#( my bby off to destroy the world )
sugugasm · 2 months
BET | love and deepspace
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⟡ tags : underground boxer! sylus + reader — sylus isn’t afraid of going all in when it comes to you.
ミ★ content warning : fem! reader uses she/her prns, mentions of blood & injuries, mentions of female anatomy as well as male anatomy, oral fem! receive, gentle to rough sex, pet names like bby, dove, kitten, honey, 5.0K WORD COUNT
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you step into the dimly lit underground boxing gym, the air thick with the scent of sweat, cigarette smoke, and leather. it’s a seedy place, hidden in the heart of the city’s most notorious neighborhood, where the law doesn’t dare to tread. the crowd tonight is a mix of rough characters - bikers with gang patches on their jackets, local gangsters with glares and expensive watches, shady high-rollers in suits looking to place big bets on the illegal fights.
as you navigate through the throng of people, you spot him in the corner, preparing for his match. sylus - the man who happened to be your ex-boyfriend . . oh, and only the most feared bare-knuckled boxer in the underground circuit. he was a sight to behold, all rippling muscles and newfound tattoos, with messy silver hair that gleamed under the fluorescent lights. you watch as he methodically wraps his hands, his intense red eyes focused on the task.
your history with sylus is complicated, to say the least. you met him two years ago at a biker rally, drawn to his bad-boy charm and undeniable charisma. he swept you off your feet with his daredevil antics on his custom harley and his smooth talking ways. but sylus’s world was always filled with danger, violence, and illegal activities. as the leader of onychinus, the city’s most notorious motorcycle club, he ran an empire built on illicit evol weapons, protocore deals, and underground fighting.
at first, the thrill of it all was intoxicating - the adrenaline rush of riding on the back of his bike, the wild parties at the onychinus clubhouse, watching him dominate in the ring. but as time went on, you grew tired of the constant chaos and the fear that one day, sylus’s risky lifestyle would catch up to him. you wanted stability, a future - things that sylus scoffed at. ‘i live in the moment, babe,’ he would say with that infuriating smirk. ‘and right now, all i want is you.’
but it wasn’t enough. six months ago, after a particularly brutal fight that left sylus battered and bleeding, you reached your breaking point. you told him you couldn’t watch him destroy himself anymore, that you needed more than he could give you. sylus, stubborn and proud as ever, refused to change. ‘this is who i am,’ he growled. ‘so take it or leave it.’ so you left, walking away from the man you loved, determined to build a life free from the violence and uncertainty.
now, seeing him again after all this time, you feel a mix of emotions stirring within you. anger, hurt, frustration . . . but also a undeniable pull of attraction and longing. as if sensing your presence, sylus glances up, his red eyes locking with yours. a slow, confident smirk spreads across his handsome face as he saunters over to you, the crowd parting before him.
“well, well. look who it is,” he drawls, looking you up and down appreciatively. “didn’t expect to see you here tonight, [★]. come to watch me dominate the ring as usual?”
you scoff and cross your arms, determined not to let him see how much his presence affects you. “i’m not here for you, sylus. i’m just here to collect on some bets.”
he chuckles, a deep, rich sound that sends shivers down your spine. “sure you are, sweetheart. keep telling yourself that.”
sylus takes a step closer, invading your personal space. he smells like musk and sandalwood, a scent that brings back memories of stolen moments and passionate nights. “i miss you, you know,” he murmurs, his voice low and intimate. “everything’s been so boring without you around to keep me on my toes.”
you try to stay strong, but you can feel your resolve wavering. damn him and his charm. “i’m not here to rehash the past, sylus. what do you want?”
his eyes glint with a challenge. “make a bet with me - when i win the championship belt tonight, you give me another shot. a chance to prove that we’re meant to be together.”
you laugh in disbelief. “you can’t be serious. we’re done, sy. i’m not falling for your games again.”
“who says it’s a game?” he counters, his expression turning serious. “i know i messed up, [★]. i wasn’t ready before, but i am now. i want you back in my life. i need you.”
you hesitate, torn between your lingering feelings and your better judgment. sylus is a force of nature, wild and untamed. being with him is like dancing on the edge of a razor - thrilling but dangerous. can you really risk your heart again?
“and what do i get if you lose?” you ask, buying yourself time to think.
sylus flashes you a cocky grin. “you know i never lose, kitten. but if by some miracle i do . . i’ll leave you alone. for good. unless you decide you can’t resist me and come crawling back.”
you snort at his arrogance, even as a part of you wonders if he might be right. sylus has always had a hold on you, an undeniable magnetism that draws you in against your will, “fine,” you hear yourself saying, almost as if from a distance. “you’ve got a deal.”
his grin widens, triumphant. “get ready to come back to where you belong, [★] - with me.”
the crowd starts to get louder, chanting and cheering as the lights flicker and dim. it’s almost time for the main event - sylus’s championship fight. he starts to walk towards the ring, but pauses and turns back to face you.
“watch closely now, honey,” he says with a wink. “i’m about to show you what you’ve been missing.”
with that, he strides away, his movements graceful and predatory. you watch him go, your heart pounding in your chest.
what had you gotten yourself into?
as the crowd’s chanting reaches a fevered pitch, sylus steps into the ring, the picture of coiled power and raw aggression. his opponent, a hulking brute known as ‘the mauler’, glares at him from across the mat, pounding his meaty fists together in a show of intimidation. but sylus just smirks, unfazed. he’s taken down bigger, badder fighters than this guy.
the referee calls them to the center, going over the rules - not that there are many in the underground circuit. “no biting, no eye gouging, fight ends with a knockout or tapout. keep it clean . . ish. touch gloves and come out swinging!”
sylus bumps his taped fists against the mauler’s, staring him down with those intense red eyes. then they’re backing away, the air crackling with tension as the crowd falls silent in anticipation.
the bell sounds and the mauler charges forward with a roar, swinging wildly. but sylus is too quick, too skilled. he slips and weaves, dodging the heavy blows, letting his opponent overextend himself. sylus fires off a rapid jab - cross combo, snapping the mauler’s head back and drawing first blood from his nose.
the big man snarls and redoubles his efforts, trying to use his size to his advantage, to trap sylus against the ropes and pummel him. but sylus is like smoke, always just out of reach. he targets the mauler’s weak spots with surgical precision - a knife-hand to the solar plexus to crush his wind, a heel kick to the floating rib, an elbow smash to the jaw.
each blow lands with devastating impact, chipping away at the mauler’s formidable stamina and sending the crowd into a frenzy. they chant sylus’s name like a war cry, thrilling at the sight of the chiseled, tattooed demigod of the ring in his element.
you watch in breathless awe, pulse racing, body heating. damn him. he’s magnificent like this - a perfect fighting machine, all fluid grace and controlled violence. it’s enough to make you forget why you walked away, to let yourself imagine those powerful hands on your body once more . .
a pained grunt snaps you back to the moment as the mauler finally lands a solid hit, a haymaker to sylus’s ribs that sends him staggering. your heart leaps into your throat. but sylus just shakes it off with a feral grin, spitting blood and bouncing on his toes as he beckons for more.
they trade blows in a brutal, lightning-fast exchange, neither giving quarter. the mauler is flagging but still dangerous, pure grit keeping him on his feet. sylus bleeds from a cut over his eye but barely seems to feel it, an unholy light in his gaze as he scents victory.
he presses his advantage with a dizzying flurry of strikes, driving the mauler back . . back . . until he’s pinned against the turnbuckle. sylus hammers his torso without mercy - left hook to the liver, right uppercut to the chin, again, again. the mauler’s knees buckle and sylus steps back, letting him crumple to the canvas.
the crowd erupts as the ref counts it out. at “ten,” sylus throws his hands up in triumph, basking in the adulation. his eyes find yours across the room and the heat in them makes your breath stop. in three long strides he’s out of the ring and hauling you into his arms, crushing his mouth to yours in a searing kiss.
for a moment, you forget where you are. forget the mob of rowdy spectators whistling and catcalling. forget every reason you swore you'd never let him back into your heart. all you know is the demanding press of his lips, the steel - cable strength of his blood-slicked body, the intoxicating rush of his victory and your surrender . . .
“looks like i won our bet, babe,” he says smugly, smirking down at you. “hope you’re ready to pay up.”
you scowl, hating how easily he affected you. “one. drink. that was the deal.”
sylus touches his tongue to the seam of his split lip, gaze roving hungrily over you. “oh, i’m just getting started.”
he drags you through the throng of well-wishers and sycophants, his grip on your hand unbreakable. outside, the night air is cool against your overheated skin, charged with tension and the distant growl of engines.
sylus leads you to his pride and joy - that sleek demon of a harley crouched by the curb. the way he straddles the throbbing machine is blatantly sexual, all hard muscles and black leather. he jerks his head at the space behind him.
“c’mon - you know the drill, hop on.”
your hesitation lasts a mere heartbeat before you throw a leg over the bike and wrap your arms around his waist, molding yourself to his back. the rumble of the engine between your thighs and the furnace heat of his body shreds the last of your resistance.
your hesitation lasts a mere heartbeat before you throw a leg over the bike and wrap your arms around his waist, molding yourself to his back. the rumble of the engine between your thighs and the furnace heat of his body shreds the last of your resistance.
then, sylus kicks off and you’re flying, the city lights a neon blur as he opens the throttle. your pulse pounds in time with the roar of the pipes, excitement and desire a heady drug in your veins. by the time he screeches to a stop outside a dingy saloon on the outskirts of town, you’re dizzy with need.
inside, the bar is a den of sin and swagger, all scuffed leather and polished chrome and clinking bottles. eyes follow sylus with a mix of fear and reverence as he stalks to a booth in the back, one possessive hand at the small of your back.
he orders a whiskey, neat, and your favorite poison, not bothering to ask what you want. at your raised eyebrow, he shrugs.
“i remember.”
two words. but the weight of history and unspoken emotion behind them squeezes your heart. your fingers tremble slightly as you raise your glass in a mock toast.
“to your victory. and my reckless wager.”
sylus’ gaze is molten as he clinks his tumbler against yours, gaze holding you captive over the rim as he tosses back the smooth liquid. the slight burn of the alcohol is nothing compared to the smolder of his stare.
“what are we doing, sy?” you ask into the charged quiet, liquid courage loosening your tongue. “why now, after all this time?”
a muscle ticks in his jaw. he looks down, spinning his empty glass, broad shoulders rigid with tension.
“i fucked up.”
his voice is low, raw with a vulnerability you've never heard from him. your breath snags.
“i thought i needed the rush, the rep, the respect. and yeah, maybe i did, for a while. but none of it meant shit without you.” slowly, giving you every chance to pull away, he reaches for your hand — lacing his scarred, tape-wrapped fingers with yours, “i was a coward. i pushed you away because i was scared shitless of how bad i wanted you - needed you. needed your strength, your goodness. you made me want to be better. and it truly fucking terrified me.”
his grip tightens, almost painfully. anchoring you to him.
“losing you . . it broke me, [★]. made me realize that the only thing i’m actually afraid of is living without you.”
sylus swallows hard, his throat working. when he looks up at you, his eyes are blazing with fierce intent.
“i know i don’t deserve another shot. i know i need to earn back your trust. but i swear to whoever may hold my fate, if you give me a chance, i will spend every waking day proving that you’re my whole damn world.”
your heart is a wild bird in your chest, frantic and yearning. you search his face, finding only sincerity and aching tenderness beneath the bruises and blood.
“i never stopped loving you,” you confess, voice breaking. “no matter how hard i tried to hate you . . i couldn’t let you go.”
sylus makes a rough sound, halfway between a growl and a groan. then he’s kissing you, deep and urgent and saying everything he can't put into words. you fall into him, all hunger and desperation, the levee finally breaking on the flood of your need.
“take me home,” you gasp into his mouth, fingers curling in the sweat-damp silk of his hair.
“i thought you’d never ask, dove.”
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the anticipation is a living thing as sylus speeds through the lamp-lit streets, the throaty growl of his harley between your thighs a heady reminder of the man commanding the machine. by the time he pulls into the cavernous garage beneath his loft, your body is humming, every nerve ending alight with need.
sylus is on you the moment you dismount, crowding you back against the rough brick wall, his large frame enveloping yours. his kiss is searing, possession and passion, strong hands gripping your hips as he grinds into you. you moan into his mouth, fingers scrabbling for purchase on his leather-clad shoulders, craving more.
“been dreaming about this,” he rasps against your lips, his voice like gravel and whiskey, igniting heat in your veins. “having you back in my arms, in my bed. fuck, [★], need you so bad it's like a sickness.”
“then take me,” you breathe, emboldened by the blatant hunger shining in those crimson eyes. “i’m here, sylus. i’m yours.”
something animalistic unfurls behind his gaze, a primal sort of satisfaction that has you clenching with want. in a burst of movement, he hoists you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his lean hips as he strides purposefully to the industrial elevator that will carry you to his domain.
the short ride up is a haze of frantic kisses and roving hands, two years’ worth of pent-up longing seeking outlet. by the time sylus kicks open the door to his loft, you’re both panting, clothes askew and lips kiss-bruised. he carries you straight to the bedroom, a cavern of shadows and silver moonlight spilling across rumpled black silk sheets. when he lays you down in the center of that decadent expanse, the reverence in his touch steals your breath. his battle-scarred fingers shake slightly as they skim over your curves, learning you anew.
“so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, crimson gaze tracking hungrily over your body like he's committing every detail to memory. “can’t believe i almost lost this . . lost you . .”
“never,” you whisper fiercely, reaching up to cup his angular jaw. “i’m here, sylus. right where i belong. and i’m not going anywhere.”
he turns his head to press a fervent kiss to your palm, the heat of his breath making you shiver as his lips graze your fingers — and ever so gently, he bites. then slowly, deliberately, he divests you of your clothes, unwrapping you like a gift. you echo his actions, baring him inch by glorious inch to your avid gaze.
sylus’s body is a work of art, all chiseled muscle and inked skin, a roadmap of violence and survival. you take your time tracing the ridges and hollows, the scars and scrolling tattoos, familiarizing yourself with this new landscape of him. he shudders beneath your questing touch, eyes fluttering shut, a low rumble building in his chest.
“[★],” he grits out, and fuck, how you’ve missed the way he says your name, guttural and raw, like a prayer and a plea. “please, baby . . need to taste you.”
“yes,” you hiss, already aching, empty. “please, sylus.”
granted, he descends on you like a man starved, that talented mouth charting a path of fire over your sensitized flesh. he maps every curve and valley with lips and teeth and tongue, each nip and suck and lap stoking the inferno building in your core.
when he finally settles between your trembling thighs, the first bold stroke of his tongue punches the air from your lungs, your spine arching involuntarily. he groans in appreciation, strong hands splaying your thighs wider, opening you fully to his voracious appetite.
“fuck, i missed this,” he rasps against your slick folds, the vibration of his words making you keen. “missed the way you taste, the sounds you make when i devour this sweet cunt. could feast on you for hours, little one . .”
you whimper breathlessly, one hand fisting in the sheets, the other tangling in his silver hair, holding him to you. sylus takes the encouragement for what it is, sealing his mouth over your aching flesh and suckling greedily. stars erupt in your eyes, pleasure rioting through your veins as he works you ruthlessly, adding clever fingers to his oral assault. he curls them just right, rubbing that secret spot that has you seeing god, all while his wicked tongue paints obscene promises on your clit.
“s-sy, fuck!” you wail, back bowing, thighs clamping around his ears as he drives you higher and higher. “oh god, yes, just like that! don’t stop, please, i’m gonna’ cum . . fuck, baby-”
he doubles his efforts, a man possessed, growling his own pleasure into your core. “that’s it, my love,” he urges gutturally between long, lewd licks. “go ahead and give it to me, wanna’ feel you drench my face, want you gushing on my tongue . .”
his filthy encouragement hurls you over the edge with a strangled scream, release slamming into you like a freight train. you shatter spectacularly, pulsing and clenching around his thrusting fingers, slick gushing into his eager mouth as he works you through the most intense orgasm of your life.
when you finally drift back down to earth, aftershocks still rippling through you, sylus is grinning up at you wolfishly from between your thighs, his beard glistening obscenely with your essence. “fucking incredible,” he rumbles, pressing a soft kiss to your still-twitching center. “could watch you fall apart on my tongue forever and never get tired of it.”
“get up here,” you demand breathlessly, tugging him to you. he comes willingly, settling his considerable bulk over you, caging you beneath miles of warm, hard muscle.
you claim his mouth in a filthy kiss, moaning at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue. he responds with matching hunger, hips rocking into the cradle of your thighs, the thick ridge of his erection a brand against your sensitive flesh.
“please,” you whimper into his mouth, nipping at his bottom lip. “need you inside me, sylus. been too long, i want it . .”
“fuck,” he snarls, the words seeming to snap his restraint. “far too long, honey. be patient, you know i will.” slowly, giving you time to adjust, he notches himself at your entrance and pushes forward, gasping harshly at the tight, wet heat of you enveloping him. “goddamn,” he grits out through clenched teeth, forehead pressed to yours. “silly me. i almost forgot how fucking perfect you feel. like coming home.”
“yes,” you moan, reveling in the familiar stretch and burn of his thick length entering your body. “missed this so much . . missed you . . love you, sylus, so fucking much.”
“i love you too,” he rasps, pulling nearly all the way out before surging back in, starting a deep, rolling rhythm that has your toes curling. “i never stopped, never will. you’re only for me, [★]. only me.”
you lose yourselves to the timeless dance, bodies moving in perfect synchronicity, rediscovering every perfect angle and hidden sweet spot. sylus takes his time, building you back up with long, measured strokes, whispering words of worship into your skin, branding you with his love.
“so good,” he groans, hitching your leg higher on his hip, sinking impossibly deeper. “could stay buried in this tight little pussy forever. never wanna leave.”
“don’t.” you gasp, fingers clawing at his flexing back, desperate for more. “stay — harder, sylus, fuck me harder. wanna’ be able to feel it tomorrow.”
with a low, approving growl, sylus complies, snapping his hips faster, driving into your yielding body with the piston precision of the machine he rides. the wet, obscene slap of flesh fills the room, punctuated by your escalating moans and cries.
“i’m not gonna last,” he warns, rhythm faltering. “too good, too fucking good. tell me you’re close, baby . .”
“s-so close,” you pant, the coil in your belly wound to the breaking point. “just a little more - fuck, right there, sy . . o-oh my —”
sylus hammers into you, grunting with the effort, sweat sheening his skin. he wedges a hand between your straining bodies, finding your swollen clit and rubbing tight circles. “cum on my cock,” he demands, voice strained. “let me feel that pussy grip me, milk me . .” his words are your undoing, hurling you into oblivion with a keening wail. your inner muscles seize around him, rippling and fluttering, trying to pull him deeper as you drench his driving length in release.
“fuck, yes!” sylus roars, pistoning wildly, chasing his own end. “gonna’ - ah, shit, kitty, i’m cumming!” his climax overtakes him with a force that borders on violence, his cock jerking and pulsing as he spills himself deep in your still-spasming core, painting your inner walls with thick ropes of his seed. you mewl weakly in blissed-out overstimulation, aftershocks rolling through you as he fills you to the brim.
finally spent, sylus collapses onto you, taking care not to crush you with his bulk. you cuddle as sweat and other fluids cool on your skin, hearts gradually slowing in tandem. he’s still stuffed deep inside you and you clench involuntarily around his now-softening length, loving the way he groans, overused nerves sparking. “keep that up and we’ll be going again real soon,” he warns playfully, nuzzling into your neck.
you huff a laugh, carding your fingers through his damp hair. “yeah, yeah,” you tease. “we’ve got time now, sylus. all the time in the world. i’m not going anywhere.”
he raises his head to look at you, crimson eyes soft and full of wonder. “damn right you’re not,” he rumbles, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. “i’m never letting you out of my sight again. you’re stuck with me now, sweetheart.”
“eh, could be worse,” you quip, grinning up at him. “i think i can handle being stuck with you. it’s only forever, after all.”
“forever,” sylus echoes solemnly, like an oath. “i like the sound of that. you and me. binded as one.”
“ . . . and loving each other stupid every chance we get,” you finish impishly, wiggling your eyebrows.
he barks a laugh, the joyful, uninhibited sound making your heart soar. “oh, that is definitely part of the plan,” he assures you, a wicked gleam in his eye. “gotta’ make up for lost time, don’t we?”
“mmhm, that we do,” you agree readily, warmth suffusing you. “better get started on that. forever’s not getting any longer.”
“as my lady commands,” sylus murmurs, capturing your mouth again as he begins to stir inside you once more.
and as passion ignites anew, the promise of countless tomorrows enfolding you like a benediction, you know this is just the beginning of the ups and downs.
because this love, tempered by loss and longing, by time and truth . . it’s unbreakable. a bond that even the harshest trials will only serve to strengthen.
and with sylus by your side, his heart in your keeping as surely as yours rests in his scarred and steady hands . .
. . you know you can weather any storm.
forever, and then some.
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★ SUGUGASM 2024 | please don’t copy, translate or share my work on other platforms without my consent. tagging @ramonathinks <3
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2K notes · View notes
tetsumie · 3 months
Love your writings so so much!!! Pretty please can i ask for angsty to fluff sunarin to heal my broken heart
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pairing: suna rintaro x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content: suna's been playing the argument the both of you had on repeat in his head and he decides it's time that he proves to you that he wants to make this work
a/n: hi bby <3 ofc i can write angsty/fluffy sunarin i hope u like it and this could meet your expectations! i hope that this helps mend your broken heart love u always and if you ever need anything i'm always here to talk <3
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suna is staring at the ceiling in his apartment.
his vision shifts towards the bright red numbers "3:07" glaring at him menacingly.
he shifts his body to turn away from the clock as he coddles a pillow next to him, holding it as if it's the most precious thing he has.
i destroyed the most precious thing in my life. the overthinking demons begin to plague his conscience.
he wonders what you're doing right now. he hopes that you're asleep but he knows you're probably cramming last minute for that midterm you have for your class tomorrow.
he sighs.
he opens his phone and presses your contact, thumb hovering over the call button.
he just wants to hear your voice. at least once.
ah, fuck it.
his finger presses the call button and it begins to ring. and ring. and ring. and ring. and ring.
he's beginning to lose hope as the ring continues to go on until he hears his favorite sound in the world.
"hello? rin?"
he clears his throat, realizing he's just been lying there, not speaking a word.
"hi baby."
"what's wrong? why are you up? don't you have pract-" you start questioning him.
"don't worry about it hun. it's all good," he sighs into the phone. "just wanted to hear your voice right now."
you hum in response.
the hurtful words he said to you a couple nights ago are playing on loop in his mind and he's unsure of what to say now.
"did you need something rin?" you begin. "you don't usually call me.. voluntarily."
he knows he doesn't. he's always been the nonchalant one in the relationship, always waiting for you to make the first move. you've always been the one to suggest going out or planning a night in. he became so used to you always being there. he never thought you wouldn't be there anymore.
you were never supposed to get out of the picture.
"i really miss you."
you're silent.
"i know you don't believe me but i really miss you."
suna knows you're having a tough time believing him. every time you would try to bring up how you wish he'd put in just a bit more effort, he always brushed it off. but when you had brought up again for the nth time a couple days ago, asking if he could at least plan something for just the two of you, he gave out on you.
"i don't have the time for this shit. i have a professional career i'm working towards and i don't have the extra time to get distracted."
he remembers the words like they were written on the back of his hand. god, he can't forget the way your beautiful features etched into a look of pure heartbreak.
god, he can't that look out of his head.
but the worst thing plaguing his mind was your response.
"rin, i just want you to act like you at least care about me. i feel like you don't care about us anymore."
god, if he could express into words how much he deeply cares for you, your relationship, and everything that has to do with you. he wants you wholeheartedly but he can't seem to express that properly.
"right," your voice is curt. sharp. it cuts like a blade into him.
he gulps.
you're hurting and he can feel it from miles away.
and the silent treatment that you've been giving one another has not been helping to heal that pain ever since that horrid dispute.
"i realized how shitty of a boyfriend i've been to you."
you're silent, waiting for him to continue.
"you wanted me to reciprocate the time and effort you put into making this relationship work and i didn't do that. it was the least i could have done; you're right."
"rin i-" he interrupts you.
he's sitting up now in his bed, staring out the window of his bedroom.
"no, wait please let me finish."
you're silent and he takes it as his cue.
"the fact that you felt like i never cared about you — about us — this entire time truly shows how much of a shitty person i've been to you and to our relationship. i'm supposed to be the one there for you yet i never was. your absence in my life for the past couple days has affected me in ways that i don't even know could be possible"
he continues although he hears what could've been a sniffle.
"i don't know how else to put it into words but i miss you so bad, y/n. you don't have to forgive me — i wouldn't blame you — but i just want you to know that if you don't want to do this anymore with me, i understand. i'll love you no matter what your decision is."
"you love me?" your voice comes to life on the other end of the line completely caught off guard.
oh my god.
he smiles to himself as he stares at the vast dark room in front of him. "yes i love you. i always have."
"from the moment you walked into the sports psychology lecture late to the time you spilled coffee all over my brand new jersey to the time you had your sickly chicken pox. i've loved you ever since and i won't let you go."
you're silently digesting the information that he threw at you all in one sitting.
it's dead silent and suna is nervous. he wants to know what you're thinking, how you look like right now, how you're feeling.
he really wants to see you right now. to be there with you right now.
the overthinking demons begin to make their entrance in his mind as he begins to speak. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done this over the phone. i should've done this in person. i'm just too nervous to even say a word because what i want to say gets lost and then-"
"rin," you stop him before he can continue his ramble.
"i love you too."
oh my god.
his heart is beating out of his chest and he's stuck. his mouth is slightly agape, stunned by your confession. after everything he's done with you, you still love him?
"are you sure?" he asks to confirm.
"why are you literally trying to deny my confession to you right now?" you give a watery chuckle which he can instantly hear through.
"i don't deserve you," he states and he feels his eyes water a little bit.
"yeah you don't," you laugh in hopes of lightening the mood but the laugh dies down in your throat.
a comfortable silence holds between the two of you.
"i'm sorry for keeping you up so late. please get some rest-" he begins but is this time interrupted by you.
"can you come over?" your small voice interrupts. "obviously if it's not a bother... i just want to, um, see you right now. if that's okay."
his heart beats faster.
"are you sure?"
"yes please," you sound so frail. "please come over rin. i really need you right now."
"i'm there, baby."
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xvi- the storm
“i want you to always remember me. will you remember that i existed, and that i stood next to you here like this?” - haruki murakami
summary: the mad titan comes calling
wordcount: 1.9k (my tiny bby 🥺)
warnings: cussing (i think? idk honestly), lil fluff, violence ig, uhh infinity war but just the beginning, forgot bucky got the hot arm and had to include that, sad foreshadowing slay
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsivymusic
a/n: IM BACK BITCHES. sorry this part is short but the next part is coming up very soon bc i’m excited to hopefully make y’all cry 👍 as always, love you, very proud of you, stay hydrated and eat something pls and hope u enjoy! this may not be my best work but i’ll make it up to you when… the stuff happens lmao 💀 happy 2023!!! 🤍🤍🤍
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“He came out of nowhere.”
You stare up at the holographic screen.
You’ve been back for barely a week, and there’s something new on the horizon. From out in space, a genocidal maniac has made himself known.
He calls himself Thanos. The last survivor of a planet whose civilization fell long ago. And he’s hunting for stones that can apparently control every part of the universe.
You’re lucky the team received the warning in time. Thor, Bruce Banner, and the remaining Asgardians had narrowly escaped the titan, and fled to Earth to warn you of the danger.
The god had asked a few questions about your wings, as fascinated by them as you were about the magical hammer he carried.
Despite what the others said, you quickly realized that Thor wasn’t dumb, not even dense. Just unaccustomed to modern life. Much like you and your boys.
Okay, maybe he was a little bit dense.
Alongside them, another addition had arrived in the form of a sorcerer by the name of Stephen Strange. His demeanor reminded you of a certain genius.
But there wasn’t time to worry about much other than preparing for the coming siege. There wasn’t time to warn the governments of the world. You needed to suit up. Quickly.
“What’s his objective?” Steve asks, one hand on the small of your back and the other entwined with Bucky’s flesh hand.
“He’s a plague,” Bruce rasps. “He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki.” He points to the rather greasy reformed god, who frowns.
“So this is it,” Tony hums. The billionaire is oddly composed, silently calculating. “What’s our timeline?”
“No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones. That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony…”
Strange cuts in. “He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of.”
You wrinkle your nose a bit.
“Did you seriously just say ‘hitherto undreamt of’? God, you sound like my grandfather.” you ask.
“Are you seriously complaining about how I talk when you’re 100 years old?”
“Physically, I’m about 30, so-“
Bucky sighs. “Joacă frumos, păpușă [Play nice, doll].”
Tony speaks before you start arguing with the sorcerer again. “If Thanos needs all six, why don’t we just stick Mr. Sparkles’s stone down the garbage disposal?” he asks, gesturing to the Time Stone held in the amulet.
“No can do,” the man retorts. Wong, another sorcerer explains.
“We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives.”
Tony shrugs. “And I swore off dairy, but then Ben & Jerry’s named a flavor after me-“
“Ok, boys, how about we table this conversation for a time when we aren’t in danger,” Nat snaps.
“Ok, look, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe, and he’s not gonna stop until he gets… Vision’s stone.”
You nod. “Then we have to protect it.” The android, from his place staring out the window, disagrees.
“No, we have to destroy it. I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature.” He pauses, stepping towards Wanda. “But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps-“
Vision leans close to the girl. “-its molecular integrity could fail.” You knew what he was asking. All of you did. But no one wanted to say it.
“Yeah, and you with it,” Wanda chuckles, disbelieving. “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can’t get it,” he presses.
“That’s too high a price.”
Your chest aches as the android gently takes her face in his hands.
“Only you have the power to pay it. Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.”
“But it should,” Steve says. “We don’t trade lives, Vision.” You rest a hand on his arm, nodding when he looks to you for support.
“Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people?” Vision queries. Despite being a robot, his voice is laced with uncertainty. Fear. “Tell me, why is this any different?”
Tony, Bruce, and Peter look up from where they were discussing.
“Because you might have a choice,” the doctor says. “Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another.”
Wanda takes a sharp breath. “You’re saying Vision isn’t just the stone?”
“I’m saying that if we take out the stone, there’s still a whole lot of Vision left, perhaps the best parts.”
“Can we do that?” Nat asks.
Bruce shakes his head. “Not me, not here.”
Peter, as quiet as he’d been, raises his hand. “I know someone! And somewhere.”
You raise a brow. “So do I.”
“Shuri,” both of you say.
“How do you know her?” Bucky asks. The teen sheepishly shrugs.
“She started sending me advice on how to fix my suits from Instagram.”
FRIDAY’s voice echoed over the speakers. “Boss, something’s entered the atmosphere in lower Manhattan.”
Tony curses under his breath. “Shit, okay. We’ve gotta split up.”
“Okay, normally I’m all for your plans, but that seems like a horrible idea,” Sam says.
“We don’t have any other choice. You go to Wakanda, Thor and his crew can head into space to recruit any help we can get, and we’ll stay and handle this,” the billionaire says, gesturing to himself, Peter, and the sorcerers.
A knot forms in your gut. “And if it’s Thanos?”
No one responds. It’s a real possibility that none of you want to think about.
“Then we’ll hold him off until you get there.”
The quinjet has never flown faster. A quick call to T’Challa and Shuri meant that you were rushing off the plane the moment you arrived, before the princess grabbed Bucky, Steve, and you.
“Come with me. I have an upgrade for that outdated arm of yours,” she calls.
“Is there time?” the brunet asks. Entering her lab, dozens of doctors hurry over. Bucky grabs yours and Steve’s hands, unsure of how to navigate this.
“It’ll be okay,” Steve assures. You nod, following as they lay him down on a table.
They’re unbelievably quick as they work, a hologram providing a view into everything going on. Within minutes, he’s gone under and they’ve started removing the heavy titanium.
Shuri herself carefully implants a new base for the arm, which clicks into place with little trouble. That’s when you see the arm.
It’s gold and black, crafted with careful detail but still bulky enough to balance out. You lift it gently, finding the weight to be much lighter than the old one. Vibranium.
Doctors take the arm from you with knowing smiles, precisely but swiftly locking it in place.
When he sits up minutes later, you hold your breath.
Flexing the new hand, Bucky stares in awe at the prosthetic.
“I… I can feel again.”
He reaches for you and Steve, and can’t believe it when he can truly feel your wings with his left hand. The sensation isn’t perfect, but he’ll take it over the cold, unfeeling HYDRA arm any day.
“What’s it like?” Steve asks, holding Bucky’s face with one hand.
A voice calls from the door.
“As cute as you three are, we’ve gotta hurry.” Nat holds up a projection. “Tony says Thanos isn’t in Manhattan.”
The rest of the group is hurrying in behind her, guiding Vision onto the operating table as Shuri prepares for a much more difficult procedure.
“The structure is polymorphic,” she comments.
Bruce nods. “Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially.”
“Why didn’t you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?” You don’t understand what they’re saying, but by the look on Bruce’s face, she’s made an excellent point.
“… Because we didn’t think of it.”
The girl purses her lips to hide a smile. “I’m sure you did your best.”
Wanda and Shuri begin to discuss the complications of the procedure, but you wander to the window. It’s too perfect. The sky is dappled with clouds and Wakanda is going on as normal as possible with the impending disaster looming on the horizon.
Right on cue, Sam’s voice rings through your earpiece.
“Hey, Cap, we got a situation here.”
You watch as a vessel crashes into the protective shield that surrounds the city, blowing up and leaving no damage.
“Don’t start celebrating yet. We got more incoming outside the dome,” Rhodey groans.
Fire blazes into view as more ships crash into the earth. You feel your heart rate increase.
“It’s too late, we need to destroy the stone now,” Vision says. The look on Wanda’s face is enough for you to shake your head.
“Get your ass back on that table,” you press.
T’Challa nods. “We will hold them off.”
Steve turns to the anxious Sokovian. “Wanda, as soon as that stone’s out of his head, you blow it to hell.”
“I will.”
You soar above dozens of hovering vehicles as the aliens approach the barrier. It’s hard to get a clear view of the enemy, but below you, you can clearly spot Bruce in the Hulkbuster and Nat, Bucky, and Steve on a carrier. Beside you, Rhodey and Sam scope out the area.
One small disadvantage of your abilities. Flight comes naturally. No tech. No heat scanners or AI. No extra help. Just your powers and your wings.
At the tree line, one huge alien and one smaller one stop. The Wakandan forces fall into formation, and you watch from the air as Nat, Steve, and T’Challa go to face the two.
No surprise, it goes horribly. The crash-landed ships open, and you can make out hundreds of ugly, dog-like aliens barreling through the forest.
You land next to your boys just in time to hear Bucky mumble, “What the hell?”
“Looks like we pissed her off,” Nat mumbles.
“They’re killing themselves,” Okoye whispers in horror. She’s right. Only a few make it through the barrier before being immediately killed. The rest are sliced by the force field.
Bucky shoots down some and Bruce fires lasers while the Wakandans take out the rest.
At your side, you twist your hands. It’s been months since you’ve used your powers. Partly out of fear, but also as a way to forget all of the memories that came with them.
While you worry, one alien makes it through Bucky’s rain of gunfire, jumping towards you with a slavering mouth full of yellowed teeth.
Quick as ever, you swing out your hand, and the burst of light is so potent that it disintegrates on contact.
“Well, good to know that that still works,” Steve says, arm still raises from where he went to defend you. Twin shields are mounted on his wrists, with razor-sharp points.
“Cap, of these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us,” Bruce begins. “There’s nothing between them and Vision.
“Then we better keep ‘em in front of us,” Steve replies.
“How are we supposed to do that?” you ask. It’s not like you can tell them where to go.
T’Challa swallows. “We open the barrier.” He lifts a hand to his earpiece before you can protest. “On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen.”
“This will be the end of Wakanda,” a man you don’t quite recognize says.
Okoye doesn’t hesitate. “Then it will be the noblest ending in history.”
Glancing to Steve and Bucky, then back to the barrier, you inhale sharply. “To the end of the line?”
“To the end of the line.”
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maplesunflowers · 1 year
Hey.... what's ur fave internet horror series/project/etc
Or the one u think is like the best thought-out slash most intriguing
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Thank you Corvus for allowing me to finally info dump on one of my most special of interests. Love you Bby 🥺💕
Ironically I made a whole ass Tik Tok a while ago listing my faves too lol
First up, EverymanHYBRID. This might be a hot take, but despite Slenderman’s reputation nowadays, I still think Slenderverse series are GOOD and I will die on that hill. While everyone sees Marble Hornets as the superior Slenderman series, I have always preferred EMH. The story was way more interesting and Evan, Vinny, and Jeff were way more likable protagonists that you genuinely wanted to see everything work out for them, which is why is was so heartbreaking when things didn’t. Plus, as cringy as HABIT maybe seen today, he’s still a super fun villain. He’s just evil for evil’s sake, he doesn’t care if these are people’s lives he’s destroying, he’s going have fun!
This Is My Milwaukee isn’t necessarily horror in the sense you’re thinking, but I love showing it to people and watching their reaction. This video was the trailhead to an ARG that’s now defunct, but honestly I still think the video stands on it’s own as a weird little video to show your friends. 
Possibly in Michigan is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos in general. I found it when the audio from PiM went viral on Tik Tok a few years back and instantly few in love with its surreal style. The Perfume Song and Animal Cannibal live in my head rent free. 
This House has People in It is another surreal trip I adore. I just love that it’s something you need to rewatch multiple times to catch everything that’s going on, plus the fact that there’s hours of extra hidden content on the “security” website that adds to the world building and story of this family. 
Sexygirlmax2019/ Hey Peabrain, You Teleport? Is so underrated and I wish more people talked about it. It’s one of the few Tumblr ARGs and it was made by two 15 year olds, which is SO impressive to me that two teenagers pulled off such an amazing ARG that had a satisfying ending when a lot of companies who’s LITERAL JOB IS MAKING ARGS can’t manage to do that. 
Hi I’m Mary Mary is just a gold standard. The story is engaging, and the EDITING, THE EDITING IS SO GOOD! Honestly the editing my favorite thing about the series, it’s just god tier. But the story is just as amazing as the editing, you feel for Mary’s struggles against her monsters and want to see her win and escape the house she’s trapped in. 
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park isn’t going be for everyone (especially if you’re someone who isn’t good with body horror) but I love the idea for weird stuff going on in a National Park and it surprises me that you don’t see a lot of stuff playing with that idea. I love the idea of this weird, eldritch creature being found and of course humans first thought goes to Capitalism. 
Vita Carnis is another body horror series that won’t be for everyone. This series has managed to do the impossible and has made my desensitized ass absolutely paranoid over their FUCKING MIMICS!!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY, FUCK THE MIMICS SO HARD!!!! I BOTH LOVE AND HATE THEIR EXECUTION SO MUCH!!!!! IT’S SO WELL DONE, IT’S DOING WONDERS FOR MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!
The Ningen is actually made by the same person who made the Monument Mythos series, tho I don’t believe it’s a spinoff. It follows a lot of lore surrounding the cryptid while also making it its own thing as well. The Ningen has always been one of my favorite cryptids but since there’s not a lot to it’s backstory no one ever seems to do anything with it, so it’s REALLY nice to see this obscure cryptid get some love.
Echo Rose/Nettlebrook actually stars the same person from Daisy Brown (another series I love) but wasn’t made by her, it was made by her cousin. Echo Rose is really funny and it makes you feel like you’re just watching someone’s vlogs, but in the background a mystery is unraveling with a missing girl. 
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seijorhi · 2 years
i am a rhi idolizer
you deserve whatever you need and want in life. what do you need from Me?
i am having the hardest of times trying to formulate my thoughts because when I try to comment on something, i just end up reading the whole fic again and again. i have to tell you—oikawa isn’t even my favorite character (it’s kuroo!), but your characterization of him is so utterly brilliant that i come back for more. you already knowwww how i feel about your characterization, but what really stood out to me for this specific fic is how deeply layered everything is? how you were able to present two conflicting emotions, yet weave everything together so seamlessly? oikawa’s duality — how he presents himself as the almost too perfect husband and father all the while having complete control and forcing the reader into a horrible situation. how the reader feels about hatori — both trying her best to care for the boy, but also having those moments where she can’t help but resent him for getting her into this situation in the first place. not to mention her own feelings towards oikawa — recognizing he destroyed her life, but admitting to herself that under all that, she probably loves him too. hating her own daughter; calling her a parasite, but also her child being the reason she has the courage to leave. you’re too much.. you’re too much rhi!! seriously, you’re an actual genius and i hope you’re doing amazing in life. if not, i will personally fight your demons. just lmk.
GRR i just wish she brought hatori along with her. yes, he’s oikawa’s son… and yes, a part of her blames him for all this.. but Also, she knows how oikawa will raise him. how the abuse and isolation wouldn’t stop with her :(( oh poor baby, he really deserves the world. sweet boy
sorry for this long message, i could go much longer but i’ll spare you from my wailing. i love you. thank you so much for writing this and shattering the bar.
p.s. that little hermit crab fact made me giggle and added some warmth into this sadness - 🐦
sorry for the long message, she says, as if this ask isn't sending me to another plane ghfjdkfvhbfjdkls I LOVE YOU!!
also you're just gonna come in and drop the fact that kUROO is your fave?? ma'am?!??! honestly i miss writing for kuroo he was one of my first hq loves, it's been over a year y'all have been so patient over this kuroo drought.
but yeah, this one definitely has a whole lot of mixed emotions. poor reader loves her kids so much but :((
and hatori, okay first of he is the cutest i know i wrote him but he is the most adorable little 2.5 year old and i would fight the world for him. the reader would too. it kills her to leave him behind, but running away on her own is one thing. oikawa can go to the police and file a missing person's report and all the officers would take it Very Seriously (but she's probably just mad at a fight you guys had they're sure she'll be back soon).
running off with his son would be kidnapping, and going to the police with that is a whooole other story. in the meantime though, poor hatori's gonna bear the brunt of oikawa's shall we say 'issues' until he gets his wifey back. sweet bby boy won't be out of his sight for a minute.
also the hermit crab thing?? i don't think y'all realise how often i have to stop myself from dropping stupid weird little facts into all of my fics. i saw this opportunity to share my hermit crab knowledge and was like :)) perfect :)) bhvjfkdlfjhvgjfkdl
but ahh i'm so glad you liked it babe!!! i love you, you're wonderful, i am sending you ALL the kisses <33 enjoy the rest of your weekend my love!
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mindyourownbiscuitss · 9 months
I also think it's important to remember, as you pointed out, that the writing of her exciting the show was a mess and quick was because Darrick was hoping to keep her beyond season 6. She was nice enough to come back for an episode in the later seasons but that was it. The writers did what they thought was best in how they choose to move forward with Matt and who he moved on with. Which I thought was done respectfully for all characters involved because not once did I see any bashing going on. Matt and Sylvie even stayed apart from one another for as long as they did because of G@bby.
This is where I think makes a big difference in why they are choosing to write the following exits for Jesse and Kara. Monica has moved on and doesn't want to come back, i respect her choice but she has said she's done with CF, so there's no point in keeping her storyline going. Jesse has said he's open to coming back after his exit as proven last season so that leaves Matt's character's storyline still open in the CF world. I think he's also agreed to come back to help up tie Sylvie's exit so that's why we get a proposal (and hopeful wedding).
Yup. I mean the cracks were already forming before season 6 with D@wsey. Season 6 just cranked it up to 10. @jenscommentary said it best:
"Gabby was a great character. It’s not that Gabby is a villain. She just is who she is and she wasn’t going change for anyone. That’s great for her, but it’s not really conducive to a good marriage. She was right when she said “It used to be the thing you loved about me,” and it was—until she loaded the gun and started aiming it at him."
The only other option the writers had to not destroy what remained of D@wsey was to kill Gabby off, but Haas wanted to leave to it open for Gabby to return if Monica ever wanted to come back. Fair enough. I would have hated that for Casey, btw. To lose Hallie and Gabby to death would have been too much.
Also, agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Kara and Jesse pop in sometimes, especially when we know for sure the show is in it's last season, and that's why we're getting this storyline. My theory is we're getting the Chexton exit and it honestly fits for the Chicago guy and the girl who made Chicago her home.
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anonymoose314 · 2 years
Timelines - Part 1
First off, I really enjoyed both Rogue One and Andor and truly believe they are both exceptional examples of storytelling.
My singular issue with Andor was the retcon-ing of previously established canon. Reason being, continuity is really important to maintaining suspension of disbelief. The story is cheapened without it as it feels like the creators are just making it up as they go along (for financial reasons) rather than telling the story 'as it happened'.
In light of this, here are some of my headcanons which I have told myself in order to reconcile Rogue One and Andor in my head, with minimal conflict to either. Plus some extra ones cause I got carried away with the world-building and the characters 😁.
- Cassian was born on Fest (a planet in the neighbouring system to Kenari) in ~26 BBY to Elena and Felix Jeron and named Cassian Jeron
- Kerri Jeron was born 3 years later, in 21BBY.
- When Kerri was learning to talk she could not pronounce 'Cassian' entirely so nicknamed her big brother 'Kassa' which caught on quickly with the rest of their family and friends
- Elena was a Librarian and archivist whose life's work was in preserving and sharing knowledge from all cultures and sources as she believed that education and learning from history was necessary for any improvement to society
- Elena shared her love of stories and books with both her children from babyhood. She would sit with Cassian every evening after long and stressful days at work, and read to and with him
- after Kerri was born, Felix would hold his daughter while sitting in an old, but very comfortable green rocking chair in front of the fireplace while Elena and Cassian would sit together on the sofa. Sometimes the children would be held by the other parent for storytime, but Felix had badly damaged his back at work when Cassian was a toddler and often struggled to lift him without pain as he grew heavier. Regardless of the arrangement, storytime never started until everyone was settled, so no one missed any pages.
- towards the end of the clone wars everything with the riots is pretty much consistent with previous texts including the death of Felix Jeron at Carida Academy (where he was studying in order to change careers to one that did not as much lifting and manual labour due to the damage to his back)
- Cassian was found in the aftermath by a family friend and brought home
- The community became concerned that the republic and separatist forces would destroy their knowledge and heritage (intentionally or accidentally in the fighting) so Elena was assigned/volunteered to create copies of as much of the history, stories, wisdom and learnings of the ~500 years of Festian colonisation (the planet's people having originally discovered Fest as Kenari explorers, Kenari being both the name of the planet and the race of people) to take along with the transport ships and many of the citizens (especially children) to Kenari. The thought process was that Kenari had a larger population with which to protect the information and the children, whereas Fest was a series of small villages and one large town with a university, hospital and library and small spaceport. With only one really traversable path between all the villages and the town (located at the bottom a large mountain range) the Festians knew that the colony was largely indefensible and realised early on that their most precious and vulnerable would need to seek refuge on Kenari, should the war reach Fest.
- the plan had been for a series of 'cargo' transports to leave Fest as citizens were barred from leaving by the separatist forces (so they could be used as living shields if necessary) and the republic bureaucracy was such that application for refuge (especially from a separatist-aligned state) was virtually impossible.
- most families planned to have one parent leave with their children and family-knowledge (books, recipes, maps, written accounts, holos etc) while the other parent and remaining family stayed behind to fight and defend their homes and (in some cases) 20 generations of life's work.
- the transport that Elena was taking belonged to the same friend who rescued Cassian after Felix died and was to be loaded with the copied datacores from the library as well as rations and other supplies and was to ferry the Jerons as well as five other families to safety on Kenari. Elena was able to smuggle both her children and all the datacores onto the transport successfully (with the help of some individuals who would become the Festian Resistance) but received an emergency message from one of the other families saying they would not be able to make it. Elena refused to leave them behind, and hugged and kissed her children goodbye just in case, before leaving the transport to help the others. Her last words to Cassian and Kerri were: 'Whatever happens, I love you more than all the stars, your papa does too, and we will all be together again one day. Look after each other, be brave and above all, be kind.'
- Cassian watched through the window of the transport as his mother left, the remaining families boarded silently and in the dead of night and then as the last group approached the hanger with only the starlight to guide them. Cassian didn't see what happened but blaster fire broke out and the refugees appeared to be caught between republic and separatist forces. Elena appeared, running towards the transport with one of the other children in her arms, limping slightly from a blaster burn to her leg. She was close enough to look up at Cassian through the window one last time before a stray blaster bolt caught her in the back and another almost simultaneously hit the nearby fuel cannisters, engulfing the hanger in flames.
-the pilot fought back his own tears of grief and sorrow for his lost friends but knew he had a duty to protect his charges and took off for Kenari, dodging cannon fire on his way to the upper atmosphere. Despite his best efforts, the ship was damaged but still spaceworthy as they left Fest's orbit and he set coordinates for one of two short jumps to Kenari.
- After the first jump, the ship was in poor shape and the pilot was not confident it would survive the second so, now a safe distance from Fest, he activated the emergency transponder, which broadcast to all nearby ships requesting assistance
- unfortunately, the transponder was detected by a ship of particularly vicious pirates who docked onto the crippled refugee ship and attempted to board. All the adults except the pilot, who was trying to handle the situation from the cockpit, gathered at the docking port in defensive formation. In the subsequent fight, the docking tube was damaged, soon after which it ruptured completely, sending all the remaining combatants (pirate and refugee) into open space.
Despite the critical damage to his ship, the pilot was able to crash land on the surface of Kenari, near a large lake, but the cockpit took most of the damage due to its placement at the front of the ship upon descent. The pilot knew he would die on impact but did it anyway, saving his young charges one last time.
-many of the children had superficial injuries from the crash, but had gathered in the tiny escape pod on the pilot's instructions, which he launched in the opposite direction to the ship's trajectory, successfully reducing the velocity they would impact with to ultimately safe limits as one final act of brilliance, duty and love.
-the nine children, bruised, heartbroken and exhausted as they were, were found by a small group of teens, the scouting party of the Lakeside Clan. They were shepherded to the main camp where the injuries were treated as far as possible and they were accepted into the larger group.
- All children on Fest were at least bilingual -- learning Kenari Proper and the Festian Dialect from their earliest years. Galactic Basic was taught mostly from 'secondary school' equivalent as it broadened opportunities for tertiary education and scholarship. The Kenari language had evolved somewhat, especially the 'common' version but all Kenari children learnt Kenari Proper as well (in order to read, write and speak in official documents and forums such as universities, legislation and court proceedings) where Kenari Common was more like another derivative dialect and evolution of colloquialisms. For this reason, the Festian children could understand and be understood quite clearly in their new home though they continued to speak Festian among each other to preserve their own memories and stories, and as a comfort.
- two years later, the Republic had reformed into the Empire and the separatist movement seemed to have dissolved, but this fact was not broadcast to mid and outer rim planets which had no official affiliation or senate representation during the war (including Ferrix and Kenari) in an attempt to reduce panic and widespread protest (as was later seen on Ferrix when Imperial forces arrived) until the Empire's might could be solidified. This is why Bee, Maarva and Clem referred to the downed and incoming ship as 'Republic' (that being the official designation for the region) despite the clearly Imperial design and operational choices (cold blooded murder and such) which had become increasing violent and intolerant in the months since the reformation. Though the citizens did not have the name, they certainly noticed the difference (the republic having once been a firm, steady --if highly bureaucratic-- but mostly fair and just authority, now displaying cruelty and carnage apparently for the sake of power alone).
- In 16 BBY (nearly 3 years after Palpatine became emperor):
Maarva and Clem Andor were a couple of salvagers of 43 and 45 standard years old, respectively.
-They had both grown up on Ferrix and had been best friends since early childhood, as their respective older sisters became best friends on the first day of school.
They continued to be just friends as they grew up, each with aspirations to leave Ferrix temporarily to study abroad, having both been awarded fairly rare scholarships to study at the Naboo Academy of Sciences. Clem had deferred his own acceptance to go alongside Maarva who, despite being younger, was particularly brilliant and tenacious and had planned to study at NAS since she was twelve years old, just like her older sister who was, at the time, studying tirelessly for her own acceptance. (Due to the social structure laid out under the PreOx corporation, most citizens did not finish standard schooling until age 25 as they were expected to work a near full-time job in addition to their studies, in order to support themselves and their families from early teens)
These plans were brutally disrupted just after Maarva's own graduation and acceptance (a much celebrated event) by the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo. Both Maarva and Clem's sisters were killed during the incursion and the NAS temporarily rescinded all scholarships as it attempted to rebuild after being near completely destroyed during the occupation.
At the resolution of the Invasion of Naboo, all students who were originally promised places at NAS were guaranteed entry to the courses to be held five or more years later (on the logic that rebuilding would be mostly completed by then).
Maarva and Clem's plans changed after that, they decided to work together and save money like crazy so that a decade from their original planned commencement, they could both support themselves (and their families) while studying. It was a good plan, and evolved into them going into business together as salvagers, working hard, living frugally and sharing their dreams as they had always done. They did not become a couple until they were 30 and 28 respectively, but that is a story for another time. Suffice to say, their sisters both would have laughed uproariously as they had been betting on such an outcome many years previously -- and the echoes of their joy always did seem to smile down from their places on the Wall.
- In an exceptionally ironic and cruel twist of fate, Maarva and Clem's plans to study were delayed yet again as the Separatist Crisis began and war raged across the galaxy. As a colony settlement and trade planet, Ferrix had no particular official allegiance as it did not have representation in any form of a senate (one of the reasons the PreOx corporation got away with so much) and this kept them sheltered from most of the fighting although the economy and standards of living still suffered woefully.
-The younger generation especially was forced to take increasingly risky jobs to provide for their families and keep the heating on through the icy Ferrix winter.
-Maarva and Clem were much adored through town especially in the years after their own parents passed as they put their own dreams on hold (never forgotten, just delayed) to support others in need within their community. Despite living very frugally themselves, they were two of the most generous souls, well known for providing food and shelter and a place on the sofa for anyone who came to them in need. They welcomed people without judgement or reservation and asked only that the 'debt' be paid forward whenever the unfortunate soul was able. They never locked the door, even when they were away on salvaging trips, incase someone needed a safe and sheltered place to stay. No one ever took advantage of this trust in any negative way.
- As busy as they were, working and contributing to the community especially through the Daughters and Honor Guard (in universe version of CWA and Men's Shed, with both being open to any gender and species equivalent although the vast majority of (humanoid) members did join the organisation which matched their sex assigned at birth), any thoughts of a family of their own sort of just...slipped. But by the end of the Separatist Crisis they both realised that despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, it was likely a case of 'now or never' and they decided to stop being quite so careful and just ... see what happened.
- A couple of years later, after tracking a 'Republic' (Imperial) ship to the tropical planet Kenari, they found a young boy, perhaps 8 years old, in the wreckage. Realising that he belonged to the group that had killed the officer outside the ship, and taking into account the inexplicable penchant for needless violence that the Republic forces had displayed of late, they knew that the child, if left alone, would likely be the first casualty of the bloodbath that was surely coming just minutes away.
They, along with their trusty droid companion Bee, took what haul they could carry, sedated the frightened boy and legged it back to their ship. As they took off for Ferrix, Maarva looked back to the child, confused and drowsy as he was waking, and gave a small, sad smile. Realised that her actions would change both their lives forever.
- It took a couple of days to find a translation subroutine compatible with Bee or their datapads at the refueling outpost halfway between Kenari and Ferrix which enabled effective, if stunted, verbal communication with the boy. Maarva and Clem caught each others eyes in horror and guilt as little Cassian was finally able to articulate to them why he was so distraught -- he had a younger sister back on Kenari. His responsibility to take care of her, he said. He promised mama, he said. The Andors raced back to Kenari, heedless of the risk, stopping only to refuel on the way. Little Cassian took their hands, having come to trust and seek comfort from the two warm and caring adults, especially once the language barrier was addressed. He lead them to the campsite by the lake. Maarva and Clem were wary, knowing that something terrible had most likely occurred in their absence and unwilling to have Cassian witness the result. They had no way of finding the camp or its people without him however, and no will to prevent him from trying to find his sister.
When they reached the camp, all that remained were smouldering ruins, blasterfire scars littering the rocks and trees. But thankfully no bodies.
Realising what had happened, little Cassian collapsed to his knees, silent tears streaming down his face. He staggered to his feet and ran across the clearing, systematically checking every nook and cranny, searching every branch of every tree, yelling for Kerri. Begging that she had found somewhere to hide. That they hadn't found her. She was small and quick and clever. She must be ok. Hours later, as nightfall rapidly approached, the exhausted child gave in. Kerri was not here. The monsters in hard shells with no faces had taken her and the others someplace else. Somewhere far away from her brother and their Clan.
The little boy walked slowly back towards the big man who knelt down as he approached. Cassian collapsed into Clem as sobs finally escaped his tiny form, tears hidden as he burrowed into the corner of Clem's shoulder and neck.
The three exhausted humans and one tired droid, his battery drained from constant scanning over the past several hours, stayed for a few minutes more until the sobs gave way to sniffles and the boy quietly, haltingly asked to leave the miserable remains of his former home.
- Cassian barely relinquished his grip on Clem's jacket for the entire week-long trek back to Ferrix, immediately latching back onto either him or Maarva as quickly as humanly possible
-By the time they reached Ferrix, and despite being near catatonic for most of the journey, Cassian could ask for Clem and Maarva and indicate a variety of other basic necessities such as hungry, thirsty, cold, tired.
As they landed in the shipyard, Cassian began to show more interest in his surroundings --fascinated by the wide open plains and the mountains made of scrap and metallic debris as opposed to the trees or rock and snow of either of his previous homes.
- Maarva and Clem forged the documents and told anyone who asked that Cassian had been born on Fest and left any mention of Kenari out to distance him and themselves from being potential witnesses to the destruction on Kenari and painting targets on their backs
- They never stopped searching for any mention of Kenari and it's children however, with Bee devoting much of his time and energy to discreetly sifting through public networks and restricted Imperial channels for any hint that may lead to finding Kerri and the others. Every possible lead was chased down in the old hauler to no avail and despite increasing financial difficulties.
- Over the next few years, Cassian Jeron Andor became known as the shy but curious little boy who followed either Clem, Maarva or Bee anywhere they went. Once his Basic improved, he attended school with the other children in town and became close friends with Bix Caleen. While still shy and quiet, he had an excellent brave face and did not back down from any challenge, physical or intellectual -- proving himself to be incredibly intelligent and reserved but cheeky and confident when the situation required it or when he was comfortable around his family and close friends.
- One of those friends was Brasso, a boy seven years Cassian's senior at nearly 16 when first they met. Brasso was the son of close family friends of the Andors and was seen as a nephew by Clem and Maarva who were also to be his designated guardians should any harm befall his parents.
Brasso always saw Cassian as more of a baby brother than a cousin and adored and protected him as such from the moment they met.
In fact, it was Brasso who was the original owner of Cassian's beloved toy bantha. Maarva and Clem had found the materials and stitched it together as a gift and a comfort object for their best friends' newborn son. After meeting Cassian for the first time, Brasso realised that the Andors now had a son of their own and gifted his much-loved Barny the Bantha (well-worn from years of cuddles as he was) back to Maarva to give to little Cass.
- While Cassian was learning Basic, he and Brasso developed their own hand-speak to communicate which they continued to use many years later when talking was too loud, intense or demanding. Cass would use some of the same signs with Clem and Maarva at times when speaking verbally was difficult as well.
- Cassian was 14 when the Empire came to Ferrix and killed Clem. He was imprisoned for 3 years after attacking the garrison in grief and retaliation, taking down 4 sentries, 6 other stormtroopers and 3 officers before being caught
- When he arrived home at 17, Cassian's untempered rage had distilled into icy fury and he had learned to compartmentalise his emotions, shutting down when they became too overwhelming and rarely letting anyone see beyond the protective facade. Maarva, Bix and Brasso became the exceptions to this but even opening up to them was rare.
- A year later, on a salvaging mission a long way from home, Maarva and Cassian entered the unsteady remains of a long since downed Republic cruiser. While they were inside, one of the rusty support beams gave way and a section of the structure fell. Maarva reacted instantly, shoving her now grown child out of harm's way, but was too late to move herself as well. As the structure collapsed, Maarva was caught, her leg crushed and several ribs and other bones broken. Cassian and Bee worked tirelessly to free her but by the time they made it to the tiny, ill-resourced medical centre at the closest outpost there was nothing they could do to prevent the damage to her organs or properly fix her leg without an even greater risk of death during the surgery.
Cassian left Bee to look after the ship and stayed by Maarva's bedside the entire week she was in the hospital, barely leaving (at her insistence) to shower and eat. While he kept a lonely vigil, Cass recalled the many nights Maarva and Clem had stayed awake, coaxing him back to sleep with their gentle voices and warm arms as he woke with nightmares so terrible no child should have to face.
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the-darklings · 5 years
Vipress really out here betraying John...what a gal she is, Santi would be proud. He be reacting like that one Mushu gif, haha. and, when do you think you'll plan to have part 7 out? can we get a sneak peek?
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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magicresteda · 4 years
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you would kill your own family?                                                                   𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒆
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Feeding off the anon with the idea of what if reader had to do whatever was requested of them, via a curse of some kind...
What if they wanted to be like that?
What if, instead of a curse, it's something they grew up doing so they do it bc it feels right to them
Let's take... Iruma Suzuki from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun ! For an example
Person A, in Readers childhood: please do (task) for me
Reader, seeing it as a way of gaining the affection they crave: okay!
And it just devolves from fhere
And so they feel guilty whenever they either can't do it or just
Someone says they don't need their assistance
"eh..? But I'm capable of doing it.."
So I'm basically asking for an iruma-esque reader/ pushover! Reader
..perhaps I'm projecting a lil bit, but eh-
I find it a curious concept ~
[coughs in trauma]
There's going to be blood.
Whoever dared to teach their God that they had to lower themself like that? They should have been taught how high above simple minded folk they are. That some foolish being would even think of such a thing...
I'm not sure how many of the cultists realize the whole nurture over nature thing but expect lots of therapy and reassurances. Some of your acolytes, should you think as such, might choose to bring up your insistence that Noelle or Jean take breaks and not destroy themselves for the minor help to others.
Just so much reassurance about how much your existence does.
Some of them might borderline rip you away from tasks.
Others see how it makes you happy to help and might try to redirect the energy or reframe your view point.
God help Noelle, she'd definitely try to take over any tasks you try to take on "like a good maid should!" bby no you already do so much!!
If it really upsets you to not help, which it probably does, I'm sure they'll put together some tasks for you to do! Spoiler alert, many of them are relaxation in disguise.
"Your Grace, would you be willing to sample my cooking?" Noelle or Xiangling request
"I'm hoping to find some new titles to read, I would love it if you could accompany me, Your Grace" Xingqiu offers
"Would you like to walk with me on my break?" Jean asks
Little things that still mean the world to them. They feel so selfish at times, taking advantage of your kind and loving nature.
This was super rambly but I hope it was still good
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elliebean714 · 2 years
Through The Years
Edward Nashton x Wayne!F!Reader
Angst, Some Fluff
Diversion From Canon
Summary~ Edward And Y/N Reunite At Her Graduation
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9
An~ ITS BACK BITCHES!! Lawrdy, I love this man 😭✋💕 yh that's right, I called him man. He's not a bby anymore🥲 this is short 🎵I don't care🎵
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<8 Years Ago>
<24 Years Old>
You finally finished college. You were graduating today. You were so proud of yourself for your achievement. But the only thing on your mind was Edward. Over the last five years you had grown so much as a person and you couldn't wait to see him again. You tried to call him after the news of the orphanage fire, but he never picked up. You tried to keep in contact as much as you could over the last five years, but he never responded.
As much as it hurt you, you understood why. He never took well to change, but the break up destroyed him a lot more than you expected. You could only hope that he would attend your ceremony.
Edward received all of your messages, but he never had the courage to respond. You broke up with him because you wanted to be better, and because you wanted him to be better. So he had to wait until he was better to talk to you. It hurt him so much, but he'd wait as long as it took, if it ment he could hold you in his arms again.
He got the invitation you sent him to your graduation. He despised the thought of attending such a thing, he had an idea of the people who'd be there and it made him feel vile to think about being in the same room as those people. But he loved you so much he'd do anything to see you again.
So here he sat, at the back of the crowded auditorium, waiting for you, as other privileged pricks walked on first. Edward looked around impatiently, feeling jittery. He needed to see you. It'd been so long since he'd seen you.
He heard your name and his head snapped towards the stage. There you were, the world slowed, your ethereal beauty stunned him, for a moment, he felt like he was seeing you for the first time again. Still, after five years of pain, and 'growing' you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He was broken out of his trance once he felt heavy tears flowing from his eyes, but he never dared to take his gaze off you, scared that if he did, you'd disappear again.
The lights were too bright, you couldn't identify anyone in the audience, you kept your wide smile, silently hoping that you could catch a small glance of the light brown hair and wide frame glasses of the man you loved.
You saw your brother, your father figure, a lot of other wealthy people down at the front. You knew he wouldn't be there, but the further you looked the faces became too hard too see. You just had to hope he was there, you needed to talk to him.
You caught Edward trying to leave.
"Hey Ed!" You called out to him, reaching out. He heard your angelic voice, slowly turning to face you. "I'm so happy to see you!" You squealed excitedly, wrapping him in your arms. He blushed hard. This was all he'd wanted, to be with you, in your arms, he wrapped his arms around you back.
"Hi Y/N." Edward smiled bashfully.
"I really missed you!" You hugged him tighter.
"I missed you too." He quickly blinked away tears.
"How've you been?" You step back, smiling brightly, your smile falters once you see his hurt expression.
"I missed you." He cries into your shoulder, you have a moment of surprise, then begin comforting him, running a hand down his back and rake your fingers through his hair. "I really missed you."
"It's okay, it's okay! We're together again. We can hang out again. We're still best friends right?"
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Requests Always Open 💕
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
Heyoooo I know you get a lot of bsd requests but um mind if I make one 🥺👉👈
Headcannons for the bsd characters of your choice getting their wisdom teeth removed?
Feel free to trash this if you feel, after all you're already blessing us with your presence on this godforsaken app 💘✨
❥ Bsd Characters their wisdom teeth removed
Includes: Chuuya and Dazai
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A/N: AHHH I LOVE YOU 💕 I hope you like this dear! 🥺💖 I hope you don’t mind- I picked my top two of BSD men 👉 also sorry this is late 😔
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Dazai Osamu:
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The clingiest of them all
In public and in private
“Y/N LEMME KISS YOU!” But obviously muffled
The sedation anesthesia is sure doing some work
Like he will keep on rambling about how you are so cute and so lovely
“You know pretty person, Y/N is really adorable.”
Yes he doesn’t recognize you at first and just calls you ‘pretty person’
“She is so loveable and sweet, makes me wanna keep holding her and protect her from this piece of shit of a world.”
Will hold your hand while talking cause he knows how your hand feels like
And no it’s not creepy
But when he looks up to your face he will be like “I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND YOU CANT JUST TOUCH ME LIKE THAT >:(“
Dazai bby you initiated it
So like basically
His inner simp is out
Even more than it already was
For some reason he insists on going to the agency
You wonder why but then the answer becomes as bright as day when you see talking Kunikida’s ear off
While Kida is one second away from making Dazai a dead man of a pancake 🥰
Save your boyfriend cutie
at home he will just stick to you like glue
He will be a dumbass and try nuzzling into your chest only to realize again that he has shit in his mouth and that it’s hurting him like a bitch
Maybe things from his past might slip out of his mouth
Might just might get emotional and tell you about how thankful he is to have you in his life 🥺
When the sedation’s effect goes away
You have blackmail
Dazai might play it off as a joke or like he doesn’t care
But if you threaten to show it anyone he will be on his knees begging you to not ruin his reputation
“Mature what now?”
*starts dancing to a song*
My phone: why the fuck you lying why you always lying?
Chuuya Nakahara:
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Y/N please control this crazy man
He will literally destroy anything and everything if you don’t
You were there through the process while holding his hand when the doctor was doing the magic
Chuuya was calm and was just clinging to your hand
When you walked out to get water however
You heard multiple screams from the room Chuuya was in (´⊙ω⊙`)
Chuuya threw everyone out of the room with gravity manipulation in the name of loving and wanting you
“Wanted you >:(“
Now Soft chuuya is in the house
“Y/n cuddles. Please.”
Just wants you to remind him that you love him
“Even with my cotton?”
Yes chuuya
You can take pictures of this and yay another man to blackmail him cause damn being superior is nice
This is some good tea and he will probably throw your ass to the oblivion even if he loves you
Don’t make him touch the kitchen tho
He is usually a good cook
but he will burn the house to ashes if he tries to even make an omelette
“sorry bubby, wanted to make you some :(“
When the sedation cause away is when he will just fully let his inner gremlin out
“Look woman I love you but I won’t hesitate to break your phone.”
Tell him you did this because he looked cute and not because of blackmail
He then will just blush and curse you for making his heart flutter easily
Send them to Tachihara
He will show the whole mafia
And Chuuya will commit arson
After teaching you a lesson though
I will let you wonder what type of lesson ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Playing Genshin (TWST Octatrio)
Jade Leech
This smug heathen
He is smug as hell-
Honestly I cannot understand myself-
Why I think his gacha pull luck is insane-
He pulls three 5 STARS ON THE FIRST PULL
“Oya oya? I gotten Zhongli, Diluc and...oh! Perfect! A C5 Qiqi! Hmhm~”
Stop flexing-
We get it-
U so lucky
Ok but seriously though-
his team set up is   L E G E N D A R Y
It’s made up of the best 5 stars (and one 4 star) you could think of.
He uses Hu Tao as his Main DPS, Zhongli as his support, Qiqi as his healer and Xingqiu as his sub dps.
I want to believe that Xingqiu was his first ever 4 star that led him to become oh so frickin lucky at every other pull-
And he got attached to him, so-
Co op with him on a date to defeat a Pyro Regisvine while he sits with you on a couch with his head on top of yours,
he slings his arms in front of you and holds his phone, while looking at yours.
He thinks it’s so funny when you pout and complain or just straight up feral rage quit when you lose it about how stupid the pyro regisvines are.
This is now his favorite thing to do after a long day of  chasing idiots down work.
Just relaxing and playing Genshin with his s/o.
So wholesome.
Floyd Leech
He frickin loves this game.
He loves everything about it.
And he wants you to play!
If you already have the app, then he’ll ask you to co op with him!
If you don’t, he’ll ask you to install, and he’ll go into your world to co op with you!
Either way you still play with him-
And I like to think his first 5 star was Klee,
because she’s a cute child that destroys everything
Super fun and chaotic!
And he also uses her as his main dps like Jade does,
just that it doesn’t matter who is good for what role.
So long he likes the character, he puts em on his team
Cmon now Floyd bby
C’ m o n-
Klee is his main dps, Venti is his support (he took his time to grind up primos for this, if he didn’t get Venti, he would rage quit during Venti’s banner-) (he also like Venti cuz he makes him laugh all the time-), Xiangling as his sub dps (Xiangling cooks, she’s cute, but not as cute as you obviously, and he totally gets her weird nature-) and he uses Xinyan as his other support.
No healer
*inhales* FLOYD-
Ok but he stills manages to be pretty good and survive well in the game.
He have you lie on your stomach, while he’s beside you lying on his back on his bed just playing Genshin for hours.
Bonus he brings in the s n a c k s
Super fun playing with him and he doesn’t really get all rage quit mode when you’re beside him.
cuz he’s more happy playing when you’re around <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Sorry man
Ironically and unironically has the worse luck amongst the three.
4 stars EVERYTIME-
Watch him go into a rage quit in his office chair so fcking abruptly.
Ok but we love wholesome Noelle-
He does too, but-
he just salty
He wants Jade’s luck-
his first 5 star was Zhongli-
And the only 5 star he’ll ever get
He tried getting Xiao but only got a shit ton of Beidous and Noelles.
He tried getting Hu Tao but got a shit ton on Xingqius and Chongyuns
He has to REALLY put thought into his team set up.
Benette is his only healer, he got no other healer character which sucks-
Couldn’t even get Jean our boy is sad-
Zhongli is his support, the only thing he’s proud of, Yanfei as his main dps because he likes Yanfei and Xingqiu and literally just completed his constellation for the number of godamn times he gets him.
Sticks with this team, sometimes he uses the actual main team: Traveller (Anemo), Kaeya, Lisa and Amber for the fun of it.
24 hour grind is real my dude-
When he wants to have genshin dates with you, co op with him, expect to see him ask you to roll for him when his desired banner comes out-
He saved up a shit ton of primogems-
he. will. get. the . 5. star. exclusive. 
Co op with him to raid Geovishap, Oceanid, Stormterror and Childe to hear this man rage quit on his bed with you probably laughing your ass off.
ok but jk he thinks Childe is cool-
And he really likes Liyue
Aesthetic and “pay your taxes”
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mango-bango-bby · 4 years
♡ Not a Big Deal ♡
(A/N: No one requested this but I was really inspired by a thirst post I made on my spam soooooo I whipped up this little thing!! Hope you enjoy <3)
Summary: Dabi is horny while away on a trip for the league. So he asks his cute little darling for nudes however you aren’t into it right away (Yan!Dabi x Fem!Reader
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(⚠️Warning: Nudes, NSFW, dubious-consenting of sharing nudes, manipulation, and Dabi being a perv⚠️)
Dabi hates leaving you. He’s always hated leaving to help the league. Yes, he did really want to destroy Endeavor but if Dabi had it his way Endeavor would already be gone and he could spend all day and night with you. So, when hand-man said the league’s next mission was to kill Endeavor, Dabi was over the moon. Except he had to spend about two days away from you.
Dabi’s really bored. He moves his head back to lean against the grimy wall of the motel room, that he threatened the desk lady to give him. Dabi, knowing that he was going to be gone for at least two days, made sure to put out all the things he knew you needed. Dabi loves taking care of you and doing everything for you, so he left your clothes folded out on the dresser and your food in containers in the fridge for you.
Dabi lets out a bored sigh before pulling his cracked phone out of his pocket, while taking a long drag of his cigarette. Recently, he had given you a phone. One that he had a hacker villain baby-prof so you couldn’t have internet access or call the police or anyone but him. So he decides to text you.
Dabi scrolls through his phone and messages until he’s met with the contact with the name “Babygirl♡” before going to his phones keyboard to text you,
[Dabi] hey bby. u still up?
Dabi puts his phone down on his chest, waiting for you to respond. Only for his phone to buzz almost immediately.
[Babygirl♡] yes
A short and sweet response on your part. Despite being you Dabi’s hostage for almost three months, you were still pretty shy around him. Much to Dabi’s dismay. But, he loves that you answer him, you’re always such a good girl for him.
[Dabi] what outfit did u decide wear today?
Dabi normally loves picking out your clothes for you, but because he was gone, you got to pick out which outfit out of the three Dabi had laid out for you. He laid out your undergarments as well, he’s curious which ones of those you picked out as well.
[Babygirl♡] the pink dress
Dabi smiles, he loves that dress on you. A beautiful pink dress he had stolen from a random shop he robbed. Lace under the dress, a white collar with a pastel blue bow accenting the rest of the pastel pink, the short dress only barely reaching your thighs. The dress revealing your panties and ass when you bend over the right way. Damn, he loved that stupid dress.
[Dabi] o rly? send me a pic, doll. u better not being lying to me
Dabi has plenty of pictures of you in his camera roll but he always loves receiving cute photos from you. You don’t even mean to be so cute in the photos you send him, you just are. Ever since Dabi gave you that phone, he’s been making you send him photos of whatever you’re doing while he’s gone. Monitoring your daily activity’s and what you’re wearing and eating.
[Babygirl♡] Attachment: 1 Images
Dabi smirks clicking on the image you sent him. The picture is fairly simple, it’s you standing in front of the full body mirror in the bedroom, showing off your outfit. One hand holding your phone while the other lifts up your skirt slightly in a ‘curtsy’ style way.
You look so beautiful, you wear matching white stocking with lace at the top and a cutesy pink collar that Dabi laid out for you. He quickly saves the image to his phone before zooming in on the photo you blessed him with. Zooming in enough and straining his eyes enough, he can see your bra underneath your dress.
[Dabi] take the dress off
Dabi can practically see your face while reading his message. You’re probably hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment. After about two minutes Dabi checks his phone again, only to be met with the ‘read at 9:27pm’ at the bottom of his screen.
[Dabi] i know princess isn’t ignoring me, is she?
Dabi watches his phone, waiting for your response. Normally you’re so good for him, so he’s surprised you left him on read. Watching the three dots appear before your message is sent to him.
[Babygirl♡] but i don’t want to..... you won’t show anyone right??
Dabi lets out a chuckle, blowing some of the smoke from his cigarette out of his mouth when he does so. You’re so cute. Worrying about your friends and family seeing your nudes when you’re probably already dead to them and the world.
[Dabi] aw buttercup. it’s ok, it’s not that big of a deal. it’ll be only for me ok?
Even from this grimy motel room, Dabi can hear the gears in your head turning. It’s not like Dabi hasn’t taken a picture of you nude before, he has plenty of pictures of you in his camera roll where you’re covered in his cum. But, this would be completely different. You’d be sending this willingly, if not with a little bit of encouragement on his part.
[Babygirl♡] ok.... Attachment: 1 Images
Dabi opens the image faster than he can imagine, he thinks his favorite part of the image is your flustered face looking away from the camera in embarrassment. Now, every pair of panties and bras you own are pretty scandalous. Seeing as Dabi always gets them for you.
It’s another mirror selfie, this time the short pink dress disregarded on the floor. Although, you’re still wearing the thigh high stockings. You’re wearing a recently new set of undergarments that Dabi had gotten you. Being a simple panty and bra, pink, sheer, with lace around the edges, and embroidered cherry’s all over. 
Dabi stares at the image, allowing his eyes to run over every curve of your body. Oh, if only he was home with you right now. But for now, he could deal with a cute mirror selfie. He can’t stop his eyes from gazing over the photograph, going from the curve of your neck, down your breasts, down your hips, and to your thighs. You were so fucking sexy.
[Dabi] oh babygirl. u have no idea what u do to me
Dabi takes another drag of his cigarette, looking at the photo again. Allowing his eyes to wander all over the screen, noticing the slick between your thighs when he looks close enough. How naughty of you. Already getting so wet from just him asking to see a picture of your body. Naughty, naughty, naughty. Although, he’d be lying if he wasn’t aroused to right now. The straining of the crotch of his pants proved that.
Dabi doesn’t even think before he hits the green call button completely ready to tease you about how aroused you are. He wants to help you with it, well, kind of.
Dabi will direct you on how to please yourself properly. He’ll make sure you end up feeling like he’s there with you. Although, you’ll have to wait to cum until he gets back home.
(Part Two possibly coming soon 👀👀)
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simp0here · 3 years
Ok so this is Genshin boys with their s/o that is on their period (why? Bc I am suffering rn)
Ok so it will be with the pronunts: they/them
Characters: Scaramouche (ofc my beloved), Toma (Kazuha’s friend), Kazuha, Xiao
Type: fluff, comfort
I hope you like this! This is my first official write 😅
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We all know that he is usually a tsundere, and is maybe because he doesn’t want to get hurt, but the moment he sees you in pain, no matter what he will do whatever it takes to make u feel better
“Who did hurt you? I will kill them”
After you assure him that is nothing and is just your period he will get confused, he is a puppet so he doesn’t need to know these human things
“So? Explain why you are clearly in pain”
You need to literally tell him what is happening or he will not believe you, but once he knows what’s up he will instantly try to see what he can do
“Ok you stay right here, don’t move or whine all on that couch”
After 3 hours he comes back home
“What the fuck took you that long? I thought that you did leave me or something
He throws a bag full of you favorite sweets and a slime plush
“I think those help your pathetic mood” (he really doesn’t mean to do something that will upset you, he just wants to keep you safe)
If you will have your eyes teary bc he is harsh again (bc that may happens w me) that he will apologize, and remember that he doesn’t apologize to anyone
He tries to be soft for you, he doesn’t understand in what pain you might be but he tries to be here for you
Will cuddle you if you would feel better with that
Anything you want it will be yours, no matter the money bc fatui is here
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We all know that he is soft for his s/o and that he would worship them
He is educated so he knows that this process, that you can’t control it and he will not be like those boys “ew periods, with all that gross blood”
He will know when you start your period, after how many days it usually ends and when it needs do start again, so he can prepare mentally and buying sweets with like a week before in case your period starts early
Would cuddle you and bring you some bottles with hot water for your craps and tell you “is alright, I am here for you”
Overall the perfect bf that is very hot too ✌🏻
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Again he is educated, he will know that is happening and would not get scared
Ok maybe a little scared because he doesn’t know how it feels and he is worried but he will not show that to you
He would tell you that you are the best person in the world and he will literally destroy your insecurities
Will bring pillows and sheets and blankets for your comfort and give you sweets, but he will try to make it how healthy is possible for your own sake
Just believe me when I say that this man will clean you up and kiss you how many times you let him and everywhere you let him and he will kiss the pain away
You want hot water, is here already, maybe you did made your blanket a little, even the slither drop of blood he will clean it himself because you deserve the best
Would tell you poems just to take off your mind of everything
Again the perfect boyfriend ✌🏻
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Ok so Xiao bby did have a long life before meeting you but we all know that he thinks that most of the ppl are useless and he doesn’t really care ab them so he doesn’t know what’s period
He is panicking but would have a straight face and tells you “What’s happening? Why? Who did this?” so you will need to explain to him (Scaramouche 2.0)
He holds you<3 he mai not really like to touch ppl but you are an exception and now he has a reason to hold you without getting flustered
Will ask Zhongli for advice
He would take you some meds and tea from Zhongli and from Bubu Pharmacy (would ask only Baizhu for this)
He tries everything for you so please just know that he is a great boyfriend<3
Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you liked it! If you have a request I am here to try to make it!
Is literally 1 pm when I did finish this lol-
I hope you have a great day/night!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Small fic about Tord's sibling almost talking him down in the climax of The End until Tom throws the sofa at him and harpoons him. Anfst timw bby.
"Tord..is this really what you wanna do?"
The massive red robot glanced down at you as its blue window became transparent. Its occupant, your one and only maniac of a brother, grinned at you widely.
"Yeah! I mean..this is all I came back for! C'mon søsken, let's leave all of this behind and start anew." Kneeling down, the robot extended its hand to you. "We'll rule the world together and be unstoppable!" Tord laughed like some cliché comic book villain.
But you weren't laughing at all. You didn't want to "rule the world" or cause any mayhem.
You only wanted to meet Tord's friends..that's the only reason you decided to come back into town with him. They seemed like such nice people, too, though you could tell he and Tom did not like each other a bit.
So how did that turn into you standing on the roof of a house, face-to-face with his giant robot, and trying to talk him out of destroying everything?
Part of you regretted coming here. Had you known his true plans...you would've stopped him way sooner.
He frowned as he saw you avert your gaze. "Oh come now..no reason to be sad. How about I make you your own robot? Any color you want! E-Except red, of course..that's-"
"I don't want a damn robot!" You snapped, clenching your fists. "I just...I want a normal life, with a normal brother. If you wanna show off your robot to Paul and Patryk, fine. But don't hurt them."
Edd and Matt perked up as they saw you gesture to them. You noticed their worried gazes and smiled sadly, hoping that they trusted you. You promised them that you'll try to talk sense into Tord.
Right now only you could. The fate of this neighborhood--and possibly the world--was literally in your hands.
"I don't know why you suddenly hate them but...they seem pretty cool." You looked back at your brother. "Whatever grudge you have against them is not worth destroying their lives over. It's never worth it, Tord. So please..let's just leave them alone."
As the robot stood rigidly, Tord looked uncertain now. Of course he noticed how much fun you had with his friends. He may have his own selfish desires but above all else, he wanted you to be happy.
And today you were especially happy to meet them.
Perhaps you were right.
Maybe this wasn't worth it.
Startled by the voice, you looked down to see Tom emerge from Edd's house, holding a cube-shaped gadget. "Take a SEAT!!" He threw it towards the robot as it transformed into a large piece of furniture-
Only to bounce harmlessly off its chest.
But something in Tord snapped, forgetting all about your words, as the arm turned into a massive rocket launcher. "Oh, SHUT UP!!!"
"TORD, NO!!" You yelled as he fired a rocket at the house, causing a massive explosion that shook the entire neighborhood. In horror you saw him fire another rocket at Eduardo's house right when the three occupants stepped outside to investigate the commotion.
Although you nearly fell off the roof, you managed to steady yourself as you scowled up at Tord, absolutely livid. "What the hell?!! I thought-!!!"
"Yeaaaah I changed my mind. It's best you forget about him [y/n]. Now let's go."
"You'll have to catch me first, asshole!!"
Racing to the ladder, you avoided his grasp and climbed down. Clearly your refusal to go with him earned his ire. "Ugh, I'm losing my patience with you!! I never should've let you come!!" He chased after you.
But he didn't get too far as the robot abruptly stopped and began punching itself.
You were confused until you noticed Matt pressing random buttons on the control panel, which somehow survived the house's destruction. Edd soon joined in, determined to buy you enough time to get away.
From the cockpit, Tord was being attacked by smaller robot arms, causing the mecha to stumble around. But even though he threatened you, you didn't want to see him get too badly hurt.
So you ran over to Edd and Matt. "Guys, stop. You're gonna kill him!!"
"Sorry [y/n], but I can't forgive him for ruining my face!!" Matt retorted.
"Besides, Tom's dead and we're probably next-" Edd started, only to be interrupted by Eduardo's voice.
You three stopped arguing and saw him holding Jon in his arms. But sadly he died a few moments later, succumbing to his injuries.
It was then you all realized..
Tom was still alive.
You then yelped as a laser beam destroyed the control panel, disintegrating it instantly, before noticing the robot retract its arm. "Fine. Stay here for all I care, [y/n]. So long, old friends!" He began to fly away.
With sadness you watched him leave. 'Why didn't you listen?'
For a moment you thought it was all over...
Until Tom emerged from the house rubble, wielding a giant harpoon gun, with tears in his white eyes. "I AM NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!!!!" He screamed as he fired the harpoon at the robot, impaling its head.
You covered your mouth in horror upon seeing it malfunction, soon exploding in a bright flashing light. Off in the distance you could see a figure falling from the sky.
You glanced at Edd and Matt for a moment, nodding to them, before you raced over to wherever your brother fell.
Sure enough, amid all the debris from the robot, you found him laying on a hill. Shockingly enough he was alive, but as you knelt down you realized half his face was scarred; same with his arm.
Paul and Patryk were already there, looking just as horrified. Though they decided to just sift through the wreckage so you could help Tord sit up.
He was a bit dazed, but surprised that you were here. As you reached out to him he flinched, convinced that you were going to slap him for being so stupid and foolish.
He deserved it for basically abandoning you, right?
Instead, however, you..hugged him. "Dumbass, I thought I lost you.."
The waver in your voice broke his heart, though he said nothing as he wrapped his good arm around you, resting his head on your shoulder. His hold on you was tighter than normal.
You were right.
It wasn't worth it.
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