAde cool. night, Silvie.    Setting down the phone, Adrienne then laid her head back down on the pillow squished against the arm of the couch. Doing her best to clear her my mind of all pressing matters, she closed her eyes...
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years ago
Im Not Escaping Im Just Social Distancing shirt
Hard to sit the 9ers D but I think you should Im Not Escaping Im Just Social Distancing shirt . Especially if you lose points for yardage and allowing a lot of points. I fully expect the 9ers/ATL game to go over, and ATL’s OL has been much improved this season (so Bosa won’t have 47 solo sacks). Hard to sit the 9ers D but I think you should, especially if you lose points for yardage and allowing a lot of points. I fully expect the 9ers/ATL game to go over, and ATL’s OL has been much improved this season (so Bosa won’t have 47 solo sacks). Im Not Escaping Im Just Social Distancing shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex No denying his talent Im Not Escaping Im Just Social Distancing shirt . He’s the most talented back in the league imo and it’s not actually that close. That being said, watching him run the #10 Jimmy Garoppolo San Francisco 49ers Signature tshirthe is clearly not 100%, likely won’t be until the season is over. Pair that with the fact that the OL clearly took a step back from last year and how absolutely embarrassing last week’s second half was for the Giants and I think they keep the pedal to the metal all game and let Eli toss the rock in what could be his last start as a Giant (maybe ever?). It rewards (probably too much should adjust) coaches who improve programs. Calipari has dramatically improved 3 teams, and Kentucky was relatively weak before he got there. Izzo has only been at one school, so he hasn’t had the same opportunities for big swings. Cool! I’m sure it’s not perfect but I’ve never seen any comparable way of ranking coaches. A great idea to do it this way, and the regression to the mean is a good way to not penalize success. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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hammondcast · 5 years ago
Future people will tell their children, years ago humans gathered for outdoor concerts, Woodstock, Rostock! Jon Hammond
Future people will tell their children, years ago humans gathered for outdoor concerts, Woodstock, Rostock! Jon Hammond #WoodstockRostock #Woodstock #Rostock #OutdoorConcert  #WATCHMOVIE HERE: Rostock Concert Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/OrganMeetsBigbandInRostockKlostergartenLaJazzOMVAndFullLandesjugendjazzorchester
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(FULL HIGH DEFINITION VERSION) Jazz Movie: "Organ Meets Bigband" in Rostock Klostergarten LaJazzO MV and full Landesjugendjazzorchester on the Baltic Sea, live very special concert - Leader Michael Leuschner's concept here realized on a perfect evening - big thank you to Hr. Leuschner, the great young musicians of LaJazzO MV Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern and projekt leaders, NDR archive arrangements by the late great Steve Gray - watch these young musicians, they are the future folks! Sincerely, Jon Hammond
 Landesjugendjazzorchester, LaJazzO MV, Organ Meets Bigband, Late Rent, Rostock, Baltic Sea, Michael Leuschner, #NDRJazz #HammondOrgan Steve Gray, Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern
Organ Meets Bigband In Rostock Klostergarten La Jazz O MV And Full Landesjugendjazzorchester
 Jon Hammond 
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Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/OrganMeetsBigbandRostockKlostergarten
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„Organ meets Bigband“ das LaJJazzO M-V LandesJugendJazzOrchester Mecklenburg-Vorpommern https://www.facebook.com/events/846845685410695/Am 01.08.2015 ist das Landesjugendjazzorchester Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LaJazzO MV) mit seinem diesjährigen Solisten Jon Hammond wieder im Klostergarten Rostock zu Gast. Covering Jimmy Smith's Back at The Chicken Shack and The Sermon - Nachdem sich in den vergangenen Jahren das LaJazzO MV mit den in der Big Band vorkommenden Instrumenten musikalisch auseinandersetzte, wird in 2015 die Jazzorgel musikalisch thematisiert werden. Unter dem Titel "Organ meets Big Band" wird dieses sehr traditionsreiche Instrument der Jazzgeschichte in den Mittelpunkt der Konzertreihe im folgenden Jahr gestellt. Als Jazzinstrument wurde es von Fats Waller in den 30er Jahren eingeführt und hatte seine Hochzeit in den 50er Jahren durch seine Vertreter wie Jimmy Smith. Der international renommierte New Yorker Jazzorganist Jon Hammond wird zusammen mit dem LaJazzO MV unter der Leitung von Michael Leuschner den besonderen Charme dieses Instrumentes wieder zum Leben erwecken. Im Programm sind unter anderem Titel von Jimmy Smith, arrangiert von Steve Gray - eine Leihgabe aus dem Archiv der NDR-Bigband. 
Jon Hammond studierte in den siebziger Jahren am Berklee College of Music und am City College San Francisco. Konzertreisen führten ihn quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada. In seiner eigenen 'Jon Hammond Show' spielte er mit Musikern wie Dizzy Gillespie, Paul Butterfield, Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle, Sammy Davis Jr., Percy Sledge und vielen anderen. Auch in Europa fand und findet seine Musik unverändert viele Anhänger. Die Medien berichten wiederholt von einem unverwechselbaren und prägenden Sound. Jon Hammond hat u.a. auf der 20. Frankfurter Musikmesse mitgewirkt und tritt vornehmlich in Hamburg auf. "The Jon Hammond Show" is a funky, swinging Jazz instrumental revue, featuring notable international soloists and reflecting the influences of Miles Davis, The Crusaders and Jimmy Smith. 
Programm: "Organ meets Bigband"
Leitung: Michael Leuschner
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A Musical Performer in the Spotlight: JON HAMMOND by Paul A. Hendrickson F3
One of the Musical Performers we get here at Laguna Honda is Jon Hammond. He has been playing here for quite a long time. He would mention in passing, between songs, some celebrities that are household names. It was done in such a way that it sounded as if he had met some of these people. Come to find out, he had.
After I got to talking to Jon, I realized that the polish he brings to his jazz piano and to Laguna Honda is no fluke. Jon resides mostly in New York City. He has a place in Times Square. In his neighborhood alone he met Paul Newman, Joanne woodward, and Al Pacino. He also has a Cable Access show there. On his Show he has interviewed people who he has found interesting. His favorite was Lionel Hampton, the reknowned vibe player. “At 80 years old, he was full of energy.”
Another he enjoyed had been Cab Calloway. This was after his re-emergence from the “Blues Brothers” movie. He mentions as one of his non-musician guests to be none other than Andy Warhol. It seems that Andy was interested in the computer Graphics and Artwork that jon and his crew used on the Show.
Though he plays a “jazz organ” on his CD’s and with his Band, Jon has been banging on the piano from about age six. When the Beatles came on the scene in ’64, Jon with most others his age, decided to become a “Rock” star. He tried his hand at this. He had some groups ranging in name from “Hades” to “Contraband”. He becomes thoughtful at this moment. “‘Contraband’ was a pretty good band.” At age thirteen he got his first electric-accordion.
Jon has a small collection of accordions – mostly electric. He has inked a deal with Excelsior, and plays their accordions exclusively. He also notes that eBay the computer sales website is a good source if you know what you’re looking for. Jon mentions that he will be playing accordion for Broadway’s own “Fiddler on The Roof.” “Whenver I learn the book.” He says it is about as thick as a telephone book.
His latest group is made up of the “Late Rent Session Men”. As the name implies, whenever Jon is a little short and behind on his Rent, his landlord takes some music in trade.
Jon plays every month at Laguna Honda. Look for the fliers and catch his show. I asked him why someone who trots the globe makes such frequent stops at Laguna Honda Hospital. He says, “Well, my Father was a Physician. My Grandfather was a Physician. I’m a Musician. I like to see the people smile.” Jon does his “therapy” in another way. He hopes to be one of the first performers when they build the “New Hospital.��� Happy New Year.
*Note: Special thanks, Paul A. Hendrickson, Jon 
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Al Pacino, Andy Warhol, HammondCast, Jazz Organ, Jon Hammond, KYOU Radio, Laguna Honda Hospital, Musician, Paul A. Hendrickson, Paul Newman, Physician, The Insider
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Future People, Rostock, Woodstock, People Gathered, Michael Leuschner, Steve Gray, Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern
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