#( stay evil doll face; harley quinn. )
meandmyechoes · 3 years
hey, just wanna jot down something. can't believe October has run halfway already. Been weathering and, bothered by real-life things to sort of put it aside here. I planned to take a break from SW after Visions came out, did I miscalculated and somehow pulled into Thrawn-verse. I want to finish Chaos Rising and Greater Good before Lesser Evil comes out, but it's not a real deadline. I will persist to opt print over audio so I can voice Ziara on my own. I've also listened to Outbound Flight and slowly making my way through Heir to the Empire. Borrowed Survivor's Quest from the library since I heard the audiobook is abridged.
Spent sometime confined to a chair and the physical Chaos Rising last Sunday and found I really like/miss that feeling being absorbed in that world. But I can't read somewhere too quiet (i.e. too little distractions) or I fall asleep quickly. Reading on my phone en commute is very convenient and facilitates it, getting to highlight the book, but I do forget to blink. But all in all, I like that my reading is recovering.
Onto merchs. I took Captain Rex home two weeks ago but I'm the same indifference towards it. I don't know, I only ordered him as an accessory to Ahsoka and I just don't really have an idea what to do with him. I do love the character of course but spending money is not how I express it for him lol. It isn't even sitting on my shelf beause I haven't even cleared the space for them. I'm a bad collector I know haha.
And, ordered bunch of things. should've the rest of October's day so had a couple of craft projects in mind. stomping on the brakes is HARD. Well, 4 to 6 outfits. plus finally baby lekku. dyeing, painting, makeup, and film the whole thing. and a bit of baking, sculpting, props-making. Gonna try some new materials. Quite ambitious process really. I hope I can pull it off.
Fine, let's jinx it.
ordered three cheap dolls to try my first customizing. making... human characters first :) Zero confidence in actually drawing a face but I'll wing it. Then, restarting the baby ahsoka project because I found the right body now. lol had a fit thought I ordered a size too small. It was slimmer than I remembered but oh well. 
Thinking of re-bodying FOD Ahsoka but not sure I can actually bear to do so. I do hold out for acquiring a mint-in-box for display in the future though. Either way, looking for a back-up body for HT Ahsoka becuase I'm preparing for - none of her costume is removable. (saw the recent Harley Quinn release, nightmare if it's a fashion doll lol). I think I will check out the FOD Endor Leia first since it has agreeable articulation and hopefully similar body build. But that's not assured since except her all the girls have molded on tops or pants thus individual sculpts. Other bodies on the market are less muscular and I'm afraid that'd make Ahsoka's head look even bigger and disproportionate. First, I need to decide between a doll body or a figure body. BJDs doesn't really apply since it's mostly quarter scale or up. It's not my cup of tea anyway. The doll bodies I'm looking at are inexpensive, but I don't mind slightly better grade plastic. The major concern is still most of them being too thin. The good thing will be a wider option of shoes for small feet. For figures, the results I'm seeing isn't very, well, kid-friendly. On the opposite side of the spectrum, stuff I see are usually too busty or anatomically accurate. Kind of want to avoid seamless joints with stories about them cracking, and that filter out some more choices. Right now, the runner-up is Obitsu 27. The price is reasonable, bonus extra hands, while on the small side. But I can't find much user information about it, and I prefer to see/touch the real thing before purchasing it. I... I don't really like soft busts, I find it a very strange idea.
I have some really vague pieces of idea about a Halloween outfit because last year's sketch ended up staying on paper. But the actual process might depend on whether I will go through with the mid-autumn season dress first. HT Ahsoka has been in the pot more than two months now and she could release any time. I'd probably break down crying then.
CWArchives is not dead I'm just lazy to restock.
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samshogwarts · 4 years
🎃👻🎃 HALLOWEEN 2020 SUPRISE 2.0 🎃👻🎃
(pls ignore the tiktok logo on the left)
First of all - that's actually not the Video I was planning to cut. But since I have to stay the weekend at the hospital and not allowed to use my computer here, I have to chance my plans and have to use tiktok to cut at least a little video. Believe me, it broke my heart to use tiktok instead of my usual cutting program. And so the pictures are without the planned Effects, I am sorry :(. I planned to make a Hphm Halloween MC costume video. Every MC is another magical creatures, ghost or what ever. Hope you are OK that I use your MCs without asking 😅. And I will not finished the original Video because I want to finish the first chapter of my fan comic finally <~<.
MCs I used without asking 😅:
Elaiza Schuyler as the yellow rain kid from ES @annabelle-tanaka-official
It was your idea for the costume. I hope you are OK how I use it >~<
Arjun Singh as mumie @hogwarts9
I was searching for a macigal creature for Arjun and listened to old 90' series opening and "Mumies alive" appear. Does anyone knows the show? I loved them when I was a kid, so I decided to make Arjun a mumie. XD
Kyril Vasile @kyril-hphm / @kyril-simping as Red hood
Why does lolita clothes suits Kyril so good? It was so much fun to draw him in this dress. And the wolf's head too xD
Conor O'Donnell as Frankensteins monster @unfortunate-arrow I want to choose something special for Conor, but I didn't found anything what suits him well. But than I thought about classic "monster" and don't know why but I choose Frankenstein.
Sara O'Donnell - as a Doll @unfortunate-arrow
To be honest, Sara is like a doll in my mind, so it was easy for me. Dolls are scary but have most a sad background story. So I think it suits Sara. ^^;
Carewyn Cromwell as Banshee @carewyncromwell
I love the storys of Banshee. Especially the version of her amber cry if a member of her family will die soon. And what is also very important for a banshee? Her voice! So I thought the Banshee would suits Carey well.
Luna Silver as Vampire @lunasilvermorny
LUNA!!! We were talking about her "costume", so as you said I made her a vampire. And it suits her very well! And it was so much fun to draw her hair!
Helene Adler as Sucubbus @heleneplays
I want to draw Helen for so long and finally I did it! >~< And I instantly thought a Sucubbus would suits her! I even try to make her sexy (but I have no talent for this 😅)
Finn McGarry as Davy Jones @theguythatdraws
I am still in the hphm potc AU phase and I like the idea of Finn as Davy Jones. So I try my best to draw him! And let's be honest, Potc AU Samantha would make so much jokes because of his hand and face.
Angelo Lancaster as Angel of the Death @angellazull
Pls tell no one that I totally forgot his wings! >~< and I use your picture as inspiration but chance a few things, like his hair color so his picture will be not just white Grey and black. But it so much fun to draw Angelo! 😍
Tu Ling as Kitsune @wangxianforever000
Haaaarrrr~ finally I was able to draw Tu! I want to draw her for so long. Hehehehehehehehe. And Kitsune are one of my favorite magical creations and if I know right, she is actually a fox demon or am I wrong? 🤔
Night Rheia as Dementor @nightrhea-hphm
Also someone who told me which costume her mc would wear. First I made her skin with normal skin color, but.... I don't know it looks a bit boring because the special effects in the video are missed. But I hope you still like it.
Wendy Gordon as Selkie @drinkyoursoupbitch
Wendy!! 😍 It was clear for me to draw Wendy as a Nordic creature. And I like selkies very much. I know they are actually not evil, but I thought Selkies would suit Wendy and I try to gave her a unusual pose for me (and Whiskers xD)
Ethren Whitecross as Pyramid hat @hogwartsmysterystory
First of all - I know we never interact with each other and you don't know who I am, but Ethren is one of my favorite MC and your blog is for me one of the big three (the three blogs, why I start my blog) Q-Q but enough fangirling.
Did anyone played Silent Hill 2? I remember when I was a teenager and played the game the first time I screamed so much when pyramid hat appears and he was my nemesis for years xD and this my Frist try to draw a little more muscles *cough cough* hope you don't mind I used your MC.
Keira Jones as evil mermaid @hphm-brooke
Keiras hair as so much fun to draw! While I was drawing her I was asking myself if a mermaid need glasses? And if they do, how do mermaids that's? Anyway, I try to draw not a typical mermaid since there are fairy tales about mermaid where they are more evil and dangerous. And I like that more. A typical Ariel mermaid would be to normal.
Vixen Mcmahen as crazy clown @rosievixen
Aaaa good old horrors clowns! It was from the very beginning clearly for me to draw Vixen as a horror clown. When I start drawing she reminds me first to much as Harley Quinn, but I am happy with the result in the end. And her face expression Oo I am surprised by myself. Hope you like it too.
Danique Winter as the women in white @morningstarinwinter
The women in white is one of my favorite ghost. They are many different storys about her, but in the end she is alsway a woman who was betrayed. Personally, I like the version where she helps ppl if they get lost. And yeah... I thought it would suit Danique and it was very funny to draw her. I lobe to draw long hair! Hope you like it! *-*
And last but not least - Samantha O'Connell as Grimm Reaper. Yes, it suits her and her story. And I added a little Easter egg. The mask she is holding is her mask as a Ghost agent. The time were she was the most dangerous and able to bring pain and death to her enemies.
Still sad I can't upload the original planned videos with all original planned mc's. But my body says no. So well. I will make the best of it 🤷‍♀️.
Hope you guys like it. Will post the pictures in two extra posts.
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Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy. ♦️
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clowns-of-gotham · 7 years
Unpopular opinion...
I honestly wouldn’t mind too much if they DID decide to make Quinnshot into a canon couple, but I really just don’t see a romantic relationship between them in the DCEU more than I see a brotherly/sisterly friendship.
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selfrelies-blog · 7 years
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 tag dump 001.
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mykie-hyun-blog · 7 years
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fandomtrashkaye · 7 years
My only goal in life
For someone to say to me, "stay evil, dollface."
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How the story should have gone:
I'm gonna say that Wren should've been AD with charlotte and Alex both working for him or with him as a team. So in this version some stuff will stay the same with a few details changed. (I'm keeping it the same in most ways and just changing things that Marlene could have easily incorporated into the story). I want to incorporate That Night into the reveal. So Ali was hit by charlotte and buried by Jessica and Bethany was hit by Mona and buried by Melissa. I think wren should've been Bethany's brother and since she just went missing from Radley maybe Wren started working there to investigate into what happened to her. Wren meets charlotte at Radley and she helps him try and find what happened to his sister. Back when Ali was alive, cece wasn't A but she did know her real identity. However she either thought that Jessica was her mum back then and later found out the truth or she always knew Mary was her real mother. Either way she wasn't A when Ali was alive but she just wanted to be with family. She also didn't know about spencer being her sister just yet. Then when wren started working at Radley, they were trying to look into the death of Bethany as that's wrens sister and charlottes friend, and while they're looking they end up finding the file about Mary drake and find out about spencer being ceces sister. So this happens anytime between when Alison goes missing and when mona goes to Radley and in this time wren and cece bond as friends and they also start thinking that the girls killed Bethany young, in particular they think it was spencer because someone saw her with a shovel, or because maybe Melissa mentioned something to wren about Spencer as Melissa thought Spencer killed Alison who ended up being Bethany. So then mona goes to Radley and cece and wren both get info from her about the girls and it just fuels their hatred for them (wren hates them but also does have a thing for spencer as well) so then they take over the game and become A together. Wren as the one in the hoodie and cece as red coat/black widow. Like that scene when A is sitting down and red coat joins him. I want this so that it can just cut anything out to do with Sara Harvey. I'm a little confused on timelines so I'll have to wait until I go back and watch but I'm gonna say that at some points the A scenes would be Wren and sometimes Cece like when wren is in England with Melissa, it's cece playing the game. At some point wren does discover Spencer's twin in England, id like this to be as early as possible so Alex was around for longer but again not too sure on timelines without watching the show back. But either way Wren finds Alex and tells charlotte about her and they meet just like in the real reveal. I reckon this could've happened in season 5 like they showed it, when Cece gets off the plane. Wren also falls for Alex because he always had a thing for spencer. So from here wren, cece, Alex and also a little bit of archer are all playing the game together. They start planning the doll house. The A in the dollhouse that comes face to face with spencer is probably Alex as that would be cool with the whole, they felt familiar thing. But could also be wren. Then they ended up agreeing to doing the Charlotte reveal as Charlotte wanted the girls to know it was her pulling the strings and wren wanted his name out of it, they also didn't want the girls finding Alex because they wanted her to themselves. So they fake the whole Charlotte reveal, with some parts being true like her being Charlotte and in Radley but cece actually knew who she was so some parts were made up. This would explain some of the plot holes around this, I would also like to mention that I'd rather charlotte not have been Charles and that she was just always charlotte. I hated the transgender story because they portrayed the only transgender character as the biggest villain. Again depending on timeline of A, I think maybe around the time of the cece reveal, Charlotte finds out that Melissa was the one who actually killed Bethany so wren really had no reason to hate the girls anymore so he then leaves Melissa and he and alex they both go live in England. Charlotte grew obsessed with Ali over so many years of playing the game and so that's why she kept the story of being a Dilaurentis and not a Drake, so after her reveal she stays in rosewood and pretends to be getting better, she's happy to be with archer and also play house with Ali. So they've all decided to end the game as Wren doesn't need to hurt them over Bethany, Alex has no desire to meet Spencer yet and Charlotte is hoping to be let out to play house with Ali. Then of course Charlotte is murdered by Mona so that's what brings Wren and alex back to Rosewood to avenge charlottes death. They of course think it was one of the liars so they start to torture them again. Last time around Alex wasn't as involved because she didn't even know the girls but this time Wren gets her to act as Spencer so they can get information from them. I like the way alex was portrayed to be a ruthless sociopath but not as an evil mastermind. Her character reminded me of Harley Quinn like she would do anything and nothing's too psycho for her. But I definitely didn't get vibes that she was crazy intelligent which is why I like the idea of Wren being the mastermind behind it and alex being his Harley Quinn. So Alex has never really known the girls because Wren and Charlotte tried to keep her out of it as much as possible as they wanted her for themselves. But this time as Alex is pretending to be Spencer, she gets to know the girls and loves their unconditional friendship they all share, she wants that life that Spencer has always had. Also to add, I really like the idea that Alex isn't the mastermind because I like the thought of her being an innocent sociopath like she's crazy but she always messes up. In the reveal I thought it was really stupid how the girls figured out who AD was like Marlene said this would be the smartest A of them all and I just didn't buy that. Before the 1 year jump, AD finds out mona killed Charlotte and then AD skips town and leaves the girls alone, so why come back only to be found out straight away? I think once Wren and Alex found out it was mona who killed Charlotte, they once again left the girls alone and got revenge on mona by making her crazy again. Then in the time jump Alex tries to go back to England with Wren but she misses the girls so much that she has to come back. This is against Wrens wishes of course but he goes with her and even though he really is the mastermind, he let's love get in the way and helps Alex. I think when Alex kidnaps Ezra that was a very panicked move because she thought she was going to get caught out. So she kidnaps him and then apologises to Wren for messing up as he's really mad that they ended the game but now they have someone who knows about their identities. So then most of the scenes in the finale could have happened but just instead of Alex telling her story, maybe it was Wren and Alex telling it to Spencer together. I actually saw in an interview with Troian she says most of the scenes Spencer had with Alex were meant to be with Wren so maybe this is the kind of direction the show was going to go in until Julian couldn't make it for that many scenes. I wish this could be the backstory because I hate that Alex was only in it since S5, well actually I don't mind if they found her in s5 but at least make her be on the A team from then and not just since Charlotte died. There could be so many more scenes too where this would make so much sense. It incorporates Bethany young which is wrens reasoning and also still keeps the story of A being obsessed with Alison. And also keeps the story that A has been the same person since nearly the start. I would like these A's to be there since the very beginning but I also like the idea of Mona being original A and the game being stolen and then keeping at the end where Mona has them locked up and she won the game back. Like if Spencer's twin was A the whole time then it wouldn't make sense why A was obsessed with Ali. So charlotte keeps up that end of it and then all the girls being targeted is because wren thought they all killed Bethany and then later on he thought they all killed charlotte. In my head this is what happened because I actually really loved Alex Drake and the whole reveal part of the episode I just didn't like the back story. It wouldn't have been that hard for the writers to tweak it a little bit and for Wren to have been AD with Alex. Like I get Julian couldn't be in it that much but what if Alex just told the story and then they just use flashbacks of Wren like 'you take care of your end and I'll take care of mine'. Let me know what you think if anyone even reads this, there's probably still plot holes but there's not much chance of covering up every plot hole in this show anyway. And at least this story would bring the show all together rather than Alex only being revelant from 6B to the finale.
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obscene-visage · 7 years
Stay evil, doll face.
Deadshot to Harley Quinn 'Suicide Squad' (2016)
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ofharlequin · 7 years
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                          if you're not here when i break in, i’m gonna go to your closet                                  just so i can smell your skin. as the chemicals swim,                                                       i know i’ll never love again,                                                I SWEAR I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN.
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This incredible ❤️❤️ photo of @marikagreek 😍 was taken by @timfrost_photographer 📸. Absolutely Amazing!! #bestharleyquinn #Repost @marikagreek with @repostapp ・・・ "Stay evil doll face" Harley Quinn photoshoot #teaser by amazing @timfrost_photographer 💖💙 I'm so happy we finally made it! There will be more interesting soon, puddins! 👤: @marikagreek 📷: @timfrost_photographer All my photo in HD and backstages you can find on my patreon page (link in bio) #harleyquinn #harley #suicidesquad #suicidésquadmovie #suicidésquad #dc #dcuniverse #cosplay #cosplayer #makeup #joker #batman #harleenquinzel #margotrobbie #portrait #photo #villian #badass #crazy #mad #harleycosplay
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leanaramouni-blog · 7 years
Harley Quinn x Floyd Lawton ー "Stay evil, doll face." suicide squad in 11 days!! the joker / jarley stans r shook + deadshot is my dad
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avamassey-blog · 7 years
Harley Quinn x Floyd Lawton ー "Stay evil, doll face." suicide squad in 11 days!! the joker / jarley stans r shook + deadshot is my dad
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