iminagony2 · 3 years
ugh keep spilling salsa on my knee >:( doesnt it know i am TRYING to WRITE !!!?
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iminagony2 · 3 years
hi besties here's the next one <3333
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iminagony2 · 3 years
Ok sorry for lying abt update but I got sick again life is pain or whatever but I'm feelin a bit better now ha ha
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iminagony2 · 3 years
If im good...there might be anew chapter by the end of the night :P I alwayd tell myself that a chaptre has to be a certain length but it literally doesn't LOL it cold be 12 words long or 36 thousand it is up to me bc im the author !!!
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iminagony2 · 3 years
its done after like two months ha ha !!!
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iminagony2 · 3 years
ok after long wait I think the next chapter of mmsmtb will b up by like at most 11 tonite est....I am gonna focus really hard on it...
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iminagony2 · 3 years
hi guys here's a sneak preview of the new spooky story bc im so bad at writing within the deaddlines I set for myself LOL but it is on its way and also the next hpaer I sound like. broken record but like for real....soon <3 enjoy the littl e tidbit
Four dark figures in cloaks surrounded a big pot of deep dark redbubbling steaming concoction...
"Brothers... a offering approaches," one of them said looking into the pot and seeing an image
"Whence shall she arrive?" the tallest of tha figures asked
"heareaboits 7 pm.." the first one said
"I so hungr for a nice dinner..." another one said. He had glasses and was rubbing his hands together hungrily.
" Here here," they all said rowdy
"let us prepare the manor..." the first one who talked said. “I shall prepare z room…”
"yes yes," they said. And they all left from the room containing the pot and began to prepare for their specoal visitor....
It was becoming a dark and stormy night....Marie was on her way to her grandmas house when a sudden torrential downpour happened!!!
"oh no! Rain!" she cried as the droplets began soaking her and her clothes.
it was getting really dark from the storm except for the flashed of lightening that lot up the sky. She needed to find better shelter than some gnarly trees!
Ahead on the road she thought she was able to see a little light coming from what looked like windows,
She had left for her grandmothers house at 3 and was supposed to he there at like 9 but the rain relay hapered her journey
Maria just HAD to get there it was important that she get to her grandmas!!!
" Come on Radish, we've got to find shelter..." she told her horse and potted it on the side. He was a reddish brown horse and he was 16 hands high and he had a birthmark that was slightly darker color than the rest of him that looked like a radish which is why they named him Radish.
Marie was wearing a midnight purple cloak and underneath she was wearing a blue dress with white ruffles on the ends and it went down to her ankles and it had darker blue bits and she had her hair in its natural form but she had some of it in two braid on the sides that joined in the back that kept it out of her face. She was wearing whatever makeup was culturally adequate (AN: idk LOL)
But all her clothes and possible makeup were getting ruined in the pouring rain!
Oh no!
She got Radish to hurry to the light so they wouldnt get strike by lighteneing....
She arrived at the door to the big stone mansion and did mounted and held radishes reigns as she knocked on the door with the doorknoker
She made sure to hold them tight because there was a moat thing and the door was at the end of a bridge over it.
She hoped they had a place for her horse radish :( She could barely see any thing except for when lighteneing struck it was raining so hard.
There waz a big door knocker on the door and s he saw it when the lighting flashed and it was a big long dog head with the circle knocker in its mouth?? Weird Maria had never seen anything like it before…
The knocker had been knocked for like a minute and the storm was getting worse but Maria was absolutely sure shed seen a light in the big building when she was driving up with her horse ….they looked down on her like eyes as she stood ther but was there anyone behind them???
Finally there was a biiig shock of the lightning and she hadn’t even noticed but the door opened!
Another lightneing flash and the open door had a figure in the inside!
Wow the storm must be right above them there was almost no gap between the thunder and the lightening.
“Good eevening..” The figure sais mysteriously
“Hello kind sir I was on my way ot my grand mother’s dwelling when this terribel gale overtook me…would you be so kinda as ro all wme to stay with you for a short time until the storm rebates?
Alls she could ee was a hunched over sillouete because there was alight on behind him. HE seemed tall but he was all hunched.
“Yes, sweet child you shall stay with us as longs you need…” the strangers vice was high pitched and mousy it reminded her of her grandmother’s so she felt safe
“Whos house is this?” Maria asked
“Tis the house….of Seymour,” said the guy he moved his candelabra (he had a candelabra btw) and Maria saw his face in good light . He was wearing thick spectacles and was very very pale like he hadn’t been in the sun for weeks and weeks maybe even moths. He looked really tired. And he had dark hair.
“I thank you dor your hospitality,” said Marix as she was ushered inside by the slouching figure
ok there's a lot more that happens... its kinda turning into a short story but I wanna post it alltogether <3 Its like 8 thousand words rn and but im like halfway to where I want to be LOL ugh. But like biiiiig big thank you 2 my friend Nic who is helping me with it :) shes an English student so she like knows stuff ;P
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iminagony2 · 3 years
ok so im a big liar about the chapter coming out soon but! im hacking away on the spooky story AND I have help now!! its turning out way longer than I executed it too, but like... two heads are making it so ofcourse its gonna be longer LOL. im not gonna like say a day bc I don't wanna be a liar again but excpect it WITHIN the year ha ha...n e way, happy holidays love and light see u soon!!!
Sincerely, IM IN AGONY <3
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iminagony2 · 3 years
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ginger thom
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iminagony2 · 3 years
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Thom Yorke by Koh Hasebe
Music Life Magazine, 1997
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iminagony2 · 3 years
omg shakspeare is soooo good
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iminagony2 · 3 years
how do you like succession??? who's your fav character?? omg wait what about a blur x succession crossover...
I like it pretty good :P I didn't think I would but its actually soo good and I <33333 the music! And I think maybe cousin greg is my fave? but I like Roman and Kendall too but they're all so awful ahah! but when there all sad and pathetic n angsty I'm like "omg maybe they're not so bad..." but then they do something awful again snd its like..oh yah youre apart of an evil mega corporation LOL 😂 I wouldn't want to be friends with ANY of them if they were real....like yikes !!! 😬
and a "Blurccession" crossover would be so cool !! omg maybe a roy sees blur in concert and wants to buy THEM! or like pay to be let in the band hmmm...or its like an AU and the Roy kids are in a band in the 90s and they get in a battle w/ the blur gays....omg omg maybe, they stayed in England withtheir mom in the 90s so thyere all british and two of them fall in love and its liek Romeo a nd Juliet....😮 Roy-meo and Blur-iet !!!
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iminagony2 · 3 years
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i made an entire cover for tha halowween special that im workign on still (sorry its so late LOL but Bluroween is whenever i decide it is hahaha) but then i found out thers a like generator for this type of cover :'( I spent like an hour on it UGH !!!!!
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iminagony2 · 3 years
omg guys my story on wattped is one of the ones to get text to speech !!!!! it s so weird herring it out loud !!!
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iminagony2 · 3 years
ok ther eshould be a new chapter in the next few days if im dildingent and focus....so maybe next month LOL !!!
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iminagony2 · 3 years
okay its here happy halowwen !!! its a treat not a trick see you ghouls tomorrow <3
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iminagony2 · 3 years
oaky new chapter SOON liek actually LOL ! ! its almost done !!!
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