#( starter; )
chessyhoward · 2 months
I shouldn't be buying them, really, but I figured, your birthday only rolls around once a year and... you know, anyway, the point was, are they absolutely disgusting? I've walked around the shop four times and I've reached the point where I think I'll buy anything. I just can't leave here empty handed.
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killianford · 2 months
... What did you say? I can't smoke in here? We're outdoors. I don't think I'm compromising the integrity of the stuffed pandas.
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drmissymaclean · 2 months
This is rude, I know, but how attached are you to that last slice of pie? I promised my Gramps I'd bring him some back when I went for his meds and he's not the kind of man you feel good about disappointing. I can trade you for it. Although all I have to offer right now is a fruit roll-up and a coupon for a free museum visit. And his angina spray but he needs that.
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mrmaxhayashi · 9 months
Coming through, coming through. Happy New Year to ya when it arrives. Looking good! Hey, how're you doing? Oh, look who it is. Mind if I grab a drink here, cupcake? Or are we going straight to the block button?
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scuderiaelias · 9 months
Sorry, can you repeat that for me? You lost what?
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lovesickelodie · 3 months
And it's like yeah, she's our cousin, but we don't even know her. She doesn't know us. She doesn't want to, either? Like it's somehow our fault our aunt was a deadbeat who wanted nothing to do with her. Which, for the record, I think is real cunty. I just don't see how it's our problem. And Théo is like, weirdly excited to meet her, and I keep having to manage his expectations. Like, babydoll she does not want to see you.
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kianmcgrath · 4 months
In fairness, I sorta just found him like that. I dunno about you, like, but when I find someone slumped over a toilet seat, 12 pints in and covered in their own sick it doesn’t exactly endear me to them.
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xaallo · 4 months
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" You've never seen an alien before? Wipe that dumb look off your face."
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jollytalkerollywalker · 6 months
And then the little blighter bit my finger! Can you believe it? It's okay, though. He's sweet and I've already forgiven him. Oh! Oh. You said... I'm in your way. I thought you said 'how was your day?' and I thought, wow! How friendly! My bad.
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lucasduke · 1 year
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caminhava sem pressa ao longo de toda extensão das instalações do circo. - eu tô de serviço hoje, mas quando tá calmo sempre dou um jeito de aproveitar. - deu um gole no café. - principalmente nas barracas de comida.
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lucas nunca pagou de policial sem medo e uma das coisas que mais odiava era altura. apertou a barra na sua frente quando a roda-gigante começou a subir. - tem certo conforto em saber que se cair daqui já morre de uma vez?
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se aproximou da pessoa e apoiou a mão nas costas da mesma. - tá tudo bem? tá passando mal? bebeu demais? - apesar de ainda usar o uniforme, já estava liberado do serviço.
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photogrivy · 9 months
Move. I need to hug your dog before I have a panic attack. Also Happy 2024, or whatever.
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danteleept · 9 months
In here? Oh, of course. Hello there, darling. I'm Dante, it's nice to meet you.
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wardowrites · 9 months
Just checking, is it like, actually you? 'Cause Billy's got about a hundred and one photos of your headshot plastered around this place so I need to find the real Louis Denver instead of talking to a photo of him.
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simonhudsons · 9 months
I'm a little itchy, I guess... My neighbour baked cherry pie and asked me if I wanted to try some and I felt bad saying no even though I'm allergic to cherries, so. Here we are? I think the redness will go away eventually...
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mrmaxhayashi · 10 months
You know, that sign out there said 'happy hour' and it doesn't look like you got the memo. You're awfully gloomy for someone with a drink in their hand.
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roryosullyauthor · 3 months
Sure it's just a little bit o' rain. It won't kill ye if ye head out in it for a bit.
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