#( pls shes equally as rude
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You're a reasonably informed person on the internet. You've experienced things like no longer being able to get files off an old storage device, media you've downloaded suddenly going poof, sites and forums with troves full of people's thoughts and ideas vanishing forever. You've heard of cybercrime. You've read articles about lost media. You have at least a basic understanding that digital data is vulnerable, is what I'm saying. I'm guessing that you're also aware that history is, you know... important? And that it's an ongoing study, requiring ... data about how people live? And that it's not just about stanning celebrities that happen to be dead? Congratulations, you are significantly better-informed than the British government! So they're currently like "Oh hai can we destroy all these historical documents pls? To save money? Because we'll digitise them first so it's fine! That'll be easy, cheap and reliable -- right? These wills from the 1850s will totally be fine for another 170 years as a PNG or whatever, yeah? We didn't need to do an impact assesment about this because it's clearly win-win! We'd keep the physical wills of Famous People™ though because Famous People™ actually matter, unlike you plebs. We don't think there are any equalities implications about this, either! Also the only examples of Famous People™ we can think of are all white and rich, only one is a woman and she got famous because of the guy she married. Kisses!"
Yes, this is the same Government that's like "Oh no removing a statue of slave trader is erasing history :(" You have, however, until 23 February 2024 to politely inquire of them what the fuck they are smoking. And they will have to publish a summary of the responses they receive. And it will look kind of bad if the feedback is well-argued, informative and overwhelmingly negative and they go ahead and do it anyway. I currently edit documents including responses to consultations like (but significantly less insane) than this one. Responses do actually matter. I would particularly encourage British people/people based in the UK to do this, but as far as I can see it doesn't say you have to be either. If you are, say, a historian or an archivist, or someone who specialises in digital data do say so and draw on your expertise in your answers. This isn't a question of filling out a form. You have to manually compose an email answering the 12 questions in the consultation paper at the link above. I'll put my own answers under the fold. Note -- I never know if I'm being too rude in these sorts of things. You probably shouldn't be ruder than I have been.
Please do not copy and paste any of this: that would defeat the purpose. This isn't a petition, they need to see a range of individual responses. But it may give you a jumping-off point.
Question 1: Should the current law providing for the inspection of wills be preserved?
Yes. Our ability to understand our shared past is a fundamental aspect of our heritage. It is not possible for any authority to know in advance what future insights they are supporting or impeding by their treatment of material evidence. Safeguarding the historical record for future generations should be considered an extremely important duty.
Question 2: Are there any reforms you would suggest to the current law enabling wills to be inspected?
Question 3: Are there any reasons why the High Court should store original paper will documents on a permanent basis, as opposed to just retaining a digitised copy of that material?
Yes. I am amazed that the recent cyber attack on the British Library, which has effectively paralysed it completely, not been sufficient to answer this question for you. I also refer you to the fate of the Domesday Project. Digital storage is useful and can help more people access information; however, it is also inherently fragile. Malice, accident, or eventual inevitable obsolescence not merely might occur, but absolutely should be expected. It is ludicrously naive and reflects a truly unpardonable ignorance to assume that information preserved only in digital form is somehow inviolable and safe, or that a physical document once digitised, never need be digitised again..At absolute minimum, it should be understood as certain that at least some of any digital-only archive will eventually be permanently lost. It is not remotely implausible that all of it would be. Preserving the physical documents provides a crucial failsafe. It also allows any errors in reproduction -- also inevitable-- to be, eventually, seen and corrected. Note that maintaining, upgrading and replacing digital infrastructure is not free, easy or reliable. Over the long term, risks to the data concerned can only accumulate.
"Unlike the methods for preserving analog documents that have been honed over millennia, there is no deep precedence to look to regarding the management of digital records. As such, the processing, long-term storage, and distribution potential of archival digital data are highly unresolved issues. [..] the more digital data is migrated, translated, and re-compressed into new formats, the more room there is for information to be lost, be it at the microbit-level of preservation. Any failure to contend with the instability of digital storage mediums, hardware obsolescence, and software obsolescence thus meets a terminal end—the definitive loss of information. The common belief that digital data is safe so long as it is backed up according to the 3-2-1 rule (3 copies on 2 different formats with 1 copy saved off site) belies the fact that it is fundamentally unclear how long digital information can or will remain intact. What is certain is that its unique vulnerabilities do become more pertinent with age." -- James Boyda, On Loss in the 21st Century: Digital Decay and the Archive, Introduction.
Question 4: Do you agree that after a certain time original paper documents (from 1858 onwards) may be destroyed (other than for famous individuals)? Are there any alternatives, involving the public or private sector, you can suggest to their being destroyed?
Absolutely not. And I would have hoped we were past the "great man" theory of history. Firstly, you do not know which figures will still be considered "famous" in the future and which currently obscure individuals may deserve and eventually receive greater attention. I note that of the three figures you mention here as notable enough to have their wills preserved, all are white, the majority are male (the one woman having achieved fame through marriage) and all were wealthy at the time of their death. Any such approach will certainly cull evidence of the lives of women, people of colour and the poor from the historical record, and send a clear message about whose lives you consider worth remembering.
Secondly, the famous and successsful are only a small part of our history. Understanding the realities that shaped our past and continue to mould our present requires evidence of the lives of so-called "ordinary people"!
Did you even speak to any historians before coming up with this idea?
Entrusting the documents to the private sector would be similarly disastrous. What happens when a private company goes bust or decides that preserving this material is no longer profitable? What reasonable person, confronted with our crumbling privatised water infrastructure, would willingly consign any part of our heritage to a similar fate?
Question 5: Do you agree that there is equivalence between paper and digital copies of wills so that the ECA 2000 can be used?
No. And it raises serious questions about the skill and knowledge base within HMCTS and the government that the very basic concepts of data loss and the digital dark age appear to be unknown to you. I also refer you to the Domesday Project.
Question 6: Are there any other matters directly related to the retention of digital or paper wills that are not covered by the proposed exercise of the powers in the ECA 2000 that you consider are necessary?
Destroying the physical documents will always be an unforgivable dereliction of legal and moral duty.
Question 7: If the Government pursues preserving permanently only a digital copy of a will document, should it seek to reform the primary legislation by introducing a Bill or do so under the ECA 2000?
Destroying the physical documents will always be an unforgivable dereliction of legal and moral duty.
Question 8: If the Government moves to digital only copies of original will documents, what do you think the retention period for the original paper wills should be? Please give reasons and state what you believe the minimum retention period should be and whether you consider the Government’s suggestion of 25 years to be reasonable.
There is no good version of this plan. The physical documents should be preserved.
Question 9: Do you agree with the principle that wills of famous people should be preserved in the original paper form for historic interest?
This question betrays deep ignorance of what "historic interest" actually is. The study of history is not simply glorified celebrity gossip. If anything, the physical wills of currently famous people could be considered more expendable as it is likely that their contents are so widely diffused as to be relatively "safe", whereas the wills of so-called "ordinary people" will, especially in aggregate, provide insights that have not yet been explored.
Question 10: Do you have any initial suggestions on the criteria which should be adopted for identifying famous/historic figures whose original paper will document should be preserved permanently?
Abandon this entire lamentable plan. As previously discussed, you do not and cannot know who will be considered "famous" in the future, and fame is a profoundly flawed criterion of historical significance.
Question 11: Do you agree that the Probate Registries should only permanently retain wills and codicils from the documents submitted in support of a probate application? Please explain, if setting out the case for retention of any other documents.
No, all the documents should be preserved indefinitely.
Question 12: Do you agree that we have correctly identified the range and extent of the equalities impacts under each of these proposals set out in this consultation? Please give reasons and supply evidence of further equalities impacts as appropriate.
No. You appear to have neglected equalities impacts entirely. As discussed, in your drive to prioritise "famous people", your plan will certainly prioritise the white, wealthy and mostly the male, as your "Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin and Princess Diana" examples amply indicate. This plan will create a two-tier system where evidence of the lives of the privileged is carefully preserved while information regarding people of colour, women, the working class and other disadvantaged groups is disproportionately abandoned to digital decay and eventual loss. Current and future historians from, or specialising in the history of minority groups will be especially impoverished by this.
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hi! me again, i know it hasn’t been that long but i just rewatched one of my favorite anime’s, Komi can’t communicate, it’s about a girl named Shoko Komi who has extreme social anxiety or also known as social-phobia and has trouble speaking to others and making friends as well, i’m serious, anytime the girl tries to speak, she gets nervous and overwhelmed and just starts stuttering a LOT!
So! i was wondering if you could do lil something with the rottmnt boys and a reader who acts like that? you don’t have to! and don’t worry, i’m almost finished with the lil gecko’s design!
i also recommend watching the anime, it’s really good and funny!
have a nice day/night! ❤️
❝ dulcet vibes. ❞
— ‧₊˚ 🎐✩ 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐞𝐬𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❝l a/n !! : bro how many coincidences will we encounter ? I LITERALLY ADORE THAT ANIME SO SO MUCHHH AAAAA !!!! i binged the entire series over the course of time and finished it during the summertime last year ! such a wonderful anime. the slice of life feel to it, the equal parts humor and heartfelt, and not to mention the characters are all absolutely adorable and lovable !! especially komi. bro she's such a sweet cinnamon roll i just :(( my baby gorla :((( entire show is just *chef's kiss*
also darling this is like. YEARS late i hope u don't think i forgot abt you ?!!!! thank you soso much for your patience + i really hope you like this waaa !! also, psst. this is probably one of my favorite layouts~ the colors came together soso pretty !! ^^
ᝰ genre !! : fluff, a bit of crack, slice of life, platonic :)
ᝰ precautions !! : none, I don't think 🫡 if I am wrong however, pls pls let me know!! *smek* love y'all. hope you enjoy~
i imagine the gentleness is which they all unanimously develop when interacting with you, developed on day one of meeting you.
they're all quite protective over you !! that much goes without saying, of course.
it started out with you becoming a close friend of april's :'))
seeing as she was the first to understand that you weren't some unreachable individual w/ some uppity "holier-than-thou" complex,
but rather, a kid. just like the rest of them. :')
she recognizes her peoplez. 😤✊🏾 probably finds a kindred spirit in you for feeling a bit like an outcast.
whereas you garner attention for your stoic, quiet demeanor and mysterious beauty, that's usually all people see you as.
some don't even see you as much of a fellow person at all. based on your aura alone — you've been described as an equal mix of cold, stuck up, unreachable, boring or flat out rude . . . as well as absolutely stunning, dark, debonair, sleek, attractive, godlike even.
whatever the case, you garnered the attention of all kinds wherever you went, whether you liked it or not.
they just ain't know you, babes. 😞
and april is all too familiar with being simultaneously judged (solely based on appearances) and ignored or pushed aside because you're different.
and homegirl don't run that way 🫡. she a real one.
i imagine she took/takes on the role of being your tadano at first !!
she was chosen as your guide to show ya around the school and upon seeing y'all's chemistry build instantly throughout said tour, you both were paired up for a project in your shared classes! ^^
at first she was a little off-put by your silence and sharp gaze, and even more so at the loud attention you were given the instant you were introduced into the classroom, but a little time is all it took :)
it quickly became apparent that that simply wasn't the case.
you had pulled out your phone, showed her a message typed out in a cinnamoroll-themed digital notepad,
" thank you for your help :')) i'm sorry i don't talk a lot! i'm just shy. thank you for being so kind to me. 💛🙏 "
yeeeaaah she knew you were a good egg.
and the rest is history!
LEO gives me madddd najimi vibes, i'm gonna be so fr. so let's imagine that dynamic here !! as soon as y'all met, there was probably a little miscommunications at first :'] ofc april had told the guys beforehand that she was bringing you over, and he was positively stoked at finally being able to meet this "new friend" his best gal had been talking so fondly about !! and yes, she had given them all the rundown (but him especially. he was sweat-dropping at all the enunciations in her spiel being directed so openly at him. he ain't even met you yet 😔 why is everyone bullying him he is not that bad please he just wants a new friend this isn't fair ple- #justiceforleofr ✊🏾) but with leo, there's always something happening. (/aff /lh)
y'all know ts that najimi stayed pulling in the show? giving komi these complicated orders to go collect on her own in efforts to help her overcome her social anxiety? THIS HAS LEO WRITTEN ALL OVER ITTTTTTT. he'd definitely verbally note down the most diabolical pizza order and only gives enough time to make sure you even heard it before he's shoving the phone in your hands.
now if you start shaking and hesitate, he'll wait until like the very last second before he's chuckling and looking at you with gentle eyes. he takes the phone back into his hands, confirms the order, then pats your head. he's proud of you for trying!!
(he promptly dissolves into good-natured laughter when you start cuffing at his arm, face as red as a tomato.)
tbh thinks you're a cutie pie and tho he teases you, it's all in good nature !! let someone else try to come at you for your shyness. big "only I'm allowed to tease them" energy from this blueberry.
you know leo as your charming and obnoxious but fun-loving best friend who always smiles and jokes around you. but he can be brutal when he's upset. it's like a complete 360 when he's coming to your defense; his gaze turns hard and all traces of his bubbly self. GONE.
fiercely protective over you. whenever you're with him (or any of them really) he's your protector. and you can count on him to celebrate like it's the 4th of July whenever you manage to overcome your verbal barriers.
RAPH. our red angel of preventing harm. the backbone of our society. he is such a mother hen when it comes to you awww :(( when y'all first met & you responded to his amicable greeting by beginning to tremble and stare up at him with wide, shiny eyes, not a word of reply, he thought it was most obvious that you were scared of him. of them. ☹️
it made his heart ache but it was a familiar hurt. this may be New York, but this whole situation isn't the exact norm. (well, not yet anyway!)
then april went and pushed you forward-- closer to him, enthusiastically encouraging you to "go on, say hi!!" like some excited mom with her shy kid 😭😭. it was a few moments of tense silence, you could literally see the ". . ." in the background. then finally, in a hushed but determined whisper, you respond in kind.
yeah. he's hooked.
you bring a sense of stability and tranquility; a welcome pace to the constant chaos of his everyday normal. he's so used to all things loud and rambunctious and completely fizzy pop frenzied on a great day, that when your sweet little molasses self shows up and becomes a regular part of their everyday lives, he finds a haven that he didn't even know he wanted. much more needed.
raphie carries you in his arms to make a quick getaway? you force urge him silently to rest his head on your lap/tummy when y'all chill in peace.
he's effectively babying you? you take it with a stoic grace and appease his ruffled mother hen feathers with gentle sympathy pats to his arms when he finally relaxes.
he especially loves when you both go on little best friend dates !!
you have a tranquil, 'insider' type outlook on life so when you share your vision with them, he can't help but feel honored. being who you are in the modern world has left you with devices that conspire of the affinity to finding very cool hideaway spots!! & the more time you guys spend with each other, the closer you get. it develops into a very wholesome and loving friendship :(( ICONS, THE BOTH OF YOUSE. 🫶🏾
he loves you sm bcuz he feels like he can truly be himself - you're not the type to judge. he feels completely at ease with you and goes the extra mile to put you at ease too!!
—and you can bet he's allllways keeping leo in line as well 😭☠ like, bro can barely breathe. he can, has, and will tackle leo in mid-air because he went to tackle you in a running hug. 😪
blue bro means well when he plays around with you, but raph can only take so much before he gets tense 🥹 he just wants you to be comfortable!! :(( like, always.
he's like your teddy bear. a safety blanket. teddy blanket?? mm ^^ he's got it all for you. would bend over backwards at so much as a slight breath from you. completely whipped and unashamed of it.
DONNIE understands you on a spiritual level. he's your twin flame. your soul brother. bro's your down b, bro's your solider, he's got that thang-thang— *loud 16-wheeler horn passes by*
no but let's lock in. donbon becomes your saving grace, whether you like it or not (but i mean c'mon, who wouldn't like it? :] bro is him.) out of all the siblings, donnie understands your apprehension to socializing the best. it's not that you don't want to interact with others, it's just . . . hard. and scary. he gets that too.
donnie himself is sociable in the way that he's not afraid to interact with others nor is he scared to; he's just an introvert and if the feeling doesn't strike him, he won't. simple as that. 😆
but you're a bit of a different story. it's not that you don't want to, it's just significantly difficult for you </3. and donnie is nothing if not persistent and a fix-it felix in his own right, so! 👏 what does he do?? what he does best, of course!! he builds. he invents. he creates.
he would absolutely create different gadgets and such to try and make things easier for you. they can range from tiny things — automatic digital/magnetized notepads, tiny flying robots that have neurotransmitters embedded within so it speaks for you in the moments your voice croaks, to literal AI robots that do close to everything for you.
once he had gotten caught up in the excitement and pure influx of creative juices + had drawn up a prototype for a replicate robot of you — purely intended on doing the things that you couldn't in a way of helping out!! — and barely survived the crossfire that he was immediately subjected to by his siblings. he snapped out of it and locked tf in after that and, after a lengthy lecture from raph, he allowed leo to rip the blueprints to shreds & mikey to burn it. yes, he might've gotten carried away in his inventions, but it's all from a place of care!!!
he buys you snacks and gifts you a cute handmade keychain the next time you come over after that. you're confused but delighted. he sticks just a little closer that day, and you allow it.
i feel he'd see himself in you. as a result, he'd want to provide you with more things and protect you a lot!!! he ain't afraid to speak up on your behalf either. trust me, he's given such poetic lip to some stuck up assholes in the social world that it rendered you genuinely speechless. but they stay as inside jokes between y'all and best believe it makes the others so jealous 🤣😭.
also not afraid to tell his own brothers off if they're crowding you a little too much (*coughleocoughcough*) — he's a lot less lenient than raphie tho 😅
he cares. a lot. maybe. he's got a soft spot for you, what can I say?
when everything and anything starts to become too much for you, he's usually pretty good at recognizing it and offers you a place of solitude in his lab! it's cool and quiet (well. quiet-er than the wipeout episode that is his daily life outside those very walls.) and generally gives a very chill vibe.
he also loves the fact that you listen to his ranting and rambling without interrupting, not even once. sometimes he thinks it's because you can't, but when he pauses and goes to inquire as much, he's met with your warmed and focused gaze, a slight quirk to your lips as you nod along and. the message is there. i'm listening.
you're lowk his bestie and he can't really live without you from now on, he thinks. it's like the grumpy cat x golden retriever trope, but you're more of a cat too. two moons coexisting! two cats drenched in purple moonlight.
y'all just get each other i made myself sad. /lh + /hj
MIKEY aims to make you feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible !! at all times, all day, everyday. he even set up a cute little personal nook for you in the lair!! (he's such a sweetie pie y'all i'm 💔)
he was the most excited to meet you!!!! (you're his friend now. y'all are having soft tacos later!)
well, all of them were, but he was (and is) the most amicable and the most emotionally adept at understanding you and your shyness. apart of the "Save Y/N from Leo & His Shenanigans" pt 2. (i love the blueberry y'all i prommy bullying him is my love language). ofc he's just a bubbly glass of fizzy orange juice when y'all come face to face; he's all smiles and going "hi!! I'm Mikey!! what's your name??" even if april alr told them 🤦🏾♀️ HE'S JUST EXCITED OKAY???
hesitates for just shy of a second when you begin shaking, but then, you pull out your phone and shove the cute sanrio-themed greeting note in his snout and, the second it registers, he's beaming brighter than the sun and immediately welcomes you in, both physically and emotionally.
he makes you feel seen and heard, even when you try to chameleon your way through situations, as you've done countless times before. even when you assume your "better to be seen, not heard" posture, as you've done countless times before.
mikey being the most emotionally available of his family certainly comes with its perks!! he helps them navigate their individual friendships with you as well, and even tho there are a few hiccups along the way, you all develop a strong and lovely bond— & a large part in that is owed to mikey and his empathetic prowess.
particularly loves baking for/with you!!! it's always worth it to see your eyes light up, and he really does think you have a cute face. it's been described in a more debonair light by others, but to him, you're the sweetest little baozi and he just wants!!! to wrap you up in a blanket burrito and!!! keep you in his metaphorical pockets forever!!!!!!
he has definitely dedicated murals and different art pieces to you. sometimes you'll be minding your own business, just chilling together, and feel him staring at you. but before you can get self-conscious he always speaks up and sheepishly rubs the back of his head while pointing to the sketchbook in his lap. now, you're used to feeling his warm yet concentrated gaze on you, but your face still hasn't changed in the lobster red it becomes when he shows you the finished product :')) what can he say?? you're a one of a kind muse.
gives you cute nicknames. pinches your cheeks (if you're aiight with that.) soso affectionate with you, the fact that he loves you is unshakable and unquestionable.
#zeepie beep : fandom! ⭒๋࣭ ⭑🖋˚𔓘。#fandom's humble offerings!! ✉⋆ ˚。#"૮₍ •⤙•˶|✉️ beep! inbox! ˎˊ˗#rottmnt x reader#rottmnt x reader headcanons#rottmnt raph#rottmnt leo#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt headcanons#rise of the tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#save rise of the tmnt#save rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt x reader#x reader#x platonic!reader#platonic rottmnt x reader#komi can't communicate#i just started rewatching it & it's just as cute as it was the first time#i can not WAIT until summer#the vibes are gonna be off the chiz-artssss 📈💯🔥⭐💌☀️🌻😍
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My Kind of Woman
Chapter 3: Moron.

Series Masterlist || Prev Chapter
Series summary - Your song captivates Joel the second he hears you that night in Jackson, but he struggles to work up the courage to confess his feelings. With some (very heavy) encouragement from Ellie and Tommy, you two get closer and closer until he finally thinks he’s ready.
Chapter summary - It’s time for you and Joel’s Friday night guitar session…
A/N: FIRSTLY. IM SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG. I’ve had the most hectic few months and been caught up with work and whatnot, so yeah, I’m really really sorry!! Secondly, I was absolutely not planning on taking this route but it just happened, okay???? Sorry, again. 😭
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: slight fluff, a little angst, language
Just breathe.
You keep repeating that in your mind as you pace your room, looking over your clothes and checking your hair in the mirror. Overthinking, as always, when you see yourself and contemplate why you chose this sweater instead of that other one in your closet, or why you decided to try out a new hairstyle specifically for this dat-
It’s not a date.
It’s not a date.
You’re just meeting up with your incredibly attractive 53 year-old ‘guy friend’ for some casual dinner and casual guitar on a casual Friday evening. That’s it, nothing more, nothing less.
God, you really need to get a hold of yourself, you say to your reflection in the mirror.
10 long minutes pass before you hear the soft rapping on your front door.
You take a deep breath, smoothing down your clothes, before opening it to reveal-
Her hair tied in a knotty ponytail and her cheeks flushed, nose tipped red, from the cold that Jackson almost always houses.
“Ellie! Hi. What’re you-” you begin after working past your surprise, having expected a burly old man and definitely not this little girl at your door.
“Joel wanted me to tell you that he’s really sorry he can’t come see you today because he has to do something and he- yeah. That’s it, actually.” She blurts out, lips pressed together and her eyes wide and inquisitive whilst she waits for your response.
You try, you really try, to not completely deflate as you register what she’s just told you, but.. how can you not?
You’d made dinner, gotten dressed, brushed up on your 90s guitar songs (since you figured that’s what he’d want to play with you), all for him to stand you up? And then send his daughter - or whatever she is to him - to tell you?
And, of course, Ellie notices when your shoulders slump and you bite your lip, glancing away. The thing is, she’s very good at seeing the emotions people try to conceal, but she’s also very good at confronting them about it in the same instant.
For you, she tries to be gentle about it.
“I’m sorry.. He did say he was really sorry. I, um, I know that you were probably really excited about it… You look really nice.” She offers weakly, to which you give an equally weak smile.
“Thanks, hon.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you glance behind you at the food on the stove and the guitar propped up against your couch.
“What’re you making?” She says after a moment, trying not to peek around your shoulder into your home since Joel told her that that was rude.
“Oh, just.. Just some chicken thing…”
She looks at you expectantly, and you decide that you shouldn’t let the food go to waste, knowing you can’t finish it all by yourself.
“You wanna come in?”
She nods eagerly, giving in and hurrying inside.
“Wowwww so this is the famous guitar, huh?” She smirks, palm brushing over your guitar, the one you use for your Tipsy Bison gigs.
“Yeah. That’s the one.” You smile softly, looking down at the instrument. It’s definitely.. a little weathered, but it does the job well.
It’s not long before you and Ellie are sat at the table, talking about whatever random topics her mind comes up with, finishing and cleaning up whilst she asks about your guitar and if you can play some songs for her.
You pause, not really feeling up to it after the disappointment you’d experienced this evening, still not feeling better even with Ellie’s amusing company.
But then you see the pleading look in her eyes, and you know you can’t fight it.
“Okay. Any particular songs you want me to play for you?”
The two of you get set up on your couch, and you look up at her expectantly.
She doesn’t reply, but she seems to be deep in thought, brows knitted.
“I don’t really know many..” she eventually says, frowning slightly.
You hum in thought, idly strumming as you think.
“Well.. there’s this one I always liked when I was a kid. It’s called Santeria.” You say after a moment, and she just nods, waiting for you to start.
You begin playing, losing yourself in the chords and gently nodding your head along to the beat as you start to sing.
I don’t practice Santeria
I ain’t got no crystal ball
Well, I had a million dollars
But I, I’d spend it all
Despite having heard you singing and playing many times before, she still listens to you playing the song with awe visible in her expression, applauding as you smile bashfully when the song ends.
“Dude, you’re so fucking good at guitar! That was so cool. Wow.” She beams, and you thank her before putting your guitar away, much to her protest.
“Go on, it’s getting late now.” You say, gently ushering her to leave. You love her, and you love kids in general, but you’re tired and you honestly want to go and cry, the nauseating feeling of heartbreak settling deep in your bones. Because that’s what it is. You found yourself falling for a man who stood you up the first chance he got. You realise you’ve been seeing it all through rose-tinted glasses - every time you talked, it was when you sat down with him, or you sped your pace to catch up with him in the street. Never him going out of his way for you.
Of course, what you didn’t realise was that Joel was just painfully petrified at the prospect of seeing you tonight. He’d used some bullshit excuse that he had to go help Tommy secure the wall right now, when he didn’t even need to do it, and they were not doing it right now.
But what was he meant to do? He didn’t deserve you, and he knew he’d just go and mess things up anyway, because that’s just how he is. Then he realises that he’s already gone and messed it up, just by not coming to see you this evening. Shit. He’s a total idiot. How long since he sent Ellie to go talk to you? Maybe he’d have enough time before she comes back?
He’s pacing around downstairs when she throws the door open, droning a very long “JOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEL!”, and he knows he’s in trouble now.
“You- fucking- idiot! Dude, why the fuck- Why would you stand her up? I thought you had to go check the fence but clearly fucking not! Oh my god.” She groans, shaking her head.
“She’s so cool, and she let me stay with her for dinner and she played some sick-ass guitar for me, and she let me talk about whatever I wanted and she actually listened and- and even though I had a great time, the only reason it happened is because you stood her up! What the fuck, man?” She says, exasperated.
He just stares at her, having nothing to say, because she is completely right in her judgement.
“I’m a moron.” He mumbles to himself, running a palm down his face with a deep sigh.
“Yeah, y’ fuckin’ are.” She mutters back, before looking up at him.
“You have to fix this. I swear. If she hates you then she won’t wanna talk to me either, and I am not having that. So- figure something out. Night, man.” She says, exiting through the back door to go over to the garage, leaving him to have his crisis in peace.
“School’s closed for the weekend so I won’t be able to talk right now-”
“It’s me.”
You look up from your desk where you had been scribbling away at some lesson plans for your art class, stunned into silence as your words disappear, Joel Miller at the door of your classroom.
You collect yourself to make sure you don’t sound too pissed off when you greet him, but he still winces when you grate out his name, voice too high-pitched and face too smiley for it to seem natural.
He steps forward, gently closing the door behind him and looking down at the floor, looking almost.. nervous? Joel Miller is nervous? To talk to you?
Your brows knit as you wait for him to speak, turning back to your work when he suddenly speaks up.
“Look, I- I wanted to- fuck, I had a whole thing planned out but- I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.” He says, stumbling through his words.
“That’s okay.” You say, not even looking at him, feeling quite indifferent to it now that it’s been an entire week. And from the fact that his apology wasn’t really much of an apology.
You look back up at him, eyebrows raised, and he sighs heavily.
“You know I ain’t good at this, sweetheart, I just- I really am sorry.. I got… I got scared.” He says, trailing off in uncertainty by the end, looking at you pleadingly.
There’s that pet name again, the heat still rushing to your cheeks despite the annoyance you feel with him now.
You shake your head slightly, sighing again in frustration.
“You got scared? Really? God, Joel, you’re really telling me you decided to stand me up like that because you were scared?”
Your jaw clenches as you try to hold your tongue, not wanting to yell at him.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off once more.
“Thank you for coming to talk to me, Joel. Please could you leave my classroom now?”
And then he knows he has completely fucked up. He had already made you - the town’s sunshine - upset, and now you were probably even more angry with him.
Ultimately, your reaction was completely valid. How could you know why he did that to you? You didn’t know about all he had lost, how he feared that getting close to you in this way would just result in even more loss and heartbreak, how he felt unworthy of anything good to come into his life, like you.
He’s at a loss for words, staring into your hard gaze, nodding before he turns and leaves the room.
Thank you sm for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated 💞
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#joel miller#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfic#joel miller smut#joel tlou#joel x reader#joel miller angst#joel miller fan fiction#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller fic#joel miller fluff#joel miller imagine#joel miller one shot#joel miller x f!reader#joel miller x female reader#joel miller x reader smut#joel miller x you#the last of us fic#the last of us#the last of us smut#joel miller tlou#tlou fanfiction#tlou series#tlou#pedro pascal#pedro pascal characters#tlou hbo#amyispxnk fics
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HIIIIII<33333333 i fucking love your Adam x reader fics ,im DYING to read more of them, so here is what we all love and crave
Adam x overlord reader. When reader found Adam after the battle, bringed him to his place with the garden etc, Adam lives here. Reader likes Adam and flirts with him often, trying to get closer to him. Adam, tho he would never admit it, likes reader back and plays along. Reader is also a very chill guy, so Adam feels surprisingly comfortable around him. He treats Adam as a equal person, not as some high-stated bitch who everyone need to bow to. As months pass, they are getting closer and closer, their relationship grow. But tho Adam likes reader alot, he still sometimes thinks about heaven, about Lute, about all he had left behind. Its not the same, down there. But this topic gets pushed aside whenever it pops up in his mind, cause he has his boyfriend(?) who loves him and gives him protection from all the sinners that want him dead. But deep inside Adam has that little hope that Heaven will send someone to get him back (tho they prob dont even know he is alive).
Meanwhile Lute was pleasing Sera to let her go down and look for Adam, who she belives is somehow alive. Sera eventually lets her and Lute comes down to hell and starts to look for Adam and ask everyone who she mets where he could be.
After these few months, once as the two enjoy spending evening together, they hear a ring to the door. They come out to that balcony and see Lute standing in the middle of the garden. She calls out to Adam to come back with her. Adam seems excited that his hope and his lieutant didnt let him down. But reader doesnt want to let Adam go. Adam complained from time to time that "what if heaven forgot about him and accepted the fact he is dead" And also reader knows Adams past from Eden. And suddenly reader switches from a chill guy to a serious manipulative persona. He starts to tell Adam things like "and it would take them so long to get you back? They dont really want you there", also mentioning how Lilith and Eve left him before, to hit Adams weak point. Adam, shocked by his bf suddenly mood switch and his serious harsh words, knowing how he have been acting in heaven, doesnt even realise the act of a fucking cruel, possesive manipulation and gives in, shouts at Lute to fuck off and he wont get back where nobody truly wants him. As they get back into the room, Adam from angry comes to sad and curles up into a broken, depressed ball of misery. Reader hugs him, gives him comfort, saying shit like "noone will hurt you anymore if you stay here with me" (still manipulation) while Adam totally breaks and starts to cry, feeling that he will never deserve a perfect live he was meant to have when God created him, that hes worthless and ruined himself
I need to see Adam switch right from his usuall confident, loud persona to a wet sopping cat, crying his eyes out in a sudden mental breakdown pls
You can change smth if smth bothers you, i know you will make it fucking fire as always i live for your writings<33333
I decided that this will not be part of the Bird of Hell's Paradise story bc that story is too soft and comfortable to add manipulation to. Reader is an overlord in this one, but it's not explicitly mentioned.
We'll be together, forever, we'll never ever part
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, kinda toxic behavior, manipulation
note: not beta read bc fuck you

Before Adam there had been loneliness and coldness, before Adam, there had been long nights and even longer days, before Adam there had been a lot of things and all of them were negative.
But having an angel roaming your halls certainly was not what you had planned for your life in Hell, but said angel definitely brightened your days - even though he was a - well let’s call him a special case. Adam wasn’t at all like the angels portrayed in stories, he was rude and harsh, respected no one but himself and the brunette loved to cause chaos on top of it all.
But to everyone’s surprise, the brunette angel settled in somewhat nicely once he realized that Heaven would not send their angels to bring him back, he even got used to having you around. Well, maybe the wording ‘he got used’ isn’t entirely fitting, Adam even enjoyed your company, sometimes he specifically requested it - when he was playing guitar for example. The first man was keeping you on your feet and moving at all times, that was for sure and if you were being honest, you didn’t mind it. It was a nice change from your boring, lonely life in Hell.
And even though Adam had everything he needed and wanted - you very obviously made sure that the angel never missed anything - you knew that he wasn’t doing as well with his new life in Hell as he pretended. Adam was a loud and cheerful guy, so when he went quiet for longer, of course you noticed. There was nothing you were capable of doing to help him through those times - he was simply homesick for Heaven. When things got really bad, you were even able to catch him praying before going to bed, praying to the creature he called father to bring him back, to send him Lute who would escort him back to Heaven, straight through the pearly gates without any complications - but that wasn’t happening. Every being had their reason to live in Hell, even Adam.
“Adam?” you asked with a soft voice, wrapping your arms around the first man’s torso from behind as you leaned your head against his shoulder blade. The man in your arms flinched at first, he had been lost in his thoughts and your touch caused him to snap right out of it. A slightly confused “Huh? fell from his lips before he looked over his shoulder to spot you. The confusion in his eyes was overplayed by an emotion you couldn’t name and the usual grin Adam somehow always managed to shoot in your direction laid on his lips. “Can’t get enough of me again, huh you shithead?” His words were teasing and not the slightest bit serious which caused you to chuckle softly. “You seemed lost,” you answered instead of agreeing with him, knowing damn well that his ego was already huge - bigger than Adam’s body.
Adam grumbled words you weren’t able to understand, then turned away and stepped away from the hug you had offered him. He didn’t want to talk about it - again. And that probably bothered you even more than the fact that he longed for Heaven’s pearly gates. You were fine with Adam having hopes and dreams, it’s not something you would be able to take from him, even if you wanted to, but he never talked about it. The only reason why you were aware of the Eden incident was because of the bible - Adam never talked about anything that involved his past, at least not about the negative things. What you did know was that he missed his band mates and playing gigs with them and that his lieutenant seemed to be a crazy bitch he liked a lot - not in a romantic way but rather in a platonic way, maybe he saw her as some sort of little sister, you weren’t sure.
You sighed as you watched Adam go. He needed time and you would not deny him that.
Lute was walking up and down in Sera’s office, explaining her detailed plan on how they would get Adam back - she hoped it would be quite easy because Adam never actively fell, he had never truly died. So technically there was still divine blood pumping through his body which would let him cross the pearly gates back home. Sera sighed at Lute’s idea, rested her head on her hands and watched as Adam’s former lieutenant never stopped walking.
“Lute,” she interrupted the exorcist who stopped in her tracks to look at the tall seraphim angel, Lute clearly had not expected Sera to interrupt her. “We can’t bring Adam back, he is gone,” she explained as the seraphim slowly got up from her chair and crossed the room to face Lute properly. The white haired woman was not having it though, she stood up for herself, “You’re wrong.”
It was only a few hours later that Lute flew through one of the shiny golden portals and landed right in front of your house. She knocked against the door quite loudly, even kicked and slammed her shoulder against it, “Adam!”
You turned your head as you heard an unfamiliar voice calling out for the person of your desire and watched as Adam rushed over to the balcony. What the fuck was going on and who was calling for your lover? You followed Adam with heavy steps. Once you stopped right next to the tall and loud angel you wrapped your arm around him as you looked down only to see a woman you had never seen before - she appeared to be an angel too and you instantly feared for the worst.
“Lute!” he yelled back and was about to jump off the balcony to get to her, but you stopped him by tightening the grip on his hips, a little confused he looked down at your hand, then his eyes met yours, “Y/N?” he asked quietly so his former lieutenant wouldn’t hear. You immediately knew you wanted him to stay with you, there really was no way you would ever let Adam leave again, not when he was very much able to stay with you for the rest of eternity. And it wasn’t that you weren’t aware of how wrong that seemed, but it had been long since the last little toy that brought you happiness and joy, so you would hold onto Adam for as long as possible.
You simply shook your head and pulled him a little closer against your side, “If they truly want you back, then why would it take them so long to come and get you?” That caused Adam to close his mouth and he seemed to genuinely think about your words - he came to the conclusion that you had a point.
“C’mon Sir,” Lute yelled up at the balcony where you and Adam stood, “We’re going home.” Unsure eyes roamed over your body and you could feel that Adam waited for you to say something, you were right after all, why would Heaven wait so awfully long to bring him back? The expression on your face was blank and your usually soft sounding voice turned bitter and cold, “She wants to take you from me, Adam. She wants to separate us like Lucifer separated you from your past wives.” And that caused Adam to freeze, he slowly backed away from the railing of the balcony. “Darling, she could have taken you back ages ago, yet she waited - for what though? She seems to be out for power and she realized that you are the only powerful thing she can possess and get away with at the same time, all while she can stay in Heaven,” you hummed as you backed off alongside Adam, slowly guiding the golden winged angel back inside.
“Fuck off, you can go back to crawling up Sera’s fucking ass, I ain’t coming with you, cunt,” the brunette in your arm yelled and flipped the smaller angel in your garden off. A victorious grin appeared on your lips, your plan was working out just fine.
The door to the balcony fell shut and you heard how Adam crashed down onto the couch, he laid there, face buried in the soft fabric it was covered in and his wings were tightly wrapped around his body to isolate him from his surroundings. He looked so miserable, so helpless, so lonely and you hated seeing the usually loud angel so quiet. Your voice softened a little as you sat down next to Adam, you had forced him to stay simply because you wanted him to stay, now the least you could do was to lure him into the thought of protection and a good, bright life.
“Hey now,” you mumbled quietly as your fingers combed through Adam’s soft brown and messy hair, pushing it out of his face - his face which was still pressed against the couch. Your other hand gently moved up and down Adam’s back and when you heard the brunette sigh, you knew you had him wrapped around your finger just fine. “Noone will hurt you, not if you continue to stay with me,” you hummed, the tone you spoke in remained soft and calming and when you saw how Adam lifted his head to look at you, your heart did shatter a little.
His eyes were red, slightly puffy and his lip was quivering. The first man moved his head from the couch to your lap, pressed his face tightly against your belly and cried - it was the first time he was showing so strong and overwhelming emotions. His nails dug into your sides as he held onto your waist to keep you close, to feel you under his hands and to keep you from leaving like everyone else did, he wanted you to stay just as much as he wanted to stay with you.
And the worst yet best part of it all was that the brunette hadn’t even noticed how manipulative your words were, let alone your soft, comforting actions. He was yours through and through and there was nothing in this world - Hellspawn or Heavenborn - that would ever separate you from the brunette man crying against your belly.
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel adam#adam x male reader#male reader#adam x y/n#adam x reader#adam x you#hazbin adam
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Waking up with mizu
No warnings
Summary is in the title
Pls read the bottom, love yall 😊
The sun beamed onto my skin, a soft hue of yellow rather rudely invading my eyes as they fluttered open, a groan leaving my lips at the sun's assault on my eyes resulting in my eyes hammering back shut. A honey like laugh is all I hear as I cover my head with the cotton sheet, my lovers slender hand finding my cheek,
"Good morning hon," her voice raspy, yet so soft against my ears.
I hum back an attempt of a reply, though I don't try hard. My hand leaves the covers finding hers against my skin, weaving my fingers through her calloused ones as I lean up to kiss her.
"G'morning mizu" I whisper against her soft lips, my eyes fluttering open to glance at her, immediately finding her snow blue eyes gazing softly at me.
As we stared at each other, simply basking in eachothers presence we were rudely interrupted by her blaring alarm clock, I laugh as she wrestles the sheets for her phone back, a reminder of today's promise of coffee to akemi and taigen.
"You ready baby?" She said as she rose from the bed, her arms stretching over her head as she yawned.
"Not really," I laughed as I sat up onto my knees, reaching for her waist as I rested my hands on her, placing my chin on her shoulder, pecking her neck as a soft blush found haven on her cheeks and nose, climbing up to her ears.
"Whatcha doing?" She laughed as she rose to her feet.
"Oh nothing just showing my beautiful wife how much I love her" I sighed with a sweet expression on my face, now completely sat up on the bed, swinging my legs over the side as I pulled her body back, her hips and belly flush to my chest as I left a new trail of kisses on her belly.
Her hands finding my hair as she lighted softly, leaning into me.
"Cmon hun we have places to be, you know akemi gets pissed when we're late" She sighed, equally wishing that she could stay in bed with her new wife.
"Ok, ok I'm coming" I laughed as I rose to my feet, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek as I head toward the bathroom to get ready to meet the other couple for breakfast.
A pair of hands found my back as I did a simple makeup look in the mirror, mizus chin resting upon my shoulder just as I had done to her moments earlier.
"I love you so much" She sighed contently in my ear.
"I love you too, more than you could possibly know"
Alright idk what that was but whtvr I've decided I want to write more js bc I will still be doing art so no worries/j idk what to write tho so I'm js gonna do small blurbs/oneshots/headcanons so if anyone has anything in particular my asks r open the skies the limit I hope yall enjoyed have a nice day 😌
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dandelion sun - prelude

din djarin x f!reader
summary: you thought your life was over when your father signed you away to a lumber baron. you wish it was over when he hires a washed up old cowboy to drag you across the country to your betrothed. you know it's over when they start firing at your stagecoach.
aka hired gun bodyguard old west Din Djarin x mayor's daughter reader in an enemies to lovers adventure for @kedsandtubesocks A Wild Ride writing challenge
and YES this is a prelude because I didn't finish the whole thing yet. life said no but I still wanted to post part of it today at least.
words: 367
warnings: none for this part except a passing mention of menstruation. the whole fic will have more, including canon and era-typical violence, gun violence, blood, hurt/comfort, bondage, arranged marriage, p in v, oral, etc. also blanket warning for inaccuracies to the time period because my research was MINIMAL ok sorry. reader is able bodied, menstruates, and wears skirts/dresses. other physical attributes are undescribed. mando can pick you up but he's mando and i believe he can bench press a brick house. no use of y/n.
NOTE: Din's appearance in this fic was inspired by the Space Cowboy art from @pinkiemme. Check out some of the art:
pin-up style
smoking in a tank top 🥵
Marlboro-man style
on horseback
smoking gun (this one makes me so feral fr)
b o l o t i e
belt buckle
long story short I'm OBSESSED with him. you don't have to picture him this way, but pls look at the art, it will change your life.
*title from "where have all the cowboys gone?" by paula cole
dividers by @saradika-graphics
They say Djarin is the most dangerous motherfucker this side of the Mississippi. A bounty hunter whose coal-black heart burned slow and smooth, embers flickering in his soul as if the Devil himself had lit the match.
They say his eyes are yellow like a pit viper.
They say if you’re close enough to check, the only person you’ll be telling is God Almighty.
If only they could see him now.
The legend himself is leaning against the hitching post, one foot up against it, arms crossed. The tip of his dark leather hat skews down, casting shadows over his face. A dusty bandana is tied over his nose and mouth. He heaves a heavy sigh, raised boot hitting the dirt with a thump. He stalks back over to the outhouse two paces to his left, and raps his gloved knuckles on the door.
“You dead or something?” he says with all the social grace you’ve come to expect. And by the way, his eyes are brown. Boring. Just like the man himself.
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see you. “It’s incredibly rude to bother a lady while she’s freshening up,” you snap.
“I’m not bothering a lady. I’m bothering my pain-in-the-ass cargo. Hurry on up,” he retorts, stalking back to his post with a huff. His stallion nudges his shoulder with a matching huff, equally put out at your delay.
“You have a menses, and see how you like it,” you grumble though he’s out of range.
You met the man two months prior, when you had come home from Miss Tilly’s with a basket of fresh bread on your elbow. The great oaf, as tall and broad as a wall, had stepped out of your father’s study just as you were headed to the kitchen.
“Move,” he had barked.
“You move,” you had snapped.
And then the bastard picked you up by the waist, turned, and set you aside like a sack of flour. You sputtered, indignant, until your father emerged to find you furious in an empty corridor.
If you had known his purpose in your home, you might have run like your head had a price on it.
(to be continued)
#din djarin x reader#din djarin fanfic#din djarin x you#din djarin x f!reader#cowboy!din djarin#mando x reader#mando x you#mando x f!reader#old west AU#cowboy AU#fic: dandelion sun
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asking about your experience of games in the northeast! best worst most mid pls! or your favorite bits of each? whatever you want to talk about ✨🙏✨
ahhh thank you for this (totally unprompted by me) question!! ill do like a ranking so if people want um. hot takes or whatever they can just read that but ill do like a breakdown below a cut! the only arena i've not attended a game in thats in the northeast is ppg in pittsburgh. and capital one arena if you count dc!
also clarification as much as i'd like to be unbiased ummm.. unforch not gonna happen. i tried to an Extent but. anyways
New Jersey**
Long Island* * - been to multiple games here ** - separated for ranking sake but more or less equal!
OKAY... so like multiple factors to consider for my opinion... i tried not to include the stars performance specifically and if i considered The Game(s) it was more based on how entertaining the home team was or how the crowd was reacting? not on how the stars played. AND ALSO... every worker at every arena was VERY nice and accommodating and thus have had 0 impact on individual arena rankings. ill just do an arena by arena breakdown!
ALSO quick warmups wrap up at the end where i talk abt each teams policy and how much it did or did not piss me off LOLL
BOSTON - i saw the stars there last season and this season (and i also saw their winter classic game but that was in fenway so. i feel it doesnt count lol)! this one gets a big big boost from me just from being. very accessible to me personally. like ive never had to drive there so thats like +10000 because the train is sooo easy. i love u mbta.
BUT i will also say. boston fans get rep for being mean or rude or assholes or Whatever u wanna say but ive never had issue, ive had good silly banter and chats with the oldest of boston men (probs helped by me being from the area but regardless), have gotten on the train in my away team jerseys with no issue, etc.
the crowd just has great energy!!! new england loves their sports yes whatever but everyone was In It from the lower bowl to the deepest of the 300s! i saw a game where the bruins won after 5000 rounds of shootout and a game that the stars won Firmly and never did the energy from the home crowd feel Awful (yes theres people leaving early in big losses but thats like. different i feel like). like people were reacting chatting shouting etc the whole time! i love boston idk. also u get a free poster i think at every game?? at least i have! which is cool!
PHILLY - i will preface with obviously the good vibes are fresh but like. wells fargo is really fucking cool!!!! i liked walking around (even tho i did not get to do as much as i wanted before the game . on account of. i was almost late) there seemed like a lot of shit to do and a lot of cool eatery etc etc. their board is Strange shaped... concave... but she grew on me and i think i like it! and the seats are all rlly nice
also the crowd definitely did not necessarily have like um. the most positive of Vibes. Considering... but they were lively! there was chants there was yelling there was cheering and jeering etc etc. it was fun!! it felt like a hockey game! (it will be clear why i keep mentioning this later)
and as far as transport. traffic was a nightmare mostly bc of it being a big city during rush hour. BUT parking was suuuuper easy! and pretty cheap! i believe i paid abt $20? and u just self parked wherever in that area. (i think unless u had fancy reserved parking but um. i didnt find that worth it. but obvs i didnt do that so i guess who am i). it was a really easy in and out tbh. overall i had a ton of fun with the only Bumps being my own errors from confusion lol!
BUFFALO - buffalo and jersey had very different things that got them to roughly the same ranking. one of the biggest ups for buffalo from me. if we're being so honest. is that parking was SUPER cheap!!! not kidding!!!! it was really easy and really cheap lololol
i dont think there was anything Exceptional abt buffalo (other than the game score. obviously). i will say. and i could be misremembering! but i think they were missing something Vital from the main big board and i wanna say it was the time? like they only had that on the sides. which was strange. but also hearing they may have a new jumbotron so liiike. maybe my opinion there doesnt matter. but overall it was fun! the crowd was like pretty normal. pretty standard hockey crowd energy! but the seats were fine and the price was really good for where i sat!
NEW JERSEY - again, nothing really separating this from buffalo! i will say the arena as a whole is a little nicer maybe. i didnt park at the arena so idk abt pricing there but the garage i parked at maybe a 5 min walk away was well priced!
its a little pricey Overall (at least now bc their team is doing well lol) but i was able to snag good seats ! nothing special but they had a lot of leg room etc. good hockey energy in the arena i'd say, clear enthusiasm and Vibes. dudes behind us were annoying and did not know puck but i wont hold this against all fans
NYC - now.... i know this will be controversial.... but im glad i went once! and now i will probably Never return to msg. i apologize for any msg lovers bc this unforch will be quite a bit of complaining... sorry. TO PREFACE WITH POSITIVITY... the arena design is really nice! like the lights are cool and the little videos are rlly sick and fun etc! but um.
first of all the entering to the seats is ANNOYING. its 50000 escalators up and im unsure Why even... thats not even talking abt the pain to get in. you have to scan your tickets on a turnstile thing as opposed to like a human scanning your ticket and it actually in fact makes the process LONGER and also is way more inaccessible imo bc the turnstiles arent Wide dude.
for reference i was up in the 200s when i normally try to snag lower bowl when possible. so this COULD just be a universal issue im not familiar with but. along with the no leg room there werent any? cup holders??? which is Annoying on its own but EXTRA annoying when you're at a sports game so they have to take the bottle caps off of things so youre stuck??? holding your water (or other bev)??? on account of the lack of cupholder or leg room???
also the arena was DEAD. i understand the rags aren't doing hot this season but ive also visited other teams that werent doing good and at the very least they booed! the only time anyone made Noise was to cheer for THEIR goal. there was none of that crowd wide gasping or groaning or clapping for a save. it was BIZARRE and im wondering how much of it was because the lower bowl was Dudes in Suits or Dude in Suit Adjacent aka the bourgeoisie... BUT I DIGRESS
i will say to compliment sandwich it. its SUPER helpful that its right next to penn station and really great they allow large bag sizes to come in. i loved being able to bring in my tote and not worry abt it. overall the experience was too mid-bad for me to consider spending all that money again
LONG ISLAND - this one is sooo much based off the way their team and fans are so. sorry. i will say the arena is REALLY nice and tickets themselves dont cost a ton! its a beautiful place with really nice and classic hockey fans and energy yk.
now. i dont think i need to elaborate that the isles are not The Most Fun team to watch... i can only take so many 1-1 to ot games you know... they just arent the most exciting rn! but i try not to let that effect Too much!
now my two BIGGEST issues are that parking is WAYYY too expensive. like way too much. i even tried waiting closer to the event to get a cheap resale and that was still more than i paid anywhere else....... it was absurd i fear
but truly. and this does not reflect on fans on hockeyblr of course. but the fans are just RUDE. like i dont know why, ive gone to a stars win and a stars loss and no matter what theyre just bitchy to us???? shouting rude shit right behind us, making weird faces at us sitting next to them, not making Normal Sports Game Convo if you try to initiate, honked at us in the garage, kept saying we had the ugliest jerseys in the league??? like not fun lighthearted sports jeering! just nasty stuff!! i dont know why!!!!!!!!! i met one (1) nice drunk woman who thought they were playing the sharks and that is the only positive experience ive had!
i went to the isles for my first ever stars game and then last year as well and im spoilers not going this year... i just cant do it there anymore lol. during the game the general vibe is fine! but i cant with all the rest of the shit its just kinda not fun
WARMUPS RUNDOWN FOR THOSE WHO CARE - boston, philly, buffalo, and new jersey get their flowers for having Normal warm up policy (you can get there whenever and stand wherever). the isles are really stupid where you can only stand in one (maybe two?) sections for warmups so it gets SUPER backed up around there. rags have a similar policy but its Worse, Actually because the section they make you stand in DOESNT GO DOWN TO THE GLASS?????? HALF OF THE SECTIONS DONT GO DOWN TO THE GLASS????? strange!!! really strange.
OVERALL.... id happily return to boston, philly, nj, and buffalo if given the chance, dont think id go back down to the new york named teams unless it was for a very specific stars (ha) aligned reason.
#and if u have any contrary opinions pls lmk! especially if its positivity @ my negativity!#BUT YES... sorry i wanted to ramble abt this SO BAD thank u marsh for giving me the chance to do so lol#cel phone
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hii! i wanted to ask a drabble from the bingo ‘strange to lovers’ where steve and reader meet like the characters from the movie 101 dalmatians. i know it sounds weird but i thought it could be cute (also sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language!)
Pls I LOVE this idea. It’s the cutest thing ever. I’m so glad you came up with that. Thank you for requesting!

Btw, you can request ’strangers to lovers’ again, there are no limitations!:)
All drabbles will be posted with the tag “1 k followers special” just look for it on my blog:)
Love on the first splash

Warnings: none! Just fluff:) and yes, Steve has a golden retriever because I feel like he’d have one
It was a warm and sunny day, perfect for a walk. That’s exactly what your girl thought, too, excitingly jumping up and down when you grabbed her leash. After letting you hook the leash to her collar you grabbed your black hat and put it on. One last glance into the mirror told you you were ready to go out. A simple, black dress with white dots and equally black heeled ballerinas. A bit ironic, since you had a Dalmatian girl.
“Come on Dotty, let’s go enjoy the amazing weather”, you smiled at your dog, leaving your apartment. Your well-behaved girl walked besides your legs, sometimes stopping to sniff something or doing her business.
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, unknowingly showing the man who was watching you from his window your beautiful smile.
Steve sighed quietly, averting his gaze from you and grabbing his protein shake that he mostly drank to fulfill all his needed calories.
He had noticed you quite often, especially in the dog park and even once in the café he sometimes got his coffee from. (Now more often since he had seen you there.)
But he started to feel like a creep. Never talking to you, just watching you from his window sometimes. He just never knew how to start a conversation with you. The most he achieved was a smile while jogging past you.
And whenever you smiled back, he nearly tripped over his own feet.
He took another sip of his smoothie, nearly spilling it when his golden retriever boy ran right into his legs with his leash in his mouth. Shaking his head he started assaulting Steve with his leash and hitting his legs. “Ouch! Ouch! Okay-I get it-you want to go out-fine, fine, fine just stop”, he immediately grabbed the leash. “Okay Buddy, let’s go out-but I should change. I'm still in my work out clothes so-Okay! Okay ouch! I get it. No changing I get it-“
With that the two left the building.
Within a few minutes he was already in the dog park, noticing you sitting on a bench, stroking your Dalmatian's head, while she leaned her head on your thigh. He smiled at you, but you didn’t even notice it.
Just then did you take a quick picture of your dog, before feeling someone’s gaze on you. You immediately looked up, meeting the blue eyes of an attractive man. It wasn’t the first time you had seen him here, but you never talked to each other.
The corners of your lips twitched upward, but you lowered your gaze again not wanting to stare at him. This would be rude.
Head shaking you decided to walk with Dotty one more round before going back home. Dotty seemed happy with the walk, especially when a bird started singing sitting at the edge of a fountain. You stopped to admire it, or well, Dotty did. A soft laugh escaped your lips. “What, you like it? Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”, you smiled, also listening to the pretty song.
Just then did a dog walk up to you, making Dotty walk behind you, him following. So did his owner.
The beefy blue-eyed guy.
“Oh no! Dotty, don’t do that!” You gasped when she walked around your legs again.
The leash being long enough for it to slowly wrap around your legs, while his dog still followed Dotty, now even circling the man himself. “Hey Buddy-stop it-I can’t move”, he gasped in surprise, feeling the rope tightening around his legs, making him step closer to you. At this point he could smell your perfume, feel the soft material of your dress tickling him.
“Stop your dog! The leashes are all tangled up now”, you said harshly, trying to push away the (good looking) man who was way too close at this point, your chests pressed against each other. From all the hectic steps and movements you’ve lost your hat.
“I’m sorry Miss, but I can’t do anything-it’s your dog-“ “my dog?! She didn’t do anything. Your dog started chasing her-” “he just wanted to greet her-it’s what dogs do-“ “don’t tell me what dogs do, I’m-oh god” You felt one of the dogs push against your legs, making you stumble forward and step onto the stranger's foot.
You both lost your balance, especially with Steve’s knees hitting the edge of the fountain, falling back and into the water. Being bound together you couldn’t do anything to provide falling onto the man. The last thing that you could hear was Steve’s ‘Fuck’ before falling.
Right into the cold water.
Gasping you tried to pull yourself up, unintentionally pushing steve into the water all over again, making him cough loudly. “Wait-stop your wriggling or you’ll drown me!” That’s when you finally stopped moving, letting the man sit up and unhook the dogs-both immediately starting running and playing together.
“I’m so sorry about all this”, Steve started apologizing, slowly unwrapping the leashes from around your bodies. Even though the water he was sitting in was cold, he felt his blood boiling. His face was covered with red color, the blush creeping up till the very tips of his ears. “I have no idea why Buddy did it- I mean he probably just wanted to get to know your dog-“ “Dotty.” “What?
“Her name is Dotty”, only then did Steve seem to understand, nodding slowly, while he threw both leashes out of the water. “I guess Dotty and Buddy are becoming friends-I’m pretty sure they’re chasing a squirrel”, this time you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
And Steve felt like it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, even compared to all those beautiful bird songs. Nothing was as beautiful as your laugh.
“I’m Steve”, he finally introduced himself, shaking your hand when you took it. “I’m Y/N”, with that he helped you stand up, the dress clinging to your body and pulling you down, nearly making you stumble again, but Steve’s quick reflexes allowed him to catch you.
Your breath hitched when you felt his big palms on your waist, your chest feeling tighter, your hands itching to touch him, but you managed to hold back. Clearing your throat you took a step back, making sure not to fall again. Steve helped you step out of the fountain, water still dripping from your clothes and hair, both of you completely drenched.
“That’s not how I imagined our first interaction to turn out”, you heard the blond mumble, making you look up in surprise. “What-what do you mean?” The blush reappeared on Steve’s cheeks, while he shrugged.
“It’s just…I’ve noticed you a few times but I was too shy to actually talk to you-but I wanted to-just without all the…chaos that came with it”, Steve said truthfully, picking up the leashes and calling for his dog. You did the same. “Well, since we’ve already talked..and our dogs are friends…we should keep them apart, you know”, you mumbled, feeling your own face heat up.
While you hooked Dotty at her leash you didn’t notice Steve’s big smile while he watched you. “So…you want for our dogs to have a dog-play-date?”, he laughed happily. Your own chuckle following.
You nodded and watched Steve’s smile turn into an even bigger grin. “Maybe tomorrow? Same time?”, he suggested nervously and you immediately felt butterflies tingle in your stomach.
“Tomorrow sounds great. It’s a date.”
Just when you turned around Steve called your name. “You forgot your hat!”, he jogged up to you with your hat. Smiling he put it on your head, not noticing the remaining water and coins in it, till it all dropped over your head, making you even wetter, the coins falling everywhere even your cleavage.
“Oh his Steve, that's cold!” “Shit-I’m so sorry”, he immediately apologized once again, trying to brush off the pennies from your shoulders, for a second looking down into your filled cleavage, feeling himself blush a deep red.
You noticed his gaze, smacking his hands away. “Don’t worry about the coins, Steve. I can take care of them myself”, you tried to sound serious, but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. Especially when both of your dogs tied you once again with their leashes, pressing you close against each other.
Bonus 2:
Next day
Reader: "What's his real name?"
Steve: "I call him buddy."
R: "Yeah but what's his name tho."
S: "Buddy."
R: "oh you mean... his name is buddy."
S: “okay, Technically it’s ‘slippers’ in his certificate, but I…don’t like it. Buddy is better”
R: “Why slippers?”
S: “It’s a long story…”
R: “we have time.”
S: "When he was young - even younger, like 40 days old, he slips through the bars of his cage, ran into a bowl of oil, and slide all the way from kitchen to the living room, and got his head stuck in a slipper"
R: “It makes sense you’re his owner.”
S: “what’s that supposed to mean???”

Thank you for reading!
I hope you liked it! Leave some feedback and don’t forget to reblog!
Flood my inbox!:) I’ll try to post one or two drabbles everyday!:)
The second bonus is completely @jamneuromain idea! Give this amazing person some love<3
#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers fanfiction#flood my inbox#steve rogers fluff#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers x female reader#steve rogers x you#1 k followers special
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He likes those hands, solid and strong – they help. He likes his own well enough, but George's are prettier.
He has the prettiest hands fr
But George seems…hateful. Not that he’s rude, but he sometimes speaks of queerness and how it's the work of the Devil, and it makes Matty think over himself and wonder if letting him live with him was a bad choice.
NOOOOO poor matty and poor george im so mad i want them together already 🥺🥺
He's sort of confused at how George could've held it, walked with it, and not been attacked, but he doesn't ask, in fact, the thought almost melts out of his ears the second he sees George, because he’s, all of a sudden, beautiful. His hair is wet from the rain Matty didn't even realise was happening, and his face is equally so. He looks like he could be in one of those tacky magazines he sees in the corner shops, except real, and better.
From oh how sweet he is look how tendrr the rabbit is with him to horny.
“I’ll put it in my pocket,” George tells him, and Matty frowns, grimaces.
“Mate, it’s gonna rip you to shreds if you try that. Don’t”
George doesn’t look sure, brows slanting. “It didn't do that before…”
He doesn’t seem to have been bothered by anything that Matty usually was since they’ve met, which Matty thinks is funny, because other than that, he seems perpetually terribly stressed. He can be odd at times.
I love george i wanna hug him
As they speak over dinner, George mentions his horse, and Matty gets a memory of seeing him with mud all down his shirt, and soaking wet hair, just standing next to her, and he almost spits his food out.
George thins his eyes. “I can’t well abandon her! She’s odd, I like her too much. And she’s mine. And my boots are fine, thank you.”
He, unfortunately, does still seem skittish, and that can’t be ignored, because he can’t even put George’s plate down at dinnertime without him flinching.
Why are u making me sad poor georgi 🥺🥺🥺🥺
hi so im . going to cry i just woke up im EMOTIONAL shut up pls im THANK U SO MUCH ☹️☹️❤️❤️
i always want an excuse to speak about his hands they are. beautiful 🙂↕
i Also want them 2gether now but unfortunately i was stupid when i started writing this and that does Not happen yet ❤️ peace and love
that's my train of thought Duh. inspired by this pic btw like its haunting me hes soo pretty and. yes. i know its a dog but shut up. imagine he has the outfit and looks from the first one though 🙂↕

rabbit in his pocket !!! he will be Very nice and he would let the rabbit sleep in his bed if he was allowed. alas. but its coming back i think so
i Also want to hug him i wish he was real so i could kiss his forehead and tuck him in bed
he wont abandon the horse that was just me frantically trying to give a reason for them Having horses. but also. no i wont i like the name joke too much
im making u sad because its my Fav thing to do 😁😁😁 put The Guys into pain and then resolve it and have everything nice and sweet and happy
ok thank u again this made me cry a little bit like Picking parts out pls im gonna cry
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Tessa and Scott: episode 2

episode 1 made a thing of Marina going to Champs Camp with Meryl and Charlie - is she giving equal time to both teams? episode 2 makes it clear she shows up for VM's High Performance Camp assessments, so while it turns out to be true that she didn't support VM equally, this isn't an example of it, producers🙃
ep. 2 focuses on HPC - how nervous Tessa is is painful to see. this is where she calls Kate with tears and throws up after their FD
"i really internalize things, just assume that i'm a terrible skater, a bad person" - on the one hand 🥺 but also, huh? i know feelings like this aren't logical, but i'm curious what being a bad person means to her? sometimes ppl think "i'm a perfectionist" "i'm so hard on myself" are a badge of honor and a way to drive yourself, but it feels like a harsh way to do it and seems to lead her to spiral
then there's the cringe moment when Ryan Pyette, the London Free Press reporter who's been covering VM since they were little kids, asks Scott, "did you get lean? you look less bulky" it's not really better seeing a guy get asked questions about his body and appearance in an intrusive way
then Tessa, plaintively - "i wish people would ask me that. all i hear is did you put on muscle? are you bulking up? no!" thankfully Scott answers, "idiots. let's eat"
but in the next scene - he's having a cheeseburger, salad, ginger ale, orange juice. she's having a skinless grilled chicken breast, a couple tomato slices and some pasta shells with not much on them in small portions 😢

then after HPC, she goes to TIFF with Chiddy (and has a moment exchanging numbers and talking about hanging out with Jian Ghomeshi, who went on trial for sexual assault the next year - god i hope this was the last time she saw him💀)
Scott goes home rather than staying, and Tessa says, "i think it was just one of those nights where he needed to get home and relax and get away from the whole skating world and maybe even me" - whyy does she think this way 😭 after the pressure of HPC and media day, instead of walking a red carpet at a film festival, getting his picture taken and socializing, he went home for the weekend. sounds normal and understandable. he says see you Monday in Canton, so they’re back on the ice bright and early, probs - i mean, doesn't she want in part to go home and recover? TIFF is more her scene than his, and they'd been to it together before:
YSL after party at TIFF in 2010 (someone pls fix his shirt 😅)
but oof, producers, not subtle - Tessa: "hopefully when we're done skating competitively i'll have more time to devote to a real relationship" - cut to:

i wonder how they pitched this to him - look out the window pensively and drink your coffee 💀this show was pretty rude to his gf
again, i’d take more footage of actual skating and feedback at HPC. i think these producers were just kind of bad at this lol VM gave them plenty of 🤔moments without resorting to this 🫠
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Hi! I was looking at your ocs/au reference sheet and noticed you put Raven as Demigirl but add in their pronouns as he/him. This is a bit disrespectful since demigirl is about being partly a female and partly nothing (she/they basically) it’s offensive to make Raven have male pronouns when Demigirl is included (there is demiboy that is partly male and partly nothing) -from someone who is a Demigirl
Another mistype???? Oh shit, Raven's a demiboy I mistyped, also pronouns don't equal gender regardless, pls DNI if you don't understand that and if you don't support people and find it offensive as I have a She/They demiboy OC <3
Politely that was a mistype and fuck off either way, He/Him Demigirls are as valid as He/Him transwomen and She/Her demiboys, pronouns do not equal gender
Sorry if this is rude but I'm tired of people saying I'm being offensive in regards to gender/pronoun headcanons when 9 times out of 10 I'm more open minded then them, but thx for telling me! Raven was one of the last two made so he has typos!
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Another shitpost about my beloved tav Haltyrr. Now about her relationship with companions. More details under the cut.
template by @raysoffrost, thank you!
(Please note - everything below is written on behalf of my oc. My own opinion may be different! I find all the characters charming, but from Hal's point of view it's a little more complicated) (oh and pls ignore my bad english, i try my best, thank you)
Shadowheart. This girl is harmed. She bleeds painfully right front of me and pretend to be fine, pretend no one sees her weakness. She NEEDS something. Protection, maybe? I dont understand. She is so funny in her pathetic rudeness. When I look at her, I feel my own weakness, and it's sucks. I should stay away. Lae'zel. I never seen githyanki before, and this woman was mystery… For some time. She's annoying, she's predictable, and… amazing in her faith. I adore her directness and urgency to fight to the death for her ideals, but also this is a blindness. She always follows the line of least resistance. People like Laezel are good on battlefield. I need these type in our journey, but she and i will never be an equal and never understand each other. Maybe one day she'll try to kill me, or, maybe I'll kill her first. Karlach. A simple woman, maybe too simple for me, but, in any case, she knows how to prioritize correctly and live in the present moment. She is very sensitive and perfectly defuses the situation if tense raises because of someone else's sick ego. We need her. Actually, I think, everyone needs a woman like Karlach. Jaheira. I don't know how to treat her. Sometimes she looks so much like me and this is pisses me off. But sometimes I find sweet how she grumbles and looks at everyone like at stupid children. I'm sure she sees it too - we are quite similar, and it's better for us to keep a respectful distance from each other, otherwise one day well fight to death, and then we both regret it. Halsin. Well, he's huge, a druid and an elf at the same time. It's a terrible mix in my opinion. Sometimes I'm just freaking SCARED of him. Druids are strange af. Elven druids?! Please don't. Part of me despises Halsin for just running away from his beloved grove when it needs a competent guidance more than anything else, but at least my weirdos like him. (or I'm too soft-hearted). Gale. If someone hurts Gale, it will be the last thing they will do in their lives ever. (I wish I could beat the shit out of his ex, but it's hard with goddesses.) Perhaps this man is the only one from all over the upper world who really understands and accepts me. I don`t know how he did it, but my trust in him is unshakable. Magic, probably. Astarion. I don't blame him for trying to survive. I blame him for doing it ridiculously. Sometimes he tires me so much that I want to tie him up and throw into the river. Next to Astarion, I feel like a babysitter, and this is the last thing I would like to do in our situation. I think sooner or later this pathetic elf will get angry because of a something Very Important For Him in a teenager way and leave, and it would be noble of me not to stick a dagger in his back. If you want to be respected, respect in return, darling. Wyll. I don't understand what he's still doing in my camp at all. I mean, I've heard so many rude things from him about how unreasonably cruel I am that it's even funny. I behave quite decently and don't even point out to Wyll that he seems to be much more interested in wine, pretentious speeches and condemning everyone in a row (me in particular), instead of doing, you know, things. He also brought this annoying devil with him. Oh, spider queen, give me strength.
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I don't have an issue with Trina and Spencer arguing, I actually love a good Trina and Spencer argument because they're both witty, so they tend to be entertaining. This one was garbage, though.
It was just so obviously contrived and so transparently not for or about them. Trina has witnessed Spencer being nastier to Dex, so him referring to Dex as an "employee" (which he is tbh) should not come as some great shock to her.
Trina barely knows this man, and her best friend will not claim him. So why is Trina being tasked with fighting his battles for him? They didn't even try to make Trina fighting Spencer over Dex's right to drink on the job make sense.
If Trina is going to argue with Spencer, she should be advocating for herself. For example, Spencer's absurd current living arrangement. Not for some guy she doesn't know because he might be dating her best friend. This is also just a bastardization of Trina and Spencer's conflict over his privilege.
It was never just about Spencer being snobby or rude. Her mentor is Ava Jerome, I think she's okay with a little snark. It was about Spencer using his privilege to avoid consequences and not recognizing the full extent of how he hurt people with his actions.
This was another example of them writing Trina ooc to force an agenda. In character Trina would have been annoyed with Spencer, would have pulled him to the side and told him to 'cut it out', but even contemplate losing faith in him over Dex?! Lol pls.
She has never expected sainthood from Spencer, so I find their first fight as a couple being over mediocre ass Dex to be equal parts ridiculous and offensive. It's so dumb that I can't even play along like it's a big deal.
#general hospital#trina robinson#spencer cassadine#like i know spencer can't believe they're beefing over dex cause i can't either 🥴#korte did my girl dirty as per usual#pls stop with the prop duty#it gets worse and worse
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HIIIIHIII Could i request a matchup .....? Enstars, twst and hypmic pls ...!!!
name is kitten or 🐏 emoji! i preferably dont use pronouns but she/her it/its are ok. i have no romantic preference in terms of fictional characters hahaaa.
my mbti is INTP, tho i tend to be the most "extroverted" one if placed in a room with other introverts. im also a 8w9 + virgo if that helps. also AB blood type though i dont see many people who believe in that stuff on here.
uhmmmm my personality. im pretty sociable for an introvert, but can get burnt out super quickly IRL (but i can talk for hours over text). due to the autism i cant express myself IRL but i make up for it a lot through the internet by being uhhh a real character online.
im like a bimbo with autistm and ADHD basically, airheaded cutesy girly, bad at filtering myself so i can definitely be rude/mean asf .. super bad attention span.. always with a friend. i Can like get carried away and get very mean to people im not friends with. overall im very temperamental and ive always been like "pretty girl but comes off rude/fake but shes also the class clown kinda". since humor just comes naturally to me kinda.
hobbies include: arts (drawing, making art dolls, sewing, designing outfits/costumes, fashion, ect). i used to do dancing and track running but had to stop due to health complications (im super low energy and cant be as active as most ppl). I LOVE idols so much too.
What i look in a partnerrr?? Uhh nobody shorted than me (162cm) just cuz i cant see them romantically no matter how hard i try. anything is ok honestly as long as I can talk to them for ages and theyre not too loud/chaotic. overall want someone to be as equally as down bad as i am with them for me (if not more haha)
misc ... uhh my favorite love language is acts of service. i dont have to force myself to do anything i struggle with like putting thoughts into words or trying to act affectionate (tho i do get cuteness aggression). i love recieving words of affirmation lmao i need the reminding that they do love me !!!!.
i lovee cats, BOBA i kind of have an addiction to it. cute stuff cute ppl ect... i dont rlly like public affection (its cringe asf seeing couples act lovey dovey in public Sory Im not doing that).
I WROTE SO MUCH SORRY i didnt even notice Please forgive me. uhh last bit of trivia umm. if i were half-animal id have bunny ears and a tail... or id be a deer. THATS IT OK SORRY.
hi kitten! rrararararraa a hypmic AND enstars request?? im so excited :> and don't worry about rambling, it gives me a better idea on who i can match you with! hope you like them!

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ shu's first meeting with you was not actually the first time he's seen you. your handiwork with fashion had piqued his interest for the longest time, but he never actually knew that it was you behind those pieces. so imagine his surprise when he finds out that the genius behind the designs was in fact, you! though shu came off as fussy at first, especially since he wanted to get close to you to observe how you perfected your designs, he gradually found himself enjoying your company more and more. when he finds out about your interest in idols, this amuses him greatly, considering he is one. he'd be the last to admit he likes you, but his behavior ends up changing for the better when he's around you. as a partner, shu can be a bit extravagant with the way he shows love, but he always remembers to keep it in private to respect your preference. he's a perfectionist, so he likes to plan out your activities together down to the tiniest detail, but that's because he wants you to have the best time. shu can be rather straightforward with his words as he doesn't beat around the bush — he doesn't have a filter at times either — but everything he says about you, he truly means them. shu likes admiring you while you're busy at work (he says he's doing it because he wants to see how you do things but secretly it's because he likes watching you do something you're passionate about) but there are days where the both of you would be in the same room working on your respective designs together! he asks for your inputs and vice versa, it's usually the most fun he has.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ jamil was not your biggest fan when you first met — if he were being honest, you almost reminded him of kalim, and having another kalim was never good. still, you often get paired in tasks together that he had to get to know you eventually, and was he wrong about not liking you. though it took him quite a while to warm up to the idea of being in your company, he actually found himself looking forward to talking with you. surprise surprise, jamil's definitely the type of "he fell harder" in this situation. as a partner, jamil is most definitely not the publicly affectionate type. though it might seem he's keeping your relationship lowkey, it's mainly because he didn't want people (read: kalim) to make the biggest fuss about it. though he doesn't take you out that often, he's very loving and caring in private. though jamil never enjoyed the idea of serving someone, with you it was different. he'd find himself enjoying to cook your favorite food, help you out in your tasks without a word, and to make you feel as comfortable as possible. character development for him, tbh. when you tell him of your craving for boba, watch this man continuously try and succeed to making boba tea tailored to your preference.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ nemu actually met you through a chance encounter in a mock rap battle during the tdd era as audience members. it was your personality that drew her in, but she was actually surprised by how blunt you were, but if she were being honest, your humor makes her laugh a lot. your relationship means the world to her, especially since she made sure that samatoki didn't interfere as much as possible. she loves her brother, but he can get carried away when it comes to her. nemu's definitely the one who ended up liking you first, but she's unsure on how to express this to you. as a partner, nemu is very, very sweet. she's scared of messing anything up, so she carefully plans everything in advance. when she finds out that you like cats, she actually comes forward with the idea of adopting a cat together with you! it became your bonding activity, with two of nemu's favorites in the entire world: the cat and of course, you. she has your favorite boba order/s memorized and likes to surprise you with getting some. nemu's the encouraging type, so expect a lot of comforting words from her. she's also the type who likes bringing you out to shop, whether it's for your art materials or for clothes, nemu likes hearing your inputs on the items you buy (or consider buying) and takes note of them so she can surprise you with them in the future.
#hypnosis mic#hypmic matchups#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland matchups#ensemble stars#ensemble stars matchups#enstars matchups#enstars#·˚ * 🔭 carlyle matchups
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it’s what she’s made for.

— 23rd July 2023.
here i was.
digesting and perceiving the moment.
the moment where i was experiencing astonishment mixed with melancholy.

grab your pink popcorn while reading my review.
p/s: I’m not a professional, these are just my personal opinions :))

It’s exactly what she’s made for;
Being herself.
This movie started as expected;
- The pinkiest movie ever
- Thousands of Barbies and Kens in Barbieland
- Signature, recognizable and iconic Barbie trademarks
- Harmonious atmosphere
- Jubilant soundtracks
Greta did an immaculate job on keeping those Barbie elements, but still figuring out ways to impress audiences with ostentatious plots.
As a former Barbie fanatic, I can totally verify that.
The elements are incredibly specific and detailed. Margot single-handedly managed to not show a single emotion in her natural yet striking doll-like eyes while playing the Stereotypical Barbie, as well as Ryan (Ken), and so as other Barbies and Kens. Greta also mentioned that the Kens had to shave before shooting since the dolls have no body/facial hair. The floating to downstairs, high heels feet, thick wigs, pink dreamhouses, clothes, plastics, stickers, literally every typical thing that you could think of Barbie is adequately included in this movie. (pls trust me, it’ll be like a iykyk type of moment if you’re a Barbie fan).
This movie emphasizes compelling gender equality messages where in Barbieland, Barbies are dominant, while Kens are just a part of the accessories. Traveling to the real world has led Ken questioned his worth as he assimilates that men are rulers in the real world, he decided to implement all the toxic male-dominated agendas that he learned, including patriarchy, in Barbieland.
On the contrary, witnessing that men are ruling the two worlds, Barbie was devastated and got into a major existential crisis. Fortunately, Gloria’s monologue (played by America Ferrera), woke Barbie’s mind and was the most valorous thing I’ve ever listened to.
“It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.
You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass. You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas. You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining. You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.
But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line.
It's too hard! It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault.
I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. And if all of that is also true for a doll just representing women, then I don't even know."
All the Barbies boycotted Ken’s new agendas, and had also led Ken into having existential crisis. Barbie told Ken that he needed to independently figure out his true self, other than being Barbie’s accessory.
As light-hearted as she is, Barbie has reached another level of emulation – to leave the idyllic pink world, as she realizes that she also needs to discover herself apart from being the Stereotypical Barbie. She’s ready to face it all in the real world.
Wow, did i just leave a spoiler there? lol. But for me the messages are well-executed for every single human being. Ratings are not required for this masterpiece. Period.
Let’s take a few moments to reflect on our worth, reduce all expectations and let things happen naturally with an open mind.

#barbie#movie review#movie#margot robbie#greta gerwig#ryan gosling#ken#kenergy#oppenheimer#barbenheimer#Spotify
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call it what you want.
pairing - remus lupin x fem!reader
summary - part two of the social media concoction i came up with. it gets pretty tooth-rottingly fluffy in some parts but this wouldn't be a fic of mine if it weren't for the tooth-rooting fluff.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 993
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
yourusername added to their story


❤ liked by mmmckinnon, vance_emm, xeno_lovegood and 1,930,392 others
rjlupin never felt more appreciated
tagged yourusername
yourusername did you like it?
rjlupin it was so good i almost vomited
starmanblack i'm still mad bc we didn't make the furry one 😐
rjlupin you took part in this? starmanblack IT'S Y/N'S FAULT
pete__ why does it look like it was written with ummmm 👀👀
yourusername what if it was? 😳 bartyyy WHOSE yourusername fym whose? it's just white icing 🤨
lily_evans kids these days
yourusername weren't you the one who suggested to write "deez nuts" on it? prongsyboy you just got exposed for having bad humour lily_evans we're breaking up
user3835292 LMFAOO
user7382380 this is what i call poetry

❤ liked by pandorasbox, bartyyy, prongsyboy and 1,999,738 others
yourusername the cutest
rjlupin i miss you two
yourusername awwee we miss you too
lily_evans CUTEST BOY EVER
prongsyboy what about me? lily_evans you're of your own sort
r.a.black cats are superior
yourusername is that why the only posts of mine you ever interact with are the ones of my cats? r.a.black correct
user709990 WHERE'S TAYLOR?
yourusername she was napping in the kitchen 😭😭 user709990 HSHDJAHDJQNSNQNDNWB
user020994 everybody's favourite cat
user372838 REMUS' COMMENT??????
user300011 THE SWEATER HELLO??????

❤ liked by lily_evans, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 1,999,738 others
yourusername can't believe i spent the whole day with this idiot
tagged rjlupin
starmanblack i would literally rather die
rjlupin love you too sirius
casmeadowes write us some music please 🙏🙏 i'm craving for a new album
mmmckinnon soon soon soon
maraudersofficial wow and you rejected my offer to go watch puss in boots 🙄 so rude
yourusername sorry james but remus was being a baby and i didn't want him to cry rjlupin i'm gonna sue you for slander
user372838 you two have been spending lots of time together lately 🤨
user709990 i'm sleeping on the highway tonight
user139299 wake me up when they start dating bc i can't put up with this no longer

❤ liked by yourusername, r.a.black, lily_evans and 2,188,033 others
rjlupin i think y/n loves her cats more than me
tagged yourusername
yourusername suck it up
rjlupin where's the empathy you were on about? yourusername i left it at home
r.a.black cats>people
yourusername exactly reggie
marymacdonald i love you equally if that helps
rjlupin thank you mary
user272771 i can love you more than my cat
user323276 but cats remus
user734444 bro u mad delusional if u think this is friendship 💀 user001231 are you volunteering?

❤ liked by pete__, prongsyboy, starmanblack and 2,022,704 others
yourusername moonlight out may 15 🤍
rjlupin when can i preorder?
yourusername very soon my love
prongsyboy feeling excited
starmanblack something tells me it's gonna be your best one to date
yourusername egomaniac
user383838 TAKE MY MONEY

❤ liked by yourusername, rjlupin and 56,086 others
celeb_gossip rumour has it that rjlupin and yourusername have been in a happy relationship since summer '21. the two young stars have been spotted together once again! they must really enjoy spending time together, as they've been captured on several occasions since their friendship has become public and their interactions don't exactly seem "platonic", if you get what we mean 😉 despite of these obvious receipts, many are skeptical and think the relationship is purely just another pr stunt, especially since yourusername just announced her new album that is very likely to involve a collaboration with maraudersofficial 🤔 what do you guys think? 👀 let us know in the comments 😘
user556464 i think you should leave them tf alone <3
user182828 tea pages are so weird like get a life bro
user262626 I KNEW IT
user677747 omgg i hope it's true i've been shipping these two for so long
user555668 y'all ever heard of privacy? 🤨
user075222 WHAT.
user333933 you can't even tell who it is 😭
user285551 WHAT TGE HELL

❤ liked by vance_emm, starmanblack, casmeadowes and 2,798,929 others
rjlupin it was in fact never pr
tagged yourusername
yourusername can't believe someone would even think that
rjlupin maybe we weren't lovey dovey enough
yourusername we should step up our game
rjlupin wanna kiss in the rain?
yourusername you don't even have to ask
mmmckinnon i knew HEHEHEHEHE
lily_evans AWWWWW
bartyyy about time
pandorasbox CUTIES
starmanblack not the tea page being right

❤ liked by lily_evans, xeno_lovegood, ev.rosier and 2,782,53 others
yourusername i love my silly little boyfriend
tagged rjlupin
rjlupin i love you too
yourusername it will unfortunately not pass rjlupin *fortunately
mmmckinnon i knew about them long before all of you TAKE THAT
r.a.black isn't he taller than you lolol
vance_emm so happy for you two ❤
user362678 ok now marry him
user322256 i feel like world peace has been restored
user988211 whatever you do, don't break up
user300102 SOULMATES
rjlupin added to their story

tagging moots again :D
@littlemissscarlettwitch @innerloverpainter @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @withastrangerheart @forourmoons @forsiriussake @sw34terw34ther @nyxxxxxxxx @laluna0 @incorrectwolfstar
#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin drabble#remus lupin headcanon#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin one shot#remus lupin smut#remus lupin fanfiction#sirius black#james potter#peter pettigrew#lily evans#marlene mckinnon#mary macdonald#dorcas meadowes#pandora lovegood#xenophilius lovegood#evan rosier#emmeline vance#barty crouch junior#regulus black#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#marauders era#the marauders
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