#(( Poor balan is stuck in the elevator))
bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in numbers #4
{ This chapter is kinda long- 030 }
Balan been searching around the entire theatre for the little visitor after he had sent those gentlemen on their way. But so far he had no such luck. Where could have she gone? The only place he hadn't looked was in the wonderworld.. but she shouldn't have been able to enter it without his permission. Still- He should at least head to the Bout tunnels and look anyways. When he first approached the hidden tunnel opening- he realized it wasn't too hidden. Somehow the whole doorway was wide open! Practically anyone could get into it now! This riled up much concern with the magical maestro as he headed into the Bout portal, now a little more desperate to find the missing child. Judging by the way she acted before, She Was in no way ready for wonderworld just yet.. Not even close. But finding her would prove to be much more difficult than Balan realized.
After closing the bout tunnel behind him, he began to travel in-between the different mindscapes connected to the wonderworld- hoping to reach the isle of tims. Since She probably couldn't enter any of the mindscapes by herself, she should have been sent to the isle of tims... At least that's what he predicted. But then again, she did enter the wonderworld by herself.. so whos to say she couldn't enter the mindscapes aswell? That's when something Odd started to happen. Passing through the bout tunnel in Jose's mindscape- the colors had begun to fade into a gloomy purplish color- and it was much darker than it used to be inside. Wait.. what's happened? the colors faintly remind him of Lance's- But it didn't make sense for Lance to bother with the bout tunnels considering how he uses them to travel aswell. What reason would he mess with them now? Either way, If Balan's guard wasn't up- it definitely was up now. At the exit of the bout tunnel, The usual entryway was blocked off. but unlike usual it was blocked off COMPLTELY by strange black crystals. Despite the eerie atmosphere of the bout tunnel Balan didn't pay the entryway much nevermind, assuming that this was all in-fact a Lance 'prank' Afterall. He focusing his power- he conjured up and Energy Ball and threw it at the entryway like how he'd usually do to get past Lance's barriers.. Except the unusual happened. The barrier didn't break- It didn't even scratch. Balan raised an eye ride before attempting it again, but a little more powerful this time. He got the exact same results. Before he could attempt a third Blast however, That's when things got exponentially worse for him.
Suddenly More Black Crystals Shot up from the sides of the bout tunnel- along with some from the main crystal as they headed straight for Balan. Although slightly startled by the development he bobbed and weaved out of the way of the advancing crystals. Had he.. Angered it?! how is this even possible?! Either way it's going to be troublesome getting out of this tunnel.. ----- Meanwhile -----
Lance had arrived at the scene from once the purple smoke had originated. The area had been disturbed by multiple people as there was many footprints in the dirt- but other than that there was nothing else out of the ordinary. Nothing broken, nothing missing. He Created a few extra Negati to examine everything a little more closely as he oversaw the operation. But the real reason he didn't look himself was because his mind was too preoccupied.. How did he not sense this many people enter the mindscape? It would be one thing if just one person slipped through his fingers- but a whole group? First that girl, and now whoever left these footprints. Something about that just doesn't add up. A Hissing squad of Negati brought him out of his thoughts. They had all collectively circled around something on the ground. They were hissing at it but made no attempt to get close to it.
Lance floated down and walked over to get a closer look at the object that was making them so upset. gently picking it up with one of his hair tentacles, he saw that it was some sort of tiny capsule. there was a little bit of purple power inside, but it was too small to do anything. Yet it was still upsetting the Negati to the point where they hissed at their master when he went to touch the power with his dainty fingers. apparently whatever this was.. it was dangerous. He should keep hold of this just incase. He dropped the capsule into one of his mini negtai portals, and his Negtai calmed down once it was gone. There was no sign of a weapon that made that Bang sound earlier- so Lance deduced that whoever was here before had taken it with them. At least most of the excitement was over.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" !!
The Sound of the girl's scream rang throughout the mindscape as the Negati master made no Haste to head towards the sound As quickly as possible. For some strange reason he couldn't access a bout tunnel.. so he had to make it there on his own accord... He just hoped he wasn't too late.
------- Rosie nearly fell over from shock as a Gigantic Wolf creature was staring down at her with a menacing look in its eyes. The Negati that were once chasing her had tried to defend the child, but were easily swatted away and dispersed back to their realm by the wolf... Leaving Rosie alone to fend for herself. Rosie actually liked dogs, but something about this one in particular really rattled her.. especially with it's pure purple eyes Staring down at her with obvious malicious intent.. Oh if only she hadn't accidently run into it- But with whatever those little black floaty things chasing her, Of course she wasn't paying attention! Rosie frantically glanced around for any means of escape as The Wolf Crept closer to her bearing it's toothy fangs. Looks like the only was out was back from once she came.. With her hands gripping onto the glowing mindcores in her hoodie pockets, She made a break for it. The wolf didn't hesitate to give chase as she tried to return to the road. But that wasn't meant to be as the edges of the ground broke off and separated! Now Rosie and the beast were ontop of some sort of floating island- Making her absolutely trapped with the creature. Taking advantage of the girl's discombobulation from the ascent into the air- The Wolf jumped infront of her, Knocking her over with the sheer force of the landing. The Little mindcores in her pockets tumbled out from the fall and laid right before the trembling child.. too tired and frightened to move and grab them. The sight of the looming figure of the wolf kept her stuck in place..
Lance had just made it over to where they were when he saw the scene before him. What was going on!? He immediately raised his arm to form an engery link- commanding the mindscaper to cease their attacks- but something was wrong. He.. He couldn't get through to them!? No matter how hard he tried, the Negati master couldn't reach or hear the Mindscaper, let alone command them. He couldn't stop him.
The Wolf gave a Loud toothy Snarl as it stood over the girl and the little glowing orbs, Each pulsing a brighter glow as every second passed.. The girl shut her eyes tightly as she knew what was going to happen next.. "NO!" Lance desperately called as he Dove towards the two, sending his hair tentacles to attempt to pull the girl out of the way of the out-of control hound. No- no no no no NO!
He wouldn't make it in time-! ..... ..... .....
Suddenly Lance felt a bit of his power leave him that very moment...
As if like clockwork, A Bright Flash soon covered the entire area for a split second, And then the next thing to be seen was the Wolf monster slamming into the ground away from the child.
As Lance turned to see what could've been responsible for sending the wolf flying.. He saw a Large pantherlike being rivaling the size of the wolf itself standing over Rosie in a protective manner.
It was completely made out of energy.. and had a galaxy aesthetic to it.. except that it was completely light green aside from some purple embroidery highlights that looked similar to that of Lance himself. But the most defining feature, was the mindcore in it's chest, now glowing a steady green color a little darker than it's entire body.
" .... Bass..?"
Rosie looked up to the feline and quietly whispered his name.. before she completely passed out.
The Energy Feline's eyes softened a little as it looked down to the girl, before completely doing a 180 and becoming silted When he turned to the wolf getting back up. His fur stood on end as it hissed at the wolf with great passion..
Looks like there's gonna be a fight.
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