#((Raph gonna get bullied by the foot clan cause he still wearing the kiss mark uwu))
ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Aww, leaving so soon? Shame, this night was getting rather fun," Yvonne comments, throwing a smile Raphael's way, "Though, I admit, it was nicer before your brothers showed up."
Wings fluttered behind her, just enough so she could reach the terrapins height. Should she be this affectionate when his family was right there, within seeing distance, and would probably bully him into an inch of his life because of what she's about to do? No. Was that actually going to stop her? Also no.
Leaning close, she presses a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red mark thanks to her signature lipstick. Voice a soft purr,
"Drop by sometime Big Red, you know my doors always open for you," With a giggle, she begins to flutter away, figuring she should leave him to deal with the family reaction, "I'll see you around~"
| Muse interaction It had to be hard going from human to mutant like Yvonne did And a few other mutants, guess he and his brothers had the benefit of having been animals before they were mutated themselves, they didn't have a life to lose he guessed. At least she was one of the few who didn't try attacking them. Well yeah, he was gonna ignore that one part, for now, just enjoying sitting up on the rooftop with her. "I know we can never like be seen maybe?" who knows maybe one day they could walk around as freely as they did in the Hidden City. "But this? I have to say is the best view ever" aiming a finger out to all the city lights in the darkness. Jumping around and hiding from sight was the life of a ninja of course but it also meant they got to see the city in a different way than the humans ever could. And it meant Raph could share that same sight with her. As he kept sneaking glances over her way, admiring her in the lights of the city. Bringing a blush to his face he swore he could feel his face heating up as he just admire her, quick to look away the second she looked his way. Harboring feelings for her that he kept to himself, he couldn't help it he liked her so much. He thought of her so often when alone. Shell even when she sat next to him thought about her. Dark purple eyes, both sets. The way her hair waved into curls, that nice deep brown shade. The way her red lips curled up when she laughed and called him a dork. How her eyes seemed to smile even when he tripped over his words around her. In all the movies he and his brothers watched with romance lines the lead guy usually said something romantic to the girl right now. Raph was blanking though anytime he tried to be romantic? it came out not how he intended. Well, she didn't mind it much right? Though he wasn't even sure if she knew he was even trying to be romantic. Seeing how he couldn't keep it together around her she must just him some big babbling oaf.
Just tell her she looks nice that's easy enough? he thought to himself. Tell her that she is bright but not as bright as the city lights! no, wait not like that bone head. Man even in my own head I can't get this right! It's cool she doesn't know you said that. Okay tell her that she takes up all the thoughts in your head...what if she doesn't like me back though? What if we're only friends and she gets put off by my feelings?
Saved from spinning in his own thoughts when the collective voices of his brothers gave him a bit of a startle. A bit he claims as if he didn't hear about jump right out of his shell then and there.
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"Dang it," he grimaced looking back at the three of them they knew fully well they just interrupted his alone time with her. But they reminded him they had plans for the night too. Guess he couldn't sit out here all night they did have a city to look after. Moving to stand up now as he looked down at the butterfly mutant.
"Sorry Yvonne we gotta follow up on some stuff from the other night, foot clan seems up to somethin' and well ya know hero stuff." He lowkey is hoping that impresses her as he downplays it all.
"Aww, leaving so soon? Shame, this night was getting rather fun,"
Raph just smiles back at her, there it is that smile. The one he thought about when she came to mind, throwing a hand up to the back of his neck as he give a soft chuckle "Ah yeah sorry but got a job to do, the city won't protect itself. And between you and me I don' know if these three can handle it without me watching thier backs. Nah I know they can't." he was quick to toss in.
"Though, I admit, it was nicer before your brothers showed up."
He shrugs his shoulders but nods agreeing, well ignoring how his brothers were teasing him enough about needing to hurry up with his goodbyes. Siblings were the worst they all figure out his crush pretty fast and that opened him up to a hell of mockery. Little brothers jeez.
"yeah, they never learned, when to keep thier mouths zipped!" Turning to look at the three of them with his sudden outburst as he fixed them all with a hard stern glare. All unaware of how she gave a flap of her wings to bring herself up to Raph's height now. To busy mentally telling his brothers mentally to behave still. Attention only returned her way when he feels something pressed against his face. Soft but firm a little sticky, but warm. The heat on his face before was far worse now, near burning as he snapped his attention back to her. Slowly realized from where she was she must of, no there's no way she would go and kiss his cheek right? Lifting up his hand though he let the tip of a finger brush over his cheek and lowered his gaze, easily finding the same shade of red she covered her lips with.
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Oh, this wasn't helping his crush at all! If anything it had him thinking about more kisses from her! Raph brain behave!
"Drop by sometime Big Red, you know my doors always open for you,"
She giggles a little before starting to flutter away and he just can't help but smile softly watching her leave as he lifts up a hand and starts to wave goodbye to her. He was nowhere near weight but he felt like he could float in the air right now and follow after her. His heart felt like it was highly softly inside his chest as he had to put all his brain function into moving his hand right now.
"I'll see you around~"
"yeah see ya." he says it dreamily, wondering if there was a wave to pressure a kiss on his cheek because he never wanted to wash the mark off. Until he can hear collective voices starting to snicker behind him, all mocking how she calls him Big Red. All those light fluffy happy thoughts were now squashed as he turned around to look at them. "Shut it only she gets to call me that, now come on we gotta go track those foot guys or somethin' so get a move on already." Because the sooner they did the sooner he could get back to being with her.
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