#((is this from a show i've never heard of???))
teaboot · 2 days
I am often self-concious of how often I talk and laugh in social settings. I've tried to stop, but can't seem to help myself. This has been a problem my entire life, for as long as I can remember, since my very first days of preschool. In efforts not to speak, I just feel myself get more and more excited until I lose my will to reign it in and spill words everywhere.
In light of that, here are some positive things I've heard about it:
"I could listen to you talk all day. I think you're one of the only people I can listen to who doesn't bore me to death."
(I burst out laughing in class after a long absence. someone across the room hears me.) "Hey! Now Tea's back!"
"You always know so many weird facts. It's awesome."
"Your life is buckwild. I love hearing from you, I never know what you're going to tell me."
"You really struggle at this, but you still show up and you do it anyways with a smile."
"How does your brain move so fast? You always have the perfect response ready to go."
"You know, I don't think you should write your next presentation ahead of time. You're much more engaging and dynamic when you ad-lib. Sticking to the script seems to slow you down."
"You give really good talks. Have you thought about teaching?"
"I can really feel your passion when you talk."
"I love how every time I take you somewhere we have funny interactions with people."
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thewickedjazzy · 2 days
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Level 2: Slow Burn [Shotgunning] for Kinktober.
ᡣ𐭩Chuuya Nakahara x afab! Reader
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Synopsis : sweet chuu has been secretly dying to try shotgunning with you, and tonight, the ginger finally snaps—ensuring you a good time.
Warnings: nsfw mdni, soft!chuuya, obv. shotgunning/sharing smoke, oral sex (giving and receiving), pussy drunk!chuuya, cum eating, suggestive themes, smoking, light bdsm (blindfold), sensual touches, consent.
Word count: 2.5k
ᡣ𐭩-check Kink Coin to unlock bonus fics´-
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it was one of your usual quiet evenings, wrapped in the warm glow of a flickering candle on the table. you sit comfortably, your legs tucked beneath you as you thumb through the pages of your favourite book, utterly absorbed. a glass of red wine sits within arm’s reach, half-full, forgotten for now as you sink deeper into the story.
across from you, your boyfriend sits with a poetry book in his lap. he’s been reading—or at least pretending to.
of course, you notice he hasn’t turned a page in a while. you glance up, catching his eyes on you—no, not just on you, but on your lips. he quickly looks away, pretending to read, but the corner of your mouth twitches into a smile. you’ve seen that look before. he’s been distracted for days, something swirling behind those deep, pretty azure eyes of his, but he hasn’t voiced it yet.
you shift slightly, the sound of fabric rustling pulling his eyes back to you. when you reach for the pack of cigarettes on the table and slide one between your lips, it’s the last straw. he watches, almost in a trance, as you strike the lighter. the flame flickers briefly before the tip of the cigarette burns red, and you take a slow drag. the way your delicious lips cradle the slim cigarette, the lazy curl of smoke that escapes your mouth, clings to your lips like the embrace of shadowy lovers—he tries to shift his attention to the book on his lap but can’t take it anymore.
“baby, what’s up? i know when you’re too lost, thinking about something,” you say softly, pulling him from his thoughts. he looks up, and this time, he doesn’t bother hiding the way his gaze lingers on your lips, watching the way the smoke dances around them.
he sighs, setting his book aside and leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees. “doll... there’s something i’ve been wanting to try with you,” he murmurs, his voice so beautifully soft. “but i... wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”
you smile, intrigued, of course. it's not like every day you see chuuya this reluctant. it isn’t like him to be shy about anything with you, but the subtle blush colouring his cheeks and the way he murmurs "doll" sends a shiver throughout your entire body, making your heart lowkey skip a beat. “mhm? tell me,” you coax softly, the cigarette balanced delicately between your fingers as you take another slow drag, eyes never leaving his.
he hesitates for just a moment longer, eyes locked on your lips. “have ya ever heard of...uh.. shotgunning?”
your smile widens, heart fluttering at the way he bites his lip and looks away, his pale features now painted a deep red hue. chuuya is so often confident, but in moments like this, he shows a softer side only you are allowed to see. “i've heard of it... why? you... wanna try it?” you purr softly, leaning forward.
he gives a slow nod, and you notice his adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. “yeah... but only if you're comfortable with it.”
you chuckle softly, finding his bashfulness endearing. “chuu, baby” you say, warmth lacing your words as you put out the cigarette. “you know that i trust you.”
“good, then... trust me on this.” he stands and heads to the bedroom, disappearing for a moment before returning with a silk burgundy blindfold in hand. settling back down across from you on the couch, he meets your gaze with underlying excitement, shimmering in his azure eyes, the blindfold draped loosely between his fingers.
your breath catches slightly as you see the blindfold, excitement curling in your belly. he’s never done something like this before, but you’re already intrigued. “what are you planning, chuu?” you giggle softly.
he leans in close, his breath brushing against your lips. “i want you to feel everything... without sight. let me take the lead, doll. i promise you’ll like it.”
your pulse quickens as you nod, lips parting slightly in anticipation.
his bare, slender fingers graze your cheek as he carefully ties the blindfold around your eyes. the world around you fades to darkness, heightening your other senses, god, you never thought something like this could feel this good. the way you can hear his soft breathing, the rustle of his clothes, and definitely feel the heat radiating off him as he inches closer—it’s like multiplying bliss by infinity and getting bonus points for it.
“relax f’me, baby,” his raspy low voice makes your heart skip a beat. you take a deep breath, your body already responding to his soothing tone.
you feel the soft brush of his lips against your temple, the barest touch of his fingers on your jaw as he tilts your chin up slightly. “yeahh.. you look s'pretty like this, doll,” he murmurs, his words wrapping around you like a caress. “just focus on me, yeah?”
you nod again, and you can hear the faint click of his lighter as he takes a drag from his cigarette. the next moment, his hand is back on your jaw, guiding you closer to him.
“breathe with me, doll” he whispers against your lips.
you part your lips, waiting for the sensation. and then, it hits you as he exhales, the hot smoke flowing from his mouth to yours. the warmth of his breath, the taste of the smoke and the closeness of his body—it’s all so intoxicating, so overwhelming. you inhale deeply, taking in the smoke and the sensation of his lips hovering so close to yours, but not even touching, it's quite torturous in a good way.
you can barely stand it—the taste of him mingles with the smoke, the sweet faint smell of his perfume, the closeness, the way his fingers trace the line of your cheekbone—it’s all too much, in the best possible way. your belly tingles with the sensation, every nerve alive under his touch.
“shit… umh,” he curses softly against your lips, his warm breath grazing your lower lip as he exhales, his forehead pressing lightly against yours. he closes his eyes for a moment, savouring the feel of you. he's on cloud nine, his mind short-circuiting from the way you trust him so completely, surrendering every inch of yourself to him—it’s too much. “i’ve been wanting to do this for so long.”
you let out a breathless chuckle, your breath shaky as you brush your lips against his, barely touching but enough to make his cock harden beneath his boxers. “then don’t stop,” you breathe, your words almost lost in the quiet of the room—he doesn't need to be told twice.
he takes another slow drag, this time letting the smoke linger in his lungs before leaning in again. soft pink lips graze yours, just the faintest touch as he exhales into your mouth once more, the smoke curling around your tongue. the gesture, so tender yet so intimate, sends a wave of heat rushing through you. your fingers slip under the choker around his neck, tugging him closer, needing to anchor yourself in the moment.
and just then, you feel his delicious lips finally press against yours, the taste of smoke still lingering on both your tongues. you feel his hands slide down to your waist, pulling you closer as you gasp for air.
the cigarette lies forgotten in the ashtray, its smoke fading into the background as you lose yourself in the taste of his lips.
he groans softly as your body presses against his, pulling away, his lips ghosts over your cheek, pressing soft, intimate kisses before trailing down to your jaw and then the sensitive spot just beneath your ear. “god... ngh, you’ve got no idea how fucking good you feel...” he murmurs, “...I need you, s'much.”
your fingers tangle in his soft ginger hair, giving a gentle tug, not being able to see makes you even more sensitive to every breathless word he whispers. he pulls back just enough to take in the sight of you, admiring how gorgeous you look with your lips parted, breath coming in soft, needy gasps.
he then stands up, towering over you as you sit obediently on the couch, still blindfolded. the room is silent for a moment, filled only by the sound of your own breathing, until you hear the unmistakable sound of his belt buckle coming undone. the soft clink of metal makes your mouth water, pleasure building with every passing second. you bite your lower lip, licking it delightfully, knowing exactly what's about to come.
you feel the soft pad of his thumb brush against your lower lip. instinctively, you open your mouth, letting him slide it inside. you suck on it seductively, swirling your tongue around his finger, drawing a deep, throaty groan from him.
he pulls his thumb from your mouth slowly, the wetness lingering on your lips as you wait for him impatiently.
the next moment, you feel the weight of his cock pressing against your lips, the soft, swollen tip brushing against them. without hesitation, you open your mouth wider, welcoming him in, and slide your lips down his length. the feeling of his girthy cock filling your mouth, warm and heavy, makes your cunt drip with pleasure. You take him in deeper, swallowing him whole until your lips meet the base of his cock, your throat tightening around him.
“haah..ffuck,” he drawls, his hand moving to the back of your head, gripping your hair gently as he throws his head back, lost in the sensation—no matter how turned on he is, chuuya is always gentle with you. he’s never the type to push your head down—he always makes sure you're comfortable, no matter what.
you feel the way his hips twitch as you take him deeper, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, but the moment he hears you gag, he pulls away, “doll, you okay?”
you nod in response, and immediately take him back into your mouth, allowing him to slide deeper once more.
“haahh, so greedy f’me? mmnnghh”
you hollow your cheeks and move your mouth over him, sucking him with deliberate strokes. the wet sounds blending with his soft whimpers and mewls fill the room as you work him with your mouth. every time you take him in balls-deep, you can feel his cock twitching against your throat. you work your tongue around that sensitive spot just below his tip and precum oozes out, coating your tongue as you savor his taste
“yes fuck nngh, lookin’ ...haah s’fuckin’ pretty like that, baby...ffuckk,” he gasps, bucking his hips forward against your mouth. the sight of you—blindfolded, taking him so greedily—pushes him closer to the edge. his grip on your hair tightens a bit as he fights to maintain control, but the way your tongue swirls around him, the way your mouth swallows him whole has him thinking that he may just cum from feeling your warm mouth around him.
you hum around his cock, sending vibrations through his entire body, and he swears under his breath, his hips picking up the pace slightly. he’s lost in the pleasure, in the sight of you so lecherously sucking him like your life depends on it, and he knows he won’t last much longer like this.
but just as he nears his peak, he pulls out of your mouth, a shaky chuckle escaping his lips as he sees your pouting frustration. “..c’mon baby, i’m here to make you feel good,” he murmurs.
removing your blindfold with a tender touch, his eyes eager to drink in the sight of how fucked out you're going to be in a few minutes, “mhm, yes, lemme see those pretty eyes of yours.”
he then kneels in front of you, easing down your soft panties and gently placing your legs over his shoulders as you recline against the couch.
reaching for the cigarette still burning in the ashtray, he takes a slow drag before exhaling the smoke directly onto your gooey cunt.
“hahh- chuu” you mewl, the sensation of the hot smoke against your sensitive skin leaves you breathless, your body frozen in place as you experience one of the most intense pleasures you’ve ever felt.
he takes another drag, letting the smoky haze drift over your swollen lips before putting out the cigarette in the nearby ashtray. he lets out a shaky groan, watching you drip faster than ever, clenching around nothing.
he showers your inner thighs with hot open-mouthed kisses, each kiss eliciting soft, pleading mewls from your glossed lips. “you like that doll? hmm? lemme hear that sweet voice of yours.” he hums against your thighs, totally focused on blowing your mind with ecstasy.
“..yess..s’much mmph”
with a hungry growl, he finally delves into your cunt, kneading your soft thighs as his tongue drags and explores your wet folds opening them only to plunge his hot tongue inside earning a lewd moan from you, he swirls his tongue around your now swollen clit before dragging a flat strip along your inner folds, completely pussydrunk.
deep blue eyes that you grew to adore, never leave yours as he groans against your cunt sending waves of sparks dancing behind your eyes.
your mouth falls open in a silent moan, hands gripping the couch beneath you as you struggle to voice anything except moans and mewls, “y-yes... chuu i'm clo- ahhh mnghh” you gasp, but your voice falters as his tongue alternates between licking your clit in circular motions and diving into your drooling cunt as if stopping would cost him his life.
you roll your hips against his mouth feeling that familiar heat ignite in your belly, sweating from how long he's been eating you out hungrily, you finally reach your peak, gushing all over his tongue as he hums in satisfaction licking up every drop of you with eager licks.
“hnngh fuck..doll... this may be the hottest shit we've ever done,” he drawls, his eyes locked on you as you pant and giggle, trying to hide the blush spreading across your cheeks with your hands. he brushes your hands aside gently and leans in, kissing you passionately once again, tasting yourself on his tongue makes your heart flutter.
“uhh...will you help me out a bit?” he pulls away muttering, your eyes widen as you see how hard he is now, precum glistening at his flushed tip, veins pulsating, apparently he's been edging himself on purpose.
and of course, you’re more than willing to do so. this man never fails to satisfy you, always putting your pleasure above his own. despite his fearsome reputation as a mafia executive, with you, he’s nothing but the sweetest, most tender, and caring boyfriend imaginable.
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TAGS: @a-smol-bean @violetfruity @amanoava @falloutjuli @embersweapons @warriordemigosworld @cathias @alyszuha @v15aexe @vasarii @pe4rl-diver @sukidenks @dazaifavbandage @chuuminn @fyodorsprettynun @ace-0fspades69 @irasamu @trippyserval @alyszuha @bittysuguro @writingandmusing
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deathbxnny · 3 days
Genshin men meeting you, their idol, for the first time. | Lyney, Kinich, Childe x Gn!Reader
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The idea came to me randomly, so enjoy! (I've been freed from my writers block wooo-)
Content: Reader is a famous person, Childe going a little feral, vague mentions of flirting, Ajaw being Ajaw, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not proofread))
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You were a famous magician who did shows all over Teyvat. Everyone knew of you and your incredible talent, making you an international star to all. No matter where you went, diehard fans would always come to see your breathtaking magic tricks with wide, sparkling eyes. You were able to bewitch the crowd with the most simplest moves, a graceful smile always on your beautiful face as you did so.
And when you finally came around to hold a show in the grand theaters of Fountaine, Lyney had the chance to meet you backstage in between your sets. Despite the fact that he should have seen you as competition considering his own passion in the profession, he couldn't help but watch you with that same awe-struck expression. It was a privilege to meet you, one he wouldn't pass up for anything.
His heart was beating against his chest wildly, yet he still pushed through with the greeting he had gone over and over again in his mind. He wanted to impress you after all. Taking your hand in his, he kissed the back of it, a sly and playful glint in his eyes. "It is an honor to meet you." He hums before pulling a rainbow rose from behind your ear skillfully and holding it out to you, secretly relishing in the giggle you gave him. Ignoring his sibling's deadpan from behind him, he held out his arm to you. "May I show you around? This is your first time in Fountaine... and I can assure you that I'm the best guide you'll find. Consider it a favor amongst like-minded magicians such as ourselves!"
His nervousness never shows, and his smile never falters. This was perhaps the best show he had to put on in his life... but when you gratefully accepted his invitation, he felt his worries melt away, glad he didn't come off as a desperate fan.
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He tried to stay indifferent when he was suddenly standing in front of one of the most legendary warriors Natlan had ever seen, which just happened to be you. He felt his hands become clamy, arms tightly crossed across his chest, whilst he watched you speak with Mualani about the latest news regarding their annual tournament. Attempting to simply stay out of your line of sight in fear of embarrassing himself, he leaned against the wall hidden in the shadows, content with being in your close proximity... until Ajaw caught onto what he was attempting to do.
"Ohoho... are you trying to crawl into a hole and disappear like the little worm you are?" He giggled evilly, floating around the deadpanning man, who was trying to ignore him like always. But Ajaw wasn't having it. If there was something he lived for, then it was the suffering of his dearest companion. "You know... I think you should go talk to them! Actually, let me help you out since I'm feeling oh-so nice today!" Kinich's eyes widened slightly, his lips parting to hiss out a warning, but the creature was too quick to stop, filled with determination to cause chaos.
Following after him with quick steps, Kinich was quick to banish him before he could reach you. This meant, however, that he was now standing in front of you and Mualani. Heat crawled up his neck and cheeks, as his friend happily introduced him to you, seemingly not having noticed the doom that had nearly hit you earlier. But his slightly panicked mind stilled when he saw you give him a kind smile. "Ah, I think I know you... or well, I've heard of you, at least." You said, and he felt himself take a shaky breath in relief and wonder.
Perhaps Ajaw had actually done something nice for once... which would definitely enrage him once he was released from his imprisonment.
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Oh boy... you knew him way before you met him, that's for sure. Mainly because he was hellbent on fighting you at least once. He didn't care if he lost or won either. It was all the same to him, as long as you were the one to press the blade of your sword against his neck. And that alone made you often just outright avoid him, whenever you were in the motherland for business. You were a well-known assasin and agent for the first Harbinger, serving directly under him, which, of course, brought you great strength that Childe wanted to experience desperately. He needed to know if the rumors about your skills were true or not.
And unfortunately for you, he finally was able to get his deepest wish fulfilled when you accidentally dared to linger around the courtyard for way longer than you should have. "Please... fight me in a duel at least once!" He called out, knowing he has you cornered now. Despite him idolizing you greatly, you could tell his cocky pride and ego made him think he was an equal to you. Or perhaps that was just how things appeared to be. He was an unreadable force of energy that admittedly had caught your interest a while ago.
"Will you finally leave me be, if I do?" You asked after a moment of pondering silence, and the man just gave you a smirk, his dead eyes burning with determination you had never seen before. "Let's let our blades decide that." Chuckling at his response, you unsheathed your sword and faced him with a sigh.
This is not how people usually approach their idols... but you supposed that nothing was normal in the place you called home.
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matrixbearer2024 · 2 days
Since the poll is practically over and the outfit's largely been decided, I'll be dropping the first post to the strip challenge in a couple hours on my Ford Blog @gftimelord to christen it HAHAHHA- (psst go bother him it'll be funny HAHHAHAH) Thanks for the interaction everybody, I only hope to deliver. Here's the first drabble to start it off with since I am pairing every drawing with a story sequence as promised. You could probably think of this as my interpretation for some kind of continuation to Ford's route in "Swooning Over Stans" by @gfdatingsim since I've genuinely been non-stop playing that game since it's recommendation to me. I will balance med proper and my delulu if it's the last thing I do HAHAHAHA-
Reply to this post as well if you want to be pinged for whenever this challenge updates!
I Accept Your Challenge!
(Stanford Pines x Reader)
After you heard a new challenge becoming trendy among couples you decide to try it on a certain Stanford Pines; just... you didn't exactly explain to him what the challenge was.
Maybe his competitiveness was a good thing in this case. You at least got a bloody good show out of his cluelessness.
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Another slow summer day and you were in the living room of the mystery shack alongside the Pines as they went about doing whatever. Navigating your relationship with a certain scientist definitely somewhat of a learning curve but you digressed. Similar to Dipper and Mabel, you'd receive post cards from the twins about their seafaring adventures; your mail just came with additional special letters from your beloved. All of which you'd neatly stowed away in a bag that you always had with you, no use keeping it at home when you were rarely there.
Often traveling for a nomadic lifestyle was serene and fun at times, but you found yourself missing this place. It felt more like a home to you than your own place did in the couple weeks you'd stuck around after your car got smashed into the side of the log cabin.
Who knew that the same man who totaled your car one day would be the same adorable nerd you now called your lover?
It felt a bit like those romance dramas Stan liked to watch but you quickly dismissed that thought. Fairytales weren't real, fate isn't exactly something you believed in either. Stories of princesses finding their prince charmings were mostly smoke and mirrors, things you'd tell a child to give them hope of a better world than reality.
In gravity falls however... you quickly learned that nothing was truly impossible. Never say never in this small town of Oregon.
You sat on the floor next to Dipper and Mabel as they boredly flipped through TV channels; books, papers and crayons littered about around the three of you. The glass danced with colors from the rapidly flipping images while the twins struggled to find anything even remotely entertaining to watch, you couldn't help but allow your mind to wander from the boredom.
You and Ford spent quite a bit of time since you'd arrived at the beginning of the week, frankly you'd made the trip as soon possible when Stan shot you a message that they'd finally docked to spend the summer with the kiddos. You hoped it wasn't all that obvious how much you missed Stanford, but you didn't really need to worry when he was the one who immediately swamped you up in a hug the second you were out of your car. It's only been two years thus far since you've known the man but Stanley and Mabel insisted that you stay with him in his room, you didn't know why they were so adamant until you saw the state of the man's living quarters.
A whole day was spent with the both of you furnishing and cleaning the said room because of that but neither of you complained, most of the time was spent goofing off anyway.
Now... you were wondering where Ford was, not to mention what he was doing. Was he down in the lab tinkering again? You didn't want to disturb him, but you really wanted to find him. Any time spent apart didn't feel like time used to it's full capacity, even if you did enjoy the company of the other Pines; it just wasn't the same.
At some point, you were bored enough to not necessarily care whether you'd be disturbing Ford's work or not when you went down to the lab. It was just last summer when he taught you how to get down there, as well as spilling more about his past. All of which you simply listened to unless he asked anything; it was better to listen and attempt to understand than say or do something that would make it worse.
Seems like he really wanted to get it off his chest too, be transparent with you; something you appreciated.
You were shaken out of your headspace when you heard the rustling of boxes from the lab, as well as some hushed but frustrated cursing. You didn't really recall a time Ford swore unless he was legitimately ticked off, the man made a valiant effort not to compared to his twin.
But they both had sailor mouths anyhow even if it was fitting.
"Ford? Are you down here?"
"Ah-! [Y/N]! What- what are you doing down here?"
You moved closer to him in an attempt to see what he was doing, even if the man looked a bit rattled to be found like this by you.
"What are you doing?"
"I asked first my dear."
Ford chuckled, shifting to hide something behind his back. You pouted at him and crossed your arms. He couldn't help but smile at how cute you looked doing that.
"Was looking for you, Dipper and Mabel are bored watching TV upstair anyway... sooooo- what are you doing?"
You smiled when Ford returned your inquisitiveness with a small laugh, showing you what he held in his hand. A pair of goggles?
"What's that for?"
"I was attempting to sort through which of my belongings I could still use among the ones I wish to discard. Inadvertently I ended up finding these, I think I could still make use of them."
You tilted your head at him as a silent prompt to continue, it took every bit of control from Ford not to laugh again. You looked like a curious puppy, though he figured he shouldn't say that outright.
"It's simply among the items I collected and kept with me through my time in the multiverse. Protective eyewear can be useful for many things."
"Huh, if you have that— does it mean you still have the rest of the outfit?"
Now it was your turn to think Ford was being cute, he just wordlessly blinked at you in surprise. Was your request really that odd? You'd barely seen him in any other outfit combinations, of course you'd be curious.
"I—... I think I do? Why do you ask?"
"Do you think you'd still be able to rock it like you used to?"
"'Used to'? Excuse me?"
"I mean, it's been a couple years... why don't you try it on again?"
Ford laughed once again from your teasing, the way you sassily tried to goad him on was entertaining in it's own right. He was a bit on the fence about the whole outfit however, especially due to the memories associated with it.
It's not that bad compared to some things he'd found though... maybe he could indulge you.
"I-I mean, if you really don't want to—"
Your panicked stammering was cut short when a warm palm cupped your cheek, meeting Stanford's eyes as he pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of your head. He could feel your skin heat in up in his hand, hiding a cheeky smile in your hair as he held you there.
"I'll show it to you... as soon as I can find the rest of the outfit."
Ford couldn't help but smile wider when your cheerful laugh rang out; it's the best sound to ever have graced his ears in the time he's been alive. A bit surprising given how many things he's been exposed to, but he couldn't name another chime so pleasant.
"I'll hold you to that Ford."
"And I accept your challenge my dear."
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Me debating with myself to post this or to let it fester in my computer until the end of creation
Me: It's essentially PwP I can't post that.
Also Me: But it's so good! Your practice works are never usually this good!
Me: ...
Okay yeah, here's some Tera and Kiara smut.
It is a practice fic that ended up being really good and I peer pressured myself into posting it.
I repeat this is NOT CANNON.
(An Exploration on What If?)
Kiara was over at Tera's house again, she nearly lived there at this point, not even bothering to put away the extra cot anymore and just leaving it set up.
There was a reason for that though, it was probably a dumb reason, but it was a reason.
She was confused, so confused on how she felt about… everything. It was making her sleepless, frustrated. There was something different about her, something that was becoming more and more obvious.
And she'd… thought about something to confirm it.
“Tera.” She started, and the word was so quiet and nervous she was almost certain she'd have to say it again, but Tera heard it, turning from the movie they were watching to her, they were both curled up under the covers, Kiara leaning slightly on her best friend so that they could both see that laptop.
“Hm? Yeah? What's up?” Was the response, purple eyelights turning thier full attention onto white, Kiara felt the nerves build… this was a terrible idea…
“C-can you… show me what it's l-like to-to…” What kind of question was this?! This asinine plan would completely ruin their friendship, for what? To find out of she was really into girls?
“To what? Hey, don't be nervous, you can ask me anything.” Tera smiled, her hand coming down to lightly rest on her shoulder. “Nothing’s gonna make me think you're weird or anything."
Kiara somewhat doubted that.
“To be with… a girl?” She murmurs out, and she's so lucky Tera has great hearing, or maybe unlucky.
Because she blinks and immediately turns the movie off, setting the laptop somewhere on the floor. Her face looking serious.
Kiara wants to freeze up or backtrack, maybe even run home and pray Tera would think this was some weird dream.
But she doesn't.
“I-I just. I've been so….c-confused, and-and you're the only one I trust to… do this with. And understand why…” She stammers, her core feeling like it's pounding she's so nervous.
“Confused? About?” The expression painted on Tera's face is not one of disgust, but of concern, her hand reaches down to hold and squeeze her own, butterflies flutter in her chest.
“Dad says I'm… supposed to like boys.” She's never said this out loud before, it feels… good, to let it out.
“You like Rad, don't you?” Tera offers, and Kiara appreciates what she's trying to do.
“I… do. But I-I… I think I feel that way about girls too…” She blushes, it feels so much more real now that it's not just a thought in her head.
“Oh…” Tera smiles, however she feels about it, she doesn't let it show externally. “That's okay, you can feel that way. There's nothing wrong with that.”
Kiara feels herself relax a little at those words, like she needed permission from someone that it was okay. But she wasn't done.
“B-but I'm not s-sure if I do! that's why… I wanna do this.” She explains slowly. “If I… experience it with a girl. With you, then I'll know…”
At this, her best friend gulps.
“There are less… extreme ways to figure yourself out.” She points out softly, it's not judgmental, and she does move closer.
“I know! It's just… I think it's gonna be the thing I need to understand. I don't think just a k-kiss is going to help me…”
She watches her best freind parse this information, taking a shaky breath.
“I'm not- I'm not saying no. I'm just…this is really intimate… and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me if… if you decide it's not what you want.” She replies, it's like she's forcing the words out.
“That's why I came to you… I trust you. And I know no matter w-what… you'll always be my best freind.”
“Of course I will be.” Tera nods softly, and there's a moment of silence.
“Okay.” It's almost a whisper. “We can.”
Kiara feels her core jump at that, she'd almost expected the answer to be no. For the first time in almost the entire conversation, they make eye contact, Tera pulls her up to embrace her.
“But you need to tell me if you start to feel uncomfortable, okay? We can use the color system…” She hums, she's carding through platinum blonde hair and it's such a nice feeling Kiara closes her eyes.
“Color s-system?”
“Mmhm, Green means keep going, Yellow means pause, Red means stop entirely.” Tera explains, she's adjusting them, laying her down softly while she sits near her legs.
“How do you know that?” Kiara asks, and Tera chuckles nervously as she comes to straddle her hips. “I'm… stronger then every other worker drone here, I wanted my partner to be safe with me… if I ever got one.”
This was literally what Kiara had asked for… Tera above her, sitting straddled over her hips as she's held down by her best freinds strong, scarred hands. Her tail already slinking up to wrap around her leg.
Her expression was focused, nervous- but mostly determined. Her grip was steadying, like it always was.
“Are you sure you want to do this? There are other ways to… find out.” She asks, she's making sure Kiara is comfortable, she's always doing that. And Tera's hand runs lovingly down the rungs of her leg, she feels her chest tighten in response and an almost dizzying feeling invade her processors.
“Y-yeah. I wanna-I wanna know. I want to know what it's l-like.”
“It doesn't have to be with me.” Tera's voice is nearly a whisper, rough and grating- but soothing, Kiara smiles.
“I want it to be…”
Tera nods slowly, her tail tightens around her leg, and her hands begin moving, exploring her lower body, scraping the tips of her claws across the emaculate metal.
Her core pounds, it's like a live wire hooked directly into her inputs, something completely breathless escapes her throat, and Tera looks surprised, before she smiles softly.
“I'm not sure anyone else is going to have claws Kia.” She hums, leaning down farther, her weight pressing down on her, she's trapped; but it's where she wants to be.
And she can't bring herself to respond either, not with that warmth and those eyes peircing into her, like Tera could see into her very core. All she can do instead is whine softly when the sensation suddenly stops.
“Color.” Tera hums, hands falling to squeeze lightly at her hips- and she feels lightheaded.
“G-Green. K-keep going.” It takes everything in her for that not to sound like begging.
And so she continues, claws now lightly scraping up and down her arms, as she hears the girl purr gently above her, shivers of delight climb up every rung until they make contact with her core; another, muted breathy noise is dragged out of her mouth.
Her best freind grabs her hand, thumbing a circle into it as she leans down, hot breath tickling her neck that had her swallowing in anticipation, Tera was close enough now to feel her radiating body heat, to hear her breaths that were shaky yet steady and grounding.
Lips make contact with the metal, and immediately something warm blooms from the area, Tera's hand in hers interlock with her fingers as chaste kisses are placed up and down her neck and jaw, the subtle feeling of fangs brushing against thin tubing- and she can't keep her eyes open anymore, her eyes close as a blistering tounge is pressed against her cold plating.
“Mmh~” She squirms, heat beginning to bloom out from her core in a way she was unfamiliar with, And the breathy laugh that escapes the woman on top of her only made it hotter.
“You're so sensitive…” She murmurs, and then she's right back to it, kissing and licking up and down the metal, until her fangs are scraping down her neck and she shudders at the way electricity seemed to spark between every contact.
When she pulls back she's breathing more heavily, chest rising and falling as the lungs she's been given by the solver supplemented her overworked fans.
She's hovering over Kia's face, hesitant to close the gap between them. It made sense… they had never kissed before.
It was probably extremely weird that they were in this moment without having done that before. But until about a hour ago, doing anything like this had seemed completely impossible. To both of them.
“K-kiss me… please.” Kiara mouths, and it surprises the both of them. Tera gains a violet fluster that's so… so cute, her hand rises to cup her cheek, thumbing over the seam of her visor and then- licks her lips.
Watching it takes her breath away, and takes everything else when their lips meet.
She tastes vaguely of oil, which was to be expected, but Kiara found it strangly addicting. Tera's lips moved against her own in ways that had her breathing coming out in pants. She tried to keep up- to copy her movements; and she got louder purring in response.
After a moment, Tera pulls back, head resting on her forehead with a glazed over look in her eyes, Kiara's hand moves to her chest, she can feel Tera's core beating almost out of her chest.
She wants more…
Kiara leans forward to press their lips together again and she can feel the woman above her tense before melting, pressing deeper into her. A tongue swipes at her lip, requesting entrance, and Kiara doesn't even hesitate for a moment before opening her mouth to accept the intrusion.
Tera holds her tighter as her long tongue invades her mouth, she's genuinely caught off gaurd with how long it is, but can't help the groan that leaves her when it presses and pulls against her own tongue. Kiara buries one of her hands in soft black locks, bringing her in deeper.
Tera makes a low groan when she accidentally pulls on her hair; and so she does it again slightly harder, in response, she feels sharp fangs prick her lip and a low growl escape from her best freind. and they pull back again.
They're both panting, a string of saliva leaves breaks between them and Kiara feels the heat in her visor increase at the sight of her best freind looking over her hungerly, fangs bared as her mouth was slightly open.
When she leans back in, the kiss is different, desperate and sloppy as she feels hands begin to slide down the back of her dress, trying to find a zipper. Kiara flushes, something hot beginning to burn through her as she pulls off flannel and throws it to the floor. She feels Tera's tail coil and vibrate around her leg as it attempted to wag but had nowhere to go.
Tera finds the zipper and pulls, and she feels her dress loosen around her figure, her breath hitches as she goes from her lips being assaulted to her neck again, transforming from kisses to nipping and sucking.
“Tera~” She moans when she bites particularly hard, sending embarrassed butterflies and burning heat into her core as she feels Tera react to her name, a low groan leaves the solver drones mouth and she shudders.
“C-color?” Tera breaths against sensitive plating, and Kiara feels the room spin.
“Green, please~”
Her dress begins to come off, Tera pushing it down farther and farther until it's down around her ankles and hitting the floor… Kiara attempts to cover herself out of habit, but Tera is smiling down at her.
“Don't hide yourself… you're beautiful.” She hums and pins both her hands back above her head, the free hand tracing down the slight raise of her chest and down the rubber midsection before she begins another round of searing kisses all over her exposed body, savoring every single moment, every sound and every taste.
Kiara can't breathe, all she can feel are the little shocks of pleasure every time those lips make contact with a different part of her body, the lingering thought that this was only a way to prove her sexuality was tossed squarely out the window- this was for them, both of them.
Kiara struggles to pull the last peice of clothing off Tera, the tank top tight fitting. But she eventually manages with a little help from the girl herself; it exposes the patchwork of scars that litter her body, some only hairline, others garish black marks that went down along porcelain white.
With them both exposed, there's a lull in movement as they took each other in, Kiara knew Tera had a lot of scars, but she had more then she had anticipated, she reached for one that swiped across her core, scraping her finger against blackened silicone.
Tera whimpered and twitched as the scar was handled, something that had been entirely foreign so far, emboldened, Kiara's hands began to roam over all of them, tracing the marks in reverence.
“Kia~” Her name falls out of her mouth like she was sitting in church, and Kiara feels her mouth go entirely dry, a smile making it's way to her face.
“You're… sensitive too.” Kiara hums, hand resting on her shoulders as she laughs, she doesn't expect Tera to pull her up into her lap, hands running across her back and through her hair.
Tera starts by softly pressing the glass covering of her core with her own, and both of them buck their hips at once at the contact, the friction amplifying the feeling.
“Oh god~ hah~” Kiara really didn’t expect the feeling to be that overwhelming. Her body trembled as Tera rolled her hips so that there cores would make contact again, the jolt was just as dizzying the second time.
“F-fuck…” Tera moaned, the strength and confidence she'd displayed thus far melting away into vulnerability, she buried her head into Kiara's shoulder as Kiara did the same.
“More~ please~ ah-” Kiara begged, her core was throbbing with need, mouth stuck open as gasps escaped them.
“Mm~ Yeah…” Tera mumbled back, setting a gentle rhythm with her hips as they clacked together, cores glowing brighter and brighter each time they rubbed together. It felt so good.
Kiara found her hand grabbing at the base of Tera's tail, pulling it firmly and stroking it in time with every grind of their hips.
“Oh*!*~ F-fuck Kia! Mmph!~ N-not there! ah~”
But she didn't stop her, instead her head went back as she gasped and moaned in pleasure as Kiara played with her tail, the rhythm beginning to be lost for the sake of more friction.
All she could think about was more more, oh god please more.
She felt Tera reach behind her, trembling with ecstasy as a particularly loud moan broke through the cacophony of pleasured sounds, along with a small click of a hatch opening. A port being exposed above Tera's core.
With another few sloppy grinds, Kiara yelped out in pleasure and her hatch opened as well, and Tera finally stopped with a shudder.
Clasped in Tera's hand was a linking cable, stiff from never being used before, her breath came out in pants.
“Color?” She asks breathlessly, hand trembling as she barely holds herself back.
Kiara grabbed the receiver end, running her hand along the cable before she plugged it into herself.
“So Green. I need you~”
Tera shivers at that, groaning as she hesitates for only a moment, a settings menu being visible on her visor.
“Firewall… we don't want to risk… you know.” Tera breathed out, a reassuring smile on her face. “I'm just updating them quickly… I never thought this would happen so their outdated…”
Kiara smiled, Tera was always thinking ahead no matter what. The update finished quickly, and Tera breathed out a shaky nervous breath. “Brace yourself.”
She plugged the donor end into herself, and they both froze as code mixed and sensations bled together, Kiara fell backwards and Tera fell with her, the sensation of melding systems being almost enough to send them both into reboot.
Kiara was hit with the most powerful feeling of love she'd ever felt. It was like the bulk of Tera's code was made of it. Tears came into her eyes as she finally- finally understood, it was like everything perfectly clicked into place.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
It was being written in the empty spaces of her code, being felt in her processors, being proven in her core.
I love you, I love you, I love you
It was being streamed from the universe, from the ocean of purple code, from the core of her best freind.
I love you too.
She wrote back, not just once, but over and over and over again, hands interlocked and lips made contact as every internal and external feeling was amplified to it's utter maximum.
“Kia… Kia! KIA! AHG~!” Tera’s voice broke through independently from their conjoined systems, working up to an overload that would undoubtedly bring them both into a soft reboot.
“Tera!~” Kiara felt an explosion of junk data enter her core, broken up by the firewall to be rendered unusable by her own system, but that didn't matter, it was still an intense amount of data that she simply couldn't deal with.
With a shuddering final moan, she shut off, Tera following a split second after as they both collapsed in a heap.
Tera was the first to come back online, groaning as her limbs felt fuzzy and her head felt like lead, she was laying on something cool and smelled like fresh linens.
She sat up as much as she could before a wire trapped her in, and she blinked.
Oh. Oh that wasn't a dream, that really just happened.
“Kiara?” She asked, lifting up the girls visor to see the overload error. She sighed in relief and slowly unhooked them, throwing the linking cable haphazardly back into her nightstand drawer.
She wrapped herself around the smaller figure, pulling her into her chest and resting her head on tip of hers, she had a feeling that when she woke up, they would be having another conversation, but for now it was best to enjoy this moment.
Tera kissed the top of her Forehead, purring in contentment, she knew why…
Her mate was in her arms… where she belonged.
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cityofmeliora · 2 days
transcript: Sweden Rock Festival (June 4, 2015)
this was only Terzo's second live performance. you can tell from the way he speaks in this concert and in his first concert that he had not yet grown into the role of an entertainer. he wasn't fully sure of himself and what he was doing. (which caused a few endearingly awkward moments.) he did eventually build up his confidence, and he became the flamboyant, dramatic, powerful stage presence we've come to know and love.
Thank you very much. How are you doing tonight? So nice to see you all here tonight in the cold. Are you feeling cold? No? Maybe it's just me. Maybe my rigor mortis is setting in. Anyway, this is my first big night together with all of you all. I hope you all will enjoy this as much as I will. So, join us here now for our first real big "Ritual" together.
Thank you very much. Are you still awake? Perfectly sober, right? A little bit tipsy? Yes… So are you getting some tonight, heh? Some more than others… Well! We have a new phonographic record coming out. Yes, yes! We're gonna treat you for some new songs. This is one of them. This is called… "Majesty"!
Yes… So, how am I doing so far? Not very bad! I know, this is a very good show, heh! So… it's very cold up here. Not everywhere. And I hope you are warm in the right place, too. Are you warm in the right places, Sweden Rock? Are you doing good? Fantastic. Now, we're gonna play you a rocking song. And I need you to clap your hands -in pace, preferrably- along with the introduction, which happens to be on the drums.
How about that? Well, it's getting late. Yes! It's not a matter of opinion; it is getting late. So, I know it might seem a little confusing –it's even a little confusing to me, sometimes– y'know, playing new songs for people who've never heard these songs. But I tell you what– we have a really good ending song that you will understand why it is an ending song when you hear it. But now it might seem a bit strange, huh? But we have to finish this off now. And this is a really cool song that we have on the next record. This is called… "Absolution".
Goodnight, everybody. Thank you very much. You are beautiful. Goodnight. Wear rubbers. Have fun.
You're saying our name wrong. We're called "Ghost". But nobody's perfect. But you know what, Sweden Rock– Do you know what you have tonight here, which is all yours? Say it! [AUDIENCE SHOUTS "GHOST!"] Yes… you do.
There you are. Don't you be falling asleep on me! Okay! We are now officially wrapping– with a song. It's not a rap song, though. [STAMMERS] I've heard from my brother that you are somewhat of a singing crowd. So you like singing, eh? That is fantastic because that is exactly what we're gonna do right now. And if you had said no, that would have been… weird. So thank you for not being weird and weirding me out. I'm weird enough as it is. So! Apparently, these lyrics are very easy. So everybody knows the lyrics for this last song, huh? It's a damn predictable band, always playing the last same song. I told him, but… apparently, it works. So, are you all down for singing with me tonight? Fantastic. And while you're at it, please give a big round of applause for the Ghouls. Conclusively, I give you… "Monstrance Clock".
setlist below cut:
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warmilikeit · 23 hours
Yandere Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
DC x Pjo
Part 2
"why can't my parent just claim me? My human parent doesn't like me, and now you're telling me there's a chance my godly parent might not even care about me at all?" You huff kicking a rock while walking to the dining pavilion
Annabeth's eyes fill with sympathy "You never know, maybe they're just busy"
"busy my ass... I've heard that excuse so many times before" you sit down at the Hermes table, where all the unwanted children sit
"So (Name), are you going to be a year round student or just for the summer, because we're gonna need Mr.D to sign you in" Travis Stoll one of the head counselors says to you
You think about it for a while, you saw how other children treated each other like family, how there was a director who loves the children as his own, you could find your place here, it doesn't matter if you have parents, you could find your family, just as everyone else in this camp did
"I-" then you stop, you mind going back to the Manor, how you left the hallways burning, and now you're missing, are they worried? Do they want to find you? What if they think you set the house on fire? Would you even have a home to return to?
It's not like you were as loved as Jason who could just die and come back
This set your decision, you are never going back to that cold mansion, you are never going to sleep in a silent room, here, you could build a life for yourself
"I'd like to stay year round" you say
"well that settles it, I'll explain the rules to you later 'kay?" He says
The infamous Mr.D seemingly groaned, you're pretty sure you heard him mumbling "another fucking kid"
Two days have passed, you feel like the happiest kid on earth
Annabeth is doing this thing where she's trying to help you find your godly parent, you couldn't care less(or could you?), but listen-
Yesterday you just shot 25 consecutive bullseyes and you've never felt so amazing, everyone was clapping their hands and we're praising you, and everyone was saying you were a natural at farming, sword fighting was one you enjoyed, you know a thing or two about combat so you gained respect from the other campers
But even after all those achievements, no one came to claim you
Now you're trying blacksmithing, you loved all the things you did but... The weapons were kinda ugly, every sword in the weaponry looked the same, only special kids get customized swords, so you were kinda hoping to make your own custom weapons and stuff, I mean no parent is gonna give it to you
"Hello!" You smile at the busy forgers, they acknowledge and some nod and some smile back
Tim looks at CCTV cameras, his eyes wide and in disbelief
A random woman, who somehow broke into the Manor, with a flamethrower, burned a hallway down
He saw this kid, well his little sibling, but I don't think it's appropriate to call you that, you ran crying for help- well you weren't crying for help exactly but you were screaming, you were seen running for your life away from this madwoman
whom he'll safely assume is one of his father's ex lovers or some villain that decided to get back at him
The problem was you.
No sign of you at all
Batman had everyone patrolling, Bruce Wayne reported you missing, a prize reward given to the one who'll find you dead or alive (alive hopefully)
There was this image he couldn't get out of his mind
In the middle of trying to salvage what could be saved in that fire... He spotted a family picture, a picture where everyone was still visible- and only your face had been burned off
He tried to help with the search, thinking about where you could go, what you could do, but he couldn't
He didn't know how you acted or how you'd decide
He knew nothing about you, and so did the others, it was like you were already dead before it was even confirmed
Damian walked in the room "you're still here? Dad already got the JL to help with search, quit trying to show them up"
"I just don't get it, she ran to the garden, but she wasn't there- could there be other villains waiting in the garden and took her? I don't know-"
The demon spawn scoffed "Anyways dad wants you to send the CCTV footage to JL, they said they'll analyze it or something"
Tim was doubtful, it's not like anyone there could spot what he couldn't, he was very observant (of everyone but (name) apparently)
Sorry it took a long time for me to update 😞, it was pt week and I had a lot of projects
But I wonder who could possibly be (name)'s godly parent?and who could spot what Tim couldn't?
@bat1212 @jisnothere @erikasurfer @nathaly36
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voxslays · 20 hours
Autumn Breeze~
Featuring >>> Adam x Reader; In which the reader doubts Adam’s abilities, and he has to show them just how good he is…
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Warnings >>> AFAB! Reader, Adam Being Adam, Adam’s a Misogynist, Beach Smut, Dub-con?? It was a bright fall day, and you were walking on one of heaven's beautiful, golden beaches. The rays of sunshine beaming down on you, casting a golden light, while the autumn breeze carried leaves past you. Adam was walking alongside you. Even he couldn't miss out on a beautiful fall morning on the beach. Adam, with his broad chest puffed out, waded into the shallow water, turning to face you. "Alright, Sugartits," He said with a smirk, "Catch me if you can!"
You smirk, “Is this a competition?” You ask, your tone filled with cockiness and pride. "Everything's a competition when I'm around, Wifey." Adam chuckled, his wings rustling behind him as he flexed his muscles, showing off. His smirk widened. “We aren't even dating.” You point out the obvious. Adam threw his head back and laughed, his voice echoing across the empty beach. "And whose fault is that, Sugartits?" he said, his laughter subsiding. "I've been trying to woo you since we were both newly created."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever," Adam muttered, pushing off from the shore and swimming out further. He surfaced a short distance away, his hair slicked back and water dripping from his wings. "Come on in, the water's fine," he called out, his voice mocking. You wade into the water and look around. The golden rays of Heaven’s sun beam down upon the water, giving it a golden glow as the leaves from the nearby trees are carried by the autumn breeze and float on top of the water. 
Adam watched you enter the water with a playful glint in his eye. "You know," he taunted, "For an angel, you're not very good at...anything." His wings fluttered behind him, sending droplets flying. "I mean, look at me. First man, original equipment..." He says cockily. “Excuse me…?” You say giving him a chance to take back what he just said.​​ "You heard me, Sugartits." Adam grinned wider, clearly reveling in the chance to provoke you. "I'm the ultimate specimen. The pinnacle of creation. And you...you're just...you." He splashed water at you playfully, his wings shimmering in the sunlight. 
"Aw, did I hurt your delicate feelings?" Adam mocked, circling you in the water. "Face it, angel. No matter how hard you try, you'll never compare to my raw, unbridled masculinity." He flexed his wings for emphasis, the muscles rippling beneath his skin. “And this is why we aren't dating.” You snap back, clearly upset. Adam laughed heartily, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, come on," he cajoled, "I'm just messing with you. Besides, dating is overrated. We could just… skip to the good part." 
“No.” You finally put your foot down. "And why not?" Adam pouted dramatically, his lower lip jutting out. "I'm irresistible, I'm telling you. The sexiest devil in all the realms." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Just give in, angel. Let me rock your world." You roll your eyes. “As if you could.” Adam's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing. "You doubt me?" he growled. "Well, prepare to eat your words, because I promise you, Sugartits, once you do it with me, you will never go back."
With a sudden burst of speed, Adam darted forward in the water and grabbed you around the waist, pulling you close. "Just one kiss," he murmured, his breath hot against your lips. "If you can resist, I'll back off. But if you can't..." His grin turned predatory. His lips crashed against yours, demanding and insistent. Adam's hands tangled in your hair, holding you in place as he devoured your mouth. His wings wrapped around you, trapping you against his chest. He kissed you with all the passion and charisma he possessed, determined to break down your resistance. 
Adam’s hands roamed over your body possessively, trying to ignite a fire within you. He grinded his hips against yours, leaving no doubt about his arousal. "See?" he murmured against your lips, "I'm irresistible." You scoff. “I've seen better.” Adam's eyes flashed with anger, but he quickly replaced it with a smirk. "Oh, feisty, are we?" He stood up, pulling you with him, and tossed you over his shoulder. "Fine, if you won't give in willingly, I'll just have to convince you otherwise." Adam quickly walks out of the ocean water and carries you to a secluded cave, far away from prying eyes. He unceremoniously dumped you onto the sand. "Now," He says, his voice low and dangerous, "Let's see if you can maintain that attitude with me between your thighs." 
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​​Adam loomed over you, his eyes burning with a fiery intensity. He reached out and grabbed your ankles, spreading your legs apart, while quickly ripping off your swimsuit. He knelt between your thighs, his hands resting on your hips. "You're going to regret those words," he growled, before burying his face between your legs. Adam's tongue delved into your folds, licking and sucking with a fervent passion. He gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging into your flesh as he devoured you. He growled against your core, the vibrations sending shivers through your body. "You taste like heaven," He muttered softly. 
His hands slid under your backside, tilting your hips upward for better access. His mouth was insatiable, feasting on you like a starving man. Your hands flew to his head, gripping his hair tightly as you moaned loudly. "A-Adam...please..." You cried. Adam ignored your pleas, his focus entirely on the task at hand. He hooked his arms around your thighs, holding you down as he continued his onslaught. He sucked hard on your sensitive bud, then thrust his tongue into your opening. "Adam...please...I can't..." Adam's tongue stilled, and he lifted his head to look at you. His face was glistening with your juices, his eyes blazing with triumph. "You were saying something about me not measuring up?" He chuckled darkly.
"Mmm," Adam hummed against you, his tongue resuming its torment. He slipped two fingers inside you, pumping them in and out while his mouth continued to work its magic. Your body tensed, your breath hitched, and you cried out as waves of pleasure crashed over you. Adam slowly kissed his way up your body, a smug grin on his face. "Still think I'm overrated?" he asked, his voice low. “N-no.” You say, catching your breath. Adam rose, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He undid his swim trunks, dropping them to the ground. He crawled onto the furs, his muscled body hovering over yours. "Now," He rasped, Adam nudged your entrance, his hard length gliding through your folds. He leaned down, his lips capturing yours in a deep, hungry kiss. "Last chance to take back your words," You gasp. “I take it back!” You say quickly.
Adam's lips curled into a satisfied smirk as he broke the kiss. He grabbed your legs, throwing them over his shoulders as he thrust his hips forward. He buried himself to the hilt, a guttural groan escaping him as he finally filled you completely. "Good," He grunted, his powerful hips snapped back and forth, each thrust burying him deeper inside you. His fingers dug into your thighs as he held them apart, his face a mask of intense concentration. "You're so...tight," he hissed, his voice strained. Adam leaned forward, capturing one of your hardened peaks between his lips. He suckled hungrily, his tongue swirling around the taut bud. 
Leaning forward, Adam draped your legs over his arms, altering the angle of his thrusts. He leaned down to nuzzle your neck, his teeth grazing over your skin. "You feel so good, my love," He murmured, his voice laced with reverence. ​​His hips began to move faster, each snap of his pelvis sending jolts of pleasure through your body. The wet sounds of your coupling filled the air, mixing with Adam's increasingly labored breathing. "I'm getting close," He growled, his eyes darkening with lust.
You are a complete mess beneath him. Adam's hand slides between your bodies, his fingertips finding that sensitive bundle of nerves. He rubbed furiously as he pounded into you, his body tensing as he neared his release. "Come with me, my love," he rasped, his voice hoarse from exertion. Adam's release hit him like a freight train, his body tensing as he drove deep inside you. He let out a roar, his body convulsing as he filled you with his release. Adam’s release triggered your own, your body milking him for every last drop. He leaned down, his forehead resting against yours. "And how do I measure up now?" 
​​Adam's face split into a wide grin, his fangs glinting in the firelight. He collapsed onto the furs beside you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you flush against his chest. "Glad to hear it," He murmured, his lips pressing against your shoulder. Adam let out a satisfied hum, his arms wrapping around you as he rolled onto his back, bringing you with him. He nuzzled your neck, his hands idly caressing your back. "I love you," he murmured, his voice content. "And I promise, this is only the beginning." He promises, as he holds you in his loving arms.
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tippenfunkaport · 12 hours
Today Variety (see above) had an article naming Heidi Schreck as the new writer for the live action She-Ra series at Amazon that was announced back in Sept 2021 and, after seeing dozens of terrible takes and people who are fans of the Netflix's She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2017) freaking out, let's talk about this, shall we?
Disclaimer that I do not have any insider knowledge of this project specifically, this is just my educated perspective from my experience with IP and TV.
First and foremost, I will believe this project is actually happening when it is showing on my TV and not a moment sooner. Let's just say that.
Now assuming it IS happening, here's what you should understand...
IP is usually use it or lose it. If Dreamworks wants to keep the rights to make She-Ra content, they very likely must have something in active development or risk listing it. If Netflix isn't willing to make more of the animated series right now, then the Amazon deal is all they have or give She-Ra up entirely. 
If you're an SPOP (2017) fan, you're in favor of Dreamworks retaining the license over losing it because, so long as they have it, the door is always open for more of our SPOP in one way or another. This reboot doesn't negate the possibility of a continuation of the animated version or vice versa. (Fans of frequently rebooted properties like TMNT and MLP would be happy to tell you about how there's been content for multiple gens at the same time.) It's not like the new version erases the old. If anything, a reboot often makes it more likely you get content of a past gen because of renewed interest in the property as a whole.
"But what if it's sexist trash!" The biggest fear people had about this reboot was that it would be some male gaze disaster made to please the worst kind of people who hate all kinds of diversity. Obviously, we'll see what we get, but the fact that they specifically got a feminist playwright as the writer is a big thing should alleviate some of that fear.
"But will it be gay????" I've seen lots of freaking out that Adora's going to kill Catra and marry a man on her grave and other equally unlikely fears. And the fact is: We don't know if it will be gay! With this writer, the gay door certainly isn't closed, but that doesn't mean it's open either. But honestly the real question you should be asking is: will it be explicitly gay? Because the rainbow homo-eroticism is baked right into She-Ra OG so even if we don't get an explicit same-sex kiss on screen... it's likely still gonna be pretty gay.
Even a bad or infuriating reboot will revitalize the fandom and bring new fans to SPOP (2017) AND increase the chances of continuation. Say the new show is terrible. Say they annoy everyone by giving Catra and Adora a supercorp queerbaiting thing and then never make it canon or make Catra and Hordak in love and everyone is mad. (Which I feel obligated to point out is *extremely* unlikely as this is literally still Dreamworks' show. They are the same people that gave you the gay. They are keenly aware of what their audience wants so, even if they are reluctant to make it canon, at the least they are probably going to tease it.) But even in the worst case scenario of the straightest possible version of She-Ra, what are people going to do if the new show pisses them off? Turn back to She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, create more fanworks, interact with what's already there, keep the fandom alive for everyone. You want that!
"Well SPOP (2017) was perfect and they should never be allowed to make another version of She-Ra again unless it's just like the thing we just got!" Wow, where have I heard something like that before? Oh yeah, that's exactly what the nightmare chuds said about Netflix's She-Ra and if they had gotten their way, we wouldn't have had this show we love. So maybe take a nice deep breath, chill tf out and look at that fact that there is no reason yet to see this announcement as anything other than a good thing for both this new reboot and the animated version's future.
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mountkennedie · 2 days
Evening Stroll
Anakin x fem!reader
Summary: Anakins first fall
Warnings: none
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Anakin finally got some highly needed time off. And you both knew exactly where you wanted to spend it.
It was truly a beautiful sight on Naboo. The leaves were changing from green to rich orange and red. They were scattered in every street and on every building. Anakin had never seen anything like what was before him.
"Is this natural?" He asked when the ship landed on the landing pad. It was by his expert piloting that you were able to find the pad at all. Itself was covered in fallen leaves.
You smiled, "Every year. Though more leaves fall with the years. I don't think the trees ever stop growing."
"It's beautiful." He walked slower than usual through the city. Hand in yours, but eyes looking all around. There was a small smile on his face as he gazed. He looked so at peace. "I've heard of this season. Autumn. But I've never been to a planet that has experienced it yet."
"Really? Even after exploring the galaxy on jedi business?"
He shook his head. "We don't really 'explore' on business. Really, just go to specific locations and wait. But even then, most places have extreme seasons or weather conditions." His tone took a sadder dip. You squeezed his hand in response.
You both made it to the house you shared. Before opening the door, Anakin turned to look at you, "Can we come back out this evening?" His voice was full of longing.
"Of course we can. Strolling in the final sunrays is my favorite thing to do around this time of year."
The time had come. It was 5 pm in the afternoon, and you and Anakin were getting ready for your walk. You noticed Anakin only wore a long-sleeve and some simple pants. "Oh no, put a robe on. The air only gets crisper as the sun sets."
"Yes ma'am," he smirked before grabbing a simlle robe from the closet. It was a dark green and matched yours. He came back out, and you nodded in approval.
He stood at the door waiting for you. Placing the lid on your thermos, you took it with you and held onto his arm. Once the door was open, you both felt the chill nipping at your noses, and you walked out into the world.
"I see why you made me wear this. I wasn't aware the temperature would drop this fast." His breath made a little cloud in the cool air. "But I love it even more."
You chuckled to yourself and then opened the thermos to take a sip of your drink. You sighed as the warm liquid defrosted you on the inside. The smell of the cinnamon and apples inside perked up Anakin's senses.
"What have you got there?" He asked in a gentle tone.
"Apple cider. It's a seasonal drink. Try some," you offered him the thermos.
"It smells delicious," he took a sip. "And tastes delicious," he took two and then tree gulps.
"Stop it!" You had to rip the thermos from his hands. Anakins' laughter hit your ears like the best song you've ever heard. But you still had to give him a light smack on the arm for nearly devouring the drink you planned to SHARE.
"Follow me. I know a place you'd love." You were a little nervous at first. The sun was beginning to set. You didn't want Anakin to miss the beauty he was about to see.
He held your hand in his as you guided him to this new location. Your house was on the outskirts of town, so finding solitude was very easy. You had found this spot the last time the two of you were here. You planned to show him but didn't know the perfect time to until now.
There was a singular bench on an empty hill. It was high enough that you were able to see a bit of the local village. It faced west, so the sunset was in perfect view.
Anakin and you cuddled close together. His arm draped around you, and you rested your head on his chest. You finished off what was left in the thermos, then set it on the ground between yalls feet.
Anakin, a slow kiss on your head. His hand rubbed small circles on your arm. "You know how to pick 'em," he whispered. You hummed in response. He was silent for a moment, just watching the sun dip beneath the horizon. The oranges and reds matched in the sky matched the scenery below. A small "I love you" was heard from under his breath.
"I love you too," you sighed contently. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest lulled you into a place of complete peace. A peace you knew he also shared.
The following day, you both woke up on that same bench. Except Anakin had laid back fully on the bench. He had you on top of him, snuggled into his jacket. His head was angled in your hair. His sleepy eyes met yours as you looked up.
"Ani, it's morning," you said groggily. You tried to sit up, but he pulled you back down. He bent his left leg, caging you in.
"Good morning," he muttered.
"We slept outside all night, Ani."
"We did," you both stared at each other before breaking into a fit of laughter. Anakin rubbed his eyes and then sat up, taking you with him. "We should do this again."
"No, we should not," You shook your head playfully. "That's how you get sick. But... I'd be willing to show you more fall things people do here. If you'd be up for it."
"Yes," he looked so serious. Maybe this will be the beginning of a love of this season for him.
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prismatic-gay · 2 days
So if we're talking about parallels in EPIC!
I was listening to it again and realized that as we know in her duet with telemechus (we'll be fine) she is musically copying ody's harmony from warrior of the mind... but has anyone noticed that she ALSO references ody's lyrics from my goodbye? (which as we know is a parallel in itself to warrior of the mind obv) but! I only realized she referenced my Goodbye when she sang "I could sleep at night" and i went 'wait i've heard that before. where did i hear it before'
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And then I hit me. Ody's "whats a title that a goddess could lend If I'll never sleep at night."
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This also humanizes athena showing how she's softened up a bit and how she approaches her relationship with telemechus differently than how she did with odysseus and WHY she's doing it. Anyways I love how I can listen to everything over and over again and still find a new way that this all connects. Jorge really is an amazing composer.
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after-witch · 2 days
What got you into yanderes? (I’m still trying to figure out why I love them so much myself 😅)
I have always been into antagonistic characters and kind of like... bad end sort of stuff?
When I was a kid I would imagine "what ifs" for various shows I watched, like "What if Gaston killed the Beast and got Belle to marry him," or "what if Kristy from Care Bears II never helped the Care Bears and was Dark Heart's servant forever," etc.
Growing up I'd constantly daydream about OCs and self-inserts for whatever characters I liked, often gravitating towards villains. Like "ohh what if this antagonist character kidnapped me" sort of stuff.
Most of this was relegated to daydreams because it wasn't popular to do OCs and certainly not "reader" or self-inserts back then, to the point that you'd get bombarded with negative comments, have people do "Mary Sue" tests on your fics, and so on.
At some point, I got into reader fics a few years back... I can't remember how I stumbled on them. I think maybe just searching Tumblr tags for a character I was invested in at that point?
So I started reading 'reader' fic, and gravitated towards the darker characters & scenarios. At one point during this, someone who wrote reader fic reblogged a "yandere" fic and while I'd heard of the basic idea before (mainly via early Yandere Simulator before it all went, uh, yeah) I'd never seen it with reader stuff.
Followed lots of reblogs & tags and just sorta?? fell head over heels with it? It's exactly what I daydream about, but in written form.
I really like how emotional and dark the scenarios get as well, in addition to the self-indulgent nature of it. I've always found it fun to explore darker scenarios in fantasy and this works well for that.
Sometimes ngl I like to read super emotional fics that make me cry just to have a good sobbing session!! Cathartic. But for the most part it's just, "Oh, this is fun!!" for me.
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magicwriterdream · 1 day
Star Wars Rebels Changed my Life
But before I tell you why, let me begin with my introduction (I rambled and did not edit, so please excuse any mistakes).
I was seventeen when Rebels aired (I know, I'm showing my age). At the time I was still riding off the Disappointment of Clone Wars being cancelled, and didn't know what I would think of this strange new show that was Totally Different.
I had read a fanfic in the Clone Wars section of Fanfiction.net about a week before it premiered. I will add to the tags later when I find it. But it was from someone who was so excited for Rebels and since, naturally, there was no fandom yet since it hadn't aired, posted it under clone wars. I, after reading it, was intrigued and decided to watch it premiere night.
It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
By the time Kanan entered the cockpit, talking to Hera about picking up this kid, I was in love with the show. It was so different from Clone Wars, but in a good way. It tugged at my heart and made me laugh. From that day on, I was a fan. I cried when Kanan died, I jumped for joy when Ahsoka descended the ladder (she is still my favorite character of all time).
This little animated show got me through college, when I was still trying to find my identity outside of my family. It was there when I started my very first relationship (who I am happily married to now). It kept me sane on the worst nights, crying when my roommate and her friend broke my heart.
And it's biggest impact on my life? Well, in a strange turn of events, Rebels is one reason I have an English degree.
When I started college, after years of reading fanfiction, I began to write my own. This is important because, when I was young, my dad destroyed any sense of writing fiction.I'm from Appalachia and he disapproved of my fantasy stories, believing my only works should pertain to my culture. Eventually I gave up, and put down every story I had poured my heart into, because I believed that he was right.
When Rebels came along, I was inspired by the community to write. Under the penname PentoPapergal18, I went into college writing a little piece called Silent, yet Heard, where Ezra is mute. It is a rough piece and clearly showed my years of inexperience, but the community was amazing, supporting me. I carried the first draft in a purple binder, writing it out by hand before typing it up.
My professor noticed I was writing in my notebook before her class started and encouraged me to look into an English degree. Because of her, I ended up accepting it as my second major.
Now, I have two self-published pieces, and started a local writers group. I am working on the novel my dad discouraged all those years ago, and plan on attempting traditional publishing. Rebels fanfiction gave me the confidence to work toward my dream again.
(also, I have two dogs named Zeb and Vader. So yeah)
Thank you, Rebels, for giving me comfort on the hard nights. For giving a community that sparked my dream again. For giving me characters that live in my heart forever.
Time and time again I return to your galaxy. Each visit an open hug and a greeting from an old friend. I can never repay you for your impact on my life.
Thank you, Ghost Crew. May the force be with you.
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allwormdiet · 2 days
Extermination 8.1
Jesus Christ. Okay. Let's get this going.
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Y'know, I wonder if Taylor might be cynical about human nature or something, weird
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Hey Dragon, very cool to meet you in the chrome.
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Aww, she's starstruck
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Hey Weld, cool to meet you, wish it was under less dire circumstances
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See, the nice thing about the Empire showing up to an Endbringer fight is that the Endbringer can then massacre a bunch of fucking Nazis. Totally victimless deaths, and no hand-wringing about whether it's right or wrong to take them down.
If I was giving performance notes to Leviathan for this showing I would have to criticize that he didn't kill more of them, frankly
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Hey kids, sorry some of you are about to get slaughtered in a fight you're way underqualified for
Hey Panacea, I'll see you later when you decide to exacerbate Skitter's paranoia in revenge for the bank job and make this arc go from bad to worse for her
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So I know Legend is publicly gay from fandom osmosis, but what I don't know in this moment is whether Wildbow had decided on that beforehand and Taylor is currently ogling a gay dude, or if he decided on it after writing this. I guess it doesn't strictly matter, but it leaves me curious how much of this was laid out in advance, especially with some other writing decisions that are gonna come up this arc
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So Myrddin straight up has a wizard gimmick and that's kind of wild, but not nearly as wild as the fact that a Protectorate cape apparently flew off the handle sufficiently far enough to yell a racial slur multiple times in public. Like holy shit that is some radioactive PR.
Also, while you do not in fact have to hand it to the Empire Eighty-Eight, it is very funny of Kaiser to taunt Bastion like this
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So that's the Triumvirate rounded out, and... how to put this. There's something that's almost sweet about Taylor's thoughts diverting to think about the "who would win" discussions about heroes. Like, I dunno, it's a cute insight into the world. Maybe she used to have those conversations with Emma back when they were younger.
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Y'know, I'm constantly wary of government-employed superheroes as a concept, but frankly i think a corporate superhero team is even more hair-raising. The Christian superheroes could break in either direction, either they're genuinely good people who take their faith seriously or they're just self-righteous pukes. Knowing the general tone of this story, I'd be surprised if it was the first one.
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Hey Parian, hey Flechette, looking forward to your later contributions
What the hell is Bambina's deal, even. Does she have some kinda thing going on like Babydoll from BTAS, or what. I don't know if I've heard the name come up before.
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Grue, Regent, c'mon now
Also yeah Taylor, I think you sufficiently scared the absolute bejeezus out of Sundancer when you made this story really earn a content warning for eye horror.
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Okay so I did not realize that Narwhal was gonna have a goddamn exhibitionist thing going on here, what the hell. Can you just get away with whatever as long as you're not showing your nipples or genitals? Did it truly never come up that she could maybe wear pants to cover up a little bit?
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So I knew previously that Legend is a notoriously poor public speaker, but the fact that he just straight up says "best case scenario twenty-five percent of you are dead before sunset" is ridiculous. Kristen Applebees could give a more inspiring speech than this.
Everyone in that room must be questioning their life choices tbh
Current Thoughts
I know they all volunteered, and I know that there's a protectiveness that comes with fighting for your hometown, but Jesus Christ there should be an age limit for fighting Endbringers. Signing up the teenagers to fight Nazis is already a bit rough, but the kaiju who is going to kill a bunch of them feels like someone should have pulled them back. It might technically have been the wrong decision given how critical kids like Flechette and Skitter end up being, but at least then I'd feel less judgmental of the people running this show.
Anyhow. God Taylor just keeps ending up being lonely, huh? Can't escape it, poor girl.
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nctangelz · 3 days
can i be a kid forever?
in which sooyoung isn't ready to be an adult.
warnings: growing up, mentions of death, insecurities
now playing > nothing new, taylor swift / phoebe bridgers
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sooyoung loved watching the raindrops trail down her window, it always brought her back to when she was riding the bus with her siblings, pretending the rain drops were racing to the bottom of the window and betting on drops. she always lost. doojung always won, it seemed. he always knew the right answer to everything, always picked the right raindrop, picked the best tasting fruit, and always had the best jokes.
sooyoung remembered dreaming and dreaming of being older, being the same age as her brother, being a teenager and having a bunch of friends, staying up late just to talk to them, running around the neighborhood after school let out, ignoring their studies. she always wished she would have a big group of girlfriends, people she could gossip with, go shopping with, talk about their crushes and plan dates together.
no matter her age, she wished to be older. even once she was a teen. she wanted to be twenty, she wanted to be able to hang out with the older members late at night, drink by the fire and celebrate until the beverages ran out. she wished to be older, so people would finally start taking her seriously.
but now it was the night before she turned twenty, the night before she was an adult, and she dreaded it. she wanted nothing to do with adulthood.
she thought she knew everything, she thought she had her life planned out, planned out by the year when she was going to achieve things. she was going to be sensational by twenty-one, a soloist by twenty-two, a wife by twenty-eight. perfect by twenty. but, it was the night before everything seemed like it would changed. and she felt like she knew nothing at all.
what if she failed? what if she messed up? she couldn't bounce off of "she's just a kid", anymore. would people hate her if she showed a flaw, now that she wasn't "cute" and "innocent", now that she was "of age"?
her parents always told her she would have a plan by the time she was of age. that she would be where she wanted to be. but she felt far from it. she loved her career, she loved her group and she loved her friends - but she still felt like she was so behind. she didn't feel good enough.
she wanted to have a song she wrote on their albums by now - but it never happened. she faced rejection over and over again.
what if she couldn't be perfect? what if she couldn't be sensational? a soloist? would the company even allow her to have such creative freedom?
what if she lost her spark? her glow?
she was growing up. she took the nights she spent with her little sister for granted, when they snuck into eachothers room and played past their bed time, hiding under the covers and using their sparkly flashlights for lights. giggling and pretending to be asleep when their mom came to check on them. her mother never said anything, but she knew. sooyoung was forever greatful for her mother allowing them to create special memories together.
but now, none of her family is under the same roof. sooyoung being in seoul, her sister being in america, her mother and father in daegu, and her brother....
they will never be whole again.
sooyoung looked at the clock. 10:36pm. exactly one hour and twenty four minutes until her life would change. until her expectations would change.
she hated being scared to grow up. especially when it was all she would wish for.
sooyoung turned from staring at the window when she heard her door creak open, giving a forced smile to mark. mark walked over, sitting next to her and handed her a small bag, giving the girl a sheepish grin.
"it's not much, I wanted to pick out something better but...i've been busy. but i couldn't just not get you something for your big birthday." mark muttered out, placing the bag in the girl's lap.
sooyoung frowned, looking down at the bag. it was real. and there was nothing she could to do to stop it from happening.
"what if...i'm not ready to be twenty?" sooyoung asked, looking over to her leader, sighing when she could feel tears start to form in her eyes. "i feel like everything is going to change, i feel like life is going too fast, it just keeps going, but it's leaving me behind." sooyoung whispered out, her voice breaking in the process. she felt so...alone. it seemed everyone had it figured out. everyone was an adult, but her, chenle and jisung. and the rest of the boys couldn't be more excited to turn twenty. gosh - they were on the moon.
mark sighed, running his hands through his hair and looking out the window infront of him, crossing her legs in front of him.
"we can never truly be ready for anything. we don't know what's going to happen, the possiblities are endless." mark said, laughing slightly. "you know, ailens could land in front of us at any given moment." mark said, frowning when sooyoung didn't laugh.
"i was scard to turn twenty too. i was scared that...you know, people would be disapointed in me now that i was an adult. i felt like i would be stuck in the mindset of being young and free, and not live up to what the world wanted me to be. and the truth is, i still feel like i'm not where i should be." mark said, looking over at the girl. "adulthood is scary, but its not the end of the world."
sooyoung nodded, wiping the tears off of her face. "im just scared the only reason i'm loved is because i'm 19. what if they realize i'm not special when i'm no longer a teen?" sooyoung asked, playing with the glittery tissue paper in the bag.
"then they would be foolish, sooyoung. i've known you since you were 13, and everyday, you're better than you were yesterday. i promise, that everyone will still adore you. you're life isn't going to drastically change once you're an adult. you'll still be sooyoung. did you think of me any different once i turned 20?" mark asked, smiling when sooyoung whispered out a no. "no one expects you to have everything figured out now. people are still figuring it out in their fifties. you have your entire life infront of you, you have room for mistakes, and you have room for growth. regarless, you'll still be my friend, my member." mark finished, resting his head on her shoulder.
"thank you, oppa." sooyoung said, smiling softly. "just promise you'll find me when i feel like i'm drowning?" sooyoung asked, looking over at the boy.
"i'll find you before you're even in the deep end."
sooyoung smiled. she was still scared, and she still felt like there was no way she was old enough to be so close to adulthood, but listening to mark...it made her feel better. she thought of all her members, not just dream, but everyone in NCT. had everyone gone through the same thing? pondering if they made it all happen the night before they were twenty, wondering where their life would take them?
she was sure some of them had the same thoughts of her, she was sure multiple of them did. no one said growing up was easy, but its something you have to cope with.
"open you're gift, it'll make you feel better." mark said, sitting up straight and smiling over the girl, his eyes bright with excitment. sooyoung chuckled, slowly removing the tissue paper from the pink paper bag, gasping when she saw what is inside.
sooyoung pulled out a CD case, smiling when she saw a muliple pictures of dream all together complied in the cover, gems decoratiny the plastic. in the middle, it says, "the playlist of our youth", and when sooyoung turned it around, she could feel tears coming down her cheeks once more.
mark wrote out the songs on the CD on the back, and every single song on there, was a song that the group had listened together, whether that be on car rides, when celebrating, when crying, or simply just their favorite songs. every song on there, she had a sentimental memory with.
the first song, young forever by bts. sooyoung had played that song over and over again when it came up. whenever she had the aux, that was the first song she played. the boys pretended to be sick of it, but she always had them singing along to every verse.
then, my first and last. and the songs kept going on and on, all having a special memory with them, but the song sooyoung was most suprised with, it was her song. the song she had spent hours and hours on, showing it to mark when she felt confident enough. mark loved it. monique composed a piece of music for her. dream loved it - but, the company didn't. it was sooyoung's favorite work, but she hasn't listened to it since. she deleted it because she was so upset.
"how did you even download this?" sooyoung asked, looking over at the boy, furrowing her eyebrows.
"monique had it saved, she felt like you were going to rage delete it, and she didn't want your hard work to go to waste." mark said, nervously rubbing his neck. "we also, might have resubmitted it to the company." mark mumbled out.
sooyoung's mouth dropped, looking over the boy. she felt a mix of emotions, shock, confusion, and...for some reason felt disappointed. she should be happy her song is getting a second chance, but she felt like it would only get denied again.
"we have a new director, and I figured they might be willing to give it a listen. maybe give it a chance. they're listening to it tomorrow, but sooyoung, i think you have a chance. he seemed really intrigued when I talked to him about the song, I told him that everyone adored it." mark said, scratching his neck. "monique edited the track a little and smoothed some things out, and she's really hopeful too."
sooyoung sighed, looking down at her hands. she felt hope rising in her chest, but she didn't want let herself get too excited. that song getting rejected crushed her, and she wasn't sure if she could deal with that pain again.
"if it gets denied again, will you take me out for drinks?" sooyoung asked, smiling when mark laughed at her, rolling his eyes jokingly at her suggestion.
"you're not even twenty yet and already thinking about drinking?" mark asked, gently pushing the girl's shoulder. "i'll take you out for drinks to celebrate, sooyoung. but you're not going to get hammered, i really think your mother would kill me if you got wasted on your first night out." mark said, smiling when sooyoung laughed.
the duo sat in silence for awhile, peacefully sitting next to eachother, watching the rain. it was starting to fade out. sooyoung looked at the clock again, 11:59. the girl softly smiled, nudging mark with her shoulder, pointing at the clock.
"one more minute until i'm not longer a kid." sooyoung whispered, closing her eyes and clasping her hands together. "i need to thing of a wish."
she wished that her song would get the love she knew it deserved, and for her to achieve everything she wants in her twenties. she figured she deserved two wishes.
"happy birthday, sooyoung!"
sooyoung screamed when she heard a group of boys scream, jumping up and looking behind her, covering her mouth when she saw the rest of the members at her door, jaemin holding a cake with twenty candles, haechan and jisung throwing balloons in her room, renjun, chenle and jeno carrying gifts in their arms.
sooyoung smiled brightly when the boys all started singing happy birthday to her, cheering when she blew out all of her candles. jaemin immediately placed her cake on her desk, running over to her to engulf in a hug, jumping up and down. "welcome to the twenties club!"
one by one, the boys came up to hug her, ending with chenle, and sooyoung swore she was going to cry with all the sweetness. the boys were so excited, they seemed like they were planning this surprise for months. haechan hurriedly pushed her to sit on her bed, handing her gift after gift to open.
jeno gifted her a gold charm bracelet, each charm representing each era of NCT dream.
renjun gifted her a purple lace leotard, a very nice one. sooyoung never would imagine she would have a luxury leotard, but she was very excited.
haechan gifted her a perfume she had been eyeing at the mall for a long time, and she knew he probably went to the mall the next day after she pointed it out and bought it for her.
jaemin bought her a new stuffed animal (a bunny!!) and a pink sweatshirt with flowers on the back.
chenle bought her a new ring, and jisung bought her a paint set with canvas's (her new hobby!).
by the end of the night, sooyoung's heart was so full. she no longer felt worried about whether or not she would be loved or wanted now that she was an adult, because she knew that regardless, she would have her boys. they would always be there for her - even if she didn't have everything figured out. they would love her, like they always have, and she knew, she could always count on them to bring the light back into her life.
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zecy-2222 · 1 day
First touch with stepd☆d || “Fantasy”🔍
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Stepd☆d started quite slowly, I often laid on the couch with him and cuddled up to his side, he was my big bear after all.
He would massage my legs and thighs, but never in a way that made me feel uncomfortable.
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At the start he took my hand and just put it on his cr☆tch, asking me how much I knew about boys. I remember that he had his hand over mine and gently pressed down and r☆bbed it, we chatted a bit about what I thought about boys my age and what I knew from s☆x educ☆tion at school.
It got more and more as the weeks went on, he kneed my b☆tt almost p☆infully, I didn't think much of it as he did the same with my ☆lder brother.
Then he started to put my hand on his underwe☆r and soon underneath them too. It took much longer for him to actually show me it.
We also kis☆ed a lot, but where I come from, it's normal to kiss close relatives goodbye on the lips.
I was and an still a sm☆rt kid, I've often heard that the way I dealt with the trauma was related to that. So even though I had a sense of it and was educated about it, it still confused me because logically it's d☆d.
One time when my m☆m was sitting on the couch too, I did the same thing, he was wearing pretty tight work shorts so I tried to get through his pocket and t☆uch him. I remember him laughing with my mom and clutch☆ng my wrist so h☆rd I almost cried just from that, what really hurt me was that instead of praising me, he m☆cked me.
He and my m☆ther were quick to jump on the fact that I was a pervert and even joked that he'd better lock the door at night ... and that my br☆thers better stay away.
I hid under the table in the garage for the rest of the day, and when he found me I felt like he was a completely different man, no sweet words, no cuddles, he just pulled me into the house and upstairs by my h☆ir and threw me in my crib - yes, I still had one of those, I don't know if we were too broke, they just didn't care or because it was some kind of c☆ge, even if I could have climbed out at that age, I mostly didn't.
I remained his favorite, I never saw him act like that around any of the others, God forbid, my little si☆ter. But it wasn't nice anymore, more clinical.
And even worse, I lost my favorite spot at the dinner table to my little sister, that's a story in itself >:(
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