#(( so cute of kauze ))
yuriko-mukami · 4 months
Kauze found out that Yuriko's baby was finally born, he was looking forward to seeing her.
— HA — He leaned on the crib where the baby was lying, luckily (or not) for Kauze, he hadn't seen Yuriko or Ruki around, were they sleeping? — Hmm~ You're really small...
He looked at the baby, but didn't touch her, as he was a little afraid of babies, but he took a bag and placed it inside the crib.
— Look! I bought a gift for you! Actually, I asked Shin for money, I lied and said I was going to buy ice cream, so you can't tell anyone, okay? He would be super mad if I spent his money on a vampire... are you a vampire? it is not? or are you the same as Yuriko? how strange... Well, I'm a founder and I'm older, so you have to do what I say!
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Tsukimi gazed up when suddenly another person appeared. She hadn't seen him before.
Staring up, Tsukimi swayed her hands and let out a tiny whining. She squirmed in place, her face wrinkling a little while she was probably trying to figure out if she should cry or not.
When Kauze placed the bag in the crib, Tsukimi grabbed it, swaying it with one hand and patting it with the other. "Wa... wa... wa...!"
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strawberry--bride · 1 year
—Hey, who's your boyfriend? It's Yuma... Or maybe... Laito! No, yuck! Of course not, Laito has a lot of girlfriends, I don't think you look like you'd like to share your boyfriend... Oh! I already know! Your boyfriend is Subaru, isn't he?
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Sharon was visibly impressed by the boy's impressive deductive skills, clapping her hands in response.
"That's amazing! How did you know!?"
Most people who spend some time with her tend to figure it out rather quickly because she has a bad habit of rambling about all the things she loves about Subaru. However, she hadn't spoken a single word, yet he was managed to figure it out. Was there anything else which could have possibly given it away?
"Hehe~ I guess my love for Subaru-kun has finally reached that stage where I don't have to say anything, yet it's obvious how I feel about him~"
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
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I'm sure you won't be in jail after that Ruki!
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Seeing the young child wear war paint on his face holding a sign in support of his freedom warmed the Vampire's heart more than he wanted to admit. For a moment, Ruki was absolutely speechless. That is, until he gathered the boy in his arms and embraced him.
"How thoughtful of you, Kauze... We'll get out of here together."
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kauzebridgerton · 7 months
Kauze Story.
Chapter 5: Ren.
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As soon as we arrived, I could see that there was some movement outside, and so I quickly looked at Laito, leaning on him and pointing to the window.
— You are famous! — He said in an excited tone. — Hey, if you guys get a teddy bear, can you give it to me? You are already adults and you don't need this!
— Nfu~ Are you already making your demands? Let's just say these girls are all little sluts who want attention.
— Laito. — Reiji said in a serious tone, but I think Laito didn't care about that. — Control your tongue.
I tilted my head in confusion, as I didn't quite understand what he meant, was that a bad thing? I think it's better if I don't say that word, since Reiji doesn't seem to like it very much.
— Relax four eyes, the brat doesn't know what it means.
Ayato laughed, but soon got out of the limousine with the other vampires, I didn't waste time and got out too, and held Reiji's hand, since I didn't really know where to go.
— How cute, I didn't know they had a little brother. — A girl looked at me, and I smiled at her. —Hehe, Reiji seems so protective.
— Reiji! Reiji! She likes you! — he said excitedly, but the girl left quickly after that, I think she was embarrassed. —Hah? Why are girls weird? Do you like her too?
— Kauze, silence. — He bent down to my height, whispering in my ear. — Don't draw anyone's attention and don't tell them who we are. Next time you embarrass me again, I'll leave you locked in the basement. And no, I have no interest in this girl.
— A-Ah.. I'm sorry Reiji... I promise I won't say that you like girls anymore...
— That's not what I meant! — he turned red. — Just don't talk about relationships, you're not old enough for that. Now go somewhere and meet me here when classes are over.
He then let go of my hand and walked in the same direction as the other students, I think he didn't want to be late for class and get scolded by his Sensei.
I entered school, and I walked around aimlessly, in order to find a nice place to spend time, the cool thing was that there were those machines where they sell snacks and sweets, but unfortunately I didn't have any money with me. I stopped in front of one and looked at it, thinking about the flavor that chocolate must have, I'm sure it's good! Since I saw some people eating it.
— Huhhh~ — I closed my eyes imagining myself devouring that chocolate, but as soon as I opened it, I saw a reflection of a man. — Oh!
I moved away from the machine, thinking he wanted something from it, but he came towards me and stared at me, he had a slightly different appearance and a very strange smell too, it was the same smell that some adults had when they blew smoke out of their mouths.
— Hey, you want that chocolate, don't you? — the student asked me, and I nodded in agreement. — Let's do it like this, if you help me I'll give you the chocolate, do we have a deal?
— Help in what? — I said suspiciously. — Won't your sensei get mad if you don't go to class?
— No, of course not! I just missed something and unfortunately I can't get it, but I think you can do it for me, don't you?
I shrugged my shoulders and faced the man again, he had that typical appearance of someone who would always go to the board, but it's better for me to help a bully than be his next victim.
— Alright then, I guess there’s no problem....
Shame on me, selling myself for a chocolate, but I'm sure the Sakamakis wouldn't give me one if I asked them.
— Excellent! My name is Ren.
— My name is Kauze. — I smiled at him.
— Let's go then.
Ren took me to the school garden and we walked a little until we finally arrived at a window, it was a little high, and I quickly looked at it suspiciously.
— Come on, I'll lift you up and you'll climb in through the window, and then I'll run to the door and you open it for me, okay?
— Hey! Isn't this wrong? I will not do it! — I stamped my foot on the ground. — What if we get confused?
— Please, Kauze! I'm begging you man! There's something very important to me in there, I promise I won't get you in trouble, if someone catches you in there, they can blame it on me.
— Huh... Okay, but I'll have all the chocolates in the machine! — I pouted.
— All the chocolates?! You're going to bankrupt me like this, I can give you one of each, nothing more than that.
— Okay, I accept... — I said reluctantly. — Promise you're not cheating on me?
— I promise.
He then took me in his arms, lifting me as high as he could, he got to the point where he held my feet with his hands so that I was "standing", I just hope no one is seeing this, I grabbed hold of him. window sill and entered the room.
— I achieved! — he said from the window.
— Excellent! When you hear 3 knocks on the door, open it, ok?
He then ran away and I sighed, I think I should charge more for my "services" I looked around and it seemed to be a private room, like it belonged to the director or something, and that made me even more scared, no It took a long time for me to hear three knocks on the door and I opened it and luckily it was Ren.
— You're a bully, aren't you? — I questioned. — I'm sure that the student who only had a high grade wouldn't be here!
I stuck my tongue out at him, indignant at having helped a student like him, but Ren didn't seem to care that much about it, he just kept messing around with things in the room and I became more anxious, afraid of someone showing up.
— Oh! — He then took a paper and tore it up, I felt my soul leaving and returning from my body! This was so wrong! — What it was? You're paler than usual.
— You ripped it! — said in disbelief. — They'll know we're here!
— They won't, that was a paper that my parents were supposed to sign, but unfortunately he's no longer here and by the time they do another one I'll have made an excuse.
He then continued going through some things and grabbed a small box with some smelly sticks. I quickly placed my hand on my nose and grimaced.
—Ew! It's those businesses that make you smoke out of your mouth!
— They really are, and they're quite expensive by the way, now let's go.
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We then ran out of the place, I've never felt so "naughty" I just hope no one finds out what I did! Otherwise I'll stay in Reiji's basement for eternity!
— Hey Kauze, let's get your candys.
He held my hand and led me to the candy machine, and luckily he fulfilled his part of the deal and I finally had several chocolates! I quickly embraced my new "conquest"
— Thank you Ren! I loved!
— Hahaha, now you're not scared anymore, are you? Since I missed the first class because of our mission, I'll stay with you.
— All good! I like being around people. — I smiled and sat at a nearby table, and Ren sat next to me. — I've never had so many sweets!
— No?! How? I saw you arriving with those rich people. — he rolled his eyes. — Tell me, what are you of them?
— Well I... I... — and now? Reiji said I couldn't say anything about vampires, but he also didn't tell me what I should say. — Their father adopted me, that's all.
— Just that? So, does that mean you're an orphan?
— Yes... I lost my parents not long ago, but I'm lucky that their father adopted me and now I have a family again!
— I'm sorry for you, Kauze. I just hope those guys are treating you well. You know, I never really liked them, but I confess that it's really fun to play basketball against Ayato.
— I don't know them very well, since I've only been there for a short time... — I tried to talk to him, as I was afraid of saying too much and ending up saying something I shouldn't. — You play basketball? And Ayato too?! Cool!
— Yes, I must confess that he is very agile, it doesn't even look like he's a human sometimes, that's quite annoying.
I quickly gasped when he said that, could it be that he distrusts Ayato? What if someone blames me?! What if I'm grounded forever?!
— Hey Hey hey. I know you really like these sweets, but you don't need to kill yourself over it. — He patted my back a few times. - Are you well?
— Uhum! I'm just really happy to eat chocolate! Just that! — I tried to hide it. — Ren! Ren! I think you're wrong, sometimes Ayato can seem really fast, but I think he trains a lot for that, right?
— Yeah, you're right little guy! But one day I'll beat him, wait and see.
He ruffled my hair, and I laughed, he was really cool! Even though he is a mess and a bully, I think he has a good heart, as he was one of the only people who actually talked to me since I left Lord Karlheinz's mansion.
— Ren, can you be my friend? Even if it's just a little...?
— How can I deny it after this little adventure we had? You can count on me Kauze, if you need a bully like me to defend you, just call me.
— Same? Do you want to be my friend? In truth?!
— Well, I've never been friends with a kid before, but I think I can do this? Do not you think?
I quickly hugged him, nodding quickly in agreement with him, I finally made a friend! I thought this would be really difficult, but I'm glad I met Ren.
— Of course! You are very cool! I never had any friends either, so I think we can learn together, don't you?
— Yes of course.
He returned my hug, I think it was the first hug I had received in a long time, it was so good! I want to make lots of friends to receive lots of hugs every day! But soon he walked away from me, and I was surprised for a moment, and then I turned back and saw Shu.
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kauze-bridgerton · 1 year
The poll is over, thank you so much for voting for Kauze to get a pair, and I'm very curious to know your opinion, so who voted, please say why you chose such a vampire ( or founder ) and if anyone has shame you can send me an anonymous ask telling me about the reason ❤️
Let's go to the result.
With 0% we have...
Reiji and Carla
I can say that I am not at all surprised by this, apparently the more "serious" ones would not be good for Kau.
Reiji - 0%
Reiji would be like a thorn in Kauze's side, since he basically felt trapped with the vampire, Kauze likes to go out simply with the person he feels affection for, especially love, he would certainly walk around the mansion all disheveled and I have sure Reiji wouldn't allow his partner to walk in such a way. It would be very tiring for both of them and would have that classic "You're not my father" line.
(Which is funny because Reiji is winning the poll of who would be the best father for Kauze)
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Carla - 0%
Another thing that doesn't surprise me at all, Carla wants to have children to continue the clan and I don't see him wanting to have a relationship with a man before achieving that.
Kauze wouldn't have eyes for this old founder either, he would probably look up to him as an older brother or something, but Kauze wouldn't like having to be a kind of "servant".
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They tried and tried... And with a lot of effort they got 6.7 of the votes.
Shin and Yuma
I don't have much to say about these two to be honest, they are cute.
Shin - 6.7%
For me, it would not be a very happy couple, as unfortunately I believe that Shin would not be with Kauze for the right reasons, mainly because of the pressure he is under from Carla.
Kauze would be like Shin's lover or simply be some way for Shin to tease Carla, and Kauze would certainly suffer because of that, since he gets attached very quickly to people.
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Yuma - 6.7%
Okay, I can say that I prefer Yuma over Subaru, but I believe that there would come a time when Kauze would get tired of the talk about nobles that Yuma always talks about (especially in the anime) mainly because Kauze would feel personally attacked, since he is a noble so there will always be that argument about such a thing, it would be like that couple who support totally different politicians lol
But apart from that, I think they would be very cute, Kauze would always help Yuma in his garden or just anything he needs, he would take him to different places so that Yuma could taste different meals and get to know different cultures, they would be a comical couple .
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Now let's go to Subaru and Ruki who got 13.3% of the votes.
I like them a lot, but they're not my favorite, but I can say that I prefer Ruki over Subaru lol.
Subaru - 13.3%
Clearly the fact that he keeps throwing tantrums would displease Kauze at some point, I believe that Kauze is patience in person and Subaru is the lack of it, they would complete each other, but it would also be that boring couple, where one would always be "Love, no do that, you would get in trouble"
Some people might like it but I personally don't lol
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Ruki - 13.3%
Ruki and Kauze would be cute, but I think Ruki would try to impose himself on Kauze and he certainly wouldn't like that, he'd be happy with that, he doesn't want to treat his boyfriend like an army general or something.
I think it would be like Reiji, only less toxic, I believe they match as friends, but not as romantic partners.
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And finally, Shu, Laito (?) and Ayato with 20% of the votes.
I LOVE SHU HE IS MY FAVORITE, Laito was certainly a surprise to me and Ayato was already expected.
Shu - 20%
I believe that in the beginning Kauze would basically date "alone" since Shu would always be isolated somewhere, but Kauze is very social, so he would certainly always talk to Sakamaki.
I believe that their relationship would be something very cute, since Shu will not want to lose someone he loves again, he would show his love for Kauze little by little.
I can already imagine the two lying down talking about life or something.
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Laito - 20%
I'm certainly shocked that someone like Laito could match someone like Kauze.
But I spent a few days analyzing it, and I realized that it could work, and very well.
Kauze would feel alive with Laito (in many ways) and that would certainly get him excited, he would certainly probably tease Laito like Laito teases him, that is chaos, but chaos good.
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Ayato - 20%
Certainly the most fun couple, they would do many things together and have more and more fun.
Ayato would want to do something, and Kauze would do it but with some kind of trepidation, but then it would be like "wow".
You know, Chole and Max from Life is Stange? It would be something like this, they would do a lot of things together, and Kauze would somehow feel special for being something that Ayato craves so much.
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blood--king · 1 year
Kauze had found some paper and pens, so he decided to draw something for Hell, as soon as he finished, the little boy left the drawing on top of the King's paperwork and left the place.
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When you're in neuroanatomy class and you end up getting bored lol my drawings you can tell I was dying lol 🫣🫣🫣
It was a tough day for the king, the kingdom had problems and tension with a neighboring kingdom, the sworn enemy of the vampire nation, the Lycans. Hell sat down in front of his meeting table with all his paperwork, and there he found the drawing.
—Hmm, he likes to draw —Thought the king as he saw it. It was cute and reminded him of his father who apparently loved drawing. The vampire king showed a smile and felt a bit of calm before continuing with all that work.
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iricathel · 2 years
Send 👐 for my muse's reaction to yours squishing their face!
Alternatively, send 👐 + 🔄 for my muse to squish yours!
— Mm... You have such puffy cheeks... And your skin is so soft! Ah... It's even make me envious. —
Irina subtly teased while letting out a small giggle under her breath. Holding in her hands the typical fleshy cheeks of a child made her mind fly to her past to remember her own image as a girl.
— There, you have some leftover candy here. — She said as she ran her thumb across the corner of his lips to clean it, then poking his nose in a playful and friendly way.
— You are such a cute little boy, did you know, Kauze? —
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queenbumbles21 · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡 • • •
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
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Kazutora Hanemiya
• When you visit his pet shop just to see him work, He was so happy to see you take your day off just to visit him! He hugged you and kissed your beautiful little face, as he held you with care.
He held your hand as he gave you a tour around the shop, he showed you all the animals and told you a few facts about each one. He showed you the birds, the hamsters, the lizards, the cute baby kittens, the ever so small little puppies, and the…. RATS!
“Baby, let’s buy this one! ^^”
“But look it’s so cute, it’s even trying to sniff you honey! Let’s take it!”
“I missed these moments so much,” he say as he softly pecks your cheek.
Keisuke Baji
• When you talk about your future dreams, with him included in them, Baji never really thought about the future for himself, he just focused on the present time and you.
At the time, he couldn’t answer your sudden question, “Where do you see yourself in the future?” With a toothy cute smile and sparkling eyes. He didn’t answer your question… he ignored it… it’s not that he didn’t want to answer! Don’t get him wrong alright! He just… couldn’t… cause he never thought about it, although; he felt giddy to know that you wanted to be with him for that long. <3
He suddenly found himself wanting to know what it’d be like if you were in his future dreams. Maybe a small little cozy house, nothing to fancy just something comfortable.
Something he can see kids running around without having to deal with assholes complaining about children’s innocent laughter of joy. His children laugh. He knows there’ll be a time like that in the future, married and happy.
“Whachá smiling about honey,” ^^
“I’m smiling at our future Bun,”
Shinichiro Sano
• When you want to take a ride on the motorcycle with him, He happily runs off to get a motorcycle set and ready to go, he checks its gas tank, gears and it’s wires fuel. He happily walks out of his shop and locks it up, with you by his side.
Shinichiro sets the machine to the side and puts his bicker gang jacket on you as well as a cute little cat-eared helmet on your head (which he personally customized for you) for your protection.
Once you both were ready he rode off towards the stress, enjoying your little giggles. You snuggle close to him placing little kisses on his neck and smirked as you felt him shivering at the sudden contact. (He’s for sure, gonna get his revenge for your teasing, mind you!) you got to enjoy the beautiful starry night with him.
“I had so much fun baby! Let’s do it again love!”
Tetta Kisaki
• When you walk along the pedestrian bridge at night with him, it was a beautiful night for the people to light up fireworks.
You and Kisaki strolled along the small little park enjoying the background music of a little party some random people were hosting. You let go of Kisaki’s hand softy skipped along the sidewalk, heading towards the small pedestrian bridge.
You twirled the little dress that Kisaki had gotten you for your birthday and smiled at him, slowly waking backward as you did so. Kisaki loved the way the moonlight lit up your small figure, as you stopped to look down the railing of the bridge.
He softy wrapped his arms around you, softy creasing your sides as he placed small kissing on your neck; enjoying the light fragrance of your perfume.
He’s not much of a sappy kind of guy but, at the moment he wished time would stop, so he can be able to enjoy moments like this, with you.
“Saki it’s such a beautiful night, thank you for bringing me to the one place you love to hang out at. It makes me feel so special,”
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khaarl-i · 2 years
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I posted 788 times in 2022
That's 788 more posts than 2021!
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#diabolik oc - 130 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#yeah i remember giving the only male in my friend group a goodbye hug like i have just given to everyone else and he was so confused by it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Once again I have found a picrew I like
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112 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
I have found the cutest picrew!
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Tags: @iricathel @lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui @lured-into-wonderland @yuriko-tsukino-rp @yuikomorii @yourlocaltea @gingerall @secretarykang @nutaella-kookie @kauzebridgerton @komori--shoma @kauze-bridgerton @fruit-of-infidelity and anyone else💕
141 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
Pics of my dog
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143 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
I have found this cute picrew and decided to make fem!Khaarl
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Tagging: @secretarykang @yuriko-tsukino-rp @kauze-bridgerton @strawberry--bride @nutaella-kookie @fruit-of-infidelity @mino-diabolik @elizabeth-virnien and anyone who wants to do this🖤
173 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What type of villain are you?
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Tagging: @elizabeth-virnien @yuriko-tsukino-rp @ask-shoma-komori @kauze-bridgerton @strawberry--bride @iricathel @harrybridgerton @fruit-of-infidelity @smonie @lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui and anyone else who wants to take the test💕💕💕
227 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
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Again, I didn't know who you wanted answers for but since Kauze has met Claire and Saeclus, I'll just answer for the two of them ❤️
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
Saeclus: The years have certainly matured his looks and his stature - yet I still find traces of the adorable child he once was in him. As such, I can't help but still see him as cute, though I don't doubt that he is now a heartthrob with the younger generation.
Claire: Never thought that cute kid could grow into such a handsome man. I met him only once but he was quite adorable - I doubt he remembers it though. Either way, he sure has grown - and for the better.
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted || egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
Saeclus: He's become a fine man, I believe. Though I can feel the disturbances under the skin, as if some unknown foe still chases his every move - I do believe he has matured into a better man than most.
Claire: From the looks of it, he's pretty alright. Everyone I've heard from who's interacted with him says he's respectful and kind - though I'm not quite convinced until I've verified it myself. He seems pretty enjoyable company though.
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Saeclus: I - I have known him since childhood. I don't believe it's appropriate to even make such inquiries... Perhaps because I've always viewed him as though he were my own child. I don't think I would ever, no.
Claire: Well, it really depends. I should need to meet him in person as an adult for a concrete answer, but if we're going offof physicality alone - then maybe, I'd say.
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend || like a child of my own
Saeclus: As I said before - I view him as a son of my own. As such, I feel a deep bond to him, and I would hope he'd feel the same way about me.
Claire: I don't exactly know him personally - not yet, that is. So I'm pretty neutral towards him - no real opinions have been formed about his adult self.
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Saeclus: I got along fairly well with him in his childhood, so I am hoping this manner will continue with him as an adult. As a child, he was the very sunshine on Earth - excitable and curious.
Claire: The kid was pretty cute and lively. He was so happy about the smallest things. A real whiplash of childhood innocence.
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Saeclus: As I said before - I'm hoping we could continue to have a decent, stable connection as we did before. I see his spark even now - I should hope to meet with him more.
Claire: My opinion stands as I said - I will need to meet him in person again.
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed || I wonder
Saeclus: If cheek kisses will count, they were pretty adorable and reassuring.
Claire: Hmmm, we haven't kissed... But I do wonder how it'll feel.
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
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Did they believe in Santa?
Not really, no. She knew about Santa but didn't think he was a real person. And either way, Christmas wasn't a big thing in her family. Her father was usually absent but Yuriko remembers how her mother always bought fried chicken for them on Christmas.
When Yuriko grew up a little, she noticed that Christmas was a popular date day and it became her dream to go on a Christmas date at least once. This tiny dream came true last year when Ruki finally learned about this wish and made sure Yuriko got the date she wanted.
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Were they a dinosaur or rock kid?
A book kid! Though Yuriko read books about dinosaurs too and she found them fascinating.
Bugs or slimy critters?
Bugs. Yuriko actually likes to look at them every now and then in the garden when she is supposed to help Yuma out. She simply enjoys staring at their movements and forgets everything around her.
Do they fidget? How?
Yes! Yuriko often tucks the hem of her hoodie or cardigan, sometimes shirt or her skirt too. And she shifts her weight from one hip to another while doing this. She also has a habit to brush her strands behind her ear and many times back again once she realizes it reveals too much of her marked neck.
What were they frequently in trouble for as a child?
Yuriko did her best not to get into trouble. She did all chores she could to make her parents happy, was quiet, and focused on reading when she had her free time. She avoid arguing and tried to please her parents in every possible way. Yet, the reason she got into trouble was that nothing was ever good enough for her father. Her mother didn't mind if things weren't in the right order or if Yuriko wasn't fast with her tasks but her father always found something Yuriko had done wrongly.
What underwear do they like?
Yuriko used to prefer cutesy prints on her underwear and comfortable cotton but lately, her taste has started to change and she has started to wear more and more lace underwear. She prefers white and pastel colors.
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Designs on clothing or not?
Yuriko likes cute prints and such but at the end of the day designs on the clothes aren't very important to her.
Do they have good self-control?
In some matters, yes. For example, Yuriko doesn't waste money. She has very good self-control when it comes to buying things. Except when it comes to books. She used to use the little money she had to buy second-hand books, and she often ended up hauling in the library too. These days, she shares Ruki's library, but since they both have a love for literature and Ruki is supportive of book purchases, Yuriko's self-control in this matter has probably worsened...
Favorite franchise?
Hmm... I really don't think she has one.
Do they re-enact scenarios in the shower?
Yuriko is more of a bath person. If she goes to the bath alone, she probably ends up either doing this or simply daydreaming. It's very easy for her to get lost in her thoughts and not realize that she has spent way too long in the tub. Ruki reminds her though.
Do they tell the waiter that their order is wrong?
Definitely not. Yuriko feels like it could hurt the waiter's or cook's feelings, so she doesn't say anything and eats the meal she got. But if Ruki is with her, he doesn't hesitate to tell the truth to the waiter and makes sure that Yuriko gets what she ordered.
Stairs or elevator?
In general, Yuriko doesn't have a preference. But she loves old libraries with spiral staircases.
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Are they an exaggerator when telling stories?
Not really. Yuriko tells the matter as she sees it. Is that always the objective truth? Not necessarily, but she doesn't intend to exaggerate or lie.
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Tagged by: @lured-into-wonderland
Tagging: @mermaid--bride @nalia-tsukino @minestracalda @kauze-bridgerton @nunezs-stuff @myoiliz-rpacc @thatonefrenchwitch @yoku-boushoku-rp @okami-daichi
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
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Send 🍬 to get a piece of candy from my muse
"Ah, Kaori. Fancy seeing you here. Where is Kauze...? Don't tell me you're trick-or-treating all by yourself alone so late at night. Well, no matter. I'm here now—and I must say, you make for quite the cute Witch," the Vampire gave a playful chuckle. "I'll give you candy so that you don't have to cast an awful spell on me. Wait a moment."
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Reaching into the bowl of confectionery, Ruki placed some chocolate candies as well as cookies he baked especially for his loved ones into her bag. Some were cat-shaped, others pumpkin-shaped, but one bite into the cookies was enough to have anyone smiling in joy.
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"Happy Halloween, Kaori. I do hope you like it. Share some with Kauze as well."
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Gwen! Gwen!
[He runs up to you, giving you a big smile, Kauze actually looked excited]
Do you want to go to my running competition?! Would you like??? Eh???
[He tied the headband and struck a smug pose]
I will be very happy if an adult cheers for me! The other kids have their parents cheering them on... And sensei said it would be unfair for him to cheer for me... So... Can you go there and hope I win?
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Gwen turned their attention to Kauze, as the boy ran up to them so excitedly. Goodness, it seems they had forgotten how energetic children could be. Though what caught them off guard were the boy’s next words.
❝ You want me? ❞
It was mostly meant to be whispered to themselves; they truly couldn’t see why Kauze would want them, of all people, to be there for him in such a way. Were they really qualified for that? ‘Cheer for him’? At a running competition? That meant that a crowd would be present there… But they found themselves unable to refuse. If all the other children had their parents to cheer for them, Kauze would likely feel left out or out of place. The human understood that feeling way too well to allow him to feel that way. Especially if the kid intended to win!!
❝ I suppose I could. My schedule is cleared today, and I would likely be scolded if I hole myself up inside any longer. ❞
They sighed out these words, before quickly giving the child a challenging smile.
❝ I’ll give you a~ll the cheers that I can muster. So do your best to win. And who knows, I may even give you a prize if you do~ ❞
A closed eye smile came from them, as their head tilted in a friendly manner. They wouldn’t pressure the boy to win, but they just couldn’t help but challenge him; and give him a bit of motivation. He was young; so the prospect of winning and losing shouldn’t matter so much to him. Though deep down, Gwen truly was rooting for the boy. Though they were also dreading standing amongst that crowd of adults, cheering for their children. They knew it was wrong, to feel envious of innocent kids like this… But it something they simply couldn’t help.
Forcing their smile to stay for just a bit more, Gwen’s hands fell into their coat pockets.
❝ Lead the way then. If we’re late they may not let you compete~ ❞
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kauzebridgerton · 1 year
Also curious because 😭 so cute!!
( ik kauze and hana haven't interacted much but he's too adorable)
Send ✍️ and Kauze will make a drawing of your oc.
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A ghost? Kauze doesn't even want to think about it, as it sounds pretty scary, ghosts are scary! He wants to get away from it as soon as possible.
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kauze-bridgerton · 2 years
"Kauze-san... I heard a rumor that you might have a special day today. So... umh... Happy Birthday to you~"
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[ He took the cupcake and smiled, it had been a while since he celebrated his birthday, but it was a little encouraging to see that some people still wanted to do it for him ]
Hehe~ This cupcake is really cute. Thanks Yuriko. And very kind of you to take the time to do this for me~
[He smiles embarrassed]
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sunny-flower-spot · 2 years
send  “OBSERVE”for a mini-drabble of how MY MUSE sees and/or thinks about YOUR MUSE while they do something completely ordinary. This can be them reading, cooking, sleeping, just ordinary moments the often get glossed over in threads and roleplays. Feel free to specify what your muse is doing if you want to!
I've been looking forward to today all week! Kauze and I are watching a movie at the theater today! We bought our tickets already, but decided to take a little walk since there's still half an hour left 'til it starts.
Something cut it short, though. This little kitty ran up to us and started rubbing up on our legs. I basically had no choice but to crouch down and pet the little dude! Poor thing's got scratch marks and scars all over. And his left ear is all beat up and bent...
"It looks like this little guy's being bullied alot by the other tom cats around..."
I land my eyes on Kauze after speaking, but he's looking down at the cat with a look of sadness. There's something else in his eyes, i just can't really recognize what. But I think happy Kauze is best Kauze, so I wanna cheer him up. And what's a better way to cheer up then to play with a cute cat?
I pull at his sleeve to get his attention and motion to him to crouch down beside me and pet the little guy. He does, but he's real hesitant and his hand freezes and moves whenever it's getting close to a scar. He's acting so awkward... Maybe he's scared of cats? Or maybe he's just more of a dog person?
"He's such a sweetheart! And he's not scared of us at all!"
"The way he ran up to us... he's definitely a stray. His owner probably abandoned him..."
I can't understand that at all! Why would someone do that? They didn't even have the decency to surrender him to a shelter?
"Eh?! How could anyone ever abandon a cat? And such a sweet one at that!"
He keeps his eyes on the cat when he responds to my question.
"Maybe he didn't meet their expectations."
I guess playing with cats won't cheer everyone up... if anything, I'm starting to feel down too!
When Kauze gets back up, the cat starts meowing like crazy. He's rubbing on his legs and blocking his feet. Like he's scared that he'll leave.
I can't watch it. I pick up the skinny cat n hold him in my arms. I was worried he'd freak out, hop out and run off, but he didn't. He relaxed in my arms, even rubbed his cheek on my shoulder. Ahhh I just wanna take him home! But I doubt I'd be allowed to...
"..Hey, Kauze? I'm real sorry. I know we got the tickets 'n' all, but I think i'm gonna get this guy to a vet. He might be abandoned, but what if he actually got lost? What if he does have a loving family out there looking for him? Maybe he's microchipped!
Kauze nods and... There's that smile! And with it being directed toward me-- it's just so contagious, my lips are curving up too!
"You're right, let's find a nearby vet."
Kauze's always so nice and understanding..! Even though I ruined our plans and wasted our money on movie tickets...
...I'll have to return the favor!
"Mhm! Let's go!"
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