#( i have no love for rooster teeth but this life is mine + the path to isolation is PEAK wanderer muse music. )
erabundus · 2 years
𝐓𝐎𝐏  𝟓  𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ...       share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muses  the  most.    bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.
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𝟎𝟏.          ...  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇  𝐓𝐎  𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍
it  starts  with  the  unexpected  loss  of  something  dear.  the  warmth  that  comforted  and  cradled  just  disappears.  and  in  its  place,  there's  nothing ...  just  an  endless,  empty  hole.  the  light  that  showed  the  way  is  gone  and  darkness  takes  control.  bitterness  and  anger  are  quick  to  fill  the  void.  the  path  to  isolation  is  littered  with  the  dreams  that  lay  destroyed.
𝟎𝟐.          ...  𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃
sometimes  the  ones  we  love  the  most  have  the  worst  things  to  hide.  sometimes  the  monsters  turn  out  to  be  those  who  stood  there  by  your  side.  so ...  keep  it  locked  up,  keep  it  sealed  tight,  shut  it  down  and  turn  away  —  (  "please,  think  of  the  fragile  things ..."  )  NO.  nothing  good  is  meant  to  stay!
𝟎𝟑.          ...  𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄  𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄
feed  the  fire  all  you  want,  you  won't  take  me.  knock  me  down  all  you  want,  watch  it  save  me.  somehow  i'm  moving  on  and  it  pains  me.  they  all  may  want  me  gone,  let  it  chase  me!
𝟎𝟒.          ...  𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐆𝐎𝐓  𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓,  𝐊𝐈𝐃
you,  you  keep  screaming  from  the  top  of  your  lungs.  mister  who-gives-a-shit,  just  shut  up.  the  podium  is  all  yours,  go  right  ahead!  the  plastic  king  of  castle  polyethylene!  go  on  time  to  be  a  good  little  pig!  you're  worth  it,  or  you're  so,  so...  'cause  when  the  rug  gets  pulled  out  from  underneath  just  embrace  the  fall.  oh  you  got  spirit,  kid!  you're  number  one!  go  on  living  that  farce.  'cause  nobody  gives  a  fuck  who  you  are.
𝟎𝟓.          ...  𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘  𝐈'𝐌  𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄
so,  with  advice  of  the  dead  and  a  halo  over  my  head.  at  last,  "honey  i'm  home!"  three  voices  come  all  alone.  a  vivisection  of  me,  done  by  god  for  all  to  see.  say,  "hello!  honey  i'm  home!"  three  voices  come  all  alone.
tagged by:  stolen  from  @nulltune​ !  tagging:  if  you’re  reading  this,  consider  yourself  tagged!  it  was  super  fun!
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osir-ethria · 3 years
.... Debating on whether or not I should do something other than the Schneeblings...
Well here’s another thing about them anyway.
Whitley loves fashion and designing with a much more creative aspect to clothing. Jacques however found out and called it far to feminine and that he should be focusing business and other things (minus fighting).
Winter would always let Whitley choose the dress she would wear to business meeting with Jacques and tell him about the guests reactions and how many compliments she got because of his choice. She did this in the form of a letter that Klein would hand Whitley because if she was seen anywhere near Whitley he would be reprimanded by their father. She’d first give him a list on what the event was about, how she was to be represented, and if Jacques was there to enjoy himself a little or purely just business.
This helped Whitley with his look when he went out on formal events and got to choose. (This is me saying please change his outfit for once. Maybe inspired by Weiss?)
Even though Winter never directly told Weiss but Whitley was the one who designed her outfits minus the Volume 7 one... I’d have to say Weiss looks good but like, the pounds of hair in that braid is unnecessary. She has a lot of hair but why make it not proportional to the rest of the head. Other than that she actually picked up a few things from Whitley just by studying what she’s been wearing.
After the half of the group that got to Vacuo arrives at the main kingdom they need new gear. The Atlas gear is going to give them a heat stroke. They are trying to decide what to do and they see an obviously emotionally unavailable Winter write a few things down, hand it to Whitley, and tells him to go all out.
Later she explains the whole fashion thing with them and tells them that if they’d trust him with their outfit designs to just list necessities, color schemes, any requirements that’ll help with how they fight, and what style of clothing they are comfortable or uncomfortable with. When Whitley receives these papers from the group he starts crying, they aren’t seeing it as weird and actually trust him with it. Remember, Jacques hated this side of Whitley.
Whitley works with Pietro to design the new gear and everyone loves it. Comfortable, looks good, and does its job. I also remember that the Schnee dust company doesn’t only have dust mines in Atlas even though it was the majority, there are some all over Remnent. (This is from the World of Remnent episode Rooster Teeth did about the Schnee Dust Company.) The Schnees however stay with the refugees instead of going somewhere else so they can help them. They also have enough money to help provide for the refugees like buying tents, getting food and water, and any other necessity. Whitley gets a good feeling from helping and not keeping it all to himself.
Whitley better ask Winter to train him or Winter forcefully teaches him because she can’t handle losing another sibling. This is just with a sword he hasn’t gotten his semblance yet.
He’s smarter than a lot think he should be, the only thing that’s stopping him from being a huntsman is how young he is, like I would prefer if he was around Oscar’s age, and he’s not of the physical or aura capability of a huntsman. You could argue Jaune was like that but Jaune was of the age to go to beacon, had a weapon, and was physically fit to the point he could play it off as maybe going to the school. The only thing he was lacking was skill which was remedied by Pyrrha.
Whitley hasn’t had any of that but I wouldn’t doubt that he’d be a good fit. I can imagine him trying to use his left hand but it doesn’t work out so he forces himself to switch and it works but he wanted to use his left hand for that. He’s not as nimble as Weiss but more so than Winter so he’s slowly forming into a mix. Best part would be he keeps his sarcastic attitude and teasing only being serious in serious situations.
I think all Schnees are brutally honest with everything but understand and feel bad when they hurt someone who hasn’t done anything bad to them or has gotten on their nerves. If they are misunderstood for what they say and they know it wouldn’t be easy to understand said topic they go soft and attempt to explain, Winter and Penny at the Schnee manor in Vol 7.
I also like to think that each of them are slightly gifted in the others area of art. Whitley is better with design, art, and visual concepts.
Weiss is better musical and hearing as well as being able to take quickly to anything she was forced to learn by Jacques or genuinely wanted to know. Weiss and Whitley also share common interest in design from a mathematical stand point because it gets their motors going which was derived from Jacques trying to control them and force how they think, what they do, and what’s going on.
Winter is more about art through movement. She taught Weiss how to dance and is probably the only person who could stand a chance against Yang with Martial Arts. With her being the most controlling of her emotions she could easily do acting which she was forced to do while in school before Atlas Academy.
Whitley learnt how to play the piano from Weiss with videos Klein recorded where Weiss explained how to play. This was an assignment by Jacques to prove she was practicing but Whitley caught them once and asked Klein if he could see the videos. Jacques thought he had the natural talent for the piano, nah he just practiced a lot with Weiss’s help.
Winter hasn’t listened to any of Weiss’ personal songs. By personal I mean the RWBY soundtracks. I head canon that those songs are Weiss describing their journey and how she believes their friends, enemies, and family feels.
I like the idea that Weiss’s songs were used as protest. Now Winter has heard a few she just never put two and two together that that was Weiss singing since she always had a soft pitched opera voice. Well not until she heard someone in the refugee camp blast This Life Is Mine which included the more opera segment. That broke Winter. The idea was on a head canon post but I forgot the name and I’ve liked to many posts to the point I doubt I’ll find it.
Whitley got two copies of Weiss’s songs, using a bit of money for himself and Winter there, and as a bonding activity between them and if they ever feel stressed listen to her music and voice. This is how Whitley realized that Jacques had been lying to him about his sisters just abandoning him and not caring for him at all that they left him, but rather Jacques pulled him away from Winter to ensure he wouldn’t end up like Weiss. This Life Is Mine hits close to Whitley as for Winter as much as she agrees with Whitley that it hits close she knows that Weiss’s song Path to Isolation hits more for her.
Weiss had managed to submit War, Until The End, and Fear to the people who published her songs before everything the evacuation using Pietro. Pietro questioned why and she just gave a quick summary, not explaining everything but just enough. Those publishers got though the portals and with the help of Whitley and the Schnee money got Weiss’s ‘final’ track out.
The songs are played everyday which was new for the Atlesians that survived compared to the survivors in Mantle. No one expected Weiss to be so defiant and see how abusive Jacques was to her and which they can assume the rest of the family. How they weren’t picture perfect.
......... I should stop now. Written to much again. I’ll most likely try to find the post with the idea that Weiss’s song were used as songs of retaliation in Mantle. If I do I’m going to reboot it so here me go, deep diving.
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My Knight Part 1/2
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Jon Moxely X OC 
Requested by: @xladyxfatex​ 
Rated: M 
Warnings: smut and fluff 
Summary: Kenny takes his little sister, Ashlynn to one of his matches to try and cheer her up. Ashlynn goes with Riho and some of the other girls to a bar after the show. That’s where she meets one charming man. Too bad that man was exactly who her brother warned her against. 
I groaned as I got out of the car. It was amazing to go anywhere with my brother. My brother had taken me along to much different wrestling shows that he had performed with, all over the world.  This was different. It felt like he was inviting me as a pity trip. I knew mom and dad had tried to coax him into taking me out of town to cheer me up.  
“Come on, Ashlynn,” Kenny said smiling as he handed me my bag. We were at the hotel for the city he was wrestling in tomorrow night. “You love coming to my matches.” “I do. When there isn’t a hidden agenda behind it.” I sighed. “I know mom and dad made you do this because they are worried about me.” 
“Of course they are. I am too. You have been locked up in the house ever since.” He paused. “It’s not healthy.” “I am perfectly fine.” I rolled my eyes as I rolled my bag into the doors. I knew what he was talking about. The last few months of my life have been in pieces. My fiance left me for his boss, I lost my job which caused me to lose my house. To top it all off, my Yorkie passed away. It all came at once like a nasty hurricane, leaving nothing, but destruction in its path. I moved back in with my parents which is something at twenty-eight years old, I thought I would never do. I was miserable. I locked myself in my room for days. Just wishing that I wouldn't wake up.  I knew Kenny's niceness was only my parents trying to get me away from my Netflix binging. Which was probably a good thing. The office was even getting old after its thirtieth run through. 
"Ash, you aren't fine. We are all worried about you. We thought maybe if we left you alone that you would snap out of it. You haven’t.” 
I sighed, “Fine, but did you really have to make Riho take me out. That makes me look even worse.” Kenny raised an eyebrow, “I didn’t make her. She asked me if I thought it would be okay for you to go out with the rest of the girls on the rooster. I thought it would be a perfect thing for you to do. You need to get out with some girls and forget everything.” 
“To a bar... where I could get drunk...and met a boy? What kind of big brother are you?” She teased lightly. 
“No wrestlers,” Kenny warned. That was always Kenny one warning. He would tell me all these horror stories about them. How most of them were just looking to get laid to fill the need of being lonely on the road. A lot of them also had let the fame get to there and the fact that girls were practically begging to jump on their dicks. He never wanted me to become one of those girls that he sees. He said there was more to me. He said I could date any other kind of athlete, but he had just seen too many with wrestlers. I never dated much of either. I mainly date normal joes with normal nine to fives.  I still ended up getting hurt though. It didn’t seem to matter. “Especially Jon Moxely.” Kenny entered that pulled me away from his thoughts. 
“Why especially him?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms tightly across my chest. I had no idea who he was even referring to. I hadn’t seen any of his shows since he joined AEW. I had really no intention as bad as that sounded. 
“He is no good. Just stay away.” Kenny’s voice was stern. I sighed as I nodded in agreement to stay away. 
We went to the bar as soon as most of the girls were freed from the arena. Some of the male wrestlers had followed them as well though Riho had told her. Her English still wasn’t the best, so Brit and Brandi could have said something completely different and it didn’t fully translate. That or the boys just brought themselves. I didn’t care. I had no interest in any of them. I was too busy with a drink in my hand. It had been a while since I had alcohol which helped mend the fact that it had been a while since I was not used to being in crowds. I had hidden in my room for so long. This was the most I had other than going to the store. 
The problem with it being so long is that I wasn't as tolerant to alcohol as I used to be. I could feel how lightweight I was by the first beer. I didn't care though. Kenny wanted me to go out and have fun and this was definitely making it more fun. 
I was soon dancing on the dance floor with a couple of girls. I was actually enjoying it. Giggling with them. I had forgotten everything that happened these last few months. Kenny was right I needed this. 
Someone had to ruin my fun though. A guy soon came by and pressed his junk hard against me. I groaned as I turned around to see who the boy was. "Fuck off," I told him. "You aren't getting shit." I slurred him. I tried to smack him, but I stumbled a bit since he moved from it. 
"Feisty," he chuckled. "I like them feisty. Now, come on, I will give you a fun ride." He sneered at me. He grabbed my arm to pull me close to him. I tried to fight him off. It was no use. The man was stronger than me. 
"Hey!" Someone yelled from the back of the crowd as he moved forward. The voice was rough and husky. I turned to see a tall muscular man coming towards us. He had a short reddish-brown that you could tell was thinning at the top. He had a well-groomed beard. When I met his pale blue eyes it was like lighting between us. He grabbed the guy who had touched me by the collar. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you how to treat a lady, Sammy?” He asked. “If she says no that doesn’t mean force your tiny ass penis on her more?” He said as he pulled him away from me. “Hey, mind your damn business,” Sammy said as he pushed the man back. The other man stumbled back. A fight broke out between the two men. I was shocked. It had to be the tipsiness in me, but I couldn’t help, but think this was kinda hot. The man had gotten the upper hand on him. Sammy ran off into the crowd trying to fix himself from the embarrassment he just had. 
The man turned to me. I smiled slightly. I could feel my cheeks starting to get hot. “Thank you for that. I didn’t think he would leave me alone.” 
He shrugged. “He had it coming for being a disrespectful little prick. He doesn’t know how to treat a woman right.” 
“Well, thank you anyway, my knight, in shining armor.” She leaned up to kiss his cheek softly. 
He grinned, “I don’t know about that now. I am not much of a knight.” “Well, I would love to buy you a drink on me,” I said. As I moved towards the bar I could feel myself start to stumble on my own feet. 
“I think you have had enough to drink for tonight.” He said. “How about I get you home?” 
I looked around for any of the girls I had come with. I had lost them in the fight. Kenny would most likely kill me for going home with a random guy, but I had no idea where anyone else had gone. To be honest, I wasn’t looking that hard. I nodded, taking the hand that he moved out for me to take. 
“You never told me your name,” I mentioned as we got to his car. 
He opened the door for me, “Jon.” He got into the car. “What is yours?” 
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He winked with a slight chuckle. “Where am I taking you?” 
I told him the hotel I was staying in. He smiled which confused me. “That is the same hotel I am staying in tonight.” 
“Mhm, maybe you were meant to come and save me, and be my brave knight.” 
“Are you always so corny?”  He laughed. I couldn’t help but love his laugh. 
“Maybe. I am pretty sure it’s just the alcohol. That and I haven’t exactly been around people a lot lately. I have been living in my own world after my world kind of came crumbling down. “I know that feeling.” He nodded. “This isn’t a pass at you or anything, but if you’d like I could take you up to your room and we could talk it out. Alcohol isn’t exactly a good way to deal with it.” I opened my mouth to say yes, but then I remembered that I was sharing a room with Kenny. He would be livid that I didn’t come back with Riho and that I got into the car with this strange man. He wouldn’t be so nice. “How about your room?” She asked. “Mine has my brother and I don’t think he will like some random guy from a bar in his room.” 
“Nah, and I don’t need to get into another fight because of you,” He winked teasing me. “Come on, I will help you sober up a bit.” He pulled into the parking lot outside the hotel. He got out of the car and ran over to open the door for me. I blushed a bit as he took my hand and walked with me into the hotel. It was nice to actually be getting some attention from a guy. Even before the break-up, my ex had been harsh and barely wanted to touch me. I could tell he was slipping away before it even happened. I had been naive enough to think that I could make it stop. 
Once we were in Jon’s room, he shut the door behind us. He handed me a glass of water. I started to drink it, noticing how thirsty I was once the liquid hit my lips. I could feel my mind clearing up as I drank the water. I started to feel more nervous being in a room with a guy I only knew by the first name. When alcohol was still clouding my mind, this seemed like an okay decision. Now, I wasn’t so sure. 
“I don’t think you should have sobered me up. I may run out of this room now before you get your way with me.” I teased to help calm my nerves and end the awkward silence between us. He shrugged out of his leather jacket, “Or maybe that was my plan all along.” He winked at me. My heart skipped when I saw him wink at me. He smiled at me with his dimples showing perfectly. How in the hell was a guy like this interested in her? He was built like someone you would find in a romance novel, not a guy you would actually meet in the bar. In her experience, most of those were missing teeth or had a few STDs on their lips. He had none of that. He was honestly the sexiest guy she had seen. She could see better now that she was out of the dim lights of the club. His white t-shirt hugged his biceps almost perfectly. He had never missed a leg day because even his jeans hugged him perfectly. No wonder he had never made a move yet. There was no way I could be his type. He needs a girl more like him. 
I wasn’t ugly or anything like that. I was just well, average. My brown hair which waved at the ends fell to my shoulders. I was slender with not much boobs or ass, but decent enough. I couldn’t twerk, but my ass looked somewhat good in jeans. I had a little to grab.  go My pale hazel eyes were the best-looking part about me. It was why I wore a lot of eye makeup to make them pop even more so guys would ignore the rest of me. 
Jon and I slowly began talking to fill the awkward silence in the air. It wasn’t anything that deep, but it was nice to just talk to someone and he was probably the easiest guy to talk to. He was so laid back in every single way and had some amazing stories. He had me laughing like crazy. He made me laugh so hard I snorted at one-pointed. I covered my mouth completely embarrassed. He laughed at me, only causing me to blush harder.  
“I am sorry, that was just cute.” He said as he reached for my hand. “You don’t need to feel embarrassed at all for me. I won’t judge you.” His words were so sincere that I felt like I could trust him. He leaned into her. “I also know I said I wouldn’t take advantage of you, so you can leave after I say this, but you are honestly the most beautiful girl. I am glad that I came to the bar tonight.” He leaned in more, closing most of the space between us. I couldn’t believe what was happening. His soft lips were soon against mine. He wrapped a hand on my waist, pulling me close. 
Now, the smart side of my brain was telling me that I needed to smack him in the face. I needed to tell him off and walk out of the room. Just because he saved you from one creep doesn’t mean he isn’t one himself. The other side of my brain was taking over though. I wanted to kiss him so badly. The smell of his cologne filling my nose.  I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. In that second, it became more heated between us. He licked my bottom lip as he begged for access which I happily gave to him. I allowed him to explore every inch of my mouth before I wrapped my tongue with his. He pulled me onto his lap making me straddle him. I could feel his already hard dick pressed hard against me. It's been so long that I had no willpower to fight it. I needed him. I needed this physical contact that I was unaware I even craved anymore. 
I rolled my hips across him. I could feel myself starting to soak through my underwear. I bit my lip trying to hold in a moan. He must have taken notice because he pushed himself up against my core. I gasped as I felt him brush against my clit. His eyes dark as he flipped me onto the bed laying me on my back. He kissed down my neck, dragging his teeth on it. He was sending chills down my spine as he went. Once he reached my shirt, he pulled it up. His warm hands cupping my breasts as they pushed passed my bra. His hands were rough against my soft skin. I didn't mind. It felt amazing. His lips met my stomach as he began to kiss it. He undid my pants with one hand yanking them down to my knees. He pushed my panties to the side and licked ever so lightly against my lips before he kissed down my thighs. He moved his face back to my core. I could feel his hot breath sending goosebumps up my body. I didn't know what he was waiting for, but the anticipation was killing me. I bucked my hips. "Please Jon, I want this," I begged softly. That seemed to be what he was waiting for. He pushed his head back in my heat and licked my lower lips. He spread me open with his fingers still licking long stride before he focused his attention on my clit. He licked circles around it making me buck my hips towards him. God, I wanted more. He wrapped his arm around my hips holding me down as he sucked my clit. He pulled it into his mouth and sucked before making a slight popping noise to release it. I tried my hardest to move it back towards him. I could tell he was loving teasing me. He licked around my hole before he dove into it. He licked in circles before he thrust in and outside. I threw my head back as I arched towards him. My hands fell to his head as I tried to make sure he couldn’t get away with pulling back and teasing me more. I could feel him smirking against me before he went back to work. It wasn’t long before my high was coming close. I was moaning his name like prayer as my pussy clenched around his tongue. He picked up the pace of his tongue and carried it on through as I came all over his face. 
As he pulled away, I saw him licking his lips. “You taste like heaven.” He smiled as he kissed me again. My hands went down to his jeans. I could feel that his dick begging for freedom. I undid his pants and pulled them down. My hands went to his chest as I pushed him onto the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head as he laid back. I couldn’t help, but pause to stare at his body. It was almost perfect. I ran my hand down his abs. He didn’t have to flex them for me to feel his abs perfectly. His V was outlined perfectly as I ran a finger down them.  I slowly kissed his chest before I moved to his V. It was a good thing that I was so lost in lust or I might be nervous about this. All I could think about was giving him the same pleasure that he had given me. 
I wrapped my lips around him as I slowly started to bob, swirling around my tongue around his base. I began to take more of him into my mouth. I, soon, pushed him all the way down my throat. He groaned as he wrapped his fingers through my hair. He thrust towards my mouth. I gagged. My first reaction was to pull off, but he held my head there for a bit longer. He pushed a couple more times down my throat before he released my head. He pulled me back up towards him. His blue eyes met mine. “Are you sure about this?” He asked me. I didn’t even have to think. I didn’t even respond with words. I just smirked as I slid on top of his dick. His hands landed onto my hips as I began to move them against him. We still hadn’t broken eye contact. I moved my hips faster as I began to bounce on him. He dug his nails into my hips as he thrust back up into me. I threw my head back as my eyes rolled back into my head. 
He flipped us over so that I was on my back. He hooked my legs putting them over my shoulders. He pushed back inside me. He started out slowly at first then he started on a brutal pace, going fast and deep.  I gripped the bed sheets as he moved in and out of me. I moaned loudly as I pushed my hips against him. It wasn’t long till I could feel my pussy clenching around him tightly as my high was getting close. He reached his hand over as he began to rub my clit. “Cum baby.” He said his voice was rougher than before. It forced me over the edge as I came all over his dick. He wasn’t far behind me as he pulled out suddenly cumming all over my stomach. 
He got up from the bed grabbing a towel as he carefully whipped my stomach off before cleaning himself off. I missed his warm cum on me, but it was soon replaced by his warm arms. I didn’t mind it. He held me close as he ran his fingers through my hair. It didn’t take me long before I was sound asleep. It was the easiest I had fallen asleep in days. 
I could hear a soft ring as I began to slowly open my eyes. My head was pounding in my head. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in a hotel room, but it wasn't mine. The room was very similar, but the artwork gave it away til my eyes could see clearer. I could see my clothes on the floor mixed in with someone else. I looked over to the side of the bed to see a man sleeping next to me. In my drunken state last night, I had never put two and two together. Jon was actually Jon Moxley. The one Kenny told me to stay away from. 
As I looked at him with the sunlight coming through the window,  I felt bad for doing this, but if Kenny found out I was dead. I quickly grabbed my clothes throwing them on. I kissed his head before I headed out the door.
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astral-enchantments · 5 years
-Top 10 RWBY Songs-
10. Like Morning Follows Night
“Go where you need to, no I won’t leave you. I’ll follow you like morning follows night.”
Man what a powerful song. I know Bumbleby is cannon now, but I still (platonically) ship these two so much!!! I feel like Sun was there for Blake when so few others were, she felt so alone but left to keep her friends safe, and then Sun shows up saying that even in her darkest hour he be there for her. Oof. This ones in ten only because of the rap portion near the end cause that kinda ruins the emotion of the song.
9. All That Matters
“Then you appear, together we’re here. And that’s all that matters somehow.”
Aaaaah, If ‘Like Morning Follows Night’ makes me emotional, this song takes the cake. I’m not even a huge Bumbleby shipper but I just love this song. Yang’s conflicting feelings of wanting to be happy Blake is back, but also still feeling betrayed that she left.
8. This Life is Mine
“Listen when I say, I swear it here today, I will not surrender, this life is mine!”
Not only is this song a beautiful callback to ‘Mirror Mirror,’ but it also shows how much Weiss has grown since volume one. She no longer feels obligated to listen to her father and conform to what he wants of her. Her life is her own, and she will carve her own way in the world.
7. Caffeine
“I’m a bad dream, I’m a rad scene, I’m a tad mean, but I’m not afraid to take you out!”
This song is a big pickup for me when I’m feeling down. It’s super upbeat and a great theme song for team CFVY. I know it’s not quite as emotional as other songs on this list, but that doesn’t make it bad, in fact, quite the opposite. I really hope we get to see them when we go to Vacuo.
6. Bad Luck Charm
“I am no ones blessing, I’ll just bring you harm. I’m a cursed black cat, I’m an albatross, I’m a mirror broken. Sad to say, I’m your bad luck charm.”
Qrow is such a tragic character and his theme in volume four really reflects this. Even now after meeting Clover who tried to show him the bright side of every situation, he is killed thanks to Qrow and feels as cursed as ever. Also this song is just a fricken bop.
5. Divide
“One spark can insight their hope, and ignite the hearts of their weary souls. I will extinguish that flame!”
Oh my gosh, between this and Sacrifice, Salem has some of my favorite villain themes ever. It has a bunch of callbacks to her speeches at the beginning of volume one and end of volume 3, has a clearly sinister motif that very heavily hinted that Ozpin wasn’t telling us the whole truth about Salem, and was generally really enjoyable. I like to listen to it when I’m writing for the villains in my D&D campaign :)
4. Cold
“Now it’s cold without you here, it’s like winter lasts all year. But your star’s still in the sky, so I won’t say goodbye.”
Now this ones amazing for multiple reasons: one, it very clearly portrays Jaunes loss after Pyrrha dies, and two, is a tribute to Monty Oum, the creator of RWBY. (It also has a RvB reference since he worked on that, the whole ‘I hate goodbyes’ think from the freelancer arc) Anyways this song never fails to make me cry. Rest In Peace Monty Oum, may your show forever carry your legacy.
3. Red Like Roses
“Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest. White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test. Black the beast descends from shadows. Yellow beauty burns gold”
This is the song that introduced us to RWBY, and might I say, it did an amazing job of setting the stage for what was to come. It gives us just a hint of backstory for our main characters, as well as developing an immediate theme of color. There are only the lyrics I featured above, as the rest of the song is a backtrack for Ruby fighting the beowolves. But all in all, this is the song that started it all, and it did a fantastic job.
2. Time to Say Goodbye
“Were we born to fight and die? Sacrificed for one huge lie? Are we heroes keeping peace? Or are we weapons, pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory?”
This is, by far, my favorite opening for any RWBY volume. It gives us some hints of things to come, and sets the stage for the tone shift in volume 3. It also showed how there was a much bigger picture than just a bunch of teenage girls taking down a local crime lord. Also, have y’all heard the acoustic cover of this song? So pretty!
And before number one a couple of honorable mentions:
I’m the One
All Our Days
Armed and Ready
This Will Be the Day
1. Home
“ I don’t know where we should go, just feeling farther from our goal. I don’t know what path we will. E shown, but I know that when I’m with you, I’m at home.”
Just a beautiful song that shows how powerful the ‘found family’ trope can be. I like to think Summer sung this to Ruby when she was young. I just really love this song, volume four really had all the best songs didn’t it? I guess that was Rooster Teeth making up for the plot.
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vesperlord · 7 years
My In Depth Analysis of all the songs on the RWBY Soundtrack
Volume 1:
This Will Be The Day: "I may be small but I can fuck you up" 
Red Like Roses Part 1: "Basic Info about everyone" 
Mirror Mirror: "I'm lonely and my life sucks" 
I Burn: "I'm a badass and I know it." 
Red Like Roses Part 2: “MOM WHY”
Gold: "My sister is the most important thing in the world to me" 
I May Fall: "Someday I'm gonna die, but you won't be the one to kill me!"
Wings: "You had a shit life but you're with friends now"
Volume 2:
Time To Say Goodbye: "Shit will get real, and we need to be ready." 
Die: "Shit has gotten real, and we aren't ready." 
Shine: "Shit, I'm in love" 
Dream Come True: A combination of "Notice me Jaune!" and "Weiss diss track"
All My Days: "My sister has always been the most important thing to me" 
Boop: "Shit, I'm in love" 
Sacrifice: "I'm not gonna die for you."
Volume 3:
It's My Turn: "Fuck you dad" 
Not Fall In Love With You: "Shit, I'm in love"
Neon: "I'm better than everyone" 
Mirror Mirror Part II: "Fuck you dad" 
When It Falls: "Shit will go down and you can't stop it"
I'm The One: "We had fucked up pasts but we're still gonna murder you"
Divide: "You done fucked up, and I'm gonna fuck you up even more."
Cold:  "Goodbye Pyrrha/Monty"
Volume 4:
Let's Just Live: "Life fucking sucks, but we need to move forward anyway" 
Like Morning Follows Night: "Stay away from me, my life sucks!" combined with "I know your life sucks,  but I'm still standing by your side." 
Bad Luck Charm: "My life fucking sucks, you shouldn't get close to me" 
This Life Is Mine: "Fuck you dad"
Home: "I don't know what's gonna happen next, but I'm with my friends so it's all good." 
Armed and Ready: "PUNS" combined with "Adam you done fucked up" 
Lusus Nauture: "The Grimm are beautiful" combined with "I'm not crazy!"
Bmblb: "The sweetest love song on the RWBY Soundtrack. Literally."
Volume 5:
The Triumph: "Life fucking sucks, but we're gonna kick some ass so it's all good" 
Ignite: "Prepare to get punched." 
The Path of Isolation: "My life fucking sucks." 
Smile: "I’m gonna smile while I kick ass and take revenge"
All Things Must Die: “You’re fucked.”
(No Initial Impression to “All That Matters” because I’m lazy. Thanks to @blake-wukong for sending me what we had of the lyrics though!)
The Triumph:  "Life fucking sucks, but we're gonna kick some ass so it's all good. Hope you’re ready to die, assholes.”
Ignite: “Don’t fuck with me, my sister, my friends, my dad, my uncle, my dog, my bike, or my pet rock EVER AGAIN, or I will make sure there’s nothing left of you to bury. Featuring unexpected but most certainly not unwelcome jazz!”
The Path TO Isolation (I initially fucked it up, I know): “My life REALLY FUCKING SUCKS, SOMEONE HELP ME. Also, obligatory fuck you dad.”
Smile: “My daughter, racists exist. FUCK THEIR SHIT UP.”
All Things Must Die: “Sorry, did I say ‘You’re fucked’? What I meant was ‘The “You’re fucked” meter is broken.’ I hope you wrote your will.”
All That Matters: “Stick around this time, for fuck’s sake!”
This Time: “VIVA LA REVOLUTION! Only this time, better!”
Volume 6:
Lionized: "Adam n-" "ADAM YES"
Rising: “We're back and we're badass!”
Miracle: "A miracle would be nice, but we'll hang in until we get one... Which might be a while..."
One Thing: “You got my [lover/father figure/best friend/whatever you interpret Roman and Neo as being] killed, I’m gonna fucking kill you!” 
Forever Fall: [Analysis unavailable due to heavy crying]
Big Metal Shoe: “Caroline Cordovin Diss Track”
Indomitable: "They can take our lives, but they can never take our silver eyes!” (Except for crocodile faunus. They can and will take your silver eyes.)
Lionized: “Adam may have been a shitty person but goddamn he was a great villain and got a fucking amazing villain song to go with it. Rest in pieces motherfucker.”
Rising: “You thought the bits from the opening were awesome? You haven’t seen shit yet!”
Miracle: “A miracle would be nice. But until we get one, WE’VE GOT METAL”
One Thing: "So that Neo and Cinder alliance. It’s most certainly gonna be long-lasting. No impending betrayal when the time is right. None at all whatsoever.”
Forever Fall: [heavy sobbing because the playlist I was listening to had this placed right after Indomitable and GOD DAMMIT THIS SONG IS EMOTIONAL ENOUGH]
Big Metal Shoe: “WHO DARED THE WILLIAMS TO CRAM EVERY FAIRY TALE REFERENCE POSSIBLE INTO ONE SONG. Because I’d like to thank you, this song is great.”
Indomitable:  I... don’t really have anything funny to say about this song. Not because I dislike it, far from it. But... just, give it a listen.
Nevermore: “Adam Y-” “ADAM. NO. DIE.”
Armed and Ready Acoustic Remix: Beehaw if it was a song
EDIT 2: All Things Must Die and This Time analysed. Note that all V5 songs are subject to change based on the subject of the full songs. (Also I completely missed the lyrics to the song that played during the RWBY reunion, but if anyone has them I would be very grateful.)
EDIT 3: Updated for the full release of the V5 songs! I decided to move This Time down to “Full Song Analysis” because it’s the full song, we got the whole thing in the credits of Episode 14. Anyway, don’t mind me while I scream into the void about HOW FUCKING AWESOME THIS SEASON’S SOUNDTRACK IS.
EDIT 4: I just got First. I love Volume 6. I love the soundtrack. I CAN’T WAIT ANOTHER YEAR FOR MORE RWBY PLEASE RT- oh hey there’s comics and novels and world guides and all sorts of shit that’s hopefully coming out this year! (Dan DiDio if you lay a FINGER ON THESE COMICS I WILL NOT HESITATE TO-). 
Also, with this edit, due to us getting a Neo song, I will be deleting the tags that begged for requested such a song, because clearly, Rooster Teeth saw my shitpost and decided to acquiesce to my demands.
Also did some minor touch-ups, like bolding some text and shit because I personally prefer it that way.
EDIT 5: Oh boy Volume 6′s soundtrack is here, and it is a fucking roller coaster of emotions. Added all the full song analyses and moved Nevermore down there. Now I will return to hibernate until Volume 7 comes out.
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so back story (haven't written it yet): the husband = has the power of psychometry ( if he touches something he can instill memories into it or see memories) and his wife is a powerful psychic that basically wiped his memories away of his real wife.
today feels like it will be a good day. i woke up, and guess what? you'll never believe it. my wife
is staring down at me in bed, her prim, petulant lips smothered coral— pursing her warpaint at me. i hate that color on her; on anyone. i know that color like i know what anger belies that gloss of armor: bitter, resentful anger. a woman scorned because i have dreamt of Chantavy again; she will erase this memory too and i will have no power to stop her.
kisses me! right on the furrow of my brow and asks, “what did you dream about again? it was
'the tenth time this week, Dru, for fuck's sake'
a beautiful dream, i bet.” she smiles a sad smile and i find it hard to speak; i mumble, "didn't you just ask me that? i could've sworn you did. sorry. my head hurts."
she laughs; it's abrupt. it crackles like thunder; a small madness to it. loud in my mind. and in between the silent flashes of light, an emotion, clouded by something i can not reach; her tears are rolling down to rub my cheekbones—one, two, three—she is making wishes again, exhausting all her spare pennies on an empty well like me. take a dishtowel and wipe the bottom if you don't believe me; you could squeeze it as tight as you can and there will be nothing left but dust and an echo of my past if you listened hard enough; that's what has become my body, my blood. the days my heart does beat it beats with fear.
“wait, Cecilia, please don't do this. don't take everything away from me—
this tiny memory? you have already wrung the love i had for her out of me—
are you crying?” i ask her, perplexed. i blink. i am always trying to blink the white ghosts away from my vision whenever this headache overtakes me; cripples me.
“you—us,” she whispers it, sobbing. we rarely speak these days; the gesture felt rehearsed to me, the way muscle memory works for a draftsman: emotionless. after sleepless nights spent striking straights, looping curls, rounding circles with the soft tip of graphite you realize that while all the arrangements vary, the basics stay the same: there is an order to this, a method. apply the right pressure—too hard and it snaps; too light and you'll hardly affect the empty blank spaces before you—but when it's just right, when you have perfected your swing, your plan of action—it can be like magic. not today, though.
(later, you'll realize you two have gone at this a thousand times and she says she will continue to wipe away at your memories for as long as she has to; until they are spotless with only her shining eyes and gleaning teeth to decorate them with).
still, that morning she kisses me—how long has it been since we've touched?—and i will be none the wiser. i will retrace the lines she's delineated for me; provide for her a rehearsed, stunted husband's edition. i will use my chapped lips to kiss the tears away, swim through the motions, my fingers rushing through wet lanes pooling down her
manipulative, conniving, beautiful face. one stroke, two. muscle memory.
today should be a good day, i think. there is an alien kindness to the gestures we show each other: a familiarity and falsehood of a unionized love; it has become distant, a stranger. the transformation is a concept you can't quite dash on paper, make tangible no matter the grace of it.
now what were you dreaming about, again?
it was—
Siem Reap—
Southern Carolina dawn.
red-orange glow.
July haze.
sickening sweet jasmine tickling deep in your lungs; lapping water around your ankles, daring you in, circling, round and round; bared back sun-grieved, golden tan at its worst; those lazy hair-slicked dazes when you tilt your head back after a dip, ah, like rooster call over the height of it all; all the chattering cicadas sweeping across the fields —
white noise, white light, white blinding
— and yellow weeds bowing their necks to the breeze. palms flat behind you, like the spread of last night, toes ahead of you pointing towards guilty possibilities. chin down like shame and shyness or both?
—her budding lotus eyes, ah, waterlily lips, yes, musky mouth, husky breath sigh secrets and oh, when that smile used to dare a flash there was no telling between skin and sun and skin and silk and fingers sliding velvet and fuck, ah, fuck those July mornings spent lost building each other up to crumble again.
over, and over.
into each other.
over, and
can i hide the last lotus i carved for you? when i hold it, i can see your smile; i can hear your voice. my name slips from your tongue. fuck this. this
fucking crazy. i need help. i don't remember
name anymore. i don't remember your face. where is that
i have etched your grace in words; shaded your tone in drawings. imiss you.
am trying to keep it together but it's as if i
left it
too quiet
,to die alone
clarity. it happens like this: you are saying you swear that fall morning you had seen a woman that felt familiar. who she asks, who did you see? and she is playing coy; she knows exactly the name, the face, the tanned skin that riles you, makes you weak; (you, however, you've forgotten—) who, she repeats, jealousy blazing fire ahead of you, you licking at its heels because you set it that way when you go off like this; straying into the weeds, past the constructed paths of your mind, the paths she had set for you, the both of you:
"that same woman that was there yesterday, in daydreams"
when Cambodian nights were nothing but the dark blue storms turning over with nocturnal life—orchestrating their existence through the tidal wave of slamming rain and you two used to call out to the world too, remember? we exist— so loud and full of passion; so loud the elements became your voice and your voice became one with the elements; and you used to hold her close, remember?
take her under the fold of your coat and kiss her.
kiss her everywhere.
taste the warm tropical rain fall in between the gaps you two make whenever your lips part. your eager body, hers, your eager hands, her eager everything. fumbling over large cuts of stone that screams of war, flitting past through the lens of your mind like windows of a bullet train when you're on it, your pale skin smothered in the clay-red dirt; stained by it; rolling your bodies against carvings, rough with history of bloodshed and into the dark tunnels that lead to candlelights, incense, fragrant pka champas covering buddha in repose; kings used to walk here, live here, swim in the now empty pools here (and now, others like you will spy the imprint of the two of you intertwined, sinewy and grotesque like the banyan trees holding these ruins together); thinking about it now doesn't make you warm, but it gives you something; some blood for your heart.
"do you remember? i could've sworn that woman reminded me...of..."
”somebody important. it should be you. but it's not."
she looks at you with pity and she says:
”you hopeless man”.
“i don't recall.”
”maybe i should try a different method. a ritual?”
“because that wasn't me, i wasn't there."
"or maybe i'll bring her name up just for fun”.
"but i can erase these memories for you, too. or just replace her face with mine.”
your voice is trembling,
”oh, Dru.”
it is late November here in Magnolia; the manufactured heat looms inside and so much of the house is electric. the ambient song is hovering like a ghost, humming its life like a dying animal; and you are halved in two. she readies, aims, cocks that name at a dead man's heart. somehow, you feel it; shot at. you stare that million mile stare; like she has just swallowed the light of your existence whole with the void of her black mouth gaping, rearing wide and laughing. shot at again; what a blast. your heart chooses flight, escapes your throat and you are racing up the stairs in search of it; no air, no air. it is already there hiding underneath the four poster bed frame you no longer warm. where are you? you ‘ roar out. you are lost without it, weeping, your hands shaking, upending all the accumulated junk cluttering your shared years, the clothes in your shared closet, the boxes and postcards and the mementos and fuck Cecilia, is this even us with these pictures and why? what have you done—I had a wife and it wasn’t you; that's it. did you take her from me? is this what it’s been all about? you are punishing me; you are trying to make me turn against myself so i have nothing, nowhere, no one to—
quiet down.”
in my study, away from the world, i am writing to you, carving it out with the blunt edges of my chisel. between the rising slopes and swooping round bellies i make within the small piece of wood there comes a steady beat of language forming. the punctuation of an impregnated word; the importance of it and here, in this singular moment, holding the wooden lotus in my calloused fingers. i close my eyes and instill a memory:
in my imagination i like to think that when you think of me, you will picture me at home with you, how i may have described it to you last—dipping my feet at the corner of the murky pool, humidity suffocating and toes tickling from the inquisitive mouths of catfish, roaming their insights through the passage of their gills; listening to the soft chatter of the coconut trees swaying and lying with my back on the sun-baked stone, holding up this gift for you. you'd be surprised at this one—it's not only made of purple heart, the hues are gorgeous. the subtle variance of its accumulated years shining—it won't burn as easily if she ever found it either.
it's late afternoon. the dying orange glow outside will be the best version; the colors are that much finer with you in it. sunset now in a room, a bare room with four walls and no sound in it except my faint heartbeat thinking of yours.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Nope and I can prove it:
Taking a look at his likes, you’ll see he is much more frequent to like stuff than i am, he has a variety of pieces he has liked from Fandoms I didn’t even know about and has been doing it for over a year AKA as long as I have been around. he’s not an altnate account: You’re just paranoid.
Still baiting 0-4 seeing as you failed to see Mage wasn’t an alternate account, failed to see dragon here isn’t one, failed to see rwbyfan18 as one until I said it and even failed to see what was obviously an alt account of mine. That’s akin to having the ball on a tie for you and you smacking yourself in the knee.
Here’s the deal: You’re being an asshole, who is constantly enabling RT to make the same mistakes over and over again, and I’ll stop being an asshole who constantly rips on them for legitimate reasons.
Yeah, the @team-crtq blog as well as my several other criticial posts of RWBy disagree.
And your legitimate problems consist of fact manipulation, out of context quotes and complaining about their depictions of LGBT people, females, racial minorities and Amputees...despite not being any of those things...and people from each group telling you you’re wrong.
Kindly fuck off. And stop doing that bullshit “Do a play-by-play ‘deconstruction’“ thing that you do. You thinkI’m petty? I’m not the one who goes into the rwde tag looking for a fight.
So I shouldn’t give context to what I am talking about so people know what i am saying and can form their own opinions. Thanks Dudeblade.
Considering the fact that you people have called me every name in the book while suicide baiting me and I have only used the generic insults of :Asshole” “dumbass” or “idiot”: yes, you are petty.
In fact, I’m unaware of any person from the rwde tag going into the RW/BY tag looking for a fight. Only you and your posse go into the rwde tag for a fight.
Aside from that time RWBY criticism posted a mocking post in the main Rwde tag on the day of Monty’s death or the fact that I have come across your posts before in the main rwby tag and I have pointed that out to you? Your tags clearly show you’re trying to pick a fight with me so yes, you and many others have.
So, who’s the real villain here? - You live in a world where everything is black and white. So obviously, you think that you’re the hero, and the entire rwde tag is the villain. 
And with one sentence you have shown that you do not understand me in the slightest.
Wanna know why I call myself knightofbalance? Because I legitimately believe that it is impossible for a human being to be completely good or completely evil. In my philosophy, you can succumb to darkness and destroy everything in your path and succumb to light and become detached from the world and become stagnant. My belief is that you have to trust in your inner compass along with the compass of people you know you can trust to guide you on he thin line between light and darkness. This is emphasized by a piece of music I have found and have adopted as my theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l0RMGid6vo). This is the theme of Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising Revengence who I share more than one philosophical stand point with. And just like him, I wait to be beaten down and proven that an ideal is stronger than mine, that I am wrong. And that’s what I do in the rwde tag: Shout out for a challenge. And not one of you have won.
Even as my friends mocked you, I defended you saying that you probably just have a weird way of looking at the world or that you just have psychological problems: It took me forever to get it through my skull you think you’re absolutely right and that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. And to this day, I still defend you on occasion. Unlike you.
Get the fuck off your high horse. You enabling, apologist, annoying, biased, person who doesn’t understand that your constant praise is detrimental to the growth of a production company.
Let’s go through this:
I called out Rooster Teeth for not treating Shane and Sheena better. All i did was say Shane probably had problems of his own, some that he could not control. But you latch yourself onto whatever contraversy surrounding Rooster Teeth without looking deeper into it or looking at similar cases.
I have called out Rt for not giving characters focus, like Salem and Yang. I just don’t think Jaune is hogging the screentime like you say he is. But you ignore everything positive about the show and berate everything they do.
personal opinion and thus cannot be debated.
You have a self proclaimed bias against both Taiyang and all male characters as well as a shown bias against Miles as the moment Arryn said the writing wasn’t at fault, you said he forced her to say that.
Constant Praise
I haven’t actually done all that much praising of Rooster Teeth aside from red Vs. Blue, in fact I’ve made an equal number of critical and praising posts about RWBY. You on the other hand have not said one good thing otherwise despite proclaiming to be a fan.
And just as well, that constant attacking will shut them off of actual criticism as you drown out actual critics thus not only would you damage the entire show, you risk harming the people behind it.
Everything you have called me more applies to you than me and you have a stated history of projecting: You might want to stop.
And I do find it convenient that you assume that I’m white. I’m part Filipino, part Spanish, Part Chinese, andPart Italian. How do we know that you’re not the white asshole who is constantly doing this sort of BS? - Seriously. There are also other people besides the ones that you mentioned that are part of those oppressed minorities that have a beef with how the writing is going. Are their criticisms somehow less valid that the praises that your friends have? - You sure seem to act like it.
And I was suppose to be aware of this previously despite arguing against you about racism before and never once mentioning this how?
Yeah, I’m white but I’m also autistic meaning I suffer prejudice as well (seeing as Autistic people are often compared to being diseased or brain damaged). And if the White Fang where a group with a neurological disorder, I would still berate them. In fact, I would berate them more so because they give me a bad name so that doesn’t work.
And that’s one person versus two people I know and unlike you, they don’t have a tendency to overreact and scream. Not to mention the fact that factions like the White Fang do exist in real life (Black Lives Matter for race, Muslim terrorists for religion ect). I would beat the ever loving shit out of a KKK member should I see them, even if they’re defending themselves from a group of people who are attacking them solely because they are white. You can’t claim that it is definitively racist when the majority says otherwise.
Also, why didn’t you call any BS on the section about LGBT+ Representation? - Were you too afraid to call out any of the reasons that I had there? - Or were you just one of the assholes who cherry-picks something to suit your needs? - Like how you accuse the rwde tag of doing?
This is what I am talking about when I say fact manipulation: I did call you out by posting a link to three LGBT people who call out people like you. 
Direct quote from the post:
And yet you will claim to speak for them here. Meanwhile, the three bisexuals I work with have made a post detailing why 90% of what you are about to say is bullshit. (https://team-crtq.tumblr.com/post/160160464449/rwby-and-ships)
Even I have more of a right to be offended since I’m some weird demi-heterosexual hybrid.
https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/160180531630/httpdudebladetumblrcompost160161209960rwde Post for reference.
So you’re still projecting.
So yeah. Get the fuck off your high horse. You haven’t earned it. And if you attitude is anything to go by, you never will.
By the virtue of giving you a chance to prove your self and not telling you to kill yourself as well as the fact that I don’t manipulate the facts nor am I being hateful does put me above you.
The problem is: This is basic human decency. All I’m doing is being a human being. The fact that I see myself above you should scare you because I think so lowly of myself. 
PS: The only way to get me off this site is to force me off. So either quit with the weaksauce and come at me or accept the fact you cannot win.
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