#(( People can end up having similar ideas before they ever even meet. ))
ozzgin · 10 months
Girl I love Daitou but I'm ngl I need more of Yazuya😭 if you can, can you write headcanons about him please? I'd appreciate it thank you <3
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader Headcanons
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Ultimate dating guide and palate cleanser featuring the gangster boys (Kazuya and Daitou). For those that have been left hanging for proper romance.
Content: gender neutral reader, mildly NSFW
Tags: @swagbucksjester @lucienbarkbark @moonieper @nu-vino @vee-love @tamaki-simp @pinkazelma
[Yakuza Masterlist]
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Kazuya was raised in a brothel, surrounded by women, so he is much more knowledgeable than the average man when it comes to feminine matters. Similar to someone who grew up having sisters, you can talk to him about anything and everything and not only will he be empathetic towards your problems, but he might offer tips and tricks you didn’t even know about. Not too shocking when he’s already heard multiple variations of whatever is bothering you.
The downside to his upbringing is that intercourse has always felt terribly transactional to him. He has a hard time associating it with intimate relationships. He will flirt a lot with you, but despite all the sexual innuendos, he won’t actually do anything until later in the relationship. He struggles with the irrational worry that sex will somehow taint the quality of your bond, making it feel cheap. Dating you has helped him realize that such things can be done out of love as well.
He is extremely affectionate and well mannered when dealing with you. Which may sometimes cause you to forget there’s a reason him and Daitou are good friends. While he isn’t as ill-tempered as his younger self, it doesn’t take much to anger him still. It’s a rare occurrence for you to witness it, but when he has it out for someone, he nearly matches Daitou in ruthlessness. He's very prideful and protective and will not hesitate to crush whoever challenges him or messes with you.
If you have a group of (girl)friends, you can confidently bring him with you with the only risk being that he’ll steal your spotlight. He can charismatically slide his way into any kind of conversation and you can hardly believe that this is the same man cracking gross jokes over his latest murder to his fellow criminal buddies. You might consider him a social chameleon, having no trouble adapting to any environment.
Smokes like a chimney and you have to slap the cigarette out of his hand sometimes because he’ll just light one up anywhere (including your bedroom).
Now this one is for the ones that are into it: God forbid you accidentally call him Daddy because he’ll ride that high until the end of time. He loves the idea and will tease about it with every opportunity. “Terrible weather today. Should Daddy drive you to work instead?”, or “Is that any way to talk to Daddy?” for when you’re out in public.
One neat detail about being with Daitou is that you get to see a lot of things you took for granted in a new light. Whatever you assumed was a common experience for everyone, like having a picnic or going to the amusement park, is utterly foreign to him. He was raised by the Yakuza and barely interacted with anyone before meeting Kazuya; civilian past times were never presented to him. So you get to witness his shocked and delighted expression as he tries all these things with you.
Thankfully you don’t have to worry about teaching him the…intimate aspects of a relationship. Kazuya has that covered. And Daitou seems to be a rather fast learner, because he’s incredibly gentle and careful with you. Part of it is due to his own fear of messing it up. He’s only ever been good at breaking and killing people. Despite that, he loves you so much. He has to be the best boyfriend for your sake. Surely these hands of his can do more than just damage.
He might actually be a little too eager to learn the ropes. More than once you’ve walked in on him reading a graphic manga and nearly choked, mumbling an apology for interrupting his…activity. He’ll look at you with a confused expression, completely unbothered and wondering why you’re so embarrassed. He was flipping through the pages for ideas, given he’s never had any kind of experience himself. Ah. That explains the random kinky gestures he’s started doing without shame or doubt. You’ll have to do some tweaking in the near future.
This may come as a surprise, but Daitou is exceptionally good at household chores like cleaning and cooking. Registering with the Yakuza involves a mandatory apprenticeship of several years where you do menial tasks for your higher ups. Additionally, the time he served in jail has left him with a lot of discipline and organization. Somewhere between adorable and comical is how you’d describe the sight of him kneeling on the floor and carefully folding the kitchen towels while waiting for the stew to simmer.
Daitou isn’t exactly what you’d traditionally call jealous. His only frame of reference is Boss, thus he will treat you with the same kind of loyalty and dedication. You wouldn’t expect a mere nobody to walk up to the Head of the Family, so anyone approaching you will, similarly, be violently kept away until their intentions are clear. You are his most prized possession, after all. He’d do anything for you.
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crudemachine · 1 month
blossoming adoration. (xiangli yao x rover!reader)
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xiangli yao doesn’t pride himself on his intelligence. in fact, he doesn’t like it when other people treat him differently because of it. he’s the principal investigator of huaxu academy, that much is obvious, but he never demands any kind of special treatment for it. always so humble and gentle with everything he does, it's no wonder a lot of his colleagues admire him.
outside of his duties at the academy, xiangli yao is also the caretaker of the moontree lodge during the moon-chasing festival. however, he doesn’t want to take the credit for his own hardwork either. the smiles he gets to witness and the laughs that he’s fortunate to hear whenever he's able to fulfill someone’s wish are enough for him, he says. luckily, nobody else (aside from you) knows about this side hustle of his. most people have seen xiang-lee and patty but never him.
yes, he’s content with that. content with working behind the scenes.
so why is it different with you?
why does he get this sudden urge to show off his prowess in front of you?
when he showed you one of xiang-lee’s features, you immediately patted the floating robot’s head, much to his surprise. feeling flustered by the idea of you patting his head, he splutters. you manage to catch the ever so composed xiangli yao by surprise, what a feat.
“sorry, i couldn’t help it…” you chuckle awkwardly as you apologize, unsure if you offended him or not.
“ahem, it’s fine.” coughing into his hand, he feels his cheeks heat up. out of all the things he expects you to do, he didn't expect that one.
internally chastising himself, he finally regains his composure. xiangli yao looks at the screen in front of him while your radiant self looks back at him (well, at xiang-lee actually) with a smile, waiting for further instructions from his end. something about you draws him in. maybe it's your kindness? your humility? or maybe it's something else entirely. he can't draw concrete conclusions for now.
similar to the countless scientific theses he has studied, each individual is a complex enigma to him, you included. he wants to unravel the mystery that is you, but there's also something within his chest that threatens to swallow him whole. it's much more foreign than anything he has felt before.
the value of human connection has never been lost on him, and so he welcomes it.
even though he's hesitant to act on these newfound feelings of his (for now), he can’t help but stare at you for a few more seconds nonetheless. your eyes are captivating; your eyelashes accentuating them even more, he notes.
he thinks he can look at you forever.
he shakes off the thought hastily.
“hello? sol-3 to xiangli yao? are you there?” you wave your hand in front of xiang-lee.
“oh! yes, i am. the connection was unstable for a bit so i fixed it. i apologize if i worried you.” a little white lie here and there never hurt anybody sometimes, right? you don’t need to know how he’s acting like a school boy with a crush over you. not now, at least.
“good, i thought i lost you there for a moment.” you breath a sigh of relief.
maybe the next time you and him meet up again he should put a petal or a leaf on his head. will you remove it and pat his head the way that you did with xiang-lee then?
somehow, he finds himself entertaining that thought, fondly smiling to himself unknowingly.
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note: HES SO CUTE GUYS.......... i love he.................. xiangli yao the shoujo man that you are........
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sunsetkerr · 7 months
JESSIE'S BABY | j. fleming
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summary: a brief introduction to 'baby' and her relationship with jessie
pairing: fem!reader x jessie fleming
notes: first piece for baby!!!!!!!! she's so much fun and I can't wait to write more for her and jessie, because she is just a joy. big sorority girl on campus, our queen, our leader, our baby.
jessie never thought that she would get entangled with a sorority girl
but... spoiler!!! then you came along
jessie majored in materials engineering and environmental science
right she considered herself a total nerd in that retrospect
but she just finds it all so interesting!!!
so one day she meets a girl in one of her classes who is a sister of one of the UCLA sororities
her name is nina
they hit it off, it's great
jessie has finally made a close friend at college
so after a few months of them being friends, jessie is finally invited to the sorority house for a party
and she is NOT having it
she doesn't like to party
she doesn't like to hold eye contact for more than five seconds
and she hates talking to strangers
but after lots of begging
jessie admits defeat and comes along
she spent hours getting ready and deciding on what she should wear in front of a bunch of sorority girls
something pink? or is that too cliche
she ended up going with the first outfit she tried on
a UCLA athletics t-shirt and some jeans 
shes so insecure and not loving life
jessie has to hype herself up to even leave her dorm room and travel 
and then when she gets there and sees people everywhere she calls Nina low-key freaking out
like please come get me im too scared to come inside alone vibes
nina comes out with a gaggle of other girls following her
jessie is still on edge but feeling more calm as she meets all of these girls she was with
they seemed nice enough and they instantly invited her inside to play beer pong with them
they head inside and jessie realises that it was 10x more crazy inside than it was on the front lawn
she is shoving her way through the crowd as politely as she can without losing the group of girls in front of her
but jessie eventually is cut off by a guy chasing his friend with a beer and loses the group
shes left alone in this big sorority house with no idea where she is
jessie gets out her phone to try and call Nina again, but before she can a voice interrupts
"I love your jeans!"
she looks up and came face to face with the closest thing she thinks she will ever see to a god
you were standing there, a pink dress on to match the decor and your hair and makeup done perfectly
jessie is at a stand still
she doesn't know what to do or what to say
completely taken back by you
"I was looking at buying a similar pair last week, where did you get yours from?"
you finally look up at meet her eyes, and jessie didn't think she could fall more in love with someone
but she did
she finally managed to stutter out 'th-they're from a store in Canada.. encircled, I think"
and then you respond with some long-winded sentence about how you've never been to canda but would have always loved to
and about your jeans
and about her jeans and how much you like them
and about the party and if she's enjoying it
jessie's glad that you take the reins on the conversation because she was still too busy trying to recollect herself after making eye contact with you
she doesn't know how it happens
and maybe it's because you're so outgoing you don't even notice how awkward she's being
but you spend the entire night together
jessie ends up telling you that she knows nina
you tell her that nina just happens to be your roommate
you talk about her degree, she asks about yours
she finally works up the courage to say that she likes your dress
the look on your face was so genuine people could have thought that you have never been complemented before
you really were so beautiful, the most radiant person she had ever seen
jessie watched in awe the entire night as you floated around the house, dragging her along in tow
you never failed to introduce her to anyone
"this is my new friend, jessie" "jessie's from Canada" "jessie is on the soccer team, she's really good too" 
the way you complemented her even though you had never even seen her on the pitch made her heart flutter
you ended up inviting jessie to crash in your dorm at the end of the night
but she got too shy, saying she was happy to walk back to her dorm
so you walked back with her
you were the most fearless person that she had ever met
so ready to talk to anyone about anything
too friendly for your own good
too kind and too beautiful
it was almost unfair really
you both became fast friends after that night
you took jessie's phone one night and put your number in it
you texted every day since
the first soccer game that she played after meeting you, you were there in the stands cheering her on
possibly one of the loudest people there
you managed to get everyone chanting for jessie after she scored in the second half
you had this natural affinity for talking to people and making connections
she envied you in that retrospect
you were convinced that jessie had the same effect on people
she just didn't believe you really
you both would spend time studying talking in the library together
back and forth between each others dorm rooms
your sisters joked that jessie would need to pledge if she kept spending so much time at the sorority
jessie knew that she liked girls, had never ever told anyone about it
it was her biggest secret
but she knew that she loved you
you were so different to any other girl that she had laid eyes on
you made existing easier
jessie’s teammates started to notice the difference in her too
she had never been a loud or cocky teammate
but since you started coming to games she found that little bit of extra faith in herself
she scored more, played better and showed off a little more
they chalked it up to you bringing her out of her shell
people were confused by your friendship at first
future sorority president best friends with a engineering major???? unheard of really
but it soon became clear that you guys were a package deal
you were invited to a party? Jessie was coming
jessie had a bonfire with her teammates? it was assumed that you would be bringing marshmallows to toast come sunset
you both were rarely seen without the other
and that became your new normal
you had never spoken to jessie about any guys that you were interested in, but had never mentioned any girls either
so she wasn't sure for ages what your sexuality was
but when you organised a pride parade on campus and showed up with two little flags painted on your cheeks- she finally got that confirmation.
and it was as you painted two little flags of her own colours onto her face that she went for it
jessie fleming kissed you
little shy awkward nerdy jessie just came out and kissed you
I mean.. you weren't complaining
afterwards she was an apologetic mess
"oh my god, I'm so sorry" "that was so not okay of me" "I totally crossed a boundary there" "I am so so sorry" "I'll go"
but when you grabbed her face and told her to "shut up, fleming" and kissed her again it was like everything just kinda made sense?
jessie had never been more content in her life
no goal, or win, or trophy could ever top that first kiss with you
you were her baby, completely untouchable
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wntrs0ldier · 9 months
pairing: mob!bucky x reader words: 3,4k warnings: mafia, language, violence, mature themes, dark themes, smut, punishing, spanking, edging, toxic behavior,
Bucky brought his hand up to your face. “You know I won’t hurt you,” he said. His hand slid a little lower; it gripped your jaw, and his fingers dug almost painfully into your cheeks. “But,” he licked his lips, shrugging, “you lied to me. And you won't get away with it.”
series masterlist
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The situation you got yourself into was strikingly similar to your last date with John Walker — you were sitting in a fancy restaurant, trying not to show how much you needed some man's favor. There were also a few differences; seated in front of you was not John, but Adrian Lancy, it was not about a marriage proposal and your future, but the future of your gallery, and most importantly, Bucky had no idea about any of this. Although, he knew you were going out — he would have noticed your disappearance anyway — but you told him you were having dinner with Connie. You didn't think Bucky would want to make sure that was really the case, but you preferred to be safe than sorry, and asked your friend to lie if necessary. Connie didn't even think about it; she agreed before you finished your sentence.
Earlier, you didn't see Adrian as a threat — he didn't seem like someone who would go too far to get his way. Nevertheless, you were all smiles between the meals. Why? Because facing the fact that you had a husband, rather than just imagining it, caused some unexplained change in him, and from a sensible young man you were pinning your hopes on, he became someone gripped by a obsession; his propositions for meetings sounded a little more aggressive, lost their previous lightness, and you eventually grew afraid. Not about yourself — whenever the ring on your finger entered your field of vision, you forgot about any fear. It seemed to you that no one could hurt you, not when you bore the name of Barnes. 
But the gallery was different.
“I'm going to Paris soon,” Adrian began. “On business, of course, not for pleasure,” he added, as if you were to take him for a man who has nothing to do but travel. 
“I thought you could come with me,” he continued. Surprised by the processes that must have occurred in his mind, you raised your eyebrows. “You know about art,” he hurried to clarify, “and I'd love to buy some pieces for my new apartment. I will pay you for this service.”
“You know that there are people you can actually hire for this. People you won't spend that much on.” You tilted your head to the side, watching him carefully. “Because I am expensive. Very expensive,” you said, hoping to discourage him. 
“I want you.”
“Adrian…” you sighed. “I can't come to Paris with you just like that.” 
Not hiding his disappointment, he pressed his lips tightly together. “Well,” he shrugged casually, “if you don't go with me, you won't see any more of my money. And I'll make sure that no one will ever invest in you again. In short, I will destroy you, Y/N. So you'd better think it over and give me an answer by the end of the week.”
Refusing to let any negative expression cast a shadow on your face, you watched him. You couldn't give him the satisfaction, even if, when agreeing to this meeting, you didn't expect it to turn out this way. The change you feared earlier had just taken a full turn — much faster than you thought. “Sure.” You forced a sweet smile. “I’ll think about it.”
A waiter appeared at the table. At first you thought it was just a routine check; that he was making sure you weren't missing anything. Only after you gave him a little more conscious attention did you notice a bottle of wine in his hands. A very expensive bottle. As if Adrian wanted to let you know that he had the resources you needed, and that he was spending his fortune on something as unnecessary as wine, which was only meant to impress.
But Adrian seemed confused, too. “There must be some mistake. I didn’t order any wine.” 
“I was told it is from Mr. Barnes.”You sucked in a sharp breath, feeling an unpleasant warmth spilling all over your stomach. You stared at the bottle in a stupor. So he knew — Bucky knew very well where you were, which meant he also knew who you were with.
You weren't sure how long you had been standing in front of the door to your apartment, but eventually realized that such behavior qualified as absurd — the accompanying fear, that you had been convinced you lacked only a few hours earlier, was undoubtedly irrational. Or at least that's what you had to trick yourself into thinking in order to finally grab the door handle. 
You hung up your purse on a hanger and slipped the high heels off your feet. You were able to name at least five much scarier situations that had occurred in your entire life, yet you couldn't recall the last time you felt this kind of anxiety. You didn't even understand where it was coming from; after all, Bucky cared about you; he couldn't harm you. 
When you turned around, ready to go deeper into the apartment, Bucky was standing at the end of the hall, right by the exit. His damp hair, loose t-shirt and sweatpants, fresh wounds on his knuckles indicated that he must have been after training with Steve. You swallowed hard at the thought that Bucky, having found out where and with whom you were actually spending time, needed to beat something, in this case, fortunately, a punching bag.
“Was it good?” Bucky asked, approaching you slowly. “The wine,” he clarified. Without taking your eyes off him, you nodded cautiously, causing him to squint. “What is it?” His mouth curved into a playful smirk. “You’re not scared, are you?” 
“I can’t really tell…”
Bucky brought his hand up to your face. “You know I won’t hurt you,” he said. His hand slid a little lower; it gripped your jaw, and his fingers dug almost painfully into your cheeks. “But,” he licked his lips, shrugging, “you lied to me. And you won't get away with it.”
You gawked at him — at the stern expression on his face, at his darkened eyes and reddened, slightly parted mouth. Whatever he intended, you could feel yourself getting wet.
He grabbed your wrist; it ached from the power of the pressure Bucky wielded, but the feeling only intensified the sensation. He dragged you behind him, and you almost tripped over your own feet — he wasn't walking that fast; it was your limbs that seemed frail and numb. 
“Bed,” Bucky commanded as soon as you reached the bedroom. Massaging your sore wrist by instinct, you went in that direction, your steps wobbly. You settled on the middle of the mattress. Bucky came closer. “Turn around.” 
Captivated by his massive, heavy frame, under which you hoped you were about to end up, fascinated by the calmness and dominance he radiated, you couldn’t stop looking at him. 
“Turn around,” he said again, much slower than before. “I’m not gonna ask you again.” 
Your mouth went dry. Finally obeying his order — not in fear of the consequences, but looking forward to further development of the situation — you turned around. Bucky placed his hand between your shoulder blades and with pressure forced you to lean forward; so you landed on your knees, additionally supporting your hands on the mattress. 
He lifted your dress above your hips, a quiet snort escaped his mouth. “You fucking kidding me?” Bucky clicked his tongue disapprovingly, shaking his head, hooking his fingers under the hems of the lace pants you were wearing. He pulled the material lower, completely exposing your ass, sending a wave of heat over your entire body. 
You got up one knee first, then the other, making it easier for Bucky to strip you of your underwear. Then, he grabbed a piece of your dress and pulled you to him; as your hands detached from the mattress, he reached for them and tied tightly with your pants. The fabric, digging into your wrists, turned out to give you a surprising amount of pleasure.
Bucky pushed you forward again, this time far harder. Deprived of the possibility to support yourself, the front of your body fell on the bed, while your ass still remained up. All you could do was turn your head to the side — other than that, you were completely helpless, dependent on his mercy.
It seemed, however, that he didn't have any for you. You realized this when you felt a sharp, piercing pain, accompanied by a loud clap — Bucky’s hand landed on your ass cheek, and it landed hard. Shocked by this new and unfamiliar sensation, you shouted, your eyes filled with tears. 
Bucky spanked you again. Your body trembled, and only a muffled gasp came out of your mouth this time. 
Another slap — you felt your skin burning and stinging in that spot, getting more and more tender; you were painfully aware of this as his hand, once again, smacked your ass rapidly. You moaned, your back arching, your pussy almost dripping, asking to be filled. But that sweet torture was nearly as good. 
“More?” he rasped, breathing heavily. You weren't sure how to respond; he was punishing you, so if you asked for more, would he actually give you what you wanted? And if you refused, would he stop? 
“Y/N,” Bucky pressed. 
“More,” you replied quickly, your voice weak. 
“More what?”
At that moment, your mind wasn't in the best place for the logical, coherent sentences he always expected from you. “I want you to spank me more. Please,” you exhaled.
“You don’t wanna talk, so I’ll make you use your words. Make that pretty mouth of yours work.” 
Bucky fulfilled your request, and you almost jumped up on the mattress, clamped your eyelids shut and let out a loud whine — that one was definitely stronger than the others, causing goosebumps all over your heated body. 
The bed sunk behind you, signaling his arrival. The t-shirt he had thrown off landed silently somewhere on the floor. Your lips parted, releasing a long moan as the tip of his cock brushed hard against your wet, throbbing cunt. He buried into your core painfully slowly and lazily; you felt his hardness spreading inside you, filling all the space you could give him. 
Bucky clenched his hands on your hips and began to thrust into you. The pain radiating from your cheeks mixed with the surging pleasure, creating a combination you could quickly become addicted to. Gasping loudly, he pounded into you again and again; immediately he reached to your head, slipped his fingers into your hair and tightened them there. He turned your head to the side so he could see at least part of your face — the changes taking place on it. He wanted to control your pleasure. Because as you, stimulated by spanking and waiting, began to get closer to an orgasm faster than you could expect, Bucky suddenly stopped. He slid out, leaving behind only emptiness and a devastating lack of satisfaction.
“Jamie, please-” you choked out. 
“Don’t Jamie me,” Bucky replied sternly. He leaned forward, putting the weight of his body on yours. He pulled your head slightly away from the mattress, his mouth hanging right next to your ear. “You lied to me today, Y/N.”
You nodded immediately, ready to agree to everything he wanted. 
“You know that what you did was wrong? Hmm?”
“Yes. Yes, I know. And I'm sorry.”
“I don't want your sorry. I want you to never lie to me again. You are my wife and I won't have it, do you understand?” he said, the words seeping out through his teeth. 
“I understand, but please-”
Bucky clenched his fingers harder in your hair. “Promise me.”
“I promise.”
“You promise what, Y/N?” he inquired impatiently, although at that moment it seemed like he had all the time in the world.
Taking another deep breath, you gathered the strength and all the concentration you had in you to say those few words he cared so much about. “I-I promise to never lie to you again.”
Bucky moved slightly away, left a kiss on the nape of your neck, then straightened up. He entered you again, and again you felt that blissful fullness. At first you got the impression that he was still fucking some discipline into you, but the rising sensations made you think that he was actually rewarding you for understanding your mistake and promising to do better.
In that position — with your hips up — his dick quickly found the right spot and hit exactly where it needed to. Wet, well lubricated with all your juices, it was sliding in and out smoothly, bringing you more rapture than you could beg for. With loud, desperate cries, you were praying to your god, taking his name in vain — the one who was just fucking you senseless. Because Bucky couldn’t be just a human; he was too perfect, too beautiful, too merciful as he forgave your sins. 
You clenched around his cock, your eyes rolled back as consciousness left your mind. Apart from the overwhelming release, you also felt Bucky's load spilling into you; he, too — with a few last thrusts — let out a few whimpers, crowned by a throaty growl, and his body slumped against yours. His chest, pressed to your back, rose and fell as he tried to normalize his breathing. He pulled away from you to free your wrists as quickly as possible; your hands dropped lifelessly, too weak and too useless.
“Let’s clean you up, hmm?” Bucky suggested; surprisingly gently for the man he was just a moment ago. 
“I want to stay here,” you muttered with half of your face still in the bed sheets. Once again you felt his body pressing against yours as laid a tender kiss behind your ear.
You woke up to an empty bed. 
Your sore body covered with a blanket, the curtains closed. The watch on the nightstand said four in the morning. 
The urgent need to use the toilet dissuaded you from further sleep. You didn't feel fully awake until you were in the shower — as the warm water washed over your body, you wondered where Bucky had gone at such an early hour. You hoped that three months of hard work in Italy would give him some more space here in New York.
You got out of the shower, removed the remnants of your makeup, brushed your teeth, then returned to the bedroom. Curiosity was stronger than tiredness, besides, you felt rested enough, maybe even too awake for any more sleep. You put on one of Bucky's t-shirts, rummaged from his side of the closet, and left the room. You didn't have to search for long — the warm glow pouring out of the living room immediately caught your attention.
Bucky was sitting on the couch — under the light of the lamp standing over him, he was looking through some papers scattered on the coffee table. Full concentration on his face, marked by a deep wrinkle between his brows.
“What are you doing?” you spoke. 
He glanced up at the sound of your voice. “Checking the account statements from Sapphire Dune and Marble Aurora.” Rubbing his eye, Bucky sighed with clear tiredness. 
Your forehead creased as the names of your father’s casinos rang in your ears. You haven't thought about them once lately, so you wouldn't expect it from Bucky either. On the other hand, your Family's affairs were now his concern. 
With your arms folded across your chest, you walked closer to the couch and peeked at the documents. “Something wrong with them..?”
“No,” he assured, smiling softly. “They’re doing really… decently.” 
“So maybe I should stick to them…” you murmured. 
Bucky raised his eyebrows, watching you with a surprise. He reached out his hand to you in an inviting gesture. You took it and sat down right next to him; so close that your thighs touched. He didn’t say a word, waiting for you to tell him everything that was bothering you.
“I lied to you earlier too,” you confessed. “I lied that I don’t need money. And it’s not like I have to close the gallery in a week or something, but…” You gasped. “Some funding is always useful. And Adrian seemed like the perfect sponsor until-” you hesitated, shrugging. “But now he is acting weirder than ever and-”
“Did he do something to you?” Bucky asked right away, interrupting you.
“No, he didn’t,” you protested. “A couple hours ago, he offered me a trip to Paris,” you began, and Bucky’s forehead furrowed at those words. “He said no one will ever invest in the gallery again if I turn him down. And I can't afford it, I can't ask for your money, because I want to make money, not take it out of the house-”
“Y/N, you make money,” Bucky claimed, demonstratively lifting one of the papers. “It's all here,” he added, his brows drew together. “Besides, is using my — our — money really worse than selling your time to this fucking creep?” 
Feeling more and more resigned, you let out a heavy breath. “Bucky…”
“You don't like him, you don't feel comfortable around him, the business isn't going as you would like it to. Or am I wrong?” He was looking at you expectantly, although he didn't actually need any confirmation — he saw the answer written all over your face. He touched your cheeks, his fingers spread on your skin, his thumbs caressing your cheekbones. “You are my wife, and it is my job to take care of you. You have to let me do exactly that, Y/N.” 
Staring relentlessly into his eyes, filled with sincerity and concern, you took his hand off your face and placed a tender kiss inside it, brushing your lips over the scar there; the scar bonding you forever. “Okay,” you whispered. 
You pulled your legs up onto the couch and snuggled into his side. Bucky put his arm around you and rested his cheek on the top of your head. 
A silence settled in, filled only with your peaceful breathing — it didn't bother you or Bucky, since neither of you felt the need to break it. You thought it would be much more difficult; that you would need far more time to get used to him, especially after his last absence. But having a huge couch with plenty of space to occupy, you decided to deprive yourself of whatever space there was.
“Are you going to elaborate, in any way, on what you did to me earlier..?”
“Elaborate…” Bucky repeated. He exhaled, blowing some of the air out of his lungs, then rested his head on the back of the couch and stared at the ceiling for a moment. “I've wanted to do it since that night when I saw you in that little nightgown of yours.” He raised his brow. “And that's about it.” 
You sat up straight, your eyes on Bucky’s face. “That night?” you asked in disbelief. “As a punishment for what?”
A corner of his mouth lifted. “Did it really feel like a punishment to you?” 
Even if you were able to answer him without hesitation, you looked away to think about it. Or pretend to think about it. You bit your lip.
“Did it feel good..?” Bucky inquired, his tone gentle and careful. 
You nodded slowly. “Yeah. Very good,” you said, not sure if you should really admit it. “We can do it more often,” you suggested, and Bucky’s eyebrows rose instantly. Taken slightly aback, he peered at you with sudden liveliness, his eyes sparked with fascination that struck him like a speeding train. “What?” you laughed softly, but then understood something — you always sensed a gentle restraint in him, keeping him in check; the chains holding him down. Now, you were able to hear them break. Was it you who destroyed them? Your innocent permission?
Bucky smirked, shaking his head, letting you know he wasn’t going to be too harsh on you. But as harsh as you’d allow him to be. 
He leaned forward, putting his forearms on his knees, and reached for one of the papers so he could return to analyzing the documents. You clung to his back, placing your chin on his shoulder blade. He immediately located his free hand on your arm, wrapped around his torso. 
“Go back to bed,” he said, his eyes still focused on the statements. 
“Am I disturbing you?”
“No, of course not,” Bucky assured right away, “but aren’t you tired, sunshine?” He turned his head as far as he could to glance at you at least from the corner of his eye. Taking the opportunity, you stretched out further, to reach his face, and planted a few quick but tender pecks on his cheek, making him laugh softly.
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a/n: feel free to share your thoughts, they are more than welcomed 🥰
taglist: @goldensunflowe-r @nefri-black @vickie5446 @learisa @sjsmith56 @aya-fay @hhiggs @wishingwell-2 @buckysgirl01 @emily-roberts @prettylittlepluviophile @leaaa008 @itvy5601 @melsunshine @pattiemac1 @marvel-fandom23 @rabbitrabbit12321 @xsecretsirenx @heyyitsreign @xhollycowx @samfreakingwinchester @thrnlvr @samjuarezzz @loustan90 @kandis-mom @abaker74 @gabshouse @casa-boiardi @globetrotter28 @fand0mskullfa1ry @iateall-yourcookies @swordofawriter @theroyalmanatee @midnightvitality @thebuckybarnesvault @milanaasblog @itsmytimetoodream @talesofadragon @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @bbiaa420 @funkybarnes @sebastians-love @walkingwithoutreason @hereticdance @abitofblues @purple-vegan @queenashen @oqueano @yourdryadwife @lethallyprotected @abbyyourlocalmilf @sapphirebarnes @matchat3a
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bamboobooshark · 1 month
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‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🧸 ⋅ ˚✮ SQUISHY (2) : 1K WRDS
A/N : So turns out a LOT of people liked the first part of this mini-series, so here’s part two! If this one gets similar feedback to part one, I’ll make a part three. If not, this will probably be the end of this mini-series. Hope all of you kiddos love it just as much as the first one!! <3
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You nod your head at Logan’s suggestion of breakfast. He lets out a content huff and nods gently, just as you did. You giggle softly at his mockery of your actions, holding your stuffed animal to your face. Logan sighs and pulls your toy down. “You can’t eat if you have your little friend covering your mouth, bub,” he says in a playfully stern voice. You pout at his words, crossing the plushie to your chest. “Don’t say that! You might make them sad,” you tell Logan while frowning slightly. He returns the pitiful look before pulling you up to his arms. “Aw. I’m sorry, kid. I promise I won’t be mean to your friend anymore, okay,” he assures you softly. You nod your head against his chest.
He pulls back from you and kisses each of your cheeks, then gives your stuffed animal a kiss as an apology. Your stomach growls, and Logan raises his eyebrows in amusement. “Sounds like you’re hungry, bub. Let’s get you to the kitchen,” he chuckles as he scoops you into his arms, unable to be affected by your weight due to his superhuman strength. You hum in compliance as you snuggle against his chest, your stuffie still gripped in your hand. 
Logan tries his best to be careful as he carries you down the stairs. His steps are slow and cautious, not wanting to drop the precious cargo he carries in his arms. “We’re halfway there. Just a little longer,” he promises, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He counts down from three to one each time he goes down a step. Though it can be repetitive and annoying, he never knows if you’ll ever get scared or want to walk down the stairs yourself. He tries his best to be a good dad for you. Even if that means being more cautious than most.
He eventually gets you downstairs and sets you down on the couch. You whine softly as he starts to walk away, but he turns around and smiles at you. “Calm down, kid. I’m getting you a blanket so you don’t freeze to death,” he informs you as he grabs a big fuzzy blanket from the top of his arm chair. He tosses it over to you, only causing another whine from you. “Are you not gonna tuck me in, dada?” you ask with the most pitiful look in your eyes. Logan practically perks up when you ask that. As much as he would hate to admit it, he loves doing you little favors if you ask. Sometimes he’ll purposely not do something just so he can hear you ask for it. "Oh, my god. How could I forget to make sure my sweet little bumblebee is all cozy in their blanket?” he gasps dramatically. He walks over to you and lifts the blanket into his hands. “Let’s get you cozy, kiddo,” he says before he smirks, an idea forming in his head.
“Your tummy is out,” he says in a slightly sing-song voice. Before you can protest, he tenderly runs a palm over your stomach and exhales deeply. “God, that tummy of yours is what keeps me going some days, kid,” he tells you. You can’t do anything but giggle and blush at his gentle touch and affectionate words. He kneels down to meet your face and smiles at you. “I mean it, Bumblebee. You keep me going; your squishy, precious little self,” he reassures you. He didn’t forget to tuck you in, thankfully. He grunts a bit as he gets each corner of the blanket tucked around you, the excess going under you. He puts his hands on his waist and smiles down at you. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me, bub,” he informs you. Before he leaves the kitchen, he grabs the remote for the TV and turns on your favorite cartoon.
You can hear Logan humming a tune to himself as he cooks. The smell of breakfast is exciting and delicious enough to pull your attention away from your cartoon. Despite your curiosity, you stay in the comfort of your fuzzy blanket on the couch. “Dada! What’cha making? It smells really good,” you exclaim excitedly to Logan. “Just the usual,” he lets you know. “In fact, it’s almost done,” he tells you with an sweet tone.
He puts the meal on your favorite kiddy plate, grabbing some child-safe silverware from one of the draws in the kitchen. He walks into the living room with a prideful smile on his face. He carries the food over to you, and you smile at how good it looks. You adjust yourself so you’re sitting with your back against the couch, legs crossed, so you can hold your plate in your lap. “You want me to feed you, or do you want to do it yourself?” he asks you with a cocked brow. You think for a moment while humming. “I wanna do it myself,” you exclaim confidently.
You begin to spoon your food into your mouth, whining a bit when the warm temperature burns your mouth. Logan immediately gets protective of you. “Oh lord. Are you okay, Bumblebee? Did you hurt yourself? What happened?” he asks with concern in his voice. “I’m okay! The food is just a little hot,” you explain sheepishly, blushing over the fact you didn’t think to let your food cool down a bit before you started eating. Logan exhales with relief after you explain what happened. “Alright. I didn’t want you to be hurt,” he tells you. “And before you say anything, I’d still help you if you were hurt. There’s no way I’m letting my kiddo be in pain,” he adds before starting to eat his own food.
The two of you continue to eat breakfast, sitting back and relaxing as you watch your favorite cartoon. Logan wraps an arm around your shoulder to let you snuggle against his middle. His hand rubs up and down your forearm lovingly. His lips press against your forehead every so often. This morning has felt better than anything in the world. No stress. No crying. No problems. Just your papa and you cuddling and spending time together.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Cheering From Heaven
Charles Leclerc x Senna!Driver!Reader
Genre: sad but also fluffy
Request: yep! I hope you like it! I actually cried a little writing it. My requests are still open for like... half the grid at this point. So please send me your ideas, I am begging, don't be shy. :)
Summary: reader never got to meet her father, but thanks him everyday for the racing in her DNA. When she overhears a conversation about her over dramatic celebrations, she becomes more reserved. Charles immediately takes notice and is determined to restore the energy she once had.
Warnings: Talks of death and crashes, not proofread (if I ever proofread call the police because it’s not me someone stole my identity).
Notes: written in second person. For the purpose of this fic, the Ferrari strategists know how to do their job.
Y’all have been giving my fics so much love. Thank you all so much 🥺❤️
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You were the first female driver on the grid. You worked your way up the ranks just like everyone else. Your mother doing her best to support you despite it being just you and her.
She always said you have racing in your blood. Your father died before you could meet him. The fatal accident of Aryton Senna rocked everyone.
Especially your mother, who had just found out she was pregnant with you.
You were determined to continue his legacy. Knowing he was cheering you on from the afterlife.
When you started competing more often and moving up through the stages. You decided to go by your mother's last name. Not wanting your fathers name to have anything to do with how people saw you as a driver.
You wanted to race for him, not because of him. Nepotism in this sport can make or break someone's career.
When you got up to Formula 1, you cried tears of joy. Knowing that your father was looking out for you.
You were relatively accepted among everyone. You and your teammate Charles got along better than anyone could imagine.
Competing and pushing each other, but still remaining close at the end of the day.
What you didn't know was that some on the grid found you annoying.
You had found fast success and with it came rituals. You wanted to cheer loud enough for your father to hear you. Celebrating enough for the both of you.
It hurt having not known him, but you felt like you did at times. Hearing his name still being praised. You’d watched his races on YouTube repeatedly. You knew he would be ecstatic to see you here.
Everywhere else you were very down to earth and chill. On the podium, however, was a different story. There you let everything go, enjoying yourself for those who couldn’t be there with you. It was your ritual and you loved it. Charles found it entertaining despite not understanding it. You worked hard for your success, why shouldn’t you enjoy it?
You were going to run up and join a group of the guys walking and talking after a race one evening. Charles being one of them. You’d grown feelings for him and even if he didn’t return them, having him as a friend was still great.
They didn’t hear you approach, continuing there conversation without remorse.
“I don’t know man, I find her annoying.”
Charles was immediately confused at this. “Annoying? How so? I find her the least annoying out of everyone else.” He chuckled at his own funny remark.
“I agree. She seems very cocky when she wins. Rubbing it in everyone’s faces.”
A course of similar comments and agreements strung from their mouths. You didn’t stay to hear everything, quickly finding your way back to your hotel room.
Charles had left the conversation not long after. Leaving them the group with one last statement before walking off. “Who cares how she celebrates? Anyone that wins wants to enjoy it, so let her have this.”
While you became quieter and more reserved, Charles became more concerned. You weren’t the sunshine everyone enjoyed having around. You weren’t offering soothing words when someone had an off day. It was strange and he didn’t like it. He became determined to help you through it.
Everyone started talking after your next win. You smiled but said nothing. You looked unfazed by the champaign chaos. You were hardly celebrating.
Everyone else assumed your were sick, but Charles had the feeling there was something else at play.
He’d immediately given into his crush on you. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to escape it since you spent tons of time together. If only he could help you through whatever fought patch you were in. Maybe he could get the confidence to ask you out.
It was now time for the Brazilian Grand-Prix. Imola. The track Ayrton Senna lost his life.
You were hoping to win today for him, and you had a good shot at doing so after an amazing qualifying.
In the evening you decided to visit your father’s memorial. The track was clear like the sky. Pink and orange hues shining down in rays. You dropped to your knees, placing the flower you brought in front of the memorial.
“I hope you can forgive me for not cheering loud anymore.” You cried. Failing to notice the footsteps behind you. “Mom says you’d be proud of me. That you would’ve come to every race. I wish I could’ve known you.”
Charles crouch’s next to you. His hand rubbing circles on your back in a soothing manner. He didn’t say anything, just let you talk. He knows how it feels to miss someone.
“I cheer loudly so that he can hear me. I just know he’d be celebrating with me, so I do enough for the both of us.” You confessed, leaning into Charles’ touch.
“I understand.” He guides your face to look at him, gently wiping your tears with his thumb. “Your dad would be proud of you. I am also proud of you.”
No other words needed to be said. You leaned in, your foreheads now touching. Somehow, that did all the talking for you.
The next day brought excitement and anxiety. You and Charles fighting hard to be at the top. You nearly cried when you won. Charles right behind you in second.
When the cars were parked, you jumped into his arms. Adrenaline flooding through your veins. She the interviewer came to ask you about the race, you looked at Charles. Him nodding at you and giving you a thumbs up for reassurance.
“I just want to say that I’m dedicating this win to my father, Ayrton Senna. I hope to continue his legacy.”
Everyone stared at you before the chanting of your name started. The name everyone knew you by now changed.
You were hesitant to celebrate on the podium. Until Charles took your hand in his and yelled at the top of his lungs. Bathing you in the alcohol. So you finally let loose again, the fans screaming with you.
And when you two were alone again, you realized your father had been watching you. He sent you Charles. A soft ‘thank you’ falls from your lips before kissing Charles Champagne covered lips.
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IOTA Reviews: Derision
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Well, here we are. This is the episode you've all been waiting for me to cover. The one people claim is the cream of the crop when it comes to badness, not just for the insane amount of retcons and cases of character assassination, but for how it retroactively makes one of the most criticized parts of the entire show worse by comparison. If you've seen the episode, you know what I'm talking about.
Let's get into the fourteenth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Derision
We start off with Marinette waking up for the day before getting a call from Adrien, who gives one of the clunkiest pieces of exposition I've ever heard on this show, and that's saying something.
Adrien: I was just going to tell you how excited I am that we're meeting at the swimming pool later, and to wake you up just in case you were still sleeping.
Just as she hangs up, Marinette's hands start to tremble, having visions of a locker, hinting at some old memories resurfacing. Just to get this out of the way, but one thing I want to give this episode props for is the way these panic attacks are portrayed. The colors change, the environments warp around, and it gives off a very uneasy feeling. It kind of reminds me of this one episode of The Twilight Zone, “Little Girl Lost”, which used similar visuals to depict the otherworldly atmosphere of another dimension.
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Marinette meets up with Adrien at the local pool, and has another panic attack. Kim and Ondine seem to notice this.
Kim: Woah, Adrien. That must've been some prank you pulled to make Marinette freak out like that. What did you do to her?
Ondine: It's not funny, Kim! Can't you see Marinette's not okay?
Kim: Oh, come on. She always reacts like that when someone pranks her.
Kim then proceeds to tell Adrien and Ondine (and by extension, the audience) about what he means. I'm going to talk a lot about this, so to make things easier for all of us, I'll give you the short version so you have an idea of what happened.
About a year before the events of “Origins”, we see Chloe was bullying Marinette even more than she did before then, constantly pulling sadistic pranks Megan from Drake & Josh would find to be overkill, while making her late to class. To make things worse, none of her teachers believed her and took Chloe's side all the time, giving her detention on the weekends. Mylene, Rose, and Juleka try to help Marinette, but apparently, Chloe orders them to not talk with her before saying that “she'll be there to make Marinette's life a nightmare”.
The only person with the common sense to help out Marinette is Socqueline, that girl from “Jubiliation”. Socqueline learns that Marinette has a crush on Kim, who is even more of a jerk than he was during the first half of Season 1, and when Marinette thinks about asking him out to the swimming pool after school, Socqueline advises Marinette to be careful. Sabrina tips off Chloe to Marinette's plan, so Chloe goes to give Kim advice to pull a prank on Marinette. At the pool, just as Marinette confesses her feelings to Kim, Kim gives her a box full of spiders, causing her to panic and fall backwards into the pool. Chloe films the thing with the intent to make it go viral, but Socqueline stops her plan before she can upload it. Kim doesn't seem to see what he did was wrong, seeing it as a harmless joke as Socqueline tells him to piss off.
It's here that Marinette determines that if she ever has feelings for a boy ever again, she'll need to be super prepared, explaining how much she knows about Adrien and his schedule in later episodes. Chloe then gets Socqueline expelled from school just a few weeks before the end of the school year. Marinette blames herself for what happened, but Socqueline tells her that sometimes, no matter how dire the odds seem, she needs to muster up the courage to fight the good fight.
Oh, and Marinette was almost akumatized by Monarch again, but it's really just an excuse to keep her away while Kim tells the story.
So... let's talk about this flashback. Clocking in at about ten minutes, almost half of the episode's runtime, this is easily the part everyone (myself included) seems to have problems with, for all kinds of reasons. Let's break down each and everything wrong with this flashback.
#1: The Portrayal of Chloe
Surprisingly, this is the least of my problems. Compared to Kim (who I'll get to later), Chloe is mostly in character with how she's usually portrayed by this point in the series. She's egotistical, she orders Sabrina around, she hates Marinette, and throws her father's name around over and over again like it's a boomerang. My feelings on the wasted opportunities with her character aside, this does make sense seeing how this takes place before Season 1.
But there's the problem. This takes place before Season 1, and Chloe does things she never did in Season 1, or any of the other seasons for that matter. She clearly has the teachers and principal doing what she wants, she can boss the other students around (which I'll also get to later), she pulls sadistic practical jokes on Marinette, and even uses her dad's name to get Socqueline expelled. In the show, she doesn't really do any of this. Sure, she can occasionally use her dad's influence to get what she wants (Lady Wifi, Rogercop, Frightningale, Determination), but it was never to this extent. While she also tried to act like she was better than the rest of her peers, barring Sabrina, nobody ever listened to her or took her seriously. Chloe also tended to focus on bullying Marinette, but she didn't do these kinds of practical jokes. Usually, it was either sabotage (Mr. Pigeon, Despair Bear, Gabriel Agreste) or just general name calling, and she picked on other students too (Dark Cupid, Reflekta, Antibug, Sole Crusher, Penalteam, Deflagration).
The point I'm trying to make is why the hell did Chloe stop acting this way? What caused her to stop being as bad as she is here? I get the whole point of this episode is to show how terrible Chloe is, but you're showing off all her bad moments in a flashback and never considering the other things she's done that would be just as effective. Wasn't the main idea behind Chloe's “damnation arc” that she started to change, but went back on her ways and became worse than before? If that's the case, I have to reiterate, why was she even worse in this flashback?
I also have an issue with making the cause of all of Marinette's trauma because of this prank by Chloe. Yes, the prank was terrible, and trust me this isn't me once again going “GRR! CHLOE STAN ANGRY BECAUSE RICH GIRL IS EVIL IN FLASHBACK!”. It's more along the lines of “Really? We're really doing this?”. While I'm glad that after Chloe's betrayal at the end of Season 3, the show is finally considering the idea of making her more than just comic relief as a villain, it feels like a case of too little, too late.
After so many years of making Chloe out to be harmless unless she screams her daddy's name, now you're treating her like a serious threat who traumatized Marinette for life? Chloe is the cause of Marinette's trauma? This is like if the person who killed Bruce Wayne's parents turned out to be a joke character like Egghead or Crazy Quilt. Just because a serious villain does something important to the story, it doesn't automatically make their prior unfunny antics go away.
But my main gripe with the portrayal of Chloe here is that this flashback fails to do something that still hasn't been done in almost five seasons and eight years: Explain just why Chloe hates Marinette so much. Chloe is unusually cruel here, and doesn't even have a reason to torture Marinette like this. Usually, Marinette gets in the way of what she wants, but here? Marinette doesn't do anything to warrant this level of dedication. You would think for a flashback sequence focusing on her and Marinette's history, they would actually explain why Chloe likes to single out Marinette, but they don't. The writers would rather take time out of the episode to remind the audience of why Chloe is the way she is, and why it isn't acceptable, than clarify what Chloe's deal with Marinette is.
Rose: She’s this way because her mother left her when she was young.
Mylene: So did mine, and you don't see me having fun bullying Marinette.
Gee, I wonder if Astruc himself had a part in writing that exchange or not.
If you're willing to acknowledge previous episodes while also discussing how poorly Chloe treats Marinette, it would help if you finally did something to inform the audience about why Chloe likes to torture Marinette in the first place. Did Marinette show Chloe up at a fashion show? Did Marinette impress Chloe's dad one time? Did Marinette just spill coffee on Chloe's shoes? I will take literally anything, no matter how stupid the explanation is, over getting nothing after eight years.
It's also pretty rich that that scene was trying to say that what happened to Chloe doesn't justify her actions when not only do we never get a scene like that pointing out how creepy Marinette obsesing over Adrien was, but later in the episode, Marinette specifically pins all the blame on Chloe in one line.
Marinette: Adrien! I know what's wrong with me! It's not my fault, and it's not your fault, either! It's all Chloe's fault!
So remember kids, just because bad things happen to you, it doesn't excuse your unflattering actions... except when it does, and in that case, it's all the fault of the person who wronged you in the first place.
#2: The Portrayal of Kim
I'll admit, I'm not really the biggest fan of Kim as a character. I don't hate him, but it feels like after Season 2, he just became that guy who really loves to swim, where even characters like Max, Marc, and Nathaniel had more depth to them. This episode however? Yeah, I couldn't stand Kim here.
Just like with Chloe, Kim is sort of in character as the same eccentric dude who has a habit of being insensitive and accidentally upsetting people (Animan, Syren), and I need to emphasize the “sort of”. Just like Chloe, this goes against his characterization in Season 1, where he was shown to be a bully like Chloe was (Lady Wifi, Timetagger, Origins) before later episodes made him a nicer person. However, unlike Chloe, the show sort of tries to retcon Kim's rude behavior to be more in line with his Season 5 self by portraying him as more of a bully who simply isn't aware of how harmful his jokes are, but it doesn't work because of how cruel he seems, and he doesn't have the excuse of knowing how terrible he is like Chloe does.
There's also how easily he goes along with Chloe's prank when she literally insults him and Marinette to his face.
Chloe: I heard Marinette asked you to go with her to the swimming pool.
Kim: Yeah, we’re going swimming together. Cool! 'Cause I love to swim!
Chloe: That’s not why she asked you, dummy!
Kim: It's not? Then, what are we going to do? Chloe: She wants to declare her feelings for you! Kim: For me? But why?
Chloe: Probably because she's utterly ridiculous, and so are you, which makes you two perfect for each other!
Kim: Oh? You think so?
There's not being aware of how insensitive of how you are to others, and then there's not being able to comprehend basic insults. Chloe doesn't even try to give Kim a backhanded compliment or secretly insult him (“You really like swimming, don't you? Good thing you can swim better than you do in class.”). She just calls him a dummy, and Kim still falls for her trick. If you want to have Kim fall for Chloe's plan, don't make her so obviously cruel. For God's sake, you're making the class in the Lila episodes look smart by comparison.
And even after retelling the story, Kim still thinks Chloe highly, not only saying how pretty she is right in front of his girlfriend, but he still thinks the joke was the funniest thing ever. After five seasons, Kim of all people should know about how mean Chloe is, given he was literally kidnapped and brainwashed into serving her while she sided with Hawkmoth (Miracle Queen).
The worst part is that Kim has nothing to do with this story at all. You could literally replace him with any other guy, even a nameless background character with no lines, and nothing would change. Hell, I'd argue it'd be even better as having Marinette be embarrassed in front of some rando would highlight the impact it had on her self-esteem when she tries to go after someone of a higher social class. It would also better justify the spider prank if someone else pulled it because “Darkblade” established that Kim was afraid of spiders.
And if you think I'm talking about Kim after this part, believe me, there's more to this schmuck than meets the eye.
#3: The Way Everyone Just... Lets This All Happen
Look, I get what the episode is trying to go for, narratively, and realistically. Sometimes, teachers and other authority figures just don't do their jobs when someone gets bullied. Hell, I was bullied for years by someone who liked to take advantage of my anger issues, and it wasn't until my last year of middle school that the faculty finally decided to do something about it. I also get that this entire flashback wouldn't happen if the teachers realized how cruel Chloe was and got her expelled. What I don't get is how the flashback portrays anyone who was there as unwilling to do anything to help.
First off, Marinette claims that the reason none of the teachers believed her was because they're all too afraid to stand up to Chloe, since she can call her dad and cost them their jobs, but that's far from the truth. The only time we see anyone actually being afraid of Chloe was when Mr. Damocles went back on refusing to expel Socqueline before Chloe threatened to call her dad and get him fired. Other than that, while we only see Ms. Mendeleiev and Mr. Damocles in this flashback, neither of them really show any signs of being afraid of Chloe. They just go along with what she says, and they don't even try to take Marinette's side. Just like Kim, this would be more understandable if these were different characters who were never shown to be this cruel to Marinette in earlier episodes.
Second, while I can sort of buy the teachers not caring about Marinette, the fact that her classmates don't do anything is another story. We saw Mylene, Rose, and Juleka trying to help Marinette, but right after they talk to her, Chloe just orders them to go away, and it's never explained why. Marinette said the teachers were afraid of Chloe, but does that mean the students are too? Again, later episodes would establish nobody takes Chloe seriously as a bully, so this part of the flashback makes no sense. What changed to make them stop being afraid of Chloe anyway? Once again, if these were a bunch of nameless characters who were more apathetic to Marinette's situation, that would make sense, retroactively showing how much Marinette's friends care for her. Instead, it's like that scene in RWBY where the main characters watch a student being bullied by a racist classmate, and all they do is say “Wow, racism really sucks, huh? Anyway, not our problem.”
Third, you're telling me that Marinette came up with multiple excuses not to go to school even with a few weeks left in the year, and Marinette's parents didn't see anything weird about it? They didn't think that something must be making Marinette want to do anything but go to school? I don't think they were even informed about the situation at school, unless you want to be generous and say they knew Marinette got detention. You can't even make the excuse that it would work if these were different characters, but these are Marinette's parents. You know, the same characters the show portrays as loving and affectionate to their daughter? You're telling me they didn't even think to look into the situation, much less talk to Marinette about school?
The problem with all the other characters in this flashback is in order to make what happens possible, they have to be as apathetic as possible. There's being unaware of a situation or being too afraid to stand up (which is unfortunately something that happens when people bullied sometimes), and then there's just not caring about the bully victim at all. It's ironic how even though a big part of the flashback was to show how awful Chloe was, it unintentionally make everyone else in Marinette's life seem just as cruel to let her suffer like that.
But I know what you're thinking. “What about Socqueline? She was there to help Marinette, so why didn't you mention her?” Well...
#4: Where the Hell Has Socqueline Been All This Time?
Like I mentioned in my “Jubilation” review, Socqueline is yet another unnecessary addition to the already overcrowded cast of characters in this show, and it seemed like this episode was meant to justify her inclusion, but it only raised more questions.
Just to remind you, this flashback establishes that Marinette was constantly bullied by Chloe until a nice girl in glasses stood up for her, and inspired Marinette to be more confident.
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Yeah, this flashback is pretty much the same as Marinette's arc in “Origins” was, only with Socqueline in Alya's place. We get it, writers, Season 1 was good. Constantly repeating stuff like what happened in “Mr. Pigeon 72” isn't going to win you any favors.
This really highlights how pointless of a character Socqueline is, as despite supposedly being a really important person in Marinette's life, Marinette herself never thought to tell anyone about her, and judging from how Marinette described her to Tikki in “Jubilation”, I don't think she even stayed in contact with Socqueline after she was expelled. It's not like left Paris afterwards. All we know is that she went to another school and got a job at a local arts and crafts store, so why did Marinette just stop talking with her? Even with Felix and Zoe, they had the excuse of being in different countries, but you can't say that with Socqueline.
Also, this was something I just realized, but if Mr. Damocles got her expelled, why the hell did Socqueline treat him like he was any other customer at her job, much less compliment him as a principal?
#5: The Handling of Trauma in General, and How This Impacts Marinette as a Character
Like pretty much every other serious issue it tries to tackle, Miraculous Ladybug has always had a poor understanding of mental health. When it comes to portraying characters who struggle with some form of grief of trauma, like Adrien, Felix, Chloe, Zoe, and even Marinette, the responses usually amount to some variation of “Grow a pair and get over it, you big baby!”.
With Felix, Chloe, and Marinette, even if their actions are partially motivated as a response to either losing a loved one, trying to emulate their neglectful parent, or as a defense mechanism to avoid repeating an already traumatic experience, they're all proven to be in the wrong, and it's not to teach a lesson about alternative coping mechanisms or support systems. The show just says that they're automatically wrong for what they do, what causes them to act the way they do is never acknowledged, and instead, we're supposed to just act like they're being jerks for no reason. Compare this to Adrien and Zoe, who both had rough lives losing their mother at a young age or living with an abusive mother respectively, and rather than go into detail how it affected them or how they managed to become decent human beings in spite of it, the show just says that they're nice people, so people like Felix, Chloe, and Marinette have no reason to be mean to others.
This is honestly why I feel like this episode's depiction of mental health and dealing with trauma falls flat. In case you didn't know, I asked my followers who had to deal with some form of trauma to share their experiences and how it compared to what Marinette went through in the episode. For the most part, the common consensus seems to be that while the symptoms of Marinette's trauma and her reactions to it are very believable, a lot of it is contradicted by previous episodes, and it seems like it was only there to do a story about dealing with trauma.
So many episodes across Seasons 1 through 4 show Marinette dealing with Kim and Chloe without really any issue, and she showed no problem with starting relationships with Luka and Cat Noir, to say nothing about Nathaniel's brief crush on her in “The Evillustrator”. If Marinette was so traumatized by this prank, why did she want to go swimming in episodes like “Gorizilla” and “Mr. Pigeon 72”? Why did she bother to help Kim confess to Chloe in “Dark Cupid”? Why did she team up with Chloe to sabotage Kagami in “Animaestro”? Why did she suggest Chloe could change for the better throughout Seasons 2 and 3? Why did she continue to let Chloe and Kim use the Bee and Monkey Miraculous respectively, even after they got them from outside sources? This flashback is desperately trying to tie previous events of the series together together, but it only works if you ignore all the times Marinette has interacted with Kim and Chloe without having a panic attack.
Then there's how the flashback tries to connect this to Marinette memorizing all of Adrien's schedule to make sure he won't hurt her, an obvious attempt to rebuff one of the biggest criticisms of her as a character. Here's why it doesn't work.
First off, the setup doesn't work because while Marinette vows to do a better job getting to know the next person she falls in love with and how, in her words mind you, “He isn't friends with Chloe”. Putting aside the kindness he's shown her in “Origins”, she kind of failed to really consider her choice to pursue him if he stayed friends with Chloe if we're going to believe Chloe traumatized Marinette so much.
It also doesn't really explain the more predatory actions Marinette has taken whenever another girl tries to get close to Adrien (The Bubbler, Volpina, Animaestro, Oni-Chan, Heart Hunter), or how she tries to rig up situations to get closer to him (The Gamer, Gigantitan, Backwarder, Party Crasher, Felix, Psycomedian, Glaciator 2, Simpleman). And that's not even getting into how obsessive she is with him in other areas, like repeatedly playing a commercial he was in (Gorizilla), making a bunch of presents for him in advance (Christmaster), trying to kiss a wax statue of him (The Puppeteer 2), sniffing his pillow (Cat Blanc), or all the other times she's creepily obsessed over him.
But of course, you've probably noticed that I've forgotten to mention one key thing about what this flashback means: You know how Marinette tends to act nervously and stumbles a lot around Adrien when she isn't meticulously documenting his schedule? Yeah, they were essentially panic attacks brought on by her PTSD, and the episode tries to act like Kim did to her wasn't funny afterwards. Here's the problem with this.
You do NOT have the right to act like what happened to Marinette was bad when you were constantly playing her anxiety up for laughs for almost EIGHT YEARS at this point!
In addition to all the other examples I mentioned, we had episodes like “Psycomedian”, which confirmed that the same behavior that this episode is trying to say is connected to her trauma was hilarious to Adrien, as well as “Backwarder”, which thrived on playing up Marinette's anxiety towards Adrien and was said to be one of the funniest episodes of the show to work on by Astruc himself.
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#6: Why This Flashback Is Ultimately Pointless
But above all, the biggest problem I have with this flashback is because of how pointless it is. It's trying to better go into detail about why Marinette acts the way she does around Adrien, but did we really need to do that?
This flashback doesn't really reveal anything that we didn't know already. We know Marinette was bullied by Chloe, we know she was a lot more meek and needed others to stand up for her, and we definitely know that we're not supposed to like Chloe. Adding to my earlier point, if we actually got more insight into the origin of Chloe's obsession with Marinette, that would have at least made this flashback important to watch, but once again, despite being a flashback episode, we learn nothing about the characters that we don't already know.
But this flashback is also meant to explain why Marinette is so hesitant to embrace her new relationship with Adrien when we already got a reason for that last season. The first half of the season has made a big deal about how much her feelings for Adrien cost her the Miraculous, so why not focus on that? This flashback just feels like it's here to give more Marinette angst instead of focusing on the things they've already established. And that's not even getting into what she saw during “Cat Blanc”.
Why couldn't we just have a story about Marinette's own insecurities causing her to doubt she can make her relationship with Adrien work, seeing how poorly things ended with Luka? Have her worry that something could go wrong as a result of her need to overcompensate, or worry that Adrien could betray her. That way, you could have Adrien supporting Marinette in a way that reflects their partnership as Cat Noir and Ladybug respectively.
But no. Instead we have this flashback that's taken me about ten pages to fully dissect. And the worst part is that I still have the rest of the episode to talk about. God help me...
So after Adrien and Ondine explain how this prank could have done a lot of damage to Marinette's psyche, Kim decides to find Marinette, and apologize for being so—Ah, I'm just messing with you guys. After all, that would actually make Kim likable. So what does he say instead?
Kim: Come on! Loosen up, you guys! It's like you can't even speak your mind these days.
Ondine: That doesn't give you permission to hurt other people!
Kim: Whatever! I'm the way I am and I'm fine that way! It's not my fault you guys have no sense of humor!
Yep, rather than having Kim realize the error of his ways and maybe be akumatized out of guilt, Kim just whines about how everyone else is just a humorless pansy these days. The writers pretty much made Kim's motivation boil down to “It's just a prank, bro!”. Even Monarch seems to go along with this, as he refers to Kim as “A free spirit feeling unjustly rejected”, when this was right after he called Chloe the prettiest girl in front of his own girlfriend's face. So Monarch sends his Akuma to Kim's goggles, akumatizing him into Dark Humor. Yes, that's really the name they're going with.
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Dark Humor is a pretty forgettable recolor of Dark Cupid. Other than inverting the red and black color scheme and giving him a targeting scope on his right eye, there's not much else to say other than the incredibly on the nose name they gave him. His powers are sort of like Dark Cupid's, only now, instead of turning people heartless, they now share his soulless brand of “humor”. At least, I think it is. His Alliance power is the Monkey Miraculous's Uproar, but it's not really clarified if he's only using Uproar arrows or not, judging from the use of the rubber ducky that we've seen King Monkey use before.
Marinette and Adrien transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir respectively, but once they meet up, we get the most controversial part of the episode that isn't connected to the flashback scene: Cat Noir gives Dark Humor the beatdown of his life and is about to Cataclysm him, for pulling a bad prank on Marinette a year ago. Yeah, a lot of people have pointed out that Adrien felt a lot of remorse for Cataclysming Monarch earlier in this season, yet here, Cat Noir looks like someone told him that Kim just shot the Pope. For God's sake, writers, you're five seasons in! How hard is it to determine whether or not you want your hero to be okay with killing people or not?
And of course, this bites him in the ass, as Dark Humor stabs Cat Noir with an arrow, not only changing his Cataclysm into something that creates a bunch of balls from his hand, but also making him just as insane as the rest of Dark Humor's victims. You know, I'm this close to starting a “Remember Season 1” counter, because this is just glorified fanservice.
Ladybug tries to summon her Lucky Charm, but is stopped by Dark Humor, so Ladybug transforms back into Marinette, transforms into Ladybug again, and summons her Lucky Charm for real this time, getting... a toilet. Of course, the only way to combat Dark Humor's bad jokes is by using even worse jokes! Genius! Ladybug places the toilet over Dark Humor's head and breaks it along with the goggles, freeing the Akuma.
Ladybug de-evilizes the Akuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage, gives Kim a useless Magical Charm, and Cat Noir apologizes for murdering Kim by saying his emotions got the better of him, which is like saying OJ Simpson and his wife had a minor disagreement.
Kim apologizes to Marinette for traumatizing her, and I guess that's enough for Ondine to forgive him for saying another girl is prettier than her.
After Marinette sort of explains what happened to Adrien, he goes over to tell Chloe to apologize, and we get... this scene.
Adrien: I know about everything that you did to Marinette last year, Chloe. You're going to go and apologize to her and prove to everyone that you can change. I'm sure she'll forgive you.
Chloe: (laughs) Forgive me? What do I care about her forgiveness? I couldn't care less about Dupain-Cheng's feelings! She and the likes of her only exist to suffer for my entertainment. Why bother having power if you can’t use it against those who don’t have any? You’re the one who’s getting things wrong, with your baker girl! You’re a prince! You belong with me, the princess! You’re in this world to shine! To make fun of all the losers who are only good enough to be used as doormats!
Adrien: You're nothing like a princess, Chloe. I supported you. I gave you multiple chances to become a better person. Everyone reached out to you, including Ladybug and Cat Noir when they gave you the Miraculous of the Bee again. But all you ever think about is yourself.
Chloe: And what else IS there to think about? Losers and nobodies? The little bees? The planet?
Adrien: We will never be friends again, Chloe. You and I are done.
Chloe: Traitor.
Okay, first off, “She and the likes of her only exist to suffer for my entertainment.”? That's the line you're going with? She sounds like a dark lord in an RPG game. How is this the closest thing we ever get to an explanation to why Chloe hates Marinette so much?
Second, ignoring the fact that we already had Chloe end her friendship with Adrien last season (Queen Banana), it's pretty weird that this is the breaking point in their friendship. Adrien doesn't mention all the other times she's bullied people or when she sided with Hawkmoth even when he brought up her time as Queen Bee. He saw her being mean to so many people over five seasons, yet only when he learns Chloe did something to his girlfriend that he decides to finally confront her. If we at least got a line where Adrien acknowledged that he essentially enabled Chloe for so long by thinking she could change, that would have at least sort of worked. Instead, he makes it about how she refused to change herself. Dude, you had the chance to stand up to her for years, and you even did so in one episode before you went back on it (Despair Bear). You have nobody to blame but yourself.
Finally, Chloe is pretty out of character here. She's way too calm about ending her friendship with Adrien compared to what happened in “Despair Bear” and “Queen Banana”. You'd think if the writers wanted this to be a big moment of catharsis for the audience, Chloe would at least beg Adrien to stay a little. But no, Chloe brushes it off when it could easily justify her getting worse in later episodes, and even Adrien doesn't even consider how much he thought Chloe's friendship meant to him. Because these writers are dedicated to making sure that any identifiable trait Chloe once had is removed so you have no choice but to hate her.
But hey, at least the episode's over. What did I think of it?
Yeah, it wasn't very good.
I just... what else do you even want me to say here? I spent about ten pages going over why the flashback sequence doesn't work, I've already ranted about Cat Noir trying to kill someone with his Cataclysm in previous episodes (Hack-San, Jubilation), and I think you all know what my feelings on the portrayal of Chloe and Kim are.
I guess I can answer one question you may have: Is this episode worse than either “Penalteam” or “Queen Banana”? Eh, not really. Let me explain.
The problems with “Queen Banana” and “Penalteam” went beyond the treatment of Chloe with the way the stories were handled, with “Queen Banana” being a cheap jab at critics and TV executives while propping up their new character Zoe, and “Penalteam” being an excuse to have a soccer episode while making Cat Noir look like a buffoon right before the finale. Most of the problems with this episode have more to do with how they affect the way we see previous episodes, and why some scenes that were already unfunny are even less funny now.
With this episode, you can at least tell there was some effort being made to tell a more serious story here that went into what made Marinette tick. Yeah, it and the themes of mental health and trauma were handled about as gracefully as a ballet dancer trying to get a bear trap off their leg, but there's at least an attempt here.
Of course, this episode is still awful. The conflict with Kim not getting how much of a jerk he was after a year was dumb (as was him being even more of a jerk as Dark Humor), the fact that Marinette's trauma seemed to come and go when the plot needed it to really showed off how forced it is, and it only ends with you having more questions about Marinette and Chloe's rivalry rather than answering them.
While I'm still not a fan of this episode, and would still place it in my top five least favorites, I don't think it's the absolute worst. Although it's still the worst one so far this season from a technical standpoint.
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It says a lot when Cat Noir actually tried to murder someone in this episode, yet not only is he not even considered for the award this episode, the person he tried to kill ends up being the bigger idiot. Not only did he easily fall for Chloe's plan when she insulted him to his face, he failed to understand how it affected Marinette for a year, and when he was told about how bad it was, he refused to take responsibility for his actions, blamed it on other people not being able to take a joke, and only gave the smallest apology after he was almost killed for his attitude. It's honestly funny how he somehow comes across as more unlikable than Chloe, the character this episode was made to make you hate even more.
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soupbabe · 9 months
Marrying La Squadra Headcanons
Anon asked: What would married life with la squadrons look like?❤️
Hihi!! Thank you for requesting, I had a lot of fun with these 😅😅 though I'll admit I lingered on the wedding back stories a bit too much lol
- Formaggio never in his life thought he'd be married, he always dreamed of living a bachelor lifestyle
- But y'know...sometimes couples get drunk on special anniversary trips and impulsively get married at a cheap, tourist trap chapel in Vegas
- Formaggio would've loved the stereotypical Elvis impersonator officiamt
- The morning after would've been a bit hectic on his end, but Formaggio is a man who can commit
- He's been thinking about taking the proper steps to marry you anyways, as long as you were fine with the night prior there's no harm done!
- The marriage is a secret for a while, to the team it's as if nothing changed. Your new husband was just as clingy and doting as ever
- I think if weddings are an important part of your culture and something you'd really want to do-over, I think Formaggio isn't opposed to something more formal and traditional
- Though I think he'll always prefer to tell people the story of the shotgun wedding in Vegas, definitely makes him feel cooler
- I think Illuso is similar to Formaggio, he never thought to be "tied down" to anyone, but meeting you absolutely changed his mind
- One word to describe Illuso: Bridezilla. He wanted everything to be perfect for the wedding, he might've been the most strict during this era
- I'm sure you had to talk Illuso out of having the wedding in the mirror world because he could control everything. Though after the wedding, he started to come down to his normal self
- The clingiest and softest you've ever seen him was during the honeymoon
- Illuso wouldn't stop calling you his husband/wife/spouse, he wouldn't stop referring to himself with your last name
- Being married you was something he didn't know he needed
- Illuso wears his ring like a badge of honor, he enjoys seeing the silver band that decorates your finger that tells everyone that you belong to him
- Every time he wakes up and you both have to leave for work, he makes sure to kiss your ring before he says goodbye
- To no one's surprise, Prosciutto easily adjusted to the idea of marriage and the married life
- He can be tender and affectionate, of course he wasn't scared of spending the rest of his life with you.
- Prosciutto would prefer something small, only wanting close family to attend
- Absolutely he would be open to having separate or fusion weddings if you come from a different background. He'd have a lot of enjoyment sharing your traditions with you
- There's so much more confidence within the relationship, Prosciutto smiles when you brag about your husband. A smirk graces his lips when he can hold you by the waist and introduce you as his spouse
- It's very natural for Prosciutto to fall into a house husband role, he loves unwinding in the kitchen and cooking dinners for you
- Even in the honeymoon, he'd scoff at restaurant food and insist he could provide you with something better
- He's an ideal husband if you want to get pampered and recreate the classy romance you see in the movies.
- Getting married to you was the scariest and the happiest moment of his life
- Pesci stumbled through the novel that was his vows, when he was able to kiss you he couldn't help himself and pulled you in with anxious excitement
- Even when he proposed, Prosciutto slapped his face and told him to man up before he pulled out the ring
- Like his brother, he prefers something smaller. He wants the moment to be intimate, private
- He cried so much ever since you two married
- Half the honeymoon was spent hugging him and reassuring him that yes, you two really are married, and yes, you really do love him that much
- Marriage or not, he's still just as shy and flustered since you met him. Doesn't matter how tough he tries to act
- Melone never really thought about marriage before, but it's a welcomed surprise
- I just know that when he got to kiss you during the ceremony, it made everyone instantly uncomfortable/j. He does not care about what others think, he just likes to show you how much he loves
- He absolutely uses the title of husband to his advantage, especially for silly things like pda.
- The honeymoon phase never actually ended for him
- As you two are further in the marriage, the more Melone starts to think about kids
- No secret he's good with them, Babyface has given him more than enough practice
- But having an actual, human baby? Oh it has him all giddy and anxious
- For the first time, you actually see him take a situation seriously. Whether you're giving birth or having a baby through alternative means, he doesn't want to have kids unless you know you're ready too
- I don't think marriage ever crossed Ghiaccio's mind growing up. Meeting and falling in love with you opened up so many doors
- It definitely scared him, if you weren't on the other end of the aisle waiting for him, he would've become a runaway groom
- Ghiaccio would so go off and rant about how nothing much has changed ever since you two got married. To him it's just "some name change and extra paper work"
- He'd say that he doesn't feel any different, but that's so far from the truth
- Tease him by calling him your husband, call him by your last name, and watch how his face turns pink and he tries to hide a smile
- It takes the longest for Ghiaccio to settle into married life. I'm not sure it fully registered to him how long you and him have been together
- He never thought he would be loved the way you love him. No matter how hard he pushed people away, you stayed and warmed his heart <33
- That being said never joke about divorce it'd freak him out. He'd cry.
Risotto Nero
- The married life with Risotto is special, as it brings out a completely different side of the capo
- May be an unpopular opinion, but Risotto is right up there with Illuso when it comes to being a Bridezilla
- All he cares about is adhering to your plans. He'll go above and beyond for research to make sure you won't get scammed
- Like yeah. He may have threatened the florist behind your back, but like. What was he supposed to do? The florist was the one trying to pass off rhododendrons as hydrangeas.
- But once the wedding is over, he's exhausted and looking forward to the honeymoon
- Solidifying the marriage made Risotto fully let down his walls around you. He smiles more, he's more physically affectionate, he lets you know that he belongs to you too.
- While you two try to keep chores and tasks equal, swapping out who does what, it's hard to deny that Risotto loves it when it's your job to cook
- He thinks it's adorable when you tie an apron around your waist, roll up your sleeves and get to work.
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5tar-5hin3 · 9 months
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
John Dory x Reader
“A Chance He Can Take”
Part 1 : “An Unlikely Beginning”
Part 2: “And an Unexpected Ending”
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⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
JD left a long time ago. A long, long time again.
Now he lives alone in the mountains. That is until 1 turns into 2.
He meets another troll.
This one isn’t like anyone he’s ever met before. They’re… different. They hang around for a while and, well, let’s just say they get friendly.
Words: 1,320
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
In this story, John Dory wholly believes his brothers failed him and they left him when the didn’t make the perfect family harmony.
He doesn’t believe he left. He believes he had to leave because they weren’t good enough for him. So he’s twisted the story to make it look better on him. He’s a little quirky, but we can fix him. 🫶
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
*5 Years Before*
John was hiking the mountains when he came across something unexpected. Another troll. One similar to him.
They were walking with a small cuddle pup. They were happily hiking the opposite way on the trail. He hadn’t seen anyone for years. This was new to him.
“Hey.” He started the interaction. It startled the other troll. They looked around to see if he meant someone else. Even though rarely anyone trailed this far.
“Oh hey!” They laughed awkwardly. “I’ve never seen another troll up here.”
“Me either.” He agreed with them. “What bring you up all alone?”
“I just needed time away from my family. You know how it is.”
They had no idea how much John Dory under stood that.
They shrugged as she met the other finally. “Name’s Y/N, by the way.” They held out their hand for the other to shake.
The fact he wasn’t immediately recognized was both shocking and relieving to John Dory. Maybe it was for the best that people didn’t remember’BroZone’ anymore.
“You are?” John had left Y/N hanging.
“Sorry,” he grabbed their hand. “I’m-“ he hadn’t gotten this far. Should he say his real name or make a fake one? “JD.”
“Nice to meet you JD.” They smiled brightly. “I best get going now. I have to set up before sun down. Don’t want those nasty critters after my cuddle pup.” John looked down at the small fluffy creature. “Her name is Ruby.”
“You could always camp out with me. I’ve got plenty of room for a guest. It’s probably easier than a tent too. I don’t mean to brag but I do have an armadillo bus.” John was happy to offer his place to them. That meant more company for him.
“Uhh- I don’t know. I think I’d feel more comfortable in my own space.” They politely declined.
“That’s totally fair. Feel free to set up around me though. Never know when you could use a helping hand.” With that, they parted ways.
It wasn’t until much later, when John came back, that he saw a small f/c tent pitched next to his bus. They had taken up one of his offers at the very least. He didn’t bother them, simply minded his own.
It stayed like that for sometime. Y/N would come and go. The first few times they took their tent. But after a while they stopped taking the tent down and left it next to John’s bus.
In between each visit, y/n and John would talk. They slowly grew accustomed to the other. Got used to routines, got used to style. They even started doing thing together, like going for morning runs or hiking.
Since y/n was the only on connected to the “outside world”, they often kept John up to date with troll events. Or the ones that he needed to know the most about. John was actually starting to- he didn’t know how to say it. He was getting a crush? He liked y/n in a way he hadn’t liked anyone else.
Then one day, after coming back from a hike, their tent was gone. He wasn’t worried at first. Y/n was sure to be back tomorrow. They always were. Until they didn’t show up the next day. Or the next. Soon, weeks passed and there was no sign of them. John began to work just a bit.
A month and a half passed before y/n showed up again.
“Y/n!” John happily announced when he saw them. How he missed their company.
“JD!” They smiled at the other. Ruby seemed as happy as ever to see John again. She was happily pouncing at his feet and barking for attention. “Sorry I disappeared on you- family stuff.” They shrugged it off. “I’m back now though, so no worries.” John could see their pack was lighter than before. There was no tent.
John picked the pup up and pet her. “You’re fine. I’ve been up here by myself longer than you can imagine. It was nothing. No tent this time?” John commented. He raised his eyebrow, a bit curious.
“Oh, yeah. I figured, if the offer still stands, that you had room for a guest.” Y/n shyly smiled, a soft blush across their cheeks and on the tips of their ears.
“The offer does stand.” He smiled and set the pup down. “Wanna come inside? Check out the great abode of JD?” He teased.
“I’ll follow you.” Y/n followed John as he went into the bus. It was quite cozy. Nothing like what they expected. “It’s nice.” It seemed almost rustic. It had charm. It was a bit messy, but hey, what can you do?
“Thanks, decorated myself.” He laughed. Y/n set their belongings down next to the door and admired the space.
“You did a good job.” They smiled. “Oh, that reminds me. I found the other glove you said you lost.” They pulled it out of their pocket.
“Wow, I’m impressed. Keep it.” John shrugged. “I’ve gotten used to the one glove. It’s a look now.” Y/n pulled the glove on. It looked quite good actually.
The pair hung out almost everyday after that. Y/n still left occasionally, especially for holidays. They always invited John. He always denied. He liked the solitude.
Y/n basically lived on John’s couch other than that. They cooked and cleaned, he went out and gathered stuff. They were basically a couple, without all that couple stuff.
*A year later*
Y/n was up before John, like they always were. They made his coffee and breakfast. They went out and fed Rhonda then Ruby. The usual. John was up a little afterwards.
“Good morning JD.” Y/n didn’t even raise their head to greet the other. He jumped down from his loft. That’s how they knew he was up.
Today, JD decided he want to be bold. He came up behind them and wrapped his arms around them.
When they started staying with him, they didn’t have a lot of clothes. So they borrowed his often. They were wearing his shirt and it hung down to their mid thigh. It drove him wild.
Y/n wasn’t fazed. They knew it was only a matter of time before one of them made a move. They had a crush on John and they made it obvious. They hummed happily. “Good morning JD.” They repeated.
“Good morning.” He teased. They giggled. “How’d you sleep?”
“About as good as I can with you snoring.” They joked. John didn’t snore, but they always joked he did. He laughed.
“Whatever you say.” He rolled his eyes. He let them go and took his coffee. “You know, you could always sleep in the bed. The couch can’t be that comfortable.” Y/n shook their head.
“It’s not, but I take what I can get.”
“Well, I’m offering my bed. So.”
“Fine, fine.” They laughed. “You could just say you were lonely.”
“Lonely? Lonely? Ha. I’m not lonely, who said I was lonely?” He looked around nervously.
“You’re running behind schedule JD.” They kissed his cheek. “Get dressed and get out there. Ruby is waiting for her walk.”
Y/n walked away to go change back into their everyday clothes as John was left speechless.
He laughed at the interaction before getting changed into his hiking clothes. He went out to hike with Ruby. Y/n stayed behind and cleaned up their mess.
Y/n considered this the ‘start’ of their relationship. They never ‘officially’ stated they were together. But y/n just assumed they were a couple. This would prove to be… not quite the case.
4 years passed and it stayed the same. Y/n did the cleaning and cooking. JD went out. They stayed in this ‘relationship’ for 4 years.
JD got a letter one day, which was weird since they were in the middle of no where. Y/n had opened it. Their morbid curiosity got to them.
They’d regret opening that letter.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
AHHH!! That was so many words holy- I’m working on a part 2 as we speak! I just really wanted to get the first part out! I hope you guys liked it. This is my return to fanfiction. I haven’t written anything serious since 2019- what a time jump.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
BAE! I have anoþher idea of isekai reader!
Imagine reader finally meeting Daemon and they have a stand off and its ends up with reader saying "perhaps you haven't realized it yet. The only main reason why your the most unpredictable one is because well.... I wasn't brought here yet"
Both riders are menacing in their own rights and are unpredictable but the queen who never was pops and then reader becames.... "I serve you my liege" because Rhaenys is mother queen✨
Sorry if I come of as annoying, I am just so excited that one of my favorite writers in tumblr had answered my ask! Thank you for that!❤
It’s fine! It’s not annoying at all, promise! 💕
The inevitable meeting between you and Daemon was well…inevitable.
The rouge prince and the conductor of chaos finally meeting eye to eye with both Caraxes and Cannibal a few easily walkable paces behind both riders, just in the instance things went south.
Daemon: you appear out of nowhere and have stoked a fire beneath the people of Westeros and sent them all into a blind panic.
Reader/you: and yet it took you years to do even that. Why bore me when you’re supposedly meant to be raising an army for your wife *chuckles* did Harrenhal scare you stiff rouge prince?
Daemon: bend the knee or-
Reader/you: Or YOuR hOUse buRnS. Yes I’ve headed your threat plenty of times and yet I’m still finding it hard to find the energy to do so.
Daemon isn’t happy with your lack of respect towards him and the lack of obedience but more than anything he hated how you weren’t easily made scared. Everything he says slid off your back or shrugged off with ease it was irritating to say the least.
Daemon: I am the king-
Reader/you: consort. Also for any man who has to say ‘I am the king’ is no true king and besides you lost that chance long ago, so suck it up and endure being in the service of women who have more balls then you ever did for the rest of your miserable life.
Daemon growls, hand already at the hilt of his sword when a third voice intervenes in your little stand off.
Rhaenys: what is going on here.
Reader/you: *bows* it is an honour to meet you, I’m merely talking to a fool.
Rhaenys: *smirks and looks at Daemon* someone who knows how to properly greet someone I see, and while it’s true that he maybe a fool, that fool is unfortunately my kin.
Reader/you: how tragic for you my queen. A true tragedy. *smiles widely* I can gouge out his eyes for you, or clip his vocal cords so he may never speak out of his ass ever again? Or even cut off his dick so his bloodline maybe cut short! Only say the word and I shall have Westeros and all its pathetic lords and ladies with their knees bent before the rise of the new day.
Rhaenys has had heard stories about your unpredictable nature, similar to that of Dameon’s, but somehow even more so with how quick you were to cut off any challenge merely by threats and promises alone. That and perhaps your crazed smile and look in your eye was enough to unease the strongest of men who dared look into them.
Rhaenys could see that fire within your eyes and respected you for that as she smiled.
Rhaenys: I shall keep that in mind should he ever step a single toenail out of line. *glares at Daemon from the corner of her eye*
Daemon: this is between me and them *he points at you with his sword but you merely smile* do not intervene when you are not wanted. Entertain yourself elsewhere.
You and Rhaenys: would that if you were the king.
You: so I’d suggest you get back to Harrenhal and be useless seeing as how your own kin, Jace and Baela, are doing much more in support of Rhaenyra than you.
Daemon: I will-
Rhaenys: come, I’m sure cannibal is restless from staying in stasis for so long.
Reader/ you: coming my queen
You both leave Caraxes and Daemon behind without a second glance.
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subbing-for-clones · 6 months
The Defective Jedi
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Chapter 1
Word count: 2.2k
Trigger Warnings: None really, just some fighting
Every day you tried to forget and yet almost every night you remembered. Wandering through the crystal caves of Ilum was horribly cold and felt so lonely. You were never particularly strong with the force but you always felt it. That connection between all things living and the energy it permeated, but when you entered the cave you felt, nothing. Why did you feel nothing?
You heard the other younglings yipping in happiness and laughing in triumph as one by one they found their kyber crystals and still, nothing called for you. Time was running out before the entrance became a wall of ice with no escape and even as a child you accepted defeat before you accepted death. You were the last to leave and the only one who was left empty handed. You would remember the disappointed look of Master Yoda forever, his eyes turned to the snow beneath his feet with a pained look before he looked back up at you.
It wasn’t long after that you were sent back home to Lothal. You had taken your parents pride and sullied it with failure and you don’t think they ever forgave you for it. It was true, you had failed before you even really got started. Your connection to the force just wasn’t strong enough to be a Jedi.
Still, you refused to let the connection go. You spent your formative years practicing the techniques you were able to learn in your short time studying under the jedi. Hours meditating every rotation searching for that warmth. You did find it; you could still feel it and so you taught yourself as much as you could.
Once you were able to venture out on your own you left Lothal and your parents’ resentment behind. Never really setting up a home; you joined a bounty hunter’s guild instead and used your abilities to become a fairly prolific hunter. It was during these years that all hell broke lose as war erupted all over the galaxy.
Only one year in and it wasn’t looking good. Hundreds of Jedi had fallen to the separatist forces and they needed help. This was when a desperate plea rang across the galaxy for the aid of anyone with force sensitive capabilities to come and join the fight for the republic. Whether it was out of the desire to help or need to prove yourself to the ones who threw you out you weren’t sure; still you answered their call.
You were tested and trained in a group of others with similar stories to your own under several rotating Jedi. At the end of your training, you were assigned to be exactly what you already were; a fighter. You were assigned to various squads as aid and back up; using your intuition, strategy skills and your fighting expertise on the battle field with the clones. You’d never hold a rank above a grunt but you didn’t care. Every victory was a curse on the Jedi for giving you up.
After months of rotating between battalions you were about to receive your permanent assignment. Clone Force 99, a rag tag team of four, apparently defective, clones. The irony didn’t escape you.
“Why are we getting a Jedi?” Hunter asked the hologram of Cody. The others standing back but still in view of the commander.
“She’s not a Jedi, she’s one of the force sensitives the Jedi asked to join the cause. She doesn’t hold rank over you, you’re still in charge.”
“I don’t like it.” Sneered Crosshair.
“Well, you don’t have much of a choice. The higher ups want these people sprinkled out through all the squads in case of a Sith attack. The Jedi worry about them rising up with the appearance of a few and quite frankly, no clone stands a chance agianst them. They can wipe out battalions.”
“When is she joining and for how long?” The Sergent was growing impatient and didn’t like the idea of a new member being added to their group.
“She’s waiting on Kamino for you now so you’ll meet her upon arrival, she’ll be with you until the war is over or until she runs as fast as she can away from you.” The commander had a small smirk on his face that Hunter mirrored. The idea of sending a Jedi, or whatever, running amused him.
            Once they touched down on Kamino three out of the four were sightly on edge with the exception or Wrecker who seemed rather excited. He was generally the most welcoming. The worry melted away as soon as they laid eyes on you. You really didn’t look like a Jedi at all. You looked like an operative. Instead of a robe you wore black armor and in the place of a lightsaber at your hip, you had a blaster and a large curved vibro-blade.
Crosshair couldn’t help but eye you up and down the armor looked good on you. You took each of them in once you took your helmet off and introduced yourself to your new companions, a dance you’ve done before. Wrecker was kind enough to grab the two crates of your belongings and load them onto the ship. There wasn’t much time for pleasantries before you received your first mission. You were to extract data from an outpost on Teth and upload it straight to Cody. Information about prisoners of war and where they were being held was your main objective. Anything else was an added bonus. You all loaded onto the ship after eating a hearty meal in the cafeteria.
In the back of the ship next to the bunks you unpacked a few things from your crates.
“Whatchya got there?” Wrecker asked excitedly.
“Ill eat a loth cat before I sleep in GAR issued blankets.” He laughed heartily at your response and left you to continue. You didn’t have any photos to hang or many personal items at all for that matter but that’s how you’ve lived for the last few years anyway.
            Once you were finished you made your way to the common area where the clones were discussing strategy. Quietly you took the empty seat between Tech and Crosshair. The outpost was situated in the middle of the jungle. Intel reported minimal guards as it wasn’t a main base but still enough that you all decided stealth was your best option.
            Once the plan had been formulated they all looked at you expectedly.
“What is it?” you asked.
“So why didn’t you become a Jedi?” Tech asked outright, Hunter elbowed him but didn’t faze the goggled soldier.
“I tried but, well they decided I wasn’t strong enough. I’m closer to the force than most people but not close enough to be a Jedi.”
“You’re defective like us!” Wrecker shouted with glee, earning an elbow from Hunter as well. You actually laughed a bit.
“Yeah, you could say that. I’ve used my abilities as a bounty hunter since I left Lothal until I joined the GAR.”
            Crosshair watched you out of the corner of his eye. You really weren’t what they thought you would be at all. You weren’t a religious zealot you were just someone trying to find their way in the galaxy like the rest of them. He admired that, the honesty too. You weren’t trying to be something you’re not.
            That night in hyperspace you tossed and turned in your new bunk. Nightmares from close calls on a hunt filled your mind. You were often reminded of the times you came close to getting killed before a mission. Eventually you gave up and made your way toward the cockpit. You enjoyed meditating under the blue streaking lights. You were surprised to see that someone had beat you to it. The lithe handsome sniper sat in the pilot’s chair cleaning his fire puncher and mouthing a tooth pick.
            He looked up at you slightly taken aback by your appearance. Quickly he composed himself and half waved his arm at the other seat as a silent invitation.
“Sorry for intruding, I just couldn’t sleep.”
“You’re not.”
You were starting to like the way words seemed to slither off his tongue. You nodded a thanks to him and turned to watch the stars soaring by at light speed. Both you sat in silence for a few minutes before he opened and shut his mouth, wanting to ask you something but Cross wasn’t sure if it was out of turn.
He mentally shrugged and asked, “So why did you join the GAR?”
“Is one part brave three parts fool a believable answer?”
“I doubt you’re a fool.”
“Well, we’ll see if you keep that opinion,” you chuckled and earned an upturn of the corner of his mouth.
“Honestly? I found it ironic that the Jedi needed our help now. I don’t hold too much resentment agianst them but I do want to prove myself as valuable. Besides, things make sense out here.”
“How so?” He turned in his chair to face you and put his rifle down for a moment. You glanced at him and shrugged your shoulders.
“There’s no confusion right now. We fight agianst Separatists and clankers. I’m sure there are good people on those planets but this is the side I chose to fight for so that’s what I’m going to do.”
Crosshair digested your words and offered “We didn’t get a choice.”
“If you did, what would you be doing?”
“That’s a difficult question to answer, I’ve never let myself be hypothetical like that before because there isn’t a choice. I.. We’re property of the GAR just like my rifle and this ship. Don’t tell Tech that though, it’s his ship in his mind.”
You giggled a bit at that and nodded your head in understanding.
“I spent so much time hunting and fighting bounties that this just seemed like a natural course of action. I can’t see myself doing anything else instead now.”
Crosshair picked up his fire puncher again and resumed cleaning it. You watched him for a while before turning back to the lights and closing your eyes. You reached out through the force trying to feel the Purgill you swore you heard. What you didn’t sense was Crosshair watching you intently.
            You were going over the mission plan one last time while Tech was putting down the ship a few clicks away from the objective point. The jungle terrain was difficult to get through but not too much of a problem. The closer you got the more the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. Cross left your group close to the outpost to climb one of the giant trees for a better vantage point.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” you whispered to the Sergent.
He nodded in response, seemingly sensing something as well. The post was supposed to be guarded by droids with a few officers scattered throughout but something was off. No perimeter defense and no guards posted outside. Your group made their way around to a side door shown on the schematics and while Tech was overriding security, you Hunter and Wrecker kept watch. You could Feel Crosshair’s eyes on you and it gave you an overwhelming sense of security knowing he was watching over you.
            Three droids were posted on the inside of the door and as soon as you were in Wrecker crushed one agianst the wall, Hunter stabbed one in the chest and you took the last one’s head off with your long viroblade. Quickly you dashed in and made your way through the base looking for a data port. Tech found one on a lower level and plugged in, searching the database until he found what he needed.  
“It seems there are around fifty clones being held captive for questioning on a moon in the outer rim. There are also schematics for the spider droids here…” Tech prattled on interesting things he was downloading until Hunter shushed him and signaled for him to hurry up. That’s when the alarm sounded.
“We gotta go, now.” You stated with certainty. Trusting your instinct the boys packed up and started running back up to the way out. Once the door was insight, a wall of droids emerged and started firing at you. You fell back around a corner and started shooting them with your blaster looking for a weak point in the wall.
“Wrecker throw a smoke grenade,” Hunter barked.
“On it!” Wrecker tossed two creating a large fog that allowed you to step out, you reached out your hand and with a little struggle, used the force to loosen a wall panel until it flew into the side of the droid squad, pinning them to the opposite wall.
“HA HA NICE!” Wrecker shouted.
The four of you ran like hell out of the outpost to find several fallen droids, courtesy of the reliable sniper.
Once the five of you were back on the ship and Tech was taking off Wrecker was excitedly telling Crosshair how you threw a wall at a bunch of droids, taking out ten in one go. There seemed to be an impressed glint in his eye.
“That was good work back there,” Hunter told you sincerely. You smiled and thanked him, watching as the data was sent through encryption straight to Cody to do with as he saw fit.
Your first mission with the squad, a success you exchanged a smile with the sniper and sat in your victory.
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xmycxx · 9 months
Abby with a masc!reader
A/N: Whiel i love the trope of masc!abby x fem!reader, gotta say I'm more towards the masc side so I had to write this
sharing! CLOTHES
im sorry but can you imagine!! like you can borrow her clothes and shirts and she can borrow yours
personally i have a jacket that looks realy similar to her WLF one so most people can't tell who's clothes you're wearing at any time
depending on your style, you def end up slightly improving hers
she gives vibes that she wouldn't really care how she dressed as long as it was suitable and appropriate
if you dressed to the dark academia, prep for her stealing your sweaters, if you dress punk, yea you're never seeing that jacket again
i feel like she would be the type to go for femmes (or men if she wasn't gay yet) then you fucking showed up at this party, dressed to the nines in a black button up and trousers with chains and rings, charming as hell
and then you startt alking to her with that sweet smile, innocently putting your hand on her arm
she realized then and there that you are more charming and sweet than any man she could ever date
"Nice to meet you..." You trailed off, putting your hand forward for a handshake, lopsided smirk on your face as you waited for her to finish your sentence with her name.
"abby, my name is abby." She said in a lower tone of voice, clearing her throat. She winced immediately when she grabbed your hand with more strength than she thought, seeing your face change.
"Pleasure." You said, trying not to grin at the obvious effect you were having on her, the pain in your hand becoming dull as you watched her fumble.
you cannot tell me a masc doesn't care about their hair
if you had shorter hair, she woudl fuckin adore running her hands through it and seeing how short it was
if you ahd longer hair, she'd teach you how to braid it like hers
peak switch energy
ik most people say she's a top but have you seen this girl
a service top if i ever saw one
the rare time she bottoms is an absolute treat for you
i think she would secretely love the idea of being your housewife
like, imagine you came home from work to see her making dinner adn you make an innocent joke
"Damn," You said, grinning, dropping your bag to the ground before coming up behind her. "If i knew my housewife was waiting for me, would've come home sooner." It was meant to be a joke. You hid your smile by hiding your face in her back, not coming upto her full height. She took it more seriously, face breaking out into a blush as she ducked out of your eyesight. The nervous hitch in her breath was something she couldn't hide from you.
"Aww did that get you all flus-" "Shut up."
ik it's a drastic change but like dude, im a beanie girl and she would love the idea of using your beanies because she can still smell your shampoo on them
dates would be so funny bc she would wanna pay because she knows how to treat a girl
there are full blown arguments where the waiter is concerned y'all are gonna break up before even paying
eventually you settle that you'll just alternate it
I might write more for this if there are any prompts
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cerebralinvasion · 2 years
yandere february event day 15
“Love is patient. I, however, am not.”
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you stood stiffly at the doorway to mori’s office. how was it that you kept finding yourself here? despite how much you hated being around your boss, it had slowly become a near constant. you had always tried to draw as little attention as possible. do your very best on missions, stay careful not to cause any problems, follow all commands from superiors, and never speak unless spoken to. it was the perfect recipe for keeping your head down and laying low in the port mafia. and yet, day after day you found yourself being called to have visits with the leader himself.
the first time was the worst. having a direct request for a meeting from mori had scared you shitless. you had no idea what it meant for you. which executive had you managed to piss off that badly? you were, unsurprisingly, entirely confused when all that occurred was a casual conversation. the way he carried himself implied that something deeper than discussion of your day was at hand, but you’d never be able to read mori well enough to know what that possibly could have been.
the second time wasn’t nearly as bad, but it terrified you nonetheless. mori didn’t exactly have a habit of being predictable. you had no idea if this next meeting would run in a similar fashion as to the last or if something much worse would go down. it ended up being quite the same, elise was there this time. you were careful to give the girl some of your attention while there. nervously asking her about her drawings. it wasn’t until near the end of your visit that mori offhandedly mentioned something about being a single father to the girl. how it’d be nice to have another parent in her life. you thought it was a weird thing to say, not only because she was an ability and not a real living being, but also because even if she was an actual human, why would he be telling this to you of all people? you tried not to question it.
today was the seventeenth time you’d been called into his office. it wasn’t as scary as the first, but you were careful to keep your wits about you. as much as you wanted to grow comfortable in the space you’d been spending so much time in, you couldn’t help but feel it was a bad idea. this was still the leader of the port mafia that stood in front of you. and you still had no grasp of his true intentions. to allow yourself to grow too comfortable could prove a fatal mistake.
“ah, so glad you got my invitation. have a seat.” mori’s voice called out.
you did as asked, gently placing yourself in one of the two cushioned chairs around the coffee table. a beautiful view of the city stood before you.
“how can i help you, sir.” you still didn’t make eye contact, staring pensively at your hands in your lap.
“still as aloof as ever, and we’ve met how many times?”
“seventeen, sir.” even though the question was likely rhetorical, you answered promptly.
“right, and despite how many meetings we’ve held, you’re still as formal as the first. you can relax around me, you know. i don’t bite.” the grin on his face was almost wolf-like.
“you’re my boss, i just try to remain respectful.”
“hm. it’s been over a month since our first meeting, hasn’t it? and you haven’t warmed up to me at all. i guess it’s true that love is patient. i, however, am not. i've found myself growing weary of this drawn-out courting.”
“love?” your eyes widened slightly and you met the man’s eyes for the first time since you entered the room. your face read as nothing but entirely confused.
“that’s right. i’m surprised you hadn’t picked up on it sooner. i thought i’ve been making my preference for you quite clear. but that’s alright, some people just require a bit more candidity than others.”
“i- i’m sorry sir but i don’t know if i- um- this feels like a sort of-” you sputtered, stumbling over your words. this is not what you wanted. nothing about attracting the boss of the port mafia would help you continue to stay unnoticed and out of trouble. but considering your situation, flat out rejecting him couldn’t be a smart idea.
“i’m sure you’re aware that you don’t have much of a choice here, yes?” he cut off your pathetic attempts at forming a statement. “but don’t think of it as a negative thing. you’re quite capable, i’d hate for that talent to be wasted, and you’ll receive far more benefits within this organization than you did previously. the kind of benefits someone of your skill level deserves. i’ll make sure to take good care of you.”
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brotherwtf · 3 months
bbg I’ve got one for you! 😌
what if Gale and John never went down?
Bremen was Gale’s 22nd mission and he only had 3 more to go, he would have been sent state side by the end of October with the frequency of his missions
John was only at 8 (apparently there are other reports that he was at 16) either way John would be at Thorpe Abbotts without Gale for much longer, especially with the way his behavior was changing
How do you think they both would’ve handled this?
very interesting love! I think it would be an angsty sum bitch bcs Gale would probably be home with Marge and married before John even hit 20 missions.
they had started exploring with each other a little bit after Gale's first mission, when the fear of losing Gale was most prominent in John. They started off with just handjobs or blowjobs, not wanting to make things too personal by kissing. When Gale kisses John after one of their meetings together, John can't get enough of it. It starts turning into something more, tender kisses and spooning in barracks. They realize they're in love after Algeria and John takes Gale on his weekend pass.
They spend the 48 hours together in a hotel room, pretending to be lovers and taking a stroll down the streets of London like they're actually in love.
Once Gale gets back, the four missions he had left went by too fast for John.
On his 25th, Gale goes all out. He buzzes the tower before landing, and whoops loudly when he jumps out of the plane. John is immediately there on the runway, pulling Gale into the tightest hug he can get away with in public.
Much like Dyes 25th, the Air Force spares no expense. The drinks are flowing, the music is loud, and John is latched to Gale's side the entire evening. While Gale is quieter in celebrating than John, he still smiles the entire evening. The words "No Engine Cleven" are hung up behind the band and John laughs at the words. He hangs on Gale's arm the entire evening, because he knows as soon as the night runs out, he'll be stuck in the soup of Thorpe Abbotts without Gale by his side.
John requests "Blue Skies" to end the night and grabs the mic, despite protests and sings the entire song to Gale, who just blushes and hides his face in his hands.
At the end of the night, Gale drags John to an empty storage hut, and they make love all night. Gale whispers all night how much he'll miss John and how much he loves him, and John finds himself crying.
Gale is shipped back to the states in a week and John's heart breaks. It soars only at the thought of Gale finally being safe, he's back home with Marge and with the people he loves.
Gale hounded John to write, and the first letter he had sent was asking John to be his best man. John had sobbed that night, he wanted Gale all to himself. He has to force himself to respond to Gale's letters, but it hurts too much to even think of Gale back home while he's still stuck here in Thorpe Abbotts.
I think his breakdown might be similar to his breakdown in the Stalag. He gets moody and mopey, refuses to joke with anyone bcs Gale is not by his side. The letters from Gale start to pile up and he can't bring himself to respond.
He's still flying when the missions required for a tour were upped to 30, and Gale had written him telling him not to do anything stupid.
Shockingly, John survived all 30 missions and partied like no other, got blazingly drunk, fucked some skirt from the pub, and had to be peeled from the wet ground of the Thorpe Abbotts runway.
When he's shipped back to Manitowoc, Gale is waiting for him at the train station. John drops his bags on the platform and rushes towards him, pulling him into the tightest embrace he has ever given someone. He feels elated on the inside, but exhausted on the outside.
I might turn this into a full fic just bcs it has so much potential, but I really liked this idea! The idea of them celebrating Gale's 25th fills me with so much joy 🥹
Thank you for the ask love!
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seramilla · 5 months
So in the Emily dated Vaggie au I have idea in my head set before Vaggie fell. Emily goes up to Sera and tells her that's she's dating someone and Sera probably jokes about wanting to know who it is so she can throw them into hell. Sera agrees to have Vaggie over for dinner later in the week. She knows Vaggie is a power (I am running with that for what heaven calls the exterminators) which doesn't fill her with hope since doesn't like adam. She is surprised when she meets her since Vaggie is kind polite and nothing like her boss. (Maybe she reminds Sera of Carmilla who was her girlfriend before Lucifer and her fell.) By the end of it Sera finds herself approving of Vaggie and encourages her to come over whenever she is free.
Sera probably doesn't trust anyone associated with Adam in the beginning, because she can't imagine a person who would willingly be under his command would be right for Emily. She's very protective of her sister, for good reason; she's an impressionable young Seraphim learning how to process the judgements for every Winner who enters the pearly gates. Her reluctance is understandable, but Emily insists Sera will love Vaggie once she gets to know her.
Vaggie is very intimidated by Sera, to say the least. She has a coarse, rough exterior around the other Exterminators; she has to keep up that facade, so she doesn't fall behind or appear weak. Emily has a way of seeing the true nature of people, however; it's a talent uniquely hers, separate from Sera, and she knew immediately that underneath all the bluster and bravado, Vaggie is a timid, gentle person at heart. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, but her fighting skills are valuable to Adam, so Vaggie figured she belonged best among other killers. Even though that's not really the case.
Sera sees a lot of similar qualities between Vaggie and Carmilla; both like to puff up and appear intimidating to protect themselves, and those they care about. It's obvious how engaged Vaggie is with Emily, constantly asking her if she's had enough to eat, if she wants more water, if she learned anything exciting from Sera that day, or if any interesting Winners entered Heaven recently. She can tell Emily struggles with small talk, and that's why she's asking a lot of questions, to fill in the empty space. Emily loves it, though, because no one else ever asks about her day or seems at all concerned with her well-being, besides Sera. It's definitely a positive change of pace for them both.
Vaggie is also smiling at Emily the entire time; Sera doesn't think she's ever seen an Exterminator with a genuine smile, other than the scary, fake ones they project onto their helmets. After their meal, she lets Vaggie know she can come over whenever she likes. Vaggie blushes, and stammers a little, saying, "Oh-okay! Thank you, Sera!" Then Emily pulls Vaggie away to play some new video game she has. These are very rare in Heaven, but she has one, and she wants to show it off to Vaggie immediately.
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34saveme34 · 20 days
you know, I was just thinking
yall know I really really love Puzzles, even his like, canon self
not just like, AU stuff
but I was thinking cuz I saw stuff like that before, cuz the thing is, he would be SO jealous of AUs where he like, dates Mario
I'm not even saying his canon self loves Mario (though who knows with current standings, it could develop into an ongoing joke which I'd love for it), I'm rather going for the fact that he would be jealous because not only is he not lonely there, I do think part of him really admires Mario
like come on, you don't spy on people to find their weakness if you don't think they're worthy of your evil ideas and your- presence in general
hell, even the way he interacted with 4 had similar vibes
this weird combination of adoration and jealousy turning so so bitter
and so when he sees an AU of himself completely different, content and loved
he would just HATE that guy so much too
hell I would go as far as him flat out saying that that version of him isn't really him
maybe even him believing the idea that someone like him, as in the overachiever, the evil, the lonely, there could never be a universe that doesn't destine him lonely
especially after the Leggy situation
like imagine him following along an AU's story and constantly feeling scared that this version of him could get betrayed as well because it feels like that's the only fate he could ever meet
imagine him meeting these AU versions where those guys who are also him end up being with Mario
seeing their happiness and they are with Mario
and it like, gets into his head so badly
like a curse on his brain as he looks at Mario, yearning for something he never even had
and then being brought back to reality as Mario punches in his screen for even daring to get in Mario's way
and when things get awful for him, they really do
he's bad at coping, he always had been
he's scrambling to distract himself but failing to, becoming more increasingly self destructive
and just franctic in general
and maybe. he almost meets his demise but then he wonders if he even deserves an ending for how much of a fucked up person he is
guys I really like making him sad I'm sorryyyyyyyyyy
I love getting into his head and projecting things on him that would totally him worse
like cmon, a reality so strange from his own he starts feeling even more worthless? because he is SO SO absolutely trying to make up for his insecurity with calling himself nice things- besides, he doesn't have anyone else call him nice things so... someone has to, right?
Someone has to tell him that what he's doing is right? Even if there's such a deep desire in him to seek approval- MAN, WHAT IF- what if that's the root to why he wants em 5 stars, like I always thought so but now I REALLY think so
I wish I could see him flourish in a meaningful way after going through hell and more
hell, Maybe Mario can be on the way there too, seeing these changes and be baffled by them, or maybe yknow....... be into it. who knows :3
like Mario POV the guy who is constantly trying to fuck me over with schemes in elaborate ways is going through a journey and ngl I might be starting to like him
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