#( so that's why a lot of her lyrics are more on the positive side )
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kamipyre · 2 years ago
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i. beyond the boundary – minori chihara. solitude soaks, and soaks my cheeks,but the presence of dawn quietly rises, / inviting me up, into the sky. / hope awaits me in the distance, that's right - i'm on my way! 
ii. souvenir – bump of chicken.  placing a ribbon on each of the scenes my eyes picked out / i continue on my way home, collecting them like souvenirs / the seasons greeted me and i even picked up a few tears / how should I begin to describe this way home you’ve given me?
iii. tsuki to taiyou dake – kiro akiyama. constantly feel the changing seasons / even if you don’t like it, it will flow even though you can’t move yet / today is already blurred with indelible feelings / words that we can’t say show a little bud
iv. hello, world! – bump of chicken. surrounded by a world painted with the colors I chose, / i wonder where the meaning is in the wounds i can’t choose / thinking i’m the only hero, constantly standing on stage / in the center of the world until it’s over / what can i do? i can’t even pretend i’m empty inside / hello, greetings, i’m right here
v. daisy – stereo dive foundation. to overwrite the accumulated sins, / you've got as many times as you need, from the repeating start line. / painting a tomorrow different from the past, / painting hope for just the two of us, there's the start line.
dragged in by: @bloodxhound :'D /  tagging: @rippleofwords @velvetineblue @jeoseungsaja ( hyuk!! or who ever you use music for Inspo for most for :D ) @mythvoiced ( for....odyessus?? ) @uroborosymphony ( I'd say Quinn but choose whoever you use music the most for for inspo &lt;3 ) @eternasci and you!! bc I think cyan probably tagged everyone else I know <3
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novy2sirius · 7 months ago
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trigger warning: mental health issues, pedophilia, killing, physical health issues ☘️
this is just a random post abt things ppl with these placements could experience ☘️
these r only abt isolated placements so take it with a grain of salt bc the whole chart matters ☘️
a lot of these r experiences i’ve heard from my friends and ppl who’ve purchased readings from me directly ☘️
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☿ mercury in 1h core
being diagnosed with more mental illnesses than u can count, being very intelligent which leads u to be anxious just by existing bc of all ur knowledge, saying things u don’t mean cuz u were angry, being told u have a youthful face, knowing a bunch of random facts abt things and telling ppl and them asking why tf u know that or care, hyper-fixating on things u can’t control, getting internet hate by simply existing, getting dmed sexual stuff by random weird dudes trying to prey on u (especially when ur younger), getting nauseous bc ur anxiety is so bad (especially before school), having sexy hands, skipping school to be on ur phone all day and do nothing, asking way too many questions bc of ur curiosity abt everything and annoying ppl (especially as a kid), giving ur opinion when no one asked for it, being told u could be a good rapper/singer, being rly good at flirting bc of ur charm, cussing a lot
☿ mercury in 2h core
being obsessed with mukbang/eating videos and then making urself rly hungry and being frustrated bc u can’t have the food they’re eating in the video, valuing ur own opinions more than others, not answering texts or calls bc ur too lazy to but then liking those same ppls posts on instagram, saying “um” too much or having a lot of pauses in between words bc ur a slow thinker, talking to ur toys as a kid when u were lonely, getting all ur food recipes from pinterest, buying online gift cards for ppl instead of putting effort into an actual gift/on the flip side if ur a more creative person putting a lot of thought into gifts, being good at making things from scratch, being more wealthy in online games than in real life, being obsessed w the papa’s food games on cool math as a kid, holding grudges against ppl who kill u on roblox, liking scents that smell like food or scents that make u smell rich/boujee, always making money, making money online
☿ mercury in 3h core
double texting bc u have sm to say and will forget abt it if u don’t type it immediately, being able to get lots of followers on social media, being gossiped abt online, being a huge reader, enjoying hearing abt other ppls drama but not wanting to be in any, having a child-like energy (this can be in a positive or negative way depending on what vibration ur at in life), saying childish things in arguments when ur at a lower vibration (example: meh meh meh :p), drama following u wherever u go, aging well, being obsessed with sims, not believing things unless there’s very good reasoning to back them up, being able to communicate well, being a talented writer, forming all ur opinions from ur older siblings (if u have any), math or literature being ur favorite subject, being a good driver, enjoying traveling but not for too long bc u get tired quickly of it, being charming af, being witty and quickly thinking of good jokes
☿ mercury in 4h core
posting all ur feelings on social media or going thru that emo phase in middle school where u would post those sad lyric vids on ur snapchat, ur family gossiping abt u a lot and u overhearing it in the next room, having a super low pain tolerance, enjoying watching self care vids, getting baby fever after seeing tiktoks of cute babies, being a rly good person to come to if someone needs a comfort person, living in an rv/camper at some point in ur life, telling ur mom everything and her giving u advice abt certain situations but then u don’t listen and she ends up being right abt the whole thing, coming to ur mom for advice on everything in general, ur mom being more childish than u, being able to write stories that readers rly emotionally relate to a lot, ur mom having videos of u still up on her facebook from when u were little that still haunt u to this day
☿ mercury in 5h core
being creative as hell, being a natural performer, having a fun childlike energy, being a huge risk taker and thrill seeker, being a talented actor, being rly good at video games and possibly becoming famous from playing them, living for the drama but not wanting to be a part of it, downloading tinder and not knowing y u don’t just delete it, being sassy, being told ur trying to hard to be the main character but u literally r the main character and can’t help that, not having ur first love until ur an adult and only experiencing puppy love in ur youth, going to a bunch of concerts, being turned on by wattpad stories and feeling like a whore bc of it, flirting w ppl online and then being scared to say anything to them in person when u see each other, being a good driver
☿ mercury in 6h core
ppl saying u come off super innocent (even if ur not), constantly doing things for others even when they don’t give the same energy in return, being obsessed with improving ur health or with videos online abt being healthy/fit, feeling awful before going to school bc it gives u horrible anxiety and makes u feel like ur gonna puke, thinking ur gonna get a stroke every time u have a normal headache (and being a hypochondriac in general), not functioning without consistency in ur life, having an entire pinterest board of cute animals, being good with animals, being obsessed w ur hygiene and feeling nasty when u don’t shower everyday, weirdly loving medical shows such as greys anatomy, having a lot of stomach issues
☿ mercury in 7h core
convincing ppl to do things with ur charm, wanting to tell ppl something and be honest with them but being too scared bc u don’t want them to hate u and r constantly afraid u’ll hurt them, copying ur romantic partners slang/ur partners copying urs, meeting lovers online, dating or marrying gemini/virgo placements, having age gaps in ur relationships, getting into a lot of conflicts online, ur ex partner/ex best friends posting abt u and subbing u (not saying ur name directly but talking abt u) online after u have a fallout, flirting with ppl on club penguin or roblox when u were younger, changing ur opinions easily based on what ur partner or close friends think, dating ppl when ur too young to even drive, posting a lot abt ur relationship online
☿ mercury in 8h core
analyzing ppl well and understanding them before anyone else does, ppl randomly telling u their deepest darkest secrets when u didn’t even ask, being interested in the way ppls minds work which leads u to become obsessed w books abt psychology/astrology/tarot/etc, starting to masturbate from a rly young age that’s almost concerning, having a lot of mental health issues bc of ur childhood trauma, using dark humor as a way to cope with ur trauma, not realizing how much trauma u’ve went thru until someone verbally tells u that u’ve been thru a lot (usually a therapist), being a tomboy as a kid, being obsessed with true crime, being told ur mysterious, saying out of pocket shit that has high shock value, being stalked online
☿ mercury in 9h core
having a more optimistic mindset than everyone around u, enjoying traveling a lot, wanting to leave ur hometown as soon as possible, driving when traveling instead of taking a plane cuz u don’t wanna pay for the flight, majoring in communications or something involving technology or literature, having an interest in other cultures more than ur own, coming off as intelligent bc of the way u talk and ur mannerisms, being told that u could be a good lawyer from a young age, being a good interviewer, knowing multiple languages, having logical ethics, being a comedian, being an amazing story teller
☿ mercury in 10h core
trying to keep ur daily life private and ppl still getting in ur business, being able to influence the public easily bc they seem to care a lot abt what u say, being famous on social media, being a famous singer, rumors being spread abt u to the public, having a talent for teaching others, having goals that u set as a kid that u feel u must fulfill, having a career involving cars, having a career involving technology, having a career involving writing/literature, being seen as someone who’s intelligent (especially in ur workplace), having dad humor, coming off as a know it all (10h is associated with experts and mercury is the thinking/the mind), being known for ur humor and how funny u r, playing online games that involve having a job such as papa’s freezeria
☿ mercury in 11h core
having random bursts of creative ideas and doing crazy stuff like writing an entire movie and then literally forgetting abt it the next day, ur best friends being ur siblings, having the most random thought processes, being able to make friends easily, having lots of online friends, being clumsy as hell, having a fan page/editing page when u were younger, being known as “the weird kid” in school (this doesn’t mean it’s always in a bad way tho it can mean in a unique/fun way), being popular online, having unique mannerisms, having a unique voice/unique speech patterns, being a good rapper, being dragged into online drama, cussing a lot, saying random things out of nowhere like ice bear from we bare bears, having a lot of ideas that r unique bc u think outside of the box, having unique perceptions, constantly changing ur mind abt things
☿ mercury in 12h core
speaking/writing things into existence with minimal effort, being obsessed with the feeling of nostalgia and making urself feel it then regretting it bc it hurts, ppl interrupting u and talking over u a lot, ppl ignoring what ur saying and making u feel like a ghost, having a huge interest in spiritual things, manipulating and lying a lot when at a lower vibration, being bullied (especially as a kid/in school), feeling lonely even when ur literally socializing or at a social function, having an astrology account, having more online friends than friend’s in person, daydreaming a lot in social settings (and in general), gaslighting ppl when at a lower vibration, being able to speak to the dead thru ur dreams, hearing ppl talking when ur half asleep, sleep walking, being sensitive to things ppl say but trying to hide it, healing ppl through ur words, hiding ur true thoughts abt someone, hiding ur true intentions, having strong emotional intelligence when at a high vibration, easily figuring out what someone’s feeling, being able to do rly good impressions
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beomqu · 20 days ago
You wanted this, right? | Lee Jeno
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╰┈➤ pairings! : toxic ex!jeno x reader (jaemin x reader)
warnings! : making out, jealousy, rough sex, spanking, jeno loves your ass, mating press, jeno is a manipulator piece of shit
synopsis! : you tried to make him jealous, the need to prove he no longer has a hold on you, but jeno refuses to let go. no matter how hard you try to move on, he pulls you right back in. and the worst part? you don't really want to escape.
wc! : 2.5k
He wanted to get under your skin and he succeeded, but he had no idea you weren't going to back down, not without a fight. Fine. Two can play this game.
From that moment on, your only mission was to make Jeno regret everything, and you just knew the way. The best way to mess with him is through his jealousy issues and you're ready to play that card. Jaemin was at the party too, you knew because ever since the "break" he'd been texting you, filling the empty space Jeno left behind.
Supposedly it was a break, but judging by the way Jeno was making out with some girl, her blonde locks tangled between his fingers as she sucked bruises into his neck you figured you'd gotten your answer. If Jeno could move on so easily why couldn't you? Jaemin could be a lot of fun for you tonight.
The people dancing and jumping around made it hard to pass between them, but getting to the bar was main priority. Getting drunk was step one in your plan. Only problem was that Jeno and his company were stationed there. He would definitely see you.
Not ideal, at least, not yet. Not without Jaemin.
"Tequila," you ordered your drink, voice stern. A tequila is the way to start out.
While the guy was pouring your drink out Jeno noticed you just as he leaned in for another sloppy kiss with the girl pressed up against the wall beneath him. Only this time he didn't close his eyes and when the position let it he maintained eye contact. His lips moved skillfully, his arms caged her in, palms braced against the wall on either side of her head while her hands clung to his chest and neck.
You could almost feel him against your own lips, getting reminded of how he used to hold you and kiss you just like that. But the only thing you craved right now was the bitter taste of tequila, so when it was ready, you drank it and walked away from him without sparing him another glance.
Getting tequila drunk is the real party drunk. You can feel the bass in your veins, all you want to do is dance and scream the lyrics to the music. A few more shots warming up your system got you just there.
You quickly got a couple of shots in your system with the help of Jaemin and Jeno's other friends. All of them started off with the topic of your and Jeno's break, asking how you felt, if you were okay. But the way they invited you to many drinks, the way their touch lingered on you for a second too long told you all you had to know. They weren't mourning Jeno's relationship, it looks like.
Jaemin soon took all of your attention, any little thought of Jeno vanishing the more you looked into his pretty eyes, the more his hands gripped onto your waist. You couldn't restrain yourself, with your hand wrapped around him you pulled him close enough to kiss his neck. You exhaled against his skin, peppering the side of his neck with wet kisses, his collarbones, and any part of his skin you could reach with your mouth.
"Come on pretty," he murmured, voice thick with amusement, "My lips are up here."You haven't kissed anyone but Jeno in years. You hesitated.
"What's wrong?" he raised his eyebrow with a soft smile, "Need some help?" his finger brushed under your chin, tilting your face up to his.
Jeno easily made out with someone else and you're hesitating about kissing Jaemin. It's pathetic how it was hard for you to do the same, you can't let him win.
With the determination to win, you leaned in capturing Jaemin's lips between yours. He let out a low exhale as he eased into you, his hands sliding down to grip your ass. The warmth of his tongue, the way he melted into you, it was intoxicating.
The hunger, the rush of need felt with Jaemin had long been absent with Jeno. The kiss felt electric, your whole body easing into his, letting his hands roam around your body, his touch mapping out places that had gone untouched for far too long.
As you pulled back Jaemin looked dazed, captivated. His eye locked onto you like he couldn't look away from you, not even if he wanted to. You reveled in the way he craved you, showing you he wanted you.
You danced, body moving with the rhythm of the music, Jaemin's fingers intertwined with yours as he spun you around, laughter escaping your lips as he guided you back against him, your back flush against his chest. You continued to dance, grinding on him with the help of his hand guiding your hips. You reached back, fingers threading through his hair, pulling down for another sloppy kiss, tongue sliding into your mouth. Jaemin groaned into the kiss, his hands exploring your body. But you weren't the only one caught up in the moment.
You could feel Jeno watching.
His gaze was heavy, burning a hole through your body, watching how you moved against Jaemin. He mirrored your movements with the girl against him, his strong hands holding her, pulling her close but his eyes? They were locked onto your every move.
The girl ground against him, spun in his arms, even guided Jeno's hand on her chest but it wasn't enough. She couldn't hold his attention the way you could.Your pride pushed you further, you had to show Jeno he doesn't matter to you anymore.
You leaned up, lips brushing against Jaemin's ear.
"I want you, Jaemin." you whispered, voice laced with lust, "Need you so bad." his breath hitched as your nails dug into his skin.
Jaemin chuckled, the sound sweet but dark, "You asked so nicely, Angel. How could I ever say no to you?" his voice dripped with something sinful, but it was the way his finger slipped under the hem of your dress that sent a shiver down your spine.
"I'll get us something to drink and then we can find a quieter place?" he spoke against your shoulder, pressing a soft, teasing kiss on your tender skin before your hands slipped out of his grip.
And just like that, you were alone.
Alone except for the pair of eyes which still lingered on you, only this time closer than before.
"Enjoying the party?" Jeno spoke through gritted teeth, towering over you as he looked down into your eyes with a piercing gaze.
"Are you not?" you shot back, look unwavering.
"Not anymore."
"Oh? So now I'm bothering you? Don't you have something better to do?" you turned, ready to walk away. He wasn't about to ruin your night, not when Jaemin showed you what it was like to be wanted unlike him.
"No, I don't."
He reached for your hand, stopping you in your tracks, his hold was firm, almost desperate. "You know there's nothing better than you."
You scoffed, "That didn't seem like it five minutes ago when you had your tongue down someone else's throat." He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, "She's not a better kisser than you," Jeno spoke with a low voice, lips inching closer to yours, "And I know Jaemin is not better than me."
As much as you wanted him to be wrong, he didn't lie. You should have fought back, pushed him away, and screamed at him to fuck off, but you didn't. Instead, you melted into him.
Your arms sneaked around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Just for a moment, you felt whole with him, his touch, his lips, even when you knew you shouldn't. His lips moved like they always belonged against yours, like they never left.
Jeno has way too much power over you, you shouldn't crave his touch and shouldn't have ever let him control you like this.
But God you wanted him.
He pulled back, and you thought you were dreaming, that he was never actually here, and you felt your world shatter again, until you felt a pull at your hand. Jeno's warm hand held yours like they used to, guiding you away from the crowd, up the stairs where there were less people. He didn't stop until he found an unoccupied room, locking the door behind you.
"Jeno-" His strong hand grabbed under your thigh, lifting you over his shoulder with ease, drawing a surprised yelp out of you. On the way to the bed he couldn't resist, he slapped your ass with his free hand and harshly bit down on your skin.
"Quiet." he shut you up before you could make a sound, throwing you on the bed. He didn't leave you a second to move he flipped you over and lifted your dress higher until your ass was on full display for him. Jeno's hand roughly threaded the skin on your butt before he kneeled down in front of the bed to press wet kisses over the faded red mark that his hand had left there.
All your attention was focused on him, not noticing as his hand quickly slipped your panties off you, only gasping as you felt his warm, wet tongue on your hole.
You sighed loudly, toes curling at the feeling. You whimpered out his name, his hand moving to spank you again before diving back between your cheeks.
With one finger he collected your dripping arousal before fucking it back into you, his digit curling inside of your tight pussy.
His mouth was occupied, but you wished he would talk to you. Wish he would say anything, apologize to you or just make you feel loved after leaving you for weeks with zero contact. But you didn't have enough willpower to confront him, not when he fingered you so good.
Before you could feel the knot in your tummy build up he stood up, leaving your wet pussy empty and unattended.
"Please Jeno..." he left your mind foggy, that was all you could whimper out.
He let out a low chuckle, "You want me to fuck you so bad it makes you look stupid." he was right, you were his dumb little toy. All it took him was a couple of words, and you threw yourself at him.
If you had more pride, you wouldn't be in this position, but instead, you gripped the sheets when you heard him unbuckle his belt.
"My stupid little girl." his voice was soothing and soft as he spread your cheeks, his tip lingering at your entrance. You bit your lips in anticipation and closed your eyes wanting to focus on him completely.
His cock slowly entered you, filling you up halfway through already, but he didn't stop until your hips were flush against his. Your eyes rolled back, and pained whimpers escaped your lips while you got used to his size again after weeks of not feeling him.
"Fuck, you're so big," you blurted out before you clenched your jaw, a shaky breath leaving through your nose.
You reached behind you and grabbed his thigh to stop him from moving, but he pushed your hand away. The bed squeaked as he put his right leg up on the wooden frame, both his hands roughly grabbing your hips, his weight pressing you into the mattress. The position made it easier for him to thrust into you and fuck you so hard it made your skin red.
"S-slow down," you begged while Jeno fucked you, moves coordinated and rough. He didn't listen, your words might have only encouraged him.
The tip of his dick hit your tight walls right where you needed it the most while his heavy thrusts created a contrast. It hurt so good.
"You thought you could get away with flirting with my friends, hmm?" one of Jeno's hand slipped from your waist to your head, pushing it into the mattress. Your moans became muffled by the sheets each time his dick hit your spot.
You couldn't reply even if you wanted to.
"Kissing with Jaemin right in front of me? What have you become? You're a slut now?"
"Answer me, Baby." a pained hiss escaped you as he took hold of your hair and pulled you up slightly, forcing you to arch your back.
You grabbed over his hand, hoping he would loosen his grip, "I only want you."
All you could hear from him was heavy breathing, he didn't let out another sound. The sound of skin slapping took over the whole room only a faint sound of music infiltrated through the closed door.
He let go of your hair, your head fell back into the mattress. As you looked behind you, Jeno's lips were pursed as if he was actively trying to keep in his noises. His neck glistened from the sweat, skin decorated with purple bruises that he got not even an hour ago. With each thrust, his moves became clumsy and desperate, you knew he was getting closer and so were you.
He leaned over you to angle his hips, making you almost scream as he hit your spots over and over, pleasure taking over your whole body. All you could do was close your eyes and take everything he's giving you.
"Oh god..." tears swell in your eyes, but he didn't stop.
"Fuck," he held his breath, selfishly chasing his own high, only using you for his pleasure.
You couldn't even warn him, the band in your tummy tightened and finally snapped, and you came all over his cock.
Your legs began to shake from overstimulation, still Jeno showed no signs if stopping yet.
"Fuck, Jeno..." he couldn't hold in his groans anymore, he thrust inside you a few more times before pulling you against himself and burying his dick deep inside of you. His muscles tensed up as he came inside you, filling you up completely. Jeno took a few moments to himself before he pulled out and collapsed on top of you.
A shiver ran down your spine as his cold finger traced your arm, his hold tightening around you. The air was thick, with everything left unsaid, both of you needing a moment to breathe before facing the inevitable.
"Baby," Jeno whispered softly, his voice almost hesitant, "I don't like seeing you with other men."
You let out a heavy sigh, too drained to argue with him, "I don't like seeing you kiss other girls either, but you broke up with me."
"I know." his grip on you tightened, his lips finding the spots he'd been rough with earlier, pressing gentle, remorseful kisses to your skin.
"I'm sorry, I want to be a better boyfriend for you."
"I love you."
Did he mean it? You weren't sure. But you loved him. And right now that was all that mattered.
You can't resist him, not even Jaemin can have your attention the way Jeno does.
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xoluvx · 7 months ago
kiss it, bite it; b.eilish
love the anon who requested this one 💚
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"Is it gayer than lunch?" You glanced at Billie who was blushing profusely. She laughed and placed her hand on your thigh. She still hadn't answered your question. In fact, she'd been avoiding it for weeks. You knew she was working with Charli, but she hadn't uttered a single word about her verse.
"Nod if that's a yes," you didn't take your eyes off her. She simply hung her hand over the steering wheel, smiled goofily, and squeezed your thigh before shaking it.
She wasn't going to fold.
When you finally got to set, Billie held your hand as you walked together. The curiosity was eating at you, you couldn't stop biting on your bottom lip.
"Why are you so nervous?" Billie asked turning to look at you. She tugged at your chin so you'd stop biting your lip. When she noticed the indentations of your teeth, she rubbed your lip gently trying to get the blood flowing. Your blood was flowing alright. She'd mentioned a mountain of underwear on the car ride. Let that sink in: a mountain of underwear.
"I'm not nervous," you buried your face into her arm and she chuckled placing a hand behind your head, kissing the top of it.
And you weren't nervous. But what you should've been was prepared because you were currently standing to the side listening to the track, watching your girlfriend voice words that were making you extremely flustered and what was she saying about pulling them to the side and getting all up in it?
Were you hearing that correctly? You tried to stifle a cough thanks to almost choking on your saliva. You fanned your face with your hand. Was the temperature rising? Good god that's why she didn't want you to hear her verse beforehand.
That little -
"Cut," Billie stepped behind the viewfinder looking at the playback. She pointed at something, her voice was low as you tried collecting yourself. Or maybe you were still processing the lyrics. All you know is that you jumped a little when she came to your side, startled.
"You okay?" she teased brushing your cheek, tilting her head and feigning innocence as if she hadn't just told everyone the type of underwear she very proudly bought for you.
"It's gayer than lunch," you whispered, your voice trailing off as you stared into the distance. Frozen once again. The lyrics ran through your head like a complicated mathematical equation.
Billie's laugh brought you back to earth and you turned to look at her, mouth open waiting for an explanation.
"What?" she shrugged.
"That lacy black pair with the little bows?" you raised your brow pursing your lips. Still waiting.
"The ones I picked out for you in Tokyo," she whispered booping your nose before grabbing your hips. You groaned hearing it come directly from her mouth. This woman was painting all sorts of pictures in your mind and you were not in the position to act on them.
You looked at her with big eyes, your lip tucked under your teeth again. Billie noticed the change in your breathing and dug her fingers into your hips pulling you closer.
"Don't you have to get back?" you asked noticing the way your voice dipped low, your eyes dropping to her lips as she licked them.
"We need to do a few more takes and we’re waiting for Charli," Billie replied pushing her pelvis against your body urging you to groan again, your hands now gripping her arms.
"How long-" you asked fluttering your lashes unable to control the urge to kiss her right here, right now. To get down on your knees for her.
"Come," she whispered, squeezing your ass before taking your hand. Oh, you intended to.
She glanced at her surroundings before dragging you to an empty part of the set. A house of sorts. Maybe this is where they were filming next. Your thoughts were interrupted when her hands found your hips, fingers digging into your jeans, lips fervently trapping yours in a kiss.
If you weren't so fucking horny right now you'd be a lot more cautious about where you were, but her lips were tracing your jaw and her fingers were unbuttoning your jeans. You breathed a sigh of relief when she cupped your pussy. You had a time constraint and you both knew it.
Billie smiled against your neck, her tongue rotating on your skin before devouring. Her finger pushed your underwear to the side, running a finger between your folds. You moaned wrapping your arms tighter around her neck until you felt her finger enter your pussy.
"Oh my god," you hummed tossing your head back giving her ample access to your neck. Her tongue ran along your throat and under your chin before finding your lips again. They messily joined in a battle for dominance, tongues tussling. Your hands losing themselves in her hair.
Two fingers deep and you moved your hips, grinding against her hand as your whimpers fueled Billie's fire.
"Fuck, hold on" Billie whispered. Her voice hoarse. She removed her fingers and you whined in response. She tugged at your jeans bringing them down. You kicked them off as she slipped off your underwear placing them in her back pocket.
She pushed you against the wall. Through hooded eyelids, you watched as she got on her knees. Your lip found its favorite place, tucked between your teeth as she raised your leg groaning at the sight of your wet pussy.
The previous two fingers that'd inhabited your pussy found their way home and you arched your back pushing your back off the wall as her tongue joined the reunion.
The flat of her tongue pressed on your clit as her fingers moved steadily, filling you so gloriously. You could no longer stifle your moans when her tongue started to rotate on your clit. It moved with purpose. Up and down. Side to side. Until you were putty in her hands.
Your hands fisted her hair pushing her face closer to your cunt as the pace of her fingers increased. She was knuckles deep in your pussy when her lips wrapped around your clit, sucking.
"I need you to cum baby," she mumbled against your pussy. Her voice rippled through your body, tingles running down your legs. You'd forgotten where you were. Why you were here. Your world right now only consisted of you, Billie, and that marvelous wonderful tongue of hers.
"I'm almost there," your voice cracked as you pulled on her hair. Her own moans were sending shivers up your spine. Her fingers were slowing, but they were so deep in your pussy you didn’t need her to move. But she did. She moved them in a ‘come here’ motion pressing on your g spot. The walls were caving, your heart was racing. Her tongue was lapping.
She grabbed your ass with her free hand pulling you closer to her face as she worked her tongue in unimaginable ways. You shut your eyes feeling the heat build and build until you were in flames.
“I’m-“ you breathed heavily fisting her hair.
“I’m gonna c-cum,” you were out of breath and surprised you were able to announce your orgasm. Your legs were quivering as you slid down the wall, but Billie held the back of your thigh, trying to hold you up.
Your walls collapsing around her fingers, she could feel you throbbing, walls wet from your release. Her teeth grazed your inner thigh, biting down gently before soothing the area with her tongue.
You winced as she pulled out her fingers and groaned when they disappeared between her lips. Her plump, kissable, fuckable lips were discarding the proof of what had happened in this makeshift house.
Billie wiped her fingers on her jeans before grabbing yours from the floor. You weakly stepped into your pants as she pulled them up. You helped her button them still processing what’d just happened. She stood and kissed you slowly letting you get a taste of yourself on her tongue. You hummed against her lips letting her tongue slide into your mouth. You wrapped an around her neck as she held your chin.
“I wanna try it. Bite it. Lick it. Spit it.” She recited the words like a chant as she kissed your lips, along jaw, up your neck, and your earlobe. You felt the spark in your belly ready to ignite again.
“Let’s go,” she tapped your hips pulling you from the wall you were leaning on.
“Wait, let fix your hair,” you muttered flatting the pieces of hair that’d previously been laced in your fingers. You brushed your fingers through her hair. Fantasizing and thinking of her tongue and her silky strands at the tips of your fingertips and how you wanted more.
“Come on,” she snapped you out of it tapping your ass. Her fingers laced with yours. You whined trailing behind her. She turned back to look at you cheekily when the sun hit your eyes and you groaned.
You weren’t going to survive the rest of this shoot.
A few minutes later the music was playing again and Billie's lips were moving, those lips that were previously sucking and wrapping around your most sensitive parts. She was hopping off the tractor and there in her pocket were your underwear. They hung from her pocket like she'd picked them up from the mountain of underwear and decided those were her favorite and worthy of screen time.
In your lust struck trance you hadn’t noticed her sneak them away. Or realized you hadn’t put them back on. You felt your body flush again. The heat rushing between your legs.
You were entranced, caught under her spell. She played it up for the camera, but your chest was growing tighter by the second and your underwear…wait. Scratch that. Your jeans felt really uncomfortable now.
You swallowed and looked around hoping nobody was noticing your sexual frustration. But nothing went unnoticed by Billie.
She looked directly at the camera as you stood behind the viewfinder. For one of the takes, she took your underwear from her pocket holding it in her index finger. She sung along to the track ‘kiss it, bite it, can I fit it?’ playing with your underwear.
For a millisecond she glanced at you. You felt her looking beyond the camera at your fragile state before placing the underwear back in her pocket.
She wasn’t leaving those on set.
They were coming home with her. And you were coming too. Again and again. Til the moon descended and the sun rose.
*part two*
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fushiguruuzzzz · 4 months ago
xii ⊹ ࣪ ˖  Let It Happen 
Series mlist 
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Tags — I yapped this chap ngl, man hate 🗣️, mentions of marijuana/smoking, cursing, kys jokes, fat jokes 
Words — 2.4k (ZOO WEE MAMA) 
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The drive to Toge, Yuta, and Panda’s place was blissful. The sun was just beginning to lower in the sky, moving further west with every passing moment, every screamed lyric of the Tame Impala songs you’d put on shuffle. Even Maki, who had responded to your initial enthusiasm with an eye roll and a shake of the head, had mouthed along with what you swore was a smile. She wasn’t so dry when you were free of the boys, you’d noticed. The constant talk of either food or obscure indie games could get old, especially for someone like her. 
Nobara leaned forward from the back seat, swaying both you and Maki to the rhythm of the song. She almost made you swerve the car into incoming traffic, but it didn’t seem to bother her. It did bother Maki, though, who sat up straight and whipped around to look at her. “What the fuck? You just almost killed us!”
“I was doing fine without you, ‘til I saw your face, now I can’t erase!” Nobara sang, completely ignoring the half panicked shouts of the girl in the passenger seat. Her orange hair shifted with every bob of her head, brushing over her shoulder. The grin on her face spoke of girlhood so strongly that you couldn’t help but mirror it, a sort of euphoria radiating from the vehicle as the wind blew through your hair, the vibrations of the radio shaking against your hands as they gripped the steering wheel. 
You rounded a corner, the two story building that was just a tone off of white coming into view. It was decently nice, they were able to afford it thanks to Panda’s lucky position as the dean’s son and the wealth of the Inumaki family. Of course Yuta paid his fair share–he had a job at the bookstore down the street– but it was likely they’d have gone for a more affordable option had it not been for the other boys riches. If you’d been going there directly from campus, the three of you probably would have walked, but thanks to your little shopping trip you had triple the distance, half the gas, and moths flying out of your wallet every time you opened it. 
“Do you think if we tried to invade their apartment and kick them out they’d leave?” Nobara asked, sighing dramatically as she realized how near the end of girl time actually was. “We are not seizing their place, Nobara,” Maki rolled her eyes, glancing to the back seat. You had to resist a laugh. Maki was rather blunt, you’d like to say at times, but that was just her constant. 
“Why not? I love seeing women in male dominated fields.” 
You giggled, pulling into the parking lot. The car came to a stop, the brick structure standing tall above you as you reached for your shopping bags, grinning at the two women who were also preparing to get out. “I think Maki is just itching to be around Yuta,” you grinned, only to be swiftly struck in the side of the head. You yelped, pressing a hand to your temple and wincing. “Yep. Sorry,” you said, teeth gritted as you stepped onto the grey asphalt of the ground and standing to your full height. The three of you made your way towards the door, bags noisily brushing against eachother with every step you took. 
It was only a few short minutes before you were pushing past the door of their apartment, slipping off your shoes and making your way towards the living room. You were met with the sight of the three boys living in the unit, as well as Yuji sprawled out over the expanse of the couch, and a bored looking Megumi standing on the sidelines. You retrieved two heaps of pink fabric from a paper bag hanging from your elbow, promptly tossing them at the faces of Toge and Yuji, both getting their attention and delivering the clothing articles they’d been so desperate to receive. Yuta, on the other hand, was gifted his own by an oddly gentle Maki. It took Toge no time to recognize the fabric, a grin spreading across his face. 
“Aw, [name], you really do love me!” he exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart. 
“Don’t push it,” you huffed, rolling your eyes. The shopping bags dropped at your feet, following the other girls actions. 
“A win is a win,” Yuji said. Inumaki pumped his hand over his head, laughing. “Huzzah!” 
Soon enough the eight of you were scattered around the living room, matching pyjama pants adorning your legs (save for Megumi and Panda) as you played a game of Uno. You were lying on your side, propped up on your elbow and holding your own hand of cards. Deeming your friends behaviour more entertaining than the game itself, you’d made some mental notes. 
Nobara had leapt across the room to tackle someone twice, and by the looks of it, the next person who placed a +4 card was next. Speaking of which, Toge seemed determined to induce this, somehow blessed with every card in the deck that would inconvenience her in the slightest. 
“[name]! Hello?” Panda waved a hand (paw?) rapidly in front of your face, followed by a gentle nudge from Megumi beside you, and a nod toward the stack of cards in the middle of the little circle you’d formed. You blinked, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you nodded. 
“Sorry, zoned out,” you said, laughing breathily as you glanced down at the collection of cards in your grasp. 
Yuta glanced down at you, then at Maki and Nobara. “Were you guys smoking again?” 
The three of you whipped your heads around to look at him. The crease between Nobara’s brows was deep, and Maki was clearly refraining from smacking a hand over his mouth, silencing him herself. It was hard not to laugh, but the blunt statement made by your raven haired friend left you more surprised than anything. 
“Again?! What do you mean again?!” 
“[name], I never thought you’d be such a bad influence,” came a gruff voice from beside you, a hint of playful tease lying beneath his tone. You grinned in return, your free hand coming up to weakly shove him. For a split second, the solid structure of his shoulder was beneath your palm, unmoving and strong. It was but a fleeting moment, though, the feeling soon gone as well as the sight of the smirk pulling at his lips. Though, as you looked away, two things lingered. The first was that dopey grin lying on your lips, the second was his eyes over the expanse of your face, trained on you for just a moment too long. And in that beat, that one split second, everybody in the room seemed to come to a realization. Everybody except you, that is. 
“You guys all suck. I zone out once and you assume we’re all zooted? How terrible do you think we are?” you asked, voice just a hint softer than it usually was. 
“Toge, shut up.” 
Two wrestling matches and an undetermined amount of lingering gazes later, Nobara had a revelation. 
“Oh! Oh! I almost forgot!” she said, shooting up. The game of Uno was long forgotten, one can only handle so much insignificant rage before they give up. A devious smile crossed her face as she met your eye, and it was as if she was preparing to take candy from a baby. “Makeup,” she said, one simple word, but it was enough. Enough to send an image of shared messages appear in your mind. Enough to make you match her demeanour, much to the confusion of everyone else. 
Little by little, they remembered. Toge and Yuji practically shook and jittered with anticipation, Yuta sat quietly with a gentle blush on his face, just observing, and then there was Megumi. He looked as if he was overwhelmed with a sense of impending doom. He glanced at you, then Panda, then you, and back to Panda once again. He shook his head. “No.”
Panda took a tentative step towards him, only making the poor spiky haired boy appear all the more avoidant. “Get away from me,” he grumbled, though no actual heat lied beneath his words. In the weeks you’d grown closer, you’d been able to see the layers of Megumi Fushiguro, see what lied beneath. 
He was polite, but had a reflective sort of aura about him that made him seem as if he was in his own world. He was stoic, somewhat a grump, even, but every once in a while that concealed softness would flicker in his eyes and reveal that maybe he wasn’t so cold. Reserved was a better word for him, because Megumi wasn’t mean. He was annoyed, sure, but he was never mean. Well… at least never to you. Your Megumi gave you jackets when you were cold and grabbed you books from the top shelf, he walked you to class and talked to you about his favourite novels. Your Megumi sat with you at your favourite coffee shop and looked at you when you talked, shared soft, cozy moments with you that had a sort of intimacy in them that no physical connection could challenge. Your Megumi’s face pinkened slightly every time you said something nice about him, though he always blamed it on the cold. Your Megumi was kind and warm and familiar. That’s what made it all the more amusing, seeing him scramble away from Panda like he was infected with rabies or something. 
A series of begs and whines echoed throughout the room, all met with cold glares or annoyed groans. “Absolutely not. Back off,” he said, crossing his arms as he inched away from Panda. 
“Please, Megumi,” you asked, voice pleading in an ironic sort of way. Something in his eyes flickered, shifted, his body stilling as he made eye contact with you. A moment of silence passed, and with an annoyed sigh, his arms fell to his sides. 
“Yes!” you celebrated, already grabbing your supplies. Pairs were made. Nobara would go with Yuji, You with Megumi, Yuta with Maki, and… Inumaki with Panda…? 
You chose to ignore the odd imbalance in gender, happily prancing over to Megumi and settling beside him. The plastic and glass of your products clanged gently against eachother as you set them down, smiling in anticipation as you turned to the boy next to you. He looked somewhat defeated, shoulder slumping as he avoided your eyes. 
You moved closer to clip his hair up, and his breath hitched. You could’ve sworn that the skin of his cheeks, currently resting beneath your fingertips, had heated up. Was he always that warm? 
No, he wasn’t. But Megumi was desperate to conceal that, to conceal that he didn’t actually hate this. He didn’t hate the idea of being “pretty,” as you’d say, no, he didn’t actually mind that at all. What he did mind was the odd fluttering in his chest as you shifted closer, as you cradled his face and narrowed your eyes in concentration as the brush swept across his cheekbone. He had grown used to that feeling in recent weeks, he had to adapt to live with it, or it would plague him. You would plague him. That didn’t mean that it had become a welcome feeling, though. He tried to keep it settled, keep it at a low simmer in the cavities of his heart, but that was proving to be difficult as your breaths mingled and he can’t tell if he’s hallucinating, or if you just looked at his lips. No, he was being silly. Letting his thoughts run wild. That was ridiculous, right? You wouldn’t see him that way, let alone allow it to show in a moment like this. You wouldn’t- 
“Done!” you said, abruptly pulling away from him to get a full view of your masterpiece. You smiled proudly, and he was sure his heart stopped. He could feel the light weight of the makeup against his skin, and he suddenly felt undeniably silly. What was he doing, allowing you to doll him up like this? If it had been anyone else, he’d have told them to fuck off and went back to his own activities, but it was you. So he sat still like an obedient dog and waited for you to be done with him, barely able to look at your face out of fear he’d lunge forwards and do something he’d regret. 
“Mm. Let me see,” he said, looking at you for what felt like the first time in the past twenty minutes. “Or do I even want to?” 
“Of course you do. You look pretty,” you laughed, pulling out your phone, presumably to use the camera as a makeshift mirror. Suddenly he was grateful for the pink powder you’d dusted on his skin earlier, or else you’d have caught the way the skin beneath began to match the rosey pigment.  
You turned it towards him, allowing him to see himself. He looked mildly shocked for a moment before letting out a low hum, whether it was one of dismissal or contentment, you were unsure. You snuck a second hand to the screen, and a click met your ears as you snapped a picture. 
You giggled wildly as you snatched the phone back before he could get his hands on it, and he nearly lunged for you. Nearly. 
He was going to, he truly was! But when you pulled up the picture and admired your sneakiness, your eyes twinkled. They shined with a content joy that he wanted to bring from you again and again. He figured that if he could make you shine like that, maybe one little picture wasn’t so bad. It was just one photo, one that you’d likely forget about and let sit in the depths of your phone until you inevitable got a new one. So he let you have your picture and your laugh and didn’t protest as the other boys pranced around in their full faces, because it was just one thing. Just one thing, and it was making you and the others happy. He could deal with that. 
Little did he know, this was merely the start. 
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Taglist !¡ —
@1l-ynn @meowymeowbreow @missunrise @kiss-my-asscheeks @starrysho @good-mourning0 @gumims @beaniesayshi @mrowwww @luvvmae @megumislovedoll @azharyy @starsryi @tibibibi123 @rreveurdoll @idkidk32 @dazaisfavgf @tlissablr @vi0let-writes @walllflowerrrsss @sh0ot1ngst4r @blubearxy @tvnamayo
ouh we’ve officially reached the down bad stage. I’ve been updated so often recently (TWO IN A ROW ‼️) do yall fw that be honest proud of myself lwk. Next step is proofreading (im never gonna do ts) im half asleep writing this. Again. So thankful for autocorrect rn yall don’t know how many words I’ve misspelt in this authors note I want him I fear. Also lwk guys Toge… I need to stfu sorry
Expect updates every 2 days (give or take) at 8am or 4pm EST
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vigilante24ish · 4 months ago
🌙 Moon Phases 🌙
Agatha Harkness X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1846
Chapter 21:
After the sole topic about witch hunters and the bitter past, you all chose to try and get some sleep; needing all the energy you could recover for the next trial.
With the sky being always night, it was hard to keep track of time, and if it weren't for the exhausting trials; one would have trouble sleeping.
While the others slept close to one another, some laying on their jackets for some insulation against the cold floor; you had chosen to leave, for a little bit.
You knew not to stray from the road, but sleep would not come to you, and you needed some alone time.
You barely had one lately, with everyone being on top of one another all the time.
The moon was almost and completely full. Its beautiful white light seemed to follow you; illuminating your path. Your steps were quiet, and you eventually came to a halt, leaning your back against a tree.
You closed your eyes as you let the moon shower you with light, offering a cold warmth you could never explain but always welcomed.
So many nights have you spent in a similar position, neck and back arched to the full moon above you. Endless hours had you spent bathing in its white light, swearing you could hear it talk to you through some ethereal plane.
Some nights, you would hum and sing with the moon as your audience; a silent observer that never judged you, never tried to harm you.
Even when you need it the most, it chooses to grace you with power and help you escape your bonds; showing just how terrifying its power could be when it was passed through you.
Your mind wandered and you gently hummed a tune, the lyrics a mere whisper traveling through the night; not wishing to awake or scare the others.
Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows
Your white magic had come alive in your hands, dancing between your fingers as if responding to your song.
Yet before you cold continue; you felt a presence close by and your guard was immediately raised.
"I remember that song of yours," Agatha said as she walked out of the shadows and towards you.
You let out a sigh of relief, feeling your heart beating faster for a moment as you thought it was someone else.
"It led us into a lot of trouble that night," you reminded her, memories of your adventures flashing into your mind.
Agatha waved her hand dismissively. "It's not our fault those children thought to take a peak. It was way past their bedtime. The fault lies to the parents."
Her excuse brought a smile on your face, having missed her view of the world. Sometimes, your thoughts could get the best of you, and you failed to see the light in this world; like the people that feared the shadows whenever a new moon was in the sky.
Sometimes, you felt as if you were laying in the bottom of a deep pit; forced to face dark creatures fuelled by your emotions and thoughts; only to always climb to the surface renewed; reborn.
But when you were with Agatha, those things almost never happened. Her unique way of seeing the world had kept you focused, her presence a life vest to keep you aflot during dangerous waters... her kisses and touches, burning you from inside, making your magic core glow so powerful that no shadow ever had the chance to manifest.
Your smile remained, and you silently admired her beneath the moonlight as you stood next to one another, bodies barely touching but equally tempted.
Her expression changed into a more serious one. "Why didn't you call for me?" She suddenly asked, earning a puzzled expression from you. "When you were at the mercy of those witch hunters. Why didn't you call for me?"
You glanced to the side, ashamed of confessing your true intentions.
Time might have passed since your last meeting, but your body remained equally strong. You had the power, a little spell, that would alert Agatha of your presence. You had sworn to her under a blood red full moon that you would use it, should you ever need her help.
You never did, always hesitating; feeling you would pull her away from whatever goal she had in mind. You were afraid you would be a burden, to a woman you sometimes wondered if she would ever come back to you; after all those times, you refused to join her on a mission.
Familiar long fingers grabbed your chin and forced you to look straight into the face of the woman you had fallen in love with, whose initials felt carved on your heart; forever claimed by her.
"You remember I don't like asking more than twice, isn't that right?" She asked you, cutting any nicknames she had for you; a sign of how serious she was.
You tried to nod, but her grip on your chin remained. In the end, you took a deep breath and gathered your courage.
"I didn't want to burden you. Not when I knew how focused you were in mastering the darkhold, " you confessed, making her realize around what time period you fell victim to those barbarians that dared to mark your skin... only she was allowed to do that to you.
If Agatha still had powers, they would have been going crazy around her. She was pissed and you could see it by the darkness in her eyes, by the way she gripped your chin and the way her breathing changed.
In the end, she let you go and stormed a few feet away in an attempt to calm down. If she could use magic, she would have long blasted a few trees around you; it always helped when things were burnt or destroyed.
"This is not the promise you made to me, Y/N," she called you out by your name, one finger pointed at you.
"What would you have me do, Agatha?" You questioned, feeling your emotions getting the best of you. It was a full moon, after all. Y, so you can murder them in cold blood? Add more names to your never-ending list?" Your tone started to rise faintly, doing your best to keep it low and not alert the others.
"Yes," she answered as if it was not obvious enough before marching your way. "You are mine, Y/N," she hissed as she now stood in front of you. "And I protect what is mine..." she took a deep breath. "What is precious to me"
You parted your lips in surprise, never seeing it coming.
Agatha had outloud claimed you as hers, had confessed just how much you meant to her, and she meant it. Every. Single. Word.
You found no words to argue, and whatever anger was once rising had disappeared as if there was nothing there.
In a moment of weakness or perhaps desperation, you chose to act with your body. Your hands grabbed her cheeks and you pulled her towards you, sealing her lips with yours.
Agatha was startled for a moment before she followed, quickly claiming the lead from you by sucking your lips with an inner need. Her kiss spoke of hunger, lust, and need to be with you; to be reminded of the unique flavour your lips always had.
You let her lead, eagerly parting your lips to let her tongue enter. One hand went into her thick hair, fingers tangled with dark locks as you held her tightly; trying somehow to balance the power dynamics between the two of you.
Your back was pressed harder against the tree, one of her hands holding your waist as her body was pushed more against yours.
Eventually, you both needed air and with some reluctance you let each other's lips go; but your hands remained on one another.
She immediately buried her nose to the crook of your neck, continuing what she started by kissing the soft spot of your neck, making you see stars and reminding you she had not forgotten how to play you like an instrument.
You gasped faintly, your grip into her dark locks only increasing, and you forced your eyes closed; trying to fight the feeling of building up pleasure, your body succumbing to her lips and her roaming touch.
Agatha did not continue the torture for long, having taken her dose by finally being able to enjoy you in peace. She would have much preferred to do it in a warm house, preferably on a soft bed, but she had to be patient for now.
Her lips trailed ghostly marks across your collarbone before settling faintly on your lips. The peck that followed was quick, and only then did she stop and pull faintly back.
You looked at her, lips faintly bruised as your noses almost touched. You let go of her hair and instead cupped her cheek tenderly.
"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear you say that," you confessed, slightly out of breath.
"What, claiming you?" She questioned as she quickly connected the dots. She gently pushed a strand away from your face. "Sugar, I made you vow to me and call me when in trouble. I made you bleed upon a dark pact. Wasn't this enough of a sign?"
Your cheeks felt slightly flustered. "Should be?" You dared to question, earning a look from her that reminded you not to ruin the mood. "I know it should... but I always wondered... especially now, with Rio..." Your voice trailed off.
"Rio is in the past, hon," she told you in a sweet voice. "You are the present and hopefully the future. That is, if you don't turn me down after all this"
You could not help but chuckle faintly. "I think me agreeing to walk this shitty sadistic road for a second time should be enough of an answer"
Without waisting another time, you moved your hands and pulled Agatha into a much needed hug. You pressed her tightly against you, your nose buried to the crook of her neck; almost hidden beneath her thick locks.
You felt her hugging you back with equal need, your presence easing the turmoil within her heart. She rested her chin on your shoulder, eyes closed as your scent overwhelmed her senses and momentarily clouded her mind.
"I am with you, Ags. From now until my last day on this cursed world. I vow to you in the name of my mother" you confessed.
Agatha stared with wide eyes in front of her, lips parted faintly in silent surprise. Your words were serious, she could tell, but she could also sense the magic within them; an invisible silent spell bowed to a promise.
She could not help but glance at the full moon as you vowed sacredly to your mother, a name you rarely let it leave your lips...for when it did, it meant business.
Chapter 22
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thelovelyruin · 1 year ago
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : you weren’t a car girl, but that changed when you met the driver.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, teasing, fingering, edging?
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 3.2K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from siren by alicia drayton.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! one of my favorite songs; hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Full moon sitting in the darkest night.
“So, sounds fun, right?”
“Huh? Yeah, sure.”
You kinda just agreed to whatever Mai said, busy doing your makeup and humming to the music playing from your speaker. But it wasn’t until a few hours later that you realized what you’d agreed to. You both were sitting outside now, waiting for Yuuji to pick you up, but he was ten minutes late. When he did pull up, he parked fast, seeing Mai’s already irritated expression. Hesitantly, he walked over to where you both stood. 
Mai pushed past him, brushing off his attempt at a hug.
“Save it, bitch.”
Yuuji ran before her, opening the door, which she thanked him for in the form of a sneer. He looked at you next, hoping for a more positive reaction as he guided you to the backseat.
“Are you mad at me too?”
“If I were, it would be in good reason. You’re late.”
He closed the door behind you and scrambled to the driver’s seat, promptly turning on the car and attempting to show he was in a rush.
“Look, I’m sorry, I ended up-”
“Just drive, Yuuji!”
Mai wasn’t giving him a break; not like he deserved one. He huffed and put the car in drive, taking off. You guys were going to a car meet; Yuuji was excited to show off the car he’d just finished modding, a WRX or something like that. To be honest, you didn’t know too much about cars, except what Yuuji would tell you, but that would involve you paying attention. Nonetheless, you wanted to be a supportive friend, so here you were.
Feel a breeze, smoking trees, cloudy in the ride.
Yuuji pulled up to a lot full of cars, parking in an empty spot towards the middle of the row. You noticed some cars in an intersection next to the lot, driving in circles as people hung out the windows. You weren’t gonna lie; it looked a little fun, dangerous, but fun. Yuuji got out, opening each of your doors.
“So, I’ll probably stay here if anyone asks questions about my ride, but feel free to check things out!”
“You brought us here so we could frolic around? Yuuji, you’ve gotta be shittin’ me right now.”
“Now, don’t say it like that. It makes me sound like an asshole.”
The both of you looked at him with a deadpan expression, but then he gave those puppy dog eyes, causing Mai to rub down her face.
“Fine, but you owe us big time. Let’s go see what they're doing in the circle over there.”
With that, you and Mai walked off. Yuuji told you to stay safe, but Mai’s reply was a middle finger. The air was smoky and smelled like burnt rubber, but you guys still pushed through the crowd to see the action. Cars were drifting in a circle now, another car coming in the rotation, probably the most dangerous thing you’ve ever seen.
Two of the cars drifting had pulled off to the side, and from what you could tell, the drivers were arguing. A couple of guys tried to break it up, but one flipped the other guy off as they both hopped in the driver's seat.
Narrow roads, so many caution signs.
“Shit, they’re about to race!”
You hadn’t even heard Yuuji walk up behind you guys, Mai looking back at him with a smirk.
“So, why aren’t you with your “ride”? No takers?”
Yuuji huffed, making her laugh triumphantly. The circle began to shift, noticing a gap opening as the two cars revved, one all white and the other blue with a black stripe across the side. You found the white one more tasteful, pointing at it and looking back at Yuuji.
“Oh, that one? An Audi S5. Other one’s a Scat.”
You nodded like you knew what he meant and looked back as some shirtless guy got between the cars, throwing it down. Instantly, both cars take off, the white one gapping the blue one by a long shot.
“I don’t know why he even bothered. The launch on the S5 is insane.”
As the cars finished, people began cheering; even Mai was clapping and nodding. They drove back to the lot where the cars were lined up. The Scat driver handed the S5 driver a wad of cash, returned to his car, and drove off.
“Damn, sore loser. Anyway, I wanna meet the guy who drove the S5. Y’all sit tight, okay?”
Before Mai could even curse him out, Yuuji had run off. You two scoffed and sat on the hood of his car.
“So, you upgraded the intercooler? I did the same to mine, it’s a W-”
“Welcome back, fucker. You brought a friend?”
Yuuji had returned to the car with a guy, and damn he was hot. You were too busy staring at his abs pressed against that black tee he was wearing or the outline of something that surely wasn’t his wallet in his sweats to stop Mai from chewing Yuuji out.
“This is Choso; he’s driving the S5.”
Shotgun sippin’; rollin' with the tide.
Choso looked at you and licked his lips, sending something down to your-
“Nice to meet you, really nice to meet you.”
You were blushing like crazy. Was he flirting with you? You were too enthralled to notice Yuuji and Mai going back and forth in the background.
“Nice to meet you, too.”
“So, you guys stayin' around for shots? I’d hate to see you go so early.”
Oh, he was definitely flirting with you.
“Depends. Want me to stay?
“If that’s fine with you, princess.”
“What we drinkin’?”
“Your choice.”
“Hm, whatever your drinkin’.”
He looked up and down at you, smirking a bit.
“I’ve got something in mind.”
“Is that so?”
You both turned to look at Mai, who had a surprised look on her face as Yuuji stood there in shock. Choso cleared his throat and gave an awkward smile to Mai.
“That is if you want to stay too, Mai.”
“Well, depends. What do you wanna drink, other than my best friend?”
You choked on your spit as your body jolted at Mai’s question. Yuuji began to laugh uncontrollably, walking up to Choso and slapping him on the back.
“Don’t worry, I got tequila in the trunk.”
“Oh shit, what kind?”
“Terramana, of course.”
“My man. I gotta bottle, too; I’ll go grab it.”
With that, Choso and Yuuji split. Mai gave you that look.
“Didn’t know you liked car guys.”
“I do now.”
You both laughed as she wrapped her arm around you, bringing you in for a hug. Shortly, Choso and Yuuji were back.
“Let’s get lit, fuckers.”
Want you to love me like you do that S5.
You knew Yuuji and Choso had at least three shots, but right now, they both were going on about the mods they did on their cars. You had found yourselves back in the circle of people drifting.
“Looks fun, huh?”
“Yeah, a fun death trap.”
“Nonsense, people do it all the time.”
Choso looked over at Yuuji, both of them with the expression that they were up to something.
Oh my, Ima give you the ride of your life.
You found yourself in Choso’s passenger seat, staring at Mai in Yuuji’s across the circle. You can’t believe you got dragged into this; what the fuck were you-
Choso’s hand found its way to your thigh, rubbing the skin there as he looked at you with a smirk.
“Nervous? Don’t worry, princess. I got you.”
It took everything in you not to jump on him then and there. Those pet names were dangerous; every time he called you princess, it sent signals down below, practically screaming at you to relieve it. You hadn’t even realized his hand had moved to the gear shift, veins in his hand flexing as he revved the engine. Then, you were taking off.
You swear you just died. The whole time, you could hear the rubber screeching smoke lifting off the tires as Choso and Yuuji spun against each other. Halfway through, you saw Mai climb through the window; you did the same, and man, was it fun. Both of them parked and spilled out of the car, laughing and giving each other a high five, panting with adrenaline. You walked over to Mai, who looked like she was 10 seconds away from barfing.
“You good, girl?”
“I think I might’ve pissed myself.”
The boys walked back over, calmed down as the high wore off. Choso wrapped his arm around your waist, and boy, was that physically effective. Yuuji patted Mai’s back, giving him an annoyed look as she sat up straight. He smiled at her with open eyes, signaling something to her. She caught on fast because then she said:
“Yuuji’s gonna drive me home; Choso lives on the same side of town as you, so he’ll be takin’ you home. That okay?”
Oh, they were on some shit. But obviously, the two of you were, too.
“Yeah, that’s fine with me. Choso?”
“Sounds good, princess.”
I swear, I would die for you.
You waved bye to Mai as Yuuji helped her into the car, giving you a wink as Yuuji drove off. Choso guided you back to his car, opening the passenger door. Once you got in, you had a good look around, too nervous to check things out the first time you got in it. Damn, this was nice. He had red leather seats and ambient red lighting around the car. Shit, how much did this car cost? Choso got in the car and put his foot down on the pedal, starting the car as he adjusted the air conditioning.
“You cold?”
“Just a little.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.”
Oh, you were warm, alright. It’s like every word he spoke had a sexual undertone because here you were, getting wet over a question about the AC. He reached over and turned on the heated seat for you, smirking as he pressed the button. He placed his hand back on your thigh, rubbing back and forth; all you could focus on was how close he was to touching your pussy. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, causing you to squirm your legs. It hadn’t gone unnoticed him smiling as he bit his lip.
Ready for what? At that point, you gave up the idea of celibacy for the night, like you had any intentions to not fuck him in the first place. Now, you knew this wasn’t a good idea. The both of you were tipsy, and it was probably reckless to have him drive. But then again, he had just drifted the car thirty minutes ago, so he’d be fine, right?
“Yeah, let’s go.”
You know I'd risk my life for you.
We fit so perfectly, in need of your affection.
The ride back to your house was pretty fast, considering Choso ran every red light and was going 20 over the speed limit. You had half a mind to hold the handlebars on the car's roof, but you weren't doing anything with Choso's hand rubbing you through your shorts. Your body began to react to it, closing your legs a bit, but it was all in vain when he brought your thigh towards him, opening your legs wider. 
“Don’t go runnin’ from me, princess. Promise, I don’t bite. Unless you want me to.”
You held everything in, taking the depths of your resolve to stop you from shamelessly asking him to fuck you in the car. He was definitely holding it in, too, a tent peeking out of those gray sweats, and fuck, you could tell, he had a big-
“We’re here, sweetheart.”
You sigh in relief as you realize you were in your apartment’s parking lot. He came around to open your door, those hungry eyes gazing at you as you climbed out of the seat. As soon as you were out of the car, Choso had you pinned against it, claiming your mouth as his as he grabbed your waist. Those eyes might have been hungry, but his mouth was greedy. He had moved onto your neck, sucking the skin there. Fuck, you were still outside, and you were sure he’d fuck you right here if you let him. You grabbed his hand and dragged him behind you to your apartment.
“Let’s go.”
I think I want more.
You couldn’t open that damn door fast enough. As soon as you turned around to lock it, Choso was behind you, kissing your neck and grabbing your ass as he ground it against his painfully hard dick. He flipped you towards him, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Which room?”
“Furthest back.”
Oh, yeah, I need more of your intensity.
Choso damn near threw you on the bed, taking his shirt off as fast as possible. You didn’t even get a chance to check out his abs; he was already on you, bringing your shirt up and sucking the skin on your chest as he pulled it over your head. You watched as he unbuckled your shorts, swiftly pulling them and your panties down. The only thing left was your bra, which was not of concern right now, considering he had pulled it down so your tits could spill out. He groaned as he brought his mouth down to your nipple, bringing his fingers up to pump in and out of your pussy. Now, he was usually a bit more gentle than this; take it real slow and careful. But you two had been edging each other all night, and he needed to taste you. Now.
Love when you speed; no need to speak. 
The first swipe of his tongue nearly had you crashing, having been teased for twenty minutes in the car. It wasn’t until he slipped his tongue in you that you had to pull your strength together to not cum so fast.
“Cum for me, princess. Stop holding back.”
God, his voice was too much. So much, you came on his face, just like he asked you to. He groaned as he slurped up your juices, face completely covered in your essence, but he honestly did not give a single fuck. He was a man in heaven. He grabbed both your thighs and pinned your body down, eating you out for a second round, craving how your body jerked when he made you cum. This time, you didn’t have the will to hold out. Still recovering from the first orgasm, the second wasn’t far behind. You groaned his name in defeat, knowing you were about to cum again.
“Mhm, baby. Give it to me.”
In seconds, your body was moving out of your control again, gripping his hair and pinning his face to your pussy. As you came down, you ground your hips against his face, making him chuckle.
“Fuck, I need you, princess.”
I know you want more…
Choso couldn’t get his pants off fast enough. His dick was about to jump out his boxers; if he got any harder, it probably would’ve ripped through them. Positioning himself over top of you, he kissed you and brought his finger up to put your wetness on his shaft.
“Ready for me?”
You gave him a nod, gripping his shoulders as he slid inside you. Once he was all the way in, he brought his lips down to your neck, experimentally pulling his hips back and forth slowly, making sure you had adjusted to his size. Fortunately for him, teasing for hours and two orgasms later, you took him instantly. Damn, he was big. You moaned loudly at the feeling of him stretching you out, arching your back off the bed as he fucked you steadily. His face was inches away from yours, every couple of thrusts coming down to kiss you, throwing his head back to get his hair out of his face, damp with sweat from how good he was fucking you. And you were sure to let him know just how good he was giving it to you, moaning his name out like a damn siren, pulling him into your pussy as he picked up the pace.
…Ima give you more.
Fast, deep, slow, he didn’t care. He was gonna give it to you however you needed wanted it. He didn’t expect you to want to ride him, though, climbing over him and sinking down on his dick; boy wasn’t that a sight to see. He was losing his mind; you fucked him at a fast pace, tits jumping every time you brought your pussy back down to his hips. Fuck, you were perfect. You were doing magic on him, had to be; he swears he’s never had pussy this good. At this point, he needed to see you crumble again, so he took some initiative and grabbed your hips, fucking his dick into you rapidly.
“Choso, oh my god!”
“You like that princess?”
You were too fucked out to answer. Every thrust made you dizzy, putting your hands on his chest to steady yourself. Then there was that goddamn look on his face. His eyes were on you like a wild animal, groaning as you slid up and down his shaft. You wanted to see how much of a reaction you could get out of him, rolling your hips as his eyes rolled back. He was gonna cum soon, but he needed you to cum first.
Want you to love me like you do that S5, oh my.
He’s back on top, bringing your thighs up to his chest, getting as deep as possible. You were a blabbering mess at this point, and all he could do was smile as you tried to grab at the sheets, pussy about to give in at any second. With a quick dive, his lips came up to yours, his thumb reaching up to rub your clit. Every moan you gave went into his mouth, tongue exploring it as you came undone on his dick. And it felt fucking amazing. Your pussy clenched down on him, driving him crazy, your body squirming as you came hard from your third orgasm of the night.
Are you ready for the ride of your life?
He was done for. The feeling of your pussy tightening on him was too much, your moans of his name sounding like music to his ears. He didn’t even care anymore. Shamelessly, he moaned your name and whimpered into your neck as he came. God, it was like a fucking firecracker, his body feeling things it hadn't felt before. He had only fucked you this once, but fuck, he was addicted. He fell to your side, panting for a bit before getting up.
“Where’s your bathroom?”
I swear I would die for you.
He returned with a wet washcloth, cleaning the cum from your pussy and stomach, chuckling when you whimpered from the overstimulation of him cleaning around your clit. When he was done, he came and laid beside you, bringing you into his arms. You felt his head rest on yours, kissing your forehead lightly. Then, you realized that he would have to drive-
“Can I stay the night?”
“Hm, maybe. What do I get in return?”
“If you’re good, another round when we wake up.”
“I guess that’s better than you driving home drunk.”
“You mean “us.” I’m sleeping with you either way.”
You know I'd risk my life for you.
♱ the song used in this story is siren by alicia drayton.🖤 
(edit: i now know about cars😭)
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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ateez-himari · 3 months ago
Behind The Track ... Paranoia ♪
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🔓 Unlocked
‥ Himari has spoken on mental health struggles in the solo release 'Shadow', yet this track focuses on personifying the disorder in order to truly demonstrate the extent to which she fought to stay alive during this time
‥ It was written in English due to its foreign nature, reflecting how none of these emotions experienced through her depression felt natural, as well as how direct certain words are compared to Korean
‥ The lengthy instrumental at the end is the representation of chaos slowly turning into peace, moving from an electric guitar (Apollo) to softer strings supported by vocals - the movement of her soul from Hell to Heaven, from struggle to healing
‥ 'AM 4:44' was originally supposed to serve as the title track but as it dives so deeply into her mental state that she chose to set it as a B-Side due to its extremely heavy nature. 'Paranoia' is also the only vocal track in the EP so she felt like this was a better representation of who she is - because of her position in the group
📂 Notebook
‥ 'but I know you, wanna leave me in the tomb'
Himari was relentlessly attempting to claw her way out of the depression no matter how tiring the fight became, yet the disorder felt like another separate entity, a shadow, that was pushing back against this desperate determination
‥ 'reminiscing time that we drained, saw you glancing out, wanna keep you chained'
While she was struggling, the maknae was spending a lot of time meaninglessly in an attempt to distract herself, to drain the non-working hours left in a day that she knew would be torturous either way. Most of this time felt as though she was glancing out of a window, living as a secondary person in her own body, trapped by the shadow that overtook her mind
‥ 'feed my paranoia cuz you're stuck in my head'
Paranoid Personality Disorder is when someone constantly feels mistrust towards others and irrationally fear they will be deceived, taken advantage of or even harmed, which her mental struggles were making her believe at the time, especially when it came to 'fans'. The shadow is in fact not saying that its head is filled with no other thoughts than Himari, but rather gloating about the fact that she is trapped inside of its 'mind'.
‥ 'feeling narcissistic and you're keeping me fed'
Narcissistic personality traits include; Lack of empathy, Exploitation behaviors and Preoccupations with fantasies of success. While the lyrics do not refer to narcissism in its exactness, the word is used to personify the image that was being projected by the shadow in the young woman's mind. It had no empathy for her struggle, found her deepest fears & weaknesses just to exploit them and the fighting only made her more desperate for success in hopes that it would solve everything - which only sustained her depression.
‥ 'wanna keep you tied to the anger i dread'
There were many times were the maknae felt pure anger towards this situation, towards the world, and this gave her more strength to fight - but with the depression being personified it fears this emotion. It was actively attempting to keep her 'true' self at bay by directing the anger at none other than herself.
‥ 'call me selfish but i'm doing what's right for my love'
This is the only lyric through which the true Himari speaks, explaining to she shadow why she is trying to hard to stay alive - for every single person reaching their hands into this abyss to pull her out.
‥ 'call me greedy but i'm insecure of what could come'
The shadow was constantly trying to take over more parts of her mind each time as it 'knows' that after what happened with her older brother, she will never stop fighting and will only chip away at it more with every desperate tear at its cage.
‥ 'there's nothing amiss, i wanna keep you safe, in the dark abyss, locked away'
These deceptive whispers are attempting to convince her that this mental state serves as protection against the harshness of idol life at the time, that being in this abyss filled with nothing more than despair is better than living in the outside world. It is trying to get her to give up the fight, to completely lose her original self and give way to whatever shell it was creating.
‥ 'keep you hostage in my brain'
It was not actually the shadow's 'brain' that the maknae was locked inside of, but rather her own that has been taken over by this seemingly endless depression, serving as a hostage until it got what it wanted - to escape by taking her life.
‥ 'winding me up, making me insane'
This represents the shadow's ever growing frustration at the fact that she simply refuses to give up no matter how many times she is beaten back down, serving as the final personified representation of her Depressive Disorder - illustrating the fact that it felt like an actual fight to Himari.
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2demondogs · 3 months ago
Hey! If you are still accepting requests, could you possibly do some Charles and Lenny friendship headcanons or one shot? An underrated duo
I am :D This was fun to write! A true "we are not enemies but I don't fw your vibes" to "excuse me Charles did not want pickles on his burger" arc.
Everyone does the LENNYYY joke but anytime I read his name I can only hear this one lyric I misheard as "KENNY!" from I Know You're Fucking Someone Else. (Worst discovery ever: it's "hickey.")
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Their horses were friends first. Taima can chill with the best of them, and Maggie is much more reserved than her owner. They drift off now and then from the others to eat grass together. And ain't that darnedest thing? Charles thinks Taima is a decent judge of character, and that how well a man takes care of his horse says a lot about him. Otherwise, he'd probably not have entertained Lenny for very long.
It is a struggle to get to know one another. That first wall is always the toughest to tear a hole in with someone as reserved as Charles, so Lenny doesn't stop trying. He sees how the man gets along with Arthur and John, and he wants at least a hello out of him now and then, too. He also prefers to be on good terms with people, and he suspects Charles despises him for some reason he can't grasp. Unfortunately, he just kinda looks like he hates everyone. (Charles also isn't too fond of him, but that's besides the point.)
After the first genuine conversation, things get smoother. It was pure luck catching Charles on a chatty day — meaning he nodded a greeting instead of ignoring him — in which everything seemed to be going wrong within camp. Though he usually remains optimistic and lighthearted, Lenny's serious side is much more Charles' speed. They have a good talk about where things are going and where they've been, why exactly Miss Grimshaw is like that, why Swanson is like that, and where all the money in the world seems to go.
They're more like brothers than friends, and Lenny's age shows often, if you ask Charles. Every time they speak, he's shooting down some big idea or fighting for his life to understand a joke. It's tiring, but, well... it's Lenny. He isn't sure how or when he got to the point of dismissing things as that's just Lenny, but he's starting to feel a little protective of him. Worse, sometimes he feels proud to see him pulling off the stunts he does for the gang.
Lenny's youth does show, truthfully. Fresh off his teenage years, he's done believing that he has his head sorted out. Usually, he ends up talking to Hosea about worries like his future. Charles' general, on-the-surface apathy (read: fear) towards that big question is put in jeopardy any time the subject comes up, whether it's because something's happened or just an occasional nineteen-year-old crisis. After a few awkward trail offs, he finally admits he doesn't know what the Hell he's doing either, and Lenny feels infinitely better that he's not the only one. Without realizing it, he'd started looking up to Charles. Which, of course, he's going to balance out by poking him with a proverbial stick later. Or maybe a real one.
The first time Lenny goes hunting with Charles, the rest of their respect for one another falls into place. He pays attention and does it well, which shocks Charles a little despite his increasingly positive opinions of him. He's a fast learner, and he actually gives a damn about listening to him despite all the teasing he does day-to-day. Lenny finds himself enjoying getting more than a few sentences out of Charles, especially over a skill he takes pride in.
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userparamore · 6 months ago
i thought i'd gather some of the highlights/important quotes from their newest interview with dork magazine; all from new music, more solo music from hayley, and fine print. i've put it under the cut as it got a little long:
– hayley talking about new music:
Well, the band have already started toying with new music. At home, before the tour began, Paramore created some early demos that "really surprised" Hayley, with the tracks taking inspiration from the Bjork-fronted alt-rock band The Sugarcubes. But they've also spent a few days off from tour in the studio. In Hamburg, they visited Clouds Hill Studio and started messing around with another idea that "felt like it was on the other side of the tracks to what we'd been working on at home," offers Hayley. "But that excites me."
"Lyrics have always been a huge driving force for me as well. I feel a deep sense of discomfor when we go home to the American South in this political climate and a lot of poetry that I've been writing lately feels like adulted versions of the themes I was writing about in 'Brand New Eyes'." The band's third album was an exploration of faith, betrayal, community and pain. "Also you mid-30s are wild. I was told they were supposed to be breezy but it's like another puberty."
After the overwhelming positive reaction to the glistening pop of 'After Laughter' and the scuzzy rage of 'This Is Why', there's a real sense of liberation to whatever comes next. [...] "It does feel like there's more space now to do whatever it is we're inspired to do and not look back," she adds. "It doesn't have to be on thing either."
– hayley talking about more solo music:
"Fine Print is about creating a better ecosystem for our creativity," explains Hayley. And that includes potential solo stuff as well. "Paramore has always been the thing that I want to do the most, and I get really passionate and protective of it," says Hayley, but something shifted after seeing that nothing major changed with the band after releasing solo album 'Petals for Armor' and follow-up record 'Flowers for Vases/Descansos'. "I don't feel done with it at all," she adds. "And that feels so good to say."
"Originally she wanted her solo music to be released under the Petals for Armor name because it felt like a nice cloak. "Even when I was doing press for 'Petals', I was really worried people would think I was done with Paramore because those rumours fly so fast, but now I don't feel that fear at all. I know the three of us will be creative until we die, and that's going to manifest as a million different projects," she explains. Some projects will be Paramore, sure, but others might be Zac shooting music videos on film or Taylor acting as a producer for other people's records, like he did with 'Petals for Armor'. "I think Fine Print is going to be a really great catch-all for those things."
– on "Fine Print" and independence:
Not having a label is the closest Paramore have ever got to the "total freedom" they felt when they first started the band. "I think the creativity is about to get cranked up," offers Hayley.
With Fine Print, Paramore want to find a balance between creating art and living life, especially because "the music industry does not reward taking care of yourself," says Hayley, who is also asking questions about fairer payments for musicians and how to support new artists as well.
Paramore are still laying the foundations for Fine Print but the whole thing is being built on the same ethos of their 2018 Art + Friends festival. "If it's not people I would be happy to have a cookout with, I don't want them involved," says Hayley. "Music is community. It's such a great connector, and that's the energy I want around anything that we do."
– on their inspirations right now:
Right now Hayley is inspired by the fearless, slightly chaotic world of pop that's being ushered in by the likes of Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo and Chappell Roan. They're not afraid of messy feelings and they don't care if they don't have all the answers either, which is something Paramore have always done really well. "You have all these women ruling the world, and I don't think pop has ever been cooler," says Hayley. "It's so inspiring to see young artists being really bold, expressing themselves freely and making good shit that everyone wants to sing along to, while also speaking about things that perhaps don't always feel good to speak about," she adds, with that new generation of pop stars kickstarting discussions on politics, abortion rights, body image and predatory fan behavior.
"But there's also so much exciting stuff happening with guitar music as well," Hayley adds, name-checking Amyl And The Sniffers and "sick" new band Font. "I'll always love indie sleaze and bands like The Rapture and Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but I'm ready for whatever comes next in the dystopian future that we're all entering. We need punk music, and we need those underground movements," she explains. "Not because I want to hide from pop music, but because there's life there that I want to live."
– hayley said she thinks zac is the most underrated drummer:
"Can I also just say in an interview that I think Zac is the most underrated drummer in whatever fucking genre we're in," says Hayley, still struggling to find a label for the band. "When he was 11, and I was 13, I saw him play for the first time, and I just knew." She can't explain how she knew, because what does anyone really know at that age, but at the end of every Eras show when the rest of the band huddles around him for the furious, cathartic conclusion to 'This Is Why', it's every dream Hayley ever had for the band come true. "I'm so grateful Zac came back for 'After Laughter' because he's the backbone of Paramore. He makes us better."
– hayley on performing:
"I remember when we were touring 'Brand New eyes' and our tour manager kept telling people the only time we didn’t fight was when we were onstage. I didn't want to accept it, but he was right," says Hayley. "We were beat down, uncomfortable, and that was such a rough time, but there's a reason Taylor and I never quit, and it was the shows. Paramore gigs did get a lot of the poison out."
"My smile is sorta too big for my face but make no mistake, I am but a bird-sized woman still filled to the brim with rage. If i didn't get to make music or throw my body around the stage every night, I wouldn't survive."
"I've realised I can't be alone," says Hayley." I can't be by myself in this, so I guess we'll keep touring until we physically can't. Can you imagine seventy-year-old Taylor York doing light choreography on stage?" she laughs. "Honestly, I am so excited for the next incarnation. It feels like there's something in the water."
[On playing The Only Exception] "It's not 'Misery Business' but I didn't want to endorse that message either," she explains. This time it was her vocal coach who had a word. "He said, 'You're in a band with your partner. Just look at him and pretend nothing else ever existed'. You know what is so dumb about me?" asks Hayley. "I felt so stupid doing that at first. I felt stupid having this pure expression of adoration and tapping into the hopefulness I had as a 19-year-old. This tour completely changed my relationship with that song though. Now when I sing it, I feel happy."
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oddberryshortcake · 2 years ago
can you write something with the Megara oc?
You're in luck! My Megara inspired Yuu actually has lots of lore!
Here's an illustration of her dynamic with Idia Shroud provided by the lovely @cozymochi
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My fic is under read more, but you can also read it on AO3!
“Why do you want me to talk to this boy so badly?” Katerina asked, reclining on her dormitory couch, long ponytail hanging off the end. 
Idia sat awkwardly at the seat across from her, all scrunched up yet still finding room to be baffled at her inquiry. 
“Look at me!” He gestured to himself as if it was obvious. 
When all he got was a raised eyebrow, he reiterated, “I’m not great with face-to-face confrontations. Last I talked to him, he threatened me with a baton. But, Kat, you have to see him. He’s an entirely different person once you get past the ‘scary guard’ thing.”
“You sure he’s not trying to lull you into a false sense of security so he can whack you with his baton?” Katerina teased sarcastically.
“No, but don’t put that in the universe!” Idia retorted, “I’m not asking for anything complicated. Just scope him out! Maybe you can get an online game account out of him; he says his dad plays.” 
“Send your brother to do it.” 
“Ortho is a good boy! And I don’t want to set him up for what is basically super personal info-gathering. It’d be too obvious if it was him anyway.” Idia snapped. 
Ortho was much more of the mischievous prying type than Idia seemed aware of, or at least wanted to acknowledge. Still, seeing him this perturbed over some boy she’s never heard of before must mean something. 
“I hooked you up with all of the lasted Twisted Wonderland consoles, visual novels, and anime. You owe me two grand in favors.” Idia got strangely threatening, pointing an accusatory finger in her direction. 
“Hey, you chose to do that!” Katerina snapped back at him, rising up from her lounging position. “You were begging me to check all those things out!”
“Doesn’t matter; you’ll change your mind when you see him. “He’s easy to find. Usually somewhere on campus, silver hair, beautiful eyes,” Idia replied. “I’ll throw in whatever extra perks you want. You want Pay-Per-Routes? You got it.”
“You just threatened me with that. Look, fine, I’ll meet this guy, but don’t expect the conversation to be very long.” Kat gave in, heaving herself up and throwing on her jacket from the side. 
“You’re a smooth-talker, much more endearing than I can manage. You’ll do fine.” Idia told her.
“By the way, I probably wouldn’t stay in that seat too long. As soon as Grim wakes up and sees you in his spot, he won’t shut up about it.” Kat warned, or rather teased, with a flip of her hair. 
It didn’t do much. Idia loved Grim just for being a cat, so chances were he would stick around until she finished her task. 
She wasn’t sure exactly how easy this person was to find. His description sounded more like lovestruck rambling than anything actually concrete. 
A quick walk across campus to the hall of mirrors was terrible when she was alone because when she didn’t have her friend at either side of her, people stared. 
Granted, they always stared, but they did so more noticeably when she was alone. 
They would turn their heads to look at her each time. They’d whip around and gawk in place. She was the only girl on campus, and they were both in awe and shocked by her being there, and she hated all of it. 
If this person hadn’t heard of her sudden arrival to this school, then they’d be just as surprised. She’d have to do the whole song and dance all over again. He would dumbly declare her as a girl, then be bothered by her mere presence or try to ask her out. 
A soft vocalization caught her ears, followed by the most tender lyrics. 
‘No way,’ Kat thought, ‘there’s no way that’s the guy.’
She followed the voice out of curiosity, and if she saw any of the vague physical description given to her, she would never question Idia’s weirdness ever again…Or rather, she wouldn’t question it too harshly. 
“I wonder, I wonder…I wonder why each little bird has a someone~” 
A boy with strikingly silver hair stretched his arms and legs with ease, seemingly going through some workout routine while singing gently. 
Perching on the tips of his fingers were small little blue birds. They twittered along with his melodic humming. It was unbelievable; she was literally at a loss for words. 
“To sing to, sweet things to…A gay little love melody~” he continued, bringing the hand with the birds closer to his face. 
Almost comedically, Kat stepped forward and conveniently broke a twig under her boot. A loud snap interrupted the boy’s song, and he quickly drew a baton out from under him and pointed it in her direction. 
She threw her hands up to show that she meant no harm, and the boy dropped his defenses immediately. 
“Oh, hello, I’m sorry about that. You startled me.” The boy apologized. 
“No problem. What, uh, what are you doing?” She asked, stepping closer. 
“I was about to train. I was doing some stretches first.” He explained 
“While singing to a bunch of birds?” She questioned bluntly, hands on her hips. 
The boy fell silent and looked blankly back at her. Apparently he was in thought because he gave her a half-hearted answer when he spoke up again. “Yes, I suppose so.” 
“You suppose so…” she repeated. 
‘Is this wonderboy for real?’ She thought to herself, ‘this has to be an act. No guy, especially at this school, sings to animals like he’s some kind of fairytale princess.’  
“You wouldn’t happen to be named Silver, would you?” 
“That is my name!” Silver exclaimed with innocent surprise, “What’s yours?”
“Katerina Vallis. My friends call me Kat, though.” She held her hand out to shake. 
Silver looked at it like he didn’t know what she was doing, so she met him halfway and grabbed his hand in a tight shake. 
“Would you prefer if I call you Kat, then?” He asked permission. 
His entire demeanor endlessly confused her, and she fought hard against herself to find it endearing. 
“Sure, wonderboy, knock yourself out.” 
The birds that fled when she surprised him flew back, handing on his shoulders and head. “I don’t believe I’ve met you before until now…Or,” Silver narrowed his eyes at her as if inspecting her all over, Katerina crossed her arms, “Have I?”
“We’ve never met,” Katerina explained, it seemed obvious, but somehow this was the strangest boy she’s come across so far. “A little bird told me about you.”
Silver looked inquisitively at his bird friends. He brought a hand out and the birds obediently landed on his wrist and fingers. “Have you, now?”
“Not a literal bird- Ah, whatever,” Katerina replied, “Do you play video games…Or something?”
“I do; I’m not very good at them though,” Silver answered. It was extremely easy, no strings attached. 
Silver didn’t seem to notice that Kat was very clearly an outsider at this school. Kat was beginning to think that he couldn’t even tell she was a ‘she.’ But it was a nice change of pace to talk without having to deal with the usual reactions and questions. 
“Mind exchanging account info? For the little bird?” She asked. 
“Of course, though, I don’t know if a bird would be very good at playing video games either.” Silver agreed, still misguided, but he had the spirit. “I only really play games with my father, and even then, I usually fall asleep before I can finish. Do you play games?”
“Yeah, I dabble,” Kat said. 
She lied. She was knee-deep in inter-dimensional visual novels that she’s never seen before until getting trapped here. Without her parents there to chide her for not focusing more on sports and photoshoots, she could indulge in all of her fantasies. She could become the girl who has friends and falls in love in all of these games Idia supplied her with. 
Those fantasies came with a cost. Now she had to act as a gopher. 
“If only I had a pen and paper…” Silver mused. 
“You can just tell me, and I’ll type it on my phone.” She offered. 
Suddenly, a little rabbit and squirrel hopped up to them, one holding a pen and one holding a paper. How the hell those animals even got those items that fast and how they knew exactly what Silver wanted? Katerina didn’t know. She had a hard time believing what she was seeing. 
“Thank you,” Silver patted their little heads and took their items. 
He wrote down his online name and handed it to her. He wrote in very neat cursive, “here you are.”
He had a very creative name…Silver515. 
“Thanks…” she said, and that was that, “I’ll see you around.” 
Silver yawned and covered his mouth with his hand before giving her a friendly goodbye. He pulled his baton back up and swung it around with clear precision. It reminded her of her fencing practice, where she would fight some invisible enemy with all of her might. 
She lingered there, silently wondering why she hadn’t left. Then, she spoke up. 
“Do you have a second baton?” She asked. 
“Oh, yes, actually. Sebek was here with me earlier, but he left to chase after our liege. Guard duties and all.” Silver explained, pulling out his spare baton hidden underneath a group of spectating animals.
He handed it to her, and she took it. She expected him to toss it, but it was a gentle handoff. 
“But not you?” Katerina questioned. 
“Malleus enjoys taking walks alone. I prefer to leave him be if he wants it.” Silver responded as a matter of fact. 
“That’s very considerate.” Katerina complemented before getting into position. 
The baton was shorter and stockier than the fencing sword she used, but he held it with as much grace as possible and prepared Silver for her first move, “En-garde!” 
Silver copied her motion as if he too had been fencing his whole life, and the two tried to jab each other’s chest. 
They had to get closer to each other to nail the hit. 
Katerina got an up-close look at Silver’s unique eyes. Idia was not kidding when he described them as beautiful. They were a mix of blue, purple, and pink, all swirled together like a sunrise. It was enough to distract her and leave her open, Silver jabbed the baton into her, and she staggered backward. 
It was a momentary stumble, however, as she leaped back up and returned the jab. By the rule of fencing, there was one turn left, and Katerina backed up to dodge the hits before trying to jab again. 
Silver overpowered her easily. It was enthralling to meet a match after years of her being used as her fencing team’s secret weapon back in her original dimension. His form was a lot more offensive than Katerina’s strategic one. 
If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve guessed he was trained to fight for real instead of for sport. 
Eventually, they both felt satisfied with their spar and dropped to the grass. Despite all the energy he displayed before, his head swayed, and his body lay slack with drowsiness against a tree beside her. 
“Your form is excellent. You have quite a talent.” Silver complimented, speech slow but sincere. 
“Thanks. I’ve been fencing since I was a kid, along with other imposed hobbies.” She replied. 
“That’s quite a coincidence because I’ve trained with the sword since I was a child too.” Silver added. “Would you be interested in training with me again?”
Katerina was about to say ‘yes’ when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out and took a quick look at the text. 
Idia: WHERE R U?? Did u find him? Sometimes he sleeps on the ground on campus, but that could be anywhere-
Katerina rolled her eyes and put the phone down. She’d get to him in a minute. 
“Yeah, I’d love- I mean-“ Katerina fumbled, but thankfully it wasn’t noticed at all. “Oh.”
In only a matter of seconds, Silver was fast asleep. 
All of the quirks that Idia had described to her were a reality. It was stranger than anything she had experienced so far in this strange world, and even stranger than befriending a talking cat monster, was this boy who came straight out of a fairytale. 
She had his gaming account info…So she could give him her answer there. 
Katerina left to her self-proclaimed master to report what she had found. She definitely found a lot more than what she expected to find. 
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yuseirra · 7 months ago
Onk spoilers/theories:
The lyrics for Mephisto and Fatal makes a lot more sense if the protagonist twins' parents were originally gods. This seems wacky but I have my reasons for keep bringing this up, it DOES all connect together
If you look at the official artwork of Ai, there are particularly many where she is depicted as an angel with wings. There was one drawing when the artist drew Ai after Fatal was released, right? Then it's safe to assume that the "Fatal/fatale" mentioned in the song is referring to Ai. I bought the artbook, and one of the pictures I remember had Ai positioned like the Virgin Mary in the center, with the twin protagonists as baby angels on either side... I've said this a lot, but I think she's a god who chose to live as a human because she "loves people".
In the lyrics of "Mephisto," there's a line, "I forgot who I lived as!" I probably said this in another post too earlier too-
Could it be that Hikaru forgot that he was originally a god? If you think that this character sings the song, interpreting it that way also makes sense.
This probably isn't Aqua. Aqua never forgot that he was Gorou. He just tries not to remember it, but it's always in his subconscience.
If there are characters that lived as something else but have forgotten about that fact entirely, I feel it'd be Ai and Hikaru.
Their backstory and family structure seem to be derived from Izanagi and Izanami, and their names or abilities appear to be inspired by Ame-no-Uzume and Sarutahiko. Anyway, both are god-like figures, and they are wed to one another, as husband and wife.
What I'm starting to think is that they could have been close from their past life as gods. Ai, like Ponyo, might've said, "I want to become human and live over there!" and hopped away into the human world. Hikaru, worriedly could've followed thinking "How can you go alone?" Due to the different flow of time between the human world and the divine realm, it seems they ended up with a one-year age difference. Their meeting and being together were destined from the start since they knew each other originally.
There is also another line in Mephisto that goes : Remember who you lived with!
Ai and Hikaru were probably originally a couple or close friends.
Then, both went through many hardships, and it seems Hikaru fell into despair, likely because of losing Ai, leading to his downfall.
Tsukuyomi, as another divine being, seems to be watching over them.
I think Tsukuyomi might have selected two favorable souls to reincarnate as this couple’s children and is trying to guide them back onto the right path (since both Ai and Hikaru caused trouble as gods). There might be more to this purpose as well.
As Ai was dying in the story, she told Ruby to become an idol, and Aqua to become an actor. This has been fulfilled.
The "star" in this manga is the object to which wishes are made in Mephisto, so it has the power to grant wishes. And Ai’s wish has come true.
Ai is likely a god and a star, and Hikaru is probably the same.
Also, when Hikaru appears, there are several mentions of wishes and gods. There must be something more to this..
+I think the entire lyrics of "Mephisto" are spoilers.
Hikaru’s goal might be to revive Ai, or if that's impossible, to return himself to being a star (god) like Ai.
To do this, it seems he needs to gather people who have the power of the stars (those with star eyes) and that’s why he’s doing all of this. It's probably really hard to accomplish, and that's why Fatal's lyrics sound really desperate saying "how much more do I need for things to be filled?" Mephisto's lyrics, if I remember correctly, mentioned of sad lights accumulating day by day? I think this guy must be collecting the lights that are necessary to either bring Ai back to life or let him return to being what he was originally (a star-god)and reunite with her there...
If I think about it this way, everything seems to fit together for me.
Hikaru wants to return to where Ai is or revive Ai so they can live together with their children, but he’s struggling because the conditions aren't met.
Isn’t "Mephisto" or "Fatal" ultimately a song where this person is crying about wanting to see his wife again? Haha, when listening to Will Stetson’s English cover, there are notably many lyrics about crying. I thought, wow, he cries a lot. And that description does fit Hikaru to me considering how he used to be.. He used to be a soft child
Hikaru seems like the type to cry more than Ai. If this character meets Ai, he’ll probably burst into tears I think. Ai is strong, resilient, and tough. Hikaru's character’s true nature is more sensitive. They used to be really cute together, I wonder if they could be like that way now too.
Whatever he's up to, I'm sure he does really love her from his reactions. I reread and examined his actions a lot and at least that part about him is genuine, idk about anything else but that I can believe
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skulljackxiii · 10 months ago
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GrojBand Comeback Tour - Carrie Beff
Support me over at Patreon: www.patreon.com/skulljackxiii
(Note: There was nothing much except that she's just an empty counterpart to Corey, or at least that's what I thought at first, but looking at the show I realized that Carrie does have some traits of her own. It shows that Carrie can be composed and thought provoking see how she's able to write her own lyrics despite the bizarre situation she's in, and she's quite the loving person seeing how openly friendly she is with her sister and how she shows annoyance with Trina's bad behavior. But there's never a good take as to why she's so focused on GrojBand and the need to prove that her band is better. So in this I'll make it so that Carrie's trajectory in life is to be the obstacle in front of GrojBand and be their bitter rivals, that way Corey would have no choice but to put all of his focus on Carrie herself. That's right, Carrie was once in the same spot as Laney, but unlike her Carrie put more thought in her position and knew that Corey would never look at her intently just being his friend, so she took matters in her own hands and set the stage where she could stand on equal footing as him. When interacting with one another, its usually teasing and light banter between the two; it's never mean-spirited or hostile like it is between Kin and Kim. But you can sense underlying hostility when she converse with Laney, for unspoken reasons.)
Role: Carrie is the key member of the Newmans, taking the role as the leader, frontman, and lead guitar; juggling all this she's often seen by her fanbase and friends as the face of the band. Along side that, she also maintains the position as the talent manager, making sure that everyone is okay and is up to parr when getting ready to perform.
Outside band related matters, Carrie is forced the difficult task of  being Trina's one true friend (reluctantly); always making sure that she's in a good mood for the sake of her sister and that band's financial benefit since Trina uses her college funds on their expenses. Trina chooses to open up and get close to only Carrie since she's one of the most popular people around and (she thinks) has hatred towards GrojBand like her. On the other hand, Carrie despises everything about Trina; from how she treats her sister to always interfering with GrojBand's performances.
Bio: Looking back before how she is now, Carrie was much like her sister at the start. She was someone who just blended in the background where no one notices that she's there. But because she doesn't have the same intelligence and academic prowess like her sister, her insecurities was routed more deeply than Minas'; there was nothing that she could claim that was hers' alone. But her first year in middle school would change all that when she meets Corey Riffin, someone that wants to make everyone's lives a lot more brighter and exciting. Seeing how alone and sad Carrie was all the time, he decided that he wanted to help her out and give her the best remedy to her pain, music. At first she was reluctant and declined, but she couldn't resist his persistence and his good will towards her. When she started playing and singing, she felt awkward and embarrassed, but seeing Corey listen intently caused her to be less stressed and  be more relaxed. As she continued, she began to get more enrolled in the music and more expressive in her performance, after that it was in that moment Carrie finally found something that she could be happy to do.
Of course it was then that she also felt immense gratitude and happiness for Corey being such an amazing friend; from then on all throughout middle school the two became a close pair that played their music anywhere and everywhere they went. But as she continued being by his side, she eventually realized her feeling were changing; her gratitude would turn into something much more, as she became more and more in awe of the influence, creativity, and confidence that Corey extruded no matter where he went. She knew that she wanted to convey how she really felt, but worries that it may ruin her best friendship. She didn't know what to do, but after a while she finally collected her thoughts and made a proclamation towards Corey. Though she wanted to stay by his side, she knew deep down that the only way that he would look at her seriously is when she stood on the same level as him and push forward as her own musician. After hearing this, Corey wasn't either mad or upset for this decisions but was rather excited to hear that Carrie was branching off on her own and become his rival, that way both of them can elevate each other to be better musicians. From then on both agreed that after reaching high school, they'll go out and form their own band to prove who's truly on top in the music genre.
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asraxfile · 28 days ago
An inch away !!
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sypnosis there was always an inch from being more than just friends with Soyeon, an inch you will cross once you break the cycle with one kiss on stage.
pairing bassist!Soyeon x vocalist!fem!reader
genre fluff
warnings kissing,
wc 3.4k
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Being in the same band as Soyeon meant a lot of things. For example, you being the vocalist of the band and her being basically everything— producer, composer, songwriter, back vocalist and; a bassist. Due to such positions, both of you spent most of your time together more than the band together itself. 
You always admired Soyeon’s leadership and responsibility—not to mention her creative ideas for song lyrics. At times you would help her, spending hours together in the band meetup place where you made music even past midnight. 
You enjoyed the thrill, the excitement and confusion you felt with her. A certain red color appearing on your face whenever she gets closer to your face if you share earphones. Or when she compliments your singing flexibility—all the little things made you develop certain feelings for her, not caring if you were only friends. 
You never crossed the line with her. If Soyeon wanted something, you’d get it, but everyone was so curious if you two were dating due to being so close. You wish you did—but you didn’t. 
Tuesday~ 7.13AM
Friends with benefits—what Minnie would call it when you talked about your silly little crush on the band leader.
“Why don’t you write a song for Soyeon?” She stammers through yet another but last bite of her food. Her question made you widen your eyes in surprise, you slightly pout. “I mean it’s valentine's day soon and we don’t have one more song for the concert so,” Minnie puts a gentle smile on her face. “It’ll be a good idea.” 
As you gazed at the moving branches, lost in thought, you nod. “I mean I’ll try.” you look at Minnie as you exchange small chuckles in response. 
The whole night you couldn’t sleep, eat or get out of your room because of how hard you thought and worked to write at least half of the song. The only thing that kept you standing and functioning was the expired juice you found in the kitchen and you prayed you wouldn't burst your pants and toilet later.  
You held the pencil in your hands tightly, someone would say the paper would eventually start to burn up with such a fast reaction when an idea came to you. Various ideas and words came to your mind like light feathers in a quiet breeze despite being 3AM at the moment. You completely immersed yourself in a role that you didn't even have to agree with. But you were grateful to Minnie for giving you hope. Everything for Soyeon, just for her. 
You hoped that Soyeon would take a hint to a step closer if you met tomorrow an hour before the band meeting. 
Cause you’d love it if she knew she was on your mind all the time. 
Wednesday~ 6.57PM
Impatiently, you waited for Soyeon to finally appear as you sat on the chair at the side of the room. Yuqi’s grandma, owner of an old building with not many tenants, let you use the room for practice with all the equipment you need— Drums, recorder, mics, guitars, speakers, anything. 
You leaned your black notebook with your song lyrics written inside, a few drawings could be found too, on one of the speakers and tried to add or fix something before Soyeon arrived. You tapped the end of your pencil intensely, but to no avail because your brain was occupied with other thoughts. 
Suddenly the noise of your tapping pen and leg was interrupted by the door opening, making you shoot your head up—Soyeon finally arrived. She waved at you, greeting you with a bright smile. “You called?” She took her large shoes off and slipped her feet in her usual slippers she brought to here. Since she was always the one that stayed here the longest, she at least wanted to be comfortable. 
“I’m really out of ideas for this new song we need to put out.” She groaned as she sat not so far from you on the small armchair. A smile splattered on your face at her, “That’s exactly why I called you here.” Your words immediately made Soyeon sit up and turn her concentration on you. 
“So, I’m writing this song and I thought we could put it in the programme for the concert?” handing out your notebook to Soyeon so she can grab it, your heart skips a beat when you accidentally linger your fingers across Soyeon’s. “T-Tell me what you think, I have an idea for the melody too.” 
When Soyeon observed anyone’s idea, it was just the question of time and place what she would say about it. Criticism, honesty, advice or support—she was really unpredictable. You watched as her eyes moved from left to right while reading as you breathed out. The clock ticking filled the room and the awkward silence fell again. 
“This is so nice, as if you really have a crush on someone.” Soyeon teased you as you chuckled with her. “As if,” you mutter out through the laugh you tried hard not to sound unnatural. 
“No but really, this was really helpful for you cause these lyrics are written well.” You felt a sense of relief at Soyeon’s reassuring words. But you couldn’t brush off little details about her tone and the way she said it. You tried to brush it off, shifting your focus back to the song.
“So… Do you think we could use it?” you asked as Soyeon hummed, reading over some verses once more. “Yeah, totally. With the right melody, it could be something really refreshing.” She glanced up at you, a reassuring smile forming on her lips. 
“May I ask what inspired you? Cause you never wrote a song like this ever.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You felt the lump in your throat as you struggled to form an answer that didn’t make your feelings painfully obvious. “I just… thought about how it would feel to like someone, y’know?” You shrugged, hoping she’d let it go— knowing Soyeon, here came another question though. 
“Do you have someone in mind?” A smirk creeped on Soyeon’s face as her eyes spoke of curiosity you couldn’t explain. Fuck— what were you supposted to say at the question? 
Though you saw curiosity in her eyes, you also saw something unspoken. Like she wanted to know who you like; but not for just curiosity but for some reason else? 
The room was too quiet for your liking and the tension was unpredictable. 
“Maybe but…” you managed to spill those 2 words out as Soyeon’s face became serious  with a slight change. “But?” she asks, not daring to look away from you. 
“I don’t think she likes me back, so I thought I’d write it out.” Soyeon’s smirk faltered for just a second—so quick you almost missed it. But her sharp and unreadable eyes stayed focused onto yours.
She leaned forward slightly, her elbows resting on her knees as she looked at the floor. “Do you think that’ll make it easier? turning feelings into just lyrics.”
You swallowed hard. “I don’t know, maybe?” You let out a nervous chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. 
Soyeon didn’t laugh back with you like she usually does. Instead, she tilted her head slightly, gaze flickering down to your lips before meeting your eyes again.
“Maybe she already knows,” she stated, lowering her voice. “Or just waiting.”
Your breath hitched—what does she mean? “Waiting for what?”
Soyeon smiled, a small smile that made your stomach flip and made the back of your brain hurt with diverse thoughts.
“For you to stop writing and start talking.”
The air was thick, changed into something you couldn’t explain. She was close now, closer than she had any reason to be. You swore you could hear your own heartbeat in the silence that lingered between you. Then, as if drawn by your energy, she leaned in just a little more.
Your breath caught as you gazed at her soft plump but pink lips.
There was always an inch between you two from being more than just friends — an inch you didn’t have the mind to cross. 
Suddenly, knocking could be heard from behind the door. “Soyeon, Y/n? Are you two there yet?” Yuqi called out from behind as her deep voice muffled. 
Soyeon leaned away from you, shortly looking at the door, disappointment crossing her face as she gazed at you with a gentle but tender expression. One more gaze at your lips, she stood up and went to open the door, leaving you speechless. 
Hesitation always spoke first than action. 
Friday~ 7.15PM
It was finally the day of the concert. As a band you successfully made the song you wrote, a love song you wrote for Soyeon. It was intense because since what happened, you haven’t talked to Soyeon even during rehearsals. But eye contacts were made during that silent war. 
As you were getting ready in the backstage room, you watched as Yuqi and Minnie talked in one corner behind you. Eventually cracking up in laughs and giggles while going through the lyrics of the songs you were about to sing tonight. Their silliness made you smile as you gazed at them in the mirror. Until a not so tall figure walks up behind you. 
Soyeon—you turned around and stood up to face her, slowly. Before you could say anything she pulled you into a hug. Hugging you slightly tighter than usual and staying longer like that than usual.
“Good luck, alright?” she pulls away from your embrace, putting a smile to reassure you like always. “Make sure to go through the lyrics once more.” she finished as she started to walk away from the room. 
But before she could you grab her shoulder, softly. Startling her at the sudden turn your eyes were determined and desperate. Soyeon waited for you to say something as she blinked 2 times.
“Are we…alright?” unsureness filled your soft voice, the question hanging in the air. The familiar tension formed once again. Soyeon just smiled at you, as if she’s holding back the right words,
“Of course we are, I just…” she lowered her gaze sideways before locking eyes with you again. YOu swore you could see a slight blush on her face—was she…nervous? 
“Forget it, if you'll excuse me” she backs away and quickly walks outside the room, leaving you speechless before you could speak.
The weight of her hesitant words sat heavy in your heart, the tension from before fading away with a large wall between you and Soyeon. You stood there for a few moments, replaying the way her arms felt around you—she hesitated, the short glimpse of something vulnerable in her eyes.
But before you could dwell on it for too long, Yuqi called your name, holding her drumsticks tightly. “Y/n! It’s almost time, let’s go!”
Snapping back to reality, you took a deep breath, nodding. You could overthink this later. Right now, you had a concert to perform.
The venue was buzzing with energy. Teenagers cheered as the colorful lights dimmed, and you felt your heart pound in sync with the opening beat of the opening song. Everything was going so perfectly—the music, the atmosphere, the way the band moved in harmony and matching outfits you were wearing. 
You loved the energy of performing, the band overall equalized the energy into one and shared it with the audience. Jumping and dancing, you naturally sang into the microphone. From time to time you came closer and swayed with your members. No matter what you and Soyeon have to untie, you were still the most natural on stage. Every now and then Yuqi let out a couple of whistles during the beat drop and everyone knew that later you would get drunk from the celebration.
Then, it was time for your song. The song you wrote for Soyeon.
The stage lights softened, creating an almost dreamlike haze as you stepped closer to the mic. Your fingers trembled slightly as they hovered over the microphone, but you took a deep breath, steadying yourself.
“This song I wanna dedicate to someone I find really special and important in my life. Though they don’t know it just yet, I want them to at least listen.” you softly spoke as the crowd cheered after your short transition between songs, but your eyes landed on Soyeon just for a brief moment before you started to sing. 
Soyeon was standing on the left from you, bass in her hand, her eyes as sharp as always. But when she nodded at you, the slightest tilt of her head was all the reassurance you needed as well as her smile that was the only thing in your mind. 
The soft melody carried through the venue, the lyrics naturally pouring out every bit of emotion you had kept buried. You didn’t dare look at Soyeon at first, afraid you’d give yourself away completely. But when you did—when your eyes finally met hers mid-chorus—you felt the air shift.
She was staring at you. Not just looking—staring.
Like she knew. Like she had always known. 
Until an idea popped in your head as you were swaying on the stage. Relaxed in a swift move, Soyeon and Minnie swinging closer to you during the bridge of the song. Your head bopped to the beat as you first looked to your right, at Minnie, then to your left—at Soyeon. Taking the mic out of the stand, you make eye contact with Soyeon as you stand together, facing each other on stage. 
Then—as fast as unclipping a hair clip is and as gentle as unbuttoning a button in a freshly brought coat. 
You slowly lean into Soyeon and put your lips on hers. The crowd cheered louder as Yuqi swung her drumsticks high in the air and her face was as totally surprised as Minnie's. The electric love shock going through both of you as you slowly pull away. 
A proud smile splattered on your face as Soyeon tried not to make a mistake on her bass. Soyeon blinked, her eyes wide with shock, but there was something else there too—something warm but welcoming. 
Your heart raced as you pulled back closer to the mic stand, having your eyes on her reaction. The heat in your chest spreaded across your whole body, killing the shivers. Then, a faint smirk formed on her lips.
“You’re crazy,” she mouthed quietly, slightly shaking her head, but there was no mistake in the way her eyes softened when they met yours. “You love it.” you teased as she proudly nodded back at you before going back to her spot on the stage. 
The music carried on, the moment fleeting but electric, and as Soyeon found her rhythm again, she stepped closer. Her fingers moved effortlessly over the bass strings, but her focus was entirely on you.
Yuqi made an effective outro with the drums to which the crowd screamed the loudest and Minnie was shredding so hard it was a miracle the skin on her fingers still kept up. The audience was eating it up. 
The loud music from the performance still buzzed in your ears as you stepped backstage. Minnie legit tackled you the moment you entered the dressing room. “Oh my god.” She shook you by the shoulders, eyes grinning more than her smile.. “You did not kiss Soyeon on stage. That was insane.”
Yuqi swung an arm around both of you, grinning ear to ear. “Just like a rockstar, Y/n !!” She exclaimed, “Most exciting thing I’ve ever seen. And trust me, I’ve seen a lot.” She joked as she nudged you with her elbow. 
“So, was that scripted? Or did you finally grow a pair?” Minnie asks, a small smirk forming on her face. 
“Yeah, was it planned? Was that the reason for yall’s early meetups and late night stay-ins?” Yuqi teased her with a tight question. TIghtening your jaw you smile nervously. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could answer, a familiar voice was heard from behind. 
“I wanna know too.”
The three of you turned. Soyeon stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, arms crossed over her chest. Her face was calm—half amused, half something else you couldn’t quite recognize.
Minnie and Yuqi looked at each other as they knew you two had to talk alone after such a heated performance. 
Yuqi lifted both hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, I see where this is going.” She grabbed Minnie’s wrist. “Come on, let’s go get some drinks. I think these two need to talk.”
Minnie shot you a wink before Yuqi dragged her by the wrist out, leaving you alone with Soyeon.
The rebellious silence lingered between you. Soyeon took a step forward, her eyes searching for yours. “So.” “So?” Her lips curled into a curious smirk. 
“Was the song for me?”
You swallowed, forcing yourself to hold her gaze right under your chin. “Y-yeah, it is.” You softly spoke, looking down. Heart racing with each millisecond and you could feel the heat in your cheeks. “But I meant what I sang.”
For a second, she just looked at you, her usual unreadable expression cracking slightly—something comforting and acceptable underneath. Then, before you could think, she reached for your arm, tugging you closer. Without flinching, trembling or even your breath hitching you melted into her presence. 
“You could’ve just told me,” she murmured as her face was now closer to yours. You exhaled a soft laugh. “Would you have believed me?”
Soyeon hummed as she chuckled with you, “Maybe I would.” She laughs at your reaction which includes your raised eyebrows and slightly widened eyes. “‘m joking, I would’ve believed you.” her tone reveals a decrescendo. Soyeon’s gaze falls on your hands as she intertwines them with her smaller ones—as if they were made for each other. 
Staring with not just your eyes but with your heart too, you stare down at Soyeon, pulling her closer and putting a finger on her chin. As you made her look up at you, both of your eyes fell on each other’s lips. 
In a swift move Soyeon gets on her tippy toes and kisses you, her soft lips dancing alongside yours. In a heartfelt moment, you slightly pull away as you gasp for air. Resting your head on Soyeon's forehead as you both grin, the kiss proving you two finally being official. 
There was yet another inch in between you two from being more than just friends, but this time— you had the heart to cross it. 
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des-no9 · 1 month ago
For the fic ask game! What about 2 and 22? :]
From writing asks here!
talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Oh boy. Endlessly. I'm very much a writer that goes in and just....writes? and lets the characters take the lead. It's not often I have a set narrative/outline because I know that doesn't happen or work. That restriction on something creative is where much needed structure falls apart for me.
I write a lot of shorter pieces, not much in the way of sprawling novel narratives, so maybe this doesn't come up as starkly as in long form writers. It's probably more smaller and nuance for short form writers (n my experience anyway).
Well actually a big one narratively for Vanquish was I didn't want her to die so soon, or at all mortally (another narrative thread) when she joins Voss, the githyanki and frees herself from Nezarr. But I think she just kind of told me when I was figuring out her narrative and end that no, she was ready to die then. She was tired, sore, but happy.
I feel the same for Voss, so their endings just kind of aligned to me and felt right after she kind of told me "this is what I want". After living two very long lives (relatively) basically for someone else, they get to have these short last years as theirs and they don't need anymore.
It felt really poignant especially for Vanquish as her whole initial fear was her mortality, death and her loss of control over it, and its what got her in such a horrible situation. So it just feels right and nice and makes me emotional haha.
Sorry for rambling like fuck and getting very emotional lol.
describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
Hah oh boy okay.
Okay well, fellow neuro diverse and mentally unwell writes may understand your head also just constantly being on fire with ideas and narrative threads and characters.
The reason I pick a certain one can be anything from: catharthis, just the need to write, spite, horny, prompt, unexplored part of a char, what if what if always what if (why I love rare pairs and side chars), and ofc just the general exploring the fucked up and unknown.
Okay first of all I need: music for the vibe of what I'm going to write. Lately actually ambient 10hr background noise audios have been saving my life. Particularly these two. Cyberpunk 9hrs rain. Cozy cyberpunk loft in the rain 10hr. They've been constant lifesavers for writing lately. I've been finding a lot of lyric songs overstimulating and distracting for writing. I need tea if I'm going to settle in and write something longer. Always.
I often write my shorter things these days in StimuWrite, just opening it up and going for it. For me it has the same feel of writing directly into the tumblr text box which increases my output somehow idk. Having no spellchecker is insanely helpful for me hah. Otherwise I consistently use g-docs, for better or worse. It helps me because I have 4 devices then I can write on, and I can write anywhere on any position (chronic pain wahoo).
I edit as I go in everything I write though (not always catching the spelling mistakes tho, that's different). Constantly editing structure, word choice as I go. It's just easier for me. I'm not a 1st draft, 2nd draft person. All my work is essentially one draft, edited as I go, then as I finish I go over it again before posting.
I usually write linearly because the things I usually write are quite short. But often lines for future scenes, moments etc will just appear as I'm writing a current one and I just quickly write that at the bottom of the document. That happened twice past two days. I wrote a flashback in the cyberpunk AU fic and the ending of it wrote itself while I was writing the opening, so I just wrote it down quickly a few spaces down, then continued writing, editing it slightly into the context of what I ended up writing that followed.
Exact same thing happened writing an Orpheus/Voss yesterday. Ending few lines just wrote themselves as I was writing another line so had to throw them down. Then I wrote the rest of the fic.
For longer things I won't always write scenes in order. Sometimes I'll just write things and shuffle them around. I don't need constant 'seamless scene transitions'. I'm confident enough im my writing and my readers that they can understand what's happening. And this fic is a series of vignettes anyway. Snapshots of various people's lives. It fits the vibe.
When something's finished, if it's something longer, or something professional or for a zine, I'll let it sit for a few days, longer. I need to step away from it to come back with fresh eyes. It helps me edit more objectively, critically, and just help notice dumb shit I did that I maybe wouldn't have if I didn't give myself that break away from it.
For shorter things though, often I just write, edit/proof, immediately post. Sometimes I know there are things I just need to get out there and not worry about, just get out my system, just be stress free, or things I need to stop looking at and let it go.
Thank you so much for the ask love!!! This was very fun !! <33333 sorry it's so long omg hope you enjoyed reading
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twirlingsmilingwriting · 1 year ago
Hunger Games Characters as Taylor Swift songs PART 2!!
I know these aren't popular like the fan fiction on my account but I love mixing my music and intrests so ima do a PART TWO
Johanna Mason
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Mad Woman- Taylor Swift, Folklore
"Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will"
Honestly, it's so hard to find just one lyric in this song that I felt like truly highlights her because the whole song is literally her. Especially the last verse. Like "'Cause you took everything from me, Watchin' you climb, Watchin' you climb Over people like me The master of spin Has a couple side flings Good wives always know She should be mad Should be scathing like me" THAT JUST FEELS SO MUCH LIKE HOW SHE VIEWS SNOW. He took everything from her and she was just sitting back ready to take him and the rest of the capital down with it. Also, I love her.
Katniss Everdeen
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Eyes Open- Taylor Swift, Red
"In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords. But now we've stepped into a cruel world. Where everybody stands and keeps score"
OKAY ADMITTEDLY THIS IS A SELL OUT BECAUSE THIS SONG WAS ON THE HUNGER GAMES OTHER SOUND TRACK BUT, it is quite literally her song. Side note but this song is so sad but sounds so happy. I love when Ms. Swift does songs like this. But yeah from the first verse describing how they were just kids then one day got thrown into the cruel and harsh world of the hunger games. Also the part talking about "they never thought you'd make it this far" makes so much sense because the girl from district 12 is always seen as the runt of the picks, the one who isn't supposed to win, BUT SHE DID!! Honestly, if yall can think of another song that fits her character please let me know. I have some honorable mentions
A Place in This World- Debut: honestly, I think this song really describes her thought process going into the hunger games. She was just trying to survive and keep her family safe. Even when she was thrown into being the head figure of the Revolution, she never wanted that position, she just got thrown into it. She was just walking along the path set for her. Even the line "maybe I'm just a girl on a mission but I'm ready to fly" makes sense to me because she IS the mocking jay.
Only Me When I'm With You- Debut: So Peniss coded (Peeta X Katniss)
I Know Places- 1989: Also Peniss coded
I Did Something Bad- Reputation: Killing president coin, pushing forth with the revolution,
Sujanus Plinth
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Only The Young- Taylor Swift, Miss Americana
"You did all that you could do, the game was rigged, the ref got tricked, the wrong ones think they're right. You were outnumbered, this time"
Honestly, the whole thing reminds me of his reaction to the games. Also the whole song is about how only the young can change the future and Sujanus's character really showed that spirit. He was trying to make a change but unfortunately, he trusted the whole people and the odds were stacked against him.
Haymitch Abernathy
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Champagne Problems- Taylor Swift, Evermore
""This dorm was once a madhouse" I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
He has em. Simple as that. (alcoholism)
Seriously though this song reminds me of him more so because of the concept of it. Champagne problems is a term used to describe issues that seem rather trivial, unimportant, and I feel like a lot people tend to disregard all the genuine things Haymitch had gone through. The story of the song also is about a marriage that never happened, it also has undertones of lost family and friends. As we know, Haymitch lost his girlfriend and family to the capital. He never got to marry her because she was taken from him.
Lucy Gray
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My Tears Ricochet- Taylor Swift, Folklore
"And I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky. And when you can't sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies"
LETS BE HONEST, SHE IS SO FOLK-EVERMORE CODED. I could dissect this song for ages explaining why it's the perfect example of what Lucy Gray would be saying indirectly to Snow. Firstly,
"Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day"
CUZ NO SHE DID NOT DESERVE WHAT SNOW PUT HER THROUGH. She loved him truly, deeply, but when it came down to it, she knew she could never trust him. Especially with the position he put her in. She could go anywhere she wants but not home after Snow made it seem like she killed the mayors daughter. And then the part
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around, saving face And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet"
She didn't go with grace. She left in a flash, deep with mystery. She has to hide for the rest of her life while he gets to be the proud hero and savior to Panem. The second half of the main chorus is so true to how Coryo was acting when they were in the forest in that last scene. He was quite literally cursing her name, wishing she'd stayed.
"You know I didn't want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me"
"But you would still miss me in your bones And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming at the sky) And when you can't sleep at night (you hear my stolen lullabies)"
She had such a hold on him, he still remembers her years later, haunted by her memory. the song constantly references the "Haunting". The "I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky" reminded me of the way the mocking jays carried her voice all around the sky. And the last line was so clearly connecting to 'The Hanging Tree' in my brain. Many years later, Katniss sang the same song she did to lead a rebellion against him. His life is haunted by her memories and cursed by it. He can't escape her anywhere.
The tears he made her spill simply ricocheted into bullets that hit him instead.
Effie Trinket
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Bejeweled- Taylor Swift, Midnights
"Best believe I'm still bejeweled. When I walk in the room,I can still make the whole place shimmer"
MS. EFFIE TRINKET IS THE BADDEST BITCH BRO OMG I LOVEEEEE HER. STYLE ICON. Listen, no matter what happens to that woman, shes gonna shine. A diamonds gotta SHINE. She is always the most sparkly, eye catching person out there at ALL TIMES! Even without all the glitz and glamour she is still so iconic. She is ALWAYS bejeweled.
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