#( special guest ; kol mikaelson )
museswithinx · 2 years
“Maybe we let him babysit too much,” she joked as she continued stroking his hair. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” How Aubrey settled for the downgrade, Anikaia would never know, but her loss would be someone else’s gain. As her husband spoke, her grin widened. “Quite a theme I would say. He appreciates a sharp tongue, like someone else I know well.” Anikaia didn’t miss much where her son was concerned. She’d known about the trip, some of the texting, and their time at the festival. “It is a pity she’s only a wolf, but I like seeing those smiles she gets out of him. I think they text quite often since their little overnight trip too. If she keeps making him this happy, then I’m overjoyed.”
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"One time too many if you ask me. Fortunately he's not adopted the same dull fashion sense." He agrees as she runs her fingers through his hair. It was a real shame Aubrey was settling for mediocrity when she could've had it all with their Chosen One. Kol would've fancied having a Bennett witch in the family. Even if just to enjoy Bonnie's reaction to the union. "Well those are the best types. The pretty ones with the sharp tongues," Kol quips with a smirk up at his sharp tongued pretty one. Like father, like son held truth there.
Kol would have fancied a witch for his son, but he couldn't argue against his son's happiness. Far too often Deniz was disregarded, underappreciated, and disrespected. "He's certainly a tad more attached to his phone these days. Also couldn't help noticing the rather generous withdrawal made from his bank card this past weekend. What do you propose he needed all that for?" He made a look like he was thoughtful but he had a pretty good idea where the money went.
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daylightmikaelson · 3 years
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description || can you do a hc where kol scares away his daughters boyfriend ( just like how klaus did with freya) and he is so proud.
paring || kol mikaelson x daughter!reader mikaelsons x niece!reader
warnings || fluff, kol being a very protective father, annoying ass date
requested by || anon
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KOL MIKAELSON WAS SOMEONE you may not think of as a father.
But really, he was the biggest sweet heart for his daughter.
He would do anything for you and seriously, anything.
Asked for a toy, done.
Asked for a piggy back, done.
Literally anything.
But in the future, when you started to grow older, the thought of “anything” started to diminish slightly.
especially when it came to boys.
lord help anyone who dared to mess with you.
kol would gladly commit murder.
like for instance, one time you brought over a boy for dinner.
poor love, he was shaking to death with the threats of your aunts and uncles.
your father just started at him the entire time.
you kicked your dad lightly in the ankle, finally breaking him out of his trance.
“what did i tell you?” kol put his hands up in surrender while smiling wickedly.
surely you thought dinner was going to be good after trying to control your father.
but you were so wrong.
your date decided it was a wonderful idea to put his hand on your thigh, catching you by total surprise.
the surprised gasp that came out of your mouth, was loud enough for your vampire father to hear.
he immediately whipped his head up from his plate and saw the uncomfortable look on your face.
kol being kol, he literally pounced at your date, knocking off most of the dishes on the table.
“if you ever touch her again, i will not hesitate to rip off your head and feed it to the dogs” kol said, with his signature wicked smile.
“dad, we don’t have dogs.”
“then we’ll get some just for our special guest.” 
your date was smart enough to back off that day.
you told him that you didn’t want to see him anymore.
and he respected that at first.
until he found out you were serious.
man, that boy did not get the hint when your father said he will rip off his head.
one day you were coming back from school and your date went up to you, stalking you all day.
he pulled you into an alley where it was dark and quiet, making you fearful of what was about to happen next.
“you think your father can hear you now?”
you closed your eyes, hoping this moment go away soon.
and once you closed your eyes, you felt the weight being pulled off of you, your father, having the heart of your ex date in his hand.
you went up to your father and hugged him, which he immediately reciprocated.
“death is too apologetic for this stunt he did.” Kol was fuming with anger, still having the urge to rip his head off.
“dad, relax please. he’s gone and that’s all that matters.” you grabbed your father’s hands, his stuff shoulders now relaxing at your touch.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
heyyy can u do a klaus mikaelson imagine where the reader comes out with the album ‘sour’ instead of olivia rodrigo and its based off of an ex not klaus and klaus throws a party and she sings the songs ‘deja vu’, ‘jealousy, jealousy’ and ‘brutal’ for a sneak peak of the album and it’s basically pure fluff
Ahhhhhh writing for my wolfie boy again ☺. I apologize if this is a little bad as I was trying to find a good way to write this and look up the artist as I haven't heard these songs before.
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x F!Singer!Reader, Past!Damon Salvatore x F!Reader
Warnings: fluff, Damon being Damon
Music was Y/N's pride and joy, having done cover songs putting them up on a YouTube channel and she was every popular gaining a huge audience. She started to make her first album right around when she found out that Damon had been seeing Elena behind her back which hurt her deeply and since then she hadn't talked to her so call best friend. Y/N's fans had been angry at Damon saying how dare he hurt such a cinnamon bun and saying how Elena was a terrible best friend.
"Love, I have something to ask of you."
"What is it Nik?" Y/N asked looking up from lyrics she was working on for her album. Klaus sat next to her.
"I am throwing a party and was hoping you could sing for my guests?" Klaus asked her as she stopped looking at him. Y/N knew that most likely Damon would be there along with the rest of her friend group.
"I'll love to Nik."
Y/N was a bit nervous and had asked Kol to record her for her channel as the songs she picked was sneak peaks of what she was working on. Y/N was announced to go on stage and heard the clapping seeing every that was going to prom had came to the party.
"How is everyone tonight?" Y/N greeted getting cheers as Damon stared at her and Klaus found Y/N just gorgeous as she wore the dress he got her.
"I here to sing for you all. Three sneak peeks at some songs I wrote." Y/N said getting loud cheers making her smile.
"The first is called 'Déjà Vu' so enjoy." Y/N said beginning to play people began to move to the music.
"Car rides to Malibu, strawberry ice cream. One spoon for two and trading jackets. Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you." Y/N sang as she played her guitar.
"Watching reruns of Glee, being annoying singing in harmony. I bet she's bragging to all her friends, saying you're so unique, him. So when you gonna tell her? That we did that too? She thinks it's special. But it's all reused that was our place, I found it first. I made the jokes you tell her when she's with you. Do you get déjà vu? Ah, hmm." Y/N sang and got cheers while Elena looked to Damon wondering if it was true.
"Alright everyone I'm sure alot of can relate to the next one here's 'Brutal'." Y/N said with a grin feeling more comfortable on stage.
"I want it to be,like, messy. I'm so insecure, I think that I'll die before I drink. And I'm so caught up in the news of who likes me and who hates me." Y/N sang as Klaus frown hating the idea that Y/N felt that way.
"And I'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life and they'd all be so disappointed. 'Cause who am I, if not exploited? And I'm so sick of 17. If someone tells me one more time "Enjoy your youth." I'm gonna cry."
"And I wish I'd done this before. And I wish people liked me more. All I did was try my best, this the kind of thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years but I wish I could disappear. Ego crush is so severe.... God, it's brutal out here." Y/N sang as she looked out at the dancing crowd then saw how Klaus watched her. The crowd cheered as the song ended and Y/N was now in her element as Damon frowned wishing he knew this about his ex.
"Here is for those girls who felt like me. This next one is called 'Jealousy Jealousy.'"
"I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room. 'Cause all I see are girls too good to be true. With paper-white teeth and prefect bodies....Wish I didn't care. I know that beauty is not my lack."
"But it feels like that weight is on my back. And I can't let it go. Co-comparison is killin' me slowly. I think, I think too much 'bout kids who don't know me. I'm so sick of myself. I'd rather be, rather be anyone anyone else. But jealousy, jealousy. Started followin' me. Started followin' me." Y/N finished as everyone cheered loudly and clapping as she waved leaving the stage as the band took over.
"Y/N." Damon said as the singer turned seeing her ex the first time in months as she had buried herself in her music.
"Salvatore." Y/N said not caring about the hurt that flashed in his eyes as in her mind Damon had no right to be hurt.
"We should talk."
"Sorry but I'm busy."
"With what?" Damon questioned stepping forward as in a blur Klaus was next to Y/N with an arm around her waist.
"Joining me for a drink." Klaus said leaving Damon no more to talk as he lead the young woman away.
"You didn't have to do that."
"But I did love." Klaus tells her as she found herself in his studio and she stepped away looking at his paintings. Y/N stopped at one of her making her blink as he step next to her.
"You shouldn't feel l like you aren't good enough Y/N. "
"And why would you say that?" Y/N asked smiling looking at him as Klaus looked at her cupping her cheek. Y/N had a suspicion that Klaus had a thing for her since he would bend over backwards for her.
"Because I'm in love with you. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met." Klaus tells her making Y/N's heart skip a beat as he leaned closer.
"I am in love with you too. As I can't believe I fell for my best friend." Y/N said softly cupping his face as Klaus crashed his lips against hers. Y/N kissed back pressing closer to Klaus making him growl while in a blur she found her self in Klaus's bed. Y/N giggled leaning back against Klaus's bare chest as she showed him how to play the guitar. Y/N was glad she said yes to singing for Klaus's party as she would have never gotten her happily ever after with someone who really loved her.
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alwaysfangirlingish · 4 years
Title: The girl in the turquoise dress
Word count: 664
Pairing: Kol mikaelson x Reader
Warnings: I believe there is none!
A/N: This is the first time I wrote something about Kol Mikaelson, and since third person narrator isn't my speciality, I apologise 👉👈 Also this doesn't really follow the canon timeline or events.
Tag list: @theseuscmander
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He sighed, grabbing a glass of champagne, taking off his mask. Everything seemed boring to him at this point of the night, so why keep using that piece of plastic on his face?
His family liked to organise big dances, and this time they organised an elegant masquerade ball. Kol really enjoyed these events, but only when he had someone to have fun with and, sadly, he hadn't been able to get a date this night.
The original vampire would have gone to feed on some careless guest in the garden if it hadn't been for his eyes falling on a girl across the room. Kol leaned against the door frame, waving his glass a little before drinking it, fixing his eyes on her: She was wearing a large, turquoise dress and with one hand she held her mask, which was black and was decorated by feathers of the same colour in the centre. Her mask only covered up to her nose, exposing her scarlet lips, making Kol let out a sigh since they were beautiful.
The unknown, attractive girl was talking to none other than Stefan Salvatore, which pointed out that she was friends or part of the Salvatore gang. She just smiled and laughed at the vampire's words, words Kol couldn't understand clearly because of his location next to the dance floor. Minutes later, the lovely Elena came out of nowhere and grabbed the vampire’s arm, dragging him to the centre of the room, as a new ballad sounded.
The girl, without taking out the mask from her face, took a glass of champagne from the little table at her side, and drank it slowly, watching the couples dance. The original vampire couldn't help but feel quite excited when his eyes met hers, and they stared at each other for a few seconds, very long and intense to tell the truth.
Even though she had already moved her gaze elsewhere, Kol couldn't take his eyes off her. He simply stared at her, expecting that at some point she would remove her mask, revealing her identity. He was a bit startled when his brother Klaus placed behind him, whispering in his ear, “Why are you so thirsty, brother?” When Kol turned to look at him, to tell him to go away, Klaus had that typical smirk on his mouth and his hands behind his back. Kol immediately knew that his brother knew something about her.
“Tell me, Nik, do you know who that girl is?” He asked him, giving him the same smile.
“Am I supposed to see ghosts now?” Klaus said, still with that smirk on his face when Kol turned, only to find that the girl was no longer there.
“Bloody hell,” Kol said, walking among the people, trying to locate her somewhere in the room, leaving behind his older brother, who had already set his eyes on the beautiful Caroline, who was entering the place.
The original vampire ran through the entire mansion as fast as he could, fearing that the girl had left the dance before he could even know what her face looked like. Kol finally went out into the gardens, sighing in frustration at not being able to find her. He didn't even bother looking in there. If she left, she must've been far away from him by now.
“Here,” His brother, Klaus, appeared out of nowhere, handing him a piece of paper, “Caroline asked me to deliver this to you,” He said, enjoying his brother's frustration, “It’s from your ghost,”
Kol's face lit up for a moment, snatching the paper from his brother, complaining that he was a bloody liar before he ran at vamp speed into the garden and read the note:
“Why don't you stop being a coward and meet me at the Mystic Grill? Thursday at 7 pm, don’t be late or you’ll never get to see me in your—what I believe, is a really long life.
—The girl in the turquoise dress.”
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kmikaelsonimagines · 4 years
Men Like You: A Kol Mikaelson Imagine
Request from @rhiannonfair​: I love your work, I'm a newbie writer on tumblr and you really inspire me to keep writing. Anyways thank you for all your hard work! Can I request a kol x reader where the reader is Mary-Alice Claire's little sister? She knows that he's just using her sister and so she confronts him about it, which amuses him and they begin to spend more time together, and she begins to like him, but he gets daggered by Klaus and she's really broken up about it?
Thank you so much! Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
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You had told your sister plenty of times that hanging around with Kol Mikaelson was a bad idea. But Mary-Alice had a will of her own, and it wasn’t helped by the captivating energy that the vampire seemed to radiate.
When she had almost died, almost caught by his brother, you thought she had listened to you, thought that she had left him.
And then you found him in your house, his arms wrapped around her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
“Ahem,” you coughed, the two looking up at you. “Am I interrupting something?”
Mary-Alice blushed, stepping out of Kol Mikaelson’s arms. He, on the other hand, smiled at you. There was an arrogance on his face that you wanted to slap off, wishing to God that you were capable of a spell strong enough to knock him off his feet. You knew he was using your sister, and he knew it too.
“Not at all, Y/N. Is there something you wanted?”
“I was heading into town. Anything you needed, Mary-Alice?” You looked at your sister as you spoke, pretending as if you hadn’t even acknowledged Kol’s presence. He got under your skin and he knew it, using it to taunt you at every opportunity. Your sister shook her head, her attention quickly turning back to Kol when he kissed her cheek.
“I’ll come with you, Y/N. It’s about time I was heading home.”
You rolled your eyes. Just when you wanted to escape him, Kol Mikaelson had insisted on walking with you. You were conscious of him at your side, conscious of the limited space between you, conscious of his reputation, knowing that you would break his arm if he tried anything.
It wasn’t until that you were out on the street that he spoke to you.
“You don’t like me very much, do you Y/N?”
“Whatever gave you that impression?”
“Hm, you’re not afraid either, are you?”
“Should I be?”
“Well, that depends on whether we’re discussing my brother or me.”
“If I’m afraid of anything, it’s what you’re doing to my sister.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
You looked over at him, at the knowing smile on his face. Here he was, taunting you again, teasing you, trying to get you to snap. He was so close to succeeding, but you weren’t going to let him.
“You’re using her. You don’t love her. You’re going to get her killed.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because I’ve met men like you before, Kol Mikaelson. You choose a pretty girl, and you use her to get what you want. You let her believe that she’s special, that she’s worth more than anything in the world, and then when she’s done all that you need for, you discard her. Men like you throw girls to the side like broken toys, and that’s exactly what you’re going to do to Mary-Alice.”
There was silence for a moment, and part of you hoped that maybe he was taking the time to reflect, maybe your words had got to him and there was an apology on the tip of his tongue.
Maybe that was just wishful thinking.
“It’s like you’re speaking from personal experience.”
And there it was. The moment when you realised that he wasn’t like you thought he was. The moment Kol Mikaelson showed you sympathy, made you think that he was capable of change. The moment you saw him as something other than the monster who was using your sister with malicious intent.
After that moment, you found yourself spending more time with Kol. After that moment, you found yourself watching him open up, become more human, become more kind. After that moment, you found yourself becoming his friend.
It was a slow process, of course; things didn’t just change overnight. But it was the start of something that had the potential to blossom, something that transformed both you and him.
And then came the Christmas Eve party.
Kol had invited you as his guest. You had almost said no, Mary-Alice having gone missing. Kol said he had nothing to do with it, and perhaps foolishly, you believed him. But you needed cheering up, and what better way to do it than with your friend?
It had started off as the perfect evening. Kol introduced you to another witch, a young lady called Freya that he had shown a certain amount of interest in. When he disappeared to join his family, you stayed by her side, the two of you already firm friends.
After a few moments, you watched as the Mikaelson family arranged themselves on the stairs, and Klaus began his speech. Kol caught your eye and smiled. You would remember that smile, the last beautiful thing that you saw before the evening took a darker turn.
The last beautiful thing before Klaus and Elijah cornered Kol on the landing and plunged a silver dagger into his heart.
There was chaos in the aftermath. You screamed. Freya urged you to run. You did as she said, knowing that there was the potential for you to be next. You ran and ran until you couldn’t anymore, slumping against the wall of an alley and crying.
Just when you thought you had found a decent friend, he had been taken from you.
It was strange how feelings towards men like Kol Mikaelson changed, how you had gone from despising him to almost mourning him.
A century would pass before you saw him again. A century spent hiding from the hybrid that wanted you dead, a century spent missing the company of the youngest Mikaelson brother.
But if there was one thing you were certain of, it was this.
The reunion would be worth the wait.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
A Very Merry Mikaelson Christmas | #2 & #14 Rebekah
Request: @activist-af “Prompts 2 and 14 with bekah please 🥺 I’m trying to claim her extra early because I need her sm.” Even if you weren’t first Lottie I’d do special ones for you ;)
Prompt(s): #2 “You’ve got a little something-” “Is it gone?” “Just let me get it.” , #14 “It’s an old family recipe, it can’t possibly be that hard to make.”
Word Count: 900ish
Christmas Master List
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The light pouring in from the kitchen window bathes everything in a warm, orange glow. The oven, on and in use. The counters, covered in flour and sugar. The twenty racks of sugar cookies spread over every counter, each one of them not quite right. You run a dusty hand through your hair, not caring anymore about the state of yourself. What on earth are you doing wrong?
You hear a knock from the open kitchen door and turn to a giggling Rebekah who is leaning against the frame. Her hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun, her face bare and in nothing but one of Kol’s hoodies and a pair of plaid sleep shorts. You smile at her, rolling your eyes and shrugging your shoulders. You have no idea what’s going on either.
“I have been searching all over for you,” she walks over to you, her eyes darting around the messy kitchen, “have you been in here all day?”
You huff, exasperated, shaking some of the flour out of your hair. She purses her lips, her eyes drawing over you before taking a scrunchie, one that’s fluffy and red, off her wrist and pulling the hair from your face. She drops her hands to your shoulders, her thumbs drawing circles under the collar of your t-shirt.
You smile gratefully at her, “yes, don’t remind me. It was only supposed to be a few hours at the most.” You pout at her and she giggles again, “I wanted it to be a surprise but apparently I am a terrible baker!”
She touches your face, swiping some sprinkles from your cheek and licking them off her finger, “well I am certainly surprised, my love, don’t you worry about that part.” 
She tilts her head to the side, her eyes skimming the old cookbook on the counter. By old, you mean ancient. The book looks about four hundred years old. You laugh, wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her away from the recipe and closer to you. She smells sugary, exactly how your cookies were supposed to smell. You kiss her nose, rubbing your nose against her cheekbone. 
“Thank you Beks, I just don’t know where I keep going wrong,” you muse, resting your chin on her shoulder, “it doesn’t make sense.”
She kisses your hair, no doubt tasting sugar in the process, “it’s an old family recipe, it can’t possibly be that hard to make.”
You pull away from her, laughing at her honesty and swatting her arm lightly, “wow, thanks baby. What encouraging words from my girlfriend. How about you try it, then, hmm? If it should be so easy then by all means be my guest.”
She grins, holding her hand out, “pass me an apron and I’ll show you how it’s done.”
With the confidence she’s oozing you really would have thought something good would have come from those words. In hindsight, you should have known that there’s a reason Elijah is always the one to make most of the Christmas baked goods. Bekah’s expertise certainly starts and stops at gingerbread. By the time the orange light fades to hazy moonlight and the kitchen lights demand to be fully turned on, there are ten more racks of cookies that are only slightly better than the former twenty.
“I don’t get it,” Rebekah shouts, some of the hair that has long fallen from her bun brushing her face as she shakes her head, “what on earth keeps going wrong!”
Her eyes are wild, Kol’s sweater long discarded on the tiled floor. Her navy tank top is rumpled, one of the straps hanging off her shoulder. She is looking at the little snowman cookies like she wants to bite each of their tiny heads off. It would be purely out of spite. No way are those cookies anywhere near edible. When she looks at you, her mouth in a cute pout, you burst out in giggles. How is she still perfect when a total mess?
“Beks,” you try not to laugh at her and the stripe of flour on her cheek bone, using your fingers to motion to the misplaced baking supplies, “you’ve got a little something-”
Her eyes widen, the gasp she takes cutting your words off. Oh Bekah, always the theatrical one. Using her apron, she scrubs furiously at her cheek. The wrong cheek.
“Is it gone?” she tilts her face towards you, as if you can’t see the same thing you saw moments ago, and you can’t help but laugh louder this time.
“Just let me get it,” you swipe your thumb over her cheek, brushing the flour away with much less urgency than she had, “there we go, all better now.”
She looks at you for a moment, her mouth open a touch, before bursting out in a fit of giggles. You join, laughing so hard you have to grab the counter to keep yourself upright. How can you not laugh? This day has been a complete disaster and the kitchen looks like a warzone of powders and eggshells. It’s better to laugh over it than cry. You turn to her, drawing her lips to your own and giggling through the kiss. 
“What on earth is going on here,” a stunned voice drifts over the two of you who are still bent over in fleeting fits of giggles, “I leave the house for one day and I come home to no kitchen.”
You look up, meeting Elijah’s wide eyes and laughing again, “want a cookie?”
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0ghostwriter0 · 4 years
The Originals Imagines
Request: Female Original Character x Elijah Mikaelson
The character is best friends with Rebekah. From the moment she saw Elijah she developed a crush. One evening the Mikaelsons throw a ball in honour of the character’s birthday. But Elijah decides to dance with Davina which means she and Kol plot to make Elijah a bit jealous. Later in the evening, the two confess their love.
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The thin framed woman stood timidly in front of the mirror. As the chiffon fabric clung to her curves, she sighed deeply. Mortified and ashamed, the young woman wrapped her arms around herself to cover up her body. The bedroom door flies open as Rebekah storms in.
"I couldn't wa- ... Hera why are you covering up?" The younger Mikaelson questioned.
Turning slowly, Hera pushes her arms to her side but instantly put them back in front of the deep v neckline that exposes her chest. The original smirks at the young woman's actions and goes to sit on the bed. Mortified and self conscious, the thin woman pulls at the dress trying to cover more of her chest.
"That's it you're changing" Rebekah exclaims as she rises from the bed.
The Mikaelson wanders down the hall to retrieve a black garment bag. Sighing in relief, Hera starts to unzip the atrocious dress that Kol had picked for her. Kol usually knew what outfits would catch the eye of Elijah but this time he was wrong in so many ways. Eventually, Rebekah returned with a grin plastered across her face and a pearl embellished dress in her arms.
"Elijah is a sucker for classic glamour" the vampire smirks which causes Hera to blush.
Soon, Hera was all dolled up in a vintage pearl embellished dress. Her chestnut hair fell into neat ringlets on her shoulders. Taking one last glance in the floor length mirror, Hera smiled brightly as the dress accentuated her figure. Softly and slowly, the young woman sighed "I think I'm ready". Giggling quietly, Rebekah nodded and pulled Hera down the hard oak stairs and towards the black SUV. Hera smirked as a tall driver stepped to open the SUV door.
"Time to celebrate birthday girl" the original said excitedly.
After many moments of fumbling with her hands in the back of the SUV, Hera's face lit up as they turned the corner leading to the Mikaelson Mansion. Extravagant yet classy, lights guided the way to the grand entrance. Slowly, the door was opened by the same tall driver and Hera stepped out with her ivory heels gracing the cobbled path. Lonely and afraid, Hera prayed that she wouldn't fall face first before being in catching distance of the noble stag.
As the huge doors opened, Hera was welcomed by her friends and family who had gathered to celebrate her 21st birthday. Hera had first met most of the Mikaelsons after she turned 16 when she took a trip to the french quarter. But it wasn't till she was 18 that she met the gaze of Elijah. When she first laid eyes on the elder brother of Klaus, Hera knew that she had met the perfect suit that would look after her no matter what. As much as Elijah looked after Hera, she longed for more and despite Rebekah's comments nothing came of the affection that Hera had for the suit. Today was different. According to Rebekah, the grand party that laid before Hera was planned by Elijah but knowing Elijah, he would deny such claims.
Pulling Hera from her thoughts, a husky voice draw the attention of the room. For a split second, Hera believed that the voice was that of Elijah but after turning to face the sound, she realised different. It was Klaus.
"Welcome all. We all know that we are here to celebrate a special person who means a lot to my family and I'm sure she means a lot to the rest of you who have come to wish Hera a happy birthday." Smirking sinisterly, as he stairs at the noble brother. "So let's raise a toast to twenty one amazing years of Hera Moreau. Happy birthday, Sweetheart" Klaus raises a glass with the rest of the guests and Hera smiled as she looked down at her feet.
Spending fleeting moments with acquaintances, Hera waited patently for the first dance of the evening. From the corner of her eye, Hera spotted Elijah talking amongst some French Quarter witches (Davina was among them). Sinking slowly, Hera heard the call for the dancing to begin. Much to her surprise, Davina, the witch who was head over heels in love with Kol, started slow dancing with Elijah. Noticing the minor fractures in Hera's mood, Kol graciously took the hand of the birthday girl and pulled her into the movements.
"Thank you" the small framed woman whispered.
Grinning, Kol admired the pearl embellished dress. "This is better than the one I picked" he smirked. Giggling softly, Hera took a spin "Rebekah knows how I move" she replied. Kol smirked catching on to the theme of the conversation. Pulling Hera in close, the two friends relaxed as they danced to make the suit jealous. Noticing how close his brother is getting with the birthday girl, Elijah excused himself from Davina's grasp.
"You're girl is free to be swiped off her feet" Hera stopped and gestured to Davina. Before joining the quarter witch, Kol nodded knowingly and kissed the top of the young woman's hand. Watching her dance partner float away, Hera retreated to the upstairs drawing room.
Slowly impeaching on the seemingly deserted room, Hera heard the pouring of scotch. The young woman slowly creeped away but landed on a squeaky floor board. From within the drawing room, the figure crept out of the doorway. "Miss Moreau?" Hera turned back to the scotch glass as she started to stumble over his words. "I'm sorry I was just looking for some...where to-" Elijah cut the young woman off. "It's alright it's just me and my thoughts. Come and sit with me" his words fell softly from his perfect lips. Slowly, the young woman brushed past the tall suit. Elijah's breath hitched. Pouring her a scotch, the original admired the young beauty that sat before him.
"So Davina" she smirked as she reached to take the outstretched scotch glass. Smirking softly, Elijah replied "So my idiot youngest brother." The two enjoyed each other's company for a while before an annoyed Rebekah Mikaelson broke the bliss. The blonde pushed into the room and flopped onto one of the many seats. "So it's over. The party. The ball that was for you" As a response to Rebekah's annoyance, Elijah smirked to himself. "And you. You dance with a woman who you have no interest in when you could have danced with your beloved Hera" Rebekah was drunk.
"I'll take her to her room" the birthday girl commented as she hoisted the female original from the seat.
"I'm taking myself!" The blonde exclaimed as she stumbles through the doorway and into the long hall.
Hera watched Elijah's reactions as his sister made a fool of herself getting to her room. Suddenly, Hera felt Elijah's arms snake around her waist. Before she knew it, his lips crashed with her own. They remained encompassed in the kiss for minutes but for them it felt like they had been entwined for hours. As they parted, Hera stared into the dark romantic eyes of Elijah.
"Please forgive me. I couldn't resist." Hera hung on each word that fell from Elijah's lips. Pulling him in again, the birthday girl pressed a delicate kiss on his lips.
"You don't know how long I longed for you to show me what I mean to you," she whispered as the two parted.
"Please know, my dear, I loved you from first glance but our family isn't safe enough for me to throw myself after you." His words melted Hera's heart.
"You can have me. We're here now and if you want to be my first and last thought of the day then know you already are." Elijah stared into Hera's eyes as he let his words drift through the air.
~You Can Have Me~
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vanillawinston · 4 years
Remember| Chapter ONE
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Summary:  Announced for dead Emma Salvatore was carried to her grave 1865, just to awake decades later without the memories of her last days being alive. After a fatal encounter she not only loses her heart to a certain vampire, but also gets closer to the hands of death again, clearly to the dislike of her beloved brothers. Trying to remember her own past, she comes up with the questions of what happened 1865, how she survived and what secret Kol Mikaelson is hiding from her?
Kol x OC (Emma Salvatore)
Warning for this chapter: angst
Words: 1017
Part 2 HERE
It was a certain kind of art how Stefan Salvatore could enter a room and make every pair of eyes look just to him. Easily and with a certain elegance he moved through the salon, passed by all the women who couldn't look enough to the handsome, young men while he only smiled slightly in their direction, ignoring them otherwise completely. No one got his attention for long; he wasn't interested in getting to know any of them closer, but never lost once his polite attitude.
He had a curious look on his face, eyeing the room full of people where nothing could grab his attention. He didn't seem arrogant or shy with his behaviour, on the contrary. Everyone saw him as this friendly and kind-hearted men, thanks to his positive aura surrounding him, making him lovable, making him this kind and generous person.
I've always looked with jealous eyes to Stefan when he moved so easily in a room full of people, without having any troubles, without ever losing his posture or his friendly smile. I looked just as jealous as the other girls while observing him, and who wanted nothing more but his attention. They never got it though, never will, since he only had eyes for one girl only in the room. Me.
"My beloved sister." My smile grew bigger when Stefan finally found me in the crowd, walked right towards me with a much bigger smile on his own face now. When he reached me, he cupped my face softly, kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes.
"You took your time," I said reproachfully while he stretched his arm for me to tuck my arm into his.
"I had to finish reading Damon's letter. He is sending his regards and wrote that soon he will be back," he answered me apologetically, and I smiled brightly of this good news, but without Damon life here got boring. My oldest brother always had the talent to make everyone cheer up, to be, unlike Stefan, more unreasonable, and he had fewer inhibitions in talking with me about certain things. Damon had just like Stefan a special aura, everyone liked him, adored him, but of course except for this they were completely different from each other. Stefan was this kind and lovely man who would be the perfect gentleman for his future wife. Damon on the other hand was more dangerous, he was more adventurous, and to get closer to him was like dancing with the devil.
"I really hope he will come back soon, when he is back, there will be so much more excitement here," I said and followed Stefan out of the salon, where one of our father's famous balls was taking place.
"I hope so, too. Without him it isn't the same," Stefan said with a certain longing and opened the door, which lead to the garden. He opened it, and happily I breathed in the fresh, chilly air, woke up a little bit more and felt much better. The last few hours, when I was waiting for Stefan to show up, I was bored to death by all the other guests who had nothing interesting to talk about. It was always the same. The same people, the same chatter, the same boring life. It was exhausting, but with my brothers by my side it was more bearable.
"Well, without him you have less competition when it comes to all the beautiful ladies," I said amused and pulled him with me right to a white bench, my favourite place out here. It was hidden from the sun so that it couldn't bother me during the summer days. The bench also stood right in the middle of a little field of roses, my absolute favourite flowers, and the lovely smell of them helped me to smile even more brightly.
"Good thing that Damon and I never liked the same girl before. Our taste is too different," he laughed and sat down next to me, stretched himself a little bit, "The only girl we would ever fight about, will be you." I smiled from his words, wanted to answer something witty when it suddenly got so cold around us, which was weird, since it was a summer evening and just now it hadn't been this cold. I saw my own breath and shivering I crossed my arms in front of me, tried to warm me up when I realized with horror that I suddenly was wearing something completely different. I wasn't wearing my beautiful, white dress with a whiff of pink in it anymore, but now wore this rag of a dress which once were white, but now looked more greyish.
"Stefan..." I began, wanted to see if he also saw how different I was dressed, but when I looked at him, he was gone, just vanished. I was scared, completely scared, and now I wasn't just shaking out of coldness anymore, but this was strange, not normal, what was happening? All the roses around me were dried up and lay dead on the ground, nothing looked like before, and I was confused, thought I must dream a bad dream, but it all felt so real. It was real, and this scared me enormously, especially when suddenly everything turned dark, like all the lights went off, I only heard my own fastened breath and felt wood pressing on my back. Hard, foul wood, and this was when I realized that I wasn't standing anymore but lying on my back.
I wanted to stand up, to run away from here and this horror, but right in front of me in the darkness was also wood. Scared I touched everywhere I could, but I was surrounded by wood, was locked in a wooden cage, locked in some sort of chest, a big wooden chest a... casket.
Aloha :) This is the new version of my old story ‘Remember’. hope you liked it, if you like to be tagged again write me. Sorry for any grammar or editing mistakes, Gif is not mine xx
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love/3
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Part 3
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert
a tvd crossover AU story
ft. Klaroline
a/n: well, here is another fluffy fanfiction crossover story. This time all human. Since I am a huge fan of the vampire diaries - kind of always do crossovers with them.
As of recent I really started to like the character of Nick Amaro from Law&Order_svu, played by Danny Pino. I also love him as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC… and so, in this story - paired with Elena Gilbert, of course, my favourite female character.
I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. xoxo
tag_ @miguelsbrat​
Miguel and Klaus were whisked away by their mother to greet some of their old friends.
Elena was now left with Caroline taking another cocktail.
"This is not a bad party at all!" Caroline stated. "It looks like you are rebounding fast?!"
"What do you mean?" Elena looked at her friend now.
"Oh, I saw the way you looked at Miguel - he is tall, dark and handsome! Maybe a bit stuffy, but not bad at all!!"
"Caroline, stop it. I am not interested. He is a nice guy - and we just had a polite talk."
"All right. I am not going to push it. Rebekah said that he wrapped himslef up in an untouchable cacoon. He has not dated anyone since his wife died.”
“Oh” Elena exclaimed softly looking in the direction of Miguel. But as Stefan joined them, she now turned to the man.
"You guys seen Yemaya?!" Stefan asked.
"Yeah," Elena said, "I think she went into the garden.Stefan thanked them and went to look for her.
"What shall we do?" Caroline said to her friend,"help them, not help them?"
"I think that we shouldn't meddle. I think Yemaya will realize that it would be stupid to let someone like Stefan walk." Elena replied.
"Oh, no. Damon is coming this way."
Caroline saw that he was now approaching them.
Sooner or later, Elena knew that they would have to face one another and as he came to them she kind of went the way to the garden and he followed her.
Caroline now looked for Rebekah.
"Elena, will you stop?!" Damon said grabbing her by the arm.
"What is it?" Elena’s chocolate eyes blazed at her ex.
"I want to talk to you."
"What about?"
"I made a mistake-but I love you!"
Elena inhaled deeply, annoyed."You don't love me- if you loved me you would never had slept with Krystal! And to tell you the truth - I think that you did me a favour. And - actually it made me realize that there was no real love between us anyway - it was just this toxic"
Before she managed to finish the sentence, he pulled her to him and kissed her.
Elena pulled away, sifting angrily at him,"Don''t ever do this again! Leave me alone!"
“Come on - she doesn’t mean anything to me - you know that - it was just - a stupid glitch.”
“We are over. And I don’t want to talk to you, see you or know anything about you!” Elena ripped away from Damon’s arms, trying to fight her tears, running out of the garden into the house.
“Are you all right?” Miguel asked as he nearly crashed with the brunette coming from the side room.
“Yes. Where is the bathroom, please?”
“Upstairs. Let me show you. This is a big house” Miguel led the way.
“Thank you.” Elena said, feeling much calmer already.
“There” Miguel gestured to the guest bathroom.
Elena entered and now washed her hands, and sat down on the rim of the tub.
“Are you all right?” Miguel knocked at the door. “I don’t want to bother you, but you were not looking well...and I’m a doctor - so”
Elena now opened the door. “I’m fine - I just forgot to eat today - and had the champagne and just felt a bit queasy.”
“You are a little bit pale. Let me get you a sandwich - the hors d’oeuvres are not sufficient.” Miguel offered.
“Thank you. But I think that I am going to go home. I got up at 5 as I had an order to finish and I’m really tired.” Elena said.
“All right. Shall I call you a cab?”
“Yes, please.”
A few days later
Mikaelson Mansion
"I saw you having a good time talking to Elena!?" Rebekah remarked teasing Miguel slightly.
"She is a nice person" Miguel replied.
"Ah,Elena?! Really?!" Kol said. "Isn’t she with Damon Salvatore."
"As usual you don't know anything Kol," Rebekah said, "didn't Bonnie tell you that they broke up!"
Miguel listened attentively, but kept quiet.
“I think she mentioned something. Yeah - the other night she spent hours on the phone with her.”
“It was a bad break up. Damon cheated - nothing new. She kicked him to the curb. She is the sweetest soul and deserves a good guy. Like you Miguel.”
“Here you are - blantanly matchmaking” Kol said.
“And so what? I don’t see you complaining - and Miguel also deserve a happy ever after.”
“I’m here” Miguel now said.
“Yeah - sorry. I don’t want to be insensitive - but, seriously. You seem to like her. Ask her out. Have dinner. Maybe things will happen. Maybe they don’t, but there is no harm in trying.” Rebekah said.
“You’re right,” Miguel said, “but it has been a long time since I’ve done  anything like that. And she has just broken up with her boyfriend, so I don’t think it is really appropriate to ask her out.”
Before Rebekah could continue, Esther entered the room, pulling him away.
“I would like to do something special for Cristobal’s birthday” the woman said to Miguel as they walked into the drawing room.
"Thank you, mother. That would be wonderful."
“You have both adjusted well. I am really happy that you decided to return living here.”
“Cristobal needs to have a sense of family - I should have came back years ago.” Miguel said.
“Henrik and him are getting along so well - you have done a great job with him.”
“Not without the great help of Senora Vega - she did most of the work.” Miguel pointed out.
“She is a marvelous woman. I don’t know why she declined the invitation to the party.”
“She doesn’t like big gatherings like these.”Miguel replied.
“I will invited her for tea some time. Right. I will cooridinate the birhtday party with Cristobal then - I’ve learned from Henrik, that it is not wise to take things in one’s own hands.” Esther said.
“He is very particular about what he likes and dislikes.”
“Weren’t you all?” Esther cocked an eyebrow, referring to all of her children, him included. They all were a handful, each with an ego, and very demanding personalities.
“We were” Miguel curled a smile remembering the chaos that reigned in the house when they were kids.
“Ah, I miss those days,” Esther said, “the house is too quiet now. It’s just us and Henrik. You all have moved out and - I truly wish I had more grandchildren.”
“It will come.”
“I don’t know. Same as you, Kol is too immersed in his work at the hospital, even though he is been with Bonnie for a while now. And don’t start me on Rebekah - she is like her father, dedicated to the magazine, and Klaus - you know - “
“Yes - no stabile relationship at all.”
“Exactly. But I am greateful that all of you are fine. And I hope sincerely that you will find someone, too.”
“I don’t know - no one is “
“like Emily, I know. Come on, dinner is about to be served.”
The next few days everyone was busy with their work and they mostly talking to one another over the phone.
Elena had locked herself in the bakery working from morning till evening. She was preparing herself for a cookie fair and so she concentrate on it only.The only person she would see was Caroline, who would come to the shop.They had dicussed Damon only once, and Elena didn't want to hear his name or anything about him.
"He can disappear into another dimension as far as I am cocerned!," was the last thing on that subject matter, "I got my work...and I mean it... I want to open another shop... And it will be cupcakes... I have a whole load of new recipes and designs and I want you to draw up a contract, and I want you to go with me and see some potential shops." Elena said to her friend.
"Yes. I will. I know that men are off subject-but- I am going out for dinner with Klaus!" Caroline then said.
"You really work fast!"
"It's a dinner. I just want to get to know him,"Caroline stated,"Now you kept quiet about meeting Miguel before the cocktail party?!"
"It was nothing. I guy who bought me a cup of coffee,and then it  happens to be Rebekah's brother. He is nice."
"He is nice?!" Caroline repeated,"Right- and?"
"Nothing. He is nice. I have told you. I don't want to date. And why would he asked me out- according to Rebekah, he is only about work!"
"Says she who is at work all the time," Caroline referred now to Elena, "you liked him, didn't you?!"
Elena knew that her friend was relentless.
"He is good looking. Different- but didn't you say that he is a widower."
"So what? Why does that matter?!"
"It doesn't."
"Well, he must have loved her very much cos, Rebekah said that he didn't have anyone since"
"Really?" Elena was surprised.
"It's kind of romantic," Caroline then said,"To find that one love."
"Yeah, the one that is always and forever!" Elena said dreamily and then snapped out of it, "I have a great idea for a cup cake range with that name, actually two. One can be always  and the other one forever- two of a kind!"
"Make it really tasty!" Caroline said. "I will see you later!"
The door swung open and both women now made a half sigh looking at the man that was approching them.
Miguel. Elena bit a gulp back and tried hard not to keep her calm.
Caroline looked at Elena and Miguel exchanging a small non verbal gaze. There was a spark, she could swear. “Right. I have to go. Nice seeing you again, Miguel.”
Miguel nodded a little at the blonde, who turned on her heel, nudging a smile at Elena. Girl, he is not here for the cookies. Waving a little at her friend she exited the bakery.
“This is a charming place.” Miguel complimented the place that was a cross of a modern and old, very cozy and welcoming.
“Thank you.” Elena smiled pleased.
“I would like a box of mixed cookies - a bit of everything. It is for my housekeeper.” Miguel said.
“All right. I will put something together.”
“Can I have a Latte?”
“Yes, of course. Would you like to try these new cookies?”
“Yes, I’d love to.” Miguel said and as Elena took the plate, he read the name, "Aztec fire - is there chilli inside?"
“Yes. It’s a new recipe. I always try to bring out something new. I’ve got cookies from all over the world. We alternate it. My great grandmother was from Bulgaria and I got her recipe book when I was ten. Here are some of her favourites, called Medenki. They are made with honey.”
“I’d like to try those, too.” Miguel said.
“Ok. If you’d like to sit down. I’ll bring the coffee and the cookies over to you.”
Miguel nodded and now found a table by the window.
As she served him the hot drink and the cookies, they both turned their attention to the door.
“Ah, great mind think alike.” Rebekah said as she now came up to them. “Latte for me, too. And can I have the triple chocolate cookie and Nutella to dip. I had one of those days - “
“Of course. Coming right up” Elena said, leaving them to for a moment. As she returned, Rebekah asked her to sit with them for a little while, laying out all that had happened at work and their rival magazine stealing one of the stylist and a writer.
Both Miguel and Elena tried their best to calm the fiery blonde down. But they both knew that it was the hardest job, especially when she clearly was on the warpath.
“I’m sorry, I totally ruined this -”
“No, you didn’t.” Elena reassued her friend.
“Can you pack me a few more of these cookies. I think that I will need this tonight.”
“Sure” Elena said and now went to the counter to finish Miguel’s order as well.
"Ok-tomorrow lunch and I am not taking a no for an answer!" Rebekah said  paying for the cookies and the coffees, as she felt guilty for taking up their time talking about a problem at work. Giving her friend  one of those air kisses on the cheek and was out of the door. Miguel nodded a little bye to Elena and followed his sister.
"Damon, who?!" Elena muttered looking at Miguel and Rebekah discussing something before they each went their separate ways.
Caroline wanted to dress to impress, and so she tried out tones of dresses and she wasn't happy with any of them. Then she finally chose an unusual green little number.
"It's only a dinner" the blonde muttered to herself as if it wasn't of any particular significance.
The door bell rang and she looked at the clock. It was seven and he was on time.
When she opened it, he charmingly smiled at her presenting her with an extravagant mixed ranunculus flower bouqet.
"Thank you" she took the bouquet trying not blush as he said that he wasn't really sure what her favourite flowers were but he was convinced that these were the most romantic ones.
"I -never really thought about flowers"
"Law and words are more interesting, I suppose!" Klaus said.
"I do girly stuff, too."
"Oh- I have heard of your gatherings"
"Rebekah!" Caroline exclaimed softly.
"I admit I used my sister to get a few pointers- for this evening-your favourite restaurant is Danielle's-and they serve french and creole food."
"So I guess we have a table reservations there?!" Caroline said her eyes sparkling at him.
"Indeed we have. Please" he stretched his arm out to her. She closed the door behind them and they went out into the night.
Miguel presented the box with the cookies to Senora Vega.
“What is this?”
“This is a little thank you - for everyhing you are doing for us.”
“You have just given me another raise - it is more than enough.” the housekeeper said.
“It is never enough. You gave your life to us, and I cannot repay this with anything.”
“You know that I do not care about the money. You have also given me a home and shelter and it is an absolute honor to work for you, Dr Galindo.”
Miguel patted the woman’s hands, now asking her about Cristobal.
“In his room. He said that he has to practice for the drama group.”
Miguel’s pager buzzed and he now excused himself and went to his study to reply to the call.
As he got into his study, he put the computer on.   he took now the photograph of his late wife in his hands.
"You told me not to stay alone- but -I couldn't. I never thought I would be able to feel something for someone again,” Miguel inhaled deeply, “but I do." His thought swayed to Elena. Like Rebekah had said. She was a sweet, dear person, and his heart went double beat.
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museswithinx · 2 years
Edmond glanced back as Kol appeared confused, unsure for that half-second that he had approached the wrong person. As Ulrik clarified things for his uncle, everything made a little more sense for everyone. Olive had left out the gruesome nature of his demise. Death by fireplace, sounded more horror movie than real life.
He had been correct, however, in his assumption that the woman was with him as Kol addressed her, seeming to appreciate the appreciation.
"Isn't that different?" She agreed, "and long overdue."
Giving the man's hand a shake, he introduced himself, "Edmond Burns."
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Well this was certainly a treat. He and his wife were wildly underappreciated for their great efforts to save the family and end wars. He was still waiting on the thanks for putting an end to Quinn's planned genocide.
"It certainly is, darling," he agrees with a fond smirk, "Being the bad guy is truly a thankless job. But someone's got to do it and everyone else is too hung up on morals." Honestly, it was so much easier to simply end the threat than to imprison them for morality sake.
"Edmond Burns." He repeats. "Another Vagus, I assume?" He said nodding toward Olive.
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Forever and Always My Little One (3)
Title: Katarina
Pairing: Kol x OC
Summary: Parties and bloodlust rarely go well together in Fayne’s experience.
Words: 2,736
Note: Lil’ bit of NSFW action in this part!! Previous parts linked below:
 <- 3 ->    
1492 – English Countryside  
The Mikaelson Manor was an imposing structure that stood out against its green English background. The opulence could rival King Henry the sevenths stately homes but I doubted anyone would be foolish enough to openly insult the king. We were surprisingly isolated from the lives of our neighbours, although, when Niklaus held a ball they would descend in droves with women hoping to catch the fancy of one or all of the brothers.
The next gathering was to take place tomorrow evening and the guests who had managed to procure special invitations had already arrived making it increasingly difficult to wander the grounds without comments of how a lady should not be unchaperoned should she value her worth.
The quiet of my secluded section was soon disturbed as a women's laughter floated on the breeze. “The gardens are as beautiful as you promised Trevor.” I smiled to myself at the compliment knowing that if Niklaus ever heard it his ego would inflate.
As they rounded the corner Trevor's adoring demeanour was clear, he was a pace behind the woman as they walked allowing him to gaze lovingly at her without her realising. But the scene was short-lived as the expression melted away when he realised another was watching. Leaving the secluded perch, I wandered to greet the pair.
He stretched out an arm before us in a sweeping motion. “Katarina, may I introduce Lady Fayne, she is Kol’s ward and a family friend of the Mikaelsons.”  
“Hello.” Katarina greeted politely while dipping slightly. Waves of dark curls cascaded down over her shoulders while the deep purple of her gown complimented the slightly olive tone of her complexion. Her face was disarmingly innocent, but there was something worldly behind her eyes. Oh yes, the brothers would certainly like this one.  
I hooked my arm around Katarina’s and smiled sweetly at her. “Don’t worry Trevor, I shall return her to you unharmed.” He looked uncertainly at me for one moment before bowing.
We walked at a leisurely pace around the gardens for most of the afternoon, the sunshine gently warmed our skin. It wasn’t long before we had dropped the honorifics and were speaking as though we had been friends since we were girls.  
“Fayne, I think we should retire indoors, your fingers are freezing.” She stated staring at my hand in concern. Smiling politely, I nodded.
_ _ _ _ _
I had retired to my rooms after returning to the house, and now sat in front of a warm fire nursing a goblet of warmed wine in my lap. It had been a while since my last feed and the effects were beginning to show, but with the grounds soon to be crawling with guests my window was closing quickly. I was thinking through my available options when the sound of footfall stopped slightly behind my chair.
“I hear you have been making friends, little one.” I could almost picture the obnoxious grin on Kols’ face.
“Yes, an acquaintance with Trevors’ special guest, a young girl by the name of Katarina Petrova.”  
“I take it she is a pretty little thing.”
“And you will end up with your hands cut off. Trevor intends to present her to Niklaus.”  
“You know how much I like a challenge.” He teased.
Pivoting in my seat, I cast a glance at Kol to see him staring back at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was always creating trouble and normally I would have happily joined in on his hell-raising antics but not tonight. Tonight was Niklaus’s birthday celebration. I hoped that I would not need to act as a conscience for Kol and keep him out of trouble.
“Must I accompany you this evening Kol?”  
He fixed me with a deeply curious look that had me itching to move. Getting up I paced the room to the furthest point away from him. Since my earliest days as a vampire, hunger had been my adversary, able to sour my mood quite easily.
“Of course, you must, we are celebrating Niklaus’ birth.”  
“Yes, I simply do not see why I must attend also... Surely my absence would not be noted.” I bargained.
“Do you forget that you owe him your life little one? Surely you would not wish to offend him by rejecting his invitation.” I narrowed my eyes at the smug look resting on Kol’s face. He knew of my discomfort and was revelling in it.
“His actions were very generous indeed Kol, but you must understand my need to not be present.”  
“You have my sympathy for your frustrations little one, perhaps this shall serve as a lesson.” He grinned like the cat who’d caught the canary before sauntering towards the door, pausing on its threshold. “I expect you to be presentable by sundown Fayne, no slipping away.”
“Kol,” I whined as he made his exit.  
We had unfortunately been through this before, the importance of regular feeds had been a heated topic on many occasions for us. A way to keep us a cut above the rest is how he phrased it once. I myself had never been particularly good at remembering, and much like now, my ignorance would cost me.
I need more wine.
_ _ _ _ _
Irritatingly true to his word, Kol rapped his knuckles against my door just as the sun had begun its descent below the horizon casting a warm orange light through the window which created long-reaching shadows. I sat in the high-backed chair facing the door, raising the goblet to my lips I took one final deep swig of wine, draining the cup, before placing it next to the empty pitcher on the table to my right. Without warning the door swung open with great force causing it to crash against the stone wall. Still, I was resolute and did not move from my chair. I’d stewed in discomfort and copious amounts of wine since our meeting earlier that day. I was agitated and soon Kol would know it. He’d flit across the room and was dragging me to stand by my elbows before I could blink.
“Come now little one, or we shall be late.” Kol did not release his hold and jerked me roughly when I made no attempt to move. “Behave.” He said icily before pulling me along with him.
The great hall was lit by candlelight casting its occupants in a soft glow. Their wealth highlighted by the occasional glitter of jewellery. As we descended the stairs, guests turned to look at us, there weren't many familiar sights in the sea of faces before us.  
“Heavens above, did he invite all the gentry across the land?” I whispered to Kol while offering a small yet polite smile to any guests I made eye contact with as we skirted the edge of the room.
“It would appear so...” He trailed off as he scanned the room before us looking for someone or something, failing to locate them.  
“Dance with me.” He demanded, I glanced incredulously at him.
“No,”  I replied curtly only to have my elbow seized in another stronghold.
“Fayne,” He whispered low, the warning clear.  
“...we agreed you would behave.” Squaring my shoulders, I turned to face him fully, removing my arm from his grasp.
“I am!” I hissed. “If you force me into that throng, I will not be held accountable for my actions.”
“Fayne if you-”  
“Goodnight Kol.” My tone was cold and final as I moved away from him, allowing me to catch a glimpse Katarina blushing at something Niklaus had said.
I made a mental note to seek her out after this evenings celebration when I could be sure my words would not be overheard by the wrong people. She was a sweet yet painfully naive girl. She understood the finer arts of female seductions, this was clear from how Trevor trailed after her but was undoubtedly unaware of her current pursuers' nature. I had known this family long enough to see when something would end in tears.
Grabbing a goblet of wine from a passing servant I hid away in a dimly lit alcove. From here I would not be disturbed and I could peacefully observe the room. When my patience had started to dwindle at the availability of food I wasn’t allowed to touch, I decided to retire.
The sounds of the revelry downstairs grew quieter as I wandered through the manor towards my chambers. Reaching out I dragged my fingertips across the coarse stone wall of the corridor, I was irritated, the wine I'd consumed had dampened my pallet but did nothing to quell my hunger. Sighing deeply, I inhaled again through my nose and nearly choked. There it was, the rich, tangy iron scent of blood. The rough texture of the stone pushed into the palm of my hand as I braced all of my weight onto the wall. It was faint at this distance, but base instincts were difficult to ignore. I resumed my former leisurely pace of walking as I followed the scent, it sent a wave of anticipation through me as though I was nonchalantly stalking unsuspecting prey.  
I arrived just short of the source, staring at the wooden door separating me from it. The bottom of my stomach fell away as I realised who the room belonged to. Gripping the cold handle, I entered the room as quietly as I could, leaning against it once closed.  
Bodices and skirts were strewn about the room, some with ripped seams of fastenings. Three goblets and an empty decanter of wine sat forgotten the side table. Unmistakable puddles and splotches of red were visible on the bedsheets. The three occupants were still unaware of my presence.
Kol sat in the middle of the two young girls, his shirt and coat had also been discarded onto the floor. The brunette on Kol’s left was left in her shift and corset, the cotton sleeves had fallen from her shoulders exposing her breasts to him, he fondled one breast in his left hand, tweaking the nipple occasionally as his right secured her wrist to his mouth. She let out breathy moans as he touched her. The muddy blonde on his right was bare to the waist as her shift pooled about her hips, she pressed herself into his side, paying him her affections by noisily kissing his skin while her hand ventured below the loosened strings of his breeches. Their heavy breathing and soft moans punctuated the air, one may think it a simple overindulgence of the nights' festivities if it were not for the bite marks that marred the girls otherwise blemish-free skin.
“Kol...” I said trying not to breath too deeply.  
His head popped up from the brunette to look at me, a lazy smile spread across his face, remnants of her blood staining his teeth. He shimmied away from his company to sit on the edge of the bed, the girls eagerly followed after him desperate to remain in contact.  
“Little one,” he drawled. “You appeared to be having such fun at the ball that I thought ‘why not have some of my own’?” he gestured to the women still groping at him with a smirk.
“You are breaking his rules Kol,” I warned for his benefit and for my own. If he were to be caught there would be hell to pay and the smell of their blood would linger for days. With my resolve already fraying it would not take much for it to snap.
“Who cares about the rules, it is a party Fayne, enjoy yourself.” He lounged backwards, resting on his elbows still smirking as the ladies ran their fingers over his abdomen.
“Kol please, Niklaus forbade it... Please,”  
He sensed the way my voice strained; I knew it from the way he suddenly sat upright again pushing his company away. I watched as he gave me a once over, noticing how I hadn’t moved an inch since entering and how my hands fisted my skirts behind me.  
“A small taste will not hurt Fayne.” He said gently after a while, he was coaxing me.  
“No.” He stood at my protest, slowly walking towards me. “You do not hunt where you sleep! Especially when the grounds are filled with humans.” I stressed as he stopped an arm's length away.
“A taste is not the end of the world but it will help.” He affirmed taking hold of my hand.
He tugged me softly but I stayed stuck to the door like glue. His expression wasn’t unkind as I shook my head and pulled back. Instead, he snapped his fingers and the girls came to him, flanking the sides. I was enveloped in the scent of their blood, Kol’s bite marks still oozed, my mouth ached as I fought against my fangs descension.  
“Little one,” he cooed bringing the brunette's wrist nearer to me. I could feel my face change as I cast one more look at Kol before giving in to my urges.
I latched onto her wrist with force sucking greedily trying to coax more of the delicious red liquid forth. Deciding her wrist wasn’t yielding enough blood quick enough I moved to the more preferred but volatile spot that was her jugular. Biting down the warn liquid gushed forward into my mouth, with some dribbling down my chin as I was unable to drink fast enough. The brunette never made a noise of protest so I continued until she went limp in my grasp. I let her fall to the floor with a dull thud as I focused my sight on the blonde, my arm snapped out and seized her by her neck pulling her hair as I dragged her towards me. Once she too was drained of her usefulness I turned to face Kol again.  
“What are you thinking about little one?” His forehead creased in confusion.
“You,” I reply with a coy smile.
“Me?” He cocked an eyebrow flashing me another roguish grin.
My smile quickly dissipates as I shove Kol backwards with renewed strength, having caught him unaware we stumble back into the room but age allowed him to quickly regain dominance that sends us sprawling onto the tiled floor, the forgotten clothing providing us with some cushioning. I am instantly overpowered when Kol gained the high ground allowing him to pin my hands on either side of my head.  
“Stop it... stop it,” Kol commands as I wriggle, eager for my freedom. “Enough!” I stare breathlessly up at him, surprised that he had raised his voice.
“You are proving to be quite the nuisance tonight Fayne,”
I scoff. A quiet, hassle-free evening is all I had wished for. I had been content in not attending the evenings gathering knowing from experience that they never go smoothly with something almost always going pear-shaped. Now here I lay, trapped against my will being called a nuisance.  
“It is times like these that I understand my brothers’ disapproval of you...” He continued unaware of my deepening frown.
“I have never been more insulted-”
“Simply look at the mess your recklessness has gotten us into, I was quite content with a sip,” he nodded gesturing to the state of the room and the two deceased women.  
“Me?!” I cry incredulously at his smirking face. “You good-for-nothing, low life cad! You knew the consequences, you knew...” My train of thought stops as I feel Kol begin to laugh, his frame vibrating in mirth.
“You son of a-”  
“Oh, come now Fayne, at least hold on to some semblance of dignity,” He cuts me off again, rising from the floor finally freeing me.  
“You baited me,” I look disbelievingly at him, still seated like a sulking child.  
“We should get this disaster cleaned up before dear old Niklaus discovers us,” He extends a hand down to me, offering to help me up.
Slapping his hand away, I stand on my own. “Clean your own mess, you wretched man.”
I don’t look back at Kol as I stalk towards the door, as I leave I can hear him chuckling softly to himself.
‘Damn you Kol Mikaelson’ I think to myself with a small sardonic smile on my face as I realise my hunger has been fully sated. ‘Damn you’.
TAGLIST: @xceafh
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iwritestoriesss · 5 years
Imagine the Mikaelsons brothers trying to flirt with you, but you don’t notice it.
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"This is ridiculous." You said pointing to yourself in the mirror. You had a sexy red ball gown on because of you’re invitation for the Mikaelson ball. You weren’t really into party’s or ball’s but you decided you would go because you recieded 4 invitations. So here you where by you’re best friend Rebekah trying on her gowns.
"What do you mean? You look amazing." Rebekah smiled, she knew that all her brothers fancy’s (y/n) so she wanted to make sure that at least one of her brothers confessed his feelings to her best friend. "I don’t know Rebekah, I’m not really a party person."
"Come on (y/n). You look good, now let’s go downstairs."
Meanwhile the Mikaelsons where waiting for you to arrive. Talking to guests but still keeping an eye on the front door waiting for you, having no idea that you where actually upstairs. Klaus was already getting worried, maybe you had other plans or even worse maybe you didn’t want to come. Kol was no better than Klaus, he was wondering if maybe you had a date somewhere with an other guy. Only Elijah had still the hope that you would come. he knew that you weren’t a people person but he was confident that Rebekah dragged you along.
"Why are you all staring at the door?" The Mikaelson brother all snapped there heads to the person speaking, to there suprise it was you! Looking really hot. "Waiting for a special someone?" You said winking. Klaus wanted to say something but he was scared that he would drool. Elijah was still admiring you. Kol was also admiring you but he snapped uit of it and stepped closer to you, he crabbed you’re hand and kissed it. "I think that my special someone just arrived." He said winking and giving you a cute smile. "Well what are you waiting for go talk to her!" You said slapping him on his back and stealing his drink. The smile on his face went away and was replaced with a confused look. Klaus was trying really hard not to laugh. Kol let go of you’re hand and goes back to the bar to grab a other drink.
"So, you look-" "Ridiculous?." You interrupted Klaus. "I was going to say beautiful, love" he said giving you a grin/smile showing off his dimples. "O.. wel I appreciate the lie." You said giving an outstanding smile. "I can assure you that he is not lying." Elijah said smiling at you. "You guys are so sweet to me!" You gave them all a kiss on the cheek and went to the bathroom.
"She has no idea does she?" Kol asked his brothers. "Not even a little." Klaus said to Kol. "We at least got a kiss..." Elijah said hand still on his cheek where you had kissed him.
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Klaus Mikaelson taking care of you when you’re sick would include...
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there are four main things to know about Klaus: 1) he’s extra 2) he’s paranoid 3) he’s protective 4) he’s got a need to be in control
nobody thought all four of these things would surface in him so intensely at the same time until the first time you got really sick
he practically turned one of the guest bedrooms into a hospital
he had round-the-clock nurses compelled into being at your beck and call
he had a BABY MONITOR set up at night so if you had a coughing fit in the night there was no way, even if there was a damn jazz band playing on the landing, that he wouldn’t hear
you were never to be left alone in case of Things
he had you take a shot of his blood daily
he was very annoyed his blood couldn’t cure the common cold
he was very angry that people kept saying it was the common cold
this was definitely something else
someone poisoned you
it was a plot
a plot to get you near death to get to him
it should be noted that you had a SMALL COLD
you were not dying
Klaus didn’t not believe it
people (apparently, according to Kol) were asking after you and sending flowers
Klaus refused any doctors to see you unless he was both there and they were thoroughly vetted by him and compelled to not harm you
you sneezed at one point and a little blood came out when you blew your nose because you’ve blown your nose raw and it’s totally a normal thing that happens when you overblow your nose but Klaus (of course) freaked out and had them do lab work and a chest x-ray on you
Elijah managed to get him not to have an MRI done
but just barely managed it
Klaus only lasted two days with the baby monitor before he decided the risk was too great and he slept with you
you were sick but it was just a cold and having your boyfriend cuddled up by you was a lovely invitation
Klaus wouldn’t do anything but kiss your forehead gently in fear of you exhausting yourself or something
so you had a slight cold and were sexually frustrated now
which was worse honestly?
you tried claiming the sexual frustration was not good for recovery
he didn’t buy it but worried enough to consult doctors
no such luck and when he announced his findings your body took that moment to cough loudly and often, needing you to hack up phlegm into the bin by your bed
not something you wanted your boyfriend to see though he’s seen worse
Klaus immediately calls for chest x-ray number two
Elijah surprised Klaus with a visit from a top doctor in treating persistent colds (you didn’t know that was a thing to specialize in) and Klaus Was Not Happy At All.
the doctor was not chosen by him, vetted by him, or compelled by him
he was A Risk and A Threat and Would Not Do
so Klaus got his car to be blown up and Elijah ended up with doctor parts sprayed across the highway and no ride to get back home
Klaus got an angry call from his big brother as you lay sniffling in bed next to him, you hand rubbing little circles on his chest as you tried in vain to get him to give into your  (obviously very sexy) self
it didn’t work and you didn’t need vampire hearing to hear the yelling from Elijah on the other end of the phone
Klaus hung up and gave your head a kiss before adjusting the blanket on you and then spooning you in a cuddle
you supposed being sick wasn’t so bad
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idkxwriting · 6 years
Another Love - Part 6
Author: idkhaylijah
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Warnings: cursing 
A/N: Guys! Thanks so much for all the love you showed me yesterday! It meant the world and it made my birthday super special. Also, as always, you’re incredibly patient with me - and this got longer than I anticipated, so there will be another chapter or two.
Catch up here
I’m running out of gifs - Rissy I need you to make me moodboards lol
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“When I suggested we meet for a drink in the middle of the afternoon, I was implying coffee, Damon,” Y/N watched as her friend sipped his bourbon.
Damon let out a breath, side eyeing her. He put his glass down and patted the stool next to him. “Yea, well, it’s been one of those days.”
She sat, signaling the bartender that she’d take the same. “Your brother’s girl?”
“Yup,” Damon said, popping the ‘p’. “What about you?”
Y/N groaned, dropping her head into her arms on the bar. “I slept with Elijah.”
“Shocking,” he said sarcastically.
Y/N sat up and sipped her drink, letting it burn her throat on the way down before it settled heavily in her stomach, warming her belly. “Kol’s home. He almost caught us. Not to mention he’s technically my boss and now it’s ending before it even started.”
Damon held his glass up to hers. “To love. It’s painful, pointless, and overrated.”
“I’ll drink to that,” she clunk her glass to his before chugging it down, wincing at the taste.
“You know what we need?” Damon asked, signaling the bartender to leave the bottle.
She shrugged, resting her head in her hand as Damon topped off her drink.
“We need to get completely wasted and forget all about them. No more Elijah, no more Elena. Let’s just get them both out of our systems.”
“What on earth are we drinking to this early in the day?” Kol sidled up to Y/N, taking her by surprise.
“Kol, hey! You’re here! Damon, it’s Kol.”
Damon nodded, tilting his cup towards him. “Hey man, I’ve heard a lot about you,” he greeted unenthusiastically.
Kol held his hand out to him, shaking politely while sizing him up before turning his attention back to Y/N. “How are you, darling?”
“Good,” she swallowed. “I’m good. Yup, really good, great even. You know me. How are you? Why are you here?” She sputtered nervously.
Kol chuckled at her rambling, eyeing her glass in her hand and feigned offense. “Can I not come see my best friend?”
“It’s just…”
“It’s been a while, I know. I swung by your place and you weren’t there, so I figured I’d check the Grill and here you are.” He took her in for a moment, relieved to be speaking with her. He had missed their friendship, and as difficult as it was to say goodbye and take some space, the distance had done him some good. “The truth is, Y/N, I’ve missed you,” he paused, feeling like he was able to take a deep breath for the first time since he had left.  “And I’m sorry.”
Y/N furrowed her brow. Kol was apologizing to her? The guilt was getting heavier by the second, sitting in her chest, pressing against her bones and weighing down her heart and lungs. “Kol, I should probably tell you…something happened, while you were gone. And I didn’t...I mean, it’s just...”
“She’s seeing someone,” Damon chimed in.
Kol was taken aback for a moment. “Oh...right, well, good for you,” he forced a smile. “Who’s the lucky guy? Anyone I know?”
Y/N swallowed. Her nerves were frazzled, and she instantly regretted attempting to go the honest route. She had thought Damon and the bourbon might give her a little courage, but it had only complicated things more. “The lucky guy? The lucky guy is...well, I’ll tell you,” she was circling the drain.
“I’m the lucky guy,” Damon smiled cockily. Y/N kicked her foot into his shin, sending a subtle warning and sharp pain up his leg. Damon shifted, attempting to relieve the pain, but kept his smile plastered on his face.
Kol narrowed his eyes for a moment, glancing back and forth between the two of them. “Well then, congratulations.” His voice was strained, as if he were trying to sound happy for her. “So how did you two meet?”
“She hit me with her car,” Damon winked at Y/N, turning to put his arm around her.
Kol’s eyes widened as Y/N back pedaled, explaining the situation to Kol but leaving Elijah out of it.
They spent the afternoon catching up, Damon filling in the blanks when Y/N began to stumble nervously over her words. Y/N was simultaneously grateful for him covering for her, and frustrated, knowing they were just digging her in deeper.
They ended the evening with Kol insisting they both spend the evening at the Mikaelsons. Kol was throwing a bonfire to catch up with his friends he hadn’t seen in a while, and Rebekah and Marcel had just returned from their trip.
They said goodbye to Kol, with promises to meet him at the house later that night. The second his car was out of view Y/N turned and smacked Damon’s chest. “What the hell was that?”
“Ow!” Damon grunted. “The way I see it, I saved you back there. In fact, you owe me.”
“You saved me!?” She shouted incredulously. “Damon! Now not only am I lying about Elijah, but I’m lying about you, too! You practically dug my grave for me.”
“You said it yourself,” Damon argued. “You and Elijah are done. Trust me, I’ve been Kol. I just saved him from having his heart ripped out, and I saved you from losing your best friend. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. You’re both better off this way.”
She huffed and stormed past him, slamming her shoulder into his. “You’re driving,” she snapped.
When they arrived at the Mikaelsons everyone was already there, including Caroline, to Y/N’s surprise. She raised her eyebrows at her friend, who shrugged and made a “don’t ask” face. She slid into Klaus’ side, a red solo cup in hand.
The music was loud, and the majority of guests were out back, circling the bonfire and passing drinks. Y/N rolled her eyes at the amount of people Kol considered friends.
She smiled when Rebekah came rushing in the room, her arms wrapping Y/N up in a hug. “God, I’ve missed you, it’s been far too long!”
Y/N returned the hug with enthusiasm. “Bex! I can’t wait to hear all about Paris, tell me everything.”
Rebekah loosened her grip on her friend, a lovesick grin spreading across her face. “It was so romantic. Marcel is just upstairs, he’ll be down shortly.” She glanced over Damon, her disposition changing immediately. “And who is your friend?” She asked stiffly, her eyes scanning him.
“Damon Salvatore,” he held his hand out and Rebekah looked at it, a tight smile gracing her lips.
“The pleasure is all yours, I’m sure,” Rebekah sneered before turning to chat with Klaus and Caroline.
Damon leaned in to speak quietly. “Gotta say, your friends are the warmest bunch I’ve ever met.”
Y/N winced. “Rebekah can be kind of…” she trailed off looking for the right words. “...well, a bitch to be honest, but she grows on you. She just needs to warm up.”
“Yes,” Klaus chimed in as he walked over and leaned in to kiss Y/N on the cheek. “You’ll have to forgive my sister. She has quite the temper. Klaus,” he introduced himself, shaking Damon’s hand and squeezing harder than necessary.
Damon turned his lips up smugly and nodded while Y/N excused herself to speak to Caroline. Damon was about to follow when Klaus placed his hand on his chest, stopping him in place. “Though Rebekah’s temper is nothing compared to my own.”
Damon removed Klaus’ hand. He spotted the bourbon at the bar across the room, and excused himself. If he was going to make it through the evening, he’d need all the help he could get.
“So, what exactly are you doing here, Care?” Y/N asked, her voice shouting over the music..
Caroline raised her eyebrows at her accusingly. “What am I doing? What are you doing? Elijah? Really? And now Damon? What the hell has gotten into you?” She hissed.
Y/N turned on Caroline then, making sure no one could see or hear the words she spoke next. “Care, please. I don’t know what’s going on and frankly, I haven’t had time to even begin to process it. So please, just cut me some slack tonight and keep it to yourself. I’m begging you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. But we are talking about this later. In detail,” she demanded.
“Deal. But for now we are going to circle back around to what are you doing here with Nik?”
She shrugged and glanced at Niklaus. “I don’t know. He just gets to me, ya know? I can’t seem to stay away.”
Y/N snickered. “Maybe you should stop running, then. You ever stop to think maybe you’re drawn to him because he’s the one?”
Caroline scoffed. “Please. Klaus is not the one.” She paused, her face softening as she watched him talk to his sister. He laughed at something she said, his eyes crinkling and smile wide. He caught sight of Caroline and he said something once more to Rebekah, kissing her on the cheek before excusing himself and joining Caroline again.
Y/N grinned and shook her head, wishing her closest friends would stop dancing around this thing they had between them and just go for it. 
“So where are the rest of the Mikaelsons?” She tried to keep her voice casual, but really only wanting to know where Elijah was. She wanted to see him, or maybe avoid him. She wasn’t even sure anymore.
Klaus smiled knowingly at her. “Kol is outside, and Elijah is, well come to think of it I don’t know. I haven’t seen him, love.”
Y/N nodded, and helped herself to a drink. The group mingled, Damon joining them once more, a bourbon in hand. Caroline made sure to include him in conversation, which gave Y/N a chance to slip away unnoticed.
She really should have known - anytime Kol had said the words “small get together” what he was really saying was he was throwing a massive party. The amount of people and the noise had her feeling overwhelmed and searching for some quiet.
And maybe Elijah.
She peeked into the kitchen but there was no sign of him. She wasn’t sure if she felt relief or disappointment. She headed further down the hall figuring she’d freshen up before rejoining her friends. She pushed past the groups of people mingling in the hall, muttering ‘excuse me’s they were too drunk to care about. She was almost to the bathroom when a hand grabbed her, pushing her into the laundry room and shutting the door behind her.
“We need to talk,” Elijah said pressing her into the door.
Y/N felt her senses clouding as they always did when he was near. She knew they needed to talk, but she wasn’t sure she’d survive the evening after he ended things in what was essentially a glorified closet. “I don’t want to talk.”
She tried to leave but he caged her in with his arms. “Y/N what is going on with you?”
She bit her lip. “Elijah, I get it, okay? Kol is home and you’re technically my boss and things are complicated so it’s done. It’s fine, it is what it is. I knew going into it it’d be a one night stand, we don’t have to spell it out, okay? So can I please just go?” It was as if she had opened a floodgate, unable to contain any of her words once they started pouring out.
His chocolate eyes held a pained expression. “Is that what you think this is?”
She shrugged and glanced around as if it were obvious. “Oh come on, Elijah, where did you see this going?” She snapped, her walls going up to keep herself from feeling any more than she already had for him.
His eyes narrowed, the warmth in them fading. He pressed his lips into a thin line and dropped his arms in defeat. “Well then, I guess there’s nothing to discuss,” his voice was cold and definitive as he buttoned his suit jacket, adjusting it to perfection once more.
She stepped out of the laundry room, deciding she’d make her rounds outside, promising herself she wouldn’t cry.
“There you are,” Damon met her in the hall. He tossed a look over Y/N’s shoulder as Elijah stepped out of the laundry room. He rolled his eyes. “Heads up, love birds, you might not want to disappear right in front of everyone if you don’t want to get caught.”
“Damon,” Elijah said dryly. “How wonderful to see you again.”
Y/N walked past both of them without a word. When she joined her friends again, Marcel hugged her. Y/N offered to grab another round of drinks, grateful for a distraction, and Rebekah followed close behind.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Rebekah asked quietly. “You seem upset.”
The only thing worse than trying not to cry was trying not cry while someone asked if you were okay.
“I’m fine.” She flipped her hair off her neck and Rebekah pulled at the edge of Y/N’s shirt.
“Bloody hell, is that a hickey?”
Damon swooped in, once again helping her keep up the facade. “There’s my girl,” he said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He kissed her temple, whispering a reassurance into her hair.
She reached up, holding onto his arm to steady herself. She could feel Elijah’s cold stare on them from the doorway and she tried her best to act naturally, though she was sure she was failing spectacularly.
“I just can’t seem to keep my hands to myself where this one is concerned,” Damon stated smugly. He gave Elijah a cocky grin, egging him on just for fun knowing there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.
Y/N elbowed him discreetly, warning him to take it down a notch, but Damon ignored her. “I’m sure you know how that goes, right?” He taunted him.
Elijah bit down, locking his jaw to keep his mouth shut.
Damon shrugged lazily. “What am I gonna do? I just can’t say no to a beautiful woman,” he wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously at Rebekah, thoroughly enjoying himself.
Rebekah scoffed and walked away, muttering about Damon being a dog.
Y/N wormed her way out from under Damon’s arm, and suggested she needed some fresh air. She stepped out onto the porch and made her way towards the fire in search of Kol.
Elijah watched as she left the room, desperately wishing he could be the one that followed her outside. Instead he kept his legs rooted, not daring to move.
“I don’t know about you, but I could most definitely use another bourbon,” Damon suggested casually as he stood next to Elijah.
Elijah’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Damon, deciding he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of playing into it. “Of course. Forgive me, where are my manners?” He took the glass from the other man’s hand, filling it generously before pouring his own. They sipped on their bourbon in silence.
“Well, this has been pleasantly awkward,” Damon winked. He turned to make his way to the porch when Elijah called after him.
“Damon,” his voice was calm and steady. “Touch her again and I promise you it will be the last thing you ever do,” he smiled politely.
Damon furrowed his brow and squared his jaw before nodding in understanding and dismissing himself.
The evening had been uncomfortable to say the least. Y/N was grateful that Rebekah seemed pretty caught up in Marcel to pay much attention to her, Elijah or Damon. She could feel Caroline studying them, and when she thought she couldn’t take anymore Klaus pulled her attention away. Y/N mouthed a ‘thank you’ at him, to which he responded with a wink.
Elijah on the other hand had hardly looked away from them. So much for being discreet, Y/N thought. She had been sure to look anywhere but his direction, though that didn’t stop the feeling his unwavering stare left. She moved through the crowd, Damon close behind her, but Elijah always seemed to be close by and aware of her. Or maybe it had been the other way around.
Then there was Kol, who had barely said two words to her all night, surrounded by a group of girls she had never seen before, though she thought she might have recognized one as their waitress from the Grill.
“Breathe,” Damon leaned in and whispered.
She let out a stuttered breath. “This was a bad idea,” she groaned.
“There’s no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed awesome ones.”
She snickered quietly.
“Care to share with the rest of the class?” Rebekah interrupted.
“Rebekah,” Marcel tried to reel her in, and Y/N was grateful, but she knew it was useless.
Damon glanced around, and upon Elijah’s stiff look decided he had had enough torture for one evening. He almost felt bad for the guy. “Just commenting on how great the party has been, thank you.” The corners of his mouth lifted to force a smile.
Rebekah studied them for a moment. “I don’t get you two as a couple.”
Marcel knew how difficult meeting the Mikaelsons could be. He loved them all, but being an outsider once before, he felt for Damon. “So, Y/N, how did you and Damon meet?”
Y/N waved her hand at the question. “Oh it’s kind of a boring story.”
Damon chimed in immediately. “Y/N crashed her car into mine,” he said casually.
Y/N cut him off, his words catching the attention and concern of Niklaus. “Obviously everyone is okay,” she muttered. “It’s no big deal. Could someone pass me a drink?” She nodded towards the cooler behind Caroline.
Caroline handed her a beer along with an off handed comment. “I don’t know, with your judgment lately,” she shot Damon a look “it sort of seems like you may have hit your head pretty hard.”
Y/N snatched the bottle out of Caroline’s hands. “My head is fine, Care,” she gritted through her teeth.
“Did you have it looked at?” Kol interrupted, falling into their little circle as he stared Damon down. “Because I agree with Caroline. You seem...off.”
“Brother,” Elijah warned, joining the conversation.
“She does seem off!” Kol defended. “I mean, you’ve been a nervous wreck all night, darling. Your cheeks have been flushed since you got here, and you’ve looked like you’re hanging on by a thread.”
“Like you would know, Kol. You haven’t talked to me all night,” she muttered.
“Perhaps we should give the lovely Y/N a break and discuss something else,” Elijah chimed in, attempting to keep the peace.
He was about to suggest a topic when Rebekah interrupted. “No, as much as I hate to admit when Kol is right, he is. Y/N what is going on with you? Is it a head injury from the car crash?”
Elijah sighed. “It was a mild concussion and some bruised ribs, she’s perfectly fine, now can we please discuss something else.”
“How do you know?” Kol looked between the two of them.
Y/N suddenly wished she hadn’t left Elijah out of her earlier retelling.
“Because I was there,” Elijah said nonchalantly, as if it were common knowledge.
And maybe it should have been, but telling Kol about that first night with Elijah felt like a betrayal to Y/N, even if nothing had happened. “He was passing by and helped me,” she elaborated.
Klaus cleared his throat. “Well, I think that’s my cue to leave. Caroline would you care to join me?” She shook her head and planted her feet, waiting for the drama to unfold. Klaus rolled his eyes, hating that he would be forced to be present as well.
“It’s just that you didn’t mention that earlier today,” Kol continued.
Y/N shifted uncomfortably. “I guess I forgot,” she watched Kol’s eyes for anything, but they gave nothing away. Before he could investigate further, Y/N changed the subject, her eyes narrowing in on a group making their way towards the bonfire. “Did you invite Tyler Lockwood?”
Kol smirked like he was up to something. “Tyler Lockwood can’t resist a good party. And Richard Lockwood can’t resist cleaning up his son’s messes. If they want to play dirty and try to steal the Gilbert account, well then, I’d like to have a little bit of blackmail if we need it,” he winked and went to greet Tyler and his friends.
Damon turned, grabbing Y/N’s arm. “Remember you owe me one,” he hissed.
Y/N watched Kol with Tyler, her eyes narrowing at the two. She chugged what was left of her beer, watching them make their way over to their group. Tyler was followed by Matt and a girl she hadn’t recognized. She briefly reminded her of Katherine, but her features were softer, more approachable.
“Damon, hi,” the girl said, her brown eyes questioning his presence.
He took a swig of his drink, placing his arm around Y/N’s shoulders. “Elena,” he smiled. “Where’s Stefan tonight?”
She shrugged, her hands tucked into her jeans, clearly uncomfortable discussing Stefan in a group setting.
Y/N watched his features soften, the cocky facade falling away. His hand tightened its grip ever so slightly, and she suddenly knew his arm around her wasn’t to make Elena or Elijah jealous, or to make Kol believe they were an item. He was grasping onto anything he could for support, because this girl had broken his heart.
“We broke up, actually,” she finally said, meeting his eyes.
His grip loosened and his blue eyes filled with concern - an ocean of sorrow for the girl he loved.
Y/N grabbed his glass from his hand. “You know what? I’m going to go grab us some refills,” she said. For good measure she decided to throw Damon a bone and leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll be back, babe,” she winked and made her way up to the house.
She was in the kitchen, trying to clean up some of the mess left behind when she felt his presence. Her body was acutely aware of him. It was as if all her nerve endings came to the surface and reached out to him when he was near. She did her best to ignore it, instead focusing on the task at hand.
“So that’s it? Now you’re with Damon Salvatore?” Elijah asked.
Y/N rolled her eyes, not bothering to turn and face him. “Please, I’m not with Damon. He’s got womanizer written all over him, I’m smarter than that.”
Elijah stepped further into the room. “Yet I don’t even get the decency of an actual discussion before you decide you and I are done?”
He was angry, and she understood that, but she couldn’t deal with it right now. Not if she was going to keep up the pretense that nothing had ever happened between them in front of Kol.
“Because if you had bothered discussing things with me, you’d realize I never had any intention of this being a one night stand, or a weekend fling. Don’t cheapen it like that,” he kept his voice harsh but low, stepping even closer to her.
She paused her movements but kept her eyes trained on the bottles and cans in front of her. Afraid that if she looked up and saw anything less than what she felt for him that she’d break.
“Y/N I have worked to keep my distance from you for years, but the moment I kissed you I knew I’d never let you go. At least not without a fight,” he continued.
Y/N met his gaze then, biting her lip.
He crowded her, taking the small bag she had been using to gather up discarded cups from her hands and placing it carefully on the counter. He used his thumb to tug her lip from her teeth, soothing it gently. “Talk to me,” he said softly. “Please, tell me what it is you want me to do. Because I can’t go back, Y/N.”
She swallowed nervously, her chest swelling. “It’s not a one night stand for you?”
He bit back his shy smirk, the ache in his chest subsiding for the first time since she left that morning. “No,” he whispered, placing his hand on the back of her neck. “It’s everything.” He pressed his lips to her cheek, breathing her in and as he pulled back his hushed words danced over her skin. “You are everything.”
She wrapped her arms around him, clutching him tightly, feeling as though she could finally breathe. “So what do we do?”
He sighed into her hair. “I’ll speak to Kol.”
She shook her head. “No, he should hear it from me.”
“He’s my brother, I take full responsibility.”
She released him then so she could look up at him. “Elijah, I love you but Kol isn’t exactly your biggest fan to begin with and that’s precisely why he should hear it from me. He’s less likely to kill me.”
Elijah couldn’t fight the grin that spread across his face. “I’m sorry, could you say that again?”
“I’m less likely to be murdered?”
He shook his head, suppressing his smile. “No, lovely Y/N, the first part.”
Her brows drew together in confusion. “Kol isn’t your biggest fan?”
“No there was something even before that, and I’d very much like to hear it again…”
Y/N thought for a moment, unsure of what he was looking for and played the conversation back in her head. The color drained from her face as she realized what she had said.
Elijah moved his face closer, his lips not even an inch from hers, his hand on her neck.
“Do we have anymore vodka?” Rebekah barged into the kitchen, causing the two of them to jump apart.
Y/N bent down to Kol’s not-so-secret stash and snatched a bottle from the cabinet, handing it to Rebekah.
“Why do you look so happy?” Rebekah asked suspiciously as she studied Elijah’s proud and rare grin.
He shrugged. “Must be the alcohol.” 
Rebekah sighed. “Bloody hell, I’m not drunk enough for this,” she snatched the vodka and made her way back outside.
Before she could be left alone with Elijah and her blurted confession, Y/N agreed, and followed quickly behind.
Kol hadn’t let Tyler out of his sight. He also hadn’t let his cup go unfilled. He cheered on every shot and encouraged every chug. When he was good and drunk, Kol brought up work, trying to dig up any dirt on his father’s company.
“So Lockwood, tell me, do you always try to sniff around like dogs to steal accounts?” He chided. “Or just when business is bad?”
“Please man, you guys aren’t gonna get the Gilbert account. I’ve been friends with Elena and her family for years,” Tyler boasted. “Move on!”
Kol smiled smugly. “Yes, well, that may be true, but it’s best not to mix business with pleasure, don’t you agree?”
Matt shifted uncomfortably as Tyler drunkenly guffawed. “That’s rich coming from a Mikaelson.”
Kol narrowed his eyes. “What is that supposed to mean, Lockwood?” Tyler butt heads with all of the Mikaelsons, his distaste of Niklaus and open hostility towards him (which may or may not have been justified - Klaus had after all, stolen his first love) kept the rest of the siblings on edge around the Lockwoods. Kol was defensive, and the alcohol had him just itching for a fight.
Tyler looked around as if it were obvious. “Come on man, Klaus practically keeps Caroline’s event planning company in business just to stay in her pants…”
“Tyler!” Caroline’s voice carried across the porch, she and Klaus overhearing them as they were headed for more drinks.
Klaus was in front of him before she could stop it, his jaw tight and his shoulders square, daring Tyler to take a punch.
Tyler straightened up, his nose practically touching Klaus’ as he refused to back down. Kol jumped up, ready to hold Klaus back, but his fists clenching, begging for a swing. “Nik, let it go,” he ground his teeth.
“I will make you suffer in ways your pathetic, spoiled little mind couldn’t even imagine,” Klaus growled. Tyler swallowed but he stood his ground.
Y/N saw them and made her way over quickly, knowing nothing good would come out of it. Elijah was right behind her, and as they approached he tucked Y/N behind him, placing his body between hers and the heated exchange. “Niklaus,” he warned.
Klaus stepped back, Caroline pulling on his arm, begging him to leave it. “He’s not worth it,” she said. “He might have been, once,” she shot Tyler a look over her shoulder. “But not anymore.”
Her words were weighted, telling Tyler it was really over, and anger flared up in his chest. “That’s right Klaus, walk away!” He called after him.
Elijah placed his hand firmly on Tyler’s chest. “I believe you may have reached your limit for this evening, Mr. Lockwood. Why don’t we call you an uber?”
Tyler shrugged him off aggressively. “And this one,” he shouted, pointing at Elijah. “...hires his little fuck buddy so he has something to do in the office,” he spat.
“Alright, come on,” Elijah tried to direct him away before he could say anything else, but Tyler looked over his shoulder at Y/N.
“My dad said you were by far his worst employee, but I guess you weren’t fucking him, huh, Y/N? Maybe if you had sucked his dick, too, you’d still have your job.”
Elijah slammed him into the wall. “Enough!” He jabbed his finger into his chest. “Go home, Tyler. You’re done.”
Y/N felt her cheeks burn, and she glanced at Matt who had the decency to at least look ashamed. She wondered briefly if there was anyone he hadn’t told.
“What’s he talking about?” Kol asked her, not bothering to look at his brother.
Matt grabbed Tyler, dragging him away. “Come on, Ty, you’re drunk.”
Elijah straightened his jacket, his eyes on Y/N’s.
“Right, who needs another drink?” Caroline asked enthusiastically, attempting to defuse the situation once Matt had Tyler out of there.
No one moved, all eyes on Y/N when Kol spoke again. “Is it true?”
“Kol,” she started, her voice soft and apologetic.
“Are you fucking my brother?” He asked louder, his voice hard.
Elijah turned to him then, ready to take responsibility for the entire situation, but Kol still didn’t look at him.
Y/N kept her eyes on Kol’s, not saying a word. She didn’t need to. Besides, what would she say? There were no words that would heal what she had just done to him.
She could see it in his face - she shattered his heart.
Kol nodded, his jaw ticking. He looked out towards the bonfire, taking a deep breath, trying to steady himself. The ache in his chest came in sharp, but then it throbbed heavily, letting him know it was settling in. He felt the tears prick his eyes. He shook his head and shuffled his feet trying to keep them at bay. He let go of the pain, making room for anger instead - filling the cracks of the broken pieces inside of him with rage.
“Brother,” Elijah’s voice broke through, and before he could continue Kol rounded on him, his fist connecting with his jaw. Elijah’s stance didn’t falter - he had known the blow was coming. He had deserved it.
His acceptance and calmness only served to make Kol angrier. Kol swung again and Elijah took it, rubbing his jaw.
“Kol!” Y/N shouted.
Kol ignored her, instead drawing his fist back once more, but Elijah had had enough, blocking the punch and grabbing Kol by his shirt. “Enough, brother,” he said through gritted teeth.
Kol lashed out, pushing Elijah back with all his might, but Elijah turned them so Kol hit the wall instead, pinning him there. His eyes were threatening, but Kol didn’t care. He wanted Elijah to fight back.
Y/N wedged her body in between them, using her arms to push them apart, holding Kol against the wall. She stared at Kol for a long moment, who was still shooting daggers at his brother. When she turned and looked at Elijah, her eyes pleading, he nodded at her and stepped back.
She turned her attention back to Kol, who pinned all that rage onto her.
He stepped into her hand, so it was pressing against his chest. “Honestly, Y/N, where do you think this is going to go? You’re better than just another one of Elijah’s office floozies.”
She moved back at that, her eyes giving away the sudden sting she felt.
“Oh come on,” Kol spat. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know? This is what he does. First it was Celeste, then Hayley, then Gia. You’re just another office whore to him.”
Before the first tear rolled down her cheek Elijah had pushed past her, his fist connecting with Kol’s nose. Y/N jumped back, Caroline steadying her.
“Elijah!” She cried, but they both scuffled until Kol was on the ground. Kol struggled to fight back, and got a punch or two in, but Elijah was on top of him, his knees pinning him down. He drew his arm back once more, but Klaus caught it.
“That’s enough, brother. He’s had enough,” Klaus pulled him off of Kol. Elijah’s chest was heaving, but he didn’t fight Klaus. He kept his eyes trained on Kol, and ran the back of his hand against his mouth, wiping away the blood from his lip.
Kol struggled but got to his feet, pinching the bridge of his nose, the blood dripping down his chin to his shirt. He groaned but stood tall, squaring off to face his brother, his rage still simmering.
Y/N looked between the two, her eyes burning. She knew she must be crying, but she ignored it, anger winning out over the hurt.
Nobody said anything for a moment, and Caroline placed her hand on Y/N’s shoulder tentatively, but she shook it off.
Her eyes were full of hurt, disappointment, and shame. Neither of the Mikaelsons were sure which to address first.
“Is that what you think of me?” She finally asked Kol, her voice cracking. “I’m a whore?”
The anger inside of Kol’s chest subsided for a moment as the guilt began to seeth in, but then he saw Elijah move towards her and he hardened his gaze.
She nodded in defeat. She vaguely heard Elijah call out for her, but she kept her head down, her arms crossed over her chest. “Take me home?” She asked Caroline, who nodded and shot an apologetic look to Klaus. Y/N pushed past both men, rubbing at the traitorous tears she so wished would wait until she at least got to the car - Caroline directly on her heels.
to be continued
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
Cuz I Love You/3
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Part 3
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
Kol Mikaelson x reader
and other Mikaelson siblings
TVD/TO AU story - human
a/n: a very fun, light story with the tvd and to lot. Set in New Orleans. Elijah is a paramedic and Elena, Bonnie and Y/N run a boutique hotel in the French Quarter. 
Thanks for reading. Sooo appreciate it xoxo 😘💕
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @captainshurley @cassienoble2000 @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000
Kol's house A week after Elena found out the pregnancy results
Elena walked in the garden and Elijah greeted her warmly.
She smiled a little greeting him back.
"Light the barbecue"- Y/N said to Kol as she saw Elena arrive followed by Bonnie and Kai.
♡ A little flashback
A few days earlier-Rousseau's
"Hey"- Kol said to Elijah as he walked to the bar.
"Hey"- Elijah replied.
"You look down."- Kol continued-"I suppose the interview with the Fire Department didn't go well?!"
"No, that went brilliantly. I got the job."- Elijah said taking a swag of beer.
"It's Elena then."- Kol remarked.
"Yeah. I don't get it. I can see, I can feel that she is interested. Everytime we talk, everytime we- interact- there is this something that holds her back. And it is just killing me. And I thought it is that guy, the actor, Salvatore, she was nice to him, and very familiar. But I saw him kiss Bonnie. And she is not dating anyone. I really don't get it."
"Ok- huh."- Kol looked at his brother seriously now continuing-"there is something- and I am not sure if I heard right."
"You heard what?"- Elijah was weary now.
"Well, I overheard- unintentionally- Y/N was on the phone to Elena a few days ago. And she said something like - you will need more room for the baby- and didn't think any of it. I don't know, but - could Elena be pregnant?"
"If she is then it explains everything."- Elijah said.
"Yeah. And if she really is- what? You will still want to be with her? Not that I am saying it's a bad thing. But, maybe the thing with the baby daddy is not sorted- or - it was a one night stand- not judging."
Elijah took another swag of the beer his mind now working overtime. His feelings intensified for some reason. Kol could see that his brother was in some strange agony.
"I have to talk to her"- Elijah now said resolved.
"You can't"- Kol said-"not in the state you're in. Also, we don't know if it is true. Let me try to get it out of Y/N- or we create a thing where you two can talk. Bex is here for the long weekend with Alexander again, so I thought to do a barbecue thing. Invite everyone."
"Ok. Yeah, that's a great idea."- Elijah said.
Back to the barbecue party
Keelin, a friend of the Mikaelsons now came up to Elena and Elijah and the brunette now passed on the salads their chef Sophie prepared. She then turned to Elijah-
"So, I am happy you got the job you wanted!"
"Thanks. Yeah. Anyway, how are Thierry and Josh doing?"
"Josh is going on a 4-week special course. You've done a great job with him. He learned a lot."
"How are you?"- Elijah then asked.
"Me? Fine. Why?"
"Nothing. I just- asking- small talk."- Elijah said clumsily and wished he bit his lip.
"Small talk?"- Elena found it odd that he said that and as wanted to ask why he was so awkward, Rebekah now came in between them, introducing herself-
"Hi, I am Rebekah, but they call me Bex. So, you're the one who stole Elijah's heart?!"
"Hi- I did -what?"- Elena was looking at Rebekah gobsmacked.
Rebekah was never subtle. One of the things, Elijah really disliked in his sister.
Elena and Elijah exchanged looks saying the following
Elena:Is this really so?
Elijah:"It is so!"
Rebekah smiled cheekily as she now was happy seeing those two lost gulping in their moment, and then added-
"You two are so in love, I don't get why you are wasting time."
"My sister sometimes just - is too much"- Elijah said looking at Elena apologetically.
"It's fine. Don't worry"- Elena said nodding a little and now seeing Y/N wave a little at her, saying sorry, she went to her friend.
Elena's heart jumped wildly as it was so true what Rebekah had just vouced out. In all those weeks he worked at the bar in the hotel, and she got to know him more, she was falling deeper and deeper for him. He crawled under her skin, and it seemed there was no shaking him off.
Flashback A couple weeks ago After work, at the Hotel
Elena walked down from the office to the reception and had a brief talk with Davina about some vip guests. As she finished talking to the receptionist, she then went to the garden to take a moment to herself and have a cup of coffee. Having ordered the coffee, she saw Elijah explaining Josh, the asisstant bartender, how to approach the job, how to improve his demeanour with the guests, encouraging him to do better and take the opportunity to be excellent at his job.
Elena kept listening and looking at them, and her heart felt a sweet kind of warmth. From all the guys she had known and had dated, she had not met one that was such a genuinly good guy.
Later on, she told Bonnie that she wished she had met him before, and that the decision to have a child on her own from an unknown father was not a smart one.
"I think he would be a great dad. The more I get to know him, the more I - picture how things would have been with us- if we dated. Oh, I am going crazy here, I know- imagining things. Building a picture of this great family. Oh, God, I am so pathetic."- Elena said to her friend.
"You're not pathetic"- Bonnie said-"we all have dreams. And picture things in our heads. Dreams are ok. We just need to work to get there."
"But how come, everytime it seems we are on the detour road to this dream thing?"- Elena said-"I have tried to get to have this dream and I am thirty- and -"
"You thought- you can't get everything you want, so you decided to jump and - have part of the dream?!"- Bonnie said referring to her going through the artifical insamination.
"Well, yeah."- Elena said.
Bonnie could see a flicker of sadness shoot out of her friend's eyes. She knew that it was about Elijah.
"I know it is not an ideal thing and you think that he would run a mile - but maybe if you told him about the baby - maybe he would be ok."
"Oh, come on. No. Who would want to date someone who got pregnant- but- oh, let's forget about it all. Anyway, he is soon leaving the job- and I don't have to see him again and I will have too much to do and the baby and getting an apartment." - Elena, as per usual took one step forward and three steps back regarding her and Elijah.
Bonnie sighed, knowing she would not be able to convince her to go talk to Elijah and get it all out. But Bonnie had this to say -
"As long as Y/N is with Kol, Elijah will be around. And she and Kol are so into eachother that I hear wedding bells, even though they are chimming from a far distance"
Elena dismissed everything and went off. Still, her heart didn't stop bumping everytime she saw him or had to interact with him.
Now at the party, this heart of hers was bumping heavily. And the circumstance she was in and Rebekah's words playing on her mind made Elena now want to escape once again. Suddenly she felt faint and she put her hand up her forhead feeling her legs give way and she grabbed Y/N by the arm. Before Y/N could react, Kol, who was near by managed to get Elena before she fell. He knelt down holding Elena and called out to Elijah, who was there in a flash, going into his paramedic mode now checking Elena's pulse, telling Keelin to pass some water over.
Y/N, a bit taken by the moment now blurted out that Elena was pregnant to Elijah and basically everyone present.
Professional as he was, Elijah now took care of Elena by having her first drink water and then got her into the house to lie down. He asked her different medical questions just to make sure if they needed to take her to the hospital.
"I am fine."- Elena sat up after she answered all his questions.
"Ok. This is not unusual. The blood pressure can rise. You have to eat regular and keep hydriated. Let me take the pulse again."- Elijah said.
Her friends, who stood not far were happy and relieved to see that their friend was ok. Bonnie now nudged Y/N to leave them alone, knowing that they had things to discuss as that the news of the pregnancy was out.
And so it was. After a semi-awkward moment as Elijah measured her blood pressure and confirmed that her heart rate was all right, holding Elena's hand in his ruubing it gently with his thumb, he said-
"This is the reason why you - don't want to start anything - with me?"
Elena sighed a little and nodded, tears welling up in her eyes, now saying-
"If we met before- then - everything would have been different."
Elijah nodded in understanding. His heart was in turmoil.
"And the father?"- he asked.
"There is no father- I mean - huh- I had - nevermind" - Elena replied, and added-"Ok. Thank you. Can you tell everyone that I went home." She got up now.
Elijah couldn't believe how at one moment she could pour her heart out, and then the next minute she could shut down like he was some kind of a stranger she had just met. This time he was not accepting her dismissive behaviour, even though in her condition it was not great to make her agitated, but he couldn't control his emotions-
"Why are you doing this? Why do you cut me off - I know this is overwhelming, but I care about you, Elena! A great deal, don't you see?More than just care. I am in love with youx"
Elena, who didn't expect this outburst now stood silent not responding. She looked at him like a lost sheep, not knowing where to turn, what to do. Her emotions were all over the place and she didn't know how to deal with them.
"I am sorry -”- Elijah stepped closer to her, seeing her being on the brink of starting cry. He embraced her warmly now, whispering another apology.
" I didn't mean it to come out this way - I - shouldn't have got so worked up- It was stupid - "
Elena wrapped her arms around his waist burying her head in his chest, warm tears now flooding onto his T-shirt.
Elijah just held her close and rubbed gently with his hands up and down her back for comfort.
Outside, Y/N couldn't help but have a little peep at them. Seeing those two in a hug, she felt happy and pleased, sincerely hoping this now brought them together. She slipped away to report to others.
In the lounge area, Elena now moved out of Elijah's embrace and wiping her tears off said-
"Since that night- at Bonnie's birthday party- I - yeah- started having feelings for you, and - I tried not to. Because, I knew that I might be pregnant. And then, it got confirmed. And - so- yeah. Well, whatever I feel about you, it - doesn't matter. I am having a baby, and I can't srart anything with you or anyone. And it is best if I cut it off- whatever I feel."
"That's it? You have decided for me, too? I should cut my feelings off, just like that"- Elijah said.
"No- it's just- how can this ever work? We've just- kissed once - twice-and - I just- I can't do this. And even if we try and it doesn't work- it would be - terrible- and I just can't take the risk. I have been in too many relationships and they - didn't work. I can't complicate things. Please, understand."
Elijah sighed -"I - understand- but- I just- huh- you made me feel things again and - they are so good. That night, that kiss was magic"
"It was"- Elena said taking a deep breath.
Elijah now moved to her and pulled her gently into a kiss.
Parting a little, Elena gasped breathlessly as pulled away from Elijah. He still held onto her arms, his eyes gleaming at her not hiding his feelings. Elena could not hide hers anymore either, but still the doubt, as well as being burnt so many times, overclouded by all the bad, she slipped-
"I just - I can't risk it. Down the line you can change and it gets tough- I can't. " Elena now moved away from him.
"We will make it work."- Elijah said-"I really meant all I've said. "
"I am sorry. I just can't riak it. I can't."
Elena now went out of the house. Elijah went after her, and all her friends were asking what had happened, but Elena just waved them off without giving anyone any answers.
Both Bonnie and Y/N ran after her friend as she was walking down the road calling a taxi.
"Can you please leave me alone. I don't want to talk."- Elena said.
"I know you are mad at me for telling him, but you fainted and he is a paramedic!"- Y/N said as they eventually made Elena stop.
"I just don't want to - can you just leave me alone."- Elena said.
"Don't shut down"- Bonnie now said-"we are your friends. What did he do? What did he say?"
"Nothing."- Elena said-"he kissed me."
"He kissed you??"- Y/N said-"that's great! Elena, why did you walk away?"
"This is never going to work."
"Why the hell not?"- Y/N yelled.
The taxi pulled in and Elena just waved it off and got into the car. 
As the taxi drove off, Bonnie said-"She shut down again."
"I really don't get it."- Y/N said.
"Hormones."- Bonnie remarked. 
They returned to the Mikaelson house. Bonnie and Kai took off as they didn't feel like partying anymore. Y/N tried to get to Elena, who was not answering.
Elijah, didn't feel like anything, but he stayed on, because of his sister and their guests.
After explaining to Kol what had happened, Y/N  went to talk to Elijah seeing him sitting on the back porch steps of the house.
"Sorry"- Y/N said as she approached him.
"There is nothing you should be sorry for."- Elijah said taking a swag of beer.
"I know, but still. I kind of created the whole situation, as I knew you were into her, and I also knew what she is like. But I thought that - she is into you, too. I know that this sounds crazy after what she just did-" - Y/N explained.
"Someone must have disappointed her real bad?"- Elijah said.
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded.
"Elena was - left on the wedding day. He - I hate to even say his name- he just walked away. Without explanation. Left. And never called. Nothing. That was eight years ago. She was pregnant."
"She lost the baby?"- Elijah concluded.
"Yes. She was two months in. She was going to tell him on the wedding day."- Caroline said."Right. She must have loved him very much?"
"Yeah. They were together since High School. Anyway, she  was an emotional wreck."- Y/N now remembered the incident of Elena sleeping with Damon, but she kept it to herself.
"Elena then dated again, but it was just one disaster after another. I guess now - even though a good thing is right there in front of her, she just - "
Elijah looked at Y/N now thanking her for sharing such painful history of her friend with him. 
"Well, she is one of my best friends. And I see that you are a real good guy, and I just - want the best for both of you."- Y/N said.
"Yeah, I can tell."- Elijah said.
“Everything ok?”- Kol now came up to them. Y/N and him exchanged a look that was saying - let’s hope, cuz Lijah has got it bad.
As Kol was about to say something, Elijah now got up  and waved at his brother meaning -"Later"- and he went into the house.
"I guess, with the whole baby thing, it's complicated."- Kol remarked. 
"Complicated is an under-statement"- Y/N said and gave her loved one a peck-"I don't know how but I think that they are not over by a long shot."
"I don't know. I think he is gone into his brooding mode."
At the hotel, Elena went up to her apartment feeling drained.She laid down on the sofa, closing her eyes. Elijah's kiss was one kiss made of dreams, tasting of marshmellows and cherry pie.
"He is too good to be true."- Elena muttered now rubbing her stomach-"it's just you and me, baby darling. We don't need anybody. Love you so much. You come first."
Doubt, fear, mistakes were too deeply rooted inside Elena, and though her heart would venture out with hope, fear of failure shuts all of it down. Elena now curled up and fell asleep.
At Kol’s House
"Where is Elijah?"- Rebekah asked as Kol  and Y/N joined them.
"He had a call. He went out."- Kol fibbed, and Y/N looked at him surprised. But Kol signalled Y/N that it was best. 
Y/N didn't quite get it, but she went with it.
"It's work."- Kol continued.
"I need a drink."- Y/N said and went to the bar area. She took her phone out and called her friend. But again it went to voicemail.Then she called Bonnie, who told her that the receptionists saw Elena get back to the hotel, instructing everyone not to disturb her that she was tired and will go rest.
"I give up."- Y/N said and hang up returning to Kol.
A little later,Elijah went out. And walked to the French Quarter, to one of his favourite bars, the Rousseau's.
 "Hey"- Gaspar, a friend of Elijah's greeted him-"haven't seen you for a very long time. Well, I guessed why." 
He referred to Hayley and their break up, as this was the bar he would frequent with her. "I am not in the mood for this shit."- Elijah said straight out.
"I won't. What will you have?"
"Beer. And tequila."- Elijah said.Gaspar served him, leaving the tequila bottle on the bar."What are you doing? I didn't ask for the bottle."
"You got that face, and it says woman trouble."- Gaspar said. "Shut up."- Elijah said. He took one shot of tequila and then poured himself another one. 
Only love can hurt like this 
Love is torture
Must have been a deadly kiss
Elijah listened to the song the woman was playing, pouring one tequila shot after another.
"Hey there"- Camille said as she got to the bar seeing Elijah.
"Hey."- Elijah said back.
"Tequila?"- Camille said."Yeah. Want a shot?"
"I don't mind if I do."- Camille said.
Elijah now waved at Gaspar to give his friend a glass. 
In the morning, Camille’s apartment
“Morning”- the blonde said as she now opened his eyes seeing Elijah put his boxers and jeans on-” you were going to slip away without a goodbye kiss”
“Ahm- morning - no - I just - was - sorry - God - I am not like that - and - last night was good - this is all coming out wrong - cuz I am not - “
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Camille now cut him off-
“Hey, it is fine. We are both adults here- relax. It was really good as you said and it’s one of those things - but -if ever you want to repeat it - “
“Yeah -right - ahm- ok - I got to go - so, I will see you.”- Elijah said now picking up his T-shirt and putting it on he gestured a bye to the blonde and went out.
Elijah left Camille's apartment still somewhat hungover, regretting deeply his escapade with Dr O'Connell. And though they both played it cool, brushing this as one of those one- night stands that just happen, he hated himself for letting himself go. He has never been a player, even though he had his share of one-night stands in college. But finishing college, he found that he wanted the real thing. And now, he felt like things are slipping away again.
"Never going to touch a drop again"- he swore to himself as he got into the taxi and drove back home.
Rebekah met him at the door, giving him a piece of her mind about just walking away from the party.
"I thought that you were ok. It's that Elena, isn't? Pregnant with another guy?"
Elijah looked at his sister, his eyes streaming a -what? at her.
"Kol told me that you are into her, but she isn't. Plus she is pregnant. Just forget it."
Elijah didn't want to talk and now waved it off and went to his room, and got straight to the shower.
"You idiot, idiot, idiot!!"- he muttered under the luke-warm stream of water, thinking of the stupid one night stand with Camille.
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eternityunicorn · 5 years
Love Me Apocalyptic: Part Seven
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Author: eternityunicorn 
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Warnings: Violence, Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: AU of an AU - Elijah Mikaelson and Eternity had been lovers centuries ago. Betrayed, he had thought that he would never see her again. However, in present time, she has returned with a purpose, intertwining their paths once more. Elijah hates Eternity for the past, but finds his addiction to her is still as profound as it had been before and he cannot fight it, leaving him in a complicated relationship with his former lady - in an apocalyptic love.
NOTE: OC and original elements are from my up and coming novel series.
AUTHOR’S COMMENTARY: This chapter is also based on TO Season 3, Episode 4, like the last one was.
The party was in full swing, when Elijah arrived with Eternity on his arm. The Davilla Estate was beautiful and bright, full of elegance fit for the oldest society of vampires. The crowds were numerous, all dressed in their finest, with masks covering their faces. Neither the Original or the lady he escorted wore them, choosing to be bold, showing their identities freely.
All eyes fell upon the pair as they moved inside. There were whispers too. Many of the murmurs were in curious regard to Elijah’s status as the Strix founders and as an Original, while there were also vicious ones aimed at the lady beside him. He glanced at her to see her reaction to the attention, but she remained ever calm and unperturbed.
“Someone is quite the big deal around here,” commented Eternity quietly. “Look at the way they all stare.”
“Yes, I am. Though I do not think that all attention is focused on me,” he murmured back, smiling slightly at her.
She nodded, “Aye, true enough. I suppose the appearance of the Strix top enemy would take precedence over the presence of their founding father. I’m sure having me on your arm is winning you all kinds of respect and adoration from these people right now.”
Elijah noted the sarcasm in her voice as they moved toward the bar. “Yes, having the ‘White Goddess’ by my side surely isn’t doing me any favors,” he said, pausing to order a bourbon from the bartender, before turning back to the lady with a sly grin, “It is quite fortunate that I am not looking for approval here. Therefore, I don’t give a damn what these miscreants think of me or my lovely companion.”
He knew he shouldn’t flirt with Eternity, but he couldn’t help it. He knew he was supposed to be angry and hateful toward her, but as of late, he couldn’t bring himself to be either. Perhaps it was all her defenses of his family and himself, as well as her talk with Hayley about her remorse for the past, that had his hostility toward her cooling. 
Eternity noticed it, but said nothing about it. She only smiled and then told him, “You know, I was unaware that the Strix were devised by you, Mr. Mikaelson, and what I know of you, I know that you never intended this lot to be the monstrous plague they have become. So I have been curious to know, just what were your intentions for this elite organization of your sired at their inception?”
“I wanted to assemble minds curious about the world and eager to improve it, along with the time and circumstance to do so,” Elijah replied as he sipped from the glass in his hand. “My desire was to create an elite brotherhood devoted to a new, better civilization. It was naive. Eventually, I was forced to abandon them once I realized I'd cultivated a legion of ego-maniacal sociopaths.”
Eternity gazed at him then with an indescribable look, one he could not decipher in the least. “It wasn’t naive,” she spoke softly, her eyes peering at him, as if she was looking deep into his soul. “You wanted to use your vampirism for the betterment of the world around you, to influence it, to help it grow to be the best it could be. There is nothing wrong with that. It wasn’t an evil pursuit, but a noble one. It wasn’t as though, you were cultivating an army for world domination like Niklaus would and has, for that matter. You were simply trying to make the world a better place, until things went sideways. Even though things did not turn out how you hoped, nobody can fault you for your efforts.”
She gazed at him a moment longer, before breaking it and turning away to face the bar. She was trying to hide her emotions from him by doing so.
He gazed at her contemplatively, her words affecting him, though he tried to shake it away. Then he downed the rest of the amber liquid and held out his hand to Eternity, asking, “Would you like to dance, my lady?”
That got her to look up at him again, as her sapphire eyes darted between his hand and his face a couple of times, before she smiled slightly and accepted his outstretched hand, letting him take her by the hand and move onto the dance floor. He spun her toward him once there and pulled her close, closer than necessary at that, with one hand the small of her back and the other clasping hers still. They began to move across the dance floor in that perfect rhythm that was unique to the two of them. 
He gazed at her and she gazed right back, as the world around them faded and it became just the two of them. Their eyes stayed locked as an intense desire to kiss her began to spark within Elijah, as it always did whenever he was around Eternity it seemed, much to his mild irritation. His face drew closer to hers automatically as they swayed on the dance floor. 
This moment reminded him of the past. They had danced at balls and galas plenty of times together, usually with Niklaus, Rebekah, Kol, and a young, still human Marcel in tow. They had been in love then, happy and carefree, lost in each other so completely that nothing else mattered around them, especially when on the dance floor together. It had been a happy time, one that he had never forgotten, despite...well, everything.
“Elijah?” Eternity called to him.
“Don’t look now, but Marcel is here,” she whispered, looking over across the dance floor. “He’s over there with Aya.”
Elijah’s gaze followed hers and saw with his own eyes, the younger vampire with his former lover. “I should have known,” he said quietly, as he observed them. 
“What? What is it?”
“This isn’t a party. It’s an initiation.”
Eternity looked at him then, “Truly? What does that entail exactly?”
Before Elijah could answer her, a row of caterers with trays of champagne flutes walked into the room and tapped their glasses with butter knives to get the attention of the party. The sound was loud, loud enough to quiet the room. It was then, with this signal, that Tristan de Martel finally showed his weaselly face at the gathering. 
“Distinguished friends, welcome,” Tristan, dressed smartly in a tuxedo like the rest of the men at the party, announced to the crowd. “It's so rare that we're able to come together like this to revel for one night in the company of true equals. Now, I'd like to take a moment to welcome a very special guest - Marcel Gerard.”
Having stopped dancing, Elijah turned and watched the little weasel with Eternity leaning against him as she too watched the events unfold before them. Both watched with a narrowed, mistrusting gazes. 
As the crowd around them clapped as Marcel came forward and offered thanks to the guests, Tristan continued to speak, saying with a smile, “Of course, before we tell Marcel all of our secrets, there's one small piece of business to which we must first attend. We must determine his worth.”
The younger vampire gave a confused frown then, “That's funny. I seem to recall you being the one knocking on my door.”
“You'll notice, Mr. Gerard,” the weasel explained, “that over the course of the evening, someone has managed to take something quite dear to you - your daylight ring.”
Elijah watched as Marcel looked down and found his ring was in fact missing from his hand. The younger vampire looked suddenly worried, which made sense since he didn’t know what to expect. Meanwhile, he felt Eternity tense beside him and he knew she was ready to defend Marcel, to save him from whatever potential dangers Tristan was about to put him in. 
He smoothly wrapped an arm around her waist as an act of comfort, but also to keep her from acting prematurely. All the while, he kept his gaze on Mr. de Martel, waiting to see what was to happen next. 
“The test is quite simple,” Tristan informed Marcel. “First, you need to deduce the identity of the thief. Then, you are simply to take back what is yours. Although, I doubt the prize will be easily relinquished. After all, despite our refinement, we're still a rather violent bunch.”
Elijah saw the younger vampire gulp, but had to give him props since he maintained his composure beyond that little sign of nervousness. 
“In victory, you become one of us,” concluded Tristan. “In failure, you meet your death. You have a few hours until dawn. I wish you the best of luck.”
With that, the challenge was laid out and now there was nothing for Marcel to do, but figure out who had his ring and kill the thief or die, if he failed to figure it out by the end of the party. Everyone else went back to chatting and dancing, while the younger vampire got to work in Tristan’s game of deduction. 
“I should simply kill them all,” growled Eternity quietly. “I will not let Marcel die this night.”
“Easy, Sweet -,” Elijah responded calmly, catching himself before he slipped up in his use of his term of endearment for her...again. “Of course, we won’t let him die, if it came down to it, but give Marcel some credit. He is resourceful and talented. We should have at least a little faith in his capability for success in this challenge.”
Eternity looked at him and then sighed, “I suppose you are right.”
“Come. Let’s get another drink, shall we? I suspect it’s going to be a long evening,” he said, putting a hand on the small of her back in a gentlemanly fashion and guiding her back to the bar.
They stood there together, watching the crowd while Elijah partook in another bourbon. Eternity continued to fret, feeling on edge and quite frankly murderous due to current events. She wanted to act, to slaughter the whole room to save Marcel and he felt a certain level of admiration for the ethereal woman and her protective nature of those she cared about.
In his anger and hurt over her past betrayal, he had forgotten just how fierce she could be when a loved one was threatened. It was killing her not to destroy the Strix in order to save her friend, something he found adorable and admirable equally. 
“I know you said to have faith in Marcel’s abilities, but I remain uncertain,” Eternity murmured to him as she furiously watched the guests dancing. “These vampires are ancient, nearly as ancient as you are. I just cannot see how Marcel clan stand a chance against one of them?”
Before Elijah could respond, Tristan came upon them, answering Eternity, “With guile, courage, perhaps a bit of trickery. Admittedly, it's a long-shot, but then, sometimes the new candidates surprise us.”
Eternity tensed immediately at the sight of the Strix leader, shooting a glaring smile at him.
Having seen this, Tristan turned to address her personally, taking her hand and kissing the back of it as he did, “Ah, Your Majesty. How good it is to see you again. I hope you have been enjoying the party so far. I made sure that my Strix behaved themselves on the off chance that you would be accompanying my sire, as to ensure there wouldn’t be any killings of my people this night. At least, not by your hand.” He grinned at her.
The ethereal woman pulled her hand away from him sharply and smiled venomously at him, “Well, the evening is still young, Mr. de Martel. There might still be death by my hand this night, well behaved Strix or not.”
Tristan’s jaw tightened at her threat and his eyes widened with fear, but it was only for a moment and then he regained his composure. He turned his attention to Elijah, greeting him, “Elijah! When I sent your invitation, I didn't dare think you'd come. Tell me-- as our founder and patriarch, what do you make of our latest candidate?
Elijah’s sarcastically answered, “Well, let me see. Marcel... he’s arrogant. He's stubborn. Prone to self-aggrandizement. He should fit in perfectly!”
“If he survives,” smirked the little weasel.
Eternity growled audibly. 
“I see, Marcel is a friend of yours,” Tristan turned back to her.
“Aye, and you had better hope that he survives your little game, because of he does not,” the immortal queen calmly, but unpleasantly replied. “I will be coming for you and yours in a reign of bloodshed and destruction, not unlike what your little group. It shall be poetic justice, to be sure.”
The Strix leader smiled charmingly at her and held out his hand to her, “I think we might have gotten off on the wrong foot, my dear. Allow me to fix that. May I have this dance, dear lady?”
Eternity looked at Elijah warily and he looked back at her with the same caution. 
“Please, Majesty? It is just one dance,” Tristan urged Eternity, gazing at her with subtle lewdness, then looked at Elijah pointedly, “If it is not an intrusion, of course.”
Elijah and Eternity continued to look at each other for a while longer, before the Original turned to his first aired and faked a polite smile as he said, “By all means, be my guest. So long as the lady accepts, of course.”
In a surprising act, the ethereal beauty reached for Elijah, grabbing the back of his head and pulling his mouth down to hers in a searing kiss, fiery in it’s passion. He recovered from the initial surprise instantly and reciprocated eagerly. The whole display was to demonstrate where her loyalties lie, and not to be outdone, his tongue pried her mouth open and dove inside, plundering the warm cavern, as Eternity pressed herself into him. 
It had been a brief kiss, but in those few seconds, it felt like he was lost forever in her sweetness and the lust she invoked in him. Then she had pulled away quickly, much to his disappointment. She grinned playfully at him and then smugly at Tristan, while taking the little weasel’s still outstretched hand. The other man looked spectacularly uncomfortable and Elijah found it amusing.
Even so, he had to actively keep himself from not letting her go with the other man. He forced himself not to pull her back against him, hold her to him, while he warned off the little weasel in a most base fashion. Successfully not giving into his impulse, he watched as she went with Tristan reluctantly.
As he did, Elijah found that her impromptu kiss had triggered his memories. He recalled the open displays of affection they used to shower unto each other in front of everyone, causing quite the stir of jealous gossip and curious admiration amongst other guests, whenever they were in public.  The level of openness toward public displays of affection with Eternity he had back then was so astoundingly out of character for him that it had prompted many comments from his siblings, particularly Niklaus. 
However, he hadn’t cared about anything other than the woman he had loved in those happy days, having been taken completely by the extraordinary female that he had met by chance - the very one that had changed his life forever, for better or worse. Despite how things had ended, he couldn’t deny that fact. He had certainly never been the same since meeting her. 
In regards to reservations, so inadequate were his typical ones whenever Eternity had been near, he could remember several occasions where he had snuck his lady into the darkest corner of the room and had his wicked way with her right there and then, wherever he could get a semblance of privacy. He had been unable to hold back, lacking total control over himself and his desires for the ethereal beauty he had claimed for his own. It had been frighteningly and beautifully extraordinary. 
Thinking further, because of this intense passion he had for Eternity, both past and present, he could recall how possessive and jealous he could be whenever another dared to flirt with her, which did happen quite often. After all, the lady had this strange ability to turn all heads toward her, some out of innocent curiosity and others out of pure lust. Elijah remembered one such incident where his lady had to hold him back, had to calm his instinctual rage at the offending gentleman, whom had dared to make a pass at his woman. 
Of course he hadn’t lost control in the way Niklaus would have, in that loud and obnoxious way of his. No, as always, Elijah’s rage had been quiet and deadly calm, which in many cases was far more terrifying. 
As he watched Tristan dance with Eternity, whispering to her quietly in such close proximity, he began to feel that possessive, cool rage boil up in him. He hated it, but wasn’t in any position to say or do anything. Despite their fiery...encounters as of late, he had no claim to her. Not now. It wasn’t like before, where she had belonged to him, where there hadn’t been any rifts that kept them apart. 
Though his anger and hostility had begun to cool toward the ethereal woman, Elijah was still hesitant in giving in to his softer feelings for her, the ones that were still as prevalent as they had been before, as it turned out. He simply hadn’t any proof that Eternity wouldn’t act against his family again, if things went sideways, which was likely, given his family’s wrap sheet for violence and mayhem.
It was probably best to keep her at a distance, truth be told, he thought with what he claimed was certainty. Then her earlier kiss flashed through his mind and her conversation with Hayley echoed through his ears, and he was left feeling uncertain all over again. 
It seemed he couldn’t hate her anymore, he concluded, as he watched Eternity part from Tristan and began to walk back to him. He could no longer punish her for the past. It was time to forgive her. But what then, he had to wonder. Could he truly cease to doubt her? Could he trust her? Could he let her go, if not? Could he truly let her walk away after all this family drama was dealt with? To that end, she was here now, but what about after the storm? Would she still be there? Would she want to stay, if he asked her to?
She won’t, if you don’t make your feelings clear to her, his inner voice reasoned. 
Realizing where his mind had lead him to, Elijah snapped out of that dangerous train of thought, just as Eternity came to stand beside him with a scowl upon her childlike face. She reached for his glass of bourbon he had sitting on the bar and downed the entire thing in one go, before slamming it down dramatically.
“I’m going to kill him,” she growled quietly. 
Elijah couldn’t help but grin, “Yes, Tristan has that effect on people. What did the little weasel have to say?”
“He tried to recruit me,” she replied with disgust evident upon her features. “More or less, anyway. He said he wanted to call a truce, said the Strix would worship me like the goddess that I am, if I blessed them with my protection. In return, his people would cease their destructive behaviors toward the human populous. He’s lying, of course. They’ll never stop, but he wanted me to believe that they would, just so he could have a powerful friend in a high place, like his sire.” She flashed Elijah a small smirk, before growing disgusted again. “I should tear him apart for ever thinking I could be persuaded to join these vile miscreants. In fact, I just might.”
Elijah moved closer to her and bent down so that he could whisper in her ear, “Perhaps having Tristan put out of our collective misery first, wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Have you gathered all the useful information you needed from his twisted little mind?”
He heard her breath hitched at how close he was and he detected the little pleasurable shiver that ran through her as he spoke to her, causing him to smirk to himself. She nodded without looking at him, “Aye. I have.”
“Good. Now we simply wait for the right moment,” he said, after which he pulled away, but not before he noticed her look of slight disappointment. 
He chuckled a little, though he tried to contain it.
Perfect, he thought, as he turned his attention back to the crowd. He felt a bit of relief, knowing it wouldn’t be long now, before the first of the potential threats would be dealt with. Then it would be onto the next.
To Be Continued....
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