#( nikhail )
theinsanecrayonbox · 1 year
X-Force #43
I’ve been looking forward to this being the hi-light of my day…it did not deliver sadly
So it starts off with colossus’s narrator person, because Mikhail is controlling his brother through shenanigans. Basically it’s Gala night and they got plans.
We check in on Quinten
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Who was allowed to keep his creepy closet of cloned friend meat suits…gross
He puts on his younger self but his powers aren’t up to snuff. I still don’t really care.
Team letting time! Laura refuses to sit at the table
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Wade is annoying Arkady. Piotr tells everyone since Beast made them all look bad, the team isn’t allowed at the Gala, only he gets to go, but they get to sit close by in case of emergency
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I do enjoy the Redpool dynamic even if it is one note
So Piotr goes to the party. Domino goes to the Savage lands like Piotr told her to before his brainwashing came back, and eventually finds his dead purple girlfriend. Mikhail gets a memo
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Wait isn’t that what the Xeno guy was making? Did Mikhail commission him and not Orchis? Huh…
Anyways the party blows up because Orchis attack. Team Mikhail doesn’t know what to do. Sage asks for the team to get cut loose to help; Piotr says no. Team says nuts to that; Piotr says follow me to go help. Dom calls Sage saying don’t siren to him moments too late as everyone portals to where Nikhail is all confused about this being off plan.
Well I guess we know why the team didn’t get to wear tuxes to the Gala, and why their whereabouts in the Fall of X promos was “unknown”. This might even keep them wrapped up through Sabretooth War…but hey at least they are safe from Xavier’s bugzapping march, so that’s a positive. But Deadpool and Domino aren’t there, so that’s a bit of a bummer. I hope Arkady gets to call out Mikhail for using him in X Lives though; the boi deserves to punch all the guys who got him killed recently
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deonjosephmeloney76 · 4 months
In Loving Memory Of Nikhail Greene
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fieldbears · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR SESTIA/NIKHAIL/MURDINA FIC SO MUCH it's killing me. really scratching that itch. thank u so much im gonna collapse
<3 ty. someday I will return to it. I am in a resting season irt writing
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infamouskingsley · 4 years
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ELSA LIKED OF EVENTS LIKE this. She was wandering, taking a moment to appreciate the decoration of the party, the drink on her hand was ALMOST to decorate her looks. She isn't exactly fond of the taste of champagne or alcoholic beverage in general. This is when she got distracted by the bartender make a cocktail, wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and stumbled at Nikhail, making her glass fall on the floor. ❛ I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! Scheisse! ❜
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julian-wood · 4 years
A Little Lunch Break
Ollivander’s Wand Shop 27 November 2027, midday @nikhailollivander​ 
The shop was busiest during lunch hour—especially in late November when it was cold, and people were eager to stay inside. But Julian made his visits to Ollivander’s Wand Shop when the store had been mostly cleared out. There were a few people looking at what was on display, but they looked like they were just browsing. 
He watched a customer scroll through their phone, watching it nearly slip from their hands as they put it in the wand pocket instead. Julian was staying out of their way—he wasn’t here for a purchase and the displays hadn’t changed since the last time he was there. Hell, it had been a while since Julian had actually bought something from Nik. 
No, Julian came once to recalibrate his wand, once to purchase a wand holster, then returned for the company and stuck around for the fascination. If he were being honest, Julian didn’t totally remember everything Nik had talked about with wands—but it wasn’t like Julian couldn’t come back and remind himself of a particular tidbit.  
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Julian leaned forward over the counter. “Would you want to go for lunch today? I can’t decide if I want something here or if I should Apparate home and make food.”
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dierdra-jones · 4 years
Wands Through The Window
Ollivander’s Wand Shop 5 November 2027 @nikhailollivander​
Dierdra quickly opened the door into the wand shop, but it didn’t fizzle away the chill that had permeated into her skin from the weather. 
The final matches of the season had been played, the gala finished, and a few fundraisers and exhibition matches rounded out the month of October—but with her one Patronus charm made it hard to bring her down. She was on a high that was rarely experienced for this time of year, especially because of the dementors. 
Once Dierdra had made her way back into Diagon Alley for a little window shopping, half-curious to figure out what Matilda Nott was shopping for. She walked the streets of the Alley with a little more confidence, a little more purpose, a little more energy.
The shop was empty, but it made the whole store more imposing. She suddenly leaped at a sound behind her—the creak of the floorboards, the squeak of the door hinge, the shuffle of the wand boxes. “Fuck—”
Dierdra closed her eyes and shook her head, realizing that, obviously, she wasn’t exactly alone in an open shop—but that didn’t mean having company was peaceful by any means. 
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“Sorry, it’s—” Dierdra gave a little wave, shaking off the surprise.
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Someone: Do you take constructive criticism?
Paiman, already crying: Sure, what’s up?
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rivermusic · 2 years
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Shooting Stars by Nikhail Anand
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aparecium-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to Aparecium, Kat! You have been accepted for Nikhail Ollivander. Clearly I’m excited to have you, and from the moment I heard your ideas about Nikhail, I was thrilled to have you on board. And obviously you’re a wonderful co-admin, so that’s a lovely boost as well. Check out the new member checklist, and jump right in.
Character Basics
Birthday (Age): April 14th (30) Gender (Pronouns): He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Blood Status: Halfblood Hogwarts House/School: Slytherin Occupation: Wandmaker/Owner of Ollivanders Faceclaim: Sidharth Malhotra
Any requested changes? Just that I want to make him part Indian. Which would match the faceclaim and name changes. I love the idea of his mother having been a Patil.
Nikhail was born to two loving parents who wanted nothing more than for him to take over the family business of making wands. He spent his childhood running through gardens with his younger sister and listening to wandlore from his grandfather. He loved those days the best when he would run free and wild and then get to just sit and listen to story after story of how his family each learned to make wands. He knew he loved wands even then but there was always something in him that fought against his name. He didn’t want to run the business even then and he told anyone who would listen to such a young child that he would never be a wandmaker.
When he went off to school he was sad for a time to be away from his family. He had lived a sheltered life until then and he felt out of place and awkward among the other children. He was sorted into Slytherin though he had wished for Ravenclaw. He learned to thrive slowly though and he made several good friends. Though he still missed his family and he wrote home to request more stories of wands and all that went with them. His grandfather was more than happy to oblige and he sent him story after story at least one every week.
He spent his time in school playing Quidditch and running around getting into all kinds of mischief. He still claimed he would never make wands to any classmate who might bring up his last name. He would proclaim to them that he would play Quidditch instead and though he was an okay player he knew he would never make a career of it. He spent his summers and vacations now trying to make wands of his own. He would help his grandfather at the shop and he would make mistake after mistake. He took several books back with him to school and used his free time to read about wands.
After graduating he took a job with his grandfather at the shop and even then he claimed he wouldn’t be a wandmaker. He didn’t want to be what everyone expected him to be but the longer he was there the more that resolve waivered. Finally after years of trying he made his first wand that was good enough to be sold and he knew in that moment that he would make wands for the rest of his life. He started to work in earnest learning all his family knew and seeking out information that they didn’t have. His grandfather retired the next year and the family business was his.
He spent his days working and he loved every moment of it. He had lived a life that was near perfect until word reached him that his younger sister had died in childbirth and that she left behind a little girl. Shock left him numb as he went to Paris to meet his niece who he had no idea was even coming. His sister had hidden her pregnancy from the family and there was no whisper of who the father could have possibly been. He brought the child back to England with him naming her Isabella in honor of his sister. She had always loved the name.
Isabella became his world and all other relationships become second to her. He had been seeing someone when he went to get her and he had no thoughts of even giving him warning. He wanted commitment though and he pushed until they broke. He doesn’t mind being single though he feels the sting of the other not wanting to commit to them. He spends his time now taking care of his niece and making as many wands as he can while avoiding speaking of the latest scandal to rock the wizarding world. His thoughts about the integration of muggles weren’t as extreme as some of the others but he still thought muggles being in their world would be nothing but a mess. Regardless of how much he enjoyed using their internet to speak to other wandmakers.
Character Questionnaire
Answer at least three of the following questions about your character. This could be in character or a third period explanation.
How does your character feel about their family?
Family is everything to Nikhail. He grew up with doting parents who pushed him to be successful in life. He spent his vacations from school learning about wands from his father and grandfather. His mother was loving and kind and his favorite person in the entire world. His younger sister was his closest friend and they spent much of their time together. His sister unfortunately died in childbirth and the not knowing who the father was of her child the baby went to Nikhail. Isabella is almost two now and he would do anything for her. Family is the most important thing in his life.
What does your character value in a friendship?
In friendship Nikhail looks for loyalty above everything else. He doesn’t mind if beliefs and ideals aren’t the same as long as loyalty is in the relationship. He would do anything for the few people who he can truly consider a friend and he likes to think that they feel the same about him.
How would your character describe their own work ethic? Is that an accurate measure of themself?
Nik is always thinking he can get more done. Work a bit harder. He used to throw himself into his work and he would work the day away first with school and then after graduating with his business. Since becoming the guardian of his niece though he has slowed down a bit to spend more time with her. He feels that he isn’t getting as much done as he should now but he can’t bring himself to regret it and his thoughts about his own work ethic are fairly accurate.
How would a stranger who has just met your character describe them?
A stranger would describe him as quiet and reserved most likely. He loves to be fun and outgoing but it takes him awhile to warm up to people enough to show them who he really is. Since getting Isa he has opened up more in general but if they met him on his own without her he does tend to slip back into his quiet observing state.
What magical skill or talent is your character most proud of?
His skill with wandmaking. It’s a long and tedious process learning how to make wands. It takes a lot of practice and he’s spent hours making mistakes so that he can provide top notch wands for those who come to him for them. He puts love and effort into the making of each wand and though he’s never been the best potion maker his charms skills are excellent.
Para Sample
Getting a pet was like a rite of passage in his family. He had gotten his first kitten on his second birthday and his sister had gotten her owl on her second birthday. It had been like that for his father and his grandfather and his great grandfather. He loved the tradition and he wouldn’t allow his niece to miss out on it either. His cat had died when he was twenty and he had gotten a new kitten a few months later. His cat went with him from home to work every day and he enjoyed the company.
He had taken his niece to the little pet shop on Diagon Alley. They had kneazles and owls and cats and frogs and all other kinds of animals. He allowed her to run around the shop with abandon and he followed along behind her with a fond smile on his lips. He loved her more than anything and though she had come to him through heartbreak and tragedy he wouldn’t trade her for anything. His parents still had a hard time looking at her without that hint of sadness in their eyes but she was everything to him. She called him papa and he felt as if he would fall apart every time.
He had never considered having children and would perhaps never have any others but he was thankful for the chance to have her. He listened as the employee told her all kinds of facts about each of the animals. She was focused upon a frog for a good five minutes and he thought she had made up her mind when suddenly she gave a shout of excitement that could have been taken as a battle cry. She charged down the aisle of the store and stopped in front of a cage that held a beautiful white kitten with the most precious blue eyes. She pointed with complete confidence waiting as a queen might wait for those around her to read her mind.
Nikhail let out a soft chuckle as he moved in to speak with the employee that they would take the kitten. “Come along Isa. Let’s find your new pet some toys and a bed.” He held his hand out to her and off they went finding all manner of accessories for the little feline. A hefty bill later and they were off once more towards home with the white kitten in tow. “Her name will be Amara.” She spoke with a solemn tone as they walked down the street towards the apartment they lived in above the shop. Amara, the name of her mother. He wondered if she had picked it because of that or if it was simply one of the only girl names she knew. Either way it left him with a twinge of pain in his heart but he thought the name fitting. She would want to be remembered. “It’s a lovely name.”
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maywoodrpg · 4 years
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— Gender/Pronouns: CIS Male, He/Him — Date of Birth: April 22nd, 1983 — Place of Birth: Cope, South Carolina — Current Residence: Downtown — Occupation: Owner of Gilmore Veterinarian — Faceclaim: Sidharth Malhotra
Trigger Warnings: Death
Nikhail Kohli was born in a small town in South Carolina. He spent the first few years of his life moving from state to state before his parents decided to leave country and travel across Europe. His mother came from a wealthy family and was the only heir to her parent’s large fortune which they made in the oil business. His father was a bit of a loose canon and was content to live off the wealth of his wife. Nikhail spent most of his childhood and teen years bouncing around from France, to Italy, to Spain. Rarely coming back to the states though at times they would return to visit with his father’s parents.
As he grew he was the typical spoiled rich kid. He got what he wanted and he did what wanted. He was constantly getting into trouble and was often thrown out of schools when his parents bothered to enroll him into one. Instead they got him tutors to teach him all he needed to know. Preferring to not have to work around his school schedule when they wished to move once more. His tutors travelled with them college students just graduated and looking for adventure. He was a good student when he put forth the effort to actually learn.
Things all fell apart though when his mother and father died in a car accident when he was sixteen. Too young to live on his own the money was put into an account that would be held until he turned twenty-five. He moved back to the states to live with his father’s brother and his wife. He had only met them a handful of times before and things were hard for him. He had a hard time adjusting from his carefree spoiled lifestyle into one of structure and much more middle class. He was put into the local high school and though he continued to rebel and cause problems his uncle only came down on him harder.
Realizing he wouldn’t get his way like he used to he eventually straightened up enough to not be constantly causing problems. He even developed a good relationship with his father’s family and graduated high school without incident. He joined the marines right out of school choosing to follow in his uncle’s footsteps since he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with his life. He served in the marines for six years before being discharged due to an injury sustained in battle. He came back to South Carolina and lived once more with his aunt and uncle for a year as he recovered from his injuries. During this time he took up martial arts in order to help regain his strength. At the age of twenty-six he moved to New York City having just gotten access to his trust he wanted to travel some after his recovery. However he ended up going to veterinarian school instead of travelling thinking it was time he put himself to use once more. Four years later he was veterinarian and still living in the city. During his time in the city he continued with his martial arts and met a girl at the dojo. They became close and though he thought he was falling in love one day she disappeared and left without a word. He still hasn’t gotten over her and he often wishes he had a way to seek her out though he supposes if she had wanted to be found she would have left behind some kind of clue.
Now thirty-seven he has moved to Maywood within the last week to take over the veterinary clinic. The old man who had owned it had put out an ad online for someone to take it over and his old professor sent him the link to the application. He purchased the clinic without a second thought and moved to the small Maine town. He had missed the comfort of the small town life and he was ready to get away from the city and set down roots somewhere.
NIKHAIL KOHLI is currently played by Kat.
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sovietpostcards · 3 years
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“Backyard” by Nikhail Tkachyov (1960)
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wakeupbmore · 7 years
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#family #nikhail #jaylenjayla👦👧💜💕
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sulevinblade · 6 years
I HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL ASTORIA CONTENT IN MY INBOX ALREADY BUT since it’s you asking I really need you to know how hard she will screen every member of the inner circle before allowing them full access to Nikhail. It’s honestly kinda hilarious because obviously she can’t exist in the game but if she did she’d break it because Nikh would never leave Skyhold despite being the actual Inquisitor and the most important one who needs to leave Skyhold to be effective. 
Anyway, the inner circle. Varric, Sera, they’re fine, Cole’s on thin fucking ice but she’d follow Nikh’s decisions where Cole is concerned. Bull, Blackwall, they’re fine, and Cassandra is fine because if nothing else she keeps Varric in check. Josephine is beautiful and powerful and does good work, Leliana is honestly #goals for Astoria and if she was available as a romance, Astoria might go for it but even if she’s not she’s still allowed to be around her nephew. Solas is fine, if a little weird with the whole, “i luv spirits,” thing. Dorian is fine because mage supremacy is an acceptable social platform (though when it comes to dating there will be a Fucking Gauntlet, speaking of things I really want to write one day). Really, out of all of them, the only ones she’ll run hardcore interference on are Vivienne and Cullen. Vivienne she just sort of sees as drinking the Kool-Aid and operating from a place of power and in a way good for her because survival of the fittest but also it’s the crab bucket principle, but Cullen gets no quarter no matter how often he makes Nikh blush. She’d kick him out of the whole Inquisition if she could.
ANYWAY is there anything else I can tell you? There are two very good prompts for her in my inbox right now, one from you, but I am more than happy to entertain specific questions while I top up my glass. (Good morning, I love you, hi.) 
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filmcrash · 5 years
There’s still time to get tix! Freckle and Nikhail Asnani at Film Crash to talk about SOMETHING ROUND Saturday October 12 @ 10am Tickets: https://www.laemmle.com/film/film-crash (at Laemmle Royal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aHukfJzQ0/?igshid=6wqpeixlk7p8
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dierdra-jones · 4 years
Work and the Weather
Madley Magical-Muggle Expo December 7, 2027 @nikhailollivander​
It was hard to appreciate what the Expo had to offer when it was harder and harder to determine what was magical and what wasn’t. For most of her career, Dierdra had been content to ignore everything and just let her assistant handle her accounts for her—but somehow, even when she had stopped by the Firebolt Premier’s booth or the Harpies’ section of the Quidditch League, she was continually plagued with questions to which she had no prepared answer. 
And so she dawdled on her break. 
Dierdra recognized the wandmaker from the few times she had gone window shopping at Ollivanders—there were only so many times she could go in and pretend that she was going to buy something, especially with how small the space was. It wasn’t until now that she considered that maybe her parents could appreciate some new wands, but she wasn’t sure if Ollivander’s kept that information on file or anything. 
Still, it wasn’t a question she can just ask out of the blue, and she didn’t want to assume that the wandmaker was here for work. But he was important enough that if anyone asked what she had been busy with, he was easy enough to namedrop without too much hassle. But Dierdra was a big enough diva that they shouldn’t be asking in the first place.
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“Are you here to be entertained, or do your wands come with a digi-watch now?”
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Feda: Ugh I’m covered in bug bites and it’s itchy
Paiman: just douse yourself in lemon juice
Feda: ...Does that help?
Paiman: no. it’s just a suggestion
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