pctaldrunk · 1 year
Cangtai exhaled a long sigh, and his eyes were wide: "But Bai Liu is an offering too now - a person that profits. Why don't you think they're right?"
Bai Liu looked at him, eyes black, gaze moving, breeze blowing stray hair into eyes: "At the uppermost point of the food chain these people have forged, there is an ex-god of evil who should be exploiting everyone. But because he chose not to exploit these people, he is now tortured and exploited by these people. That ex-god of evil - that person is my love."
Cangtai was completely shocked.
Bai Liu looked back toward the old man leading the line of offerings, and when he spoke there was no emotion in his voice. "I came here to take care of the people who have exploited him, and to break this food chain that's tied him down."
"And then, I will tell him." Bai Liu paused. "That no matter what happened after, his choice wasn't wrong."
0 notes
treasure444 · 7 months
Title: I'm so in love with you. Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader WC: ~3.7K Content Warnings: SMUT (Unprotected, Simon is a biiiit of a bottom, Simon likes being bit) MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, feels, Reader gets injured, angst but it does have a good/happy ending. I know I just posted a Simon Riley fic, but the brain rot DO be brain rotting. My current hyperfixation. I have lots of other stories half-written or fleshed out for all the characters I write for, and I am getting to them, I promise!!
Wonderfully beta'd by the ever amazing @universitypenguin - if you have not read anything Alice has posted, please do so! The Princess and The Lawyer is AMAZING!!
Requests are open, feel free to submit, and to those who already have, I promise I am working on them!!
It was moments like these that you genuinely dreaded, sometimes wishing that you had chosen something different. Everyone, even now, always questioned why this was the career chosen. You had never been able to fully answer, always giving a vague, ‘I’m in it for the same reasons everyone else is.’ Never truly knew why, what pulled you here. 
The satisfaction when you had won was unlike any other, but so were the nightmares. The constant replay of the field, the battles, the close calls that could have ended up much worse. It was never about you, no, rather your teammates. The close calls they faced, that were your fault. If you had been a few seconds quicker, or had just slowed down and aimed properly, you could’ve avoided these moments.
That’s where you currently found yourself, in a meeting with Captain Price, and Lieutenant Riley. Both very terrifying men. At least, Price was trying to make it easier on you, giving soft smiles, and ‘Ghost, relax. Everyone makes mistakes.’ 
A bite of ‘doesn’t matter, they should be able to conduct themselves properly.’ Was fired back. It was no secret the Lieutenant had a distaste for you. Maybe because you were ‘reckless’ as he had described you multiple times. Perhaps it was because at the end of the day he ended up having to save you more than once. Soap had attempted to calm your nerves one day, explaining ‘he gets like this with everyone. ‘S not just you.’ 
You saw the way he acted upon passing. With other soldiers, it was a very slight almost imperceptible nod of his head, but for you the ever-present scowl on his face seemed to deepen. No matter what you had tried, you could never get that recognition that you so desperately wanted. 
“Captain,” you said, gaining his attention, “W-While I appreciate the help, he’s not wrong. I-I don’t agree with the way he’s making his points, but I should’ve been paying more attention. Gaz could’ve been seriously hurt i—“ 
“He could’ve been killed! Because of you!” Ghost’s voice boomed across the Captain’s office. You jumped in your seat.
“You’re absolutely right,” you said looking at Ghost, “and I am sorry.” 
He grunted in response, before stalking out of the room.
“Ignore him, he’s stressed out over the next mission.”
You shook your head, “He’s right. Gaz could’ve died because of my mistake.” The guilt sat stationary in your chest. 
Price offered a sympathetic smile, “Ghost’s has also had some close calls. That is very similar to the potential today. We all have had some pretty close calls. Don’t let him get in your head.” 
You nodded, and rose from the chair on a shaky breath, “thank you.” 
Price nodded, “You’re welcome. There’s a debriefing in an hour.” He reminded. 
You nodded and walked out to get ready for the meeting. 
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Three hours later you had found yourself in the middle of the battlefield. According to Price, it should’ve been an ‘easy’ mission. Gather the intel and get out, you hadn’t planned for the ambush. You had been almost positive you were safe, hidden behind a barrel, Ghost beside you. That was until you caught sight of the enemy behind you. 
You caught them raising their gun, aiming for the lieutenant. Soap screamed for him, you pushed him clean out of the way before hearing two gunshots ring out. One of which had pierced the enemy, knocking him down instantly. The other lodged itself into your thigh. You didn’t quite register the shot at first. Not until Soap was by your side. 
“Just go. Scan the perimeter, make sure there’s no more, make sure Gaz has the intel.” You spoke before he even had a chance to say anything to you. Soap ran off, you sat yourself down, still hiding behind the barrel. Your hand weakly pressing against the wound in your thigh. 
You leaned your head back against the barrel, closing your eyes as your hand was replaced by Ghost’s gloved appendage. You whined as he put more pressure than you had been. “I know, I know. Stay with me.” 
You giggled softly, “ironic, isn’t it?” Your head rolled to the side. “This time it wasn’t you saving me.” 
You watched Ghost’s eyes pass between your face and your leg repeatedly. His voice became distorted as he spoke into the walkie on his shoulder, more than likely explaining the situation to Price, and Gaz. Your eyelids grew heavy, so you opted to keep them closed. 
You could hear the concern in Ghost’s voice, but you could no longer hear the words. Could still feel the gloved hand pushing at your skin, but no longer the pain. You slowly allowed yourself to fall into the unconsciousness pulling at you. 
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You came to, to the sounds of beeping and hushed voices. Confused, you opened your eyes, “Jesus.” You squinted, looking around. You found Price, and Ghost by your bedside. 
“Hey. How do you feel?” Price spoke, keeping his voice soft. 
“What happened?” Your voice came out weak. Ghost handed you a small paper cup with a straw. Noting he didn’t have the gloves on anymore. 
“Drink this. Small Sips. ” He spoke. You took it, taking a small sip as he instructed.
“You were shot.” Price spoke up again, and everything came back to you, “You were lucky. The bullet missed the femoral artery. Small fracture, you’re off for the next 8 to 12 weeks.” 
“8 to 12 weeks?” Your eyes widened, “No, Price there has to be a mistake! Surely it won’t take that long!” You handed the cup back to Ghost.
“That’s what the doctor has said, and that’s what we’re going by.” Price told you before his phone went off, and he walked out to take the call. 
You groaned, throwing your head back into the pillows. Ghost chuckled before handing you the cup again, “I bet you’re really regretting taking that bullet for me now huh?” 
You looked over at him, “not at all,” you smiled, “but I have to ask, where’d the gloves go?” 
You heard, more than saw, the audible gulp he took. “Had to take them off.” 
You nodded like you understood the implication of what he was saying. Which you did. You remembered him pressing his hands down against the wound trying to get the blood to clot. Saw how your blood stained the white part of the skeleton fabric. 
When you looked back up at him, you could see the fear. For once you saw your strong-willed, cold-hearted lieutenant, genuinely scared. For you. Like he was reliving what happened. Like he couldn’t believe you were still here. 
The word lucky rattled around in your brain. Echoing Price’s infliction. You were incredibly lucky, though you weren’t sure you’d admit it out loud. Something had shifted. You weren’t able to pinpoint exactly what, but something in the air of your hospital room felt different.
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The aftermath of a mission always did funky things to you. Things you could never fully understand. Adding to that, the fact that you had been out of commission for the last 10 weeks. You had been a little rusty. Which was how you found yourself being dragged out to Ghost’s office. You were sure that he was mad, that he was going to berate you when he called you to his office. However, he led you past his office, and into his personal quarters. “You’re always such a problem.” He said as he closed the door behind you. 
“I didn’t see it!” You watched him. 
“I’m not saying anything.” He defended. 
“You are! You’re saying that I’m a problem.” 
“Because you are. I consistently am having to step in and save your ass because you’re so reckless.” 
“You can’t seriously sit there and get caught up in the few times you’ve saved me! Are you serious?! This is a fucking joke. You’re a fucking joke.” Your voice raised, anger shooting through your body. 
Ghost glared at you. “I’M the joke?! You must really think highly of yourself!” 
“Highl— What?! This is. No. No! I’m leaving. I will not allow you to sit here and treat me like this.” You stomped towards the door. You didn’t make it very far, before Ghost’s hand wrapped around your upper arm. 
“Do you care so little for your own life?” He spun you around to face him.
“Honestly, you’re reckless on the field, you almost stepped on a damn landmine today!! You took a bullet for me!” 
“I told you, I didn’t see it! I’m not reckless, and who knows what would have happened if I had let the bullet hit you! You could’ve died! I wasn’t willing to watch anything happen to you, when I could’ve helped!” 
“Because I care about you! Because the thought of you not being here hurts me more than I want to admit! Because the thought of not hearing your fucking voice every day, scares me!” You shouted, feeling the tears come to the surface of your eyes, but you refused to cry in front of him. 
The shock of your words had Ghost releasing his grip on you, if only slightly. You shook your head. “Forget it.” you sniffled and opened the door walking further down the hallway. Ghost snapped to his senses, and called you, but you were out of his sight. 
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You had asked Price for some extra time. “A few more weeks, I want to make sure that I’m ready to be on the field again.” Was what you had told him, when in reality, you wanted to prolong your solitude. You hadn’t spoken to Ghost since your outburst, but he seemed content in letting it happen. Leaving you alone. 
Sure, you had run into each other a few times, damn near impossible not to, but never spoken to each other. In the time that you hadn’t been on missions, you spent it in your room reading, or in the gym trying to strengthen yourself. 
The boys had come back from another successful mission, elated but bruised. You smiled and hugged each of them with the exception of Ghost. You merely nodded at him, he stood stoic as ever. 
Soap threw his arm around you before leading you inside, with everyone following, “You’ll have to come with us on the next one. It’ll be just like old times!” He sang. 
You giggled, “yeah, maybe. We’ll see how I’m feeling.” 
“Well, at least come out to drink with us tonight! We’re heading to Bar Code.” Soap shook your shoulders lightly. He was always in a good mood after a successful mission. 
You nodded, “Sure.” 
That was how you found yourself in civilian clothing, sitting across from Price. Just shooting the shit with the boys reminded you of old times, better times. Price called your name, “you’ve been training. A lot harder than we’ve seen you before.” 
You smiled, knowing it was a compliment of the highest form, “Thank you, sir. I just want to make sure that I’m ready to be back in the field.” 
“So, I can count on you for the next one then?” 
Your smile widened, as you nodded, and Soap and Gaz whooped and cheered. “Well!” Gaz was the one to throw his arm around you this time, “I say that’s cause for celebrations! I’ll go get more drinks.” 
He moved to stand, but you put your hand on top of his on your shoulder, “let me.” You giggled as he withdrew and stood, walking over to the bar. 
Ordering what you knew everyone liked, you leant against the bar as you waited for the drinks. A slimy looking man slid next to you, “what’s a pretty little thing like you doing here all by yourself?” He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. 
“Oh,” you said quietly, moving away slightly, “I’m not alone. Here with some friends.” Of course Ghost had caught sight of him before he got close to you. 
The man followed you, before a hand reached out to grip your waist, pulling you closer. You leaned away. “C’mon. Don’t be like that. I bet they won’t even notice if you’re gone.” You could smell the alcohol on him before he even opened his mouth. 
You kept pushing at his chest, getting more alarmed by the moment, “I-I’m flattered, but not interested,” you looked around for someone, anyone to help you, but found no one. “I really should get back to my friends.” 
In an instant, Ghost was by your side. Unwrapping the stranger's hand from you before pulling you behind him. “You okay?” He looked over his shoulder at you. 
You nodded, and walked to the table silently. From what you saw the unknown man backed down pretty quickly, given Ghost was still in his tac gear, minus the vest. 
Ghost had come back with the drinks and set them down. Not another word was said between you and him for the rest of the night. 
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Getting back to the base, everyone went their separate ways. Everyone except Ghost who pulled you with him into an empty barracks room. It was a standard room, with a bed in the back corner, small desk and lamp on the right side, and an armoire on the left.   “Ghost.. What do–” 
“Simon.” He cut you off. 
You tilted your head, confused. “Call me Simon. Please.” 
“Okay… Simon. Is there something you need?” 
His eyes fluttered shut as you said his name. “I think a conversation is needed.” 
“Conversation about what?” You crossed your arms over your chest. 
“What did you mean?” His eyes opened, solely focusing on your face, your reaction to him. “You said you care about me. But there’s so many things that could mean.” 
You took a deep breath in, and dropped your arms. “I’m exhausted. We can talk about this later.” You turned for the door. 
Simon muttered your name, “You and I both know if you walk out of here, this conversation won’t ever happen.” His voice stopped you from moving any further. “Please.” His voice softened to a whisper. 
“You’re a big boy, Simon. I’m sure you can figure it out. Given the context.” 
“I want to hear you say it.” 
“Why? So you can embarrass me some more? To make me relive that specific part of the conversation for days? I already have. I shouldn’t have said anything, it was vastly inappropriate.” 
Simon shook his head, stepping closer to you. “Tell me. Please.” 
A shiver flew down your spine. “You make it sound so easy. It won’t fix anything.” 
Simon stayed quiet behind you. He was close enough at this point to feel the body heat he gave off. You sighed, defeated. “I care about you.” You whisper. 
“And what does that mean?” Simon whispered back. 
You closed your eyes, staying quiet. This time when he said your name, he coated it in adoration, in awe. Pressing his body even closer, you caved. 
“I’m into you.” You felt his forehead come to rest on your shoulder. 
“Again.” He commanded, softly as his arm wrapped around your waist. 
You smiled, biting your lip, “I like you.” 
Simon pulled you back so you were fully flush against him. “Again.” 
“I have feelings for you.” 
His grip tightened, hand moving to your hip as he spun you to face him. “Once more.” He watched you. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I am so in love with you it hurts sometimes.” 
“Yeah?” He breathed, and you nodded as his face drew closer. 
“Yeah” you whispered moments before he pushed his mask up just past his nose, and kissed you. 
Fuck, he was good. He knew how to hook you in, one hand resting on the hinge of your jaw, and the other on your waist. Pulling you in, while simultaneously keeping you where he wanted you.
You couldn’t resist kissing back, placing your hands firmly on his chest. You could feel the low rumble he let out. Pulling away for a second, Simon dragged his thumb down the center of your lips. Your breathing was rapid, your mind felt like it was in the clouds. 
Without thinking, you leaned back in to capture his lips this time. His hands drifted down your body, before tapping the backs of your thighs. You shook your head only slightly to still keep your lips attached to his. 
He grunted into your mouth, before crouching slightly, and lifting you into his arms. You gasped before breaking apart, “Simon, put me down.” 
You saw his lips pull up into a smirk, “gladly” you watched his mouth form the word. He walked over, tightening his grip only moments before dropping you against the mattress. 
You squealed softly, before this mountain of a man was sprawled out on top of you, reattaching his lips to any skin he could find. Kissing down your face, to your neck. Hands pawing at your body, lifting your shirt to caress your skin. You whined, before sitting up only enough to pull your shirt off. 
“Atta girl.” Simon praised before reattaching his mouth to yours. His hands roaming your body, gently groping along his way as he finds the buttons on your jeans and slides them along with your panties off in one motion. 
You truly don’t know what came over you, the need to have Simon under you, succumbing to whatever you wanted, was overwhelming. 
So that was exactly what you decided to do, as you heaved your body so you had him pinned beneath you. The surprise of it alone had him pulling away from you. Hands coming to rest on your thighs. 
You made a show of removing your bra, the accompanying groan from him as you removed the last article of clothing was satisfying. You carefully slid down his body, removing articles of clothing as you went, until he was completely naked, and completely at your mercy. You looked down at him, your lip between your teeth. 
“Not so big and bad now are you?” You spoke softly, lining Simon’s leaking cock with your entrance, not able to stand another moment of the teasing.
“Don’t be a fucking tease, baby.” Simon gritted out. 
“Me? Never” You spoke, sliding him inside until you were flush with his hips. Gasping, as he gently bucked up into you. 
The grunt Simon let out had you clenching around him. His hands clasped around your hips, expletives being whispered into the air around you two. 
You brought yourself up just enough for him to slide out enough, before dropping yourself back down. “Fuck, yes. Just like that.” Simon whined. 
The sound alone had you falling forward, hands coming up to catch yourself on his chest. You let out a moan, as his hands roamed your body. “C’mon. Need me to take the lead?” He teased. 
You bit your lip as you straightened yourself out, and started bouncing on his cock. Simon’s head rolled back further into the pillow. Small chants of yes left his mouth. You glanced down at him, completely at your mercy, and you let out a borderline pornographic moan. 
Simon’s neck had been on full display, the veins distended, almost inviting. He was clenching his teeth, so as to keep all those little sounds in. Eventually, the intrusive thought won and you leant forward. Lips and teeth sucking a bright red hickey into his neck. “Oh, Fuck.” Simon mewled. 
Laving your tongue over the new mark, you felt a swell of pride. “Can’t take it?” You whispered into his ear, gently biting down on his earlobe. Simon let out a high pitched whine. “Who knew Simon Riley liked being bitten huh?” 
His hands settled back on your hips, “please” he grunted. 
You cooed, straightening and planting your hands on his chest once again, as you worked yourself against his cock. “Awwww. D’you wanna cum?” 
Increasing your speed, you could feel the stutter in his breath under your hands. One of his hands running up your back, to cup the back of your neck, pulling you down. 
Capturing your lips, he kissed any and all smart comments, and thoughts out of your head. Simon pulled away from you enough to let out a long, drawn out moan, as your hips stuttered, and you felt the warmth of his cum flooding you. 
You gasped, not expecting it so quickly. The pure, unadulterated power you felt in this moment was enormous. You just made big, bad, cold-hearted Simon Riley cum before you. 
Simon’s hands fell to your thighs, gently running his fingers over where the bullet had entered, “shit.” breathing labored, unable to think. 
You looked down at him, breathing picking up, eyes wide. “One more.” You surprised even yourself. “Give me one more. Si, just one more.” You spoke, grinding your hips against his. 
He grunted your name, “I can’t.” 
“Yes, yes you can. Gimme one more. You’re such a good boy, Si. You can gimme one more, yeah?” You whined, resuming bouncing on his cock once more. 
Simon whimpered, “Please.” 
“Yeah, there it is. Look at you. Letting me use you like this. Fuck. So good for me, yeah?” 
You watched Simon’s eyes roll back in his head, mouth open just slightly, allowing all the little noises loose. The little moans, hiccups, and half whines. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t getting to you. 
“You’re so hot like this. Can’t shut you up, can I?” You spoke, hips faltering. 
Soft chants of please left Simon’s pretty pink lips, head rolling from side to side. He was a sight. “Gonna cum again for me, Si?” You taunted him. 
Simon hiccuped, and nodded furiously. His entire body tensed, letting out an absolute wrecked moan, you once again felt the warmth of his seed, which only triggered your own orgasm this time. 
Head thrown back, grinding your hips before slowing to a complete stop. Slowly you lifted yourself on your knees and climbed off him. Simon chuckled as you collapsed beside him. 
“That definitely was not expected.” You wheezed out, attempting to catch your breath. 
“What part?” Simon smirked, pulling his mask back down. 
“All of it.” You yawned, and curled into his side. 
“We can dissect it in the morning, get some rest.” Simon ran his hand along your back gently, and you fell asleep in no time.
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
More Jamie angst please 🙏🙏
[ last season ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie reaggravates his shoulder injury from last season two games into the 23-24 season. (Y/N) tries to be there for him but taking care of him isn't as easy as it was last time
warning(s) : angst (w a happy ending) ! injured Jamie
author’s note : y’all are just as bad as me w angst. you can’t blame me for this one if tears are shed. one of you asked for this and your wish is my command. also, yes ik that jamie technically has a lower body injury rn but a shoulder injury just works better with this plot
(Y/N) has been to dozens of hockey games in her life, and watched thousands more. She's watched games where players return after an injury that kept them out long term. She has never personally known a player that has returned from long term injury. She's never watched someone she knows return to the ice after nearly a year away from the NHL.
Until now.
The lights in the Honda Center are dimmed and the starting lineup for the Ducks is being announced. Trevor's line is starting the game. He's centering Adam Henrique and Troy Terry. The defensemen who are starting are about to be announced. She gets her phone ready to go because she knows her boyfriend is on the starting defensive pair.
"Your starting defensemen for the Anaheim Ducks," the announcer says. "Number four. Cam Fowler." The crowd cheers and (Y/N) smiles as she brings her phone up to hit record. "Playing in his first game in the Honda Center in 354 days, number six. Jamie Drysdale."
Jamie skates onto the ice and (Y/N) cheers and screams along with the crowd. She bangs on the glass while Jamie raises his stick to acknowledge the crowd.
He has a look of disbelief on his face as he looks around and skates up next to Cam. She smiles and looks at her boyfriend. He looks at the crowd around him and takes it all in.
She takes Jamie in on the ice in his new plum colored uniform. She knows how far he's come since getting hurt last year.
They had just gotten together when Jamie got hurt against Vegas and she saw him at his lowest. She saw him the day he got cleared to play again. (Y/N) can't help but smile as the lights come on and the Ducks begin to skate around to get ready for the game. The other lines and defensive parings skate to the bench.
Trevor gets into the circle at center ice against one of the Hurricanes players to take the first faceoff of the game. Trevor wins it and gets the puck back to Jamie.
(Y/N) watches with focused eyes, especially when Jamie gets the puck on his stick.
The first goal of the game goes to Sam Carrick nearly seven minutes into the first period. The second goal of the game comes less than two minutes later from Frank Vatrano. He slapped the puck into the net after Jamie passed him the puck.
She probably screams the loudest out of everyone in the Honda Center when she realizes that Jamie is going to get a point for that primary assist.
The boys celly right in front of her so she bangs on the glass. Jamie looks up at her and fist pumps the glass. She brings her fist up to meet his before he skates away to go fist bump his teammates on the bench.
"Anaheim Ducks goal!" comes over the loud speaker a minute later. "His first of the season, scored by number 77 Frank Vatrano! Assisted by number 6 Jamie Drysdale and number 4 Cam Fowler."
Her celebration is short lived because she watches Jamie get tripped by a Carolina player less than a minute later right in front of her. She stands up and sees Jamie go shoulder first into the boards.
The same shoulder he got surgery on and spent the last year rehabbing.
A gasp passes her lips when she hears the thud of his body hitting the boards. A penalty is called on Carolina and Jamie stays down on the ice. A hush falls over Honda Center.
Trevor is quick to skate up to him and get down beside him. She bangs the glass and Trevor looks up at her. He taps his shoulder as the trainer gets over to him. Her eyes widen and she runs up the stairs as soon as Jamie skates off the ice with help from the trainer and Trevor.
The first thought she has is that he tore his surgically repaired shoulder when he collided with the boards. The sound of Jamie’s body hitting the boards replays in her mind and the more she thinks about it, the more nervous she gets.
She makes her way down to the medical area by the locker room. She pulls out her pass that Jamie got her last year that tells security who she is. She shows the guard her pass to get into the players only area. He lets her through and she sprints to medical.
The doctor is checking out Jamie’s shoulder when she bursts into the room. The bottom part of his uniform is on but his sweater, undershirt, and gear are off the upper part of his body. He looks like he’s in a lot of pain as the doctor evaluates him.
“Jamie,” she pants. He looks over at her and relaxes. “I got down here as soon as I could.” (Y/N) walks over to him and grabs his hand.
“I need to learn how to hit the boards with my back,” he jokes. The doctor lifts his arm and he hisses in pain. “So this stops happening.”
She frowns and opens her mouth to say something but the doctor starts speaking first. “Fortunately, I don’t think you tore your labrum again. I don’t think anything is torn. I think it is just a moderate sprain but I want to get imaging done this week to make sure,” he tells Jamie. “Can you come in on Monday?”
Jamie nods, quiet. “I guess I’m done for the night,” he eventually says.
“I’m sorry, Jamie,” the doctor replies. “I think you’re done for a few weeks. Recovery time for this injury is six to eight weeks, sometimes less with rehabilitation and rest. Given your past history with your shoulder, I think rest is the best option right now. Don’t push it until the four or six week mark. Wear a sling and don’t try to rehabilitate it on your own. We’ll talk about that in a few weeks.”
With another quiet nod, he gets off the table and grabs his jersey, t-shirt, and gear. He sulks out of the medical area.
She looks at the doctor and asks, “What can I do? He had a hard time with the last shoulder injury. How can I help him with this one?”
“Be there for him,” he replies. “Physically. Emotionally. This is going to be twice as hard. He’s going to blame himself and take out how he’s feeling on you. He won’t mean it but sometimes he’ll need to let out how he is feeling. Try your best and take care of yourself while you take care of him.”
With a curt nod, (Y/N) follows Jamie out the door. She finds him in the locker room putting on his arrival suit. He groans with pain every time he moves to pull on a piece of clothing. She walks up to him to help him and he sighs.
“Here I am again,” he says as (Y/N) helps him put his jacket back on. “Leaving in the middle of another game because I hurt my shoulder.”
She frowns and fixes his collar. “I’m sorry, baby,” she softly says. “Do you want to go get something to eat and bring it home? Do you want to go up to the suite to watch the rest of the game? Whatever you want.”
“I want to get back on the fucking ice,” he snaps. “But instead I’m leaving to go home and put my arm back in a stupid sling for four weeks.” Jamie grabs the first thing he can get his hands on — his helmet.
With his good arm, he chucks the helmet across the room. It hits a wall with a loud bang and falls to the ground. He strings a bunch of curses out in frustration as the helmet flies through the air. (Y/N) lets him get out how he’s feeling. If that means he throws around his equipment then he throws around his equipment. She isn’t going to stop him. She can’t even begin to imagine how he feels right now.
Jamie sits in his stall and (Y/N) crouches in front of him. Her hands run up and down his thighs. She sees tears in his eyes and frowns. “This isn’t how I wanted this season to go,” Jamie mumbles. “I didn’t want to be out for the first two months. I didn’t want to sit for a long period of time again. I don’t understand why I can’t stay healthy. It's so frustrating. I wanted this season to be different and it's almost exactly like last season."
"It's not like last season," she tells him. "You can do two months. Two months is nothing compared to last season. I promise." There's a horn on the ice and she realizes that the period is over. "Go talk to whoever you need to. I'll be out in the car waiting for you, okay?"
He nods and they both stand up. She gives his hand a quick squeeze before leaving the locker room. She probably isn't allowed to be in there to begin with so she shouldn't be here when the guys come in.
She doesn't run into anyone that's on the Ducks or works for them on the way to the car. She drove in with Jamie so he should know where it is whenever he's done talking to his coach and teammates.
Until then, she scrolls through her social media feed.
There are a lot of tweets on her timeline and in her notifications that are about Jamie. There are multiple clips of the trip and Jamie going into the boards. There are even more clips of Jamie getting up while holding his arm. There are even pictures of (Y/N) watching behind the glass. In all of them, she has a worried look on her face.
A lot of people are upset that Jamie got hurt because he just came back. There are a lot more that are wishing Jamie a speedy recovery.
Reports are already circulating that Jamie reinjured his shoulder. Not returning to the game and out six to eight weeks.
She decides to send out a little tweet since Jamie doesn't have Twitter.
y/n @/yourusername jamie's okay. a little banged up but he'll be back. gonna wrap him up in bubble wrap as soon as we get home, dpn't worry
As soon as she tweets it, her notifications begin to blow up.
The door opening beside her makes her jump a little. She looks over and watches Jamie get into the car. He slams the door shut and lets out a heavy sigh. "Are you-"
"Don't ask me if I'm okay," Jamie snaps. "Let's just go home."
With a nod, she starts the car and begins the ten minute drive from the Honda Center to their apartment. It's probably the quietest ride she's ever experienced.
The Ducks aren't doing too bad this season. They're on five game winning streak, but it seems like the more the Ducks win, the more upset Jamie gets.
To hopefully make him feel better, (Y/N) takes him to the Honda Center nearly three weeks after he gets hurt to watch his friends and teammates play against the reigning Stanley Cup champs.
Hopefully they can make it a six game winning streak.
As soon as they pull into the parking lot, Jamie's mood sours. It's like he doesn't want to even be in the vicinity of the arena. He looks out the window at the building with a sigh. He has on a Ducks hoodie with a pair of jeans because it's actually kind of cold in California at the moment. His arm is in the sling. It's been there for three weeks.
"Hey," she says with a smile. "I think it'll be nice to see everyone. You haven't really been out since you got hurt so I think it'll be nice to see your friends and teammates. I'm sure Z misses having you around. Mason too."
Jamie just nods, sighs, and gets out of the car. She feels a surge of something that feels like annoyance as she follows him out of the car.
She's been trying her hardest to make things easier for him. She has been helping him with a lot, including beginning his rehab so he can get back on the ice. Clearly he misses playing so she went against the doctor's wishes and has started helping him rehab his shoulder.
And she's gotten nothing in return. All Jamie does is snap at her and tell her to go away when she's been trying to help him.
"You know, a little 'thank you for taking me out' wouldn't hurt," she says behind Jamie as he walks toward the back entrance.
"Thank you for dragging me out of the apartment against my will," he says in reply. "Really appreciate it."
(Y/N) stops walking and just stares at the back of Jamie. "I'm trying to help you, Jamie," she calls after him. "I know how hard it is for you to-"
Jamie whips around so quickly she's afraid that he gave himself whiplash. "No, (Y/N)," he snaps, interrupting her. He starts to walk back toward her. "You don't know how hard it is for me. You have no idea how it feels to be taken out of play again because you hurt your shoulder. You have no idea how it feels to sit back and watch your teammates win five fucking games without you. It's like they don't even need me and it shows. I'm supposed to be out there and instead, I'm stuck inside doing nothing but rehab and resting. Don't tell me you know how hard it is for me because you don't. You will never understand how hard it is for me."
Her eyes widen. She's never seen this side of him. Not even when he was hurt last season.
"I'm sorry," she softly says. Her voice cracks. "I'm just trying to help."
"No you're not," Jamie replies. "You wouldn't have dragged me here if you were." Those words stung. She felt them with her entire chest and it causes tears to well in her eyes.
"Jamie," she tries to say but he turns around and walks toward the arena.
"Go home, (Y/N). I'll get a ride back with Trevor or Mason."
She watches Jamie as he opens and door walks into the Honda Center. She's left standing in the middle of the parking lot with nothing but the tears that roll down her cheeks as soon as Jamie can't see her. She tries to blink and wipe away the tears but they don't seem to stop. She walks toward the car so she isn't crying in the middle of the parking lot.
This is nothing like last season. Not the injury, and not Jamie.
(Y/N) drives back to the apartment in complete silence. The tears haven't stopped rolling down her face. It might be dangerous to drive while crying but she doesn't care. She just wants to get home and lay in bed.
As soon as she's back in the apartment, she walks right to the room she shares with Jamie. She passes the small room that they turned into a gym. Jamie's equipment is in the room too. She stops and walks into the room. Her eyes are on the equipment that's thrown in the corner by the closet.
She walks over and picks up the helmet that has a dent in it from when Jamie threw it in the locker room the day he got hurt. She runs her thumb over the 6 on the front of the helmet and bites down on her lip to keep it from wobbling.
All she wants to do is watch Jamie play hockey. She wants to watch him zoom around the ice and do what he does best. She wants to watch him do what he loves. That's all. She hasn't been able to watch him play the sport he loves to play, and it breaks her heart.
With the helmet in her hand, she walks out of the gym and into their bedroom. She kicks off her sneakers and crawls on top of the covers. (Y/N) sits with her knees up and the helmet on her lap. Her fingers run over the number and tears begin to roll down her cheeks again. They continue to roll down her cheeks until she dozes off.
She didn't mean to fall asleep though.
It's nearly midnight when a door opens and wakes her up. She looks at the time and realizes that she missed the entire Ducks game. The bedroom door opens and Jamie stands in the doorway. The helmet has rolled onto the mattress beside her. The sight of Jamie angers her and causes her to chuck the helmet at him.
She's no longer upset with him. She's angry at him for the way he's been treating her.
"Jesus, (Y/N)," he gasps as he catches it with his free arm. "Why did you-"
"I've tried to be here for you," she interrupts. "The past three weeks, I've been nothing but your emotional punching bag and I'm tired of it. I've gotten nothing in return and I try to do something with you by taking you to the game, you tell me to go home. No, I will never understand how hard it is for you to be hurt and watch your friends win games without you, but you don't understand that I'm hurting too, Jamie. I want nothing more than to watch you play hockey. I have yet to watch you play a full game of hockey and that's all I want to do because I want to support you. If you don't think that I'm trying to help you get back on the ice then I'll stop because I'm so tired of being the person you take your feelings out on. Tell me to go and I'll go stay somewhere until you heal and are able to play again."
Jamie's eyes are on her the entire time she's talking. He holds the helmet she threw at him in his hand while she finishes what she has to say.
He looks down at the helmet in his hands when she's done. "I didn't know you felt that way," he says.
"I'm frustrated too," she tells him. "I don't have anyone I can go to like you do. You have me, you have an entire team. I don't have anyone because I only have you and I didn't want to burden you with how I'm feeling. I have no one to talk to because the one person i want to talk to has so much going on and I didn't want to make it worse."
She watches his face soften through the tears that have formed in her eyes for what feels like the hundredth time that night. He drops the helmet and walks over to her side of the bed.
Jamie sighs and puts a hand on her knee. "I haven't been very fair to you, have I?" he asks. She shakes her head in reply while she wipes away the tears that have started to roll down her cheeks again. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't realize that this has been hard on you too. I didn't realize that I've been such an asshole to you. I'm just frustrated and I'm taking all of that out on you when you've been nothing but there for me. You don't deserve that."
"I don't like seeing you hurt," she cries. "I want you to get better. I want to watch you play so I can be the supportive hockey girlfriend I've wanted to be since day one. I love watching you on the ice and I want to watch you under the NHL lights."
He frowns and moves so he can envelope her in a hug. She buries her face into his good shoulder and lets out a couple sobs. Her tears wet his hoodie but she doesn't care right now. It'll dry.
Jamie wraps his free arm around her neck and holds her close. "I don't want you to go anywhere, (Y/N)," he whispers. "I need you here. I won't be able to get through this if you aren't here. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend recently and I'm so sorry. You'll never be a burden with how you feel. You can talk to me, okay?"
She backs away and wipes away her tears. Jamie swipes one away with his thumb. "Okay."
"I love you," Jamie tells her. "Even if I don't show it. I love you and I'm very happy you've stuck around despite me being an asshole to you."
"I stayed because I love you too," she replies. "I'll always love you."
He presses a soft kiss to her lips before resting his forehead against hers. "I can't wait for you to watch me kill it on the ice when I'm all healed."
"I'll be in the stands cheering for you the entire time."
have a request ? check out the guidelines !
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xxaraaq · 1 year
wc | 3.03 k
A/N | damn I think got a little carried away from the the actual football player au but I hope y'all still enjoy
Kirishima x black reader
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Standing at six five, two hundred forty pounds, Kirishima is a brick wall of a man. And even though he can make the opposing team’s defense look like child's play, he’s the nicest person most people will ever meet. And on top of being known on campus as one of his team's best players, he’s also known for being fine as hell.
He turns down at least four girls at every party he goes to, people would think that he’s a borderline saint. But what they don’t know is that when he leaves those parties, he goes straight to yours.
With your glasses and book always in hand, people think you're the stereotypical nerd; awkward, geeky, and weird. But honestly, you're the opposite. With your slick ass mouth and resting bitch face, you were the life of the party when your friends forced you out of your cave you called a dorm.
No one could have guessed that you and him would even be in the same circle, much less in each other's pants. And no one would expect the mr. sunshine would be the only one who could shut your shit down.
Truthfully, he has everyone fooled. For some reason, people thought that he was the epitome of kindness. But the way he was beating your shit in from the back, you coulda been fooled. 
You don’t even remember how this happened, one minute you were saying something about how he was acting like a ho at the party y’all went to, and the next thing you knew you were head down, ass up on the bed.
“What was that baby? I couldn’t hear you.” He said, gripping your hips as pounded into you. You didn’t even really understand what he was saying, to fucked out to concentrate on anything but the pleasure he’s bringing you.
“M- m’sorry, I didn’t m-mean it.” You whine, gripping the sheets. He hummed in return, and you knew that he wouldn’t take that as an answer.
“Nah babe, I don’t wanna hear that. Tell me how I was acting like a slut talkin to all those girls at the party.” He fucked into you with fervor, making the headboard slam against the wall.
“Why you f-fuckin me like this? It w-wasn’t that serious, I said m’sorry.” You slurred, eyes rolling to the back of your skull.
“Shhhhh, just take this dick like you wanted. That’s why you caught an attitude right?” He says, eyes glossing over.
He flipped you over to your back, pressing your knees to chest. “Best pussy I ever had, drivin me crazy.” He pushes himself back in, eliciting a high pitched moan from you.
Thrusting at a rough pace, he doesn’t let up. You pull him closer to you, kissing him with a kind of primal desire only he can evoke from you.
“Right there eiji, feels so good!” You mumble, sucking hickeys on his shoulders and neck. He groans, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he thrusts a final more times, spilling into you.
You both stay like that, taking in what happened as you hold onto each other. “What the fuck…” You whisper. You knew your man could fuck, but not like this.
“What’s wrong, did I hurt you?” He asks, pulling out with a hiss. “No. no it’s nothing. Forget about it ei.” You say, shifting under him to get more comfortable. “ Oh… ok. Goodnight, I love you.” He kisses your cheek, dozing off not a minute later.
Damn, you really gotta catch an attitude more often.
‘Damn Kirishima, the fuck y/n do to you last?’, was the first thing Eijirou heard after he stepped out of the shower. “What do you mean?” He asks, walking to a mirror. He hears the chuckle of his other teammates as he turns to see his back.
He sees a plethora of raised,angry  red marks going all across his back. He didn’t even feel them the other night, to focus on the bliss you gave him as he sunk into your cunt again and again. He sighs and smirks as he puts his shirt, a faux blush on his cheeks.
He’s gotta to get you to do that again.
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cupidsrrott · 2 years
𝙟𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙚; JOÃO FÉLIX
𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃, she’s there for him through win or loss.
author’s note; please let me know what you think as it’s my first ever imagine! so please do not be shy in making requests or anything for any footballer, i just started with joão because i absolutely adore him!
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I was sat next to a girlfriend of mine with furrowed brows and a tense gaze I watch as Portugal was tied against Ghana. Proud of the Portugal team and proud of my boyfriend of course, I couldn’t help but grin yet the intensity of the match didn’t decline.
I looked down at my watch for a split second and while doing so another goal was scored by Portugal. I stood up seeing my friend doing so, joining her I raised my arms in joy cheering in excitement.
João scoring the said goal ran with adrenaline in his system and excitement. Holding his arm out while pointing to me giving a subtle wink to me whilst he was surrounded by some teammates. I couldn’t help but show all my teeth with a large smile plastered on my face as my friend next me is clapping with excitement.
The both of us sit back down as the match is still in between extra time and just seems to be wasting time to hold onto their win. After what felt like the longest extra time that I’ve experienced in a match it was finally over, both teams congratulating the other.
My girl friend gave me a large hug due to the large win that we just witnessed and I returned the embrace. “I’m so proud of him!” I jeered as she chuckled at my excitement of the match. As I wasn’t the largest fan of football but I didn’t dislike it, I just found it quite slow at times.
“They did so well!” She replied back the both of us looking out towards the pitch as the stadium slowly began to clear. The both of us made it down the pitch she made her way towards her own significant other. As I found my way to mine who was laughing and caught up in all of the excitement.
Noticing me finally he ran towards me wrapping himself around me in a large embrace, his head head buried in the crook of my neck as I could feel his smile and a tear that I assume was due to the emotion he felt.
I wrapped my arms around his frame tightly, “I’m am so, so proud of you! You were amazing, and you know I don’t watch football but oh my god! I just- you played amazingly.” I said quite loudly in his ear with a smile that hurt my cheeks.
“You’re proud of me?” He asked in a slightly small voice, I tilted my head a little both hands cupping his cheeks. “I am always proud of you” I told him looking into his eyes as his smile grew even wider.
Then bending downwards hands on my waist as mine cradled his face. He placed a kiss on my lips leaning down even more to deepen it as I did the same not wanting this to end. I let go of his face wrapping my arms around his neck and extending myself upwards.
We finally pulled away and I gave him kiss to the side of his mouth. Running my fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. “I love you” he said to me. I looked directly into his eyes wanting to look into them forever.
Not breaking eye contact I replied just a heartbeat later, “I love you” he pulled me in for yet another embrace this one not as intimate or long but it was perfect as always with him.
We pulled away arms still around one another as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. And wrapped an arm around my my shoulders as I wrapped my arm around his waist making it into the tunnel.
He looked down at me as I looked up towards him he lifted my baseball cap upwards to get better leverage as he then pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. I smiled even wider as I leaned myself more into his side as we made our way through.
I leaned forward in my seat not caring about the cleavage of my shirt showing due to my blouse. Elbows pressed to my knees as my arms were parallel to my body and my hands were clasped together resting against my chin.
I never took my eyes off the pitch my friend who was struggling to watch the match as Portugal was unfortunately not in favour of winning at the moment against Morocco. I let out a long breath my friend next to me saying “I don’t know if the boys have it this time Y/n” she said with a shake of her head as I looked back at her.
I looked towards João who’s gaze was intense as he had his full focus on the match he was participating in. I didn’t even know I was biting until I could taste a little blood fall onto my tongue. “Shit” I used my thumb to wipe it off, “here I have a tissue right here” she gave me a tissue as I wiped the droplets off my bottom lip.
“Thank you” I say looking grateful towards her as we both had stress wrinkles forming due to the match. I crumpled the napkin in my hand as I stayed in the same position. The score still reading 1-0, in favour of Morocco. I shook my head with sigh placing my head in my heads for a moment before tucking my hair behind my ears.
And I leaned back in my seat with legs crossed, as a few free kicks, red cards and almost goals were scored it was now 5 minutes left of the match. And it was clear that Portugal had a 20% chance of scoring a goal even with the extra time given.
I could feel the tears brim just for João as finally the match had ended with Morocco winning. Whom played their hearts out, whilst Portugal unfortunately lost. I looked next to me seeing my friend hide her face in her hands. We waited for a little seeing Morocco bask in the glory of their win and making history for their continent.
I could then feel my heartbreak at the sight of each player on the Portugal team. I tried my best looking for João who I found and was on the other side of the field head in his hands as he fell to the floor. The stadium had now been empty as the both of us made our way down for the last time in this stadium.
I tightened my grip on my purse seeing João walk over to the team and wives and children. I met him halfway as he looked at me tears forming in his eyes threatening to spill unlike his other teammates whom had no care in the world and let their tears fall.
João always cared what others thought of him and especially it being his first year in the world cup he had no intention of crying and making himself seem vulnerable. But I made no hesitation in pulling him into an embrace not caring how sweating he had become over the course of the match and in the Qatar humidity.
He almost immediately wrapped his arms around my frame my hands making their way to the back of his head running my fingers through his hair. As I could feel his tears now falling onto my exposed neck we stood there for what felt like eternity and I had no intention of letting go only if he felt the need to pull away.
Once he did find the need to pull away I looked at his face disappointment, embarrassment and a defeated look adorned his face. I wiped his tears away with my thumb leaning up to kiss his temple. “I-I’m gonna go change alright” he told me taking my hand in his as he kissed my knuckles I nodded my head.
“I’ll wait out for you” I let him know the both of us went our separate ways. I waited in the car for him after saying goodbye to his team and some girl friends of mine.
I then see him making his way to the car throwing his duffel bag into the back of the car on the floor as he sat next to me in the back seat. Our driver drove us to our hotel the car ride was silent unlike the four car rides we had taken back to the hotel where we got ready and then headed out to see the city.
But I knew today was different it was clear I found his hand lying idly I grasped it intertwining our fingers together as he still looked outside the window. “I am so proud of you” I turn to look up at him through my eyelashes. As he slowly turned his head to look at me I was now met with his teary eyes once again.
“You’re still proud of me?” He said lowly in a disbelieving whisper. I raised my one free to cup his jaw “I’m always proud of you” I said to him quite strongly. “There is nothing you can do that will make not proud of you. I mean look at where you are right now in your career, I mean you’re in Qatar and just in your first year you made it to quarter finals.
You cannot tell me that isn’t a huge accomplishment” I said to him affirming my a statement by squeezing his hand. He let his tears fall and they made their down to his team tracksuit. I wiped them away as he has done for me before. I leaned forward kissing them away placing my forehead against his.
“Thank you.” “You have no reason to thank me I will always be here for you.” “No, but I’m serious Y/n thank you and please just don’t leave me ever” “I wouldn’t even think about it” I looked up at him through my lashes. He looked down at my lips and kissed me quite firmly yet passionate.
And I didn’t think twice about not returning the same feelings. “I really do love you” he replied pulling away pressing a kiss to my shoulder.
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formula-fun · 1 month
I was rereading if i had words and little details that i hadnt noticed before stood out to me. One of those is carlos' perspective like to me it seems like he knew from the start abt the two of them. Plus, he seemed to sense something was going on when charles was pregnant. If you want to, i just wanted to get a little bit of your thoughts abt him 🩵
yesss carlos!! my thoughts...so carlos comes from a pretty big pack that's set up in a fairly traditional way, and he has a lot of skills that come from being in a big family like being really perceptive of group dynamics, being willing to talk things through, knowing when not to push people, etc. He knows there's something going on with charles pretty early on but isn't sure exactly what, but his first response is always empathy. charles is sick so he must be sick too! charles is very serious and tense right now. it must be about the championship fight, which carlos is also feeling that way about. charles is angry at max; that makes sense because carlos spent his entire time at red bull being angry at max. He tends to just assume they're having the same issues, but once it stops making sense to him he asks charles outright at the team retreat. he doesn't really get a real answer, but he doesn't push for one either
he's known about max and charles for a while because he'd heard all the gossip about their rivalry first while being max's teammate, and then later from lando, so by the time he became charles' teammate it was kind of old news and seeing max sneaking around their hospitality wasn't much of a surprise
the only real sticking point w him is he kind of gives what he expects in return. in his head charles could open up to him about anything whenever he wants, so it's pretty rude that charles doesn't want to help him with his relationship issues at the gala after monza. A lot of people in his pack growing up were betas and they understood dynamics just fine, so it's pretty offensive that lando won't even try to understand that carlos is courting him. he doesn't easily consider the flipped side of it: charles is intensely private when he's hurt about something and he wouldn't want to talk things through with carlos, and lando has always been insecure about being the only beta in his pack and doesn't want to admit he doesn't know what courting entails. he kinda just assumes people are working off the same knowledge and beliefs that he is, so he doesn't like when those beliefs are challenged. He and max just fundamentally didn't get along when they were teammates and it was probably for a reason similar to that
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f0point5 · 10 months
I’ve rewritten this like so many times bc I wanted to get my point across well is that weird? But anyways to me (idrc about Lando saying Max isn’t his best friend that has nothing to do w me) but it’s more so how childish and I guess ignorant lando is and how much he gets away with it. I’ve never seen someone so discontent, jealous, and just self deprecating before and it’s so embarrassing. He takes what people say to heart and I get it I do but it’s come to a point where he’s been here long enough and is old enough to just be quiet… nobody is going to beat him up if he doesn’t share every opinion or say every sarcastic borderline shady thing that he thinks about. And the only reason he’s continuously getting away with it is because people eat up this “goofy” “carefree” persona but idk to me it’s gotten old 😭 I want cocky winners not cocky consistent p4 placers who are gonna get picked off by their newer rookie teammate in the upcoming season.
“No one is going to beat him up” took me out 😂
No one is going to beat him up…except one of those two brain cells in a fist fight up there.
Fr I don’t think it’s that deep to him. I think later on he reads things and is like “damn did I really say that” or “I didn’t mean it like THAT oh shit”.
Should he know better and think more? Ideally yes? Does that mean he can? Not necessarily. Does that mean he will? Probably not.
At the end of the day his words hurt no one but him and the people who take him seriously (probably too many people tbh, but tbh but probably the same people who think Toto and Christian seriously hate each other).
I think Lando will start getting Piastri’d middle of next year and then we’ll see the true extent of that carefree mouth tbh.
But I kind of live for it. In the climate of PR63 and Lord PR-ceval we need some shady bitches in here.
Again, I like Lando at an average of P4. If he is a podium regular next year I’ll probably start to dislike him because 3 good results in a row and he starts to get a bit too big for his boots
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
HOLY SHIT HI KOTO ANON!!! UR ASKS R LIKE… SUPER COOL. Anyways this ask is unrelated w/ koto-anons ask, i just think they’re cool,,,
anyways, more shiobi brainrot and expanding on my last ask abt kakashi because oh my fucking god, these bitches make me so fucking sad. (also the fucking naruto timeline makes my head hurt so fuck the timeline!)
Ever since he was little, Obito would always make up stories about his team in a fairytale-esk way. For example: “the white wolf who's always a stickler for rules!” and “how he saved a princess!” (this is kinda relevant idk– i wanted to include this part into the confrontation but things just don't work out)
Later on, Obito would die during THE mission– with shisui’s genin team dying within the same month. Shisui was well, inconsolable. That doesn’t help with the fact that the Uchiha clan is now looking at him with those eyes and– obito-nii please. I'm scared. please come back… – and how he’s now treated as a weapon.
Then boom Inoichi and Shisui bonding time. (more like therapy sessions but shhh…)
During this time, Shisui has never seen Kakashi ever since Obito’s death. And with the rumors of Kakashi being well… a friend killer. Uhm. yikes.
Later on in his life, he was well recruited into anbu– he saw like kakashi in his hound mode (kakashi’s inner thoughts: oh god oh fuck– OBITO’S LITTLE BROTHER. IS IN FUCKING ANBU. FUCK. (kakashi’s a mess and i love him)) 
He passes yada yada. Skipping to Kakashi’s and Shisui’s confrontation–
“S–Shisui...?” and just like that, the air within Shisui’s lungs [just evaporates.] He knew that voice– no, he knows that voice. [smth smth about being obito’s teammate)
His mind is clouded with denial, grief, and.. and.. 
… and anger. [so so so much anger boils inside Shisui]. He wanted to yell why Obito died instead of him. He wanted to sob into him knowing that his older brother’s death didn’t go to waste and how he knew he cared way too much about his teammates and and– He wanted to attack Kakashi right there and then because how dare he–!
He… … feels a lot of things about Kakashi and it takes [his entire willpower to not contort his face.] “... I hate you so much,” He blurted with [such venom in his voice]. He knows he shouldn’t let his anger get the better of him– he knows it isn’t kakashi’s fault but… feelings are so so irrational, aren’t they?
Hou– Kakashi [took a step back– no, backpedaled.] and and … fuck.
“I’m… For what it’s worth, I’m.. I’m sorry,” Kakashi said, his voice hitching. “Sorries won’t bring Obito back.” He spat, before walking away from him.
Ok so, i cannot believe i actually wrote that WHOOPS. Is Shisui a bit ooc? Maybe but shh! Anyways! After that, they both tip toed towards each other before they decide to actually get to know each other and bond through the trauma they both went through.
Shisui never knew how Obito truly died just that he knew that Kakashi had Obito’s eyes (and for all that he hated Kakashi, he knew he wasn’t a bloodline thief.) and then boom trauma bonding then boom Shisui died presumeably from suicide. (which uh… not the best move Shisui)
Kakashi just went straight to grieving mode because he lost the last connection to Obito and spent his life devoted to protecting Naruto because he isn’t gonna lose another precious person of his.
This is just a rough idea, my daydreams are wayyy more in depth but i need to get this outta my system lol.
It is currently 11 pm. I think I have a problem with asking during ungodly hours <3 ALSO IF ANYONE ELSE WANNA WRITE ABT THIS… PLS DO. I DON’T HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE 😭
- N
N-anon 🤝 me, star struck for Koto-anon lmao
This ask is a feat! I'm so impressed, let me try to respond systematically
Fuck the Narutoverse timeline? Fuck the Narutoverse timeline! I spent three days in 2021 trying to make it make sense and then i just gave up and built my own timeline (hence some wonky ages, most notably Shisui) 😅 it was waaaaaay too long for my AO3 A/Ns (not because i thought so, c'mon i don't shut up, but because it literally went over word limit) so...idk if people are interested, I could talk about it more on here???
Honestly the fairytale element just makes me desperately want a fantasy, magical, or even an InkHeart AU 🥺
Honestly, I'm not sure it IS OOC because, let's be honest, Shisui probably has a fair bit of repressed anger and he probably (ironically) would have some feelings about eye implants so writing a scene/fic where Shisui flips his tits at Kakashi just sounds cathartic to me! I can't believe you wrote honest to God dialogue in my askbox, I'm very honoured (genuinely, this takes time) ✨
This sounds like a great wip idea! If it ever hits the page (I'm not sure my askbox counts?) then please link me!
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mandy4ever69420 · 7 days
i don’t think there’s anything wrong with being interested in iggy for example, there’s no actual indication that he is a nazi so? but also i really don’t give a fuck about him lmao but if people do then that’s ok imo
i mean he stands out a bit from the others in that he hits mickey with "no offense bro" & must only be a year (or MAYBE 2 --i really cant imagine mickey under 16 in s1 but it's not specified) older than mickey given he was in juvie early s1. so i mean we have vague inclinations that he specifically might be fine or whatever. maybe. although some people make "exceptions" to their bigotry for one guy they like. but in general being into older milkovich #4 or wanting to know more milkoviches is very worrying to me. iggy interest is inexplicable but like. fine i guess.
usually i'd agree it's not reasonable to assume the worst of someone but if someone's entire social circle and family is violent white supremacists, it's highly likely they learned those behaviors and viewpoints. like.. id be appreciative if baron trump or hunter biden decided to go on record as a commie in support of BLM but i'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt in the meantime
there's a point to be made also about how: yeah, definitely most of these characters probably grew up horribly & that that doesn't change that their actions & beliefs are very very dangerous which doesn't change that their pain was real. this is a very shameless-esque point to make. it's not one people show interest in as far as i've seen. for some reason people just want to rewrite mickeys family into being nice guys w one bad dad.
framing more of the family as less indoctrinated is also just less flattering to mickey (&mandy) imo. it's natural for anyone raised in that environment to have some fucked up ideas & i think it's fun that mickey has a subtle indication of having grappled with and eventually rejecting those - his racism exists but is never remotely as intense as when we see his family tormenting liam which suggests he already thought this might be fucked up, but we don't see him state openly that he thinks racism is fucked up until much later in the series. idrgaf about his reasoning for fucking with kash but it's entirely possible that in addition to noticing that linda was a hard ass and kash a coward that mickey saw him as an acceptable target in s1 because of his race. it sort of undermines his (&mandy's) intelligence or care for right&wrong to imply that most or all their siblings rejected this. they were very heavily propagandized
mandy tbh is The weird one for not being a particularly hated minority (like mickey or sandy) by her family and still not subscribing to homophobia - apparently a central concern to this family - or probably overt racism. not that dating a person of color makes someone not racist. again, people make "exceptions" & tom brady is a racist fuck who works with Black teammates just fine. plenty of white women are horrible right wing racist homophobes & mandy falls into some really nightmarish internalized misogyny - it's possible she thinks it's LESS bad because it hurts her and people like her than if it hurt others. being a girl doesn't give her the same perspective on her family's specific right wing ideology that being gay in a very gay hating house does. she did that all on her own. so good job i guess
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they think you're going on a date with someone else
tw // jealousy, possessiveness, nsfw-ish (no explicit scenes), fwb to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, exes to lovers, mutual pining
part 2 (iwaizumi, kunimi)
classic fwb to lovers
you and atsumu have been messing around for about a year now, and in the beginning, neither of you wanted anything serious
but over time, you learned each others quirks and habits
he would make you coffee when you woke up and you'd make breakfast and with a chaste kiss to the cheek, you would start your days
you would spend most of your day after work in his apartment just hanging out, watching movies, making dinner, playing board games really anything to spend more time with each other
totally normal fwb behavior!
but one day he noticed that you were a little more dressed up than usual and he couldn't help but ask
"why're you all dolled up tonight sweetheart?" "oh a co-worker asked me out!"
he had never really considered the status of your relationship, but something about you going out with another man rubbed him the wrong way but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was
you were on your way out when you thought he was going in for his usual kiss on the cheek
what you weren't expecting was him to go for your neck, leaving a trail of hickies that had you gripping his shirt and when he looked down your dress, he caught a glimpse of his favorite lingerie set, his
"wouldn't want someone to get the wrong idea, you're mine sweetheart, don't you ever forget that"
you could hear the silent desperation in his voice despite his arrogant facade
needless to say you didn't go anywhere that night
what he didn't know was that you had no intention of going on this non-existent date in the first place but what he didn't know couldn't hurt him
childhood friends to lovers! (personally my favorite trope)
you'd known rin since elementary school, somehow making it all the way to college together
you were inseparable and everyone around you thought you were together
with all the people both of you had rejected in the two decades of being friends, everyone had backed off of both of you after a while
lately you were busy with school and rin was also getting busy with his plans on going pro
over the past six months, you guys hadn't really spend that much time together and while you had missed spending time together you both knew there would always be time in the future for each other
or so you thought
because you had spent so much time apart, people thought that the both of you had become fair game
up until that point, you had both chalked up your lack of love lives to general disinterest in romance
but after you had saw rin at a cafe, your favorite cafe, on a date with his new manager, you came to the realization that you were in love with your best friend
but you thought it was too late, so you had entirely ceased contact with him which hurt him but he wanted to respect your boundaries so he let you be
what he didn't expect was to see you three months later during his practice but before he could reach you, he saw you waving past him, right at one of his teammates
he watched as the man jogged up to you, pulling you into a hug and talking with you animatedly
he was usually a pretty chill guy, but in that moment something lit in his chest that he had never felt before
was that jealousy? he knew he had no right to be jealous, seeing as how he'd gone on his fair share of dates in the past few months but no one caught his interest long enough to last anyways so it wasn't the same as what you were doing to him now
before you realized it, you felt someone loop their arms around your waist from behind
"hey princess, been a while. who's this?" "y/n you never told me this was the infamous rin!"
there was a petty satisfaction in knowing that you had talked about him to other men, especially to men that you were seemingly dating
"rin, this is my cousin, haven't you met before?"
he had a vague memory of meeting someone similar in appearance during high school at your 18th birthday party, but he was too enraptured on how you looked that night to really care about all the people you were introducing him to
his cheeks immediately took on a dark pink hue and he released you with a nervous chuckle
"oh hahah yeah, of course I remember I'm just.. not wearing my glasses today!" "rin, you don't wear glasses"
needless to say you still teased him about that incident to this day, your daughter finding it especially amusing that her stoic father could get flustered so easily, but only for his wife
exes to lovers, my second favorite trope!
you and kiyoomi had dated during high school, but neither of you were really ready for what being in a full blown committed relationship meant
kiyoomi had a relatively hard time expressing himself and while you tried your best to encourage him to be more open with his feelings, he genuinely couldn't and so after graduation you had broken up
once you parted ways, he realized his mistake but didn't want to disrupt the life that you were planning on building for yourself, one that he thought would be radically different than the life of a pro athlete
a few years passed and while he occasionally thought of you, it hurt less over time and eventually he had gotten over you
until he saw you with his team one day, well he had heard about you first
"have you guys seen our new athletic trainer? she's so fine, wanna bet who could get with her first?"
he was never one to entertain silly games like that, so he brushed off atsumu's words not really thinking about it
he watched in slow motion as you walked in, waving at atsumu first before turning your head and making eye contact with him before waving at him too, albeit a little less enthusiastically and that hurt him just a little
atsumu sprinted up to you, overhearing him talk about the guy that he saw you with the night before and whining about how you wouldn't give him a chance
"'tsumu he was just a friend, pinky promise!"
he couldn't control himself as he marched straight up to you, grabbing your wrist and dragging you across the gym
"well hello to you too kiyoomi, nice to see you after five years, how are you doing?"
he ignored the sarcasm
"hi y/n, nice to see you after five years too, how are you doing? who's this new guy you're with?"
to say you were surprised was an understatement, his mocking tone catching you off guard
"why do you care? he really was just a friend"
he still wasn't buying it, but after looking into your eyes after five years he couldn't help but spill out all the words that he's wanted to tell you since you had broken up
"and can you please call me omi again?"
his meek tone threw you off, but you would be lying if you didn't say that you were overjoyed at the prospect of finally being able to make things work
"omi, the guy I was meeting with the other night was komori. he needed help planning his proposal so we went out to dinner together. and by the way, I know you didn't ask but yes, I would love to hang out with you after practice"
after all these years you could still read his mind and that thought made his heart flutter in a way that it hadn't since high school
"promise I'll treat you right this time around baby, you aren't going anywhere"
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huggybug · 3 years
don’t be stupid - jack hughes
word count: 1.8k words
request: #35 from prompt list 1 with Jack Hughes where he takes you back to Michigan and you run into a girl who he used to date and she flirts with him to hurt you and he gets mad at you when you ask him to stay away from her by @anneliseabate-armani ❣️
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035: “don’t you dare walk away from this.”
“Come on It’ll be fun!” You sighed at Jack who had been pleading you to meet him in Michigan for his last couple weeks of summer. He actually asked you to go with him for the whole summer but you knew better than that; it was bad enough that you let him run wild with you during the season in Jersey but there was no way you’d allow that to carry over for the summer. The thing was, you and Jack weren’t exactly a couple. For the past year, you’ve basically been together and you know it’s been exclusive but there was no labels. For all you knew, you were his friend and that’s all. No feelings talk, no ‘what are we’ talk, nothing. WHich meant going to Michigan would just fill your head with nonsensical realities and that was just unfair.
“Don’t you have enough people in your house J?” You knew that his brothers all had a few teammates and friends there which meant the house was full of big hockey players, not exactly your scene.
“But I’m in my bed all alone” You rolled your eyes. Another problem, you were in love with Jack. He was your idea of the perfect guy and it didn’t take much for you to fall for him. However, you weren’t sure it was the same for him.
“Ask Trev, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” Jack’s laughter flowed through the speakers and you found yourself smiling.
“Please, love?” There it was. The pet name that Jack knew made you give in, no matter what.
“I’ll look at flight prices later” You mumbled and Jack cheered.
“Okay, I gotta go. I’ll call you tonight?” Things like that was what made you want more with Jack. It was like you two were already in a relationship, the regular phone calls and texts while he was away or the nights in when he was home. It all felt so domestic and right. You shook yourself out of your thoughts long enough to say goodbye before going back to the house work you were doing before the phone call. About five minutes later, your phone chimed and when you picked it up, the eyeroll was imminent.
[Jack Hughes sent you a ticket] See you in a couple days
Of course he would buy you a plane ticket. You texted him a reply before switching to Venmo and sending him money to cover the ticket (which he definitely declined).
Jack was there to pick you up at the airport. He and Ty were standing outside with a big, stupid sign with matching grins on their faces. It was refreshing seeing them both, you’d gotten close with both of them over the past season and you missed them terribly ever since they’ve been gone. They helped you with your bags and demanded updates about your summer the whole way to Jack’s house. Once you got there, introductions were being thrown at you and it was the one moment you were glad that you were a hockey fan so you already knew most of them anyway. After you had greeted the guys, Jack whisked you up to his room to finally get a minute alone with you. He pulled you into his chest as soon as the door closed behind you and you let out a breath you were subconsciously holding in.
“I missed you” Jack mumbled which made you smile.
“I missed you too J” It was things like this that distracted you from the barriers you were supposed to be building with the boy. It all seemed so simple and easy with him, more often than not you found yourself getting lost in the moment around him.
“I think you need to start coming on the road with me cause I can’t do this again” You laughed softly before reaching up to kiss him.
“I don’t know if they’ll like that”
“Don’t care” Jack was unusually needy today but you were eating it up.
“Come on, let’s go downstairs before they come looking for us”
A few nights later, the group headed out to the club. Apparently there was even more friends that the Hughes brothers had to meet up with and tonight was the night for that. As you got ready, Jack sat on the bed, telling you all about the various friends from the NTDP and some from UMich that he and Quinn had planned tonight with. You just nodded along and tried to keep track of at least a couple names. Once you got to the bar, Jack was gone. He was ripped from your side by Quinn and pulled into the group waiting for them. Lucky for you, Ty and Trevor came to your side quickly and stayed there as placeholders for Jack.
“Trev! Is that Abby?” Alex shouts from across the table and Trevor looks in the general direction he was pointing. You followed his gaze out of pure curiosity to see Jack standing with a gorgeous blonde at the bar. You hear Trevor confirm that it was in fact Abby, whoever she may be but your eyes are locked on Jack. You watch as he says something to make her laugh and then she places a hand on his arm, innocent enough but to you it felt like a punch to the stomach.
“Who’s that?” You whisper to Trevor and he looks from you, back to Jack and Abby.
“From the NTDP days, just a friend” You nodded but it definitely wasn’t believable. “Don’t worry about it, you guys are good” Trevor looked directly into your eyes and his words were convincing but it couldn’t take the sinking feeling away completely.
Your focus flickers between your table of friends and Jack who is still talking to Abby at the bar. After ten minutes and many more touches between the two of them, Jack returns to the booth and slides in next to you, pushing Trevor out of his way. You sit quietly for a while, watching as the boys make dumb bets and get into silly fights until you can’t handle it anymore.
“Can you come to the washroom with me?” You ask Jack and he nods, stepping out and waiting for you before guiding you to the back of the club. The floor felt uneven below you, the many shots Ty had forced you to take were starting to hit. Once you’re in the hallway where it’s a bit quieter, you decide to just ask the question that’s been on the tip of your tongue.
“Who was that girl?”
“I hung out with her a bit when I lived here” He shrugged. 
“Oh so she’s one of your ex girlfriends?” You raised an eyebrow and he looked confused but nodded anyway.
“I mean... I guess so”
“Fan-fucking-tastic” You scoff, the alcohol was really hitting you now. The room spun a little and you stumbled in your heels which made Jack reach out to stabilize you but you jerked away.
“What’s your problem?”
“I just don't love you ditching me to hang around an ex all night after you begged for me to come down here to see you” 
“She just came over to say hi, don’t make this into something it’s not” In your experience, saying hi was a pretty speedy ordeal. The frustration eats up your need to fight him on it though so you settle for something much simpler.
“I don’t want to be here if you’re going to spend your time chatting up other girls Jack”
“Holy shit Y/n! I wasn’t flirting with her, can you stop being so damn controlling for once?” Jack’s eyes widen almost immediately after the worlds leave his mouth. He goes to apologize but you’re gone before he can even formalize a thought. You go back to the table, grabbing your phone and ignore Trevor and Ty’s questions about what happened before hightailing it outside.
“Don’t you dare walk away from this” Jack grabbed your wrist, pulling you back towards the club that he had just followed you out of. 
“What even is this Jack? I sure as hell know I’m not your girlfriend, you’ve made that painfully obvious” You roll your eyes, pulling your arm from his grip.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Forget it”
“No! Tell me right now what you mean by that” Jack’s voice cracked a bit when he raised it. You usually would get a little scared if he raised his voice at you but the alcohol thrumming through your body right now made it a passing thought.
“I’m sick of it Jack! I’m tired of just being your friend or your fuck buddy or whatever you want to call this. We’re not dating, you’re not my boyfriend, I know! I don’t have a say in what you do or who you talk to alright, I got it. Just let me go and I swear I’ll be out of here before you guys get home” You’re holding back tears as you swipe aggressively on your phone, trying to get an Uber but Jack reaches out and tugs it from your hands before you can order it.
“We’re not just friends” He says quietly, like a switch had just flipped. At this point, the anger has changed into sadness and when he holds his arms open for you, you can’t resist.
“Stop it Jack. It’s not fair to me” You mumble, words muffled since your face is pressed into his chest.
“I know, I haven’t been fair love” Jack’s fingers carded through your hair in an attempt to soothe you which was working a bit too much for your liking, you were supposed to be mad at him!
“Please just stop Jack, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay with just being friends” The buildup of everything you’ve tried to ignore was finally breaking through and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You loved Jack. You even thought it would have been manageable if you knew he didn't love you back, you could have tried to move on but stay friends with him. But not knowing how he felt? Debating yourself on a day to day basis, trying to figure it out without him ever giving you any clear hints was exhausting.
“I love you. I’m so sorry and I know I haven’t told you but I love you” You move back so you can look into his eyes.
“I- are you serious?”
“I guess I just assumed we were dating. I call you like everyday when I’m away and I see you all the time when I’m home, I thought it was an unspoken thing” He was clueless. It was such a typical guy thing though, you really couldn’t hold it against him.
“Jack! A relationship is not an unspoken arrangement” You groaned and he laughed lightly.
“Well I know that now” He kissed your forehead and pulled you back into a hug. “But I do y’know? I love you so much”
“I love you too J, even if you’re too stupid for your own good sometimes”
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akaashioppa · 3 years
Forever Will Never Be The Same
pairings: oikawa x reader
summary: The reader finally confronts her husband Oikawa after cheating allegations in the male locker room. angst!!!
warnings: curse words, mentions of the reader having a son with Oikawa, confronting of cheating. 
w/c: 1736
A/N: first time writing for Oikawa :)
Haikyuu Masterlist  Masterlist
“Everyone get out now!”
Your voice echoed off the metal lockers of the locker room. Eyes widened as you made your way into the changing room, not because of the fact that a girl was entering the male’s locker room. It was the fact that Oikawa (Y/N) was coming to kick her husband’s ass. Just as every man passed you to flee, their musky scent filled your nose making you cringe.
After the final whistle of the game, people were scavenging to take pictures with Oikawa Toru except you. Each morning that you woke your husband up he would give you one of those cheeky grins that he was giving the fans right now, the stupid grin was fake. Laughter, jokes, and cries filled your ears, for what reason? The Great King made his grand entrance back to the court, winning both sets with the help of Iwaizumi. The Great King himself showered his fans with love and pictures while you stood from afar, anger flowing through your veins. Knowing the Poker Face King for ten years and having been married to him for two, it was easy to mimic the grin. As girls would pass by screaming about the pictures they took with him you would shoot them that famous grin. 
You timed each moment perfectly, celebrating the win, pictures with fans, interviews with the sports commentators, more fan interaction and now he hits the locker room for a shower. Luckily for you, he was beginning to take his sweaty jersey off, beads of sweat from the previous game were still prominent.
“What are you doing here?” The look on his face was one of a kind, it was a mixture of panic and anger. Nothing to be afraid of, it’s not like he didn’t give you the same look when you caught him at the bar with another woman. Or the time you were driving down the road with his phone constantly going off, every other minute he’d get notifications, this would go on for hours.
The yelling of the men from the locker room made you come back to reality. Have they not seen a woman before or was it because you were standing there looking at their dick prints? A white tint cast over their knuckles from how hard they were holding their towels around their waist. ‘What a sight to see
“You can either tell me the truth or you can tell me the truth there’s no in-between.” You barked at Oikawa, men were still scattering out of the locker room. You barely gave them time to leave before you bombarded your husband with your question. 
The  panic on his face was quite entertaining, he moved in front of you so you couldn’t see his half-naked teammates running out of the locker room.“What are you talking about!?”
“When were you going to tell me that you went to a nightclub with Iwaizumi!? He told me everything so I’m giving you the chance to come clean about it!”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew you were going to be mad.”
“Did you sleep with her?” You got straight to the point, there was no need for you to sit here and procrastinate any longer. This has been on your mind ever since you got those three attachments from Iwaizumi.
“No” He scoffed, “Why would I sleep with her? I have too much respect for you to sleep with her.”
“Oh really, the way you were holding her waist makes me think differently. The way you kissed her neck makes me want to snap yours!” You held up a photo on your phone with him and another girl at the nightclub. His head was in her neck, you could see that he was kissing on it, his arms were wrapped around her waist but his hands were dangerously low.“Respect? Do you even know the definition of respect because if you did you wouldn’t have me out here looking stupid!”
He sat down on the bench of the locker room, his arms were tightly around his chest. Oikawa was already over this conversation, this wasn’t the first time you blew up in the face about this. Nor the second, he respected you in a weird way. He never laid hands on you, or even yelled at you but he couldn’t keep his hands off other women. 
“How do I make you look stupid!? I give you everything you want!”
“Everything but love.” You yelled desperately, the thing about arguing with him about these situations was that he’d always claim that he knew what you wanted. He’d always try to bring light on the situation when he clearly fucked up. He was a great husband, you guys had been dating since high school. Since he got the fame and money things turned upside down, he became a legit monster. 
“I show love to you every day, I make love to you every week!” His voice rose an octave, his hand was flying all over the place when he spoke. 
You were appalled, sickened, offended, that he could say something like that. It hurts to know that he thinks this way, it almost makes you feel worthless. Does he really consider having sex as love? “That’s not loving Toru, that's lust.”
He sighed, his hands were on his knees, he got up to finish packing up his things. “Well, I’m over it. I don’t want you here anymore. Leave”
“How can you give up so easily on us.” You forced his hands away from his bag, he looked at you with a confused face. You poked him hard in his chest slowly provoking him, “I forgave you so many times after you treated me like trash. All the times you cheated and came home with women’s numbers falling out of your pockets. Many sleepless nights just to make sure that your knee would stop bothering you. I wake up every morning to make you your special breakfast so you can be game ready and yet I haven’t given up on you.”
“I’m just tired of arguing with you. All you do is complain about my lifestyle. If you can’t keep up then we shouldn’t be together. How can I keep consoling you after you get all jealous about me hanging out with fans or me taking pictures with my fans? It’s just toxic (Y/N).” He spat back, he didn’t seem angered. It was more of an annoyed look. 
“Because you only hang out with female fans, it’s fine and all but when they’re posting sexual pictures with you, it’s a different story. I scroll down my feed to see you with more women than see pictures of us together. It’s like I don’t exist”
“Whatever (Y/N) I need to get ready for the after-party.”
“What about us? How are we going to fix this?”
“There is no us!” He screamed, his voice echoed off the lockers. He placed his hands on his hips trying to compose himself. “It’s only you and Torio. And me, Torio and volleyball! There is no us, not anymore and that’s it!”
You took a step back, each word was like a dagger in your heart. He would often bring your son into the matter. Ever since your son was born you’ve always felt like you and Oikawa had grown apart. It was like you were forcing yourself to stay for Torio’s sake. There would be days where things were good, on those days you and Oikawa wouldn’t argue. However, when days like this occur he’d make you hurt, you’d always end up questioning your ability of loving. Deep down you felt like you guys were drifting apart but you didn’t want to admit it. It was too painful, Oikawa would have been left if it weren’t for Torio. He wanted his fans and the sports media to look at him as a family man.
“Why is it so hard to ask someone to love me!?” Your breaking point had finally come, you held your hands over your mouth to stop the loud sobs. It was hard to know that your husband and high school sweetheart didn’t want you. You gave up everything to support him with his dreams, family, friends, work, school, and even your fucking sanity and yet she still treats you this way. 
He stood there watching you beat yourself down, he didn’t do anything but place a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged it off, the last thing you wanted was for him to touch you. “Listen I loved you back in high school but now high school is over. You’re still basing this love off of that and I’m not here for it. All these insecurities you have are a bit annoying in my defense. Maybe this relationship would work if you grew the fuck up.”
“You can’t give up on us now. We need each other. Torio needs his dad. ” Lie, you needed him. Yes, Torio needed his dad but you needed your husband. It was crazy to think that you would go back to him but it was just your toxic ways. You never loved anyone but him, he was all that you had. Your life that you lived was based upon him. 
“Look, we can talk about this later if you want, but right now I have thousands of fans waiting for me to show my face. You can either suck it up and go out there with me or you can hit the back doors and go home.”
“What do you want?” He groaned, he turned back around with an annoyed face. He was fed up with you and even the situation. You knew he wanted you gone, he was waiting for the minute you’d leave so he could go and party. 
Obviously an answer, he was too consumed with himself to even realize that. It was the reason why you came in here yelling at his teammates to leave, you wanted to ask him a question in private. The thought of getting your feelings hurt in front of everyone was not ideal.
“I just asked a simple question. Did you sleep with her?”
You looked up at him for the first him, your vision was blurry but you could see him well enough to see that stupid smirk.“What do you think?”
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twistnet · 3 years
impulse [ dominic luca ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; after a moment of dread, you sometimes will act on impulse; saying or doing things you may or may not regret later // @jackbarakatismybitch
⋯ PROMPT ; [ intimacy 2 ] a kiss on the lips to tell you how much i love you
⋯ WARNINGS ; female!reader, angst [ mentions of putting oneself in danger + violence ], but general fluff w a happy ending + mature language
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“are you out of your mind?!” you hear someone yell out from behind you, causing you to visibly wince. you know exactly who shouted in your direction, and it was the person you least wanted to get on your case -- especially after being put through the wringer by hondo and hicks.
hondo dismissed you, stone face of anger falling for a short moment to convey his sympathy for the verbal assault you were about to receive from your teammate, luca. he pats you gently on the shoulder before disappearing from your side, leaving you and luca alone.
it’s a short moment before you finally turn to face him, already tense over how upset he looks as he crosses his arms over his chest and fixes you with a glare. you sigh, waving your hands dismissively in front of you, “look... if you’re gonna yell at me... just make it quick. i’ve already been yelled at twice today and i already know what i did wrong. so, there’s no need to gripe on about performance or needing to follow orders.”
luca scoffs, shaking his head as his face twists in anger, “what i have to say isn’t about any of that. it’s about how you took it upon yourself to do something we should have done as a team. it was so stupid for you to pull that self-sacrificing bullshit and i don’t even know why you did it.”
it’s you turn to scoff, surprising yourself as you had just sat through a similar conversation with hondo and hicks not even few minutes ago, but a part of you couldn’t understand why luca was on your case about it when street had done things way more stupid in the past, “i did it because i felt like it was the right thing to do. this job is about self-sacrificing luca, in case you didn’t know. i bust my ass to do the right thing and i sacrifice a lot to do it. as for this instance, i did it because i didn’t want anyone else to get hurt.’
“and what would have happened if what you did, didn’t go right, hmm?” he questioned, stepping forward to get into your face as he glowered at you, “you’d be dead. do you know the impact you have on this team? we lost erika like that... so quick, no one had time to even do anything! i’m not losing another teammate!” he shouts, lip wobbling as he drops his gaze to the floor, hands coming to rest at his hips, “i’m not losing you.” he states, this time quieter. 
your eyes furrow, and you go to ask what he means when hands move to cup your cheeks, lips pressing roughly against yours as you stumble back slightly due to the force. you recover a second later, kissing him back as your fingers twist into the front of his black shirt.
he separates from your lips, leaning if forehead against yours, “i can’t lose you.” he whimpers slightly as you nod, tears rushing to your eyes as you lean in to kiss him again. pouring everything into it as he does the same, hoping it conveys the feelings he’s harbored all this time.
there would be a time later to talk about feelings with words, but for right now. he just needs to hold you close, reminding himself that you are alive.
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lukeevangelista · 3 years
i heard u were hosting a umich week and was wondering if i could put a request in.
ik i’m going to be asking for a lot but ya
powpow and the reader (female) playing hockey together on the canada team even tho we are a female?? if not could u do one of us playing together at umich but the reader (female) on the mens cuz she’s to skilled and could she be on defensive line cuz she hits like super hard and is 6’5?? could kj have a lot of speaking parts if that ok w u.
pls and ty and ily
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okay so i used my 15 minute break at work and put this together. i haven’t wrote fluffy goodness in a long time so i hope you like it! it’s not long, but i thought it was cute. if it’s not what you wanted, let me know and i’ll put something together tonight when i get home from work!!
it was easier to do a more blurbs style, rather than a full out imagine since i am at work haha
thank u for requesting and ily2!!! 🤍
warnings: nothing really? just fluffy owen and besties kent and y/n. also not edited.
it was the 2022 olympics. it was here and you couldn’t be any more excited about traveling across the work with your college teammates and boyfriend. something you had dreamed about for a long time. it was your goal to play the sport you loved professionally and you had finally achieved that through years of dedicated, hard work.
the only thing that wasn’t in your dream was the fact you’d be playing for the men’s team, and not the women’s. to be completely honest, it didn’t matter which team you were on, you were just excited you were invited to participate and help bring gold back to your country.
some scouts from the committee had seen you play at umich with owen, your defensive partner and boyfriend. it wasn’t long after he had receive the call that he would be traveling to beijing, you received the same call minutes later.
you honestly couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity.
“how’s that?” you grinned as you watched kent lie on the ground after a clean check.
“well i’ll tell you, it doesn’t feel too good.” he gave a small laughed, showing he wasn’t upset as he rolled to his side, running his hand up and down his arm.
staal grinned, skating over to the two of you, “maybe we should save that for the game tonight. we don’t need either of you getting hurt.”
“yeah maybe.”
holding your hand out to kent, you helped him up off the ice before he shoved you and took off skating as hard as he could causing you to slightly lose your balance.
“that’s not fair!” you laughed, picking up speed with ease, your long legs carrying you quickly across the ice.
“what do you mean that’s not fair?” he mocked you as he stood on the other side of the net, devon levi stepping to the side, watching the two of you battle it out.
“you hit me!”
“you hit me first!” he argued back.
owen watched the two of you from afar, “that’s your girl?” ho-sang asked, pointing to you and kent, laughing as the two of you chased each other around before practice.
“yeah, that’s my girl.”
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falcqns · 3 years
Hiiii! Long rant ahead 😅-
Can I please request a Bucky x civilian!fem!reader (Avengers au! Endgame never happened au! Bucky joined the Avengers au!) where Sam & Steve are friends with a civilian girl who Bucky starts to really like (but Bucky being Bucky, he’d be worried she would be scared of him, & he thinks he’s a monster 🥺 so he wouldn’t admit he likes her), she really likes him too, & one day when she’s spending the night at the Avengers HQ, he has another nightmare & she calms him down & goes to sleep on the floor with him & they cuddle & he kisses her 🥺 The next morning, Sam & Steve would go up to Bucky’s floor & see them cuddling on the floor of Bucky’s living room🥺 The rest of the Avengers would come up there out of curiosity & Tony would tease them so much & try to take pictures lol. Steve & Sam would be smug but also really happy for Bucky because she’d be good for him 🥺🥺🥺 Sam would annoy Bucky so much about it 😂😂💜🥰
you could never hurt me
pairing: Bucky Barnes x civilian!fem!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, soft!Bucky, almost sub!Bucky which I love and wanna write more of but im scared too bc idk if people want that, Tony being a dumb ass as usual, Sam and Steve are good friends
a/n: this got wayyy more fluffier than I planned on bc I've been diving into the little!Bucky tag on AO3 too much and he’s always such a sweetheart and I wanna write some but im too scared I’ll get hated on eep. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
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God, you adored Bucky.
Despite everything he had been through, he was such a sweetheart. He had a softness to him, a softness he didn’t show most people. 
You really didn’t expect to fall for him when you started running with Sam and Steve a few months prior, but you definitely weren’t complaining. However, despite the softness you saw, he seemed to hate you. 
You didn’t know why. He was never verbally rude, he’d often leave a room as soon as you’d enter it, and avoid you as much as possible. 
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You’d been over to the compound plenty of times, but you had never spent the night. Tonight was Tony’s birthday party, and you wanted to talk to Bucky about why he hated you so much, but you didn’t see him at the party, or after. According to Steve, he hated parties, and tended to lock himself in his bedroom  until the party was over, when he would venture out and eat some of the left over food.
Once the party was over, you and the rest of the avengers, except Bucky, were sat in one of the many common areas drinking a few more beers before everyone retired for the night. 
You heard Bucky’s door shut behind him, and watched as he walked into the kitchen. The team seemed to completely ignore his presence, and that stung a little bit. Did they not see the sweet and innocent Bucky that you, Sam and Steve saw? You shook the thought out of your head as Bucky trudged back to his room with some food and a drink in his hand, completely ignoring his teammates. 
You sighed internally, and decided to bring it up another time. 
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You had just settled into your bed for the night, when you heard noises from Bucky’s room, which was right beside yours. You ignored them at first, thinking they were just him moving around and getting ready for bed, just like you had moments before. But, soon you started to hear different noises. 
You stood up from the bed, and pressed your ear against the wall that separated the two rooms. It sounded like he was trying to call out for someone, and couldn't. Like he wanted to talk so badly, but his words were catching in his throat. You feared that he could be severely hurt, so you ran out of your room and knocked on his door. 
“Bucky, you okay?” You said, and the sounds only continued. As they got louder, you knocked again, but there was still no answer. You tried the door knob, but it was locked. You looked down the hallways and was tempted to knock on Steve’s door. You wanted to make sure he was okay and you were definitely not strong enough to kick the door in.  
Just as you were reaching Steve’s door, you heard a low shout, and sobs rip through the air. You ran back to the room and tried the door handle, which was still locked. You breathed deeply, as you tried to figure out what to do. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” You asked hesitantly, and she answered right away. 
“What can I assist you with Ms Y/L/N?” 
You breathed in relief. “Can you unlock Bucky’s door for me?” 
“Sergeant Barnes has restricted access to his room. The only one who was access is Captain Rogers.” You groaned. 
“I just want to make sure he’s okay. He can get mad at me all he wants for breaking into the room but he doesn't sound okay,” You reasoned.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded instantly. “I agree. His heart rate and blood pressure are rising. I will unlock the door.” A second later, a low click was heard, and this time when you tried the door, it unlocked and you stepped into Bucky’s room. 
The sight of him broke your heart. 
He had abandoned his blankets on the floor and crawled into one of the corners. His knees were pulled up to his chest, and his forehead was resting on his knees as he cried his poor heart out. You rushed over, and crouched in front of him. 
“Bucky? Are you okay?” You asked, and he shook his head, trembling slightly. You heard his teeth chattering, so you grabbed the comforter from behind you, and wrapped it around his shoulders. His cries slowed slightly, and he looked up at you.
“W-why are you helping me?” He asked, stuttering slightly. 
You furrowed your brows. “You’re obviously not doing well, and I want to help you. Why wouldn't I help you?” 
Bucky choked out a laugh. “I thought you'd be scared of me. Of what I can do. Of what I've done.” 
You sat criss cross apple sauce in front of him, and took his metal hand into your flesh one. You held it up, and intertwined your fingers with his. “I’m not scared of you.” You said simply, and Bucky nodded, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. 
He looked down at his lap. “I could hurt you.”
You scoffed and moved closer. Without letting go of his hand, you manoeuvred to your knees, and pushed his legs down flat. You straddled his lap, you free hand rising and tangling in his locks that were wet from both his shower and sweat. “You could never hurt me.” You stated, your hand in his hair sliding down to cup his jaw, your thumb rubbing against his soft and kissable cheek. 
You watched as a tear slipped from his eye, and danced like a rain drop in a carwash down his soft but still stubbly cheek and jaw. 
“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t deserve it.” He whispered, his chin trembling. You smiled sadly and wiped the tear away. 
“You are is deserving of everything sweetheart. You’re such a sweetie pie and it sucks that the rest of your team doesn't see it, because you deserve all the loves and cuddles you could get. What you did, that wasn’t you. It may have been your body, but it wasn't you. You have been treated so harshly by so many people, including those who were supposed to protect you from those who did hurt you, when all you deserve is such kindness.” You said, and smiled when Bucky practically melted into your embrace, his head burying itself in your neck. He unraveled your fingers, and wrapped his arms around your waist, his face nuzzling in your neck. 
“Thank you. No ones ever said something that nice to me,” He said, and you felt his eyes flutter closed against the skin of your neck, finally at peace. 
“You deserve it.” You said, and you pulled away slightly. He let out a whine, but then his eyes widened, almost expecting you to hurt him. Your heart melted and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“It’s okay if you’re feeling vulnerable, baby. I’m right here. I won't leave, and I won't hurt you. Let’s lay down okay?” You said, and he sniffled as he nodded and followed you groggily over to where his blankets were on the floor. You laid down, and opened your arms, inviting him in. 
He laid down in your arms, and his face found your neck again. He breathed in slightly, and sat up on his elbow suddenly. You furrowed your brow, but all the questions that were swirling in your head were answered when he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, and cupped his jaw again as your lips moved together slowly and sensually. 
The kiss broke a few moments later, and you ran a hand through Bucky’s hair, a dopy smile spreading on his face. 
You opened your arms again. “Come lay down, love.” You said, and he instantly complied, his body finding its previous position. You heard his breathing even out seconds later, and knew he was finally getting the sleep he deserved.
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The next morning, Steve and Sam went looking all over the compound for you, and couldn’t find you anywhere. They walked past Bucky’s room once more, and made eye contact. 
“You don’t think-”
“Theres no way-” They said at the same time, and decided to look.
 A smile cracked on both their faces when they saw you and Bucky, still curled up on the floor. 
A flash went off, and they turned to face Tony. “Fuckin’ finally. Been waiting for Tin Man to make a move for months.” He said, and Steve smacked him upside the head. 
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @@nerdypinupcrystal @@sohoseb @@bieberhoodforever @crazy-avengers-gal @colicovision @est19xxshit
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dumbikawa · 3 years
Fighting /W HQ Boys And Being Comforted By Their Teammate
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GN!Reader | Angst to Fluff | Warnings: None
Characters: Oikawa, Akaashi
A/n: I tried to edit the format on mobile so I hope everything is in the right place lmao
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- Oikawa had been training much more than usual, which was already an ungodly amount as it is, leaving the two of you barely any time to talk let alone hang out.
- You understood, though, to some degree. Volleyball was his passion and Nationals was his last chance, in his mind, to prove he was good enough. Winning this was everything to him.
- You tried to bring him snacks every day either in-between classes, before practice, or after practice because it was obvious he wasn’t taking care of himself the way he should, and it pained you.
- The night before they left for Nationals, you waited for him to get out of practice so you could wish him luck in person since they’d be leaving early the following day. Your planned speech was forgotten, though, when you noticed a slight limp in his step.
- Not being able to hold back your concerns anymore, you asked him about it, and he snapped at you before heading off in the opposite direction.
- That night you walked home alone. Well, almost. Iwaizumi found you, knowing the route since often all three of you often walked together.
- He allowed you to rant about his sometimes idiotic best friend, explaining how you had been desperately trying to keep the relationship afloat, how understanding you were when he couldn’t spend any time with you, and the various ways you tried to take care of him since apparently he wasn’t capable of doing it himself. Yet, he showed his appreciation by yelling at you?
- Iwa laid a gentle hand on your shoulder, his attempt at comfort. You leaned forward and gave him a quick hug, thanking him for allowing you to just complain and blow off steam.
- What neither of you noticed, though, was an apologetic, guilty Oikawa watching as his best friend did the job he had ran here to do, and, honestly, probably doing a better job then he would’ve. It was only natural for you to gravitate to somebody who could actually be there for you, he thought. He should’ve known it would happen sooner rather than later, so he turned and walked away.
You feel slightly idiotic as you step out of your car and follow the crowd towards the packed stadium. After not returning any of your calls or texts from last night or this morning, and the last exchange you had with him being less than stellar, you’d still made the drive to watch him at Nationals because, despite all that happened, you loved him much more than he even knew, and you wouldn’t miss this for the world. Whether it ended in celebrations or tears, you wanted to be by his side through it all.
And, as heartbreaking as it was to watch their final match, you realized there would be no celebrating.
It hadn’t sunk in yet. He refused to believe the pain, the dedication, the putting everything else on hold had only led him to defeat. It wasn’t possible. He needed to stay strong, though. He couldn’t allow himself to cry afterwards with the rest of his team.
He trailed behind as they walked out of the gym, his eyes betraying him as they watered while he tried to scan the stands for a face he wasn't even sure would be there. You were another thing he had sacrificed to be here. The best thing he had in his life next to volleyball. Why would you want to see him after he was so awful? Especially when he had nothing to show for it.
Yet, there you were. The sadness he couldn’t yet express was written on your face. His eyes trailed down and noticed you were wearing one of his sweatshirts. That’s when it all came crashing down on him, and there you were to catch him.
“I-I wasn’t...I wasn’t good enough,” he stammers, his muscular body colliding with your sturdy figure. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, finding comfort in the way his sweatshirt now smelled like your perfume. “Not for my team, not for you--”
“Tooru,” you hum, his name feeling like home coming from your lips, “what are you talking about ‘for you’?” You place your hands on either side of his face, pulling him back just enough so you can look into his teary eyes.
“I saw you with Iwa after I--” His face contorts in pain as he thinks back to his words from last night and more tears spill past his lashes. “You turned to someone else because of me.”
Your heart breaks at the thought of him seeing that and thinking that you’d begun to move on from him, as if that were even a possibility.
“No, no, baby. I was upset, yes, but Iwa was just making sure I was okay. He could never replace the love I feel being in your arms or the butterflies I get when kissing you. Nobody could.” Oikawa feels his rigid body softening at your words, allowing himself to believe that’s the truth.. “I wish you would take care of yourself, or, at least, let me help pick up the slack. I’m so proud of you, your team is proud of you, and, most importantly, you are good enough, okay?” He wasn’t sure there were any tears left for him to cry, but another wave of sobs rack through his body. You pull him closer, whispering reassurances and sweet nothings for only him to hear while tracing soft circles on his back.
He felt a weight lifting off his shoulders as he allowed himself to relax in your arms. He wasn’t sure if it was from knowing you were still there for him, or if it was because, regardless of how it ended, it was all over and that provided a confusing relief in itself.
All he focused on, though, was the thought that there was no one else he wanted by his side for the rest of his life.
- Akaashi felt the self-doubt creeping up on him. It seemed like he’d been on a steady decline in nearly every aspect of his life lately; volleyball, school, and even his relationship with you.
- His sets felt messy and it was only a matter of time before his team would take notice of it. And with practice nearly every night after school, he wasn’t finding the time to get the work done that he needed for classes. Then there was you. He never thought he was good enough for you and with everything else weighing his mood down, he didn’t want to make you feel bad, too.
- That’s when he’d put up a wall between him and everybody else, including you.
- You knew the moment he pulled back and decided to give him some space for a week or two, hoping that’s what he needed.
- When that didn’t work, you decided to ask him about it. Even if he didn’t want to talk about it, perhaps just knowing you were still there would be enough to make him feel a little better.
- Safe to say, it didn’t go as you’d planned.
- “I have to get these assignments done, y/n, I don’t have time to talk.” Keiji, I just want to-- “Y/n! I can’t right now, can’t you see? I can’t deal with this at the moment.”
- You didn’t feel like fighting, so you left, letting the door slam shut behind you.
For the first time since you and Keiji started dating, you wore your own hoodie to school. There was no inherent statement behind it, but if he wanted to take it as some sort of low blow you didn’t care. It had been a couple days since you left his house with tears pooling in your eyes and it felt like your heart was hurting more and more each day the two of you didn’t talk. 
Bokuto could tell there was something off between the two of you. He’d observed it weeks before, but figured it wasn’t his place to necessarily say anything. At this point, though, it had been going on for too long and he didn’t like seeing two of his closest friends hurting.
“Hey y/n!” Bokuto’s cheery call cut through your miserable mood. You hadn’t been swinging by to watch practice and avoided the dining hall, so you weren’t seeing him as much as you’re used to. You found it easy to return his ear to ear grin and began walking with him in the direction of the gym.
“It might not be my place to ask, but what happened?” The smile slipped right off your face and you had to physically turn away to avoid meeting his puppy dog eyes that would have you telling him everything.
Your eyes begin to water as your mind walks back through that night. A scoff leaves your lips as you begin to dab away the escaping tears. Bokuto, alarmed and guilty that he made you cry, envelops you in a bone-crushing hug. It felt...incredible, though. In trying to get Akaashi to open up, you forgot to follow your own advice.
Everything spilled out as you let the tears fall on Bokuto’s blazer. How Akaashi had pulled away so you tried to give him space. That when you attempted to talk to him about it he lashed out at you. Bokuto listened thoughtfully, recognizing times he’d seen his friend put up these same walls before. There wasn’t much he could offer in the way of advice, but all you needed was for him to listen.
Akaashi watched you pull away from Bokuto’s arms and laugh at something he’d said, a genuine smile gracing your lips. It hadn’t occurred to him how long it’d been since he saw you smile like that. He felt awful for what he said the other day and regretted it all the moment he saw the hurt on your face. Letting you go seemed like the best thing to do because maybe then you could find somebody to make you smile instead of cry. And, perhaps, you already had.
He closes his eyes with a sigh, letting himself slide down to the floor, thinking about the way you were smiling and imagining a scenario where it was because of him.
“Keiji?” Your soft voice pulls him from his thoughts as he looks up to see you standing a little bit away from him, an unsure look on your face.
“Y/n.” Everything he wants to say is stuck in his throat, so he settles for a simple, “I’m so sorry.” It wasn’t enough, he knows, but you still sit down next to him.
“What’s going on in your head?” You hug your knees close to your body and turn to look at him. He wants so badly to reach out and hold your face, watching your eyes drift close when you lean into his touch.
“You deserve better. Someone happier like Bo. I’m not a good boyfriend--”
“When did you become a liar?” You cut him off, wanting to stop his harmful train of thinking immediately. He’s taken aback, not sure what to say, so you continue. “Do you remember when you brought me my favorite food because my favorite character died? Or how whenever we’re in a crowd you put your hand behind your back for me to hold so we don’t get separated?” He wants to smile, thinking back to those moments, but remembering the things he said the other day stops him.
“But I’ve been so horrible to you recently.”
“You haven’t been horrible, Keiji. You’ve just got a lot going on up there. There’s no pressure to tell me about it, but I’m here and I’m not leaving unless you really want me to.” 
Nothing else had to be said. He leans forward and rests his head on your shoulder. Your arm goes around him, a physical affirmation that your words are true. One talk wasn’t going to solve everything. The self-doubt would still be there, and they might always be. But he felt comfort in the fact that he could share more with you without that fear of bringing you down with him.
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