#( you know i wonder what happens when tsukasa gets exorcised )
thelunarfairy · 1 year
Amane's past
I've been thinking about a pretty crazy theory lately. I saw in some posts about the desire of supernaturals to devour humans.
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So I was thinking, right at the beginning there was that theory that Amane could be being abused by Tsukasa, despite the signs really indicating that it could have happened, the hypothesis was discarded.
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Analyzing the situation carefully, Amane had no friends, there is no evidence that any student was bothering him (and the hypothesis was said by Yashiro) and even so, for Amane to always forgive, it wouldn't make sense for it to be someone random, there had to be some connection.
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So that leaves Amane and Tsukasa's parents. There is no evidence that his parents were violent, which I think is unlikely as they could have done something more drastic and aggressive to Tsukasa, since his mother took him to be exorcised.
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So, in the end, only Tsukasa remains. We see that Amane does not always appear injured.
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Like when he is repairing a watch, but at the same time Tsuchigomori, while talking to Amane, says that he appears injured every day since he started studying with him.
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Knowing that Tsukasa has merged with that "God" who usually grants wishes for a lifetime, I have been wondering about Tsukasa's "hunger". As I said at the beginning, supernaturals like to devour humans, Tsukasa is a supernatural, even though he looks like a human. When he returned home, he was no longer an ordinary human boy, he was a supernatural one.
What guarantees that Tsukasa wasn't always trying to please this God by using people? Just like he did in the temple when he granted the wish.
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Perhaps, Amane may have given Tsukasa her body to satisfy this desire and stop her brother from hurting other people, which is why he "always forgives"
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Mitsuba bites Kou to the point of almost biting off his fingers because he is so hungry. Why wouldn't Tsukasa do the same?
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Still, we never saw Tsukasa devouring supernaturals or interested in devouring humans, but we also never saw him say that that possibility wouldn't exist. Remembering that the Tsukasa that appears with the seal is a Yorishiro, that is, it is not the original Tsukasa, after all, the Yorishiro is everything you love or want to protect most, it takes the form of that. Like Sumire for example, even though she has memories, that Sumire is not the real one, as the real one died many years ago.
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The same applies to Tsukasa. Proof of this is Tsukasa's appearance to Nene at the festival, he was without the seal, considering that he speaks directly to her because he already knows her, it is a fact that that Tsukasa is the real one and not a memory of the past. Although Tsukasa has this ability to float through time, we are not sure if the Tsukasa from the past is Yorishiro or if there are two Tsukasas.
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It's a bit of a crazy hypothesis, but it crossed my mind these days. The other hypothesis would be that Amane himself was hurting himself for some reason, but this would be in contrast to Amane's phrase "I will always forgive". Would he forgive himself? Also, there are rope marks on his arms, would he tie himself?
Other than that, the possibilities are that other people who could be important to him did this, but we don't know them.
Maybe Amane will always forgive him because Tsukasa wouldn't be able to control his hunger, just like Mitsuba. Kou was able to overlook Mitsuba's entire situation when he realized that without it he would die, so it would be okay for Kou to hunt supernaturals for Mitsuba to eat. Why wouldn't Amane do the same for her brother? The difference is that instead of supernaturals, it would be himself.
"I will always forgive"
Amane may have gotten tired of this and thought he had no solution left for Tsukasa, so he would kill him to take away his burden, and since Amane wouldn't forgive himself for killing him, he took his own life. Or, he just tried to get the "creature" out of his brother, but ended up killing him as a result.
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2n2n · 1 year
I know it's only one question at a time but I need to ask these questions all together. 1st: What is your theory of why Hanako-kun was sealed? (I'm quite curious)2°: Do you think Hanako-kun will lose the seal in the manga probably because of Tsukasa?3°: If that happens, do you think he will lose control? For the theories that say they have a lot of power P.S: I love your posts 😍and sorry for asking three questions at the same timeI 😅
There's no rules to questions! So long as you don't mind a possibly long answer. I'm glad you're just curious about my thoughts ^^ I would be talking to myself all day even if nobody was listening, but it is nice if it's entertaining for someone too (: Lets ponder together…
1.Why Hanako was sealed... This I have so few thoughts on. I'm always a little dubious about Minamoto claims, as they have a family narrative upheld, and they obfuscate knowledge and details to suit their dogma. Obviously they aren't always 100% lying, but at least I consider they have a kind of propaganda with their storytelling...
Even when Teru, valuable Minamoto son and current champion or whatever, comes to Nagisa for help, the impulse is to keep information from him ... its all like that inside this lousy business.
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everyone seems to work in this duplicitous way to maintain control of handling situations. They don't want a delegation. They want to take care of problems internally. Information can be hidden, distorted, or retold favorably.
How old is/was grandma Minamoto? Did she seal Hanako right away? Was he a normal ghost? Was he distorted by rumors, was he given another chance, does it tie into why he became a mystery, did the Minamoto used to work with the mysteries, or was that always a solution forged by some other group? Why didn't she exorcise him? Did she choose to not, because of something about him, as a mercy, or ... could she just not? What does 'using all her strength' mean, lol?
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A lot to wonder but not anything to know. I only try to remain skeptical of whatever bullshit Heroic story Kou specifically was fed as a child, since Teru doesn't want him knowing their family's unpleasant history, or sympathizing with kaii…..
2. I think it's more likely Hanako would lose the seal because of Yashiro, than Tsukasa … I feel as if the seal represents repression, or things Hanako holds back, or… things about himself he doesn't want to be true, or doesn't accept. When Yako talks about her warped self "still being me", he touches it.
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I don't think he likes what Yako is saying, given he believes being a kaii warps you past recognizability, and he himself has given up his identity to his kaii existence, erasing Amane.
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I'm sure whoever is behind that seal, maybe Hanako wrestles with the idea of that, too, being "himself". Many aspects of his self, his past, he doesn't want to consider, anymore. Or at least ... he doesn't want someone like Yashiro to see.
Yashiro can peel seals, and she's interested in getting to know Hanako. I hope there comes a situation he either finally wants it taken off to do something he needs his full strength for, OR a situation Yashiro makes the decision for HERSELF to peel it off, even if he resists or is afraid. I would love that, anyway (: dreams.
As for Tsukasa, somehow I think looking at him reinforces the desire in Hanako to keep it stuck on. A reminder of what 'loss of control' once resulted in .... In any case, I think Hanako wants the seal to stay, that's my impression right now, given it feels as if he could probably easily privately ask for Yashiro to peel it? She's so in love with him, and she was so ignorant early on … If he's had it on for so long, he may be more afraid of 'returning' to a way he once was, if it's taken off.... ?
3. Yes, I think Hanako has a lot more capability when not sealed! For one thing, Tsukasa seems to gain more and more power as the yorishiro are peeled, and the power is "returned to its original form" (the well God... ? Tsukasa ?) … he seems stronger.
Tsukasa's 'sleep' spell was a lot more effective on Yashiro (in Hell of Mirrors), than Hanako's was (in Picture Perfect), for some reason…
While I think Hanako is hiding his abilities even as it is, and is disguising any benefit destroying yorishiro may have, I imagine his own yorishiro, or ~battery as HE HIMSELF HAS PUT IT, gaining more and more, would have to benefit him… ? I dunno, it's extrapolation at this point-- maybe Tsukasa would weaken, and Hanako would strengthen, if Hanako were to be peeled, as the flow of power between them would suggest …? Maybe Tsukasa can only gain strength right now, BECAUSE Hanako is sealed, and can't absorb more?
I always feel as if power between them could actually instantaneously flip, 'cuz Iro-sensei likes that kind of twist... Tsukasa is Amane's belonging, after all...
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radiancebled · 3 years
baby tsukasa: I can’t leave
fake tsukasa: no, but I can :))
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larathia · 2 years
I just read your recent chapter 90 jshk analysis and this may be a 2am thought but I wonder if Hanako would oppose Kou when his priorities have, I’d say change through the course of the Severance
Originally, from the earlier chapters he’d set a course to serve as No.7 under “God” to redeem himself from guilt/crimes of killing Tsukasa then implied to Kou once he was a powerful enough exorcist he’d willing allow himself to be exorcised. (Plus, when Teru firstly attempt to eradicate Hanako, he used a lot of energy to not be when “having a lot of things to do” and being exorcised would “only be a release”)
This next part is also coming from a Hananene stan but hear me out. We can say Hanako has fallen for Nene and doing so, he allowed the Severance to happen which removed step one of his original duty to serve as a mystery/ protector to the school. Secondly, right after Nene and Hanako have their little escapade, he says something along the lines of “it doesn’t matter what happens to me if I were exorcised by Teru or No.1”
So yeah, sorry if this was a long post. Thank ya if you read my little thought blurb because your post did get me thinking if Kou became a supernatural how would Hanako or Nene react and what does this mean for the future of events~ Hell, maybe this “God” mentioned will have an appearance
It's a good point, and I do wonder - but I think what it comes down to in the end is what kind of being Hanako struck that initial bargain with.
Because yeah - he did say "it doesn't matter if Akane and Teru exorcise me as long as you get to live". Buuuut. We also know, because he's run up against Teru before, that 'exorcising' him grants him oblivion. No Heaven, no Hell, no 'go round the wheel again' - just oblivion.
Now, if you're someone who genuinely thinks you deserve a lot of punishment...well. "Oblivion" is getting off lightly, you know? It's a away of getting around what 'should' have happened.
Hanako's been going 'off the rails', in terms of his duty as Number 7, for some time - you're right. But if Kou takes over as a new Six, not only would he become Yet Another Thing that Hanako's supposed to deal with...he'd end the Severance. Which may well mean that whoever Hanako struck that initial bargain with, that being could now reach him and dish out some punishment.
...Seriously, I really do hope Kou does take on the powers of Six. The more I think about it, the more interesting the consequences become.
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ethalipyrou · 3 years
Oooh!! This gives me inspiration to write more to be honest and I hope I’m not bothering by giving so many requests but I did think of an AU... it’s mostly canon but I wanted your headcanons or a one shot for it if that’s okay! Basically, Yoko and satou use a ouija board to summon something as a joke, they end up summoning Tsukasa but yoko doesn’t say goodbye when he’s suppose to and now it’s just kou and Tsukasa in a house now haunted by spirits and uh apparently the all powerful Tsukasa is terrified of every single one of them. As in, screaming and sobbing and clinging to Kou out of pure terror (also! This would be after hell of mirrors :3 and you can use Japanese urban legends as well such as the eight feet tall woman!)
Ahhh I'm so glad it gives you inspiration to write more, you totally should! <3 I don't know much about urban legends so I'll just use the one you told me (I tried looking up the other ones and I didn't want to make this too terrifying XD)
I included a bit of Teru in this toward the end, I hope that's okay! I decided to go with headcanons since I need to get better (and faster) at writing them. I hope this is to your liking!
Kou and Tsukasa; Haunted House AU
WARNING: Slight fear elements, references eight feet tall women urban legend.
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✧ Kou initially isn't afraid of the haunted house, since he has Tsukasa with him...but then he realizes that Tsukasa is afraid, which causes them to both end up panicking together.
"Tsukasa, use your ghost powers or something to get rid of them!"
"I can't! They're too powerful!"
✧ They both end up a shaking, shivering mess and running (or in Tsukasa's case, floating) as fast as they can away from the spirits.
✧ When they see the eight feet tall woman, Tsukasa is completely frozen and hiding behind Kou.
"Tsukasa, why are YOU the one who's scared?"
"You know she kidnaps and kills children, right? That includes you! And me!"
"But you're already dead! And you literally defeated a school wonder!"
"She's IMMORTAL, Kou. I can't kill something immortal!"
✧ After Kou hears that, he's shaking just as much as Tsukasa as they cling to each other.
✧ Tsukasa ends up crying and screaming the entire way through the house.
"Stop being so loud, they're going to hear you!"
"We'll never make it out of here alive if we can't fight them! Kokujoudai can't call for help either! So you're going to die, and we won't even get an afterlife!"
✧ Tsukasa becomes deeply pessimistic and just wants to get out of the house ASAP. And as much as Kou wants to as well, Tsukasa's pessimism is getting on his nerves.
"Well, we don't know if we don't try! R-Right? RIGHT?!"
✧ They try to run away and end up tripping on almost everything because tears are blinding their vision.
✧ Kou and Tsukasa have absolutely chaotic energy, so when they try to work together it never goes very well.
"Maybe we can like...trap them or something?"
✧ As soon as they try to set up a poorly-made net trap, Tsukasa ends up walking on it and getting himself trapped.
"...this is actually kind of painful, Kou why did you make the net so small."
✧ Kou quickly realizes that Tsukasa is going to end up setting off any traps that they make (intentionally or accidentally), and quickly abandons that idea.
✧ Kou tries to ask Tsukasa for ideas but he keeps getting distracted by the spirits and floating off in different directions.
✧ Kou ends up tying a rope *cough* more like a leash around Tsukasa's wrist so he can make sure he doesn't float too far.
✧ Tsukasa ends up chewing through the rope, of course.
"Why did you chew the rope."
"I wanted to know what it tasted like!" (even though we all know he also chewed it out of nervousness)
✧ Teru (eventually) figures out what's going on and tells Yoko and Satou to say goodbye, not telling them about the spirits being real.
"How did you know what happened?"
"Because you didn't show up at home, Kou."
"Oh. Right."
✧ Teru ends up taking away the ouija board from Yoko and Satou with a threatening smile, saying it's his duty as a student council member to "keep the school safe."
✧ Teru almost exorcises Tsukasa on the spot, but reluctantly decides not to because of Kou's insistence.
"Tsukasa's my friend, you can't just exorcise him! And he's not harmful or anything, promise!"
✧ Tsukasa becomes very happy and excited at hearing the word "friend" and wraps Kou in a tight hug. You bet Tsukasa's telling Sakura about his new friend for weeks to come.
"Yeah, you can't exorcise me! Then I wouldn't be able to hang out with my friend!"
"Tsukasa I can't breathe-help—"
✧ (Tsukasa is very much a hugger).
✧ When Halloween rolls around and someone offers to take them to a "haunted house," they quickly decline.
"Nope! We've uh, had enough of haunted houses for a while."
✧ And from that point onward, Kou and Tsukasa make a silent agreement to stay away from anything "haunted".
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12-am-username · 4 years
Well it's not THAT extreme XD But I definitely would love some more Yandere! Hanako headcannons but this is more about if Yashiro had been sent to the hospital for three days and went absent from school because uh let's say somebody in school caused it. Highlight: How/What is Hanako doing meanwhile? And the moment Yashiro came back what'd he do—?
yandere! hanako x nene headcanons
(yandere! hanako x yashiro nene | headcanon and oneshot | fluff, angst, and gore | 2.2k words | spoilers)
— requested by @aliarosella —
i didn’t think i’d be making a part two to this but hey i’m idea-less. @aliarosella i hope this lives up to your expectations 🥺🥺. this will contain spoilers from the manga so please proceed with caution. THERE IS a fair amount of GORE IN HERE TOO, SO IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THAT KIND OF CONTENT, I SUGGEST YOU SEARCH UP SOME FLUFF CONTENT like some of my other works. (unedited)
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He is an obsessive yandere
Obsessive in a way that he always have her safety on his mind, wonders if she messed with the wrong apparition, imagining her bright smile once more, or reminiscing of her warm hands that reminded him that she’s alive
He is obsessive in that he cared for her so much that he wanted to protect her from the dangers of her new reality
However, he could not protect her from that accident
“Kid, please!” Hanako begged. When Yashiro didn’t come to school, he didn’t think much of it. Until another day passed, and another one came. The apparition floated beside the young exorcist, shaking his shoulders.
“Senpai made me promise not to tell you.” Kou rubbed the back of his neck. It was one thing to promise Yashiro not to speak of the incident, and another to not speak of who did it. He already broke one. When Kou explained that Yashiro hit her head and suffered a severe concussion, Hanako could barely register the words coming out of his mouth. He assured the apparition that it would take a day in the hospital. He had to keep reminding Hanako that she isn’t dead.
Kou didn’t have any intention of breaking his promise. Yashiro specifically said not to tell anyone what really happened in the cooking room. Yet something inside him wondered if it was a good idea to keep it from Hanako.
“It was a guy in third year. They say he had disciplinary issues and acted like a delinquent.” Kou was hesitant. Who wouldn’t be? He looked down, waiting for a reaction from the ghost. Hanako’s eyes darkened.
“I don’t think Senpai told me the whole truth. Only that she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Kou muttered. He didn’t think it was loud for the ghost to hear, but Hanako could already envision what happened. His mind replayed a scenario where Yashiro was struck by a blunt object. It was on purpose, wasn’t it? That boy did it to provoke him, didn’t he?
“I’m sure it was just an acc—“ Kou stopped. When he looked up, he saw Hanako’s expression grow cold as shivers went down his spine. A dark shadow cast over the apparition’s face as his hand twitched in anger. Kou’s heart started to beat faster as Hanako lifted his head to meet his eyes. The look that he gave was unearthly and foreign. Kou didn’t know how much trouble he caused for the apparition. His brother’s words rang in his head. A troublesome ghost that goes unstable at the drop of a hat...
He is a resentful yandere
Resentful in a way that he can no longer put a facade on, that he has brought hell to the academy, except no one knew that he declared war
He is resentful in that he didn’t need words to express the feelings bottled inside
However, he’s walking the line between stability and insanity
He never thought too hard about it. Really, he didn’t. He didn’t. He thought that he didn’t. His mind always dirfted back to that delinquent that hurt Yashiro. What if that killed her? What if she died there, while Hanako didn’t know? What if he came too late? It killed him, thinking that way. Nothing good came out of it, but he can’t stop. He fell into despair while she was in the hospital.
Thoughts plagued his mind. He stopped smiling. He no longer had a carefree tone in his voice. He wasn’t the teasing and playful No. 7. No, he changed. There was no more joy in his eyes. There would be no more butterflies in his stomach. There would be no warmth to remind him that all he does is for Yashiro to live. All he felt was numb. Pain. Resent.
Resent for that boy. That insolent fool. He wondered if Yashiro would be better off without that kid. In fact, everyone would be better off without him, right? Hanako twisted his mindset. His head grew heavy as his heart turned bitter and harder, almost stone. It hurt to smile, too. But this sick and twisted grin, Hanako found himself adapting to this new look.
It didn’t go by unnoticed. Akane, Vice President and Clock Keeper, would often see him wandering the halls. He didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, just passing by. What caught Akane’s eye however, was the look on his face. It always seemed like he was looking for something beyond him. Akane fixed his glasses, heading to the Student Council Room.
Kou didn’t know what to do. For the most part, Hanako stopped talking at all. Not that he didn’t mind it, sometimes it was nice to not hear his perverted thoughts. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Worried, he looked for the apparition in the girl’s bathroom. He reached out to knock when he heard a giggle. It sounded like Hanako. It’s been a while since he heard him laugh. No, this is different. It wasn’t a pity laugh, nor did it stem from joy. The distant voice of his brother called to him. He harms the living at the slightest provocation...
He is a distant yandere
Distant in a way that he wouldn’t meet with anyone, preferring to isolate himself from people and apparitions
He is distant in that he won’t let anyone come near him, not that anyone approached him
However, he found himself longing for something to distract him from his loneliness
The 7th Wonder didn’t know when he started to isolate himself. For 3 days, he already seemed accustomed to it. Like second nature. It terrified him, how easy it was for him to adapt with the new reality he has. Yashiro is still in the hospital. He wondered how she’s doing, as he always does. He found himself at the school rooftop. He missed it when she made him donuts. Or when they came up there to talk about anything. He missed teasing her and seeing her face flush. The mokke came and went, offering him food they stole found in the cooking room. The cooking room. Where the accident took place. He shook his head.
“It’s not healthy to keep your emotions to yourself, you know?” Hanako turned his head and found Tsuchigomori, giving him a concerned look. Hanako sighed and went back to staring beyond the school gates. Perhaps if he was taller, he could get a better view and find the hospital. “Are you even listening to me?”
“I don’t have to.” Hanako crossed his arms. He looked at Tsuchigomori, glaring at him. The fifth mystery remained unfazed as Hanako continued. “There’s nothing you can do to change the fact that she’s hurt. And I’m not there with her.”
“We’re all hurt when we heard what happened. You’re not the only one suffering.” Tsuchigomori sighed as he went back the stairs. Some of the mysteries were uncomfortable with how the Honorable No. 7 was acting. Maybe he was acting out of self interest. Only doing what he felt like he needs to do. By himself, like he always did. Maybe that’s what Hanako is. Self-serving and violent...
He is a dependent yandere
Dependent in a way that he can’t see himself do anything without Yashiro, or yearn to brush her hair and feel the gentle touch when their hands intertwine
He is dependent in that he didn’t want to lose the solace he found in his arms
However, he found himself facing this temporary but painful reality
Hanako found himself rocking back and forth in the girls bathroom. God, how he wanted it to be over. He wanted Yashiro back in his arms. He wanted to talk about daikon, just to see her face turn angry. It always brought a smile on his face. She was his salvation. The only good thing in this world to him. The only thing that mattered in the world to him. The only thing that meant something to him.
Three days felt like hell. No, hell was kinder than this reality. Any day without her, left alone to his imagination, it didn’t do any good. The mokke sensed his distress and pain. The other mysteries noticed it, too. Without Yashiro, they’re left to wonder if Hanako would disappear from the near shore, because what is his world without her?
Kou’s mind wandered back to when his brother nearly exorcised the apparition. Hanako had said that he still had things to do. What things? The life of a murderer could never atone for anything. There were things that needed to be done. But this was a punishment for Hanako. Something worse than being released from the near shore.
Hanako found himself unconsciously reaching for the mop that Yashiro always used. He found himself unconsciously touching the door to the third stall. He was torn. He grew worse every day. His mind went to a dark place. A grim and lonely mindset that no one should ever go into. That boy... He caused his heart to turn cold. He wanted to snap, oh God, what he would do to snap. Release all the emotions. Like he did with Tsukasa. Tsukasa... He took his brother’s life. Taking life from another...
He is a taunting yandere
Taunting in a way that he didn’t see anything wrong with it, only acting on what he believes is true
He is taunting in that he’s trying to see how far he could go before something happens
However, he found himself slowly losing his grip on reality
Was this his punishment? For God to give him his haven, only to take it away once more? What more could God do? What other cruel fate is planned? His heart started to beat faster. Nothing could hurt him any more than this. His head hurt from all the thoughts that raced through his head. There would be another time to think about what happened. Another time to ask why Yashiro was hurt. Another time to ask why it had to be Yashiro.
Hanako could remember Teru’s words when they confronted each other. Maybe part of it was true. Maybe is a troublesome ghost. Maybe he would harm the living for what they did to Yashiro. Maybe it’s of his own accord, serving his self interest. To take away that delinquent’s life for nearly taking away Yashiro’s. He could disappear now, yes, but what if Yashiro got hurt? His days without her felt like it happened for forever. Maybe when she dies, they could be happy. Happier without the pain in the world. Happier without the pity that came too late. Yet he clings stubbornly to the near shore and refuse to accept his own death...
He is a quiet yandere
Quiet in a way that he didn’t need words to convey what he’s feeling, denying his delusions, and found solace in a gloomy place
He is quiet in that he kept his dark fantasies to himself, never letting anyone ask what was going on in his head
However, he didn’t know if what he did next was real
Night is about to fall. Something about today felt different. There was something in his eyes.
Maybe the joy of seeing his blood splatter in the kitchen room. Maybe the thrill and excitement that rushed through him as he held the knife. The happiness he felt when the boy’s heart slowed its beating. His eyes glowed with hunger for more, his smile growing wider every time he choked out blood. The look in his face never faltered, only growing darker as screams echoed in his head. The delinquent’s face started to lose its color, eyes drained of life.
Slowly, he closed his eyes, no longer witnessing the apparition’s murderous gaze. Panting heavily, he dropped the kitchen knife.
The night was quiet.
There were no screams.
Blood stained the floor, the walls, smeared on his face, on the countertop. The entire room would be a crime scene. Hanako looked out the window. The moon shone brightly, the smell of blood no longer filling up the room. Did he imagine killing him? It felt so real. It didn’t matter then, because his heart started to settle down. Whether he made it up or put it into action, he allowed his mind to reach the deepest and darkest pit that demons fear to enter.
It was fine.
He was fine now.
When Yashiro came back, he gave her the biggest hug and cuddled her like a koala. He refused to let go of her, even as she went to class. She didn’t mind, she missed him too. Her mind wandered as class began.
What was Hanako doing without her? Was he alright?
It’s been a few days, but she can’t help but worry about how lonely he must have been. Hanako stood behind her, twirling her hair in between his fingers. She reached behind her and touched his hand, which would seem like she was touching her hair to most people. He missed her soft touch and let out a small smile. But something lingered in his mind, making the soft look on his face falter.
He still can’t comprehend what happened. Whether he really did kill the boy. He couldn’t bear to tell Yashiro. He stared at the back of her head, lifeless eyes looking for a distant memory where he satisfied his bloodlust.
To be perfectly honest...
...it’s painful to look at...
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thekagepro24 · 4 years
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Can we appreciate Kou as a character? 
Usually in these kind of series with a trio, one person inevitably gets less spotlight, but JSHK makes sure to give Kou lots of depth. And in a way, I see him as more of a main character at times. With Young Exorcist arc, we see him blindly aspire to be just like his older brother, but he gains the independence and courage to tell Teru off for trying to exorcise Hanako before he's had a chance to prove himself.
With this being a supernatural series, having one of the main trio be an exorcist puts a great spin on things. And not just in a lighthearted sense.
Kou resolves to do his best as an exorcist and make his own decisions as to what is best to do. Afterwards he's set up with one of, if not the biggest challenge. After reuniting with Mitsuba, Tsukasa quickly steals that happiness away from him. A mysterious supernatural out of nowhere that turns his best friend into a husk of his former self.
This proves to Kou that pure resolve isn't enough to be an amazing exorcist. Resolve didn't save Mitsuba from turning into that, and resolve didn't save him from almost being killed just then.
But Hanako's appearance in this scene is very interesting. Instead of scolding Kou for lack of strength, Hanako doesn't even consider it. Through all of the hardships Hanako had faced during his life, and his now constant routine of having to get rid of spirits that become corrupted, Hanako feels like nothing can be done, and tells Kou just that.
"There was nothing that could have been done, this was for the best."
But Kou rejects that. He's not the type to take this kind of thing sitting down, which is very very resilient of him! After seeing all of that happen to Mitsuba and having flashbacks to human Mitsuba dying, he still says, through a tear-filled face, that this WASN'T for the best. That something COULD'VE been done. He just needs to find it.
We'd assume that whatever Hanako says must be true, as he is the most knowledgeable of the trio, but this scene proves that even Hanako is flawed and has something to learn from Kou, the sobbing mess gripping onto an old camera.
Next is Clock keepers. When the reveal is made about Yashiro, Kou confronts Hanako only to be told the same thing. "It can't be helped." Hanako had known what would happen to Yashiro and had been keeping quiet, believing there was no changing her fate, and thus, wanted to make do with the short time left.
Hanako informs him that with the time reset, Kou will forget all about learning this. He rejects this as well. He doesn't want to just go along with forgetting and inevitably losing Yashiro. Something had to be done. He had lost Mitsuba, what good would losing another close friend do?
In Hell of Mirrors, Kou is met with the grave reality that Tsukasa has stolen his best friends' memories and made him into a school wonder, all for his sick idea of fun. Mitsuba has no idea who he is, but calls him the same nickname. He's still Mitsuba, after all, even down to the funny nicknames. Kou gives Mitsuba the gardening book with photography done by Mitsuba himself. And along with that, he tells Mitsuba his name again. "I'm Kou Minamoto! Remember it, girly-face!"
And finally (so far) is Picture Perfect. Kou has to find out the meaning behind this fake world with Yashiro, and is told to kill Mitsuba.
He talks to Mitsuba, who's caught up in insecurities and learned helplessness. Kou himself is even taken aback when Mitsuba projects his past self on the window. Mitsuba breaks the window, claiming that even Kou doesn't care about him, only longing for the past Mitsuba. He breaks down, claiming no one else except Tsukasa could grant his wish.
Kou is faced with a big problem. He had resolved to save Mitsuba, to get him back, to help him out, but things have turned out this bad. His best friend is stuck here crying, helpless, and alone. No wonder he'd love this world. How else would he be able to live out the normal life both of them had lost to the distant past?
Mitsuba stares him dead in the eyes and makes the offer to Kou. "Let's stay here! You can save the friend that you lost, and we can just stay here! It'll be like Mitsuba never died!" He extends a trembling hand.
Kou can't accept this. But not in the same way as the two previous instances. This time, he has to know what to do and what to say on the spot.
After exchanging blows due to Mitsuba attacking in self-defense, Kou is able to recall Mitsuba's previous words, and brings them up as a rebuttal. "You didn't want to become 'Mitsuba', you wanted to become a human in the real world!"
Mitsuba tells him he's wrong, but that's a lie. Mitsuba knows full well Kou is right, but again retreats into helplessness, claiming to be alone.
And so, Kou leaps with Mitsuba. I think a lot of people misread this scene as Kou suddenly resolving to end it all, but Kou himself claims that's untrue. He resolves to return to the human world alongside Mitsuba and to stay by his side. (Remember that Kou had not yet learned the other way to leave the fake world. He believed the only way out was to kill Mitsuba, so he lept with Mitsuba as a means of going together instead of just pushing Mitsuba.) The leap was a means of proving to Mitsuba that he was serious about staying together. Even though only Mitsuba and Hanako had to be killed to return to reality, Kou leaps with Mitsuba.
Mitsuba stops this, worried about Kou's safety, and after some light bickering, they come to an understanding. For the first time since Young Exorcist, Kou has proven himself as dependable, and Mitsuba stays by Kou's side for the remainder of the arc as they find another way out of the fictional world.
Having a strong contrast to Hanako's all-knowing sort of aura, a great dynamic with figuring out all of this spirit stuff alongside Yashiro, and a strong drive to save Mitsuba from his misfortune, Kou is a very dynamic character that is amazing all-around. I ended up writing so much, but Kou deserves it. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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alexiethymia · 4 years
mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all
title: mirror mirror on the wall  notes: Character study on Kou and Mitsuba. Written before chapter 65 came out, but I decided to share it since there was a lot in the chapter which coincided with what I’ve always felt about their characters. I’m glad they’re not closing off the painted world with a neat little bow and that they keep referring back to it since there are so many things unresolved there.
I wanted to play around with the meaning of fair or fairness. It can mean beautiful like Mitsuba. It can mean light like what the kanji in Kou’s name stands for. And it can also mean justice, which can refer to Teru or even Hanako. I think that for Kou, he sees one in the other, maybe because of his admiration for the both of them, or how he perceives them to be strong, and duty-bound, either way it’s a source of confusion for him.
summary: Kou is a Minamoto and with that name comes a century’s worth of tradition, pride, and pain. But he is also just Kou and he has to live with that.
But at least he can live.
fair /fer/ adjective 1. the quality of being just 2. of a light nature 3. beautiful
Kou is a Minamoto and with that name comes a century’s worth of tradition, pride, and pain. But he is also just Kou and he has to live with that.
But at least he can live.
And Kou isn’t one to grumble, he’s the type to just suck it in and push forward, like a steam engine, even if the train tracks are cut, he’ll just move forward, forward, forward -
Even if he tips off the edge, he’ll just keep moving forward even if he doesn’t know where he’ll end up.
Looking at Teru-nii is like looking at a mirror, like looking in a mirror, but not quite.
Other people have always said they were reflections of each other, but Teru-nii is perfect, and he’s just Kou.
And he’s perfectly fine with that because he’s a trier and his whole life has been trying.
For the longest time, Teru-nii had been his pinnacle...
Teru-nii is the Minamoto family’s pride; he is Kou’s pride. Meanwhile, Kou is the least powerful in his family.
Maybe it’s because he’s dumb or simple-minded or naïve. He can never do well in studying, so it’s a good thing he has the smartest older brother in the world to help him. When there’s something he can’t understand, he only has to ask, and Teru-nii will have the answer.
He’s not as smart or as talented as his brother, and this is not Kou complaining, but just a statement of fact.
Instead what Kou lacks in ability, he makes up for with his convictions. It’s the one thing that he can be sure of is solely him, and not Minamoto or Teru-nii.
So he’ll stubbornly hold onto those convictions with the simple-minded foolishness of someone who has always been protected, with everything he’s got. Even if…even if those convictions will put him on the other side of his Nii-chan.
This side? The other side? Their side? Our side? Kou used to think the divide between good and evil was clear.
Fact one. Kou is a Minamoto, which means Kou is an exorcist, which means his job is to protect this side. The near shore, where Nii-chan, Tiara, Yokoo, and Satou are.
Fact two. Hanako is a supernatural. More than that, Hanako is a murderer. He belongs to the far shore, which means he and Kou will always be on opposite sides.
He really must be dumb if he can’t even get simple concepts like these. Nii-chan is already telling him the answers, but all he has is questions.
Because if Kou is meant to be on this side, and Hanako is meant to be on that side, where does that leave Senpai, who’s smack-dab in the middle, not belonging to one or the other? Because, Fact three, Senpai will might (he'll change it) die soon.
Kou protects because that’s what a Minamoto man does, and has been doing for centuries – just like his Nii-chan. And because he’s been protected for all his life, and he just wants the people he loves to be happy.
But Nii-chan, who protects those who have no one to protect them?
Nothing much can get Kou down. He doesn’t grumble nor does he complain. Besides what is there to complain about when he’s been blessed – with the perfect older brother, the most adorable younger sister, surrounded by his best friends – his whole life? When there’s a setback, he just picks himself up and tries again. He has neither smarts nor ability nor talent; all he has is positive thinking and his one-track mind.
Sometimes though, in the middle of the night, while clutching an old and well-loved camera in his hands, he cries about the unfairness of it all like a spoiled child.
unfair, unfair, unfair
Life and Death aren’t fair. No one gets to choose.
Of course it’s not fair that Hanako murdered his younger brother or that Mitsuba died far too young without Kou even knowing about it (his fault, his fault, his fault).
Logically he knows it’s no one’s fault, but Kou has never been the logical sort.
All he can do is rage against the unfairness of fate (he can’t imagine a world without Senpai’s smile in it, disappearing and fading like an old photograph, like Mitsuba’s did, he doesn’t know if he can go through that again-)
It's unfair that he can live, and they can't.
At his lowest point, he thinks he’s resolving himself; maybe it wouldn’t be so bad just slipping to the other side. That way he can better understand Mitsuba, he can be with Senpai, and ok yeah maybe Hanako, when it does happen. Put like that, it doesn’t sound too bad.
(There's no need to rush. You’ll be a fine exorcist one day. A little spirit like me will be a piece of cake to expel. I’ll be looking forward to it.)
(Are you really trying to kill yourself? Are you that much of an idiot?!)
(I want to live for the next ninety years!)
He hates Hanako for calling him ‘boy’ and treating him like a kid (and yet trusts him enough to exorcise him, and he doesn’t know what he hates more among that many things he hates about him – being Tsukasa’s mirror image, reminding him of Teru-nii, making Kou rely on him, taking on all the burdens by himself and making Senpai worry, the list goes on and on, that bastard-)
But it’s at moments like these that he really feels he’s just a kid. He thought he knew the worth of sacrifice (I don't care what happens to me as long as I can protect everyone!), but faced with two kids his age who have already lost life and his precious Senpai who might lose hers, he realizes he is still so impossibly young.
Because he thinks he’s comforting Senpai just like how he comforts Tiara when he tells her it’ll all be alright, when in fact it’s the other way around, her placing a reassuring hand atop his and smiling as he’s crying.
Because it’s Mitsuba saving him as he jumps off a building.
Because he’s too weak to watch Hanako’s back and lessen what he’s carrying.
Kou is just Kou. He’s not Teru-nii or even Hanako. He’s powerless and weak.
But because Kou is just Kou, he doesn’t understand difficult concepts like sacrifice and trade-offs and impossibilities. He’s too dumb to know when to give up. He’ll just keep pushing forward, forward, forward, with all his stubborn naiveté.
Even if Hanako gave up on finding a way to save Senpai, even if Mitsuba gave up on living in the real world,
especially, when Senpai won’t give up on herself, especially then,
Kou doesn’t know how he’ll do it, but he resolves himself that he will. He’ll save and protect all of them, his weakness be damned. He may not be Hanako or Tsukasa who can grant the wishes of the living or the dead, but he’ll grant them regardless, even if only through sheer force of will. He swears on his name as a Minamoto and everything that comes with it.
Because Kou has always just been Kou, and all he’s ever wished for was to make the people he loves happy.
Is a reflection real?
Mitsuba has had plenty of time in the Hell of Mirrors, alone, that he can hear himself think, the thoughts so loud they ricochet off the glass and reflect back to him.
If all he is, is a reflection of the real Mitsuba Sousuke, who exactly is he? Or is the better question, what?
Maybe it was better when he was just an empty shell that didn’t know anything.
If anyone asked Mitsuba if there’s anything he worried about, he’d tell them he was too cute to worry about anything.
But for the longest time, there was no one for him to ask or answer.
Mitsuba hates being alone.
I mean come on, how could anyone leave someone as cute as him alone? Were people blind or something? (He hates feeling like a ghost, even if that’s all he is now, and even then, not even that.)
So he’ll grasp onto anyone or anything as proof of his existence.
If he was never alive in the first place, he wants to shout into the void, then at least, he was here.
(But only echoes answer him)
He grasps onto Tsukasa-kun because at least Tsukasa-kun wants him here or at the very least doesn’t care enough to get rid of him. At least Nanamine-senpai and Hyuga-senpai are nice.
Tsukasa-kun’s mirror image, aka Crazy Knife, aka Honorable No. 7, aka apparently his boss, most definitely wants him gone. Something about the balance or order of the world, but he can’t really talk when he went evil mastermind to keep Radish-senpai trapped, dragging all of them into his crazy scheme in the process, so there.
(But Mitsuba wonders what it’s like to love someone that much.)
Radish-senpai is also nice. Even if she’s obviously not as cute as he is and has fat ankles to boot. He really doesn’t know what Hella-Lame-Traffic-Safety-Earring sees in her. Maybe it’s because they’re both the same – idiots who don’t know how to give up.
He misses Yokoo and Satou. Maybe it was fake, but they were as much his friends as they were ‘Mistuba’s’ right?
Even if they’ll never remember him.
Real or Fake, it doesn’t matter anymore. If he’s not real anyway, can’t he take advantage of a fake world? He can pretend for his whole life, like a marionette on a string. Fake happiness is still a kind of happiness right? Right?
Why wake up from a dream, why break the illusion, why destroy the mirror -when reality is more painful?
What Hella-Lame-Trafic-Safety-Earring doesn’t understand is that when you have nothing, you can settle for anything.
Tsukasa-kun was cruel giving a reflection dominion over mirrors and memories, especially when he has none of his own.
But Minamoto-kun is crueler still for seeing his dead friend whenever he looks at him, even though it’s not his fault.
But Mitsuba is desperate. He’ll let Minamoto-kun call him friend even if it’s not really him Minamoto-kun is seeing, like a trick of the light.
After all Minamoto-kun is dumb, he probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference anyway.
And yet if Minamoto-kun was so dumb, why was he able to tell what Mitsuba’s real wish is?
And with that infuriating face, why does he have the gall to tell Mitsuba that he’ll make his wish come true?
With what power can he act so high and mighty.
And oh, Mitsuba must be the dumb one here, because despite all the odds, why does he believe him?
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thelunarfairy · 1 year
how was sumire able to harm hanako like this but he was able to disguise himself after that and save yashiro? Is the human yourishiro strong and does what he want??
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Have a nice day ☺️
Hey, how are you? Have a great day too :3
oh, this scene is interesting.
I wondered if at that moment Hanako had tried to do something to Sumire, or if Sumire had tried to do something to him.
Although in the context of the scene I imagine she attacked him first so they could take Yashiro in her place.
Hanako is probably faking, he's stronger than he looks, make no mistake. He is a great actor, we saw that he has been attacked several times by Teru and recovered extremely quickly. Even sealed, he is powerful and perhaps he pretends not to be so that others don't get on his case.
One moment he is like this
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And in another, like this
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So, if they believe he is weak, they will not interfere with his plans. As in Aoi's case, no one imagined he would do that, Teru stopped him at the end when it had already happened. When he fights with Hanako he says that he is weak (not in those words) but let's remember that Hanako himself told Yashiro that he already knew he would come to exorcise him, perhaps because he was suffering because he wouldn't see Yashiro anymore. In other words, he was letting Teru attack him. He just didn't give himself up once and for all because Aoi hadn't reached the other side yet and because Yashiro showed up.
One moment he is fighting aggressively with Teru and in a very short time he is running away and kissing Yashiro, as if nothing had happened. He doesn't even appear to be injured.
So him fighting Sumire and running away to disguise himself wouldn't be difficult for him.
About Sumire being strong, associate her with Tsukasa. He's a yorishiro too, isn't he? He is strong, and he has shown us that several times. What we've seen so far shows signs that yes, the human yorishiro can do whatever he wants, Tsukasa is here as an example again, he's making all this mess at school and in people's lives. I don't know if there are rules about how yorishiros should behave, but apparently they can leave their boundaries, Tsukasa does this several times.
Sumire also wears that bracelet that protects her, this must have helped her push Hanako away.
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Like Yashiro did to him once
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So, I imagine that in this scene Sumire went after Hanako to keep him away, she wants to use Yashiro instead of her in the ceremony and she knew that Hanako would get in the way. So they fight and Hanako probably pretends to be passed out and weak to see what Sumire intended to do and to be able to save Yashiro before it's too late. When Sumire left he disguised himself and went after Nene.
He apparently already knew how the ceremony worked so he waited for the right moment to get her out of there, but Yashiro was desperate so to calm her down he decided to take off the disguise. But then he ended up having more work.
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Hanako was unconcerned about the abyss because he knows where that place leads.
So, that was my interpretation :3 I hope that you enjoyed! Thanks for the ask!
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Hi, I recently went through a lot of your theories and analysis posts (sorry for the spam of like 🥲😅) it’s just that, THEY’RE JUST THAT GOOD, I love the passion and attention to detail that you have in your analysis, reading about predictions and analysis of moments, or characters actions or reactions, base around situations it’s my favorite aspect of this fandom, I EAT THAT STUFF UP, so just Thank you so much for sharing them, they’re so interesting and entertaining to read 💕🛐💕
And I was wondering, if it’s not to much to ask, do you have any theories or analysis base around, Mitsuba, Kou and/or the dynamic of those two, or one of the two, with each other, by themselves, or with Tsukasa, it’s just that I really love those three characters, and I was wondering about your perspective from them, if you want to of course, anyways, take care, sorry for the spam and love your post 💕❤️💕☺️🌹💕
Awww how sweeeeeet 🥺🥺 🥺🩷 you made my day happier, thank you for your kindness, I'm really very haaappy >.< Hahaha I love this fandom too, all of us together to unravel the mysteries of JSHK 😼
So, about these three, I've been thinking about some possibilities, because I like to analyze the character's role in the plot, why is he there? What is his objective? What difference does it make if he exists in the plot or not?
I've been thinking about Mitsuba, he appeared in the story with a very simple objective, but what was his role in the main story? What will affect if it disappears or not? Given how important he is by appearing many times, returning to the story again after Mitsuba 1.0 was destroyed, the appearance of his mother, and how he is well connected to Tsukasa and Kou, two important characters, I assumed that he is the key to something we don't yet know.
We should also mention that Mitsuba is gaining development, Tsukasa is helping him get stronger, but why? Since Mitsuba has a connection with Kou, I thought of some possibilities.
Maybe Tsukasa is using Mitsuba to manipulate Kou in some way. Kou is from the Minamoto family, the family of exorcists, he is one of the members who are apparently more tolerant of supernaturals. See, Kou started out in the story wanting to exorcise Hanako, but in the end he ended up becoming his friend, from then on Kou started to rethink whether supernaturals are bad or not. He argued with Teru about it, and later he advises Nene not to give up on Hanako (when she found out a little about his past)
Then he meets Mitsuba, who coincidentally was near his locker when he first appeared. The rest you already know. What it implied was that Tsukasa was angry because Mitsuba wasn't doing what he wanted, so he wanted to mold him. We see that Tsukasa takes Mitsuba's essence, it seemed like he knew that Mitsuba was going to "die".
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So he created another one, not for nothing. There is some reason, Natsuhiko was also trying to manipulate Kou, he actually succeeded. Now Kou knows how to become a supernatural and is thinking about it seriously. Maybe Tsukasa wants Kou to stay away from the Minamoto family and help the supernaturals.
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What if Kou is responsible for unsealing Hanako? Wasn't it his grandmother who sealed him in the first place?
Basically that's it, Tsukasa seems to be trying to convince Kou that supernaturals are good, and his coexistence with Hanako and Mitsuba can guarantee that. Natsuhiko didn't let Mitsuba be close to Teru, but they allow him to be close to Kou, Sakura even suggests that Mitsuba should befriend him.
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This is no coincidence.
If Kou thinks the supernaturals are good, he will hardly want to exorcise them (as he was unable to do with Mitsuba) besides, it can be used to remove Hanako's seal and probably for some other purpose. We didn't see what Kou talked about with Natsuhiko when the separation happened, but he seems to be being influenced a lot.
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In short, I think this is an interesting possibility.
About the dynamics between them hahahaha Tsukasa and Mitsuba look like brothers who fight all the time. Tsukasa is the troublemaker younger brother who sometimes hits his brother and is hot-headed, but soon they are having fun together. Other than that, Tsukasa usually takes care of Mitsuba, especially after the separation. Tsukasa has his way of taking care of things.
Kou's relationship with Tsukasa is still lukewarm, the sealed Tsukasa has all the anger and resentment that Kou can offer because of what he did to Mitsuba, and the resentment is so much that he became very suspicious of the baby Tsukasa, he was harsh with him, even I felt sorry for how he was treating the baby, he relaxed a little after he found out what little Tsukasa did in the past.
As for Mitsuba and Kou hahaha the controversial relationship. The mixture of love and tantrums. It's a relationship that develops extremely slowly, very slowly. These two are almost always fighting over something stupid, Mitsuba is very tantrum and really likes to provoke and irritate, hahaha Kou follows his rhythm.
I think it will take even longer for these two to turn this friendship relationship into a romantic relationship, if that is the case, there are a few factors I can mention. But as this answer is longer than I expected hahaha I'll leave it open, if you want me to go deeper into Kou and Mitsuba's relationship, just ask me :3
I answered another Asks talking more about this, if you are interested, click here and here
Anyway, thank you again for your kind words, thank you very much, hahaha and thanks for the likes! XD 💕
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Ooh, can I ask for more theories about Kou? Maybe just an analysis of his character? (Anything about Kou really, he's my favorite)
Hahaha of course you can ask :3
Kou is a wonderful character, I like how he is kind and tries to be as fair as possible. His weak point is his naivety, he lets himself be fooled very easily, and this becomes a weakness. Therein lies the problem.
Kou's weakness caught the attention of the Tsukasa trio. I have the impression that they have been trying to influence him for a long time and are using Mitsuba to do so. Because they don't mind Mitsuba talking and being friends with him even though they know that Kou is Teru's brother, the person they run away from, and they don't want Mitsuba to get close.
Did you understand?
It's on purpose. They want to make Kou doubt the Minamoto family's principles. It was Natsuhiko who told Kou how to become a supernatural and Kou is considering the idea. Kou helped Hanako when Teru attacked him, this has already happened twice, do you think Kou from the beginning of the story would do that? In fact, he appeared precisely with the intention of exorcising Hanako.
Have you seen Kou's development? He doesn't want to do that anymore, at least not with supernaturals that look like humans.
What if Tsukasa wants Kou to judge Hanako as a good supernatural so that in the end, if that is the situation, he doesn't get in the way when Hanako "loses control" and doesn't try to exorcise him?
Do you think Kou would exorcise Mitsuba? He didn't even do it when Mitsuba himself asked him to. Did you understand? Kou is entering a complicated path because he is being indirectly influenced by Tsukasa, and he didn't realize it.
Kou will still have his big moment, as the story goes he is developing to become a great exorcist at the right time, remembering that Hanako said he would wait for the day when he will be able to exorcise him, I imagine that could to happen.
And if he gives up on being an exorcist, he could end up becoming a supernatural, as he seems to be interested in.
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Hola 💗 I really love your content 😍 that's why I come and go all the time, I come to ask you something else and my point of view :)
The truth is that I have always believed that Nene is going to die in the end because there are many things that point to that, if it happens I think it will be one of the strongest things that we will see in the manga, AidaIro is dramatic and crude, Nene is the most human character, that is why she is considered less important but her importance is really extremely great, she is one of the pillars of the story, so seeing her die she will be very strong.
Especially how everyone who knows her will take it, she wins the affection of people easily, she has interacted with the most misunderstood teenagers, she saw the pains, desires and regrets of the specters, they have liked her, Hanako is in love with her, you could say that she is a friend of Mitsuba, she was a friend of Sumire, Shijima-San supports her along with Tsuchigomori, even Yako, a constantly furious being, likes being with her and Tsukasa approve her, I asked me how she will get along with the mysteries No.1
But hey, you can see the importance, I wondered how she will die and how it will affect the characters and the story?
Oh, Thank you sweet 💗💗 >.<
Yashiro is the protagonist and it's no surprise. She is the most important piece in the story. Without her, Hanako would remain alone, Tsukasa would not return, the seals would not be removed, lives would not be saved, Kou would not know Mitsuba, because if there is no Tsukasa, there is no Mitsuba. The fate of the twins would not have been changed.
It suggests that the twins were waiting for her arrival to begin their goal, and of course, these goals have consequences, whether good or bad. In any case, the twins could only move forward with her. Tsukasa didn't kidnap her for nothing, he needs her too.
Yashiro was narratively constructed to seem weak and useless, a little girl who was naive and got involved with the supernatural, but that's not what it's about. She is one of the key players, and if you analyze everything she did, it had a consequence. She prevented Kou from exorcising Hanako, he started to want to better understand supernaturals.
Hanako is no longer as cold as before, I could mention all the changes in his behavior but I would spend the whole day. She saved Aoi several times (even without Aoi knowing), she showed Sumire what freedom was (when she took her from that village) wow, if I'm going to say everything this post will be just for that hahaha.
Nene's death is destined, so there is no way to save her unless specific methods are used to do so. They can use Tsuchigomori or the god. In both cases a sacrifice is necessary. In the case of Tsuchigomori he would sacrifice himself, and in God's case, they would need to remove all the seals.
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There is a third alternative, going back in time. In the latter, there are some possibilities for her to be kept alive, either by stopping her time, or going back in time to change something, or in the last resort, going to the future to prevent her from going through the event that will bring about her death. .
Apparently, Hanako is thinking about the possibility of using the time to their advantage.
About what her death would be like, I have a theory about it, if you want to see it, take a look at this post here.
I'm going to summarize the post I mentioned above, basically they need to remove all the seals, after these seals are removed something will happen (the last cursed seal will break) imagining that the cursed seal is Hanako's, which is the only one that has a seal and isn't a yorishiro, so we assume Hanako is going to transform into something dangerous.
Yashiro manages to purify, and you see that when she does this to Tsukasa, he "melts" a little. On other occasions, such as in the mokke of the dead chapter, she purifies all the students at once.
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So I imagine that she will try to save Hanako, but he, who has no control over himself, will end up killing her in the process (like he did with Tsukasa), she will manage to save him, but when he realizes what he did , will ask Kou to exorcise him.
I explain better in the post I mentioned.
The second hypothesis is that it is used as a sacrifice to the God, to grant a wish. Although the Kannagis don't actually die, they are trapped in the house/abyss. Yashiro actually dies, so I wonder if this hypothesis is so valid.
We saw how her body became lifeless and there were no signs that her soul would be present at the place, or the fact that she didn't remember anything after Mirai advanced her time, that is, she won't be trapped anywhere like the kannagis stay. Tsukasa was also sacrificed, but he remains in the house, meaning Yashiro actually dies, there is no return for her.
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The ways that Hanako found to save her included locking her in a safe place, where nothing bad could happen to her, that is, while she was there, no supernatural would attack her or there would be no way to get her out of there to use her as a sacrifice. She also wouldn't risk her life trying to save Hanako, because she would be with Amane from the PP arc.
He made a wish to God and asked for her life span to increase, that is, he changed her destiny when he made her live longer than was intended. So even if she was in danger, she wouldn't die. Remembering that Hanako removed her from the supernatural world, Aoi's sacrifice closed all the doors, meaning she wouldn't be there if Hanako transformed and attacked her.
We're still going to see more of his attempts to save her, and I believe that in this current arc we will too.
Nene's death will mainly affect Hanako, and if Hanako loses control… That will be problematic.....
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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