#( slides this onto the dash )
duunswitch · 1 year
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She leaned back on her hands, legs kicking idly over the edge as she stared up at the sky and traced constellations with her eyes. Sleep was, apparently, not happening tonight.
"I can hear you, y'know. If you're gonna lurk then you might as well come sit down."
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emilyofnewmoongifs · 4 days
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"I'm the chore boy. She ain't ever going to look at me any other way." "Sure she will." "No, she won't. Not without an education." Emily of New Moon (1998-2000) - S01E04
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆. 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀. 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱, 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁. 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗮𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿. ❞
    MUNDANEMISERIES an independent oc multimuse featuring both fandomless ocs and ocs from different fandoms (Warframe and The World Ends With You in particular).
loved by Kellin | est march 2019
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cybernexus · 8 months
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"You'd be surprised at how many people hit me with the 'you looked so much better before!' when they see a picture of what I used to look like." Raj spat as he unintentionally bared his many pointed, beast-like teeth in a pained grimace. "Sometimes... it even feels like they're referring to me becoming more masculine, not my cybernetics. Like I'm not 'cute' anymore, so I'm no longer attractive to them - as though I should care what they think, and adjust my self worth accordingly."
Raj suddenly looked up to focus and snapped back to reality, putting an arm behind his head and scratching the back of his scalp with bony digits. "Sorry, didn't mean for all that to come out. Won't happen again."
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kotttagare · 12 days
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pose1dson · 8 months
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tentative mains and affiliates call ?
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millionsnife · 1 year
It'd been awhile since he stepped in a plant facility; not since before July when he'd been taking them from various cities. It was tempting for just a moment... but no. That wasn't why Knives was here this time.
He'd followed the call, heeding the itch under his skin that always came with a plant on the verge of going red. The closer he'd gotten, the worse the itch had been until he'd found the building and paused before the door. It was probably guarded, or at least monitored. And he really didn't want to deal with people, or explaining why he was there.
Maybe if he came at it from another angle...
Well, there was a window on the top floor, that counted as a new angle right? Top down, sure. Anyone in there would be expecting intruders from the door, not from above. Shrugging, Knives set to searching for a good spot to climb the wall.
Hopefully no one noticed him and he could do this quickly.
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eraserisms · 5 months
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"There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway."
Independent Shota Aizawa Selective + Crossover Friendly + OC friendly Guidelines Ask Biography Verses
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moltenfire · 5 months
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❝     you  don't  even  remember   m y   n a m e,   do  you?     ❞
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keikakudori · 2 years
any headacanons on Aizen’s childhood?
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Aizen was born to a brothel worker named Aizen Naoko in the east 80th district in the Rukongai. The owner of the brothel wasn't thrilled by this entirely, since she was one of his top earners; Naoko was a beautiful woman. And obviously, he takes his surname from her.
Naoko began teaching Aizen his numbers and letters before her death, which he continued to practice while wandering the Rukongai. Though he did come to the Academy semi-literate, it didn't take long for him to learn much more than he'd already known.
Because he grew up with several women who were older sisters and aunts in his own eyes who were also workers at the brothel, Aizen is very sex worker positive. He will never judge anyone who has done that kind of work.
He learned he wasn't a fan of hard-boiled eggs when they'd be used by other children as things that would hit him. I think that he might've been hit by a few rotten eggs as well and that's why he took years to get over being egg averse.
Aizen was always a beacon for Hollow, though he didn't encounter any until he had begun to circle through the Rukongai in the years following his mother's death.
In fact, it was his first encounter with a Hollow that saw his power really beginning to spark into life. He crushed that one with his Reiatsu, though he didn't know what he'd done until many years later and realized that was what had happened.
Unfortunately, this act kind of ... flicked his power to the on position and it's been that way ever since. Aizen had more encounters with Hollows before he finally made it to the Academy.
Aizen did try, more than once, to settle down with kindlier strangers in the Rukongai who were willing to take in a wild young boy. But that didn't work because every time he did, inevitably a Hollow would show up, drawn to the power that was his soul and those people would wind up being devoured. Enough times of that and Aizen began to realize that it was himself that pulled monsters in and those monsters would attack people; so he began to isolate himself as a result so no one else would get hurt because of him.
While he won't admit it, Aizen's life after his mother's death was quite difficult. His power was only growing as he tried to survive on the streets in the Rukongai district he came from, no mean feat for a boy from an Eightieth district. He was lucky enough to evade those that might've tried to put him in a brothel.
Aizen's power was vast enough that he would sometimes kill or dissolve weaker spirits, which was another reason why he began to sink into self-isolation at a very young age. When that happened, he would steal clothes and any money that they might've had and, if he was hungry enough, well --... you do what you must to survive. He's not proud of it. But Aizen did turn somewhat cannibalistic in the years after Naoko's passing when he was trying to simply survive. He would never eat an entire person, but he did learn that meat was meat.
It's kind of fucked him up a little but given that he learned later that Hollows cannibalize one another, it stopped bothering him years ago.
He's actually surprisingly good at building snares, traps, and fishing. All of this was something he put together himself but it worked out well. In any verse where he leaves the Seireitei behind, Aizen will employ these old skills of his again for his own dietary needs.
While a child, Aizen would also often try to help people if he saw them being hurt or harassed. He was usually lucky enough to avoid any serious injury, but he did wind up with bruises and even broken bones a few times. That's part of what's helped contribute to his aversion to showing any kind of pain. He would hide that as much as he could.
Aizen and Shinji actually met one another before Aizen arrived at the Academy; a Hollow had been pursuing Aizen for almost a full week out of sheer persistence and irritation and Aizen was well aware that this thing was going to kill him. Because of his exhaustion and lack of proper stamina, he inevitably made a mistake and tripped while trying to run from it. The result was him letting out this scream of fear and defiance and anger; I don't want to die though he didn't actually say that. In the next few moments, Shinigami were there to take the Hollow down and one of them caught Aizen for a few moments, though all he got for his efforts was Aizen cursing, biting him, and then taking off running when he finally got free. All Aizen saw of Shinji was the hair and a hint of his face.
Aizen didn't trust Shinigami when he was a child and that mistrust carried through into the Academy. He'd heard too many stories of bad Shinigami to ever really trust them and it took a little while for that to die down, though it never truly went away.
Though it might be hard to believe now, Aizen actually used to collect sick or wounded animals and bring them home to Naoko, hoping that they could heal and survive. Many of them actually did, although not all of them. But Naoko and Aizen often had several animals in their little house.
As a child, Aizen actually didn't speak very often and would merely be quiet while doing something or another to help his mother out. He would often hang out silently and do things on his own or simply watch people. That habit still can be found in him, of him choosing to be quiet and simply watch things, working out his own thoughts, and it's served him quite well over the years.
While it only shows up now when he's drunk or just overwhelmed enough with pleasure, Aizen actually came out of the Rukongai with a very strong accent and quite a foul mouth. It took him years to shave off both accent and foul language alike which was a process he began in the early months at the Academy. It can slip out still, mostly when he's drunk, but sometimes you can hear the slightest hint of it when he's speaking.
He was a really feral kid by the time he showed up at the Academy; cursing, biting, getting into fights, even breaking someone's arm when they said the wrong thing to someone else. He's got that mostly hidden but it's never far beneath the surface of his personality today. There's a reason why Aizen enjoys it whenever Gin is feral. There is a big reason.
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subjectitute · 2 years
@zombiigrl​ replied:
you'll be next.
the hell is that supposed to mean?! are ya tryin’ to fight me now too, eh??
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supraxstcllas · 2 years
// idk just .....Match with babies. enjoy.
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the kids are the two MatchThad kids from those kid memes from months ago.... first would be Lev and the second is Warrick.
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moraypower · 2 years
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hey there!
so, this is honestly my first time actually making one of these permanent ads that I can remember ever trying to do, so I’m a little bit nervous. but that being said...
hi, I’m Xav, and this is a permanent relationship/starter/plotter call for Frye from the Splatoon series!
as a warning, there *WILL* be spoilers for Splatoon 3′s story mode in this post!
liking this post means:
You can show up in my inbox or IMs unprompted at any time even if it’s just to chat, and vice-versa
You’re totally free to post random starters for me
I may write random starters for you (I’ll generally try to ask in advance, but due to memory issues I may forget, so if you end up with a starter you don’t want you’re free to ignore it or ask me to delete it!)
You’re alright with me responding to your opens/minis
You’re open to OOC plotting in IMs (I have a discord too, which I would honestly prefer!)
You’re alright with me sending in memes on meme day
You have an interest in our characters forming some kind of long-term relationship dynamic
So, let’s get into it!
With Frye’s general lively, energetic (sometimes even hyper) and friendly disposition, friendships with her aren’t terribly difficult to obtain, even with her stubborn streak, frequent lack of brain cells, and overall very chaotic nature tacked onto the deal as well. She’s generally pretty easygoing around people that she likes, though she is definitely not calm just in the sense that she is always a very fiery and passionate soul overall, and doesn’t really like to ever even sit still for long! She’s a definite “go, go, go!” type of person, and would love to have people who could match her energy there... or even people who could let her know when to reign it in a little for the sake of her own health. (Not that she’d ever admit that she needs that second option in her life aloud, but she does, and she would appreciate the concern!) She is extremely loyal to the people she cares about, and is more than willing to put herself at risk for the sake of the people or even places that she cares about the most; even her main job of being a bandit back home in Splatsville was all for the sake of helping the less fortunate in her hometown, so it’s safe to say that she has a good heart deep within, even if she can be impulsive and make the wrong decisions on what to do fairly often and comes across as rough around the edges.
She loves dancing and music, so if you have an interest in either of these things, you may find it even easier to become her friend than with other people! She may even show you some of Deep Cut’s music from back home, to show you what herself, Shiver, and Big Man were really capable of when they were all together. To her, letting you in on her previously existing friend circle in a way like that is one of the best things she can do to show you that she really cares and sees you as one of her own.
Of course, Frye definitely has a competitive streak, and we’ve seen her to not like losing very much at all. In her own words to Agent 3 upon a rematch:
“I got a li’l problem, see? When I get beat, I just can’t let it go!”
She’s always down for a challenge, even if the challenge is idiotic, and if she sees you as competition in some kind of way, she’ll be more than happy to strike up a friendly rivalry sort of deal with you, almost certainly trying to one-up you whenever and wherever she can.
Of course, less-than-friendly rivalries are certainly possible as well, too. After all, no matter how good the intentions behind it are, she is still a bandit, and she has absolutely no qualms about breaking the law if it’s for something that she sees as being a good cause. (Or for herself. She’s been known to occasionally do so for her own benefit as well, and does keep a slight cut of the profits from her banditry. And she’ll occasionally cause trouble just for the fun of it as well, to see if she can get away with it, but she does generally try to make sure that she’s the only one who is in any sort of risk when she does that.)
This possibility for less-than-friendly rivalries certainly isn’t helped by the fact that throwing hands with each other in a fight is seen as a very common way to resolve even the most minor of issues in Splatsville; sometimes, fights are even seen as a means of showing affection! This means that Frye is quite quick to throw down with anyone at a moments notice, and this can definitely come across the wrong way to those who don’t share Splatsville’s rowdy culture.
But it’s frankly pretty hard to get her to see you as someone who she actually, truly despises. She doesn’t really like truly hating people, no matter how strong she can come across with her general behavior and attitude (which may lead some people to think that she does truly hate them, when she doesn’t).
That being said... it’s certainly not impossible to make her hate you, either.
The fastest way to earn yourself a spot on Frye’s list of enemies would be to seriously put her closest friends and family in danger in some way, especially if you do actually manage to harm or kill them.
No matter how silly, goofy and chaotic she may come across as most of the time, loyalty to her loved ones is her number one priority. And she’s no slouch in a real fight, either! Between the entirety of the Deep Cut trio, Frye is almost certainly the one with the most fighting experience under her belt, able to confidently taunt along the way and knowing how to get back up when downed even if her balance does get thrown off for a little while. 
At her full power, she can expertly wield her moray eels that she’s tamed to fight alongside her, to the point that the entire fight comes across more like a dance; a performance, complete with her often referring to the duel itself as a “dance battle to the death”. Though, in a fight with someone who has truly, deeply wronged her or her loved ones, the showiness of the fight may be toned down in favor of putting sheer, brutal force behind it.
Of course, that’s all at her full power. At the time of writing this, she can still only briefly turn into her squid form for a few minutes each day, and only has a Splatana Wiper to use as a weapon to ink a pathway for herself with. So... she’s not exactly at the best setup for a fight right now, even if she certainly still does know how to make good use out of her fists and even her teeth.
But either way, if you manage to catch her attention in a truly bad way, she certainly won’t forget you or what you did to earn her ire any time soon.
Those three things were the main big options that I could think of that would fit most characters, but of course, more specific situations and relationships are definitely more than possible! 
For example, maybe you could be in a band of some kind with her, or join her on her looting endeavors? Both of these are things that she would normally do together with Shiver and Big Man, but she doesn’t mind doing them with someone else if you got close enough for her to trust you to at least some degree, especially since neither of them are here right now anyways.  (As mentioned before, she doesn’t like sitting still, and we’ve learned from an interview that she can only stand singing acapella style for so long, so not having anyone to practice her music with is probably driving her juuust a little bit nuts at the moment.)
Sparring partners would be a fun option to have as well, given that she does put a lot of effort into making fighting her quite theatrical; she’s very proud of this, too!
We’ve also seen that the entire Deep Cut trio is willing to do a lot to try to make it up to people if they think that they messed up in some way, especially in the case of a situation where the person they hurt doing something nice for them is what allows them to realize that they were never actually enemies. They’ve gone as far as insisting loudly on becoming the willing employees’ of the person who did this for them.
Though, “employees” may be a bit of a strong word there. With the group’s overall chaotic nature and often low common sense, “lackeys” may be a more accurate term, and Frye is certainly not an exception to this. Her deep loyalty knows no bounds, and she will make her mistake up to you, for better or for worse!
And again, those are just a few examples! If you can think of something else that you think would be interesting, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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incendiorum-arch · 2 years
winter:  exists
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iilahalzili · 1 year
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He is currently just staring into the distance. . . maybe reflecting on things in his head, or just head empty no thoughts. Who knows
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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// so ik i've said all my lil dum dums are cat coded but also consider:
Koko's also house hippo coded.
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