#((i also say that in one of my tweets shown here lol))
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rogers-attic · 8 months ago
ok just a few days ago i found out that both master shake and roger are voiced by the same guy in the german dubs I WAS NOT FUCKING OKAY AND AM WAS GOING INSANE
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these old tweets i made NOW FUCKING MEAN SMTH
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and another fun fact is that both athf and american dad already have orange german characters in the original english version
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kanmom51 · 9 months ago
PJM2 is coming
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I literally cannot contain my excitiement.
Sitting her, at work may I say, putting these words on paper, so to speak, because f***ing hell, wtf JM?
Where to start?
The colour concepts? The choice of name? Choice of font (That JM popping to eye)? The flower? The links to TTU (notes sheet and flower)? The whole play with Closer than this? The dropped lyrics?
This man is a friggin genius (not that we didn't know this already)...
There is so much to talk about, and he hasn't even started with the promotions, and we haven't even seen the concept photos or the album and the songs. Name, colours, 2 lines of lyrics and we have our hands full already. They certainly know what they are doing.
Before I jump in, I want to, once again, state very loudly and clearly that everything written here are my opinions, which are based on what we've been handed so far, and could change the more we are shown.
So, let's get it...
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JM fetching this from the purple locker (which we don't see are purple off the bat and only when the lights turn on). Notes for The Truth Untold.
His wittle thumb with his crescent moon.
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The notes title : La lettra - The letter. Hmm... interesting.
And then this:
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We have the flower:
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and this that makes me believe that yes indeed, it is the silhouette of a Smeralso.
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Some of this I am yet to see where is going. like the referencing of "the letter", The truth untold, the flower... (she says, all while thinking of the choice this Festa to stream LY Seoul final with said song and the changes that JM and JK chose to make to it)...
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All that and more in one little short clip.
And then we have that little 'chat' opened up by BH, and those lyrics. Oh, those lyrics.
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All references that indeed can be connected with army. I mean, that's what JM is king of.
All also a clear reference to a one Jeon Jungkook, if you are only willing to look and see.
We have this:
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Which they have BOTH chose to bring up once again in 2023, JK happening to do so during JM's Face promos, not to mention the rain reference in SNTY (and of course, goes without saying Still with you, but that's back in 2020, while they have both managed to bring it up and reference it once again in 2023).
Remember this?
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Oh, and what about this?
And then we have these:
Remember JM tearing up after winning MMA for BS&T ?
JM getting emotional and crying only followed by JK tearing up.
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*If you haven't seen this one yet, go watch the full live.
And who can forget JK during MOTS ONE as well, seeing JM crying, distress clearly showing on his face, just waiting for the moment he can go and comfort JM.
If these are actual lyrics for a song to come or lyrics that were dropped, one thing we know, and that these words, these lines, they were written by JM, and he made a clear choice to share them with us.
And in doing so, sorry, I'm still not believing this all while sitting here gushing and knowing this was coming (no, I didn't know this specifically was coming, but the feeling that they were going big or going home, that I've had ever since July 2023... took some time and many tribulations, but we are getting there folks). Sidetracked as I always am, lol.
Back on track.... in doing so, JM is basically standing on a rooftop screaming at the top of his lungs:
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Not 1, not 2, but 3 JK references in that little shared piece of lyrics clearly written by JM, for an album we are yet to see and hear.
Anyone, and I mean anyone that is a BTS army, that has seen original content, that has followed their Twitter account or seen older tweets, that are open and willing to see it, will KNOW that these lyrics are JAYKAY!!!!!
And let me backtrack a second here...
Cause I did mention that these references could be understood as if they are made for army, right?
So yeah. Army references or JK references? I am going to say both, leaning very much to the JK side of it. Cause that's how they do it. Time after time after time.
Let's mention the colour choices as well.
We have the background colours.
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We have the yellow.
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And then we have the album concepts.
2 concepts.
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and Serenade.
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Which happens to be Yellow, same colour threaded through Serendipity.
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And we even have purple thrown in there too.
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Notice how all the lockers are painted purple. The colour of army you may say, but also JK's colour (so again, army and JK?).
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And he's pulling out the music sheet from this purple locker.
Those lockers representing his inspiration for his music perhaps?
Giving us these lyrics, then telling us the album is called Muse (or telling us the name of the album and it's meaning and then dropping those lyrics, take your pick regarding the timing, cause basically, same same), showing us the music being extracted from those purple lockers... ya think his muse is that entity he's talking about in those lyrics perhaps (even more so if we see the references as both for army and JK)?
Rhetorical question, btw.
And then we have the mint green.
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Perhaps this is what JM was talking about when he told us in his birthday live, if memory serves me right, about going to the starting point, or more so starting from the beginning trying to figure out himself as an artist?
Also, cannot help but think of this image here:
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I cannot wait to see his concept photos, and where this is all going.
We talked about JK being so loud during 2023 (well, he's had his super loud moments before that, but 2023 and his lives were smoking). And JM, well it felt (and I say felt, cause it's not really true, and I'll explain why) was quieter, more subdued, especially during JK's Golden promotions.
But here's the thing.
JM and JK have their own special oh so different ways of being loud and showing us themselves (and it shows even more so seeing that JK, for whatever reasons he had for it, did not write his songs for Golden - not saying he did not have influence on the lyrics or choice of songs with lyrics he wanted). JK did it through his choices in his photo shoots and styling for his songs and album. He did it with his lives and his total fanboying over JM. And JM, he does it through his art, which includes also but not only his lyrics.
Those two are both loud as fuck. And JM, well if these sneak lyrics are a promo of more to come (which, they probably are seeing that we have Face to fall back on as an example), then he's as loud as a frigging foghorn.
And last but not least, before I go:
Lookie here...
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akitossohma · 1 month ago
heyy i love love love your post about lg’s morals you truly read the tea leaves with that one!!! i do disagree with what you said about lg being amoral tho i feel amoral suggests he isn’t aware of morals but he definitely is, and u did point that out in your post! no hate at all btw
hi!! thank you for your kind words :3. i believe you are referring to this post
this got very long and accidentally turned into a whole meta on lu guang and vein lmaoo. answer under the cut:
yeah honestly in retrospect i do feel that my use of the word "amoral" was a bit clumsy lol. this post is nearly a year old so it's hard to recall specifics but i think at the time i failed to consider the full definition of the word, which is not only a disregard for morals but also a lack of moral sense to begin with. and like you said, my own posts contradict that, as lg is shown to be well aware of the moral code. i also was trying to use it as like, a middle ground i guess? between moral and immoral. like my "at best" addition was me trying to be generous, but upon reflection that's sort of a false dichotomy.
for some context, the post you are referencing got posted to twitter (something i didn't know until ppl told me) and was lowkey a hit tweet (a bit scary ngl), and while most people agreed, a small handful Did Not Like it haha
interestingly, a couple of the tweets disagreeing did focus heavily on both the "amoral" thing and me saying lg wasn't a morally grey anti hero. bc i don't want to debate on twitter, i'm gonna take advantage of this ask to explain myself further hehe
DISCLAIMER: what follows is my current perspective and analysis based on available information. i understand everything i have said already and will continue to say going forward could be proven wrong in future seasons.
the main criticism i saw (again this was only like, three people, but still) was that i "disagreed with him being a morally grey anti hero but then proceeded to describe just that". i do understand why this was some people's take away bc the terms "morally grey" and "antihero" have kind of been blurred over the years. since i am by no means the final word on how these terms are to be used, all i can do is provide my understanding of the terms:
morally grey = a character whose actions are morally ambiguous
antihero = a character whose actions/traits are often questionable, but who, at the end of the day, can still be classified as a hero rather than a villain
based on my understanding of the terms (which does seem to coincide with formal definitions), lu guang would not be morally grey as i feel his actions are explicitly immoral (immoral = when the character's actions are definitively wrong and violate a pre-established moral code - i touch on this more in this post) and he would not be an antihero as i feel he cannot be classified as heroic in the grand scheme of things. yes he is complex, yes he is sympathetic, yes he has a capacity for kindness/selflessness and is largely motivated by love, but none of those things make him an antihero. if that were the case, any well written villain would be a antihero haha.
there's a whole other added layer of complexity here because lg is a) not the antagonist and b) not the story villain. for the sake of this argument, the "story villain" is defined as the individual who is the villain only in framing, whereas the "real villain" is defined as the individual who is unequivocally in the wrong by real-world moral standards. the same differentiator can be applied to heroes. so when i say lg cannot be considered heroic, that is what i am referring to. furthermore, vein and liu xiao, who appear to be working together, are currently both the antagonists and the story villains, but that is mostly due to us being anchored in lg's perspective. we don't know much about their motives/goals other than a) they want to maintain the timeline ("make the uncertain, certain") and b) they want csx dead. we of course root against them because csx is the hero & protagonist of our story, and bc they have proven to have very questionable morals themselves. however, based on the information currently available, i’d argue that it's possible to interpret them as very morally grey antiheroes in the grand scheme of things. we already know that they are working against lg because lg has disrupted the timeline and compromised the "certainty" liu xiao mentions. they will (most likely) always be the antagonists, but it would not take much reframing for them to no longer be strictly villains, if that makes any sense. ProWritingAid puts this distinction very succinctly: "A story's villain is always an antagonist, but not every antagonist needs to be a villain." imo the only "hero" this story has is csx, and i have a feeling he will remain that way, though like all things i've said, this could change.
and that leads me to my final point. i am well aware that the show initially frames lg as a hero and hasn’t fully positioned him as a villain yet. however, in my opinion, the ending of bridon arc marked a shift in how he is being framed within the narrative. i want to make it clear my posts have been less about the show's current framing and more about analyzing the ethics of lu guang's actions through an objective, real-world lens. and playing around with some reframing hypotheticals of course. this is something that unfortunately got lost along the way.
anyways, i don't mind it if people disagree or have additional perspectives, but some of the critiques felt like they were missing the point in one way or another. and some of them were straight up rude. sorry for this whole essay, i hope you don't mind!
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aerodaltonimperial · 8 months ago
the junglecorpse story primer
so i've been pretty obsessively cataloguing everything between them in my last year or so of being in AEW fandom, and since they are my Hyperfixation™️, i thought i would put together a little primer for the people who may not have been spending every waking thought thinking about the chemistry these two end up having with each other and how their story has played out. there's some videos in here that are fun watches and hopefully this adds a little bit to the knowledge bank!! (i love wrestling so much lol)
as far as we can tell, their first time ever wrestling was in 2019, which is what we like to call "the lost 2019 bar match," on february 24, 2019, at the high hat in los angeles. when we say lost, we literally mean lost. i would cut off my left arm to get a video of this damn match-up. the only video we have is a short bit from when they were hitting each other with empty water bottles, shown here. (tumblr won't let me embed these links without crashing.)
there's also one photograph of this match, posted on instagram, by a wrestling photographer:
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according to cagematch, darby won this match. given how many people in that crowd have phones out, i cannot BELIEVE that we haven't been able to hunt down the rest of the videos, but here we are, crying into the abyss that we can't find this. someone has it. name your price lol. i'm very open to negotiation.
2020 //
the only thing that 2020 had in it was another "lost match," this time from the jericho cruise, so we hate jericho even more for refusing to video the matches there so we can see them when we do not have $5k to go on this trip. but this one is just a 3 v 3 match, where private party and darby beat jurassic express (jack, lucha, and marko). probably not life-changing, but i still want to see it, as a completionist.
2021 //
by 2021, they had both been in aew for several years and were settling in. darby had the TNT belt, and jack was working up through both the singles division on his own, and the tag division with luchasaurus. surprisingly, they never matched up on their own! but in april of 2021, aew asked twitter to pick darby's next opponent for the TNT, and twitter chose jack. this is where things get interesting.
darby makes a promo talking to jack about the match that gets posted on darby's twitter here and reposted to aew's twitter here. (the link doesn't work to the video anymore, but don't worry, i backed it up on my yt account because i knew twitter would implode eventually.)
this is the first time, that we can find, that anyone has gone after the "if you stop being such a goodie two-shoes, you could be great" angle with jack. this promo actually pre-dates christian cage even joining AEW (he would join in the next month or two)! but this thread remains pulled alongside jack's next several years of kayfabe stories, so it's worth pointing out that darby may have been the first person to use it.
video link to youtube
jack makes a follow-up video for this and it gets posted on aew's twitter, and as luck would have it, that tweet no longer exists. i'm not sure where it went, to be honest. it wasn't much except "i've proven myself" and "my record is great now." it's worth noting that neither of them tag the other in their promos, which makes me laugh. darby calls jack "jungle jack," which also makes me laugh.
they have their 2021 match, which is amazing, and don't worry, i also have that video link, so if you'd like to watch it, the full thing lives here. after this, darby loses the TNT belt to miro, and jack wins the battle royale after throwing christian cage out of the ring. important story beats for both of them.
2022 //
in 2022, they end up on the same side of a 6 v 6 match that i'm assuming was kind of just random match-ups, on june 1st at the kia forum. we've watched it, because of course we have, but it wasn't anything particularly interesting haha. however, in january of 2022, jurassic express wins the tag belts. they hold them until that summer, when they lose them, and christian turns on jack. lucha then also turns on jack. jack's heel turn gets majorly delayed due to christian's injury that takes him out through the whole end of the year. at the end of 2022, junglehook starts up after hook comes out to save jack from getting the shit beat out of him (this is the start of his heel turn).
2023 //
and then we get to 2023, the year that i was watching and promptly lost my mind, because we got the pillars storyline! right before this, jack beats christian in the coffin match, which finishes that particular aspect, but it butts right up to the pillars stuff. i've waxed poetic for like 4k about how jack was supposed to be a heel in the pillars story, but everything got delayed due to christian's injury, and they had to run him as a face for this because too many people were involved, and that's not really the point here, but it sure makes a lot of the decisions made in the pillars story fucking unhinged as shit lol.
i've made a video for the junglecorpse moments in the pillars storyline that is here if you have 23 minutes to experience the absurdity of what they chose to do here.
but abridged version is that jack and darby have to team up for the pillars tag match, and don't seem to get along well. they run a full thing where mjf asks jack to betray darby (so they lose) and jack gets up in his face, and then darby walks in to see it. after this, darby comes out for jack (and sammy comes out after) to save him from LFI killing him after jack beats rush.
prior to their tag match, they run this promo with the two of them, where darby references the lost 2019 bar match (DOES HE ALSO SIT AND THINK ABOUT IT FOR HOURS??? LIKE I DO???) and also mentions that they would probably be friends if they weren't wrestlers, which is worth holding onto lmao.
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in the actual pillars PPV 4-way at double or nothing, they run a large segment of jack having the belt and a clear shot to take darby out with it (and win) and he doesn't end up doing it. they make a big thing out of it. this is insane given that a month later, jack turns on hook at forbidden door 2023 and eventually takes the FTW off him. i wish to speak to whoever thought this was normal. he couldn't cheat to beat darby, who he supposedly doesn't even like, for the world championship, but can betray his best friend for an unsanctioned belt a month later??????? this makes me insane. don't touch me chompie.
also worth mentioning is jack tweeting this during the storyline, with nothing else attached to it. merry early christmas to me. (jack tends to post a single photo for important story beats, with no text on it. he's done this for quite a number of things within the last few years. weird that he did that here, when they had one tag match together.)
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2024 //
and that bring us to this year! jack is back in AEW after his unjust and sad-making time out. anarchy in the arena happens at double or nothing 2024, and jack and darby spend 75% of the match beating each other up alone backstage. jack hits darby with the bus, darby sets jack on fire. it's lovely.
if you haven't seen the video that leaked of jack preparing for the fire spot in the early part of 2024 with a stunt team, it's worth watching. (no sound)
darby is out again to recover since i don't know how he managed to get clear for AITA in the first place, and then he comes back with an obsessive single-mindedness to call out jack perry by beating up brandon cutler. jack then also beats up brandon cutler in the strangest mating rituals i've ever fucking seen lmao. INTRICATE RITUALS!!
that's all i've got right now, but hopefully this ends up being a decent overview of all the stuff i tend to reference in my fics. 💚💚💚 sorry tumblr won't let me embed these videos in here, but it kept crashing the draft, so i had to revert them all just to links. homophobia.
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sadquickchristmassnowman · 1 year ago
hii I have a community question so I thought I'd reference your encyclopedia
are there any references to music that abed listens to? I know they do it for other characters sometimes (like I'm pretty sure britta said she liked the pixies but maybe I made that up) anyway I'm trying to make a playlist about him
hey! thanks for the ask 💯
after sitting here and scanning my brain’s database (and searching the internet) unfortunately I haven’t come up with much… I did remember about this:
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which is part of the whiteboard Abed had set up in 1x21 Contemporary American Poultry, on which he says he likes banjo music lmfao
the only other things I can think of are probably not very helpful at all, but I’m writing them down anyway lmao. he participated in defending The Barenaked Ladies from Jeff’s criticism (although, the entire group does that, and it probably doesn’t speak much to abed’s specific music taste), and maybe there’s a song he put into one of his documentaries or something? although, I’m pretty sure most of, if not all, the scoring for those is the same as the scoring for the actual show itself. he also dances to Roxanne by The Police in Remedial Chaos Theory, but, again, the whole group does, and everyone knows that song. also, at the end of 1x14 Interpretive Dance, he is shown tapdancing, and Merry Happy by Kate Nash is playing. but, I don’t think he put on the song himself— in fact I don’t think he can hear it at all, I think it’s just score. so, again, probably doesn’t speak to his actual music taste. but, in my personal opinion, that kind of music fits him the best, so I might look more into Kate Nash and related artists if I was making an Abed playlist.
so, yeah… his pop culture references don’t really seem to include music lol. there’s a chance he listens to movie soundtracks sometimes? movies like Back to the Future have some more commercialized songs on their soundtracks, so maybe he’s into that. looking more into soundtracks from classic 80’s films might help you a bit.
I did find this on his twitter (if you don’t know about the twitter character accounts lmk that’s a whole other can of worms that I am happy to open with you all) so obviously he has music he listens to, but I scrolled through all his tweets and he never mentions any specific artists or songs. lame
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but yeah. sorry that this was all I could do, dude. I’m gonna open the floor to anyone who has any Vital Information™ that I missed, or for anyone who just has some headcannons or opinions on what they think Abed might listen to. thanks again for the ask and I hope this was at least semi helpful o7
(also, you’re right about Britta liking Pixies! she has a poster up in her room in the cold open of the season 2 premiere, and also there’s this Jeff quote from Digital Estate Planning: “this place is twenty cat turds and a Pixies poster away from being your apartment.” she also likes Natalie is Freezing, but they only exist in the Community universe unfortunately lol. but at least those two things give us a handle on what music Britta likes. Abed remains an enigma lmao)
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spopsalt · 10 months ago
Found these on Pinterest. Thought I’d drop em by you and share my thoughts.
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Idk what they’re trying to say. But I don’t like looking at it, so moving on.
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Idk much about Bubbline since I’m not that far I to the show. But something tells me it’s not remotely the same. All I know is that PB was super racist and called Marcy ‘monster trash’ the second before Marcy broke up. Might’ve actually been the reason why Marcy dumped her. Idk.
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Hey now. Don’t do that.😃 Also, Romeo and Juliet is a CAUTIONARY tale, so… Unless this person is acknowledging C//A would be some mutually self destructive shit, this person is implying quite a few things, all objectively wrong. But I don’t have time to unpack all that now. Also I say mutually, not that Adora is abusive, but that Catra’s weird complex would assure her very proximity to Adora would make her feel inferior, meaning she’d be hurt in some way too. Not Adora’s fault, but still.
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Kids. Literal kids. Like look, I’m fine with media explaining that teens can sexual, since it reflects reality and a lot of teens irl ARE sexually active or at least exploring their sexuality. I mean, I wasn’t an active teen, but again, I explored my own sexuality. So that’s fine I guess. But there’s a difference between reflecting the reality of teen sexuality and actively sexualizing underage characters. It’s about framing. And THIS is being framed in a creepy way. Not in a ‘let’s face it, it happens, it’s puberty, it’s normal’ sort of way, but they do it as a ‘look how hot this is! Lol’ way. And I don’t like that. It’s creepy, and low key a bit belittling.
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Okay… Entrapta is like 10-15 years older than Adora. So maybe don’t draw her like this since that’d make her a pedophile/ephebophile which I hate for a number of reasons. Also, Adora is a lesbian in this version, so idk why Bow and Sea Hawk are there. So… yeah. Literally half of them shouldn’t be here.
Hi! First off, please censor the names of the posters of the tweets. Just want to make sure nobody harasses them, ok! Time to dissect them!
Ew, thanks for showing me Adora's scars that she got from her future girlfriend!
Bubbline is so much healthier than c//a!? It's sad how people will compare any wlw ship to c//a. Also, STOP ROMANTICIZING THE PRINCESS PROM DANCE!
Ew, reminder Romeo was much older than Juliet, and Juliet was still a minor, honestly the way it's a toxic ship that was romanticized reminds me of c//a.
Again, CHILDREN. LITERAL CHILDREN! And Adora didn't even want to have this dance in the first place?? Catra literally forced her into it, then dipped her SO LOW that she couldn't support herself, so she had to put her leg there, STOP SEXUALIZING TEENS!
EWWWW! Again, Adora is a lesbian, so Bow shouldn't be there, Sea Hawk looks like a literal adult even though he said to be a teen, Glimmer and Mermista are the only ones who have shown interest in Adora out of these, Glimmer has good chemistry with her, Mermista has blushed at her a handful of times and ENTRAPTA IS LITERAL 30!
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the-fandom-crossroads · 11 months ago
Hoyofair Spring 2024 Creator Links!
Like last Hoyofair I'm making a post linking to the youtube channels of each project shared at hoyofair! Be sure to follow the creators and support their main channels so they can keep making amazing projects like these!
Galactic Abyss Chronicles - 神��潜行瞬杀 and others
I actually found the director, head animator, and head modeler on Bilibili! Here Real proud of myself because he has no accounts on the western internet. He hasn't posted the full short on his account yet but he does have a fananimation for the Apex Legends X FFVII Rebirth collab.
From what I can tell this is also the first Genshin related animation he's done which is cool. The rest of the creators seem to be from the CN fandom as well although I could not find their Bilibili's from a quick search
Ranked DayCare - by No_Tables
Their first Hoyo short was at Hoyofair 2023. So it's great to see them back with a new bit. Now with Klee!
Moonlit Bamboo Forest - Passion Paris
So this is apparently an Academy Award winning Animation studio!? Passion Pictures is the studios name and the Paris branch animated this short. We have legit 2D animation studios submitting Shorts to Hoyofair now. Wow!
Needless to say this was the short with the most unique animation style. And one of my top favorites this year.
Trial by Combat - ???
So this one seems to be just a collab of a bunch of animators. Like I can't find the project manager online (too generic a name for google). The head animator has a twitter but Twitter changed at somepoint where it won't let me view a direct link to someones profile without being logged in. I ain't creating a twitter for this rabbit hole. his username is rabbitoldman if you want to look him up. But he hasn't made any tweets with the word genshin as far as google's concerned.
I just can't find one sorry.
Progenitor: The Surface - dillongoo
Ex- RWBY animator returns with episode 3 of his "if genshin was a cyberpunk anime" series. The first two episodes hit so hard and the 3rd episode does not disappoint!
Realm of Faith: Live Actually - Type Zero Inc
Another legit animation studio for the animation. They don't have a youtube so i don't know if they'll ever upload the full version anywhere other than hoyofair.
But! The two songs have been posted on the singers youtubes with longer versions!
majiko(Furina), 4s4ki(Lumine), Wolpis Carter(Venti)
Chogakusei (Wriothesley), Amatsuki (Childe), 96Neko (Arlecchino)
Domain 404 - LucHD
Their first and only other Hoyofair short was shown over a year ago at hoyofair 2022. But Luc has returned with a full 4 minute short filled with Spiral Abyss and other meta in jokes. Diluc out here maining a C6 Bennett lol.
TitanSlayers: Edge of Oblivion - Kieru
Kieru once again turns in an amazing action packed animation. The last one was the Persona spoof with Lyney and Lynette. But my favorite of theirs is Cyno vs Anubis and the Gods
Shenhe Awaken - Rhinocore
They made a previous short for Hoyofair but that one was never posted to a youtube channel other than hoyofair. So I'm going to assume they don't have a youtube and this one is just going to say on Hoyofair as well.
And that's all the Creators from this Hoyofair! It was less creators than the winter one but I feel like that might be because multiple shorts are nearly 10 minutes.
But which one was your favorite? Do you like the change to less but longer shorts? Or do you wish they went back to more shorts 2-5 minutes long? Let me know in the tags! And be sure to follow all these guys on their youtube's so you can see the teaser trailers they post a few days before each Hoyofair.
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coconox · 1 year ago
what if,,,, hypothetically speaking,, i do a frame by frame analysis of the nocti v nigel cg,,, ahahaahaaaa,,,,,,
i do recommend watching the cg first before reading all this since i will mention a lot about nocti and nigel's movements using timestamps for the vid since my storage hates me and i can't really properly add multiple clips 💔
from the get-go i will mention that before nocti entered this fight, skk had a m.i.n.d link with nocti. and since skk is poisoned, nocti is gonna feel the same over the time
aside from him coughing up vital fluid at 0:39, you can really see the poison start getting to him when he fights. starting from 0:14 you see nocti's movements getting slower and slower which becomes more obvious when you see him throw less punches/kicks and his reaction time worsening, allowing nigel to easily counterattack
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callback to his last fight with nigel shown at the beginning of the chapter
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i would also love to point out how nigel is such a good foil for nocti. from the opposing color schemes to their behavior. nigel having a black color scheme to fit with the whole idea that he is an assassin hiding in the shadows (which is an often recurrence of him throughout the story by either him watching nocti in the distance or showing up unexpectedly). black can also be associated with power and death, connecting to the fact that nigel carries such a strong poison to where there's no known cure, which allows nigel to easily control others to his bidding and/or make them suffer. as opposed to nocti having a white/vibrant red color scheme to fit how bold or loud he is. red can be associated with anger and white can be associated with purity/innocence so it fits with his personality too (since nocti is often left in the dark of a lot of situations back when he was in the purifying force)
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around 0:46 - 0:57, 1:05, 1:18 - 1:33
essentially any part where nocti is heavily breathing
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ER05-01 structure that this narrator is mentioning is nocti
this is probably leaning more into hc territory, but i think out of all the playable constructs we've met, nocti feels the most "human." he eats, drinks, sleeps, has breathing patterns that the narrator loves to point out, basically does a lot of human practices that constructs don't need to necessarily do, but he does it out of habit. he even believed at one point that constructs can get sick (obv they can't)
dialogue at 0:27
nigel: "you are still the same as before" nigel: "everything covered by anger" nocti: "nigel!!!!!" nigel: "you always thought my poison could only be attached to weapons, right?" nigel: "never doubted what i said"
callbacks to the last fight nocti had with nigel. when nocti was at his lowest, that's when nigel finally spoke. nigel alludes to nocti's naivety again, making nocti finally realize the poison wasn't contained in a separate attachment/weapon, rather nigel is the poison itself
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ER05-12 nocti telling skk where the poison might be (remember at this time he still didn't know how nigel injects the poison, he just knows nigel has the ability to do so)
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ER05-08 nigel pointing out nocti's naivety
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the realization of where the poison's actually located, after the dialogue at 0:27
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the location of the poison is more obvious in the reference sheet of nigel (since the ref removes the cloak he's wearing) (link to tweet about nigel that includes this ref)
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callback to when nocti and skk first began to plan how to track down nigel after the rediscovery of nigel's poison
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callback to him saying "leave everything to me" shown in the previous image.
the light in nocti's hands in the animation is skk (figuratively, not literally ofc LOL), having faith in him that he WILL beat nigel and will give him their all to help. though honestly, all he ever really needed was someone to trust him unconditionally
2:15 - end
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"give that bastard a taste of our true wrath"
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the peak embracement of nocti and skk's partnership. this was the missing piece that he needed to finally beat nigel.
ever since the beginning of this chapter nocti has implicity or explicitly stated (whether it be through his first encounters with skk or in flashbacks of his hubris being in the purifying force/early days of cerberus) he prefers to work alone and leave it at that. he thought it'd benefit everyone if he didn't rope people into his mess, and he fully believed finding and confronting nigel again is something only he should burden
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ER05-06 nocti and skk took turns asking for context of what's been going on
skk, cerberus, and the people of new oakley however say otherwise.
skk, in their words, "took a gamble" and just had a gut feeling to stick around and help him and even be down to consider him as a partner
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it should probably be noted that skk saying they believe him "just because" carries a lot more weight than at first glance. having someone believe him without him really needing to prove himself with evidence makes nocti appreciate skk a lot more than when he first encountered them in EX05 or at the beginning of this chapter, showing that skk isn't like everyone else he's met and perhaps has a chance to be friends or more with them
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ER05-11 first instance of nocti calling them partner
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ER05-11 nocti "subtly" correcting vann with referring to skk as his partner
these screenshots can keep going on and on but you get the idea LOL they call each other partners from ER05-11 onwards.
21 and vera believe cerberus isn't complete without him
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ER05-15 despite nocti technically being considered as a part of the purifying force at this time, vera and 21 will always believe he truly belongs in cerberus
and the people of new oakley see him as a brother/friend they could rely on and share a drink with
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ER05-09 after nocti saves new oakley he gains a lot of respect from the people in town and they all decided to celebrate nocti's win
for most of his life he was practically feared or looked down upon by the people he was with 'cause of his loud and reckless demeanor, and to finally have that revelation that he IS wanted, needed, LOVED even, that people are able to put their trust and faith in him, that allows him to be the best version of himself he could ever ask for
am i looking too deep into this? probably
there's probably a lot of bias from that whole analysis i just love nocti ok—
i do wish we can see more of his backstory. he's one of the few that actively hide it (with the addition of vera not revealing it out of some respect for him), and i just wanna do a deep dive of how he became the way he is today. he's also one of the older constructs given his frame id (BPO-03), makes me wonder how or why he became a construct in the first place-
anyways, that's my rant for the month, ty for reading if you made it this far lol
have some love and a cookie you deserve it ❤🍪
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cobraonthecob · 1 year ago
Charles isn't linked to Italian right wing parties. Once a right wing politician claimed him and Ferrari as symbols of true "Italianess" (fascist rethoric) and he started liking tweets left and right about not being and not wanting to be associated with that man and that party.
Also in Monza 2023 when the fascist Italian prime minister was at the gp in the Ferrari box, Charles suddenly disappeared and returned only when she was gone. But when in 2022 the Italian President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella (one of the most important constitutional experts in Italy and the only person with dignity in the Italian positions of power) was in the Ferrari box Charles was there and they talked a lot.
He also used to follow pro-Palestine accounts before the war on October 7th, but Ferrari imposed on him to be neutral about everything. Also the hanging out with Noah Snapps was way before he started acting like a crazy zionist. The fact that these things happened is a shame, but that doesn't make him a zionist.
But Charles doesn't have a liking for right win parties in Italy, this is just not correct.
damn, charles doing something right for once lol (wrt to trying to distance himself from the right wing italian parties and also not sticking around to talk to italy's prime minister). not an attack to you, but i'm having a hard time finding who even said that unless it's like. a deleted tweet, but if someone's got screenshots or a news article about it, i'm all ears
also, lol @ being monegasque and someone trying to claim him as italian. i'm wheezing way too damn hard. monaco watch your back (or should i say harbor?), italy might try to add you to the country
i don't think charles is a zionist or pro-palestinian (i definitely remember him following either eye on palestine or some other related accounts, and then he suddenly unfollowed them), but he hasn't said anything about wanting to distance himself from noah at the very least, so i'll just put the 'silenced by ferrari and fia, his views could go either way'. for me, it's got to be all or nothing, and right now, a white man with a huge following is not passing the litmus test of doing the bare minimum (not be zionist)
what also tickles my brain though is that he has a massive following and a big chunk of the fandom likes charles in some way, so why not use his influence? lewis expressed support for palestine, and should not be the only f1 driver to do so (the al-qubaisi sisters have put in their stories support for palestine). and it's not like charles would be shown the door; the tifosi love him and would probably raze the ferrari factory to the ground if ferrari threw him out for that, and let's pretend that the tifosi don't exist - why would ferrari throw out someone who can challenge for WDC? why would ferrari throw someone who lives and breathes ferrari, who stays with this clown circus of a team despite all the shit he goes through, just to fulfill a childhood dream?
anyways, there's a lot of nuance to be held here that i'm probably not hitting and i should really be going to bed, but thank you very much (genuine) for bringing new info to the table. charles is off the hook for now in my book lol, but he'll just be a driver that's in my 'oh nice. he's there. he scores points when there isn't a mechanical issue'
also we really should not be allowing politicians at f1 races, cota was something lol (in that i yelled at me tv for daring to show me abbott. i did not consent to seeing that on a lovely sunday afternoon). just bring the fia's governing body or some celebrity, the politicians can watch at home like the majority of us.
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night-faye · 8 months ago
Glad you’re enjoying all this ^_^ don’t worry about straining your eyes, by the episode doesn’t mean every episode, you actually can’t miss the change ;) Between whatever the OP before episode 8 was and those at the end, it’s in the last frame. A couple more trivia for you :D Sorry I keep referencing Macky’s episodes LOL esp this one but S3 Ep 4 that screenshot where he dumps the Skeleton Key in the grass and walks off is reminiscent of the scene where Wukong first leaves his staff in the pilots and walks off. And between two storyboard artists, we’ve seen Red Son being drawn in gender nonconforming fashions, using all pronouns and I quote, “Red Son cannot be contained by one measly gender and will be taking all the genders.” The characters are also given their own Pokemon Team by the artists ;) and although they aren’t stated to have confirmed ages so the fans are able to see them however, they are stated outside of the show to be seen as certain ages. Pigsy is 43, Tang is 41, Mei is 23, and MK is at least 18 but fandom mostly places him at 21. MK has also been thought of as going by He/They pronouns and was shown with the transgender flag. Wukong in JTTW is one of four celestial primates who is described as “knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars.” While Macaque is "a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things." And his name comes from the saying "a secret is not safe between six ears" or "the dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear" which has sneaky dialogue potential. I love playing around with it. Also, the characters are merged with other JTTW characters of similar names. That goes for the entire Brotherhood + Macky, who is merged with the Macaque King who is presented as female in the English translation. This is where the “Great Sage Informing Wind” title comes from for Macky in fics + the wind and shadow magic people sometimes tie together with him. Altho you don’t see his six ears in the show, we get a lot of references through the mech, how sound effects him, and his…unique ability to react as if having heard into the future. You’ll see in the special. But his model sheet does show him with six ears if you ever wanted to know. But fandom draws him with rainbow colorful ears based on another show that has these monkeys :D Lego’s Chinese TikTok (official one) refers to him as “handsome max charisma villain” + mandarin dub calls him “phantom lord” LOL. In a game, he’s very tsundere about admitting he has a monkey king poster in his room. In S4 we like to say he’s homeless. I’m still struggling to verify if it was a show producers tweet I read about him forgetting to pay rent and losing the dojo. Mei’s placeholder name was “mary sue” and it makes me cry, why they do my girl like that 😭 Time passes differently in the Celestial Realm, so a few hours or days on Earth can be weeks or years up there. Might've been why Wukong was rushing in S2 yet seems to have been gone for months :) Lmao, I gotta catch up to where you're at. I've been slowly writing these up since Pitiful Creatures. Ah, it seems you've seen how MK parallels Mei leaving in S3 here! Fun times for everyone ^_^
Glad you’re enjoying all this ^_^ don’t worry about straining your eyes, by the episode doesn’t mean every episode, you actually can’t miss the change ;) Between whatever the OP before episode 8 was and those at the end, it’s in the last frame.
Aye aye cap'n I'll keep my eyes peels. about to go into nine so should be fun! (I missed it on eight because I wasn't looking)
A couple more trivia for you :D Sorry I keep referencing Macky’s episodes LOL
Never apologize for referencing Macky episodes. I wanna go insane over this monkey
esp this one but S3 Ep 4 that screenshot where he dumps the Skeleton Key in the grass and walks off is reminiscent of the scene where Wukong first leaves his staff in the pilots and walks off.
And between two storyboard artists, we’ve seen Red Son being drawn in gender nonconforming fashions, using all pronouns and I quote, “Red Son cannot be contained by one measly gender and will be taking all the genders.”
THAT IS SUCH A MOOD!!!! HOLY SHIT! Red Son I feel you so hard
The characters are also given their own Pokemon Team by the artists ;)
If Macky doesn't have my (second behind squirtle) fave Mimikyu I will riot
and although they aren’t stated to have confirmed ages so the fans are able to see them however, they are stated outside of the show to be seen as certain ages. Pigsy is 43, Tang is 41, Mei is 23, and MK is at least 18 but fandom mostly places him at 21.
Noted noted noted :)
MK has also been thought of as going by He/They pronouns and was shown with the transgender flag.
Wukong in JTTW is one of four celestial primates who is described as “knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars.” While Macaque is "a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things." And his name comes from the saying "a secret is not safe between six ears" or "the dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear" which has sneaky dialogue potential. I love playing around with it.
Yeee I knew this. hehehehe. I am going to have such fun with this hehehe
Also, the characters are merged with other JTTW characters of similar names. That goes for the entire Brotherhood + Macky, who is merged with the Macaque King who is presented as female in the English translation.
Oh fascinating!
This is where the “Great Sage Informing Wind” title comes from for Macky in fics + the wind and shadow magic people sometimes tie together with him. Altho you don’t see his six ears in the show, we get a lot of references through the mech, how sound effects him, and his…unique ability to react as if having heard into the future. You’ll see in the special. But his model sheet does show him with six ears if you ever wanted to know. But fandom draws him with rainbow colorful ears based on another show that has these monkeys :D Lego’s Chinese TikTok (official one) refers to him as “handsome max charisma villain” + mandarin dub calls him “phantom lord” LOL. In a game, he’s very tsundere about admitting he has a monkey king poster in his room.
>*Taking notes very quickly*<
In S4 we like to say he’s homeless. I’m still struggling to verify if it was a show producers tweet I read about him forgetting to pay rent and losing the dojo.
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Mei’s placeholder name was “mary sue” and it makes me cry, why they do my girl like that 😭
Time passes differently in the Celestial Realm, so a few hours or days on Earth can be weeks or years up there. Might've been why Wukong was rushing in S2 yet seems to have been gone for months :)
Time passes differently you say 👀 oh I could Do Things With That
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Lmao, I gotta catch up to where you're at. I've been slowly writing these up since Pitiful Creatures. Ah, it seems you've seen how MK parallels Mei leaving in S3 here! Fun times for everyone ^_^
I'm in pain :)
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inukag · 2 years ago
Hello, so I'm not heterosexual (I'm ace) and as you can tell I do like one of those ships in the poll. I thought your language was very harmful. Now, I'm not here to say those characters are nice people but that doesn't mean their fans like them because they are "hetero" and just like a hot guy. They are good characters and had cool dynamics with Kagome (yes that's subjective and you might disagree with it but some people did enjoy it). I do agree that Sango should have been on the poll but there are legit reasons people enjoy darker ships or enemies to lovers trope, they can be engaging to some. So to dismiss it as just "hetero girls liking a hot guy" is very bad. The reason I'm sending you this ask is because I think you are a good person and might recieve well my comment. I considered sending an anon but I wanted you to "see" me as we talk and I hope I don't get any harassment over this from others. Anyway, thank you for reading.
First of all thank you for sending this message non-anonymously! I know it can be stressful but it is definitely better for discussions. If I see anyone sending you hate over this I will fight them personally.
When I said “this fandom is painfully straight” I did not mean “every single person who likes these ships is straight”, that would be ridiculous. But it IS a straight ship. My point is that gay ships are almost never taken seriously in this fandom, as shown by the fact that people ship Kagome with all the male characters she canonically doesn’t like before shipping her with girls that she actually likes. I find that sad. Literally the only gay ship in this fandom that has a sizable fanbase is Inu/sess, but that’s another can of worms.
I’m not here to change anyone’s mind about sess/kag or kog/kag, I’m very much a ‘ship and let ship’ person. Those ships have existed for years so I know very well that me saying “Kagome Higurashi would never canonically love these guys” is not going to change anyone’s mind. So I’ll spare you the whole rant but I’ll say that I’ve read some sess/kag stuff (Raindrops and other fanfics I found years ago) and I’ve never seen Sesshomaru portrayed as anything other than a kind, suave, gentleman who saves Kagome from Inuyasha the toxic, two timer. His canonical racism and lack of empathy for others is gone. So I have a hard time believing people when they tell me they love the ship because it’s a “sexy villain/heroine, enemies to lovers ships” lol. Anyway like I said, I’m not going to change your mind and you won’t change mine, so no need to argue about this.
Also for added context regarding the “gay ships aren’t taken seriously” issue, a couple weeks ago a bunch of people on Twitter (inukag shippers) made tweets saying they were “disgusted” by the fact that many people headcanon Moroha to be a lesbian. That her blushing at and complimenting girls is “not evidence that she’s gay” and that the “real canon” is that she will end up with Koga’s son (who doesn’t even exists in any Inuyasha media!!!). It’s not an isolated issue with Sesshomaru or Koga fans, as I pointed out the people doing this were inukag shippers and they were called out by other inukag shippers. This fandom as a whole is just not the most friendly when it comes to lgbt+ stuff.
So yeah, I have nothing else to add. I don’t see how my language was harmful if I’m being honest. Regardless of people’s own sexual/romantic orientations this fandom mostly talk about and support straight ships. This isn’t really a call to action either, I’m not telling people what to ship, I was just jokingly pointing that out and hoping that next time people would just consider the fact that gay ships exists as well.
Thanks again for the message and I’ll take this time to remind everyone following me that I use the tag #<ship/character>-critical tag when I criticize stuff, so you can blacklist that if you follow me and don’t want to see negativity about characters or ships that you love. I didn’t tag my first reblog of the poll so that’s my bad, I’ll go back and fix that.
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letitrainathousandflames · 1 year ago
Omg thank you for saying it
Multiple times I've come across ppl literally sharing images of people who've been killed (in one case children what the fuck???) And even if its below a cut I still have to read the description of why they've put it under a cut. I know ppl have different opinions of this stuff but in my view that's so disrespectful of those who've lost their lives. The guilt trippy stuff (and I'm sorry but it's largely coming from people that don't know what they're talking about, as shown by the fact that there's literally no awareness that the stuff that's being said/shown untagged is hugely triggering for ppl who've lived through this stuff)
This is not a news site!!! People trying to avoid this stuff does not mean they don't have awareness of what's going on and aren't staying aware by getting their news from actual news sources???
I'm not against people talking about this stuff on here at all. It needs to be talked about. But for the love of God, making a post is not the same as taking to people in person. People do not have the option to walk away when you just send a post out in to the ether like that. Just tag things appropriately it's not that hard!!!
So yeah thank you for saying it. I always feel hugely guilty for trying to avoid certain things because of the guilt tripping that's so rife on this site but I really shouldn't cause half of what's coming up isn't even constructive (or true a lot of the time) and it just brings up a whole load of stuff that hits my mental health and makes it harder for me to actually campaign in a way that helps people
I always think of that one tweet that's like 'misery is not activism' making people feel shit isn't actually solving any of these issues or helping the world at all lol
When it comes to this topic, I always think of some articles I read about the human brain's capacity for processing bad news. One of them was titled something like "your brain can't handle the world".
Basically, it talked about how years ago (mind you, not that many years, given how fast modern technology evolved) you would get your handful of news, good and bad, on the newspaper or on TV and radio, and even that was already much more than a person in the 1800's would, given the slow pace of letters and how only vital info was able to fit into one. Newspapers would often only carry local news, and you could spend a whole lifetime without knowing what was happening in countries on the other side of the ocean.
Now, imagine that. A wedding would be the talk of the town for weeks. A funeral would be The Sad Event for your to grieve over for the following months. That is the amount of happy and sad (and playful, and contemplative, and other emotions) that one could experience and process in a healthy manner.
But nowadays, you get see the story of a family adopting their first puppy two continents away, and that's great and cool, but unfortunately that also means that you get the story of a bunch of children dying two continents away too, and the testimony of their families, and the overview of the political landscape that lead to this happening and the bleak understanding that that's not gonna change and it will happen again--
all that while you might be dealing yourself with a fascist government in your country, and your own bad news, and your own shitty economy, and laws that hurt a minority of which you are a part, and, and--
That is all too much. Literally too much for the mind of someone who is already tired of doing their own activism and surviving within the microcosm that is their town/community/country.
So you close CNN. You turn off the news livestream. You take a deep breath and you open tumblr because your mind is parched for dopamine and happiness you could use some cute fanart and compelling headcanons to relax.
You are two cute dog pics down when you scroll into graphic pictures of the latest massacre, paired with a detailed testemony of whatever horrific thing that happened. There isn't even a link for donations, or an e-mail you can reach to do anything remotely useful about it. It's just a spatter of misery smeared on your phone screen, quickly erasing all joy you might've gotten from the dog pics.
Your taglist is extensive, mind you, for the sake of keeping your dash a small safe haven from the dangers of doomscrolling - it's all there, blocked from sight: #negative, #current events, #death/, #child death/, #animal death/, #[insert current world tragedy], #[insert topic particularly triggering that could send you into a panic attack].
But people don't tag their shit. They say shit like "i don't care your blog theme, if you don't reblog this, you're a monster". They say "stop scrolling and look at this horrific thing". They say "why is no one talking about this"--
And don't realize, or don't care that some people are drowning in bills to pay and extra shifts to work and needing to double-think about wearing their pride pins because homophobia is getting worse in their country, and struggling with depression and anxiety, etc, etc.
I'm too adhd to make a concise text post ever, but if I can make any sort of point here, I guess that would be:
There is nothing wrong with not wanting to see, reblog or interact with negative posts about current events. This is not a news website. You did not come here for the news, and therefore is perfectly normal that you don't want to deal with them.
There is nothing wrong with making your dash a nice place curated with only the things you like. Block tags and blogs liberally. I know I do. This website is, to me, a source of memes, headcanons, jokes, character analysis and occasional useful knowledge. I don't get my news here. I don't engage in political/ideological debates here. I see a transphobe, I block them. I see a gun-freak bootlicker, I block them. This is my little garden, and goddamnit I will rip off all the weeds.
There is nothing wrong with not reblogging certain content, no matter what the guilt-trippy reblogs say. You don't owe anyone the space in your blog. This is your little garden, people don't get to tell you what to plant in it. You are one. Little. Person. You rebbloging something won't have the Big Worldly Impact they're making it out to be.
If you want to make room for the occasional activism in your blog, that's fine too. I make a point that everything I reblog that has a negative tone must be not only properly tagged but also have some kind of action attached to it - a donation link, a link for further reading in case of something raising awareness, a contact line for representatives to stop some dogshit law. I never reblog things that are just depressing and leave you feeling hopeless.
Please stay safe, drink water, be wary of doomscrolling, allow yourself not to be an activist 24/7, give yourself a safe space to decompress, take care, I love you <3
Before I go, I must leave fair warning to the piss-poor reading comprehension crowd: no, I am not advocating for toxic positivity or pretending that everything is fine, I just want the poor fuck juggling two jobs plus school while living in a political hellscape and managing depression and some other undiagnosed mental condition to be able to scroll the funny shitposting website without having to see triggering content that will send them into a panic attack.
Oh, and if you like my writing, here's my ko-fi for you to drop a lil coin <;3
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fandomfluffandfuck · 9 months ago
About that IG post (posted by his team since he was working), I'm certain that if Chris could speak up he would. Remember when he used to speak up a lot before and shared every kind of black lives matter posts and even went manifesting for it with Scott in the past, and his hatred towards Trump was palpable. He was so straightforward without fear, he knew his public figure was important in matters like these and he used it for right purposes! So, if he doesn't anymore the question answers itself, something is off and I can't tell what but I have a feeling. I'm pretty sure if you'd meet him like a normal friend, he'd tell you his position VERY clearly and what he thinks about certain situations. I don't give up on him for this reason because I know something is off that he can't speak up. But I'm sure he would like to. FOR SURE. This is my opinion and what I can literally feel.❤️
related to this, and this
Yeah, I can see that as well. Based on what other creatives in the traditional space are getting, all this shit for speaking out, I can understand why he may feel tied up. Or, maybe there's something beyond just feeling that way. I don't know! I mean, obviously, we'll never know for sure if it was Chris posting the statement/clarification or if it was his team or whoever runs his Instagram now. It's very up in the air.
As a side note, I spent a while just now trying to find evidence of it, lol, but I remember after his break from social media in the summer of 2023, the discussion on Tumblr that his social media clearly was being more heavily moderated and less personal for whatever reason. Like, when he initially returned, he deleted a bunch of more personal photos (sadly Dodger and cute fall trees especially) to seemingly signal that his account would be more business forward now. I do feel like that connects here, that he's intentionally less personal these days. Which is fair. Social media requires too much of yourself sometimes, and no one is entitled to anything personal from him. I can understand that at the same time, I can miss hearing him speak out about what made him frustrated. I related a lot to that.
So, yes, it's different now for one reason or another. I don't want to get into the conspiracy theories about why he's being controlled or isn't, so I won't. It's just different.
And also, yes, I would love to meet Chris as a normal human just to hear him say certain things. To reel this back into Marvel fandom, I also have always been curious to know, unedited and unpressured by Marvel, what he would say about Steve. I don't know or really even think he would absolutely confirm one ship or another, but I would like to hear him discuss the character in his own intimate way. Ten years is a long time to spend in someone's head. I'm curious to know more about the parts of Steve Marvel didn't allow to be shown or the parts of Steve that were under- or overwritten to fit a particular story mold or maximize movie profits. Even that entangles me with Chris (and Steve), though--he could absolutely love the ending Steve got, for all I know, but just want to have shown more of his and Bucky's goodbye. I don't know, I'm not Chris or Steve, lol.
Also, I can already feel that people are going to ask for other receipts, lol, so...
Here's a black lives matter protest clip
This isn't really a tweet, I just like the art that was inspired by one of his tweets
And some assorted tweets of Chris calling out Trump
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funnytooncaps · 1 year ago
Baby Looney Tunes review - s1ep1b and ep1 song (A Secret Tweet and They Love to Sing song)
Intro stuffs
This will be a text basic description of the plot of the episode and my thoughts about certain things. Sorta a text react more like but whatever.
Baby Looney Tunes episodes are divided in double bills with a short song number in the middle counted as 1 episode all together. I put the individual section names I am covering here in the brackets above.
This song is rather ironic as it is talking about the characters singing yet they never do in these song sections. Instead the characters dance around in various costumes and do little clumsy cartoon visual scits while someone elses voice sings the song. These songs are often nursery rhymes and other well known kids songs with lyrics changed to be about the Looney Tunes instead. These sections will also often have baby versions of Looney Tunes characters which are never in the normal episodes.
There often isn't much to say about these song numbers as they are pretty standard and probably what you expect with the above description. However, this pilot episode decided to do something...erm... shall we say; a little extra. There are various outfits and pop culture references in this one and then check out this screenshot.
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Yep your eyes are not deceiving you, that IS a toddler dressed as a pimp. This was not a smart move especially on the FIRST EPISODE! You'd think they would check this a bit more closely being the pilot episode but nope. No fucks were given here.
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This episode starts with the Looney babies playing with their toys again and Bugs apparently has a duck toy. I wonder how Daffy feels about that. Anyways, there is a joke were Daffy says he is gonna pretend to be the king and Sylvester is gonna be his knight. Then Sylvester scares Daffy with a toy robot and laughs at him. This makes no sense coz no1 why would Daffy be afraid of a toy he already knows about just being used as intended and no2 why isn't Sylvester the one being scared? Sylvester's character trait is that he is a "scaredy cat" and they use this as a joke several times later in this same episode totally confusing this supposed joke. Great start lol.
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Then we get a scene where Taz interacts with a xylophone like any toddler would do. He throws it, chews on the drum stick and then smashes his fists on it. The show has no problem with this like this is normal. This is literally the opposite of the moral from the previous episode.
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Then Tweety is playing with letter blocks and makes a joke about how he doesn't know his letters. Is this joke intended for the kids or the adults? I have no idea. How does he even know they are letters in the first place? Anyways, carry on.
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Granny mentions how they are playing together despite them all clearly shown playing apart from each other in different parts of the room. Then she invites everyone except Tweety for a chat outside the room. Tweety investigates and it seems they are whispering about something together. Tweety asks about it but they blow him off. There is a joke about Daffy mentioning the secret isn't about him because Daffy is dumb. Hope you like this joke coz they reuse it A LOT in this show!
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Then the scene changes to the kitchen where Granny is making a cake mix with Taz in the toddler chair for some reason near her. This is obviously a terrible idea as Taz eats the ingredients on the spoon the moment Granny's back is turned. He contributes nothing to the cake making. He is literally just there for this joke. Tweety then comes in and asks about what they are cooking and Granny blows him off by claiming it is a new diet food for Taz.
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Then the scene changes again to Sylvester cutting shapes into paper to make a Tweety shape chain decoration. Btw the way Sylvester cuts this with his claws makes no sense. Then Tweety comes up and asks them what they are doing. This somehow scares Sylvester onto the roof and Lola blames Tweety for it and tells him to leave. This feels a little too mean spirited an excuse to get him to leave but whatever.
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Then the scene changes again to Tweety finding Bugs and Daffy whispering about something. Daffy ends up laughing about how great the secret is while Bugs tries to tell him Tweety is behind him. I hope you like this joke because this one is also reused A LOT.
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Then the scene changes yet again to Tweety chatting with Taz. He vents about how he feels like something is wrong with his friends because they are acting weird around him and whispering secrets. Taz is fine to stay there coz he can't ruin the surprise since he can't talk lol. Taz is called away by the others and Tweety is sad and alone again.
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The scene changes again to Tweety feeling sad and hearing whispering in a dark room across the hall. Tweety turns the light on saying he is sick of the secrets but it turns out it was all a surprise party. Tweety says they thought they all didn't like him but they say they do. This is a classic cut and paste cartoon episode plot which has been done a million times so there really isn't much to say about it. Boring episode.
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years ago
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[TRIVIA] Live Spectacle NARUTO: Getting to Know Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Part 02)
Compiled from the Twitter thread: HERE
Part 01 of this trivia series can be found: HERE
Sato Ryuji’s Official Accounts
Personal Twitter: @ryuji7117
Official Staff Twitter: @satoryujiST
Personal IG: ryuji_japan
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/ryuji7117/
FANSITE: https://sato-ryuji.com
NOTE: He doesn't have a Weibo account.
1. When Ryuji did the aerial performance, rehearsals began in the afternoon for the rest of the main cast, and only Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) had solo rehearsals in the morning for the aerial before joining the main rehearsals in the afternoon.
To top it off, he also did everything else, like the trampoline. Kenta (Gaara) commented on how he felt that Ryuji had the most to do physically.
2. In the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ 2019", Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) fell doing a stunt (shown in image). Despite that, he was amazing for the rest of the performance.
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During the curtain call, he kept bowing and apologising profusely for the accident.
3. When it came to the formation of Team Hebi/Team Taka in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~" (2017), Nanaki Kanon (Uzumaki Karin) and Yamaguchi Tomoya (Juugo) had this to say about Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke).
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4. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) being cute with Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) and Nakao-kun (Uzumaki Naruto).
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For "Tomoshibi", Naruto and Sasuke's part was left to Nakao-kun and Ryuji, and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) commented on how the cast looked forward to what they would do every performance.
5. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) and Rachi Shinji (Uchiha Itachi) from the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) were selected to be ambassadors for "Nijigen no Mori", and participated in the opening ceremony for the "NARUTO & BORUTO SHINOBI-ZATO" attraction.
To watch a video of the opening ceremony, please refer to this link: HERE
6. During the talk show for "Nijigen no Mori" , Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) mentioned that he was born on the day of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, and had become a goodwill ambassador to contribute to the revitalization of the area (Awaji, where "Nijigen no Mori" is, was one of the hardest hit).
7.  Ryuji's (Uchiha Sasuke) first impression of Rachi-san (Uchiha Itachi) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO": "President Nogami told me, 'I brought someone who is like an older brother for Ryuji-kun!', and when I looked at his career, I thought, 'An amazing person has arrived.'"
Rachi-san's first impression of Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO": "Sasuke is really here."
Since then, they have become like brothers, and Rachi-san has Tweeted things like, "[My] Cute younger brother. Is it the alpaca that is cute? Is it Ryuji who is cute?"
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8. Some stories of Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) being cute with the actors who play Juugo.
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During the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~" (2017/2019), Tomoya called him and Ryuji the "Happy Set".
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During a Q&A for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021), the cast sent each other questions. Emoto Kouki asked Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke), "When do you feel the happiest?" Ryuji's answer? "When I'm with you." (Although, Ryuji was talking to the camera so he could mean Kouki-kun and the fans. LOL!)
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Ryuji has known Ohno Ryota since 2015, and was happy when Ryota-san joined the cast for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~". They worked together on the "Musical Touken Ranbu". In both Narusute and Toumyu, Ryota-san is on Ryuji's team. He plays Juugo, a member of Team Hebi/Team Taka in Narusute, and is on the dance team for Ryuji's solo lives in Toumyu:
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017~: BD ( HERE ) / DVD ( HERE )
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2018~: BD ( HERE ) / DVD ( HERE )
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin ASIA TOUR~ (2019): BD ( HERE) / DVD ( HERE )
9. Kitamura Ryo (Sai) announced his marriage in 2021 when a performance of the the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021) was ongoing. He was no longer playing the role of Sai at the time, but Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) referred to him as "a precious member of the NARUTO family" and sent him well-wishes during his curtain call comment.
10. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) cried so much during the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ 2019" while acting that, at the time, he felt like that was the most he had cried in his entire life.
He also cried during "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~".
11. "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) and "Jujutsu Kaisen" The Stage (Jujusute)
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Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) plays Itadori Yuuji in Jujusute. Yasue Kazuaki (Shikamaru in "Narusute ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~") also plays Fushiguro Megumi.
To pre-order the BD/DVD, please refer to this link: HERE
12. During interviews for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ 2019", this is how Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) described his relationship with Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke):
"Even when we meet after a while, he [Ryuji] is a presence that doesn’t really give me that feeling [of distance]... For me, 'back-to-back' is a phrase that fits [us] nicely. I've been able to entrust my back to him quite a number of times."
"The both of us, we have a relationship where we don't act formally around each other and can be ourselves with each other, and the fact that we trust each other is something you can see with your own eyes."
Even when we meet after a while, he [Ryuji] is a presence that doesn’t really give me that feeling [of distance]... For me, 
13. Rachi-san (Uchiha Itachi) once talked about how he, Ryuji and Koudai shared a table during rehearsals for Narusute.
He and Koudai brought a ton of personal things to rehearsals, but Ryuji didn't. So, their things took up most of the table space leaving little to no space for Ryuji, but Ryuji never said anything about it.
At one point, Koudai noticed how little space Ryuji had and did kind of try to make more space for Ryuji, but Rachi-san still reflects back on that feeling apologetic towards Ryuji.
14. At the "2.5D Grand Screening Festival 2022", Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) also talked about how there were moments where Ryuji and Koudai were really like Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, which he thought was nice.
One such instance was when they practiced heir acrobatic stunts for the trampoline. Ryuji got it pretty quickly, and even though Koudai had confidence in his reflexes and physical capabilities, he couldn't catch up to Ryuji's speed of picking up the stunts, which made him feel vexed.
15. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) and Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) also worked together in the TV drama "FIVE" (2017) playing Shimizu Toshi and Iwabuchi Takui.
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To purchase the DVD, please refer to the links below.
BD (Limited): HERE
BD (Regular): HERE
DVD (Limited): HERE
DVD (Regular): HERE
The DVD version has unaired footage and bonus features.
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years ago
Saw a tweet that reads: "I haven't read the Namor comics but from the way people say he's obsessed with Sue Storm, it's clear to me that they decided to switch to Shuri" There are waaay too many false statements for a less than 280 characters tweet. I know you are done engaging with those people, but I really needed to share my frustration, since you truly know and care about Namor. I also just want to enjoy the character, and I don't mind the ship, but this obsession to take and force everything to fit their made up narrative, while labeling it as undeniable, is ruining the experience. ----- Dramatisation: (a fish swims by) People: "It CLEARLY means Namor is in love with Shuri." ------ Okay I'm done, thanks for reading. No need to post this or anything, but I wanted to share.
Oh I've seen so many of those tweets and even posts here on tumblr where people are saying Marvel switched Namor from obsessing over Sue to Shuri and honestly it says more about the fans saying that then it does about Marvel's handing of Namor's character in regards to Sue and Shuri. Call me crazy but I don't think making women interchangeable just for a ship is a good thing. lmao.
Fandom perception of Namor/Sue has been wrong long before I came to fandom and there will always be people who don't know it's not what comic fanbros say it is because they choose not to read the comics.
Saw one fan state "Namor took the diving suits because he knew he would have the Princess in Talokan soon and wanted it for her" which made me want to respond "It's been shown Namor is a magpie and takes trinkets from the surface world" but I chose not to, lol. It's hard sometimes when you see stuff like that because it just reduces every action Namor makes as some motive for their ship which turns me off of ships so fast. Like I get if it's in a jokey way but you can tell people are serious about this to the point the entire characterization of Namor has become "He simps for Shuri". Even though creators, and the actors all came out saying it is not meant to be romantic that won't stop people from doing this and honestly so long as people don't try and tag my general stuff/twist it to use for their ship then I'm whatever.
Shipping is very important to some fans and it's all they want to interact with in media to the point they water down these complex characters and their relationships to just "they wanna fuck so bad". Personally I can't handle engaging in media only that way so I do agree with you. The sheer amount of people doing this is making it hard to have fun and enjoy MCU!Namor's character within the fandom because it's everywhere and they can't decide on one specific tag to make it easy to filter out for non shipping fans.
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