#( in which he doesn't die and she kinda wants to punch him lmao )
Ok, also coming up with elaborate questions about your characters now!
Who do you like the most? Completely unapologetic.
A character that isn’t fleshed out but you think they have potential? Could also only be a concept.
Which character made the worst choices, what were they?
Favorite ship!
Which character is most likely to win at monopoly?
Which character is the strongest? (I INCLUDE MAGIC 🪄 )
Who has the best dynamic?
One: I'd say I like Mary Glass the most. She pretty much started this whole family I invented (the Glass family) and also was a self-insert at the beginning so I might be a littel biased, but she is way more fleshed out now and also loves her wife a lot. She can make storms which I wish I could do.
Two: There's this character I just called 'Granny' because I waited too long with coming up with a name for her and now I refuse to. She's like this yellow-wearing tiny asian grandma that used to be a writer and now she's insane and feral with many limbs. She kind of exists in that way, but in terms of personality and what she actually does except be married to the woman she had a kind of enemies-to-lovers thing (also not fleshed out) and bite people. I think she has potential tough and is also fun.
Three: So this is kind of a hard question to answer because I mostly just invent characters and less full stories... 🤔 I think perhaps Daniel (Mary's brother) has made some questionable choices when he became an evil landlord that crushes people to death. This, on one hand, led him to get partners (yay), but also he ended up getting targeted by a group that caused just. So much trauma. So I think his bad choice was fucking around and finding out.
Four: Favourite ship,,,, now that's hard. I really like the one with Daniel and his partners, but there's one other, where the situation is kind of like They can be bad for each other but also the only person that the other could ever be with- The first is named Toby (Short for the chocolate /j) and he accidentally aqquired this power where, when he observes people being happy, they lose their happiness and he gains it. He really likes people but doesn't want to do that, so mostly just stays inside, which is pretty lonely. Cue entry Arthur, a guy who likes watching the stars and also kind of feeds on other peoples loneliness. It's not really his fault either and they just kinda feed off each other, but they are pretty interestind and I like their dynamic. (Toby is Daniel's uncle, by the way.)
Five: Daniel would be most likely to win at monopoly since he is an evil landlord who manipulates people (I love him tough).
Six: I'd say the strongest character is Mary- Not only can and does she summon giant, destructive storms and smite people with lightning but she's also just. So freaking muscly. Mary doesn't punch you and you fall over, she punches you and you die.
Seven: The favourite dynamic I think I have right now is Mary and Daniel (Can you tell I like these two lmao). They're siblings that used to be very close when they were young, mostly bc their parents were shit. Mary ended up getting severe anger issues and leaving as soon as she could and leaving Daniel behind, who on the other hand got more manipulative and very good with words. He blames her for leaving him behind, while she says that he was always the favourite child and could get himself out of trouble just by talking anyways. They really hate each other now and would perhaps even kill, but in that really complicated siblings way where you're still bonded somehow and would fuck someone up for messing with the other. Mary ended up killing their parents and Daniel bailed her out with his cool talking skills and knowledge of court because he gets sued for tax fraud a lot and Mary's wife Jane made Daniel a new arm because Mary asked her to. So yeah. Them.
Thank you for asking and I shall retaliate soon!!
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lucaonthropy · 2 years
Finished Mencuri Raden Saleh so these are my (non-linear) thoughts. Spoilers ig
- Why is there so many car crash in this movie lmaooo like. From the first plan to the final one there's always at least one.
- The acting is not the best imo but it's good and very enjoyable.
- Now the voice acting though? That fucks. I'm officially in love with Fella and Tuktuk's voice in particular. The way they speak and all. The others are also good. I think Ucup is the weakest tho ngl.
- Gofar and Tuktuk's sibling bond is going to be the death of me. I actually cried when Gofar snapped after Tuktuk got jailed.
- I have ... thoughts ... about the decision to make Sarah the bait because it really doesn't make sense. She (in character) is portrayed as someone who can't really lie or act so I don't get why they immediately agreed on her being the bait.
- But her fighting scenes are chef's kiss ohmygod. The "Kurang ajar! Dasar katrok!(?)" scene got me cheering on my seat like damn wreck that fucker.
- Also a lot of questions about the random guy flirting with her.
- Anyway. Plot-wise it's consumable. I'm not a proper film critics so this is purely subjective but I love it. Are their plans messy af? Were their decisions questionable and have very bad consequences? Well. Yeah. But it makes sense because their backgrounds. None of them had ever done this kinda thing so the mistakes they made, while kinda annoying, make sense.
- Not a fan of Sarah and Piko being together. Not merely because I ship Hackforger but because their scenes together don't really have a ... spark? They don't connect or bond at all. It's just your usual hetero relationship that got pushed by the staff.
- Not as much Hackforger as I expected from seeing Twitter but eh. I'll take what I can get. Their bond is pretty clear and it's classic bromance to romance type of thing.
- I'm gonna reiterate that I'm in love with Fella.
- The flashbacks are getting annoying ngl.
- Ok so I've heard it's gonna be a trilogy or something so I'm not gonna say much about Ucup and Budiman's locked backstory. They are probs saving it for the next movie.
- Kinda disappointed that there's not much scene detailing the painting or the process of forgery because I'm actually interested.
- Oh! Speaking of which: I now headcanon Piko as autistic-coded or at least neurodivergent-coded because there's no way that guy is neurotypical. Just. No way.
- Whoever chose Tuktuk's actor needs a raise honestly. I'm honestly pretty ok with most of the cast because I never grade a film through that lens (I have face blindness. I couldn't care less about the cast) but oh. My. God. He radiated youngest sibling energy throughout the film and as an oldest sib I both want to punch him and kiss his forehead.
- Detective Sita is also very interesting as a character. Def wanna see her more in the future.
- Mbak Dini!!!! Goddamn I love her. Maybe it's the haircut lmao. But also her outfit when visiting the police station is muah. Love it, love her.
- Hoping Permadi and Rama will die tbh.
- Mas Gito the MVP!!! I always have a soft spot for a loyal butler-esque character like Alfred and Gito soooo yeah.
- Also. I thought I'm gonna finish this movie with shipping Fistjack buuut Fellafullo/Gofella got me in a clutch. Love the back and forth they have going.
- Now for some of my favorite moments:
1. When Gofar and Tuktuk's father scolded them for ruining a car and said "Is it not enough that you two have different mothers and you still bring trouble back!" (paraphrased) and Tuktuk replied "Well but you're the dad."
2. Every fight scene with Sarah.
3. The continued saga of Gofar snacking on Fullo after Fella started bringing them to their hq.
4. Gofar breaking down after Tuktuk got caught.
5. Every Hackforger hug.
6. "Fella already bought the company."
7. The chase scene in the first plan.
8. Whenever Ucup laid out the most unhinged plan. Especially the one that got inspired by uhhh idk PUBG? FF?
9. Every scene of Fella being a pro gambler. Like, red flag but also you go Queen.
10. Piko vs Budiman. Nuff said.
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demonsfate · 2 years
I'm glad you're talking about the absurdity of Blood Vengeance because I remember watching that and thinking, "who this Shin is? Like I don't remember him from the games but also, Jin is kinda an asshole here oh god. Xiao's and Alisa's relationship is cute but aside from that this is a MESS". Seems that they didn't learn from the Live Action movie.
Sidenote I love the pic you shared of Xiao holding Jin's hands🖤 kinda looks like she's holding the paws of a cat/puppy, so soft. The power that that has 🤌
Nope, Shin was just an OC for the movie to serve as a contrived plot point. Which thank fuck, since I didn't care for his character at all. And yeah, Jin was quite an asshole in Blood Vengeance. Not only the whole "IF A MERE FATHER-SON QUARREL IS ENOUGH TO DESTROY THE WORLD, THEN SO BE IT" (lmao writers pls remember why Jin wanted to end the bloodline in the first place) but like. Not doing anything to help Shin was hilarious despite the fact that Jin alone, could've easily saved Shin's life - then there was also Alisa and Xiaoyu, who are BOTH excellent fighters as well. So like, there was no need for Shin to die - they could've easily fought off Heihachi and get him back. Given that Kazuya just... stood there, and acted indifferent by the death (not happy, not upset either) I don't think Kazuya would've cared if they tried to force Heihachi to let go of Shin. But no - they just stood there for an ENTIRE MINUTE for plot convenience (ugh) and then when the three start fighting, their punches were so POWERFUL, that it fuckigngng BLEW XIAOYU OUT OF THE BUILDING - she would've fallen to her death had Alisa not been there and Jin just doesn't even care. 💀 (Remember how in that Tekken Force comic, seeing Xiaoyu get thrown against a wall was enough for DJ to come out? Or how in the SFxTK trailer, seeing Xiao hurt by Juri was also enough for DJ to come out?)
Although, I can't entirely blame Blood Vengeance for Jin's cunty portrayal. This is more so TK6 damage. As that game was the one that unfortunately started the whole "Jin being a complete cold jerk to everyone" and it just kinda bled into other medias (Blood Vengeance, King of Fighters crossover mobile thingy I believe, Street Fighter x Tekken, and even Tag Tournament 2 to an extent) Really, TK6 did assassinate Jin's character and I'm really hoping TK8 will revive him. (He was better in TK7, but wasn't in it enough to really determine.)
Xiao and Alisa's relationship was very cute. I actually hated Alisa in TK6 just because she was so boring. Like lots of people talk about female characters who have no personality other than Female, and Alisa is perhaps one of the biggest examples of that in TK6. Her only personality was really just, "being pure and agreeing with everything MC says unless it's hurting Heihachi lMAO." 'cos she really did just feel like Waifu Bait. But I actually liked that she was a socially awkward weirdo in Blood Vengeance. It gave her actual character, made her feel more unique, and made sense with her being a robot trying to understand human emotion and behavior. But Xiao and Alisa's relationship was also a downside to the movie as well. Because it felt like it focused so much on it, to the point where it felt like a slice of life anime movie more than one that's supposed to be one based on a fighting game. And I just found myself feeling really bored of it. It's like they remember it's supposed to be an action movie and then just threw over the top ridiculous fighting scenes in it.
Especially the last fighting scene - which lots of people say it's good, but... it's really not. Not only just because imo, it's way too over the top even for Tekken standards. But like as I've stated above - we focused mostly on Xiao and Alisa throughout the entire thing. So when we're now spending 10+ minutes of the Mishimas, who were barely in the film - especially Kaz, and Heihachi, and we don't really know / understand their motives, and why we should even be rooting for them (WHO we're even supposed to be rooting for lmao) Like yeah, I know that mostly only fans will be watching this movie and they've played the games. But this movie is also noncanon, and set in an AU. Soooo... this Jin, Kazuya, and Heihachi are still different from the ones we see in the games.
Watching Blood Vengeance felt like I had to turn my brain off through it all. And that's definitely not a good thing. It may actually be the worst of all Tekken adaptations. As much as I critique and dislike Bloodline - I will say I'd probs rather rewatch Bloodline than Blood Vengeance. Although it was also poorly written, Bloodline had more things I liked in it - and while Jin's characterization is still wrong, imo, at least he's an actual good guy - even if the whole "don't hurt ppl ever :-)" message for a little pretentious at times. And I'd even rather rewatch the OVA and the 2010 movie over Blood Vengeance. I've yet to watch Kazuya's Revenge tho (sequel to the 2010 movie) and I probs never will at this point. But yeah, even though I think the Tekken story can be translated into a good show/movie if written well - for some reason, nobody is able to actually execute it and at this point, I don't think we'll ever get a good Tekken adaptation.
YOU'RE RIGHT OMG - it does!! I guess it makes sense, Jin is but a creechure JNDFGJNG. But yeahh!! It's one of my fav win poses from Tag 2. I wanna see Xiao being cute with Jin more often in the games! Especially given they are supposed to be best friends! (With Xiao obvs having a crush on Jin)
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isgull-moved · 3 years
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        it is, graziella wants to tell him, but she figures she   can spare him a little of her rightful anger for the time being.  she was sure riff already felt physically bad enough; as relieved as she was that he was brought to the hospital in time, graziella was furious that he was stubborn  ( and stupid )  enough to challenge the sharks to a rumble.  given his track record for getting into other things that alerted the cops, though, she couldn’t say she was all that surprised — but she was disappointed.  “at least you’re aware,” she mutters under her breath, moving to sit at the edge of the hospital bed.  “i’m glad you’re okay but... you almost died, riff.  you realize that, don’t you?  the jets almost lost you.”  and in a more controlled tone as her nails dug into her palms, graziella adds,  “i almost lost you, too.”
@beguilcd​‘s mark reiff said : ❛  it  was  my  fault .  ❜   /   meme : accepting !
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athyathye · 3 years
Ok ok, i just came from tiktok and have an enlightment. I saw lots of what will they do if they are the parents of our tokrev bois. That's when the light of this idea came. May i present....
A fem!reader who defend herself using belt because clearly she doesn't have enough muscle to punch someone till they get knock out.
If i need to give a title for it, it would be : "With the Power of My Belt"
Long vers, my idea of a fic : fem!Reader is some kind of reincarnated person from our world and become Baji's younger sister also Mikey's crush. She is a good student with excellent grades and not in a gang (in other words, a very normal person, although very oblivious towards romance. Also a calm and collected person, unlike her brother. She can still have that Baji moment where she is very scary/savage in fights with her belt, never got into a fight before Bloody Haloween . I'll say its the belt and the power of the predecessor of hundred of years behind them. And for the grade because she is teenager who solves elementary problem.)
So because she is more mature because of her previous life memory, she try to push her brother and the gang toward a good future (by nagging and helping them with school and lending an ear and give advice of what to do with life. Giving them that domestic stability vibe.). Fem!reader have a prophetic dream ability, the one where she dream about the death of her loved ones. She got very guilty about not believing her dream where Shinichiro died, so she try to make it up by saving Draken and her brother (can be an accomplice with Takemichi to save the future).
In Bloody Haloween, she, who never got into a gang fight, arrive at the fight to prevent her brother's death, without said brother knowledge or any of the gang. She came with preparation, a phone, a dictionary, an aid-kit with a guide book of how to help when someone got stabbed, and a belt in her bag. With a belt on her hand, she fight her way through the crowd (slapping people faces and butt right and left. You call it violence, i call it displince. Lol. Make it very funny.) toward Baji and got stabbed instead of him. When she got stabbed, she fished out her phone and call for an ambulance for herself. Still with adrenaline (i think adrenaline can save one life or prolong it) running in her body, she start nagging at all of them, Baji, Kazutora, Mikey, that guy who doesn't have any relation with this, Chifuyu about how idiotic this is and somebody could have died (she is still bleeding out herself and not refering to herself).
She yells at Mitsuya or Chifuyu to help with her stabbed wounds, she got the guidebook ready. She also reprimand Kazutora to work through his trauma without involving harm to oneself and others (she make sure to say that she forgive him for stabbing her, aggresively). And getting angry at Baji because he could make their mother cry again if he died. You can insert some emotional moment between Mikey and the Reader, where he confess his feeling, and she fainted after. Fast forward, a happy, emotional, and fluffy ending, where the Reader is alive and got together with Mikey (after years of pining in Mikey's end) and also include the Toman happy fluffy platonic familial scene.
(Additional note : Fem!Reader doesn't know about Tokyo Revengers, but the Tokrev bois surely surprised our dear fem!Reader with their super human ability. I mean look at Draken and Takemichi, they are ok after getting stab in the stomach and hand. And they also pull out the said knife, which make me want to scream at them because that is not how you handle stab wounds. Anyway, our fem!Reader die in our world in their teenage years but they have good loving family and she also a good student with good grades and good social life. And the fem!Reader is also trying to make sure the bois grow up to be a good person. She reprimand her brother a lot about that car-burning things. I get that the parental figures kinda suck, almost non-existent. But, seriously did your parents let you join a gang and let you be a delinquent who got into frequent fights? And they surprisingly, very accepting with the tokrev bois, especially with japan standard. Because that is what i read with most of these xreader. I mean, i know that my parents won't let me go out alone after the sundown. So what i mean is can we get a more realistic dynamic.)
I have not proofread. Sorry for the long ask. I know that the request is not open. And if it's like an OC, i am sorry. I just want to dump this idea. I don't think i would ever write the fic, i just think it will be a cool fic or idea. So i present this to you. But if you ever decided to make a fic out of this idea, just summon me or call me by mentioning "Belt Anon". I will like it if you really make it. But no pressure. Just think it will be cool, with the chaos and all of that.
Lmao I'm rocking with the "belt anon" KSKDKEKE but yes, your idea is very interesting! I love it! Very detailed and the fem! Mc has a very attractive personality~ no doubt the type of girl Mikey would enjoy in his company.
I'm very curious as to why she was reincarnated to Tokyo revengers and why she has that ability tho lol~ the introduction was rather vague to me, for what reason did she really reincarnate if she had a pretty good life? That is, if you even need a reason to. If Takemitchy's main goal was to save Hina, and everyone of his friends, her goal would be to save their friends as well then?
Reader seems like the mother type as well! I love that! The smart one who makes sure none of her children get arrested, the stand in parent they should have-
Your idea is very interesting and has a lot of potential anon~ a few more tweaks here and there and no doubt that would be a great fic!
Sadly I won't be able to make it a full fledged fic :((( I can only make it a headcanon
I would love to write about it, but as you can see I've been pretty busy with life rn that's can only make it a headcanon~ hope you understand!
By the way, which characters should I write for then?
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Adult Chucky ohmygod that's exactly what he is too! With Mahito I just- I get WHY he's like that but it doesn't stop me from wanting to punch him in the nose. Which I acknowledge means he's a well written character but- I. Just. Can't. Stand. Him. 🙃🙃🙃
Ok with those hints- and this is just my gut feeling- I'm gonna say it's Geto....is it Geto??? If not that's my only guess ._.
Nanami Kento is a tsundere?!? You heard it here folks Nanami is #1 tsundere and we stan a good dad who protects his children even though he denies it! Though I'm not like into Nanami that way, I'd still die for him to make him happy? If that makes sense? So I'm excited for those relationship headcannons because I feel hes over looked!
And someone else who reads too fast for their own good! Join the party! I don't hate spoilers so I gobble everything up and skim through everything so I've got a gist of the storyline and extra characters. But now I'm like sitting down and dissecting each chapter as I go so I can be super familiar with it for when I decide to write fanfics oops nerd alert
Throw me in that bin of anti Toji...he hurt my baby and I just- My heart and soul belongs to Megumi and if he hates him then I gotta hate him. I don't make the rules ¯\_( ツ)_/¯ Mai is another one I'm having a hard time warming up to. I've warmed up to Todo asdfghjkl him and Yuji bro fighting to best friends is perfect but besides that really everyone else I like bc the story is just THAT good. But I'm only on the exchange arc that I'm like in detail reading. But as I gobble up 5 or more chapters every time I have down time it won't take me long 👁👄👁
I'll stand by and cheer while you beat the shit out of Mahito. I promise. I too want to see this sewer rat dissected. He's taken away two possibly three of my favorite characters and shows no sign of stopping so I hope Yuji slams his face in the concrete a couple times soon.
Nope! Although, Getou was on my shit list for a while. I kinda automatically didn't like him at first because he was a "bad guy", but that was short lived. I went from hating him to trying to force myself to hate him. It was all because of the Hidden Inventory arc (which, may I add is officially called Gojo's Past arc? I just refer to is as the flashback arc 👀) and I realized I just.... Can't hate him. For a while I was neutral toward him and then episode 7 happened and now it's game over he's pretty okay
I mean; am I in it totally for the looks?
.... No but maybe.
The person I don't like is Mai! I can't stand her. I think it's ONLY because she reminds me of Lisa from Fire Force (if you haven't watched it, ignore that reference) because I get so pissy towards people who hurt my comfort characters oh my god
I don't like what Mai does to Nobara, and how she treats Maki.
HOWEVER. I do feel like in the current arc she might show up and do something good that will get her off of my shit list. I'm not holding my breath but maybe.
Nanami Kento is the best dad and that's on GOD. Pfffft I was gonna say "what no don't die I need you 💛" but also I would die for Nanami so... I can't say shit xD ahhhh I miss Nanami. Honestly I was a Gojofucker when I started (I mean... Who wasn't?) But I'm attracted to Nanami. Gojo is kinda just a cool character, don't get me wrong like I wanna be his best friend, but I rlly do wanna get Nanamin my heart and my body if he asked politely, which he would do btw he asks before he even so much as kisses you
👀 oop- fanfics? Wanna... Drop a few links in my inbox? I haven't been reading fics lately (ahaha brain go brrrr)
Well! I am 100% not spoiler free. If you ask I'll tell you anything, unless it's something I want you to experience the way I did. I made my friend watch Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious without telling him anything just because I wanted him to be as distraught as I was. It worked.
I do be upset at Toji for what he did to Megs but also? Some events take place in this arc and 👀 I'm kinda hoping Megumi changes his standpoint. It'll be great for his character development, because he's been growing since the first chapter and it's cute. I can't see him completely forgiving his dad, however, we haven't gotten Megs' thought process on What The Fuck ™ happened in the current arc, and he might connect the dots and go "... Huh. So that happened."
... it could also go the wrong way and make him more of a gloomy piece of shit
I rlly just wanna give Megumi a hug I stg. Like. I want to be thrown into the jjk universe, not to live out my own story, but just give everyone a damn hug and just tell them it's gonna be okay l, especially Yuji, Megumi and Gojo bc the first two are having difficult times with their emotions and the second because uhhh. I had this scenario pop in my head and idk why I thought of this, but I guess Gojo and I were fighting about something? And for some reason I was beating the shit out of him. And he was letting the blows land. Like he didn't have infinity activated. He must have done something shitty to allow himself to get beat up and somehow I ended up straddling him and I was yelling shit like "oh, now you won't talk? You won't even look at me in the fucking eye, get this shit off-" and I ripped his blindfold off and I was met with the absolute heart wrenching sight of Gojo Satoru's baby blue eyes swollen with tears. And all he did was smile and say "gomen ne" in his cute little voice (kinda childish, like how he dragged out Yuji's name in the first ep. 'Itadori yuuuuuji') and this scene rlly got me thinking what if the happy go lucky attitude is just a facade he uses to hide how broken he is-
But that's its own separate post lmao
I think I answered everything, have fun reading this shit show
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mo2k · 3 years
I'm so sorry for the late replies 😭 school is staring this Monday and it's kinda hectic 😵💫 but now I'll finally be able to graduate 😭
I actually read spoilers before watching the anime.. idk it's just a habit 🤡 How do I know.... that's a secret 🤫 ik and see all 🔮✨
You don't need to worry about me or my brother 😒 he's only polite when he wants to be so it's no use talking to him I just let him be 🤷🏻‍♀️ And he mostly watches Isekai anime... which I don't really enjoy and he doesn't like the same characters as me so we have nothing in commen even when it comes to anime 😂
Aww... baji will look so cute! The secret group chat is a nice idea 🤣 just make sure he never find out about it 💀
Atleast you know your dad is paying attention to the show 😅 if I watched it with my dad I would have had to explain every second to him....
Aah yes 😌 I just love it when levi kicks the snot out of people ✨ if anything is broken it's eren's face 💀 Krul and Levi - tiny but deadly kickers
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You will see more of levi and his foot later on 🤣
dw I'm fine really! No need to worry :)
Ah no please don’t apologise amanda. It should be me who apologise for replying super late luv 🙏😭 Ik we all got smth else to do irl so it’s completely fine dear! Oh really? This might be a bit too early but congratulations!!! 🥳💖
That’s quite understandable. We could read some spoilers first to see if the anime was our thing or no シ
You know and see all? …. Who gunna die to tr? JKJKJK sdfghjll
Oh? Well that’s a smart decision. We can’t force anyone to do anything, that’s the moral of the story ig 😅
Wow I don’t really have lots of thing in common with my sis too… could this possibly be… one of the siblings’s thing? I’m kidding LMAO 🤣🤣🤣
He won’t! I’ll make sure nothing could make him feel… s u s p i c i o u s 😉✨ And imma spam the chats with loads of him all tied up adorably with some cute bows and hairstyles 🥺💗 Oh speaking of hairstyles — have you seen this amanda-san? I highly rec you should watch this <3
Well he’s only interested bc he wanted to spoiled the next scene badly almost every single epic ones — It’ll be like this :
Me seeing epic aot scenes with great interest : *Gasp* Uh what? 😳💖
Dad : U kNoW wHy???? bEcAuSE —
Me almost throw him a punch : Ow literally SHUT UP!!!!!!!
That’s how it is 🤣😭
Oh lol yeah — that might be a bit tiring but hey at least that doesn’t make we feel alone!
Poor eren 😭😭😭 i kinda feel sorry for him tbh ;-; you didn’t really have to kick him that hard heichou!! see mikasa’s already fuming & ready to burst anytime now!
Krul?… I have seen amv of her… she’s a vampire i assume? But yes they’re both cute, but they could also kill u… amen— 💀🙏
The pics omggggg The pics — ʟᴀᴅɪᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇᴍᴇɴ. ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍᴏᴜs ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛᴇᴅ ɢʏᴍɴᴀsᴛ... ʟᴇᴠɪ ʜᴇɪᴄʜᴏᴜ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you know what gunna happen next-
Hmmm I’m looking forward to see this man soon then 👀👀👀 (and his foot ofc XD)
Glad to hear that love! But still please take care!!!
- With love, BamBam 🦢🌙
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