#( thread; homecoming. )
dramatisperscnae · 5 months
@defectivexfragmented cue the angst
There hadn't been any time for actual thought. There hadn't been much time for anything, really. Not since he'd woken up in that hospital room feeling weak as a day-old kitten and being informed that he'd been in a coma for the past two weeks. At first it hadn't really set in, his mind trying to catch up with what had happened. The fight, the injuries, the pain, the way his mind had drifted to Matt there at the end…
But where was Matt? He hadn't been there when Remy had woken, and attempts to ask about him got various reactions ranging from blank looks to shrugs. Which meant Matt wasn't there. Which meant Matt might not know. Which meant-…oh hell.
Given just how badly Remy had been injured there was no way in hell anyone would just let him walk out of here if he asked. So he didn't ask. As soon as shift change hit Remy was moving, pulling the various tubes and monitors off himself and slipping out of his room. It took longer than he'd have liked to actually find a spare set of scrubs and a car that could be quickly hotwired, but within an hour or so he was flooring it down the highway. Within a handful more he'd abandoned the car in an alley and was climbing in through Matt's living room window; it was faster than waiting for the door.
"Mathieu? You here, chèr?" Hopefully Matt was actually home; if not, Remy would wait.
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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Trans aro & ace books (part two)
OUR BLOODY PEARL / nonbinary aspec MC, ace MC
THE THREAD THAT BINDS / multiple nonbinary and aspec MCs
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY / trans ace-spec (word of god) MC
WERECOCKROACH / agender aroace MC
THE BRUISING OF QILWA / aroace nonbinary MC
THE WOLF AMONG THE WILD HUNT / aroace MC, aroace nonbinary major character
TEARS IN THE WATER / ace-questioning & demi trans MCs, aroace side character
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN / nonbinary acespec MC (word of god)
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amoirsetpacis · 10 months
★ --;; The first thing Vash notices as he slowly comes to is that his pillow isn't soft and moving, no deep breaths or heartbeat beneath his ear. It's not overly common but it's not unheard of for Wolfwood to slip out from beneath him if he wakes up first and needs the bathroom or something; he'll be back in a few minutes, and they were due for a slow morning today anyway, so Vash turns his face further into the pillow with a sleepy sigh.
The second thing he notices is that the sheets smell a little off-- not like their usual detergent. He'll have to wash them then, he guesses; probably just too long without being switched out. Weird that the pillowcase doesn't smell like their shampoo, either, but his mind is still sleep-slow and drifting.
The third is that the room is oddly warm-- had they forgotten to turn the heat down before they went to bed? The nights had been getting colder as the seasons shifted from fall into winter, after all, and--
--and the bellow of a Steamer coming into port echoes deafeningly outside of his window.
Vash jolts upwards and awake so fast it nearly gives him whiplash.
His arm's on. His stump aches. The stench of cigarette smoke bleeds through from another room, so far from the one he's found comfort in. The wallpaper of the hotel room he'd managed to snag is old, yellowed in places as if to be a horrible facsimile of the paint in the bedroom he'd fallen asleep in. His coat's draped across one of two wooden chairs at the small table in the corner, a busted old radio on top of it, his old bag off to the side. The sheer blinds do hardly anything to block out the fierce pounding of the twin suns outside. It takes his mind dredging through just over a year of memories to recall that the steamer pulling in is the one he's supposed to leave on in the next few days.
And oh god, oh god, he remembers.
That anxiety barely voiced, that had dug a home so thoroughly into his nerves; that the peace that had been carved out for the lot of them was limited. An invisible timer, one of which none of them could possibly know how many seconds they'd been allotted. The singular bittersweet comfort he'd been able to take was that at least, whenever he'd be sent home, he wouldn't remember. A mercy; to not remember what could have been, what was given a chance to be.
He can't breathe. There is radio silence in his head and no warm body in his bed and he can't get air into his lungs, chest heaving and hot tears making tracks down his cheeks as he shakes.
His voice cracks over the single word, eyes barely seeing the room around him any more as they're blurred. Slowly, his forehead falls down into where his knees have found themselves at his chest.
"Take them back." These retched memories, carving such a vicious hole in his chest where his heart should be-- soft warmth replaced with jagged barbs. Fingers dig into the hair at his scalp, fist tight.
"Take them back."
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sassa-fiske · 8 months
who: @ironlvngs when/where: homecoming, after the crowning
Of course Sassa couldn't even enjoy the fact that she was named to homecoming court, the entire experience tainted by the presence of one of the other winners.
Lincoln Crawford.
They hadn't spoken since the end of last year, when Sassa had clearly been suffering some sort of head injury or severe post-traumatic stress disorder after the fire that manifested in concern for him. No way would she have been worried about their fate otherwise. Several unanswered text messages, a busy summer, and Sassa found herself back on campus, content to ignore Link. Until she learned he had gone and found himself a boyfriend - then her indifference accelerated straight past apathy to straight outrage.
And yet people were voting him to homecoming court. They would never if they saw the truth of he was, like Sassa did. It soured the entire evening, her smile fading away in a petulant frown as she left the stage, hoping to grab Leaky for the dance of the homecoming court, ignoring any potential rules about them supposedly dancing together. Or at least intending to, the plan halted when she came face to face with Link beckoning her into the dance with him. "Do you actually think I'm going to dance with you?" Sassa said through her teeth, not bothering with any greetings or pleasantries after the months of silence between them.
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cara-mrrsn · 8 months
who: @heathtalbot when/where: homecoming gala, right after homecoming court announcement
It only took one glance around at the rest of the court for Cara to decide who she would be partnering off with for the customary dance after the announcement. Cara motioned two fingers for him to come closer as soon as she met Heath's eyes. "Come here." Her head tilted towards a shoulder as her eyebrows arched up at any sign of hesitation, a brief look of offense already flashing over her face, as if in preparation for the tantrum she would throw if he did. "Dance with me," she said, her ponytail tossed over a shoulder as she lifted her chin, not leaving much - if any - room for him to say no.
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n8-shaw · 8 months
who: @jessehart when/where: outside of homecoming, sometime before homecoming court being announced
Nate stepped outside to smoke, a drink in his other hand, finding himself not as far from the door as he should've when he leaned back against the brick wall of the old building. He took a long swig from his drink, a hint of bitterness appearing over his features as he drained it, dropping the glass to the ground beside him so he could light the spliff he was holding. He hadn't been out there long - only a couple of puffs - when someone else stepped outside. The light from the door lit them in silhouette for a few moments, a slight crease appearing between Nate's eyes as he tried to place them, the door having swung shut and the darkness of the evening having settled back around them before he realized. He watched Jesse, still propped up the wall, his face not revealing any indication of what he may have been thinking or feeling. "How's sobriety?" he asked, the arch of his eyebrow not giving any indication if the question was being asked in good faith or not, propping the spliff back between his lips.
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morrisxn02 · 8 months
✍︎ @montyrichler
With his spirits rejuvenated by the riveting exercise of representative democracy, Edward walked out of the makeshift voting cabinet with a ballot in his hands and a dream in his heart: to see his homecoming court candidates elected, combining their strengths in a joint effort to make Ogden College great again. And, as he was about to cast his vote – the weight of modern democracy safeguarded by the little padlock that kept the ballot drop-box closed – he spotted Monty coming over to do the same. In the little distance that separated them, Edward could finally see his long, lustrous mane more clearly – something he had only glimpsed at in passing over the last couple of weeks whenever he saw Monty walking around campus – along with the beard he had been growing out, both combining into a sort casual look that really suited him. To Eddie, this was the kind of styling that only people with something he dubbed a "cool guy vibe" could pull off, which was genuinely the kind of guy he saw Monty as. “Hey.” His face lit up with a smile, and his eyebrows raised, head tilting upwards in a greeting as Monty approached. "Thought I was going to see your name on the ballot this year." He chortled, not entirely sure that Monty was the type of guy that put his name down for the homecoming court race, but (inadvertently) assuming he might have done it just so he and Ollie could be crowned together.
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@disneybucks. sad wade.
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LAURA had been on her way to provide Tony with his lunch, as per usual. A chore among many mid-homework these days. Yeah yeah. - she's "grounded" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. How was she to know that she has a ...what did he call it...a...curfew?! It seems the Starks (Pepper included in her world) forget, she isn't any normal child, though...honestly? She enjoys being treated as one. However - Of course she's not like Peter, they can't all have 'the tingles'. As Wade rounds the corner, she's drawn to a sudden halt, eyes leering defensively but in Happy's direction. She tilts her head as though Happy has crossed a line he knows he ought not to. He's in Tony's office... Odd. It causes her to narrow her eyes, long lashes fluttering in accusatory manner. "I am just seeing him out, excuse us, Laura." Happy attempts to explain with an obvious stammer that draws a really rather mischievous grin upon the mutant's lips. She rolls her eyes. "Right." she smirks. "Should I lock his office, then?" she taunts.
"Laura -- you know this is official Avengers business..." to his persistence, Laura snorts. "Should I take him? - He looks...interesting." Laura's eyes examine Wade up and down, with a rather judgmental stamina. "No. No - if I felt I needed security I would've called for them. He's just leaving." he insists, patting Wade's shoulder.
"I am security." she jabs at his ego, handing Happy the meal meant for her pseudo-stand-in-father. She pops her neck and once again sizes Wade up...but something in his demeanor showcases a sense of...wariness. A sorrow. He's not there to stir trouble. And he appears defeated.
"What's your story?" Laura questions Wade directly. She glares at Happy, shooing him away like feral feline. For 14, she's rather ballsy and bossy -- wonder where she gets it from...
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jynxd · 7 months
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It was a relief to finally be free after 8 years in Stillwater. Of course Vi had the enforcer to thank for it, something she paid in kind by ditching her as soon as she had the chance. As Ironhands she was forced to work with their guards, but now that she was free she didn't have to. She was well aware of the conditioning they had put her through, and so she was actively trying to break free from that. But first, she wanted a drink.
Vi slowly approached The Last Drop, confident that it would be a good place to start. Her presence seemed to change the club, however as people who were dancing and celebrating halted everything. Vi rose an eyebrow, otherwise unaffected, and made her way to the bar. She could see someone in the crowd, someone that made her want to approach them. It was an urge she ignored when she found herself bumping into a firm chest.
"Would you mind, I'm just trying to get a drink." Cold, calculating eyes glared up at the taller woman in front of her. When she didn't back off, Vi felt the anger boiling inside her, ready to come out if she didn't fucking move. When she didn't any words that were coming out of her mouth were drowned out by the racing of her heart. Vi was eager for this fight. "You asked for it."
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The fight was a quick one, as they both had made quick work of each other. During her time in stillwater, she had learned a great deal of things, including how hit hard and where to hit. More importantly she was fast on her feet, avoiding major blows. When it appeared that they would be a stand still, Vi determined that it wasn't worth it over a damn drink and backed off. Though she had managed to destroy a few tables in the process. "Whatever, I'll just go somewhere else where some assholes don't pick fights." Vi growled out as walked out, making her way through the streets of Zaun, adjusting her red hair back with bloody hands into its previous mohawk position. The pink highlights stood out in contrast.
She stopped when she heard someone following her. "Want round two, huh? Alright, I'll gladly kick your ass, again." However, when she turned around, she was greeted by someone else. The same person she'd spotted in the Last Drop. "Oh, you're someone else. Why are you following me?" @playgroundmonsters
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poisonousdelights · 2 months
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PARTIES: Isa (@poisonousdelights) and Maggie (@woveninstardust) TIME: Current (July 11th) WHERE: The Carter household SUMMARY: Isa is home for good and surprises Maggie with a visit. What Maggie doesn't know is there is another surprise right around the corner. WARNINGS: None
Being away from Wicked’s Rest had almost been worse than the time Isa had spent in jail. Maggie and she kept in touch, of course, texting and online the best ways for the day to day. But what she had loved the most were the letters that would show up in her sister’s mailbox. It was a tradition that had been started when she was indisposed but the letters only brought on good memories despite their origins. They were what kept her going as she spent day after monotonous day being riled up by fellow inmates and made her smile when she felt like she never would again. Getting one at her sister’s brought on that little ache she used to feel, the longing for her old life to come rushing back and bring the one person she feared she couldn’t live without back into her sight. But it also brought on that whole feeling only Maggie’s words could. 
That warmness she felt when she thought of her best friend made it so hard to tell her that she would be back in Wicked’s Rest sooner than she’d thought. She wanted to shout it to the rooftops when her sister had talked to her, to write Maggie right away and let her know they wouldn’t be apart for too much longer. But a surprise coming home? Well, that was too delicious to pass up. 
She had been itching to get to Maggie’s place as soon as they had crossed the line into town but Isa’s sister had insisted on getting the apartment ready first with a knowing smile that the lamia hadn’t registered. It made her work twice as hard to set up her space to her liking until her sister was satisfied with the work they had done but it was too late in the night to head over. The next morning Isa had been up bright and early, dressed before Violet could even have her coffee, with her leg bouncing in anticipation while she waited. Violet rolled her eyes when Isa jumped up as soon as the mug was in the sink but a grin accompanied it as she took her keys in hand.
Before long, Isa was standing on the front walk of Maggie’s house staring up at the familiar window she climbed in not three months prior. Her sister was sitting in the car, no doubt still rolling her eyes, but Isa didn’t care, not now. Not when she was about to feel her heart burst in her chest with the joy that was threatening to overtake her. She knocked quickly, loudly, far too eager while she bounced on her heels. Her smile was blinding as the door opened and she finally caught sight of the girl she’d missed so dearly. “Surprise!” Her arms shot out to the sides, her excitement making her buzz while she itched to bring Maggie into the tightest hug. She couldn’t though, not yet. She needed to let Maggie get her bearings and realize what was happening.
Mornings sucked. 
Especially when the sunlight peered through the window too early and Maggie got blasted in the face with pure sunshine. Especially since she didn’t even have to be up for work that morning. A day off, and she was up with the morning birds of her mother and father, listening to them chat over their breakfast about their plans for the day while she stared into a cup of caramel-creamer-filled coffee the size of her face 
The other reason that mornings sucked, as much as she was reluctant to admit it, was that while her mother and father were each other’s best friends, her best friend was no longer in town. Yes, she talked to Isa every day since she’d left to spend time with Violet. Yes, she sent her letters and drawings just like she had for all the time when Isa had been in jail. But it wasn’t the same as getting to see her in person. A piece of Maggie was furious at herself for being sad about it. Isa deserved time with her sister. She deserved a break. She deserved ALL the breaks, after everything she’d gone through. 
Her parents hardly noticed the knocking at the front door. They were too engrossed with the current topic of conversation- she was fairly certain she’d heard the words ‘cicadas’ and ‘lighthouse’ but was too groggy to really process it. And so, with a sigh, Maggie abandoned her coffee and trudged from the dining room to the front door, bare feet enjoying the morning coolness on the hardwood. It was probably Old Mr. Orislov from two doors down whose dog Winton had learned to climb over fences checking to see if they had a crazy yellow lab in their backyard. 
Only, when she opened the front door, it was not Old Mr. Orislov, nor was it his dog Winton. Instead, standing just outside her doorway, arms outstretched, smile as bright and wonderful as it had been the last time she’d seen her, was Isa. Maggie’s eyes went wide as saucers, and she felt her heart stop for just a second before lurching like a freight train in her chest. Isa was back! In less than a second, the girl was all energy as she launched herself at her best friend, pulling her into the tightest hug and damn near falling over in the process. A delighted little shriek of laughter pealed through the air. Maybe she was finally having good dreams again. Maybe this was the best dream. If it was, she hoped she didn’t wake up. 
There she was. Maggie’s sleepy frown started to morph into sheer excitement, pure joy, and she couldn’t stop smiling at the way her best friend lit up like a Christmas tree in the middle of summer. Isa felt her body lean backwards with the force of Maggie’s embrace, laughing as her own arms wrapped tightly around her best friend. The giddy feeling in her chest at finally seeing this girl’s beautiful face in person again was enough to last her a whole year at least, get her through any hardship. It had been so hard to keep this from Maggie but the reaction had been so worth the pain of it all. She’d have to thank the girl’s parents for also keeping their mouths shut later when she wasn’t busy refusing to let Maggie go. “I told you I’d be back. It just came sooner than I was expecting it to.”
She still kept her in her arms, Her fingers pressing hard into Maggie as if she were desperate to keep her right where she was. It had been too long since their last embrace, she had missed it too much. She felt warm and loved and like nothing bad could happen to her again in this girl’s arms. Isa hadn’t truly been home until this moment. 
But it couldn’t last unfortunately. At one point she was going to have to let Maggie come up for air or else she feared she never would. And then they would just be two bumbling idiots walking around with their arms interlaced all the time. The chaos that could cause was tempting but Isa decided against it before pulling back, her grin still plastered to her lips. “Okay, that look was the best thing to ever happen to me, I just need you to know that.” The lamia bit into her bottom lip, anticipation filling every inch of her. She couldn’t wait to see the jovial surprise once again. “I also need you to know that I’m here to stay. I’m moving back!”
Isa was home. It was such a simple little fact, and yet the knowledge of it was enough to set Maggie’s world utterly upside down- and it was all the better for it. Video calls and texting and letters were lovely. No, scratch that, they were necessary. But being able to feel the other girl warm in her arms as she hugged her tight, hearing her laughter ringing like bells in her ear… it was different. It was better. 
“How long have you been back??? Are you just here for a little bit- or- or- YOU’RE HERE!!!” The girl was practically dancing around, drunk with joy. She didn’t want to pull away, but she forced herself to (if only to drink in the sight of Isa, actually standing there in front of her house again. Maggie cradled the other girl’s face in her hands. She couldn’t really believe it- last she’d heard, she didn’t know when Isa was coming back. She didn’t know when her best friend in the world would grace the face of their little town again. Maggie couldn’t blame her for going… it wasn’t like Wicked’s Rest had been terribly kind to Isa since she’d returned. But greedily, selfishly, she was glad Isa was back. The rest of town be damned. 
And then Isa spoke again. Maggie blinked, owl-eyed as she tried to process the words she’d just heard. Moving back. Isa was moving back, staying. STAYING. A peal of bright, shrieking, giddy laughter erupted from Maggie Carter as she tackled Isa back into a hug, sending the pair tumbling into the grass. A quickly muffled chuckle rang out from the house, just beyond the screen doors, where Mr. and Mrs. Carter watched the pair in amusement. But Maggie didn’t notice, nor did she care. “YOU’RE MOVING BACK! Where are you moving?!?! When are you moving??? How far away are you gonna be, oh my god this is the best day ever-” 
There was something weirdly intimate about Maggie cradling her face. The two of them had no problem with affection, never had, but standing there staring into her eyes after months of not seeing that special shine in them made this physical connection deeper. She had half a mind to reach up and brush aside the lock of hair that had fallen into those wonderful doe eyes but Isa reluctantly told herself no. It was too much. She shouldn’t want to do that.
It didn’t matter anyway as she was on the ground in second, pure genuine laughter ringing through the air and mixing with Maggie’s delight. She rolled once, pinning Maggie beneath her in the soft grass. “I am! The new apartment is downtown. I know, right? Fancy upgrade from Worm Row.” She had her sister to thank for that. As much as Isa didn't like accepting Violet’s money she’d finally given in and let the older woman help her with the down payments required. But she drew the line when it came to the monthly rent. That would be up to her and her alone…or her possible new roommate as well. 
“The apartment is already set up. Violet helped me.” She looked up then, seeing her sister leaning back against her car with that same knowing smile on her lips. Isa was still too distracted to really take it in. “But there’s one problem. It’s a two bedroom.” She paused, biting into the flesh of her bottom lip to stifle her smile. “And I have nobody to fill the other room.”
When they’d both been little, Maggie had drawn a picture of her and Isa living in a castle. It was their castle, she’d declared. Where they would live one day when they were older, because best friends ought to live together forever. They’d been so young and silly then, alight with a sort of magic that burned bright in childhood. But time and age came to dim that sugar-spun world they’d lived in once upon a time. They might not live in a castle together, but Isa would climb through her window and visit her… And then Isa was gone, plucked away from her life on a faulty charge. That childhood dream was lost to the realism of the situation. Maggie clung to the magic of the stories that fueled her youth because maybe, with those, she might be able to set her world right again.
Isa’s hair tickled her face as it hung down, illuminated by the morning sun that was starting to creep up into the sky. There was nothing so wonderful in the world as that sight. Time might pull people apart, but in the end, best friends always found their way back to each other. The words- more sage wisdom from her mother- rang in her ears. Sarah Carter, wondrous woman that Maggie’s mother was, was always right in the end. “Look at you, fancy pants in a downtown apartment!”
Her heart lurched at the word ‘problem’. She wasn’t sure she could handle another problem- well, for Isa, she could, but if the problem meant she would see less of the girl… well, she’d just have to grin and bear it, now wouldn’t she? But no. The problem was an extra bedroom. Maggie blinked in confusion. “Is Violet moving here, too?” Her head cocked to the side, confusion etching its way across her face. But that didn’t make sense… If Violet was moving, then Isa would have someone to fill the room. 
It took a moment for the puzzle piece to fit into place in her mind. 
They would not have a castle, as castles were cold and in short supply in the tiny costal town in Maine. But an apartment? With her best friend? “Really?” Her voice was hardly more than a whisper. If she spoke any louder, Maggie feared she might simply spontaneously combust with joy. And then the neighbors would probably be annoyed for such a commotion so early in the morning… “Are you- is the room- you want me to move in???” 
Watching Maggie sift through all of this information was truly beautiful in every sense. The slight panic in her eyes when she heard ‘problem’ only served to remind Isa how much she cared. As much as she hated causing that panic she also adored the quiet confirmation of her best friend’s love that shined through. She could always count on that. Panic morphed into confusion. The wrinkle of Maggie’s brow was the most adorable thing that Isa had ever seen as she tried to work out what was going on. Her question had Isa shaking her head softly but she waited to speak until her friend could come to the correct conclusion because she was enjoying this far too much. Every new face, every new expression, was another work of art.
The exact moment that it clicked was the most beautiful of them all. Maggie’s eyes had widened, shimmering softly in the sunlight pouring down on them but she suspected some of that was the sheer excitement shining through as well. Isa was ready to confirm that she was indeed asking her to move in but she knew, deep in her gut, that she’d already gotten her yes. “Of course I’m asking you to move in with me, silly! Who else would I ever want to be roommates with?” 
Over the years it had been brought up between the two of them. College roommates had been the first discussion that they’d ever had but then Isa had been arrested, her scholarship ripped away because of her conviction. Then, the discussion of it after prison but she hadn’t wanted to put Maggie in the position of having to defend herself for living with a supposed murderer. Then it was right before she’d left to stay with her sister but she couldn’t afford any of it at the time and being a financial burden to Maggie and her family was unacceptable. It was finally their moment. It was finally their time to live out this dream that they had shared since they were kids. “Think about it. You can decorate your room however you want and you can also decorate mine with your amazing art. We can decide on color schemes and what to hang in the living room and all of that good stuff. I have money saved up from a pretty good job I had near Violet’s and I am ready to go shopping.”
Maggie didn’t need to think about it. There was no thinking at all in the girl’s brain for a few moments. Instead, the only thing she could register was an absolutely maniacal amount of effervescent, golden, sparkling glee. It had been months since she’d felt even a fraction as excited. Well… she was equally as excited about the discovery and subsequent befriending of Mister Gator, but in a totally different way. 
Childhood dreams were beautiful, but often intangible. Mirages made of the smoke and mist of imagination and wild revelry, before the world began to bog down one’s belief of what was and was not attainable. Isa, her wonderful, sunshiney, brilliant friend who had gone through so much suffering, sat there staring down at Maggie… offering a dream plucked up from obscurity. If anyone should have been given such a gift, it was Isa, not Maggie! Isa deserved the goddamned moon a string if she wanted it. The girl’s heart ached. She didn’t quite understand why, in such a gleeful moment, she felt a tinge of remorse. Rather than let it win, she reached up and plucked a bit of grass from Isa’s hair, pretending to consider the offer.
“Let me see… I get to bother you every day, and help decorate your room and apartment with art, and I don’t have to worry about you falling out of the window when you want to come over…?” A little hum filled her pause. “… okay thought about it, yeah, I’m moving in.”
“I’m going to have to cut out a window in your bedroom wall or something.” Because she was going to miss climbing up into Maggie’s room every night. There was something about the way sneaking into someone’s bedroom, undetected or not, that always reminded Isa of great pairings throughout history. Romeo with Juliet, Pacey with Dawson, Ellie with Carl, even Zack with Clarissa all flitted through her mind each time she climbed the trellis at night. Not to mention the little bit of exhilaration that came with it as well. She always like a little bit of danger mixed with her pleasure.
She’d lost focus though, her mind going to what she would miss about what they were leaving behind instead of listening to the confirmation of what they would have going forward. The words finally sunk in after a moment, Isa’s face brightening with Maggie’s agreeance, and before she could stop herself she wrapped her arms around her friend the best that she could in their position. In her excitement, Isa started to roll them, screaming her joy for all to hear as the laughter of Maggie’s parents and Violet filtered in. It wasn’t that she had doubts that Maggie would want this too but hearing the confirmation was a completely different story. 
She’d landed on her back, reversing the girl’s positions as words started to flow from her mouth without Isa taking a breath. “I can’t wait! Oh my god, we’re going to be the best roommates ever! You’re going to love the space. It’s nothing too special, kind of small, but it has such great bones to work with. We’re going to have to get you a lot of paint before Periwinkle closes and maybe some things for your animals because there’s no way I would make you leave them behind at your parents house and we have to go food shopping-” Her sister’s voice rang out, the woman shaking her head. “Isabele, breath. You’re going to die from lack of oxygen before you can even move her in.” Isa stopped then but her eyes still clearly showed the excitement now coursing through her, her smile never dropping. “I can’t believe this is finally happening.”
If the neighbors hadn’t been awake, they certainly were now. Delighted squealing and laughter filled the little culdesac, rising up to greet the morning sky and join the birds in their morning melodies. Maggie could hear her parent’s laughter from just inside the house, bright and warm. They knew! They must have known the whole time… It would be strange not to wake up to the smell of her mother’s coffee or listening to her dad’s radio broadcast muffled through the walls at night… But home was not going anywhere. It would stay right there, where she could return to at any time and see the people who made it home.
This change was good. Better yet, her best friend in the whole world would be right there alongside her. And that made all the difference. Isa babbled about all the things they needed to do. Her hair was strewn out wildly in the green grass, her eyes alight with that fiery wonderful joy… Maggie would draw this, later. It would stay imprinted in her mind until pen could meet paper and the image could be born again. 
Violet’s voice rang out from the car, amused to say the least. With a giggle, Maggie pulled Isa back upright, plucking stray bits of grass from the girls hair. The screen door creaked as her mother stepped out onto the porch, coffee mug clutched close to her chest. “Breakfast before all of that, though… there’re muffins waiting. Invitation’s open to you too, Violet…” Sarah Carter, her mother and woman of infinite mysteries, shot Maggie a knowing smile and a wink before disappearing back inside. How had she hidden muffins????? “Soooo… muffins and then moving?”
Isa allowed Maggie to help her sit up, working with the other to get the grass out of her hair. How embarrassing she must have looked in that moment, a mess with wild hair strewn about, but she didn’t care. She was still overjoyed by the news that Maggie was taking her up on her offer and nothing was going to bring her down from that high. Not today, not tomorrow, not for the next few weeks most likely. Sure, she was going to have to work to make sure Maggie stayed safe in their own home. Her sunglasses would be working overtime every night but it was something that Isa was more than willing to do. She would do anything to have the comfort of best friend just down the hall, to keep that comfort not just in her heart but within reaching distance. 
She’d almost forgotten what it had been like to be away from Maggie, not able to talk to her whenever she wanted, to hug her whenever she felt like. The past few months away had reminded her of just how painful it was. Never again. She would never allow circumstances to pull them apart going forward and that was a reminder of the nag in the back of her mind to try and keep Maggie away from the more dangerous parts of their town. It would be a challenge because the woman was hard headed and refused to see that danger when it came to the things she loved but she would find a way. Nodding her head, she wrapped an arm around Maggie’s shoulder as she started towards the Carter’s front door. “Muffins and then moving it is.” She could hear Violet shuffling behind them, the lure of breakfast too great to resist, and Isa smiled brightly at Maggie’s mom as the girl’s passed over the threshold. She would scarf down these promised muffins as quickly as possible. The sooner they were done the sooner they would start their new lives together.
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amerhauser · 10 months
starter - @thegreatfraud
Knowing that all the abandoned buildings, cracked windows and blood splatter, there is no doubt that she's back to her world. Beatrix and the stranger were lucky they didn't end up to somewhere crowded but inside the sushi bar where she tasted her first sushi.
But precautions are first and she is aware that he doesn't understand her.
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"Gebissen? Ja oder nein." It's a yes or no question to know if he was bitten because otherwise, she will end his misery by beheading him.
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kallistcs · 1 year
a starter! / @fadedpath
A little over a month, and he was back in Troy.
Paris had half feared they'd come back to ships occupying the bay and the larger harbour out towards the sea, thanks to that strange storm that'd blown them partially off-course. Half been utterly confident they would not - and they hadn't.
No, obviously Menelaus wouldn't be in the least bit happy, and both his heart and gut twisted at the thought, at the easily imagined devastated expression. But the gods themselves stood behind this, so distraught husband or not, when nothing else had happened on their trip and they now were in Troy safe, Paris was wondering why he'd worried at all.
Helen had of course already made an impression at their arrival, and while he might have hoped her presence and shining mien would be enough of an explanation in itself, he could vaguely acknowledge that that was maybe asking too much.
And anyway, Helen aside - not that Helen was an aside in any way - there was still Salamis to account for.
The lack of his aunt on his other side as he'd led Helen up in front of his parents.
"What happened, Alexander?" his father exclaimed when the door had barely closed behind the four of them.
There was this pinched expression on his face, a mix of worry, exasperation and maybe even some bafflement. Helen was, admittedly, certainly not Aunt Hesione. Smiling at his father and flicking a brief glance sideways - Mother looked tense, worrying her fingers, Hektor... - Paris took the broad hand his father hadn't laid on his shoulder in both of his.
"I sent you because I hoped your eloquence would win us out where simple request hasn't, and because despite the rumours that always come home with you, they are always unfounded." Priam paused here, eyes narrowing and the heavy hand on Paris' shoulder tightening. "And now you prove them right? Sparta isn't even on the way to Salamis!"
"I can explain everything, Father," Paris promised, squeezing the hand in his grip. Let go with one hand to touch his chest, the suggestion of a smile on his lips blooming out somewhat sheepishly. "I did go to Salamis, but---"
Exhaling sharply, he shook his head.
"King Telamon didn't even let me speak, Father. Not even when I'd made sure we brought some of the wealth Antenor had brought with him the first time, with us. He told me he'd have me and anyone else he could get his hands on killed and thrown in the harbour if I did anything else but turn around and go back to the ship."
"Are you---!"
"Fine, Mother." Paris smiled at his mother, then turned it onto his father, more apologetic, this time. "I--- I might have ignored him and spoken anyway, but both he and all the rest of the men in the hall had already drawn their weapons. I'm sorry, Father."
Watching his father crumble hurt.
There was a brush of both hands down his arms, as if his father making sure he was all right, even as he turned away. His eyes were dark and haunted in a way Paris had never seen before and yet - it somehow seemed familiar, as impossible as that was.
"As for---"
"Later, Alexander," his father murmured and though Hecuba was much slighter, she caught her husband with a steady grip and they walked out together.
Staring at the open, empty doorway, Paris bit his lip. Slowly glanced up to his brother, a sigh ushering the next few words out.
"Do you think I should have risked it, anyway?"
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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a couple of books that have a platonic relationship in the place where most books would have a romance :) most of these have word-of-god aro characters, though it might not be mentioned in the text, and tbh for me the depth of a complex and centred platonic relationship is equal or more important to me than just having an aro mc. i love all these a lot!
THE LIFE GIVER / YA dystopian high fantasy / centres a boy who translates the dreams of a girl who gets dreams from their god and their friendship
ARCHIVIST WASP / YA post-apoc fantasy / a lonely girl finds a mysterious ghost who’s searching for his friend. they have a complicated relationship. the two ghosts also have a tragic platonic soulmates vibe.
RADIANT / YA dystopian scifi/fantasy / a lonely girl meets a ghost girl and they become friends while dealing with people who want to use them for their powers
COME DRINK WITH ME/TALES OF THE THREAD / fairytale-like fantasy / short story series centred around platonic relationships from an aro perspective
THE HERETIC’S GUIDE TO HOMECOMING / adult high fantasy / slow & introspective fantasy about two people travelling across the land, centres platonic relationships and stories
FIREBREAK / adult dystopian sci-fi / MC has a ride-or-die best friend relationship, and also has a kind of complex parasocial-friend-crush with someone she ends up meeting and starting a revolution with
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taitropa · 1 year
“It’s not spicy,” Dheeti Ghafa assures without prompting when she sets down a healthy portion of dal bhat in front of Kaz. Across from him, Inej does her best attempt at conveying to him that he better keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him because if he makes a single complaint, either in regards to her mama’s kindness or the amount of food on his plate, she will not apologize for the heinous sin she will commit against him.
He is lucky that he has been accommodated at all this time. Not because her mama would not do so for a guest, but because Inej had insisted in her letters prior to this visit that she need not. His luck also extends so far to include Mama’s fond curiosity with the Barrel boss sitting in his mercher black and gloves in their wagon for supper.
“Chili oil?” Baba asks pleasantly, offering the little greasy tin to Kaz with a knowing twinkle in his eye. He winks at Inej conspiratorially over his own meal and she can’t help but grin back at him for his wickedness.
“Ramesh!” Mama scolds with a light slap to his wrist so that he puts the tin back down. “Do not listen to him, Mr. Brekker. Save your Kerch tastebuds.”
At this, Inej finally laughs. “Mama, you are just as mean,” she says in Suli.
“I am only testing your sweetheart, chorī,” Dheeti argues with a sniff. If Kaz is annoyed that the language barrier keeps him out of these secrets, Inej does not look at him to check. Her pinking cheeks are too embarrassing to have the upperhand on him this once. He’d find a way to win whatever game he’d make of this match of shame and she is determined to see him lose. Dheeti scoops an extra spoonful of rice onto Kaz’s plate and asks in heavily accented Kerch, “Good?”
@barrelborne <3
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TIMING: Current PARTIES: @declinlalune & @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: Alex comes home after the hunter attack on her and Alan thinking that she will be able to nonchalantly roll into the cabin like nothing happened. With the way Andy greets her, it becomes clear very quickly that's not the case. Alex tells Andy about what happened and there's definitely some unspoken feels between the sisters. CONTENT: gun use, domestic abuse (mentions)
If it wasn’t for the cleaned and patched up wound on her hip, Alex would have doubted that the masked figure that walked her home was actually real. None of it felt real. Ever since she laid eyes on the ranger, everything had been some strange blur, like it had been someone else who lived it— not her. The way the exhaustion set into her bones didn’t allow her the luxury of pretending it had been anyone but her. Her proximity to Alan had gotten them both hurt and worse, she had kept information from him that could have prevented this even though Andy told her to tell him. Now things were worse and she didn’t know how to tell her sister that after everything the elder had done to protect them both, she had fucked it up. 
Her rescuer had been off before Alex could even fully wave, so she made her way to the front door of the cabin. She doubted her clothes would be a giveaway, she had told Andy she was going to practice shifting earlier that day. The real issue was figuring out how to stand and walk in a way that wasn’t a limp, but also didn’t make her hip sear in pain at the pressure. She was bracing herself to walk in when the door swung open. It startled her a little bit, but she was sure to quickly recover. “Oh, thanks,” she said as nonchalantly as she could possibly manage. Which may have fooled just about anyone else, but there was a solid chance her sister would see right through it. 
As soon as she heard from Kaden, Andy raced home. Things had been a blur. Get home, check the back, check the bunker– check anywhere Alex could be. She had half a mind to reach out to Cass and ask where Alex was, but didn’t want to worry the other girl if there was nothing to worry about. Alex had gotten shot, and so had Alan. It had been a hunter, and Andy could only guess which one it was. Wicked’s Rest was crawling with them, sure, but Andy knew deep down who it was and why. 
She heard her sister before she saw her, and she pushed the door open so quickly that it nearly knocked Alex over. Relief flooded through her and she grabbed her sister’s wrist, pulling her towards her. “You fucking asshole.” Andy pressed her face against the top of Alex’s head. She smelled like sweat and blood, even Andy could tell that apart from her usual scent of shampoo. “Where were you, Alex?” She pulled away, only enough for her sister to look up at her. “Where the fuck did you go?” Though she was angry at Alex, and by proxy, at Alan for letting her sister run, she had her there now. Her sister was in front of her, safe and sound. Maybe a little injured, thanks to the information she’d been given, but still, she was there and otherwise unharmed. 
The way Alex was immediately swooped into her sister’s arm and questioned made it very obvious she wasn’t going to be able to pretend that the hunter finding her never happened. How did she even know? As far as she knew, Alan didn’t know Andy or Kaden and if he did, he didn’t know they were her family. Or did he? Did he really tattle on her? She knew he had to be pissed, but getting her in trouble with her sister seemed a little bit extra. 
Despite the fact she had wanted to keep the injury a secret, Alex couldn’t help but melt into her sister’s arms. She was so tired and confused and scared. All she wanted was for that hunter to leave them alone. Andy had already done so much for her that she hated putting her in a position where what she had to defend against was another ranger. When would it all become too much? How much of herself could Andy compromise before she realized Alex wasn’t worth it? Worse yet, if a hunter was hurt for her, what did that make her? She knew the answer, but she felt too run down to let the word resonate in her mind the way it normally did. 
“How do you,” she mumbled into Andy’s chest. She tried to blink away the tears that threatened to spill over before deciding it was a losing battle and letting them fall. “I was coming straight here,” she tried to rationalize, “Just… ran into someone who helped along the way.” 
Alex was crying now and Andy’s chest tightened. She reached up, wiping the tears away from her sister’s cheeks with either of her thumbs. “Kaden told me, and Alan told him.” She wasn’t sure how the two knew one another, but she was thankful that they did. Thankful that Alex’s mentor had half a mind to reach out and explain the situation, even if Andy hadn’t read much of Kaden’s message before she was hauling ass home to find where Alex had gone off to. A part of her had hoped it wasn’t true, but that would be too easy. 
“You ran into somebody? In the woods?” Clearly not a hunter, given the bandage that was peeking from beneath Alex’s shirt that was slightly torn. Andy’s brows pulled together as she let out another sigh of relief, clenching her jaw. “I’m so glad that you’re okay.” But the anger was there, too. Something distant and cold– it built itself in her chest, and it was all she could focus on as she held Alex close to her. “It was him, wasn’t it?” 
That was an unexpected curveball. Alex hadn’t expected for her cousin and Alan to be all buddy-buddy. Did Alan know what Kaden was? What Andy was? Part of her was afraid he wouldn’t be okay with them being rangers and every worst conclusion jumped through her mind. He couldn’t have possibly reached out to Kaden because he cared, but hadn’t he been kind to her? But hadn’t he been patient and understanding in a way that felt so foreign for supernatural training of any variety? Some small part of her wanted to believe that maybe he was concerned and maybe he could be okay with the whole ranger sister and cousin thing, but everything felt so fragile— she felt so fragile. 
And as always, Andy was the anchor holding her in place and keeping her from spinning out of control. It was the one constant in her life, Alex wasn’t sure why she thought she could fight it, why she thought she could ever be the one to protect her sister. She nodded, “I think so? They were in a mask, it was weird.” Still half felt like a fever-dream. “But they patched me up.” 
She wished that had been the hardest part of the night to explain, but she could so clearly see the concern etched in Andy’s features. In the soft light of this home they’d made together, it was hard to reason that her sister was better without her. She held onto her a little tighter, but looked up with a small grimace as she nodded. “It was him,” she whispered, “I don’t think he knew what I was at first, but he had his gun aimed at Alan and…” Somehow the shift she had been trying so hard to make happen fell right into place. Instinct seemed to kick in before she even really knew what she was doing. “He knows what I am now, saw me shift.” 
Part of her wanted to keep her sister away from the hunter altogether, but she realized the gravity of what happened as she explained it. This hunter knew what she was and already wanted to make Andy pay for having shifter friends, protecting her shifter sister was probably just icing on the cake of the weird little grudge the dude was carrying. 
Andy wasn’t sure if she should press for more details about whoever had helped Alex in the forest. What mattered was that she wasn’t bleeding out, wasn’t it? That her sister had made it home in one piece instead of leaning against a tree trunk out in the pines somewhere. She wanted to tell her sister that she was grateful she found somebody to help, but the words were twisted and coated in something. Fear, she realized. She couldn’t give thanks to a figure she didn’t know, because she’d almost lost her sister to the unbearable weight of what both of them were supposed to be. 
So the man hadn’t known about Alex being bitten, and had found out on the spot. Andy’s stomach churned at the thought. What if he followed her home? She wondered if Emilio had found his address yet. “Is Alan okay?” Because that mattered too, even if Andy was frustrated with him for letting Alex run away. But if he’d been badly injured, she knew there would have been no stopping the younger wolf from escaping. 
“I don’t know why the fuck he’s so obsessed.” It was still confusing to her. It made no sense as to why somebody who claimed to know her mother was so hellbent on getting either of them to follow the ways of a hunter. Would he have harassed Alex the same way he did to her if she hadn’t been a wolf? They would never find out, because he’d shot first instead of wondering what got the younger Durande to that point. Andy looked over Alex for a moment, noticing that even in the few moments they’d spent together now, some of the color had come back to her face. That was good, at least. “Do you know where he went?” The question was careful, voice steeled. “Did he follow you? Alan?” She guessed Alex wouldn’t know that, considering the fact that she’d been the one to flee. 
The next question her sister asked made her breath hitch in her throat. After everything he was doing for her and how much patience he had shown in their lesson, Alex ran off without fully making sure he was alright. Fear had taken the wheel and Alan hadn’t deserved that. He had deserved an explanation, for her to stick around and make sure he was okay too, but fear always took her back to the same place. It wasn’t even her own injury or the prospect of death that had scared her. Something kicked into gear when she thought Alan’s life might be on the line, but she didn’t want the hunter dead either. She was still too gentle— too delicate. So when the hunter ran off and it was time to face the inevitable disappointment, she couldn’t so she ran as fast as she could. 
Even when she ran, Alex wasn’t sure she’d ever really escape the first place she’d ever known as home. When would she stop expecting everyone to become the same broken record of her father’s voice that haunted her waking and sleeping moments alike? Andy had always been the exception, even when they were kids, but she was trying to let their world be bigger. She wanted to carve out her own space in life so that maybe her sister could finally live hers. Despite the way she still clung to Andy now, she wanted to be able to believe that someone besides her sister could see the scared kid she still was and love her all the same, but how could they? She should have faced the rejection and at least given him something in the way of an explanation, but she hadn’t and it only compounded the run of the mill existential shame she already lived with. “I–,” she choked, “His injury didn’t look fatal– But I ran Andy. I don’t know. I don’t–” 
She wanted to will the tears away and wished sheer willpower could act as a dam to keep it all in. It was bad enough she scared Andy and that Andy would probably be tracking this hunter down now, she didn’t need to dump her emotions on the elder Bennett, too. Her suspicion was nearly confirmed when Andy asked about the hunter. While the concern was still there, she could hear something colder, too. She wasn’t sure how to interpret it and she was too tired to try. “He didn’t follow me– I don’t think he followed Alan. He seemed pretty quick to fuck off when he realized there was more than one werewolf in the picture,” she mumbled shakily, “Is it too much to hope the guy’ll just fuck off?” 
Andy’s frown deepened and she shook her head. “It’s okay.” She and Alex were similar in a lot of ways, and though Andy knew that she would have stayed to fight, she couldn’t expect that of her sister. Silver could have killed her on the spot. The selfish part of Andy was grateful that her sister had run. That she’d fallen into cowardice and decided to save herself. “He’s alive, at the very least.” She’d gotten confirmation of that when he had reached out to Kaden to explain what happened. She wondered if she should send Kaden to go and check on him. 
The hope Alex wore was not unknown to Andy. While she, herself could tread the waters of optimism, it was often Alex who spoke with a certain kind of hope that she had discarded years ago. Of course, Alex didn’t need to know that. Andy kept her expression neutral as she reached up to smooth some of the hair out of her sister’s face. “I hope so. I really do.” But something told her this wouldn’t be the last time. That he would find a way to burrow deeper into their lives. He had no issue coming after herself, Leah, and Nicole in broad daylight. He had followed Alex out of what– recognition? Another redhead? How he had even known that it was her, Andy didn’t know. 
It was possible he’d seen them together at another time and place. Andy took her sister gently by the shoulders, guiding her to the couch. “Sit– lay down, whatever’s comfortable.” She’d need to look at the injury that Alex had sustained at some point. Her hands began to tremble as she went into the kitchen and iron coated her tongue. It was luck, at this point, that her sister had returned home. What would have happened if the gunshot had been higher? Lower? To the left? Andy worked at getting her sister a glass of water, all the while imagination running rampant with the things that didn’t happen flashed across her vision. She had to put a stop to this. She needed to drive him out of town somehow. After a moment, Andy returned to Alex and set the glass of water down. “What else do you need?” Because her sister needed her right now, and in truth, Andy needed her, too. 
The fact Alan was alive was only a small relief. That still meant she had to eventually face him, but at least there was still an Alan to face. It could have been a lot worse. Alex knew as much. She saw the satisfaction in the hunter’s face when he thought he’d caught her with another werewolf— he had a point to prove and he had been ready to use Alan to do it. The fact she was also a monster only threw a wrench in his plans. The impromptu motivation to shift might have been the only reason he was still alive. It was a heavy thought, one that felt like it could crush her. 
She nodded, but Alex only seemed to believe the hunter would call it quits about as much as her sister did. It would be too easy and when had they ever gotten the easy side of things? That’s why it had always been her and Andy against the world— because the world more often than not hadn’t exactly been on their side. Just because their world was getting a little bigger didn’t mean hurdles would just stop being thrown their way; it only meant more people to potentially get hurt in the aftershocks. It felt impossible now. They built a life here, one they couldn’t just run from. Not anymore. She thought of Kaden, Cass, Alan, Nora. Andy had finally made friends too. Even if Alex wasn’t sure she deserved the love and acceptance she was finding as of late, she knew with everything she had in her that Andy deserved all of those things. “We’ll figure it out either way,” she murmured even if she wasn’t sure how. 
The direction to lay down served to remind Alex of just how much pain she was in. She clung to Abigail during their walk and the tree when they meticulously stitched her up with an attention to detail that was almost infuriating. Now that an end was in sight, her legs seemed eager to collapse. “Good idea,” she agreed shakily, holding onto Andy’s arm as she moved toward the couch. There was a pang as she hit the cushion, but that quickly slipped into relief as she melted into the couch. Old as the thing was, it still felt like a beacon of comfort. It smelled familiar, like home, and something almost woody. The worn green fabric was soft and welcoming in a way she didn’t think anything else could be. “Mmm,” she mumbled into the blanket she had grabbed, “Something for pain? Tylenol? And maybe we could watch Gordon Ramsey yell at people together?” 
She was sure Andy’s mind was racing and trying to figure out ways to keep them safe, but at that moment, Alex just wanted her sister. Everything hurt and even if she couldn’t admit it out loud, she was scared. If they were together, somehow it felt like they were both untouchable. It didn’t matter whether as much was true or not. She could cling to the illusion of safety and hope that things would turn out ok if she had Andy there. Because Andy always kept them safe and for tonight, she wanted to sink into that feeling.
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jacqui-velazquez · 8 months
who: @ollieinoue when/where: homecoming gala
When Jacqui saw Ollie, their face lit up with a smile, slipping through the people between them with ease to appear by his side. "We match," they said, reaching out and running a hand down his lapel, looking positively delighted. They had gotten ready with a couple friends from their music classes, not having seen Ollie's outfit yet. They fiddled with one of the tiny braids that they had put into their hair, eyes drifting away from their roommates as they looked around the gala. "Do you think it's a little bizarre that this is just...going on?" they drawled. They didn't explain any of the reasoning or the thoughts or the worries behind their question - but the tone of it, even the subject of it, was far more cynical than Jacqui of yesteryear would've been, their delight at seeing the matching outfits having faded quickly.
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