#( ssireum training ; )
lookismstuff · 8 months
Highlights of Eps 487-488
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After Charles and Gun's encounter with the Kojima Brothers ended in a stalemate (with the possibility of victory on Charles' side), Shinmyeong decided to try the partnership route with Charles, who agreed.
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Hiroaki wondered why Gun chose Charles and whether this was why Gun instigated "that day" to happen, but Gun insisted that he "chose to drink the cup" with Charles already (a reference to the sake exchange).
In a fatalistic tone, Gun stated that if anything happened to him, then that was his fate.
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Elsewhere, Vin explained to Seongji that he'd been cursing his mom, who died and left him behind. Seongji told him not to, leaving Vin to tease his master that he was friendless, anyway.
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The Cheonliang Fam kids started wearing dark tinted glasses in solidarity with Vin, who no longer bothered to grow his hair long and cover his eyes anyway. Also, as time went by Vin had gotten stronger than them…except for the immovable Mary.
That night, after the ex servant girl managed to persuade Vin to sleep in the same room, she slipped up after Vin cursed his mother, and told him not to do so, knowing how his mother died.
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In anger, Vin demanded that she explained what happened, but the girl was in a panic attack (in a very uncomfortable flashback with Taejin) after Vin shook her shoulders in his exasperation, and only after Vin gave her some water and turned his back she could relate what happened...
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Meanwhile, Shinmyeong had engaged the help of Beolgu, Jaesoo and Gwang (the Gen 0 guys who in the current timeline worked for Sera's team in White Tiger) to catch Seongji. Not for free, of course: Shinmyeong promised them girls and money.
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Going back to Vin and the girl, he begged her to tell the truth about his mom because he had lived all his life long with hating his mother.
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It turns out that Vin's mother was kind to the girl. So when she followed the woman (the girl called her "pretty lady") as she was summoned to the dojo one day, she saw the silhouette of what happened.
As Vin's mother sat alone and all disheveled, the girl told her that she saw everything. In anxiety, Vin's mother dismissed her worries, by saying that the shaman only "guided" her...
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It's implied that Vin's mother was sexually enslaved by Shinmyeong, with the vague promise of letting her and Vin go to Seoul one day.
But after the girl saw what happened the other night, Vin's mother begged to be set free from the heinous act. The shaman threatened her with Vin's freedom (that he'd be used as a sacrifice).
Shinmyeong was infuriated when Vin's mother asked what she had done wrong to deserve this horrible treatment. Then the shaman insinuated that she wasn't even the victim here, and beat her for even asking what she did wrong..
In flashbacks we saw a dark-skinned girl tearfully begging to a ssireum wrestler.
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Shinmyeong proceeded to tell Vin's mother about the two but we aren't privy to it.
Outside, the girl saw the silhouette of the two and it was the last night she'd ever seen Vin's mother. And she told Vin, that she was certain that it was the shaman who caused Vin's mother's death.
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At the mountain clearing, Jewoo stated that he couldn't endure the training anymore, and Seongji asked him how he would beat Vin that way.
Jewoo wondered why Vin was that strong when he started kudo and ssireum so late, with only Mary to defeat him. But even Mary admitted openly that Vin never properly attacked her (controlling his strength), and Mary could only win in judo.
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Seongji said, that just like "that person" had awakened his potential, he too had awakened Vin's potential, because Vin was the son of the founder of Mujin Jin ssireum. Vin's father was none other than Mujin Jin himself, the equal of Kim Gabryong.
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That night, Vin set out to the shaman's main residence, to finish him once and for all and avenge his mother.
Who was the dark skinned girl? Was she Taejin's mother? Sister? What had Vin's father done?
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eatsbop · 7 months
Also would be kinda funny if Curtin and Pluton end up giving Kayden a pep talk. "Come on, dude, cheer up. It doesn't even make sense that your kid would win so easily against the Patricks' brat. We all know he's been training since his fetus era. It's like asking your new born son to win a match against a ssireum champiom pro athlete AND with one hand tied on his teeny tiny baby back. In fact they should be ashamed they picked on Jiwoo like this! We bought you gift by the way (shirt that says "World's Best Dad") hahahahah Veramonte wish he could look half as intimidating as you with just winged eyeliner"
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rowonlgc · 9 months
TM015 , WC359 › reflection solo
  his breath steadies, shoulders back. the arrow lifts. ready. aim. bullseye. again. ready. aim. bullseye. again. set. the bow lowers. he makes his way across the empty archery range to retrieve the last of his arrows.
  it’s not too different from tuho, which he had played for the first time a few weeks ago. that – along with yutnori – were the games he turned out to be best at and, subsequently, the ones he’d enjoyed the most. ( he likes having a target. he likes it when they move. it’s the challenge of observation, the change of behaviour – learning their habits, predicting their next maneuver. that’s fun. )
  the other traditional games were – fine. entertaining. a nice, well-needed break from their saturday training. he quickly came to the conclusion that he’s much better at mental games than physical ones. kite flying was supposed to be the exception, but mother nature was far too unpredictable. it was more work than it was worth, and he didn’t like putting in a lot of effort for little return. never again.
  ssireum was his least favourite, though.
  it’s not so much the wrestling – he’s fine with throwing others and being thrown around – no, his dislike of the game comes from a specific incident dating back to high school. he was paired up with a scrawny boy that day. it was the kid’s first ever match, and he looked mortified when their names were drawn. rowon felt for him, he really did, so he made up his mind to take it easy and let him win.
  but his brother, dear robin – caring, compassionate, overly considerate robin – volunteered to take the boy’s place.
  the match ended in less than a minute with robin on the ground, grasping at his ankle. everyone flocked to him despite his insistence that he was fine, it’s just a strain. later that night, he came home with bandages and said that he had simply tripped.
  whatever happened after, rowon doesn’t remember.
  his breath stifles, shoulders braced. the bow lifts. ready. aim. missed. again. ready. aim. missed. again. he closes his eyes and imagines a moving target, running, running – his lips curl in delight.
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lgcwenjun · 11 months
get set, go! starter for @seyoonlgc
wenjun is by no means a fighter. literally. his muscles ( or... lack of ) are purely for aesthetic purposes and a natural result of the hours he'd spent dancing at the legacy training rooms. and so, when wenjun had first heard that he'd be doing ssireum for tourism korea he was of course, beyond confused. firstly because he had no idea what ssireum meant ( "is that a sort of drink?" he'd asked one of the older trainees ), and then because he'd have to use his physical strength.
at the very least, he's glad that he's got seyoon in the same group as him – because wenjun can't quite imagine himself wrestling someone, even if it isn't in a professional setting. his arms have only ever been used to carry boxes and lifting flowers. he isn't by any means frail, but he also has no idea just how to ... distribute his strength for something like ssireum, despite having sat in for the classes.
he puts on the belt, but struggles slightly with tightening it, furrowing his brows as he fumbles with the strings. "ah, hyung," he says, habitually calling seyoon hyung despite the both of them being the same age. "could you help me tighten the belt here? i can't seem to get it right," he says, gesturing to the belt on his waist. "are we going to be wrestling each other later? don't worry! i'll make sure you don't get hurt, okay!"
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sarang-archer · 1 year
After watching the anipoke episode Ring Masters, it got me inspired for a little something. What if for the Pokemon fanworks you've considered, a ssireum based minigame was to be put in that has some elements of both the jump rope ones in FRLG & the Pokeathlon in HGSS, such as the weight classes & the training minigames in them along with the ability to play with NPCs and/or other players?
Sounds fun!!!! It seems like something that’s be possible to implement in the region as a sort of local olympics,
for mechanics, itd probably be sorted by weight class like u said, and level, but maybe the trainer can also use some special cheers for extra strength :D though I feel like with the rules in place theyd have to be at least bipedal or walk on legs, since there’s no ‘knee-height’ on a snake pokemon…
the idea of multiplayer would be kinda fun too
Thinking about it more, I kinda liked how interactive BW/2 was with their minigames in the trading aspect, but just transferred into competitive sport instead
(I haven’t watched anipoke since XY but im gonna gather some friends and marathon the new series coming out)
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rkmiya · 4 years
✧ ssireum training ;
sunmi had every advantage juhee didn’t: height and familiarity with throwing people down. but being smaller worked too in a way. she didn’t want juhee to end up feeling intimidated the moment she stepped on the mat. girls might be bigger or better trained but juhee had her own advantages too!
“okay munchkin,” sunmi began, kneeling on the practise mat. “you can never let your knee touch the mat. that’s a disqualification.” she stands back up in a crouching position. it’s the starting position for ssireum. juhee was tinier so holding the grips would be harder for her.
“you’re smaller so if you and your opponent spin, they might have an easier time making you lose your grip but--” she shows juhee where to grab. she enclosing juhee’s hand with her own to instruct her to grab tight. “you have the lower centre of gravity. use your height to throw them on their side or use your tiny little legs to lift and put them on their back.”
sunmi moved to grab juhee’s straps as well. “ready?”
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hwang-man-gi · 3 years
what is your workout routine? I love your build <33
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coreeda-coreeda · 3 years
You can break our bones and kill us
Bring us to our knees
Take away our children
Against a mother's pleas
But you stop the Dreaming never
The Dreamtime is eternal, forever
 What is Coreeda?
As much as it is a fun sporting activity, Coreeda also sends out a spiritual message that as you read this I hope you are receptive to. The human heritage of Australia is ancient and it is often said we have the oldest continuous living cultures on the planet. This is as true for our martial arts as it is for our song and dance forms or even our storylines and folklore, therefore describing customs as 30, 40 or even 50,000 years old is a valid scientific claim. At the Coreeda Association we believe we are reviving a sporting tradition with an antiquity that stretches back to the beginning of a human presence on the Australian continent but also we are actively building links with indigenous cultures from across the world through the universal activity of traditional wrestling. If you are proud to call yourself an Australian and can accept that as a people our heritage extends back further than 1788 then we invite you to join us in this journey. Together we can change perceptions and break down the barriers that presently divide us.  As the Buddhist saying goes, "if you want to know your past, look into your present conditions, if you want to know your future, look into your present actions" and the best way to understand the current status of Australian wrestling is to know its history. You can do this by reading the first ever book written about the Australian wrestling tradition "From the Dreaming to the Dreamers" which covers the history of the sporting genre from the most ancient times to the present day. With chapters dedicated to the pre-colonial and colonial periods, as well as the history of Professional Wrestling, Olympic Wrestling, Judo and the wide array of traditional wrestling styles that have been played in Australia, it is available online at Sid Harta Publishers;
Or if you contact us directly at this site an autographed copy can posted to you for the low price of $30 plus P & H but please hurry because it is a limited edition and stocks are now low.Coreeda is an exciting sporting development that is bringing awareness of the traditional martial arts of Australia. Initially we are doing this through a sport that combines Aboriginal dance with a unique wrestling game, similar to the sports that were played in pre-colonial times. Eventually we will be introducing weapons use into the curriculum under the guidance of experienced traditional practitioners but for now we are focusing only on unarmed combat training. We consider coreeda to be the traditional form of wrestling of Australia, much as sumo functions in Japan, schwingen in Switzerland, ssireum in Korea, glima in Iceland, bukh in Mongolia or any of the traditional cultural combat sports from around the world and we are wanting to grow the sport around the whole continent of Australia. The Coreeda Association also intends to act as a pivot to encourage the people involved in the multiple styles of grappling combat sports in Australia to work together for mutual support and become a kind of "Community of Wrestlers" in which a greater degree of communication can be achieved between the organising associations, federations and unions. Coreeda as a sporting activity is divided into two equally important components, coreeda dance and coreeda combat. The dance component, which is mostly based on traditional kangaroo dance steps, is the intitial warm up ritual and gives competitors an opportunity to display their abilities in strength, speed and agility. Divided into three one minute segments the idea is that the competitors can only touch the ground with their hands & feet and must stay within the boundary of a 4.5m diameter yellow 'sun' circle. The first segment continues unless one of the competitors falls, crosses the line of the circle or they cease maintaining continuous motion. The second segment allows competitors to try and trip, sweep or bump into their opponent again while maintaining a continuous one minute motion and has been likened in appearence to the Brazilian combat dance of capoeira. The third segment is more like a sumo match in which competitors try to push each other outside the circle or make the other touch the ground with any part of their body other than their hands or feet. The dance is important for detirmining which position the competitors will take in the combat component.  Coreeda combat is divided into four rounds or quarters, each lasting a maximum of two minutes. The winner of the dance component can choose which position they will start with, inside the circle, known as the defender, or outside the circle, known as the attacker. The role of the attacker is to try and force the defender outside the boundary of the sun circle by means of pushing, throwing or rolling them, all within a time limit of twenty seconds. Naturally the role of the defender is to restrain the attacker within the sun circle for longer than the twenty second time count. Such a victory, known as a decider, ends the quarter but a point score is collected during competition which is accumulated for the two minutes in case no decider is scored. Competitors swap positions each quarter and the point score is maintained until the end of the match.  One other thing that differentiates coreeda from most other styles of wrestling is that it is a team sport and competitors add to the total team score with the points they have achieved in their match ups. Teams are made of six competitors representing each of the weight divisions, which are named after a species of macropod; pademelons <60kg, potoroos <70kg, wallabies <80kg, greys <90kg, reds <100kg and boomers in the open weight division. Teams are further divided into two moeties, black and red, which are the colours on the Aboriginal flag and the uniforms signify this. Coreeda is a fast and effective combat sport that not only builds reflexes to prepare the body for potential conflict but is also great fun to play. In April 2012 the SBS TV Aboriginal Affairs Program "Living Black" produced a story about Coreeda that gives a good indication of the activity, which you can watch via this link;
 This Vimeo production by Michael Copp also gives a good basis for coreeda and you can watch it via this link;
 Some of the boys that attended a Coreeda Seminar in 2012 put this video together and I think it captures the spirit of the sport well;
Also a great friend of the Coreeda Association, the photographer and ethnographer Christopher Samuels put together this wonderful presentation in 2013; christophersamuel.com.au/the-way-coreeda-australia/ 
In January 2014 we travelled to Mornington Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria to introduce the sport to the kids up there and a film crew from NITV follow us for this story  
 In March 2014 the International TV Sports Journal Trans World Sport did this story on us
 In September 2014 a man on an international martial arts quest Sascha Wagener included us in his documentary series, No Journeys End
Are you interested?
To find out more about coreeda explore this website, learn about the genuine history of Australian martial arts, discover where you can watch performances or even enrol in a class. For any Australian who is interested in reconnecting with their own cultural identity, an identity that extends back before British colonisation, coreeda is the perfect way of doing this. At the same time you get fit, learn to defend yourself and make new friends in an absolute win win situation. 
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nc7dr3am · 4 years
❤️💚💜🤍 💬 ✨☂️ ⏳ 🎤 📸 🏅 🎬 ⏳
(I tried to reign myself in I think I failed 😂)
TAGLIST: @aqueenieme @moonbeamsung @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12 @btshook @1-800-enhypenbibi
❤️: i’d be a writer or a high school english teacher!! i’ve said it before, but i’ve always dreamt of being a published novelist .. but i think i’ve been privileged enough to have more than enough of my dreams coming to fruition
💚: i always pray for the success of my group, and especially my members. i want to have an album as 8dream and have us be involved musically. i want us to have fun with the music and performing. and i’m definitely sappy, but my greatest wish of all is to stay close forever. they’re my family. i want to grow old with them by my sides- all twenty eight of us LMAO
and .. i know this isn’t what my answer is supposed to be, but i’d like to have a family someday. kids and pets and a husband .. i just want to be immersed in love
💜: so .. i kinda am exactly the same, but i have a personal life and personal struggles. being the token girl for so many years kind of skewed people’s perceptions of me and everyone failed to see that i’m just as dynamic as the others. everyone assumes i’m just a pick-me girl, and that couldnt be further from the truth. i have a bad sense of self, but i’m never fake with who i am as a person. i refused to fit into the image of “cute girly girl whose purpose is to be a Girl” and this innocent little robot. i cant be fake. it just isn’t me. maybe that’s why the company is shit to me
🤍: my ACTUAL fans, my petals, not the antis or saesangs, are so lovely to me. i owe them a lot for making me happy and encouraging me. when i got injured, i had so many fans sending me get well wishes and even gifts! whenever i meet them, i get letters and so much love. i hope i return that love! i like to answer their questions and flirt with them- especially the girls. they’re all super weird- czennies are quite strange, really- but it’s endearing. they’re also protective! i try to make my fans smile and feel good about themselves and give advice. i want ALL of my fans to know that i will support them and cheer them on, no matter what race, gender, or sexuality, they are.
💬: i am friends with so many people that i’ve admired for years! i don’t really have anyone whose number i would want ..
with the exception of hwasa sunbaenim .. i’d like to talk to her and be friends
✨: i love all types of concepts! i think my favorite would have to be retro or experimental or mature. i like INTERESTING stuff that’s new, like zimzalabim!! i love dream’s concept, as well, and i hope people think i fit it!! it’s a comfortable concept, especially with things like we go up and deja vu, because it feels very much like US
my favorite concepts aesthetically were go and we go up. musically, we boom was my favorite album of ours.
☂️: i love the staff so much!! my manager unnie since i was a child works with siren now. shes one of the people closest to me. my stylists always ask for my input these days and dress me well!! my previous stylists didn’t let me have a say in anything
⏳: in my free time, i don’t watch a lot of tv besides what i’ve already seen, but i’m watching steven universe these days. it’s so good!! i want to watch infinity train and gravity falls next. i sleep when i can, i write, i listen to music, and i read. but my favorite thing on the planet is to be with my loved ones, so i will spend time with my members whenever i can.
🎤: embarassing moments? i’ve had too many .. i’m literally notorious as clumsiest idol. there is a youtube account where there’s FIVE video comps of me being clumsy .. and when we won our bonsang for boom i was crying and FELL UP THE STAIRS. thank god jisung let me cling to him afterwards... it was also embarrassing when i met certain senior artists .. god, when i met kyungsoo oppa, i stuttered so bad- he’s always been my bias in exo. and when i first met ryujin, i was so shy and it was obvious.
📸: i usually don’t take selcas, i prefer having pictures taken of me, but i sent this one to jisung on snapchat because he told me i don’t show my smile enough in photos. i like it
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🏅: i’m... not very athletic, if i’m being honest. BUT, i did win in ssireum and archery! i’m actually good at fighting and have a green belt in brazilian jiu jitsu- but i got that when i younger, so i’m a little out of practice.
🎬: i haven’t done any cfs or any modeling besides a photoshoot or two. i’ve been interviewed, which was fun, but i don’t do much outside of my group. i’d like to act in a drama .. we’ll see :)
⌛️: oh, little lily. there is a lot of hurt in store for you, but it will never overshadow the joy and love you will receive. your members are your everything, just like they are to you now- they will always be more important than the other achievements. stay yourself, stay grounded, and don’t be afraid to cry or take care of yourself- i still struggle with that, but i’m trying. you will make a lot of mistakes, there’s no avoiding it. i still listen to my heart over my brain, we always have, and that has consequences... but it’s also good for you. never back down from what is right, what is healthy, and never, ever let anyone stop you from achieving your goals and making music. learn as much as you can. love yourself more.
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lgcseojin · 4 years
╰ suplex city,
It was a secret to no one that Seojin would be particularly gung ho about the wrestling portion of the sports festival. Similar to the following year, he found himself disappointed there were no special props like chairs or turnbuckles to propel himself off of. ( Though it was better that way. God forbid he get a little too into it. )
Ssireum was a decent substitute. He was rather convinced at this point that if the whole rock star thing didn’t work out, he could easily wiggle himself into sports. Someway, somehow. 
He put his all into practicing and he swore he could still feel the same between his toes from the training area. The confidence from putting his strength on display certainly still lingered with him as well. He knew for a fact he was stronger than some people gave him credit for. However, his upcoming opponent, Benji, should know just as well as he did. When one was friends with Seojin, they often fell victim to his playful wrestling matches.
“So, are you confident you’re gonna beat me?” He stood still as the cloth belt was fastened tightly around his waist and thigh. Fortunately, it happened to be red ㅡ his lucky color.
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svt-writers-club · 5 years
- Seungcheol has a very feminine aesthetic. She never cuts her hair above her shoulder blades, she prefers skirts over jeans and high heels are her (not so) secret love affair. She goes for manicures every now and then and usually looks very well-groomed. Always has some makeup on her face and refuses to be caught outside without at least BB cream, mascara and lip tint on.
- Seungcheol does the most sports – soccer, baseball, ssireum and even taekwondo – but she also keeps her hair long. There hasn’t been a time in her life (except for when she was a baby) when her hair didn’t at least brush her shoulder blades.
- (One time, during taekwondo training, she did a 360 kick on her sparring partner and accidentally whipped him in the face with her ponytail. She’s been banned from entering the mat unless her hair is either in a bun or a french braid minimum. Gotta protect the rest of the people.)
- Jihoon’s aesthetic, on the other hand, is very grunge. If she’s not in ripped jeans, she’s in shorts. Her go to outfit is ripped jeans/shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Sometimes she adds a plaid flannel over shirt. She’s either in sneakers or flip flops, there is no in between. Jihoon had long hair once; she’s kept her hair shoulder-length or shorter since then. (She hates the hassle that long hair brings. She can’t be bothered to brush her hair out every day.) She once went outside the house without makeup for a whole month because it was the prep period for the freshman end of year showcase. (Seungkwan literally had to check on Jihoon and make sure she actually looked good for her showcase i.e. showered and is wearing makeup and clothes that have been washed.)
- Seungcheol and Jihoon have been friends since high school. They were on the same soccer team – the only sport that Jihoon was interested in (and that wasn’t sexist... I’m looking at you, baseball team).
- Seungcheol accidentally kicked a ball into Jihoon’s face. Jihoon’s nose didn’t break, but she was out of it for three minutes straight (Soonyoung knows; she timed it). The first thing Jihoon said when she came to: “I think my brain flew out my ears.”
- Seungcheol says she’s still spending the rest of her life making up for that. Jihoon likes to bring it up when Seungcheol’s being particularly annoying, so yeah, she’ll be making up for it for the rest of her life.
- Seungcheol discovers she has a massive crush on Jihoon sometime in her senior year, when Jihoon stops spending so much time in her unnie’s shadow and starts amassing her own brand of popularity, with Seungkwan and Seokmin following after her heels like puppies and Soonyoung, Wonwoo and Junhui stealing Jihoon away at the most inopportune times.
Seungcheol doesn’t realise just how much Jihoon is a part of her life until she’s not always there anymore.
And then she realises how much she wants Jihoon in her life.
(What really cements this crush is the next year, when Jihoon asks Seungcheol to be her date to her senior prom. Jihoon, who’s usually in tattered jeans and beat-up Converse, shows up to Seungcheol’s doorstep in a gorgeous dress and a carefully picked corsage. Jihoon’s not usually a slouch in the looks department, but the lovingly applied eyeliner and the meticulously curled hair shows Seungcheol just how much effort she put into her look.
She definitely knows she’s whipped when she peeks down at Jihoon’s feet and Jihoon’s well-worn pair of dark blue Converse are there.)
- how did Seungcheol ask Jihoon out, you ask? Well let me tell you a thing.
She’s been pining over Jihoon for like a year now. Seungcheol is doing a horrible job of being subtle, but luckily (or unluckily), Jihoon is completely oblivious.
Seungcheol goes to a university that’s an hour away from their high school. She still makes the trip down to walk Jihoon home and study with her. (Jeonghan says she’s whipped – and she’s not wrong – but Seungcheol just wants to be a good unnie... and maybe spend more time with her favourite dongsaeng.)
Seungcheol is reaching the school gates and there Jihoon is, with her hair cropped short and white shorts that barely peek out from under the hem of her oversized sweater. Jihoon looks up and smiles at Seungcheol and the dimples, Seungcheol swears, are what you see when you enter heaven.
“Go out with me,” Seungcheol blurts out, freezing in mortification.
Jihoon – gorgeous, oblivious Jihoon – tilts her head and smiles in confusion. “I mean, we’re already going to get coffee?”
“No, I mean – not as friends,” Seungcheol clumsily amends. Jihoon looks up at her with squinted eyes and Seungcheol has literally never felt more like a useless lesbian in her entire life.
“What are you trying to say?” There’s a hint of annoyance in Jihoon’s voice.
“I wanna hold your hands and maybe kiss you!”
Jihoon blinks. Her lips form a pink O. Her phone dangles from limp fingers.
“That’s kinda gay,” Jihoon says hesitantly. Seungcheol panics; she wonders if it’s too late to pass it off as a joke. Maybe if she dives into the road, a truck will run over her and she doesn’t have to worry about how royally fucked their friendship is now.
“It’s very gay,” Seungcheol’s traitorous mouth blurts out.
“I’d like that,” Jihoon says, smile tentative. She reaches out and hooks her finger in the hem of Seungcheol’s skirt. “Buy me coffee, unnie?”
In hindsight, that is the worst way to ask out your girlfriend, but it’s a good thing Jihoon isn’t interested in cool people or she’d never give Seungcheol the time of day.
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ms-hells-bells · 5 years
i spent the last two days just bingeing the idol star athletics competition (ISAC) and i’ve watched (there’s two a year, chuseok and new years) chuseok 2015, both 2017s, both 2018s, and both 2019s. gonna watch the chuseok 2016 and the 2014. don’t have sources for everything yet so looking. 
i wish they’d bring bowling back because chanyeol was the only exo member going for the past few years and he only came to bowl then leave, which is really fucking funny. him vs astro cha eun woo (who i may or may not be in love with and am sad he doesn’t do much anymore since he’s so busy with acting and can’t train for anything) in bowling was a delight. i love the new esports event but hate the equestrian event. i love ssireum, that’s really fun. 
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marsjapanelliothall · 5 years
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Martial arts similar to sumo have been performed around the world since long ago. Some that remain today are ssireum in South Korea, boke in Mongolia, and yagli gures in Turkey. In Japan, figurines of sumo wrestlers have been unearthed dating back to between the third and seventh centuries, and the sport is mentioned in the myths and legends of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki (Japanese history books written in the eighth century). When it was time to plant the rice, sumo bouts were performed as a way to pray for a bountiful crop or to predict whether that year's harvest would be good. In the Nara period (710-794) and Heian period (794-1192), sumo became an event conducted at the imperial court, and bouts were performed in front of the emperor.
During the age of the samurai, physical strength was an important skill for warriors, and samurai families began to employ sumo wrestlers. It has been written that the warlord Oda Nobunaga was such a devotee of the sport that he gathered wrestlers together to hold tournaments every year.
Sumo basically took its present form in the Edo period. Matches were held to raise money to construct shrines and temples or to replace bridges, and the professional sumo wrestler was born. A sport that was once enjoyed only by the rich and powerful became popular among the masses. Sumo events were often held in Edo (now Tokyo), Osaka, and Kyoto, and the sport's popularity grew with the sales of color woodblock prints featuring sumo scenes and pictures of wrestlers. The government of the time, though, disapproved of fighting and often issued orders banning sumo.
For this reason, the organizers of sumo decided on a set of rules, including the creation of a list of 48 legal moves and the round ring that is still used today. A system of stables was created to train wrestlers.
As many aspects of old Japan remain in sumo, such as topknots, traditional dress, and ancient customs, professional sumo is more than just a sport; it's a living example of traditional Japanese culture. The wrestlers serve as cultural ambassadors when they take part in events overseas.
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fuckmybiaslist · 8 years
How goes your weekend?? How about your heart?? Cause Jin kind if keeps stealing mine every time I see his wonderful handsome face. What are some of your favorite Jin pics/GIFs?? Or Jin moments in Bangtan Bombs ?? I hope your weekend is marvelous, like you!! ❤❤
Hi Anon!! Good luck with the heart thing, Jin stole mine back in the summer of 2014 and I haven’t heard a single Ker-Thump from it since.   In order to further all of our love (and pain) I present to you a list of my favorite Jin Bangtan Bombs
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VJ Jin Debut! - Jin’s introduction and how the members react to him with the camera is too cute to be missed.  (Eng) 
Jin의 애교 - Jin being super fucking cute (bonus Yoongi being offended by JIn’s cuteness). (Eng)
HELLO! VJ Jin is back - Get a Jin’s eye view of BTS (and Himself in the mirror) with this blessed bomb.  (Eng)
Eye contact with Jin - Will Jin blink first or will your soul catch on fire from his gaze first, WHO KNOWS?! (Eng)
Jin’s Bithday party (shooting by V PD) - Jin + Cake + Being handfed Strawberries, one of my personal favorites. 
Hello, Jin! - Be amazed at how many times you can watch Jin open and close a door?  Answer: sooooo many times but never quite enough.    
Something ver.2 by Rap Monster, Jimin, Jin and j-hope! - Backstage dance time goodness.  
Eating Salad - 1:17 of Jin eating salad, it’s really all you need in life. (Eng)
Various beatbox by BTS (face..dog..monster..etc.) - at the 1:40 mark of this BOMB is Jin’s famous ‘dog beatbox’ a must see, truly spectacular.
Pretty Age 25 (turn up!) - FLUFFJin bouncing along with Nams and Kookie tho!! (Eng)
Lalalalalalalala OK! perform by Jin & Mon - Important Jin + Namjoon dance performance NOT TO BE MISSED. 
Jin and Jimin’s Push-up time - JIn + Jimin + Pushups (and more but do you really need more?).  (Eng)
Jin and Jimin’s Push-up time 2 - The softest goodness on earth. (Eng)
Jung Kook PD’s directing - At 1:21 Kookie gifts the world with a beautiful glance at sleeping Jin in all his Flushed Glory. Give the kid an Oscar. (Eng) 
Happy barbecue dance Performance - Jin (along with Hobi, Jimin and Tae) doing an EXCITED FOR MEATS dance while Yoongles bleats in the background.  
Cheerleader jin with ARMY Bomb ─○“ - Title says it all. (Eng)
Know-how for making a handsome look (bonus. Mr.lip balm-JK)  - Jin LITERALLY teaching a class on hawt.  (Eng)
‘RUN’ christmas ver. - feat. Pink Kitten Jin
Sleeping Baby bothered with Jin - Never enough of Jin harassing the younger kids. (Eng)
Dessert time @-@ - TREAT SHARING with Hope, Jin and Kookie! (Eng) 
SUGA is trying to wear contact lenses. - Here we see just how close and trusting the relationship between ‘forever roommates’ Yoongi an Jin really is (feat eyeball touching).  (Eng)
영화 ‘순정’ VIP preview with Jin - Jin going to a movie premier looking Plushtacular but feeling a bit nervous.  (Eng)
‘FIRE’ MV Shooting- ‘Jin’ Follow ver. - Jin Lights It THE FUCK Up while filming the FIRE MV. 
BTS Ingigayo 1st win and Jin & RM Special MC - Jin and RM practicing for their special MC gig on Ingigayo.  (Eng)
Special BANGTAN BOMB 6- Jin’s practice before the shooting - Jin practicing before shooting Boy In Luv.  (Eng) 
the challenge to ‘Ssireum(Korean Wrestling)’ - Jin discussing some finer points of wrestling with Tae before they wrestle in Winter 2016′s ISAC. (Eng)
Arirang arirang~Arariyo~~ - Because Jin’s voice singing this….(Eng)
Jin & Kook Massage Time - Kookie u lucky fuck. (Eng)
Jimin makes a quatrain with Jin & JK - Bratty Jin is BACK and BETTER THAN EVER.  (Eng)
RM and Jin Dance Stage Behind the scene for BTS DAY PARTY 2016 - YUSSSSSSSSSSSS. (Eng)
방탄소년단 (BTS) ‘21세기 소녀 (21st Century Girl)’ Dance Practice (Halloween ver.) - Watch Jin dance to 21st Century Girl while wearing a horse costume.  
Sweet Jin & Jung KOOK ’s chatter - Team Generation Gap at it again. (Eng). 
'WINGS’ Short Film Special - Awake (Jin lip-sync) - Heaven. (Eng) 
Practicing Archery for 2016 ISAC - Jin more deadly with flying kisses than shooting arrows. (Eng)
Eat Jin @ BANGTAN BOMB - Even though Jin didn’t want Eat Jin to get mixed in with Bangtan Bombs, I can’t leave it off this list because EAT JIN. (Eng)
Jin&Jimin M countdown Special MC - MC Jin in silky Jammies. (Eng)
Jin’s 'Skin diving’ Training for 정글의법칙  - Not Law of the Jungle, Law of the JIN-gle (Eng)
'말하자면’ Special stage @MBC 가요대제전 2016 - 5:18 til the end (Eng)
Rap Monster & Jin Intro performance @SBS 가요대전 2016 - Jin and Nams working together to make magic happen. (Eng)
Jin’s personal practice ‘FIRE’ for SBS 가요대전 2016 This whole bomb is nothing but glorious Jin dance goodness with Hope and JImin playing the devoted teachers.  (Eng)
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