#( mixed with my rbf )
oozeandgoo-art · 7 months
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Sketched a very old oc before class.
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lvstharmony · 1 year
when i’m walking alone i often times have a rbf and i feel so bad whenever someone looks at me😭
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danibeanie · 8 months
Vibes & Beauty Astro observations 🩶
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-i noticed girlies that have a stellium seem to have a stronger impression on people.Its very common to hear “I love your energy.”
-gemini stellium, love talking, mischievous eyes, sharp beauty,usually long brows,high pitched voice, playful,hair color very saturated like if you got dark hair it’s BLACK or light hair it’s super blonde.
-virgo stellium, just like their mercurial, but a bit more calm and reserved,down to earth voice,”girl me too”,natural beauty,can have a rbf,observant eyes.
-aries stellium, miss independent(love that tho), flushed cheeks, straightforward,intimidating, knows who she is, pronounced brows wether thin or thick they stand out,childlike eyes,gorg girlies.
-pisces stellium, eyes stand out wether it be color or shape you just notice them, kind & pure,high voices just like gemini but they don’t change it as much, cute, creates softness to the face,angels.
-usually when you have a stellium in a chart your gonna attract other people with a stellium as well
Eyes 👀
- water moon girlies have emotional eyes. Its even more pronounced when you have a moon conjunction with inner planets.
Cancer- looks through your soul, “what’s wrong you look sad?”,doe eyes,vulnerable ,pretty eyes ,guys nervous to look at your eyes,manipulative eyes.
Scorpio- intense,intense,intense,darker eyes DOESN’T matter the color, reads u like a book, hiding something,intimidating,mix of siren/doe
Pisces-so prettyyy,lots of eyelid space for some,in tune with other people,pure eyes,mysterious eyes ,long lashes, princess.
-I might just do a series on this!
-Lilith energy🖤
-When having prominent Lilith energy your just going to stand out somehow wether it be ur looks or personality. There’s just something to these people that makes u wanna watch.
-this may be a theory but I believe your lilith placement affects your looks even if it doesn’t tough your ascendant but it has to STRONGLY prounounced to ur personal planets.
-ex I have a Gemini stellium and I have sun moon and mercury conjunction all in 2nd house. My ascendent is in Taurus and my lilith in Gemini conjunct my sun and mercury but not my moon because it’s in an early degree cancer. I’m also a late taurus rising making half of my 1st house gemini. Also my Venus is in gemini in 1st house even though Lilith doesn’t touch my Venus it’s very pronounced in my 2nd house.(2’d house is Taurus home-connection to ascendent)
-All my life guys never approached me and when the few of them did they all had heavy mars energy wether being scorpio or Aries. I find myself attracted to Leo energy and I believe it’s because they match my strong energy. Insecure guys get intimidated by you and treat u like shit.Then get mad when you leave them but still keep on coming back?😭but for some reason expect you to be on the side like no sir we are all #1s here.I though u didn’t like me why are u trying to get my attention when u clearly didn’t want it yesterday.
-even if you try to hide your body for some reason it’s still noticed, “your so tiny” I’ve learned to embrace my body the older I get. confidence is key YALL!
-super black hair,I can’t tell u how many times people have commented on how dark my hair is😭
-mysterious vibe without even trying, my friends have told me this when I walk at the campus.
- I have a bestie with lilith energy as well but it squares her ascendent and mercury many people thought she was a b when first meeting her(even me).She also has mars conjunct ascendent lmao but I love her and our vibes just match each other. I feel like my Venus energy tames my lilith energy a bit more but it’s still there 😭
-guys just don’t approach u period :/
bye y’all thank u so much for the support in my last 2 posts lot of love🖤
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httpslvr · 1 year
headcanons but theyre super random cuz im a little insane n on a tumblr kick tdy?? apparently??
• the blue eye markus got made him dyslexic. i cant explain where or why i have this hc, but its one of my faves. the rest of the jericrew + connor help him before meeting n stuff
• markus also has a rlly bad memory (the junkyard messed him up bro), so like 99% of his speeches r straight improv. that man has no clue whats coming out of his mouth
• connor looks like the nice one, but is rlly a reclusive asshole, whos a little catty. rk900/nines, on the other hand, has a rbf n kinda looks like a dick, but is rlly the nice one (ppl get that mixed up, n then r v confused y connor js rolls his eyes n ignores them, while nines apologizes) (sixty’s js a little shit regardless. looks n plays the part!!!!)
• connor n north r a horrible duo. they get themselves into shit that no one can figure out how they even got there in the first place. markus ends up w them while praying to god that he can get all three of their asses out of there before they all die
• connor n chloe dated for awhile, but broke up cuz she realized she was a lesbian LMAO
• north is a sap but ppl need to like rlly bring it out of her
all i can think of rn lol
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Nikobran give major girls-dad. And I'm glad we all collectively agree on that.
I see them with 3 beautiful triplets 😭🫶🏻.
Irina Sokolov-king ( or maybe kylie in honor of her grandfather)
Jasmine Sokolov- King ( In honor of her grandmother)
Jamie Sokolov- King ( In honor of her Grandfather)
Irina the oldest of the triplet is somehow a mix of lan nd niko . She's definitely kind and generous to the people she cherish but wouldn't hesitate to give you hell for touching her family.
She's definitely narcissistic like her uncle Lan but not to the point of annoying.
She just knows she's that girl and everyone accepts it.
She's hella smart as well , like really smart. She's a women is STEM. And a worldwide famous figure skater.
She's also a bookworm. And is obsessed with pjo, HP.
She's kinda uncomfortable with the idea of relationship until she meets her person.
Jasmine the middle child is full blown Niko. She's very violent and always angry when she doesn't get her way.
She's a very talented painter like her daddy. Almost everyone is in awe of her work. At how she can bring her paintings to life.
She's also a super fashionable girl. All her clothes are designer and custom made. Her sisters always tease her when she's dressed for the nine when they're just going to a simple hangouts.( she gets that from her aunty Maya)
She's kind of called a bully for telling people off when she's just being honest. She doesn't know the meaning of Sugarcoating and is similar to Irina in that department.
Jamie the youngestis mini Brandon. Is the calm one of the bunch but with a RBF. Everyone is intimidated to approach her but once they get to know her she's the sweetest.
She's more reserved and quite than her sisters and is always observant.
She's a sketcher of all things. Give her a great pencil she'll sketch you in like an hour. ( She's freakishly talented) and is always approched by agents.
She's seen as the quite one yet She's always carefree with her sisters and parents.
She's absolutely terrified of any animals ,so much so that she's always fighting with Irina who's a lover of pets.
She's also really close to JerCes son ( X Volkov( name the kid)) to the point where they develop feelings for each other.
The triplets are attached at the hip and would never let anyone come between them.
They have annual hangouts every Thursday.
They have a special group hug whenever one sister accomplishs something , feeling down, or just in general.
Each sister have a favorite aunt and Uncle.
Irina: Lan and Maya ( she always admired how lans mind works , and she feels a deep connection to Maya since she was a kid and she doesn't even know why.)
Jas: Kill and Glyn ( She bonds with glyn over their shared love of painting and since killian wont separate from Glyn she doesn't have a choice but to be close with him as well, but ends up being really close.
Jamie: Jer and Ces ( She always loved the calmness they bring when they're around. Bonus point is that they become her in- laws😉)
Lan and Bran always admired they're closeness since they never got that.
Mia and Maya gets nostalgic when they see the sisters.
Lan always tells them to never hesitant to call him if anyone dared to upset them.
They're always surrounded by bodyguards to the point they beg Niko to down it down.
Niko never stressed or forced them with the obligations that comes with the Mafia world ( Arranged marriage )
They're super close to 4 grand parents. Kyle is their go to when they need some fun embarrassing stories abt niko.
Irina inherits her love of cooking from Brandon . It's their bonding time and will kick out the rest from the kitchen.
Overall they're one happy family.
This are my imagination so please take this as a silly fic.
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ellecdc · 5 months
do you have a fan cast for the girls + evan??? 💗
No I don’t but this made me curious so I went through my Pinterest boards and Instagram to see who I’ve saved as potential face claims over the years and I’ve narrowed them down:
Pls note, these are my face claims (which change sometimes) and are not representative of what the rest of the fandom has claimed 😅
Model/stylist Courtney Jean
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Vibes: Renee Rapp, look/style: Sarah Grandalski
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I cannot fucking find the names of the models I’ve saved on Pinterest which really pisses me off. But I see her as this tall really beautiful, regal, sophisticated woman with killer RBF but smooth as hell (similar personality to remus mixed with reg)
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I’ll make another post with Pandora, Evan & Mary
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youremyheaven · 3 months
I wonder what kind of relationships people have with those who share their DK
hehe my turn to shine hereeee
so my mom has saturn dk (she’s a vishakha sun) and my dad’s a mix of sharvana and purva phalguni so basically her type.
when i tell you this man will never tolerate ANY a disrespect of her, she’s kinda like the only person who has him wrapped around her finger (this was me as a kid but like i was chonky so reasonable). he’s very quiet and doesn’t show much emotions lol typical saturnian man
we’re very lucky that both my parents have great jobs and my dad’s a smarty with his investments so he really has the rbf (doesn’t help that he’s tall) and my mom has the uniform type of looks
AND I KNOWWW saturn dk’s have the whole “your spouse won’t be very handsome etc etc” i think it’s the opposite! they also age well so damn anyone with a saturn dk y’all got the good stuff (while i sit with my mars dk 😀)
Mom lucked out with a caring husband who'll always stand up for her ✨
I actually haven't heard of Saturn DK giving handsome husband's 😶 but I've heard a lot about how Saturnians/Saturn DKs taking more time to grow into their looks and being late bloomers. They get better with age basically
Mars DK 🤧🥲 sounds .... interesting.....
How's it going so far? 👀 Do you like Martians?
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broadwaybalogna · 5 months
Since people seem to be enjoying my Zutara oneshots, here’s another one for you lovelies❤️ (my ao3 will be linked at the bottom of this as well)
[Zutara] oneshot! AU in which Zuko is a bartender and Katara is a singer and Zuko pines like HELL
Zuko doesn't think he'll ever find a girlfriend. It's not like he really tries, anyway. Girls never really found themselves drawn to him. He knew that was his fault. He had an RBF (resting brooding face) which led him to enough misunderstandings as a child and even more as an adult.
Zuko begins shaking a mix of juices and alcohol to make a cocktail for a girl sitting in front of him. She looks off and to the stage that sits on the opposing side of the bar. Some comedian had just finished his set. The girls' lips press together in a small smile at the final joke. Once the man left and bid his goodbyes and the lights brightened, she continued to stare at the now-empty stage, somehow entranced. Her hair was half up half down, and she wore an exuberant amount of makeup that Zuko felt didn't completely fit 'just getting a cocktail'. She is wearing a coat that covered the entire top half of her body; based on what Zuko could see based on the restrictions the bar posed between them.
Zuko finished the drink and slid it across the table and toward the girl to get her attention. She flicked her eyes away from the stage and back to Zuko, then down to the drink in front of her.
"Thank you," she softly spoke. Zuko almost didn't catch her words as the bar began to get louder. He nodded in response.
"You meeting someone?" He asked, pouring a shot for another man after he ordered.
The girl looked back up to Zuko, "I wish," she finally answered, slightly rolling her eyes.
"Sounds like your night is filled with excitement."
She put her hands up in a defensive pose and offered a slight smile. Zuko noticed her sparkling eyes and how her matching eyeshadow only complimented it.
The girl looked back over to the stage and Zuko followed her eyes, landing on another woman who animatedly pointed to her watch. She looked back to Zuko and gave him a quick thanks before paying and leaving a 30% tip.
She walked over to whoever the other person beckoning her was and he turned his attention to another patron.
After a few moments, the lights dim again and Zuko turns his head to see who the next performer is. The manager of the bar gives a brief introduction announcing the next woman to be a singer. "Now, please give a warm welcome to Katara!" he gestures to the woman who, upon finally entering the stage, Zuko immediately recognizes as the girl he served not five minutes earlier. This time, however, she is no longer wearing her coat. Instead, she wears a long sapphire gown that perfectly hugs her body. It sparkles from underneath the spotlight that took no less than two seconds to land on her.
A single microphone is located in the middle of the stage, and she calmly walks to it. She takes a deep breath and looks up at whoever is running the music. She gives a nod and then looks forward.
The opening to a song he had heard no less than fifty times thanks to his uncle's outdated music taste begins playing. The simple, yet evocative progression of keys on a piano being played sets Zuko into a perfect state of calm. He closes his eyes for just a moment, basking in the song before Katara's voice breaks the quick introduction.
"I'll be seeing you"
And Zuko is confident only an angel could create the musical vocality she embodies.
Zuko opens his eyes and he's sure the world has stopped aside from the woman who gently croons onstage, all eyes are on her as she lightly sways with the music while she sings.
And spirits, she sings.
She effortlessly encapsulates the entire bar in her story.
Zuko realizes then, that he may just be in love with a woman he exchanged less than a conversation with.
He doesn't realize until after she finishes, just how much he has grown attached to her voice.
She receives a heavy round of applause, which Zuko participates in, and she nods her head in an attempt to bow. She walks off the stage and the lights are raised again. Zuko shakes his head and returns to taking orders.
He doesn't realize at first who it is that sits in front of him again not a week after her first performance.
When he does, he makes a double take to be sure.
"Katara," He says, welcoming.
She smiles a closed smile.
"I didn't see you again after your performance. Too tipsy?"
Katara chuckles and looks down. "You'll laugh."
Zuko cocks his head to the side, lightly furrowing his brows but maintaining his smile.
"Curfew," she finally says, breathing out another chuckle to herself. Zuko can't help but be a little louder. "I'll admit, I gave it to myself, but I like to maintain consistency."
"Hmm," he hums in some form of understanding, "same thing as last time?"
"Yes, please."
Zuko takes the fruity juices and begins pouring the respective drink components into a large cup. Once he begins mixing, he moves over to another person sitting at the table and takes their order. Once finished with her drink, he moves back to Katara. "So, will you be performing again tonight?"
"What gave it away?"
Zuko gestures to her well-done hair and neatly applied makeup, much like the last time she came. She raises her head in acknowledgment.
Zuko takes a few more orders and makes a few more drinks, looking over at Katara in his peripheral vision when he gets the chance. Once everyone is situated again, he returns to her.
"My uncle loves I'll Be Seeing You, I hear him singing along to it at least once a month."
Katara smiled, "I used to sing it with my mother all the time," she reminisced.
"Not anymore?"
Katara was about to speak again but something caught her attention back at the stage again. "I'll be back. Money calls," She joked. Zuko nodded knowingly and watched her leave.
After a few more moments, the lights to the bar dimmed once more and Katara was welcomed back on stage. This time, she wore a medium length black dress. It was simple, yet just as elegant as the last.
The song that began playing wasn’t familiar to Zuko in any way. When she began singing, he realized why. This time, she sang in French, which somehow made her voice sound even more ethereal than the first time he heard her.
This song carried more variation in emotion than the last, and Katara embodied it perfectly. He found himself smiling to her voice once again as he wiped the inside of a shot class with a towel.
Once she finished, the audience once again applauded her and her singing.
Zuko checked the time on his watch. 23:29 it read. He wondered if Katara’s personal curfew allowed her to sit back down.
His question was answered when the girl plopped herself down on the other side of the bar once more.
”A shot, if you will. Bloody Mary.”
”You’re lucky you’re this far back from the stage, you don’t have to see me shaking in my heels up there.”
”What was it you sang, anyway?”
“La Vie en rose. Another love song.”
“It was beautiful.”
”I can only pray I did it justice,” she smiles to herself.”
”Well, I can assure you of that much, Katara.”
”Thank you— uh.. oh my god, I never asked for your name-“
”It’s okay, I never asked for yours either. I kind of overheard it.”
Katara looked confused for a moment before realization settled in. “Ah.”
”I’m Zuko.”
”Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Zuko.”
”Same to you, Katara.”
They shared a small moment together, Zuko looked into her eyes and she reciprocated. Sapphire eyes glistening in the reflection of gold, like he had seen only a few days prior.
Yeah, Zuko was in love.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Percy Jackson headcanons megamasterpost
Monoracial black but mixed etchnicity since Poseidon is black-greek and Sally is an afro-dominican third gen inmigrant.Darkskin,big nose that adorns his face,thick lips and 4c type hair.His iconic sea green eyes remain unchanged because black people with green eyes >>>>>>
6'4 by his 20s thanks to demigod genes and a realistic tank-As in,dosen't have rippling muscles because ew but instead a healthy mix of fat and muscle that gives him a thick build.Stops shaving the lower half of his face too but not his upper lip because he thinks mustaches are ugly
Lots of hairstyle changes through the saga.Baby dreads in TLT,wicks by TTC,twists by TLO,afro for most of SON due to not remembering anything so he dosen't know his old styles but decides on dreads near the end and keeps them until he's 19 when he's let his hair grow out so much he's decided on past the shoulder locs instead.Starts wearing beads by MOA and they're usually blue or used because they remind him of his loved ones
His gray streak naturally faded to white instead of completely and he hates the Jason Todd jokes because he's his least favorite Robin(His favorites are of course Dick Grayson,Duke Thomas,Stephanie Brown and Maps Mizoguchi)
Transfem bigender and femme-leaning.Was on estrogen but light dosages and for a short amount of time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries
Crustpunk with some kidcore and a bit of seapunk going on(Purely a Sally influence).She has a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears,wears makeup in y2k black woman and punk styles,her battle jacket is dark sea blue with silverish blue spikes on the shoulders and pockets and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags,the anarchy and autism symbols and ones that represent his most important people:A black mermaid for Sally,a skull for Nico,a yellow diamond for Hazel,a stallion for Tyson,a gupie for Estelle and you can choose one for whoever you most ship him with too,she values comfort and nonconformity over looking hot but does like glam and she looks scary as shit to normies but like a super ultra cool potential friend to weirdkids and other trans people
These presentation things were either all bought from thrift stores,homemade/done or given to her by Rachel with her dad's money as reperations
Retractable shark teeth after being given Poseidon's blessing in BOO
Her canon rbf inhereted from Poseidon and cocky troublemaker smirk but also has what her friends call her 'angelshark smile' that's one of the most beautiful and genuine one's ever and extra rare to see because she rarely does it
A significant amount of scars for realism and rep but nothing too bad
Blue and black-coded but with pink elements
Their durags and bonnets are all blue
From Pjo to Tales of Dead Seas(My fansequel that happens instead of Toa),she goes from severely insecure in her looks to knowing she's god-level hot but not caring unless it's for jokes or getting complimented by those closest to her
Same sense of humor,poor social skills,anger issues and merciless tendencies as canon and will always be that way but her emotional regulation has gotten so much better
Sally being the mom of all time made her turn into a Team Mom and Poseidon's neglect made him decide to be a better father than he could ever be so he's a Team Dad too and these are canon like above but they're amped up to explicitly parental habits like platonic kisses for his pseudo-kids and cooking for them and getting into their interests with them even if they're out of his age range
And one last canon adjusted thing is that he still hates the gods but it's kicked up several notches by him actually managing to kill Zeus like he did Luke in TLO because she was who the Great Prophecy was about and thus making the remaining ones so scared of her they can't stop her and the other demigods and non-god greco-roman beings with a few token deity allies from revolutionizing the system in Tods.They're titled 'The Hero and Destroyer of Olympus' because thanks to him their world is finally good
Autistic(actually canon regardless of Rick's intentions)but went largely undiagnosed despite very obviously having every single symptom because he dosen't fall under any stereotypes
Stans Riot Grrrl,Mcr,All Time Low,Rihanna,Lo-Fi Beats,The Front Bottoms,She/Her/Hers and Megan Thee Stallion
Exclusively buys his video games and legos secondhand due to being anti-capitalism,knows how to DIY so many things it's a running gag,goes to protests does charity work and graffitis with Rachel,is a straightedge and thinks Taylor Swift and Hot Topic are so sucks forever
Total cat lover and even has meowing as a vocal stim,perfers to eat with his hands,does paw hands like he does raptor,has a few cat based items and Hazel and Nico made him cat themed communication cards as a thank you for all he's done for them.And his favorite aquatic life is sharks so Sally calls him 'Tiburónsito'
Likes her everything as weird as possible-Her drips,her affection,her media,her food,her GENDER-She's a weirdo and proud
Socialist king
Her specific favorite foods are pancakes,flan,burgers,latino style cupcakes,hot chocolate and Bang energies and she's an extremely good chef even if she's not on Sally's level,her special interests are blue,kidcore,cats,horses(Mlp >>>>>>),video games and anarchy,glitter and water are big visual stims,her comfort items are Riptide,her CHB necklace and her battle jacket,her hyposensitivity is high even for a demigod and his meltdowns were angry while his shutdowns were dangerous for him but love and healthy coping mechanisms saved the day so his emotional regulation improvement covers this
I just realized i forgot the pins on his jacket😭He has tons but the most important ones are the 'i listen to punk with my mom','i killed god and all i got was this stupid button','i ❤️ NY' pizza box,pastel blue and white cats cuddling,pink game heart and the Riptide one his s/o diy'd him
Is a skater but not nearly as into it as the fandom thinks he is and he dosen't identify with ska at all.His board is black with white outlines and blue cat designs at the bottom
Final Girl Fanatic and indie horror enthusiast but not much else in that genre
A bit unrelated but he radicalized Nico and Hazel as is his eldest sibling duty and they're now goth punk and pastel goth punk and think he's the coolest ever
Aroaceflux bi with trauma out the ass so he's a first love,only love kinda guy and it's canon he's not actively interest in dating and ignores advances he dosen't want because they're always from girls and he dosen't wanna accidentally be a misogynist
Strictly autistic4autistic,punk4punk amd poc4poc with a preference for black women(regardless of heritage)
His type is pastel punks
Gotta be able to match his sense of humor and drives or else he just straight up won't be attracted
Not an 'I'm mean to you because i like you' kinda guygirl,he likes it cheesy and sappy and same goes for how he's treated
Subtly romantic diy gifts,uses calling someone hardcore and odd as flirting,if he cooks blue foods for someone he wants to confess to them but is too shy to and is especially protective on the battle yet somehow also as encouraging for the other to go all out because he thinks they can take on literally anyone solo
Will offer to punk up their hair and give them piercings at least once
Learns to make mixtapes just so he can give his first crush one once the epiphany hits
It definitely takes a few years because he's got so much shit going on in every way for it to come to him but his s/o never forces their feelings on her or else they'd become one-sided for them
Best friends since the Lightning Thief and one of the eight demigods of the Second Great Prophecy is the best route for him imo
Chaos couple and his partner evolves into his co-Team Parent for Hazel and Nico wether they like or realize it or not,including having a hand in their radicalization
Godly parents and abusive mortal parents hate him!This halfblood gave their kids standards for how they're treated
Arcade,skate park,punk,sea themed and other's godly parent based dates
She definitely went to teen girl magazines for advice
Dosen't go overboard with the son of the sea god stuff and gets uncomfortable and angry if anybody else does
Battle jacket drapped over them priviliges,sometimes given for no particular reason other than he's down bad
His s/o diy's them matching figurines of whichever fictional couple they're most like and she has the cocky flirty guy thing going on but only once the relathionship actually starts
His idea of a perfect relathionship by himself is someone who he choose to date instead of feeling pressured by expectations and being able to take the lead so he can actually be in control of his life(with their consent)for once
His nickname is 'Blue' and he uses 'babe','honey','sweets','mi mar','tesoro','babygirl' nonsexually and depending on gender and 'dude' romantically without a hint of irony regardless of it
Sally loves them so much and they love her too and hate Poseidon so much
Their daughter's named after Sally but she goes by Sal because she's a tomboy and also very sweet and soft and inherents almost all of Percy's looks but their other parents eyes.Complete daddy's girl but dosen't actually play favorites
Alright this one is short and so's the last part cause that one's just what i couldn't fit into the other categories
The strongest demigod fullstop,only Hazel can compare,but neither have an ego about it
His eyes go biolumenecent when he's especially brutal
He learns how to overcome his fear of his bloodbending thanks to Amphitrite's training but saves it for a last resort
In the third Tods book,Riptide gains counciousness due to how all that he's done with it and she's certainly Percy's companion by how she acts.She grows new gear and those are the greek word for 'ultimate' and a thicker and longer blade and manipulation of liquid to a small extent herself and her hilt tints itself an oceanic blue
Dosen't bother with storms because Zeus was so annoying about them he dosen't wanna create them himself
Can soothe aching wounds with water but not really heal them
No siren abilities and he's grateful for that since they creep him out
Sea creature speech includes krakens
As it turns out,the more he loves the sea,the stronger he gets and this is why he keeps his seapunk side in moderation
Eventually,as far forward as him being married,he can create water out of thin air and he fucks around with it more than serious training
Being a demigod gets way harder to hide in Tods and it's both funny and angsty
By some miracle,none of this ever goes to his head and he's as humble as ever can be
His full name is Perseo Isadore Jackson
Runs a vlog channel about legos and their sets,both fandom based and not,with bonus shitposts,recipe videos and info on punk culture
Owns a pair of black and colbat blue demonias Beckendorf gave him that're a little tight on him now but she still wears them to remember him by
Them,Sally,Nico and Hazel open up a family bussiness-A beach shack called just 'Jackson Familia Beach Shack' because 3/4 of them are autistic
In addition to he/she/they,she also has a hoard of neopronouns:Xe/blue/cookie/lego/meow/scale/dude/crayon
Superhero multiverse number is Earth 27 and in Marvel,he's a Spiderpunk variant who's 5 years older than Hobie and hosted Venom and in DC,he's a human-kryptonian hybrid who's got a parent-child relathionship with Clark and a second mom figure in addition to Lois in Sally and his Bats,Wonder,Flashes,Arrow and Aqua are Stephanie,Duke,Jason too depending on the verse,Yara,the Thawne cousins and Meloni,Emiko and Jacqui
His Pokemon variant is a multitype gym leader but his childhood partner and ace is an unevolved Piplup named Cookie and he runs his system in a way that makes it so he's always helping out kids
And if he were an animal,he'd be a catshark
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Larissa Weems Fluff & Angst Oneshots
Larissa Weems x teacher!reader
just a bad day
signed, your secret admirer
hanahaki disease
little crushes
curious friend
stumbling drunk
chocolate, anything, chocolate
new years kiss
sweet camellia
beautiful stranger
go home
no nuns. no nuns. none.
not your fault
Larissa Weems x outcast!reader
long time coming
blocking out the noise
Larissa Weems x Reader
my little patient
care for you
not over her
not over her pt. 2
i always loved you
i’ve missed you
special birthday for you (f!reader)
talk to me
yuletide greetings
you’re sick, larissa
natural woman
looking up to you
simple miscommunication
the little things
smear proof lipstick?
late to everything
back again
haunted house
big hugs
canceled classes (roommate!reader)
what are you doing
the hair cut
sensory overload
let me hold you
happy birthday!
the flirt
kissing booth
so beautiful
time for you
puzzle night (ace!reader)
passing trains
dinner mix-up
fainting spells
beautiful girl
maroon (songfic)
Student!Larissa Weems x Student!Reader
outreach day
RBF (resting bitch face)
hope for the best
she’ll never know
Larissa Weems x DivorcedParent!Reader - drinks later?
Larissa Weems x formerstudent!reader - unrequited love pt. 2
Larissa Weems x writer!reader - Train Rides and Coffee Dates I Said Nothing, And The 1 Time I Did
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Chai the wonderful tea that you are. I've been here and there and mostly absent. Mostly because of real life stuff and generally being low-key triggered by recent events (not to tmi but the combination of the awful way Viv and Hazbin has been tackling SA and the fact a certain upcoming football game will have the exact same teams as a really really bad night for me and...well I know you get what I'm saying). Also people being stupid lol. Watching some claim that being critical of the hotel means you're homophobic, sexist, and racist is really funny. Especially when they point at me, a bi woman of color who is a latina (Afro-Latina actually but really Chai, I'm a mutt. The kind of "what are you" mixed variety). Also, considering how my hispanic side of the family treats me, my siblings, and black people in general, literally none of Medranal's questionable treatment of her characters surprised me. But I've been here! Watched as many episodes on the high seas as I could before it felt like my spleen exploded and my face has been stuck in a scowl for weeks now. I've entered my spleenless RBF era I'm afraid. In other good news, if my brain doesn't try to play a fast one on me and self destruct, I'll be heading to California for my anthropology research in the spring! (I've changed the topic three times pls send help). Hope you're doing better than okay and I wish only the best for you!
~ shitcastle anon
Aww, thank you for the good wishes! Good luck to you, your brain, and your late spleen, and best of luck on your future research!
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msweebyness · 6 months
Miraculous Second Gen- School for Monstrous Youths (My Characters)
Hey, ya’ll! These are the first set of kids from the Monstrous Youths AU! I figured I’d let Artzy post the kids for their OC couples on their own time! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Voodoo Doll/Human Hybrid, Adrinette
Age 15
As clumsy as her (bio) mom
Still has a ton of energy, but must be more careful due to voodoo powers
Struggles with some OCD
Influencer for monster-made products
Vampire/Dragon Hybrid, Lukagami
Age 14
Can see people’s auras
Musician like his (bio) dad, super mellow
Struggles with hoarding like his bio mom
Kinda the family therapist
Voodoo Doll/Vampire Hybrid, Lukanette
Age 10
Emerging Himbo still
Wants to play sports, but can’t do contact due to voodoo powers
Sometimes forgets about said powers
Loves going bat mode
Best friends with Hector
Dragon/Human Hybrid, Adrigami
Age 6
Only hoards items that symbolize significant memories
As stoic as Kagami
Intelligent for her age but doesn’t talk much
Scariest dragon glare ever
Cecily “CeCe”:
Ghost/Stein Hybrid
Age 16
Super driven, like her mom
Has a bit of a problem with remembering to knock before phasing through a door
Runs a monster activism news site
Always arguing with her brother
Loses track of her limbs often
Ghost/Stein Hybrid
Age 16
Gives off ectoplasmic static when excited
Really chill, but does meditation to help with anxiety
Plays the keyboard, and writes a comic series about a group of hybrid monster spies
Really wants to ask June out
Vampire/Angel Hybrid, Bio Mom Juleka with a donor
Age 17
Incredibly shy like Jules, but has a love for all things cute
Flying helps him calm down
Learning guitar from his uncle
Will stab someone who threatens their loved ones
Dating Vicki
Juniper “June”:
Plant Monster/Yeti Hybrid
Age 16
Mega blunt like her father, but with her mom’s caring demeanor
Has a fierce yeti temper and WILL throw rocks
RBF for days
Activist for the environment and monster rights
Gets tangled in her vines
Wants to ask Cody out but nerves are a thing
Plant Monster/Yeti Hybrid
Age 10
Gentle giant like his dad
Speaks too quiet to hear most of the time
Loves working with plants and animals
Fidgets with his vines when nervous
Best friends with Hugo
Moth Creature/Werecat Hybrid, Bio Dad Marc with a surrogate
Age 17
Sassiest lil missy, must be the werecat genes
A very talented sculptor
High-functioning autism, limited emotional expression
Spooks at loud noises, like Marc
Has a crush on Destiny
Victoria “Vicki”:
Aquatic Monster/Werewolf Hybrid
Age 17
Has the energy of three people
Fastest swimmer in the region, and a track and field star
Models for Mari’s fashion label, has a good number of fans
Herbo, but like, book-smart
Dating Marek
Nicolette “Nikki”:
Aquatic Monster/Werewolf Hybrid
Age 13
Much more subdued and reserved than her fam
Voice of reason mixed with deadpan snarker
Really tech savvy, makes her own software
Really fast swimmer like her sister, and super agile
Besties with River
Manticore, Adopted at 1
Age 13
Snarkiest lil shit, it’s why they and Nikki get along
Daredevil like their mama, they do extreme sports together
Really smart, makes top grades
Wonders about their birth parents sometimes, but loves Alix and wouldn’t trade being with her
Has to be careful with their tail spines
Centaur/Siren Hybrid
Age 17
Only one of the three with the power of siren song
Loves to sing but has to be careful with her powers
Proper lady like her mama, manners are impeccable
Sweetest girl alive, takes care of people out of instinct
Has a crush on Elicia
Centaur/Siren Hybrid
Age 12
Only one with the full lower body of a horse
School’s sprinting champ
Crazy good cook, big Kronk vibes
Daddy’s Girl
Centaur/Siren Hybrid
Age 9
Wants to be a vet, adopts random animals
Ray of sunshine 24/7
Has hooves and wings, and a good singer
Very perceptive for his age
Daemon, Adopted at 3
Age 15
Super shy, but has a quiet snarkiness
Mari’s design protégé, fashion sense is on point
Always fidgeting, usually has stim toys
Starting a foundation for abandoned daemon kids like himself and his Dad
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! Enjoy the monster kiddies!
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doubledyke · 8 months
Which Ed you are most alike? I'm kind a mix of both Edd (I'm introverted, I love books and reading, I can go from sweet to snippy in good and bad times) and Ed (I always do have my head on clouds, I'm hyperactive and have difficulty to focus on things don't interest me, and I'm kind of messy).
When younger, I had a bit of a Eddy streak (I was really impatient and prone to anger as a young teen).
everyone has a little bit of each ed in them. they each have positive and negative traits that make them really relatable. i always say im most like eddy cuz i particularly relate to his female rage lmao. i was always told that i had a "bad attitude" growing up but no one ever considered why that might be. after like... idk 7th grade, school was torture and i really struggled, so that's a big one. as a kid/teen but i was weirdly obsessed with all things vintage (still am) so i find that part of his personality really funny and endearing. i also have a bit of rbf and can be quite foppish. let's see uh.... oh i like to yell. buuuuut then again my anxiety has pretty much dictated my entire life and i've never had a relationship with my parents, which is kinda edd-like. then there's the whole ocd thing. my inherent guilt causes me to be compulsively nice a lot of the time. i'm a stickler for organization and keeping things clean and tidy. hypochondriac and germaphobe. and then i'm a dumbass who loves horror, so there's some ed in there. i like to day dream, i just wish i was as creative as he is. i was taller than everyone growing up so i guess i relate to him in that way too.
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solarsturniolo · 7 months
Whose type am I? brown wavy hair with curtain bangs and lots of layers, green eyes, lots of ear piercings, bisexual
wide range of music taste (I mainly like 90s rock music tho)
hourglass shape, not super skinny not super thick, 5’3, relatively petite frame
traveling (mostly Europe), animals especially cats, fashion, reading, working out, cooking, coffee
intj, kinda sassy, confident, determined, quiet until I’m comfortable, honest, sarcastic, dark humor, independent, opinionated but open minded, major rbf, introverted, very anxious but it’s not super obvious (people say I come off mysterious and collected, sometimes intimidating), it takes me a long time to trust people but once I do I’m v loyal. My love languages are quality time and gift giving, physical touch kinda freaks me out but once I’m comfortable I don’t mind it.
I love fashion, I kind of mix feminine and masculine clothing in my outfits and usually wear darker colors, I also love vintage clothes.
tyyy <3
Mr Matthew. When i imagine his future gf this is pretty much what i imagine. Give him a kiss for me 😞🫶🏻
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octoberautumnbox · 10 months
Most to least of how sexually you are attracted towards each IZ*ONE member?
wifey Yuri s-tier goddess of a woman id spill blood for her if she asked me to. perfect cutie face that could twist into RBF in a second's notice, a body to die for criminally underappreciated since IZ*ONE but especially in her later appearances my god this woman i love her so fucking much it drives me crazy
Chaewon is the perfect mix of loser cute and irresistible sexy there were so many missed stage outfits from Perfect Night i want to cry SHE LOOKED SO GOOD IN THE MV
Yujin has such a stage presence and vibe and visual that it might be the second hardest thing in the world to look away when she gets serious
Minju is such a sweet-looking girl that you just wanna corrupt her and shower her in cu-- *gunshots*
Wonyoung has such brat potential and the body to match, she's definitely a bit picky with who she'll get with (and god knows she has only the highest standards)
Eunbi especially after the Water Bomb performances,,,,, mommy vibes all around being caring and letting you suck until youre full and then some!!
Yena is hot sure but sex with her would be like talking about games and TV shows while railing her from behind which is hot in itself but also its YENA
Sakura I'll be honest I didn't really pay that much attention to throughout IZ*ONE era but Perfect Night she really caught my attention like that white form-fitting crop top and black booty shorts were chefs kiss dangerous how dare she keep that cute face through all that
Chaeyeon is probably absolutely flexible and as long as you show her a good time she's all yours to use. wouldnt be afraid to take the lead too and send you to heaven and back. and to heaven and back. and to heaven. and back. and to heav
Nako is directly linked to size kink like im pretty sure she's half my height plus she'd take me so well (the guy in her new drama is so lucky)
Hyewon ice queen would probably act all bored but deep down inside she'd be holding everything back just to make you work harder to push her over the edge like she'd have never came before
Hitomi last but only because I have a busty kink and she really doesnt do it in that department for me. on the other hand she'd be so succubus coded teasing u more and more and making you teach her her place
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snekrabbit · 1 year
Look at my fan tribe, the Lushwings. They live in saltwater caves and can control plants. They are mostly blind and communicate through clicks, whistles, and flashes, kind of like the Seawings mixed with dolphins.
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This is their queen, Queen Skua. She's a kind queen, but is tall for a Lushwing, 15 ft, and has rbf. Most of her subjects are scared of her because of that. She also doesn't speak much, that doesn't help.
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Lushwings can come in several different color variants, from blue to green. A Lushwing's color is determined by how warm the biome its born in is, the colder the more blue, the warmer the more green. Lushwings can also be albino, like their princess Princess Krill.
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On average most Lushwings are about 12 ft high, but can range from 8-15 ft tall. They also have two sets of wings with spurs on the ends that have paralyzing venom. That's all I have written so far, and obviously if anyone sees this they can ask questions, and if you want you can make your own!
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