morgansdeb · 2 months
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Seeing the One Piece fanbase hyping up this 24-year-old white girl to play Robin because they're allergic to older and non-white women is so annoying to me (they're also allergic to fat women)*. The fact that she's super young when Robin is supposed to be visibly older and more mature than the East Blue Five, makes her an immediate NO for me. These weirdos will see a super young girl with black bangs and scream "Robin-chan~~!!!" because they can't consume media without their dicks in their hands. I mean, 19k likes? Seriously?
Iñaki Godoy is 20. Mackenyu is 27. Taz Skylar and Jacob Gibson are 28. Emily Rudd is 31. The ideal thing would be for Robin to be 40 (or AT LEAST 32, and not look like she just graduated high school. She needs to look older than Emily Rudd and the rest of the cast).
I can only imagine the amount of racist vitriol Robin's actress will get if she ends up being a WOC. And let's not even start with the comments about the size of her breasts. Emily Rudd is the most conventionally attractive white girl you could think of, and I still see comments saying she wasn't "right" for Nami because her boobs aren't "big enough."
"But Oda said that if Robin were real, she'd be Russian!!11!" And he also said Luffy would be Brazilian (Iñaki is Mexican), Nami would be Swedish (Emily is American), Sanji would be French (Taz is Spanish/English), and with Usopp... all he did was write Africa, which isn't a country. So let's be serious for a bit. Those answers weren't literal.
Y'all love to talk about how the creepy things that he says on the SBS are "jokes" (remember when he sexually harassed a fan who asked him if she could be a Jump Editor, or when he said he fantasized about Rebecca's top falling during battle? Because I do), so why are these answers the one thing you choose to take seriously?
But this fandom being filled with racist, misogynistic, fatphobic incels isn't surprising considering how terrible Oda is. All these issues are connected and lead back to the source material. It's nearly impossible to have productive conversations about One Piece when everyone wants to blame all the bad on OPLA or Toei, as if the creator himself wasn't the one who opened the door for every single problem.
Some of you act as if someone kicked your dog whenever someone dares to suggest that Oda isn't the Super Progressive Writer™ the fandom has deluded themselves into thinking he is. I don't even understand where the denial comes from, considering his misogyny is so blatant and his association with sex offenders is public information. I understand loving One Piece, but you don't need to kiss Oda's ass, you know? He's not a good person.
Being critical of the media you consume and its creator isn't being a "hater". I can consume One Piece while disliking its many, many issues. I didn't sign a contract that says I have to like every single thing about it.
I'll be upset if Robin ends up being played by some 20-something white actress, but I'm already upset by the fandom's attitude. *Don't think I haven't noticed the obsession some folks have with monitoring Ilia Isorelýs Paulino's social media activity to check if she's losing weight to be "manga/anime accurate Alvida", as if Alvida magically becoming thin is this super important plot point that needs to be adapted. The source material and the fandom's treatment of fat women is another topic I could rant about for days.
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Are one piece female characters' bodies (measurements) actually feasible IRL? That is, is is physically possible for women to have those body measurements?
Thanks for this question!
Not naturally. The body proportions/measurements of women of One Piece aren't natural. They're overexaggerated.
Kardashians are myb the closest example of One Piece women we have in real life? And those are surgeries upon surgeries.
The peach butt is achievable with training in the gym, but the breasts and weight don't match. I cannot NAME you a woman as slim as women of One Piece that has big breasts like that IRL without a breast implant surgery.
Breasts can get HEAVY. Okay. You need to have proper weight to carry them.
When I found Rebecca was 16 and looking like that? Yeah, no. Even the prettiest girls in my high school didn't look like that.
Their waist measurement doesn't fit their upper body. It's narrow. They're very slim, and if Oda/Toei kept with the realistic proportions of slim women, they would have A-C cups. They have above D cups. The studio especially overexaggerates them perhaps even more than Oda, and he exaggerates them bcs he is a manga artist and he needs to have his characters be attractive to the aimed audience, which are teenage boys who then get ✨UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS✨. Japan has suffered from this since... Well, a while. I think it's honestly bad there are no representations of more realistic/varied body shapes instead of UNREALISTIC body shapes that IRL can BE HARMFUL.
This is more a biology thing, but body fat and weight play a role (depending on genetics is how much of a role) in breast density and tissue.
Oda is a great writer, but as an artist, he draws women unrealistically.
I've been surrounded with many women in my life of all shapes and sizes, and even though I love how Oda writes women (considering he is Japanese and most Japanese manga authors aren't that good at writing women) he draws them unrealistically, and idolizingly, to keep it attractive to the male audience, which are Japanese teenage boys. He uses the hourglass figure which is so fckn harmful to women. There are a few of One Piece mails from female readers that made it into the volumes with Japanese women not being happy how he draws the One Piece women - which makes sense. Japanese women are slim but from pics they don't have big big breasts or those peach-shaped butts.
He draws an idolized version of the hourglass figure but again an hourglass figure is a BODY TYPE. It's not "oh all women look like this"
They don't 😑. In fact, even the hourglass figure itself varies because GENETICS, FAT TISSUE, WEIGHT.
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This is all hourglass but look how different their weight is. See, this is variety already within one body shape!
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Unfortunately, he studio takes it to the EXTREMES.
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The One Piece women's body shapes are that EXTREME VERSION of it. Some women do naturally have this body shape (very very very very very rare), but every woman, across all of the varied One Piece world having an hourglass which is one of the rarest body types? And that all OP women have it? Get out of here.
You can never achieve OP women body type. Not naturally. This would require surgeries and weight loss and -
It's harmful to your body, and it can't be achieved, not even with surgery. It's not real.
It shudders me to simply think about anyone trying to achieve it and destroying their body in the process.
Don't hurt your body trying to achieve sth that isn't achievable. Your body is a temple, you're beautiful the way you are, please take care of your body.
Also, hourglass figures aren't really fighter body types? They're the aesthetic, sexy kind. They don't belong in a fight-focused manga. Pirate women irl won't have that body shape.
The body types women who fight should have are those of Olympic women sportists.
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Yes, gymnasts have an hourglass shape, but again, their proportions fit them! The One Piece women are beautiful, but no, they aren't realistic. Not achievable irl.
I loved what they did with live action Nami for this reason, and I hope they continue doing it, really, bcs that's how women who fight & train look. She has fckn strength, you can see it in her arms, she has trained for the role.
Anyway, the answer remains no.
The most recent anime I watched Vinland Saga actually keeps the body proportions of women there quite realistic. I think that's the only one off the top of my head I can think of. Women of Attack on Titan, too, I think.
Anyway, hourglass figure is achievable (breasts depend again on so many factors) but not One Piece Women Body Type Achievable.
I fully support training to achieve any body type/shape, as long as you remain healthy and don't let sth like a manga & anime (drawn mostly by men) give you false implications that is how you should look bcs it's imaginary and overexaggerated to favour itself to a male audience.
I just know in my gut the One Piece men would love the variety women have in real life! Some of them would probably drool (looking at you, Doflamingo & Sanji) at seeing women irl and all the various body types women have!
Since... You know...
The OP men themselves have more body types than OP women.
Hell, Luffy and Coby are skinny KINGS — like karate fighters!
Sanji is tall & athletic — like a runner/lean footballer!
Zoro is broad and THICK — like a weight lifter!
Franky has a dorrito shape — like a boxer!
Jimbei is plump and oh so cuddly — like a sumo wrestler!
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Doflamingo & Corazon have long limbs and strong long torsos — like swimmers!
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Oda covers all body shapes for men, but draws women with only the hourglass shape. It's because he needs the women to ALL be attractive to the guys buying the manga. That's unfortunately how the shonen manga industry works. Even if he writes the women very well, he needs to make them all the universal "beautiful woman" ideal so the male audience pays attention.
It makes me sad for all the girls & women reading the manga/watching the anime. They don't see themselves in any of the female characters (at least by body type). It breaks my heart. Thankfully, the Live Action One Piece is on the right track to fixing it! 👍🏻
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I'm not calling Oda a sexist or anything, in fact he's pretty good at writing women respectfully. The studio is a bit iffy to me though, ugh. When all is said and done, he's a guy, and a lot of men work on the anime as well. Guys will... Well they'll draw what they like and want to see on the screen/what they fantasize is their perfect woman (which doesn't exist, btw because that woman is imaginary and probably way out of their league 🤣). The bad thing is that some male watchers then think those women... Are real. That all women outside will look like OP women. They won't. Because.
Those exaggerateed measurements are not realistic for women. Even those who TRAIN.
The guys are achievable and pretty realistic! (except the crazy CHRISTMAS TREE and above HEIGHT those are genes at work there). The women are not.
Sorry for going too much into depth, but yeah, I've always thought about this.
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moongothic · 10 months
Look I realize I'm actually really late to notice this but
The fuck is that actually
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Like when I first read this chapter I didn't even think about what that was, just kinda glanced at the panel and figured there was a marine going flying or something
But then while writing some other Crocoposts I did start to wonder what the hell Crocodile had been doing for the past two years, like, had he been gathering forces or anything or did he really just go to Emptee Bluffs by himself and Daz? And I vaguely remembered this panel and wondered if the guy going flying really was just Rando Marine #237589345 or maybe a new character who's working for Crocodile or something
But now I had to come back to this chapter again for a screencap, so I took another close look at this panel and
Okay, I'm pretty sure that really is just Rando Marine #237589345
But what the fuck is that pointy thing
Like it looks like it connects to Crocodile's sand, but the texture looks different from the sand, it looks shiny and metallic?
Like, is it some kind of a torpedo? But why would it be connected to Croc's sand if it was just a torpedo? Or is it just like a pointy metal tip that Crocodile is moving with his sand to stap people with? I mean it seems unnececary considdering he could just slice people with his sand attacks to begin with, right, he could just make a sand-spike without adding a metal spike on top
I mean it would certainly fucking explain the way Crocodile's bounty has SKY ROCKETED post-timeskip, because god knows no amount of him being able to pull strings and run evil organizations should give him a bounty that fucking massive if he was still the same as he was in Alabasta. And I would be personally extremely disappointed if Sir "I keep on honing and developing my ability" Crocodile was stuck with JUST the exact same old moveset he already had (like don't get me wrong his old attacks are iconic but if he doesn't have anything new up his sleeve I'd be sad)
And so far we've had no reason to believe the middle aged man went through his own little training arc during the past two years to get stronger. I mean he could've, I just would not have expected that.
I mean the good news is that we're probably going to find out next episode what the fuck that is 'cause knowing Toei they're probably going to extend the shit out of that fight scene to bloat the episode
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stormyoceans · 2 months
omg I was the AU genre anon and yes this is perfect!! I love this ideas so much! Esp the paranormal one bc the potential for shenanigans is sooo good. A Bridgerton type period piece is also amazing, like instead of following siblings you follow the core 5 w the classic period tropes of marriage of convenience, trying to matchmake your friend but falling for them instead, etc. These guys are so fun to put into Situations
i didn't go too in depth about the period piece one because my answer was already getting too long and i also felt like it was a bit too close to the actual series to be interesting but the truth is that im soooo embarrassingly into it!!!!!!! in a very i wish i could write so i could turn this into a 100k long fic kind of into it ;;;;;;;;
and it really would be a sort of pride and prejudice meets bridgerton kind of story like im sorry but phumpeem and qtoey are so darcyelizabeth and bingleyjane coded!!!!!!! just imagine.. phum buys some land where peem and the others live and shows up in town with fang and toey. at the next ball everyone is obviously curious and can't wait to get to know them, especially phum who is handsome, rich, and single, but he comes off as cold and a bit rude, while fang is polite and so very charming but is already engaged with lady fai, so toey ends up becoming the town's darling and the most popular bachelor, however after that one night he only has eyes for q
peem and q are actually still painters and they're at the ball not just for pleasure but also because they were allowed to showcase their works by setting them up around the room. toey and q start talking because toey is immediately fascinated by their paintings, but when fang asks phum what he thinks about them, phum ends up mocking peem's work, which peem overhears so he swears he's never gonna like phum, no matter how handsome he might be
after that night, even if other people might think him indifferent, for peem and the others is actually obvious that q likes toey, so they keep finding the most ridiculous excuses to make them meet and push them together, however this means that peem keeps being around phum as well, and no matter how civil peem promises everyone he's gonna be, he always finds himself bickering with phum by the end of it. things only get even more complicated when phum starts falling for peem and peem meets kluen: on one hand there's kluen who is kind and sweet and unabashedly into peem, but for whom peem doesn't feel much if not a warm sympathy, while on the other there's phum who peem swore to dislike and yet might not be as bad as peem thought
and then there are tan and fang who, unbeknownst to everybody else, have met each other before and almost had a thing, but fang knew he was supposed to marry fai in the future so he pushed tan away, thinking he would never see him again, except now tan is everywhere, silently (and yet very loudly) pining for him, and fang has a hard time remembering what his duty is
and last but not least we have chain and pun who have been friends since forever and are polar opposites when it comes to romance: chain is infamous for having had some kind of flirt with almost every girl in town, while pun is known for being interested in everyone's romantic prospects except his own. however, what people don't know is that after trying to matchmake pun with a friend of one of the women he was seeing, chain fell in love with him and has been waiting for pun to get a clue, even if part of him is afraid of ruining their friendship
i just need to figure out how to fit beer, mick, and matt in all of this too ;;;;;;;
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
Do you have any theories on why Toei has such a searing hatred of Krillin or why they overblow Chi-Chi's tiger mom behavior? Chi-Chi in particular is strange, as the anime seems to vacillate between filler where she's unbearable and filler where she's a very supportive wife and/or mother.
I think their treatment of Krillin is symptomatic of their treatment of Yamcha. Which is to say, shonen hero biases. Toei latched onto Yamcha as their stand-out favorite character, and that kind of makes sense. If you set the characters' actual handling by Toriyama aside, Yamcha is the one that most looks the part of your typical shonen hero.
He's a tall, confident man with a cool scar and a fondness for martial arts. What's not to like?
Krillin, by contrast, is a half-sized Buddhist who defeats his first opponent by farting at him. So Toei's biases settled at "Yamcha: Badass hero guy who leads the team. Krillin: Goofy Kid Sidekick." And everything snowballed from there.
End of the day, it's just a bad take, rooted more in superficial characteristics than in attentive reading of the material. But a bad take from the people making an adaptation inevitably gets magnified by the material they create using that adaptation.
With Chi-Chi's aggression, it's not so much of a bad take. Chi-Chi genuinely is a Tiger Mom. Instead, Toei did that thing where fans hone in on a funny bit from a character and make that bit into the character's whole identity. They found this joke to be so hilarious that they took every possible opportunity to retell it, long past the point where it stopped being funny - even taking over actual scenes from the manga where she's not doing the bit.
But they also wanted to heteronormalize Goku and Chi-Chi's unconventional relationship. Which is kinda weird to say given that it's already a hetero ship, but that's the best word I can think of for it.
Toei put in a lot of work to make their relationship into something less like the weird and unique situation that Goku and Chi-Chi found themselves in, and more like a traditional Japanese family. This is where all the anime's extra scenes of Goku and Chi-Chi being genuinely sweet and loving towards each other come from.
They didn't write Goku and Chi-Chi's marriage. They wrote a marriage, and inserted Goku and Chi-Chi into those scenes.
Which is all to say that Akira Toriyama wrote a very strange manga. And the people who adapted his work didn't really get it.
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
Kingohger ep20
i'm not well
take a deep breath Wedding…
no op…
that's the face of a man who's soul has left him
sorry racles look good in full mantle
you guys don't even bother to go to the wedding 😂 but i guess racles never sent out invites
Gira is back in his cell😭😭
Gira you can't just say you wanna be somewhere other than the cell and immediately follow up with the evil king act 😭😭
Rita is gonna be fed up with you one day with that drama talk like jeramie
you two should've been the one married.
are they same age or not?!
this ep has so much target to meet in the runtime if Jeramie is narrating midway
Boshimaru jumped ship no surprise
Dougu… (me dead passed out on the floor)
Omg shot by shot recreation of ep8
but the music is so… normal/relaxed?
Rita looks completely fed up like this is gonna become a weekly match lol
oh Gira's necklace is back in frame
Himeno swordfighting in the dress is so cool 😭
omg black white outfit switch good for them
not sorry i can distinguish the fake Kagu jsut by pecs alone
OP put here??
the tone is too light-hearted so far *frowns*
yep yappari because there is the surrender option. matched with a Tool theory i read that Gira asked for a duel just so he can talk to his brother. you could say i got spoiled but it's a reasonable deduction with the clues given from the show. so i'd say that's solid writing if you just give the story patience
Giving up his victory in return for the Racles apology to the people such a very Gira thing to do…
live Rita fighting 😍😍😍
huh we have a whole part 3 left…
ooh i thought Kagu just didn't hand him the right one that's a good plan
it's recreating ep8 down to the poison switch
Jeramie can't see pass bug disguise 🤔
I don't believe Racules didn't already know Boshimaru is a spy but regardless his care for the Tools are showing like Spin-off #1
so so much live rita and wings two weeks in a roll thank you 🙏🙏
yes yes yes thank you for the brother conflict follow up to 18
Yes OST V1T5 Racles's Conpiracy!!! INFERNO IT'S YOUR TURN
yan hime combo fight!
Kamejim is green?
INFERNO not quite, but V1T22 "I will Rule the World" huh entirely just Gira's BGM instead of a shared song
I LOVE the full villain angle they are taking with Racules at least on the surface. I won't rule out Yano-san's effort made the character more sympathetic and affected his future course, but at the current stage, I'm satisfied if the script can round itself up from the Villain Racules angle.
V1T1 😭😭 The 5 Kings. I knew I'm gonna cry when they replay this track from ep1's ending. I'm gonna cry so hard when they play it at the series finale.
(wouldn't be surprised if Erica does know how to play the piano)
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izzyizumi · 5 years
ME, A SIMPLE DIGIMON ADVENTURE FAN @ TOEI: TOEI PLS seriously PLS release at least one more trailer before February preferably before the end of the year P L S -----
TOEI: :)
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digimonghostgame · 3 years
Gammamon Merchandise! 📦
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Dear Tumblr,
If you didn't already know, Digimon Ghost Game's latest episode has been postponed until further notice. New episodes normally air on Saturday nights where I live, so I usually do my weekly plot synopsis posts on Sunday or Monday. However, this week's episode was initially delayed until next week due to the 2022 Nagoya Women's Marathon airing during its time slot. Unfortunately, that delay has been increased due to a recent hack targeted at Toei Animation which breached their internal company network. This is speculated to lead to further delays for many of their shows, including Digimon Ghost Game. You can read more information regarding the delays here and here.
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As there's not going to be any new episodes to cover for a while, I've decided to do another non-canon post, similar the one I did for Digimon Con, to keep my blog active with new content in the meantime. This will be what I do if another delay happens in the future as well. Also, if news about the show surfaces, such as when the new episode will air or if further delays are announced, I'll let you know about it. This week's post will showcase some of my merchandise! I figured it would make for an interesting post that still revolves around Ghost Game somewhat. I'll go over some of the memorabilia based off the show, including merch based off of yours truly, and give my thoughts on them. Let's take a look!
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Up first is the thing that inspired me to make this post; a Gammamon plush! I believe it's a different plush than the chibi ones that were announced during Digimon Con, as the tweet that first showed it was posted back in September of last year, but it's adorable nonetheless. The detail in the eyes and mouth are fantastic, but the colors of the claws are a little off, as they're the same shade of blue as the scarf. I do love the sitting position the plush is in though, which would make it perfect to place on a shelf, table, or any other flat surface. Unfortunately, I think it may be a promotional plush and not one intended for mass production, if this reddit thread is to be believed. Despite this, I think it will be an interesting footnote in the history of Ghost Game merchandise.
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Next up is the Digivice-V-, straight out of Ghost Game! Known also as the Vital Bracelet, the Digivice-V- tracks each step you take with its built-in pedometer. Every step grants you XP that will level up the Digimon inside your bracelet. Occasionally, you'll encounter other Digimon on your journeys and you'll have to issue commands to your Digimon to fight them, just like in the show! The device features a DIM slot on the side to plug DIM cards into, which will give you that card's corresponding Digimon, two buttons to control various actions, and a large, easy to read display with all the information you need in order to play with your Digimon. There's a special edition bundle that includes yours truly, although you can buy my DIM card seperately as well, along with Jellymon and Angoramon! The fun continues on your smartphone with Digimon Vital Bracelet Lab, an app which lets you transfer your Digimon off your Digivice onto your phone! You can store multiple Digimon on the app and even battle your Digimon online against other players, which is pretty cool! You also get a bonus Digimon, Pulsemon, for free when you download the app which is a nice bonus! The app is available on the App Store and Google Play. I'm currently saving up for one of these myself, and I might write a review of it here someday!
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While we wait for those Ghost Game chibi plushes to come out, there's a nice set of figures based off the Ghost Game gang you can get a hold of in the meantime! Each comes in their own nicely molded cage with a unique color. One thing I really like about these cages is that they're stackable, so you can easily put this set on a shelf and it will look great. The figures themselves look very nice, with accurate colors, proportions and a nice attention to detail. It's hard to gauge the size of them from photos, but I believe they are smaller figures, probably around a few inches tall. There's actually an even smaller set of figures though, if you can believe it! In the Bandai Hugcot minifigure series, there a few fan favorite Digimon from the past alongside the Ghost Game crew! For such small figures, I'm impressed at the level of detail they have, and I think they'd look great on display together! Definitely something to look into if you're a collector!
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The last bit of merchandise I'll cover today are some cards! These cards are from various sets in the Digimon Card Game, featuring yours truly! I don't know much about the rules, strategy, or meta of the card game, so I'm going to look at these from the perspective of them being collectibles. For starters, I really love the artwork on display with these cards. Bandai has some really talented artists working with them and they bring their own styles to the table, making multiple cards of the same character still look unique from each other. I also like how each of the cards with holofoil actually display it in a different way, increasing the uniqueness of each card. My personal favorite is the holofoil card featuring the Ghost Game trio. It's really cool seeing them all together on a single card! That being said though, I love all these cards and I'll definitely pick them up in the future. Perhaps I might even put together a card deck of my own!
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All in all, there's a lot of neat Gammamon and Ghost Game memorabilia that's been released so far, and I'm really excited for what new products will come out in the future! If any future Ghost Game merch piques my interest, I'll likely give my two cents on it with another post like this one! Also, I'll keep a tab on the Toei situation and let you know when my usual style of posts will return, hopefully we get some updates on that soon. I hope you enjoyed this week's post! Thank you for taking the time to read it and for visiting my blog! Have a nice rest of your weekend!
Yours Truly, Gammamon
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kabutoraiger · 3 years
So about the OOO movie... It this was any other movie I don't think I would have minded as much, but this was their 10th anniversary movie! The whole marketing revolved around a reunion, you know? The only thing I liked about was the acting! Even Hina tearing up pulled at my heart strings! Eiji really wanted to save that little girl and he really wanted Ankh back, I get that. That works. But /some/ fans wanted a proper reunion. And no matter how much we wanted that, we didn't get it. (1/2)
The series' ending was bittersweet, I loved it! There was enough time to establish what was needed to make it super satisfying despite it all. With this movie we got a lot of flashbacks and references or throwbacks between Eiji and Ankh, all crammed into 1 hour. They revealed Eiji died pretty early in the movie, so (imo) it seemed like a plot point to be resolved, you know? And the trio never got to be reunited for more than, what, a minute? And this time, they're separated for good. (2/2)
(puts a hand on your shoulder) you have my condolences, friend. can't blame ya for feeling this way. sometimes you just want your blorbos to be happy! especially those who have already done their time in the Kobayashi Semi-Sad Ending Mines for years. but the machinations of mr toei can be so cruel... 😔
i have no doubt some folks have already started writing fix-it fanfics if that might help any. taking the "and i will choose to ignore THAT thank you very much" approach to canon.
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rockysavannah · 4 years
Videl vs. Pan! A Bored Burp-Off!
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If you’re not into any of the above things, please do not read!
This could be considered a distant sequel to 'Bulma vs Chi-Chi! A Baby Shower Burping Contest!'.
Pan and Videl are sitting at home one day, bored out of their minds. After a couple of accidental eructations from the pair, they decide to have a burping contest, with a wager set in place to make it more interesting. Will Videl achieve victory, or will her daughter dominate? There’s only one way to find out.
I hope you like it. Any constructive criticism in the comments section is welcome.
Originally uploaded back on March 7th, 2017 on Writing.com.
This story was co-written with Jokermask18/JWAPPEL in my interactive.
Since Writing.com basically requires people to need a paid membership in order to do anything on their website, it’s practically impossible for many people to write and read there. Therefore, I’ve decided to post some of the chapters from my interactives onto my other accounts as full-fledged stories so that they can reach a wider audience.
The Art of the Thumbnail is a blend of two images. (Since no one had drawn this concept...).
Videl by Seiya-Dbz-Fan.
Pan by Krizart-DA.
Text by me and Jokermask18/JWAPPEL.
Son Videl, Son Pan, and Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super © Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha and Akira Toriyama
(A/N: This is a collaboration with Jokermask18 A.K.A. JWAPPEL.)
Content Advisory! This story contains:
Female Hyper Belching
Series: Dragon Ball
Characters: Son Videl, Son Pan
Synopsis: Videl and Pan try to alleviate their boredom by having some gassy fun.
If you’re not into any of the above things, please do not read!
It was a quiet Saturday afternoon for the family of Son Gohan. The man of the house was out on business, leaving his wonderful wife and daughter to fend off the onslaught of boredom by themselves. The duo engaged in a multitude of recreational activities—watching television shows and movies, playing video and board games, even training—but nothing could keep their interests for more than a few minutes at best. Both were currently lounging around in the living room, Pan lied half-asleep on the couch and Videl was playing with a paddleball. Videl checked the clock and her eyes widened at the time.
“Oh no, it’s almost dinner time!” she exclaimed, loudly enough to capture the attention of her daughter, “I better get cooking!”
“…Huh?” Pan muttered groggily, until the weight of those words truly hit her, “Wait, dinner?! That sounds great! I’m starving!”
The eleven-year-old girl’s sudden burst of energy got a small chuckle out of her mother, “Well, you’ll have to ‘starve’ for a little longer, because it’ll take awhile to make enough food to satisfy your appetite.”
Pan’s lips curled downward, “Can I at least get a soda to hold me over.”
With an approving nod from her mother, Pan moved faster than a normal human could track, seemingly vanishing into thin air for a split second, before returning to the same spot, only with a root beer in hand. While Videl was getting up from her chair and heading for the kitchen, Pan began chugging the contents of her can. The carbonated beverage cascaded down her esophagus before landing in the pits of her stomach, mixing with the boiling green acids that were already dwelling there, and forming large bubbles of gas from the chemical reaction. Pan put her right hand on her belly when she heard a low rumbling deep inside. She felt pockets of air shift around within her tummy, before some of it was dislodged and evicted up a valve at the top of the stomach. Pan barely had time to register what happened before a juicy belch blasted past her lips, catching her by surprise. Videl stopped in the kitchen and turned to look at her daughter, who just sported a look of content on her face.
“That felt good,” Pan commented with a giggle.
“Pan, you should show better manners than that,” Videl reprimanded with a stereotypical parental finger pointing.
Pan scoffed internally, wishing that her mom would loosen up once in a while, like what her dad said she was like as a teenager. Alas, Videl’s acceptance of her role as a housewife had meant that she sacrificed much of her cooler (in Pan’s opinion), tomboyish personality, so it was unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Videl was about to get the ingredients and kitchen ware needed to make a meal fit for a demi- and quarter-Saiyan, but was stricken with a sudden pang of thirst. Wanting to quickly quench it before getting to work, she fished through the fridge and picked out a can of Jetap, before popping it open and spraying some of the alcoholic liquid on her cheeks. Pan snickered at this, while Videl took a large swig of her drink, draining the can in a matter of seconds. Once the intoxicated fluid splashed into her gut, a similar reaction that happened in Pan’s abdominal area occurred here too. As soon as Videl removed the can from her mouth, a beery burp rippled out of it, having the length, volume, and smell to be comparable to her daughter. When the three-second-long eructation ended, Videl’s cheeks lit up in a scarlet flash.
“Ooohhh my goodness! Excuse me!” she apologized with her left hand clasped over her mouth.
There was a period of silence in the house before the juvenile giggling of the youngest Son member promptly shattered it. “Nice one, Mom! I didn’t think… that you had… it in you!” her compliments were intersped by fits of laughter.
Videl’s level of embarrassment continued to grow, “T-that was just an accident, sweetie. I didn’t mean to.”
Pan rolled her eyes and gave her an unconvinced smirk, “Not buying it, Mom. Dad told me how much of a tomboy you were back in the day and I bet that you miss that time.”
Videl widened her light blue irises, baffled at how her adolescent daughter managed to back her into a corner like this. Then, she started to think about Pan’s words; about how her ‘tough girl’ days were when she was at her coolest. But that was just a persona, right? An act that she didn’t need to keep up when she met her high school sweetheart. Without that, she felt comfortable sporting a more feminine appearance, like her wedding gown when she married Gohan, or the red dress and black leggings when she attended Bulma’s ‘39th’ birthday party. On the other hand, her feistier attitude did earn her some respect from her former classmates at Orange Star High School, and she still found some amusement when she thought back to the times that she beat various members of the student body in burping contests. Perhaps it would not hurt to relive some of that glory one more time.
“Maybe… you have a point,” Videl admitted.
Pan’s grin grew wider, “Great, because I’ve got an idea for curing our boredom: a burping contest!”
If possible, the Son matriarch’s eyes grew wider still, “Really? Well, what are the stakes?”
Pan tapped a finger on her chin in thought, “If I win, you order as much food as I want, when I want, for the next three months; If you win, I’ll do all of yours and dad’s chores on top of my own for the same time.”
Videl pondered Pan’s proposition. The risk was great, but so was the reward. After a few moments, she reached her decision, “Game on, young lady,” Videl answered with a smirk that matched her daughter’s, finally regaining her uncouth appreciation for the immature art of burping.
“Cool!” Pan’s eyes shone in anticipation, thinking that this would make for a gross, but fun, bonding experience.
Videl pulled out at least eight more cans of soda from the fridge and divided them between herself and Pan. After all, one needed the right ammunition for this kind of thing. Pan reached for her first one and chugged the whole thing in less than a minute! With a smirk, she then thumped her chest and let out a nasty sounding burp that sounded like it came from a hardened trucker. Videl was actually a little proud of her for that. That is, until she remembered she was looking at her competitor. The daughter of Mister Satan figured her turn was up and attempted to copy her daughter's opening move. Unfortunately, she ended up choking on most of the soda and launched into a coughing fit.
“You're losing Mommy,” Pan taunted in a sing-song voice before belching again. This one was ever bigger than the last, being five seconds long!
Videl's eyes narrowed as her competitive fire was beginning to reignite, “I'm not finished yet!” She began chugging her second soda, this time nearly matching her daughter's former pace. Pan was on her second soda as well, though sipping it in a leisurely fashion. It was clear she wasn't worried and this made Videl all the more angry.
Thumping her chest, the daughter of Mr. Satan unleashed her first real belch in the contest. It was decent, though only half as big as Pan's first attempt. Videl scowled, knowing she'd once been able to do much better. Pan responded with another huge belch that won her the bout and began opening her third can. Videl did the same and managed to start off with a belch that surpassed her daughter's previous attempt! The good feeling that came with that was quickly destroyed when Pan unleashed a belch that blew her mother's hair back! Once again, the daughter of Mister Satan felt oddly proud even as she began opening her fourth can. This truly was a bonding experience.
The contest continued on in this way. Videl had actually started to regain some of her old skill but it didn't seem to help. Pan dominated each bout and only grew cockier over time. “Get ready to order Mama, cause I am hungry!” The daughter of Mister Satan only scowled more deeply at this taunt. She refused to let her daughter win. It wasn't just about what losing would cost her either. Now, it was about pride.
But honestly, Videl was getting flustered. She had to admit that her kid was good. Scratch that, Pan was very, very good. As they went through what was now the seventh can for both of them, mother and daughter soon realized that it was almost over. There were only two cans left and one of them would belong to the victor. It was clear from her grin that Pan believed she knew which one it would be. “Ready to give up?”
But Videl refused. If there was anything left over from the Videl of old, it was that. She wondered, not for the first time, just what had happened to that girl? The tomboy who had dominated boy and girl alike in belching contests since she was seven! She even remembered winning a few farting contests in her time. Looking at Pan, she realized that she missed those times. She wanted them back. It was time for her to start thinking like the old Videl again, but how?
After the duo each finished their seventh can, Pan effortlessly belted out another first class burp. Though it was comparatively less powerful than her previous ones, it compensated with an odor that made the matriarch of the Son household go green in the gills. While Videl, with watery eyes, was coughing and trying to fan away the foul fumes, Pan was looking bored. Sure, she was certain that she would be able to pig out on as much food as she wanted to when this was over, which definitely appealed to her Saiyan nature, but there was another thing that her alien instincts craved: a good fight. Her father had gone on about how unladylike and badass her mother was as a youth, so Pan expected at least something resembling a challenge, just to make her victory feel more earned.
However, right now Videl was not proving those stories true at all. In fact, her burps were barely able to get much reaction out of Pan aside from condescending amusement. Either the stories were lies or Videl had simply lost her edge. In any case, Pan found it disappointing, not simply because of the aforementioned lack of challenge, but because she had a lot of respect for mommy dearest. All of the tomboyish tales about Videl, not just of how she shattered gender stereotypes by utterly decimating sexist boys in belching contests, but also of her beating up bullies and leaping into danger to stop criminals. It helped influence Pan into shaping her personality to mimic the mother that she idolized, both as a tomboy and as a hero.
Meanwhile, Videl’s mind raced to find a way to gain an edge over her daughter. Maybe she could use the Dragon Balls to wish for her old personality back. No, that would seem like a waste to use something so powerful to win such a juvenile event. Besides, what would Gohan say about it when he returned home? Nevertheless, if she cannot do that, then how will the daughter of Mister Satan triumph over the gaseous greatness of Pan? Suddenly, she thought back to what her husband said when he taught her how to fly all those years ago.
He said that you have to focus your energy from your stomach, she recalled in her head. Then, she also flashed back to when she heard Gohan say that his mentor, Piccolo, could fire ki blasts from his mouth, Wait a minute. That’s it! Videl breathed deeply and concentrated hard, gulping down air to fuel her belch. She soon felt a spark of ki in her belly and smiled, Alright, she thought, silently thanking Gohan and Piccolo for not teaching Pan telepathy, I’m on the right track, but I should try to limit how much ki I use. Otherwise, Pan will know what I’m up to and just copy me, then, I’ll be screwed.
And so, the metaphysical energy continued to manifest in her stomach, acting like fire boiling water to produce steam as it stirred up more gas than any normal human ever could. When she felt enough build up, Videl proudly forced out the gas using her ki creating a shockwave that blew away Pan’s orange bandana. When it finished, Videl sighed in relief and giggled at the befuddled face of her daughter.
“Wh-what was that?!” Pan exclaimed.
“Well, Honey, I guess I was just a little rusty,” Videl replied, lips curled up into a smirk.
Pan narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She may be somewhat naïve, but she was not stupid. The daughter of Son Gohan found it weird that her mom could just pull out a totally awesome eructation at the eleventh hour after a series of mediocre burps. In addition, Pan could have sworn that she felt a minuscule ember of ki coming from her mother, specifically in her tummy.
Maybe… The quasi-Saiyan pondered for a moment, before dismissing the idea entirely, There’s no way. That’s just ridiculous. She probably just got lucky, that’s all.
Putting the notion aside, Pan opted to pop open her eighth can of soda and began chugging it. Videl soon joined her and in a matter of seconds, both had completely drained their aluminum canisters of their sugary liquid contents. Pan patted her packed paunch playfully, feeling it press up against and peek out under her shirt. It was an expected result given that eight cans worth of delicious carbonated goodness filled that gut of hers, not including the can that she had taken a swig of before the contest officially began. Videl rubbed her own bulging belly, starting to wonder how this competition would affect her figure afterward. However, she pushed that thought out for the moment, instead focusing on the here and now.
“Well, do you want to start the final bout, little lady?” Videl inquired with a smirk.
“Sure, but you’ll regret it, trust me,” Pan replied, matching her mom’s smirk.
Pan proceeded to gobble down as much precious oxygen as possible, making her abdominal area inflate even more so. She held her breath, and after a while, she was starting to become blue in the face, which made Videl frown in worry. The mother was about to ask if her daughter was all right when Pan decided to unleash her outright abominable eructation right in her face. It was by far her greatest/grossest one in the whole competition. Pan’s oral expulsion of air lasted an astounding ten seconds, actually shattering some of the windows, which Pan had a feeling would come out of her allowance even if she won. However, the smell was again in a category of its own, as the guttural belch blast carried a sickly green cloud of gas out of Pan’s mouth. Said gas cloud was composed of an amalgamation of every food and drink that the Pan had devoured over the past week, which to a full blooded human would have been a month’s worth of nourishment.
“How was that, Mom?” Pan giggled smugly after finishing.
“Ohhh…” Videl moaned, wholly discombobulated, “That was so nasty! I think that I’m going to hurl!” she slapped both hands over her mouth to keep herself from doing so.
Pan giggled even louder, savoring her mother’s disgusted demeanor. Eventually, Videl regained her bearings and threw a piercing glare at her daughter, at which Pan only snickered, “I take it that you didn’t like my magnum opus.”
That straw broke the camel’s back, Screw it, Videl thought, I don’t know if it’s the lingering nausea or seething anger, but I’m going to put this brat in her place, no matter what! That’ll knock her arrogance ass down a peg.
Then, she got into a battle stance, her legs spreading out two feet apart and bending at a 90° angle, and closed her eyes. The quarter-Sayian cocked her left eyebrow, confused. “Uh, mom, what are you doing?”
However, Videl closed her eyes, tuned her  daughter out, and took deep breaths. Pan frowned at the silence, but widened her eyes as she felt something weird happen in her mother. Once again, the daughter of Mister Satan manifested her ki in her stomach, though now it was much larger, to the point that Pan could clearly sense it.
Huh? Why is there so much ki in her stomach? Unless… Pan thought, until her eyes widened in realization, It’s true! She did do it before and she’s doing it now!
As Pan was trying to process the current situation, Videl pressurized the gas in her stomach by charging up ki in order to increase the power of her burp. Meanwhile, a glow formed in her stomach, the heat of her ki causing her to sweat profusely. After a while, she felt a huge burst of energy finish building up pressure in her belly. This feeling made her smile in anticipation.
“Oh, boy, here it comes,” Videl exclaimed excitedly.
“Here what comes?” her offspring questioned.
Videl ignored Pan and used her energy to channel the gas out of her belly. The glow intensified as it, the ki and the gas traveled up her body before entering her mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge outward and filling Videl’s mouth with a light bright enough to make her puffed out cheeks translucent. Then, she raised her head slightly away from Pan to avoid possibly hurting her and became the first person in history to burp out a blast of energy.
Suddenly, her mouth snapped open and she belched out a large yellow ki beam, which rocketed past Videl's lips and barely missed the top of Pan’s head on its trajectory through one of the broken windows. The burp itself echoed throughout the house, shattering the remaining windows, and knocking down several books, expensive plates, and other belongings. The duo looked to see the blast vaporize some nearby trees, both of them gawking at the trail of burnt grass and destroyed foliage.
“Whoa, even I didn't expect that,” Videl admitted with a blush.
Pan turned back to her mom, “That… was… awesome! Let’s keep going! I want to do that too!”
Videl paused for a moment, but then chuckled at the absurdity of the situation, “Ok, but the loser gets punished for six months in lieu of three.”
“Deal!” Pan shouted, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Both remembered their unfinished cans of soda and grabbed them for the true final bout. They were going to need it!
Once the beverages had been consumed, the empty aluminum husk that previously held them were discarded and Pan began the final bout by pausing to focus her ki then:
A big energy blast shot from her mouth, twice the width of her mother's effort, though it only did a little more damage to the house by burning a few extra holes in the walls.
Videl applauded politely, then sucked in and: 
She not only managed to outdo her daughter, but shot out a stream of ki balls from her mouth in rapid succession. Pan was forced to jump on top of her chair in dodge in a rather comedic fashion. Videl laughed out loud at this when she was finished and an evil gleam suddenly entered her eye. Turning her gaze towards the ceiling, she forced out a small burp that resulted in a single ball of ki knocking some debris onto Pan's head, the quarter-Saiyan scowling in response.
“Okay Mama, you've had it!
Videl's eyes widened as her daughter unleashed a huge belch that contained a variation of one of Vegeta's most powerful moves. It packed enough force to blow her through the wall of her home and leave her smoking on the already slightly scorched lawn. Pan laughed at the sight and began jumping up and down in an absurd little victory dance.
“Yes! I win! HAHAHAHA, I am the best!” This bratty sing-song voice awoke something in Videl and she slowly pulled herself to her feet, her eyes ablaze with fury. Pan watched with a mix of confusion and concern as her mother assumed a basic power-up stance and began speaking in grunts, as though she were on the verge of transforming into some new kind of super form. In fact, it wouldn't have surprised Pan at all if that were the case.
Little did the young girl know that during all this, her mother was reliving her past, watching various images of her rough and tumble self flash and the victories she'd achieved flash before her eyes. Everything from belching contests to looking best in a bikini passed her by. They were soon replaced by new images of Pan besting her younger self in all these same events. Other scenes were also included such as a rice eating contest and a farting contest. Every last one filled the Videl of the present with even more rage.
“No! I… Will… Not… lose… to a… little… girl! Even if she is my own daughter!” Pan watched in amazement as her mother's slightly higher than average power level suddenly skyrocketed, her aura blazing to life around her. Videl then bellowed, “Ka… Me… Ha… Me… 
The mightiest belch under the heavens, contained within the signature technique of both the Kame House and the overall Son Family, shot from Videl's mouth. It zeroed in on a horrified Pan and created a great explosion that destroyed the entire house! Pan lay amidst the rubble, somehow only dazed, “You win, Mommy.”
“Oh yeah!” Videl cried out in a rather good impression of her father, “I win! I'm number—oh crap!” The daughter of Mister Satan looked upon what was left of her home and decided to let Pan off the hook: she would need all the help she could get in order to collect the Dragon Balls and restore everything before Gohan got back!
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synthient · 6 years
The only thing I can say in the creators defense is he probably didn't originally intend DMG to be an ancient egyptian child (/teen? How old is Mana?) However yeah they probably could've changed the card's design or sth? Or just like. Not done DMG like That in the first place.
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nn okay let me try to knock these out in one post
According to the official ygo guidebook written by KT, Mana’s 13. 
You point out that he might not have known that from the beginning, and normally I’m the head of the KT Didn’t Have A Plan And His Entire Writing Process Was Just This One Gif Of Gromit club,
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but the chapter that introduces DMG (the Pandora duel) explicitly describes her as Dark Magician’s young apprentice who takes his place when he dies. And starts dropping heavy-handed hints that Dark Magician has a personality & isn’t just an ordinary trading card & is so loyal to Atem he’s ready to die for him. So I think it’s fair to guess that Mana and Mahad had been at least roughly planned by that point.
Given his treatment of Anzu, I would be 100% unsurprised if he sexualized a 13-year-old on purpose. Her age may have been intended as part of the appeal.
(Even if she wasn’t a child, I’d still have problems with Regular Default Dark Magician and Sexy Girl Dark Magician looking like the gender options for a warcraft race)
If we assume that DMG was always supposed to represent a girl from Ancient Egypt,
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then it’s Weird that she looks like this.
In-universe, you might be able to explain it as Pegasus, a white American artist, whitewashing the Ancient Egyptian carvings he pillaged his ideas from. That could have been an interesting piece of commentary. But ygo never takes the opportunity to make that commentary, and Pegasus isn’t a real person capable of making his own choices. KT (and his staff members & editors) picked DMG’s color palette. 
But wait, you might ask, isn’t Dark Magician whitewashed too? It’s not like DMG is being unfairly singled out.
You’ll notice, though, that on manga covers, in the Toei intro theme, and in his earliest tcg art, Dark Magician’s skin is either blue or green (also a tad Weird, but at least maybe it’s supposed to suggest that he’s undead. You could also easily argue that Dark Magician’s backstory wasn’t hammered out until long after his introduction in Death-T). It’s only Sexy Girl Dark Magician who gets lily-white skin.
It was the DM anime that made Dark Magician light-skinned too (judging by the alternate Doma explanation for where duel monsters come from, the anime staff almost definitely didn’t know about Mana and Mahad from the beginning).
Fast-forward to Memory World. In the manga, Mahad and Mana look like this:
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and it’s revealed that the original Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl looked like this:
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So, okay, at least in the Ancient Egypt segments of the story, their skin tones match the humans whose souls they came from. That’s something.
In the anime, Mahad and Memory World!Dark Magician still match:
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but Mana and Memory World!DMG look like…this:
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So what we’ve got is a hypersexualized female character who is eventually revealed to be (and was probably(?) always intended to be) the soul of a black girl from Ancient Egypt. Yet her original, most iconic design–and in the anime, her only design, even in a setting and context where it makes zero sense–is light-skinned.
Her hypersexualization, which was already Fairly Fucked Up on its own, gets mixed in with the Eurocentric beauty standards that have infiltrated the whole world thanks to colonialism–to be Sexy, she has to look white. A dark-skinned Egyptian girl can’t be the face of, as ygotas so tactfully puts it, every teenage boy’s wank fodder. (Black and dark-skinned girls being hypersexualized and dehumanized and set apart from “delicate” white femininity is a whole other issue, but ygo specifically falls into the issue of beauty-as-whiteness).
The handling of DMG also looks Not Great in when examined in conjunction with Kisara’s Miraculous Whiteness, Which Acts As A Mark Of Her Purity And Sets Her Apart From The Common Unworthy black Rabble 
Anyway, none of these are tropes(/systemic world problems) that ygo singlehandedly invented in the year 1996, and the point isn’t that this trading card franchise is evil and everyone should hate it. These are all just Not Great things that I think it’s worth being able to have a discussion about.
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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(My original/older commentary under ‘
{Note: The movie was since released!}
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kabutoraiger · 7 years
Do you think that ex-aid was also supposed to have a more coherent plot? I mean e.g: when they killed lazer they did the thing were they ended filming and gave a bouquet and all that stuff, but he just keep reappearing... or he's a popular character and mr toei didn't expect that???
oh, hm. that’s harder to say, since i haven’t seen much of ex-aid myself.
the backlash to kiriya’s death is of course something that happened once the show had already officially gotten under way, so. i’m not sure? i guess that’s not too late for later episode rewrites, but that still seems like it’d be difficult to do with a show that’s already airing. at this point the flowers are looking more like a purposeful fake-out to make us think he was gone for good. especially since it’s not just kiriya they’ve brought back/are potentially going to bring back soon.
in the end i think ex-aid might just be the result of a writer with too many ideas trying to cram them all into a 23 minute a week kids show? (and of writing that’s way too into referencing things the audience doesn’t know yet, which can leave people frustrated & confused if you go too far with it.)
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