#( skaikru. )
unrequited-luvv · 1 year
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korraofthereef · 28 days
get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr. get me back on bellamy blake tumblr.
get me on bellamy blake PERIOD.
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vmplvr1977 · 24 days
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Chapter 26 of Whims/Winds of Fate/ Destiny is posted!!!
Most couples have a quaint tale of how their relationship began. A meet-cute, of sorts, where two people destined to be together, whether as friends or lovers, share a random moment that changes everything. Usually, it is bumping into a stranger and spilling a drink all over their new shirt. Or two people who pass each other only moments apart at the same coffee shop for years before fate finally intervenes.
Clarke's first meeting with Lexa was nothing like the movies. Nor was it a tale to share with friends and family without extensive revisions. Still, it was clear that destiny had brought them together.
A serial killer is on the loose, and the bodies left behind suggest a vampire is the culprit. Hoping to avoid a war with Heda's vampires, Abby sends Clarke to investigate, resulting in a fateful meeting. Following their steamy introduction, Clarke can't get the Vampire Queen out of her mind. Once known for being a player, the alpha ignores all potential paramours, hoping to win Heda's heart as fate forces them together to hunt a murderer.
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pendragaryen · 11 months
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Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week - Day 1 Favorite Look: S3b
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notelcol · 9 months
Blood must have blood.
In which Anya Kom Trikru sends her lover to die.
Warnings : death, explosion
Anya, the leader of Trikru, was a powerful woman. She was also a passionate one. That was one of the many reasons you loved her. You had a special relationship with the warrior since you were children, she would rarely be seen without you near. When Anya decided to begin the attack on Skaikru, she chose you to lead the first wave. Normally she wouldn’t put you at risk in such a way but, with most of their enemies incapacitated by the disease they sent, she was certain this was a sure win.
Adrenaline shook your veins, like the wild vibration of leaves in a storm. Your feet bounced as you stood in a tree, watching over the forest. The coast was clear. You nodded to Tris, Anya’s young mentee. It was time to charge. A roar erupted from your chest and reverberated through the trees, letting everyone else know it was time. Jus dren jus daun.
Your feet hit the floor gracefully with Tris landing next to you. You steadied the girl as she stumbled, her height made the drop a little more intense. She pushed your hands away to save face in front of the older warriors, but gave you a small and grateful smile. The two of you led the charge, the jeers and roars from your brothers in arms got louder and louder as you reached the bridge. Once you crossed this, you would start encountering Skaikru. Your heart thundered in anticipation as you picked up your pace. You had gotten about a third of the way across the bridge when you spotted something. At first it looked like a grey dot, but as you approached you could tell it was a barrel of some sort. You stopped in your tracks when you looked past it and saw a Skaikru warrior, pointing their weapon at the out of place barrel. You realised this must be some kind of trap.
“TRIS!!” You screamed at the girl but she could not hear you over the chanting. Jus drein jus daun.
The others had begun to overtake you not hearing your frantic orders to stop. You pushed them all out of the way, trying to reach Tris. You couldn’t let her be the one to trigger whatever trap Skaikru had laid. Finally you managed to catch the girls wrist but, it was too late. You shielded young Tris with your body as the barrel exploded. The air turned red as flames ravaged your skin and blew the pair of you to the ground beneath the bridge. You heaved in a breath and time stopped. The bricks that were once a bridge, had been flung to the sky. It was as if they were floating up there, never to come down. If only that were true. Suddenly, the suspension was over and gravity brought the bridge back to the ground. Your breath released, in a shaky erratic manner. In an instant your vision faded black with rubble choking your lungs and the echoes still ringing. Jus drein jus daun.
Anya screamed like a banshee as she threw her arms down onto a table, breaking it in two. She had been told how your body was found. Burned and buried under tonnes of rubble, holding a barely alive Tris beneath you. Half of her died with you. All she had to hold on to was the hope, that your final wish came true, that Tris would live. When that too failed, her heart finally broke. The chanting that comfortingly carried you to your grave, would forever live in the place of Anya’s heart.
Jus drein jus daun.
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Finally had time to sit down and read the canon au! Absolutely loved it. I appreciate how you write their dynamic, espcially how pushy Clarke is with advocating for her people and how Lexa stands her ground when she should. This push and pull is such a hallmark of canon clexa.
Im curious as to how long the blockade lasts in your au? How would pike be taken down?
Thank you 🥹
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(Heda Lexa herself^^^)
As for your questions, logistically the blockade would last about as long as it takes Pike to realize that people were leaving, so a handful of weeks at best. After returning, Clarke would immediately shift the route of the rations, and in doing so not only would Pike and his followers slowly start actually starving themselves (leaving them to assume that the rations had been cut off), but the others would actually begin to eat more again (albeit in secret.)
In that time, Clarke and Octavia (to a lesser degree, and begrudgingly 🙄) would spearhead a massive underground campaign on the coalition's behalf. Clarke would plant the thought of active dissent by spreading the information and knowledge and proof that not only is the commander and her peace-seeking coalition willingly sending rations to the people of the thirteenth clan for no other reason than to keep them alive, but that she's doing it because she still very much views them as exactly that: the thirteenth clan of her coalition. She still sees them as her people who she is ultimately responsible for taking care of, because that is what the commander and the coalition does for each other 👀. That this blockade is a cold war being fought against their leader who issued the orders to murder the grounder army sent to protect them, not them as civilians who played no part in it (which is... partially true. Clarke had always done her best bullshitting when she can play with partial truths 🥴) She reiterates that the only way forward is to let go of the past and Pike and their life in space, and to realize the ground is their life now.
Some hear her message.
Some refuse to, instead intent on clinging to the idea thag somehow they'll eventually win this (though shockingly, they never really seem to be able to name exactly what "winning" means in this instance...)
The ones who do listen are smuggled out in accordance with the instructions that Indra herself lays out. She really has nothing to go on but faith in Lexa's word that they'll be taken care of, but by that point, some people are ready to put their bets a prayer rather than what life inside the boundary line has become.
Of the roughly 1000 skaikru within Arkadia, she only gets about 30 out before everything falls apart.
Because as Pike and his men start actually feeling the brunt of the blockade, they'd slowly become more agitated and more paranoid. More desperate. And desperation leads to aggression, that would slowly build until all it would take is one person realizing their numbers were off, or one person snitching on the escapees, and all hell would break loose.
Obviously, he'd immediately go after Clarke. Because it's always fucking Clarke (re: Bellamy's wise input.)
Charges of conspiring with the enemy. Espionage. Planning and attempting to execute a coup.
Which to be fair.... yeah, all those charges would be legit.
What can I say?
She's a bad bitch
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griffinkru · 1 month
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kaitlinamberxo · 1 month
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“Ai laik Okteivia kom skaikru, and you have something I want!”
kaitlin's 100 favorite female muses — 38/100: Octavia Blake
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okmcintyre · 4 months
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sheerioswifties · 1 year
all of the movie lovers trying to prepare themselves for the enigmatic whiplash of Barbenheimer will finally know the Swiftie experience that was the arrival of the Lover era directly after everything that is reputation
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lumenalumia · 3 months
"They tell the hundred to avoid the pink hornet mosquitos. Bellamy drills that it’s a near death experience so he’s not asked too many questions about it, and Clarke parrots how critical it is to remove the stinger as soon as possible after being stung."
My Prof said: Write a piece of fan fiction in response to one of your favourite science fiction narratives (literary or otherwise). For example, you can create • an alternative ending, • a new narrative perspective to retell a section of the original text, • a new segment that you think would enhance the original narrative, • some other creative variation.
So I happily delivered and wrote some fanfic after being out of the groove since 2017! Also, so happy to write Bellarke like this fandom needs the most therapy after all of that man... no words.
love y'all and hope you enjoy!
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graunblida · 5 months
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out of context chat starters // accepting @horiznwlker sent: "Maybe cuz he's still a flying douche" ( from clarke lmao )
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out of habit, lexa opens her mouth to counter, and upon processing clarke's exclamation, promptly shuts it. she's ususally so guarded with her emotions. stoic, steeled and solemn. but this catches her off guard and damn if it isn't funny.
"...i have no rebuttal. " lexa admits, the hint of a laugh at the end of her words. the dynamic between the commander and her flame keeper is COMPLICATED. there is goodness in titus. lexa remembers a more nurturing mentor in her youth. one who saw potential in the smallest of the novitiates. gave her the tools to stand against enemies twice her size and more. she will forever be grateful for the wisdom passed down to her. at the same time, titus' zealotry has been taxing and irritating to say the least.
" believe me, i sympathize. " a beat, a sigh. " i will deal with him, as i always have. " as i always will. that part is kept to herself. the longer she thinks about it, a bitterness starts to settle in. for a split second, she allows herself to envision what it might be like with her flame keeper out of the picture.
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reluctant-woodwind · 1 year
Apologies in advance, this is going to be a long one.
I have many feelings about the 100, Clarke and Lexa specifically, so let’s look at the Mount Weather kerfuffle. Lexa, seemingly, pulls a 360 and after making many plans and contingencies up and abandons Clarke at Mount Weather. This is all common knowledge, but I went down a little rabbit hole about what pushed Lexa to make this decision.
Let’s start pre-kiss. Throughout “Bodyguard of Lies” Lexa is consistently opening herself up and being vulnerable around Clarke. At the start of the episode Lexa is literally lying down with her eyes closed while Clarke is in the tent. We also get the iconic line “Not everyone. Not you.”. At this time it is also established that Clarke is a formidable fighter and leader, and Lexa notices this. When Clarke storms into the tent with the guard sent to kill Octavia (do we know this mans name?), she displays physical strength and also significant logic skills. The choice she gives to Lexa of “If you hurt Octavia, I’ll tell everyone we knew about the missile.” shows Clarke’s logical decision making and ability to take risks. All of this, along with the fact that Clarke and her people were able to breach the Mountain, shows Lexa that Clarke is comparable in power to the Mountain Men.
Then the kiss happens. This is peak Lexa makes herself vulnerable to Clarke. She displays all her emotions, which as a reminder, Lexa believes to be the pinnacle of weakness. When Clarke pulls back and admits that she’s not ready for a relationship, Lexa recoils into herself. She becomes scared. She is worried that Clarke will use her vulnerability against her, or her people. She is also scared of getting her heart broken again, so she reverts to what she’d been taught for her entire life. Cruelty.
This cruelty comes in the form of betrayal. She makes the deal with Mount Weather for two reasons. One, it was a sure way to keep HER people safe. Two, it was a way for Lexa to convince Clarke that Lexa doesn’t care as much as she led Clarke to believe. (This is a lie, Lexa is whipped as fuck).
So my takeaway from all this is “I made this decision with my head and not my heart.” is fucking bullshit. That decision was AT LEAST 50% emotional, because Lexa was scared and trying to protect herself. There was just an added benefit of protecting her people too.
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vmplvr1977 · 3 days
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Chapter 27 of Whims/Winds of Fate/Destiny is posted!!! Read it here!
Most couples have a quaint tale of how their relationship began. A meet-cute, of sorts, where two people destined to be together, whether as friends or lovers, share a random moment that changes everything. Usually, it is bumping into a stranger and spilling a drink all over their new shirt. Or two people who pass each other only moments apart at the same coffee shop for years before fate finally intervenes.
Clarke's first meeting with Lexa was nothing like the movies. Nor was it a tale to share with friends and family without extensive revisions. Still, it was clear that destiny had brought them together.
A serial killer is on the loose, and the bodies left behind suggest a vampire is the culprit. Hoping to avoid a war with Heda's vampires, Abby sends Clarke to investigate, resulting in a fateful meeting. Following their steamy introduction, Clarke can't get the Vampire Queen out of her mind. Once known for being a player, the alpha ignores all potential paramours, hoping to win Heda's heart as fate forces them together to hunt a murderer.
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pendragaryen · 11 months
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Random Bellamy Blake ~ An ongoing series...
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talktomeinclexa · 8 months
On the Ground All Can Hear You Scream
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: None in this chapter. Canon violence in others
Status: Complete (Part 1)
Summary: Novitiate Lexa is captured by reapers and wakes up locked in a cage, not knowing the girl who finds her there will change her destiny. Unless this enemy turns out to be who Fate had in store for her?
Chapter 14: Hodnes Laik Yujnes
Twice in her life before Lexa had felt the floor collapse under her feet. A free fall sensation brought by the realization that her life would never be the same again and the knowledge there was nothing she could do to stop the course of events derailing it. The first time was when she woke up in Mount Weather, trapped in a cage. The second, the day warriors came to collect her from the library at Titus’s orders and informed her that Heda Hanbin was dead.
If the former had come as a shock, she should have expected the latter one. Her whole existence back then revolved around the notion that she would one day partake in a conclave for the honor of being chosen by the Spirit. She simply hadn’t anticipated it to be that particular afternoon, on a perfectly ordinary day—if a little cold for the beginning of fall.
“Titus…” she said, her voice closer to a plea than the warning she had intended.
She would have given anything to convince him to forget the dark stain on the rag. But the Fleimkepa lived for the Flame and the novitiate system his order protected. She would have had more success reversing the flow of the river passing by Polis than getting him to turn a blind eye to Clarke’s nightblood.
“Are there more like you among your people?” Titus asked, ignoring Lexa.
After spending years under his tutelage, Lexa read him like a book. On his face, she saw a mix of curiosity, excitement, and dread. One novitiate from Mount Weather, he could handle. But ten, or worse, dozens of them? It would destroy his entire belief system, not to mention the Coalition.
Clarke shook her head, thankfully holding her composure better than Lexa had hoped. “Just me. My parents were pretty surprised when they found out.”
“Good. That is good.” Oblivious to the glance Lexa and Clarke shared, Titus cleared his throat. “It is too late for you to join the lessons of the day. We will start your instruction tomorrow morning.”
Keep reading
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