#( w/ frannie fabray. )
limalatina · 7 months
{ PRIVATE } Hi there, gorgeous. Question for you.
[ private ] Well, this was unexpected. What's your question, babe?
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tuiyla · 3 years
what do you think Quinn and Judy's relationship is like post s1? like, we know Judy wasn't the greatest mom during the pregnancy, but how do you think it progressed along the years? the popular assumption in fics seems to be that Judy becomes distant and spends more time drunk than sober, but also the slight mentions/appearances she has in the show s2 and beyond seem to imply that she and Quinn are in a good place - or, at least better than s1, but idk if that’s saying much hahah.
i also just wonder about it in terms of Quinn’s sexuality; i.e. if she ended up w a woman, i’m curious as to how Judy would react. i’m torn between her reverting back to the image-obsessed woman she was in s1 or her being supportive bc she just doesnt wanna lose her daughter again. would love to hear your thoughts, if you have any. thanks for all of these great fandom analyses!! :)
I love you Anon because a couple weeks back I misread another Quinn ask and went on and on about the Fabrays before I realized it said "what do you think of Quinn as a mom". Now's my chance! I mean I could have just posted anyway but have you guys considered that I have no will to write unless someone specifically asks me lol. Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.
TL;DR: somewhat strained but Judy tries her best despite having so many harmful things to unlearn herself, and needing to learn how to communicate. Quinn holds resentment but they’re both terrified of losing each other. Eventually, when Quinn comes out, Judy uses it as an opportunity to get it right this time.
I've alluded to this to a few times but never actually explained it: I have a morbid fascination with the Fabrays. in the sense that I find what little of their dynamic we see to be deeply disturbing but I also want to know so much more. Russell is a whole other deal and I'll respect that you didn't ask about him haha but even if we just look at Quinn and Judy, like... how do we reconcile the events of season 1? Where to go from there? Truly Glee puts through Quinn so, so, so much in season 1 and then is it any wonder that she has several breakdowns. So this prologue to say, yes I have thoughts and I'm honoured to have been thought of. Also very happy to provide fandom analysis whenever I can!
Just a few words on how I see the Fabrays before Quinn's pregnancy to set it up. We all know they're WASPy but you guys, you need to know how much I read into the extent of that! Based on "Ballad" they might as well be living in the 60s or something. Russell isn't just traditional, he's so ultra it's really no wonder Quinn eventually had a skank phase. I can only assume Frannie had a mental breakdown or two after leaving her childhood home. Quinn even says in that episode that they don't talk about real issues, just ignore them and keep up this facade. Explains much about her, doesn't it. It's all very WASP, very patriarchal, very bad at communication. They don't deal, they pretend. Russell pretends they live in the 60s and Quinn is his perfect little girl who'll wait until marriage like the object she is. Judy pretends she hadn't known all along that her husband was cheating. There's just such a need to uphold this facade of the All-American nuclear family to an extreme that no wonder it takes Quinn several cycles to get over buying into the illusion.
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I knew fanon saw Judy as a drunk but I wasn't aware she was portrayed as distant in fics. I agree with you, what little we see of her in seasons 2 and 3 implies that she's at least trying with Quinn. Even in "Ballad" when Russell kicks her out, you see how shocked Judy is. She follows Russell out and acts like the dead-inside obedient housewife she is, but for a split moment you hope that she's gonna stand up to her husband. Because she'd been ignoring the signs that Quinn's pregnant, pretending, and that was because she knew there'd be drastic consequences but she clearly is shocked.
And then a couple months later she comes back for Quinn. It took her that long to see Russell for who he is, to stand up to him, and it sucks that it took so long but I think it must have taken tremendous willpower to reach that stage. I mean, can you imagine being her? Not to say I'm cutting the woman who stood by as her teenage pregnant daughter was disowned too much slack, but still, you know.
So Judy is always going to be the parent who ultimately chose Quinn; the one who came back. But she's also always going to be the one who left in the first place. And I think you're so right to wonder about this Anon because there's just such an interesting story there. Yes, Judy came back, but she also watched her daughter sob and beg and say "I needed my mom" and just... left. How do you live with yourself after that? Not to mention, she came back but she left Quinn to live with random boys and eventually the angel on Earth called Mercedes Jones for months.
So I think, initially, there’s lot of awkwardness but also joy. Quinn’s been through so much and she has her mom again just as she gives up her own daughter. A roller coaster to say the least but finally something resembling stability for the first time in ages. 9 months. And then... they pretend. The nights Quinn spent crying herself to sleep and wishing her mom still loved her are the elephant in the room. They’re not the same and never will be but try to go back to normality. I doubt they talk about Russell often. Maybe after Judy’s had a few drinks she curses him but Quinn keeps a tight lip about him.
The way I’d put it is maybe not they’re in a good place, as such, but Judy tries. I don’t agree with fics that portray her as distant because, while I do think she struggles to get close to Quinn and get her to open up, she tries. Remember, she left but she also came back. And I’d be surprised if she didn’t carry tremendous guilt about that so she might not always succeed, certainly not in s2 when Quinn is laser-focused on pretending the pregnancy never happened, but she tries to be a good mother.
The skank phase would be fascinating to explore. Because I think it’s once again a real tragedy where Judy would watch her daughter break down and completely unravel and just, not know what to do about it. She’d smile and ask Quinn about her day still but it’s hard to keep pretenses when you’re teenage daughter gets tattoos and dates 40-year-old skateboarders. She’d try to talk it through but Quinn would shut her out and I don’t think she’d feel it’s her right to act all strict now. For some reason, I think Judy would feel it best to let Quinn rebel. But how much would she know about freaking baby-stealing shenanigans? Nothing, I assume.
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And then Quinn finds herself, her more normal self again and I’d like to imagine they finally have a good talk just as she applies to Yale. Maybe an emotional breakthrough? God, for both their sakes I hope so. But here’s the thing, try as Judy might and ignore it for as long as Quinn can, I think there’s resentment there. Because Quinn was abandoned by her parents, by her mom when she needed her the most and that’s a scar that maybe nothing can heal. So she represses, as a Fabray does until it explodes, and I guess it would during the skank timeline. Maybe after Shelby leaves and Quinn is left standing there trying to process everything.
Judy is also the parent who came back and therefore the on who’s there. So when it all comes out, Quinn can’t exactly blame Russell for all of it. I mean this is just textbook lashing out at the parent who’s there so I assume Quinn would be no different. And it’s not like Judy’s blameless so there are many harsh words thrown, most of them true to some capacity, lots of tears and a big emotional catharsis. Judy tells her she’s sorry. Quinn says she feels robbed. Of a childhood, of a sense of peace, of a family. And Judy can’t ever get back what was lost. And hey, maybe watching her own mom fall apart at that realization helps Quinn move on from the Shelby business. Not from Beth, never completely, but from feeling like she needs her to be complete. Imagine how cool it would have been to actually see Quinn deal with all her shit during and post her skank phase. Alas, the writers didn’t care.
But yes, I see Judy as trying but frankly failing throughout season 2 and then the end of the skank phase brings catharsis for both. Quinn gets back on track but with more of a sense of agency. Judy cheers her on during graduation as seen in canon. Quinn’s college attempts at the old status quo, namely screwing her professor and then Biff are really a whole other topic but I think she’d try to distance herself from Lima and her mom. They do keep in touch of course but it’s quite superficial. For her sake, I hope Judy gets her shit together for real in the meantime. That woman has a ton of harmful shit to unlearn from her marriage and she’s barely holding it together.
So now that I’ve gone on and on about all that, I do also want to talk about Quinn’s coming out because I haven’t thought of it much but you’re absolutely right that it’s an interesting topic. Maybe it’s the optimist in me who just doesn’t want to see Quinn suffer but at worst I see Judy being kind of uncomfortable at the thought but again, trying her best. She’s already lost her daughter once and in my mind, Quinn takes a while to come to terms with whatever her identity is - which is okay! Realistically, I think she’d bring a girlfriend home one day, they’d have dinner, Judy would be charmed by the GF but visibly... off. Perfectly civil, just processing. And then they have The Talk and Quinn feels like throwing up because a decade prior a “shameful secret” got her disowned.
Judy does what Judy’s been doing for a decade and tries her best. It’s a bit of a shock but then again, something she’s known for a while but pretended not to. Sound familiar? Except she’s had time to learn and grow and is determined to look at this as a second chance. She’s not about to lose her daughter again and risk it being for good this time so she’s all in. Bit overeager, even, tries to learn slang and all that. And Quinn shake her head but she also lowkey cries herself to sleep, except this time it’s because she’s not afraid anymore and learns that she can have a family after all. GF holds her through the night because GF is finally someone who truly knows and loves Quinn for all she is.
Aaand those are the thoughts, for now! Thank you for indulging me Anon, thank you for taking the time to read my silly little Glee thoughts and to ask me for more. Hope you didn’t regret it lol.
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samevvns · 7 years
--------- reaction meme. being lost with them.
He still doesn’t know why the higher-ups decided that assigning Frannie to Quinn’s team was a GOOD IDEA. God knows how many times they’ve not-so-subtly suggested that Sam would “be a perfect fit” on another team ‘cause they’re TOO CLOSE to not get distracted if the other gets h u r t , and they’re not SHY about separating people when they’re fighting either, so whatever they think the sisters’ relationship is, it makes no damn sense.
And yet they put her in the team anyway, her sour face so consistent the entire run he’s not convinced it hasn’t gotten STUCK that way. Quinn can’t even  b r e a t h e  without Frannie criticising her, be it verbal or some pointed side-eyes, and it sets the whole team on edge. He’s never seen a group of people simultaneously clench their jaws and tighten the GRIPS on their guns so many times in one drive.
So, God help him, he takes one for the team, and when they're splitting up to raid the town, he says, “I’ll go with Frannie.” She looks like she wants to skin him alive, but she doesn’t have the AUTHORITY here to overthrow him. It’s supposed to a milk run, in-and-out, no sign that zombies have been here in the last decade. It’s not like he needs her to have his back.
                                     Three hours later, THEY’RE LOST. Together.
Didn’t realise just how DEEP the estate they’re in is, town looked smaller on the map, but SOMEHOW they’re out of radio range. They walk for  h o u r s  trying to find their way out of the endless rows of houses but they get  n o w h e r e , until the sun starts to SET and the temperature starts to drop and Sam’s leg is getting unbearable. 
They walk until he has no choice but to accept his fate.
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     “It’s not SAFE to be out here at night. We gotta bunker down in one of these houses, wait ‘til morning. I’ll try and broaden the radio signal, reach the others.”
If he thought she wanted to skin him alive before, it’s NOTHING compared to now, but they head back to a house they were raiding earlier with a fireplace in the living room and they SETTLE IN, start a fire with a copy of The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Boats the owners had on their bookshelf. 
Pretty much the only thing they’ve ever agreed on is that it’s a book no one’s gonna MISS.
He finds unopened whiskey in the kitchen and OPENS IT, ignores the judgemental look he gets when he swigs it straight from the bottle, for the pain. Finds food, too --- the kind that no one really likes but will probably survive CENTURIES, collecting dust in abandoned kitchens all across the globe until lost souls just like Sam and Frannie come wandering in search of sustenance --- and the sour face  f a l t e r s  a little when he gives her the bigger can. 
They sit by the fire and eat in SILENCE, and when she chokes on a mouthful he gives her the  l a s t  of his water without a word, and the sour face softens a little more. Doesn’t have the opportunity to let his DISLIKE for her get the best of him right now, not when they have to depend on each other for the night. 
                           Besides, the WHISKEY will keep 'em going if they’re thirsty later.
Night falls around them and he gets nowhere with the radio. Knows how to FIGHT, how to track, how to stitch someone up in a pinch. Could probably get the car running again if it broke down. But when it comes to TECH, with its fiddly little wires and buttons and circuits, it’s beyond him. There’s too many  v a r i a b l e s , too many things for him to get MIXED UP. He’s lucky he doesn’t break the damn thing altogether.
When he gives up, he lifts his head to find Frannie ASLEEP in an armchair, neck twisted at an awkward angle like she’d been  w a t c h i n g  him work before she drifted off, body CURLED in a way that can’t be good for anyone’s spine. He nudges her just enough to disturb her and drapes her arm over his shoulder, picks her up with a tight GRIP on her waist.
     “C’mon, let’s get you to a REAL bed.”
               “Why’re you doing this?” she mumbles, still on the  c u s p  of sleep as she shuffles up the stairs with his guidance.
     “Not gonna find our way back to the others if you can’t MOVE YOUR HEAD tomorrow, are we? ‘Sides, it’s a team rule: if you’ve got a bed, you don’t take it for granted. I’d claim it for myself but I ain’t gonna be able to do these  s t a i r s  tomorrow, so --- it’s all yours.”
               She groans. “You talk too much.”
     “Yea, yea. C’mon, bed’s right through here.”
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longhornfabrays · 4 years
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Headcanon #001 - Character Questions
Taken from here. Edited a bit.
What is your full name?
Lucy Quinn Fabray
Where and when were you born?
Allen, Texas on May 28th, 1999
Who are/were your parents? 
Russel Fabray - Lawyer
Judy Fabray - Housewife
Do you have any siblings?
Frannie Fabray - Older sister - Housewife
Where do you live now, and with whom? 
Austin, Texas in an apartment on her own.
What is your occupation?
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
5′5″, blonde hair, hazel eyes, Caucasian, shoulder length hair, cheerleader body, wears mainly dresses
To which social class do you belong?
Upper class
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Allergic to dust
Are you right- or left-handed?
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
She stands very straight and can have a rest bitch face. She never cusses or takes the lords name in vain. She rarely uses emojis or texting language when typing, if she does it’s usually just lol. She is very straight forward and can come off as rude to some. 
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Quinn had a difficult childhood. She was pressured to be more like her sister and bullied at school for being overweight. Because of this, she stayed in a lot and played video games to get her mind off everything. After losing the weight, she still felt the pressure to be like her sister, but her school days got better and even became popular once she joined the cheerleading squad. 
What is your earliest memory?
Staying the summers with her grandparents in Savannah, Georgia.
How much schooling have you had?
She has had from Kindergarten up to her junior year of university. She will be doing her senior year as well and possibly go on to get more education.
Did you enjoy school?
When she was younger, she did not. She often tried to get out of going to school. After things started getting better, she loved it. She loved her Queen B status and would go to every school event. She continues to love school.
While growing up, did you have any role models? 
She found most of her role models to be fictional including Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. She often wanted to be just like her, but her thoughts changed as she got older. She also looked up to her grandmother on her mom’s side of the family due to how she created her own path instead of following her family’s wishes for her.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Quinn considers herself to be quite the Daddy’s girl, as he would dote on her and give her anything she wanted. He still does. She has always been at conflict with her mother and sister as they want her to be more like them. She got on with her grandparents, her Grandma Eleanor being her favorite. Now, she gets on great with her cousin of sorts by marriage, Sebastian, and considers him her favorite family member. She wants to get close to her niece and try to show her she doesn’t have to be like most of the women in the Fabray family.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Archaeologist and then a game developer
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
Playing video games, reading, and dancing
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
She wasn’t popular from K-6th grade, but after losing weight and joining the cheerleading team in 7th grade, she became popular and stayed that way the rest of her school years. She didn’t consider anyone her true friend, and didn’t get those until she started at UT.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Kyle Stevens
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
She’s not. She lost her virginity to Kyle when she was 16.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Everything that happened between her 6th and 7th grade years.
Who has had the most influence on you?
Currently, it’s Brittany, Santana, Sebastian, and Finn. Her family also does to a point because she likes to do things that will upset her mother or sister.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Reaching her millions of followers on Twitch and YouTube as a gamer. However, as that’s a secret, she would say being the captain of the squad in high school.
What is your greatest regret?
Not being herself.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Being mean to those not as popular as she was in high school.
When was the time you were the most frightened?
Recently when she had a little meltdown after not being sure what exactly she was doing with her life.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Marley slapping her in front of everyone during karaoke, even though she knows she deserved it.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Hiding her true self but to be popular.
What is your best memory?
Revealing everything to Brittany and having the girl still want to be with her.
What is your worst memory?
Not treating Finn the way he deserved to be treated.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
She’s more of the type to be realistic, even if that means being pessimistic.
What is your greatest fear?
Her father being ashamed of her.
What are your religious views?
What are your political views?
Her family is more Democratic, but she has a more for the best of everyone. 
What are your views on sex?
She’s more opinionated about it when it comes to losing virginity than keep having sex. If you’re happy and completely sure you won’t regret it, go for it.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
She does.
What do you believe makes a successful life?
Being true to yourself and happy with who you are.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
She definitely hides a lot of herself, especially from people she doesn’t trust all the way. With those she does, she tries to be as honest as possible.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Those she considers her closest friends, including Finn, Sebastian, Brittany, and Santana. Her niece she would do this for as well.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
She tries to treat everyone nicely, but bluntly as well. Crossing her, though, would be a bad idea because she is good at tearing down people.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Her closest friends because they are definitely more like her family than her own family.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Her Grandma Eleanor because they are so much alike.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? 
Sebastian, Finn, Brittany, Santana, Rachel, Marley, Sam. She considers Seb, Britt, and Finn her best friends.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? 
She is currently dating Brittany Pierce.
Have you ever been in love?
She was in love when she was with Kyle, but that was more for the popularity and what the relationship brought her. She is realizing she’s in love with Brittany.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? 
She has not, but she does want kids.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Sebastian, Finn, Brittany, and Santana.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? 
Yes. She trusts her best friends.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
She’s sure her family would make a huge deal out of it. She thinks her friends would be the ones to actually miss her.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Frannie because of how hard she tries to be Miss Perfect.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
She’s definitely the type to argue.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Yes she does.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? 
She does.
Do you care what others think of you?
She used to, but not as much anymore.
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Playing video games, reading, dancing, cheerleading.
What is your most treasured possession?
The bracelet her grandmother gave her.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What, if anything, do you like to read?
She likes older novels compared to newer ones like Jane Austen and such.
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
Reading, watching movies and TV, going to museums, taking hikes.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? 
She drinks more regularly than not. She does pot from time to time, but that’s rare. She has never smoked cigarettes or done harder drugs.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Depends. She’s usually out having fun with her friends. Sometimes she has relaxing nights in.
What makes you laugh?
Her friends.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
She would either play a game, watch something, or read.
How do you deal with stress?
Plays video games or works out. Also drinking.
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
Both. It depends what it is. She is more for having a plan, but she can be spontaneous.
What are your pet peeves?
Excessive talking or talking loudly, being late, using text language all the time or in real life, being upset for no reason, second hand smoke, being on your phone during conversations.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
She usually wakes up early, eats while having coffee and checking her social media, works out, then does her classes, practice, and spends times with friends. She sleeps in more on weekends or in the summer. She doesn’t mind if it gets interrupted.
What is your greatest strength as a person?
Her charisma.
What is your greatest weakness?
Being unsure about herself.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Hiding who she is.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Good - Organizing, cheerleading, video games.
Bad - Conveying her feelings, drawing, staying calm.
Do you like yourself?
Kind of
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Be the top in what career she goes into.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Graduating from Yale (or what college she attends next), being married, possibly having a kid.
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…)
Come out with who you are. It’s no good keeping your secrets.
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franniexfabs · 4 years
Call Your Mother
Who: Frannie Fabray & Judy Fabray (w/ mentions of Oliver, @natechambersjoie, and Quinn)
What: Frannie finally calls her mother in regard to the Mother’s Day card she sent. 
Where: Just outside the Sylvester Apartments
When: Saturday, May 30th; around 8:30pm
Frannie got Ollie down in his crib to sleep after having a little snack. She asked Nate to just make sure he was okay while she went outside, finally deciding to call her mother, but not wanting to make the call in the apartment. She grabbed her sweater and phone, heading outside and sitting on a bench that was just the apartment building. The blonde sat there for a few more minutes, just staring at the number of her mother while her thumb hovered over the screen. 
She could fake it- say that she couldn’t get a hold of her or that everything went to shit when she called… She could say something to make it sound like she tried and there was no hope of resolving her relationship with her mother, so why bother trying anymore, right? 
...But that wouldn’t be right. She’d be lying to Nate then and that wouldn’t be right. She didn’t want to give him a reason to start not trusting her now. But if she did, then that wouldn’t be surprising, would it? 
But no, no she wasn’t going to do that. 
She sighed and tapped the number, hearing the line trill. Holding her phone up to her ear, it rang three times. Frannie was about to just hang up the phone before it stopped and she heard her mother’s voice on the other end. 
“Hello?” Frannie didn’t say anything. “Hello?? Francesca? Is that you?” 
“Yeah. Yes. It’s me. Hi mom.” 
“Francesca… oh my gosh… it’s so nice to hear your voice. Did- Did you get my card?”
Frannie let out a soft sigh. “Yes, I did. It was… nice. Thank you.” 
“You are welcome, sweetie. I- I wanted to deliver it myself, but I didn’t know if that would be the best idea... “ 
“It wouldn’t have been. You made the right choice there… You do that sometimes.” 
Silence fell on the line for a moment. 
“Francesca, I… I am very sorry for how I reacted… It wasn’t right and-”
“Mom… it wasn’t about that. I mean, sure, that was shitty.” Frannie drew a breath in. “But it… after I left, I realized that there were other things that bothered me too... like… telling me about how you rigged the prom system so I would win. I didn’t even want to be prom queen, and the other girls hated me after that because of it. Why was that so desperately important to you when you knew that I didn’t want that? Why was this perfect image so necessary to you and Dad?” 
Silence again. 
“I-... It was just the way I was raised, Francesca… My mother pushed me to be the perfect prom queen, just like hers did… It was a legacy, I suppose, that we kept up…”
“Yeah, well… it was a fucked up one, I hope you know that. Just because Quinn and I had similar features to you doesn’t mean that we wanted that too. I definitely didn’t, but I think you somehow managed to convince Quinn that she needed to carry on with it and she was obsessed with it her junior year… It was… horrifying to watch, honestly.” 
“I know… I am sorry, truly. Thinking back, I am ashamed of how I handled things while married to your father… I think I clung so much to that idea of having yourself and Quinn be prom queens because it gave me something to focus on, some kind of hope… while I was not finding any at home with your father… And now that I think back to it, I know why that was. I swear, Francesca, I do not want to be like that anymore… I didn’t want to be like that anymore when I left your father all those years ago...  I want to be better for Quinn, you, and for Oliver.” 
Frannie stayed silent, running her hand through her hair as she pulled her knees up to her chest. 
“That’s good… We want you to be better.” She finally replied. “I’m not ready for you to meet Ollie yet… but… maybe we can talk more… maybe facetime… so you can see him.” 
“I would really love that, dear… He seems like such a happy and amazing child. You really love him, don’t you?” 
“More than I ever thought I could love anything ever, Mom… I’m trying my best to be the amazing parent that he deserves. I’ll… I’ll talk to you soon, okay, Mom?” 
“Okay… Thank you for calling, Francesca. I- I am very sorry… for everything. Give Oliver a kiss from me, okay?” 
“Okay, yeah. Bye, Mom.”
Frannie hung up the phone quickly, hugging her knees for a moment. She got up and sighed, shoving her phone in her pocket as she started back inside.
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Based On: edilio escobar
Age: 17
Birthday: player determined
Sexuality: player determined (lgbtq+)
Power Level: 0
Occupation: jack of all trades
Blaine had always been a stranger. Even when he lived in the Philippines he didn’t fit in with the rest of the kids. His personality was different, he was too easy going and calm, which made him very easy to be used by others. Being bullied as a kid wasn’t easy for his family life and his parents noticed his depression. So once Blaine’s dad got a new job in the United States, they decided to emigrate there. It wasn’t easy living in American society as immigrants. His dad was a very low paid farmer and his mother was a maid at Clifftop Hotel near Perdido Beach. They had a rough life living in a small trailer. At school, Blaine was bullied for his accent and being the outcast. He was often subject to teasing by Finn Hudson, but Sam Evans was the only guy nice to him.
Blaine noticed what he called the ‘poof’ in AP American History with Marley Rose, Sam, and Finn. He didn’t really know where to go as his mom was working in Clifftop and his dad was out on the farms. He joined Finn, Sam, and Quinn Fabray on their hunt to find their parents and Frannie. When they arrived at Clifftop to look for Blaine’s mother, they noticed a bright green wall that seemed to curve up like a dome. Blaine was everyone’s go to guy and helped Sam save a kid in a fire. He’s wary of Sebastian and the Coates Academy kids, but he’s used to being mistreated so for now he’s keeping his walls up.
K I T T Y  W I L D E - Before Blaine knew that he wasn’t straight he had a small crush on Kitty. It wasn’t a big one but he definitely admired her as a person. Although the crush faded out when he realized that Kitty wasn’t a good person but he still likes to talk to her from time to time.
R Y D E R  L Y N N - Blaine is glad to have an outsider like Ryder with him. Surprisingly they have a lot in common, and Ryder’s empathy has given him more reasons to stay strong. Plus he promised to help him out even after everything that went down is over. For that, he’s forever thankful.
M A R L E Y  R O S E - Blaine admires Marley for her perseverance. He knows that Marley struggles with taking care of all the kids and since he’s everyone’s go to guy, he’s willing to go help her out. He enjoys her company too. Her cheerfulness is definitely something that Blaine appreciates in a person and he finds her refreshing.
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