#( picture: these dorks finishing it at midnight )
vannahfanfics · 4 years
Stereo Hearts
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro
Hello, everyone! It is my pleasure to present my story for the @kmjr-mini-bang! A super big thanks to my partner @chiztec​ who drew an absolutely stunning piece to accompany my story, as well as Amii and nish, who were kind enough to beta my story. I hope you all enjoy the finished product! 
Denki sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that night. He laid on his bed, thumbs twiddling as his hands were clasped over his stomach. His worried gaze could have bored holes into the ceiling if he had the right Quirk. He felt a little silly, fretting so relentlessly over something as simple as a high school graduation. For most students, it was a time of excitement, a chapter of transition in their lives as they went bungling on into adulthood. Denki was eagerly looking forward to getting out there and showing the world what Chargebolt could do. Adulthood wasn’t exactly what he was worried about. 
He hadn’t told Kyoka that he loved her yet. 
“Jeez, that sounds right out of some corny chick flick,” he groaned and rubbed his palms over his eyes. He grimaced as nervous sweat smeared across his face. He flopped his arms back down against the bed with another forlorn exhale, eyes lidded as he envisioned the beautiful, talented girl he’d fallen head-over-heels for their first year. Everything had seemed to get in the way of professing his feelings for her, and also, he felt a little… unworthy. He was a great big massive dork, not nearly cool enough to even be seen with someone as pretty and sophisticated as Kyoka. 
He’d probably short-circuit and go into “yay” mode when tried to confess to her. 
Groaning, he rolled onto his side to grab his phone off the charger. It wasn’t like he was sleeping anyway. As he unlocked it, his thumb came to rest over the screen, and his golden eyes stared at the time burning in white numbers in the center of the display. The time was inching closer to midnight. Soon, it would officially be the day of his graduation. The realization sent a sinking feeling spiraling into the pit of his stomach. 
He was running out of time. Everyone made well-intentioned promises to keep in touch after high school, but everyone knew that almost never panned out. You went on, to college or to a career, you got insanely busy, and next thing you know you haven’t talked to anyone you know in years and made new friendships. Denki swallowed thickly, mindlessly bringing up his favorite picture of Kyoka in his gallery. She was smiling brightly, so hard her eyes were scrunched up into little half-moons. She’d made that face for Denki when he’d surprised her for her birthday with an expensive album she’d been eyeing since its release. When she’d smiled at him like that, he’d almost electrocuted everyone in the room because he’d been so damn in love. 
He was still so damn in love. 
He pulled up Kyoka’s contact information. His fingers hovered over the keyboard. Would she even be awake right now? He wondered with a tiny sigh. Probably not. It was the middle of the night. Still, he found himself texting out a message.
Hey, are you awake? 
He rolled back over and set the phone down on his chest to stare up at the ceiling again. He fully expected his message to go unanswered, so he began losing himself in the confusing stream of “what ifs” and regretting every moment he never chose to tell Kyoka how he felt. He was so lost in thought that he nearly jumped out of his skin when the message alert rang through his quiet bedroom. He fumbled with his sweaty hands to pull up Kyoka’s response. 
Yeah, I’m awake. What’s up? 
A sappy smile bloomed on his lips, and he rolled over, snuggling into his mattress while typing out his reply. 
Just thinking. What about you? 
Three dots popped up on the message screen, quickly followed by a simple, Same. 
Denki ruminated on his thoughts for a moment, thumb hovering over the keyboard. He didn’t even really know what he wanted to say, or what he wanted to do. He wasn’t enough of an ass to confess to Kyoka over text, no… It had to be more special than that, something that she was deserving of. 
A cheesy grin slowly appeared on his face as he recounted a conversation he’d overheard—  Kyoka talking to Mina about her favorite romance movie tropes. Believe it or not, Kyoka secretly adored them and often requested them for the girls’ movie nights. He’d always stored that information in the back of his mind, just in case it would ever become useful… 
Yeah… he thought deviously. He threw off his covers and scrambled over to his closet to throw on something halfway-decent. He couldn’t profess his undying love in a pair of All Might pajama pants, after all. He inspected himself in the mirror after wiggling into a pair of skinny jeans and a band tee-shirt that Kyoka had bought for his last birthday. He licked the palm of his hand to slick down the flyaways in his blond hair, turned his face left and right, and then gave his reflection finger-guns. 
“You got this. You’re a stud. Ladies love ya!” He grinned encouragingly. He held the expression until his face hurt, trying to will the confidence into existence. Then, he flopped his arms and hung his head in defeat. “She’s probably gonna laugh,” he snorted. “But,” he added, peeking through his bangs at the mirror. “I still gotta try!” 
Before his courage could fail him, Denki snatched up the vintage stereo sitting on his desk— another birthday present from Kyoka— and scurried out of the room, hopping on one foot down the hall trying to slip on his Converse. He slowly tip-toed past Tenya’s dorm clutching his stereo to his chest; their class representative had a nose for trouble, especially Denki’s shenanigans, and had caught the blond many a night trying to sneak away and get up to no good. It seemed that luck was on Denki’s side this evening, as he made it to the stairwell without inciting a peep for the tall bespectacled boy’s room. He breathed a sigh of relief and gathered himself for a moment before proceeding downstairs. 
He treaded carefully, having long since memorized the creaky spots in the wood in his many misadventures. The tip of his tongue peeked out of his lips as he used the sparse moonlight to guide his steps down to the first floor. It was slow going, but the even best-laid plans were ruined by haste. He could feel his cell phone vibrating in his back pocket, probably Kyoka wondering why he suddenly stopped texting her. 
All in due time, my dear Kyoka! <3
When Denki reached the first-floor landing, he cautiously peered out into the gloom. It wouldn’t be the first time he surprised another student who had fallen asleep in the lounge, or worse, Mr. Aizawa, who had relocated to the common room to stay up late grading assignments. Thankfully, Lady Luck was generous and granted him passage through his second trial; the lounge was empty. 
Denki stole away through the darkness, like a thief in the night, to the back door. He grimaced as it creaked loudly and looked over his shoulder. After an agonizing half-minute of silence, no one emerged from the dark to scold him, so he elected that the coast was clear. He slipped outside, and the warm wind immediately enveloped him, clouding him with a cologne of night-blooming flowers and dew. He stared out into the side alley, the concrete path that led him to the space just beneath Kyoka’s balcony— and began to doubt. 
I’m really going out on a limb here, he gulped and clutched the stereo to his chest until the metal creaked. His absolute worst nightmare wasn’t Kyoka rejecting him… but laughing at him. He tried to tell himself that Kyoka would never do something so callous, but he worried all the same. It was such a frightening thing, putting yourself out there. The mind tried to worm its way out of it whenever possible. 
But it’s now or never! Even if she laughs at me… If I don’t do this now, I’ll regret not doing it for the rest of my life! 
Denki was going to go out on this limb, even if it broke underneath him and he plummeted headlong into bitter heartbreak. He could always put himself back together again. Resolute, he tromped down the small alleyway to the rows of balconies jutting out from the dorm. 
He counted under his breath until he found Kyoka’s sliding glass doors and fluttering curtains. He set the stereo down by his feet and finally pulled out his phone to discover a series of confused messages from Kyoka. 
Hello? You text me first, and then don’t answer me? What’s up with that? 
He smiled, sensing that playful bite in her tone that he’d fallen head-over-heels in love with. 
Come out onto your balcony, he answered. Before he could stow his cellphone, it buzzed with a quick reply. 
What? Why? 
Just do it! He insisted in mild panic. He’d failed to consider that Kyoka would just tell him to shove off and go to bed. As nervous sweat condensed on his forehead, he heard the faint click of the door. He jerked in shock, inadvertently dropping his phone face-down on the concrete. He cringed, already imagining the crack spiderwebbing across the glass screen.
“Denki?” he heard Kyoka call suspiciously as he ducked down to hit the power button on the stereo. It automatically started up a CD of Kyoka’s favorite songs that he’d burned on the off-chance that he would need it. Just as she came to the edge of the balcony, he straightened up and swept his hand through his hair, smiling bashfully. Her eyes widened, refracting the moonlight as her ears drank in the pretty tune streaming from the stereo’s large speakers. “Denki?” she repeated perplexedly. “What are you doing?” 
He nudged down the volume with his toe while a blush rose to his cheeks. 
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“Look, I know this is corny as hell, and you probably don’t appreciate being called out at three in the morning, but I’m kinda desperate here,” he admitted, nervously rubbing at the back of his neck and chuckling. “You know how I told you I was thinking? I was thinking about you. How your smile lights up my whole life, and when you sing it sounds like an angel walking this Earth, and how damn lucky I feel to have shared these last three years with you. How cute you are when you laugh, and gush about romance movies when you think nobody notices, and how badass you are that it leaves me breathless.” 
As he rambled on and on about everything he absolutely adored about her, Kyoka’s face glowed like a pink opal in the moonlight and her wide eyes glimmered like gems. By this time, the noise had attracted the other girls from their dorm rooms, and they sleepily peered out at Denki pouring out his heart and soul to their startled classmate. His cheeks darkened with embarrassment, but he’d already said so much; there was no going back now. 
“I was thinking about how stupidly in love I am with you, and how if I don’t tell you now that I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. So I love you, Kyoka, and I’d be really stoked if you’d go out with me.” 
A ripple of gasps rang out from the girls’ mouths, and they all looked expectantly at Kyoka. The girl gulped audibly and pawed at her dark hair, which was sticking up in odd places and tousled with sleep. Her earjacks nervously writhed above her shoulders and her eyes cast down as she considered Denki’s confession. All the while, he stood there holding his breath, waiting and listening to the love song serenade the silence. 
He was beginning to feel a bit faint and like he was going to start sparking when her eyes finally flickered up to meet his own. 
“I’d be really stoked to go out with you, too.” 
The girls erupted into cheers and squeals, jumping up and down while clapping their hands. Kyoka blushed under their ecstatic congratulations. Their whoops and hollers attracted the boys from across their halls, meandering out onto the girls’ balconies to investigate what all the fuss was about. Denki shrunk under all the attention, twiddling his fingers and turning as red as a tomato. 
“Aw, congratulations, you two!” Izuku called with a big smile. 
“It’s about damn time,” Katsuki grumped from beside Eijirou and Ochako. “I was getting sick and damn tired about him mooning over her like a lovesick sap.” 
“Hey, bro! Don’t you have a nicer way to say congrats?” the redhead scolded, making Katsuki snarl. 
“Denki Kaminari!” came the expected chastising. Denki flinched and grinned apologetically at Tenya, who was gestating emphatically on Tooru’s balcony with his nightcap flapping. “What is the meaning of this? I understand the romanticism, but it is the eve of our graduation ceremony! It is imperative that we be rested to do justice to our prestigious institution, not straggle in like zombies! Have you no sense of decorum?” 
“Oh, can it, class rep,” Mina chided. Tenya leaned down over the balcony railing with an affronted gasp. The pink girl’s smile was wide as she winked at Denki. “So, stud. Are you gonna just stand there, or are you gonna come give your new girlfriend a kiss?” 
“Mina!” Kyoka hissed, turning her head so hard and fast that Denki swore he heard her bones snap. Denki jumped, stuttering nonsensities, and dipped down to retrieve his stereo. It was still blaring as he sprinted back into the dorm and up the stairs. Kyoka was standing in her doorway as he came barreling up the steps, tripping over the laces of his Converse and nearly plowing headfirst into the wall. The rest of the students watched with bated breath, crowding in the other doorways and on the steps behind him. 
“Hey, Kyoka,” Denki swallowed, holding the stereo to his chest as he timidly approached her. His breaths came in ragged gasps from his rapid staircase sprint, and a sheen of sweat stuck his hair to his forehead. He doubted that he looked the picture of handsome— but Kyoka still smiled coyly as he approached, tucking her hair behind her ears and staring at him like he was her knight in shining armor. His golden eyes never left hers as he set the stereo on the floor and rubbed his palms on the denim fabric of his jeans.
“Hey, Denki,” she smiled shyly. His heart fluttered just at the sweet sound of her voice, and he swore he fell in love all over again in that moment. His body moved instinctively as his mind was ensnared by her unconscious charm, stepping close to her and using his index finger to slowly tip up her chin. He sucked in a breath, enchanted by her shy little gaze and slightly parted lips. 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
“Just kiss her already, you asshole, I’m tired!” Katsuki yelled from down the hall, making both of them jump. He heard Eijirou scold him under his breath and elbow him in the ribs, making Katsuki unleash a string of unflattering curses. After the fiery blond’s grumbles had died down, Denki smiled bashfully at the pink-cheeked Kyoka. She fluttered her eyelashes demurely, then flickered her gaze down to his lips. 
Well, if he was waiting for an invitation, that damn sure was it. 
Without further ado, Denki leaned in to gently capture her in a sweet kiss. His heart sung as she hummed slightly, making his hair stand on end. He almost wondered if he’d strayed into a dream, that his fantastical whimsies had come to fruition only in his subconscious. However, when he pulled back and opened his eyes, he knew he was awake. He could never dream the way she looked at him then, with such utter adoration that it made his heart ache. 
“All right. Show’s over,” Katsuki grumbled, skulking off toward his room. Denki rolled his eyes but leaned down to finally switch off the stereo. When he straightened back up, their classmates had retreated into their rooms— leaving them alone. Kyoka shyly swung from side-to-side, hugging herself with a sheepish grin. 
“That was pretty smooth,” she admitted. 
“Really?” he asked excitedly. Her cheeks darkened a shade of pink, and then she nodded. Denki suppressed the wild urge to embarrass himself with a happy jig. Kyoka would probably find it charming, but he wanted to hang on to some sense of decorum, as Tenya had put it. After several minutes of staring adoringly at one another, Denki finally drawled dreamily, “Well… We should probably get back to bed… Tenya’ll be mad if we’re tired at the ceremony tomorrow.” 
“Yeah,” she said, sounding just as enthused about ending the moment as he was. Neither of them moved for several seconds. “You should go, Denki,” she reminded him, finally prompting his sluggish body to move. He scooped up his stereo, never breaking eye contact, before rising to clutch it to his chest. “I’ll see you later,” she reassured him with a light laugh, before retreating into her room. She didn’t close the door, just gazed at him like he’d hung the moon in the sky— and he would, for her. 
“Yeah,” he said as he began backing away towards the end of the hall. When she finally shut the door, he risked his happy dance, jitterbugging back to his room. Just as he flopped onto his bed, his phone buzzed. He pulled it out with furrowed brows, and then broke into a stupid smile. 
I’m looking forward to our date. 
His thumbs flew across the screen to type up a reply as he rolled on his side and snuggled into bed. 
Me too. Goodnight, Kyoka. 
She must have drifted off, because there was no reply. That was all right. After a minute of goofily admiring her contact picture, he finally put his phone on the charger and settled into bed. Sleep took him easily this time, gifting him dreams of what was to come.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Road Trip to Nowhere
Chapter One: Midnight Music
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 1,104
Warnings: None!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
To celebrate Santiago finally returning home from the states, you decide to do something a bit unorthodox. Pack all the necessities into one minivan and road trip across the United States with no plan and no destination. Will you find something cool? Who will commit a murder first? (Probably Will) Will you all even survive? Let’s find out, shall we? 
You sighed, resting your dominant hand on the steering wheel. You and the rest of the boys were on a road trip without a real destination. Santiago was finally back in the country and you were celebrating by packing everything you needed into your minivan and driving all over the United States with no plan. You’d just left the Miller’s house in Indiana in the morning, and it was now nearing midnight. The open road was before you, but you hadn’t passed another car in a while. 
Frankie heard you sigh and looked over, smiling. “Sleepy?” 
“You wish Morales,” you whispered back, grinning. “Check on Reyna and Santi for me?” 
Frankie twisted, looking back to see his best friend and his baby both dead asleep in the middle row of the van. “Sleeping like, well, babies.” 
“So sweet,” you cooed softly. “And the Millers?” 
“I assume doing the same, considering we can’t hear either of them,” Frankie said. “They took the morning and afternoon driving shifts, and they’re exhausted.” 
You nodded. “Yeah, they did. How’re you holding up, speaking of shifts? Do you want to sleep before you take over from me in an hour?” 
Frankie reached across the center console and took your right hand off the wheel, lacing his fingers with yours. “I’m used to be a military pilot,” he said, kissing your knuckles. “I can drive on two days of sleep deprivation.” 
“He’s done it before too,” Benny piped up sleepily from the back. “Damn fool.” 
“Go back to sleep Benny,” you said softly, switching the radio station. “We’ll wake you for breakfast. You have the afternoon shift tomorrow, so you can nap all morning if you really want.” 
Benny nodded, falling back against Will’s shoulder and immediately falling asleep again. 
Frankie stifled a yawn, smiling slowly as you hummed to the radio. “This song is cute.” 
“I’ve heard it a few times,” you said, blinking away the blur of headlights from another car. “Reminds me of you.” 
“Really?” Frankie asked. 
You hummed, nodding. “Yep.” 
Silence lapsed over you two, and the gentle music was the only sound beside the rumble of the car and Santiago’s slight snoring. It was incredibly peaceful, especially on the straight roads where you could really see the stars illuminating the Indiana night sky. The occasional far-off howl of a coyote would remind you that you were still in the middle of nowhere, USA, just how the boys liked it. 
When midnight passed on the clock, you began to look for a gas station. “Frankie?” 
“Should we stop to sleep for the night?” 
Frankie shrugged. “Up to you,” he said. “But if you wake Will, he isn’t going to go back to sleep.” 
You grimaced, pulling into a gas station and parking. “Damn. I guess it’s just us and the road until tomorrow night. Want me to run in and grab you some coffee?” 
“Just us and the road,” Frankie agreed, getting out so he could switch with you. “Yes please.” 
“Alright,” you said, getting out of the car. “It’s a 7-11, so don’t go expecting gourmet coffee.” 
Frankie laughed, grabbing the gas pump and beckoning you closer. You stepped towards him, smiling as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “You know me,” he murmured against your skin. “If it’s got caffeine and tastes even remotely like coffee, I’ll drink it.” You felt him slide the money for the coffee into your back pocket, and you stood on your toes to get a better angle in kissing him quickly. 
“Be right back,” you promised, walking away to get the coffee. 
It wasn’t hard. At nearly 1 AM, you were the only person besides the underpaid teenager working the register in the store. You filled the biggest to-go cup they had with something you knew Frankie would like and headed to the counter to pay. The teenager didn’t even say much as you handed him the money and thanked him with a smile. Sliding the change into a tips jar, you left the 7-11 to find Frankie already settled in the driver's seat. 
You handed Frankie his coffee through his window and opened one of the back doors, nudging Santiago, who was still sleeping. 
“Up and at ‘em,” you said, gesturing to the passenger seat. “Your turn. I got Fish some coffee. If you beg hard enough, he might share.” 
Santiago grumbled something in Spanish and changed to the front of the car. You heard him and Frankie exchange a few words, still in Spanish, and Santiago took one sip of Frankie’s coffee before leaning back, almost immediately falling asleep once he had put his seatbelt on. You sat in his seat in the middle row, Reyna’s car seat across the small aisle to your left. 
During the exchange, Reyna woke. You hadn’t known her mother, so you had no idea what she’d inherited from her, but to you, Reyna looked like a spitting image of the baby pictures of her father. You lifted her out of her car seat and put her in your lap while you got situated in your seat. She gurgled and started to cry, but when she realized she was in your lap, she calmed, cooing and laying her head over your heart. 
You smiled, holding her close and humming to the radio. Reyna gurgled softly, falling asleep against your chest. “Aw, Frankie, your daughter has trapped me.” 
Frankie glanced back before pulling out and laughed. “She loves you more than she loves me, I swear.” 
“She’s a daddy’s girl,” you said, patting Reyna’s back and feeling your own eyes droop. “Reyna, baby, you’re putting me to sleep here.” 
“Just accept it,” Frankie said, eyes on the road. “I swear she’s magic like that.” 
You smiled, kissing Reyna’s soft brown curls. “I used to hear a simple song,” you sang softly along with the radio. “That was until you came along. You took my broken melody, and now I hear a symphony.”
Unbeknownst to you, in the front seat, Frankie was smiling, glancing back at you and Reyna, watching your eyes close as you succumbed to sleep, not even managing to finish the song before you succeeding in not only keeping Reyna asleep but putting yourself to sleep as well. He knew it wasn’t safe for Reyna to sleep in your lap in the car, and he knew that in a few minutes, he’d have to stop to take her from your arms, but for now, he left her to sleep where she wanted, finishing the song softly when he realized you could not.
“And now I hear, a symphony.”
A/N: Hey guys, Dewey here. This series is going to be different from my other ones because I will eventually run out of locations for these dorks. So, if you have any locations you really want the gang to visit, like small attractions, big attractions, weird small town stuff, of just something you think would make a good road trip stop, comment it! I would love to send these guys on the wildest trip I can, so help me out and send them somewhere super awesome. 
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Stone Cold Sober
Jax Teller x Reader
REQUESTED BY @everyhowlmarksthedead // OH, HI. WHAT A COINCIDENCE, ISN'T IT? 😏 I was thinking about Jax confesing to reader his feelings for her, being drunk, but she doesn't believe him and he gets angry, feeling like the fucking Hulk and destroying everything on his path. You choose the end, and if reader feels something for him or not ✨😎👌🏻
A/N: AND YOUR GIRL IS BACK 🙌🏼 lyrics are in bold
Glancing up at the clock on the wall, a sigh left Jax’s lips, it was 3pm and he was already 6 beers and 2 glasses of whiskey in.
What started off as a bit of Dutch courage ended up in him deciding to get slaughtered but at least if shit went south he hopefully he wouldn’t remember it come morning. He was going to pour his heart out and confess tonight at the party.
Hearing your laugh fill the room, he took a deep breath downing the rest of his beer he pushed himself off the stool, stumbling into you as he did.
“Whoa there blondy” you laughed helping Jax stand up right “looks like you started the party without me”
“Meh” he shrugged
“Everything okay?” You asked slightly concerned for your friend.
“Just peachy” Jax said with a slight slur before wandering off, swaying side to side as he did.
He never got this drunk at 3pm so you knew something was weighing heavy on his mind, but you knew from years of experience never to push for details off Jax as it just made things worse, he would tell you when he wanted.
The night went on and you currently had a nice buzz as you sat on the bench lighting a smoke.
You had noticed Jax was extremely drunk right now and you were getting worried. Until he stumbled over to you pretty much becoming a dead weight as he laid on you causing you to fall back on the bench.
“There’s my beautiful angel” he slurred placing his hand on your cheek “I love you”
“I love you too jackie” you laughed “but right now you are kinda crushing me”
“No no no no you don’t understand” he said “I love you, as in I want to kiss you so bad, I want to do everything couples do, I want you to be mine”
You instantly stopped moving, his words weighing you down now. Trying not to read too much into it because he was so drunk.
“And you are drunk Jax” you sighed “come morning you will have forgot what you have said and we will go back to being Y/N and Jax, the friends that ignore the tension”
“Right” he mumbled “yeah you are right I’m being stupid, I’m drunk and don’t know what I’m say, don’t worry about it”
Somehow he managed to push his drunken self off you and as quick as he appeared he had disappeared. Leaving you wondering what the hell just happened.
“You know drunken mind but sober heart” Happy said appearing from nowhere.
“Shit Hap what have I told you about sneaking up on me” you breathed placing your hand over your heart.
“Didn’t mean I listened to you” he smirked “but don’t rule out what he said as drunken words”
“Oh eavesdropping now” you winked, punching his chest.
Jax had now locked himself in his dorm room, anger running through his veins, he should have never said anything, he knew he would never be more than friends with you.
He should have stayed quiet.
His feelings just got too much for him as hot tears ran down his cheeks as he threw the bottle of Jim Beam against the wall watching the bottle shatter, just like his heart did moments ago.
Something flipped inside of him as he started smashing his room up. If it wasn’t nailed to the floor it was being launched at the wall. Picking up the photo frame he kept at the side of his bed, he ran his fingers over the picture letting a few tears drop onto the glass. You looked like a couple in the picture, it was from the weekend you fake dated for your cousins wedding. Taking a deep breath he threw the photo at the wall watching it break and fall to the floor.
His fit of rage was too much for him as he laid on his bed before passing out.
I woke up hungover
But still had to call you
'Cause I just realized girl
That maybe it was all true, yeah
As Jax opened his eyes, he realised just how hungover he was. Letting his eyes adjust to the light flooding into his room, he looked around his now trashed room before remembering his fit of rage last night.
He didn’t know what you did after, did you stay and continue drinking? Or did you go home?
Running his hands over his face as he sighed, he needed something to help this hangover so pushed himself off the bed before going on the hunt for coffee.
Happy was the only one up.
“You look rough brother” he nodded as he ate his cereal.
“Feel it as well” Jax sighed “did Y/N get home okay?”
“She’s still here, she’s probably passed out in my room” Happy said.
He saw the cogs turning in Jax brain followed by an angry expression.
“Not like that, look you disappeared at 9pm and I needed to get Opie as didn’t want to leave him alone for the night so we got an Uber and went to pick him up and you know when he is here she passes out curled up to the dog” Happy laughed.
I let the whiskey talk
And baby it said too much
I got the feeling now
It didn't say enough
'Cause I'm waking up alone
Missing that midnight kiss
I can't promise you forever
All I know is I still want you to come over
And I'm stone cold sober
“What’s up Jax?” Happy asked “something’s on your mind”
“I definitely let the whiskey talk last night” he huffed “but now I don’t think it said enough”
“I heard what you said last night and it’s just because you were so drunk Jax” Happy said placing his hand on Jax’s shoulder “just speak to her, now you are sober let her know what you said was true”
“It just sucked waking up alone you know, when she stays here she’s in my bed 95 percent of the time” Jax sighed “I don’t know if i fucked things up, I didn’t plan on being that drunk when I told her”
“Tell her today then” he shrugged “but sober”
Well I can lie about 99 percent of the time
When I've had too much to drink
Yeah I do stupid things
But this time is different
And baby it feels so right
I hope you were listening
To every word I said last night
Jax had scrapped the coffee he just needed to speak to you and clear the air.
Pushing the door open to Happys dorm he could help but smile as you had your body curled around Opie’s, your head resting on his back. He knew how much you loved the dog.
Sitting on the end of the bed, he watched you sleep for a few minutes before he ran his hands through your hair, making you stir from your sleep.
“Hey sleepy” he smiled at you.
“How’s the head?” You mumbled as you sat up stretching.
“Sore” he shrugged “but with how much I drunk I’m not surprised”
You both fell into an awkward silence.
“I let the whiskey talk last night” Jax sighed as he scratched behind Opie’s ear.
“I knew it was just because you were dru-“
“I’m not finished darlin” he half laughed looking up at you “yes at the time it might have said too much but now I don’t think it said enough”
You stayed quiet as Jax placed his hand on your thigh.
“Look I can’t promise you forever with the life I live but baby I hope you were listening to every word I said last night” he whispered keeping his gaze trained on his hand “yeah I know I got bloodshot eyes, but it’s all crystal clear that I don’t need Jim Beam to know I need you here”
“So everything you said last night” you trailed off
“Was true and yes I should have gone about it in a better way but after I disappeared I smashed my room up and passed out” he said looking up at you. “But I couldn’t hold my feelings back any longer, every time you introduce a new boyfriend I just want to kill them, I hate seeing you in the arms of another man”
“Jax” you breathed before confessing “you know I only did that to make you jealous”
“Yeah I didn’t know if you felt the same so why do you think the relationship never lasted that long” you whispered taking his hand in yours “because my heart belongs to a badass blonde biker who is the biggest idiot I know”
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered leaning forward resting his forehead against yours.
“Took you long enough to ask boy” you giggled.
The feeling of his lips on yours was euphoric, your mouths working in sync saying all the words that you couldn’t. The kiss left your whole body tingling and wanting more.
Pulling away when your lungs started burning from the lack of air you rested your forehead against Jax’s, a goofy smile on your face.
“What do you say we bail and go get some breakfast” he breathed “lord knows I need something to soak the alcohol up”
“Sounds like a plan Batman” you giggled before getting off the bed.
“You are such a dork do you know that?” Jax laughed, following you out the room with his hand planted on your lower back.
“Yeah I know” you winked looking at him over your shoulder “but you love it”
“Damn right I do darlin’”
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@chibsytelford @talicat713 @corebore123 @nothingeverdies @teapartydreams @mrspeacem1nusone @khyharah @itmejado @woahitslucyylu @beth-winchester21 @minnicelli @everyhowlmarksthedead @trulysuccubus @haynsey @witching-hour @destynelseclipsa @edonaspanca @abbiesthings @angelreyesgirl @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @jadesamhart @lady-pswrld @ly--canthrope @hennessyauntie @gemini0410 @i-love-scott-mccall @est11 @mystic-shadows42 @sugary-x-sweet @starrynite7114 @skyofficialxx @terminallygenius @sadeyesgf @lauraashley93 @leaalfred @angelreyesgirl89 @sheeshgivemeabreak @marquelapage
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septicstories · 4 years
Kitten Licks and Kisses
A Kiribaku story where the lads are playing with a kitten!
Katsuki's POV
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I'M GOIN', YOU FUCKING HAG! GET OFF MY DICK!" I yelled back into the house I started walking to school.
"Stupid fucking hag, always screaming at me," I mumbled, about to put in my earbuds when I heard a soft noise.
I stopped walking, and paused.
"The hell was that?"
I heard it again.
A little mewl, coming from a cardboard box beside a building.
Walking over to the cardboard box, my eyes fell on a small cat.
It was about the size of my hand and was extremely malnourished. The black and white fur was matted and dirty, a few patches of skin visible.
The box had a messy scrawl that just said "Take me"
Putting my hand out to the cat, it looked up at me with these piercing blue eyes, looking terrified of me.
"Not gonna hurt ya, bud," I murmured, lightly moving my hand to it's head and lightly patting it.
A short purr erupted from the cat, making my mouth twitch.
I took my bag off of my shoulder and opened, digging around for a second to find a small bento box.
Opening it, I offered a bit to the cat, who looked as though they hadn't eaten actual food in weeks.
The cat took small shaky steps toward the box as I sent it down.
I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Kirishima.
Gonna be late, fuck face. Just tell Aizawa-sensei I'll be there in a few minutes.
Sure thing bro, you okay?
I pocketed my phone again as the cat put food in their stomach, mewling every now and again.
I dug around in my bag again, looking for a bottle of water or something, but there was nothing.
"Ah, shit," I murmured.
I looked around for something that would work, when I saw a small mom-and-pop shop.
"Here, keep eating, pal. I'll be right back," I mumbled, standing up and going across the street and into the shop.
It was almost baren, but a handful of people were in the shop.
Looking around for a moment, my eyes fell on a milk carton.
I grabbed it from the freezer and when I went to pay, I also grabbed a small cup with a lid to keep the milk in.
Leaving the store, I crossed the street and saw that the cat had stopped eating.
I closed the box and opened up the carton of milk, pouring milk into my palm.
I tried as hard as I could not to let any of it leak out as I moved my hand toward the cat.
"Drink up, bud," I said, the small cat meowing before dipping it's mouth into my palm.
And when I say mouth, I mean it practically tried to drown itself in the milk.
It lapped at the milk, seeming very content.
The cat didn't look to be a fully grown cat.
Actually, much more of a kitten.
Their fur definitely needed a wash, but even the way it was, it looked gorgeous. There was these splotches of white in their coat and they actual had a huge spiral on their belly.
This kitten must be protected at all fucking costs.
The kitten had finished licking up the milk in my palm, so I dried my hand on my uniform pants, poured the rest of the milk into that cup, shoved a lid on it, and put it in my bag.
Picking up the kitten carefully, I stroked their head and back to make sure they felt calm.
"You wanna come with me?"
The cutest meow came from the cat as they rubbed up against my hand, a small purr coming from them.
"Alright, let's go, bud," I murmured, putting them in my blazer pocket, but making sure they could still breathe.
I started to jog, making sure I wasn't hurting the kitten, and keeping an ear out for meowing or mewling.
I may be late, but I don't wanna miss too many classes.
"Bakugou, do you mind explaining to me why you're late?" Aizawa-sensei asked me as I walked into class.
"Something came up," I mumbled, sitting down a lot more carefully than I would normally.
Aizawa-sensei just rolled his eyes before explaining some dumb shit before going into his sleeping bag and napping.
"Yo, Bakugou,"
I looked up at a concerned Kirishima.
"What's up, bro? What came up?"
I opened my mouth to respond when I heard a small meow from my pocket.
Kirishima and I looked at each other before another mewl escaped from my pocket.
"Uh... whatchu got there, Bakugou?"
Another meow.
Kirishima gave me a look and I sighed.
Glancing at Aizawa-sensei to make sure he was asleep, I pulled the small cat out of my pocket.
When Kirishima opened his mouth, I put a finger up to my mouth, telling him to shut the fuck up.
He nodded.
"Dude, how are you gonna keep them quiet during class?"
"I... didn't think of anything yet," I mumbled, lightly stroking the kitten's head as they purred at me. "I just picked them up off the street, and they were malnourished as hell and they were scared of me and I just wanted to make sure they were okay,"
"What're we talking about?" Kaminari asked, coming over.
"Keep this quiet, including yourself," I hissed, the kitten burrowing themselves into the crook of my elbow.
"Holy shit, is that your cat?"
"Not mine. Stray,"
"Kacchan picked up another stray?" I heard that nerd ask.
"He did that a lot when we were kids," Deku said, pointing to the small kitten who seemingly fell asleep in my elbow.
Soon enough, the whole class was crowded around me.
"If you guys say anything, you're fucking dead," I hissed.
"You should take them to Chiyo-san, make sure they're not sick," Ponytail said.
"I can't do that. I'm taking them to the vet afterward anyway, make sure they don't have a disease or a chip. If they have a chip, I'll return them, if not, they're mine,"
"Aww, Bakugou's got a secret soft side!" Pinky cooed, making me scoff and roll my eyes.
"Everyone back to their seats,"
While everyone was shuffling, I quickly but cautiously put the kitten back in my pocket.
Aizawa-sensei got up and left as Midnight-sensei came into the room.
Ah, shit. I have nowhere to put them during hero training. Fuck!
Midnight-sensei kept on talking on about whatever the fuck while I kept petting the kitten's head with my forefinger.
Then it hit me.
Nope, wait, typo.
Then they bit me.
There we go.
Thankfully, their teeth were super dull, not enough to hurt too bad.
It felt like a little pinch.
What hurt was when it stabbed my hand with it's claws.
I pulled my hand out and saw little holes, making it through maybe a quarter of a centimeter of skin.
"Damn, they're a feisty one," I whispered as I saw myself start to bleed a bit.
I put my hands back in my pockets to try to cover up the shape of the kitten, and this time they nuzzled and licked at my hand.
Somewhat like an apology.
I heard it meow oddly loud, and the nerd coughed behind me.
Was that his shitty attempt to cover it up?
I looked up at the board, hoping she didn't notice I was dealing with a small mammal at the moment.
I also realized I wasn't paying attention to shit.
"Are you alright?"
I gave a nod, and she continued.
Holy shit, she almost gave me a heart attack.
Classes continued without very few problems, and then lunch.
Dear fuck, it was lunch.
I let the kitten walk on the table while I poured some of the milk from earlier into the lid.
"Drink up," I murmured as Kirishima sat down beside me.
"Here, I can watch them so you can go grab lunch," Kirishima said, and I nodded.
I stood up to go get lunch, just getting some simple curry before walking back to the table.
And I was met with the best sight ever.
Kirishima had his head on the table, grinning as the small kitten licked and pawed at his nose.
His smile was so big and bright, and as I got closer to the table, the small mewls and giggles were audible.
Holy shit, I love that redheaded dumbass so damn much.
Since that damn incident in Kamino, that dumbass managed to steal my heart, and I can't fucking get it back.
I don't quite think I regret that.
"Oi, fuckface,"
See, can't you tell how much I love this idiot?
"Oh, hey, Bakugou!" Kirishima said, grinning up at me.
"I see you two have grown friendly,"
Kirishima released a sweet laugh and the cat meowed, pawing at Kirishima's now messy hair.
"Did you notice the splotch on their back looks like a skull?" Kirishima asked.
I looked at their back, and sure enough, a skull shaped splotch adorned their back.
"Huh, cool,"
"I think it's really sweet that you decided to pick this li'l guy up," Kirishima said, shoving some pork in his mouth. "I never really expected that from you,"
"Yeah, yeah, fucking whatever," I mumbled before putting a spoonful of curry in my mouth.
"It's super manly... and pretty cute,"
I swallowed harshly before coughing a little bit.
I threw my glance at Kirishima, wide eyes.
"And pretty fucking what?!"
He must've realized what he said, because his face grew bright red.
"P-pretty... uhm... pretty... pretty cool! Yeah! Cool! Coolio!" Kirishima's eyes darted around the cafeteria, giving me these awkward finger guns.
"Yup! Absolutely!"
"And I didn't hear you wrong the first time I heard you when I thought you said 'cute'?"
"No! Nonononono! Not at all!"
"You're nervous,"
"Nervous? Pssh, nope!"
"Really, I think it's kind of cute,"
Am I shooting my shot now?
"Oh, I meant cool,"
"Wait, hold the fucking phone!"
"On hold, Kiri,"
"Did you mean...."
"I meant,"
Kirishima sat there, blinking as he tried working out what I just said.
"You don't... like me... do you?"
"No, not at all. I fucking hate your guts," I said with a deadpan.
"Oh... sorry,"
"I was fucking kidding!"
"God, you're fucking dense. I do like you,"
"Not like... like-like, is what I meant,"
"What are you, fucking twelve?"
"Shut up!"
"But yes. I like-like you. Get the picture?"
"Holy shit, wow,"
Kirishima leaned back in his char, looking like the weight of the world was being lifted from his chest.
"You're not kidding?"
"No! Why the fuck would I be?"
"I dunno!"
"Just get over here and kiss me, dork,"
As we both leaned in, we were interrupted with a hiss and a meow.
I looked down at the kitten, who looked grumpy.
"Huh, reminds me of you,"
"Fine, no kiss then,"
"Aw, what?"
Tag list: @king-queenie
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mxblurps · 4 years
i’ve always loved you
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genre: fluff, smut
word count: 4.9 k
summary: you and taehyung have been best friends for as long as you could remember. you didn’t realize, but things were changing. were they for the better or worse?
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“oh shut up, taehyung!” you shouted.
taehyung is your lifetime best friend. he and your parents grew up together and moved in right next to each other. you and taehyung were neighbors growing up. your parents being close to his, you were basically forced to grow up with him.
the two of you are now 23 and 24, him being older. as soon as you graduated high school, you both decided to move into an apartment together. your days were spent either at work, school, or with taehyung. you worked at the cafe around the corner during the weeks. you normally had afternoon classes so it didn’t disturb your mornings and nights. you were an undecided major so you spent your classes figuring out what you wanted to do. taehyung attended the same school, majoring in photography, and minoring in film and video studies. he was very big in the arts. he was always walking around with his camera on his neck. on weekends you found yourselves in the club, getting relief from the week.
“what, jagiya? i’m just messing around!” he explained. you two were at the club, talking about a guy who keeps flirting.
“i’m just not interested. let’s just dance!” you grabbed taehyung by his wrists and dragged him to the dance floor. the two of you were so close it didn’t matter how you danced. you made sure that nobody would come up to either of you.
you had your back against taehyung’s grinding against him. you could feel the bulge against your back, but you just let it be, wanting to dance the night away.
taehyung knew he had a bulge, but just like you, he didn’t care. he wanted you to keep dancing against him, forgetting everyone else.
not too long after, the night had come to an end, and the two of you made your way back home. when you entered through the door, taehyung had his arm around you, helping you keep your balance.
“i’m never drinking again.” you slur.
“you say that every time,” he spoke. letting a little laugh slip from his lips.
taehyung helped you to your room, laying you down in bed. he slipped off your shoes for you and grabbed pajamas. nights like this were normal for you, he would help you get undressed and ready for bed, making sure you went to sleep safe and sound.
after he knew you were sleeping, he snuck out of your door. he sat on the couch, turning on the tv and finding something to watch. on nights like these, he couldn’t find it in him to sleep just yet. he liked to stay awake just a bit longer just in case something went wrong.
what felt like forever, was only five minutes of sleep. you felt terrible and needed to empty your stomach. as the feeling quickly grew, you rolled out of bed and ran to the bathroom. on your way there, taehyung saw you running, and ran after. as you hung your head over the toilet, he held your hair back for you and rubbed your back.
“it’ll be okay, baby. just let it out.” taehyung was always sweet when it came to you. he knew how to take care of you best.
you find it to be soothing to be with taehyung. he’s always taken good care of you. and no matter what, nothing ever gets awkward. you both have discussed that it’s just best to do whatever without making it personal, and you both have made sure you kept your word.
“i think i’m done.” you croak.
taehyung leaves for a second, and comes back with a cup of water. “here, wash out your mouth.”
you grab the cup from him and head to the sink. you take a gulp, swish it around in your mouth and spit it back out.
“are you feeling okay?” he looked at you sincerely. “i think so.”
“alright, let’s get you back to bed, beautiful.”
the two of you walked back to your room. taehyung helped tuck you back in. “are you sure you’re okay?”
“yes, taehyung.”
he then walked out to get you another glass of water and some medicine. he walked back in and you had already fallen back to sleep. smiling to himself, he walked over and placed the things on your nightstand. he rubbed the top of your head, and kissed your forehead. “goodnight.”
taehyung snuck back into the living room, resuming what he was watching. slowly drifting into a deep sleep, taehyung fell on the couch and fell asleep.
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the sun was shining brightly into the living room; falling onto taehyung’s face. he then woke up and got up to check in on you. you were still sleeping so he decided to hop in the shower.
what happened? you thought. the last thing you remember is dancing with taehyung. you took the medicine that was on your nightstand and got up to make breakfast. when you got into the kitchen, you grabbed a bowl, cereal, and milk, and sat down to eat. shortly after you began eating, taehyung walked out of the bathroom.
“well hello, sexy,” you said with a smirk on your face. taehyung was dressed in only a towel around his waist. water dripping from his muscular body. he pushed back his hair and greeted you.
“are you feeling better?”
“seeming i don’t know what happened, i guess so.”
“well that’s good.” he walked over and kissed the top over your head. “wanna go get some coffee after i get dressed?” he asked.
“sure!” you quickly finished eating and ran to your room to get dressed. today you decided to wear white slip on vans, light ripped jeans, a white shirt, and a tan cardigan. you threw on some lip gloss and walked out of your room.
“what a great day to bring my camera!” he exclaimed. “you bring your camera every day you dork!” you smiled.
the two of you walked out of the door with your arms linked. you reached the main floor and headed to the cafe. the cafe was just a few minutes away so you always walked.
you eventually arrived at the cafe and took a seat at one of the round tables along the window. your friend that works there was working today and spoke, “the usuals?” in unison, you both responded, “yes!”
for a while, you spent your time just talking about random things. your favorite thing was to spend time at the cafe. although you worked there, you adored the place. it wasn’t anything special. it was just a little cafe on a corner.
taehyung spent his time sipping on his coffee and taking pictures of you. by now you’ve gotten used to him taking pictures of you. you used to be shy when he would ask to take pictures of you, but since it’s grown on you, you willingly pose for him.
“smile pretty!” he said.
“oh so you’re saying my smile isn’t pretty all the time?” you joked.
“of course your smile is pretty. i’m just reminding you.”
you just laughed and went back to what you were doing.
the two of you stayed there for a bit longer and then decided to go back home. when you got home, you microwaved some popcorn and watched movies together for the rest of the night. when you sat down on the couch, you grabbed the throw blanket and cuddled up next to taehyung. you made sure that you were always the little spoon. very rarely you allowed him to be the little spoon, only because he would put on a front and give you puppy dog eyes.
eventually, you realized that it was past midnight, but you didn’t mind. sometimes you liked falling asleep in taehyung’s arms, you fall asleep easier when wrapped in his warmth.
taehyung pulled you closer and sighed in your ear. he felt at home when holding you. something in him made his heart flutter when he was with you. instead of thinking too much of it, he just pushed it aside for now.
you both eventually fell asleep while cuddling each other. throughout the night you stayed in your position. your body subconsciously grew accustomed to taehyung’s body.
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when the morning came around the sunlight beamed into the living room waking you and taehyung up. you were the first to wake, quickly shutting off the tv after realizing it had been on all night. shortly after just sitting around, you got up and went to take a shower.
you went to your room to grab your things and went to the bathroom. you started the shower and got rid of your clothes. before hopping in, you sat and thought to yourself. why am i suddenly getting butterflies in my stomach when i’m around taehyung? throughout your shower, that was all you could think about. recently, you could feel your cheeks start to heat up when you could feel taehyung’s eyes on you. while walking next to him, you would get chills all over your body when your arms would bump into each other.
realizing how long you have been in the shower, you quickly finished up and hopped out. you wrapped your towel around your body and walked out. when you opened the door, the smell of freshly cooked bacon hit your face.
“something smells good!” you spoke.
taehyung turned around to you sitting on the stool in a towel. he was frozen due to your lack of clothes and hesitated to speak. “uh, thanks, haha.” you could hear his voice shake.
“everything okay?”
“uh, yeah. want some breakfast?” he asked.
taehyung set a plate in front of you on the countertop. looking down, you saw the plate covered with pieces of bacon, two over-easy eggs, and pancakes.
“wow, what’s the occasion?” you laughed.
“no occasion, just wanted to make breakfast for my favorite person.” he smiled.
you sat on the stool eating your breakfast from the counter, and taehyung held his plate leaning against the wall. the two of you mainly just ate, enjoying the taste in your mouth. the conversation would spark here and there, but it always went back to being silent. with the room quiet, you couldn’t help but think of what you thought about in the shower. that same feeling was back in the pit of your stomach. the atmosphere when you were around him felt full of awkwardness. you never knew what to do or say to him.
“y/n, can we talk?”
you felt as if your heart had dropped to your stomach. he’d never ask you to talk, he normally just starts talking about something to you. you had no idea what was happening.
“uh, sure. what about?”
“so there’s this girl that i’ve had feelings for lately. we’ve been good friends for a while now. but i don’t know how to go about it.” while he was talking, his cheeks turned a bright red, and he was avoiding looking at you.
“well, if i were you, i would talk to her about your feelings. the only way you can find out how she feels is if you tell her how you would feel,” you say simply.
it takes a moment before taehyung says anything. he looks as if he is truly having trouble with this. normally, he was a lady’s man. he attracts everyone with his beautiful features. taehyung always knew how to talk to girls and lure them in. why was he having trouble now?
“i think you’re right,” he states. he then cleans up after himself and walks to his room.
that was awkward.
instead of thinking too much about it, you decided to clean up after yourself. you noticed that the sink was getting a little full, so you spent some time cleaning up. after doing the dishes, you just spent the rest of the day by yourself. taehyung hid in his room trying his best to avoid you.
later in the night, you decided to go pick up yours and taehyung’s favorite takeout, korean bbq. you know what taehyung likes to eat from there, so you decided to get him some. when you got home, you decided that you would eat with him to try and cheer him up.
you walked towards his room and knocked lightly just in case he was sleeping. he mumbled so quietly that you almost missed him saying “come in.” you walked in his room holding up the bag, shaking it lightly, and smiled to him.
“look what i have taehyung!”
taehyung turned and sat up from laying on his side, and smiled seeing what you had in your hand. “you didn’t have to do that, angel.” he said, still smiling.
“yes, i did. you’ve been hiding out in your room. i had to cheer you up somehow!” you laughed.
“come here, let’s eat on my bed,” he stated.
“i don’t wanna make a mess.”
“oh don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”
you walked towards his bed setting the bag down. you grabbed out all of the food items and set his food in front of him. after grabbing all of the food, you threw his set of chopsticks at him.
“hey, that was rude!”
the two of you just laughed for a quick second, and then dug into your food. just like breakfast, it was mostly spent in silence while you both enjoyed your food. you didn’t normally get this because it was expensive, so you made sure to savor every last bite. taehyung did the same thing.
“y/n,” taehyung spoke.
after finishing the bite you had been taking, you looked up at him. he had his food set down on his bed and he was looking into your eyes. he noticed you still chewing so he continued.
“remember what i talked to you about this morning?” you nodded.
“well, i decided to take your advice and tell this girl. at first, i didn’t know how to because this girl is such a big part of my life, and i didn’t want anything to turn out bad and ruin what we have. but, y/n, that girl is you.”
you were still eating when he finished talking. you were shocked. you have been thinking so hard on what the feeling was in your stomach. and you didn’t know until now, at this moment, this was why. once he said that, your stomach sunk. you felt the blush creep up on your face and turn it red. you gently placed your food on the bed and you still chewed on your food. am i dreaming?
after staying silent for a bit longer than taehyung expected, he started apologizing to you. “i’m so sorry, y/n, i knew i should’ve kept it to myself. i’m sorry. oh my god.”
taehyung had his head down while talking, feeling defeated. he didn’t notice when you stood up and walked over to him. you took your hand and placed it on his cheek, lifting his face.
“i like you too,” you said.
he then looked up at you with hope in his eyes. he looked so adorable and vulnerable. you could look at him forever.
“do you really?” he asked, and you could hear the hope in his voice.
“yes, you dork!”
he pulled you in by the legs and hugged you super hard. his face was squished against your stomach, and you could see the big smile on his face. your heart was beating so fast. you were so happy.
taehyung then pulled back to look at you. while taking in the sight of you, he licked his lips, he adored you. when he licked his lips, you couldn’t help but stare. his lips looked so nice. you would love to just kiss him.
he noticed you staring at his lips, which then turned him on after realizing how long you were staring. he loved that he could see how much you wanted him.
taehyung broke your stare by standing up, bringing you into a kiss. the kiss was fast but was a good pace. you could feel how soft his lips were. taehyung nipped at your bottom lip, and it made the kiss ten times better. you would have never guessed he was this good at kissing. it was such a basic thing, yet you would do anything for this to last forever.
as if you weren’t close enough, he pulled you closer to him by your hips. his hands were roaming all over your body. he had his hands in your hair, holding the back of your neck, holding your face, rubbing down your back, tugging at your lips, and squeezing your butt. if this was his only moment with you, he would make sure everything happens.
realizing that food was all over the bed, taehyung picked you up and went to your room. he had you twist the handle, and he kicked open the door. he walked over to your bed and placed you down on your back.
he went back to kissing you, then traveled down to your jaw, and then your neck. he made sure to leave dark purple spots. his hands were resting on your sides under your shirt, casually rubbing up and down, wanting to explore. instead of him asking, you quickly took off your shirt and unclasped your bra. taehyung stood shocked but was quick to move. although he was quick to explore every part of you, he made sure to take his time while exploring.
after leaving love marks on different parts of your stomach, he took a nipple in his mouth. he massaged your boobs while kissing and sucking on your nipple. he then switched over to the other nipple to show it the same love.
although he hasn’t done much to you, he had you a moaning mess. his touch sent goosebumps down your arms and legs. he knew exactly what he was doing.
taehyung was trailing around the hem of your sweats. he didn’t know how to ask because he was unsure of how you were with stuff like this.
“it’s okay, you can go ahead,” you reassured. he then looked up at you to double check. you nodded at him to give him the okay, and he moved. he slid down your sweats slowly, making sure to tease you. when pulling down your sweatpants, he made sure he grabbed your panties too. before coming back to you, taehyung took his shirt off so that way you weren’t the only one unclothed.
he lifted you and pushed you further up on the bed. he opened your legs and kissed his way down your stomach. he slowly but surely got closer to your most needy part. when he was on top, he blew air on you, sending shivers up your spine. instead of wasting more time, he finally licked a stripe from bottom to top, sending more shivers up your spine. he started by licking circles around your clit. while doing so, he stuck his fingers up by your mouth, and you sucked them off. leaving a coat of your saliva on his fingers, he rubbed your pussy and stuck them inside. when he was inside, he started slow, but then reached a fast pace. he made sure to curl his fingers inside of you, going knuckle deep, to hit your g spot. taehyung was working on you so good you couldn’t find it in you to hold any moans back. you kept repeating his name over and over again. he loved the sound of his name better coming out as a moan.
“mm, fuck. i’m close, taehyung.”
as soon as your words slipped out, he pulled away from you. you whined wondering why he had pulled out.
“you gotta make me feel good too, baby.”
you froze for a second not registering what he had just said. once you finally realized what was said you finally moved. you got yourself off of the bed and stood right in front of him. before going down, you kissed him just a bit more. after you had your fill, you ultimately went down. on your way down, you grabbed the hem of his sweats and boxers and brought them down with you.
his dick was rock solid and sprung free from the tight hold of his boxers. as you slid them off, he let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding in. before doing anything, you were once again frozen. he was much bigger than expected. he was good in girth and length. he had a vein that trailed under from bottom to top, and his tip was an angry red.
at first, you started by stroking him. you were getting a feel of how big he was. while feeling him up, here and there you made sure to play with his balls, to add just a bit more feeling. when you felt you were full of the feeling of him in your hand, you decided to start with licking a stripe from the base of his cock, all the way up to his tip. you left little kisses all over, and then put him in your mouth. with that motion, a groan slipped through his lips. hearing him gave you the motivation to go deeper. you made sure to keep your breaths steady by breathing every time you slid him out of your mouth. eventually, you worked your way down him, to the point your nose was touching his stomach. while working on him, you could feel that taehyung was getting close. he was grabbing onto your hair with a tighter grip now, and he would push your head down onto him at a quicker pace. you purposely pulled off of him just like he did you, making sure that he wasn’t going to cum yet.
“oh really?”
you couldn’t do anything but nod your head. you didn’t have it in you to say any words.
taehyung pulled you up by having a grip on the back of your neck. he then laid you down on your bed and started kissing you again. he slid his tongue in your mouth, already gaining dominance over you.
“taehyung,” he looked up at you. “please, just fuck me already.” he then smirked at you and shook his head. “impatient little baby.”
taehyung took his cock in his hands and pumped it a few times. he then guided himself to you and rubbed himself up and down your walls. the movement making the two of you shiver. he finally aligned himself with you and pushed in.
he took his time pushing in, making sure that you were okay. he kept eye contact with you the entire time to see if there would be any signs of you not liking it. everything seemed to be okay, so he bottomed out in you. you could feel when he bottomed down, and you had another shiver go down your spine. he felt so good inside of you. you couldn’t believe it’s taken this long for this to happen.
after waiting a bit, he started moving. he began with slow strokes, still wanting to make sure you were okay. he was kissing along your jawline when you spoke, “faster, f-faster.” you scratched at his back at the sensation of it all. you had goosebumps all over your body. and to your wish, taehyung started to move faster. he grabbed your hips and set a pace for himself. you could feel his fingers digging into your sides and you enjoyed it. you found it hot that he is so into you that his grip is super tight. his strokes kept you scratching at his back, and he loved that burning feeling. he didn’t want you to stop.
after keeping up with missionary, he decided to flip you over and lift your hips. he kept his hands placed at your hips, but your hands found their way to the sheets. he moved one of your hands to the back of your neck to push you further into the sheets while fucking you. never once did noises stop coming from your mouth. taehyung unraveled you like it was nothing. here and there taehyung would switch his hand position to pulling on your hair, or choking you from behind. you didn’t matter what he was doing to you, you would give him everything he wanted.
instead of having his hand on your upper body, he moved it to circle your clit. he was close, so he was ready for you to finish with him. from him rubbing your clit to fucking you, you could feel the knot in your stomach ready to burst.
“ngh, i’m gonna cum, daddy.” the words slipped from your lips so fast taehyung couldn’t wrap his mind about it. he was ready to empty himself in you after hearing you call him that.
“fuck, fuck, fuck, y/n,” he said.
the two of you fell apart together. you gripped the sheets harder, and taehyung’s head fell back. he thrusted into you until the both of you were done. he slowly pulled out, wincing in unison. taehyung left to go to the bathroom to grab a wet towel to bring back and help clean you up. once he came back he told you to lay back and relax as he cleaned you up. he left again to dispose of the towel and came back with a cup of water so you could fully relax. he climbed back in bed with you and covered the both of you with the blanket.
you both lay in your bed, trying to catch your breath. he was laying down on his back while you were running your pointer finger up and down his arm while laying your head on his chest.
the two of you found yourselves in a deep sleep due to exhaustion. the entire night your bodies were glued to each other. if you rolled over, taehyung instinctively rolled over with and wrapped his arm around you.
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the next morning you were woken up to an empty bed. you laid there in your bed for a few minutes, letting your body adjust to being awake. you decided to finally crawl out of bed and make some breakfast.
while making a bowl of cereal, you scrolled on your phone to see any updates for today. you were off for the day and had nothing planned.
you realized how you had no social life except for work, school, and taehyung. you didn’t mind though, you liked not having a ton of people bugging you.
still scrolling on your phone, a new notification on your phone popped up.
from taehyungie💞✨: im sorry that i left baby, i was running late tor work, i hope that u slept well :)
y/n: its okay, i understand!
taehyungie💞✨: i had a really great night last night. ive been waiting forever for that night to happen
y/n: oh stop!🥺
taehyungie💞✨: 😂😂
taehyungie💞✨: hey y/n, are u busy today?
y/n: i dont think so, why?
taehyungie💞✨: do u wanna have dinner with me after i get home from work?
y/n: sure! where do u wanna go :)?
taehyungie💞✨: its a surprise. just make sure u look as beautiful as u always do
taehyungie💞✨: ill be back home a bit after 5
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it was about an hour before 5 so you decided it was time to start getting ready. you chose to wear a skin tight dress for tonight's dinner. the black dress showed off your curves in just the right way. you straightened your hair and threw on a layer of lip gloss and sprayed your favorite long-lasting perfume. you wanted to make sure that you were at your best although you grew up with him. while getting ready, you also put on a silver necklace and earrings to match. it was a simple outfit, but it made you look amazing.
5 pm rolled around sooner than later, and you thought it was a good time to put on your nude heels and sit at the counter waiting on taehyung. he already knew what he was going to wear. while rushing for work, he also made sure to put out an outfit to be ready just in case you said yes.
taehyung walked in through the front door and was rushing. he didn’t have time to stop and look as he was running around to get ready. you didn’t know, but he had made reservations at a fancy restaurant while at work, and he had to get ready quickly so you could make it on time. taehyung had finally finished getting ready, adding a special touch of cologne. finally walking out of his room, he stopped and glanced at you. he found himself staring for a good while. you waved your hand around in front of him trying to catch your attention.
“wow.” was all he said.
you put your hand on his chest and took this chance to take in his look. he was wearing an all-black suit, except for his white collared shirt. a tie was too fancy so he opted to not wear it. the top three buttons were undone, making sure to expose some of his chest. his hair was pulled back showing his forehead, and parted down the side. he looked up at you, and the two of you locked eyes. you both stood there looking at each other in silence. you broke away first from embarrassment and you smiled as he spoke.
“i love you.”
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this is my first time posting one of my stories, i hope u all enjoy!!🥺💗
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imagines-mha · 4 years
class 1-B and night routines
Monoma: if monoma doesn’t annoy at least 2 people per night he simply will not sleep. Wears the comfiest pyjamas- like a 100% cotton top and plaid pj bottoms and everyones so fuckin jealous. He tells everyone he has a 16 step self-care routine he does every night but he really just brushes his teeth and then sits on his phone for like 2 hours? Ike what do you GET out of lying??? 
Tetsutetsu: he thinks going to bed after 11pm is criminal. Literally doesn’t understand the cryptidcrew™️ who DONT MF SLEEP. Works out before bed which is 👌🏻👌🏻 OOF. Aw hes the type of friend to make everyone tea and toast and send them asmr videos if they cant sleep i love him. He usually spends his night dancing around with pony and working off all his ENERGY
Kendo: “yall im turning into bed i’m too tired for this shit” “kendo it’s 7pm”
My girl will retire to her room as early as she can (usually with the rest of the girls) and she just RELAXES. Like self-care to the max: paints her nails, watches tv, plans her tomorrow, showers. She’s usually asleep at 10pm and wakes up the next morning full energy I want what she has
Awase: he has the WORST sleep schedule like fr. Literally sits up on tiktok until 3am and he’s just like “oh shit i’m up at 7…” *continues scrolling* like bro GET UR ASS TO BED U HAVE TRAINING AT 6AM. His night routine ain’t anything special- he sleeps in sweats and always keeps his window open (although someone told him about banshees once and now hes lowkey terrified lmao)
Kaibara- the type to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up at 4 in the morning to find tsuburaba in the kitchen eating a full course meal and he just SIGHS and goes up to bed in the worst mood bc why tf are his friends so WEIRD. Likes to watch the stars and edit pictures before he sleeps- its so therapeutic to him and also productive so he’s winning
Rin- he drinks coffee every night after midnight and then goes “oh my fuck shit i just drank coffee why am i like this” like congrats u fuckin dumbass now u ain’t gonna sleep. And he never fuckin learns. Always does his hw at like 11pm, Also stays up way too late binge-watching star wars smh 
Tsuburaba: he gets up every night and treats himself to a three-course meal in the kitchen no cap no sound awareness my man will be blending shit full blast at 2 in the morning. Usually falls asleep sitting at the kitchen table and he 👏🏻 needs 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 chiropractor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also always forgets to do his homework until everyone’s packing up to go to bed and hes like “please,, anyone,, the math?”. Shoda wants to punch him so bad
Ibara: the most well-structured person in the entire building. At 7pm she has her shower, at 8:30pm she goes to pray, at 9:30pm she journals and draws to calm her mind, and at 10pm she meditates until she falls asleep- which is usually 10:20pm.. Everyone wants her self control and independance like damn how does she FUNCTION. Also queen of vegan self-care remedies 
Pony: girl is chaotic as fuck it’ll be like 10pm and rin’s like “yo pony can i copy the hw??” And shes like “WHAT HOMEWORK.” . *cue two idiots freaking tf out*. She’s always wearing matching pj sets and fluffy socks and loves sliding around in them like a dork. Dances every night before bed to tire herself out like shes just in the lounge deadass vibing to taylor swift and a new person joins her everytime . people would be dead without her
Kodai: movies every night or she won’t go to class the next morning. Shes always just sitting on her phone w earphones in like she has absoloutely no time to deal with monoma’s shit so she just peaces tf out of existence. Cutest pyjamas ever i love her pyjama queen. The go-to girl for homework she just leaves her bag open, as long as u return it shes cool
Tokage: oh my god shes so CRYPTIC and FOR WHAT. Pranks pranks pranks pranks pranks. everyone hates her for it and she loves it so bad. Like she has the balls to prank kamakiri and that TAKES BALLS LET ME JUST SAY . she’ll just leave her body parts in people’s beds and its SO annoying. They usually just pick up her stray arm and fling it at the wall in revenge then act confused the next morning when she complains abt the bruises 
Komori: cryptic as fuck. Does she sleep? Why is she always sitting at the table? What is she doing? . Closes her tabs whenever someone comes into the dining room and just stares at them til they leave again like :)). In the garden every night til she can’t bear the coldness- watches the stars and makes flower crowns and worships the moon i love her
Kuroiro: nighttime is the time he just evaporates like where tf is he like 🙄🙄 reel it in randy from monsters inc . Hiding in the walls and listening to everyones conversations and secrets is his only skill in life . Everyone thinks he doesn’t sleep and just wanders around (he does, he just likes to have an edgy reputation)
Kamakiri- did you hear that?? oh its just kamakiri fistfighting monoma in the hallway again. Fr takes no prisoners he needs his beauty sleep (or idk do bugs sleep lmao??). If you’re in his way while he’s RAMPAGING to his room youre dead bro when i say he takes bedtime routines seriously i MEAN it. He does self-care and tells NOONE but its lowkey cute idk lmao why do i have a crush on a bug lemme call my therapist real quick
Bondo- 9pm. Wind down time. A good book is all my mans needs and he’ll be out for the count in absolutely no time at all. Fukidashi will die jealous and bondo fucking loves it. Milks tf out of it too he’s like YAWN I AM SO TIRED OFF TO BED NOW TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY GOODNIGHT and everyone who WISHES they could sleep as early as that wants him to choke
Manga- king of never having hw done until 1am at the earliest 🤡. He lives on 1 hour sleep most nights and his speech bubble just says “no <3” until like 11am. Its cus of his crippling hyperactivity he’s running the halls at 3am practicing the entire mamma mia choreography ffs fukidashi U HAVE A CAREER AHEAD OF U 
Reiko: energy drink addiction 101 if she doesn’t drink monster every night before bed she’s convinced she’ll die. “I sleep all day and party all night” she says, crying over math hw at 2am. Plays music too loud and has LED strobelites on ALL NIGHT. Shes deadass doing witchcraft in the lounge w komori all night during finals week she doesnt give a single fuck x
Shishida: another reader,, mans will finish an entire book in a night by the force of sheer willpower alone. Takes a bath every night and it makes his fur so fluffy and smell like apples smdnwjdnwd. Perfect snuggle buddy for wintertimes (pony LOVES HIM) and he’s that good man who carries tsuburaba to bed when he falls asleep at the kitchen table
Shoda: “please don’t speak to me while im doing my homework im 👌🏻 this close to having a mental breakdown and all it takes is a single poke to reel me over the edge.” Complains all day about being tired then goes to bed at 2am?? Like no shit ofc ur tired bitch . Always up for a deep talk at night he knows EVERYTHING abt EVERYONE and hes so trustworthy hed never tell a soul
Honenuki: he meal preps and does yoga before bed 🤢 like WHO HAS THAT MOTIVATION. Irons and sets his uniform out for the next day before getting his homework FINISHED by 9pm . He’s pretty flexible w what he does at nights it 100% depends on his mood. Usually he’s helping Tokage with pranks or working out w tetsutetsu tho. Used to annoy people who were up doing hw after 11 like “really tsuburaba? You should be ashamed”. Shoda almost DECKED him once for it tho and he was #traumatised and never did it again
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westallenfun · 4 years
Westallen secret santa present From: @candiceverse
For: @jade4813
Summary: a little westallen Christmas morning fluff AU fic
A/N: You're on of my favourite fic writers so I was really excited when I got you. I hope I did a good job!
It was a little past midnight when he finally arrived. Shutting the door lightly, Barry walked into his home with Iris. It had been 6 months since they got married and they were spending their first Christmas together as a married couple.
He'd been stuck at the lab all day finalizing his last report of the year. After placing his keys in the bowl he saw a dim light coming from the living room followed by light snores.
As he approached the couch he was all but shocked to find a sleeping Iris curled up in blankets on the couch and a christmas movie playing quitely in the background. She must've been waiting up for him before she fell asleep he concluded. He bent down to place a light kiss on her forehead as he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
As if sensing his presence, her eyelids fluttered open and two piercing brown eyes, heavy with sleep stared back at him. Without wasting a second she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him and pulled him close, Barry did not hesitate to hold her to his chest and kiss the side of her face.
"Hey babe, missed you" She murmured voice thick with sleep.
"Hey sweetie, I missed you too come on let's get you to bed"
She gave a little nod and he lifted her in his arms. A small smile played against his lips when he felt her curl against him.
Once they were both safely tucked in the covers she curled up close to him and he protectively put an arm around her closing the distance between them. He placed a kiss to her nose then to her lips and heard her mumble.
"Your so soft, warm and you smell nice."
She snuggled even closer against him "You're the perfect cuddle buddy"
She gave a content sigh and seemed to fall back asleep. He thought she was the cutest thing, and she was all his.
Iris West-Allen woke up in a warm familiar embrace. She was in the state between sleep and fully conscious with a Barry Allen spooning her from behind, his gentle breaths on her neck. In this position she didn't want to leave and to make the moment even better, she could faintly make out a light shower of snow playing outside the window. She burrowed even further into him, not wanting to leave.
After a few minutes of basking in the embrace, she felt Barry stir behind her and let out a loud yawn. She fully turned herself in his arms and they engaged in a long sensual kiss. When they pulled back for air she looked at his hair, ruffled from sleep and laughed lightly
"Good morning sleepy head, it's Christmas!"
She smiled at him brightly with her mega watt smile and he was sure she was the embodiment of sunshine.
"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?"
"Great, knowing you were by my side"
After cuddling for a little bit they decided to start their day. They had nothing planned and were just going to see where the day took them. Iris took her shower first after making sure Barry wouldn’t join her, claiming that they wouldn’t get anything done if he did. He laughed and promised not to come inside. After her shower she came back to the bedroom and found Barry standing by the closet waiting for her. He had a goofy grin on his face which Iris found instantly adorable and he smiled proudly when he held them out to her.
“Yes Iris"
“We are not wearing matching onesies!” she said with mock indignation
“Why not" he said with an adorable pout
“It’ll be fun and we can dance around the house and take loads of pictures"
“Ok fine you win” “They are pretty cute”
As he finished up in the bathroom Iris put on her onesie. It was black with Christmas trees and red ornaments with gold details on the sides. She put her curly hair up in a bun with a few strands left to frame her face.
He came out and found her dressed in it and smiled widely as he put on his too. They stood in front of the mirror and he said
“See” he gesturing between the too of them
“Twinsies!" He bumped their hips together and Iris laughed as she looked up at him.
She thought he was the most adorable dork. But he was her adorable dork.
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julyarchives · 4 years
Meowy Christmas
“I said UGLY Christmas sweaters, not cat sweaters, we can NOT wear these.” 
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→ Pairing: Yanan x Reader
→ Genre: Fluff
→ Words:  1.2K
→ Contains: Ugly sweaters and cute stuff
→ A/n: Here’s another christmas story for you guys! This story was really fun to write because it’s a very soft theme for us. We hope you like it!
“I said UGLY Christmas sweaters, not cat sweaters, we can NOT wear these!” you yelled amused at your boyfriend Yanan.
“Come on! Why not? You love cats!” He replied, laughing with you. “The cat is even wearing a santa hat!”
You just shook your head, still chuckling lightly.
The streets were bright with all the christmas lights, the cold weather didn’t stop you and Yanan from doing your traditional christmas shopping. You two walked hand in hand, enjoying the winter night and the background christmas music of the stores. It was a simple tradition, but you two made sure to always follow through. There was just something romantic about mindless walking around, admiring all the holiday decorations around the city and choosing each other’s gifts.
“If you wear the cat one, I’ll get myself a matching one and we can use it as our couple outfit!” He said it, so excited about the pet themed sweaters, you almost considered obliging.
“I think we can find better ones, babe” you cupped his cheek, looking him deep in the eyes, trying to be convincing.
“Fine.” he pouted, “but you will have to at least get me one that lights up.”
“Like that Rudolph one?” you pointed a couple racks to his side 
His eyes lit up and he ran towards it, grabbing it immediately
“That’s perfect!” Yanan put it in front of him, posing it for you "I'm gonna go pay for this 
You just laughed again, flashing him a thumbs up. It was your opportunity to sneak away and buy him a surprise gift.
Finishing the purchase, he gladly didn't notice the extra bag on your hands, so you two simply head off to the streets. His hand absent-mindedly found yours, and you smiled at his touch. For a while there, you simply couldn't look away from him. He was looking stunning, the winter lights adorning his sharp features, the colors complementing his skin. He truly looked like a prince, and you felt so lucky to be the one that gets to hold his hand. It was one of those moments that you wish to remember forever. 
Then the idea hit you.
"Babe" you called him. "I think there's something I want to do this Christmas"
"What is it?" He looked curious and excited
"It's a surprise" you said "to make it up for the lack of cat sweaters"
He laughed and it was the most precious sound you've ever heard.
"Alright then, what do we do?" 
"I think I saw the place somewhere along the way, follow me" you finished, turning around in your heels.
You two back tracked until you finally found the studio you were looking for. Stopping in front of the shop, you looked at him and grinned.
"So…" you announced, pointing inside "what do you think of us sending ugly sweater holiday cards this year?"
He shot you a mischievous look before talking
"I don't know, can we have cat stickers in them?"
"You're such a dork" you laughed, hugging his waist, looking up at him
His arms immediately wrapped you in a tight embrace, chests pressed together, as he looked fondly at you
"Your dork." he said.
You couldn't help but smile, feeling butterflies dance around your stomach. 
And then Yanan gently kissed you. The kind of kiss so soft, like you were his fragile porcelain doll. The kind of kiss so full of love that swept you off of your feet.
When you two pulled apart, it took a few seconds for you to find the words to express everything you were feeling at that moment. Truth was that it wasn't that complicated.
"I love you" you blurted.
It wasn't something new between you two, both of you have confessed your feelings multiple times to each other before, but that doesn't mean it wasn't special every time it happened.
"I love you too, y/n" he smiled shyly, pecking your lips quickly 
"Shall we go inside?" You said "there is one more surprise."
He nodded, holding your hand again and entering the store.
You quickly explained to the photographer what you wanted, and it didn't take long for him to set up the scenario, since it was a basic holiday card.
"Now," you turned to Yanan, handing him the bag with the gift you bought earlier "I think we should wear this for the picture."
He opened the package and as soon his eyes landed on it, he laughed surprised.
"You bought the cat sweaters?!" He almost yelled.
"You were so passionate about it, I felt guilty for making you give it up" you shrugged, happy to see him amused.
He wasted no time in putting them on, and you followed his lead, dressing up in your matching version of his.
"I told you I would make up for it." You winked.
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It was midnight at Christmas, you and Yanan were hosting a party for you and your friends at your house. The cat themed holiday cards were a success and everyone absolutely loved it. You were feeling all types of content for having such an incredible Christmas, filled with love and joy. 
When everyone left, Yanan and you say on the couch, basking in the celebration mood quietly 
"Y/n." Yanan called you.
"Hm?" You hummed
"I have to confess something," he said, getting your attention. "there is a reason why I wanted you to have that cat sweater."
"What is it?" You said, giving him an encouraging smile
"It actually has to do with your Christmas gift." 
"The necklace you have me?" You asked confused
"No, there's actually another gift" he grinned
He made a quick trip to your shared bedroom, coming back with a fairly big box in hand.
"Here" he put it carefully on the floor "you can open it. I'm sure you will love it."
You looked at him smiling, trying to figure out his plan, but you simply couldn't find the answer.
You anxiously tore out the paper, and as soon as you opened the box, tear started rolling down your cheeks
"Oh my God, Yanan!" You almost yelled, the proud smile on his face looking beautiful as ever. "A kitten?!"
You picked up the small grey cat from inside the box, his big yellow eyes staring at you as he meowed the cutest sound ever. It immediately cuddled up against your chest as you hugged it.
"I think he likes his new mommy" Yanan said
"It's a boy?!" You said excitedly, and yanan just nodded. You wanted to hug the kitten harder, but were afraid of hurting the small baby.
"Was it a good gift?" He asked, voice filled with hope
"I absolutely love it!" You held the cat in one arm, and hugged your boyfriend with the free one "I can believe we're cat parents. We have to take a picture!"
"Wait!" Yanan picked up the cat sweaters that he had brought along with the box "I had the same idea" 
You two laughed together, quickly getting in the outfit, taking the best family picture with you two side by side, holding the new baby kitten between the two of you.
"Merry Christmas, y/n" Yanan kissed your forehead and you nestled up on his embrace, your new cat secure in your arms.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Holt Hyde Journal
July 23
Woke up in a moving truck last night - in the cab... this time. But I was totally confused as to how I got there and exactly where I was going. I figured since Moms was driving it meant another new job in another new town - maybe this one will be the last for a while...
July 25
Tried to stay up so I could see what the new town looks like in the daytime but it was no use. Soon as the first ray or sunlight cracked the horizon I was out. Shouldn’t be surprised, since for as long as I can remember, I’ve been trippin’ to the music of the night. I can’t recall the last time I saw the sun... really I can’t. I used to wonder if I was part vampire but so far no fangs and no overwhelming desire to make beat juice my new drink of choice. I must do some serious sleep walking during the day though, cause sometimes when I wake up I am dressed like a complete dork. 
July 27
I put some flyers up at the Maul advertising my DJ biz. Hopefully I’ll get some bites. I know that once I get a few gigs I’ll be busy all the time ‘cause I can definitely spin some scary mixes.
August 1 
Being the new monster in town means I’ve got to figure out who all the players are so I don’t get off on the wrong claw with any of the locals. So I’ve been taking walks at night with Crossfade just to check things out. This is what I’ve peeped so far:
Count Dracula - This ain’t no mopey “Please give me a hug ‘cause I’ma vampire” cry baby. This is the original old school, dark as midnight, bad to the fang Nosferatu. There may be monsters that have been around longer but none of them have Count Dracula’s street cred. He and his daughter live on my street in what is either a gigantic mansion or a small castle. I guess you’d have to go with mansion but only because there isn’t a moat and a drawbridge.
The Mummy - Got to say there’s just something about old school monster royalty. They’re like rock stars or something I’m not the kind of monster that gets star struck but I seriously wanted to ask for his autograph. I didn’t but I thought about it. He and his princess daughter Cleo de Nile live in this palace that looks like a movie set with servants and all. I don’t know Cleo but it seems like she’s wound a little tight.
The Werewolf - There’s one Alpha wolf in his pack and he is it. I heard he could have gone pro in just about any sport he wanted but he was so much stronger and faster than the other players they said it wouldn’t be fair for him to play. He’s got a big family in a not so big house and it always seems like there is some kind of drama going on over there. The way they argue you’d think they don’t like each other but you’d be wrong. They watch out for each other and if you fight one of them you better be ready to take them all. Clawd is the BMOC - Big Monster on Campus and Clawdeen is going to have songs written about her one day. 
Frankenstein and His Bride - Mr. Stein is pretty chill for a dude who’s 8 feet tall and looks like he’s strong enough to tie knots in oak trees. Mrs. Stein on the other hand... well let’s just say Mr. Stein is a lucky monster. They live in a house that looks like a cross between a Swiss chalet and a research lab. I think they’ve got a new baby over there but I haven’t seen her yet.
The Sea Monster - He doesn't’ really live on land, at least I don’t think he does - for sure he’s got a little beach house where Lagoona Blue lives. It’s got this killer dock that goes out over the water. I saw Lagoona sitting out there talking to him one night. He never got out of the water though so I couldn’t tell exactly what he looked like but he churned serious water when he left. I think he mostly just keeps to himself and doesn’t spend a lot of time with surface monsters.
Medusa - Seems like she’s got her hiss together and is in total control of her emotions - good thing too, cause if she ever lost it, your career as a permanent life size paperweight would start right away. I guess that’s why she wears sunglasses outside of her house - even at night. Speaking of her house it looks like a building from one of those pictures at a Greek restaurant the kind with the big columns and everything. I bet the acoustics in that place are awesome. Wonder if she ever lets Deuce have parties up there? 
August 3
Have you ever met someone for the first time and it’s like you’ve known them all your life? Dude this totally happened to me last night. I was doing this bubblegum dance gig, not really my style but sometimes you’ve got to give the monsters what they want - ya know? Anyway, this absolutely smokin’ little vampire was out on the floor doing the Transylvania Trance and there wasn’t another monster in the place who could keep up so I flipped the switch to auto pilot and jumped right in there with her. When the song was over I was like, “Ula D you rock!” Then she said, “How do you know my name because I don’t think we’ve ever met have we?” I couldn’t think of a time when we had but somehow I just knew who she was. Weird huh? 
August 10
Had a date with the lovely and lyrical Operetta. She’s a bit of a diva but what a set of pipes! I took her to see this band I really like and everything was going great until this gargoyle bumps into her and almost knocks her down. I didn’t think his apology was sincere so I got hot and long story short... I got us kicked out. Operetta was embarrassed about it, and asked me to take her home. I sent her a dozen dead roses but she’s still not talking to me. My temper constantly gets me into trouble but never gets me out.
August 11
Mom found out about last night from Operetta’s dad. She says I need to do a better job controlling my temper and stop being such a hot head but it’s not like I can just become a different person. Sometimes I think she wishes I wasn’t a monster at all. Does she think I can just snap my fingers and turn into some dorky human or something? I swear sometimes I just want to ~~~~~~~~~~ ASHES! I melt more pens this way. Maybe mom’s right - wish there was like a potion you could drink to get rid of the bad stuff... oh well.
August 20 
I think I’m going to take some night school classes this year. I heard that Monster High does non-traditional classes for monsters who don’t do daylight and since I seem to fit into that crew I’m gonna sign up. There’s supposed to be this siren that gives voice lessons and Operetta’s dad teaches a keyboard class. 
September 5
I started working on this song that I want to be kinda about my life. Maybe inspiration will hit and I’ll finish it or maybe I haven’t lived long enough to write a song about my life. Anyway I got the first verse:
A twisted road plays out like a rhyme
Revealing itself a little at a time
Turn the corner Leave what’s behind
Outta sight and outta mind
Outta sight and outta mind
Guess I’ll have to see where the road leads.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 6/6 (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
a/n: and it’s a wrap! for now anyway bc i totally dont have a fic coming based on the good news nicky had for jaida! i just want to say thank you to every single person who read, liked and reblogged this story. it means so much to me, i’m so glad people enjoyed the strange idea that came into my brain. <3 (also! i wanted to let you guys know that i’m planning on posting this fic on ao3 as well, probably after this chapter is posted on here. my username on there is drivingmecrazy !!)
crystal: does everyone’s spring break start this weekend too?? anyone doing anything??
jan!: mine does! i’m staying home all week, jackie is leaving me :(
nicky: my spring break isn’t until late april!! wtf :(
heidi: ha loser
heidi: i’m going to play animal crossing all weekend i can’t wait
Jackie: I’m going to Canada to visit family on Sunday. Jan, if you want we can hang out on Saturday if you’re going to miss me that much. :P
nicky: i’ll hang out with you jackie
jan: i hate you nicky
jaida: i have a pageant next week!!
jan!: yaas gorg
nicky: bring home the crown!
crystal: GO JAIDA!
nicky: also jaida call me. i have good news for you :)
gigi: crystal you already know what’s going down
crystal: do i now?
Crystal had somewhat of an idea of what was going down. She had been granted permission to sleep over at Gigi’s house, and they would be going on their date the following day. Gigi would not tell Crystal anything about where they were going, and refused to give her any hints no matter how much Crystal begged. 
The next morning, on their walk to school, Crystal finally got a hint. 
“You tweeted about it. That’s all I’ll tell you.”
“That’s not helpful at all!” Crystal had almost 30 thousand tweets, her Twitter was her space to say weird things without being judged too harshly, and she had a lot of things to say! She thought about things she might’ve tweeted about wanting to do, or places she wanted to go, but came up empty handed.
“Well, you have the whole day to think about it. I’ll meet you after school, yeah?”
Gigi’s mom offered to pick them up after school, even though the walk from their school to Gigi’s house wasn’t far. Crystal finally met Nancy, Gigi’s beloved dog. Crystal didn’t want to do anything besides hold the dachshund to her chest all night, but Gigi wouldn’t let her, saying it wasn’t fair for Nancy to get all of the attention even though Gigi does the exact same thing with Tic Tac.
They made homemade pizza for dinner, and played monopoly with Gigi’s parents and her brother. Gigi’s brother thought Crystal was cute, and hit on Crystal; trying out a ridiculous pickup line on the green haired girl every chance he got. After they called off the game, Gigi excused her and Crystal to her room.
“So quick to leave, Georgina,” Crystal teased, sitting down next to Nancy who was using Gigi’s strawberry cow pillow pet as a headrest. 
“Wanna spend time with you. Can we cuddle?”
“Yeah, of course.”
They sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s company until Gigi spoke up.
“I couldn’t do it.”
“Couldn’t do what?” Crystal asked, lost.
“Come out to my friends. I thought I was ready but obviously I’m not.”
“It’s okay, Gigi. You’ll know when it’s time, don’t rush it.”
“I just want to be more open, I guess.”
“That’s good, but it’s not going to happen overnight. You have to take baby steps, G.”
“Was it hard? To come out?”
“To who?” Crystal snorted, “You know I don’t have any friends. I’m pretty sure everyone at school already knows, though.”
“Does your mom know?”
“Probably. She got a little too suspicious when I started liking Poppy.”
This turned into revealing who their first gay crush was, and how and when they figured out they liked girls like the rest of their friends liked boys. Crystal told Gigi about how she originally tried to fake like One Direction so no one would suspect anything, and Gigi told Crystal about how she refused to listen to any music sung by female artists for half a year before they decided to go to sleep.
Crystal had woken up first. She didn’t bother waking up Gigi, going to scroll through Twitter instead. It was still early, but the group chat was on some bullshit, Jan changed her display name to Nicky and changed her profile picture to Nicky’s to mock her. Nicky did not find this funny in the slightest, but Jaida did.
nicky: i’m nicky i’m french i love stealing my friends gfs
jaida: omg period!
jaida: proof?
nicky: croissant
THE REAL nicky: i cannot stand jan. this is why jackie should date me instead
Crystal couldn’t stop laughing, which ended up waking Gigi up. Gigi was grumpy at first, but that changed when she realized they needed to get ready to go on the date she had planned.
After they had gotten up and dressed, they sat next to each other in front of the giant, floor length mirror next to Gigi’s closet to do their makeup. Gigi stopped doing her makeup after putting on her foundation, deciding that watching Crystal do her eye shadow was more entertaining than finishing the look she had in mind.
“Stop looking at me, you’re making me nervous!” Crystal giggled when she noticed Gigi’s stares, not actually wanting Gigi to stop.
“I’ll think about it,” Gigi paused, pretending to think, “I will not. You look beautiful.”
Crystal squawked, “I barely have anything on my face!”
“What are you, gay or something?” Crystal teased, making Gigi poke at her sides, “Stop being a dork and finish your makeup!”
“Fine. Only because we need to get going soon.”
“Wait, you know how to drive?” Crystal asked, getting in the passenger seat.
“Yeah! I don’t have my own car yet, but I got my license on my 16th birthday. I am not enforcing the stereotype at all!” Gigi grinned, opening the garage door and starting her mom’s car.
“I’ll be the judge of that. Can I play music?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Gigi handed her the aux cord and started backing out of the driveway. 
“Okay. This is the ultimate test,” Crystal stated, starting to play a song. “Which One Direction song is this?”
The song in question was good, but Gigi didn’t recognize it. She had only listened to ‘Midnight Memories’ because it was Crystal’s favorite album, and she knew for sure Crystal wasn’t playing a song from that album. “Is it from ‘Made in the A.M’?”
“Trick question! It’s one of Niall’s solo songs. It’s called ‘Dear Patience’!” Crystal laughed, thinking she had pulled off the biggest prank in the world.
“Oh, fuck. I should’ve known there was only one person singing.”
After fifteen minutes of driving, and Gigi almost running a stop sign, they finally pulled up at a cute little thrift shop on the outskirts of town, and Crystal was just about shaking with excitement. “I love thrifting! I’ve only been once, but it was so fun! I found that jumpsuit I wore that one day while thrifting!” She rambles, rushing to get out of the car and inside.
“Wait, when I did tweet about this?”
Around the time they had first started talking, Crystal had tweeted about how her dream date was going thrifting. Gigi naturally stored this information in the back of her mind, even though at the time she never thought she would need it.
On their walk from the parking lot to the store, Crystal held her hand out, which Gigi hesitantly accepted.
“We should play a game! We should split up and pick out an outfit for the other person without them knowing and then meet up and try them on!” 
Gigi’s heart swelled, Crystal was so cute. “That sounds fun, but how do I know this isn’t just a trick to dress me up in something hideous?” Gigi teased, making Crystal blush.
“I would never, don’t be ridiculous,” Crystal scoffed, “I’ll save that for the next time we go thrifting!”
Crystal let go of Gigi’s hand to open the door for her, splitting up as soon as they walked into the shop.
It didn’t take them very long to pick out their pieces. Crystal stayed true to her word, picking out a light green, halter top dress for Gigi. Gigi, on the other hand, had picked out a hideous pair of neon pink, zebra print leggings and a red flannel shirt.
“Gigi, what is that?” Crystal scrunched up her nose in disgust.
“You like patterns, why not clash them?” Gigi tried to defend herself, but could barely finish her sentence before bursting out laughing.
“No! I’m not getting that! I’m not even going to try on that outfit. It’s yucky.”
“That’s fine, give me the dress you picked out for me. I need that.” Gigi snatched it from Crystal’s hands, walking quickly to the dressing room.
The dress looked gorgeous on Gigi. Crystal was so glad she took their game seriously. 
They looked around together for a little bit before wandering from each other yet again. Gigi somehow ended up with a pile of clothes that you would only see in a very successful thrifting haul video on YouTube. Crystal had stuck to the men’s section, immediately claiming some loud button ups and with a little digging, she found a very specific, out of place t-shirt that said something about how ‘real grandmas drink Dr. Pepper’ that she found hilarious and needed to own.
“What does that say? Some grandmas play bingo, real grandmas drink Dr. Pepper?” Gigi questioned when they finally met back up, “What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know, but it’s sending me. I need it!”
“So you hated my outfit I got for you, but you’re buying that?” Gigi teased.
“You do not understand the art of highly specific shirts, like these, babe. I’ll have to teach you all about them later.”
Gigi thought Crystal was an idiot, but she couldn’t stop smiling.
After paying for their clothes, they got back into the car. Gigi started driving, not telling Crystal where their next stop was. The stop happened to be the Taco Bell drive thru, which Crystal was excited about. “Okay, I do remember tweeting about wanting to go to Taco Bell.” 
When they got their food, Gigi placed the bag in the back seat, making Crystal raise an eyebrow. 
“You’re a messy eater, so we aren’t eating in the car. My mom would kill me if we made a mess.”
While Crystal tried to convince Gigi she was not a messy eater and her mom’s car would be fine, Gigi pulled up to a park.
“Can you find a spot to sit down at so we can eat it there?” Gigi requested. It took Crystal about two seconds to travel from the car to the grass, settling down in a shady spot underneath some trees. Gigi joined Crystal, holding a blue blanket as well as the brown paper bag.
“It’s not a picnic blanket, I couldn’t find one but I hope it works.”
“It does! I love picnics!” Crystal hops up so Gigi can lay down the blanket, going to retrieve the drinks that they forgot in the car. 
Their lunch was filled with flirting, stupid inside jokes and Crystal loved every second of it. She knew for sure by the end of the day she would not be single anymore, but the lack of confirmation was making her antsy.
Once they were done eating, Gigi collected all of the wrappers and cups, walking across the grass to the nearest trash can to dispose of them. When Gigi came back, she had a huge grin on her face, “Well, Crystal Elizabeth. I would like to think that I successfully wooed you, if only you could do something for me in return…”
“What do you have in mind, Georgina?” Crystal giggles, hoping Gigi couldn’t tell how nervous that statement made her.
“Crystal Elizabeth, I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?” 
“God, yes. I’ve been waiting for this for months.” Crystal exclaimed, immediately being pulled into a kiss.
They stayed at the park after that. Crystal’s inner child had jumped out after the kiss was broken and she wanted to play on the playground. 
“Wait, Crystal! Come here, the light looks good right now and we need to take our reveal selfie!”
Their date came to an end when Crystal’s mom texted her asking to come home. Crystal’s mom had no idea what she was interrupting, as Crystal did not tell her mom what they were actually doing.
“I hate it here, I would let this date go on all week if I could.” Crystal pouted, buckling her seatbelt.
“If there’s any other place you want to go this week, we could go on our second date.” Gigi smiled, reaching out to hold Crystal’s hand.
“Be careful, I know steering with one hand is peak lesbianism, but I don’t know if you’re a good enough driver to do that yet.” Crystal joked, even though she gladly accepted Gigi’s hand.
“Oh, shut up. Like you could go ten minutes without holding my hand.”
Crystal kissed Gigi again when they got on her street, Gigi parking a few houses down for privacy.
“This was fun. I really am happy with everything. You completely wooed me, Georgina.”
“I’m glad. Does this mean I can call you my clown girlfriend now?” Gigi jokingly asked, making Crystal let out a tiny scream.
“As dumb as that sounds, yes. You can.”
Gigi did not let Crystal get out of the car without getting another kiss.
Crystal entered her house, her grin slowly fading when she saw her mom waiting for her.
“You took a while to come home.” Crystal’s mom started, under the impression she was at Gigi’s house. “What took you so long?”
“Yeah, sorry. I couldn’t find my charger.” Crystal felt bad for lying to her mom, but she didn’t want to tell her what happened yet.
“Oh, your generation and your phones. I was starting to get worried.”
“Mama, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I’m going to my room now, is that okay?”
“Yeah, I’m about to start dinner. We’re having your favorite!”
The second Crystal got into her room, she locked her door and jumped on her bed, logging onto Twitter.
crystal: good evening l a d i e s
jan!: HEY!
jaida: crystal!
Jackie: You haven’t been active today, what were you up to?
heidi: not jackie demanding answers
nicky: ooooh
gigi: well, since you asked…
crystal: :D
gigi: my girlfriend crystal and i went on our first date today. isn’t she beautiful??
The group erupted into chaos the second they saw their selfie, congratulating the new couple for finally getting together. Crystal wouldn’t have it any other way. She would be forever grateful for being added into Elites Only, and even more for the special girl she had met there.
gigi: so, any ideas for our second date?
crystal: tons, babe. i’m gonna blow your mind.
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endless-vall · 4 years
I can’t lose you again - part I -  Nostalgia - Dakota x MC fanfic
Summary: Alex returns to Edenbrooks after years of not being there. Everything has changes but stayed exactly the same. She can’t help but seeing Dakota everywhere she goes.
Authors note: After talking with @blue-sappir​ I finally decided to write & post this fic. It’s definitely bittersweet. Read at your own risk 😊
This fic will have two more parts. You can read the next part here.
Hope you enjoy!
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Alex stood in front of the entrance to Edenbrook.
She hadn’t been there in years.
Well, she’d visited a couple of times when her mother still worked there, but it’s been a few years since she last stepped foot inside that hospital.
Alex had finished her Oncology fellowship in a different hospital when Edenbrook rang and offered her a job.
All the other benefits they suggested paled in comparison to the memory of Dakota. Of course she was going to take the job there.
Today was her first day. Alex have lived a full life, following every dream she had, making every desicion worth-while, never daring to leave anything to wonder ‘What if?’.
And it’s been a great journey. She had fallen in love a few times. None ever like the other. But her first love, Dakota, will always hold a dear place in her heart.
Edenbrook brought Alex her first grand love story. Maybe it’ll be the place to bring her her second one. The one that’ll she finally settle with.
Taking a deep breath, Alex stepped in. She was met with a familiar face, although she did look older now.
“Harper Emery. We spoke on the phone. You must be Alex?” Harper extended her hand.
“In the flesh.” Alex smiled and shook Harper’s hand.
“Welcome aboard.”
Alex spent her day getting to know the hospital all over again. So much had changed, but there were still many things that remained the same.
She got to know her new patients, her interns, her residants, and everybody on her floor.
Speaking on her floor... Alex passed, for the first time that day, near the room that used to belong to Dakota.
She stopped in her tracks, a familiar feeling washing over her.
‘Hey, teach,’ She could see him now, so clearly, standing next to the hospital room door in his hospital gown with his dorky smile and starstruck eyes.
Alex was about to take a step towards him. Towards Dakota, her Dakota,
When the patient’s room door swung open and a nurse got out of it. Neither her or the patient resembled Dakota, and Alex shook her head in confusion.
Was she just day-dreaming now?
She hadn’t thought of Dakota in a long time, not in that way, but being back in Edenbrook must’ve had it’s affect on her. 
The day progressed, and Alex immersed herself in her work, trying to ignore all the memories washing over her.
Dakota in the cafeteria, enjoying a delicious chocolate pudding cup in the far away table where they first confessed their love for each other.
Dakota in the ER, as the kid who’s filming his friend with a video camera trying to lift his spirits after staying in for so long.
And Dakota... As the patient she loses, shutting off his monitors to give the family some quiet time to say their goodbyes as he breathes his final breath.
Alex gets back to her apartment after a long shift.
She opens a chat she hasn’t opened in some time.
‘Hey guys’ - Alex
‘Yooo how was your first day on the new job???’ - Mateo
‘Probably not so good, considering she’s writing us at midnight after her first day back in Edenbrook.’ - Lennox
‘Oh,’ - Mateo
‘I just really miss him today 😔’ - Alex
‘It’s Dakota-missing-hours for me too. Ever since you told us you were taking that job at Edenbrook I couldn’t stop but thinking about him.’ - Mateo
‘Mateo! Why didn’t you tell us?’ - Alex
‘Because he’s a dork. You both are.’ - Lennox
‘Is it bad-missing-Dakota-hours or good ones?’ - Lennox
‘Both’ - Mateo
‘Both’ - Alex
After that, a video call popped up into Alex’s screen. She quickly answered, seeing a semi-blurry picture of Lennox, and Mateo, each in their own separate screen.
“I don’t usually do this, but c’mon. Let’s talk.” Lennox starts, and the rest of the night passes... Okay.
Alex feels okay again.
“Thanks, you guys,”
The next few weeks fly by. She hasn’t thought of Dakota since that first day.
Well, not more than the occasional thought.
“Excuse me?” An unfamilar voice shakes Alex out of her line of thought.
“Huh?” She looks up from a chart she has been reading and meets a handsome stranger. “Sorry, what did you say?” She sends an apologetic smile at him.
“I said ‘Hi, I’m Dr. Flores, and I’m a surgeon here. I don’t think I’ve seen you around, Dr...” He looks down at her name tag.
“Woods.” They both say together, and Alex gets a little flustered, chuckling along with the friendly surgeon.
“I’m new. Well, kind of.” She notes.
“Well, you should definitely come to Donahue’s after your shift’s over. Everybody will be there.” He winked at her. She heard about that bar. Most of the hospital doctor hung out there after-hours.
“Ahh... I’m not so sure. I haven’t really hitted things off with anyone. I don’t wanna sit around with my colleuges just ‘cause they have to and be bored to death.” She shrugged, trying to get back to her chart but Dr. Flores caught her eye. He had that glint in his eyes, that same one that made her stomach flutter. She couldn’t tear her gaze away just yet.
“Well, I’ll be there. And I’m pretty good at not boring people to death, I’ve been told.”
“Oh, you have?” She raises an eyebrow in an amused tone.
“Yeah! You should ask around. So you’re coming?” He has a confident smile, but a hopeful gaze underneath.
“I’ll think about it.” She promises, and just at that moment he’s getting paged. He shoots her a knowing look before dissapearing into an unknown direction.
Alex looks back to her chart. She couldn’t supress the smile blooming into her lips. She hadn’t felt that flutter in her stomach in a while.
She’d dated since Dakota.
She had a boyfriend in her last year of collage, and most of through medical-school.
And while you shouldn’t compare one love to another... None compared to Dakota.
She always told herself it was because he was her first love, and such a big part of her life.
But Dr. Flores... He reminded her of Dakota. Not in appearance though, but in his dorky-but-confidnet approach and warm personality.
He might break through Alex’s tough exterior.
‘He’s not more good-looking than me, is he though?’ Alex turns around.
She can swear she see’s Dakota there. But just as soon as she sees him, he’s gone.
She must be imagining things, since it’s her 20th hour of the shift, right?
That must be it, she tells herself.
Shaking her head, she finally closes the chart and goes to meet her most recent patient.
She does go to Donahue’s that evening, but decides against going inside last minute. She goes home instead.
It’s the first time in her life she lets herself wonder ‘What if...?’.
But it’s not a ‘What if I went in and chatted with Dr. Flores’.
It’s a ‘What if Dakota was still alive...? What would her life look like?’.
It’s a warm but melancholy feeling. And she can’t shake it off.
After that, she sees him everywhere.
It’s not glimpses anymore. Not quick glances at the cafeteria. Not patients that somewhat resemble him.
It’s her Dakota.
Watching over her, like he promised.
Until one day...
“Dr. Woods! Dr. Woods!” She hears a voice calling. Her whole world is blurry and hazed.
She blinks a couple of times, trying to focus.
Finally, she gets a clearer view.
Is she... Lying on the floor?  Dr. Delarosa is bending next to her, checking her vitals.
“Help is on the way. Stay with me Dr. Woods!”
She wakes up in a hospital bed.
Mateo and Lennox are standing next to her bed. They weren’t around in the last few months, but with her mother gone, they were the next thing to a family she had.
“You really gave us a scare back there.” Mateo joked when Alex finally opened her eyes. 
He was standing right next to her bed, giving her that concerned look of his, and taking one of her hands in his.
“They said you’re going to be fine. That you probably worked yourself too hard but some rest and fluids should do the trick.” Lennox explained. She took Alex’s other hand in hers, but rolled her eyes as if she wasn’t worried too.
Alex saw someone else in her room, too.
Dakota was in the back of the room, leaning on a drawer next to the window.
Alex looked at the figure. He looked just as real as Mateo or Lennox.
“Didn’t they... find anything else? Something out of the ordinary?” Alex asked, a realization downing on her.
Lennox and Mateo exchnaged a puzzled look. “No...?” Lennox raised an eyebrow at her.
“They ran a full check-up. You’re in perfect health.” Mateo added. “According to what the nurse said... Unless you have something specific in mind?” 
“Remember when I said I saw Dakota everywhere I went that first night I got to Edenbrook?” 
“Yeah?” They both answered in the same time.
“Well, maybe I’ve been seeing him around a lot. Like... Not in the ‘I miss him and immerse myself in memories of him’ way.” Alex admitted. 
It’s the first time she admitted it to herself, too.
“In what way then?” Lennox asked in an upset tone, her features growing into a frown.
The three of them probably already know the answer. But just like Alex has been taught in her training to become a doctor. You can’t give vauge answers to your patients. And definitely shouldn’t give vauge answers to your doctors.
You have to say it out loud. So they can process it. Know it’s real.
“I’m... Seeing Dakota right now. He’s over there.” Alex gulps, and points behind them.
Mateo and Lennox both turn around. 
Dakota has a sad smile while he waves at them. When Mateo and Lennox both look back towards Alex, it’s clear they can’t see him.
“I’ll go get the doctor.” Mateo’s smile breaks for the first time. He rushes out of the door.
Lennox stays put in place. Frozen, even.
So Alex looks back at Dakota.
She smiles at him, despite herself.
“Hi... Alex.”
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palettepainter · 4 years
Hey Palette, have you seen the latest MHA chapter? If so what are you gonna do about Hana? What will your plans be?
Well obviously Midnight ain’t gonna be dead in my NGAU. I know this isn’t confirmed but neither does Compress - I don’t care what you’re screaming right now you can fight me: THEY LIVE
Me and my bud @hazbinextgeneration talked about this a bit on Discord, but Midnight in our AU will probably just suffer from really bad injuries and blood loss, to the point she has to retire early as a hero.
Also I just want to add here that not only is Midnight fucking dead, Cementoss is impaled, Aizawa’s lost his leg, no body knows what’s going to happen to Mic, Miruko is falling apart, Hawks is cooked, Bakugo also got impaled, Endevour is a mess, Shoto got burnt AGAIN, Nejire got burnt also and Midoryia honestly lets face it, even if he’s got better at using OFA, his arms and legs, dead:
I swear to god if any villian so much as lays a FINGER on Ectoplasm I will flip my shit. This man has already lost his legs DON’T TAKE AWAY ANYTHING ELSE
Edit: Also to add cuz I wanna hear people’s thoughts on this but...How did Mirio get his quirk back?
Like, I know HOW: Eri used her quirk. But...By that point, Mirio had already been shot with a quirk erasing bullet. Let me explain:
So Overhaul made some quirk erasing bullets using Eri’s blood and her rewind quirk - this we know already.
Mirio then got shot with this finished product. We all saw it - he got shot with a quirk erasing bullet, a bullet which we know ONLY harms quirk genes. So with that in mind we got to assume his quirk genes just...stopped existing? I guess, or more so stopped working. 
Now: Eri’s quirk only rewinds stuff, she can make someone younger but she can’t make them older. This again we know.
So HOW is it, that Eri used her REWIND quirk, on Mirio who’s quirk genes where essentially destroyed by the quirk erasing bullet. Surely Eri would have just rewinded Miro’s body into a younger state rather then revive his quirk genes since...the bullet already rewound Mirio’s body to the point his quirk genes no longer worked.
It’s all really confusing to me cuz when I watched the ep where Mirio was shot with the bullet, the way it showed this moment it definitely felt very final if that makes sense - like this was Mirio’s last bi gmoment as a hero. And...now all of a sudden he has it back - guess that big dramatic and emotional fight was all for nothing-
Again this was something I discussed with @hazbinextgeneration on discord, I had already planned for Mirio to stay quirkless when I designed Nikko (my Mirio x Tamaki NG), I dunno I just felt like him remaining quirkless in my NGAU would make his character more interesting (not saying his character in the anime/manga is bad)
Here’s basically what I said in discord chat:
I do think his story/character could have been made stronger if he remained quirkless - The whole idea about Mirio's character from what I've heard is that he's supposed to be the typical all around good guy - someone who would be a perfect main character, which is why he was paired up with Deku - who is shy, a dork, and despite his progress and growth is no where near as strong or as skilled as Mirio. Mirio is a picture perfect character, even Nighteye though he'd make a better successor to AFO then Deku. Making Mirio quirkless one not only make his bond with Eri more interesting (in the sense he continues to be her friend/guardian/hero regardless of having a power or not), and also Mirio loosing his quirk in favor of saving Eri, essentially being the ultimate sacrifice (aside from dying) a hero can make, would also line up with Miro being the all round can do no wrong good guy theme his character portrays.
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heartbreakercupcake · 5 years
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Aila:Hes an old picture of Shouto’s first day of Kindergarten! He was so scared to be left alone he clinged to my leg the whole time~
I’m really proud of this edit I did! I wasn’t expecting it to turn out as nice as it did, it was just something I did at like Midnight till I got sleepy and I ended up finishing it I love this mostly cause this my fave picture of Endeavor this fucking dork is wearing his hero clothes under his suit like he fuckin superman AND HE HAS ON A FLAMING TIE?!? I’m in love~!
Heres an “Ice” version I kind of like this one more cause it shows the half and half with his hair (Enji and Alia don’t share the same hair color in her OG version but they’re both dark colors)
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saladejin · 4 years
Les Amoureux | Jungkook
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Jungkook x Reader | theatre!au, musicals & singing | Fluff and crack, heavy use of musical theatre references 
Summary:  Your favourite backstage buddy tries his best to crack down on why you’re so attracted to stage actors, but he knows you’ve only got eyes for him in the end.
Warnings: None, having knowledge of some well-known musicals will make this more enjoyable though
Word Count: 2.3k (basically a drabble)
! ! ! READ BEFORE CONTINUING ! ! !   This one-shot has some references to a couple of musicals, and if you're not familiar with these then I'm afraid it might go over your head in some parts. The references are from the shows 'Phantom of the Opera' and 'Les Misérables', and I will leave a note at the end of which songs are included if you wish to listen for yourself. Otherwise, it probably won't make sense and won't be as enjoyable :/        I strongly urge you to listen to this song during the last part of the one-shot, or at least listen beforehand to grasp the dynamics and line exchanges: A Heart Full of Love (I fast-forwarded for you)          *Request from my Ao3 series ‘Movie Night’.
“What is it about stage actors that you find so attractive?”
You lifted your head from where you were sewing up a hole in a costume, the frilly pink material bunching up around your hands until you could barely see where the needle was going. Your fellow crew member, Jeon Jungkook, had heaved himself up to sit on one of the nearby desks. Clearly, the poor boy was bored out of his mind.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You smirked, eyeing him in a teasing manner while finishing off the costume repair swiftly.  
The late-night musical you guys were helping backstage for had already begun twenty minutes prior, and after having nothing to do for another three songs, you had both ventured down towards the change rooms to get some work done in the meantime. Well, to be fair it was more like you had sought out the jobs while Jungkook just wanted to pass time in the company of his closest theatre friend.
“Surely you’re not blinded by those flashy costumes,” The dark-haired man scrunched his nose up in a playful cringe.
“Think harder, Jeon,” You chuckled at his antics, noticing the way he bounced his leg up and down while he thought. The energetic boy was dressed in all black just as you were, since it was a requirement of all crew members in order to remain unseen by the audience if they needed to be on stage at any point.
You couldn’t help your eyes from wandering along his impressive physique, all pressed up in a black high-necked skivvy and tight black jeans.
“Us crew guys work out just as much as those pretty boys do, probably even more. Plus, I hear the stylists complaining about the hair they have to deal with every night,” Jungkook continued to try and sway your mind, obviously getting a kick out of picking your brain and earning your mild reactions of laughter and amusement in return.
“You think your hair is much better?” You let out a single breath of bewilderment and tried to keep your widening smile at bay. He was too cute in the way his eyes widened and brows furrowed with mock offense, the man reaching a hand up to ruffle his soft looking brown tresses.
“What’s wrong with – hey I’m not done!”
You bit your lip to hold back an amused grin, proceeding to leave the room and make your way down the stairs to return the pink dress to the costume area. The sound of Jungkook’s clunky footsteps let you know he was following closely behind to continue his investigation.
“Oh, I get it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, it’s the popularity. Being out in the spotlight. The fame and attention that comes with it,” He said in a matter-of-factly tone, and you could hear the playful bunny smile interwoven through his voice as he spoke.
“Is it? And how shallow do you think I am, Jeon?” You quipped, trying to ignore his warm breath brushing the back of your neck once you stopped to pull open the door. The light-hearted and joking attitude he adopted was so radiant, and you swore you would never get enough of his overwhelming charm and charisma.
You turned around after putting the dress down, lifting one finger to point and rest against the skin of your throat so he would catch the hint. Almost instantly, his head was thrown back as the epiphany struck, and a loud ‘ah!’ tumbled from his lips.
“Of course it’s the voice. God, I should’ve seen that from a mile away!” He groaned and met your eyes with his own sparkling coffee-brown ones. You could bet your last dollar that the cheeky guy already knew you had a thing for the stage actors with their beautiful voices and their strong dramatic acting, but he really did love to string you along and push all of your buttons.
“Get me a man who can sing his way to my heart,” You teased once more, knowing that he would instantly be thinking of what to do with this new information. You left him standing in the smaller costume room in his weird daze, wondering what else you could fix up before returning side stage to assist with the ongoing show.
A loud clutter sounded from the room you just left, and you felt a small stab of anxiety that someone would come down here and catch the two of you messing around (even though you were doing your best to be helpful at least), but you only exhaled in relief as Jungkook swept out of the small doorway with a flamboyance even your precious stage actors couldn’t rival.
You rolled your eyes at the goofball of a man in front of you.
“Not doing anything for you?” Jungkook hummed curiously, even though he knew exactly how little his little skit was ‘doing’ for you. Slowly, he peeled the extravagant Indian styled headdress from his dusty brown locks and eyed you with a newfound glint of amusement in his brightening doe eyes.
“Or….” He hummed lowly, eyeing you with a pointed gaze and a cheery lilt to his tone. “It’s not the voice, but rather the song.”
“What?” You felt your brows knit together in confusion.
“Show tunes, there’s not a woman in this world that could resist ‘em,” he continued, not phased in the slightest. You couldn’t help but let a warm feeling of fondness wash over you as he began singing softly. Though you appreciated any decent male vocalist, his voice in particular was your ultimate weakness in the end.
“Night time sharpens; heightens each sensation.”
“Jeon don’t you dare,” You grunted, knowing exactly where this was going. In the midst of the ongoing show upon the stage upstairs, the two of you were quite alone down in the change room area. While the sounds of thumping feet and cascading music echoed from above, you both only fixed your attention on one another.
Jungkook’s eyes gleamed as he left the first line of ‘Music of the Night’ hang in the air precariously, only moving to hide himself behind a rack of costumes a second later. From your seat on one of the makeup artist’s benchtop, you could just catch a tiny glimpse of a shaggy tuft of hair sticking up from behind the line of cloaks.
“You’re so lucky nobody’s-”
You cut yourself off as he rounded the edge of the rack from the other side, now wrapped in a dark midnight black cloak and lifting it to hide half his face. Just like the Phantom of the Opera himself.
“Silently the senses, abandon their defences!”
“Pfft… you’re such a dork,” You cackled and almost went toppling off the benchtop. He lifted one corner of his lips into a smirk and you felt your heart constrict at the sight. He was so charming, yet so silly. You didn’t know whether you wanted to smack him or kiss him right there in the room shrouded in shadow.
Wanting to humour him and his playful antics, you launched yourself off the bench and snatched a curly black wig from a nearby polystyrene head. You didn’t have a white dress, but you were sure he’d catch on.
“Angel of Music…Guide and guardian,” You sang through the various giggles falling from your lips. Your voice, though not terrible, could never match his stunning rendition of the two songs.
“Grant to me your glory~”
His eyes lit up at your eagerness, and he only got into character further by sidling up to you and stroking a delicate hand down the side of your face. The very picture of Christine and the Phantom themselves, you might say. With a dark glint in his eye, Jungkook looked like he was ready to sweep you off your feet, but the next sentence that graced your ears wasn’t what you were expecting to hear.
“Hmm, I don’t know… the words~”
With that you broke your façade and fell into his side, unable to hold back the laugh bubbling in your chest. “Here you are trying to woo me with show tunes, but you don’t know any!”
“Hey!” He gasped and retorted in protest, “I know plenty, thank you very much.”
“Where are they then?” You placed your hands on your hips with one eyebrow raised, knowing just how stupid you looked with the curly wig perched on your head, judging by the way the man in front of you was trying to stifle his shit-eating grin. He was looking rather funny himself with that massive black cloak hiding his entire body, enough so that only his head was poking out the top cutely.
“Um, hold on…”
You pursed your lips in amusement as he rushed away towards another costume rack. Not even wanting to know what he was doing, you stepped away and placed the scratchy wig back in its place.
“Master of the house, doling out the charm; ready with a handshake and an open palm!”
You whirled around to catch your hopeless counterpart as he threw a stained rag over one shoulder and started stumbling around as if in a drunken stupor. You couldn’t contain your peals of laughter at this point, it was all so hilarious and dumb that the show upstairs was all but forgotten. Jungkook found your amusement contagious and broke character almost immediately, watching you affectionately as he leaned against the wall for support.
“You know,” You sighed after coming down from your high, “Pretty much every song in that musical is depressing as fuck.”
The man smirked and made sure to leave the rag folded nicely on the nearest makeup bench, shaking his head roughly to try and get rid of any excess dust from the headdress he wore in the very beginning.
“Yeah, well ‘Les Misérables’ literally translates to ‘the miserable ones’. What can you expect? Help me out here,” He whined, faking an adorable pout while you once again suppressed your foolish smiling.
“I said pretty much every song, not all of them,” You cleared your throat. “You forget how many themes of love and romance are in there, Kookie.”
His eyes brightened at the sound of the nickname. It was rare for you to slip like this, as calling him by his last name or just ‘Jungkook’ was what stuck when you guys were hard at work at the theatre. Outside of that world, your walls would come down slightly and you’d grant him many nicknames and cute terms of friendly endearment. This time, however, your heart had somewhat betrayed you.
“Right,” He smiled softly, tearing his eyes away from you to sweep his hair off his forehead in a rush to clean up his messy act. To you, the movement was unfairly attractive, as it granted a great view of his arms and biceps through the long black sleeves of his shirt. All of a sudden, sweet dulcet melodies in the form of his voice graced your ears.
“A heart full of love…. A heart full of song.”
You almost melted on the spot at the way he sang the beautiful lines, wondering for a split second if they held any deeper meaning from the way his eyes had locked onto you so intensely. He was always like this, gaining such a gentle maturity when you least expected it. You eagerly returned his offer to duet, pushing yourself off the wall to meet him in the centre of the room.
“A heart full of love,” You laughed airily through the line. “No fear. No regret…”
“My name is Je-on Jungkookie,” He sang in a terrible French accent, almost breaking it with a chuckle when you laughed at his sneaky lyric change. It should’ve been ‘Marius Pontmercy’, a principal character from the show, but you let it slide and played along by switching your own line.
“And mine’s (Y/n).”
“(Y/n), I don’t know what to say,” Jungkook continued without fault, taking up your hands in his and giving you a slow spin around the empty space. You wanted to lose yourself in the feeling of his warm embrace and dainty fingers threading through your own.
“Then make no sound,” You almost whispered.
“I am lost,” He sang quietly, pulling you in close.
“I am found,” You leaned forward, feeling his warm breath brush your parted lips ever so slightly. If you both only had the soothing orchestra surrounding you as the scene played out, it would have been undeniably perfect; a tender moment caught in time.
“Do I dream?” He breathed after a few seconds had gone by, almost as if forgetting himself within the song. Your faces were inches apart, and you would’ve forgiven him for skipping an entire verse if he would only close the space between you, a gap you so often wanted gone the more time you spent together like this.  
His gentle hands swept your loose strands of hair behind your ear as his doe eyes fluttered shut, leaning closer and closer.
You were ready to finally let him have his way with you, the taste of those pretty lips which were so often stretched into a smile around his adorable bunny-like teeth were right there, but the sound of loud trumpets and thundering footsteps echoing from above pulled you away from his minty scent.
That sounds like…
“Shit, we missed our cue!”
His eyes blew wide and your breath hitched in panic.
Then you were flying up the stairs like there was no tomorrow. Your breathless stream of apologies to the poor people that had to fill in for you seemed to never end, and you felt the guilt eating you up from the inside as you and your pesky crewmate stood rigidly side by side next to the stage manager’s desk.
“Am I irresistible yet?” Jungkook murmured while letting his elbow nudge your arm. It was hard to see due to dark lighting, but you could easily make out the man’s knowing smirk and the gleam in his impish gaze.
“Take my cleaning duty for the week, Jeon, and I’ll think about it.”
               Songs included (I fast-forwarded to the timestamps for you guys): 
      Phantom of the Opera:      'Music of the Night' - Jungkook sings the first line/s      'The Mirror (Angel of Music)' - You sing this      Les Misérables:      'Master of the House' - Jungkook sings this line      'A Heart Full of Love' - linked in the beginning notes      --------------------------------------------------------------------   A/N- Hope this was somewhat okay. I love musicals so it kind of ran away from me, and I know that not many people probably share this love or knowledge of them. I'm so sorry T-T                Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved
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definitelynottony · 5 years
“December knows me well”
[I actually finished this before midnight! So consider it a Christmas present. Just really wanted to do a short one shot of them like randomly meeting/one night stand kind of romance. Pretty happy with it actually. It’s soft~] [Ao3]
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“Hi there, reservation for Harrington.”
“Just the one key?” The front desk attendant asked. 
“Yup. Just the one." 
"And you’ll be staying with us till the—”
“Okay. Are you aware that there’s a chance of a storm coming in tomorrow night?" 
"No, didn’t hear about it.”
“Okay, if this is a Christmas trip though I need to inform you that we’re cancelling our holiday events. So if you’re here to meet with family or—”
“Nope. No family. Just here for some R&R." 
"But won’t you—”
“Max! Will you just give the guy his damn room key!” A harsh voice called from a room behind the desk area. 
“Right. Sorry, you’re all set Mr. Harrington. Cabin 235." 
"Thank you.” Steve winced at her calling him Mr.Harrington. He was not his father. But he gathered his things from the nosy attendant, tried to see if he could whisper a thanks to the man in the back room for saving him from twenty questions. But he couldn’t see him. 
“You can take the lifts to your cabin. They’re outside to the back. Oh, or you can wait for Billy-I mean Mr. Hargrove, he’ll be heading down to the camp area in a few. You can wait in front for him if you’d like!" 
"Uh, yeah I’ll wait I guess. Thanks again.” The brunette, with his Louis Vuitton suitcase and his Ralph Lauren winter puff jacket, traipsed himself through the lobby. Back through the large gold lined glass doors, under the large chandelier in the entryway; and waited. This place was the Ritz, almost literally. 
Hey, if Steve’s parents weren’t going to be home for Christmas then the least Steve could do was charge the most expensive ski trip he could find to his father’s card. Make up for last Christmas too while he was at it. And his birthday! And so the brunette who dripped in brand names he didn’t care about, except to revel in the fact that it pissed his father off when he’d check his bank statements; flew all the way to Colorado, from Indiana. First class, booked the most expensive hotel his google search generated; ‘Maygrove Lodge’. 
Steve was born into a rich family that cared more about the money they made then him; he was spoiled, sure, but a brat by choice. Steve did have his own job though, paid for his own bills and food; but that job didn’t get his parent’s attention the way spending their money did. So he stood outside waiting for this Mr. Billy Hargrove to come around and drive him down to the cabins, hopefully help him with his bags too. It was a good ten minutes of shaky legs and winter winds, sure, it was a sunny day but still; thirty something degrees was still freezing. But finally the brunette saw the ski-cab driving around towards him. 
“You waiting on a ride to the cabins?” Steve heard the voice before he got a good look at the man driving the cab. It was deep, rough, Steve wasn’t expecting it. 
"Need help with those bags?”
Steve stood there, eyes plastered to the man trying to get a good look at his face; but he was wearing heavy sunglasses and a thick red plaid jacket. Sherpa lined, blue jeans, buckskin boots. It looked warmer then what Steve was wearing that’s for damn sure. He had nice hair though, short at the sides and long on top. Blonde, it matched the scruff on his face. Jesus, Steve came here thinking he was in for a week of rest but watching the blonde grin at him like that; he wasn’t interested in resting anymore. And the brunette watched as he packed Steve’s bags in the back of the ski-cab,
"Gettin’ in or what?" 
"Oh, yeah. Sorry, thanks." 
The blonde chortled a bit climbing into the cab. Steve slipped into the seat beside him, 
"Man of many words?” He smirked at the brunette starting up the machine. Steve bit his lip around a smile, when was the last time he was this awkward? God he couldn’t remember the last time he had a crush on a guy. Maybe his first semester of college, before he dropped out? 
The ride itself was fun, the cart could go pretty fast especially over the fresh fallen snow. Steve bounced around and laughed when they took the steep bends. The cabins were a few miles from the main lodge. They were private, cost a good extra chunk of money then the rooms available in the hotel. Money Steve was all too willing to spend. 
“Hey, sorry if Max was givin’ you a hard time at check in. She’s almost like a little sister so I give her some slack, but sometimes gets a little too involved in the guests personal lives. Doesn’t understand boundaries." 
"No it’s fine. I mean it is Christmas week, she wasn’t in the wrong. I’m just a weirdo that doesn’t spend it with family.” Steve laughed, quickly wishing he hadn���t just shared that information. “Thank you though, you were the guy in the back?” 
“Heh, you and me both, and yeah I was. But seriously, if she gives ya any more trouble about it, just let me know. I’ll fire her nosy ass.” He laughed, Steve liked his laugh, it was…hot. The brunette shamelessly turned to look at the man driving, he really wanted to see what his eyes looked like. Wanted to just reach over and take the sunnies off of him. But that would be even worse than what he did end up doing,
“You can do that? Don’t you just work here too?" 
And the blonde, Billy, turned his head as he slowed the cab down to a crawl; looked at the brunette with a small sideways smirk. 
"I own this place, pretty boy.”
“Seriously! Shit, I’m so sorry… Mr. Hargrove?" 
"Oh, god, Billy. It’s Billy, Mr. Hargrove is my father” the blonde grimaced. 
Steve couldn’t help but laugh because he always acts the same way when people call him 'Mr. Harrington’. 
“Wait, how old are you?” The brunette questioned, 
“Twenty two." 
"No way! You’re younger than me and own this whole place? How?" 
"Ain’t no secret, just good business. So how old are you?" 
”…Twenty three.“ 
"Really? Face like that thought you were still in high school.” The blonde pulled into a small cul-de-sac of log cabins. It was that hallmark movie kind of perfect looking. But Steve was currently more focused on whether Billy was flirting with him or just stating facts. 
Yeah, okay, Steve has a baby face, peach fuzz for days but like the way the blonde said it…or maybe Steve was just cold and horny? And the brunette must have been staring something awful because the blonde took off those sunglasses; finally. And his eyes were blue, perfectly blue, and his eyelashes were thick; so much so they caste shadows. God, he was tan too! Was it fake? How is someone so tan in the winter? Then he smiled at Steve, 
“We’re here." 
Steve jerked his gaze away, embarrassingly so—
"Wow. It’s beautiful here." 
"Thanks” The blonde huffed out a sigh “I need ta grab some firewood so I can’t help ya to your cabin. You all good?" 
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, no I’m good. Thank you for the ride Billy." 
"No problem pretty boy." 
Steve glanced at the blonde again with a faint smile before sliding out of the cab; fumbling his luggage out of the back. Probably making way too many unnecessary sounds, 
"Sure y'all good?" 
"Yup. Totally… completely…” he huffed, pulling his suitcases up in front of the ski-cab “good." 
Billy laughed again and nodded, hand tapping the steering wheel "alright. Call the front desk if you need anything." 
"Will do." 
"Hope you enjoy your stay." 
"Planning on it!” The brunette shouted over the motor as the blonde was backing out. He was such a dork, but he was cute. 
“Jesus! Why did I pack so much!” Steve whined as he dragged his suitcases up the cabin’s stairs. Of course cabin 235 had to be the one farthest from the pathway. But the brunette was actually surprised as he caught his breath and opened the door; it was decorated for the holidays. There was even a small tree hung with lights near the window. It was warm and cozy, looked more like someone’s home then a getaway spot. 
There were fur blankets sprawled across the couch, food and alcohol stocked. Seriously some first class digs. If this is what seven hundred dollars a night buys you then Steve was considering extended stay options. God, even the bathroom was stocked with brand named shit! He really started to wonder if the last guest just forgot to pack their belongings when he went to the bedroom. The closet was full, which yeah, that’s pretty odd. But Steve has always been a 'live out of the suitcase’ kind of traveler anyways. 
He scuffed his bags into the bedroom before exploring more of the cabin, it was a single level but had a small loft; the kind you have to climb a ladder to get to. There was a large flat screen that hung on the wall, a real wood burning fireplace sat under it. And a white fluffy rug in front of the fireplace. Steve really felt like he was in a Christmas movie, all he needed was some hot chocolate and… well, he wasn’t necessarily picky at the moment but that Billy guy would be pretty nice. 
Guy like him probably isn’t even gay though, probably has women flocking over him, and he’s fuckin’ rich. Not ’my parents are rich’, but like it’s actually his money! Basically owns the whole damn mountain! That’s so hot. The guy is a real go getter, knows what he wanted in life; unlike Steve. Well Steve knows he wants hot cocoa and that guy in his bed, but besides that, no future plans. 
So almost an hour later the brunette was perfectly stretched out over the leather, blankets donned couch. Tv on in the background playing some old Christmas movie he wasn’t paying attention to; hot chocolate in one hand, cell phone in the other. A real twenty first century king if I’ve ever seen one. He’s been flipping through Google, Twitter and Instagram for the last thirty minutes trying to find a Mr. Billy Hargrove; it’s like the guy doesn’t exist. Said for a few articles about the young entrepreneur. 
Blessed with some very noteworthy pictures of the guy. “Jesus.” Steve murmured zooming in on one of the photos. His eyes were seriously blue, and he has freckles that the brunette didn’t notice before. “Shit” he sighed out a laugh, he had to laugh at himself. He just flew four hours to a luxury ski lodge just to jerk off to some guy. Given, said guy was gorgeous, but come on… not that he wasn’t going to do it later. But it was only five pm, he should probably like, eat dinner at the very least before retiring to bed. 
The brunette hopped off the couch and huffed his way into the kitchen area, it was an open concept floor plan; and a modest size cabin, but still more effort than Steve wanted to give. 
“So pasta or… oh my god, no shit, is that caviar? They stock these rooms with caviar! Wonder if they have lobster too!” Steve fanned as he dug into the fridge. 
“Do I even like caviar?” He pondered as he opened up the can, he dipped his pinky finger into it like the gentleman he is. “Nope. Definitely do not like caviar. Good to know.” He shrugged it off putting it back. “Pasta it is." 
And as the brunette made way with his food, dancing to whatever commercial song was on in the living room; a news banner interrupt it. Loud beeping followed by that annoying audio prompt. Something about a winter storm advisory.
Steve paid no mind to it, hell he’d pay someone to trap him inside his little winter wonderland. Let it snow, he thought, which prompted him to sing as he finished with his food. Pooling it all into a large bowl that he knows he’ll never be able to finish, but god damn he’s gonna try. 
After more television, some wine he found in a cabinet and half a bowl of pasta later; the brunette was pretty satisfied with his first night. Five stars honestly. 
It was dark out now, the Christmas tree looked really nice through his slightly buzzed vision. The wine must have been more expensive than what he was use to, or he just drank more than he thought. He pulled himself from the loveseat and made his way to the bedroom. Slinked out of his clothes; the sheets were a deep blue, soft, probably a high thread count. It was so fuckin’ comfortable! God, forget skiing, Steve was staying in this bed for the next five days! 
Feather down comforter pulled up to his chin, he stretched out real good, felt real good; was about to feel even better too. As he slipped his hand under the blanket. As it slid down his body, as he turned his head pressing it down into his pillow. Jesus, even the pillows smell amazing. Like they sprayed them with cologne. Warm, musky, sweet; ”fuck…“ the brunette writhed under his own touch. Closed eyes picturing blue one staring back at him. "Mmhmm” Picturing thick fingers holding him, “shit…ah! God”, tan skin in the middle of fuckin’ December, warm against his. “Fuck.” Full red lips, with that scruff scraping against his thighs “Billy. Mmm-fuck. Billy." 
Did Steve feel guilty about getting off to a guy he just met, that probably had a girlfriend?…Not as much as he felt guilty for dirtying such nice sheets. But all emotions said for euphoria left him as that climax high set in. And then he wiped his hand off on the sheet, turned over and slept. Slept until the sun blinded him through closed eyes, and the brunette shoved his face into the pillow; that pillow that smelt like sex felt. And he hushed out a sleepy moan as he breathed it in. 
"Jesus. I need a boyfriend, or at least a damn hobby.” Messy hair fell into his face as he sat up, stretching arms over head. Desperately in need of a shower too. Didn’t even bother putting his boxers back on as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. The hot water helped his hangover, helped his erection too. 
“Fuck, never wanna leave this place.” The brunette feverishly groaned out. 
After he finished dressing he decided that even though it was apparently pushing one thirty pm, it was time for breakfast. Eggo’s seemed like the easiest solution for the brunette. And he settled back into his throne, news warning still at it with the winter storm advisory. 
“Twenty four inches huh? Good. Bury me here!” He threatened the television around a mouthful of waffles. 
Steve put his plate in the sink, leaned over it to look out the window that sat above it. It didn’t look like it was snowing yet, sky was grayish but not threateningly so. He should probably go get some skiing in, considering, but he didn’t really feel like it anymore. “Oh! It’s Billy!” Doe eyes all too excitedly widened, practically yelling; Steve leaned even more over the skin.
“Je-su-s” he moaned biting at his lip, the blonde was wielding an axe. Of course he actually cut the wood himself, he looked like the hottest lumberjack the brunette has ever seen. And considering it’s 2019 and lumberjacks are a dying breed, he is the hottest one Steve’s seen. He has a good pile going, the brunette considered whether he should bring him a drink or something. It would be the kind thing to do right? Totally not a come on, just neighborliness. 
But then the brunette didn’t have to decide, 'cause the blonde lumberjack, with his large wood pile was heading for his cabin. Okay, seriously, if he cut all that wood just for Steve, so he’d stay warm; Steve wasn’t responsible for what happened next. The brunette faltered, almost falling as he rushed to the front door. 
“Hey there!” He beamed as he opened it. 
“Holy shit!” The blonde cursed, dropping some of the logs in surprise. “Jesus Christ, what are you doing here?” Billy asked sharply as he put the rest of the kindle down. 
“Uh, this is my cabin. What are—”
“No, this is my cabin, first of all. Secondly, I meant what are you still doing here?” Billy closed in on the brunette, making Steve step back letting the blonde into the cabin. 
“Oh, yeah no, I know you like own them but this is the one I’m staying in.” Steve chortled. 
Billy leaned up against the counter looking at the other who was still lingering near the door. 
“No, pretty boy, I mean this is my home, my cabin, I live here." 
"Wait. Holy shit you’re serious?" 
"Deadly…” Steve brushed his hair back with a hand as he thoughtfully bit on his lip, decreasing the space between them slowly. 
“Sorry I didn’t know. Pretty sure this is the cabin she said though. I mean the key worked so." 
"Who? Max gave you the keys for this cabin?" 
"Yeah, redhead from the front desk." 
"Damn shithead. She’s so fired!” Billy fumed. 
“Hey! No, it’s no problem man. I’ll just get my stuff and get out of your hair." 
"Yeah, ain’t gonna happen…”
“Steve. Names Steve." 
"Ain’t gonna happen Stevie, I already shut the place down. There’s a blizzard on the way. Evacuated everyone this morning. Fuckin’ Max… goddamn it.” Billy rubbed his forehead thinking about what Max told him earlier before she left. 'Merry Christmas Billy. I put your present in your cabin!’ Holy shit she was a demon child. 
“Wait so like, you and me are the only people here?" 
"I’m speakin’ english ain’t I?” The blonde retorted, 
“Oh… uh, I guess I could just leave?" 
"Already told ya pretty boy, there’s a blizzard headin’ straight towards us. No way in hell i'mma let ya drive in it." 
"Okay. Yeah, you’re probably right. Is it okay if I stay then?" 
"Looks like there ain’t no choice, plus ya already made yourself comfortable.” Billy gestured to the opened wine bottle on the counter, smirking; Steve felt his face flush. 
“Shit, I can’t believe I just raided your house.” He grimaced in embarrassment, 
“You seriously couldn’t tell someone lived here?” Billy huffed out a breathy laugh, intrigued or entertained by the brunette’s sheer ignorance. 
“I mean, just thought it was part of the package.” That earned Steve a full, heavy laugh from the blonde. Billy pushed himself off from the counter and turned heel towards the bedroom. 
“Alright. I’m gonna change cause i’m frozen and then I guess I’ll get us a fire goin’.” The blonde decided. 
“Okay.” Steve agreed, not that he had much of a say, it was Billy house afterall. His house, his bedroom, his bed…bed that Steve just masturbated in, to Billy’s scent. “Shit” the brunette scrunched his face up quickly following the blonde. 
“Billy! Hey-uh…” And as Steve entered the doorway to the room, Billy was staring at his bed. Shit, he knew right. God he could probably smell it, Steve could smell it so Billy definitely smells it. Then the blonde growled, groaned, fuck, wait, was that good or bad? Steve wasn’t sure if the blonde even made the noise. But Billy turned his head to look at Steve, he probably looked like a kid caught red handed. But Billy just smirked, tongue between teeth, 
“A guys has needs right.” That’s what he decided to combat this situation with. That and then proceeded to take off his clothes. 
Oh fuck. Steve was pretty sure he just gasped. Shit, look away, look away, Jesus, he couldn’t. 
Billy was like a God, his skin was so tan, his shoulders were wide and built with muscle. His arms just as strong, fuck; even has those veins running up them. Steve loved that shit. You can see every muscle on his stomach move and bend and stretch as he tugged his layers off. 
“Mhmm” the brunette bit his lip, fuck, yeah that noise definitely just happened. Okay he seriously needs to leave. 
“So, since it is my bed pretty boy, I have the right ta know, what got ya off?” Steve was a deer in headlights for a moment. How did he just ask they so nonchalantly. Like he was asking about the fuckin’ weather! 
“Uh…” the brunette rubbed his head a bit, Billy glanced over to him with an arched brow. 
“Well? Come on ya gotta give me somethin’ Stevie. Was it a porn? Was it—" 
'Smell. It was the smell of the pillows.” Good God! Why did he just say that! Shit! You just blew it Steve, that was the creepiest thing you could have said. Why didn’t you just say yes to the porn! 
“My pillows?” The blonde questioned, walking up to the top of his bed. He reached over and grabbed one, smelt it, smirked up at Steve,
“Smells like me." 
Mayda! Mayday! We’re going down! Steve panicked, 
"Didn’t know it was your bed.” He murmured under his shaky breath. 
“Hey, Steve, it’s all good man. Didn’t know right?" 
“Did it feel good?" 
"Yeah” shit! He responded without thinking! The blonde snickered and threw the pillow down onto the bed; grabbed a shirt from his closet. Thank god he didn’t have to change out of his jeans! 
“How’s dinner sound? Maybe finish that bottle you started?" 
"Fuck, yes please.” Steve sighed almost too relieved. 
“Mmm. Might wanna keep that dirty talk to a minimum pretty boy, considering.” Billy teased, passing the brunette in the doorway. 
“Sorry.” Steve mumbled as he followed the blonde out to the living room. Billy was already making fast with getting the fire going. On his hands and knees, the brunette stood a little behind him. Tilted his head and just stared,
“Hey!” Billy snapped, like he could feel Steve watching him, “why don’t you make yourself useful and pour me a drink." 
"Yeah! yeah… sorry.” The brunette stepped to it, god he was so embarrassing! If he could only have put this much effort into school he’d probably be valedictorian. 
“Fires goin’” the blonde stated, walking up behind Steve. 
“Cool. Here” the brunette handed him his glass,
“Don’t look at his mouth, don’t look at his fuckin mouth Harrington!” Steve sang a mantra in his head while sipping his own glass. Literally looking everywhere but Billy. 
“So, what sounds good fer dinner? It’s Christmas eve after all. Got some lobsters in the freezer " 
"I knew it!” The brunette shouted, Billy leaned back a little, eyes curious; waiting for the punchline. 
“Sorry. Just, last night I said I bet this place even has lobster cause the caviar." 
"You ate my caviar too?”
“Fuck no! That stuff is gross!” Billy grinned amused, 
“Yeah I know, that’s why it’s still in there. Was a gift from someone, forgot who." 
"Some gift”, 
“Tell me about it.” They laughed a bit, then they were kind of just standing there. 
“So, uh, how did you really get into the hotel business?” Steve tried, the blonde smirked put his glass down on the counter and paced over to his fridge. 
“It’s not much of a story really, not like what they write online." 
"Don’t really read much anyways”,
“I uh, I ran away when I was younger. Originally from California, came here with a one way bus ticket. Only ticket I could afford, like it was fate or whatever; if ya believe in that kind of shit.” The blonde’s voice turned warmer as he continued his story. Now filling up a large pot with water, 
“I somehow ended up here, on this mountain. It was just a little rickety ski shack back then, the old man that ran it took me in. Worked for him and eventually took over the place. Kind of built it  from the ground up." 
"Wow…that’s, you’re incredible." 
"Heh. Yeah? Thanks Stevie. Hey grab those for me.” The blonde pointed his head over to the lobsters, Steve scrunched his nose, handed them over to Billy like a kid. Holding them out as far away from himself as possible. 
The blonde shook his head as he grabbed them, 
“They’re dead you know, won’t bite.” He teased. 
“Still freaky seeing them with their eyes and everything… mind if I just wait in the living room?”
“Nope, make yourself at home. Gonna take a while to cook anyways." 
"Okay.” Steve grabbed his glass, the bottle of wine and sauntered himself into the living room. The fire already warmed the whole place up, it smelt so nice, he wished he had a real fireplace back at home too. He sat down on the loveseat admiring the flames, barely noticed the blonde joining him. 
“So what’s your story? I told ya mine, fair is fair.”
“Oh, mine ain’t much of a story actually. Just was blessed with some no show parents. They’re always bailing on me so decided to treat myself instead of mope this year." 
"No girlfriend or—”
“Nope. Single like a pringle…you?" 
"Nah, no family, no girl or boyfriend. Storm or not, I was gonna spend Christmas alone too." 
"Well, glad I get to keep you some company then. We’re kind of in the same boat huh?" 
"Sounds like it." 
Billy smirked at the brunette, who was still caught on the 'no boyfriend’ thing.
Blatantly asking someone if they’re gay is rude right? Something he shouldn’t do. He smiled back to the blonde and decided to down his wine. Getting drunk didn’t really seem like a good idea but it definitely wasn’t the worst idea to Steve. He poured himself another glass and offered the bottle to Billy, who happily topped himself off. It was quiet for a while, said for the fire crackling and the wind outside picking up. It wasn’t really that late but it was already getting dark; probably from the storm. It was snowing like a shaker globe now.
"Should probably check the food.” The blonde stood up and made his way into the kitchen. Steve just watched, he honestly just felt so relaxed that he didn’t even feel like eating anymore. Between the warm fire and the wine, the smell that was radiating off of Billy; he was satiated without the food. 
“Is it done?” The brunette called softly,
“Yeah, just about. I’ll get the plates, we can eat up here on the counter if you want." 
"Whatever’s easier”
“Wanna grab my glass for me?”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve leaned over to pick up the blonde’s glass he put down, fuzzy Steve should definitely not be carrying three glass items at once but he thankfully made it into the kitchen; all of ten steps away, in one piece. 
“Smells good!" 
"Let’s hope it tastes good too.” Billy chortled, Steve took a seat on the bar stool as the blonde set out plates on the counter. 
“So how’s it?” Billy asked sitting beside the brunette now. 
“It’s good, better than a restaurant." 
"That good huh?" 
Steve nodded as he sucked butter off his fingers, it was the blonde that was staring now. The brunette didn’t notice as Billy licked his lips; quickly darting his head down to look at his plate. Lobster definitely wasn’t the sexiest food to eat, but somehow Steve was actually doing a pretty good job at it. Mostly due to the fact that he apparently didn’t believe in utensils. Just cracked the shell and slurped the meat from it. 
Billy readjusted himself a few times on the stool, trying to ignore said noises and eat his damn food. 
"Sounds like you’re havin’ a good time pretty boy.” The blonde attempted but after that last noise Steve just made, Billy couldn’t help himself. 
The brunette swallowed and sighed out a nervous laugh,
"No need ta apologize, glad you, really enjoyed it” he grinned. “Alright. I’m gonna go take a shower. You mind doin’ the dishes?" 
"No problem” Steve smiled, stood up and collected their plates. Billy headed back into his bedroom, closed the door behind him.  
“F-u-ck” the blonde groaned under his breath, pawing at the front of his jeans; he’s been fending off an erection for the past ten minutes. “Fuckin’ hell Max, what’s wrong with you?” Billy murmured as he pulled his phone from his back pocket. 
“Thanks shithead. Merry Christmas” He texted her and threw his phone to the bed. Bit his lip for a second before rounding to the side Steve had— 
“Mm goddamn.” He growled as he smelt the brunette dried spunk. Okay, in the blonde’s defense, it was his bed. He could do whatever the hell he wanted. Also he couldn’t remember the last time he had a good fuck; runnin’ a luxury lodge was his first priority. Steve was his type too. Max knew from the minute he walked into the place, she knows Billy too well. They really are like siblings, she was the original owner’s granddaughter; so they’ve known each other now for six years. But this is the first time she’s tried a stunt like this. First time that Billy isn’t going to give her hell for. 
The blonde huffed out a tattered sigh, honestly tempted to lick the sheet; but he wasn’t that desperate. He’ll wait for the real thing. It was pretty obvious the brunette was into him, not unless Billy was just as narcissistic as people tell him he is. But, he was pretty sure Steve has been dropping hints since yesterday. Either way the blonde grabbed a change of clothes, opened his bedroom door again and made his way into the bathroom. Steve looked like he was just about finished at the sink. But Billy didn’t wait to linger. His jeans were too tight now, he started the shower up. striped off his shirt, shimmied out of his jeans, stroked himself a bit before getting in. 
He groaned low under the water, panting as he worked himself. Thought about Stevie’s pretty mouth, how he sucked his fingers, how he’d look sucking on him. “huhh” he sneered, bit his lip trying to muffle himself, “mmm” he moaned. Stood under the hot water for a little while after before getting out. Somehow he felt even hungrier after the shower, hungry for the real thing now. Billy found the brunette sprawled out on the couch when he exited the bathroom. 
"Mhmm.” Steve contentedly hummed,
“Room for two?" 
"Mmhm” The brunette shifted a bit making room and Billy rejoined him. 
“You smell good” Steve tittered, 
“How much wine have you had?”
“Finished the bottle when you were in the shower and then I found your whiskey” he smiled. 
"Did ya now, don’t believe in sharing?" 
"Want some?” The brunette countered,
“Thought you finished it?" 
"Got some left on my tongue." 
…That made Billy groan, deep in his throat,
"Don’t think that’s a good idea pretty boy." 
Steve sat up a bit, closer to the blonde, 
"Why’s that?" 
"Don’t think I could stop with just your tongue." 
"Maybe I don’t want you to stop.”
“You serious 'bout this?” Billy asked firmly but his voice was heavy with want, when did their faces get so close? The blonde could smell the liquor that beggin’ mouth was dripping with. 
“Deadly.” Steve smirked mimicking the blonde. 
“God. You’re a real brat ain’t ya?" 
"Spoiled brat.” Steve corrected. 
Billy snarled diving into a kiss, mouth hot against the brunette’s. Tongue laved whatever remnants of alcohol were left in the other’s mouth. Steve sucked on the blonde’s lip as he caught his breath quickly, crashing back in; pushing Steve down onto his back. Drunk on lust, Billy tongue fucked the brunette till he was a moaning mess. 
Steve’s hands tightly gripping to the blonde’s shoulders. Panting and writhing under Billy, rutting into the knee that was shoved between his legs. Billy’s growls and his warm hand under his chin sent shivers through Steve. But when the blonde pulled back to look at the mess that was Steve Harrington; when the blonde shoved his thumb into Steve’s mouth, when he tossed his head back and groaned as Steve suck it, that’s when the brunette whimpered. 
“Fuckin’ hell Stevie, where you been all my life.” The blonde crooned in the brunette’s ear, earning another whimper from Steve.
“Billy,” he dug his fingers deeper, tugging at the blonde’s shirt. 
“We got all night baby.” Billy lulled him, kissing his way down the brunette’s jaw; down his neck lapping at his collarbone. 
“Want you now, wanna feel you.” The brunette whined,
Billy moaned “such a brat. I’m gonna take care of you, promise." 
Steve melted under those words, under the blonde��s hot breath, under his lips, fingers like feathers touching his skin. Billy worked him slow, they weren’t goin’ nowhere in this weather; no one was coming here. To the blonde they were basically the only people left in the world. He was going to savor it, every whimper, every moan, every cry. 
”Billy" Steve gasped, tugging at the blonde’s hair as he kissed and licked his way down the brunette’s body,
“Right here, ain’t goin anywhere." 
If Billy’s mouth wasn’t exactly what Steve wanted than his words definitely were. It’s like he knows, knows that those words are what he needs to hear. That he’s terrified of how much he’s in love with this moment, terrified that it’s going to end and he’ll be alone again. 
But Billy’s fingers clung onto Steve, like he was afraid of Steve leaving too. And he nuzzled into the brunette’s thighs like a thank you. And when his kiss swollen lips mouthed at Steve’s clothed dick the brunette actually thanked him. Breath shaky and barely there. But Billy just smirked up to those doey eyes. Ripped the brunette pants down to his knees, pulled them off completely. Settled back down, grazing Steve’s thighs with his stubble. The brunette shuttered, writhed with the sensation, practically sobbed when the blonde finally took him into his mouth. 
Steve squeezed Billy’s hand, the hand that had fingers clinging hard to the brunette’s side. The blonde sucked, and licked, and bobbed his head until Steve was close to tears. Begging for more, to let him come, to let him feel Billy too. Billy moaned, eyes closed in complete bliss hearing how bad Steve wanted him. He swallowed the brunette’s spunk when he finally let him cum. Steve all to eagerly dragged him up for another jolting kiss, he groaned into Billy’s mouth as he lapped at the blonde’s tongue. Tasting himself, Billy growled, rutting his throbbing cock down onto the brunette. 
"Fuck Stevie. So fuckin’ good baby. Can’t wait to see you riding this cock. Gonna look so good pretty boy." 
"Billy! Fuck wanna ride you so bad." 
"Get on the floor, right in front of the fire. Gotta go grab lube to grease you up." 
So Steve did, he stretched himself over the fluffy white rug that sat in front of the fireplace. Billy came back as quickly as he left and dropped to his knees. 
"God, you look like a fuckin’ king like that babe.” He crooned taking his shirt off, Steve reached his arms out and Billy met them with a bare chest. The brunette sat up, his mouth kissing and biting the suntanned skin. Billy made the best sounds as Steve bruised love bites all over him. 
“Lay down, gotta open you up.” Billy pressed a slicked thumb against the brunette’s pink hole, rimmed around it, slicking it up real good. Steve left whimpering, sobbing Billy’s name on shaking breaths. 
“Gotta relax pretty boy.” Billy leaned up to kiss him, licked over his lips as he pressed a finger into him. 
“Mmm” Steve moaned against the blonde lips. “More." 
And Billy obliged, slicking a second finger in as he slowly fucked the brunette, scissoring him open. "How you doin’ Stevie?" 
"Fuckin’ perfect” Steve panted. 
Billy grinned, tongue to teeth, “think you can handle another?" 
"Do it.” Steve pushed his hips down giving the blonde a better angle as Billy pressed a third finger in. The brunette gasped, mouth agape,
“Yeah, just don’t move.”
“All you pretty boy”, Billy rubbed his other hand over the brunette’s thigh, Steve took a steep breath before he started to slowly move on Billy’s fingers. 
“God, feels so good Billy” Steve huffed,
“You’re sucking me right in babe.” The blonde licked his lips with hunger. 
Steve choked as Billy started to move again, faster, rougher. 
“Ah fuck Billy! Oh fuck, fuck!" 
"Gonna make you cum with just my fingers baby so when I get my dick in ya your gonna be putty. Gonna be such a beautiful mess for me." 
"Fuck Billy, right there, yes! Just like that. Don’t stop. Fuck. Don’t stop!” And Billy kept pace until Steve was shooting out white ropes all over his pretty stomach. And the blonde moaned, slipped his fingers out of the brunette’s stretched bright red hole and licked his spunk off his belly. Finally getting a taste, fuckin’ hell, he was like water in a desert. 
Steve’s eyes were threatening tears “Billy" 
"Right here Stevie.” The blonde leaned up to look at the doey eyed brunette, he had the cutest fuckin’ smile. Completely blissed out. Billy was so hard in his jeans, needed it; been needing a guy like Steve for a long time.
Steve’s head jerked back, eyes closed tight, hands clinging to the carpet under him as Billy rammed his slicked up cock into him. The blonde panted heavy breaths as Steve was left whimpering. Bill, too impatient to go slow, he was completely taken over by sheer need.
“Oh fuck baby, feels so good inside you. Still so tight" 
"God. Billy, harder, wanna feel you everywhere." 
"Fuck” Billy growled gripping harder onto the brunette’s hips, thrusting deep, so deep into him. Skin against skin, clingy hands searching for something to grab onto, cries and growls and moans,tongue to lips; all of it was way better than any Christmas music they could have been playing. 
“Swear you were made for this cock pretty boy, fits so perfectly.” The blonde moaned “gonna fill you up so good baby." 
”Please. Feels so good Billy.“ Steve cried through hitched breaths, 
"Jesus, you’re so fuckin sweet.” Billy arched down bringing Steve into a kiss, a soft, almost painful kiss. The kind that makes your toes curl and your heart burst. Then he was pulling him up, like the brunette was nothing more than a pillow. In one swift move the blonde sat back on his knees with Steve sitting on him. The brunette with arms around Billy neck for stability and Billy strong arms like steel straps caging him in. 
“God! Fuck, I can feel you in my fuckin’ throat like this.” Steve panted as he started to grind his ass down deeper into the blonde; eliciting a feral growl from Billy. Sharp canines buried into Steve’s pale neck, bruising him up like putting a collar on him. He belonged to Billy now, even if it was just for the night. 
“Come on baby, ride it like ya wanna break me” he groaned, hands fastened tight pushing and pulling Steve until the brunette caught the rhythm. “That’s it Stevie, fuck yourself on this cock. God, you feel so good, oh fuck! Hmm, yeah just like that. ah fuck baby.” Billy crooned and groaned urging the brunette on. Steve gripped to the blonde’s shoulders for leverage, pumping himself up and down; his leaking dick slapping against him with the violent motion. 
“Billy! Fuck, fuck, oh God!” Steve whined as he fucked himself on the blonde, “Kiss me.” He demanded. And Billy did, wouldn’t dream of denying such a pretty mouth. He kissed him hard, the blonde snaked his had to the brunette nape keeping him there. Their mouths linked together, sharing one breath, Billy ate up every moan that escaped Steve. And the brunette came like that, flushed against the blonde, panting with his fingers tightly coiled in the short blonde curls. Billy didn’t last much longer after that with Steve slowly, deeply grinding on him, riding out his organism. The blonde stuttering his hips, filling the brunette with his heat. Hitched breaths were panted as their lips crashed together again, fighting for dominance. 
“That was amazing” Steve laughed out something breathy, still reeling.
“Yeah, you really are Stevie.” Billy looked up at the brunette with a wide grin in appreciation. Steve matched his grin with a fervent smile; pushed the blonde down to the carpet, they wrestled childishly for a moment. Kisses were stolen quickly until the both laid quiet, Steve curled right beside Billy, his leg over the blonde’s and his hand drawing circles in his chest. And they cuddled, warm with the fire, silently enjoying each other. 
“I do.” Steve whispered head nuzzling under the blondes chin. 
“Do what?” Billy matched his tone. 
“Earlier, when you were talking about fate, you said ‘if you believe in that sort of thing’. And I do believe in it.” He smiled, turning his head up to look at the blonde. 
“You sayin’ this was fate, us meeting baby?" 
That dopey smirk crawled back onto Steve’s face, 
"Maybe. Is that stupid?" 
"Jesus, Stevie, you really are sweet, gonna give me a cavity." 
"Shut up.” The brunette giggled out shoving the blonde teasingly. “I’m serious though Billy." 
"How serious?" 
“Good, cause I’m pretty sure its gonna be just you and meet for the next few days up here. How’s that sound?" 
"Like a dream. Like the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten." 
Billy chuckled "pretty sure you are the best present I’ve ever gotten pretty boy." 
Steve wiggled his way up to kiss the blonde, nosed his face against Billy’s scruff. 
"Hi.” The blonde chortled,
“Can I love you?" 
And Billy propped himself to his elbows, brows furrowed and eyes fixed on the brunette,
"You askin’ for permission or askin’ a question?" 
"Permission. I mean just, just until they dig us outta here; till I have to leave. Can we pretend we’re in love." 
"Don’t know if that’s a good idea." 
“Don’t know if I can stop at just pretending.”
“Kiss me.” And the blonde did, couldn’t deny such a pretty mouth, pretty eyes; pretty face. 
“I love you, Billy” he hushed,
“…love you too Stevie." 
171 notes · View notes
blurry-fics · 5 years
Chapter Eighteen
Where Did We Go | Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2102
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! :) (picture credit to jenna on ig)
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“Where do we even start?” Y/N asked.
We were standing just inside our shared closet, looking at all the clothes that were hanging up. Today was the day that we had set aside for packing the majority of our things up for tour, which always started with our clothes since they took the most space in our suitcases. It also just so happened to be the most daunting part.
“Well, we have the lists,” I said, holding them up for emphasis. “Should we just find all the stuff we need, pile it up, and then fold?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Let’s start with your stuff.”
Y/N took the lists from me and sat down just outside the closet. I stepped further in and started to look through my clothes, already deciding what I wanted to bring and what I should leave behind. Y/N started to read off items on the list, which I grabbed and then tossed to her.
“Hey, careful!”
I turned to look at her, only to realize the tank top I had just grabbed had ended up hanging off of her head. She was laughing as she pulled it off of her head and added it to the ever growing pile behind her.
“Sorry,” I smiled. “Wasn’t looking.”
“It’s ok.”
This pattern went on until we had finally collected all the things on my list. The pile of clothes behind Y/N went up to my knees, already making me dread having to fold it later. Still, I knew it would be nothing compared to what Y/N ended up bringing since she didn’t have the same habit of wearing clothes for days straight like I did.
“Let’s get this stuff into the bedroom,” Y/N said, starting to get off the ground. I quickly walked over to her and helped her up. “Thanks.”
Together, the two of us began to carry small armfuls of clothes over to my side of the bed. The pile quickly grew again until all of my clothes were sitting on the ground. I immediately collapsed onto the bed after dropping the last few pants off.
“Ty,” Y/N smiled. “What are you doing?”
“Taking a break.”
“We don’t have time for breaks. It’s already noon and we haven’t even picked out my clothes yet. At this rate, we’re not going to be done until midnight.”
“Please,” I said, sticking out my bottom lip. “Can we just relax for five minutes?”
“Fine, but that’s it,” she said, taking a seat on the bed next to me before falling back into my arms.
“I’ll count.”
“No you won’t,” she laughed. “I’m setting a timer, otherwise we’ll be here for hours and you’ll still claim we have a minute left.”
“I will not,” I mumbled into her neck.
“Yes you will.”
“Isn’t this relaxing?”
“Yes, but somebody has another world tour starting in less than a week that we need to get ready for.”
“I’ll postpone it.”
“Ty,” she laughed. “That isn’t an option.”
“Sure it is. I’m famous.”
“I’m not going to let you postpone a world tour just because you want to cuddle with me.”
“At least I tried.”
We made quiet conversation for the rest of the five minutes. When the timer finally went off, Y/N practically had to drag me off the bed and back into the closet.
“Come on, Ty, you don’t even have to do the hard stuff right now. All you have to do is sit and read words off a list.”
“That is hard.”
“Why are you so whiny today?” she laughed as she started to look through a drawer. I smiled to myself as I sat down and leaned against the wall.
“Today is the first free day that I’ve had in almost two weeks and we have to spend it packing. That’s why I’m so whiny.”
“Hey, at least we get to spend time together. It’s better than you being out at meetings all day.”
“Ok, point taken.”
“We don’t have any award shows this time around, do we? I want to make sure I pack something nice if we do.”
“I don’t think so. If we do, you can just wear a nice sweatshirt or something.”
“No, you can wear a nice sweatshirt because you’re Tyler Joseph,” she said as she pulled down a couple tops. “I have to wear something nice because I’m just Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
“Just Y/F/N Y/L/N?”
“You mean the most stunning, hilarious, loving, supportive, and amazing girl in the entire world?”
“Shut up,” she giggled.
“I mean, look at you! You’re beautiful.”
My compliment was answered with Y/N balling up a t-shirt and tossing it at me. I ducked out of the way, laughing the entire time.
“I thought we weren’t supposed to throw clothing at one another’s heads?”
“There’s an exception when they’re being a dork,” she smiled.
“Oh, of course. How did I never realize before?”
“Can you just tell me what else I need?”
I read off the next few things on the list, which Y/N quickly found and picked out, occasionally asking for my opinion on what she should bring. By the time that we had made it through the entire page, there was a second enormous pile of clothing sitting behind me, just slightly bigger than my pile had been. Once again, we started to carry clothes out to the bedroom, this time putting them on Y/N’s side of the bed.
“Alright, we need to grab our suitcases from downstairs,” Y/N said.
“Race you?” I grinned.
Y/N’s mouth quickly grew into a smile. Before she had a chance to answer, I yelled out “3, 2, 1, go!” and we were both taking off down the stairs, trying to be the first one to make it to the guest bedroom. I jumped over the last couple steps, landing with a thud, which gained me just enough of a lead to slide into the room before her. She immediately collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily.
“I shouldn’t have agreed to that,” she sighed. “I just can’t seem to win any races against you.”
“It’s alright,” I said, holding a hand out to her to help her up. “I still love you.”
I gave her a quick kiss before opening the closet. All of our suitcases were lined up along the top, each in varying sizes and shapes for the various tours that we went on. Thankfully, this was only a North American leg of the tour, meaning we could afford to pack a little heavy since we wouldn’t be doing any flying. Y/N stood next to me as I pulled down a couple of the bigger suitcases that we had.
“Do you think these will be big enough?” she asked. “We had a lot of clothes.”
“Yeah, they should be fine as long as we pack tight enough. I used this one for Australia and it wasn’t a big deal.”
“That was only a month though.”
“Do you really think we need the huge ones?”
Y/N pursed her lips, thinking it over for a moment.
“I guess not. Worst case scenario, we stick the folded clothes into a new suitcase.”
“Alright, let’s get these upstairs.”
Y/N and I each grabbed our respective suitcases and carefully carried them up the stairs, being sure not to bump them into the walls. There were a couple marks downstairs already from times that one of us had been paying not quite enough attention to where we were going.
Once my suitcase was unzipped and ready to go, I started to sort through my pile of clothes, separating things by tops and bottoms and whether or not I wore it during the show. Y/N, on the other hand, was already starting to fold up her things and put them into her bag as she went.
“Are you going to be able to find anything in your suitcase?” I laughed.
“Probably not, but isn’t that half the fun of getting dressed on tour?”
“Not when you’re frantically trying to find the shirt that you need to wear on stage ten minutes before you’re supposed to be in the right place.”
“Don’t you usually double check all of that stuff way before the show starts?”
“We’re supposed to, but I just forgot that day. Of course that was also the day that my white tank top suddenly went missing.”
“Oh right, I remember you texting me about that,” Y/N smiled. “Carter got mad because my phone wouldn’t stop vibrating while we were trying to play video games.”
“I was panicking!”
“I know you were, love.”
I shook my head as I tossed another shirt into my non-show shirt pile, which was steadily growing.
“Oh! You know what I forgot?” Y/N said.
“A sleep shirt. Do you mind if I grab one of the ones you aren’t bringing?”
“Go for it.”
Y/N walked into the bathroom and came back a short time later with a shirt in her hand.
“Which one did you grab?”
She held it up for me to see. On it were the words “Worthington Christian High School Basketball”, printed in bold, colorful lettering across the front. It was a shirt that I hadn’t worn - or even seen - in years.
“Where did you find that?” I laughed.
“It was in your t-shirt drawer! I stumbled across it when I was folding your shirts the other day. Do you not remember wearing it all the time in high school?”
“I guess not.”
“I swear you wore it at least once a week.”
“Of course I did.”
Y/N tossed it onto her pile of clothes and went back to folding. Shortly after, I finished sorting everything and stood up so that I could start to fold and actually put things into my suitcase.
We made conversation as we continued to pack, mostly talking about things we wanted to do on tour and things we wanted to see in various states when we had some free time. It felt weird to think about leaving again so soon, but I was reassured by the fact that Y/N would be right there next to me this time. I didn’t get nearly as homesick when she was with me.
As we started to near the end of our packing, my mind started to bounce around with a question that I had been meaning to ask Y/N for a few days. My original plan had been to ask her last week, but after our argument, it went forgotten for awhile.
“Hey, so I’ve been thinking,” I started, reaching up to rub at my neck, “what if we went out on a nice date after my rehearsal tomorrow? It’s been awhile since we actually went out and did something like that.”
Y/N finished folding the shirt in front of her and paused, her eyebrows every so slightly furrowed. I rocked back and forth on my heels, waiting for an answer.
“I mean, obviously I want to, but aren’t you concerned about fans coming up and interrupting us? I mean, we can’t even go to the grocery store without someone asking for a picture, much less out on the town in the middle of Columbus. I always assumed that’s why we had dates here.”
“We don’t necessarily have to go out in Columbus. I just thought we could go do something fun. Maybe even something we used to do a lot like, you know…” My mind was racing trying to think of a good idea. “Stargazing, or something.”
“Stargazing,” Y/N repeated. Her mouth was slowly curling up into a smile. “I think that would be a really good idea. The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow too, so it will be perfect.”
“Then it’s a date.”
“Do I really have to wear something nice to sit in the back of a car though?”
“No, the most important thing is that I’m spending time with you.”
“Cheesy,” she laughed.
“It’s how I feel.”
“I know.”
I tried to hide the smile on my face as I tucked another pair of pants into my suitcase. My hands were already shaking with excitement at the thought of going stargazing with Y/N. It had been a long time since we had gone up there, mostly because of bad weather or not being home, and I was looking forward to it.
It was going to be perfect.
*     *     *     *     *
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