#((i do not know the casey tag :P
There was a knock at Witchita's door and a voice called from behind it
"Uh, Hello? Is a 'Witchita Falls' here? I was told I could find her here?"
-Casey, @researchercase
The door creaks open, releasing a mildewy smell like the second before a storm, and a woman shambles out, soaked to the bone and looking one more inconvenience away from committing murder.
"I am she. What do you want?"
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cokoweee · 10 months
—M•U•S•T•A•R•D•P•O•S•T— •
Fixing this just a thicc bit. Most comics I make have no real order unless they’re pinned here. I gain interest and lose them just as fast with things I do. Disappointment is all I’m serving here hoes
‼️Anything tagged Sticky Note is a one shot au I put a weird amount of thought into. They don’t last‼️
Sticky Notes: Trope—Fish—Gluttony
Pause till OctPurple Delusions🎆:(<-YT playlist) It’s a Kendratello story just to let y’all’s know. It’s a last ronin situation. The invasion happens just no one survives it fam wise. Donnie’s a tad bit fucked up but so is everyone else 👍
FIRST->🐉 —🐉—🐐—🐉—🐢—◾️—🐉—🧨—🫗—🟨—🏕️—👹—🍻—🍳—🛌 —🃏—🛟—🪇—◼️<-WHERE IM SADLY AT NOW
Anon fic📒 —Anon fic2 — Anon fic 3
Quilt Au:
Don’t rlly got anything to pin so quick description-
It’s my own lil iteration. All turts are mixed with a lil sumthin, April and Casey are adoptive siblings, Draxum isn’t trying to destroy the world, I slapped ocs in here, Splinter’s a women. Mikey/Raph are twins, Donnie’s a loser, Leo’s the baby.
Spirits Reborn: WOAH A PLAYLIST?
Hello’s and Goodbyes
Spring Arrives
Not Canon
Comic Palettes:
Twin talk — Bad Jokes — Escape — Knock-knock
Casey and Raph interaction --- Wake up..
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art by @mrsleepytello !
Finally had the balls to finish this!!!!!!! (AUGSHSH i did this so many times aughhh)
Hehehja anygayysss the names Leon!!! (Elijah works too!), he/it/they, fiction kin :0, neurodivergent & mentally ill, tone tags needed sometimes, dm to get to know me more! ^_^
Im just a silly dude tryna make friends / talk to my kinfam (and maybe annoy them but shh/silly)!! Hmu if u mess w any of the fandoms im in :3 might post little rambles & art & updates bout my life, stick around to find out :3
Interact man!! I dont bite (or do i?…/j) — No DNI (other than like Basic DNI & Proshippers / TCESTERS), just dont be gross, k?
MY KINFAM!!! (I love you guys so much 💙/fam)
My insomniac twin dressed in purple!! (Donnie :P) -> @don-a-tron9000
Sir silly samurai (Yuichi ^3^) / Disney Junior!! (Casey Jr :D) -> @apocalyptic-future-boy
Mr. I get no sleep (Uncle Tello :3) -> @aster-in-disaster
Sensei one arm (Older me :0) -> @dis-in-disaster
Very honourable mentions !! (I love you guys eeek!!/p)
Mama!!! / Fagatron parent 1 (yu !!!!!) -> @yuzivzz
Purple testis!!! / Fagatron parent 2 (nyota!!!) -> @cyutezombie
Retty ^0^ -> @secretlytherealsonicthehedgehog
Casey >:3 -> @d1zsly
Emjay B) -> @randomcerealbrand
Not too proud of this, but thank you for reading !! X3
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hikakuriyyu · 15 days
Tension. (part 2)
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⁎ warnings: romantic slasher ? manipulation, mentions of murder, mentions of death, obsession, female!reader.
⁎ summary: you were fell for him. hard. the murders started, and you knew it was him. billy lured you into his dark and twisted intentions. it was so wrong. but it doesn't feel wrong... there was something stopping you. or someone.
⁎ author note: hi guysss ! sorry, i got shadowbanned yesterday TT thats why the first part wasnt visible in the tags :(. but tumblr lifted the ban so im backkkk. sorry this is even longer than the last one :p. THANK YOU FOR 10 NOTES AND 3 FOLLOWERS ! :D enjoy !
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You barely made it to your room before collapsing onto your bed, the weight of the night pressing down on you. The ghostface costume was still crumpled in the corner, staring back at you like it knew everything you were thinking.
Billy had dropped you off not too long ago, that gentle look in his eyes still burning in your mind. The way he talked, the thing he said about love and Sidney ?—it stuck with you. You couldn’t shake it. Part of you wondered what he was really thinking, and why you kept falling deeper into this mess.
Your housephone rang, breaking the silence. You grabbed it, half-expecting it to be Tatum or Sidney, but your heart skipped a beat when you saw Billy's number flash across the screen.
''Meet me behind Stu’s place.'' his voice came through low and serious. “We need to talk.”
Your stomach flipped. Talk ? About what ? You knew better than to ask over the phone. Whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be simple. But you couldn’t ignore it either.
You arrived at the back of Stu's house, bringing your knife and mask just in case. The cool night air whispered through the trees, carrying distant sounds of laughter from the party. You saw him waiting in his ghostface costume, his mask off. He looked so devourable, as always. He noticed you walking up to him and grabbed your hand, softly to not hurt you, pulling you towards him. ''What's going on ?'' you whispered, making sure no one heard that you were sneaking around with Billy. ''Tatum and Stu are the next victims, alright ? You don't have to lift a finger. Just go and wait with Sidney for me.'' he answered.
Wait, so soon ? You thought you'd maybe get to hangout with Stu and Tatum more... You've only known them for about a few weeks but you already got attached. Stu's awful humor and Tatum's caring personality. You couldn't lie, you were going to miss it. Your gaze dropped to the ground, the weight of guilt pressing on your shoulders. You felt... guilty.
Billy noticed the guilty expression in your face. He frowned, tilting his head. ''What ? You feel bad ?'' he asked, his expression changing into a cold one. ''I thought we were in this together.'' he murmured. ''You agreed yourself, we would stick together no matter what.'' Billy added, feeling somehow betrayed. ''W-We are, it's just… they haven't really done anything to me you know ? They have been good friends.'' you said, feigning guilt. He stayed quiet for a few seconds before putting his hand on your shoulder. You look at his hand touching your shoulder. You feel his warmth rushing through your skin, feeling the way his hand grazed your shoulder.
You gulp softly before looking at him again, a slight flush on your cheeks. ''Is that why you killed Casey ? Steve ? The principal ? They haven't done anything to you right ? So just try to forget about them, you got me.'' he said, his tone genuine, but also laced with . But you couldn't help it. You loved him too much to refuse anything he asked you to do. You nodded, locking eyes with him for a short moment before both snapping out of it. Billy puts on his ghostface mask and runs to the garage.
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You walk inside and push past the others to see Sidney sitting on the couch alone, zoned out and thinking to herself. You sit beside her and give her a smile, which was fake. ''Everything alright Sid ?'' you asked her just to be nice. She looked at you and smiled back. ''I have a feeling you and my boyfriend have something going on.'' she wanted to say. But she didn't like drama, so she shrugged it off, shaking her head. ''I'm okay, I'm just not fond of parties haha.'' she chuckled softly. You nodded and looked away before Sidney looked around. ''Uhmm, have you seen Billy ? or Tatum and Stu ? I cant really spot them.'' she asked you, looking just a little skeptical. ''Huh ? No, I havent seen them. Maybe they left together.'' you answered, looking as innocent as possible. Even though you were the complete opposite of that.
After a while, the party died down and people were leaving. Tatum, Stu and Billy were still nowhere to be found. And Sidney was starting to look concerned. Where could they be ? ''BOO !'' you both turned around quickly to see Billy standing behind you guys with a cheeky smirk. ''Oh, Billy, where were you ?'' Sidney chuckled as they kissed eachother hello. You rolled your eyes discreetly before smiling at Billy. Billy gave you a nod with his head as a greeting, and as a gesture. Tatum and Stu are dead.
''Hey, I kinda need to talk to you Sid. Privately.'' Billy said. Sidney’s eyes lingered on me for a moment too long, her smile faltering as if she didn’t quite know what Billy was planning. Sidney reluctantly agreed before they both went upstairs together, closing the door to the bedroom. You could feel your blood boil. What were they doing ? Why did Billy wanna be alone with HER ?! You were so close to just punching a whole in the wall. Why did he choose Sidney instead of you ? He clearly likes you more then why wont he just ask you out already ?! So many emotional questions were going through your mind you just wanted to know WHY ? You couldn't help but tear up. This couldn't be healthy. You were OBSESSED with him. About 5 minutes passed, and you heard a scream upstairs. Could it really be...?
To Be Continued...
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Dynamics: Part 2, <Next!>
For Apocalypse F! Mikey: Now see Uncle Tello content is great and I love it. But consider this, it’s alr everywhere AND think bout Master Michelangelo /Uncle Mi supremacy ✨👀 think bout uncle Mi being the warm/comforting/ steadying presence that Cj clung to when Leo and April are stuck being the sole two pillars of leadership for the entirely of sentient life on earth and Donnie is off doing his mad scientist things(No hate to D but we know our boi has low empathy and tends to get hyper fixated to the point he ignores everyone. Not that he wouldn’t absolutely try for Junior cuz he would but ya know what I mean) which leaves the Mikey cuz our poor Raphie and Casey Sr died early.
Like Cmon guys hear me out Mike alr has Dr feelings and his ole mediator shtick. you can’t tell me that as he grew and matured it didn’t not grew stronger. Plus he defo Leaned into the whole mediator thing esp with the apocalypse cuz someone defo needed to be the calm mediator in the chaos that was the kraang. Plus he was ALR the most mentally/emotionally stable out of all the fam and a child in a chaotic environment (cough the apocalypse cough) is gonna unconsciously gravitate towards that. And mikey being mikey is then absolutely gonna white knuckle his “I’m emotionally healthy” even more cuz we got a kid now. We gotta make sure he grows up with SMTH.
Plus I like to think everyone had diff roles in raising Cj. Eg: Cj spends time with tello if he wants to hang out and blow shit up or wants to brainstorm tangible solutions. but if he needs/wants emotional support or emotional safety he goes to Mikey and if he wants all of the above plus advice in general it’s Leo and Comander April lmao (but 7/10 times it’s Leo). Side note: Before Raph died he and mikey used to tag team M’s role and April’s role was formerly Cassandra’s but welp we all know what happened 😭. Also I just wanna make it clear that these roles weren’t always hard and fast rule. It’s just generally the common status quo but was still subject to change depending on the circumstances cuz ppl are ppl and ppl are complex. Like if Cj was feeling particularly scared for Dee or April’s mortality I can guarantee he glomped them. And they let him.
Edit: In any case, their dynamic is basically all round calm, slow and cozy vibes. Cuz like I said, Mikey was acting as Cj’s living sentient equivalent of a warm, weighted blanket. Plus mystic overuse/cursed aging gave Mikey a lot of chronic fatigue and plus Mi leaning hard into the whole mediator thing rlly made him mellow out esp when he had to be responsible for a kid. So most of their hanging out was either sitting around talking about their day, making up stories bout random objects they found like ‘I bet that cup has a chip in cuz an alligator got it’ ,Cj ranting, mystic training, lots and lots of snuggles or (big shocker I know) Mikey reading to Cj (don’t Judge Cj, he finds Uncle’s Mi voice calming. And as tor Mikey, options are limited when you’re old, physically frail and in an apocalypse) or them reading tgt in comfy silence with the occasional comment of ‘man this character is so stupid’ and ‘I know right!’. Also In the earlier days when resources weren’t so scarce and Mikey had more energy they used to draw on the walls tgt using chalk but well.. stuff like that don’t last very long in the apocalypse.
For Past/present time: Once Cj starts to properly distinguish between future and present and feels a little more ready to start properly interacting with P!fam. He starts to build a stable relationship with Mikey. their dynamic is one of more equal standing cuz of the lack of age difference aka the big theme for this dynamic is all abt growing up tgt. This creates a more free and unrestrained dynamic where both feel more encouraged/safe to try new things cuz they don’t have to worry bout any hovering from any older siblings (sorry Leo he tries but even he can’t fully escape the big brother instincts even towards Case. Which is hilarious cuz Cj is the most self sufficient out of everyone XD ) and cuz they don’t have to worry bout looking stupid in front said older siblings if they fail/ being coddled if they fail. Initially it was a very big whiplash for Casey to adjust to the fact that someone he used to look for answers/ be a pillar was just as clueless as he was AND the fact he could freely argue back with said someone due to the lack of age difference.
But once both parties settled in, they have alot of fun just being kids and messing around. Honestly their dynamic is adorable. With Mikey’s more adventurous and more hopeful personality helping Cj start to relax a little more and start acting more like the 15 year old he is. And Cj’s more serious and sensible mindset helps Mikey become a little more thoughtful/cautious as he’s more open to Cj’s criticism cuz it feels alot less condescending than the rest of the fam due to the age similarity.
This dynamic also plays a part in Cj’s adjustment to the past. Due to said adventurous behaviour, Mike always wants to show Cj new things. And his emotionally intuitive nature helps him pick up when Cj is uncomfortable but doesn’t always feel comfortable saying it or can just generally quickly pick up the warning signs of a trigger. So after some trial and error Mikey gets pretty good at knowing when to push and pull Case out of his comfort zone or just out right cancel an outing cuz Dr feelings can sense the ensuing panic attack/ PTSD triggers. Which Casey rlly appreciates. On the flip side, Cj is the biggest advocate (second to Leo) for letting Mikey do his thing cuz he knows what Mikey is capable off and isn’t blinded with older sibling instincts. Which Mikey greatly appreciates. We stan mutually supportive siblings.
And as the youngest, they both bond (mostly Miguel talks, Cj listens oh how the tables turn) over how frustrating it is to see the rest of their family (for Cj it’s him using his experience with F!Fam to relate to P!Mikey cuz the P!Fam don’t rlly baby Casey the same way/the obvious extent they do for Miguel. For Mikey, it’s more they water down info either intentionally/unintentionally or try to stop him from doing stuff cuz they want to protect him. And for Cj, it’s more them trying to be extra subtly careful of his sore spots. Like Legit cuz of Cj, everyone at some point had independently googled ‘how to care for war-torn ptsd riddled relative’ and ‘how to help someone with material insecurity issues’ or ‘how to support someone going thru bereavement’. For once it wasn’t only Mike reading psych stuff lmao) trying to water things down for them like dums dums XD.
They also tag team the rest of their family with the combined powers of their puppy dog eyes and shared status as “baby’s of the family” to get out of trouble/get what they want like the gremlins they are 😂. Generally when hanging out they’re either doing things action driven stuff (a stark contrast to F!Mikey and Cj. Cuz P!Mikey is younger, less traumatised and hasn’t been peepawed) like graffiti (Mikey sprays full on masterpieces and Cj loves spraying colourful doodles cuz he’s delighted to play with all sorts of bright colours and see the pretty art Anglo makes that Cj didn’t have the luxuary of seeing in the apocalypse, so despite the huge skill gap, which is rapidly becoming smaller, they still have fun tgt), skateboarding, playing video games, parkour or Mikey kidnapping Cj to show/get him to try smth he didn’t get to do in the apocalypse, *cough the occasional arson cough* Like I said they’re awesome lmao
On a side note: both Cj and Mikey are very happy to have a cool brother/friend who is the same age as them. For Cj it’s cuz fellow kids were very rare back in his time. Meaning the kids that were round him were either much older or much younger so same age friends is very much a novel experience lmao. As for Mikey, although he does call Cj baby brother( he doesn’t actually enforce that unless in certain situations like Cj in distress or trying to get Cj to do Miguel’s part of chores lmao) most of the time he’s happy to not be alone in his age grp of family/friends cuz it can get a little lonely sometimes. Raph, April and Casey have each other, Donnie and Leo have each other and now Mikey and Cj have each other! Yaayyy
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Bad Day At Black Rock
"Because Demon, that's why. I mean the second you find out this Ruby chick is a Demon you go for the holy water! You don't chat!" Dean yelled at Sam as we ride down the quiet dark road. "No one was chatting, Dean." Sam said, defensively.
"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you send her ass back to Hell?" I asked Sam. "Because - Because she said she might be able to help us out!" Sam exclaims. "How?" Dean asked and Sam pauses. "No really, Sam, how? How could she possibly help us?" Dean asked him again. "She told me she could help you, OK? Help you out of the crossroads deal." Sam replied and Dean looks at Sam, incredulously, while my jaw drops.
"Wait, really?" I asked and Sam nods. "What is wrong with you, huh? She's lying, you gotta know that, don't you? She knows what your weakness is – it's me." Dean yells at him then sighs. "What else did she say?" He asked but Sam stays silent.
"Dude?" Dean said. "Nothing. Nothing, OK?! Look I'm not an idiot guys, I'm not talking about trusting her, I'm talking about using her. I mean we're at war, right? And we don't know jack about the enemy; we don't know where they are, we don't know what they're doing. I mean, hell, we don't know what they want. Now this Ruby girl knows more than we will ever find out on our own. Now yes, it's a risk, I know that, but we need to take it." Sam said to us.
"You're okay right, I mean you're feeling okay?" I asked Sam. "Yes I'm fine, Why are you guys always asking me that?" Sam asked me, annoyed, when a phone starts ringing. Sam sighs and reaches for his own. "It's not mine." Sam said and I start to reach for my phone to see that my phone wasn't ringing. 
"Not me." I said while Dean goes for his. "Nope." He said then he pauses. "Check the glove compartment, it's Dad's." Dean said.
"Dad's?" Sam asked.
"Yes, I keep it charged up in case any of his old contacts call." Dean said and Sam opens the glove compartment, and finds John's phone and answers it.
"Hello? Yes...this is Edgar Casey...No! No, no, no, don't – don't call the police, I'll handle this myself. Thanks. You know, can you just uh, can you just lock it back up for me? Great. Uhm, I- I uh, I don't have my - my book in front of me..." Sam said then he gestures to me for a pen and I hand him one. "...do you- do you have the address so I can...Sure, OK. Go ahead. Right, thanks a lot." Sam said and he ends the call.
"Dad ever tell you he kept a container at a storage place?" Sam asked Dean. "What?" Dean said, confused. "Outside of Buffalo?" Sam asked. "No way." Dean said. "Yeah. And someone just broke into it." Sam said.
"Man..." Dean said as we walk into this abandoned building. "What?" Sam asked as we go towards the elevator and enter inside of it. "Just Dad. You know him and his secrets. Spend all this time with the guy and it's like we barely even know the man." Dean replied as the elevator goes down. "Well, we're about to learn something." I said just as the elevator stops.
We exit the elevator and find the storage container. Dean unlocks the padlock and opens the sliding door, the three of us with flashlights at the ready. On the dusty floor of the container is a symbol drawn in red, along with several bloody footprints.
"No demons allowed." Sam mutters. "Blood. Check this out." Dean said and he holds up a tripwire which is attached to a shotgun hidden in a large animal skull. "Whoever broke in here got tagged." I said. "Dear old Dad. I got two sets of boot treads here, looks like it was a two-man job. And our friend with the buckshot in him looks like he kept walking." Dean said.
"So what's the deal? Dad would do work here or something?" Sam asked. "Living the high life, as usual." Dean said as we venture further inside. "Do you think your dad knew about this?" Sam asked me. "It's a possibility, he just never told me." I said as Dean aims his flashlight on a skull and shakes his head, laughing. Sam looks over a desk while I pick up a trophy from a shelf, scraping the dust off.
"1995." I said and Sam turns to look at it. "No way! That's my Division Championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this." Sam said as he looks at the trophy. "Yeah...It was probably about the closest you ever came to being a boy." Dean said and I smiled when Dean found something.
"Oh, wow! It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. Sixth grade." Dean said, happily, and he laughs and pumps the shotgun. Sam moves further into the container and opens a door to a back room, the chain on the door has been cut.
The boys and I enter and pass pur flashlights over the scene. "Holy crap. Look at this, he had land mines...Which they didn't take. Or the guns." Dean said. "I guess they knew what they were after, huh?" I said when Sam speaks up.
"Hey guys, check this out. See these symbols? That's binding magic. These are curse boxes." Sam said as he shows us some boxes with some symbols on it. "Curse boxes? Th – they're supposed to keep the evil mojo in, right, kinda like the Pandora deal?" Dean asked. "Yeah. Yeah, they're built to contain the power of the cursed object." I said.
"Well Dad's journal did mention a whole bunch of stuff, you know? Dangerous hexed items, fetishes...He never did say where they ended up." Dean said. "Yeah. Well this must be his toxic waste dump." Sam said then he notices a rectangular shape in the dust and runs his finger along the dust. "One box is missing...Great." Sam grumbles.
"Well maybe they didn't open it." Dean said, shrugging.
We pull up in the alley beside an apartment block, next to another car. Dean leans out and checks the car's plates, which was next to us. "Connecticut. Last three digits 880." He said. "Yep, that's it." Sam said and I click my tongue. "Should've blacked out their plates before they parked in front of the security camera..." I said, shaking my head, and we head out.
We break into the apartment, armed, and sneak inside. Eventually, we come to a door, that was opened, and we see a couple of men inside playing cards. Then the three of us burst into the room, our guns drawn.
"Don't move!" Sam shouted.
"DON'T MOVE!" I screamed.
"What is this?" One guy said as he and his friend stand up. "STOP!" Sam yells at him as we aim our guns at him. "All right, give us the box. And please tell me that you didn't–" Dean said and I look over and see that the box was opened.
"Oh they did." I said and Dean looks at it then over to the men. "You opened it?!" Dean asked then he shoves one of the men against the wall.
"Are you guys cops?" The guy asked, in a panic. "Huh?" Dean asked. "ARE YOU GUYS COPS?!" The guy asked again. "What was in the box?" Dean asked him and the guy glances over at the coffee table where a rabbit's foot sits. "Oh, was that is, huh? It was wasn't it?" Dean asked then he looks over at me and Sam. "What is that thing?" He asked then the guy uses Dean's distraction to knock the gun from his hand.
It falls to the floor, causing it to fire. The bullet ricochets off a radiator and hits mine and Sam's guns, causing us to drop it. The same bullet then ricochets again and breaks a lamp. Sam and the other guy go for Sam's gun while I go for my gun.
The guy pushes Sam into Dean, who falls back on the coffee table, launching the rabbit's foot into the air. "Sorry!" Sam said and I go to grab my gun but the second guy throws himself at me, sending us to the floor, and then starts punching me in the face.
I try to stop him when Sam grabs the guy off of me and they started fighting. I get up just as the first guy grabs Dean's gun and picks it up and aims it at Sam. Dean tries to go after him but the guy hits him and I go after the guy but he knocks me down as well.
"Guys! I got it!" Sam yells then the first guys moves forward and cocks Dean's gun in Sam's face. "No you don't." The guy said and the second man gets his hands on Sam's gun while the first pulls the trigger on Sam, the gun jams.
The guy panics and tries to clear the chamber, while Dean and I get up and try to stop him. The first guy is surprised and stumbles back, tripping over a rug and falling back over the couch, knocking himself out. Sam, Dean and I look at each other, confused, as the second guy gets up and tries to point the gun at Sam.
"SAM!" Dean and I shouted as the second guy moves, but then the books on the bookshelves behind him suddenly fall off and onto his head, knocking him out cold. Sam's gun flies out of his hand and Sam catches it while Dean and I look at this, astounded.
"That was a lucky break!" I said as I pick up my gun. "Is that a rabbit's foot?!" Dean asked and Sam holds up the small rabbit's foot. "I think it is." He said. "Huh." Dean and I said.
Dean walks over to the Impala with a paper bag in his hands. He gets in while Sam and I were inside the car. Dean takes something out of the bag. "I'm not finding anything on it in Dad's journal." Sam said as Dean holds up several scratch cards in front of Sam.
"Dean, come on." Sam said, exasperated. "What?! Hey, that was my gun he was aiming at your head, and my gun don't jam. So that was a lucky break. Not to mention them taking themselves out, also a lucky break. Here, scratch one. C'mon Sam, scratch and win!" Dean said as he hands over a coin and a card. Sam scratches it.
"Dean, it's gotta be cursed somehow. Otherwise Dad wouldn't have locked it up." Sam said and he hands the card back. "$1200...You just won $1200!" Dean exclaims and he laughs and hollers. "I don't know, man, it doesn't seem that cursed to me!" Dean said as he hands Sam another card expectantly while I roll my eyes.
Later, Dean lays out 6 scratch cards on the hood of the Impala, calculating their winnings. "Oh, man!" Dean said while Sam was on the phone. "Now look Bobby, we didn't know." Sam said as I look over the card and shake my head.
"Well Dad never told us about this thing. I mean you knew about his storage place at Black Rock?" Sam asked and I look up at him and see Sam kneeling down and picking something up. He turns and shows us that he picked up a gold watch. Dean mouths "awesome!" while I give him a thumbs up.
"It's a hell of a luck charm." Sam said and he listens into his phone to what Bobby was telling him. "Well, so I won't lose it, Bobby. Well, then, how do we break the curse?" He asked as he places the rabbit's foot in his jacket pocket.
Then Sam hangs up then turns to us as Dean chuckles. "Dude! We're up fifteen grand!" Dean exclaims and Sam gives a half-smile, looking worried.
"Don't worry, Bobby'll find a way to break it. Until then I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man. You can be Rain Man." Dean said as we enter the restaurant. "Look, we just lay low until Bobby calls back, OK?" Sam said and I turn to the lady behind the desk. 
"Hi, uh, table for three please." I said. "CONGRATULATIONS!" The guy standing behind the lady shouts as an alarm goes off, making me and Sam jump. "It's exciting, I know." Dean mutters.
"You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!" The guy said and the staff start singing and taking photographs, balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling. Sam looks embarrassed while Dean looks ecstatic and I just roll my eyes.
Later, Sam is on his laptop while Dean is eating a bowl of ice cream, I sit next to Dean and drink my soda. "Bobby's right. This lore goes way back. Pure Hoodoo. You can't just cut one off any rabbit. Has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the thirteenth." Sam said. "I think from now on, we only go to places with Biggerson's." Dean said then he is struck with brain freeze from the ice cream.
Sam and I laugh as a Waitress approaches our table with more coffee.
"Can I freshen you up?" She asked Sam. "Yeah, yeah sure. Thanks." Sam said and the waitress pours Sam more coffee but, smiling at him, until she spills some. "Oh!" She exclaims as the coffee spills all over the table. "Oh! Oh I uh-" Sam stutters.
"Let me mop up here." She said as she grabs some napkins and cleans up the table and Sam as some coffee got in him.  "No, no don't worry it's okay, It's okay- I got it, uh..." Sam said. "It's no trouble, really." The woman said. "Sorry about that." She said. "It's all right." Sam said as it seemed tha the waitress was flirting with Sam, who gives me and Dean a look.
The woman finishes cleaning up and walks away, looking over her shoulder as she goes and smiles. Sam and Dean both lean in and watch her retreating and I elbow Dean, who looks over at me and I raise an eyebrow at him. "What? You know you're the only girl for me." He said, trying to cover up. "Mmm hmm." I hummed as I keeping giving a look that said you're in trouble. 
He kissed my cheek and I roll my eyes but let a smirk play on my lips as he turns to Sam. "Dude. If you were ever gonna get lucky..." Dean said as he gestures after the waitress. "Shut up." Sam said, smirking, and he goes to pick up his coffee, but he knocks the cup over and manages to spill it all over the table and himself.
Sam jumps out of his seat. "Oh! Oh Geez, uh..." he exclaims and he turns and a waiter with a full tray crashes straight into him, sending things flying and causing a scene. Dean and I look at this in shock. "Sorry!" Sam said then he turns back to us.
"How was that good?" I asked and Sam searches his jacket pocket and comes up empty. The rabbit's foot is gone. "Son of a bitch." Dean growls and we run out of the restaurant.
"Come on!" I shout as we run out of the restaurant but then Sam falls flat on his face. Dean and I slow down and turn around. "Wow! You suck!" Dean said and we reach down and pick Sam up off the ground. "Ow..." Sam groans. "So what, now your luck turns bad?" I asked as I look down to see that Sam's jeans are torn at both knees, which are bloody and raw.
"I guess." Sam said. "I wonder how bad?" Dean asked and Sam gives us a look.
Later, we make our way back to the apartment and see that the door to the apartment is open. Dean and I walk in but Sam hangs back. "Oh, man. What do you want?" The thief groans at us as we come into his room.
"Heard about your friend. That's bad luck." Dean said. "Piss off." The guy growls at us. "We know someone hired you to steal the rabbit's foot. A woman." I said and he looks up at us. "Oh yeah? How do you know that?" The guy asked. "Because she just stole it back from us." Dean said and the guy laughs.
"Listen man, this is seri-" Sam said but as he steps forward and trips on a wire on the floor mid-sentence, pulling a CD player off a shelf and sending it and Sam crashing to the ground, and he takes out a lamp as he goes.
Dean and I just roll our eyes at this. "Sam, you OK?" Dean asked, calmly, not look at Sam. "Yeah, I'm good!" Sam said and he pulls himself up and the guy smirks. "I want you to tell us her name." Dean said to the guy. "Screw you." He spat at Dean
"It wasn't a freak accident that killed your partner." I said to him. "What?" The guy asked, shocked. "It was the rabbit's foot." I replied and he scoffs incredulously. "You're crazy, man." He said.
"You know she's not. You saw what happened, what it did. All the flukes, all the luck. When you lose the foot that luck goes sour. That's what killed your friend. And my brother here is next. And who knows how many more innocent people after that. Now if you don't help us stop this thing, that puts those deaths on your head." Dean said and the guy looks up at us, worried.
"Now I can read people...and I get it. You're a thief, and a scumbag, that's fine. But you're not a killer. Are you?" Dean asked him. "No." The guy whispers.
We exit the apartment block when Dean's phone starts ringing. "Hello?" Dean said when I hear a squishing noise. I look over and see Sam had lifted his shoe to see he stepped on bubblegum. "Bobby, that's uh, great, 'cept Sam, uh..." Dean said then he looks over at Sam and grimaces when Sam lifts his shoe.
"...Sam lost the foot. Bobby, Bobby, listen. This, uh, this hot chick stole it from him. I'm serious. In her mid 20's, and she was sharp you know, good enough at the con to play us." Dean said as Sam was trying to scrape the bubblegum off his shoe using a broken storm drain grating.
"And she only gave the guy she hired a name, probably an alias or something." Dean said then he turns to us. "Uh, Luigi or something?" He asked as Sam was still scraping his shoe off. "Lugosi." I corrected him then Dean turns to his phone.
"Lugosi." Dean said and I hear a splash behind me. I turn and see Sam was kneeling down to the storm drainage.
"Bela Lugosi? That's cute." Dean chuckles. "Well she knew about the rabbit's foot. Is she a Hunter?" He asked and there was a few moments of silence as he listens to Bobby. "Ah, I guess she's back. Great. Thanks, Bobby. Again." Dean said and he hangs up then he and I turn to look back at Sam, who looks thoroughly dejected, almost like a child who was told he couldn't have ice cream.
"What?" Dean asked him.
"I lost my shoe." Sam said, plaintively, and we look down at Sam's sock-clad foot and Dean sighs, annoyed, then rolls his eyes and turns away. Sam hangs his head and I give a sad smile towards him.
"All right, Bobby, thanks. Hey, we owe ya. Another one." Dean said into his phone as we pull up to a hotel. "All right, Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick...lives in Queens. So it'll take me about two hours to get there." Dean said to us.
"So what are we doing here?" Sam asked Dean.  You, my brother, are staying here 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed." Dean said as we pull up to a parking lot.
Dean unlocks the door and leads Sam and I inside, turning on a light. "What am I even supposed to do, Dean?" Sam asked. "Nothing! Nothing. Come here. I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here..." Dean said as he pulls a chair into the middle of the room. "...and don't move, OK? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose." Dean said and I look over at him. 
"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked Dean. "No, I think it'd be better if you stay here and watch over him." Dean said and I nod at him. "Okay, well...please be careful." I said and I go to kiss him. He kisses me back then he goes to leave and closes the door behind him.
I look over at Sam and see him sitting the chair, looking down. I give a small frown before I sit down on one of the beds and turn the TV on to at least have some entertainment.
Later, I went into the bathroom for a bit but then I heard Sam exclaimed, despairingly. "Oh come on, I- I didn't- I wasn't..."
"Sam, what's wrong?" I asked and I walk out of the bathroom to see him messing with the air conditioner unit. "Sam, what are...?" I started to ask when I noticed that his jacket sleeve was on fire. "SAM!" I screamed and he sees his sleeve and panics. I run towards him to help but then as I got close to him his elbow hits me in the face and I fell to the floor, pass out.
I groan and open my eyes when I realized that I was duct taped to a chair. "Oh, they're awake!" An unknown male voice said and I look up to see two men standing before me. "Back with us, eh?" One of the guys said, smiling. I turn my head to the left and see Sam was tied up as well and waking up.
"We didn't even have to touch either of you. You just went all..." the first guy said to Sam as he wiggles. "...spastic, and knocked your friend and yourself out? It was like watching Jerry Lewis try to stack chairs!" The guy said.
"Who are you, What do you wa-" Sam started to ask but the second guy snaps his fingers in Sam's face. Sam and I look at him, confused. "I used to think your friend Gordon sent me." The second guy said and Sam and I look up at him, shocked. "Gordon?" We said, shocked, then I sighed. "Oh come on!" 
"Yeah, because he asked me to track both of you down, and put a bullet in both of your brains." The second guy said. "Great." Sam mutters and I scoff. "That sounds like him." I said. "But, as it turns out...I'm on a mission from God." The guy said then he strikes Sam across the face. "Hey! Leave him..." I started to say but the other guy hits me across the face too.
After the two men beat both Sam and I up for a bit, one of them throws a couple of glasses of water in our faces. We shake the water off of us while the second guy watches, sitting on one of the motel beds.
"You two were a part of that demon plan to open the gate weren't you?" He asked us. "We did everything we could to stop it." I replied. "Lie lie lie! Both of you were in on it. You two know what their next move is too, don't you?" The guy said, obviously getting annoyed at us. "No, we don't, okay? You're wrong about all of this." Sam said to him.
"Where are they gonna hit us next?" The guy asked us. Sam and I sigh and we stay silent and the other guy strikes us again. "WHERE?!" The first guy yells and we don't answer him. "Gordon told me about you two. About your powers. Both of you are some kinda weirdo psychic freaks?" The guy asked. "No, not any more. We – no powers, no visions, nothing, it just—" Sam said as I nod in agreement
"LIAR!" The guy yell and his friend punches us again. "Now no more lies. There's an army of demons out there pushing at a world already on the brink. We're on deck for the endgame here, right? So maybe, just maybe you can understand..." the guy said as he draws his gun. "...why we can't take chances." He said and he points his gun at Sam.
"Whoa, okay, okay, no, do— hold on a minute! —" I stammered, quickly, just as the guy's friend starts to intervene. "Hey, Kubrick just—" he said but then Kubrick turns to him, sharply. "No, you saw what happened, Creedy. Ask yourself, why are we here? Because you saw a picture on the web? Because we chose this motel instead of another? Luck like that doesn't just happen." He yells.
"Look, we can explain all of that if-" Sam said. "Shut up!" Kubrik yells as he points to Sam without turning around. Sam lets out a long-suffering sigh and I sit there, praying that Dean needs to hurry his ass up. "It's God, Creedy. He led us here for one reason. To do His work. This...is destiny."  Kubrik said to Creedy.
"Whoa..." a familiar voice said and Kubrick aims the gun point blank at my forehead while I squeeze my eyes shut. The sound of another gun being cocked was heard in the room and I open my eyes, slowly, to see that Dean had returned, aiming his gun at the men.
"Nope. No destiny. Just a rabbit's foot." Dean said to the men. "Put the gun down, son, or you're gonna be scraping brain off the wall." Kubrick said. "Oh, this thing?" Dean asked, playing dumb, as he holds up his gun. "Yeah, that thing." Kubrick said. "Okay. But you see, there's something about me that you don't know." Dean said as he puts his gun down, looking smug, then he picks up a pen sitting next to it.
"Yeah? What would that be?" Kubrick asked him. "It's my lucky day." Dean said and he tosses the pen toward Kubrick and it lodges itself in the barrel of Kubrick's gun, Sam and I look at this, impressed. "Oh my God, did you see that shot!?" Dean asked, laughing.
Creedy lunges at Dean and aims a punch but Dean easily side-steps and Creedt runs straight into the wall, falling backwards and hitting the floor. Kubrick stares at the pen in the barrel for a few moments before trying to dislodge it.
"I'm amazing." Dean exclaims as he  picks up the TV remote from the table and throws it hard at Kubri k, who is just about to aim for Dean. It hits Kubrick right between the eyes, knocking him out cold. He drops like a stone.
"I'm Batman." Dean said, suavely, and I snort at this. "Yeah. You're Batman." Sam said, sarcastically.
Later, Sam ws crouching down and sprinkling some stuff onto the embers of a small fire. Dean was checking over more scratch cards as I look over some of the scratch cards I bought which most of them were crap or okay cards. "All right. Bone ash, cayenne pepper, that should do it." Sam said.
"One second..." Dean said.
"Dean, you—" Sam started to say but Dean holds his hand out to him. "Hey, back off, Jinx. I'm bringing home the bacon." He said and Sam sighs. Dean smirks and stashes the cards in his jacket, which is slung over a gravestone.
"All right, say goodbye wascawy wabbit." Dean said as he holds up the rabbit's foot. Then we hear a gun being cocked and we look around to see a woman with long reddish-brown hair, aiming a gun at us. This had to be Bela.
"I think you'll find that belongs to me. Or, you know, whatever." She said to Dean. "Put the foot down, honey." She orders. "No. You're not going to shoot anybody. See I happen to be able to read people. OK, you're a thief, fine, but you're not—" Dean started to say but Bela ignores him and aims and fires her gun at Sam.
"Sam!" I screamed as Sam goes down, groaning. "Son of a—" Dean shouts as I check Sam over, only to see he was hit in the shoulder. "Back off, tiger. Back off. You make one more move and I'll pull the trigger." Bela threatened as I help Sam up while he clutches his shoulder.
"You've got the luck, Dean. You, I can't hit. But your brother and your little girlfriend? Them I can't miss." She said as Dean looks over at us then back at her. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around shooting people like that!" He shouts at her. "Relax. It's a shoulder hit, I can aim. Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people?" She asked us. "Put the rabbit's foot on the ground now."
"All right! All right. Take it easy." Dean said and he goes to drop the rabbit's foot, but instead throws it at Bela. "Think fast." He said and she catches the foot and curses. "Damn!" She growls. "Now, what do you say we destroy that ugly-ass piece of dead thing?" Dean asked and Bela sighs in annoyance.
Minutes later, Bela drops the rabbit's foot in the embers. "Thanks very much. I'm out one and a half million, and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer." She said. "Wow. I really don't feel bad about that. Sam? (Y/n)?" Dean said. "Nope." Sam said and I shake my head. "Not even a little." I remarked and Bela glares around at us.
"Hmm. Maybe next time I'll hang you out to dry." She said as she goes to lean on the gravestone where Dean's jacket is.
"Oh don't go away angry, just go away." I said to her and she smirks. "Have a nice night, boys and girl." She said as she walks away and the rabbit's foot burns in the fire.
"You good?" Dean asked Sam as we walk back to the car. "I'll live." Sam said. "I guess we're back to normal now, huh? No good luck, no bad luck." I said and Dean nods before he looks up. "Oh! I forgot we're up $46000. I almost forgot about the...scratch tickets." He said and he searches his jacket and comes up empty.
At that point, Bela's car roars in the distance as she honks her horn. Sam, Dean and I look at each other, then watch her drive away. "SON OF A BITCH!" Dean screams in anger and I smirk a bit.
"Actually, we're not too bad off." I said. "What do you mean?" Dean asked, angrily, and I pull out some of the scratch off tickets from my pocket. Both boys look at me, their eyes widen in shock. "I had a feeling she'd would try to steal something from us after we screwed her over. So, while you guys were getting ready to burn the foot, I went over to your jacket and switched out the tickets." I explained and Sam smiles at this.
"The ones she's got a couple of them are the winning tickets, you know, for the trouble we caused her but a good chunk of them are the ones I bought and they are either duds or a twenty-five dollar winners." I said and Dean smiles at this as Sam chuckles.
"Have I told you that I love you?" Dean said as he comes up to me and I hand him the tickets. "Oh every now and then." I said, smiling, then Dean leans in and kisses me. "Well, I love you." He said and I smiled at him then the three of us head over to the car.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester
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equallyshaw · 11 months
#1 fan | matthew knies
knies x oc ko s.media edit
youtuber cody ko's younger oc sister
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@nadiako: so uhh..i beat the boys??
204k likes, 17.8k comments.
tags: codyko, jeffwittek, matthewknies and Kelseykreppel
@jeffwittek: the fact that your little legs beat us all...is crazy
@nadiako: Jeff can never go a day without making fun of my height
@caseynystatt: congrats nadia!!! cant wait to do it again next year !
@nadiako: thanks casey! see you on the track!
@mitchmarner: dub season
@nadiako: 🐕
@maxdomi: she's got that dog in her
@tessavirtue: ahhh congrats gf!!!
@nadiako: 🫶🏻
@aryntavares: congrats nadia!! see you soon x
@nadiako: thankyou aryn!!!!
@matthewknies: so proud of babe, you killed it
@nadiako: had the best support group cheering me on🤍
@91jtavares: way to go nadia!!!
@nadiako: thankyou adoptive father!
@austonmatthews34: forgot to turn your swagger off ig
@codyko: sounds about right
@nadiako: 🤪
@colbybrock: damn canada
@nadiako: 🦅
@tanamongeau: thankyou for beating jeff
@nadiako: 🫡 anything for queen tana
@jeffwittek: your barber guest appearances have bene revoked - the two of you
@matthewknies: are mine?
@jeffwittek: nah you are always welcome unlike those two
@nadiako: thats fine ill just go on uncancelled 🙂
@_megan_turner: QUEEN
@nadiako: takes one to know one!
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@nadiako: few days home to see the boyssss
tags: torontomapleleafs, codyko and matthewknies
@matthewknies: wrong jersey @codyko
@codyko: sorry bro, gotta rep the superior american
@austonmatthews34: 😌
@kelseykreppel: so glad I got to try some poutine !!!
@nadiako: the only reason you came to canada
@nadiasbff: so glad I could represent from afar!!!
@nadiako: la group was poppin off!
@torontomapleleafs: when are we getting cody to practice??
@codyko: ill be there tomorrow 🫡
@nadiako: I wouldnt let him near 500 feet away from the rink
@matthewknies: his defensive skills need some work..
@mitchmarner: @morganrielly: come get your new d partner
@stephlachance: so good seeing you girlie! cant wait for la (:
@nadiako: me too !
@Audreyholl: the Cartier sunglasses 🤌🏻
@nadiako: I can thank @codyko for my lifestyle
@codyko: my bank account begs to differ
@williamnylander: the drip 😎
@nadiako: 😚
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@matthewknies: tor > nyc > tor in 24 hours for my girl
@nadiako: my # 1 fan 🥺
@kelseykreppel: I thought i was your #1 fan 😔
@codyko: dont make the pregnant lady upset nads😠
@nadiako: my fav supporter🫶🏻
@mitchmarner: get that p whitney ready
@nadiako: no. remember what happened last time??
@stephlachance: hahahahahhaha
@logancooley: way to fuckin go ko!
@nadiako: 😆
@brockfaber: W
@nadiako: only thing i know
@codyko: humble king
@matthewknies: we've gone 0 days without any foolery
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
hope you guys enjoyed! pls like and reblog if you did!!
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crit20art · 1 year
OC lore drop
An overview of my OCs and the settings they belong to! The settings range from “fully-outlined/partially drafted novels that i genuinely intend to write one day” to “loose string of scenarios to put my guys in.” 
Casey and Vincent
(she/her, he/him)
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Premise: Casey lives in the middle of nowhere Texas with an elderly woman (Margie) for whom she’s a live-in caretaker. Vincent shows up on her doorstep with a shovel in hand, asking if he can dig up something of his that’s buried on Margie’s land. Casey tells him no, and don’t come back. A few days later, while visiting a neighbor, Casey is attacked by monsters. They tear the neighbor to shreds and almost get Casey, but Vincent comes out of nowhere and distracts them while she runs for home. When she gets there, she realizes that the monsters can’t seem to cross the property line. Vincent gets badly injured, but Casey drags him to safety. 
They are then stuck indefinitely on this square acre of land, unable to leave lest they get torn to shreds by the many-toothed creatures prowling the invisible barrier. Casey nurses Vincent back to health and in doing so realizes that he is definitely something Other Than Human. She also learns that he’s really weird, but really sweet, but mostly really weird. He starts to dig up the land but still won’t tell her what he’s looking for. 
genre is romance and soft horror, very similar vibes to my tma fic "resigned" if you’ve read that. Vincent and Casey’s dynamic is p much "it's not body horror, not to me, not if it's you."
Max and Braiden
(both he/him)
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These two are from a story that was basically my highschool big brain take on "what if superpowers happened in the real world but people who had them got EXPERIMENTED ON??" That’s still the setting but the plot has taken a sharp turn into classic American road trip. Max has the power to generate, manipulate, and breathe various gasses, and Braiden can make copies of himself. 
The basic premise is that, while escaping the facility where he’s been trapped for a number of years, Braiden meets Max for the first time. Max already knows him, however, and is in fact madly in love with him. It turns out that Max was in a relationship with one of Braiden’s copies who was recently killed, and meeting the Original(™) Braiden is the first time he finds out that there’s more than one of him. Cue lots of questions about nature/nurture, what makes a person inherently themself, and Star Trek style philosophical ponderings on the personhood of clones. All of this happens in a ragtop convertible against a backdrop of late summer highway.
(if braiden reminds you of my martin design, no he doesn’t <3 (actually he does because he is a character i put a lot of my own struggles with depression into, and his personality is adjacent to martin’s s5 I’m A Huge Bitch Because I Have Boundaries Now vibe, so martin ended up reminding me of him and i committed IP theft on myself about it))
Fantasy / DnD OCs
I’m bad at fantasy worldbuilding so i just kinda toss all of these guys into scenarios in my head and mix them like salad. I’m trying to put together something with a cowboy/western kind of energy but i haven’t gotten far <3
I have a group of OCs from a scrapped fantasy setting who I’ll add to this when I have more recent sketches for all of them. (If you’re wondering where the lesbians are. They are here. I’m sorry I don’t have more drawings of you on hand, lesbians)
More dnd OCs can be found just in my dnd tag but here are the honorable mentions:
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Half-elf bard. He has been the icon on my personal blog for years and, in retrospect, playing him was absolutely my first step towards questioning my gender. He has 18 intelligence and 10 wisdom. He once hooked up with an NPC and scored a 24 on his performance check. He even has a meme. Party on, king
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(2nd image is before i gave him horns. ft. fiancé Pesh, they/them)
Aurelian is a pirate. He’s an outlaw. He’s a horse girl. He’s been looking for his mysteriously vanished fiancé long enough that he has trouble picturing their face. He exists because I heard Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae and had to make a dnd character about it.
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Angsty wild magic sorcerer who started as a hostile NPC when i DMed for some friends. Took on a life of her own and ended up in lesbians with the party’s orc fighter. Since that campaign ended I am trying to find her a gf like Mrs. Bennet matchmaking for her five daughters
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sparklepool101 · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
"Tagged" in @kindlystrawberry's open invitation (who is one of my favorite fic writer ever, seriously PLEASE check her stuff out!) and using this as an excuse to ramble :p
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
192,170 since 2020!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A little bit of everything! The top couple that pop up on my profile are Craig of the Creek (21), Project Sekai (14), Rise of the TMNT (5), and Kid Cosmic (5). But honestly? Whatever I'm into at the moment has a good chance at getting a fic. (My notes app is nothing but draft ideas.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sure As Sun Turns to Moon (I'll be With You) (FNAF) - 1,697
I Can't Lose You Again (ROTTMNT) - 847
Another Danganronpa Chatfic >:3c (Danganronpa) - 478
Wish We Could Turn Back Time (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - 430
Five Times Casey Moved to a New Cave and One Time that He Moved into a New House (ROTTMNT) - 421
So one of these is not like the others lol. I can explain though. So, top down:
SASTTM got published when Security Breach was super popular and tapped into the public outcry for Freddy being Gregory's dad. It's been sitting unfinished for over a year now at 28k, but I do have plans to finish it! I've cut the draft down a lot to actually make it a feasible writing project now, but I'm not going to publish anymore chapters until it's done. I want to finish it properly because this fic helped me grow so much as a writer and it means a lot to me.
I Can't Lose You Again will get touched on later on, as well as Wish We Could Turn Back Time.
Five Time Casey Moved was a fic that I wrote in a haze after watching season one of ROTTMNT and then the movie. It was published the day after the movie came out iirc and has a really special place in my heart for several reasons <3
And then the chatfic.
I got my fandom start in Danganonpa and in middle school, chatfics are the funniest, coolest things ever. So once I decided to start writing, obviously I had to do my own. It has aged horribly, is horribly written, and honestly should be deleted and never see the light of day again. Or at least be orphaned. But I made myself a promise to never delete my old fics unless they were actually horrific because you know what? Everyone starts somewhere. So it's still up. And one day it will get dethroned from the top kudos list and I will throw a party <3
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually respond!! It makes me so giddy to receive even the shortest comments, and I always try to pass on that good feeling <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So out of my published fics its I’d Make a Deal with God (I’d Get Him to Swap Our Places) which is a ROTTMNT fic I wrote about the movie before it came out to speculate on the future. In it we see both Raph and Donnie get kranged, leaving Leo and Mikey crying in a subway. A friend actually told me to kay why you know what myself because of it (in a very much joking manner) which was SUCH a compliment!!!
Out of everything I've written? There's a half finished ROTTMNT fic in my junior year AP Lang notebook which takes place over one week and ends with Mikey dying which is... really angsty. Like worryingly angsty. It's still an interesting concept that I think could be fun to explore, but even if I do ever finish it idk if it'll see the light of day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm really not a fan of unhappy endings, even in fics. Hurt is best served with a side of comfort in my opinion, so everything I write ends up being really light and fluffy.
Three fics come to mind as having the happiest *ending* though.
The first is Would You be so Kind (As to Fall in Love with Me?) which is a Craig of the Creek fic entirely focused on two characters realizing that they love each other and that polyamory is an option! It's super sweet and I refuse to believe it's not canon tbh.
The other two are both Project Sekai fics from Tenmay this year, The Royal Summit (Where Friendships Blossom) and Sunbound Promise. They're both fantasy aus where Tsukasa and Toya grow closer, the first being their first meeting and the second where they become brothers. They're both so sweet and self indulgent, the endings make me so happy <3 <3 <3 <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got one comment on SASTTM where someone was bitching about neopronouns which I think counts. But overall people have been really nice and anyone who doesn't jive with the fic just moves on lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, and I don't know if I ever will. It's just not what I really want to write :p
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Occasionally! None of them have been particularly "crazy", though. I try to keep those things pretty grounded. I have a lot of crossover ideas that don't get written though :p
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone ever wants to do so you have my full permission! Just shoot me a message somewhere to let me know
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I don't know if I'd be able to either, co-plotting would be fine, I'm doing that with my sibling and a prsk magical girl fic, but writing,,, I couldn't :,)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
There are a lot of ships I love. But for all time favorite, I have to go with the one that I keep going back to read fics for even though I've lost pretty much all other interest in the game: Promptis (Prompto/Noctis from FFXV) I just keep coming back to them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Where to start with this list.
The main one if probably my Project Sekai fantasy au fic The Eastern Side of Bolganio. It's so special to me, but it's a majorly ambitious project and I've gotten so little response with it that it's hard to write. I'm normally pretty good about not focusing on the numbers when it comes to fics (writing for small random fandoms help, there are some fics that I'm surprised have more than two hits, much less two kudos), but the fact that it's such an ambitious project that I've barely made a dent into... idk
I really want to finish it though </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk, people say that my characterization is really good? I saved this one for last to answer but now I'm tired
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm going to try and not be too self deprecating lol.
I'm really bad at describing environments/movement and dialogue at the same time. It's always either White Room Syndrome or a clunky mess. I also suck at titles. I always try to not use song lyrics, but anything that I do always sounds horrible.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it when it's done well! I love it when fic authors delve into the heritage of characters and bring in elements of it. I've done it a fair couple of times and always take great care to make sure that the translations aren't too horrific.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
So the first ever fanfiction I wrote was my exceedingly angsty, take on who the other souls in Undertale were before they died.
HOWEVER, I consider the first *fandom* I wrote for to be either Percy Jackson or Danganronpa. My first actual attempt at writing a fanfiction was a Solangelo prompt which I wrote two sentences of before abandoning and the first time I tried to write canon characters in situations, doing things, was it that damned chatfic XD
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ouuuugh we're just going with a list here
I Can't Lose You Again - I told you these would show back up again. Anyways, writing this fic was so fun. I really felt like I knew what I was doing, and apparently I did based off the comments! It's so special to me <3
Wish We Could Turn Back Time - This is my Roman Empire. I haven't updated this fic in years but I think about it everyday. I'm working on cleaning up the outline to be less ambitious so I actually have a chance to finish writing the thing, and I can't wait to finally give it the ending it deserves! It's also actually shaped my life in so many ways <3
After The Dinner Horn and Offscreen; a CotC oneshot collection - Maybe putting a oneshot collection here is cheating but shhhh. This actually is an umbrella title for almost all of my cotc fics (especially on platforms where I can't be bothered to upload them individually unless they're multichaptered). So many of these fics either shaped me as a writer drastically or mean so much to me on a personal level it's WILD. And also a reflection on how much the show means to me I guess? Idk that's enough psychoanalyzing for today.
Coercion Cancellation - This one might be cheating because it's the one I'm currently working on, but shhhhh. It still counts. It's for an indie horror game called Imaginary Friend Asylum ((prequel to The Friends We Left Behind)) which you should check out
Also adding on the two Project Sekai fics from question seven about the happiest ending. They're just so, so self indulgent <3
Tags: I don't have the guts (nor memory) to tag anyone on here, so it's fully an open invite! Hop on over here and ramble your heart out about the things you've written!! I can't wait to read it!!!
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pertinax--loculos · 1 year
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by the ever-wonderful @artdecosupernova-writing recently; thank you, friend! ^_^ Great motivation to get me off my ass and looking at some words at the very least.
I'm gonna tag back @artdecosupernova-writing, and also tag @kd-holloman, @winterandwords, @thegreatobsesso, @drippingmoon, @junypr-camus, @pumpkinsplots and @constellationsandcompendiums. Let's hear your last line! (Or paragraphs, or paragraphs, whatever takes your fancy. :D)
So this is the most recent part of my zero outline that I'm able to relatively quickly get into readable shape. Words I got down today, in fact! This is in the second half of the WIP, so don't mind the lack of context. :P (Always happy to take questions if any arise. ;))
Ira POV Ally leaned sideways on the couch, filling the spot Casey had just left. Her martini glass tipped precariously in her hand. "Y'know what's wild?" She was slurring, which was a start. Ira glanced into the crowd behind him, where Casey had disappeared, and said, distractedly, "What?" "Olives." Ally removed the toothpick from her glass and fixed the offending fruits with a hard glare. "Fucking wild, man." "Uh-huh." Ira glanced at his watch. Still two hours to closing, and she was well on her way to hopefully forgetting the entire night. Perfect. "You know what else is wild?" Ira shuddered to think. "What?" "That Joshua is your brother." Tension snapped down Ira's spine. He leaned towards her, getting right up in her face, and couldn't stop the growl in the back of his voice as he said, "What the fuck do you know about Joshua?"
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tmnttheremix · 6 months
Info Card
[I'll add my persona here once I actually design them :P]
⭐️I'm ok with in general⭐️
Fan-art (I will literally die and cherish it forever)
Shipping characters (scroll down to Comic info for more details)
DMs, They're always open!
Being tagged in posts
I don't really have anything I'm uncomfortable with outside of my DNI list
•Racists •Homophobes •Transphobes •Zionists •Proshippers •T-Cesters (this includes if you ship Rise april with any of the turtles she canonically calls them her brothers in her character book and sees them as family this also includes Leo x Karai, again, they are siblings)
I will try to keep comic chapter uploads at least once a week (and ofc you guys will get content outside of just chapters too)
To find a specific episode (once I have some out) just search on my page and type in either the number or the name of the episode and it should work, if not then just search tmnttr on my page
This is just for my comic this doesn't really count for any other canon iteration but I know people LOVE ships (I do too lol)
I won't confirm or deny any ships (keep in mind some of the characters listed have not been introduced/posted yet but you'll see them very soon!)
I'm going to list below the ships that I'm flat out UNCOMFORTABLE with (because they're either proships or doesn't fit the character's sexuality or I just don't like the ship, regardless of the reason I'm just setting boundaries) I'm not gonna list obvious ones since I've already said proships/tcesters dni
• April x Any if the turtles (similar to rise, she sees them as her brothers)
• Remi x Mikey (they see mikey like a little brother kinda)
• Raph (or any of the turtles) x Y'gythgba (She is much older than the turtles it would be gross)
• Mona Lisa (y'gy and mona are two different gals in my iteration) x any of the turtles (she's also a bit older than the turtles)
• Jennika x literally any man (she's lesbian)
• Cassandra x literally any man (also lebisan)
• Casey x any of the turtles, April (he's like way younger than everyone else on the team so just don't ship him with anyone that isn't his age)
(If I think of more later I'll add onto this)
Ships that I AM comfortable with (again not confirming for denying any of them)
Remi x Any turtle that ISNT mikey
Any of the turtles x Usagi
Donnie x Yuyan
Any of the turtles x Renet
Y'gythgba x Alopex
Mona Lisa x Alopex
April x Cassandra
Jennika x Cassandra
Ocs x Canon Characters in TMNTTR
if you don't see a ship on here that you're curious about feel free to ask in my questions box <3
ik there aren't a lot but this is off the top of my head rn
If you have any questions about the lore or just the characters/comic in general feel free to ask! I LOVE answering questions <3
[I'm working on getting the info for those put together, I'll edit this later when it's done]
⭐️Other Socials⭐️
Instagram: GroovyShrooms_
Tiktok: GroovyShrooms_
Youtube: GroovyShrooms_
Main Tumblr: GroovyShrooms_ (still getting used to having two accounts so sometimes I accidentally post things on the wrong account)
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❝... Honestly, I didn't think I'd get this far.❞
"But I know I wouldn't have made it without them."
Hey there! Welcome to the blog!~
I'm Leonardo Hamato, the main owner of this blog, an S+ ranked player, as well as Agent 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon!
PFP was made by the incredible @splatoonusna! TYSM FOR DRAWING ME <333!! The banner was edited by us. <3
We'd like to preface this blog by saying the following; We— as in me, Donnie, Mikey, Raph, and Casey— are all alters (or headmates) in a system! None of us are sourced from Splatoon, but we hyperfixate on it VERY heavily.
This blog is a RP blog, as seen in the blog description, but please do not forget that there is someone behind the screen! This blog is based on our own RotTMNT x Splatoon AU.
Here are some of the main tags we'll be using!
#ic~posts - Posts and asks that are in character! #ooc~posts - Posts and asks that are not in character! #leo~laments - Posts made by yours truly~ (Leo) #raph~rambles - Posts made by Raph! #mikey~muses - Posts made by Mikey! #donnie~discusses - Posts made by Donnie! #casey~chats - Posts made by Casey!
Before I go over our boundaries... HUGE inspiration credits go to @bettertwin1, @bettertwin9000, and @madmutts! They inspired us to make this blog, go check them out! <3
Boundaries under the cut!
↳★Art Boundaries・゚
✧ Our art can be used by pretty much anyone! Just make sure to give credit. However, here are a few little specific things! - Reposting on any site; We're EXTREMELY uncomfortable with this. Unless it's something like showing friends on Discord (which we still do ask that you give us credit!), PLEASE do not repost our art! Thank you &lt;;3 - Profile Pictures / Banners; Credit is not required, but we'd really appreciate it! - Editing Artwork; Ask us for permission first! Make sure to credit us as the original artist as well. - Selling Our Art; Hey um ABSOLUTELY NOT??? Please never do this to anyone LMAO??? 💀💀 Literally there is no reason for it, so like. Don't.
✧ Also, don't like. Use our art for anything TcXst-related. Seriously. It makes us hella uncomfortable. Along with that, none of our art is TcXst. Don't act like it is.
↳★General Boundaries・゚
✧ TcXst, NSFW, Pr0sh!p, etc. DNI.
✧ LFLS makes me hella uncomfortable, please don't make jokes about it, and I also ask that you don't bring it up. -Leo
✧ even though this is a rp blog for a splatoon au of rise, donnie, leo, and myself would all be appreciative if the Krang Situation was approached carefully. it factors into the AU, yes, but we'll talk about that when we get to that point. - Raph
✧ No NSFW asks!! Suggestive stuff is okay if it's just as a joke. This should be obvious, but in addition to that, do NOT imply anything about any of us. Thank you!
✧ i am viscerally uncomfortable with apriltello as a ship. it is not in this au, do not try to make us add it. -Donnie
. *. ⋆ Boundaries will be updated as time goes on! We'll reblog this post whenever it's updated <3
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kalocart · 1 year
Why is there barely Creature Cases content on this platform?
What a first date with them would be like p.1
Nb reader because why not, also this fic has some inuendos but not enough for the mature tag so the allert is "Thighs"
❄Sam Snow❄
Escape room
He wants to show off his master detective skills to impress you.
He asked Kit to help him pick a good one cus she knows a lot about his skills
He goes with his uniform (i think their uniforms) after a case. And you go dressed not knowing you kinda look like a detective too (like a coat, uh think sherlock? But casual) and he gets excited.
Sam: "Oh my god, you look like a detective too, we can be like sherlock and Watson! ... can... can I call you DR.Y/N while we're here?"
He talks out loud about his thought process and he takes into consideration your point of view, Oh? You think we should check the lamp? Of course, do the clues correlate with the wall? Sure lets try that"
At some point he thought about the shandelier in the room but it was too high, so he asked you to sit on his shoulders to boost you up cus he's strong💪
Now having his head being squished in between your thighs awakened a new desire.
Once getting the note you read it out but he ain't listening, your thighs are mulling the sound.
Y/n:"6 the clocks strikes at night, sven barks at the pen covered in the corpses of hens. What do you think Detective snow?"
Sam:".... oh- I'm sorry repeat that?"
Y/n:"oh! Let me get down-"
Sam:"no thats fine"
You moved the clocks hands to 6:07 and then a drawer comes out with a chicken constelation pen.
Sam theought the whole duration has been chearing you on being a detective. He wont baby you so your doing your part on your own.
At some point you two get stuck but then sam notices the pin on the cork board arent removable, and made click sounds.
At that moment you realize a rezenmblance of the corkboard and the pattern on the pen.
Y/n:"Detective Snow, how about we make the constelation on the cork board"
Sam:"Thats a Good idea Dr.Y/n"
The prize were stickers, a t-shirt and you could also keep the pen.
You two went to a small coffee shop to wind down.
Who got the pen? Kit Casey
Since she helped Sam look for the escape room and reservation you two gave it to her.
🦊Kit Casey🦊
Like with Sam, she wanted to show off her zoology skills.
Sam also helped to look for a good place for you two to hike
This time, you get to go on R.O.N., weather you work at CLADE or not, Kit commiting grand theft auto.
You think Kit would take you to a generic forest? Fuck no she taking you to the south american jungle.
Its hot just like you, and just how she likes it.
Throught the way she would tell you stories of her past missions. Like the one with the snow hares, the bees, the time two Gila monsters bit her
Kit:"Gila monsters have a venomous bite, so I was out of it for half the day after both of them bit me"
Y/n:"they what?!"
Kit:"oh dont worry It was nothing, just had to submerge them in water to let me go and they went back to fighting eachother"
Y/n: 😰
She nonchalantly tells her near death experiences and when with animals with a pep in her step. She just thinks their amaizing.
She loves telling animal facts about the ones around them.
Kit will race you, and even teach you how to hop onto the trees.
You two just swinging tree to tree. Looking at all the natives.
You and Kit bump into the Howler Monkey Resort and decide to get a meal before heading back.
While waiting on your food in comes detective philip night. Who says a quick hello,
Philip:"Detective Kit Casey, what brings you here brings you and your ...new friends?"
Kit:"Oh hey Philip, their Y/n, and this is our first date!"
Y/n:"hello, its a pleasure to meet you"
Philip:"I cant believe you managed to win such a... captivating one, good for you"
Kit:"I know right! Their such amaizing and nice!"
Philip:"well then I'll leave the couple so they can enjoy their good night, till next time detective"
The conversation left both of two blushing
Once you two finish your meals you head back to R.O.N. and you start getting sleepy.
Kit tells you to go to sleep and you slowly do doze off, leaning on her.
Kit is internally screaming at the moment.
If you dont work for CLADE, she will make a pit stop at where you live, tuck you in and leave a little love note.
if you do, she would try to sneak you back in with the help of Sam. Before getting caught by Director Peggy Scratch.
Peggy would scold Kit but not much, since she's done it too
🐿🪁Wally Bungler🪁🐿
He decided to take you on a picnic, cus 1.he loves nature and there's a nice spot near where he lives 2. His mom told him "the best way to someones heart is through their stomach" so what better than to eat outside with his moms famous blueberry buckle
He told you he would be a bit late because something came up and that he will get there as soon as posible.
You go and prepare the picnic blanket when you see something in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane? It later answered-
You didn't get out of the way on time and he crash lands on you.
You dont miss the opportunity.
Y/n:"I hope you didn't get hurt falling from heaven"
Wally:"Ofcourse not, I fell for you after all haha... you didn't get hurt did you?"
After he gets off of you, the date officially starts, luckily nothing in his basket got ruined. His mom taught him how to wrap and store his lunch for him to transport it while flying.
You two talked about a lot of diferent things with him and heard as he talked about how good the food you made was.
He took it as you also trying to get to his heart through his stomach and that made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
You also discovered that he's also a really good cook, all the food in his bag look straight out of instagram.
If you can fly, he would show you a bunch of cool stuff around, if not he will try to find a way so that you can, or look for stuff on the ground.
His mom would sometimes interrupt but you didn't mind, she sounded lovely and what are you to say to not let him answer his mother.
Ms.Bungler:" Wally honey, have you seen my slippers?"
Wally:"Mom not now im on a date"
He would apologize but you would reassure him its fine
At some point you had to cut the date short because he got a distress call from .... a cuckoo bird?
Wally:"Junior Ranger Doli? Whats wrong?"
He was gonna end the date short and you understood, but you were now worried about his mom, and you want to help find his mom.
He accepts the help ofcourse, him leading you to his home, and three cuckoo birds flying around the place looking for the woman.
After a bit of screaming her name you find a locked bathroom door, you knock but only hear snores from the other side.
You ofcourse call Wally and he bangs on the door calling for his mom. Then you hear her wake up with splashes, she fell asleep taking a bath.
After a bit she got out fully dresed and greets you.
Now you can finally eat Ms.Bunglers famous Blueberry Buckle but OH NO! the junior nature rangers ate it already!
Usually, when Wally finishes work he sometimes brings food for them, so the junior rangers thought it was for them. When they realized their mistake the cood apologetically.
But dont worry! Ms.Bungler will bake a new one! With the help of Wally, his Kids junior rangers, AND YOU!
Ms.Bungler prepared the kettle then started baking with everyone, and it was an absolute blast!
The date ended with you huddled uo on the couch with Wally and his junior rangers fast asleep and Ms.Bungler covering you all with a blanket.
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clanofjones · 1 year
Cardinal Rules: Post-ROTTMNT Movie Fanfic Series
aight so Imma be posting a ROTTMNT fanfiction series on Ao3 (still in the making) and eventually a corresponding comic that is basically a post-movie/Good Future AU.
Mostly bc I am tired of all the crazy angst everyone's putting the kiddos through so here's some preliminary info:
Everything that happened in the Rise movie/show happened. (I'm working my way through season 2 but I know the gist, so that's the only letdown there)
After your typical "Oh crud everyone almost died and now everyone and their seven-year-old is due for a mental breakdown" and mandatory recovery because that has absolutely been done to death so I can just dish out tooth-rotting fluff and light angst.
We don't bash characters here.
We do not do Tcest here. I'm keeping this series platonic and devoid of any romance aside from minor Sunapril (April/Sunita) and maybe Caprisun (April/Sunita/Cassandra) if I'm feeling generous
Most of this series is just Casey being the epitome of confusion bc what do you MEAN going 90 in a 35 is "dangerously unlawful and a disturbance of peace" I've got places to be and five minutes to get there!
My first time writing TMNT characters so I'm still finding my footing in that department.
I will include links to the chapters and comics once they are posted!
And yes, I would have posted this before but I was terrified of getting roped into the TMNT AU poll deal :P
I hope you all enjoy!
The tag will be " Cardinal Rules " or shorthand "CR". Let me know if this is pre-existing in another rise AU and I will come up with something else!
Installment one:
The (Un) Secret Garden: 1/2/3/4/5/6
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blueinkedcrowling · 1 year
Welcome to the Official Tumblr page for the ROTTMNT AO3 Fanfic “This Last Stretch of Paradise”!
My name is Blue, and I’m the author! Genderfluid, but they/them works as the default.
Fanfic Description:
A Kraang-Future AU in which F!Leo stops F!Mikey from finishing the portal and sending Casey Jr. back in time, leaving them all stranded in the war-ridden future to figure out their next move.
It’s a huge adventure/road trip fic that will metamorphose as time goes on! Overall though, it focuses on the three’s familial bonds and how they have to grow as people and adapt to their harsh conditions.
Do be aware that this is NOT an official/canon addition to the movie or the show and is only a work of fanfiction.
Blog Description:
- Asks are welcome [NSFW, rude, or disrespectful asks will be deleted]
- TLSOP art, music, etc will be tagged with #tlsop
- TLSOP-related reblogs will be tagged with #tlsop reblog
- Other reblogs will be tagged with #reblog
- Updated irregularly
Fanfic Pointers:
Tc3st/Pr0sh!p DNI. If I see you here, you will be blocked by this page immediately.
There is intense themes described in the fic. Nothing NSFW, of course, since I’m not that kind of writer, but there will be the following topics covered: Violence, depictions of PTSD and panic attacks, discussions of injuries (both physical and psychological), and unstable family connections. [Note: The last one does get improved on, but it takes time, as all things do. I want to show healthy and logical progression in these characters, as well as the real damages that war and the apocalypse can have on the psyche.]
This fic is very dear to my heart. I try to write it with as much accuracy as possible, meaning I do a lot of research into what I write about (locations, culture, injuries, psychology, etc). That being said, I might get things wrong. If I do, please kindly DM me about your grievance so I can attempt to remedy it for the betterment of the fic!
The chapters are not released on a consistent basis! I have a lot going on in my life right now (school, job, moving, social strain, etc), and even though this fic means a lot to me and I want to feed my audiences, I can’t guarantee I’ll always be at 100% for writing.
With the previous point said, I will let you know that there’ll most likely be a chapter released every month or so depending on how I feel (may be a little more or a little less time between chapters). I’m hoping to eventually be in a position where it’ll take less time than this, and I’ll be able to write more content in a shorter period of time, but for now; patience is key. I haven’t abandoned the fic, and if I ever do (which is highly unlikely, but stuff can come up), I’ll make an announcement on AO3 and on here. I wouldn’t leave you all in the dark about that.
Finally, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, my DM’s are always open! I won’t be responding to unnecessary hatred, but constructive criticism is okay.
Thanks for reading!
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Pinned Post! Alright so getting the hang of it~ Still don't know what I'm doing. ;p
Disclaimer! There will be times Casey does, says, does or implies something concerning. CJ's mindset is neither healthy nor does it reflect Mod/Maus's mindset.
Also a lot of Casey's life lived in a post apocalyptic world so there's going to be a lot of blood and gore, violence, and child endangerment so you might want to avoid that if you're sensitive about it.
I'm not a man. Casey is though.
Status: Casey is available for asks
Casey is very passionate. Not quite as loud as his mother though.
Don't harass me or others that's rude no matter how you spin it. (I will bite your knees)
Casey's not here to be flirted with. He's here because of an impulse buy
He isn't used to consistent meals you had to eat when you could, then.
He is not flirting with you. Neither am I
Goongala: Is for casual things
Survival Tips: Is me telling you guys thingsabout him, cause I can
Home Broken Arc: Is lore related >:}
Moon Tide Arc: >=}
★Reminiscing★: Shows past events from when they happen. Can be asked about.
? Saga: =}
Maus Notes I◞ <
My tags for ooc here posts is Maus, AfA and Away from the Apocalypse.
Whenever I use we, our or us, I'm probably talking about both myself and the character unless stated otherwise in some way.
I'm not really comfortable with cursing especially excessively.
Caseful of Maus: Is now for posts that aren't explicitly me or Casey
Ship Casey with ANYONE
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