#( v: isola radiale )
purewhitedevil · 1 month
random starter - @whitememory
Returned once more and this was merely not a surprise for Albedo but at least, she's at Golden Ward now. One thing that's off to her is someone who was white like as her. Purely marbled white.
Of course, the succubus was used of eating things human as she had a bag of hamburgers with her. Not a thing a demonic overseer eats but it tastes good.
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"You must be hungry, aren't you? Asides from the eclipse has landed us both in this ward." Albedo isn't new, she's just disappeared for a month in this wonderous prison.
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infiernogarde · 1 month
starter - @sunliteve
Despite her return to this place and aware that they aren't roommates anymore, Hikaru was found on a bench at a nearby park at Golden Ward which is her new ward to live in. Again, better than Fibonacci.
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"Oh, hello Hiyori." She only sighed after missing a reunion chance with a dear friend from her world. She tried asking random people from her contacts to know if she was really here but no answer.
It was her fault for not being there last month which she was 'away from the stars'. Regretted, even.
"Sorry if you found me like this."
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swordofdeath · 1 month
random starter - @unxdeadly
Back at this place again, it was already like home than at her world's 'Hell' where the strongest captains died. While Minazuki is still isn't present, possibly hoping a miracle coming for Unohana, there was something familiar in reiatsu but something not mutual or never encountered since the war strikes by.
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"A quincy?" The outfit, color scheme were a dead giveaway that this one is indeed serving under Yhwach, not a surprise but she really wished she had at least fought one. She was holding the thug's shirt and shoves him elsewhere and back to her once again.
"You were present at the war, right?" Unohana wonders as she was busy that time underground.
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demoniomano · 28 days
starter - @rebelnightmaren
Archimedes Ward. Least it's not Fibonacci so she'll take this one. But gotta admit, he looked cute even not looking human but humane. She wondered if this one lives at the same ward or somewhere else.
Curiosity led her to this.
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"You looked unique. What kind are you if i don't mind asking?"
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gatlingfever · 1 month
starter - @armstrongstyles
She may have learned how to eat properly but still eats with almost everything organic, as how Snow White taught her and learned how to drink alcoholic stuff from Scarlet.
Probably because she looked young to drink those stuff but not taught about the rules of it.
"A-Am i not allowed to drink this? But Scarlet said it's ok..." She's still holding the vodka bottle, half content.
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sightshot · 2 months
starter - @cyandelightz
Piper knows for being brutally hostile to Raiders knowing it's a thing and a threat to her desolated world. Awareness is a key as she almost swung that chain-wrapped bat.
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"Surely you don't have any bad intentions like random murder, right?" She had to ask that question. Because he almost looked like one.
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toadstoolism · 2 months
"You see it too, right?"
There's a lot to imagine and enjoy on her own (almost to an overwhelming degree), but she decides she wants to share a bit of home with others, too. The "it" in question is a question block, suspended within arm's reach and drawing the attention of another with its bright yellow luster.
She supposes she should decide what's in there, eliminating any risk of it being something unfortunate for the sake of a first-timer... If she wills it to just be "something good", maybe that'll work? A coin, a mushroom, a super leaf--things like these come to mind, but perhaps it could even be something the other person wishes to see? What would a stranger to her world expect to come out of something like this?
This is turning out to be more of an experiment than anticipated! But Peach continues as planned, watching expectantly to see if they'll take her up on her offer.
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"It's like a mystery box. A...pinata, almost. Go ahead, give it a good hit!"
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amerhauser · 11 months
starter - @thegreatfraud
Knowing that all the abandoned buildings, cracked windows and blood splatter, there is no doubt that she's back to her world. Beatrix and the stranger were lucky they didn't end up to somewhere crowded but inside the sushi bar where she tasted her first sushi.
But precautions are first and she is aware that he doesn't understand her.
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"Gebissen? Ja oder nein." It's a yes or no question to know if he was bitten because otherwise, she will end his misery by beheading him.
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fatalmenace · 11 months
starter - @explosivedesire
Some days wished it be normal and alas, it is now. After her return to this wretched place, Kronya had nothing else to do. Not feeling to do what she does best either.
Ended up at Fibonacci, she groaned after.
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"How's that thing work? The one behind you that is." Imagine Kronya having a replica of that launcher Architect carries.
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aurelsabre · 5 days
starter - @grymfared
Meeting new people after being got here for a long time isn't so bad as long as humans aren't as annoying as last time she was here. Narberal was here to investigate a little hence wished she can sense magic but not sure if she can. Doesn't matter.
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"Pardon me, are you also a magic caster?" Curiosity abound the adventurer. Had to stop strolling for a while.
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placides · 8 months
starter - @unfetteredfreedom
Must be one of those non-humans again. Spirale is indeed a weird place for humans and non-humans to coexist prior to Shouko trying to be friendly but she was shivering in fear... as usual.
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"W-W-What kind of.... are you?" Like a static radio, she'd wanted to know as Rhodes Island people are... quite different in others' view let along Shouko herself while both index fingers are in a cross form.
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purewhitedevil · 2 years
random starter - @castilium
This wasn't new to all these kinds of mists but it seems that they have found a ruined carriage as the insides of it were stolen and none of them were hurt due to those in-charge had retreated. Of course, this means one thing. They are in Albedo's world even if its mistified.
Albedo was way too ahead of the scene as Mashu might have seen it first.
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"Mashu, what did you found around the road?" With 3F on her hand and Hermes Trismegistus isn't on but carried in a compact way, she had to know as it could be deja vu by a chance.
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infiernogarde · 1 month
starter - @inheirit
Hikaru knows there's no one there to use her rarely-used spell so, she practiced aiming on it as she did it upwards where no one gets hurt of its power, asides from limited use of five, now four. The glove she wore was the main source of her magic, after all.
Her eyes tilted to a girl with a red sweater in the middle of the incantation that she had to stop immediately.
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"I, uh just trying to test my magic. Yeah, magic..." Awkward situation aside, well she's just trying it. "I didn't hurt anyone and you, right?"
Least Ruby Lightning was indeed her strongest spell, unfair aside with her friends with three spells and four.
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parasouru · 9 months
starter - @kindliar
Parasoul only bobs her head slowly as holiday carols are quite relaxing to hear like anyone else at Calliope Theatre. Reason for that is because she is separated to celebrate her upcoming birthday which is a few days left without her father and little sister. Including her Egret Soldiers and her own crew left at Canopy Kingdom.
Only thing she wants a solace but there is someone.
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"Do you like christmas carols?" Simple, but... whatever the answer from the other is, is on them.
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demoniomano · 1 year
o - starter - @eusarca
It was evening that she needed to take a rest but instead she ended up at Golden Ward's benches. She only sat there, thinking of what to do here asides from her crests still intact even unused.
Lysithea was afraid of ghosts as she was aware but can't be seen. Only thing she felt is a cold wind passed on her.
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"W-Who's there?" Her head went left and right in a semi-panicked manner.
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swordofdeath · 9 months
starter - @robustdragonheart
Things at Archimedes is something 'Retsu' would love but her eyes looked empty as she only looked at the carol singers at the courtyard. The only thing she can do is watch like a bystander as some people near her had to distance her for a few meters, knowing Unohana is a dangerous person.
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"What is it?" It was merely a simple question but a bit... strange. She only looked at the girl.
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