#((for easter... every year in for the egg hunt my uncle hides plastic eggs all around his yard for all the nieces and nephews))
tfsroleplay · 6 months
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Cordelia sits atop her uncle's roof, immediately raising her hand up high. In it is a plastic golden egg, the crown jewel of her family's egg hunt every year. Arius holds his hands out, nervous she might fall.
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"Please be careful... I ain't as tall as yer cousins ya know..."
Two of her younger cousins, both dolphins, rush up to the side of the house, tails wagging.
"Cordelia found the golden egg!!"
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"...Can someone please help me down...? I can climb pretty well but uh... I'm a little worried to climb down..."
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"Jump. I got ya."
Cordelia takes a deep breath, scooting towards the edge of the roof before jumping down, Arius catching her before she landed. She grins, triumphantly holding the golden egg up and heading towards her uncle to claim her prize.
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Eat Sh*t, Or That
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Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Warnings: [SPOILERS TO KNIVES OUT] Vomiting, Blood, Language, Mild Physical Abuse, Attempt Murder, Dark!Ransom, Slight Sexual Content (Men should not put his hands on another woman, this is a warning but this should not have the right for someone to put their hands on someone like this)
Summary: You and Ransom are a toxic couple, you treat him the way he treats you. You find ways to get rid of him, but either you or him keep crawling back to one another. At the end, you find the true side of him.
Author’s note: Just like I said, either way this is a warning and that this won’t stop a man from putting his hands on a woman, he should never do it in the first place. If abuse is not your taste. You may abandoned this story and never come back to it cause I care. That’s facts. By all means... Didn’t proofread it, I’m sorry if there are a few mistakes
Love you! Word count is 4800+
Easter Day 2019
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The big family was having a big Easter hunt, of course, they didn’t have much of little kids, Jacob and Meg were the younger two. Linda made it special for some of them, hiding plastic eggs either with candy or money. Jacob didn’t participate in it, he sat in the corner on his phone. Trolling his way through his expensive device, Meg was with her mother Joni throughout the whole family gathering. 
Her father Neil died and so she was left with her mother. Joni was sister-in-law with Linda and Walt. Those two were the remaining children of Harlan Thrombey. Walt was the father of Jacob along with his wife, Donna. Linda was married to Richard Drysdale, then they had their son, Hugh Ransom Drysdale. A bratty playboy who managed to have a toxic relationship with Y/N L/N. 
The whole family would see them come in without holding hands, usually Linda would see Y/N come in first before Ransom followed behind her, furious as ever.
Linda would have small talk with Y/N about her son. Understanding her son is a rich-cocky-dumb-sweater-asshole who can’t keep up with a relationship. He kept coming for her, he would threaten her about her job and say she will be fired.
Then there was Harlan’s nurse who comes very often to take care of him. Harlan met Y/N the first time Ransom hadn’t introduced her to him, she went up and greeted him herself. After that long conversation with Harlan and Y/N, Ransom had a heated argument about that with her after the small get together on their way back home.
Every day when they drive anywhere, everything goes downhill. Every to him becomes a problem. They at least go at it three times a day. It’s gone to the point where he threatens to hit her. Yes, he got in a few but he knew she threw it harder ones.
Dogs in the backyard will go at it when they’re screaming in another room.
And that’s what was going on today. Y/N and Ransom screaming at each other in Harlan’s office. Luckily Harlan was in the living room with his family, almost half the family was listening to their heated conversation. Jacob was tempted to record.
“I’m warning you!” Ransom shouts.
Y/N threw her arms out, her scarf flying up before falling back down at her out burst. “Don’t think I don’t know what you do when I’m not home!” She shouts.
He placed his hands on his hips and he grins, “And what’s that?”
“You’re fucking other girls! What? Am I too soft for you? Am I such a dumb baby that you don’t wanna fuck? Is that it?” She shouts, emphasizing the ‘dumb baby’ the nickname he calls her when she’s acting up like this.
His teeth grit against each other, she saw the tension in his jaw. “Believe me or not. But I’m sure I didn’t buy pink panties with cherries on them, pig!”
His eyebrows raise, “Pig?” He asked. “Yep!” She pops the ‘p’ with her hands on her hips. Her long white coat was hanging half way down her thighs. An outfit his mother Linda bought her for Christmas last year. 
He laughs, his body turns the slightest before she sees his arm swing out and her head turns. The impact causes her cheek to sting. The tears never stung her eyes either, she was pissed. The first time he had hit her, she did cry. More after that, she grew familiar to his girl-like smacks.
She laughs lightly, her finger touching her lip to see if she bled from there. Nothing. Asshole. “You’re a fucking asshole, Hugh.”
“Don’t call me that,” He scrunches his face up almost in disgust. “Was Pig better?” She snapped. Ransom turns her head to her and grabs her coat, tugging her forward.
Her hands immediately shoved him off and she whacks her palm across his cheek. A loud groan came from him. Yeah. That hurt like a bitch didn’t it?
He held his hand to his cheek, glaring at her. “You’ll pay for that.”
“I’ll gladly pay it for another slap or a damn kick to that friend that hides between your damn legs like a puppy and its tail.” Ransom never budged. Y/N took this advantage and picked up her scarf that slipped off her neck. “I’m walking home. I’ll be sleeping on the couch as well. Don’t bother, asshole.” He watched her walk out the doors and she said goodbye to the family before passing the door again and left the home.
Panting heavily, his fists clench and Ransom storms out of the office, heading into the living room for his coat. “Ransom, what happened? Where are you going?” Linda asked, Ransom doesn’t reply and snatched his coat from the chair.
“Ransom!” Linda calls.
“I’m going out to drink,” He says, completely irritated. The next thing they heard was the slam of the front door. Silently, the family looked at each other. Easter didn’t turn out so well. But maybe fourth of July would turn out better.
Fourth of July
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Yes. This didn’t turn out as good as Linda hoped. After a few months after Easter, Ransom and Y/N never really contacted the family to apologize for what happened on that day. Linda invited the two again, this time, Y/N was quiet throughout the whole party. Every now and then, she would go and grab a glass of wine, even get Jacob some juice. Y/N slightly chatted with Marta, who was hanging off to the side.
Linda offered Y/N and Ransom to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms in the house. Y/N agreed to do that just after Ransom rudely declined but he had no choice. I mean, he could leave Y/N in the bed alone and just go out for a drink again. He was pissed to hear that Y/N wanted to be with this family. Maybe she wanted to stay away from him. 
She didn’t want to argue about some stupid spend-the-night-with-family. So, she ignored Ransom much as possible. The Thrombey and Drysdale’s all laughed and chatted. Ransom was sitting on the couch with his uncle, Walt and his wife, while Y/N was sitting in the one chair with a small table that separated the toxic couple. 
Ransom would glance at her, watching her fingers drag along that glass of wine. Oh, how he loved those fingers wrapped around his-
“So, Ransom,” Linda cuts his thoughts, “We haven’t heard from you two since... Easter? How’s it been?” Linda asked, “Was it the job?” Ransom turned his head to his mother. “No. I just...” He looked over to Y/N who wasn’t even gonna help him with this. Everyone knew they probably argued through those whole months.
“We just wanted some time on our own. You know? We went out to the store, went out for walks. Right, babe?” The way he said ‘babe’, Y/N knew he wanted to get her attention but also a warning tone to let her know, if she mentions something to the family, she’ll end up somewhere.
Her eyes look over to him in the most annoyed face that he would’ve knocked off her face. She smiled at his mother, “Yes. He bought me these boots,” She lifted up her ankle to show off the dark brown leather boots that went with her dark jeans, a sweater and a tan coat. 
To be honest, she felt disgusted to be twinning close with Ransom’s outfit.
Linda smiled at them, “How lovely, Ransom. You have taste.”
“She gets what she wants,” He says in a monotone, taking his gaze back to her once again. Y/N looked at him, seeing the cold stare that she had given it back at him. Silence fell between them again and Linda changed the subject with Walt’s family.
Y/N wanted to go to bed at that hour, now. Not wanting to hear his stupid voice and have her name slip past his lips again. She went for her glass but realized it was empty and she stood up. Catching her stand up, Ransom watched her head into the kitchen. He then stands up and follows her, excusing himself as he makes his way over.
Y/N dug through the wine cellar shelf, looking over the bottles and pulled the one she wanted and turned to the counter, only to face Ransom on the other end of it.
She pulls out a corkscrew and twisted it into the cork. “What do you want now?”  She asked, blankly. Ransom tapped his fingers on the counter and walked around. “I know what you’re doing,” He says. Y/N pops the cork out and drops it on the counter. 
“Oh, yeah?” She pours the wine into her glass. His body was now standing behind her.
“You think being with my family can stop me from taking you here right now,” Y/N felt the belt of his pants catch hers, his lower half on her behind. “Stop.” Y/N placed her hands flat on the counter, the warning tone tied in her voice. If he urged more, a bit more, she would slap him into the pits of hell.
His head lowers, “Stop is just tempting me, honey.” His hand reaches under and grabs her throat, turning her to face him, her glass falls to the ground with a shatter. The dark red liquid spreading across the wooden floor as Y/N gasped.
“Y/N? Ransom?” Linda called. Ransom kept his grip on her neck, Y/N’s breathing was getting shaky. “Ransom, let go,” She grabs his wrist. Ransom didn’t release because of her plead, he lets go from Linda’s voice getting closer.
“Y/N, darling, what’s-? Oh, my goodness,” Y/N whips around to face Linda while Ransom takes his steps over to the other side of the counter. Linda goes for the broken glass as Y/N kneels down. “Linda, I’m so sorry. I just bumped it and I-”
“It’s okay. We have lots of these glasses, I’m not complaining.”
“If it were the wine, it’d be a completely different story,” Y/N manages to joke, Linda laughs lightly as the two pick up the glass. “Let’s get this cleaned up,” Linda said. Y/N looks up to Ransom who stood behind his mother a few feet away, staring at Y/N.
Y/N could see the cold stare behind his eyes as it sends chills up her spine. He then walks out of the kitchen, leaving you and Linda to clean up the mess. Another bad family get together with the asshole.
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Thanksgiving was more special to anyone else. It was something to be thankful of. Fuck that. Y/N wasn’t thankful for that asshole. She wanted to be there, even Harlan’s 85th birthday was coming up. 
If Ransom picks up another damn fight, he’ll be stuffed with anything Y/N sees on that table. She’ll cut him up like a turkey, find a wishbone and wish for something better than him.
Complete asshole.
He forcefully had to have her in his arms on their way in. Hands laced in each other, she wanted to bite off his pinky finger, maybe shove that stupid metal ring down his throat as well.
Linda gently greeted the couple, saving Y/N from behind held hand in hand with Ransom as she gave her a hug. 
Just after the chatting, Y/N and Ransom sat next to each other at the table with the family. Meg sat next to Y/N with her mother, Joni. Jacob and his parents on the other side with Marta and Harlan. The table was long and Richard sat at the end of the table across from his wife, Linda.
“How ‘bout we say what we are thankful for?” Linda asked. Ransom and Richard both groan, “Honey, no-”
“Mom, that whole thankful thing is just old, can we just eat?” Ransom says, Y/N rolls her eyes. Linda sighs. “I’m sure you’re thankful for what you have, Ransom,” She says. Ransom looks at Y/N with a blank expression. “Yeah...” Y/N looks at him. “Very,” He says.
Y/N reached for the salad dressing across from her, reaching for the spoon, she felt her chair jerk and she felt her arm rub against Ransom’s sweater. He had scooted her chair closer to him. He was keeping his eyes on his plate as he ate away.  
Rolling her eyes, she reached for the dressing once again and managed to get it on her salad before digging in for the mash potatoes. Adding/Not adding the gravy, she dug in, maybe added some turkey to her plate. She poured herself some champagne as everyone ate and talked. Some laughter came out of the family, some gossip about a few people who weren’t in the family.
Y/N would kick Ransom’s leg once in a while when he placed it by hers very closely.
An hour had passed and only a few had finished their meals. Some even having a second plate. Y/N was still eating her due to the talking that prevented her from eating it. She felt Ransom’s hand reach up to her knee. She flinched away and faced him.
She saw his hand retract and she fixed her position in her seat, keeping her legs close. Another try happened a few minutes after the first. She felt his hand on her knee and before she could move it, his heel jabs into her shin. She hisses under her fork and glared at Ransom. 
“You okay, Y/N?” Linda asked, peeping over to look at her. Y/N nods, “The turkey... it’s a bit hot,” Y/N laughs softly. Ransom dragged his hand up. This asshole can’t get a fucking hint that she clearly doesn’t need this right now.
Fuck off.
She felt her dress lift up and she immediately jumps up from her seat causing the conversations to pause. She swallowed thickly, “Sorry.” And with that she scattered for the bathroom. Ransom tried to look confused and gently stood up, “Sorry. She’s usually not like this, I’ll be back, mom,” He stands up and walks out.
Once he left the room, his face darkens and darts for the bathroom she scattered off to.
Y/N stumbled on her heels and stopped to pull them off. Quickly, finding the bathroom and opens the door. Closing it, the door catches something and she looks down to see Ransom’s foot and he pushes the door open. Y/N backs up as he closes the door and locks it.
“Ransom-” She gasps when he grabs her wrist. “Let go of me, Hugh.”
“Don’t call me that!” He shouts. Y/N shoves him forward, pushing him against the wall, she throws her fist towards his face. Returning it, he clenches his fist and hits back. Y/N falls onto her knees, facing away from him as she gasps for air.
Her jaw felt awfully painful. She spits and blood splatters onto the ground. That’s the first time she’s seen blood caused by him. She stands up, turning to him. His eyes burning in flames, he noticed the blood on her lips. 
“You’re an asshole,” She chokes out, his shoulders drop slowly, “You always were.” Y/N pushes passed him and unlocks the door, allowing her to leave, he stood there in the bathroom. A minute later, he turns back. Y/N rushes down the stairs to see Linda, “Darling, what’s going on? Are you okay?” Y/N walks by her.
“I’m okay, Linda, I’m gonna head home.”
“But will you be there for my father’s birth-”
“Y/N! Get back here!” Ransom shouts, he storms down the stairs. Y/N drops her heels and runs, the dogs barking as she walked out the gates and Ransom stopped at the porch. “Y/N!” He shouts. Jaw tensed in anger, he growls, going to his car. “Ransom, tell me what the hell is going on!” Linda calls to him. He ignores her and jumps into his car. “Ransom!”
He drives off, going on the search for Y/N. 
Of course, he didn’t find her. Weird how she just left and just a minute after she had already ran miles. He gave up and drove back home. Y/N would return eventually, she had nowhere to go. Her family was on the other side of the state. The only money she could get was from Ransom. He made them share bank accounts. Which was stupid.
She had to go back. Maybe not go back to Ransom but to his family. No, no. That’ll make them ask questions why Ransom had hit her. She heard a honk and turned to see Marta’s car.
“Y/N? Where’s Ransom?” She asked, Y/N swallowed and sighed. “I need a place to stay.” Marta sat in the car to think, a few seconds later, she nods. “Okay, get in.”
Y/N opens the door and steps in.
Thanksgiving was not so good either.
A few months later
The family was all back together. This was the worse one yet. Harlan was reported that he committed suicide in his own room but Detective Blanc suspected it was a murder.
Y/N was put into this since she knew Harlan, she even was there at his birthday. If you were wondering, she completely ignored Ransom. Luckily, he kept his distance and then argued with his grandfather in their office.
“Miss L/N, can we speak to you for a moment?” Blanc asks, Y/N glanced up at the three men while Ransom loudly crunches the crackers he had in his hand. She stood up and walked over to the other room for the interrogation.
“So what is your full name?”
“My name is Y/N M/N L/N,” She replies. Blanc looks down at his hands, “What was your relationship with the family?”
Y/N sits up straighter and sighs, “I’m Ransom’s girlfriend.”
“Mhm. How long have you two been together?”
“We’ve work in the same business for about 3 years but in our partner relationship, about a year and a half,” Y/N says. Blanc nods, “Have you and Mr. Drysdale been into a lot of arguments?”
“Yes, I’m afraid we’ve had our disagreements,” Y/N said. Blanc rolls up his sleeves and leans forward. “Has Ransom ever laid a hand on you?”
Shit. What did the Thrombey’s say to him?
“We are just asking,” Blanc holds his hands up. She had to say something. If she said yes, it would go bad. “No,” She said. Blanc cranes his head, she shakes her head, “No, he would never do that.”
Blanc nods slowly, “How much did you know about Harlan? Have you spoken to him before?”
“When I first met him, Ransom never really introduced me to him so I did myself. He was such a sweetheart.” Blanc nods once again, “Where were you on the day of his death? The day of his 85th birthday.”
Y/N swallows, “I was currently in the kitchen, getting myself some wine while Ransom was having a conversation with Harlan. After that, he stormed out of the house, leaving me behind.”
“One way to treat a woman like that,” Blanc says. Y/N nods. “Yeah.” She looks over to the hall where the family was at. Spotting Ransom’s head peaking over the chair before he turns his head away.
Y/N sighs. “Well, thank you, Miss L/N for your honesty. I’m sure you’ll be okay,” Blanc shakes her hand. “Thank you, Detective.” Then she was on her way. Walking over to the room with the family, she began to walk around Ransom, till he catches her arm.
“Come sit here,” He bounces his leg and Y/N stared at him. He looks around. “All the other seats are taken.”
“Ransom, leave the woman alone,” Linda says. Ransom looks over to his mother and dramatically lets go of her wrist as Y/N stood further away from him as he eyed her up and down.
The day continued at the Thrombey’s home. The family had been asking about the inheritance, everything, the money, the house. It all comes down to this. Y/N shouldn’t be here.
She doubt that she wouldn’t get this inheritance. Sure she loved Harlan, made a few jokes and chatted with him more than she did with the others. But she wouldn’t get this money. She wasn’t in the family.
Harlan’s lawyer cuts open the file of what Harlan had place the name of the new owner of his inheritance.
The family all waited, holding hands or hoping in their mind what the cut they’ll get out of it. Each family member has some beef with Harlan. Walt being fired, Joni begging for money for Meg, Richard who knows what along with Ransom. Y/N didn’t know the Drysdale men’s deals with Harlan.
She could care less.
“Oh, wow... this is not too complex, this will be quick,” The lawyer says, causing Linda to make a ‘hmph’ sound. “I, Harlan Thrombey, being of sound, mind and body, ya-da-ya-da-ya-da...” Y/N was leaning on the door next to Marta. Ransom sat in the corner with his chin resting on his palm.
“I hereby, direct, that all my assets both liquid and otherwise, I leave the entirety to... Martha Cabrera and Y/N L/N.”
Holy shit. Marta and Y/N look at each other in disbelief. Y/N knew she wouldn’t be involved with Harlan’s inheritance because she barely knew him. Unless that one day.
“Is Ransom treating you well, Miss L/N?” Harlan asked, she sighs, “It’s getting there. We get into fights a lot and it worries me cause if he were to leave, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.”
Harlan gives her the gentle smile, “I’m sure if that happens, you’ll be in good shape.”
He really gave her half of what the inheritance was with Marta. Y/N didn’t even realize the family began to look at her and Marta in disbelief. “What?” Joni asks. Walt stands up, asking for the paper. Y/N looks at Marta and they both share the same glance.
How could Harlan do this to them? I mean, Marta was living in a small home and she barely had money for her family together and Y/N wasn’t like Marta but did Harlan feel guilty of having Ransom being with her?
Ransom chuckles at the family who all scattered around the lawyer for the truth, which Walt read, Y/N and Marta’s names were printed on that form.
Ransom then cackles as he stands up, walking over towards Y/N but she watched him pass her, laughing on his way out. “Alan, you can take this piece of paper and shove it right up your ass and get out!” Linda turns to the cops. Y/N couldn’t handle the screams.
Oh no. She deal with it any longer.
Linda loved Y/N in the family, now she just turned sour in front of her.
“We are the Thrombey’s, god dammit! This is still out house!” Linda pauses as the whole family stares back at Alan who flinched. “Oh... and I leave this house to Marta Cabrera.” Y/N’s eyes widen as Linda gasps. “You little bitch!” Linda growls, Y/N couldn’t handle that much clamoring from all of them and ran out of the house. 
Rushing to her car, she pulls out her keys and began to unlock her car. Someone pushes her into her car, “You give me that money you just earned from my grandfather and maybe I’ll give you a deal, give you anything you want.” His hands grip her waist, “Anything.” 
“Get off!” She elbows him and gets into her car, closing the door. “Y/N!” Ransom bangs on her window. “Open this door, now!” Y/N turns on her car and drives out of the driveway and down the road. 
Wiping the tears from her eyes, everything was too much. Harlan shouldn’t have done that. He pitied for her. Ransom was an asshole, yes, but Harlan didn’t have to give that money to her.
All she needed was a damn drink.
An hour had passed and so far no one had bothered to look for her. Soon if Marta would need her, she would call. Y/N regret thinking about that cause now her phone was buzzing. Opening her phone, she sees a text message.
Marta: Ransom’s been taken by the police.
Y/N lifted from the stool and immediately called. “Marta? What the hell happened?”
“What?” Y/N asked.
Blanc walks forward towards Y/N, “That’s right. Ransom had swapped the contents of Marta's medication vials so she would kill Harlan with an overdose of morphine, making her ineligible to claim his inheritance according to the aforementioned slayer rule,” Blanc says.
Y/N looks over to Ransom who just glared at the detective, “However, Marta, an experienced nurse, administered the correct medicine without reading the labels, and is thus innocent of Harlan's death. After the death was reported as suicide, Ransom anonymously hired me to discover Marta's guilt,” Blanc points.
“Fran later saw Ransom swapping the vials back on the day the funeral for Harlan happened, leaving you, Y/N alone that day. Fran sent him the blackmail note. Ransom soon realizing that Marta had given Harlan the correct medication, Ransom passed on the blackmail note to Marta, removing the address and time. He destroyed the evidence of Marta's innocence by burning down the medical examiner's office and burning Fran's copy of the toxicology report. He drugged Fran with morphine and emailed her location to Marta, planning to frame Marta for Fran's murder. But Marta saved Fran’s life, with a good heart. Not once did she play your game.”
Y/N glanced at Ransom once again, seeing his eyes land on hers in a cold stare. 
“Fran’s alive?” Ransom asked. “Oh, yes,” Blanc replies, “Fran who will confirm this very story...” Y/N turns to hear Marta’s phone buzz before she turns and answers the phone.
Everyone draws their eyes to her. "Doctor, that's great news," Blanc fixes his tie out of his shirt. "We'll be there soon, thank you." Marta turns around, almost happy about something. "She's okay," She's referring to Fran, "She's ready to talk." Ransom seemed to get darker by the second.
"Trooper Wagner, if you could-uh keep Mr. Drysdale in custody while Lieutenant Elliot-" Y/N’s mind goes to Ransom who is completely grudged about one thing in the case. He seemed to feel very upset of something. As if he wanted to say one last thing.
"All right. Up, come on," The officer says, Ransom stands up from his seat and went to reach for his coat. His eyes go to Marta once again. "I'm gonna say this just to you. No cameras. No courtroom. Just you, cause you know it's true," He walks up to Marta, "We allowed you into our home. We let you watch our granddad, we welcomes you into our family. And you think you can steal it from us? You think I'm not gonna fight to protect my home? Our birthright? Our ancestral family home?" Blanc begins to laugh causing you all to look over.
"You bought this place in the '80s from a Pakistan real estate-"
"Oh! Shut up, Blanc. Shut! Up! With that  Kentucky-fried-foghorn-leghorn-drawl!" He drags out the drawl, "Yeah, I killed Fran, but I guess I didn't. So what do you have on me? Nothing-what? Attempted murder? I get arson for the building and a few other charges, with a good lawyer-Which I have! I'll be out in no time."
Marta again. "And then we'll see, just how much hell I can reek on your life, you vicious little. Bitch," He glares at Marta. “Eat shit, Ransom,” Y/N snaps. Ransom turns to her.
Standing just a feet away from Marta, the couple hear Marta’s stomach rumble, her throat clenches and Y/N know what happens next. Ransom drops his face into confusion and seconds later she vomits right in his face. Everyone jumps up, Ransom backs up as Y/N kneels down to help Marta but she holds her hand up.
"Oh!" Ransom groans, "What the shit?!"  He completely blind but tries to open his eyes. Y/N gasps, “Or that.”
"That means she's lying!" Trooper says. "Yeah. Yeah, we know..." The other one says. "That's right," Marta says, "Fran's dead."
Ransom looks over, mouth agape as Marta looks up at him. "And you just confessed her murder." Marta stands up as Y/N helps her.
Ransom laughs, "Well..." He wipes his nose, "In for a penny."
Y/N see Ransom reach for one of the knives, attempting to kill once again. Y/N was quick enough to shove Marta away. "No!" His hand grabs Y/N’s shoulder and her hand grabs his wrist. Ransom had them fall back as the blade inches closer to where her heart was. The group hears the knife sink down, Ransom's body on top of hers. Y/N’s eyes blown wide in fear and shock, her breath was held in for a horrified scream.
She could smell the stomach acid on his face but she was more worried about the blade but nothing felt like it seeped out. Unless the woman was too shocked and felt numb below the neck.
His brows furrow, not seeing her eyes shut close or her body slowly dropping the tension in every muscle. His breathing slowly became less heavier. Y/N finally took a breath and it confused him more. He looks down to where the blade should've been. He lifts the knife slowly as it makes a grinding sound when a chef sharpens a knife and he pokes it into his girlfriend’s chest, finally realizing it was a retractable stage knife.
He looks up to her terrified eyes before muttering, "Shit." The officers grab Ransom's shoulders and pulled him away from her. Y/N laid there on the ground in fear, hand holding onto the blade. A man who had beaten her, was proven guilty for he murder of Fran.
Marta comes down and gently pulls Y/N up. “It’s okay,” Marta says, she gently held her shoulders. Shaking under her touch, all she did was stare in front of her. Ransom calling out to Y/N bringing the tears down her cheeks now.
An asshole turned out to be a murderer.
Eat shit, Hugh Ransom Drysdale.
TAGS OF A FEW RANDOMS!: @jtargaryen18​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ @chrisevans-imagines​ @chrisevans-source​
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Pancakes and Eggs - Liam x Riley
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Pairing: Liam x MC
Word Count: 2,119
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments.
It was the morning of the annual Easter egg hunt at the palace. Every year, the royal family would invite as many children as they could to come to the palace and take part in the hunt. The staff were sent out into the palace grounds on a mission to hide as many eggs as they could. The sun was splitting the trees when Riley had woken up that morning, she smirked as she looked beside her to see Liam sound asleep, with their two-year-old daughter, Delilah, lying between the two of them. she was the most perfect little girl, she was the kindest, most considerate child. Delilah had woken earlier that morning crying, Riley had gone to check on her, the little one had not long been moved into a bed from her cot, so she was still getting used to it.
“good morning, my little deli bear” she smiled tiredly as she approached the little one’s bed. Delilah sat rubbing her tear stained eyes. Riley took a seat next to her, as Delilah climbed onto her knee, cuddling into her chest. “what’s wrong sweet pea” she whispered, “did you just get a little fright, baby?” Delilah nodded as she calmed down. Riley hated seeing her baby girl cry, she knew exactly how to cheer her up. “does deli bear wanna go see daddy?” she smirked as she seen Delilah’s face light up at just the mention of her father. “alright, come on” she smiled as she stood to her feet, with Delilah in her arms then headed back to the bedroom. Once she reached her side of the bed, she carefully placed Delilah down, she chuckled to herself as she watched her daughter wriggled over to Liam and cuddled into his chest, he instinctively moved his arm to hold her. Riley quickly followed, pulling the duvet up to cover her, both her and Delilah fell back to a sound sleep.
Riley leaned over giving Delilah a gentle kiss on the head, causing her to stir, she didn’t want her sleeping to late, the last thing they needed was her being up all night.
“Mommy?” the little one mumbled as she woke.
“hey, baby bear” Riley smiled “why don’t you and mommy go make some breakfast for daddy?”
Delilah nodded with a grin. Riley took Delilah to the bathroom where she changed her diaper then they headed for the kitchen where they made blueberry pancakes. After piling them onto plates they headed back towards the bedroom. Riley placed the tray of plates onto the bedside table, then helped Delilah up onto the bed, the little one giggled as she made her way to Liam. She climbed over him, sitting on his chest. placing her tiny hands on his cheeks as she leaned over and placed the gentlest little kiss on his nose.
“wake up Daddy Bear” she whispered so adorably “Daddy” she repeated placing another kiss on his face. Riley smirked as she seen him smile. “mommy? Daddy tired?”
“I think so baby…try again”
“daddy!” Delilah shouted as she leaned forwards and blew a raspberry on his cheek causing him to laugh as he opened his eyes.
“oh, my goodness it’s a Deli Bear!!! Help” he laughed as she done it again. “Mommy bear! Help me!”
“Daddy NOOOOO” Delilah laughed as Liam tickled her feet. She quickly moved to the end of the bed where she sat cross legged, looking at him with the same look Riley gave him when she was annoyed.
“Deli bear, I think daddy needs a morning hug”
“mmm mmm” the little one refused
“why not? You always give daddy a morning hug” Liam chuckled
“daddy tickle my tootsies!” she stood her ground.
“well, I guess you won’t want some of these delicious pancakes then mm mmm mmmmmm, you won’t be able to reach them from all the way over there” Riley giggled as their daughter’s face lit up as she jumped up to the top of the bed, climbing under the duvet beside Liam.
“can daddy get a hug?” Liam smirked knowing her answer would be no
“mm mmm” she mumbled as she watched Riley placing her bowl with cut up pieces of pancake in, in front of her. she handed Liam his plate then she took hers and climbed in on the other side of Delilah. Delilah watched Liam as he cut a piece of his pancake then lifting it on the fork…before he got a chance to put it in his mouth she shouted “DADDY!! Wait!”
“what is it sweetheart?”
“some?” she smirked as she opened her mouth, waiting for him to share.
“Delilah, you have some look” Liam pointed to her bowl.
“some?” she repeated.
Liam smirked, knowing she wouldn’t give up until he gave her a piece…she done it every time they ate, she would happily eat hers, but before she done that, she had to have a piece of his food…even if it was just the tiniest bit. They had been trying to get her out of the habit, but nothing would help. Liam couldn’t tell his daughter no, she had him wrapped around her little finger. He moved the fork for her to take the piece of food then she shoved it in her mouth with a grin.
“fank oo” she mumbled
After they finished breakfast, they placed all the plates back on the tray, then Riley climbed from the bed. “come on Deli Bear, let’s go get dressed” “Wait mommy” Delilah stopped her from lifting her “what’s wrong?” Delilah smiled as she turned to Liam and pressed a sloppy kiss on his cheek, wrapping her tiny arms around him.
“Mowning daddy”
Liam chuckled as he held her tight.
Riley and Delilah headed off to Delilah’s bedroom to get her ready, whilst Liam went to the bathroom then moved the empty plates to the kitchenette when he washed and put them away.
By the time it hit twelve o’clock the small family headed down to the palace gardens, where there were tables, and gazebos set up, the children were already running around, playing games.
Liam and Riley done their rounds with Delilah, who was dying to get away and play with the rest of the children. She wriggles as much as she could to get her hand out of Riley's grasp.
As they approached Olivia Delilah smirked, she had become extremely good friends with Olivia.
“hey squirt!” Olivia smirked as she kneeled in front of the little one. Riley let go of Delilah’s hand letting her wrap her arms around the redhead.
“you’re a jumpy little bunny today…you wanna come and play? I think uncle max is looking for Easter eggs” Delilah nodded frantically bursting to go and play.
“is that okay guys?” Olivia asked Riley and Liam as she looked up at them.
“of course, she’s dying to run around with everyone” Riley giggled Olivia took Delilah’s hand then they made their way over to Maxwell. Liam took Riley's hand in his as they finished their rounds then made their way to sit down.
“I wish she had a little friend…someone to play with” Riley frowned “she is always on her own, I know I know we obviously play with her and her aunts and uncles, but I mean someone…her age” she whispered
“well…what if we help her out?” Liam smirked
“what are you talking about?”
“well…what if we give her someone to play with…a sibling maybe”
“a sibling…” she blushed “baby number two?”
“yeah” he nodded with his hand placed gently on her leg.
“is that something you’ve thought about?” Riley smiled
“yes, a lot lately actually, she’s getting bigger, and we already said we don’t want them too far apart in age, if you were to have another baby, in the next year, they would be three years apart”
“yeah, I suppose they would be” she smiled “alright…yeah…let’s do it…lets have another baby” she whispered as she leaned in and placed a kiss on Liam's lips.
“I think she would burst if we told her she was gonna have a little sister or bother” Liam laughed
“oh definitely”
Liam gave Riley's leg a gentle squeeze as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“I love you, Liam”
“I love you too, mommy bear” he chuckled
Not long later, Olivia returned with Delilah, with a plastic egg in the little one’s hands, and a huge grin to accompany it.
“Oh wow! Did you find an egg?” Liam asked with so much enthusiasm as he lifted her to his knee
“pink!” she held it out for him to see.
“a pink egg? Oh wow!!!”
“Delilah, sweetie, do you need a new diaper?” Riley asked, Delilah smirked knowing what was coming Riley's way.
“do you want me to do it?” Liam asked
“no, it’s okay, I’m going to the bathroom anyway”
Riley took Delilah’s hand then they made their way inside.
About five minutes after they went inside, the caterers brought food out to the tables.
Liam took a piece of food on his fork, before going to put it in his mouth.
“daddy!!!!!” Liam's head dropped with a smirk as he shook his head laughing. Just seconds later, Delilah was beside him, watching him as Riley sat down.
“yes, sweetie?”
With a laugh Liam moved his fork for her to eat the food on it.
Liam lifted Delilah, sitting her at the table in her booster seat, where she dug into her food.
A little while after everyone ate, the children were all running around, whilst Liam was talking to some of the families there. Riley took Delilah to play with the children.
“your Majesty…” Bastian smirked as he handed Riley the item she asked him to get.
“alright guys…who wants to play a joke on King Liam?” she grinned as they all gathered together. an echo of “Me” was heard from everyone as the laughed. “alright…so this is what we’re going to do”
As she informed the children of her plan the all started laughing…” alright, so I’ll go and get him, you guys wait here” she and Delilah headed over towards where he chatted with one of the families.
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you, apologies for the interruption” Riley smiled as she greeted the family, “Liam…” she smiled
“yes, darling?”
“the children would like to know, if you would play hide and seek with them?”
“of course, Delilah do you wanna come and play?” he asked with her hands out ready to take her from Riley.
“I think she’s getting a little tired”
“okay” he nodded before placing a kiss on Riley's lips then one on Delilah’s head then taking his leave.
“Alright guys who’s ready for a game of hide and seek!” he asked causing them all to shout and cheer.
“alright…who’s going to count?”
“YOU!!!” they all shouted
“MEEE??? Oh, Alright!” he grinned as he closed his eyes. “ready…set…go!!! Go hide!!!” he laughed as he covered his eyes. Unbeknownst to him, the children all stayed exactly where they were.
“alright deli bear…right on daddy’s head” Riley smirked as she handed Delilah the egg that Bastian have given her. Riley, Delilah and Olivia quietly approached him from behind, Riley lifted Delilah up so she could get to his head, then Delilah, raised her arm with the egg in it and brought it down on Liam's head.
“AHHHH!!!!!” Liam's hands went to his head as he laughed and turned around. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” he laughed as he tried to stop everything dripping onto his face, it was about the only place it didn’t get to, it was dripping down the back of his head, onto his Shirt.
“Daddy yuck!!!!” Delilah laughed
“Olivia…could you take Delilah for a moment” Liam smirked not taking his eyes off Riley.
Olivia agreed, then put her hands out to take the little one from Riley.
“no! she’s my protection…he won’t retaliate if I’m holding her!” Riley laughed
“livvy!” Delilah grinned reaching out for her, Riley laughed as Delilah moved from her hold to Olivia’s.
“what a traitor” she laughed
“come here” Liam smirked talking to Riley.
“no, you stay back…you’re a mess!” she slowly backed away.
“come on! Your husband wants a hug!”
“no!” she laughed as she took off, with Liam quick on her tail.
“just wait!” he called after her.
Once he eventually caught up with her, he quickly snaked his arms around her waist from behind, lifting her in the air.
“AHHHH” she laughed as Liam put her down, he bowed his head, wiping his hair on her shoulder.
“oh my god…ewwww” she chuckled. “I’m all sticky!!!!”
“good…just means you’ll have to shower with me later” he whispered in her ear, then turned and walked away.
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theaquarianphoenix · 6 years
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                   A bucket of jellybeans
This is my year. I just know it. FINALLY! It’s going to happen!
It’s Easter Sunday. And we are all here. At my Grammie’s farm house. Me and my family. And all my aunts and uncles and cousins. There are a lot of us.
We are lined up. Us kids. Next to my Grammie’s porch. There is a purple egg. In plain sight. Sitting on the pole. On top of the clothesline. Who will reach it first?!
My uncle says the words… Ready. Set. GO!!! And we are off!
My older cousin is already climbing the pole. He’s going to get the purple egg. Because he is bigger and stronger than me. But it’s ok. Because there are lots more eggs to find. They are hidden. Everywhere. All around my Grammie’s farm. And there are so many hiding places! The yard, the garage, the smokehouse, the barn, the pond, the fields, and on and on.
So, I make off. On my own. To hunt.
But, it’s not the eggs I am thinking about. Nope! There is something bigger. Something better. Something I have always wanted. Forever and ever. For as long as I can remember. And this year. I have a real chance. Because, for the first time. The Easter bunny came to Grammie’s. And I can feel it. I’m going to get one. A REAL Easter basket!
In case you didn’t already know, a real Easter basket is big. And woven. With colors of pink and yellow and blue and green and white. Inside it, are lots of different Easter chocolates. The chocolates are wrapped in pastel-colored foil. In the shape of eggs and bunnies. There is green and pink Easter grass. Tucked inside. All around. And some of the grass pokes out on top. And the candy is pressed in. Entangled. All around. Mounds and mounds of it! The basket is full of interesting gifts. Like colored pencils. Or new shoelaces. Or a stuffed animal. Or a cassette tape of my favorite music. But most importantly. There are NO jellybeans! Absolutely none.
You see, I hate jellybeans. I mean, I really, really hate them. I hate their grainy, sugar sensation in my mouth. I hate the way their chewy, jelly center sticks to my teeth. I hate their yucky, weird, neon, artificial colors. And, I hate the way they taste. Cheap. And dirty. Like they were already sucked on. And spit out in the sand. And left there to crystallize. In the hot, hot sun.
And that is why, I truly don’t understand the Easter bunny. At all. Despite my very strong feelings about jellybeans. He keeps bringing them to me. Every. Single. Year. Like liver and onions for dinner. Or the way my dad puts raw, shredded potatoes in my pancakes. YUUUUUCK!!!!
I mean, isn’t the Easter bunny supposed to be all knowing? Like Santa Claus? Doesn’t he hear my prayers? Doesn’t he know how much I despise jellybeans?
I just don’t understand.
And, it gets worse. He always delivers the jellybeans in the same, old “basket.” And, it’s not a basket. It’s an empty ice cream pail. And once, an old, Tupperware bowl from our kitchen. There’s no colorful, plastic Easter straw. To make it pretty. Or special. It’s just. Empty.
Why does he bring other kids a real Easter basket? A special Easter basket? Why do I get a bucket? A castoff. A piece of trash. That rattles with the very things I dislike the most?
Do you see it now? My dilemma. My confusion. My pain. My why?!
But, not this year. This year. Is my year.
I am determined.
I have searched the entire yard. The barn. And the garage. To no avail. I am anxious. But still resolved.
So, I continue on. And walk past the smokehouse. To its side, is a large propane tank. Grass is sprouting up. In shaggy tufts. All around it. As I get closer. I catch a glimpse. Of something shiny. And plastic. Glinting. In the sun. I rub my eyes. And squint them tighter. Into focus now. Can it be real?? Can this truly be happening?? I hold my breath. And there it is.
My heart is pounding. The ecstasy! In my view. The woven basket handle. Brilliant with pastel colors!!! The Easter goodies. Delightful and abundant. And bursting over the sides! The Easter straw. Radiant and pink. And fluffed up all around! Like a collar of peacock feathers! And on the very top? A stuffed, yellow bunny!!
Out of the sky. A beam of light. Shining down. On the basket. Like a gift from the heavens. My heart is exploding! And shooting off rainbows!
I run. Toward the light. Toward the basket! MY BASKET!!!!! My legs and arms sprout wings. I am a beautiful, orange butterfly. A fire in the sky!! Music now. Playing loudly. From nowhere. And yet, from everywhere. “Chariots of Fire.” A symphony. An opus. From the universe. To memorialize this one, long-awaited moment!!!
I am almost there now. My basket. Is… so close. Almost in my grasp. I can taste the sweet chocolates. I can smell the artificial, pink grass. I can feel its scratchy woven sides in my arms! I will lift it high and dance. Like a wildflower in the wind!
And then…
Out of nowhere. One of my uncles. From inside the smokehouse. He yells. With his arm out.
“Stop! That. Is. NOT. Yours!”
Vertigo. Dizziness. No sound. Just blackness. Blind. I am blind! Dirt. On top of me. In my mouth. Buried. In a hole. There is no air. Please, God! There is no air!
A short time later. I find it. My Easter basket. The one the Easter bunny intended for me. It's a ratty, old, Tupperware bowl. And they are there. Like some graveyard of brittle, yellowed bones. Jellybeans. Lots and lots of jellybeans.
Did I ever tell you that I hate the Easter bunny?
And, more than that, I hate jellybeans.
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