#((And ofc struggled w a background. Shapes.))
antihibikase-archive · 6 months
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A word called water, a word called evil, we shall change those into a song.
Design by @asheoninactive / @kuroshirosb !!
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eclvpses · 10 months
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welcome to marina, FORREST ABBOTT ( demi man, he/they ) ! they are a TWENTY-FOUR year old who has lived over on LOCKE ROW for THEIR WHOLE LIFE and works as a TOUR GUIDE at ELYSIAN MUSEUM and a SERVER at THE PEARL. everyone says they look a lot like ZETHPHAN SMITH-GNEIST. what do you think? — bri, 26, they/she, est.
below are mentions of miscarriages, and mental illness (anxiety)!
name: forrest silver abbott.
age: twenty four.
gender identity: demi man.
pronouns: he/they.
sexuality: demisexual.
birthday: october 23rd, 1998.
star sign: scorpio.
myer-briggs: infp.
occupation: elysian museum tour guide/bartender at the pearl.
place of birth: marina island.
last played on spotify: enjoy the silence by depeche mode.
general disposition: naive and cheery.
for 10 years it was just forrest and his mama lydia in their cozy little trailer at locke row, he’s never met his dad who left as soon as he discovered she was pregnant, not really interested in raising a kid with someone who struggled to get by even while working three jobs
from a young age forrest had to take care of himself since his mama worked sm, but he always got the concept that it was for him to live a good life and necessary for them to get by, she rly showed it well by making sure he knew how much she loved him whenever she cld b around :’)
it was around this time that things were starting to look up - his mama met a really nice man named marcel n while things moved really fast for them they seemed to be a perfect match, soon she was engaged and giving birth to triplets and they even moved into his place in hyland park, everything was coming up roses
miscarriage/mental illness; unfortunately as soon as things were good they sort of came to an immediate crash - lydia n marcel tried for another bebe before their wedding but she ended up having a miscarriage :( this sort of sent her into a depressive spiral for a really, really long time
it was bad enough that marcel eventually had enough, she wouldn’t take her medication, wouldn’t talk to a therapist, couldn’t even get out of bed, so he said she had to shape up or go back to their place in locke row, and stubborn as she was she packed everything up that night and the 5 of them went back to their little trailer, this time with a lot less room and a lot more responsibility on forrest’s shoulders
since he was about 14 he’s juggled an abundance of jobs to help his family, it was especially hard when they moved back to locke row, he mostly took care of his little brothers and mum when he could but he had art school at the time and work on top of it, it rly was the sort of stress no one shld go thru but he did at a rly young age for quite a long time
lives for their art!!!! their dream is to eventually teach art or run their own photography studio, almost always covered in paint and seen with a camera
still lives at locke row w his family, his mum got a pretty well paying job as a psw but it’s still difficult when u have three 12 year olds running around so forrest watches over them a lot while working as a tour guide and bartender, while selling their art pieces and doing odd photography jobs while they can, whatever will put money on the table
mental illness; grew up incredibly shy and with pretty severe anxiety, they're just used to people leaving so it’s hard for them to trust but he’s also a classic golden retriever boy, if people give him an inch he’ll take it right away but he struggles with approaching people himself, definitely wasn’t too popular in school bc of this
did a double major at the community college for photography and visual arts :yum:
he tries not to do Too many photography jobs cuz he loves it more as their escape than anything, travels around the island a lot to find random locations and will just spend hours taking pictures, u cant see any of the walls in his tiny bedroom theyre jst covered in his own pictures and art
could paint for hours too tbh (see above ofc), does a lot of art classes whenever he has time and money to spare
has never been in a relationship or even with anyone, the most he’s done frankly is casual make outs at parties or wtvr, always kinda chickens out if it ever goes any further……….. has not picked up on the fact that hes a demisexual/demiromantic king<3 probs doesnt even kno what that is LKSHDGKLHSDG
bc of this wtvr friendships hes made hes definitely romanticized, frankly by accident, he can just grow attached quite easily and since hes demiromantic anytime hes ever had a crush on someone its been ppl hes close to n has learned to trust. it confuses him a lot. LKSDHGKLHSDLG
obsessed w 80s pop its easily their fav genre (taste)
childhood friends!!
also ppl who forced their way into his life, basically jst approached him first n as soon as they showed him any sort of kindness n affection he was automatically like . ok we’re attached fr life sis
neighbours at locke row?? mayhaps?? #trailerliving
ppl at parties who’ve made a move or he’s hooked up w but when it came down to the Nitty Gritty he was like . oh………….. i think my mums calling me……….. i gtg……………………….. jst no explanation. LKSHDGKLHDSGL
i rly lov the idea of him hvin someone he loves to use as his muse……. either fr his art or photography
mayb someone who he actually was almost in a relationship w once upon a time bt it jst didnt work out, timing was off or he backed out cuz he felt bad that he probs cldnt give them his full attention w helping his family etc.
old college classmates/ppl who take art classes w him??
ok i think those r all the ideas i hv rn. we can also brainstorm. lets get wild.
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superemeralds · 2 years
13, 17, 23
13: how long do you usually take on a piece
Can't really say. sometimes it takes an hour, sometimes i need to sit down multiple days n come back w fresh mind after i struggled for a few hours, or sometimes just bare minutes in a day :'D but the rule of thumb is that im very fast and i prefer finishing stuff within one single sitting
17: what do you love getting compliments about
it depends on the piecture :o i obviously would love if ppl notice the things ive struggled wih and tell me "you did good!" tho ofc in the finished picture u cant see which part i struggled at when it actually turned out good so thats a tricky situation ;w; otherwhise i'm always so happy and honored when people think my colors and shapes are nice bc thats stuff i have no idea about and im kinda just winging it
23: what's something you hope people notice when looking at your art
I have a great sense of detail that i hope isnt lost to viewers of my work. mostly in my comic work i really hope people take their time to look at details.... lately ive started to draw less detailed in order to save myself from cramps and strain and frustration (i used to go excessive lengths with my details, where i manually and painstakingly drew every single tile and brick in a small comic panel background, at 800% zoomed in with a 1 pixel brush, even though it is later covered partially by speech bubbles)
nowadays i try hard to add detail in shapes and textures and layout. also i do contextual detail and small stuff on things, while also balancing with bigger shapes to give my hand a rest
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kewltie · 6 years
so i have this weird complicated canon bakudeku love story stewing in my head about how in the third year katsuki and izuku kinda dance around each other a lot. izuku made a promise to all might that after he graduated he would tour around the world with him (seeing diff heroes from diff areas and how they fight and to learn from them) and katsuki uh inadvertently confessed to him near the end of their third year even knowing that izuku is going to leave japan for like several years???? who knows when he’ll even back but katsuki doesn’t give a shit and confessed anyway bc this feeling is too large and heavy for him to carry alone.
katsuki is the one who is fully committed to building a romantic relationship with izuku and izuku (SURPRISED) is the one hesitant about it bc all might is dying and he’s trying to carry on the legacy of his hero and mentor and he doesn’t think he can be in love, let alone a relationship right now. so they made a deal to sort of ‘date’ for the last couple of months of their school year and during that time izuku starts to develop feelings for katsuki. can you make someone fall in love within three months? katsuki fucking sure he can do it bc it’s izuku and katsuki has never been surer of anything beside his place as the top hero and izuku by his side. he wants this, he wants this badly enough that he’s going to give it everything he got. so they awkwardly date the way ultra competitive teenagers who are obsessed with winning and their dreams to become top heroes do lol. so from their first date (all their handholdings and kisses bc apparently katsuki shamelessly loves them; “can i kiss you?” he would always ask bc he knows he can’t take izuku for granted and izuku swallows around the thrumming beat of his heart before he nods, always giving in to katsuki in the end) and to their last kiss on the day of their graduation. 
izuku knows this time he’s finally in love w/ katsuki (he had always love katsuki but izuku is made out of love and he loved katsuki in the same way like he loves his friends, mom, and all might and he just love them all but there’s never been anyone special to him and that’s the diff). so when he realizes how his love for katsuki had balloon into something different and unrecognizable now it scares him at first bc in the past three months that he ‘dated’ katsuki he learns in all the way katsuki had grown so far. how katsuki tried to be gentle and understanding with izuku and it doesn’t always work out bc katsuki get impatient and izuku is relunclant but he TRIES AND TRIES SO HARD ANYWAY. this katsuki’s anger and abrasiveness is tempered by the years at U.A., the struggles of learning to be a hero, and the friends they got around them. he is still the same prickly katsuki as always but now also much more bc he get also get to see what katsuki is like when he’s in love; all consuming, devoted, and obsessively like how he pursue his dream of being a top hero one day. he loves izuku with a certaintly that is unbending and unshakable and izuku doesn’t know how anyone can deny katsuki this when he gives his all to something it’s a beautiful and terrifying thing. BUT ofc izuku has always been the one exception in katsuki’s life lol :((( bc in order to keep his promise to all might he let their deal end, broke up with katsuki, as promised after graduation. izuku left with all might to seoul as their first stop on their world tour four days later.  
while the feeling is mutual on both front, izuku finds it hard to juggle the idea of relationship while trying to live with the mantle of all might’s heir bc all might dedicate his life to being a hero and fighting afo. izuku felt like he couldn’t live with himself if he doesn’t do as much as all might did to keep the world’s peace but it’s lonely at the top he realizes. izuku with all might travel across diff places all over the world to learn from all kind of heroes in all shape, form, and background that izuku never thought he had imagined: a hero that is a sworn pacifist (”how do you fight?” izuku asks, eyes wide. “with words,” he replies.), a hero from an inuit tribe who fight with wolves companion, a hero from brazil who lives in the amazon and uses the entire forest and its surrounding as his base of operation, a hero who fight and live in the desert of the sahara, etc. all these heroes who live in diff places and have diff culture and their way of fighting and using their quirks and how all of these reflect on who they are individually and shaped their own identity as a hero. izuku wouldn’t have known any of these ppl even existed if he had stay in japan bc they aren’t all mainstream heroes that appear on tv and made it big like the hero who lives in the mountain of the Himalayas and protect the small indigenous group there for generation after generations passing down the title like a family heirloom. 
he’s glad he went with all might to explore the world and see what he saw but there’s a quiet yearning that has him keep looking over his shoulder as though katsuki is right behind him. he wants to share his discoveries and new knowledge with katsuki but they’re separated by an ocean and are thousands of miles apart. izuku thinks he made the right decision to go with all might in the end but sometimes the right choice isn’t always the happiest. 
so while izuku is globetrotting with all might, katsuki made his debut as a rookie in the pro hero arena and quickly decimating the rookie ranking order. he got even more obsessed with his career: taking extra shifts & patrol, training himself harder, and focusing on being number one so it can drown out the longing he has for izuku. he even hasn’t open any of the emails izuku had sent to him for months now and tho they always come everytime w/o fail. he ignores them bc otherwise he’ll just be sucker into missing izuku all over again when he already told himself he’s going to kill this feeling for izuku. izuku had chosen to go with all might instead of staying in japan with katsuki and katsuki has no intention of hanging on to someone who chose to leave him but easier said than done. the more he refuse to think about izuku the more he sees and hear about izuku everywhere like how although izuku isn’t even in fucking japan anymore, the media is still hyperfocus on his adventure overseas and always reporting on his latest shenanigans and THEN THERE ARE THEIR FRIENDS who keep talking about izuku and his adventures (bc class a are an extremely close knit bunch who are all constantly up in each other bsn), the calls and texts and videochat etc he made to them while katsuki get technically radio silent. though the fact that katsuki is the only one to get like pages and pages of letter emailed to him weekly say something else, something that sits uncomfortably in katsuki’s chest. 
and then one day he is out fighting a villain with his agency, there’s a flower shop nearby that got caught in the wreckage and katsuki had helped protect the owner and flower shop. as a reward and thanks, the owner asked katsuki to pick any flower he wants and katsuki has absolutely no interest in it but then a small cactus flower caught his eyes. it’s ordinary, small, and so boring that it shouldn’t even register in katsuki’s radar yet katsuki couldn’t pull himself away from it and ask if he can have that out of everything in the shop. the thing is, the cactus reminds him of izuku. compare to all the beautiful and vibrant flowers in the shop, that cactus was incredibly dull and nothing noteworthy but cactus are resilient and strong and if you take good care of it, it will bloom. it’s stupid, he thinks, to continue to be obsessed over someone who left him behind but like everything he does in life he has never love anything lightly. 
incidentally, katsuki ends up taking up gardening bc lol it relaxes him and also bc of his new acquired plant that he had to learned how to care of bc apparently cactus are low maintenance but if you want it to truly FLOURISH AND BLOOM it need careful tending w/ the right temperature and watering. so he’d built a small home garden around his cactus flower that he had named deku bc fuck if it doesn’t remind him of every bit of izuku. slowly but surely katsuki is working through his heartbreak but ofc izuku continues to fuck him over even if he’s not even in japan anymore. more than half a year after izuku had left him, he get a framed calligraphy in chinese character sent to him from shanghai. that was the start of everything bc after that he get sent presents from all sort of places that izuku had travel to (pottery in chile and a wooden carving from kenya etc). it doesn’t come weekly like the emails that is still sitting unread in katsuki’s inbox but sporadically and unexpectedly. he said he doesn’t care for them but katsuki keep all those souvenirs in a box hidden away in his closet so he doesn’t htink about it. 
And then ONE DAY he got same day delivery (super expansive!!!!) of a potted sunflower and a single note, which izuku had never wrote before in any of his gifts so far: “i heard you have a garden now so when i saw this i thought of you bc to me you are like the sun.” and katsuki is FUCKED as soon as he read bc all the feelings that he had been quashing inside of come rushing out and he broke down holding on to izuku’s small note. he just fucking misses izuku so much like there’s a hole in his chest that he can’t fill. he loved Izuku then and still loves him now and will loves his dying breath bc he knows it’s never going away, it’s here to stay and katsuki doesn’t know how to not miss izuku everyday that he isn’t here. 
once he finally acknowledge the feelings that he’d been trying to bury, it unleashes a floodgate where katsuki finally read all those emails he had been avoiding since more than half a year ago starting from the very first email he got just after izuku had left japan. the email get sent to him once a week and in those email they are more like essay which are always more than ten pages long every fucking time. he talked about what he saw, who he met, and what he learn over there and he always end his letter with: “how are you?”, “what have you been up?”, “are you staying healthy?”, and finally, “thank you for reaching this far”. he always ask the same thing every single time and it takes a moment for katsuki to realize it’s bc katsuki refuse to answer any of his email so izuku keep asking and asking  in his letter even though it shouldn’t matter but izuku tries anyway bc he cares. 
katsuki has never been one to hesitate about anything in his life, not in pursue of his dream or love but izuku make him feel scare and hesitant which pisses katsuki off a lot lol. the bullshit that love is suppose to make you strong is so wrong, katsuki thinks, bc fuck if izuku doesn’t make him feel helpless and undone everytime but he keeps coming back bc in the end even when izuku makes him feel like his ribs are splayed out for him to dig through his heart, he knows izuku would gently and carefully hold his heart like it’s worth it weighs in gold. so katsuki, with wary trepidation, he took a picture of izuku’s sunflower next to his deku cactus and attached to an email with a single caption: “it’s you and me.” 
izuku’s next email couldnt arrive soon enough and it’s FULL OF EXCLAMATION AND EXCITEMENTS as it talked about what’s going on in kiev where he’s currently staying in ukraine but this time in izuku’s email it doesn’t end the same series of questions about katsuki. “i can’t believe kacchan thinks im a cactus :(((. im not prickly at all!!!” and katsuki laughs so hard he cries bc he just misses izuku so fucking much. 
so they finally start exchanging email that isn’t one sided anymore. izuku continues to write his enormous emails weekly while katsuki emails izuku nearly everyday but it usually just pictures and a caption or two about his home garden, his coworkers, his work, etc. katsuki may not say a lot but the fact that he’s keeping izuku loop into his life and willingly share it with izuku is him trying to include izuku in his life once more as though izuku had never left in the first place. they continue this for nearly 2 years, this back and forth as katsuki climbs the rank into top 20 pro heroes in japan now and izuku making his name known in the international stage. they’re both chasing the same dream but doing in diff path and katsuki hopes eventually they will arrive in the same place in time so he keeps waiting for izuku to come home. 
but of course this tentatively stability doesn’t last bc izuku keep on traveling and moving forward and doesn’t seem to ever mention about returning to japan and katsuki wonders when will izuku stand before him once more. he doesn’t even visit during summer breaks or holidays!!!! which frustrates katsuki very much but for izuku he knows he can’t go back to japan even to visit his friends, mom, and katsuki bc the moment he step back he knows it will be impossible for him to go back to traveling with all might not when he sees katsuki and all his love for katsuki spill forward and out and he won’t be able to leave anymore. theres so much he has to do, to see, and learn and he can’t commit to back to japan yet and he knows if he see even a second of katsuki all his hardwork would be undone so he doesn’t. he lives vicariously and hopelessly in katsuki’s photos and keep an intensive track of katsuki’s career and trajectories even all the way overseas. 
it’s katsuki third bday w/o izuku and just as midnight sets in he get an email RIGHT ON TIME (izuku had to calculate their timezone diffs and made sure he was free to be able to get to katsuki first). this letter is pages and pages of words again but near the end in large bold letters is a “happy birthday, kacchan!!!!!!” and it’s dumb SO INCREDIBLY DUMB but katsuki smiles bc he can actually see the excitement and voice of izuku in those blocky words. just before he goes out on his patrol and later his friends and coworkers dragging him out for his bday, he get another gift mailed to him just in time and this time it’s a metal ring from ireland where’s he staying. it’s intricately carved, with a heart and crown  and a note attached to said: “with all my heart, happy birthday kacchan!” katsuki is left speechless. 
he thinks maybe this is finally it that izuku is finally telling him he’s returning, he’s done and is coming back to katsuki. with fumbled hands, he writes a quick email to izuku with a pic of the silver ring and asked: “are you coming back this time?” he goes out with his friends later that night, the anxious energy still hums around him as he waits for izuku’s answer. izuku always answer several days later bc the places he go doesn’t always have internet connection but this time izuku managed to reply on the same day. 
“kacchan, i’m not coming back anytime soon. I still have a lot to learn and see left. I’m sorry.” 
and it fucking breaks katsuki bc he got his hope up for nothing. it’s like izuku playing w/ his fucking heart, sending him those loving letters and that fucking RING and it meant shit to izuku in the end bc he doesn’t even care enough to come back for katsuki. 
he’s so mad and hurt that even his friends notice how his mood is soured for his birthday. through a lot of prodding and begging from his friends, and also a lot of alcohol for katsuki to finally spill out his worries and insecurities that only izuku can wreck him like this. 
his friends, helpfully, points out that katsuki has never been passive, siting around waiting for the thing he want most come to him but katsuki got rejected once so he was burnt by it and didn’t want izuku to reject him twice. he doesn’t think he could take it if izuku didn’t chose him again. 
but izuku has BEEN CHOOSING KATSUKI EVERY DAMN TIME HE WROTE THOSE EMAILS AND SEND HIM THOSE GIFTS BC all the souvenirs and emails that izuku sent to him are SIGNS (the chinese calligraphy letters translate to, “ Yī rì sān qiū” which is proverb that said, “one day, three autumns” on how you miss someone so intensively that one day is like 3 years; the silver ring from ireland was a claddagh ring; and then there’s the sunflower itself which doesn’t just remind izuku of katsuki but it symbolise loyal and longevity bc izuku will forever and ever loves katsuki and only katsuki). they say what izuku couldn’t say over an ocean and thousands of miles apart: i miss you, i think of you constantly, i love you. 
katsuki has been trying so hard to be understanding and patience of izuku that he was missing the glaring SIGN THAT IZUKU HAS BEEN TRYING TO SAY TO HIM. his friends offer fresh prospective on this front that izuku isn’t asking katsuki to wait and katsuki should stop trying to be something that he is not when he has always chase after what he wants with gutso and fierce determination so why he is hesitating around izuku. GO. JUST GO. IF HE’S WORTH WAITING 3 YEARS FOR ISN’T HE WORTH TO CHASE AFTER TOO? katsuki’s friends are all too fucking good bc katsuki’s decision was already made for him the moment he realizes he was fucking in love with this idiot.  
on izuku’s front: ever since their argument, katsuki has been silence and haven’t return any of izuku’s emails. izuku is worry that he has finally done it, driving katsuki away and this is it for them. katsuki must be tired of waiting around for izuku, he thinks as heart nearly shattered. it been 3 weeks now and izuku has been listless even as he’s helping out the neighborhood and this area hero in arizona. but then just as he return from a day of hardwork, he sees all might outside of their temporary home that their hosted lend to them with a starkingly farmiliar figure; IT’S KATSUKI. 
it took katsuki several weeks to take care of all the bsn at home. quitting his agency, packing his stuff, and saying good bye to everyone  and then tracking izuku down but he here’s now. katsuki is in a diff country, that he doesn’t speak a lick of the native language there, and left behind his rising career and all their friends and his family to come chase after izuku right here this instance. THIS IS KATSUKI’S ANSWER. 
a looooooooong time ago right before izuku had left japan on his trip with all might, izuku wanted to ask if katsuki would join them but he had thought it was too selfish and greed to ask that of katsuki to give up everything and his dream of being number just so he can hop around the globe with izuku and all might. but katsuki is here now!!!! and izuku doesn’t want him to regret it, bc he doesn’t want katsuki to resent him for forcing katsuki’s hands. 
“i can get it all back. that number one spot is waiting for me, for us. it’s not going anywhere,” katsuki says determinedly, “but i couldn't wait for you anymore so i came to you instead.” 
it’s as much as an i love you in the same way izuku carefully wrote his emails every week for katsuki and in the same way he finds little gifts and trinkets that made him think of katsuki. IT’S I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH THAT I’M LEAVING EVERYTHING BEHIND TO GO WITH YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY BC I COULDN’T IMAGINE BREATHING ANOTHER SECOND W/O YOU. 
izuku cries A LOT bc katsuki is here and it’s all he had ever wanted for katsuki to join him!!! they’re finally reunited at last. and with all might, who happily welcome katsuki with open arms, they continue on their travel and izuku teaches katsuki the new languages and things he had learned and all the ppl that had help shaped his understanding of his powers and stance as a hero. they do that for two more years traveling to diff places and only came back to japan when all might’s health had grown so frail and he had died on a trip to bolivia. katsuki and izuku returns to japan to throw his ashes into the sea of his homeland :((((. finally they’re back home together this time and for good. now they both carry the legacy of all might as a duo w/ all the knowledge and understanding of all the things they had learned and the ppl they had met around the world. 
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ldarchive · 5 years
all or some of: 10, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 30, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42 for the ask meme =) lay all the ari facts on me
ty indigo ilu… shepardposting no limits (HOPEFULLY THE READMORE WORKS?)
10. What kind of friend is Shepard?
the “will give you shit but also go to the ends of the earth” for you type i suppose…he shows his affection thru gentle bullying. he can also be kind of genuinely an overbearing asshole at times, but he gets better with it; it takes him a while to, uh, adjust to having “friends” in the first place. he’s a dad friend if your dad is kind of a grumpy punk with a rude and morbid sense of humor
18. Share a headcanon about Shepard and their LI.
[struggling to come up with something i haven’t talked about a million times] uhhhhhh
kaidan wanted to propose with one of his dad’s old rings but he figured out it wouldn’t fit ari’s finger, so (with his mother’s blessing/assurance that his dad would have been more than happy abt it, etc) he had the gold melted down to make a new ring. in my mind it looks smth like this and yes ari totally cried a little
it also took kaidan weeks of near-misses to work up the nerve to propose even tho he Knew ari was gonna say yes, he was just really worried about getting it right. eventually he just did it on their balcony and ari got surprised and dropped his cigarette and kaidan got a cool new engagement burn scar on his arm but it was nice
19. Why did they fall for each other?
ari fell for kaidan bc he’s not just intelligent, but perceptive; he’s a realist who errs toward optimism and making the best of bad situations; he believes people can and should be better; he has a surprisingly understated sense of humor; he can keep up with ari’s teasing; ari asks him if he’s a romantic and he denies it and then gives, like, the most romantic answer in the world. he’s cute.
kaidan fell for ari bc……. he has big arm. ok but uh i think it’s because he’s, pretty practical and matter of fact and doesn’t care all that much about the social trappings that kaidan continually tortures himself with… he makes kaidan feel Seen and Understood but doesn’t make a big dramatic deal out of everything kaidan tells him, he just treats him… like a person. for someone who’s been living with & defining themselves by their issues for as long as kaidan has, it’s pretty incredible to find someone who just makes him feel like a human being again
20. What are their common interests or hobbies?
a lot of their relationship is like, meeting each other in the middle haha, but there are some things they both enjoy a lot with no caveats:
- cooking! kaidan’s a foodie and it becomes ari’s therapy hobby after me3, so it’s smth they enjoy doing together a lot. they try to do it more often if possible, but their general friday night tradition is to come home, crack open a couple beers, and cook a big meal together
- they are both outdoorsy Adventure Dads… it takes a while before ari can handle more than a walk around the park but eventually he and kaidan can go hiking again and they both rly love it. i imagine theyd be into stuff like camping, swimming, kayaking, etc too dfjnfg
25. Is there something they fight about?
well, everyone gets into arguments occasionally, but i don’t really think they fight all that often… not that they agree on everything all the time, but they’ve both gotten pretty good at talking things out and also deciding whether or not something is even worth arguing about in the first place. when you are dating someone during the apocalypse and don’t have to any time to waste those are both pretty valuable skills haha [i think the most they ever fought in their relationship was post-me3, when ari got out of the hospital and they’d both started to ‘settle in’ to their new lives but it was a bumpy adjustment and they were both going thru a lot of trauma and stress and bottling it up etc. it wasnt a great time but they worked thru it]
28. What would they like to change about the other?
it’s a double-edged sword, bc it’s part of what attracts kaidan to him as well, but sometimes kaidan really wishes ari had more a self-preservation instinct!! sometimes his tendency to charge headfirst into trouble is sexy, sometimes kaidan is tired and sad and it just gets really old
ari wishes kaidan would loosen up a little although, again, the straight-laced military thing (unfortunately) kinda does it for him. he would also take away kaidans chronic pain if he could
30. When did they realise they fell in love?
fr kaidan it was shortly after virmire and it absolutely scared the shit out of him ahaha
ari is dumb so he didn’t really realize until after horizon, which was probably a bad way to figure that out,35. Is there anything they dislike about the other?
ari appreciates how thoughtful kaidan is but sometimes it’s like… a bit… much lmao, he’s not as navel gaze-y as kaidan is so sometimes the process of having to talk everything out gets tiring. for kaidan it’s kind of the opposite, he sometimes perceives ari’s lack of forethought as a lack of care, which isn’t really true, he just works differently
on a much pettier level, ari gets annoyed that kaidan wants to sleep in all the time and kaidan gets annoyed that ari drowns all his food in hot sauce. hello, i worked hard on that steak36. What are their best memories together?
advtykefd cheesy but i like to think they got to take a little bit of leave after me1 so… they rented a log cabin somewhere (not sure if they went back to earth or just a colony planet somewhere?), turned off non-emergency comms on their omnitools and just chilled for a bit… went hiking, had drinks at the tiny bar in the closest small town, holed up in the cabin all day and had sex lmao it was probably the most peaceful week of aris entire life and it left a big impression on him
ofc later there’s stuff like their wedding day, their son’s birth, adopting their daughter etc. kaidan would probably even say, with the emotional distance provided by time, that horizon counts cuz even tho it sucked at the time nothing could have been better than realizing ari was alive
40. Is there someone in the squad of ME/ME2/ME3 Shepard dislikes? Why?
MIRANDA LOL… they just. do not see to eye or get along at all. i find their relationship very entertaining for this reason bc the dynamic of commander & XO who are both trying to be professional but do not respect e/o even the tiniest bit is so funny. theres a convo w her in me2 (i think it might be the one where you can initiate her romance?) where if you choose the renegade dialogue is hilarious to me… miranda makes some snide, passive aggressive comment about shepard based on their background (it’s like “it’s amazing how you’ve managed to succeed despite being _____” lmao) and then shepard is like “OH i get it, you’re jealous bc i’ve been more successful than you and TIM likes me more even tho i’m a big piece of shit idiot?” i love it it’s so funny. they both suck. eventually they do build some kind of mutual respect btwn them but theyre still… not exactly friends. i think in me3 ari was like “damn i hope miranda’s ok” and then when he actually met her again remembered why he used to be so pissed at her all the time lmao. (after me3 tho she saves his life Again and they probably have a lot of time in the hospital to just talk so maybe they do become genuine friends)
41. Are there any important relationships in Shepard’s past that defined their character? /42. Is there someone who had a great influence on Shepard?
just gonna try to combine these i guess,
- his parents, although he only got an unfortunate short time with them, he takes after both of them a lot, and the things his parents imparted on him stuck with him, but especially as he gets older he’s also really aware of the mistakes they made
-the reds, in general. not a really positive influence lmao but. they were his home for years & he learned how the world works through them, for better or worse… it’s why he’s a bit of a cynic, although later he is able to characterize it more as “this shit sucks But we can make it better” rather than just “this shit sucks”
- anderson was the first person ari ever felt saw him as a human being, and it was… a slow-going thing to learn to trust him ahah, but wanting to be worthy of anderson’s approval shaped a lot of his career decisions
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