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rainbow-neko-artblog · 1 year ago
I've seen a couple art pieces and other posts for your polyverse au now and I think it's neat!
I know next to nothing about it but that's OK! I will learn more about it soon
It's okay not to know much about it! The reason you've only seen bits and peices is because polyverse au is actually based on a 3-4 year old roleplay with me and my friends- it started as a regular fnf roleplay but as we added MORE and MOOOORE modded characters it became so convoluted with story that it might as well be an au because it sure ain't like the og game.
The best way to recognize it is by the Bf- obviously! His angel form + jacket and miku inspired look are original to him in this au, as well as a the polyam pin on his hat! I often draw him with his partners- which....are ranging OFBDKDBFND
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Fun fact: originally my friends and I called this fnfverse. We still do actually- but I switched to calling it polyverse online because I would primarily post about the fun relationship development between polyverse's Bf and every other character in his polyamory.
Also it was easier to keep apart from other fnf aus when I called it polyverse.
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That's not to say that the polyamory is all we talked about- that would be boring. Flat. Nothing like this should focus only on the romance plot-
So there's a lot more going on like Bf being a living weapon made for war by a giant toothpastey biblically accurate angel glob- and how the war is basically a giant CIVIL War because demons and elangels are actually the same race created by the two "gods" who help the computer work.
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Or the entire eddsworld/tankman/picoschool/newgrounds subplot with a giant fuck off portal into the internet and everything scary.
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Or the ENTIRE lore of garcello we made before it was confirmed how he actually got the cigs- which included whole ass ocs at that point.
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It's a time.
At this point explaining a single plot in fnf polyverse au takes me ranting to everyone for 2 hours about the whole thing- taking everyone in the call on an unwilling adventure via my autistic rambles.
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drowninginfrenzy · 1 year ago
“永遠に僕のもの-ElAngel-” 2018
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dancolorec · 2 years ago
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Reserva Ecológica El Angel
Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibido su uso o reproducción sin autorización del autor
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nataacevedo13 · 3 years ago
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I like (les gusta)
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rotkeh76 · 4 years ago
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La victoria alada #cdmx #elangel (at Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSwkl_Ugzgk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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brikaloma · 4 years ago
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Un montón de cosas que hice con flojera, mentalmente me siento muy cansada y tristemente no tengo la fuerza suficiente para hacer un dibujo elaborado en estos momentos, pero hare lo posible para estar bien otra vez xd 
A lot of things I did with laziness, mentally I feel very tired and sadly I’m not strong enough to make an elaborate drawing right now, but I’ll do my best to be well again xd
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arkure127 · 5 years ago
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reygfr · 5 years ago
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En México, la flor de cempasúchil se utiliza como decoración y ofrenda ritual en el Día de Muertos. Es habitual utilizar los pétalos para marcar en el suelo el camino que deben seguir las almas de los difuntos hacia los altares domésticos levantados en su honor. Esto se debe a que tradicionalmente se decía que sus pétalos guardaban el calor del sol e iluminaban el camino de regreso a los difuntos. Los pétalos también se emplean para formar collares que simbolizan la bienaventuranza. 🔹 ▪️ 🔹 ▪️ 🔹 ▪️ 🔹 ▪️ 🔹 ▪️ 🔹 ▪️ #México #mx #mexico #mextagram #mexican #culture #history #CDMX #alamexicana #tradicion #Culture #history #flores #flowers #amazing #sun #DiaDeMuertos #dayofthedead #cempasuchil #reforma #elangel #angel #dead #sony #cybershot #sculpture #Art (en Ángel de la Independencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B36NY_ohUah/?igshid=zkt6byqtbd3i
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williambutlerblog · 5 years ago
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Oh yes! #pedroalmodovar #elangel https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TvmsohhVY/?igshid=18ypl2d2fkla1
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ragazzofreedom · 6 years ago
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Carlitos & Ramón - El Ángel 👼🚬🔫💰🍷
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baldoguerra · 6 years ago
Clip Booty News 29 Niña mexicana gana premio! Sufriendo por #TiburonesRojos de #Veracruz Las #nalgadas son buenas! #Golazo en el #Pachuca vs #Atlas #MarchaCDMx - #ElAngel OUATIH ¡Noticias blanditas para empezar el día! (en Cancún, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1qsnidFt1b/?igshid=94tx7r9ljcg6
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1001soundtracks · 7 years ago
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El Angel (2018) AA.VV. ¿La gente no se da cuenta de que está loca? es la primera pregunta que se formula Carlitos en el arranque de El Ángel. La suya es una locura ordinaria ("natural born chorro") pero cuando se cruce con Ramón y su familia dará comienzo una historia de amor, de locura y de muerte que tiene como telón de fondo a la dictadura de Lanusse. Vivir y dejar morir, vivir intensamente, sorberle todo su jugo a la vida y convertirla en un juego mortal. Moviéndose como pez en el agua dentro de las coordenadas del cine comercial, Luis Ortega compone un film fascinante, de una poesía descomunal (que por momentos bordea el surrealismo de Buñuel o Favio) y una dirección de actores impecable. Dos horas repletas de escenas antológicas que me tengo que aguantar de spoilear; de líneas de diálogo para el recuerdo, de motos, chicas, armas, vinilos, hoteles, arte plástico y humo de cigarrillo. Todo lo que en "Historia de un clan" era perversión y oscuridad lyncheana deviene aquí insanía pop, estructurada sobre una cabalgata musical que incluye a La Joven Guardia, Pappo's Blues, Manal, Gigliola Cinquetti, Astor Piazzolla, variaciones sobre Charlie Parker, Johnny Tedesco y-por supuesto- al Rey Palito (en dos momentos especialísimos de la trama). Lorenzo Ferro debuta ante la cámara sin ninguna experiencia previa en la actuación. Posee el rostro, el gesto y la intensidad de un animal cinematográfico, y sostiene la película entera con su androginia adolescente y sus ánimos de amar. El Chino Darín vuelve a demostrar que -bien dirigido- puede convertirse en un sujeto pasoliniano. Además de su irresistible magnetismo sexual a la Brando, ostenta un aura especial para componer papeles trágicos. La dupla Fanego/Morán es deliciosamente mórbida. Y cerca del final entra en escena un maravilloso Peter Lanzani, un primo argento del Denis Hopper de "Busco mi destino". La foto y el color del dúo mágico Julián Apezteguía/Jorge Russo se mueve entre el rojo sangre y una paleta cianótica asfixiante, de contrastes muy marcados. La reconstrucción de época es espléndida y por todo lo alto. El Ángel es el nuevo tanque Panzer de la industria nacional, pero a la vez es un soberbio instant classic. Chapeau Ortega.
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diegomajluf · 6 years ago
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Lema de vida: vive una vida que vayas a recordar... 📸: Alexander ✌🏻#CiudadDeMexico #Mexico #Traveler #MenStyle #ElAngel #Fun #Paradise (en El Angel De La Independencia - Paseo De La Reforma, Mexico City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPjOwsnxV3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fdxixtym58ze
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abitterlifethroughcinema · 6 years ago
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         #ABitterLifeThroughCinema’s WOKE! Film Reviews
     The Top Ten (+1) Best Movies of 2018 and where to find them!
                                           Lucas Avram Cavazos
+1…11. Overlord  Having its premiere at this year’s Sitges Int’l Film Fest, Overlord not only happened to be one of the fave films screened there this past festival, but this cinematic fantasy is an all-too-real and stark portrayal of a horror that actually occurred, and it deserves a nod from the Barcelona film critic family, so here it goes. Duly noted, I’d say. It starts with an insane aerial combat mission on the night of D-Day, one which goes awry and sees only a handful of paratroopers surviving the drop when enemy fire rains hell. They land in provincial France and the plot sets out to detail some of the inner workings of the Third Reich in reference to the insane, gruesome experiments done on captured Europeans and Jews. Those stories you’ve heard about turning these poor people into guinea pigs for super soldier intent using potent, injected serums…yeah, those? They’re true, if you believe the words of JJ Abrams. Are they as utterly brutal and horror/zombie film-like as displayed here? I sure as hell hope not. (now available On Demand and DVD)
10. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs There once was a film called O Brother Where Art Thou? While this is not its sequel, there is a sharp-witted vein to this film that could only be crafted and gifted to us by the Coen Brothers. What a hoot it is, even if it is a rather darkly-tinted hue of that hoot and humour. It is also one of their finest in years. Revolving around the singing cowpoke Buster Scruggs (Tim Blake Nelson) and five other tales brought to us with the commonly-threaded theme of death in often brutally funny ways, this film is a fine return to oddball form from two of the finest sibling directors of all time. Starring Liam Neeson, James Franco, Zoe Kazan, even Tyne Daly and so many in its vignettes, and that acting star power fuses this Western comedy into new territory for the brothers. Their previous works set in the west always seemed to be re-hashing works of years gone by but here, with their usage of almost comic-book-like details and witty banter make this much more enjoyable than their other historical works like O Bother and their remake of True Grit. Best western in absolute years! (available on Netflix or VOD)
9. Eighth Grade This poignant little film, which should have been wide-released everywhere the world over, is given fierce and bittersweet star power by Elsie Fisher, protagonist and student at the heart of this film. Comedian Bo Turnham has brought us the quintessential coming-of-tweenage story and along with Fisher, everyone in this film is so perfectly placed in their roles, especially Josh Hamilton as her dad, who deserves some nominations for this film but is unlikely to get any. Telling the story of 13-year old Kayla, we the audience get a sneak-peek into the minds and lives of today’s young adults. From her simple YouTube videos made to encourage other young kids to her obvious desire to fit in with older kids to her insecurity with boys, this film paints a stark reality that too many have lived through and this little indie film deserves aplomb from anywhere it can get it! (now available On Demand and DVD)
8. A Star is Born I skipped the critics’ screening of this film for the mere fact that I couldn’t bear to see if the acting and plot lines were another torrid take on a much-redone film. Even into the holiday season, I had not yet seen it and then when I did, I certainly took back any reservations. Bradley Cooper’s update of the film starring himself and Lady Gaga is just about as good as everyone said it was, and that was beyond refreshing to note post-viewing. In many ways, I feel that Cooper is likely revealing a few things about himself with the guise of “it’s a movie” being a nice cover; in some ways, he gives us what I believe are hints of his covert life, and it’s with Gaga’s turn as Ally that we really see him shine beyond the shtick of his character, country-rocker Jackson Maine. In a tad corny-tad, gripping way that takes hold the moment you see Gaga, let’s be frank and real, this film goes on to detail a Diet Coke version of the grim realities that often detail too many a tale of celebrity in Hollywood. Without revealing too many details of the film’s plot and denouement, we are looking at a necessary conversation about alcoholism, drug addiction and fame (plus a lack of ’NO’ men/women in many relationships) that needs to addressed for all ages. Well done, Mr. Cooper Goes to the Oscars. (At select screens, On Demand & DVD)
7. El Angel Incidentally, this may be the first time in a rather long time that I say something good about Argentinian men, so do take note. Telling the true story of fresh-faced boy killer Carlos Robledo Puch, played to Oscar-worthy perfection by newcomer Lorenzo Ferro, the masterful detail to which director Luis Ortega has crafted this arthouse meets dramedy-thriller is astounding and easily touches heights set by dePalma and even, dare I say it, Scorcese. We follow young Carlitos Puch, who is just nearing the edge of seventeen, as takes up with a rough and tough family of his devilishly attractive school chum Ramon, played by the spirited Chino Darin, son of Ricardo Darin. But as Carlitos comes to find out, his street crimes can easily be paved to real ones and his sadistic tendencies suddenly yet gradually paint a picture of someone who is in part desperate for attention and tacceptance and in part a fairly smart, well-to-do young adult. He parlays his sociopathy at pubescence into psychopathy with time, and this film will likely be, but should definitely not be, forgotten come awards and Best Of lists time.(available On Demand and DVD)
6. Black Panther As Oscar season comes to a head, it is worth talking about one of the most striking films that you’ll see for a while. Black Panther is that good, not only because of its genre but also because of its message: that seeking freedom through recreating systems of oppression will only extend the ill-treatment and broken nature we find ourselves in nowadays. Set in the fictional African nation of Wakanda, protagonist King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) brings us the first real black superhero from the Marvel universe. With a cast including Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Michael B Jordan, the acting is beyond impressive. What is even more amazing, however, is how the plot power-plays many elements of our world’s current political climate. (now available On Demand and DVD)
5. Chappaquiddick Another film which is nothing short of striking in its relevance to the current political situation in the USA. Senator Ted Kennedy was the only remaining Kennedy that I was familiar with throughout my adolescence and early adulthood. Jason Clarke as the Massachusetts senator is astounding, as is the cut of his jib and chin, although the accent was a tad weak, to be ever sincere. This is a complete revelation on the many details that were only gingerly touched upon during the course of the week following the death which this movie is detailing . As the facts are laid out in the film, it astounds me that the American people continued to vote and elect Kennedy for decades after. This is a study on arrogance, class and governmental ambiguity. And if that was the case with liberals in the Sixties, how much more so with conservatives in this digital age? My favourite film of last year’s BCN Film Festival. (now available On Demand and DVD)
4. Private Life Good Lawd this is such a heartwarming/breaking story with the finest elements of believable comedy and situational realism that define the art of the classic Gen X film from the 90s to now. May we never forget that it was Gen, and even those a few years before them, who gave us the digiverse-Netflix-instant oatmeal www.orld in which we live today and when I see a very NYC film like this one, it makes it a true reality check. Being the age that one should be married with kids, I watched Kathryn Hahn as Rachel absolutely slay the silver screen and am eager to see if she picks up any more accolades throughout the current awards season. Simple plot…she’s in her early 40s and her hubby Rich (played by Paul Giamatti) is entering his late 40s and they are fully entrenched within the confines of every single way to conceive a baby. Following the couple through their trials and tribulations really get pushed up an ante when sort-of relative Sadie (the lovely Kayli Carter) decides she will be the surrogate mum for them as things get a tad pear-shaped. This could easily be dubbed a dreamed, for in effect, it is; what needs to be known is that this is also a morality tale for a new age. The old-fashioned ethics of yesteryear just do not apply anymore, at least not in big cities, and the less is more factor easily makes this one of the finest films released within the last year. (available on Netflix)
3. BlacKKKlansman Without a doubt, this is the finest work in all too many years by Spike Lee, and he takes no prisoners in letting you know that the spilled essence of blaxploitation all over this celluloid is to egg you into knowing that this story is 100% true…and crazy. The mere fact that David Duke is literally cheerleading for the current President of the United States should scare us all and wake those who are not. Watching actor John David Washington portray Ron Stallworth, the real-life cop who slyly infiltrated the inner workings of the Klu Klux Klan 40 years ago. After signing up for the Colorado Spring PD, he realises the lack of trust in the 98% Anglo-Saxon workforce, as he’s thrown into monitoring the goings-on of any Black Panther student situations. Eventually, he takes up with a guy on the force that he can dig called Flip and played to skilled excellence by the oddest of lookers Adam Driver. Basically, the plot follows the twosome, as they tag team the aforementioned white supremacist movement, Ron being the voice and Flip being the wingman as they start an investigation on grand wizard bastard himself David Duke, played to troubling perfection by Topher Grace, evoking all of the calmness and utter sociopathic tendencies of a man reviled by most yet revered by still too many. And watching this taut film and how it rolls through such a daunting story with comedic aplomb and vicious realness gives you goosebumps. That said, as the film gets toward its ending, is when Lee gives you the goods when he flashes to scenes from the crazy Charlottesville, Virginia, riots, AntiFa protesting and subsequent death of Heather Heyer, may she rest in peace. God Save the World…and Amerikkka.
2. Fahrenheit 11/9  Premiering a few weeks ago here in Spain at very select cinema screens across the country, this is the first documentary in some time by Michael Moore that could play across an international landscape and should be required viewing on any critic’s or person’s list. The titular oddity refers to the day after we all woke up across the world in shock and awe that Donald J Trump had won the Presidency of the USA. Even if this is not Morre’s best film to date, it is undoubtedly the one that holds the viewers’ feet to the fire and calls for them to fight the nasty funk of this administration. But, it’s when he takes it back to his roots, to Flint, Michigan, and ends up involving all local and state politics, that we start to see the more sinister undertakings happening amongst conservative parties, ideals and societies. When you add in the fact of the Parkland High School shooting and the way Moore later fuses footage of Hitler and his minions and followers with a rally speech made by the current occupant of the White House, it becomes all too obvious that things are exactly as we think they are (A HOT MESS!) and we have very little recourse rather than claiming truth. (now available On Demand and DVD)
1. ROMA There are tender moments of realism that are permitted to happen with the rise of instant cinema on VOD and direct-to-home films, and it has been a pleasure to see that sites like Netflix and Amazon and Canal+ have truly added to the foray in which great celluloid can be brought to the masses. Case in point comes the finest piece of dramatic celluloid that graced the silver screen in the last year. Being a Mexican whose father is a naturalised citizen of the US and a mother who is Chicana from the US, like myself and my siblings, the sentimentality ran deep with this film. One of the differences I experienced was the fact that we were the only Mexican-American family in a stately US country club…and we had an entire childhood spent with loving housekeepers, which is what this film inherently is honouring and depicting, using the backdrop of Alfonso Cuarón’s take on growing up in 70s-upper middle class Mexico City in the neighbourhood of Roma. Depicting the life of the house assistant Cleo (first-time performer Yalitza Aparicio in a J.Hud moment, frankly) and the family of Sr. Antonio (Fernando Grediaga), a doctor in the Mexican capital, what Cuarón has called his most personal film to date, is also a B&W modern tale in the vein of Gone with the Wind, and the fact that he centres around a privileged Mexican family is poignant for several reasons: it not only takes a focus away from how Donald bloody Trump has painted Mexicans, in general, to the world, but it also highlights a very human element to how many classes of society function and live there in the frontier regions of North America and, more importantly, EVERYWHERE…easily put, this is a sweet, oft-times simple, oft-times brutal story on humanity. What binds so many critics together on this film’s merits is that fact that Alfonso Cuarón has crafted the past year’s most enigmatic movie, leaving us to make our own answers to what happens to Lady Cleo, her best mate Teresa, and this beautiful family. Absolutely and quietly stunning! (available on Netflix and selects screens across the country)
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solechito · 6 years ago
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La mejor power couple
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hika708 · 6 years ago
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