#((This is not to say that I'm upset at being unfollowed when I wasn't around! I just want to be sure that I'm not still following
abrushwithdeath · 19 days
((I've been away from tumblr for so long, I think I need to clear out my blogs a little bit. So tomorrow I'm gonna go unfollow any non-mutuals (except, like, meme blogs and side blogs for mutuals and such) here and on Cass's blog, too. It probably won't be many, but it'll help me know for sure who's still interested in writing together when I (hopefully) make a better comeback later this month <3
I also don't think I'm watching TNG with friends tomorrow night, so I should be around to do a few little replies between here and Cass's blog. So if there's anything in particular anyone wants me to reply to just toss it at me <3 ))
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f1-birb · 11 months
Honestly feel like I need to take a break from F1 altogether as a Lando/McLaren fan because that's how bad the hate has gotten. Like you can't even look at the comments/replies under his 100th race posts without "heHEHE no win" (which is funny because like look at all of the coincidences that had to happen for George, the only 2019 rookie to have a win, to get his first. And I say that as someone who likes George but without the Max and Lewis contact, odds are he would not have a win right now either). I don't know. F1 used to be something fun as an escape from the stresses of work and life but the fan spaces have become so toxic its frankly more stressful to engage with than just going to work would be. Which is a shame but given how they market themselves now, that's clearly what F1 wants F1 to be now too so it is what it is, I suppose.
I actually totally get that. I'd say maybe just take a break from the social media side, unfollow or block so you have to do specific searches if you want to see stuff, avoid comment sections on literally anything, curate your online space to cater to just you for a while, or equally if you need to fully step away do that too
sports are meant to make you suffer (mostly affectionate) not the online spaces around them
I will say that the thing that does genuinely make me laugh about the "haha 100 races and no wins" is like, it's not even a good diss? how many drivers even hit 100 races? especially over the last few years where we've seen teams be ruthless when it comes to driver performances, let alone hit 100 at only 23
this has gotten very long so adding a read more - more on the Lando hate under the cut if you want to
since F1 started, as of Qatar there's been 775 drivers and only 113 winners. 662 drivers have never won a race. That's more than 85% of the total number of drivers that have never won a race. Some of it is reflective of talent, but let's be real, in this sport machinery is a massive factor. Dominance has always played a role in the sport, look at Schumacher, look at RB in the early 10's, the 8 years of Mercedes, look at RB again now
specifically to Lando/McLaren - until this year, realistically, McLaren haven't had a car capable of winning races based on the car's own merit. As good as the MCL35M was and I enjoyed the 21 season, with multiple podiums and the 1-2, it wasn't a race winning car without a helping hand, and yes as unpopular as the opinion is that IS Monza. I honestly do not believe either McLaren would've won had Lewis and/or Max still been in the race (hate that if you want, it's my opinion and I'm allowed it)
Sochi is still a sore spot, it was a combination of a driver only in his third season, being fed information from his team that ended up being the wrong call, but even with the outcome, again it wasn't a race winning car on its own but it would've been if not for the wrong call, and only an idiot would say that the pole in qualifying and the race before the incident were not the result of an incredible performance from Lando
talking about this year, the leaps and bounds of development and the actual installation of said development is phenomenal and probably the most improvement I've seen made across a single season. and part of that is what's boosting Oscar's rookie year (again probably an unpopular opinion, not me saying Oscar's not great because he is, just it's giving Lewis 2007) and causing more heat onto Lando than is necessary or justifiable and last weekend proved it because they were exceptional circumstances (I won't go more into my thoughts on the weekend I don't want to get shot so I keep them to me)
even if we ignore everything above, and some people will, at the end of the day, the anons going round spewing Lando hate at Lando blogs are just at this point irritating, they're not upsetting, they're not big or clever or funny, it's pathetic and borderline concerning behaviour that says more about them than it does anything else 🤷‍♀️
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gothhabiba · 1 year
I think as someone who has followed you for a very long time (pre 2016) other anon will forgive me for saying that you have had open and long mutual interactions with trans women on this website the entire time I've followed you. I recently found an old post you wrote about trans women's right to determine how, what, and to whom to label genitals when "penis repulsion" was the special flavor of terf panic over lesbians dating trans women. I know you would never wave around what you've been doing as an answer to these people because it wouldn't change any missteps you actually made.
It's quite a lot to me that anyone actually could have followed you during that era and believe anything but that you were a little too credulous of butchcommunist's excuses when she started to get called out. Early on, she had trans feminine mutuals who also stood by her. You're certainly not being more supportive or writing completely new content about fighting transmisogyny to cover your tracks. You have been this way for as long as I have followed you. Feel free not to publish this if it seems too defensive, but I think some people's memories are shorter or more muddled than mine.
you're right that I'm wary of appearing to be 'doing PR'—people who are upset with me about this are perfectly within their rights to be upset, and if I can set anyone's mind at ease by clarifying that I believe that to be the case and informing my current followers who may not have been around at the time of what happened with this a few years back, then I'm happy to do that.
the post and the time that you're talking about were around the same time that I first started to feel reservations about some of her posts (like referring to "gender nonconformance" when asked specifically about trans women; or saying that no one is ever obligated to have sex with anyone else, and then later saying that she never "said or implied" that she thought it was trans women who were pressuring cis lesbians to have sex with them, when, like, you kind of don't have to, that is obviously what people are going to assume).
I discussed these reservations with people in my personal life (this must have been 2017?) but basically came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to unfollow or block her yet because my stance on counter-recruiting is that, when it seems like things could go either way (like, someone is still vocally denying animus for trans women or support for policies that limit transition, but evidently flirting with terf ideology), it is the opposite of helpful to cut them off.
because for sure the people who are not going to cut them off.... are terfs..... and so now you've closed the possibility (however large or slim it might have been) of them reading what you write and reblog on the subject and changing their mind. and I believe that terfs know this, and play up the whole "genderists ostracise you just for asking innocent little questions" thing, and use this to drive recruitment. but maybe this is credulous of me.
I also believe that if someone is plainly a 'crypto'-terf to the extent that they are knowingly interacting with self-professed terfs (so, barely 'crypto' at that point) then it is too far gone for that, and the only thing you're doing by continuing to allow them to reblog from you is furthering the point of crypto-terfs in the first place (namely, to draw people in by degrees through 'legitimate,' 'respectable' engagement with left-wing people that gradually shades into more and more overtly terf circles—same as any other fascist or far-right ideology). so that's why I unfollowed when I did.
during 2018-2019 I was attending grad school, which required 16-17 hours of work from me every day, and so I wasn't online very much at all—if memory serves, the 'private terf chat' thing came out somewhere in the middle of this time, and I unfollowed when I was 'back' and able to investigate / catch up to what was going on.
people are welcome to disagree with my ideas about terf recruitment and potential strategies for counter-recruitment, which I am not even sure that I'm right about but am merely trying things out as I go. it makes total sense for people to guess that I saw the writing on the wall and to view this kind of thing as affiliation, and I sincerely am sorry to anyone who felt less safe, then or now, because of my actions.
the reason that I haven't talked in depth about this before is that, like, again, it seems like spin! lmao
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chicspo · 4 months
heyyy how do I get over someone I never dated?? I basically had this friend who I started talking to like three years ago. he would flirt w me occasionally but I wasn't interested at the time. he would ghost me ALOT but we weren't that close at the time so I didn't mind. we started getting closer around a year later. Like a year back, he compared me to this girl we both knew, he would say we were like sisters and stuff and then fast forward a couple months he starts dating her ? for some rsn I got really upset at that so I j figured I liked him but I kept my distance cos I loved his gf and I could clearly tell he was ghosting me too. Anyways I still wished him hbd and he replied to it after they broke up and we started talking again. this is sooo middle school but when I told my friend about all of this she used my phone to text him and flirt and stuff and he was into it at first but then he j vanished. when he hadn't replied after a few days I wanted to clear stuff up so i j messged him "hey sorry for those texts we were j being silly goofy" (cos he knew I was w ppl at that time) anyways he removed me and unfollowed like as soon as i sent that text. its been months and I'm really happy he's out of my life but I j cannot stop thinking abt it and the whole friendship (which he called being acquaintances after I wished him) and I'm so torn because for a while I genuinely considered him a really good friend and we used to talk non stop so I don't understand. I truly hate that he messed w my brain soo much but I over think every single interaction we ever had now. (sorry this is sooooo long I j don't feel like I know anyone else I can ask)
i understand especially since it was so messy and u didn't really get any proper closure. the best u can do is just continue to remind urself of how lucky u are to have him out of ur life. if u dont see him irl or on social media at all it will be infinitely easier to move on. just dont think about him or about the situation at all. what u can do is write down a short list of things hes done or how he is that will make u cringe at it when u read it back. to remind u of how much of a useless bother he was in ur life if u ever start thinking about him again. and if u can just start talking to other men!! but ONLY if theyre worth ur time dont just talk to anyone as a distraction if it will make u feel worse. but if the chance comes take it. it will only reinforce the fact that he really wasnt any special. u didnt even like him at first. i think u only liked the fact that he liked u and then u missed that when he got a gf. u cant get ur validation or confidence from an outside source. u have to know it within urself how good u are. fill ur life with hobbies and activities. life is so much more than speaking to some random boy. i promise u in no time u will totally be over this
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smokedanced · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
MUSE NAME: -inhales- charlie bradbury, chloe price (pending), clara oswald, dean winchester, edi, edward teach, ella finnegan, eloise bridgerton (pending), ever hayes, garrus vakarian, hannibal lecter, hurley reyes, iris hunt, izzy hands, jake takizawa (pending), jeremy bradshaw, jillian marks, juliet burke, kenna de poitiers, lucius spriggs, mary stuart, river song, tali'zorah, the tardis, tenth doctor, tyrion lannister, will graham. on other blogs, castiel, thirteenth doctor & wren shepard.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: tumblr im box is small, so discord is much easier for me to focus on, but either.
EXPERIENCE: over ten years on tumblr, nearly two decades overall (shit, i'm old).
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: the best roleplay connections are those that are cross-genre. a lot of different tropes and moods for the same characters, to make up a vibrant story. a thread here, another there, no need to write them chronologically at all! i do have some favourite tropes (hurt/comfort, villain/victim, kink...) but even those work the best when included in a multigenre arc. so basically anything goes!
any kind of making fun of and/or harrassing, bullying, making callouts, or trying to dictate other people's fictional enjoyment. i don't care if the subject matter is something i'm personally disgusted by; if you call people gross, freaks, weird, for the fiction they enjoy, if you reblog callouts that focus on fiction, i will unfollow/block you. boundaries are fine, a polite "dni if you write (topic)" is fine. but if you even push your pinky toe over the line towards making it anything more than a personal boundary, i do not tolerate that, and i do not feel safe around you.
not letting me know which muses you are interested in. the amount of people who follow me, but never do my interest tracker or initiate interaction (i'm ok with the tracker not being done if you send in stuff or just plain tell me in a message which muses you want to write with), despite this being in my rules, is frustrating. i can't read your mind. i can't just assume all of my muses are free game, unless you tell me that. i give people several months to do this before unfollowing, but eventually i will unfollow, as there is... no interaction. i will happily interact first, send memes, etc. if i just know what muses you are open to.
assuming i'm not interested/am upset with you if i don't respond to ooc messages fast enough. it's fine if it's a dealbreaker for you if someone is responding slowly, but you don't get to say i "wasn't interested". you don't know that unless i say that plainly. i rarely talk in real time. i take hours, days, weeks, even months to reply to people ooc. fuck, one of my best friends and i sometimes don't say a word to each other for over a year, and we still are best friends. i do try to not take literally months to reply to people's ooc messages, because it's not very productive in the sense of keeping plotting going, but taking days or a couple of weeks is just normal, imho, especially if it's not every message several weeks apart all the time.
PLOTS OR MEMES: a little bit of both! i prefer to plot a little at least, but whether that's before writing, or after sending some memes and writing a few responses, is all the same for me! i'm very flexible about this, though, so totally winging it, or plotting in detail, are both fine for me as well.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: i'm fine with all lengths of replies, but medium, generally? i also think we should normalise reply length varying. if the muses are having rapid-fire dialogue, it makes no sense to write several paragraphs just to make the reply longer, when you need to give the other muse a chance to respond, anyway. and when there's a time-skip and descriptions of what happens in between, it makes no sense to try to jam it all in one little paragraph, a lot of the time. so whatever suits the reply? but also, 2-4 paragraphs as a general guide is my preference. single-para can feel too restricting, and over four paragraphs, especially if they're all chunky ones, makes it harder for executive dysfunction. don't worry about either of these, though! i think the best really is to just write what feels good for the reply, be that shorter or longer.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: legit this just varies, there is no specific time, although i do try to keep a regular sleep schedule (with varying results lol).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: no. i may have some similarities to some, but i am not extremely like any of them. i am actually jimmy price from hannibal. only half joking-
TAGGED BY: @serabellyms, thanks! TAGGING: please tag me if you steal it from me, i am curious! i don't want to tag anyone and make them feel obliged to read all this LOL.
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oh-katsuki · 8 months
Hi Cal, I'm sorry if this is really random or you don't want to answer which is fine. But I've got blocked by someone who used to follow me and reblog my works and stuff. Like they weren't any mutual of sorts but I had their account in my notifs pretty usually.
I've noticed some days ago that someone had unfollowed me and idk why I felt like it was this person, but it wasn't. Days later, I lost a follower again and I decided to check with Tumblr stlkr to see who it was just go to quicker and it was this person this time. I decided to look for their acc and it didn't show up which I just assumed they had me blocked and ofc, I was right.
I'm all for curating your online experience and blocking whoever makes you uncomfortable but sometimes I feel like shit when this happens. Because idk what I did wrong, I don't know what I posted that made a person not unfollow me but block me straight up? Like was it that bad?
I'm already afraid of messing up but idk why they would follow me in the first place just to block me later. I don't think you'll relate much but I just wanted to share it and see.
hiii nonnie, i completely understand where you're coming from and the same thing happens to me fairly often, especially recently with tensions being a bit high and vastly differing thoughts going around.
it can hurt when mutuals or someone you've noticed frequents your blog unfollows or blocks you. i def understand feeling dejected or maybe even a bit self conscious about it. i think what's important to remember though is that a lot of the time, it's not personal, even though i know it can feel that way. there are a lot of blogs that have me blocked, including people i have and haven't spoken to or interacted with, but i have to remind myself that not everyone thinks like i do and sometimes it's just not about me.
sometimes, it could just be that a topic you really like is something that upsets them and that's totally fine. or it could be the other way around!! a topic you don't like is something they feel differently about. i've certainly blocked people whose opinions or content i vastly disagree with, without really taking their character into mind. it's important to remind yourself that most of the time, it's not about character. it's just someone creating their own safe space and curating their own experience.
i know i sound a little preachy and even as im saying all of this, it still stings to see that people who i was mutuals with, who followed me, who i followed, or even random people have unfollowed or blocked me. i just have to remind myself that, in the same way im glad i don't have to see content or opinions i disagree with / find upsetting, they probably are too and it doesn't have to do with character so much as differing personalities and boundaries.
don't think of it in terms of what you did wrong. the likely chance is nothing. chances are, something just didn't gel, interests changed, they disagreed with an opinion, or they just aren't all that into something you may post a lot about. and (in most cases) none of those things are bad things. they just are in the same way that you just are.
regardless, im sorry you're feeling this way :( it sucks and i hope that you start to feel better soon.
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fkinavocado · 2 years
Dreea, I didn’t block you, but now I see you’ve blocked me. I unfollowed you but it’s honestly nothing personal. You can have whatever opinions you want (tho I do think the whole “PR relationship” is a bitch of a stretch), but you and your anons are CONSTANTLY talking about this drama, day after day, and I was sick of seeing it on my dash. I don’t mind a vague post here or there but when it’s all day every day it gets old. Anyway, be well. I still follow you on wattpad.
you did block me because i couldn't see your blog anymore. i saw your post about having to unfollow a few people and while that's perfectly fine and i understand if you just don't wanna see stuff on your dash about certain topics, the fact is you did block me and i wasn't the only one you blocked either
i wasn't even going to unfollow you even if you unfollowed me cuz i understand honestly. it was the fact that you blocked me. so i'm sorry, seems you reconsidered things and you unblocked that person i mentioned and i, but honestly i am upset you took such a radical decision. like i said in that post yesterday it's one thing to unfollow quite another one to block
i'll unblock you since it was never my intention but i was hurt. and still am. cuz we weren't strangers around here. i too was disappointed to see many ppl i liked around here side with blogs that have a very different perspective to mine on all this and even go as far as calling names and reducing it to jealousy and misogyny when it's absolutely not that at all. so i unfollowed them too but i didn't block. takes a lot for me to block someone
we're all entitled to curate our dashes. i understand if ppl just don't wanna hear about it anymore. but it's my decision what i talk or don't talk about on my blog and mine alone
(my last post about people following me back wasn't about you, though)
and for what it's worth: i never said this was 100% a pr relationship. i always discussed all angles and emphasized how we were speculating based on what we see. the fact that some of you don't even care to read the discussion on here but then just label it? like ... at least read what i have to say. if you're gonna have an opinion about it, at least let it be an informed one. i've never commented on appearances, age, parenting etc. all that is despicable. at the beginning i thought it was strictly pr but them recognized this was more than that but still the pr aspect to it is very very strong and clearly agreed upon by both parties. my whole issue isn't the relationship itself but what it means to admire someone and have that person in turn associate himself with someone i despise. that's it. and how a fanbase is being used and played with at the end of the day. it just doesn't sit well with me
i did say i was gonna try and keep away from this subject but at the same time i feel like some things i can't keep silent about. if there's smth that rubs me the wrong way i wanna be able to address it, not sweep it under the rug and pretend like it's a non-issue. cuz it is. and i'm not the only one feeling this way
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that tiktok trend where you show yourself with your best friend through the years, and the oldest ones are the most impressive, made me sad.
I had a best friend for a very long time. Sixteen years.
It wasn't a questioned thing. Ever since we were one it had been so; I was hers and she was mine. I loved her with my whole being and beyond.
We lived in different states, and we only saw one another a few times a year, so it felt more special. It also felt more lonely, considering I didn't really have any friends at my school.
We had a falling out when we were seventeen. I was going through a hard time and relying on her, and when she wasn't there for me I tried to talk to her about it. In response she lashed out, telling all of our mutual friends that this was the final straw, my depending on her. According to what she was telling everyone, we had been experiencing deep rooted issues for five years. I still wonder what they are, she refused to tell me.
She unfollowed me on instagram this summer, a year after we stopped speaking. I was in her hometown to see family and didn't reach out to her, and apparently that was the last straw. I'll never really know why though. When I think about it I imagine her petty and aloof, the way that I usually picture her now.
In hindsight our friendship was not all that great as we got older. She would constantly make comments around other people putting me down (especially around boys), and if I got upset I was sensitive and dramatic. I was no doubt a loud person, but while my other friends saw me as funny and blunt, to her I was irritating and abrasive. It wasn't an even friendship, I always felt inferior to her in terms of appearance and trends, and the latter part of our friendship felt like a giant game of catch up. Hindsight is 20/20 and in the rearview mirror there was no level playing field.
I miss the way I saw her without the knowledge I have now of our fallout. I wish I could still look back and smile. I don't necessarily miss being her friend, but oh how I miss knowing her. I'd almost forgotten what it was to miss her, something I was so familiar with when I was younger and anxiously waiting for the next visit. There's so much to remember that I still hold, and have nothing to do with.
I'll always know her birthday. I'm not sure it'll ever pass by without my chest aching. All of her friends know the two small dogs she has now, but I know her first dog, her yellow lab named Daisy. I remember the day Daisy died, just an eight year old listening to her best friend cry through a landline phone. We always watched Another Cinderella Story together, the one with Selena Gomez. I've seen that movie probably 30 times, never without her. In second or third grade she was assigned an essay about her best friend. She wrote it and then mailed it to me, and I kept it in a special decorated box under my dresser and read it when I was sad. How special it was to know how much I was loved.
I wonder about her younger sisters, if they hate me now. I remember admiring her mom so deeply until the day she texted my mom bad things about me. I didn't know she was capable of saying that about a girl who had her contact name set as 'Second Mom".
It is impossible not to grieve for a version of me as close to a year ago who thought that this girl would be in my life forever, my maid of honor. It is even more impossible not to ache for elementary school me, telling myself it didn't matter that I spent lunch in the library because I had that one very special friend. The version of me that saved every pair of matching pajamas we wore at our special sleepovers. Thirteen year old me, discovering that some clothes were cool and some were not. Fourteen year old me, given the silent treatment for talking to a boy I didn't know she liked and then apologizing so she'd speak to me. Sixteen year old me, wondering if we had all that much in common after all but brushing it off because, after all, she was my best friend.
I don't think I'll ever have a best friend like that again. I love my friends, and in them I've found kindred minds, deep emotional connections, and a lifetime of joy. None of this is comparable to your first ever sleepover in matching tinkerbell pajamas eating chocolate chip pancakes for dinner, feeling truly that all is right with the world. There is a perfect lyric for this feeling written by Girlpool, in the only song of theirs I have ever enjoyed.
"I just miss how it felt standing next to you, wearing matching dresses before the world was big"
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Hey Leah! I'm not sure you'll answer this because it involves the SVU cast and social media, but I'm not sure who else to ask without potentially causing drama and I'm sort of looking for background. I'm seeing a lot of comments on Twitter that the cast and crew overall have pulled back and away from social media thanks to the EO fandom contingent and I'm just wondering if that's, like, actually even valid? Like, historically was the cast and crew engaging on social? Like, they very much don't seem to now, but I also can't really tell if they ever did and people are trying to cause drama. Just curious if you know anything.
I appreciate the way you've phrased this question, I wanna say that first, thank you for coming in with an honest, respectful question.
Also this got long so it's under a cut
I can't speak to everybody in the cast or how things were done pre 2021, I was not on stan Twitter or following anybody on insta before that. But I can say that there has been a noticeable change in M's social media behavior. M used to follow several SVU/eo related tags and blogs on insta, and she was constantly - I mean constantly - liking eo and Chriska posts there and on Twitter. She was posting more - there was a brief, beautiful time when c & m were trading the whisper videos, and posting videos talking to the fans, and m was retweeting fan content, and I have seen screenshots of her responding to fans comments, not like it was something she did all the time but she did do it.
And then we had Isabelgate. Isabel Gillies, who plays Kathy, made a blog post about the way fans were talking about her and Kathy, often tagging her in posts ragging on Kathy as if Isabel was Kathy. The blog post was about the rampant cruelty on social media and the impact it can have which like. Fine.
It came out shortly after it was announced that the actors who play Garland and Kat had been let go, at a time when tensions were particularly high bc SVU for a while last year was just churning out blatantly racist episodes and had just let two poc actors go - blindsiding them both - and of course Warren has been hateful to fans - mass blocking fans, finding random posts he wasn't even tagged in and putting fans on blast, being incredibly rude and dismissive towards anyone who pressed him about the poor writing or expressed a positive sentiment towards Stabler, who it is documented that Warren hates. So into this environment where fans are feeling let down and in some cases outright attacked by tptb, here comes this blog post calling the fans awful people.
It understandably upset some folks, but it didn't just die. The fucking white house press secretary, who is friends with Isabel, qrt'd it and weighed in on the debate about how fans are just too mean. Fans who felt like they had been coming under attack already were now put on blast by the white house.
This was the straw that broke the camel's back for many fans. A Twitter campaign broke out shortly after the blog post, #svusilencedme. This was not just about the blog post - though some people did feel the blog post was part of a trend of trying to get fans to just shut up already. It was about the racism, and the treatment of victims - there are instances where the show used "ripped from the headlines" cases where the actual victims weighed in and expressed distress over the treatment of their own personal stories - and various abuses by tptb and the way fans felt their voices were not being heard. It was very big and very loud.
And m, who is actually close personal friends with Isabel, saw all of that.
Around this same time m stops responding to c's whisper vids. She posts a video asking people to be kind to one another. The response is not kind.
Shortly thereafter, m unfollowed everyone on insta. She retreated to her personal, private insta account. No more likes from m, no more comments. Her public Twitter and insta pretty much exclusively post what appear to be pr posts. There's no more engagement.
Now. All along, every time m likes a post someone is seeing it and screenshotting it and making it public, which I'll say would make me uncomfortable. Every time c posts a political comment people are filling his replies with comments about his ass or begging for his attention. The fandom is BOOMING now that Stabler is back and that's increased the attention and the number of eyes on them and that's a lot for a person to deal with. Add in everything else and I think it's not really surprising m pulled back, she's just a person.
But for the fans who are used to seeing her engage, knowing that she used to have fun with the community and is now not participating hurts.
I can't speak to whether it's more toxic now than before Elliot came back; I wasn't there. But there's been a huge influx of eo stans, and the show runners - Julie and Warren specifically - have not reacted positively to that. The eo stans came back for Elliot and have been disappointed and have expressed that disappointment, and tptb keep acting like it's a criminal offense to want eo content. A director who is involved in multiple episodes was dismissive of requests for eo content bc "it's not a soap opera". A photographer who frequently posts bts shots of the show went to war against eo fans, calling us "Doritos" (that's a long story) and eventually taking his insta private to deny us access to the pics. The fans who are vocal about how they hate Stabler get to be friends with the crew, the fans who care about him get ridiculed and blocked.
Did eo stans cause this? Warren's been hating on Stabler since he took over the show the first time in s13. I'd argue he created an environment that was detrimental to eo stans from the jump and is trying to blame fans for a fight he started. EO stans are often calling for positive change on the show - calling them out for the racism, calling them out for the trauma porn, calling them out for storylines that get dropped - but in order to call for change you first have to admit there's a problem, and calling attention to a problem can be seen as complaining or shitting on a show, as if you have to be 100% positive about the show all the time or you're a bad fan.
It's complicated, is the short answer. Has the way the cast and crew engage on social media changed? For m, definitely. For everybody else, I haven't been following close enough to say. Is that bc of eo stans? It depends on who you ask.
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forsworned · 3 years
[✩] collegeau!anonymous admirer. {moniwa kaname x reader}
Genre: Fluff
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Moniwa Kaname/Reader
Word count: 1,412
a/n: hello dropping another oldie while i work on request, should b a student genya x reader that i got from ao3 but just a reminder that i don't do underage nsfw or anything nsfw or sexy themed cuz that's extremely weird, but if you wanna drop a request in my inbox please b sure to read my faq thanx
Tumblr media
Every morning you'd wake up and check your tumblr to have a little message in your inbox from the seemingly same anon with a cute pick-up line. At first you thought that maybe you had reblogged something along the lines of "fill my ask", but it started to become a routine. It was never anything raunchy or lewd, just cheesy, cute one-liners that'd make you smile to yourself. Though, you had really appreciate whoever was sending them to you, you were starting to get really curious. Who could they be? Someone thousands of miles away or just around your area? It was hard to decide. You sighed as you shut down your laptop and slid it under your bed. You really shouldn't have been on your laptop at such a late hour. Finals week started tomorrow and you were beyond nervous. Sure you had studied but you always felt a bit on the edge during these five days. The thought of your anonymous admirer was the last thing on your mind before you drifted off to sleep. At least, they'll keep me positive throughout the week.
But you were wrong. It had been five days. Five days your inbox had been empty. Five days since they had last messaged you and you were actually beginning to feel a bit upset. Had something happened to them? Had you reblogged or posted something that they found offensive and possibly unfollowed you for it? You let out a groan as you spread your arms across your mattress and lay flat against your back. At least finals week was finally over and you could relax. Your phone made a small noise and you reached over your dresser to check whatever the notification you had just received. You almost jumped for joy when you had saw that you got a message on tumblr. Quickly logging on from your laptop, you clicked on your inbox, though it had a similar choice in pick-up lines it wasn't your typical anon. It was... "k-name?" You voiced aloud as your face scrunched in confusion. But then it hit you. You could finally find out who your anon admirer was! Your heart raced as you clicked on the icon and revealed the mystery person's blog. There wasn't much information, just a small quote on the bio: "Forever an Iron Wall" Hmm... That sounded a bit familiar. As you racked your brain for something that could connect to the quote, you hovered over the links and found the appearance link. Jackpot. Hurriedly, you had clicked on it but it was as if your laptop sensed your urgency and wanted to fuck with you because it was loading insanely slow. "C'mon you slow piece of shit." You muttered to yourself. A few agonizingly slow moments later, the page had finally loaded and your mouth dropped as you laid eyes on him. "Mo-moniwa Kaname?!" You exclaimed. Your face nearly burst into flames as you threw yourself back onto your bed and raked your hands through your hair, shaking your head in disbelief. No way, it just couldn't be him. You were dreaming. Getting back up again you scrolled through the many photos he had posted. Most of them with his teammates and some shots of him throwing the ball up into the air.  Moniwa had been someone you admired from afar. His spirit and gentle personality is what attracted you to him, but being the shy person you were, you never approached him. You went back to your inbox and read over the pick-up line. How was heaven when you left it? And there is was again, that overwhelming feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever you saw him or were anywhere around him. How would you even begin to reply? You fingers hesitated over your keyboard before you hastily replied. Heaven is anywhere you are You slightly cringed at how cliche that sounded, but as you tried to click on the text box to undo it your mousepad had acted a bit out of sorts and pressed on the answer privately button. Oh shit. "NO!" You exclaimed, as you slapped your face and fell onto your side. What have you done?! Now you really ruined any chance you possibly had with your crush. That night it was safe to say that you didn't get much of any sleep.
- - -
Waking up you felt as if you hadn't even fallen asleep at all. Your mind was murky as you washed up, dressed and got onto your campus shuttle. As you plopped onto the seat, you let out a small groan as your threw you head back and stared up at the ceiling of the moving train. "No sleep?" The voice resonated in your ears and you took a moment before you turned to the stranger. Though your reaction was delayed, you could barely believe who was seated right next to you at that very moment. "Mo-moniwa-san?!" You near shrieked, as you stood up straight and looked at him with ample eyes. His cheeks were tinged a rosy hue as he bit back a laugh. You turned a few grouchy college student heads due to your random outburst and you sulked a bit as you felt your cheeks warm. "I-I mean, weird seeing you here..." "Really? We've been riding the same train for the past three months." He replied. Your attention now fully on him as he looked down at the floor, expression slightly saddened. Had it upset him that you never noticed him on the same train as you?  Well, of course you idiot. Who wouldn't be upset? He laughed a bit as he looked out the train window and you tilted your head to the side in confusion. "I mean, I guess that makes sense since I'm probably overshadowed by much better looking guys." He sighed and rest his palm on his chin as he wandered through his thoughts. "That's ridiculous." You said a bit too quickly. His feline like eyes shifted towards you and you gulped a bit as you continued on. The morning sunlight shone on his form, giving him a celestial glow and your lips parted in as you gawked at him in pure awe. Your mouth moving with your mind. "Heaven is anywhere with you." His breath seized as he realized what you had spoken and you clamped your mouth shut. The train had come to a stop and you grabbed your belongings and rushed through the doors. Shit. Shit. Shit.  Had you really just fucking said that?! A far but audible, "hey!" could be heard though you didn't stop. A hand on your shoulder had given you quite a fright as your whole body tensed. Damn, you thought you had outrun him... "Hey..." He breathed out. You turned around seeing Moniwa out of breath, body slumped over as he let his arms fall to his side. "Jeez you run quick."  He straightened up with one eye squinting as he looked up at you, as the sun beat down on him.  "Aren't you part of the volleyball team?" You blurted. He chuckled. "Used to be. I'm getting out of shape. But damn, this is just ridiculous..." He mumbled the last part as he felt himself starting to regain his composure. "What you said earlier though," The blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt yourself shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "Uh, u-um--you started it with the cheesy, cute pick-up lines! And then you stopped for five days and it--damn it--was surprisingly pretty hard getting through finals week without having you send a dumb one-liner. I mean, at least I had something to look forward to."  His eyebrows raised and his mouth open ready to utter a word, though he's speechless. Had he really developed that affect on you? "But--but they were so terrible I thought I--" You nervously scratched your cheek. "Well, yeah, but I really liked them. It made sense though, why you stopped. Our finals meant a lot more than just a meaningless message a day. I'll just be going now." You finalized and began to walk toward your campus, but he caught your wrist in time and you turned to meet his gaze.  "You don't mean that." He spoke. "I don't." You replied, not bothering to hide your smile. A small pause before you spoke up again. "Let's talk about it over coffee, yeah?"
A large grin now on his face as he nodded. "I'd like that."
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hey! so first i wanted to mention that this isn't about any mods on here! this was actually an interaction that took place off tumblr completely, so please don't worry about this being directed to anyone. this is kind of a vent, as well as seeking validation and maybe future advice for dealing with this type of thing since atm i'm very upset. anyway. i get frustrated when people act like they want to help, but don't provide people with any examples, resources, or steps they can take, (1/4)
and just give vague answers. this influencer finished her degree in psychology and was taking answers from people seeking help with things like trauma and certain disorders. her replies are always things like "welcome abundance" and "help yourself flourish" and other things that frankly sound like nonsense to me because i don't even fully understand what she means in the first place? she never recommends any actual self-help activities or coping strategies. i finally mentioned it, (2/4)
i thought she might just ignore it but basically i just said that the way she replies to survivors is confusing without providing people with examples on what kinds of things they can do. and then she said that that's supposedly infringing on her privacy? she is recovered, so maybe she thought i was saying she needs examples from her personal recovery struggles, but no, i meant just giving people suggestions for steps they can take instead of speaking in riddles and cute little buzzwords. (3/4)
anyway now she feels her privacy was 'attacked' and the interaction just left me feeling bad. i don't wanna dwell on it much but i feel like i just don't 'get' how to recover and that maybe there is something wrong with my mindset but i can't figure it out 'cause i'm not 'spiritually enlightened' enough or whatever. i also don't have money to spend on all the trips and selfcare stuff she buys herself or the support of a bunch of fans/friends either so idk why i even try. (4/4) - from, Cherry 🍒
i just sent in a few asks and signed off with the nickname Cherry/cherry emoji since i wasn't sure which nicknames are already taken, please tag me as one of those in your reply if that makes things easier, thanks for your time and patience! and sorry if i sounded negative in the asks but like i mentioned i'm feeling upset over the situation right now (venting my feelings did inspire me to finally unfollow the girl though) thanks, you all are awesome
Hi Cherry,
I don’t blame you at all for getting frustrated at that influencer, I think I would be too. They sound seriously unhelpful. It seems kind of like toxic positivity except more... vague?
Recovery is definitely possible, but it doesn’t sound like that influencer can be much help there. I don’t think your mindset or “spiritual enlightenment” level is a problem here so much as this person just... not giving real advice by the sound of it.
I don’t get how her “privacy” was attacked, it feels more like a way for her to turn your comment around and make you the villain, and get sympathy. I’m happy to hear you unfollowed her, because it doesn’t sound like she was good for you.
I guess her advice must be helpful to some people, but I don’t get it either. If someone’s advice is “you need to spend more money” - I’d take it with a grain of salt.
And thank you for the compliment to us!
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papirouge · 3 years
Sorry for this long ask but I really like your blog! and thought it could be ok to ask!! --- Is it ok to support female only spaces? I've been getting attacked online lately from friends on ig for supporting women only gyms. I only have female doctors and dentists and just feel overall safer with women than guys.. When I was in college I talked to friends about how I felt really gross in one of my programming classes because even though I was there the guys would talk about REALLY effed up stuff like how rape is normal (ONE guy even said how if he could get away with it, he'd definitely rape a girl hes friends with and then went on to say how she deserved it for being friends with him and not being fwb), how there shouldn't be AoC laws that's only there because old feminists are jealous of younger girls(?????), that women sucked at everything, are uglier than men without makeup, and are overall worse than men. My friends just told me I was overreacting and that I was "super safe" in the class. I switched majors and reading how men really think about women when they have the power of anonymity online on top made me just want to stay away from them completely. The "threat" of being some cat lady is just really appealing now imo. though my dad and brother are probably the BEST examples of awesome men I know. And spiritually, I struggle with this because I know marriage is commanded in the bible. But idk. Right now I'm just really uncomfortable with how SO MANY guys just dont like women? Like they want 24/7 access to our bodies and private spaces, are upset when they're denied and realizing women as people like they are is just too much to comprehend?? Ugh 😕 I've unfollowed alot of my friends on ig, and now just follow aesthetic study pages, animals, and digital artists. But I'm feeling so.. numb and down tbh. I hope 2022 gets better
Hi anon!🤍
First thing first : "I know marriage is commanded in the bible" That's totally not true lol Paul himself state it was better for Christians to remain single (1 Corinthians 7:8) as it makes them more available to accomplish the works of God. Actually the Bible is very ambivalent about marriage as it states in the Book of Genesis that God made woman for the man because He deemed it wasn't good for him [the man] to be alone. BUT in the same time, the Bible acknowledges that remaining single has perks that marriage hasn't.
I don't know where the idea of female only spaces was unbiblical comes from? It's totally natural for a woman to feel safer around fellow women. Many women state they refuse to have male OB-GYN or doctors. Nothing in the Bible states it is wrong to have such preference.
Young men are totally brainwashed by porn culture. They have a totally wrapped view of women and how a normal adult female body looks like. It's like....a pandemic of mental illness at this point... I'm sorry you felt so uncomfortable around them. They love pulling out the argument of "feminist are old women jealous of young(er) girls" while totally dismissing the fact that MANY young women are actually saying the same thing as their older counterpart lmao (most recent example being Billie Eillish, which *surprisingly* got roasted for that) Protecting young people from the abuse of their elder is acceptable everywhere BESIDE when it comes to female's right - suddenly it's just bitter old women trying to steal the fun of young, wild & free reckless girls exploring sex for the first time.... Do they really think we're that stupid? With such narrative, it's the predator that are benefitting.
Cutting off social medias has been a huge resolution for 2022 for me. Please keep in mind thzt you will never have control over what is said on the internet BUT you can control whether you let it have access to you and you "mental hygiene". Men will act bold and disgusting online because they grew up in a decadent world that made them think behaving like that is normal. If you travel abroad in countries where porn culture is less pervasive, you'll notice men are actually much more balanced and less off-putting than Western pornsick dudebros (I have family in Africa and African young men have an overall healthier relationship with women). I have a few male friends and they're very nice and not pornsick weirdos. I'm a loner type and don't force friendship so I pick my friends very cautiously. There's no way you'll catch me around or entertaining discourse with the brand of guys you've talked about in your post lol Nice guys exist, but they're NOT on the internet, and don't watch porn lol My best advice would be to not think about men at all lol
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well idk abt the others but you're not alone, nonnie! if you've seen my interactions you can see how i have mentioned—more than once—that the little green monster on my shoulder is my worst enemy. i try not to let it consume me too much, but jealousy has always been my worst personality trait.
i think your views are valid because it happened to me too— i unfollowed this one writing blog that, in my opinion, had suddenly dedicated all their content to their self-ship. all their posts suddenly turned to moodboards, couple photos from pinterest, and talking about how this one character would act around them. nothing else, day to night, continuously, for a week and a half until i had enough. i don't mind writers being happy about shipping themselves, but when they do it in a blog that they've declared a fanfic writing blog, it throws me off.
it’s absolutely okay to unfollow/not interact with people whose content may make you uncomfortable. it’s certainly much better than sending hate/telling them to stop doing it,,,
one of the reasons why i love tumblr so much is that you can block certain tags, meaning your entire experience here can be tailored to whatever brings you the most comfort. so long as you're not harming other people, i'd say do what you happy.
and i apologize if i offend any writers out there who do this!! it wasn't my intention, and, this is a very personal thing. a lot of your followers probably don't mind at all, so, as i said before, please do what makes you happy. (i'm sorry if you also take offense from this, hazel. i know no one asked for my opinions, i just,,, wanted to share,,,)
- 🍡
It's nice to be able to show solidarity! To know you aren't a lone 🙌
You didn't upset me one bit :) - if this is where you feel comfortable sharing opinions and thoughts, I'm glad to be that place for you.
And you gave good, thoughtful suggestions to keep you in a good mindset without spreading hate to another! So thank you for that ❤
(I know I love Diluc so much, he's my favorite - so I hope my obsessions about him are limited to where you don't feel I'm overstepping either!)
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iwaasfairy · 3 years
You can totally ignore this if you want, but I was wondering if you have advice from one creator to another?
When I first started my blog I had a mutual that was super supportive and sweet and would constantly reblog my content. It made me feel encouraged and I really, really appreciated it as well as their own work. Over time they stopped engaging with me so much and it was fine because, you know, I understand that people get busy, you know?
But then they started cozying up to writers more popular than I am and they stopped communicating at all.
It hurt- it kind of still does- and part of me wants to reach out to them and say something about it or ask if I did something to upset them, but part of me just wants to keep quiet. I don't want to cause a fuss, but it does make me sad whenever I see them on my dash- I've unfollowed them because seeing them made me unhappy and frustrated, but they're still somewhat popular and I do follow the people they sidled up to because I actually do like their work. I have no hard feelings against them; I just feel kinda...ghosted? And it bothers me because I don't know why.
What would you do in this situation?
Okay another heavy one wHOOOw obviously i only can go on this message and i don't know any of the details 💕
firstly, i feel that we should call ourselves out for bad behaviour as much as we do to others so think about why it hurt you! was it because you were friends and it watered down or because you enjoyed the mutual back and forth or sharing each other's work? bc a kindness like sharing a moot's works shouldn't be something that you expect in return yk, then it's no longer something you're doing out of just genuine support. i'm not calling you out but i know i've had to tap myself on the fingers before when i got upset that someone wasn't sharing my work around and had to remember that i was rbing them bc i love their work, not because i expect something in return. again, not that this is the case or not, but i just wanted to say it in case you might have felt the same!!
but second, i know that there's people on here that do that and i know that there's "friendships" on here that are like that too where you're friends as long as you're mutually beneficial and i just :/ hate that attitude personally so much and i steer far away from those people as soon as i can,, bc yeah that just,, idk it always defeats its' purpose bc it's not real friendships. i've had a lot of people be nice to me and then just fall off when i didn't rb their work or beta for them or something and it really does hurt.
but yeah if you were really friends and hurt because of that, you can try to salvage it by talking if you want! if you were just mutuals and already didn't talk too much anyway you have to consider if it's worth it at all, personally i don't have a hard time cutting people out because of trauma so when someone fucks with me i really really quickly just slide back into my shell and that's that, but obviously that's also not really the way to deal with things and i'm working on that,, but it does have the benefit of being out of sight, out of mind. so it really depends on you my love, you gotta think about it.
i personally have people like that blocked, and their friends too oihfuiiersjidsj because i just really do not have the patience to worry about them,,, if you are worried about not knowing why, i think there's two important questions. 1. were you really friends that fell out or slowly stopped talking? (saveable imo, but depends on the other person obvi) 2. were they just your friend to get something from you? if it's the second, there's really no reason why that lays with you. truly. they just think tumblr is much more important than it is,, and that's just embarrassing on their end.
i hope you can work it out within yourself not to blame yourself for anything bc usually when it's clout chasers, you really could have done anything and everything and they would've left anyway, yk? if you think it was something else that broke you two up, maybe you can fix it, who knows! i certainly hope so, if that's what you want. 💘💘 all the love sweet pumpkin, i know online friendships are weird like that
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fonulyn · 3 years
I saw someone the other day here on good ol' tungle complain (before the show came out, mind you) that Claire wasn't going to be in the show enough and wasn't gonna play an integral role, and like. I can understand why that thought is upsetting, bc the girl is a badass and deserves more screentime for sure, but like not only did they end up being wrong (our girl kicked ass, played a huge role in the plot, and was just generally amazing) but they had like, blamed Leon a little bit for it? As tho it was his fault the writers don't give three shits about the female protagonists in the franchise (who, if I remember correctly, only one of which gets an actual entire game to herself? The rest, to my knowledge, are POV swapping games, which are fine but like. Come on Capcom)??? It was v weird and caused me to unfollow them bc they were already disappointed by the show, they blamed Leon, and they acted like, surprised? I don't know about you, but I'm never surprised by franchises like this when they put one of their main female characters on/in the promotional to garner attention and then she's actually only in it for five seconds. That's just misogyny (which I'm not excusing or saying is okay, obvs, but don't push blame onto the other main character, just bc he's the main character? Leon didn't choose to push Claire out of the spotlight, and honestly I don't even think he did. Like he got more screentime then her, yeah, but I think this is as close as we were gonna get to a fair split amount of time between the two, with capcom's history of "women? What women? Oh you mean convenient plot devices?"), so don't hate on people who love Leon, and don't hate on the character himself. Like what the what? As a Leon lover (he is my favorite, I love him sm), I am pissed that we never get to see Claire in anything, that we hardly ever saw Jill after RE3, and that all female protags are secondary to their male counterparts. It's bullshit, frankly, but taking it out on other fans and the other characters in the franchise is. Not good, and will just isolate you further from the fandom. Don't know if this is a hot take or not lol and I'm not trying to like be mean or start a fight with anyone, I just needed to rant about this bc it was bothering me and I figured you would kinda get where I was coming from? Also I love your rants, you are v knowledgeable lol
okay so... i saw some of that going around too. and it doesn't really make sense to me for multiple reasons. first of all, some people already decided that ID would suck even before it came out, they decided Claire would get no screen time and decided they'd ruin her character and... all of that before they'd seen more than the trailers? and I just don't get it, why not give it a chance before judging it?
i do understand that people want Claire to have a big role and want her to get the chance to shine. i want that, too! she absolutely deserves that! and I get being scared of what would become of it! i was nervous beforehand that they'd take the characters (both of them) into a direction that I'd find disappointing. when I pressed play on the first episode I was terrified as much as excited, because there was no way of knowing before seeing it.
but i do think it's important to press play and watch for yourself before condemning the entire thing.
and as for blaming Leon for Claire allegedly not having a large enough part in it? it... makes zero sense. it's not like they're living breathing people who have an actual say in what happens? :'D overall I find it weird how readily people jump to attack other characters to defend their own favorites. I don't understand this whole shooting down others to lift your own fave. there are ways to appreciate a character without hating on everyone else.
(that is not to say you're not allowed to hate on characters! of course you can hate characters! but like. you don't need to hate whoever you deem a "rival" just because. it's not a competition.)
and yeah, there is a long history of misleading promotion where a character is advertised as a main character and then sidelined to only appear for a bit. and it was a possibility. but it didn't happen, and I for one am happy about it. (what I am disappointed in, is that they made it seem like Leon and Claire would work together, while they did that for like two and a half minutes. but well. can't win them all)
(tangentially, they did something a bit similar to Chris in re8 too, the promotions relied super heavily on him but from what i understood (without having actually played the game, so correct me if i'm wrong!) he was a playable character for a very small portion of the game. so. they used him and his fanbase for promotion a little misleadingly. so yeah it is a real concern that could've happened)
like you said, Leon might've gotten more screentime if you only count the minutes. but Claire was an integral part of the story, she was fighting for the things she believes in, she got to be fierce (that headbutt is like the highlight of the movie :'D) and it wouldn't have been the same without her.
yeah it is bullshit how Capcom just threw Jill aside, and are tragically underusing a lot of their female characters. and I'm not trying to excuse that. but I do think they have a general problem with forgetting all of their characters except for Chris and Leon, who have gotten to be in most things (even tho to be fair they're not getting a fully consistent storyline either but. they do get screentime?). they create the most wonderful characters and then forget all about them, and it sucks.
but that's a problem with the people who make these movies and games. not the characters in said movies and games. so taking your own disappointment out on other characters and their fans is just... counter productive at best. it just leads to anger and resentment and the absolutely pointless fandom wars no one benefits from. i, for one, am too old for that bullshit.
so yeah, I get what you're coming from. it is so frustrating to see the unfounded hate. and tbh I've seen Leon get quite a bit of it. but that just comes with the territory I guess. he is popular, and some people react badly to it. which doesn't make sense to me, personally, but hey it is what it is.
I know it's easier said than done, but try to focus on the good! we got new content, Leon and Claire both got to be important parts in the story, they both kicked ass and looked amazing doing it! for the most part they both felt very in character, and I have high hopes we might get more in the form of season 2! :3
also, I'm glad you're enjoying my ramblings :'D I have a lot of thoughts but I usually get carried away rambling and I'm never sure how much sense i make, lol.
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soul-dwelling · 3 years
what is that fire force forum? because forums in general seem to be dead. one reason I even started going on tumblr is just to find some opinions that arent on reddit or 4chan
It was a Fire Force Reddit.
And...look, I really have no place to talk about toxic communities, and almost all of that Reddit I encountered was fine or just enthusiastic fans.
But that Reddit is so not the place I want to hang out in.
It's one thing for someone who was obviously not a fan to join that Reddit to post some criticism about a series people are enjoying. I'm sure I wouldn't like creating a fan community online and having someone step in to complain about the series.
And I'm not saying any of this as a hater. I like enough of Fire Force to think there is a better story waiting for fans to write (I do enough of that in my off-time). For all the crap I give Fire Force, I was initially on-board, even when the stupid shower scene in the first chapter, or the initial crap given to Tamaki. Hell, I translated chapters of Fire Force into English when others weren't. I was a Soul Eater fan and really wanted to enjoy Fire Force as its own separate story, and I wanted to support the series however I could. But when the stupid Assault chapter happened the same day the anime got announced, I soured quickly, and it only got worse when I tried to get through the second Nether Arc, and now we're here with the prequel crap, and I'm just upset. It is not as if I wasn't getting enjoyment out of this series--I just stopped enjoying it because it was not giving me what I wanted.
So, when someone writes criticism on Reddit, and, yeah, they cursed in their post, but they aren't insulting fans or other people, and they are asking for feedback and whether their criticism is valid, it's bothersome to me that the post just gets deleted off Reddit. If you want to delete stuff for cursing, fine. If you want to delete stuff for criticizing what you like, fine, whatever, it's your forum. I didn't see any other posts by this Reddit person who wanted to share their criticism, so I don't know if things escalated and led to the original post being deleted. (Good thing I saved a screen cap of the original post, as I do think it had legitimate criticism that I would like to talk about later.) But, if you're going to delete a post for cursing, or criticizing, I can tell that's not the environment I want to be in.
It's kind of how I look at a bit of Reddit, that forum and at large. Posts thirsting after Iris and other characters on that Reddit get tiresome. Hell, I was exhausted seeing stupid "fingering" gags around Mirko and Shigaraki in the latest Reddit thread for My Hero Academia, so it's not just that one Reddit, it's Reddit at large. Hell, how long did it take Reddit to ban some white supremacist platforms? Reddit just hasn't been for me.
And it's not like Tumblr doesn't have its own problems: I remember Nazi accounts on this platform, which, fuck that, that shit should have been deleted immediately. But Tumblr usually is more where I stand where it comes to inclusiveness, representation, social justice, and my sense of humor. At least on Tumblr, I'm just one person with his own blog about all things Soul Eater: I'm not representing the fandom at large, I'm not the entire fandom at all, I'm just one person who likes Soul Eater, wanted to share other people's stuff, and write what I thought of the series. I'm not hosting a forum for other people to join in, I can only share and defend my own remarks or maybe what I reblog, I'm not at all representative of the entire fandom, and people can unfollow or block me if they don't like my opinions or approach.
I sympathize with anyone running a fan forum like a Reddit, trying to set up rules for civil discussion. And it's easier for me, with a Tumblr, to just ignore criticism, or not reply to a submission, or block someone, while moderators on Reddit have to figure out what kind of community they want and have to be ever vigilant removing posts that violate rules, rules that I hope are there to create a safe environment. But that Reddit wanted to delete what I thought was fair criticism; I disagree with that decision; so, I don't engage with it, I don't post to Reddit, and I just stick to my own blog here.
And I really do not want to go to 4chan. I went there for just the Fire Force finale spoilers, and I already felt unclean.
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