#( meme . ) \ / weekend
nando161mando · 6 months
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heath-morgan · 4 months
🎆 Is my muse into monogamy?
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giselle-clarke · 8 months
shooting star: who is your ideal s/o?
Can I plead the fifth and not answer this question?
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Assuming the answer to that is no, so let's see. I need a woman that can make me feel all of the things again, since that hasn't happened in years and it won't be easy. It'll be damn near impossible but let's not kill the spirit of anyone wanting to try. She'd be absolutely stunning, to the point that every head turns when she walks into a room. Gotta be funny, kind, able to properly communicate how she feels and what she wants or needs from me as a partner, dedicated to her career, and at least open to the idea of having kids. Scratch that, she has to want kids, and the puppies. She also has to know what her love languages are and has to learn mine so that we can properly shower each other in it. Oh, and the dealbreaker: she has to love me out loud. I don't care if she shouts it from the rooftop, puts it on a billboard, or even has one of those planes fly across the sky with a sign that says it — I deserve a public declaration of love.
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rileytakeda · 3 months
🍌 What do "gay thoughts" look like for them?
Gay thoughts for Riley are just thoughts. At any point, they are the embodiment of Saorise Ronan in Little Women going "Women!"
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laurestephens · 4 months
🔥 Would my muse ever be up for a threesome?
"I may be happily married but Kiri and I are hardly monogamous. She takes her lovers, as do I. If there are any we find interesting enough, we aren't opposed to sharing. I love to show off my wife and she loves to be shown off."
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dayamray · 4 months
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
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"...my husband."
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chaoticclaybomber · 4 months
Make your tiny muse
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He will definitely not blow you up, promise!
Stole from: @zealctry
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heathmorgan · 8 months
@levmovska asked: 🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make? [ prompt ]
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donewithflare · 10 months
Smash or Pass! 💖all agents.💖 😘😈
"I'm doing fucking what?" Agent Flare growled as her hair and makeup team were adding the finishing touches. Her fingers were inches away from creating a minor explosion to inconvenience the whole set. However, her PR team reminded her how she needed to "soften" her image and seem "close" to the fellow Cerberus Agents. And of course they came up with the most convoluted plan yet.
"One...two...three...action." a director shouted as the cameras started rolling. Agent Flare sat in a film chair with a white background with prompt cards in her hand.
Her cheeks were aching from all the false smiling. Agent Flare sits up straighter and uses her best 'Disney Channel Voice' that she could. "Hi this is Agent Flare! You are watching Smash or Pass! On the JEST Network!"
And in that moment she felt apart of her soul die.
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"I guess Round One is looking at the Level I Agents, oh how fucking fitting," Zaya pauses, "Oops I shouldn't swear...are you guys going to bleep that? Oh you are, let's fucking go then!" At lease Zaya would have the comfort of swearing through all these PR lies. With each name that she called out, their would be an graphic of the agent.
"Agent Whirpool. Pass, I just don't see their being a spark between water and explosions. He is...an agent who goes with his own flow. We aren't riding the same wave at all. Not now not ever!!
"Agent Lotus...smash. Think I would have to buy her dinner first? Who know...what do I fucking say about these things?" Zaya allows herself some mess ups for filler and gifs of her laughing to be used.
"Agent Hades...smash. Could you mange the heat? Fire and explosions, it just writes itself huh? Just plenty of fucking hot." Zaya winks playfully whilst laughing, her laughter really a cry for the pain she was in from all this.
"Agent Glimmer...pass. Sweet. But I'm someone who is a little more into spice." Comparing stuff to types of flavors always had lowkey sexual undertones, that's sort of shit the fanbase would eat up.
"Agent Winter...smash maybe? Like I feel like we could have a fun time, see this as something that the camera would love. So I guess smash?" she was trying her hardest to make herself more relatable.
"Agent Granite...pass...would be a pretty rocky relationship" Zaya shrugs,"That was a really bad fucking joke. Sorry not sorry."
"Agent Ymir, easy Smash, come on you all know that one is an easy one for me!" she acts faked flustered,"Oh stop, you know I like to keep things about us close to the chest. Oops I said too much already,next,"
"Agent Loveshot," Zaya pauses looking at the camera and pointing between where the graphic would be,"It would be a smash. A hot smash.He is hot, I'm hot. It is really simple math. People have seen how we fight together...I'll let fanfiction fill in the rest."
"Agent Prince Harry...pass, next..." she could only say some many nice things in a day and the thought made her stomach flip.
"Agent Viper..smash but pass. Does that make sense? I mean it could...but maybe for the best if we didn't?" She had no idea at what she was saying at this point.
"Agent Flare, I'm on this list? Well smash, duh," Zaya laughs knowing it as the only truth."
Round Two and Three became a blurr for her because anyone not a level three agent was not really worth her freaking time. Maybe some of the comments have more honest undertones then needed.
"Agent Andromeda...smash. Taking me to see other galaxies or some shit like that when we get in the sheets," she does another awkward wink to the camera.
Her soul was fucking dying. How many names to go?
"Agent Prometheus...pass, think we'd vibe in a different way." Zaya nods continuously at the screen.
"Agent Echo....smash. Could be such a beautiful memory.Maybe?"
"Agent OG...BIG PASS. I would break the soft boy," Zaya meant it
"Agent Lucidity...happened in a dream once. Smash," she hoped that people would understand the meme she was going on about. If not it was just a shot in the dark.
"Agent Cobra...pass. But they are super nice though More like a drinking buddy!"
"Agent Rain...again pass just think I would be too much for them. Though they might not mind getting a little..." Zay cuts herself off,"You can have that thought.
By the names...Zaya had no fucking clue who half these people were and was going on vibes,
"Agent Icarus...pass. Sorry may have flown a little too close to the sun,since you know...I'm pretty fucking hot."
"Agent Hermes...smash. Named after a greek god has got to tell you a lot. I mean come on...perfection." her tone a little higher. Damn she was lying through her teeth.
"Agent Phoenix...pass. No more questions. Next," she knew where they two of them stand with complete and utter loathing. No fucking need to even say anything nice there.
"Agent Delphi...smash. But I feel like it would be really romantic like. With talking, candles and feelings." Zaya nods believing it.
"Agent Legion...pass a cold beer because Legion we all know how we feel about Legion." She was not about to get deep thinking about parental feeling at all.
"Agent Jester...I'll be kind and say smash. Could be something interesting. Again the fanfictions is all I'm going to mention" Zaya shrugs speaking all the empty comments. Just what would get the her Flarey Lights hyped or some shit.
"Agent Billiard...pass. Sorry but somethings are just not meant to be."
Agent Wraith...pass..seems like someone you'd talk about things and stuff with?" She kept it vague.
"Agent Oracle...pass. I ain't fucking around with people with powers like that. No fucking way." Zaya dismisses.
"Agent..."Zaya pauses as the place where her heart is meant to be, She clears her throat,"Splitter...pass probably could be with someone way better. Might deserve better too."
"Agent Levitas....pass think they would levitate away from me. Never be the one chasing someone else!"
"Agent Knockout..pass. It would be too much for me to be able to handle."
"Agent Cupcake..smash...mmm look at those sweet cheeks. I mean I couldn't resist!" Zaya laughs harder, this was stupidity, please, please be over.
"Agent Reaper would be a pass." Zaya flips her hair ,"This hotness is not ready to meet the hands of death."
"Agent Amo..ntons..pass cause I can't even fucking pronounce the name. Like the fuck?" Zaya once again had no freaking idea this was.
AND FINALLY SHE WAS FINISHED. When out of the blue she heard familiar laughter feel the air. A sunken feeling hit as her blood began to boil.
"Wait a fucking second? Jester?! Jester set this fucking up? Just to see if I would smash them??" Agent Flare roared, sparks of explosions igniting in her hand,"Their ass better fucking run!!"
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nando161mando · 6 months
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heath-morgan · 4 months
👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like?
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“i was engaged, with the weddin’ date set and all the plans in motion. we were head over heels in love, almost to the point of obsession, but our relationship was a tangled mess. we both had our own issues, and before lon’, we began to exploit each other's vulnerabilities as a means of control. that’s when everythin’ went south. despite it all, she’s still the only gal who’s ever truly had me in a chokehold”
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theangellies · 1 year
Send “ツ” for an excited text.
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herbrokenmelodies · 11 months
What is the character’s favorite family tradition and why is it significant?
"Traditions, traditions, traditions," Himiko paces around trying to tries to think of those tender childhood family moments like the ones in the Hallmark movies or those cosy Disney movies she once use to adore, but with every memory came new people deeper in the images. "Truth me told...we don't really have many family traditions," she popped open a glass of Champagne pouring it into a flute glass, watching as the bubbles floated to the top. "Like...I didn't really have a normal family. Mama and Papa got divorced when I was about seven."
She took another sip recalling her family tree," Then Papa got married to Sofia, then Mama married Sofia's ex husband Antonio, then Sofia divorced Papa as he was sleeping with Antonio and lead Mama to divorce Antonio and then she married Maxwell and then...." she pauses."Or did Papa marry Maxwell? Or am I thinking about Maxwell number 4." Himiko chewed her lip trying hard to remember,"See this is why I kinda stick to numbering their partners...like Mama is on partner number seven and Papa is on partner nine, which was partner number four who he got back together with." She laughs taking a long sip.
"I guess you could call it a tradition to see who my parents are happy with in the moment," Himiko cheers,"But I'm the only child from each of their longest marriage." She smiles,"Oh wait! The tradition sometimes tends to be who can bribe me more with the better Christmas Vaccay each year. I'm a tough cookie to impress. And sometimes they don't win that, I do!"
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giselle-clarke · 8 months
22. What does your character like in other people?
Well in women, I like a nice set of boobs and a not so flat ass. As for men...a nice sense of style? Humor? Sexuality? Gay men are literally the best people in the world (next to lesbians, obviously) so I tend to love them.
On a more serious note, I like when people are honest, know how to communicate properly, are sincere, have a sense of humor and can make me laugh, like to binge watch almost anything (except GoT or that spin off). Oh, and I also like when people are just comfortable in their own skin.
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rileytakeda · 3 months
🍒 Would they ever want to get married?
Marriage is definitely not something in the cards for Riley. It's not something they've ever thought about extensively, largely because they have not had a good experience with the term. The idea of being tied to another person in a binding and legal manner makes them itchy. They're not convinced that it wouldn't end in anything but disaster, and it would be their fault.
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