#((gdi shuu
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potahun · 2 months ago
For the ship ask! I’m very, very curious how you feel about AKAM.
thank you for the ask!! <33 (this is for this ask game)
Ship: AKAM
thank you for asking about akam, i have lots of thoughts uwu <3 the verdict is, i ship!! less as an "endgame" (and i'll explain why in unpopular opinions) than i did before, but i find it undeniable that furuya, as a character, is completely obsessed with this man... completely. it's like an infatuation, even if he denies.
1. What made you ship it?
i am not sure if it was M20 or going through the scarlet showdown again while liking furuya's character. it's a bit weird now that furuya is a top blorbo for me, but i genuinely loathed furuya when he first appeared, and i simply wasn't invested in akai either at the time, so i had a "why do we even care about bourbon? he's not even after conan" attitude on first read.
but once i did start to enjoy furuya, a lot, it was impossible not to notice that oh boy, he's completely unhinged about akai, and his motivations are just...incredibly gay the more you think about it?? incredible.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they have a lot of strong points:
the "you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" aspect. akai just de-activates furuya's ability for thought and i love it! the ferris wheel fight was an example, but i also rly liked furuya's "i'm gonna prove to you akai is alive in ONE day" to vermouth and then charging into a stranger's house with a whole PSB team and zero evidence. amazing work
the fact that they both know how it feels to have been in the BO, they even share (at least some) grief over hiro, so once the misplaced resentment is cleared, there is room for much silent, mutual understanding between them.
it's one of those ships where they could really make each other worse. i don't think akai helps furuya's neuroticism in any way with his ever placid ways and constant cool. it only aggravates it, burns furuya up, and that makes for an extremely fun, chaotic ship in that sense (for me).
akai "-kun"'s him. he's furuya rei-kun or amuro-kun, sometimes. there's a small dog (furuya) yapping at big dog (akai) dynamic going on between them, for sure.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i used to think akam was the perfect endgame ship for me and was convinced that akai didn't want to tell furuya the truth so as to not hurt him (😭) and then, i was given the alternative that "maybe he uh, can't bother" and was like "huh." I think it was sparked by friends, but i started to look deeply again at how akai reacts to furuya instead of the other way round, and thought that ah, furuya is surely a great endgame for akai (akai men like to be pushed around, so i think furuya's bossiness is not a problem), but will furuya's need for attention be satistified by akai, given both their personalities?
so nowadays, i see akam as the hottest love affair, and what furuya needs to chill out and heal a bit from the hiro grief, but less as an endgame ship for me. i see akai as the man furuya wants but could "never have wholly", simply because, akai now has many people he cares about deeply and he is now living his best life like that. (and even then, he won't show his care very openly, even if he cares) and that view of akam is probably unpopular.
i do have happy endgame scenarios for akam even now, but they tend to involve a 3rd one in a romcom fashion, usually kazami, and with kazami as the "center piece", not furuya (can you imagine). a scenario where, akai "i honeypot once and fall in love" shuuichi honeypots kazami and kazami is like "he's a nice bloke unlike what i've been told" and then akai is like "oh no. i might be having a Feeling" (jodie: gdi shuu, you cant catch feelings each time), and furuya is just outraged because now akai is even going after his right-hand-man, and "this is why i can't have nice things. akai shuuichi ruins everything" and [huge amount of development i wont get into] but the 3 of them end up together. So yes, a romcom scenario, not too serious, very silly, but i love it dearly.
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lilstrawbxrry · 5 years ago
“That looks like it hurt.” (says Shu, probably half-asleep)
Attacked [sentence starters] ;; @sadisticbloodlxst
A few drips of crimson liquid fell on the ground as she clutched her injured arm, the sharp pain distracting her from his - very misplaced - comment. Of course, Sharon never expected the eldest Sakamaki to jump to her rescue. Not only is he a Vampire and therefore naturally apathetic, even within his kind, he is especially listless and rarely shows interest in anything or anyone.
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Once the initial pain settled down, the fact she was wounded really began to sink in, her stomach turning at the sight of her own blood. She had treated plenty of scratches and shallow cuts before, this was really pushing her limits. For now, she should try and wrap some cloth around it and stop the bleeding at least.
“Shuu…san…In my bag…There’s a handkerchief…” 
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fudanshidaily · 6 years ago
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WOW Masa-san, slow down please... at least buy them some drinks or a dinner first.
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sugardaddyshuu · 7 years ago
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Found Tsukiyama Shuu at work today
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kingkazuaki · 7 years ago
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||Source||Artist Credit: Moa/Hatoking||
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wanglang1313 · 7 years ago
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Guess what I finally watched
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acilykos · 7 years ago
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I have nothing to say about this except maybe that Kagami (and I think Tetsu too) is blushing from trying not to laugh
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 7+8]
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Original title: 堕落した証 & いらいらする
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 2: Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Oh boy oh boy. I should have kept my mouth shut during the last few tracks because these two tracks had me wriggle around in my seat as my stomach turned upside down. > < Those of you who have been around since last year might recall how I struggled with Shuu’s D-S Kyuuketsu CD because of the ‘bodily gore’ noises when he cuts the MC with a knife and then stirs his fingers around in the open wounds. KOU DOES THE EXACT SAME THING GDI. I had to pause several times because I got nauseous. :’’) Please no more of this Rejet. 
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
Track 7: Proof of Corruption
“Well then, where should I bite you next...~? Both your neck and arm are already dyed a bright crimson from your blood. Fufu~ While I’m at it, I guess I should make you even more red...Perhaps that’ll improve your looks a little.”
[00:25] “Hmー Such slender wrists...Fufu, I could probably twist them with ease. If I were to plunge my fangs in, they might just pierce right through, don’t you think? Come on, show me your hand.”
“Hm...These marks are still fresh. Hmー They weren’t left behind by me, which means they belong to one of those guys? Heeeh...Now what a lovely decoration you have here. You really are a maso-kitty, aren’t you? I sort of get now that you’re not doing all of this on purpose. Which means...is someone controlling you behind the scenes?”
*Rustle rustle*
[01:18] “Take flowers, for example. They don’t particularly wish to bloom beautifully, do they? However, some larger force in nature is ordering them to do so to lure in birds and insects. So perhaps you were put together by someone with the specific goal to seduce us Vampires? If not, a plain girl such as yourself couldn’t even dream of having someone like me suck you, not even out of pity. Fufufu...~”
*Rustle rustle*
He digs his finger inside your skin.
[01:59] “Ah-aaah...Since the wound hadn’t fully healed yet, my finger sank in the moment I pressed down. Does it hurt? Fufu~ I’m digging my nail into the open wound after all~ I bet it hurts...Then suffer more...Scream...! Nobody will hear you here. This place has been equipped to ensure that they won’t find you.”
“But...Well...If they did know you were here, I wonder if they would come and get you? These guys who seem to be oh-so obsessed with you, I mean~”
Kou continues to stir up the wound with his nails.
“Are you writhing in pain? Ah-aaah...Your ugly face only became even more hideous. Should I say it has a certain charm to it? I’m incapable of loving you while you look like that though. However...”
[02:57] “In regards to these wounds, I feel a strange sense of attachment. I wonder why? Perhaps it’s just fun to compete with other Vampires over a prey such as yourself? Hahaha...But in that case, I have to leave behind my own marks as well or it’s no fun, right? ...I’ll leave my mark on top of these wounds, as if to overwrite them. It’ll be perfect proof of how thoroughly corrupted you’ve become.”
Kou bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
[03:50] “Mmh...Haah...I can smell them from here...It pisses me off...Hahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Hah, haah...It makes me want to just rip up your whole arm with my fangs...”
“Fufu...This must be the taste of hatred...~ Exactly...I can’t forgive them...Never! That’s whyーー”
*Gulp gulp*
[04:38] “I won’t return you to them. You’re basically mine now. Offer both your body and soul to me...And go mad. Fufu...Damn~ What’s wrong with me? Am I being spurred on by you? Uwaah...This is a first for me. Fufu~ I truly got my hands on a nifty toy. I was just going to have a little taste before handing you over to Ruki...but I might not want to let you go again.”
[05:22] “Haah...Let me suck more...Your blood is messing with my head...as I find myself wishing you would offer more of that delicious blood pumping through your veins to me and me only.”
“Oi. I bet you have other marks left behind by them as well, don’t you? Tell me. I’ll make you go through those painful memories again. Come on, hurry up and fess up.”
[06:00] “Hey? Are you listening? If you space out like that, I’ll do something much, much more painful and rough?”
You muster a response.
“Hm? Your belly? Eeeh~? Now where could they be...~?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ah, you must be talking about these. Marks spotted~ They really don’t hold back when devouring you, do they?”
He licks the marks.
“Oh, this one smells different. So, tell me. Did you have them bite you from head to toe? Hah! What a slut you are.”
You protest.
[06:46] “Hm? You didn’t wish for any of this to happen? ...Che. Why are you giving me that defiant look? Do I have to repeat myself a million times before your idiotic brain gets it? I was reminded once more the moment I sucked your blood. You’ve been tampered with in some way to lure in Vampires. I wonder who could be behind it...~? Fufu...Somehow that piques my interest...”
“But for now, I’ll cover you with my marks. So I’ll thrust my fangs inside these wounds as well...”
Kou digs his nails into your skin once more as you flinch.
[07:31] “Aren’t you happy? I’m the one saying these things after all. ..Aaah-aah, such filthy marks. I’ll erase them right away.”
He bites you again.
*Gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...This stench is persistent...It won’t disappear...Ugh, it pisses me off. If I can’t get rid of it with my fangs...It just makes me want to mess you up as a whole...”
“Haah...Guess I’ll just have to sink them in deeper and deeper...Like thisーー!”
*Gulp gulp*
You cry out.
[08:41] “Ah...It hurts? Look at you gushing blood all over the place. You really have no shame, do you? But you shouldn’t be able to feel the pain, you know? My fangs have already made it so you perceive everything as pleasure. Fufufu...”
“I can tell you want me, so try and voice it out loud? Beg for me with a cute tone. Come on, hurry...Ask me to make you feel ever better~”
You whimper.
[09:24] “Hmm~~? I can’t hear you...~ You’re going to have to speak a little louder. Also, don’t forget to sound cute, okay?”
You repeat it.
“Fufu...~ Exactly, like that. Just be honest with yourself...Perhaps then I’ll be able to feel a little affection for someone as ugly as yourself.”
You beg again. 
“Mm~ Good. You managed to beg for it cutely, so I’ll love on you in return. ...With these fangs of mine, that is.”
Kou bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
[10:14] “...Hah...! ...Hm? ...’More’? ...You can crave it more. I kind of like it when people yearn for me. ...I’ll plunge them inside even deeper than before...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah, haah...Ugh...Haah...I guess the smell is starting to fade a little?”
You moan.
“Fufu...Seems like you’re feeling rather good as well. Your body has completely given in to the pleasure, it feels as if your blood has become sweeter as well.”
Track 8: Irritation
Kou inspects your body.
“Where else have they bitten you...? ー Ah, don’t tell me. I’ll try finding it myself this time...~ After the stomach, it has to be...The legs, right~?”
[00:18] “Yes, I got it right! ...They sure love going for the risqué spots, don’t they? Hah! Right near your crotch (1) ...How lewd. On top of that, you can tell they’ve sucked from here repeatedly...Very dirty! I wonder what kind of expression you made as they sucked from here? Perhaps you didn’t realize it yourself, but they pretty much got a full view of aaaall your embarrassing places.”
You squeak.
“How embarrassing, gosh! ...But I’m sure you love that sorta stuff, don’t you? After all, I can see a glint of anticipation in your eyes. Or am I just imagining things? Is it because I’m the one doing this to you? ...Well, I guess I’ll figure out the answer to my own question once I bite you. Well then...”
“Where should I leave my mark? ...Right here. I’ve settled on this spot.”
He bites you again.
[01:28] “Mmh...Hah...Haha! What a lovely view...Fufu...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Seems like it’s making you weak as well...Look at you twist and turn your body like that...What a dirty girl you are.”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“ ーーHah! We’re still nowhere near done...Let me suck more and more...Hahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
[02:11] “Haah...Fuck...Could this be a trap of some sorts...? Fufu...I feel as if your blood is leading me straight to my own demise...Well, I guess that’s fine. As long as it feels good...whether it’s a trap or whatever, I’m not scared. Perhaps the person who set you up this way predicted this all along? ...Say.”
[02:44] “I bet they knew that we would try and snatch you away like that. Guess we’re being mocked, huh? That pisses me off. ...You seem to be feigning ignorance but you’re part of the whole scheme, aren’t you? ...If you think this will all pass as long as you just obediently spread your legs, you’re gravely mistaken. I’ll give you something much, much, much more painful, you’d find yourself wishing you’d be dead instead...!”
Your eyes widen in horror.
*Gulp gulp*
[03:26] “...Heh. Does it feel good? Lucky you! I think you might be the first human who has gotten the honor to receive this much pleasure from me. Well, under normal circumstances, one bite is plenty to make any human ascend to Heaven, but in your case, the more I have, the more delicious your blood becomes and on top of that...You dare oppose me. It pisses me off. ...Mmh...”
“...Hm? There’s marks on your thighs as well!”
*Rustle rustle*
[04:06] “I have to engrave my own mark here as well. ...Geez, I wonder what they find so appealing about these stick legs? I can’t relate, but I don’t like the idea of there being marks from someone other than me. ...Mmh..”
*Gulp gulp*
[04:37] “...Hah...Ah...Haah...~ I feel sluggish for some reason...Have I been numbed? In that case, your blood is to blame. ...This is bad...Fufufu~ I just don’t understand how I want to keep an ugly girl such as yourself all to myself...Makes no sense, does it? I feel irritated by it myself but...I also just can’t help it. This strong desire for you keeps on welling up inside of me...What is happening to me? Geez...Honestly, it pisses me off! I’ve never felt this strongly attached to anything or anyone before!?”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“...ー Hah!”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Mmh...Haah, haah...I can’t get enough...Do you want me more? ...So do I.”
*Gulp gulp*
[05:57] “Hah...Yearn for me more and more...You just need to keep your eyes on me. ...You belong to me now. Happy? Of course you are. If you continue to writhe around like that, I’ll give you never-ending pleasure.”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah, haah...!”
[06:37] “Haah...! I can’t...I still haven’t had enough...Hm. I still refuse to give you up. I’ll make you forget about those other guys in no time. I’m obsessing over you, so it only makes sense. ...Unlike those guys, I won’t call you prey either. You’re mine after all. ...Doesn’t that make you happy? I’m a gentleman after all~ I know how to make a girl happy. I’m sure you didn’t like being degraded by having them call you ‘prey’ either, right? Fufu...~”
Translation notes
(1) 足の付け根 or ‘ashi no tsukene’ is the root/base of the leg where it connects to the hips. 
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koizumicchi · 8 years ago
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despairandhcpe · 8 years ago
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“Himeko doesn’t want her kidneys and lungs taken!”
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strawberry--bride · 5 years ago
// Admin is awake and ask box is open. 
I know yesterday was a lot of fun, but let us not dwell on it too long. First of all, my character is NOT pregnant so let me just make that clear. 
Nor is she officially dating Shuu or anything like that. She just had a little slip up and gave in to the temptation but we all make mistakes okay. She’s only human.
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rearima · 8 years ago
I doubt Ayato would've helped him. He'd rather be cheering for his sis like 'You go sis. Get him! Oi Kaneki, stop being a halfass will ya' (The only one who'd sabotage this would be Tsukiyama. He's dropping so many ranks in my fav list for this xD)
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miniaturephantomprincess · 8 years ago
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Sera myu in Houston <3 
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janiedean · 6 years ago
PLEASE TELL US MORE ABOUT PEOPLE STANNING HATOFUL BOYFRIEND (and who cried at the end of Holiday Star because GODDAMIT THAT WAS SAD) (is it Jon c because of fat bird despite all the murder)
that said *cough* the idea was that ned goes to get jon at ygritte’s place and she’s playing hatoful boyfriend while he takes a shower and so she gets ned up to date with it while jon gets dressed and ned is like INTERESTING CAN I HAVE A COPY and at that point he starts stanning it and drags everyone else with him to the horror of the following generation AND the hcs were:
ned ofc stans ryouta ARE WE EVEN SERIOUS you know ned would be the ryouta stan and he’d hate romancing anyone else
rhaegar obviously stans sakuya are we even kidding
brynden gets dragged into it by cat and he’s kinda skeptic but then he decides yuuya is obv. the best and cat 100% agrees with it even if she sees the merit in ryouta
stannis is honestly like what the fuck is this and then no one is surprised when he romances nageki
jonc against everyone’s predictions turns out only getting into it when he sees that angel is a romance-able character
davos is ofc the biggest stan of the jean-reno like parrot what was the name, mister one? I THINK? anyway even if you can’t romance him davos is 100% behind that badass
lyanna ofc loves azami best
the thing with shuu is that everyone is sort of creeped out but no one can outright hate him because they see there’s something under the surface so when they organize evenings to play the entire thing and unblock the creepy alternate storyline all of them just kind of dance around it and when it turns out that there’s the whole sl where he was in love with ryouta’s father (COME ON HE WAS) jonc is like UUUUHM I NEED TISSUES EXCUSE ME
ofc they all play holiday star together even if stannis is like WHO THE FUCK BROUGHT ME INTO THIS
bonus: if at some point jaime gets dragged into this somehow he hates that he sorta identifies with sakuya and totally stans yuuya are we srs
... and that was my dumb hatoful boyfriend headcanons galore SORRY XDD
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izzyizumi · 6 years ago
Motomiya Jun: is given a conflicting age (when it comes to the real-world based Japanese school year) (which also likely conflicts with Daisuke's, which likely is ALSO conflicting due to quite a few Adventures timeline inconsistencies that are never addressed nor resolved, i.e. in a real world based setting Jun would be newly turned 16 in 11th grade at 02's start. Yamato was canonically already 14 in 02 with a conflicting age of his own, as with almost all of the Adventures Chosen, in fact, but that still makes the age gap between him and Jun (if she's 16) only about 2~ years, which most of you claim you're all right with [most of you all also ship various and somewhat more popular ships with the EXACT same age gap: such as pretty much any of the older Chosen with any of the slightly younger Chosen, who may be anywhere from 1~2 years or so younger])
you all, bashing Jun and overly criticizing her despite the fact we have very few female characters we can appreciate in this series, of which, yes, she DOES count as, and basically failing to realize Jun's faults are the fault of THE WRITERS, NOT Jun's concept herself, and also acting generally faux feminist towards her: OmG JUN'S SO WEIRD WITH THE YAMATO THING HOW DARE SHE----
me, very tired, just wanting this fanbase to realize how much potential Jun had as a post-02 female Chosen, that's ALSO an older sister, that ALSO has a good friendship with Miyako's older sister Momoe [who ALSO became a Chosen, and Jun/Momoe COULD be a good wlw ship, gdi, and honestly there was nothing wrong with the potential Shuu Kido/Jun either, heck, let's make it Shuu/Jun/Momoe even], that could have been so much more than "The Yamato Thing", that honestly should have been able to develop a PROPER friendship with even Yamato [+Sora, +etc.] once she became a Chosen, that deserved to also better develop her relationship with Daisuke, Jun for all we know was devastated either when Daisuke went missing in Tri or otherwise once he shows up again and is LITERALLY in the hospital and likely she had NO CLUE what was going on:
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akkaon · 7 years ago
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... what is the problem between Tsukiyama Shuu and the animation studios gdi
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