#((Gen 5 remakes if you do not give them more attention I am going to BITE))
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antihibikase-archive · 2 years ago
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“Don’t be reckless, okay?”
“So... Umm... I wish I could say something, like, totally inspiring, you know? Umm... OK... Best foot forward!”
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polkscastle · 3 years ago
New Pokemon News-Drop Today (My Thoughts
Pokemon is back at it again with more info on the upcoming Gen 5 remakes, as well as, Arceus: Legends. These were my thoughts on what we were shown: - Unite, Cafe ReMix, Masters, and GO: There's not much I have to say about these updates on Pokemon's running titles, mostly because (besides Pokemon GO) I don't play any of these. Unite holds no interest for me, with the option to dress up your pokemon as the only reason I'm slightly tempted to look at it. I played the original Cafe Mix for a week: thought it was cute but, disliked the puzzle gameplay. And, I just never looked into Masters. Maybe if I find some friends who really, really love these titles and want me to play with them, I'll consider playing these. But for now, let's get into why I woke up early just to see these announcements live... ----- - Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: YES! YES!! YYEEESSSS!!!! I am SO HAPPY!! Maybe the choice of visual design threw people off at first but, these look so good. The style remains perfectly cute and charming. Plus, they are indeed changing things up and adding new elements to the remakes. My biggest concern when I saw the first announcement for these games was that (especially with another company in charge of development) they would stick too close to the design of the originals. It may only a few little touches that we know of so far, but I'm excited to see if there's more to come. My thoughts on each individual element: - Your Pokemon Follow You: You heard here, folks. The Pokemon Company is once again giving us partner Pokemon that follow you around in the overworld. You'd think such a detail wouldn't be that important but, it really does add to the experience of a Pokemon game. Done well, it helps you see your own Pokemmon as living partners rather than pawns in combat - Ball Capsules and Stickers are Back: WooHoo! It honestly isn't a surprise to see them here, but I'm still happy to see these back again. I don't remember fiddling with the ball capsules too much as a kid playing the Gen 5 games, yet I was still sad to see them go in later games. I thought it was such a cool idea to be able to personally edit the entrance effects of your Pokemon. - Updated Contests: Contests were not a big interest to me when I was playing the originals as a kid. However, I was hoping that they would update them in these remakes. So far, I like what I see. The dance and battle showcase portions of the original games seem to have been merged into a new rhythm mini-game, which is fine by me. I do hope to see the dress up accessories come back into play, especially if these can be worn by your Pokemon outside of the contests. I don't know, I think it'd be fun ^^ - Trainer Styles: Not the full avatar customization of the later generations, but still a nice addition. Good on you, Pokemon - Expanded Underground: Now, this is interesting. I was excited to be able to travel the Sinnoh Underground again, and now they've made it even better. The Pokemon Hide-aways look like a fun addition. And, (from what I've seen so far) these could be another solution to the whole Fire-type issue that Sinnoh was so infamous for. In summation, I was already set to get Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and these announcements only have me more stoked to see what they have in store. (Side note: My currant status on withholding myself from buying that new Switch Lite when I have a functioning Pokemon-themed Lite and am saving up for the full OLED model is... ...failing miserably. IT LOOKS SO COOL, YOU GUYS!!! T-T ) ----- - Legends Arceus: The perfect little cherry on top to this buffet of news. SWEET MERCY! This game is looking so GOOD! I want it so badly! Everything we saw in the initial announcement is so much more polished and breathtaking here. I can't wait for it to come out. And to put this out there, I love the addition of Action Order battle mechanics. I don't play many action rpg's but, I am excited to try this one out. The idea of using different styles really does seem to add a whole new layer of strategy to Pokemon's base battle mechanics, especially if I can set up combos without taking a hit in-between moves. Maybe if it does well, they'll try incorporating that into the main series games ^^. New Hisui Pokemon: - Wyrdeer: *Flashbacks to Princess Mononoke* Stantler may be a favorite of mine, but I do adore him getting more love and attention like. Wyrdeer just looks like a boss! - Basculegion: Again, not a favorite Pokemon of mine, actually something of a personal ire for me, now given a really boss looking evolution. But, that backstory ... O-O - Hisuian Braviary: Not much to say, he just looks cool - Hisuian Growlithe: *GAAASSSPPP!!* PUPPY!! LOOK AT THE PUPPER!! GIVE ME THE FIRE-ROCK PUPPER!! I'LL TAKE TWENTY!!! New Human Characters: - Prof Laventon: Don't know what to think of you just yet so, we'll just wait and see how things go down with you. - Captain Cyllene: (first reation: "Wait... that's a woman? Well, don't I have egg on my face right now ;P) That said, I am intrigued by this character. Her design reminds me heavily of Tilda Swinton (just saying). Though, with her being this game's parallel/possible ancestor for Cyrus, it seems a bit too obvious to make her the big bad of our adventure. Perhaps they'll do something more interesting with her story but, we'll have to wait and see - Commander Kamado: Oh, my... W-well, it seems we have our Prof. Rowan parrallel/possible ancestor. And he looks very tough, and s-strong, and commanding... ...and handsome, and... O///O ...w-w-will, you excuse me for a sec. ----- TL;DR - I may not care for the running events of the current present, but I am more than excited to see the treasures and legends of generations past
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 years ago
in your opinion, which harvest moon or sos games are worth playing and which are not? Are the older titles worth it?
So I have to confess, I have played relatively few HM/SoS games to completion. "Completion" meaning: over a year in-game played, got married, had a kid, and/or completed whatever story there is to be done. I am also of the mind that if something makes me happy, regardless of how old, or objectively "bad" it might be considered, it's worth playing. It makes me happy, it's time well spent.
So if you're looking for an actual critical, and well thought out review of the games, I am not the blog to ask. There are lots of other people out there who have given more thought to the matter than I have.
For the record, the games I have played are: Back to Nature, HM 3 GBC, (More) Friends of Mineral Town, Island of Happiness, Save the Homeland, SoS1, Trio of Towns, SoS Friends of Mineral Town, and I'm working my way through Pioneers of Olive Town.
I've played a little bit of Tale of Two Towns, and A New Beginning, but I didn't get very far in either of those before getting distracted with other things. I enjoyed them while I was playing, but also neither of them captured my attention enough to stay invested long term. Make of that what you will.
I never played any of the titles that were released on Game Cube or Wii, and I basically didn't play anything between 2007 and 2014. Which some people will say is when the best games came out, and I missed out on the best titles, but I never played them so I can't offer an opinion on them. And I haven't played any of the Harvest Moon titles since the split.
So of the ~25 games that we have under the Hm/SoS umbrella, I've played 10, and 4 of them are technically the same game remade on different consoles so let's say 6. Several of the games I played as a literal child, and when I upgraded to the next technology generation, I lost my ability to play them. Others I picked up again as an adult and thoroughly enjoyed my time playing.
As for the "worth" of the game, it really depends on what you, personally, want from your game. I've already given you my definition of "worth". I realize it is not Everyone's definition of "worth". Nonny, I suspect, that since you're asking me in the first place, "it makes me happy" isn't the only reason you want/need to invest time and effort into playing a game. I cannot tell you which games you think will be "worth it."
I think each game has it's own value. It offers something that other's don't. Different characters, different farming mechanics, different stories, and I think each one, in its own way has some value to impart on the players.
My long-time favorite game has been the Mineral Town games, ever since we got BTN in 2000 I fell in love with the premise, the characters, the setting. I bought the gameboy versions when they hit stores, and they are the games I most consistently return to when I want something comfortable.
Compared to recent games though, the Mineral Town ones are Really Basic. And while I love the games for their nostalgia, I know some people will be bored to tears by them of they go from playing the more recent games to that. Even when FoMT hit the switch last sumer I had a bit of whiplash going "oh, there's so little on the calendar, and I only have how many different crops to grow? nothing grows in winter? okay." because I had just come off from playing Trio of Towns.
If you want to be busy and have 100 goals to meet, stick to the newer games. If you just wanna chill and do whatever, try some of the older games if you can.
I think, if you have the time/ability to go back and play the old games, and you want to do it, then by all means, go for it!
A lot of them are only available to play on technology that a lot of people don't have floating around their homes anymore. If they didn't get a next gen port to an easily accessible console, so unless you still have a functioning PS2 or GBA, you're not going to have the chance to play them. Yeah, emulators are out there and they work, but in my experience they're also annoying and buggy, and not an ideal way to play the games. If you have the consoles, but not the games, getting your hands on copies can be very expensive.
You are already prone to play the old games. You're gonna play them regardless of my opinions on them. You're gonna shell out the cash or set up the emulator, or dust off the Wii and pray it still works, and i hope you enjoy your time playing!
These games have been coming out over 20+ years at this point, and while many of them are just remakes/reskins/girl versions, that's still so much time covered in video game technology. And comparing the earliest games to the most recent ones is more of an exercise in frustration and futility. You're never going to find the right answer.
(I also don't know what your personal gauge for 'old' is, Nonny. Because Old for me are games that are 20 years old. Old for you might be games that are 5 years old, which was like... last week from my perspective, so...)
All this to say, I guess I'll give a brief opinion on the games I have played, and y'all can make your decisions as you please from there.
Back to Nature/Mineral Town Games: My OG game. Always holds a dear spot in my heart for nostalgia. Love the town, love the characters, love the music, can do no wrong, a very enjoyable, if basic, farming game. Easy to play for a bit, set down for a while, and pick up and play again without feeling like you've forgotten you were in the middle of something important.
HM GBC 3: Pretty sure I was 10 last time I played it, so grain of salt. I found it more boring than the MT games, the town and maps were smaller, none of the characters had portraits, I didn't really get all of the details to make the farm work. I'm sure if I went back now as an adult I would have a better time, but I have no desire to emulate it. If you want to emulate it, go for it, but be warned that if you play as a girl, the game ends after you get married. Doesn't do that if you play as a boy so...
Save the Homeland: I kept going back to replay this game for years. I thought the premise was fun, and I always wanted to try and get all of the endings, but never did. I would buy it again in a heartbeat if it got remastered. Different from other games tho, in that you only get one year to play and get an ending, and once you do, the game restarts you at Spring 1 and nobody knows who you are again. You get to keep your animals and house upgrades, but there's no dating and marriage.
Island of Happiness: I love the setting and the characters, but god FUCK that weather system. Can't get shit to grow unless you obsessively track if it rains and how sunny it is and it completely ruined the game for me. I tried playing it again a couple years back and couldn't be bothered to keep tracking stuff. I never once unlocked all of the crops or livestock on any of my playthroughs. Did manage to play long enough to get married once.
SoS1: The game that convinced me to go back to buying new stuff after IoH kind of put me off new HM games for the better part of a decade (I had FoMT to replay it was fine). Liked it well enough, thought some of the characters were a bit bland, but still enjoyable enough to get married and have a kid. Unlocking all the vendors is a bitch though, and I still haven't gotten them all. A fine game, but if you're only going to play One 3DS game, I wouldn't suggest this one.
Trio of Towns: This one ties with FoMT as my favorite game! I love everything about it. The Characters, the setting and premise, the music, the depth of events. There's so much to do, there's never a boring day, but that can also feel overwhelming if you're the kind if person who tries to do everything at once. Not as easy to pick up and put down as some of the more basic games, but it's very replayable in my book and I keep coming back to it.
Pioneers of Olive Town: It's a middling game for me. Like SoS1, it's fine, but unlike SoS1, there's very little to do in the game. I completed the "main story" in less than a year without putting in much effort to complete things in a timely manner. The characters and the game had So Much Potential, particularly after 3oT, and all of it fell flat in my expectations. Plus some of the technical issues we all experienced at launch. Now, I'm still playing it, I don't hate the game, and the updates have made things better. But with the story done and all of the characters feeling a bit Flat, I'm biding my time between DLC updates to see if I want to marry any of the special candidates instead of the base game characters. I'll probably keep playing long enough to get married and probably unlock everything on the farm, but beyond that I'm not super invested.
My final verdict is, if you have a 3DS, get Trio of Towns, if you only have a Switch, get Friends of Mineral Town. If you want to put forth the time and effort into acquiring the old games, or emulating them, by all means go for it.
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migstheruler · 4 years ago
PLaystation 5 Event
initially great, despite the horrible pre-orders ordeal.
On Sept. 16, 2020, Sony pulled back the curtain on another slew of details regarding the PS5.
1.       The PlayStation 5 releases on November 12th, 2020 in Japan, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United States (why these states, only Sony knows even though I think it’s because of their distinct market in each of these countries).
2.       The PlayStation 5 releases everywhere else on November 19, 2020.
3.       The PlayStation 5 launches at $399.99 for the digital edition and $499.99 for the disc-based edition.
*IF backward compatibility with the PS4 is important to you, I’d recommend the disc-based PS5. Sony execs have confirmed 99% of PS4 games are compatible with their new Flagship console.
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   The event also gave us a look into some new games coming to the PS5 for launch as well as games we can expect during the first year of the PlayStation 5’s life cycle. Honestly tho, I think some of those games indicating they were launching during 2021 is a lie. You mean to tell me you’re going to launch Horizon, God of War 2, Final Fantasy 16 all in one year…..really… If these games were dique going to launch in 2021, you would think they would have had at least a working demo or something, instead of a teaser trailer with the games logo…but I digress, I’ll touch on this later.
 Below are a few games showed that caught my eye and I just had to write about them.
Overall, Sony’s PS5 presentation was a good one, with all the information we as consumers were asking for since June and 10/10 would watch again (I’ve seen the presentation 4 times already (twice to write this piece 😊)).  
The presentations started with a trailer showing a slew of different games coming to the PlayStation five system, most games we covered in https://migstheruler.com/post/620830163010240512/ps5-reveal-event but just when you thought this was another trailer, boom!!!
Final Fantasy 16
A nice mix of old and new: as if the folks from Final Fantasy 11 and 12 made a 15 esque type game.
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Shiva the ice goddess is back, and looking deadlier than ever throwing out chilly ice crystals sure to cause anyone level seven frostbite
Who´s a good boy? This little pup looks ready to be pet and given treats.
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 It looks like our trusty steeds the Chocobos are back, hopefully, they are more useful this time around )I’m looking at you final fantasy seven episode one)
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Marlboros are looking as menacing as ever.
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 Final Fantasy 16 was pretty unexpected to be honest, especially given final fantasy seven episodes one releasing a few months ago. However, it’s a nice surprise to see Square Soft jk Square Enix working on a new Final Fantasy game, especially one that likes to expand upon the action RPG elements (Think kingdom hearts series or final fantasy 15 and even 7).  Aesthetically, this is giving me hardcore fantasy elements with realism thrown in there.
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Either way, what a great way to start off the presentation.
  Spiderman Miles Morales:
Next up, Sony gives us a seven-minute look into Spiderman Miles Morales, which expands upon 2018’s PS4 Spiderman. Sony has said this is not a direct sequel but instead a look to further expand upon the world through the eyes of Miles Morales. The graphics and presentation of this game are sure to entice any spiderman man. The lighting coupled with Mile’s powers makes this game a visual PS5 treat.
 Last time we saw Miles, he had just shown Peter Parker he too had powers to which Peter Parker joined him upon the ceiling, it was a bonding moment the two spider-men would have. Fast forward maybe a year (I’m not sure how much time has passed since the last spiderman game) we are thrusted into the shoes of Miles Morales.
  “Mom I’m home” Can we take a moment to appreciate my man’s line up here, dam that shit looks crispy.
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Walking through Harlem, music playing, and folks dancing Salsa in the street. I’m not going to lie, this made me cheese from ear to ear.
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This is what I expect to encounter when I have to mediate between clients ready to rip each other apart in a gory fashion (above).  
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 Okay, knowing how strong spiderman is, I fully expect the dude’s Jaw to be broken after this power punch.
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I forgot to mention (above) Miles can turn Invisible and has access to electric powers (below) sure to spruce up and affect the way Miles plays. I can only imagine a focus less on gadgets and more of an emphasis on Miles’ powers.
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Although I know this game stars a new spiderman aka Miles Morales, the developers sure are making sure we know  we’re not playing with Peter Parker anymore.
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“Insert obligatory spiderman being pulled from different directions trope here” I’m not even going to front; this image is pretty cool.
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Lastly, how dope is this launch title? It is one of the first games I plan to beat on my PS5.
-          I do want to say one thing regarding this title. I think it’s pretty great from a representation perspective to see a Black and Puerto Rican spiderman. Representation matters. I’m not Puerto Rican but am Latino and I do appreciate the flags littered throughout the trailer, folks dancing salsa and overall, Miles Morales as a character.
One gripe I have with this game unfortunately is Sony’s anti-consumer stance regarding those that purchased 2018’s Spiderman. Folks that purchase the Deluxe Spiderman Miles Morales edition for $79.99 get both Spiderman Miles Morales and a supped-up version of 2018’s spiderman for the PS5, yet Sony hasn’t extended an olive branch to those of us that supported their 2018 game (even making it one of their best sellers). IF you want to play Spiderman Miles Morales, you can cop it for a cool $49.99 which is dope but doesn’t include any type of upgrade for those of us with the PS4 version of spiderman. Honestly, as someone that doesn’t plan on playing the game again but it’s pretty anti-consumer to not even offer some type of benefit to those PS4 supporters. Here’s to hoping they offer some type of upgrade via a patch to the PS4 spiderman.
·       Turns out the game will run natively better on the PS5 given the consoles superior power but for a truly next gen 2018 Spiderman experience, you gotta pay those $69.99 duckats.  
   Looks Like we’re going back to Hogwarts and I’m not talking about Fantastic Beasts or Harry Potter. We received our first look (aside from the leak that was released last year). In Hogwarts Legacy, we go back to the late 1800s to visit the Wizards of the Waverly place (I think I said this right, I’ve only seen the Harry Potter movies once all the way through). Either way, it looks like they managed to capture the magic of Hogwatz. The walls of Hogwarts look alive, books flying all over the place and magic spewing from cauldrons of unknown potions.
 Our journey begins going back to Hogwarts with a cool looking Owl to boot.    
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 The sorting hat is back babi, it seems like this is a create your own character adventure, where we as the player will get to customize our very own character, sure to get into whatever wizardly fun is to be found.  Team Slytherin all day!! JK, I’m team Gryffindor babi. But really tho, I have no idea what school I’d be assigned too.
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  In both of these pictures, its quite remarkable the little details you see; the more you look, the more you see. Did you see the candles above, or the candlelight below
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Looks like our boys are cooking up work in the kitchen aka cauldron. I’d also like to bring attention to the lighting, truly impressive.  Time to eat some delicious grub with my fellow wizards!! (Below)
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 Looks like we’ll be facing a litany of different monsters and foes. I know with my Avada Kedavra, I’ll be blasting fools like the one below away.
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 Dam son, we fighting Dragons out here too, sheesh.
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Looks like combat will be a big portion of gameplay as the video showed of a created character fighting some pretty large beasts.
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Looks like we’ll be playing quidditch in this game, and I honestly can’t wait.
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I sure do hope we’re able to feed these little cuties and pet them.
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Looks like this game is open world, as the characters are seen flying on Griffins across the vista. They draw distances in this game are spectacular.
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Hogwarts Legacy launches in 2021.
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 *JK Rowling has no involvement with this game and that’s a good thing given her recent problematic statements.
  Demon Souls
Full disclosure, I bought demon souls for the PS3 back in the day but unfortunately, did not stick with the game. It was fun and I would proceed to play other From Software and souls genre games in the future such as Sekiro, Bloodborne and Nioh to name a few. But here we have Bluepoint games remaking the PS3 Cult Classic and precursor to the Souls Genre. I for one am super excited to jump back in and try my hand again at Demon Souls.
 This place here is the game’s main hub that allows you to access other portions of the world map. IT’s nice to see it in all it’s HD Glory.
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Our Player is borne anew: Rise from your grave!!! JK, this isn’t a Sega title.
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The environments look super luscious and literal indistinguishable from concept art. The leaves, lighting, and armor are truly a beautiful sight to see.  (Below) 
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Nothing like chilling by a bonfire, although if you’re new to the genre, every time you heal at these bon fires, all the enemies you spent tirelessly fighting repopulate.
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Call me crazy but in the original, players from other games could leave each other messages written in blood, as a way to help each other out. It looks like this concept is making a comeback this time around.  
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 Dragons are so hot right now…. (insert Zoolander Gif here)
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If you have ever played a souls game, you know this is something you can expect to see even in your dreams. I remember going to bed thinking how an enemy boss had beaten me 13-times in a row, only to go to bed thinking and imaging different strategies on how I could kill the foe standing between me and the game's progress.
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The gameplay looks faster than the original but the difficult elements remain prevalent. The player is seen mowing down enemies which seems a bit off given the extreme difficulty of the PS3 game. But this could be Bluepoint addressing the sometimes-outrageous difficulty by making it more appealing to casuals.
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Launch Title!!!!
 God of War Ragnarök:
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Last time we saw our heroes, Kratos and Atreus were shacked up in their home when they receive a visit from a mysterious visitor brandishing what looks like Mjolnir on his waist.  The game ended in a great cliff hanger and is sure to improve on the many aspects the PS4 game
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Get the fuck out of here. Sony decided to drop a nuclear ton warhead on us with the teaser trailer of God of War Ragnarok, a sequel to the PS4’s God of War.  Although they did not show any game play, they did manage to build the hype with the screen below:  
And then to top off the trailer the list the following with a supposed 2021 release date which I think is highly unlikely but, we will see. Either way, “we must prepare”.
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   Sadly, when the presentation ended, pre-orders went live . We were told by Sony that we would have ample time to prepare to pre-order, nothing but the contrary occured. I was one of the unlucky folks who failed to obtain his PS5 preorder despite having the funds to do so. Here’s to hoping I’m able to secure a pre-order prior to the Nov 12 launch. I did manage to get a PS5 camera which is a must for me since I like to stream games online, it’s really quite addicting. Check out my channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiazQqSufhmIGo2a7odLOpQ?view_as=subscriber.
I do want to say one thing, I am very fortunate to have the things i’ve accumulated over the years. I know there are people in the world that lack even basic necessities. If you’re reading this, please donate to  cause/fund or organization you beleive in. I know my life’s work is to improve the living conditions of everyone regardless of their creed and that keeps me plenty busy.  
  All images used in this piece were obtained from the source below: 
Credit: IGN 
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inikavulpixelreviews · 6 years ago
Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Gen 7 Retrospective
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That's at least a little more sizable than the XY generation was. Granted we have some Alolan Forms to help inflate the numbers a bit. Sure, if you were to count Gen 6′s Mega Evolutions, Gen 7 would be the actual smallest Gen to date. But remember what I said last generation's recap with how Gamefreak seemed to be taking a “quality over quantity” approach for that generation? That mentality seems to be back in full force here. 'Cause we're looking at my second favorite Gen right behind Gen 5.
I did bring up that Gen 6 was my third favorite generation in terms of the new, numerical Pokemon introduced. What has Alola muscle over it is how it's crammed as much inventiveness into the designs as they could think. The starters, the Legendaries/Kinda-Legendary Ultra Beasts, even the common fodder Pokemon have a little more going on than their typical ilk. And even some of the more boring designs like Oranguru and Passimian have interesting battle mechanics by changing the way you can approach double battles entirely on their own.
That also seemed to be a focus this generation. Not all of course, but a lot of the new Pokemon seemed to be based on different gameplay interactions and having unique abilities or signature moves. Between Salandit's Corrosion to Minior's Shields Down to Mimikyu's Disguise to Toucannon's Beak Blast and to Toxipex's Baneful Bunker. They really tried taking a shot at making each Pokemon have something unique to bring to battles. They even essentially made a more tournament-rules friendly alternative to Arceus in Silvally.
But there's a little subject more contentious about Gen 7 than the Pokemon, of course. That being the games themselves, which feel like they got the fandom split. I like Sun and Moon, but even I'll admit Gamefreak's gotta try a little harder for Gen 8. All the inventive things they've tried from a gameplay perspective ultimately don't change much. The game still had an 8-mini-act structure just like the Gym games. HMs getting replaced with Ride Pokemon is nice, but is still the same mechanic with different dressing. The biggest changes in the usual story structure don't even matter that much, the biggest change feeling like you get to know the region's Legendary Pokemon from the very start in the form of Nebby. Otherwise, it's just A Little Bit Better Written Than Usual. Y'know, not that Pokemon games tend to be master classes in writing anyway, its only real competition there being Black and White's story. (And even then, Sun and Moon's in desperate need of a Skip Cutscene button.)
Then there’s the Let’s Go games, which I suppose are technically Gen 7 games. Those got even more divisive. Some love it, others hate it. I personally just find it boring as a rather dumbed down remake of the Kanto games, only really playing because it was an excuse to use Melmetal. There’s some neat things in there that I wouldn’t mind seeing implemented in the main series (namely overworld-wandering Pokemon and AVs replacing EVs.) Just please keep the very poorly implemented Go-imitating catch mechanics as far away from the main series as possible.
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Pokemon’s also starting to get more competition recently as well. Other than Digimon of course. Ni No Kuni, eventually Tem Tem, of course, the rise of the mighty Yokai Watch, which to my understanding, has been wrecking Pokemon in terms of sale numbers in their home region. Each of them implementing monster-catching RPG mechanics in their own unique way. I can’t speak for Yokai Watch, but Ni No Kuni is a lot more like a traditional JRPG, with the monsters being familiars that still fight in battle, but the trainers themselves also participate in the battle as well! And Tem Tem, while very much like Pokemon, is giving it more of an MMO angle. While I’m not one to shout about how much Pokemon just NEEDS to make an MMO with ALL THE REGIONS already, I am interested in seeing where TemTem winds up. It IS a Kickstarter game that made way more than it asked for, but as we know from a certain Strong Numerical Value That Is One Less Than Ten, that’s no guarantee it’ll be amazing. But worth keeping an eye on. It still has the potential to be something Gamefreak’s gonna have to watch out for.
Whether I like these other games or not, I appreciate that they exist, because they mean that sooner or later Gamefreak's gonna have to get their ass in gear and do something about it. I'm really getting burnt out on a new Pokemon game coming out literally every year. What I've wanted more than ever is for Gamefreak to at least take a hiatus from the yearly releases to have the game that comes after said break to really kick it out of the park. I get that the Ultra games probably didn't take up much development time and from my understanding Let's Go was made by a whole different team, so those games coming out in the years between Sun and Moon and Sword and Shield might not have much bearing on the latter's quality, but still. Pokemon's not had a major mechanical update since they introduced Abilities in Gen 3. I just hope Gen 8 does something interesting or has some form of major mechanical overhaul. Not asking Pokemon battles to be in real time or anything. Just some new Super Forms and powerful one-off moves aren’t gonna cut it for me. After over 20 years of Pokemoning and on, what, year 8 of a new Pokemon game coming out every year? I'm a little bit fatigued.
...Okay, let's end this on a better note than that.
I AM still exciting to see what Gen 8 has to offer, and I hope they mean it when they say they're trying something different. And of course, I'm ALWAYS gonna be excited to see some more new Pokemon. Gens 5, 6, and 7 are proving they're nowhere close to being out of steam yet, and I can't wait to see more Gen 8 Pokemon come our way in the coming months.
Top 10 Favorites of Gen 7:
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Dangit this is hard. So many to love! So many new super-duper-tippity-top favorites!! Shout outs to Palossand, Silvally, Salandit, Xurkitree, and Buzzwole. There's just too many good'ens!!!!
Bottom 10 Least Favorite of Gen 7:
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Amazingly, the only Pokemon here I really “dislike” is Zeraora. The rest are just that cherry-picked handful of Alolan Pokemon I don't really care that much about. Hurray!
Bottom 10 Least Favorite Overall:
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Almost got through with no new additions. Almost.
The Cutest:
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God this Generation was good for Pokemon I just want to pick up and hug. Or in Mimikyu's case, get horrendously murdered by because I got a little too close to taking its rag off. And I'd still say “Thanks.”
The Coolest:
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The Prettiest:
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The Spookiest:
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This gen was really good to scratch a Halloweeny itch. A BUNCH of cool new ghosts, complete with the eerie head leech Pokemon I never would’ve suspected would make it into Pokemon!
Most Creative:
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Weirdest/Most Unique:
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This section here could've been filled with Ultra Beasts alone if I really wanted to, haha.
Most Forgettable:
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Magearna is here not necessarily because I think the design is forgettable, but gee wizz I keep thinking it's not a Gen 7 Pokemon.
Most Personality:
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Here's a new section! Gen 7 had a lot of personality-based designs, so there was actually a fair bit of competition for a slot like this. Buzzwole and Bewear are just hilarious, and I'm still thoroughly impressed with Meltan. They managed to cram so much adorable personality into such a simple design. And I’ll eat my hat the day we get a Pokemon more smug than Salandit.
Most Under-Appreciated:
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Poor Stakataka keeps getting dismissed because of its bad typing... not that I can blame anyone because Rock/Steel is easily the most boring of all the UB typings, especially when we had room to have a Ghostly duo between it and Blacephalon to have us our first Rock/Ghost type!
Most Long Overdue Concepts:
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Seriously, how'd it take 7 generations to get a wolf and a mosquito? Let alone 6 generations to finally get a second MANTIS and traditional horse Pokemon?! As far as spooky Pokemon go, you'd think a shipwreck would be one of the easier and more obvious concepts to go after, even if the one we finally got didn't take the form I expected it to. And Araquanid's just here because a fully evolved BUG/WATER was a long time frickin coming.
Best Regional Variants:
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At least I'm naming the category that way because Regional Variants better be a series mainstay from now on!! These are the Alolan Forms with the most fun alternate take on their original forms. And Vulpix and Ninetales are there because fox solidarity.
Best Ultra Beasts:
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Again, I really hope Ultra Beasts won't be an Alola-Only thing. I want to avoid talking about Gen 8 spoilers to be considerate of anyone that wants to avoid those, but a certain image carved into the ground in a particular scene has me hoping Ultra Beasts might be returning. And that Xurkitree could have a big brother in the near future. There's hardly much basis because said carving could literally be anything, but. Please.
Anyway, I love the Ultra Beasts as a concept of extra-dimensional alien beings. Some sell the look of freaky aliens better, especially ones like Nihilego, Xurkitree, Kartana, and Celesteela. But nonetheless, these 6 are my favorites out of our roster. HOPEFULLY so far.
Pokemon That Should’ve Gotten Alolan Forms:
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I tend to agree that limiting Alolan Forms to Gen 1 Pokemon only was a silly thing to do, but even minding that, I feel like there was crazy amounts of missed potential here. Seel and Dewgong just desperately need some fresh attention to stop being Pokemon’s more forgettable critters. While I suppose Lapras and Tentacruel are excusable given they’re sea dwellers regardless, I totally wouldn’t mind electric jellyfish versions of the Tentas, or even a Kracken-based form for the former. This was also MORE than an opportunity to redeem Dragonite with a more Dragonair-like variant. And some tropical jungle variations of Paras and Venonat would be neat. I’m just saying, a Venomoth turned into more of a Tropical Hawkmoth would’ve been killer.
And Parasect hurts the most. You’re telling you’re gonna have Parasect inhabit this jungle area along with another, brand new mushroom Pokemon. AND you’re gonna introduce the concept of Gen 1 Pokemon taking on new forms based on the new and radically different habitats in Alola. And you’re just NOT gonna place some glowing mushrooms on their backs, turn them pale white, and call them Bug/Fairy types?!?!?! Hello?!?!!??!?
...Oh, am I forgetting something?
Top 50 Favorites Overall:
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...Surprise! Yeah, just sorta decided “why not?” This is our last Gen for the rest of the year, so let's end it on a “Look At All My Favorites!” type of a bang. Also because it pained me to see all these not make it to some sort of Top Favorites highlight. And of course, they might not be 100% consistent with scores or previous Top 10 favorites. I'm only a human with a finicky brain that is constantly changing how absolutely precisely I feel about every single one of these. 
And... that's it... that's every single Pokemon reviewed. Every single Gen Recapped. We've had lots of ups and downs and plenty of getting a little too excited about cartoon animals. Gen 8 is still a ways away, and even when it comes out, I'd like to wait a few months to let the new designs settle into my mind before I go writing opinion pieces on all of them. And of course, for official artwork to be out for everybody.
BUT I do have a handful of ways to pass the time until Gen 8 does come out... What's up next exactly? Well, we won't have to wait too long, thankfully...
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nonasrandomthoughts · 6 years ago
My Most Favorite KPop Releases for the 1st Half of 2019
It’s a blessing that Kpop continues to give us beautiful songs through various artists and through various genres, too. I’ve always wanted to share to people the songs/albums I’ve put on repeat so far this year since their release because: 1) got stuck on my head; and 2) it’s just too good; and 3) good music should be shared!
I will be separating these into three parts: Albums, Title tracks/singles, and B-sides. Note that if I love the whole album, I won’t be mentioning them again in the title track/singles or B-sides list, and vice versa. And this list is chronological, because I don’t want to have a hard time ranking them. 
Disclaimer: This is a personal list, so if the album/song/artist you’re looking for isn’t here, it’s probably because I haven’t checked them out yet, or it hasn’t made much impact to me as much as the ones mentioned below.
Now, let me first discuss my favorite Kpop albums/mini-albums:
1.       ATEEZ – Ep.2 – ZERO TO ONE
ATEEZ is a relatively new Kpop group that I didn’t expect to have really good music. To be honest, every time they show up on my Youtube recommendations, I tend to not give it any attention because I thought they have a sound that I probably wouldn’t like. But when I see several reactors reacting to their songs, I tried listening to it and I WAS SHOOK OF HOW GOOD THEIR SONGS ARE. This album particularly is what caught my attention because of their title tracks and even the B-sides are great!
2.       HUTA (Lee Minhyuk) – HUTAZONE
BTOB’s Minhyuk proves that he is a well-rounded idol that should be greatly recognized. I still get chills how distinct his rapping voice is from his singing voice. If you are not fully familiar with Minhyuk and you listen to this album, you might think there’s a guy singing and another, rapping. But it’s just one person. I really love the title track YA and the B-sides Lonely and Waiting for You stood out to me the most.
3.       SEVENTEEN  - You Made My Dawn
Here comes the self-producing group SEVENTEEN dropping a mini-album full of bops. My hopes were already up since they released You Make My Day and they don’t disappoint! You can hear the versatility of SVT in every track, not just because of the unit songs. They’ve given different vibes and it’s ear-satisfying. Go listen to understand how I felt. Most favorites are Good to Me and title track Home.
4.       JUS2 – FOCUS
THE GOT7 UNIT I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED. If you’ve been a fan of GOT7 like me and subscribed to their Soundcloud accounts, you would know that JB and Yugyeom are R&B princes. And when these two joined forces, it’s a heavenly feeling. Imagine the sexiness of their voices, which are powerful yet chill, combined into an album! It’s definitely hypnotizing (Focus On Me, Touch, Long Black) and addictive (Drunk on You, Senses, Love Talk). It’s a reality that feels like a dream.
5.       Stray Kids – Clé1: MIROH
I’m not really a big fan of hiphop songs but there’s this element in Stray Kids’ songs that makes me anticipate for more. The Cle1: MIROH album signals a beginning of a new era in their journey but the meanings they convey in their songs just keep getting wider. The element I loved in this album is the complexity in the songs. Maze of Memories was the first to give a strong impression to me, because it feels like you’re listening to a song within a song. Chronosaurus also has this mysterious vibe. 19 is a laid-back track and I love the R&B sound here.
6.       PENTAGON – Genie:Us
THIS SHOULD HAVE EARNED THEM THEIR FIRST WIN. I have been a fan of Pentagon and their title tracks are really great. Sha la la is by far, their greatest title track. But if you listen further up to the last track of this album, you will fall in-love with the whole thing. Kino and Hui joining the rapline of the group for the song Lost Paradise is one of the best thing that happened to their discography. Feel-good song Alien kind of reminds me of their song Pretty Pretty, it’s just the beat is slowed down. In each album, they never forget to include a powerful ballad like Until That Moment (it’s been on repeat on my playlist) and fun-but-kinda-sad song Spring Time.
The unstoppable girl group! As I’ve always said, Blackpink may have very few comebacks but they make sure every comeback is high-quality. The girls also portrayed different vibes in this album. From Kill This Love with intense brass sounds, groovy dance tracks Don’t Know What To Do and Kick It, down the last track, a ballad named Hope Not–Blackpink surely know how to win our hearts with their songs.
8.       GOT7 – SPINNING TOP: Between Security & Insecurity
Every comeback these boys make always show improvement especially in the musical quality. The members of GOT7 have once again participated greatly in the compositions of the album. I love how they portrayed their personal insecurities through the album, incorporated them to the lyrics, and is depicted to the whole comeback concept. Eclipse it a great title track, but I am really curious of how it originally sounded when JYP haven’t made some polishing yet. I love how the album started strong with 1°. It immediately climbed up to my favorite GOT7 B-sides. End showed off the rapper’s cool vocal tone; Time Out has a bright sound and chill vibe; Believe, a hiphop/R&B song gives me a “Prove It” vibe; and Page is a party anthem.
9.       ATEEZ – Treasure Ep.3 - ONE TO ALL
ATEEZ once again proves that they do not run out of good songs to release through this album. They released two title tracks: ILLUSION and WAVE. This album gives off a chill and happy vibe unlike their previous releases and they pull it off in a great way. I really appreciate their vocals more in this album, and it really made me go ‘Hakuna Matata.’ I am also so proud of these boys for getting their first music show win through this comeback. Keep that great music coming, ATEEZ!
10.   SF9 – RPM
I have been following SF9 since debut, and in every album they release, there would always be an odd-one-out for my music taste. This is the first time I actually loved every song in SF9’s album. The title track gives off a signature SF9 sound, which is tough yet cool. Round and Round has cool sound elements and great vocals. Dreamer gives a dystopian-movie theme vibe. Liar is a great song with a chorus beat-drop that will almost leave you hanging but will satisfy your ears. See You Tomorrow is BEAUTIFUL. It’s the best SF9 B-side for me. Echo has a sound reminiscent of 2nd gen Kpop songs but with more electronic synths. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ALBUM TO EVERYONE. LISTEN TO THIS RIGHT NOW.
11.   Stray Kids – Clé2: Yellow Wood
This album wouldn’t have made it through this list since basically, it only has 3 new songs and a compilation of the previous mixtape tracks. But I have to put this here because those Mixtapes are OT9 versions of my favorite 3RACHA songs. (Note: 3RACHA is the rap line of Stray Kids: Chan, Changbin, and Han. They also produce their own group’s songs). MIxtape1 (Placebo) does not really go far from the original one and I really liked how the new sound fit every member. Mixtape2 (If there’s a Shadow, There’s a Light) became a really soft and soothing song. I expected the music will be changed since the 3RACHA track borrowed the instrumental of the song Far (멀어) by Primary, but I didn’t expected it to be almost mellow. Mixtape3 (For You) is my most favorite remake because the vocals really stood out, making the song more meaningful. Mixtape4 (Broken Compass) still gave off that strong feeling, but the richer sound of the song is evident.
This album especially the new tracks are perfect for parties. That’s all I can say for how big of a bop they are.
12.   CHUNGHA – Flourishing
Chungha came running through my playlist with her new album and all I can say is SHE’S AWESOME. She surprised me with her sweet vocals and great music. Snapping is a whole bop, as well as Flourishing. I love the ballad Call it Love, but my personal pick is Young in Love because of its fresh vibe. I haven’t actually kept track of her every release but starting now, I might. Maybe it’s safe to say that she is the next summer queen. 
   Top 10 Favorite Title Tracks/Singles
Astro – All Night
CLC – No
Mamamoo – gogobebe
Everglow – Bon Bon Chocolat
KARD – Bomb bomb
Twice – Fancy
Park Bom – 4:44
Oh My Girl – SSFWL
NU’EST – Bet Bet
(G)I-DLE – Uh-oh
   Top 10 Favorite B-sides
Astro – Bloom (from album “All Light”)
CLC – Like It (from mini-album “No. 1”)
TREI – Deep (from mini-album “Born”)
SF9 – Heartbeat (from mini-album “Narcissus”)
(G)I-dle – Give me your (from mini-album “I Made”)
Heize – Dispatch (from album “She’s Fine”)
N.FLYING – Leave It (from mini-album “Spring Memories”)
NU’EST – Segno (from mini-album “Happily Ever After”)
SOMI – Outta My Head (from single “Birthday”)
Red Velvet – Sunny Side Up! (from mini-album “The ReVe Festival Day 1”)
  Go and give a listen to all these albums/songs on any music streaming platforms!
Also, feel free to leave more music recommendations!
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abitterlifethroughcinema · 6 years ago
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         #ABitterLifeThroughCinema’s WOKE! Film Reviews
     The Top Ten (+1) Best Movies of 2018 and where to find them!
                                           Lucas Avram Cavazos
+1…11. Overlord  Having its premiere at this year’s Sitges Int’l Film Fest, Overlord not only happened to be one of the fave films screened there this past festival, but this cinematic fantasy is an all-too-real and stark portrayal of a horror that actually occurred, and it deserves a nod from the Barcelona film critic family, so here it goes. Duly noted, I’d say. It starts with an insane aerial combat mission on the night of D-Day, one which goes awry and sees only a handful of paratroopers surviving the drop when enemy fire rains hell. They land in provincial France and the plot sets out to detail some of the inner workings of the Third Reich in reference to the insane, gruesome experiments done on captured Europeans and Jews. Those stories you’ve heard about turning these poor people into guinea pigs for super soldier intent using potent, injected serums…yeah, those? They’re true, if you believe the words of JJ Abrams. Are they as utterly brutal and horror/zombie film-like as displayed here? I sure as hell hope not. (now available On Demand and DVD)
10. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs There once was a film called O Brother Where Art Thou? While this is not its sequel, there is a sharp-witted vein to this film that could only be crafted and gifted to us by the Coen Brothers. What a hoot it is, even if it is a rather darkly-tinted hue of that hoot and humour. It is also one of their finest in years. Revolving around the singing cowpoke Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson) and five other tales brought to us with the commonly-threaded theme of death in often brutally funny ways, this film is a fine return to oddball form from two of the finest sibling directors of all time. Starring Liam Neeson, James Franco, Zoe Kazan, even Tyne Daly and so many in its vignettes, and that acting star power fuses this Western comedy into new territory for the brothers. Their previous works set in the west always seemed to be re-hashing works of years gone by but here, with their usage of almost comic-book-like details and witty banter make this much more enjoyable than their other historical works like O Bother and their remake of True Grit. Best western in absolute years! (available on Netflix or VOD)
9. Eighth Grade This poignant little film, which should have been wide-released everywhere the world over, is given fierce and bittersweet star power by Elsie Fisher, protagonist and student at the heart of this film. Comedian Bo Turnham has brought us the quintessential coming-of-tweenage story and along with Fisher, everyone in this film is so perfectly placed in their roles, especially Josh Hamilton as her dad, who deserves some nominations for this film but is unlikely to get any. Telling the story of 13-year old Kayla, we the audience get a sneak-peek into the minds and lives of today’s young adults. From her simple YouTube videos made to encourage other young kids to her obvious desire to fit in with older kids to her insecurity with boys, this film paints a stark reality that too many have lived through and this little indie film deserves aplomb from anywhere it can get it! (now available On Demand and DVD)
8. A Star is Born I skipped the critics’ screening of this film for the mere fact that I couldn’t bear to see if the acting and plot lines were another torrid take on a much-redone film. Even into the holiday season, I had not yet seen it and then when I did, I certainly took back any reservations. Bradley Cooper’s update of the film starring himself and Lady Gaga is just about as good as everyone said it was, and that was beyond refreshing to note post-viewing. In many ways, I feel that Cooper is likely revealing a few things about himself with the guise of “it’s a movie” being a nice cover; in some ways, he gives us what I believe are hints of his covert life, and it’s with Gaga’s turn as Ally that we really see him shine beyond the shtick of his character, country-rocker Jackson Maine. In a tad corny-tad, gripping way that takes hold the moment you see Gaga, let’s be frank and real, this film goes on to detail a Diet Coke version of the grim realities that often detail too many a tale of celebrity in Hollywood. Without revealing too many details of the film’s plot and denouement, we are looking at a necessary conversation about alcoholism, drug addiction and fame (plus a lack of ’NO’ men/women in many relationships) that needs to addressed for all ages. Well done, Mr. Cooper Goes to the Oscars. (At select screens, On Demand & DVD)
7. El Angel Incidentally, this may be the first time in a rather long time that I say something good about Argentinian men, so do take note. Telling the true story of fresh-faced boy killer Carlos Robledo Puch, played to Oscar-worthy perfection by newcomer Lorenzo Ferro, the masterful detail to which director Luis Ortega has crafted this arthouse meets dramedy-thriller is astounding and easily touches heights set by dePalma and even, dare I say it, Scorcese. We follow young Carlitos Puch, who is just nearing the edge of seventeen, as takes up with a rough and tough family of his devilishly attractive school chum Ramon, played by the spirited Chino Darin, son of Ricardo Darin. But as Carlitos comes to find out, his street crimes can easily be paved to real ones and his sadistic tendencies suddenly yet gradually paint a picture of someone who is in part desperate for attention and tacceptance and in part a fairly smart, well-to-do young adult. He parlays his sociopathy at pubescence into psychopathy with time, and this film will likely be, but should definitely not be, forgotten come awards and Best Of lists time.(available On Demand and DVD)
6. Black Panther As Oscar season comes to a head, it is worth talking about one of the most striking films that you’ll see for a while. Black Panther is that good, not only because of its genre but also because of its message: that seeking freedom through recreating systems of oppression will only extend the ill-treatment and broken nature we find ourselves in nowadays. Set in the fictional African nation of Wakanda, protagonist King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) brings us the first real black superhero from the Marvel universe. With a cast including Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Michael B Jordan, the acting is beyond impressive. What is even more amazing, however, is how the plot power-plays many elements of our world’s current political climate. (now available On Demand and DVD)
5. Chappaquiddick Another film which is nothing short of striking in its relevance to the current political situation in the USA. Senator Ted Kennedy was the only remaining Kennedy that I was familiar with throughout my adolescence and early adulthood. Jason Clarke as the Massachusetts senator is astounding, as is the cut of his jib and chin, although the accent was a tad weak, to be ever sincere. This is a complete revelation on the many details that were only gingerly touched upon during the course of the week following the death which this movie is detailing . As the facts are laid out in the film, it astounds me that the American people continued to vote and elect Kennedy for decades after. This is a study on arrogance, class and governmental ambiguity. And if that was the case with liberals in the Sixties, how much more so with conservatives in this digital age? My favourite film of last year’s BCN Film Festival. (now available On Demand and DVD)
4. Private Life Good Lawd this is such a heartwarming/breaking story with the finest elements of believable comedy and situational realism that define the art of the classic Gen X film from the 90s to now. May we never forget that it was Gen, and even those a few years before them, who gave us the digiverse-Netflix-instant oatmeal www.orld in which we live today and when I see a very NYC film like this one, it makes it a true reality check. Being the age that one should be married with kids, I watched Kathryn Hahn as Rachel absolutely slay the silver screen and am eager to see if she picks up any more accolades throughout the current awards season. Simple plot…she’s in her early 40s and her hubby Rich (played by Paul Giamatti) is entering his late 40s and they are fully entrenched within the confines of every single way to conceive a baby. Following the couple through their trials and tribulations really get pushed up an ante when sort-of relative Sadie (the lovely Kayli Carter) decides she will be the surrogate mum for them as things get a tad pear-shaped. This could easily be dubbed a dreamed, for in effect, it is; what needs to be known is that this is also a morality tale for a new age. The old-fashioned ethics of yesteryear just do not apply anymore, at least not in big cities, and the less is more factor easily makes this one of the finest films released within the last year. (available on Netflix)
3. BlacKKKlansman Without a doubt, this is the finest work in all too many years by Spike Lee, and he takes no prisoners in letting you know that the spilled essence of blaxploitation all over this celluloid is to egg you into knowing that this story is 100% true…and crazy. The mere fact that David Duke is literally cheerleading for the current President of the United States should scare us all and wake those who are not. Watching actor John David Washington portray Ron Stallworth, the real-life cop who slyly infiltrated the inner workings of the Klu Klux Klan 40 years ago. After signing up for the Colorado Spring PD, he realises the lack of trust in the 98% Anglo-Saxon workforce, as he’s thrown into monitoring the goings-on of any Black Panther student situations. Eventually, he takes up with a guy on the force that he can dig called Flip and played to skilled excellence by the oddest of lookers Adam Driver. Basically, the plot follows the twosome, as they tag team the aforementioned white supremacist movement, Ron being the voice and Flip being the wingman as they start an investigation on grand wizard bastard himself David Duke, played to troubling perfection by Topher Grace, evoking all of the calmness and utter sociopathic tendencies of a man reviled by most yet revered by still too many. And watching this taut film and how it rolls through such a daunting story with comedic aplomb and vicious realness gives you goosebumps. That said, as the film gets toward its ending, is when Lee gives you the goods when he flashes to scenes from the crazy Charlottesville, Virginia, riots, AntiFa protesting and subsequent death of Heather Heyer, may she rest in peace. God Save the World…and Amerikkka.
2. Fahrenheit 11/9  Premiering a few weeks ago here in Spain at very select cinema screens across the country, this is the first documentary in some time by Michael Moore that could play across an international landscape and should be required viewing on any critic’s or person’s list. The titular oddity refers to the day after we all woke up across the world in shock and awe that Donald J Trump had won the Presidency of the USA. Even if this is not Morre’s best film to date, it is undoubtedly the one that holds the viewers’ feet to the fire and calls for them to fight the nasty funk of this administration. But, it’s when he takes it back to his roots, to Flint, Michigan, and ends up involving all local and state politics, that we start to see the more sinister undertakings happening amongst conservative parties, ideals and societies. When you add in the fact of the Parkland High School shooting and the way Moore later fuses footage of Hitler and his minions and followers with a rally speech made by the current occupant of the White House, it becomes all too obvious that things are exactly as we think they are (A HOT MESS!) and we have very little recourse rather than claiming truth. (now available On Demand and DVD)
1. ROMA There are tender moments of realism that are permitted to happen with the rise of instant cinema on VOD and direct-to-home films, and it has been a pleasure to see that sites like Netflix and Amazon and Canal+ have truly added to the foray in which great celluloid can be brought to the masses. Case in point comes the finest piece of dramatic celluloid that graced the silver screen in the last year. Being a Mexican whose father is a naturalised citizen of the US and a mother who is Chicana from the US, like myself and my siblings, the sentimentality ran deep with this film. One of the differences I experienced was the fact that we were the only Mexican-American family in a stately US country club…and we had an entire childhood spent with loving housekeepers, which is what this film inherently is honouring and depicting, using the backdrop of Alfonso Cuarón’s take on growing up in 70s-upper middle class Mexico City in the neighbourhood of Roma. Depicting the life of the house assistant Cleo (first-time performer Yalitza Aparicio in a J.Hud moment, frankly) and the family of Sr. Antonio (Fernando Grediaga), a doctor in the Mexican capital, what Cuarón has called his most personal film to date, is also a B&W modern tale in the vein of Gone with the Wind, and the fact that he centres around a privileged Mexican family is poignant for several reasons: it not only takes a focus away from how Donald bloody Trump has painted Mexicans, in general, to the world, but it also highlights a very human element to how many classes of society function and live there in the frontier regions of North America and, more importantly, EVERYWHERE…easily put, this is a sweet, oft-times simple, oft-times brutal story on humanity. What binds so many critics together on this film’s merits is that fact that Alfonso Cuarón has crafted the past year’s most enigmatic movie, leaving us to make our own answers to what happens to Lady Cleo, her best mate Teresa, and this beautiful family. Absolutely and quietly stunning! (available on Netflix and selects screens across the country)
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britesparc · 4 years ago
Weekend Top Ten #447
Top Ten Xbox One Games to Optimise for Xbox Series X
Y’know, I really wasn’t going to do one about games this week. I felt it was all I was talking about over the past couple of months, as news slowly dribbled down the grapevine regarding the new consoles. But seeing as it’s vaguely relevant, what with the pre-orders for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series XS having begun, I am returning once more to the digital well, slightly earlier than planned. Also I’m really busy this week and this one was easier to write than the others I had planned.
So one of the things that has bubbled to the top of people's attention is the notion of existing games getting a next-gen lick of paint. Microsoft has attracted some fair criticism for its almost total lack of launch exclusives, but has done a decent job updating existing games to next-gen versions for free through its Smart Delivery program. Other companies are also following suit with current releases (Assassin's Creed: Valhalla) and older titles (The Witcher III), but the complicated nature of next-gen updates to the likes of Control and Spider-Man have rankled gamers. It seems to me that games existing outside of generational boundaries – as they obviously have for decades on PC – is going to become prevalent in the console space.
With this in mind I thought it'd be fun to look through my game library at some older Xbox titles and see what could benefit from a next-gen upgrade. Either relatively new titles that didn't run do well, or older titles to give a polish to. Most of these have already received a boost on the Xbox One X so hopefully they're not all wishful thinking. And it’d give me more opportunity to show off my new console come Christmas.
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Halo: The Master Chief Collection (2014): the Halo games have been fairly comprehensively updated as time has gone on, so maybe it's too much to hope for further enhancements. But it’d be great if the older games especially could be updated, maybe with 120fps modes, ray-tracing, HDR, or perhaps even the dynamic lighting seen in Halo Infinite.
The LEGO games (from 2005, but realistically let’s say from 2013’s LEGO Marvel Super Heroes): okay, these games have been around forever so not all of them can be updated; but what about LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 for example? The naturally simplistic nature of the models and environments (they're Lego after all) hopefully means you could throw more graphical gubbins at the games. They'd look great in 4K with sexy lighting and especially a higher frame rate.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019): this game seriously struggles on a base Xbox One; probably the worst-performing game I've ever played on that console. I think the One X version is apparently a huge improvement, but I’d still like prettier reflections in the shiny metallic bases and a faster frame rate would make the lightsaber combat even smoother.
The Crackdown games (from 2007): I’d settle for just the third one but it'd be great if all three got upgrades. The fast nature of the game would look super sweet at 120fps and the metallic sheen of the cars would benefit from sexier reflections.
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018): I'll be honest, the thing I'm most looking forward to regarding next-gen RDR2 is the game utilising the SSD to cut down its lengthy load times. The game is already gorgeous, and its cinematic nature means it probably doesn't need a high frame rate, but some subtle filmic HDR and reflections would be icing on the cake.
The Portal games (from 2010): whether it's Still Alive or Portal 2, both games have a minimalist, clean aesthetic that would look excellent with subtle ray-tracing and reflections, especially at high resolution or frame rate. It would be (yes) a triumph.
Batman: The Arkham Collection (2018): the high detail nature of all three games means they'd benefit from a 4K sheen, and the two sequels could also enjoy greater draw distance in their city settings. But really it's the prospect of ray-traced reflections in the rainy Arkham Knight that most entices.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003): so I've picked a lot of older games here. Generally I think that's because improvements may be more obvious, and because an older, cleaner aesthetic might show off next-gen lighting or offer more scope for improved frame rates. KOTOR, gorgeous in its heyday, and already bigged up for One X, still can impress visually, but with an enhanced lighting scheme and ray-tracing on its many chrome surfaces, sublime would it be.
Perfect Dark (2010): yep, another oldie that would benefit enormously from its lighting scheme being given a next-gen makeover. Famously a system hog, imagine its phenomenal multiplayer at 120fps? Also – maybe we're drifting into full-on remake territory here – but if they could just up the poly count of the models, that’d be nice too. It’s a pity they couldn’t have done this for the 20th anniversary of the original game, or the 10th anniversary of its XBLA remake.
Roblox (2016): my kids are really into Roblox at the moment, which means I have to watch a lot of Roblox happening on the TV. And, y’know, it’s fine; a wide variety of game modes, and introduces the kids to the basics of online play. But I imagine that the engine isn’t the greatest or most streamlined, and a lot of the worlds that are built have a tendency to either run slightly sluggishly or look incredibly basic. A souped-up next-gen repaint, with Minecraft-style ray-tracing, or at least 120fps modes, would make it a lot more pleasant to observe as an innocent bystander.
Y’know, obviously these are Xbox games, but I’d love it if they got similar bells and whistles on PlayStation 5 as well. No gamer deserves to miss out, and I think it’s fine for us to expect games to not only work between generations in this day and age, but work better, too (even if - obviously - not all developers can afford to make them super-sexy-swinging-shmups). 
0 notes
watchmanis216 · 5 years ago
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of! But in the end, the Harvest is coming; a reward for all their efforts!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Psa 9:15-20
(15)  The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
(16)  The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.
(17)  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
(18)  For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.
(19)  Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight.
(20)  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
The rehash of white supremacy, of Nazism, and trashing of Donald Trump is just that. Old news, retired some time ago and brought out for this occasion.  Politics and Washington DC all tie together in a myriad of tired worn out phrases. Who cares if the blood of men hollowed the grounds of Charlottesville, Antietam, Gettysburg, Little roundtop, and others. Once before we had division which was bitter. Today, again; the division is there, the lies are there, the stretching of the truth certainly is there, and bigoted leftists in their own right are most certainly there.  One thing is certain, Americans have never really learned the lesson of the Civil War. It was not about slavery or state’s rights. It was about division and bitterness.  To be sure, this makes for the most disgusting display of ignorance that America has witnessed.
Burn baby burn, House of Mourning, House of Mirth
It’s as if they really think Hitler is in the White House. It’s as if they really think this small group of Nazis are going to take over. But when Obama came on the scene with his socialist ideas, open border policies, and globalist socialist agendas; no one took notice. Like airheads on cocaine, leftists loved the Obama push for world order and the socialist way of life. Let everyone have their own opinion except the right, although today there is no right; just wrong. There are no republicans and democrats, just Trump haters. Today the motion sickness of expedient idiocy floats through DC like a fog bank that rolls in off the Potomac.  As I watch this stuff and the stupidity that is America today, I am constantly reassured there is no hope, as long as, division and idiots rule Congress. As long as, Idiots run rampant in the street hating everyone who disagrees with them. As long as, no one has a free voice, nor free vote, or the individual who can continue to stand tall once they have given their opinion. Today, voicing your opinion for Donald Trump, for instance; in the end gets you beaten up!
But today I hear a barrage of ideas, investigations, talking points, articles, and protests. Everyone fighting, everyone mad, everyone pulling in opposite directions, and finally everyone self-absorbed about giving their own point of view. That is what the left wants, to make everyone tired. To make the people give in and say; go ahead and make America as you want. Let me say it for everyone; go ahead and remake America. I disagree with you, but let the consequences fall on your own head! It is for this reason that America today faces the greatest threat of its existence. But of course, the biggest problem we have today is found in three letters, S–I–N!
Tear up the constitution. Burn the bill of rights. Give everyone in America everything free. Let them sit on their asses watching liberal talk show hosts who will reassure them that in their world everything is fine. Who cares if America is great. Afterall, it is the white man’s fault. It is the black man’s fault if that black man doesn’t hate whites like the liberal black fascists who push white hatred do. Let the Indians blame the whites, let the Mexican’s hate the whites, let everyone hate everyone else. If that is all you can do, then go ahead and hate. Why believe in a good God of mercy when you can hate, be vile, and act like a bitch dog in heat. Why turn around and let this nation heal? Why show mercy when you can just as well beat the suckers up. Why listen to anything good, anything moral, and anything just when you follow the globalist agendas of the leftist power dealers of Soros, Obama, black lives matter, and others.
Yes, go ahead and do it, afterall; who cares that America is basically a nation that is purely godless anyway.  You want all the statues removed? Go ahead and tear down statues of Gen. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, and any others you hate. Tear down the Confederate flag, the American flag, and anything else you want. Go ahead and blame the one in the White house. You might as well paint it black or purple or yellow; because you are a bunch of yellow suckers who are too frightened to admit you are wrong. You are a nation of people for the most part that blames a White billionaire who won the election for President and is now the target of every nut job on the left.
Psa 75:4-8
(4)  I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:
(5)  Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.
(6)  For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
(7)  But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
(8)  For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.
If you would listen, really listen to yourself; maybe you would know the vile filth you push. If our politicians would shut up and just stop talking; all of them. Be silent, work as a peacemaker; and look to the Lord. But for the masses, there is no god. There is only purpose and pursuit of your goal, your agenda. That agenda is felt today as you continue to tear down America, to burn her cities, to remove Trump who wants to make America great again. What is more, because you won’t listen; there is little hope left that anything will make this nation truly great again. But for many on the leftist side, the alt-left, the left, and the republicans and democrats who take part in this visible display of stupidity; you will push your own way no matter what. Though the chasm of division grows by leaps and bounds daily, don’t stop now. Allow the fuel of your rebellion to follow through. Burn, baby burn; trash it all, hate everyone except those who will join in your foolhardy expedition of self-destruction. When the ashes then become cold, and you see the cold dead fingers of America lay in a heap; then be proud oh fool!
The leftists are shocked at everyone and everything, all the time! That is, except for the fact they are never shocked by the things they say. They legitimize their threats, violence, and hate; and in the end, it is either Trumps fault or the conservatives.  The two groups, Alt-left and Alt-right are merely reflections of what is in the political parties in America. They mirror the hatred we have seen in DC and the nation called America for a very long time now!
The pit you have dug for those who oppose you shall instead be for you. You shall fall into your own misery when the day dawns on the harvest of your shame!
Be proud for you have really shown us what your vision was to become.
Be proud of fool, for in your eyes only are you a hero!
Anathema, cursed; is that nation and that man whose God is not the Lord!
  Ecc 7:4-6
(4)  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
(5)  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
(6)  For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Get the Warn Radio Remnant Battle Lines App here!
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  A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth An in-depth Biblical commentary, writing, teaching from the WIBR/WARN Radio by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith
 We have vast resources; Audio, Video, and indepth articles. We also provide many materials in High Def Digital Content Articles in PDF E-book format. There is no cost, charge to you! While it is not free to produce, we provide these materials for whoever comes to our websites.  To help keep costs down, we have ads, books, and other items to sell.
But the backbone of our support comes from those individuals who join with us in ministry to help us spread the message of Jesus Christ and his Gospel to the glory of our God and Father.
Listen to the WIBR/WARN Radio with the Watchman and Co-Hosted by Tower, see schedule that follows.
Alert: Attention the Battle we Face
Be sure to check out the latest “The Battle We Face” a endtime focus for Remnant Believers in Jesus Christ!
Check out Warn Radio TV!
Check out Western Garden Survivalist TV!
Be sure to visit our 7 Garden Tips for the Apocalypse page!
Be sure to visit the Writers Life Blog www.danaglennsmith.com
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words”
Visit our website:  www.danaglennsmith.com
Also do not forget this! Hints, tips, lifestyle Gardening; Do not miss our Visit Gardening lifestyles Page, Video, and slides!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Radio is an end time, preaching, teaching, advocacy, and warning agency heralding in the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. We cover many news items on the persecuted church and are advocates for those being persecuted overseas. About WIBR/WARN Radio page here WIBR/WARN Websites are www.warn-usa.com, www.warn-radio.com, www.wingswatchman.org and have been combined into one large resource depository which can be heard worldwide.Hear us Worldwide: Info Here! Proclaiming The ‘Truth’ found in the Word of God. Biblical, indepth, prophetic, pulling no punches regarding God’s Word . Visit the ‘Writers Life’ Blog www.danaglennsmith.com on DanaGlennSmith.com
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Recommended Remnant Resources for you the believer in Jesus Christ on http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
God’s Eternal Clock of Redemption
Faultless to Stand Before the Lamb
America Blood Guilt ‘The Sins of Tophet’
Will the Ungodly, Rich, Powerful Escape America?
America House of Long Shadows
The Battle We Face
Recommended Remnant Resources for you the believer in Jesus Christ on http://www.Warn-Usa.com
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
Reprobate: The nation whose god is not the Lord!
Prophecy Blood guilt ‘Updated for 2017’
The Aperitif of the Coming Son of Perdition
Islam and the Antichrist Jesus
Book the Watchman for your next Event
The Battle We Face
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Visit WIBR/WARN Archives
A Vast resource of Christian teachings based on Gods Word following the Apostolic teachings given to them by Yeshua, Jesus Christ
Find The Warn-USA Archives here
Find The WingsWatchman.org Archives here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Covering the World this is WIBR/WARN Radio
Warn Radio Blog
Global News RSS Headlines
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Origins: Experience, Dedication, and Anointing
Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio
Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Current Broadcasts
  Thursdays  6:30-9:30 pm mst Remnant Battle Lines
Remnant Battle Lines on WIBR/WARN Radio 6:30 pm mst Thursdays
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm mst Sound the Shofar
Sound the Shofar Fellowship on WIBR/WARN Radio Fridays 6:30 pm mst
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
House of Mourning, House of Mirth House of Mourning, House of Mirth This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of!
0 notes
watchmanis216 · 7 years ago
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of! But in the end, the Harvest is coming; a reward for all their efforts!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Psa 9:15-20
(15)  The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
(16)  The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.
(17)  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
(18)  For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.
(19)  Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight.
(20)  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
The rehash of white supremacy, of Nazism, and trashing of Donald Trump is just that. Old news, retired some time ago and brought out for this occasion.  Politics and Washington DC all tie together in a myriad of tired worn out phrases. Who cares if the blood of men hollowed the grounds of Charlottesville, Antietam, Gettysburg, Little roundtop, and others. Once before we had division which was bitter. Today, again; the division is there, the lies are there, the stretching of the truth certainly is there, and bigoted leftists in their own right are most certainly there.  One thing is certain, Americans have never really learned the lesson of the Civil War. It was not about slavery or state’s rights. It was about division and bitterness.  To be sure, this makes for the most disgusting display of ignorance that America has witnessed.
Burn baby burn, House of Mourning, House of Mirth
It’s as if they really think Hitler is in the White House. It’s as if they really think this small group of Nazis are going to take over. But when Obama came on the scene with his socialist ideas, open border policies, and globalist socialist agendas; no one took notice. Like airheads on cocaine, leftists loved the Obama push for world order and the socialist way of life. Let everyone have their own opinion except the right, although today there is no right; just wrong. There are no republicans and democrats, just Trump haters. Today the motion sickness of expedient idiocy floats through DC like a fog bank that rolls in off the Potomac.  As I watch this stuff and the stupidity that is America today, I am constantly reassured there is no hope, as long as, division and idiots rule Congress. As long as, Idiots run rampant in the street hating everyone who disagrees with them. As long as, no one has a free voice, nor free vote, or the individual who can continue to stand tall once they have given their opinion. Today, voicing your opinion for Donald Trump, for instance; in the end gets you beaten up!
But today I hear a barrage of ideas, investigations, talking points, articles, and protests. Everyone fighting, everyone mad, everyone pulling in opposite directions, and finally everyone self-absorbed about giving their own point of view. That is what the left wants, to make everyone tired. To make the people give in and say; go ahead and make America as you want. Let me say it for everyone; go ahead and remake America. I disagree with you, but let the consequences fall on your own head! It is for this reason that America today faces the greatest threat of its existence. But of course, the biggest problem we have today is found in three letters, S–I–N!
Tear up the constitution. Burn the bill of rights. Give everyone in America everything free. Let them sit on their asses watching liberal talk show hosts who will reassure them that in their world everything is fine. Who cares if America is great. Afterall, it is the white man’s fault. It is the black man’s fault if that black man doesn’t hate whites like the liberal black fascists who push white hatred do. Let the Indians blame the whites, let the Mexican’s hate the whites, let everyone hate everyone else. If that is all you can do, then go ahead and hate. Why believe in a good God of mercy when you can hate, be vile, and act like a bitch dog in heat. Why turn around and let this nation heal? Why show mercy when you can just as well beat the suckers up. Why listen to anything good, anything moral, and anything just when you follow the globalist agendas of the leftist power dealers of Soros, Obama, black lives matter, and others.
Yes, go ahead and do it, afterall; who cares that America is basically a nation that is purely godless anyway.  You want all the statues removed? Go ahead and tear down statues of Gen. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, and any others you hate. Tear down the Confederate flag, the American flag, and anything else you want. Go ahead and blame the one in the White house. You might as well paint it black or purple or yellow; because you are a bunch of yellow suckers who are too frightened to admit you are wrong. You are a nation of people for the most part that blames a White billionaire who won the election for President and is now the target of every nut job on the left.
Psa 75:4-8
(4)  I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:
(5)  Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.
(6)  For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
(7)  But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
(8)  For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.
If you would listen, really listen to yourself; maybe you would know the vile filth you push. If our politicians would shut up and just stop talking; all of them. Be silent, work as a peacemaker; and look to the Lord. But for the masses, there is no god. There is only purpose and pursuit of your goal, your agenda. That agenda is felt today as you continue to tear down America, to burn her cities, to remove Trump who wants to make America great again. What is more, because you won’t listen; there is little hope left that anything will make this nation truly great again. But for many on the leftist side, the alt-left, the left, and the republicans and democrats who take part in this visible display of stupidity; you will push your own way no matter what. Though the chasm of division grows by leaps and bounds daily, don’t stop now. Allow the fuel of your rebellion to follow through. Burn, baby burn; trash it all, hate everyone except those who will join in your foolhardy expedition of self-destruction. When the ashes then become cold, and you see the cold dead fingers of America lay in a heap; then be proud oh fool!
The leftists are shocked at everyone and everything, all the time! That is, except for the fact they are never shocked by the things they say. They legitimize their threats, violence, and hate; and in the end, it is either Trumps fault or the conservatives.  The two groups, Alt-left and Alt-right are merely reflections of what is in the political parties in America. They mirror the hatred we have seen in DC and the nation called America for a very long time now!
The pit you have dug for those who oppose you shall instead be for you. You shall fall into your own misery when the day dawns on the harvest of your shame!
Be proud for you have really shown us what your vision was to become.
Be proud of fool, for in your eyes only are you a hero!
Anathema, cursed; is that nation and that man whose God is not the Lord!
  Ecc 7:4-6
(4)  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
(5)  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
(6)  For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Get the Warn Radio Remnant Battle Lines App here!
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Listen anytime
Listen and chat during live shows
All from your Android phone!
  A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth An in-depth Biblical commentary, writing, teaching from the WIBR/WARN Radio by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith
 We have vast resources; Audio, Video, and indepth articles. We also provide many materials in High Def Digital Content Articles in PDF E-book format. There is no cost, charge to you! While it is not free to produce, we provide these materials for whoever comes to our websites.  To help keep costs down, we have ads, books, and other items to sell.
But the backbone of our support comes from those individuals who join with us in ministry to help us spread the message of Jesus Christ and his Gospel to the glory of our God and Father.
Listen to the WIBR/WARN Radio with the Watchman and Co-Hosted by Tower, see schedule that follows.
Alert: Attention the Battle we Face
Be sure to check out the latest “The Battle We Face” a endtime focus for Remnant Believers in Jesus Christ!
Check out Warn Radio TV!
Check out Western Garden Survivalist TV!
Be sure to visit our 7 Garden Tips for the Apocalypse page!
Be sure to visit the Writers Life Blog www.danaglennsmith.com
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words”
Visit our website:  www.danaglennsmith.com
Also do not forget this! Hints, tips, lifestyle Gardening; Do not miss our Visit Gardening lifestyles Page, Video, and slides!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Radio is an end time, preaching, teaching, advocacy, and warning agency heralding in the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. We cover many news items on the persecuted church and are advocates for those being persecuted overseas. About WIBR/WARN Radio page here WIBR/WARN Websites are www.warn-usa.com, www.warn-radio.com, www.wingswatchman.org and have been combined into one large resource depository which can be heard worldwide.Hear us Worldwide: Info Here! Proclaiming The ‘Truth’ found in the Word of God. Biblical, indepth, prophetic, pulling no punches regarding God’s Word . Visit the ‘Writers Life’ Blog www.danaglennsmith.com on DanaGlennSmith.com
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Recommended Remnant Resources for you the believer in Jesus Christ on http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
God’s Eternal Clock of Redemption
Faultless to Stand Before the Lamb
America Blood Guilt ‘The Sins of Tophet’
Will the Ungodly, Rich, Powerful Escape America?
America House of Long Shadows
The Battle We Face
Recommended Remnant Resources for you the believer in Jesus Christ on http://www.Warn-Usa.com
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
Reprobate: The nation whose god is not the Lord!
Prophecy Blood guilt ‘Updated for 2017’
The Aperitif of the Coming Son of Perdition
Islam and the Antichrist Jesus
Book the Watchman for your next Event
The Battle We Face
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Visit WIBR/WARN Archives
A Vast resource of Christian teachings based on Gods Word following the Apostolic teachings given to them by Yeshua, Jesus Christ
Find The Warn-USA Archives here
Find The WingsWatchman.org Archives here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Covering the World this is WIBR/WARN Radio
Warn Radio Blog
Global News RSS Headlines
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Origins: Experience, Dedication, and Anointing
Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio
Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Current Broadcasts
  Thursdays  6:30-9:30 pm mst Remnant Battle Lines
Remnant Battle Lines on WIBR/WARN Radio 6:30 pm mst Thursdays
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm mst Sound the Shofar
Sound the Shofar Fellowship on WIBR/WARN Radio Fridays 6:30 pm mst
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
House of Mourning, House of Mirth House of Mourning, House of Mirth This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of!
0 notes